Rules for healthy eating for athletes. Proper nutrition. Basic principles Fundamentals of proper sports nutrition

Most beginner athletes consider supplements to be the most important part of bodybuilding. Unfortunately, this statement is not true. Sports nutrition is just an addition to an existing nutrition and training program. Nutrition and training are the most important components of bodybuilding, along with rest and recovery. Once all these aspects in your program are perfected, then you can think about adding sports nutrition.

Why Use Sports Supplements

Sports supplements are good because they prevent nutritional deficiencies in our body. The increased activity caused by your new exercise program will cause your body to become deficient in vitamins and minerals. Even a small nutritional deficiency can undermine muscle growth. Can't we get everything we need from everyday food? We can't rely on food today to get our vitamins and minerals, as cooking, air, and even sunlight are already taking away some of the vitamins. If you are deficient in a particular nutrient, your body will not be able to properly build muscle and burn fat.

Not all sports supplements are the same. Some your body will always need, others depend on your goals and budget. Next, you will find out what sports nutrition is and which of the sports supplements can be used at all times.

Essential Sports Supplements

This is the kind of supplement that needs to be used year-round to build muscle. If you're on a tight budget, then these are the supplements you need to worry about.

Vitamin and mineral complexes

An integral part of sports nutrition, so that the body works with maximum efficiency. Why? In short, without vitamins and minerals, it is impossible to convert food into hormones, tissue, and energy.


Vitamins are organic compounds whose function is to enhance the action of proteins, which in turn cause chemical reactions such as muscle building, fat burning and energy production. There are two types of vitamins:

  1. Fat Soluble Vitamins - These are found in fat and hence, if taken in excessive amounts, they will become toxic.
  2. Water-soluble vitamins - they do not accumulate in tissues and are quickly excreted from the body.


Minerals are inorganic compounds. The main function is in metabolic processes, as well as fluid balance, muscle contraction and energy production, building muscles and bones. There are two types of minerals:

  1. Macronutrients are so named because the body needs them in large quantities. These include Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, Sodium and Phosphorus.
  2. Trace elements - needed by the body in trace amounts, usually in micrograms, such as Chromium, Copper, Cobalt, Silicon, Selenium, Iron and Zinc.

Where to get vitamins and minerals?

All the necessary minerals and vitamins are contained in vitamin-mineral complexes, which can be purchased at sports nutrition stores. Choose wisely, because not everything that is written on the label is true. Poor-quality vitamin-mineral complexes are very poorly absorbed by the body. Therefore, I recommend purchasing products only from foreign manufacturers. One of these is Prolab products.

Protein Sources

Due to the busy schedule, it is impossible to eat perfectly balanced meals 6 times a day. Protein supplements come to the rescue. They cook quickly and most of them, today, have a variety of flavors. There are many protein supplements available. And before we discuss the categories they fall into and how to use them, let's talk about the different protein sources found in this type of supplement.

There are many sources of protein from which protein powders and bars are made. The quality of the protein is determined by the biological value (BC). BC is a measure of how well the body can absorb and use protein. The higher the BC of proteins, the more nitrogen your body can absorb, use and retain. As a result, proteins with high biological value contribute to the growth of pure muscle mass. Whey protein has the highest biological value with a factor of 104. Egg protein is in second place with a factor of 100, milk protein is 91, beef is 80, soy protein is 74, vegetable proteins are only 49. Now let's discuss each protein source in more detail.

whey protein

Whey protein is an excellent source of protein for the following reasons:

  1. It improves athletic performance by reducing stress and lowering cortisol levels (a muscle-damaging hormone).
  2. Improves immunity by increasing glutathione (GSH), which is a water-soluble antioxidant.
  3. Improves liver function.
  4. Reduces blood pressure.
  5. Helps fight HIV
  6. Reduces the risk of overtraining.

In addition to the above, whey proteins are very highly digestible and have a higher amino acid profile than even egg whites. Whey proteins have anabolic properties, but are not a steroid substance. Such proteins can be a valuable addition to an already existing diet.

Egg white

A super affordable protein second only to whey protein. Egg white is more difficult to digest, so it is slowly released into the blood. Another thing I love to do is mix egg and whey protein to make the best protein shake on the planet!

milk protein

Milk protein also has a high biological value and, like egg white, is slowly released into the blood. Milk protein supports immune function and increases muscle growth.

beef protein

I don't know of any protein supplement that comes in the form of beef protein powder, but I do know that there are amino acid tablets. Beef protein is abundant in vitamin B and promotes better nutrient absorption and energy production.

soy protein

Soy has a positive effect on human health. Studies have shown that soy protein can reduce the risk of cancer. Soy lowers high cholesterol and relieves menopausal symptoms. That is why I would like to recommend one serving of soy protein per day for women, but only for the sake of supporting immunity. However, in terms of muscle building, I don't think soy will be beneficial, especially for men.

Important Additives

Fatty acid complex

Essential fatty acids must be present in every diet, as the body is not able to produce this type of fat. They are involved in key bodily functions such as energy production, fat burning, brain and nerve tissue formation, and mood regulation. In addition, fatty acids have anti-inflammatory properties and strengthen the immune system.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C is a water-soluble vitamin, so it is not stored in the body. It improves your immune system and helps you recover faster from a workout by suppressing the amount of cortisol (a muscle-killing, fat-storing hormone) released in your body during exercise. Vitamin C should be taken in large amounts, about 3 g per day, i.e. 1000 mg 3 times a day. Taking 1000mg of vitamin C an hour before a workout will significantly relieve muscle soreness and speed up your recovery.

Chromium picolinate

It is a mineral that enhances the action of insulin (the hormone that pushes protein and carbohydrates into muscle cells). Insulin is the most powerful anabolic hormone in the body. It determines whether the food will be used for muscle, energy, or fat. When insulin is released in moderation, it promotes muscle production and energy production. Excessive release of insulin leads to fat accumulation.

Chromium Picolinate improves the ability of insulin to produce muscle and energy by making the body's cells more receptive to insulin, thereby speeding up the process of building muscle and burning fat.

In the following article Types of Protein Supplements, you'll learn how to choose the best protein supplements to meet your fitness goals.

Proper nutrition for an athlete is very different from the diet of an office worker, a housewife, and indeed any person who does not play sports. Heavy physical activity implies much higher energy costs that need to be replenished with food. Therefore, the menu for the athlete has more high-calorie foods, fruits and vegetables that saturate the body with vitamins and amino acids necessary for high loads.

Proper nutrition for athletes is a certain set of products and dietary supplements. It necessarily includes lean protein (most often chicken breast, eggs), as well as vegetable protein, which contains vegetables - beans, beans, etc. Complex carbohydrates are also needed in the menu for athletes - vegetables, fruits, bran bread, and various vitamin and bioadditives. These are amino acid complexes, protein, protein-carbohydrate cocktails, etc.

Proper nutrition for athletes - basic requirements

Proper nutrition for an athlete is developed taking into account several tasks:

  • sufficient providing the body with calories, vitamins and microelements. The amount of nutrients is calculated based on energy consumption, the higher the load, the denser the diet;
  • normalization and activation of metabolism. To do this, the menu for athletes includes bioadditives - amino acids, protein, vitamin complexes;
  • weight regulation(at different stages, the weight of an athlete may be more or less, depending on whether he is gaining weight or “drying” the body);
  • adjustment of morphological parameters(decrease in body fat and increase muscle mass).

During training, a huge amount of energy is released, and if the athlete's diet is insufficient, the work of the internal organs - the heart, liver, lungs - can be difficult. Therefore, proper nutrition for an athlete is the main way to achieve your goals and health for many years to come.

Proper nutrition for athletes

The diet for the athlete is selected individually. It must take into account:

  1. load level;
  2. individual physical characteristics;
  3. features of the sport.

Most often, a proper diet for athletes is calculated by the formula: 60% carbohydrates, 30% proteins and 10% fats. Trace elements, amino acids and vitamins are used additionally, in addition to the diet.

To carbohydrates Included in the athlete's diet include: brown rice, wheat, fruits, vegetables, wholemeal bread. Habitual sweets and sugar contain "simple" carbohydrates that do not carry any benefit. To replenish the energy consumption of the body, it is precisely “complex” carbohydrates that will saturate the athlete with energy throughout the workout.

Squirrels, which should be included in the nutrition for athletes for every day, are found in fish, lean meats, dairy products, eggs, legumes. Protein must be consumed after training to accelerate muscle growth, as well as in the days between workouts to maintain sufficient protein levels in the body.

Proper nutrition for athletes must contain fats. They help maintain the right body temperature during training, and also stabilize the work of internal organs. The diet should contain both vegetable fats (olive oil) and animals (mainly fatty fish, cheese, natural butter).

Approximate nutrition for athletes for every day

The diet for athletes is balanced taking into account the amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the menu. The approximate number of products looks like this:

  • 4-5 eggs;
  • 400 g chicken breasts;
  • 400 g low-fat cottage cheese;
  • 30 g butter (olive + butter);
  • 200 g of bread;
  • 500 g of cereals (porridge, muesli);
  • 300 g of vegetables;
  • 300 g fruit.

Also, proper nutrition for an athlete necessarily includes bioadditives. Gainers, vitamins, collagen. Collagen is necessary for the normalization of the work of the ligaments and joints, which bear the main load during intensive training.

Collagen hydrolyzate contained in the preparation is absorbed as easily and quickly as possible by the body. Collagen Ultra. The course of taking the drug easily fits into the diet for athletes, it is designed for 3 months. During this time, the body will replenish collagen reserves and will be provided with the necessary amount of building material for joints, tendons, and muscles.

What is better to exclude from the diet of an athlete?

There are foods that “slow down” physical development. These are sugar, regular salt (it should be replaced with sea or soy sauce), fried foods, mushrooms, processed foods, sweet yogurts, powdered juices.

And you should always remember that an athlete should not remain hungry - as the work of internal organs will be disrupted, but at the same time you should not overeat - so as not to build up unnecessary fat mass. And most importantly - take care of your health and be focused on success!

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This article will not talk about supplements in the sports nutrition industry and how to consume them. We want to sanctify a general approach to the issue of nutrition when the body is faced with the stress caused by our desire to be and look our best through training. What exactly the body needs to solve the tasks set, and what the body needs at certain moments of our preparation is the goal of a thorough analysis.

Sooner or later, everyone is faced with the problem of achieving the desired results from training. At the same time, when analyzing this phenomenon, they are more likely to look for errors in the training program, and few people pay attention to the importance of revising the diet. The experience of many athletes has shown that proper nutrition has a huge positive impact on their well-being and contributes to the growth of their sports achievements. Thus, a balanced diet, which implies the ideal balance of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, is the most important way to increase the efficiency and endurance of an athlete.

The nutrients our body receives can be divided into two categories. The first includes proteins, fats and carbohydrates, called macronutrients. In the second, vitamins and minerals, and other trace elements are isolated. The effective use of nutrients in order to expand the boundaries of adaptation to muscular work is possible only on the basis of knowledge about the patterns of the flow of biochemical and physiological processes in the body during the performance of exercises of different intensity and nature. In this regard, the ratio of nutrients in the diet of athletes is somewhat different from the diet of people who do not lead an active lifestyle, and the nutrient requirements for gaining muscle mass and losing weight are different.

Nutrition for muscle gain

Muscle tissue, which forms muscle mass, consists of protein, which forms muscle cells. Muscle protein synthesis comes from amino acids that are transported to muscle fibers after it is absorbed by the body. Thus, if your goal is to gain muscle mass, you need to reconsider your diet in the direction of increasing protein intake. Among the foods rich in protein, dairy products, animal and poultry meat, as well as eggs, fish, legumes, nuts, which, in addition to protein, supply a number of useful substances for a complete and balanced diet should be distinguished. Each protein source is unique in its amino acid profile and bioavailability. To ensure the growth of muscle mass, it is necessary to receive protein from various sources at the rate of at least 2 grams of protein per kilogram of body weight per day. Those. for a person weighing 80 kg, it is necessary to consume 160 grams of protein during the day, which must be divided into several doses, because the body is not able to absorb more than 30 grams of protein from one source.

body constitution

According to the metabolic rate, which is an individual feature of the body, there are 3 types of physique: endomorphic, mesomorphic and ectomorphic. For each body type in terms of gaining muscle mass, the diet will be different. For ectomorphic people, in addition to protein, it may be necessary to increase the daily calorie intake that can be obtained from carbohydrates, because. for people with a fast metabolism, the issue of gaining muscle mass is acute. The main problem in this case is precisely the lack of calories, which the body easily converts into energy, leaving no opportunity for the body to build mass from protein, which also acts as an energy source. For such people, in addition to protein-rich foods, it is recommended to consume high-calorie foods that supply energetically valuable carbohydrates: potatoes, pasta, cereals, rice, etc. At the same time, the consumption of simple carbohydrates in the form of sugars will also work for the benefit of mass gain, especially if they are included during the post-workout recovery period. Mesomorphs are distinguished by an ideal structure for building muscle mass. They easily gain weight and easily lose it, so the diet should be approximately equal in the amount of protein and carbohydrates consumed. Endomorphs are characterized by easy weight gain, both muscle and fat, so it is recommended to focus on high-protein foods with a restriction on the consumption of carbohydrates and fats. In this case, it is recommended to strictly limit the intake of simple carbohydrates from sweets, white bread and other sugar-containing foods.

It is necessary to dwell separately on fats, as energetically valuable and necessary substances for our life. Fats can be divided into healthy and unhealthy fats, and, as it is not obvious, one should lean towards the consumption of healthy fats, from sources such as fish, nuts, flaxseed oil, olive oil, etc., since fats also contribute to athletic performance while providing healthy functioning of the whole organism and its integrity.

So, the athlete's diet can and should consist of ordinary foods, while observing the principles of proper, healthy and balanced nutrition. There are at least several factors that determine an athlete's nutrition course, namely an increased need for energy, the need to increase muscle mass due to proteins, as well as body constitution.

What determines the growth of muscle mass and strength?

Many people are convinced that building muscle mass and strength depends entirely on the effort in lifting weights during training. There is some truth in this, if it is clarified that the main advantage of intense exercise is severe damage to the muscle surface, which serves as the basis for gaining muscle mass by creating a need to increase its size.

The recovery process begins immediately after an intense workout. Amino acids, as you know, are the main building blocks of muscle tissue, so doing strenuous workouts without getting the right amount of protein into the body will be a waste of time.

It should also be noted that training is an energy-intensive process, so the need for macronutrients such as proteins, fats and carbohydrates increases compared to a person who leads a passive lifestyle.


As paradoxical as it may sound for beginners, muscle mass grows at the moment when the body is resting or, more correctly, recovering. Mass training creates the feeling of growing muscle fibers, but this is deceptive in that this feeling is caused by pumping muscle fibers with blood and nutrients. And this feeling is in no way connected with the direct growth of muscles, no matter how sad it may sound. Muscle growth occurs during the recovery period, which involves the replenishment of nutrient reserves that will serve as building blocks in muscle protein synthesis. It should be noted that the peak of muscle growth occurs during sleep.

During this period, it is necessary to pay special attention to the diet, because. without giving the body food for growth, we will not get the desired result. Protein must be supplied constantly, and the longer we provide nutritional support to the body, the more efficient the process of building muscle mass will be. You should also pay attention to post-workout nutrition. At the moment when we finish doing the last exercise in the gym, the so-called "anabolic window of opportunity" opens in the body, which implies a critical transition of the body from the state of anabolism (tissue building) to catabolism (tissue destruction). Those. within the next 15 minutes after the end of the workout, it is necessary to saturate the body with energetically valuable nutrients as soon as possible: protein, carbohydrates, fats, which will replenish the expended energy reserves, keeping the muscles from destruction. The secret of successful mass building lies precisely in the issue of not allowing catabolic processes to prevail over anabolic ones in the body. Therefore, rest, sleep and nutrition are the key to perfecting your body.

Nutrition during endurance work

Running, swimming, cycling and other sports that require aerobic endurance are highly energy-intensive and therefore require a special approach to choosing the right diet. Endurance training consumes large amounts of glycogen from intramuscular stores. Since it is impossible to accumulate so much glycogen that it could be enough for the entire period of training, the body seeks other sources of energy, and here both fats and muscle protein can enter, through the destruction of muscle tissue. Therefore, the diet of athletes should include carbohydrates - 65-70 percent (8 g per 1 kg of body weight daily) of the daily diet, which are the main sources of glycogen replenishment. Those. the calorie content of the daily diet should be high, exceeding 3000 calories. It is also important to consume protein to maintain and maintain muscle mass.

During high-intensity aerobic training, it is important to replenish energy through simple carbohydrates and protein. There are various categories of sports nutrition specifically designed for these sports, which are nutritional gels and mixtures that are convenient to consume during training or competition. They mainly consist of simple and complex carbohydrates, as well as amino acids in an easy-to-digest form and a complex of trace elements or electrolytes.

Importance of vitamins and minerals

In the process of any training, the body loses a certain amount of water, and with it trace elements. Each trace element is important for the normal functioning of the body. Both vitamins and minerals are involved in numerous processes, including energy metabolism, protein and glycogen absorption and synthesis, fat metabolism, hormone production, and more, i.e. processes on which sports achievements depend. The lack of trace elements can not only slow down the process of achieving results, but also develop pathological ailments. Therefore, the diet of any athlete, regardless of whether he works for mass or endurance, should include foods rich in trace elements to replenish them in the body: vegetables, fruits, cereals, etc.

How to improve the performance of the body?

One of nature's best ingredients for reducing pain and fatigue is caffeine, which allows you to exercise with greater ease and frequency. It is found in high amounts in tea, coffee, many soft drinks, and most energy drinks. In addition, caffeine is found in chocolate and various exotic fruits. It should also be noted that caffeine helps to focus attention and speed up reactions by increasing brain activity. There is an opinion among scientists that small portions of caffeine throughout the day can achieve a better effect than one large portion taken at a time.

Water balance

It is important to focus on the issue of replenishing fluids in the body, since during intense physical exertion, a large amount of electrolytes is wasted with sweat and a lot of fluid is lost. Our body, as you know, consists of 80 percent of water, without which the existence of man on planet Earth could be called into question. Water is life, and it should be enough in the body. For an athlete, this figure is 4-6 liters per day, while compensating for fluid loss is necessary both during and after the training load with an intensity of half a liter or one liter per hour, consuming 250 ml every 15-20 minutes. It is important not to wait for a state called "horror, how thirsty" and to prevent its occurrence by timely consumption of water.

Nutrition for weight loss

Diets for weight loss for trained athletes and for those who aim to burn unwanted body fat for a more aesthetic appearance are different. When losing weight, athletes face the serious task of preserving the gained muscle mass from destruction, therefore, by reducing the caloric content of the daily diet, protein will be the main source of energy for the athlete. Since the metabolism of athletes is a priori faster than that of ordinary people, the process of weight loss in trained people will proceed more quickly. While the loss of body fat of an ordinary person is a more time-consuming process, but do not be upset, because the output will always be a result that pleases the eye.

To burn fat, you need to change your diet in favor of protein, as in the case of gaining muscle mass. Going to the gym will help speed up metabolism, including speeding up fat metabolism: splitting off fat cells from the total fat mass, transporting them to intracellular mitochondria, and oxidizing fat with subsequent energy production. At the same time, you should not focus only on aerobic exercise, but also perform basic exercises for the main muscle groups. Obese people are advised to stop consuming fast carbohydrates that cause a sharp rise in blood sugar, because. due to the production of the hormone insulin, metabolic processes in adipose tissue are blocked. You also need to limit your intake of fatty foods.

Just as you take care of yourself, nature takes care of us by offering nature's most effective fat burner, caffeine, which works to increase thermogenic calorie expenditure in the body. People who do not tolerate the effects of caffeine are advised to refrain from consuming it.


So, muscle building, like weight loss, depends on two things - intense training and high protein intake, and the key to strength and endurance is carbohydrates, which increase the muscle's ability to lift heavy weights and maintain performance.

During long workouts, muscles burn the main source of muscle fuel - glycogen. Complex carbohydrates are most suitable for replenishing its reserves during the day, namely, fiber-rich vegetables with a low glycemic index, grains, etc., the assimilation of which occurs slowly, which ensures a constant supply of energy. After training, the level of glycogen in the body almost approaches zero, in this case, you should consume simple carbohydrates with a high glycemic index, which will quickly replenish muscle glycogen levels.

Do not forget about sleep and rest - perhaps these are the most important components of the success of any athlete and person working for the result.

In order to achieve results in sports, you need motivation, perseverance and endurance. You will have to train a lot, take care of your health and physical condition. Health in this matter is very important, because with a weakened immune system or a problem with certain organs and systems, the body may not be able to cope with the stress, and you will have to put an end to your sports goals. A healthy diet is essential for athletes to keep you fit and help you reach your goals.

Proper nutrition of an athlete will depend on what kind of sport we are talking about. It is important that the body gets enough vitamins, minerals. You also need to take into account that sports loads lead to large losses of energy by the body, so you need to monitor both the calorie content of the diet and ensure that the food is healthy. The following requirements are imposed on the nutrition of a person who is actively involved in sports:

  • The number of calories should be sufficient.
  • The body must receive enough vitamins and minerals.
  • Additionally, it is recommended to use dietary supplements that activate metabolism.
  • The diet should be planned depending on what your goal is to reduce or increase body weight.
  • The menu should be designed in such a way that it helps to reduce fat mass and build muscle.

Also, when planning meals for athletes, keep water in mind. Lack of fluid leads to muscle fatigue and spasms. And in the process of active training, the body loses a lot of water, so it is important to replenish my reserves.

The basis of any diet is three elements: proteins, carbohydrates and fats. Each of them in one way or another affects the athlete's diet.


Carbohydrates are a group of compounds of organic origin, found in the cells of all living organisms and necessary for normal existence. They are, in fact, the main supplier of energy in the body.

Carbohydrates are divided into two types - simple and complex. Complex carbohydrates are polysaccharides: fiber, starch, and so on. The body breaks them down slowly, so blood sugar levels change slowly, without sudden jumps.

Sources of complex carbohydrates- these are beans, beans, peas, lentils, cereals, pasta from durum wheat. It also includes fruits, vegetables, berries, mushrooms.

Simple carbohydrates are mono- and disaccharides such as fructose, glucose, sucrose, and so on. Unlike complex carbohydrates, these carbohydrates dissolve more easily in water, respectively, are quickly absorbed by the body. Eating simple carbohydrates before a workout can make you feel tired quickly. They useful after workout, as they help to restore strength well.

Sources of simple carbohydrates- these are flour products, sugar, sweets, honey, bananas, dried fruits, potatoes, pumpkin, rice, corn sticks and so on.

As for carbohydrates, when planning your healthy athlete nutrition, consider the following point. Before training, you need to eat complex carbohydrates, after - you can eat simple ones. The amount of carbohydrates per day should be 5-9 grams per kilogram your weight. And the emphasis should be on complex carbohydrates. The best time to consume them is the first half of the day. In preparation for a competition, which is known in professional circles as "cutting", the amount of carbohydrates should be reduced to 2.5 grams per kg of body weight.


A proper diet for an athlete should include squirrels. These are organic substances consisting of amino acids that are connected in series. They include proteins and peptides. Proteins are essential for all tissues in the body and are essential for the digestive and immune systems.

Depending on the type of activity, the amount of protein needed per day may vary. On average, the diet for an athlete recommends using 1.4 g of protein per kg of body weight.

Protein Sources- this is chicken meat, beef, turkey, fish (especially trout, tuna, pink salmon), seafood (caviar, shrimp), eggs, white beans, dairy products. Proteins are also found in rice, oatmeal, oatmeal. For athletes, proteins are very important, since they are the main building material for muscles.


The next component that is included in the rational nutrition of athletes is fats. They are natural organic compounds that have two main functions - organic and structural. Normally, it is desirable to consume 0.4-0.6 g of fat per kilogram of body weight per day.

Fats are saturated and unsaturated. Saturated fats are made up of molecules full of hydrogen. At normal temperatures, they do not become softer. Therefore, they are considered harmful, because they contribute to the formation of cholesterol plaques in the vessels. Once in the body, these substances slow down the metabolism, thereby complicating the process of losing weight and leading to excess weight.

Saturated fat foods are margarine, butter, coconut oil, animal fat, chicken skin, and so on. Also, these are fatty sauces, confectionery creams, fast food.

The molecules in unsaturated fats are not completely filled with hydrogen. Their main sources are herbal products. At normal temperatures, these fats can acquire a liquid state, because the body quickly processes them, and no harm to health.

There is an opinion that fats in the diet should be limited. In fact, they are necessary for the body, but only the right ones and in moderation. Lack of them can disrupt the hormonal background, worsen the formation of muscle tissue, reduce the functioning of the immune system. Unsaturated fats are also needed in order for the body to better absorb vitamins. It is worth choosing them, and their number in the diet should not exceed 20% of its total calorie content.

Healthy fats are found in olive oil, soybean oil, corn oil, nuts and nut oil, caraway oil, fish, and seafood.

Proper nutrition for athletes

It should be understood that the nutritional habits of athletes and bodybuilders will differ from the characteristics of the usual diet, because these people have a serious burden, and regularly, so you need to consider the following aspects when planning the menu:

  • The diet should be of high quality and complete. You need to lean on those foods that are beneficial and productive for the body.
  • The amount of food consumed. Everything will depend on the specific type of activity. Some people need to eat a lot to gain weight, some people need to eat a little to lose it. You need to consider your goals when planning a balanced diet for athletes.
  • The number of meals. It is better to eat in small portions, but often enough. This will help not to overload the body before physical activity, maintain the body in one energy rhythm and avoid the feeling of heaviness. In addition, food will be processed better and absorbed faster.

Diet options for athletes depending on the mode and load

As already understood, proper nutrition for athletes will depend on the training regimen, type of activity and level of load. A variant of a simple diet, designed for approximately 2600 kcal, might be something like this:

  • Breakfast. A couple of boiled eggs, about 200 grams of fat-free cottage cheese, a plate of oatmeal in milk with a little olive oil, a couple of pieces of bran bread, tea.
  • Lunch. A couple of fruits, a bun, a glass of natural low-fat yogurt.
  • Dinner. Buckwheat with milk, an omelet from a couple of chicken eggs, about 200 grams of vegetable salad, 3 slices of whole grain bread, about 50 grams of low-fat cheese, tea.
  • afternoon tea. 150 grams of low-fat cottage cheese, half a plate of any porridge with fruits or berries, a glass of juice.
  • Dinner. 250 grams of fresh fruits or vegetables, a couple of slices of bran bread, a glass of kefir.
  • An hour before bedtime, you can eat an apple and drink a glass of milk / kefir.

And this enhanced diet athlete, which is designed for 3500 kcal.

  • Breakfast. A plate of oatmeal, a four-egg omelet, an orange, a couple of toasts or crispbread.
  • Lunch. A glass of yogurt, a couple of bananas, 50 g of nuts.
  • Dinner. 200 grams of boiled beef meat, 4 medium potatoes, 150 grams of vegetable salad, tea or juice.
  • afternoon tea. A glass of boiled rice, 150 grams of fruit salad, a glass of milk.
  • Dinner. Boiled fish, 4 boiled potatoes, salad of 120 grams of grated carrots and olive oil.
  • A couple of hours before bedtime, eat half a bowl of oatmeal, four boiled eggs, and drink a glass of milk.

The following diet for athletes is suitable for training days.

  • Breakfast. Three eggs, a couple of toasts with marmalade or peanut butter, a plate of oatmeal, a glass of milk.
  • Lunch. Energy protein bar, tea or coffee.
  • Dinner. 250 grams of a mixture of vegetables, half a liter of chicken soup, 250 grams of boiled beef, juice, a little cracker.
  • afternoon tea. Compote, fruit drink or juice, rich bun.
  • Dinner. 150 grams of stewed fish, 180 grams of boiled vegetables, tea.
  • An hour before bedtime - a piece of bran bread, a milkshake with a banana.

This menu is suitable for advanced training:

  • Breakfast. Sports high-carb drink, 180 grams of boiled rice with vegetables, a couple of slices of bread.
  • Lunch. 3 pancakes with honey or condensed milk, a quarter of pineapple, juice or compote.
  • Dinner. Salad with mayonnaise, 6 baked potatoes with cheese, 250 grams of beef stew.
  • afternoon tea. Protein bar and sports drink.
  • Dinner. Stewed fish, half a plate of buckwheat, herbal tea.
  • A couple of hours before bedtime, you can drink a glass of juice and eat 200 g of oatmeal.

And another option for a daily diet is calculated directly on the day of the competition:

  • Breakfast. A couple of buns with raisins, a plate of buckwheat, a glass of milk.
  • Lunch. Banana, sandwich with meat 60 grams of dark chocolate, coffee.
  • Dinner. 500 ml of chicken broth, boiled lean fish, a plate of vegetable stew, a couple of pieces of oatmeal bread, juice or compote.
  • afternoon tea. Bun with raisins, a glass of juice.
  • Dinner. 160 grams of chicken stew, green tea.
  • A couple of hours before bedtime - a serving of oatmeal, a couple of pieces of bran bread, one pear, tea.

Thus, the athlete's diet can be different depending on the level of load, goals, type of activity. But it is important that it saturates the body with everything that it needs.

Useful video about the diet of athletes

The need for calories, nutrients and vitamins between people who exercise regularly and those who do not have high physical activity is very different. Bodybuilders spend an order of magnitude more energy than office workers or workers. In order to keep the body in shape, supply it with all the necessary trace elements, feel light and cheerful, it is important to be scrupulous about the choice of diet. The main principle of healthy proper nutrition is diversity, balance and maximum benefit for the body. How to eat right to achieve quick results in sports?

Basic principles of proper nutrition

Proper nutrition is the key to a quick recovery of the body after physical exertion, effective muscle building. If the body does not receive the necessary energy and nutrients, it will quickly lead to exhaustion.

Proper home nutrition can solve the following problems:

  • satisfying the feeling of hunger;
  • saturation of the body with vital energy and strength;
  • body weight adjustment;
  • supplying the body with essential nutrients, vitamins, trace elements;
  • optimization of metabolic processes;
  • maintenance of vital body functions;
  • supplying the body with the substances necessary for building muscles.

How to make a diet?

The diet for each athlete should be developed in accordance with individual characteristics - body weight, physique, intensity of physical activity, the sport that the athlete is engaged in. Nutrition should be balanced, varied, contain a sufficient amount of nutrients, consist exclusively of healthy and natural products.

When compiling a diet, it is important to adhere to the following formula:

  • 60% - carbohydrate food;
  • 30% - proteins;
  • 10% - fat-containing products.

To saturate the body with the necessary trace elements, it is necessary to include natural fruits, herbs, vegetables, vitamin and mineral complexes and dietary supplements in the menu.

Proteins are a catalyst for growth

Proteins are the main building material in the human body. Their role in building muscles is difficult to overestimate. Protein is involved in the most important biochemical processes, is part of hormones. The rate of metabolism in the body depends on the activity of the enzyme protein. Thanks to proteins, the body receives all the necessary nutrients, the protective functions of the immune system are enhanced. Protein is found in meat, eggs, fish, chicken, cottage cheese, cheese.

Carbohydrates - a source of energy

Carbohydrate food contributes to the replenishment of energy in the human body. Athletes are advised to include complex carbohydrates in the menu, which are found in honey, rice, fruits, vegetables, rye bread.

Fats are a building block and source of strength

Intensive burning of calories is promoted by high power loads and cardio exercises. Fats play an important role - they help maintain the temperature at an optimal level, ensure the proper functioning of the internal organs and body systems. Athletes are advised to meet the need for these substances through the consumption of food of animal and plant origin. The most useful products for athletes are fish, butter and olive oil.

An example of a proper diet for an athlete

A balanced diet for an athlete should include the following foods:

  • hen;
  • butter;
  • cottage cheese;
  • porridge;
  • bread;
  • fruits, herbs, vegetables;

To achieve high results in sports, it is important to adhere to the following menu principles for proper nutrition:

  • it is necessary to eat fractionally (5-6 times a day);
  • to improve metabolic processes, the break between meals should be at least 3 hours;
  • the diet should be calculated in such a way that the athlete does not overeat and does not experience hunger;
  • eat slowly, chewing food thoroughly;
  • replace table salt with sea salt;
  • exclude muffins and sweets from the diet;
  • dishes are recommended to be steamed, by boiling and stewing;
  • girls are recommended to include fiber in the menu to improve digestion and start metabolic processes;
  • exclude spicy and fried foods from the diet;
  • refrain from drinking alcohol, powdered juices, semi-finished products;
  • Strength athletes are recommended to include special dietary supplements - amino acids, proteins, gainers in their diet to gain muscle mass.
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