What time to eat. Correct menu for the day. What is the correct diet

"Maybe mine bathroom scales Is it time to take it to the landfill?” - thought Tatyana, irritably examining the hated “hundred” on the electronic dial. For more than a month Tanya has been following proper nutrition, carefully monitors the number of calories eaten and the balance of foods in his menu. But everything is in vain... The weight remains inviolably in place. Despite all the meticulousness that the girl shows when compiling her menu, she completely lost sight of the fact that she never got rid of the habit of drinking tea with cookies after midnight. Perhaps this is where the problem lies?

Meal time with proper nutrition is one of important aspects on your way to losing weight! Listen to your body, because your diet regulates your hunger.

Everyone, without exception, is familiar with this feeling. The food center is located in cerebral hemispheres, and he becomes excited for a number of reasons: the density of glucose in the blood decreases, a feeling of “emptiness” appears in the stomach, etc. These phenomena cause appetite, which tends to persist for some time after a meal. This happens because the digestion of food lasts about 20 minutes (it is for this reason that you should not rush while eating, so as not to “stuff” too much). After a twenty-minute period of time, the food center “lights out” and a feeling of fullness comes.

Fortunately, the problem of nutrition has lost its relevance in modern society, but at the same time new problems associated with excessive overeating appeared. Why are we talking about this? Yes, because it is impossible not to take into account the feeling of hunger, but also to be guided only by “ beastly appetite"is also not an option.

It has been noticed that a diet in which food enters the body 4 to 5 times perfectly calms the “unrest” of the food center. And for this it is not at all necessary to crack full portions of potatoes and cutlets 5 times a day. It is enough to replace the meal with a light snack a couple of times. It could be a pear, orange, yogurt or a glass of milk. Try to eat less foods that stimulate your appetite (for example, salty or spicy foods, as well as alcohol).

We always get real pleasure from food when we have an appetite. And it takes time for it to appear. What should be the intervals between meals for an adult? What should a proper diet look like?

Proper nutrition is the right regime

It is based on four principles:

    Meal time.


    Healthy set of products.

    Distribution of the amount of food consumed during the day.

Meal times or meal regularity

Do you remember how in kindergarten have meal times ever changed? This is natural. Children require healthy regime! Why do we decide that there is no need for it at all when we become adult uncles and aunts? What does your regime look like? A cup of coffee with a cigarette before work - breakfast, lunch - it didn’t work out, I was stuck at work, and dinner... Oh! This can be described as follows: “everything that was in the refrigerator or everything that I managed to buy on the way home.” Yes, with this approach, there is no point in even trying to lose weight or have good health.

Reflexes are of great importance in preparing the body for eating. When a person adheres to a diet, all the necessary reactions occur in right moment. The habit of eating food at the same time is very important condition for good, healthy digestion.

Fractionality of food

Nutritionists recommend healthy person stick to three or four meals a day. If conditions and time allow, then it’s a good idea to have one or two snacks during the day: between lunch and breakfast, between lunch and dinner. Snacks should be light and healthy.

Healthy food set

This point is clear and short: follow the rules rational nutrition! There is no point in adhering to a dietary regime and considering your lifestyle healthy if the menu contains only useless or, even worse, harmful products nutrition. Think over your diet so that a set of nutrients, minerals, proteins, carbohydrates and fats enters the body at every meal.

Distribution of food amounts throughout the day

The most favorable regime is the one in which a person eats approximately 2/3 of food at breakfast and lunch daily ration. Accordingly, less than 1/3 should be left for dinner.

Naturally, each person has their own meal times (this may depend on lifestyle, the nuances of work, etc.) But it is very important that the intervals: breakfast - lunch - dinner look like this: breakfast - 5-6 hours - lunch - 5-6 hours - dinner.

From the last meal to bedtime, 3-4 hours should pass, and not drinking tea with sweets 15 minutes before bedtime, like our heroine Tatyana.

But don’t be afraid to take a step away from your diet. Living conditions can influence established rules and sometimes you can change them. The main thing is not to harm your health!

Nutrition plays an important role in human health. Proper nutrition allows a person to feel good, to be in in a great mood and live for many years no problem. The essence of proper nutrition is compliance simple rules and recommendations in your diet every day.

Many people begin to take care of their health only when problems with their well-being begin - and this is not right. It is necessary to take care of your health and strengthen it when you are absolutely healthy, so that diseases and problems will bypass you. Proper nutrition does not mean that you need to force yourself into strict limits and eat several foods. Below you will learn 8 basic recommendations for proper nutrition and make sure that healthy nutrition is varied, tasty and balanced.

8 basic rules of healthy eating

Eat vegetables and fruits every day. The basics of proper nutrition say that vegetables and fruits contain many vitamins and nutrients that the human body needs for healthy image life. The fiber they contain improves metabolic processes in the human body. A couple of fruits or a couple of vegetables will cost you about 50 rubles, and the benefits you will receive are 10 times more than this amount. Vegetables and fruits are useful for the prevention of many diseases. Fiber supports normal level cholesterol in human blood, normalizes weight, improves performance digestive tract. Additionally, fiber removes toxins from the body and controls the amount of sugar in the blood. Include vegetables and fruits in your proper diet and after a while you will notice how they have a positive effect on your health.

Clean water improves the functioning of all internal organs and more. A proper diet involves drinking 1 glass of water on an empty stomach in the morning. This way you will prepare your stomach for the upcoming meal, improve the removal of toxins and waste from the body. Every day to maintain the health of the whole body, it is recommended to drink 1-2 liters of water. It is necessary to divide this volume into 5 parts. Remember these nutritional basics regarding water, especially when to drink water. You should drink water 15-20 minutes before eating. You don’t need to drink while eating and you don’t need to drink 40-60 minutes after eating either. The body of an adult is 65-70%, in children the figure is 65-70%, and in older people the body is 55-60% water. Water helps fight overweight, because if you drink 200-300 ml of water 30 minutes before meals, your appetite will decrease. Reduce sugary carbonated drinks and other unhealthy foods to a minimum or remove them completely from your diet.

Watch useful video No. 1:

Follow the correct diet. Try to eat 4-5 times every day. This way you will speed up your metabolism, won't stretch your stomach, and will feel light throughout the day. It turns out that every 3-4 hours you need to sit down at the table or take pre-prepared food with you and eat where it is convenient for you. Food in containers is convenient during work, rest, etc., always at hand.

The diet should be balanced every day. Proper nutrition includes sufficient amounts of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. If you lead a normal lifestyle, then the amount of protein per 1 kg of your weight should be 1 gram, carbohydrates 3-4 grams, and fat 0.5-1 g per kilogram of your weight. As a percentage of total number calories looks like this: proteins 20-30%, carbohydrates 40-50%, fats 10-20%. This ratio will allow you to get enough energy for the whole day, maintain your normal weight and feel comfortable. For example, if your weight is 70 kg, then to maintain your current weight, you need to eat 70 grams of protein, 210-280 grams of carbohydrates, 35-70 grams of fat. If you are losing weight, then increase the caloric content of your diet; if you gain weight, then accordingly reduce the caloric content of your diet.

Chew your food thoroughly. Proper nutrition means not overloading the stomach, but helping it. If you chew your food well, then gastrointestinal tract already crushed food enters, and it is easier to digest and assimilate it, and thereby reduce the load on internal organs. Additionally, you will protect yourself from overeating and excess fat deposits. About 15 minutes after eating, the human brain understands whether you are full or not. Therefore, eat slowly, at an average pace at the table.

Shouldn't for a long time starve. Every person has busy everyday life, work, study, training, and it is not always possible to eat on time - and you have to go hungry for 5 hours or more. If you often fast, then when you eat, your body will take this into account and store food in subcutaneous fat in order to create a reserve when you are hungry. Thus, a person can gain excess weight, namely fat. Metabolism is disrupted, the condition worsens with frequent hunger strikes. Try to take food with you in containers and do not go hungry. Then your weight will be normal and your metabolism will be good.

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Don't be distracted while eating. Do not train yourself to eat while watching TV, laptop, etc. When you eat, your brain and stomach need to focus on food. Yours will work better this way digestive system and the food will be digested and absorbed better and faster. Eat calmly, without haste. There is no need to rush into proper nutrition.

Proper nutrition includes separation compatible products food according to chemical composition. Some scientists believe that you cannot eat protein and carbohydrate foods together, and they need to be separated in your diet. During the digestion of protein foods, you need acidic environment, and during carbohydrate foods – alkaline environment. Protein products, this is a fish; chicken; bird; cottage cheese 0-2%; milk 0.5-1%; eggs without yolks, legumes, nuts and others. Carbohydrates predominate in rice, buckwheat, porridge, cereals, durum pasta, wholemeal bread, and others.

  1. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Proper nutrition means that in the morning the human body receives a sufficient amount of carbohydrates for a good charge of energy for the whole day. It is advisable to eat porridge every day in the morning. Animal proteins are also necessary; you can include cottage cheese, milk, eggs without yolks, chicken or fish fillet.
  2. Lunch – during lunch the body gets hungry, because about 3-5 hours have passed since breakfast. It is necessary to eat complex carbohydrates and animal proteins. For carbohydrates, you can eat rice, buckwheat, and durum pasta. Proteins include chicken, fish, and lean meat. This way you will get enough nutrients until the evening.
  3. Afternoon snack – for an afternoon snack, eat a light fruit salad or fruit separately.
  4. Dinner - dinner should be light, contain protein products and complex carbohydrates, preferably vegetables. You need to have dinner 3-4 hours before bedtime. If you are hungry, then 1 hour before bedtime, drink a glass of kefir with 0.5-1% fat content.

Healthy food

Proper nutrition includes following products power supply:

Animal proteins:

  • Cottage cheese 0-2%
  • Milk 0.5-1%
  • Kefir 0-1%
  • Chicken fillet
  • Fish fillet
  • Lean meat (pork, beef)
  • Turkey fillet
  • Chicken eggs without yolks

Complex carbohydrates in foods:

  • Rice (brown)
  • Buckwheat
  • Durum pasta
  • Wholemeal bread
  • Lentils

Plant proteins:

  • Beans
  • Peas

Products with vegetable fat and Omega-3 fatty acids:

  • Seafood
  • Vegetable oils
  • Olive
  • Corn
  • Pine nuts
  • Walnut
  • Peanut

Foods rich in vitamins and fiber:

  • Vegetables
  • Fruits

Unhealthy food

Proper nutrition excludes the following foods:

Animal fats:

  • fatty meat
  • full fat milk
  • fatty cheeses
  • egg yolks
  • fast food (fast food)
  • Chips
  • Sausages
  • Sausage
  • Mayonnaise

Simple carbohydrates:

  • sugar
  • chocolates
  • cakes
  • cakes
  • buns
  • baking
  • white bread

Other junk food:

  • Alcohol
  • Large amounts of salt

Watch useful video No. 3:

Meal timing affects general condition health, as well as maintaining a figure. The American Heart Association's journal Circulation published results from a Harvard study showing that men who skip breakfast have a 27% increased risk of developing cardiovascular disease.

Eat breakfast yourself

Studies show that skipping breakfast leads to snacking and unhealthy eating throughout the day, as well as spikes in blood sugar, which can trigger the development of diabetes, increase blood pressure, raise cholesterol levels, and therefore lead to diabetes. cardiovascular diseases. What you eat and when you eat it are important. The basis of a complete breakfast is “long” carbohydrates, some healthy fats and protein. For example, a soft-boiled egg, vegetable salad and whole grain bread. Or unsweetened oatmeal with nuts, berries and fruits.

The best time to have breakfast is within an hour after waking up. It doesn’t matter whether you are a night owl, a lark or a dove - it is advisable to fit breakfast into the time frame from 6.00 to 10.00.

Morning snack

This is an optional meal, and it depends on when and what you had for breakfast. But if breakfast was early, then you should not fast until lunch. “It’s important to understand that it takes our body 2 to 4 hours to digest and absorb food,” says Jim White, a spokesman for the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (USA). If after this time you have a snack healthy food, then you will not have spikes in blood sugar, you will have a stable energy level and you will be able to control yourself at lunch. White suggests snacking on a handful of almonds. Other options are natural yogurt, sliced ​​vegetables, apple with nut butter, and whole grain crackers.

Don't delay lunch

A 2016 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that eating an early lunch helps maintain a healthy weight. It should not be later than 15.00.

Lunch is traditionally the largest meal of the day. It may include carbohydrates from sources such as potatoes (preferably baked), pasta (made from whole wheat), and whole grain cereals. A vegetable salad or vegetable side dish is a must-have on your table! Source of protein - lean meat, poultry, fish, seafood, legumes or tofu. Remember to alternate protein sources daily. It is not advisable to eat meat more than 3 times a week, the same goes for fish and poultry. Leave 1-2 days a week without meat to give your intestines a chance to rest.

If you want to treat yourself to something sweet, the best time to do this is at daytime, so dessert will do the least harm to your figure..

Just as with breakfast, you can have a snack 2-4 hours after lunch.

Early dinner

The ideal time for dinner is 19.00. This way you will give your intestines the opportunity to carry out the “cleansing work” at night. Dinner doesn't have to be heavy. Vegetable soup, light dishes from vegetables and cereals, salad, green smoothies are great for evening reception food. If you need animal protein, it is better to cook fish or poultry for dinner. Avoid eating meat in the evening, as this can lead to digestive problems and poor quality sleep.

Don't be afraid of carbs in the evening, even if you want to lose a few pounds. Whole grain cereals, breads and pasta will not harm your figure because they contain fiber. But simple pasta, white bread, potatoes, store-bought buns, sweets and cookies should be avoided in the afternoon.

Closer to bedtime, if you are very hungry, you can indulge in a glass of kefir or yogurt without sugar or flavorings.

Nutrition before and after sports

On days when you are actively involved in sports, your diet may change slightly. About an hour before class, it is advisable to get energy from high-quality carbohydrates - for example, whole grain cereals with vegetables. Closer to training, you can eat some fruit. Within an hour after physical activity, especially related to strength exercises, keep your strength up with a protein snack. It could be protein shake, cottage cheese, natural yogurt with nuts and berries, poultry or fish with green salad, whole grain sandwich with nut butter.

3 Mar

What diet should you follow to lose weight?

A diet for weight loss is a series of rules regarding the quantity, quality and system of food intake. By adhering to the recommendations given in this article, the path to the desired number on the scales will be faster and will not cause harm to the body.

Basics of proper nutrition for weight loss

The key mistake of people trying to achieve a slim silhouette without additional folds is to sharply limit calories and the amount of food consumed. Such actions lead to a slowdown in metabolism. As a result, all body systems slow down and function in a similar mode to expend a minimum amount of energy.

As a result, the process of losing kilograms either stops, or the reverse process occurs and the kilograms return. The correct diet for weight loss includes 3 mandatory meals - morning in the form of breakfast, lunch, and evening in the form of dinner. In the intervals between main meals, snacks (second breakfasts, lunches, afternoon snacks) are recommended.

Meal timing has a big impact on diet results. Correct routine nutrition for weight loss should be taken into account biological rhythms human body. This will allow the food consumed to be absorbed faster, and calories will be converted into energy resources, rather than the accumulation of fatty tissue.

Proper nutrition regimen for losing weight, taking into account biorhythms

In order for food to be better absorbed and the body to extract the necessary resources, it is recommended to have breakfast in a temporary corridor between 7 and 9 am. When starting to have breakfast, try to allow at least an hour to pass from the moment you wake up. The best option for the first meal there are complex carbohydrates (cereal porridge, toast). For drinks, it is recommended to give preference to kefir, yogurt, freshly squeezed juices, tea (green or hibiscus).

Second breakfast (lunch) can be served between 10 and 11 o'clock. The most preferred food for this time is the first course. If this is not possible, you can have a vegetable or fruit salad, yogurt.

The proper nutrition regimen for men and women involves lunch between 12 and 14 hours. In this time corridor, all body systems function in accelerated mode. The menu should include protein food, complex carbohydrates and fats. If physical activity is not planned for the second half of the day, it is better to avoid foods with large amounts of carbohydrates.

A mandatory element that should be included in diets for weight loss for women and men is fiber. It has minimal calorie content, but improves intestinal motility and speeds up metabolism. Fiber is found in bran, fibrous vegetables and fruits.

Afternoon snack, which is recommended from 15 to 16 hours is optional. The most important meal at this time is for those who play sports or are engaged in heavy work. physical work. The best option would be fermented milk products combined with vegetables or fruits. Also for an afternoon snack you can enjoy a light but low-calorie dessert (fruits, dried fruits, marmalade, berry or fruit jelly, yogurt).

An important point proper nutrition and weight loss is dinner. It should be carried out between 18 and 19 hours, making sure that you go to bed after at least 3 hours. The evening diet should include a small amount of food so that the body has time to spend resources on digesting it.

At the same time, food should not be rich in calories, since the body does not need energy, and they turn into hated folds. Those who want to lose weight should stop eating carbohydrates for dinner and focus on protein foods.

The table is an effective weapon against excess weight

To adhere to the correct daily regimen for weight loss, it is recommended to create a special table in personal diary. The format of the records can be any, the main thing is to systematically enter the necessary data and subject it to analysis, determining the effectiveness of the activities carried out.

The data that needs to be recorded in the diary is:

  • meal times;
  • type of products consumed;
  • calorie content of food;
  • weight and volumes (hips, waist, chest).

It is recommended to weigh yourself and take measurements twice a week, and other data must be entered daily. It would also be appropriate to write down feelings before eating (hunger, irritability, headache) and after eating (fullness, fullness, lightness). Keeping a table will allow you to control snacking and excess calories, and will also allow you to track the foods that give the greatest results for weight loss.

Basic principles of diet for weight loss

A weight loss menu for men and women should be balanced, regardless of age and the number of kilograms you want to lose. The balance of carbohydrates, proteins and fats should vary within this ratio - 50:30:20, respectively. A deficiency of any of these elements leads to negative consequences in the form of various serious illnesses.

The principle of a diet for weight loss involves proper distribution of foods (carbohydrates - in the morning, fats - lunch, protein - evening) and avoidance of overeating. It is also necessary to choose the right products.

So, the source of carbohydrates can be a sweet bun or whole grain pasta. The first option will provide the body with energy only for a short time, and the remaining calories will “go” into the folds on the hips. In addition, the bun increases insulin and provokes the desire to visit the refrigerator.

At the same time, pasta, being complex carbohydrates, throughout long period will supply you with energy and not give you a chance excess weight. Therefore, in order to achieve victory in the war with extra pounds, it is necessary to give preference to slow carbohydrates (cereals, whole grain products, vegetables), and fast ones (sugar, white wheat flour) – reduce to a minimum.

Full functionality of the body is impossible without fats. To maintain health and lose weight, it is recommended to consume approximately 80% vegetable fats (vegetable oil, nuts) and 20% animal fats (fish and high-fat dairy products).

Proteins can be of plant (legumes, vegetables) or animal origin (meat, fish, eggs). Like the first, so the second contain essential amino acids, so they must be consumed in equal proportions.

Various foods should be used with caution food additives(flavors, taste enhancers), since their presence indicates minimal benefit of the product. In addition, these supplements do not allow you to control the feeling of fullness, as they stimulate the appetite. You should definitely minimize the amount of salt, as it slows down the weight loss process by retaining water.

Products that should be included in the diet are:

  • Lean meat (turkey, veal, chicken, rabbit);
  • Fatty fish varieties (tuna, salmon, salmon);
  • Dairy products (yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese);
  • Eggs (chicken, quail);
  • Nuts (walnuts, peanuts, cashews, almonds);
  • Vegetable oils (sunflower, olive);
  • Cereals (buckwheat, wheat, corn);
  • Whole grain products (pasta, bread);
  • Vegetables (cabbage, Jerusalem artichoke, carrots, pumpkin);
  • Fruits and berries (apples, pears, raspberries).

Products that the system requires you to refuse healthy eating, are:

  • Products instant cooking(pizza, hamburgers);
  • Butter pastries (buns, cheesecakes);
  • Confectionery(cakes, pastries);
  • Fatty meats (pork, lamb);
  • Sausages;
  • Salty snacks (chips, crackers);
  • Lard, lard, margarine;
  • Industrial canned food.

Differences in diet for men and women

The diet for weight loss for women should differ from men's in the smaller amount of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. So, a 30-40 year old man needs about 120 grams of fat per day, while a woman of the same age needs only 100 grams of fat.

With the same height and body mass index (a value obtained by dividing height in centimeters by weight in kilograms squared), a man needs 20% more protein than a woman. The amount of carbohydrates in the male diet is also 20% higher.

This difference is explained by some features male body. Thus, in a man’s body, the percentage of fat to total weight varies from 12 to 20%, and in women this figure is between 20 and 30%. Women's fat metabolism is much slower than men's. This happens because nature supports the fair sex in a state of readiness for possible pregnancy.

The diet plan for weight loss takes into account that daily requirement in energy, men are significantly higher than the weaker sex. In addition, women are more susceptible to stress, which provokes the synthesis of the hormone cortisol. This substance stimulates appetite, making it much more difficult for women to lose weight.

Menu for weight loss for a week


Breakfast - oatmeal baked apple with milk, honey and nuts;

Breakfast II – kefir, banana;

Lunch – borscht meat broth, minced chicken cutlet with baked vegetable side dish;

Afternoon snack – muesli with yogurt;

Dinner - boiled fish fillet, fruits with yogurt dressing.


Breakfast – buckwheat seasoned with milk and honey, cucumber and celery smoothie;

Breakfast II – marmalade, kefir with dietary supplements;

Lunch – soup in lean broth with vegetables, veal with cabbage side dish;

Afternoon snack – oatmeal cookies;

Dinner - curd mass with sour cream, apple.


Breakfast - egg white omelet sauerkraut;

Breakfast II – cottage cheese with a mixture of dried fruits;

Lunch – fish soup, fish stew with rice, vegetable salad or vinaigrette;

Afternoon snack – vegetable smoothie;

Dinner - chicken fillet baked or steamed, garnish with broccoli.


Breakfast – muesli with yogurt dressing, sauerkraut;

Breakfast II – marshmallows, sandwich with ham and bran bread;

Lunch – soup based on chicken broth, beef stewed or baked with buckwheat;

Afternoon snack – fruit cocktail with yoghurt;

Dinner – hard pasta with cheese.


Breakfast – rice porridge with milk and nuts;

Breakfast II – muesli bar;

Lunch – lean borscht, beef with buckwheat;

Afternoon snack – yogurt with dried fruits;

Dinner – fish steak.


Breakfast - oat bran with kefir, apple and carrot salad;

Breakfast II – spinach, celery, cucumber smoothie;

Lunch – fish broth soup, baked fish with broccoli;

Afternoon snack – banana with yogurt;

Dinner – grilled veal with tomato salad.


Breakfast - cottage cheese casserole with nuts;

Breakfast II – fruit or berry salad;

Dinner - mushroom soup, boiled chicken with rice;

Afternoon snack – thick tomato juice or zero-fat kefir, sandwich with cheese;

Dinner – sauerkraut with baked veal.

Weight loss drink recipe (video)

In addition to food, it is also necessary to observe drinking regime. For withdrawal toxic substances And good exchange substances, it is recommended to drink at least 2 liters of liquid. You can replenish the recommended water intake with green or ginger tea, various herbal decoctions. Recipe for step by step preparation ginger drink presented in this video.

By taking the time to plan your daily menu, you will ensure good nutrition and at the same time you will begin to get rid of interfering kilograms. Besides, balanced diet is an effective measure to strengthen immune function and protect against various diseases.