Formation of a corporate image using the example of the Coca-Cola company. Corporate culture of the COCACOLA company Completed by Mareev V.A.

Organizational culture of Coca-Cola LLC

Characteristics of the enterprise

The development of the Coca-Cola company began in the last century. The story of the world's most famous soft drink began in the backyard of Atlanta pharmacist John Pemberton. On May 8, 1886, he made syrup in a three-legged pot, which he took in a jug to Jacobs, the largest pharmacy in the city. On the same day, the first portions of syrup, at five cents per glass, were sold to visitors by V.V. Boriskin. Improvement organizational culture company as one of the factors in increasing the efficiency of its work / V.V. Boriskin, V.U. Sidorova // Management of corporate culture. - 2010. - No. 2. - P. 126-131.. Soon, sellers at Jacobs began mixing syrup with carbonated water, and that’s how the Coca-Cola drink came into being.

Over such a long period, many changes have occurred, both with the company and with global business as a whole. To create an idea of ​​the Coca-Cola company and its history, we will note the main dates and events associated with them, which represent turning points for the company, which step by step brought the business closer to success. The Coca-Cola Company Corporation with initial capital$100,000 was created in the state of Georgia (USA) by A. Candler, D. S. Candler, F. Robinson and others in 1892. The Coca-Cola trademark, which has been used since 1886, was registered in the US Patent Office on January 31 1893. The first bottling plant for the drink appeared in 1899 in the city of Chattapuga. The number of such factories after 20 years exceeded 1000. In 1926, an international branch of the company was created, which gave rise to the bottling of Coca-Cola in many countries around the world. Since 1928, Coca-Cola has been a partner of the Olympic Games. And in 1977, the well-known branded bottle of Coca-Cola was registered as a trademark in the US Patent Office.

Today, Coca-Cola has the third largest stock capitalization in the world, which is $147 billion on the New York Stock Exchange, which is 3.3 times higher than that of General Motors. At the same time, Coca-Cola ranks only 190th among global corporations in terms of annual turnover, which allows Wall Street to call it an “efficient profit-making machine.”

The appearance of the Coca-Cola company in Russia occurred in 1980, when the Olympic Games were held in Moscow. Coca-Cola has acted as a sponsor of the Olympic Games since the late 1920s. But the Moscow Games were held on the territory of an ideological enemy, so the Coca-Cola company did not want to exhibit products under its main brand and offered the orange drink Fanta at the Moscow Olympics. After this, Fanta began to be produced at some Soviet enterprises.

Coca-Cola began supplying a wider range of products to Russia in 1989, and a year later decided to develop in Russia own production. In January 1992, the official representative office of the company in Russia, Coca-Cola Refreshments Moscow, was formed.

Now the company has factories in Moscow, St. Petersburg, Krasnodar, Vladivostok, Novosibirsk, Volzhsky, etc. It is bottled at 30 factories - bottlers in Russia and others former republics USSR. The system employs more than 3,000 people and 80% of the materials used are locally produced. Under the contract with Coca-Cola, bottlers are allowed to bottle and sell the company's soft drinks within certain territorial boundaries and under conditions that meet the required uniform quality standards.

In Volzhsky there is a plant and a central office that manages the distribution of products in the Volgograd, Saratov and Astrakhan regions. In each of these regional centers there are offices and warehouses finished products. The number of employees in the branch is almost 300 people. Middle age employees are 28-30 years old. The plant produces 5 types of products, bottled in plastic bottles various types. Products produced in Volzhsky are delivered for sale to Volgograd, Saratov, Astrakhan, Rostov region and Krasnodar region. The Volgograd branch of the Coca-Cola company takes an active part in all events held in the region, provides sponsorship children's preschool institutions and helps in organizing sporting events.

The sales organization technology in the company is based mainly on the work of the sales department, since the main functions of working with clients are performed by the sales department, this is the largest department of the company. Sales department employees comply with marketing strategy companies provide merchandising at retail outlets. To reveal the topic of this work, we should take a closer look at the organization of the work of the sales department and its employees, its place in common system company sales.

The sales department is managed by a sales manager, his functions include generating sales reports, monitoring pricing policy, coordinating the work of the department with other departments of the company, in particular with the marketing department and logistics department Demidova E. V. Organizational culture as a factor in increasing the effectiveness of training / / Alma mater: Bulletin of Higher School. - 2010. - N 8. - P. 53-59..

The main competitor of the Coca-Cola enterprise in the Volgograd region, as well as in all other markets, is the PepsiCo corporation, which offers similar products (Pepsi-Cola water, Pepsi-Cola Light, Mirinda, sevennap"). However, in almost all markets around the world, Coca-Cola has overtaken PepsiCo in terms of sales. This circumstance is greatly facilitated by the fact that Coca-Cola is the exclusive supplier of carbonated drinks to McDonald's restaurants. In addition, Coca-Cola has a more aggressive advertising policy.

The Coca-Cola company produces about 200 types of drinks. But three of them account for 80% of total global sales - Coca-Cola, Fanta and Sprite. About 70 varieties of Fanta are produced in the world with a wide variety of flavors (orange, lemon, tangerine, grapefruit, kiwi, melon, watermelon, and so on). There are 8 types of Coca-Cola. The Coca-Cola company tries to satisfy the tastes of all consumers - it also produces high-calorie drinks fortified minerals- Aquarius, 100+. Together with the Nestle company, they produce iced tea - Nestea.

Today, the Coca-Cola trademark is the most famous trademark in the world, and the Coca-Cola Company is the most famous company on Earth. The Coca-Cola brand is known to 98% of the entire population globe. Coca-Cola is sold in almost 200 countries around the world. Every day, approximately 1 billion units of the Company's products are sold worldwide.

"Coca-Cola": a dark-colored non-alcoholic carbonated drink based on natural sugar, caffeine and extracted coca, has a refreshing, invigorating effect. The target segment is young people aged 12 to 30 years. First place in sales volume among soft drinks. Leader in sales volume using Post-Mix devices (2.5 times more than Pepsi). Embodies unchanging values ​​and continuity. Pairs very well with food. Sold by 90 of the top 100 quick service restaurant chains. The most recognizable trademark in the world.

Coca-Cola Light: a product similar to Coca-Cola without sugar or caffeine. Belongs to the dietary group of products. The target segment is men and women of mature age (over 35 years old). First place in terms of sales among diet drinks. Third place in terms of sales among all soft drinks. Took first place among dietary products in 9 months. Particularly popular among people over 35 years old, both men and women. Great taste and only 1 calorie.

"Sprite": a transparent, non-alcoholic carbonated drink that quenches thirst in hot weather. The target segment is young people from 12 to 30 years old. Unique lemon taste. First place in terms of sales among lemon-based soft drinks. Sixth place in terms of sales among all soft drinks. Does not contain caffeine. A unique alternative to cola-based drinks.

Fanta: carbonated soft drink yellow, has an orange flavor, quenches thirst, and is low in calories. The target segment is all consumer groups, preferably young people from 12 to 25 years old. The Fanta trademark ranks third in terms of sales among all soft drinks. The trademark includes about 70 types of drinks fruit based, in Russia there is a product of orange and lemon flavor. Associated with pleasure and entertainment. Does not contain caffeine.

Nestea tea: a non-alcoholic, dark-colored, non-carbonated drink, tea with various flavors, quenches thirst. The target segment is all consumer groups, most often young people from 15 to 30 years old. Does not contain preservatives. Composition of the above products: the caffeine content in Coca-Cola and some other drinks produced by the company ranges from 18-26 mg per 180 ml of drink. A similar volume of tea contains 2 times more, coffee 4 times more Zankovsky A. N. Organizational psychology: textbook. manual for universities / A. N. Zankovsky. - M.: Flinta; MPSI, 2000. - 647 pp. SOUNB; Code 88я73; Author's sign Z-282; Inv. number 2226654-EF. The sugar content of most drinks produced by the company ranges from 8% to 13% of the final product, which is similar to natural fruit juices.

Coca-Cola has always been positioned as healthy product for the whole family. This is the most correct approach to the interests of consumers. The company's products include sweet carbonated water, soft tea and mineral water. Products are produced in various types containers: 0.33 l., 0.5 l., 1 l. and 2 l. Product range of the Coca-Cola LLC enterprise (Fig. 1).

Rice. 1.

Coca-Cola is the most expensive brand in the world, which means that all customers are always drawn to the best at a good price.

Thus, the largest company in the world is a leader in the soft drink market, constantly improving its products and conducting brilliant advertising campaigns. Today, the Coca-Cola trademark is the most famous trademark in the world, and the Coca-Cola Company is the most famous company on Earth. The Coca-Cola brand is known to 98% of the entire world population. Coca-Cola is sold in almost 200 countries around the world. Every day, approximately 1 billion units of the Company's products are sold worldwide.

25.02.2015 22:41

The Coca-Cola Hellenic company is a full-cycle company, so workers are constantly needed - both in production and in the back office. Today, 2,300 people work in the Moscow region. There are 3 factories located here that serve 10 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. In total there are 13,000 employees in Russia.

Veronika Fuflygina, Head of Recruitment Group, Coca-Cola Hellenic in the Moscow region

Specifics of personnel selection in the Moscow region

For the convenience of personnel selection, all departments are divided into several blocks: production and logistics, commercial function and support function.

The standard recruitment process includes the following steps:

Searching for candidates using various resources

Telephone interview

Personal meeting of HR with the candidate

Meeting of final candidates with the hiring manager

Recruitment by block

Production staff

At the selection production personnel There are some peculiarities that must be taken into account when posting vacancies on various resources. In recruiting this category of personnel, Coca-Cola Hellenic mainly uses print media, which allows it to attract the largest number of applicants for positions of shift operators and other jobs.

This category of applicants often does not have a resume, so all candidates who come for an interview fill out an application form. After this, the candidate is interviewed by a recruiter and a hiring manager (most often the shift supervisor).

Next, the candidate is sent directly to production to understand the specifics of the work and see the plant from the inside. Maximum time is devoted to this stage. The future employee gets the opportunity to ask all the questions that interest him.

Commercial block

Since candidates for positions in the company’s commercial structures use the Internet and apply for positions through the network, the HR service posts vacancies on various sources.

After the interview, work with applicants for the position sales representative is carried out using a special program “Ideal Sales Representative”, which includes additional stages of several types of testing. Tests are used to identify characteristics inherent in the applicant.

1. Questionnaire for testing career anchors. Coca-Cola Hellenic identifies 8 career anchors; their analysis allows you to find out the motivational factors that are important for the candidate and correlate them with the company’s capabilities.

2. Test for understanding the specifics of working with clients. It helps to find out whether a future employee of the company can meet high standards working with clients who are accepted by Coca-Cola. In addition, the HR department has the opportunity to plan training already at this stage, taking into account the knowledge gaps of each specific candidate.

3. Test of mathematical abilities. Helps test how well a sales representative can count without a calculator.

The next stage is an interview with the head of a group of sales representatives in a real market. After the interview with the supervisor, the candidate gets acquainted with the features of the position, real work together with a sales representative. Based on the results of the day, the company can draw conclusions about whether the candidate is suitable for the position, whether he correctly assesses the risks, and whether he is really interested in the position.

Office block

In the Moscow region, Coca-Cola Hellenic has a fairly large back office that supports all processes. Selection for office positions is standard: candidate responses on Internet resources or the corporate website are analyzed, interviews are conducted with HR and the hiring manager, and a hiring decision is made.

An interesting fact is that the company does not use social media in personnel selection (the Neo HR editors have no data on the volume of staff turnover and the number of candidates attracted).


The company has developed various adaptation programs for all employees.

  • E- learning(for all categories of employees)

A new employee, upon starting work, gets acquainted with an introductory electronic course, which contains information about the history of the company and general information.

  • Inductionplan(for managers)

It sets out plans for the new employee over time probationary period, evaluation criteria, all mentors and trainers who can support him on issues related to any processes are noted.

  • Mentoring (for production and logistics employees)

The new employee does not work independently for a month. Each of his shifts takes place together with a mentor. Based on the results of this period, the company concludes how ready he is for independent work.

  • Trainings during the probationary period (for employees of the commercial department)

Sales representatives are constantly away from the office, so they need outside support. Two trainings that the company conducts in the first three months of employees’ work are aimed at this:

Training that introduces newcomers to the specifics of the work of their department;

Introductory sales training on company standards and the basics of customer service.

Natalya Parshakova, Head of Talent Management at Coca-Cola Hellenic in Russia

Future Manager Training Program - Hellenic Management Trainee Program

IN Coca-Cola company Hellenic has developed a two-year internship program to form a talent pool. It allows yesterday's student to go from trainee manager to supervisor in just two years and gain enormous project experience.

Program structure

In the first year, the company is actively developing the business acumen of young employees. They immerse themselves in the specifics of the business, learn different functions, learn to work with projects and implement an independent business project.

The second year of the program is devoted to the development of functional skills and the formation of employee management skills.

After the end of the program, the company continues to monitor the development of employees for three years: what accelerated development programs they participate in, what projects they carry out. During this period, program participants occupy leadership positions at the MoM (manager of managers) level.

Over the three years since 2012, 133 trainee managers have been accepted into the program, of which 33% have already been promoted to positions.

Strategicdirections Hellenic Management Trainee Program (HMTP)

The basis of the program is key employees in key positions. It is from trainee managers that company leaders emerge. The program allows you to move away from the strategy of “buying talent” to the strategy of “cultivating talent.” In addition, HMTP allows you to ensure a high quality level of continuity in all functions of the company.

At Coca-Cola Hellenic, 67% of employees are representatives of generation Y. The company conducted a study that showed that this generation considers it important to receive clear goals from management (58%), strives for leadership in a project (51%), wants to constantly learn ( 64%) and develop their entrepreneurial potential (76%).

The training program for future managers combines answers to their expectations. The company offers "gamers" individual plan development for two years, the opportunity to participate in cross-functional projects and conduct a business project, as well as participation in trainings and master classes from the company’s top management up to the level of the CEO.

This generation is extremely demanding in terms of communication. The expectations of employees from different years of recruitment are collected through various types of conference calls.


As part of its work with the employer brand, Coca-Cola Hellenic plans to implement one of the initiatives - the “Confrontation” offline program. The main idea of ​​the program is to bring Generation Y and Generation X closer together.

The collected analytics showed that interaction between generations in the company is not always successful. It is difficult for older generation managers to work with yesterday's students who want everything at once. As part of the “Confrontation,” questions will be asked to representatives of different generations; the answers to them will allow us to find common ground and main differences, which will allow us to periodically return to these points and work with them.

Liza Shibanova, talent management manager at Coca-Cola Hellenic in Russia

Talent management (Hi- Po)

Talent management is a strategic area that covers all HR processes. The company is looking for those people who, with their approach, courage and adaptability, are able to look one step ahead and do something special. Coca-Cola Hellenic has a certain talent formula (Hi-Po). It consists of:

Business result: how successful is the employee in his current role and whether he returned the investments that the company made in his development;

Learning agility, or learning ability;

Following values ​​(when hiring an external candidate, the factor of the corporate values ​​of his previous employer must be taken into account);

Ambitiousness, mobility and willingness to change something in yourself.

Objectivity of assessment is achieved through forums (People Development Forum) and development centers, as well as as a result of employee observation, which includes collecting feedback and 360-degree assessment.

Understanding the difference between highly professional and high-potential employees allows you to bet on those who will grow upward in the future. The focus is on a small core group of 300 people that will grow over the next three to five years.

At Coca-Cola Hellenic, talent management is a system of measures that consists of more than just recruiting:

Talent management in the company includes:

Creating attraction through employer branding and complete information about the company and employee development prospects;

Correct positioning of an individual project, roles and dialogue for mutual understanding of expectations;

Selecting company goals and strategies to determine the qualities needed for the job.


Employee engagement is one of the key factors, because commitment and motivation influence key indicators. Besides, comfortable conditions labor allow you to retain employees and develop continuity and transfer of experience.

According to employee survey data, employee engagement at Coca-Cola Hellenic increased from 43% to 88% from 2007 to 2015, and the values ​​adherence index reaches 84%.


The company periodically conducts workshops with management staff, where statistics and the theoretical basis of working with talent are discussed. There are also staff development forums to discuss talent and development plans.

Talent attraction strategies:Build, Buy, Borrow

Building succession and growing talent within the company using employee development programs (75%).

Hiring employees on the external market allows you to find new approaches and gain new expertise (15%).

Attracting experts from other business units within the global company (10%).

Special talent development programs

Fast Forward accelerated development program: FF1, FF2, FF3. Three programs for different levels management. Designed to identify early talents and prepare their transition to the next level of management.

As part of the program, employees work on specific business projects, receive a mentor, go through a series of business reviews, where they receive additional support in the form of training, meet top management and have the opportunity to present their results. At the end of the year, the company expects these employees to move on to their next position.

Tools of the accelerated development program: 70% of the time is devoted to projects and immersion in business, 20% of the time to coaching, shadowing and working with a mentor, 10% to trainings.

Assessment Centers for Talent Identification

The company has three types of assessment centers:

Assessment center: assessment of candidates (external and internal) for a specific vacancy;

Acceleration centers: assessing an employee’s potential for a role next level(including Group centers, where qualifications are confirmed at the level of divisions from different countries and potential candidates for the level of general managers are identified);

Development centers: assessment of the employee in relation to the current role, it helps to identify areas of development and check the level of development of competencies.

For greater objectivity, the company often uses the services of third-party providers offering assessment services.

Who are the key employees?

The company follows the principle " the right people V right time in the right place." Employees are divided according to their impact on results and business. Today the company has about 300 positions in which the company is ready to invest.

Working with talent is not easy, but it is definitely interesting. Only 30% of managers are ready to hire talented employees to their team due to high risks and competition. The company works with management staff so that they accept right decisions regarding Hi-Po.

1. Talent is aware

Knows the main trends of the labor market.

He not only waits for the company to choose him, but also chooses the company himself.

Pays attention to how personal values ​​coincide with corporate values.

When choosing a company, pays attention to further opportunities.

Wants to know more about the leader and understand what can be learned from him.

2. Talent can be a double-edged sword.

High efficiency, but big demands.

He gets bored quickly.

He is often annoyed by his (less talented) colleagues.

He is a restless innovator, driven by dissatisfaction with routine (good is not always enough) and a kind of laziness (isn’t that faster?).

He needs higher goals (beyond financial aspects) as motivation.

More temperamental because he cares. Takes everything personally.

You'll rarely see talented people doing a job they don't like.

3. Talent is demanding and strives to:

Towards personal growth;

Towards constant movement forward;

Be on time everywhere;

Towards meaningfulness and results;

To action and choice;

To self-esteem;

Towards ease.

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I. Corporate body The Coca-Cola Company……2

II. Analysis of the external and internal environments of The Coca-Cola Company……….7

III. Development prospects……………………………………………………………..13







It is difficult to find a person who is not familiar with this logo: rounded white letters on a red background, forming words sacred to most Americans - Coca-Cola. This is one of the most successful and recognizable brands: experts value it at more than $80 billion.

Today, Coca-Cola has the third-largest stock market capitalization in the world, at $147 billion on the New York Stock Exchange, which is 3.3 times higher than General Motors. At the same time, Coca-Cola ranks only 190th among global corporations in terms of annual turnover, which allows Wall Street to call it an “efficient profit-making machine.”

The company produces and sells a wide range of drinks, most of which are registered under trademarks The Coca-Cola Company

The company is part of the Coca-Cola Hellenic Group, which is one of the largest producers of The Coca-Cola Company branded products in the world and the largest bottler in Europe. Coca-Cola Hellenic does business in 28 countries, serving more than 560 million people. The company's head office is located in Athens. Coca-Cola Hellenic shares are listed on the stock exchanges of Athens, New York, and London.

I. Corporate Organization of The Coca-Cola Company

Road map The Coca-Cola Company starts with a mission. She states our purpose as a company serves as the standard against which we weigh our actions and decisions.

1. Quench the thirst of our consumers;

2. Build partnerships with our clients;

3. Reward our shareholders adequately;

4. Contribute to improving the standard of living in the countries where we operate.

Strategy: to achieve leadership The Coca-Cola Company:

Develops professional staff;

Interacts with clients on high level and strive to meet their demand;

Opens up new opportunities;

Develops organizational competencies at the highest professional level;

Constantly optimizes costs;

Improves in the four “Ps” - Ubiquity, Preference, Continuity, Promotion.

Functions of The Coca – Cola Company:

Production of concentrate;

Brand ownership;

Development and introduction of new types of products and packaging (the company has about 500 units different tastes and packaging);

Ensuring the quality of products. Any bottle of drink purchased anywhere can be sent for an independent examination to Belgium where the drink is checked against all quality standards.

Strategic Marketing:

Strategy and positioning;

Consumer research;

A company's values ​​serve as a guide for actions and descriptions of how it behaves in the world:

Act responsibly and fulfill your obligations;

Achieve excellence in everything we do;

Act as one team and win in the competition;

Train employees and develop their potential;

Treat everyone openly, honestly and with respect.

The Coca-Cola HBC Eurasia company always and everywhere works only in accordance with the highest ethical standards and all legal requirements. The company's history is a success story based on fair competition. The company is not trying to achieve competitive advantages through the use of illegal or unethical business practices. All basic operating principles of the company, our values ​​and operating rules are described in the Code of Business Conduct. Compliance with the Code is the responsibility of every company employee.

The success of the Coca-Cola company directly depends on the availability of customers. Since the corporate image as a whole depends on the appearance of each individual employee, his behavior in the workplace and work with clients, all employees are recommended to comply with the standards of official, professional ethics, rules of business conduct and standards of office appearance. For office employees and sales department employees it is established business style clothes. For men, a business suit or jacket and trousers of a classic cut, with shirts of any calm shades, is desirable. For women, a business suit is allowed - with a skirt or trousers. Employees involved in the production and delivery of products, in mandatory must be at work places (appear at the client’s) only in branded overalls. Overalls must be clean, appearance must be neat.

The corporate life of the company is rich in various events. Employees get together not only during work. The company regularly organizes joint events, during which employees have the opportunity to communicate in an informal setting, do something useful for their city, feel like part of the same team, and just have a good rest. Employees receive gifts on February 23 and March 8. And every year the company invites the children of employees to the New Year’s performance and gives them delicious gifts. Together we celebrate March 8, February 23, New Year, Factory Day.

The company's employees are provided with a number of benefits:

1. free travel to your place of work on a comfortable company bus;

2. a car is provided for the use of employees whose work is traveling;

3. cellular expenses are paid;

4. the company insures employees against accidents;

5. discounted lunches are provided;

6. gifted children of employees are provided with trips to summer camps, paid tuition in music and sports schools;

7. stability of salary payments.

Occupational safety - a system for preserving the life and health of workers in the process labor activity, which includes legal, socio-economic, organizational and technical, sanitary and hygienic, treatment and preventive, rehabilitation and other measures.

The company gives every employee the opportunity to develop and strengthen their professional skills. Since 2008, the company has been using the Leadership Pipeline model to evaluate and develop its management team. The Leadership Pipeline model allows you to effectively form an internal talent pool, timely track talented managers and provide them with the opportunity for further development. For these purposes, based on the results of the assessment of the activities of each manager, an individual development plan is drawn up, including the development of management skills in the process of work, project work, as well as training programs. This approach allows you to grow leaders within the organization, motivates managers to achieve even greater results not only in sales and profits, but also in such areas as team building, creating effective relationships with subordinates and their development, and using innovative solutions.

The company pays special attention to employee training and development. The company strives to create an atmosphere so that people are happy to come to work every day, are proud of their company, and develop not only professionally, but also personally. The company values ​​individuality, respects personal freedoms, human rights and provides equal opportunities and does not tolerate any type of discrimination. Based on the results of employee performance assessment, specialists from the personnel training and development department together with immediate supervisor plan employee training, identifying the necessary training, programs and courses. HR specialists help to create an individual development plan for employees. Providing the opportunity for free training, it implements motivational programs and invites you to incentive tours. The company operates the Coca-Cola Corporate University, which caters to almost all training needs. The university offers both standard classroom training and distance learning programs. The company presents a training program in six areas.

Faculty of Commerce - focused on developing the technical (commercial) and leadership competencies of sales department employees. Allows you to work more effectively in the market, develop the ability to manage profit growth, and develop negotiation skills.

Faculty of Marketing - trains employees of the marketing department and gives them knowledge about marketing in general, the rules of working in the market, the behavior of customers at a retail outlet and understanding customers.

Faculty of Technology - allows you to get acquainted with the advanced technologies that exist in the modern production of soft drinks, gain skills in working on the latest equipment from the world's leading manufacturers, and acquire the knowledge necessary for effective management production processes.

Training at the Faculty of Finance allows employees finance department receive professional certificates, and employees of other functions learn how to more effectively manage financial performance.

The HR Department Development Faculty helps improve the competence of HR department employees and introduces them to advanced HR technologies and tools.

The Faculty of Management provides company employees with a variety of programs aimed at developing management skills and leadership competencies.

The Center for Sales Excellence program can be the first step toward a sales representative becoming a sales team leader. Thanks to the Innova project, every employee has the opportunity to express their views on this or other labor processes, and implement the most useful suggestions into your work.

The Wind of Change program, based on John Kotter’s 8-step algorithm, helps line managers effectively manage business processes and teams in a dynamic market and constant growth companies. To achieve the same results, middle and senior managers in the company have created the Change Management program.

Since 2004, the best employees of the Coca-Cola company annually undergo unusual business training in Antarctica under the guidance of world-famous researcher Robert Swan. In 1986, Swan became the first person on Earth to visit both extreme points planets - the North and South Poles. Once a year, the traveler organizes a training expedition, during which, in the context of a struggle for life, he shows the participants what “teamwork” really means and how to become a real leader.

Government of the Russian Federation

State University – Graduate School Economics

Faculty of Management


According to organization theory

On the topic: “Analysis of the organizational structure of the Coca-Cola Refreshments Moscow company”

Student of group 326

Kirguev Mikhail


Moscow 2009


Organizations create structures to ensure coordination and control of the activities of their departments and employees. The structures of organizations differ from each other in complexity, formalization, and the relationship between centralization and decentralization. Structural relationships in organizations are the focus of attention of many researchers and managers. Therefore, a modern manager must know the main principles and methods of building organizational structures in order to then apply the acquired tools in practice and help their company function successfully in the market.

This work will analyze the organizational structure of the Coca-Cola Refreshments Moscow company. Based on certain theoretical research, the type of structure of a given company, its main characteristics, advantages and disadvantages will be considered. However, first we will talk about the history and development of the company, as well as the main business processes.

Information about the organization.

Scope of activity.

Closed joint stock company Coca-Cola Refreshments Moscow, a branch of Coca-Cola HBC Eurasia LLC, produces high-quality soft drinks in Moscow, the Moscow region and Central Russia. Currently, the organization employs more than 2,000 people. The company produces and sells such well-known drinks as Coca-Cola, Coca-Cola Light, Sprite, Fanta, BonAqua drinking water, Nestea iced tea, and Powerade sports drink.

Coca-Cola Refreshments Moscow is certified for compliance with international quality standards ISO 9001 and environmental standards ISO 14001 in Moscow, which indicates that the quality system at the enterprise is capable of ensuring high quality products for consumers.

The Coca-Cola HBC Eurasia branch in Moscow is an active participant in projects in the field of environmental protection, education, sports and culture. The company's charitable foundation provides financial support to orphanages, schools and other organizations in need on an ongoing basis. Thus, it can be argued that this enterprise is a socially responsible organization.

Company history.

For the first time, Coca-Cola products entered the USSR during preparations for the 1980 Moscow Olympics. In 1988, during the period of democratization, regular supplies of the drink from abroad began. In 1991, “against the backdrop of the growing popularity of the drink, the Coca-Cola company decided to open its own representative office in Moscow” 1.

In November 1991, by decision of the Coca-Cola Company, Coca-Cola Refreshments Moscow CJSC was formed, which consisted entirely of foreign capital. In December 1992, construction of the first soft drink production plant in Russia began in Moscow. At the end of April 1994, the first bottling line was opened. “In 2002, distribution centers were opened in Yaroslavl, Vladimir, Ryazan, Ivanovo and Kostroma. And in 2008, the Moscow division included a branch in the village of Davydovskoye” 2.

Basic business processes.

This figure shows the main business processes of the Coca-Cola Refreshments Moscow organization. First, the company receives raw materials and supplies from suppliers. For example, the unique concentrate, which is the main competitive advantage of Coca-Cola, is imported from a plant in Ireland, and our organization’s plastic bottles and caps are supplied by the Plastpoliten plant. Then, in the production department, well-known drinks are produced using automated lines. “The total productivity of the enterprise lines is more than 150,000 packages per day” 3. Further, through the efforts of sales and marketing managers, the company’s products reach wholesale and retail outlets through distributors and sales representatives. It should be noted that the most important business process for the company’s employees is advertising, promotion and sale of products to the market.

Organizational structure analysis.

location diagram of the organization's structure.

Analysis of the organization's structure.

The organizational structure of the Coca-Cola Refreshments Moscow company is functional. The formal structure of the organization is built on the principles of attracting highly qualified personnel who have a narrow specialization to management. This structure is characterized by a high degree of vertical differentiation. In the company under consideration, centralization of power prevails, but in the sales and marketing departments active work in teams and delegation of authority are practiced. A special feature of this organization is the high level of formalization between departments and employees. All employees must comply with the rules, norms and regulations of the organizational culture prescribed by the company's management.

The organizational structure of the company is a hierarchy consisting of four levels:

    highest level of management (CEO)

    middle level of management (heads of departments)

    lower level of management (department managers, group heads, chief accountant)

    level of performers (ordinary employees)

Thus, we can say that the organization applies the principle of scalar structure of the organization, that is, the principle of “vertical division of managerial labor in the sphere of coordination of heterogeneous specialized activities” 4. Therefore, the chief executive officer has great power and high status, since the organization has a high degree of vertical differentiation.

A high degree of horizontal division of labor gives rise to the process of departmentalization. Departmentalization is “aimed at differentiating functions” 5 between individual structural units. Since this organization has certain tasks and goals that require specialized knowledge and skills, the company has seven divisions. Thus, it can be assumed that the overall strategy of the organization will be distributed among the departments and executed effectively with the help of highly qualified employees.

Henry Mintzberg developed a typology of organizational structures known in science. The scientist identified five types of structures:

    Simple structure

    Mechanistic bureaucracy

    Professional bureaucracy

    Divisional form


Mintzberg also argued that many mixed and intermediate structures can be found in real life. This typology was aimed at identifying the specifics of the activities of senior management in a particular organization. The structure of the company in question, according to Mintzberg's classification, is most similar to a mechanistic bureaucracy, the main characteristics of which are “formalization of behavior, vertical and horizontal specialization, usually functional grouping, large operating units, vertical centralization and limited horizontal decentralization, action planning” 6.

The main advantages of the functional organizational structure of the Coca-Cola Refreshments Moscow company are:

    Compliance with Henri Fayol's principle of unity of command

    Performing tasks requiring special knowledge and skills

    Reducing duplication of effort and consumption material resources in functional areas" 7

    Efficiency in a stable external environment

Main disadvantages:

    Divergence of goals between departments

    Too long chain of commands from the manager to the direct executor

    It takes a lot of time and resources to solve complex cross-functional problems

    Not effective in a rapidly changing external environment

I believe that currently the structure of the company corresponds to the main elements of the internal and external environment of the organization, ensuring the implementation of the strategy and increasing the well-being of employees, so I do not want to give specific recommendations for a positive change in the structure of this company. “Quality” reorganization is a very complex and complex process that requires high skill of managers and considerable costs. As a result, an incorrect change in the organizational structure can cause unjustified costs and even the loss of positions gained in the market.


In conclusion, organizational structure is one of the central concepts of organization theory, which is closely related to strategy, control, decision-making and communication. The structure of the organization represents the “skeleton” of the entire management system of the company, aimed at achieving short-term and long-term goals and ensuring basic intra-organizational processes.

Thus, the organizational structure of the Coca-Cola Refreshments Moscow company was analyzed, the type of structure and its main characteristics were determined. The pros and cons of this structure were also discussed.

List of used literature.

    Meskon M., Albert M., Khedouri F. Fundamentals of Management. /Trans. from English – M.: Delo 1997. – 493 p.

    Milner B.Z. Organization Theory: Textbook. – 2nd ed., revised. And additional – M:.INFRA-M, 2000. – 480 p.

    Mintzberg G. Structure in a fist: creating an effective organization / Transl. from English edited by Yu. N. Kapturevsky. – St. Petersburg: Peter, 2004. – 512 p.

    Shcherbina V.V. Social theories organizations: Dictionary. – M.: INFRA-M, 2000. – 264 p.




4 Shcherbina V.V. Social theories of organization: Dictionary. – M.: INFRA-M, 2000. P. 170.

5 Milner B.Z. Organization Theory: Textbook. – 2nd ed., revised. And additional – M:.INFRA-M, 2000. P. 65