Boiled chicken for weight loss. Dietary breast is a favorite product of athletes and those losing weight. A selection of diet breast recipes for a slim figure

If you are suffering overweight, but don’t want to give up meat, then recipes for chicken dishes for weight loss will come in handy. Protein food needed by the body in small quantities, and many microelements included in chicken meat, will be beneficial. In this article you will learn how to cook chicken breast correctly and what dishes help you lose weight.

Why the chicken diet is important and healthy: the best recipes for guaranteed weight loss

This universal product helps you eat nourishingly and affordably. Chicken is a source of protein, especially the breast. It is in this part that there are the fewest calories and the most vitamins. By the way, legs contain cholesterol and fat, so they can be harmful.

Do not eat wings, as their fat content is off the charts! White meat has the following advantages:

  • Chicken recipes contain a minimum of calories.
  • Product price availability.
  • There is an abundance of this type of meat all year round.
  • Easy to digest, beneficial for the gastrointestinal tract.

The breast also contains fat, which is concentrated under the skin. But once you “undress” the bird before cooking, you will get rid of harmful substances. Linoleic acid the product contains in excess.

Thanks to recipes for all kinds of chicken dishes for weight loss, photos of which are offered here, you will diversify your daily menu. Active fitness classes combined with a protein diet will help you acquire a slim figure quite quickly.

What is included in the fillet, what vitamins?

You can easily prepare dietary chicken dishes, since the meat is sold in any store. The product is perfectly absorbed without causing unwanted gastrointestinal reactions. Meat contains tryptophan, which stimulates its own production of serotonin.

The pleasure hormone will give you vigor and good mood. Compared to other types of poultry, chicken fillet contains much more polyunsaturated fatty acids.

By regularly eating meat, you will receive a complex of vitamins A, K, E, PP, B. Phosphorus, iron, copper and other minerals will give you strength. Chicken breast dishes help you quickly burn calories without compromising your health.

What are the benefits of fillet: how healthy are chicken recipes for weight loss?

If you follow a diet that combines chicken with... low-calorie foods, don't forget that mono-diet calculated for three weeks maximum. A protein diet has many advantages:

  • recipes based on chicken improve metabolism;
  • chicken contains a sufficient amount of protein;
  • such a menu will replace vitamin-mineral complexes;
  • delicious dishes cleanse internal organs from slags;
  • The product is slowly absorbed and saturates for a long time.

The body will quickly get rid of fat reserves without damaging the muscles. Do not forget that only healthy people who do not have chronic illnesses can stick to a diet!

Tender meat is best combined with steamed or fresh vegetables. You will find the diet “version” no less tasty than the fried version. Even a novice cook can prepare dietary dishes for weight loss according to a recipe at home from chicken. Juicy meat has a stunning aroma and unforgettable taste.

Steam cutlets with oat flakes

Calorie content – ​​only 99kC/100g

Ingredients for cutlets:

  • fillet-300g;
  • oat flakes - 3 tbsp. l;
  • onions - 1 piece;
  • carrots, potatoes;
  • seasonings
  1. Flakes pour boiling water over for a few minutes.
  2. The fillet and onion are passed through a meat grinder. Spices are added to taste - salt, paprika, Provençal herbs. The softened flakes are also added to the minced meat.. You can add chopped herbs to taste.
  3. The minced meat is kneaded and cutlets are made from a dense sticky mass.
  4. Vegetables for garnish cut thin slices and post into a steamer. Steamed cutlets cook in just twenty minutes. A little culinary skill - and you can already enjoy amazing taste!

Chicken roll with dried apricots and prunes

It will be even easier to prepare chicken recipes for weight loss with the video. We recommend you try the delicious tender rolls with a savory filling!

Calorie content – ​​120kC/100g

For preparation:

  • fillet;
  • dried apricots;
  • prunes;
  • garlic;
  • butter.
  1. Slicing the meat flat slices and lightly beat. Don't put too much effort as this is the most tender part. Lightly salt each piece.
  2. Dried fruits are poured boiled water for cleaning and swelling. Chop the butter and garlic.
  3. Take part of the fillet, add paprika, oil, pepper, garlic, and on top - dried apricots and prunes. Carefully roll it up. The workpiece is laid out on foil and wrapped.
  4. Place in the oven preheated to +180 degrees, for 20 minutes. Don't forget to pierce the foil!

Breasts with tomato and basil

The calorie content of such a delicacy is 100 kC/100 g

For the recipe you need:

  • chicken meat;
  • ripe tomatoes;
  • basil;
  • spices.
  1. Wash the chicken fillet. Cut in the middle, put tomatoes, cut into rings, and basil there. edges stabbed with toothpicks so that the structure is held as firmly as possible.
  2. Heat a frying pan by adding vegetable oil. Fry poultry meat until done, turning over. The appearance of a golden brown crust indicates readiness. Remember that white meat does not require long cooking! Dry fillets will lose most valuable substances and it will become tasteless.
  3. Grease baking paper with olive oil. The meat will not be “dry” if you rub it butter with spices. You can get tender flesh by wrapping the breast in dough. The cooking layer is not suitable for food. The bird will be cooked in own juice and you will protect yourself from bad cholesterol, contained in a crispy crust.

Cheese soup with chicken

A hot dish for lunch will improve your gastrointestinal tract and give you strength. Especially if it is a diet soup with cheese chicken.

The low calorie content of the dish – 90 kC/100 g – is the main advantage.

Required Products:

  • meat -400g;
  • carrots - 1 piece;
  • potatoes - 3 pcs;
  • processed cheese – 200g;
  • broth - 2l;
  • herbs, spices.
  1. Washed breast cutting cubes. Vegetables are peeled and chopped. Olive oil is added to a heated frying pan and the meat pieces are fried. Bring the broth to a boil in a saucepan by adding bay leaf and black pepper.
  2. Did you know that chicken broth is cholesterol-free and improves immunity? By consuming a tasty decoction, you will protect the body from ischemia, hypertension, and heart attack. The collagen contained in the product improves connective tissues. It’s not for nothing that delicious chicken soup is prepared for those who have a cold!
  3. After adding meat to the broth, cook the soup for another 10 minutes. Then carrots and potatoes are dipped into boiling water. When the vegetables are cooked, add melted cheese on top, stirring it well. When serving, sprinkle with chopped herbs.

Chicken with champignons in a slow cooker

It only takes half an hour to prepare a delicious lunch.

Calorie content – ​​110kCl/100g


  • fillet – 500g;
  • champignons – 200g;
  • sour cream 15% - 150g;
  • bulb;
  • spices.
  1. In the multicooker, set the mode for stewing or frying. The washed fillet is cut into slices.
  2. In a bowl with olive oil fry the chicken for ten minutes.
  3. Champignons boil in salted water.
  4. Chop the onions and mushrooms and add them to the multicooker bowl. After simmering for twenty minutes, add curry, sour cream and simmer until fully cooked. A suitable side dish for a meat dish would be rice and green salad.

Stuffed peppers with meat and vegetables

80kC is contained in a 100g serving.

For preparation:

  • sweet pepper – 6 pcs.;
  • large carrots;
  • tomatoes - 2 pcs;
  • zucchini-200g;
  • onions - 2 pcs;
  • breast without skin;
  • vegetable oil;
  • herbs, seasonings.
  1. Peppers are prepared for filling by trimming top part. Grate the carrots and chop the onion randomly. Chop the zucchini and tomatoes into cubes.
  2. Breast cutting in small pieces.
  3. Pour a spoonful of oil into a saucepan and saute the zucchini, after 3-4 minutes add onions and carrots.Eating meat protects against exhaustion and loss of strength. Lose weight without ailments and fainting!
  4. Through 7-8 minutes Tomatoes are added to the vegetable mixture. Don't forget aromatic seasonings - pepper, coriander, rosemary. The mixture of vegetables is cooled, mixed with chicken and chopped herbs.
  5. The peppers are stuffed with minced meat and placed on a baking sheet. Cook for 30 minutes at +180 degrees. This low calorie dish appropriate for a festive occasion.

Methods for preparing chicken dishes for every day: choose simple recipes for weight loss

The popular product has a unique taste, and does not require a long time for preparation. Fillet can be stewed, baked, fried, boiled. To prevent the meat from losing its juiciness, watch the time! Among the variety of recipes there are various ways cooking chicken:

  • in the oven;
  • in a slow cooker;
  • in a frying pan;
  • in the microwave;
  • on the grill.

Fillet with caramelized onions

Sweet and sour taste, incredible amber and a minimum of cooking time are the main advantages of the recipe.

Calorie content – ​​120kC/100g


  • fillet-500g;
  • bell pepper - 2 pcs;
  • onion-3pcs;
  • soy sauce-4-5st. l;
  • sugar-1 tbsp.

The fillet is cut into oblong pieces. Pour a little oil into a hot frying pan and place the chicken pieces there.

  1. Fry the meat until white, pour out the soy sauce. Additionally, you do not have to add salt to the dish, since the seasoning already contains salt.
  2. After 2 minutes of simmering, place in a separate container.
  3. The pepper is washed and cleared of seeds. Cut into strips and fry in soy mixture. When the pepper becomes soft, add it to the chicken.
  4. Chopped onions are fried in the sauce. On final stage onions caramelized in sugar. He acquires unique taste combined with tender meat fillet.

What side dishes can you serve chicken dishes with: recipes for weight loss for every day

An important role in the assimilation of food is the compatibility of foods on the table. The best side dishes for chicken are:

  • steamed or baked vegetables;
  • rice;
  • boiled potatoes;
  • beans;
  • durum pasta.

You can check for doneness by piercing the thick part of the fillet with a wooden skewer. Clear juice without pink impurities is a sign that the meat is ready. If you lift the carcass and cloudy drops flow out of the cut, then put the bird in the oven for another five minutes.

Lingonberry breast

This recipe is for those who love experiments and do not want to harm their figure. With a fruit “rim,” the meat acquires a special taste.

80kKl per 100g serving – an excellent opportunity to enjoy delicious food harmless to the figure!

The following components are needed:

  • breast - 2 pieces;
  • apple-2pcs;
  • soaked lingonberries - 0.5 cups;
  • salt, cinnamon, ginger.
  1. Season the meat with salt, pepper, and ginger and cinnamon.
  2. Apples cut into slices and place in the mold to completely cover the bottom. Place fillet on top. The top layer will be lingonberries.
  3. Cover the pan with a layer of foil and leave in the oven. +180 degrees no more than forty minutes. You can decorate with mint.

A diet based on chicken recipes for weight loss will help tidy up your digestion. The body will begin to actively use its reserves, and you will notice an improvement in your figure. If you lead an active lifestyle and regularly exercise, then be sure to include this type of meat in your menu.

, ) And minerals( , ). Reviews from adherents of this diet claim that in a week on a chicken diet you can lose up to 5 kg.

The essence of this method of losing weight is that the body is saturated with protein, but at the same time it will experience a shortage of quickly digestible carbohydrates. - energy material for the body, and in conditions of carbohydrate shortage, fats, which are a reserve of energy, begin to be gradually consumed. The absence of salt in dishes leads to the removal of excess fluid from the body, which promotes weight loss.

For weight loss to be effective, you must adhere to basic dietary rules:

  • the daily calorie content of the diet menu should be no more than 1250 kcal;
  • the duration of weight loss can range from 3 days to 3 weeks;
  • 50% of the daily menu consists of 0.5 to 1 kg of chicken breast, and the second half is a side dish of permitted products;
  • Stewed cabbage is welcome as a side dish;
  • vegetable salads are also seasoned with vegetable oil;
  • food is not salted during preparation;
  • foods cannot be fried;
  • dishes are prepared by stewing in their own juices, baking, steaming or grilling;
  • It is better to use boiling less often, since many vitamins and minerals pass into the broth from the meat;
  • you need to eat 6 times a day;
  • You can eat your last meal no later than 6 pm;
  • It is advisable to prepare dishes in advance and divide them into equal portions for all meals;
  • there is no ban on adding seasonings and spices during the diet, but they are still not recommended because they increase appetite;
  • 2 hours before bedtime a glass of 0% or 1% fat content is allowed;
  • In the morning you can drink without and;
  • clean drinking water can be replaced herbal decoctions, freshly squeezed juices, .

The drinking regime cannot be violated during the diet: you need to drink 2 liters of water per day. If you reduce your water intake, your metabolism will slow down, which will affect your weight loss results.

Permitted and prohibited products

Products prohibited for consumption during the diet are:

  • other types of meat, including chicken legs;
  • fish;
  • fatty dairy products;
  • and baked goods;
  • flour products (dumplings, pancakes, pasta);
  • smoked meats;
  • confectionery and sweets;
  • marinades, sauces;
  • pickles, preservation;
  • , dried fruits.

Carbonated drinks and strong alcohol should also be excluded from the diet menu.

Benefits of a chicken diet

The indisputable advantage of the chicken diet is the absence of psychological discomfort during weight loss, since eating chicken meat prevents the feeling of hunger. Do fitness or other activities physical activity when on a diet, it is not necessary, but it is advisable.

A nice feature of the chicken diet is that you are allowed to drink a glass of any dry wine per day. Sugar-free alcohol, taken in small quantities, accelerates metabolic processes and promotes fat burning.

The absence of a strict menu is positively perceived by those losing weight. At their discretion, they can choose the dishes that will be prepared for the dietary table. The main thing is not to use other prohibited products when cooking.

Disadvantages and contraindications for losing weight

Losing weight on a chicken diet is not recommended for those who do not like chicken. The main diet during this period is chicken fillet, which should be cooked without salt. This bland dish is not to everyone's taste.

The chicken diet has no strict restrictions, so it has few contraindications. Like all other weight loss diets, this diet should not be used by pregnant women or nursing mothers. People suffering from diseases of the digestive system and kidneys should consult a doctor before losing weight using a chicken diet. After one dietary course, you need to start the next one no earlier than a month later.

Three-day and five-day mono-diet

Every day for three days, eat only 700 g of chicken breast, which is divided into 6 servings. It cannot be salted. Apart from meat, nothing else is allowed. Every 2 hours you need to drink 200 ml of herbal decoctions, green tea or pure water. In the morning you can drink one cup of coffee (without added sugar or other sweeteners). According to those who have lost weight using a three-day chicken diet, you can lose up to 2 kg in 3 days.

If necessary, you can extend the weight loss for another 2 days: this way you can additionally lose a couple more kilograms. On the fourth day of the mono-diet, you need to eat only 300 g of fillet, divided into 5 servings (except for dinner), and for dinner, prepare a salad of one tomato and cucumber (without salt and dressing). The fifth day of the chicken mono-diet should pass without food. On this day you need to drink a lot of liquid. If it is difficult to bear complete hunger, you can eat 1-2 pieces of toast or 1 orange.

Chicken diet for a week

To create a diet for a week, you can use the menu recommended for a weekly chicken diet as an example:

  1. First day - 0.5 kg of chicken breast, 0.4 kg of boiled rice. Divide this by 6 times. At the end of each meal, drink a glass of any freshly squeezed juice.
  2. Second day - 0.7 kg of chicken breast, 0.5 kg of fresh pineapple, grapefruit or orange.
  3. Third day - 0.5 kg of chicken breast, 200 g of cabbage and carrots, 4 apples.
  4. The fourth and fifth days repeat the menu of the third.
  5. Sixth day - 0.7 kg of chicken breast and lettuce, which can be seasoned with lemon juice. Any freshly squeezed juices are allowed during the day.
  6. The seventh day can repeat any of the previous days.

Every day, 2 hours before bedtime, you should drink a glass of low-fat kefir. Fermented milk product improves digestion and promotes weight loss. The 7-day diet of all chicken diet options is the most effective and easily tolerated by those losing weight.

7 day chicken soup diet

For those who love first courses, for weight loss you can choose seven day diet on chicken soup. As the name suggests, the main dish on the menu is chicken soup. No other products except chicken soup and clean water should be consumed on weight loss days.

The soup requires homemade chicken. Before cooking, remove the skin from the chicken and trim off all the fat. After boiling, the first water along with the foam is drained, and the chicken is washed well. Place the chicken in the pan and fill it with fresh cold water. You need to cook the broth over low heat, adding parsley roots, onion, and carrots 30 minutes before readiness. Chopped parsley is allowed as a seasoning.

Every day, every hour and a half, you need to drink a glass of hot chicken soup, and half an hour before drinking it, a glass of water (this will reduce the volume of the stomach). In a week of eating this way, you can lose 9 kg, but when leaving this diet, you must remember that this must be done very carefully. You should start introducing foods into your diet with vegetables and fruits, then fermented milk products, fish, and meat.

Step by step chicken diet

Losing weight in this way provides three menu options that replace each other (three days each). Thus, the total duration of weight loss is 9 days.

In the first three days, eat up to 1 kg of chicken fillet per day and wash it down with low-fat chicken broth. In addition, during the day you need to drink 1.5 liters of pure water or uzvar without sugar.

The second 3 days are spent on apples (1.5 kg daily). Apples can be eaten fresh, baked or freshly prepared. At the same time, you need to drink water in the same volume as in the first 3 days.

Three last days carried out with chicken broth, vegetable broths, teas and water. Chicken broth can be replaced with low-fat kefir. The total volume of fluid per day should be at least 2 liters. After 9 days you can lose up to 6 kg.

Two-week chicken-vegetable diet

This chicken diet lasts two weeks. The advantage of this diet is that staying on it is not accompanied by constipation, which is typical for other diets. dietary rations. Due to the content of vegetables in the diet of this diet option, vegetable matter enters the intestines, which helps to normalize stool.

This option does not have a strict menu for the day, but there are certain recommendations for drawing up correct menu. Food is taken in three main meals and two additional ones:

  • breakfast - 150 g fillet and 150 g raw vegetables;
  • snack - 100 g fillet;
  • lunch - 150 g of porridge with water and 150 g of fillet;
  • snack - apple;
  • dinner - 50 g fillet and 200 g raw vegetables.

Be sure to drink a glass of clean water every 2 hours. This diet is not very strict, so it can be used by those who do not have iron willpower. In two weeks of this diet you can lose up to 5-6 kg.

Chicken diet for three weeks

During each of the 21 days of the diet, you need to prepare dishes from the same list of products:

  • 0.6 kg chicken fillet;
  • 0.4 kg of vegetables;
  • 200 g oatmeal or buckwheat porridge;
  • 2-3 unsweetened fruits.

Vegetables can be eaten raw or prepared from them into various side dishes (except fried). You can add a spoonful of vegetable oil to vegetable salads. Food should be cooked without salt and spices.

You should drink water throughout the day, green tea, fresh juices (up to 8 glasses). The number of meals per day is 5-6. In 3 weeks you can lose up to 6-8 kg.

Fasting day on chicken

For those who don’t need to lose a lot of weight, but just want to maintain their slimness, you can try going on a fasting chicken day once a week. For it, broth is prepared from chicken (preferably homemade), removing the skin and cutting off the fat. The broth is boiled until the chicken is cooked. You cannot salt or season it with spices. During the day you need to drink 1.5 liters of this broth in 5 doses.

The chicken diet is usually well tolerated by those losing weight. Having many options with different degrees of dietary restriction, everyone can choose the best one for themselves. Many people love chicken meat, so its presence in diet menu, and even in large quantities, is undoubtedly welcomed by those losing weight. Protein foods suppress hunger for a long time. You can stick to it for a long time, taking breaks for a month. The effectiveness of the diet is not as high as with more strict diets, but the results last a long time.

Hello, our dear readers! In this article we will find out what it is like - a chicken breast diet, how to get rid of extra pounds, thanks to white, dietary meat chicken. Today we will not talk about feeding feathered beauties, but about a diet for people who want to remove a couple of extra centimeters on the waist and hips.

Chicken - unique product, which combines benefits, a feeling of satiety, low price and good taste. The priority quality is low calorie content, for which chicken is valued by nutritionists around the world, creating on its basis various diets that do not cause harm to the body.

Nutritionists have developed a mono-diet known as the chicken diet, which means that during this period only chicken is eaten. Note that the diet includes only low-calorie breast, which is a valuable source of protein, vitamins, and other nutritional components. Thighs and wings that have been cooked are very fatty, far from healthy, and therefore are excluded from food.

Protein in chicken meat goes in tandem with physical exercise, because it participates in the formation of muscle structure. Fitness, running, and home exercises help you achieve what you want faster, tighten your muscles, and give your body seductive curves.

Chicken breasts are even used in medicinal diets. The benefits of the product are undeniable. Let's take a closer look.

The advantage of this product is its simplicity. Buying a dietary product is easy, it is sold in many stores, the price is reasonable, and there is no seasonality in the appearance of the product on display.

The gastrointestinal tract perfectly accepts and digests chicken. Storehouse nutrients, giving vigor and healthy reactions of the body. Concentration polyunsaturated acid higher than that of pork and beef.

Chicken contains tryptofin, a component responsible for the formation of serotonin, better known as the pleasure hormone.

A chicken breast diet will relieve you of a bad mood, because the body works like a clockwork mechanism, providing energy and triggering the right signals.

Important! Boiled chicken is prescribed to patients with gastritis or for its prevention. Protein fibers extinguish stomach acid, preventing irritation of the membrane, and therefore normalize digestive processes.

People who eat chicken regularly receive enough minerals (iron, phosphorus, copper, etc.), vitamins A, B, E, K, PP.

What are the benefits of chicken breast

  • Removing toxins from the body, weight loss.
  • Prolonged feeling of fullness after eating due to slow digestion.
  • The required amount of protein and fiber.
  • Metabolism regulation: muscles do not sag, but kilograms disappear.
  • The effect after finishing the chicken diet lasts a long time.
  • A properly balanced chicken diet does not require vitamin support.

The disadvantage of a mono-diet is the lack of fat, which limits the time of its use (maximum 2 - 3 weeks). Prolonging such a menu is fraught with health risks.

Those who have tried single-product breast nutrition say that they get bored with the same dish; therefore, nutritional complexes have been developed based on a combination of several low-calorie components that add variety and nutrition to the diet.

Why is the chicken diet harmful?

Attention! All weight loss diets are designed to healthy person, with the absence chronic pathologies, the breast diet is no exception.

Diseases of the kidneys and urinary system are a contraindication to the chicken diet due to the high level of protein compounds that harm kidney health.

Long-term adherence to a dietary regime disrupts metabolism, this is due to a severe deficiency of fatty substances. Refusal of salty foods will aggravate the matter by affecting the bones (becoming brittle).

Protein overdose long time disrupts digestion, increases acidic environment, causes constipation.

Contraindications to the chicken diet:

  • Chronic diseases, especially the acute period.
  • Pregnancy, lactation period.
  • Regular disruptions of the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system.
  • Rehabilitation after surgery, serious illness.
  • Age: up to 18, after 55 years.

A doctor will help you understand whether a chicken breast diet is allowed for you, seek advice. Doctor will recommend best option using chicken will get rid of unwanted side effects, body stress. A mono-diet is tougher; choose one “diluted” with vegetables to optimize protein levels without harming your health.

Mono-diet on chicken breast, how to lose weight?

The menu includes only chicken breasts for three to seven days (no more). Boil the meat without salt, oil, sauce. You can highlight the taste with fresh herbs and ground herbs.

1200 kcal (about 1 kg) of dietary meat is eaten per day in 4 – 5 approaches. We remember the influence of protein structures on the kidneys: do not abuse the duration of this regimen.

5 – 7 days are enough to lose 4.0 – 6.0 kg (depending on the characteristics of the body).

How to lose weight on chicken and vegetables

Getting rid of excess weight using vegetables and chicken breast is the most popular method, lasting a week. 1200 kcal. / day is the basic rule. 50% of the food consumed here is meat. Calorie intake is regulated individually by those losing weight.

The maximum effect is achieved by following the rules:

  1. We eat boiled chicken, without skin.
  2. We make vegetable side dishes, excluding potatoes.
  3. Meals are frequent, in small portions (5 – 6 times).
  4. Don't eat salt: replace with dry herbs.
  5. Observe drinking regime(1.5 – 2.0 liters of water / day).
  6. Include whole grains in your menu (wheat is not allowed).
  7. Eat fruits in the first half of the day, except grapes and bananas.
  8. Weigh yourself and use the calorie chart.

Important: physical training will help you achieve great results.

Chicken-vegetable diet menu, what should you eat?

Monday. 500 gr. breasts, 350 gr. rice, boil, divide by five to six times. After meals, squeezed juice mixed with water is allowed. Before bed, cottage cheese 0%.

Tuesday. Chicken meat 700 grams, pineapples / grapefruit / orange – half a kilo. Separate 6 servings. Before bed, low-fat kefir 200 ml to reduce stomach acidity.

Wednesday - Friday. 500gr. breasts, 1 carrot, four apples, 200 gr. white cabbage. The sequence of foods is not important; follow the rule of six feedings. Water, coffee, tea without sugar, freshly squeezed juice.

Saturday. Lettuce leaves, any greens are not limited, chicken - 700 g. Sprinkle the grass with lemon juice. Fiber keeps you full for a long time.

Resurrection. We repeat the menu of the day we liked.

A careful approach to losing weight will free you from 5 – 7 excess kilograms.

Be patient! Good luck!

Good day, my friends. There are many fasting programs that allow you to eat chicken. It just so happens that this meat has gained a reputation as an ideal product for sports, therapeutic and dietary nutrition. Therefore, I will tell you about what the chicken breast diet is and provide reviews.

Useful properties

Why are doctors, nutritionists and those losing weight attracted to this protein product? With its amazing composition. The energy value of breast is 137 kcal per 100 g of product. There is very little fat (only 1.8 g) and carbohydrates (0.5 g). But this meat is rich in proteins - there are 29.8 g of them.

It also contains a whole range of different chemical elements:

  • Useful vitamins of groups A, B, C, E, H, PP and others;
  • iron, magnesium, chromium, cobalt, zinc, phosphorus, iodine and other mineral compounds;
  • protein;
  • amino acids, etc.

Fiber from boiled chicken meat reduces the acidity of gastric juice, so this product is recommended for those suffering from gastritis. It is also useful for other gastrointestinal diseases.

I would also like to dwell separately on vitamins B9 and B12. So, these substances are considered “female” vitamins. Well-being largely depends on them expectant mother and baby development. Therefore, it is not surprising that doctors recommend consumption of chicken breast during pregnancy.

Potassium, iron and magnesium present in chicken normalize activity cardiovascular system. These elements are also important for the nervous system.

Benefits of the Chicken Diet

One of the main advantages of this fasting food system is that it is financially affordable. After all, you must agree that chicken costs a little less than beef or rabbit. Yes, and additional components of the basic unloading menu are inexpensive. Therefore, losing weight on chicken breast does not require large material costs.

But financial accessibility is not the only advantage of such a nutrition program. It has many other advantages:

  • Satiety dietary dishes. Due to the high protein content in the main product, the feeling of hunger is quickly satisfied. And the feeling of satiety remains for a long time.
  • This weight loss system burns fat tissue. In this case, the muscle tissue remains in its original size. Or it increases in volume due to improved metabolism.
  • With such weight loss, there is a decrease not only in weight, but also in body volume.
  • The achieved result lasts for a long time.
  • Since the diet is non-starvation, various physical activities are encouraged.

Reviews and results

How effective this or that unloading system is can be judged by the reviews of those who have lost weight. Well, here they are, as a matter of fact.

Lucy: I read somewhere that this weight loss is called the astronaut diet. I really like her. But the main advantage is that I myself lose weight on it, but my breasts don’t))) Moreover, on squirrel it seems even more voluminous.

Lizaveta: I just love this diet. I don't feel hungry at all on it. I’ve even gotten the hang of it... As soon as I feel like I’m starting to gain weight, I immediately turn to salads. I make them from boiled breast and raw vegetables. Tested - up to 2 kilos evaporate in 4-5 days.

Ninel: I'm not against low carb programs at all. You just need to remember that if you lose 5 kg in a week, it’s not just fat. Therefore, I think that the weight can quickly return to your favorite body.))

Alya: I lost weight for a month - I lost almost 15 kg. I leaned heavily on vegetables, and periodically replaced the chicken with boiled lean fish. Only fish and meat need to be boiled without salt. I also ate oatmeal cooked in water with fresh berries. And she even allowed herself a small piece of cheese. But it was a little hard without sweets, and I have such a sweet tooth.

Anya: I just replaced the meat with chicken breast. I’ve been eating this way for probably about 3 months now. The results are amazing. No effort or exhausting diets for you and you’ll lose as much as 10 kilos.

I also prepared a photo for you of those who lost weight on chicken breast. Admire the results. Are they really impressive?

Disadvantages of the diet

Among the disadvantages that are inherent in this fasting program is that it is very difficult for some people losing weight to get used to the specific taste of fresh chicken. But, if you get creative and season the chicken with spices or lemon juice, it turns out quite tasty. I tried it myself :)

Another disadvantage of such a system is its poverty in fats. But they are so important for normal functioning our body. But here everything can be fixed - there are many variations of the diet. And some of them allow the use of a small amount of oil during cooking. It’s better to add healthier unrefined ones, of which there are a great variety (pumpkin, olive, flaxseed, etc.).

Diet options

Before starting such a nutrition program, I advise you to carefully read the basic rules:

    1. Chicken breast eaten should be without skin and fat. It can be eaten boiled, stewed or steamed.
    2. Should be excluded from the diet simple carbohydrates. A complete taboo on sweets, smoked foods and canned food. But complex carbohydrates must be obtained from foods of plant origin.
    3. The maximum daily caloric intake is 1200 kcal. And with low physical activity, the number of calories consumed should be reduced to 900 kcal. Therefore, those losing weight need to calculate the calorie content of the dishes they consume.
    4. Protein foods should make up half of the daily diet.
    5. You need to eat in portions - 5-6 times a day.

  1. For normalization digestive process Protein dishes should be combined with foods rich in plant fiber. These include fruits and berries, as well as non-starchy vegetables and herbs.
  2. During such weight loss, you can drink a glass of good dry wine once a day. This is to raise the “fighting spirit” :)
  3. Salt should be completely avoided. But you can flavor the taste of the meat with spices.
  4. The daily norm of liquid that should be drunk per day is 1.5-2 liters. This includes drinking water and unsweetened tea. To speed up metabolism, nutritionists recommend drinking water 20-30 minutes before meals.
  5. IN daily diet Various whole grain porridges may be present (the exception is wheat).

I only advise you to start this weight loss program after a preliminary consultation with your doctor. If you have chronic gastrointestinal diseases, they may get worse.

For 3 days

This fasting food system lasts 3 days. During this period you can lose 2 kilos.

Every day you need to consume about 700 g of boiled meat. Naturally, this amount of chicken needs to be divided into 5-6 meals.

By the way, my friends, Laima Vaikule often resorts to a mono-diet if she needs to quickly lose weight. The singer sits on rice for 3 days, then on chicken breasts for 3 days. And another 3 days on green apples. She says that such an express program never fails her.

On breast and vegetables

One option for this fasting food system is the chicken broth diet. To prepare this dish you will need 1 breast (without skin and fat) and 1.5 liters of water. Fill the chicken with water and boil until done. Then remove the breast from the broth and add a few diced potatoes. The broth should also be enriched with a small amount of cabbage and a few tomatoes.

After which we continue to cook the soup for another 15 minutes over low heat. About 2 minutes before turning off the heat, add the chopped chicken to the pan.

The breast and vegetable soup prepared according to this recipe should be eaten daily for a week. One serving is 200 g, and you need to eat 3-4 servings of the dish per day. It is desirable that the broth be fresh, so you will have to prepare it every day.

This unloading program is very effective: weight -5 kg ​​per week

But after such weight loss, you can quickly gain weight. To prevent this from happening, you need the right way out of the diet. For example, on the 8th day, continue to eat broth and include in your diet stewed cabbage. And also enrich the menu with the protein of a boiled egg. On the 9th day, add a couple more spoons of porridge to the 8th day menu. And on the 10th day we eat the same as on the 9th day. And add an apple and an orange. And, starting from the 11th day, you need to exclude broth from the diet.

There is also a more gentle version of this diet. During such weight loss, in addition to broth, you can also eat fresh vegetables (100-150 g). You are also allowed to consume several unsweetened fruits per day. A mandatory component of the fasting menu is 1 tbsp. bran (they can be added to the soup). With this kind of unloading, the extra kilos go away more slowly, but the result is more stable.

On chicken breast and kefir

This weight loss program is essentially a type of mono-diet. It is designed for 6-7 days. And her diet looks like this:

  • 1-2 days You only need to eat green apples (1.5-2 kg per day);
  • 3-4 days you need to eat boiled white meat (kg of chicken per day);
  • 5-6 days You can only drink kefir ( daily norm fermented milk product is 2 l);
  • Day 7 - 4-5 times a day you need to eat chicken broth (one serving - 200 ml).

Such a menu is a serious stress for the body. Therefore, if you feel unwell during it, you will have to stop losing weight.

On chicken breast and eggs

This weight loss program is not fasting at all. And although her main products are breast and eggs, additional ones are included in the diet. For your convenience, I presented the diet for such weight loss in a table. Catch it 😉

Day Daily ration
1 150 g boiled breast, vegetable salad, 3 boiled eggs,

3 grapefruits, 1.5-2 liters of water

2 6 oranges, 150 g steam chicken fillet,

salad from fresh vegetables, 1.5-2 liters of liquid, 3 egg omelet

3 3 boiled eggs, 4 oranges, 150 g chicken fillet (steamed),

1 grapefruit, 1.5-2 liters of liquid

4 3 grapefruits, 150 g of boiled chicken, fresh vegetable salad,

1 boiled egg, 1.5-2 liters of liquid, 2 egg omelet

5 3 boiled eggs, 3 medium grapefruits, 150 g boiled breast,

fresh vegetable salad, 1.5-2 liters of water and other unsweetened liquid

6 4 oranges, 150 g steam chicken fillet,

vegetable salad, 1.5-2 liters of liquid, 3 egg omelette, 2 grapefruit

7 150 g boiled chicken, fresh vegetable salad, 3 grapefruits,

3 boiled eggs, 1.5-2 liters of liquid

Although the menu for this fasting program is designed for a week, you can follow such a diet for 2-3 weeks. Contraindications to this weight loss are allergies to one of the components of the diet, pregnancy and lactation.

Diet menu at different stages

The main products of the diet are rice with vegetables and chicken. Three days are allocated for each product. In nine days, it takes from 4 to 9 kg, depending on the condition of the body and the initial weight.

The first stage is eating rice. Choose white and long grain. It contains a number of useful substances and removes harmful waste and toxins from the body. Diet rice is prepared by following these steps:

  • soak a glass of rice in water and leave overnight;
  • in the morning, drain the water and rinse thoroughly, getting rid of starch;
  • place rice in a pan and boil in water;
  • no salt or oil is added.

For three days, eat a glass of this rice, dividing it into 5-6 meals. Drink 2-2.5 liters of liquid daily and consume 3 teaspoons of honey, washed down with water. A rice diet helps remove excess fluid and salts from the body. The first days happen intensive decline weight.

From 4 to 6 days they switch to chicken. Meat provides the body with protein, is easily digestible and maintains muscle elasticity, which is especially important during weight loss. Eat no more than 1200 g of chicken meat per day. Continue to follow the drinking regime.

In addition to water, you can drink green tea or still mineral water. The allowed amount of honey remains the same. The chicken is divided into 5-6 meals and eaten throughout the day. Cooking features:

  • meat is removed from skin and fatty films;
  • washed, placed in appropriate containers and boiled;
  • as an option - cook in a double boiler;
  • no salt or seasonings are added.

The third stage lasts from 7 to 9 days. The menu during this period consists of vegetables. They eat 800-1000 g of vegetables per day. They should be predominantly white and green. It is better to avoid potatoes. Vegetables can be stewed, boiled, steamed and eaten raw. Drink enough water daily and eat up to 3 tsp. honey

There is a diet option “3 days rice, 3 days chicken, 3 days apples.” The first six days remain the same, and from 7 to 9 they consume a kilogram of green apples. Similar to the first two stages, drink 2-2.5 liters of water and, if desired, include honey in the diet. A diet of rice, chicken and apples helps to lose weight by burning fat, protects muscle tissue and cleanses the intestines.

How to quit a diet and consolidate the result

To lost kilograms did not return, it is necessary to exit the diet correctly. You cannot suddenly return to your usual diet; the body needs to be prepared for a change in nutrition. You need to gradually introduce lean meat, fish, eggs, cereals, dairy products, and eat more vegetables and fruits. Continue to drink enough water.

Meals should be fractional. Sweets, flour, smoked products, pickles, fast food are excluded. Sweet carbonated drinks, fatty and too salty foods are also prohibited. Food should be prepared using gentle methods, excluding frying in a frying pan. Ideally healthy eating should become a habit. This way you can keep yourself in shape and prevent excess weight gain.

Contraindications and possible harm

Do not forget that a diet of rice, chicken and vegetables is a rather extreme way to lose weight. Therefore, before using the technique, you should consult your doctor. Using the technique with weakened immunity and even common cold can harm your health. Restricted nutrition is stressful for the body, so during a diet, loss of strength, apathy, irritability, and bad mood may occur.

The diet cannot be used if:

  • diseases gastrointestinal tract;
  • kidney problems;
  • liver diseases;
  • pregnancy and lactation;
  • chronic illnesses;
  • diseases of the cardiovascular system.

Pros and cons of the diet

By adhering to all the rules of the method, you can get rid of 4 to 9 kg. Changing your diet makes it much easier to tolerate a diet than many harsh methods of losing weight. In addition to weight loss, the diet cleanses the body of toxins and waste.

Disadvantages of the technique:

  • monotonous set of products;
  • a number of contraindications;
  • the possibility of constipation in the first days;
  • quick return of lost weight if you leave the diet incorrectly.

The number of kilograms lost will depend not only on how strictly a person follows the diet, but also on his initial weight. You can repeat the diet no more than once every 5-6 months.

A diet of rice, chicken and vegetables is one of the gentle weight loss systems. Changing foods does not allow the body to feel acute shortage protein, carbohydrates and fats. The technique cleanses the body, protects muscle tissue and stimulates the burning of fat deposits. The diet lasts 9 days. Every 3 days they consume one of the products. The benefits and harms of this weight loss system depend on compliance with all the rules and the condition of the body. Before using the diet, it is recommended to consult a doctor. More information about losing weight on rice, chicken and vegetables is described in the video below.

Three-day chicken mono-diet

In this diet, you can eat only chicken meat (absolutely any parts and any method of preparation, most importantly without fats, seasonings and salt - approximately 700 g per day).

You need to eat six times. Be sure to drink meat with plenty of liquid (water, juices, tea) without sugar or with low content his.

Chicken diet menu

We will start the chicken diet with a three-day fasting series.

Chicken diet for 7 days

For the seven-day chicken diet we will need:

  • Legs, breasts, wings - any meat - steamed, grilled, baked, boiled.
  • Fruits/vegetables.
  • Tea, coffee, juices and other non-sugar-containing drinks.

Seven-day chicken diet menu:

Day one

  • 500 g chicken;
  • 350 g rice porridge;
  • 1 liter of juice, tea/water.

Day two

  • 500 g chicken;
  • the same amount of fresh pineapple, pulp;
  • 1 liter of water/tea.

Day three

  • 500 g chicken;
  • the same amount of fresh orange, pulp;
  • water, tea.

Day four

  • 500 g chicken;
  • the same amount of vegetables (raw, maybe sauerkraut);
  • water, tea.

Day five

  • 500 g chicken;
  • the same amount of fruit (apples are best);
  • water, tea.

Day six

  • 500 g chicken;
  • half a kilo vegetable salad with lemon dressing;
  • water, tea.

Day seven

  • 500 g chicken;
  • half a kilo of leafy green salad;
  • water, tea, juice.

For a chicken diet for 9 days, we take only breast. And for nine days we eat as follows:

  • The first three days - 700 g of boiled breast. Dilute this with tea or water.
  • The next three days - 700 g of pineapples. We also drink water or tea.
  • And for the last three days we combine: 500 g of breast and 500 g of pineapples daily. Also with water or tea.

You can also follow this diet with orange or grapefruit instead of pineapple. The main thing to consider is that these three types of fruits are not suitable for you if you have problems with the intestines or stomach.

In order for everyone to eat such a diet, it is necessary to replace citrus fruits and pineapple with other fruits or vegetables for up to 21 days.

Chicken broth diet

A chicken broth diet is dedicated to all soup lovers. This diet is very simple, but also has features for the correct exit from it.

Take two breasts and cook them in three liters of water (the water should be clean without salt and spices). We drink the resulting broth only when we are hungry. You will have to fast on such a diet for a week, but it all depends on how you feel.


The maximum I could lose using chicken broth was minus 8 kilograms. In principle, this result is real, but there is one “but”. If you don’t get out of it correctly, weight is gained at a very high speed.


To exit you need to spend another week, we do it as follows:

  • Day one - add stewed cabbage (200 g) and one egg white to the broth.
  • Day two - add 80 grams of rice or buckwheat porridge to all this.
  • Day three – apple/orange.
  • Day four - we say goodbye to the hated broth, leaving only one serving for lunch, and to everything we have eaten above we add another portion of porridge and 100 g of stewed vegetables.
  • Day five - instead of stewed vegetables, we eat fresh vegetables and eat an additional 150 g of yogurt.
  • Day six – plus 200 g of chicken/fish.
  • Day seven – add dried fruits/nuts.

In the second week, it turns out to lose about another 2 kg, so in the end we have -10 kilograms in 14 days. Not bad at all, right?

Chicken breast diet

The first seven-day weight loss option is quite simple:

Boil about 800 gr. chicken meat in 2 liters. water. Add celery root, onion and carrots to boiling water.

Then divide the already cooked meat into 5-6 six equal parts, which should be eaten in 1 day. Do not add salt under any circumstances, and also use soy sauce, since they are not all natural, it is better to replace it with lemon juice.

The positive side of this diet option is that it is easy to prepare, everything is available and, most importantly, satisfying.

The negative side is people who have kidney, stomach, liver, and heart diseases. In addition, following a chicken diet during pregnancy is prohibited. This nutrition plan cannot be combined with intense training and stressful situations body. Most often, a seven-day diet on chicken meat and broth is used when the final process of losing weight is already underway, when there is literally one extra kilogram left to lose.

The second version of the chicken breast diet is more complex:

This is a kind of mono-diet that is followed for 7 days.

  • In the first three days of such a diet, you need to eat only apples, about 1.5-2 kg.
  • After which there are only 1 kg chicken breasts. throughout the day.
  • Then 2 days on kefir (1%), equal to 2 liters. for one day.
  • And the last day is chicken broth without using or adding salt.

Pros: firstly, you don’t have to rack your brains about what foods to eat. Secondly, it is very convenient to cook, chemical composition and the calorie content has already been calculated in advance.

Cons: the proposed diet is a little unbalanced, which can lead to stress in the body. This method can provoke overeating and mad “cravings” for certain foods. Contraindicated for people, as in the first option.

The third option is an already balanced chicken diet:

After reading reviews about this version of the chicken diet, we collected statistics that it is quite nutritious and therefore easy to survive.

Its duration is at least 21 days. The menu is quite simple - at each meal you need to eat 200 grams. chicken meat that is steamed or simply boiled. In addition, you can eat 200 grams. absolutely any porridge, 300 gr. salads, 400 grams of stewed vegetables, as well as a couple of unsweetened fruits.

With such a diet, it is even allowed to drink dry wine, but only 1 glass and only 1 time per week. But beer and vodka - complete ban. Sweets should be completely excluded from the diet. Benefits: This diet provides your body with all the nutrients because the diet is quite varied. This diet can be followed for quite a long time.

Disadvantages: you get bored very quickly, you still start wanting to eat other meat, for example pork, beef. There are other ways to lose weight and not gain fat - lean fish, lean beef, egg whites. Therefore, some do not see the point of eating only chicken breasts.

The fourth option for the chicken diet:

For the first three days, you need to eat only chicken breasts, while eating up to 1 kg of chicken in one day.

For the next three days, we have a variety of salads in our diet (carrots, celery and other vegetables that contain a lot of fiber). After which, again 3 days on chicken. Then - three days on green apples. It is necessary to alternate for approximately 14 days.

Pros: not difficult to prepare, food is the most affordable.

Cons: monotonous diet, such nutrition is only suitable for those people who do absolutely no physical work.

Chicken liver diet

The chicken liver diet is very useful for those who want to lose extra pounds; it is not only low-calorie, but also helps normalize the gastrointestinal tract and restore the balance of vitamin B2 in the body, which is responsible for preventing the development of anemia.


  • 200 grams of chicken liver,
  • vegetables to taste,
  • a few tablespoons of sour cream,
  • spices to taste.

Cut the liver into small pieces, mix with small pieces of vegetables that you like, you can add a little spices to taste, the main thing is not to overdo it, place in a baking dish and cook in the microwave on the porridge cooking mode. In just 20 minutes you will have dietary chicken liver, add sour cream and you can eat it for dinner or lunch, but do not forget that the portion of even the most healthy dish should not exceed 250 g if you decide to lose weight.

Diet chicken breast with kefir

A mono-diet based on the consumption of chicken breasts, kefir and apples is very popular. It is designed for 9 days:

  • for the first 3 days they eat only green apples (1.5 kg per day);
  • for the next 3 days they eat only chicken breasts (1 kg per day);
  • for the next 2 days they drink only 1% kefir (2 liters per day);
  • on the last day they eat only unsalted chicken broth (1.5 l).

This technique has a high balance of calories and diet composition.

Chicken-vegetable diet

Low-calorie chicken-vegetable diet appreciated by many women. This diet is unique in that you need to eat only 800 kcal every day.

What foods does the chicken-vegetable diet contain:

  1. Chicken,
  2. vegetables,

This diet is designed for 9 days. For the first 3 days they eat only rice, the next 3 days - chicken, and the last 3 days - vegetables.

The program is very effective, but also dangerous to health, so it is strongly recommended that you consult a qualified nutritionist before using it.

Pineapple chicken diet is designed for 9 days:

  • For the first 3 days, it is recommended to consume only boiled or steamed white chicken meat in small portions for breakfast, second breakfast, lunch and early dinner. Not to mention, be sure to drink a glass of clean water before eating.
  • For the next 3 days we completely switch to a fruit menu.
  • For the last 3 days we have been introducing both pineapples and chicken into our diet. They should be consumed together: the enzyme contained in fruits, especially in pineapple, will help absorb the necessary protein and break down fats.

Try to vary your dishes.

For example, make a simple chicken and pineapple salad. Boil the chicken breast and remove skin, bones and cartilage. Cut the meat into small pieces and mix with pineapple slices. Season with fresh pineapple juice, you can also add a few drops of lemon juice.

Important: you need to drink up to 2 liters of liquid per day: preferably still mineral water or green tea Green tea for weight loss

Nutritionists emphasize that after fasting days Bile stagnation may occur. To avoid this, sometimes instead of tea, enter into the menu choleretic collection herbs help a lot. You can also take 25 grams of vegetable oil on an empty stomach.

Chicken-orange diet

This orange-chicken diet for weight loss is designed for four meals a day, where each meal has a small portion and a simple menu, but the result is quite positive.


  • Breakfast: 100 grams of hard cheese and one medium orange;
  • Second breakfast: fresh vegetable salad and 100 grams of boiled chicken breast;
  • Lunch: medium orange and 50 grams of hard cheese.
  • Dinner: 100 grams of chicken breast and one of the fruits - apple, pear or plum.

For the duration of this diet, forget about coffee, alcohol, juices, you can only have mineral water or green tea Green tea for weight loss

Forbidden foods during the diet:

  • salt,
  • sugar,
  • confectionery and flour products.

You can use spices, but it is better to choose vegetable origin, and only olive or corn oil, thus reducing the intake of cholesterol harmful to blood vessels.

The main thing is that our diet does not leave you hungry, and the ingredients offered are enough to feel full and energetic all day.

It is necessary to eat every four hours, and liquid is better throughout the day, thereby accelerating metabolic processes and facilitating the rapid introduction of fat, salts and other harmful substances into the body.

You can exercise at this time, but do not overload yourself. 15 minutes a day of light exercise is enough.


Kurino - orange diet prohibited for people with chronic diseases gastrointestinal organs, impaired acidity, as well as pregnant and lactating women.

Before using this diet, you must individually consult with a nutritionist, describing to him the essence of the diet, the timing and characteristics of your body.

Pros of the chicken diet

If you eat chicken meat correctly, it is very well absorbed and the body receives the necessary amount of natural proteins and vitamins. Chicken is very versatile and can be used to make a huge variety of dishes.

But the most important thing in chicken dietary diet for weight loss, this is the lack of a clear menu. Basically, there is a main stage, which is the first day, and even then there are no special rules in it. This gives the person losing weight the right to create an individual menu and eat the way he wants, but without forgetting about the basic rules, diet menu and the number of calories consumed per day.

Losing weight on a chicken diet is tasty, inexpensive and effective.

Cons of the chicken diet

Its big disadvantage is that monotony overcomes common sense. It is also necessary to take into account the characteristics of your body.

Follow this simple tips to avoid gaining weight again:

  • Replace fried foods with a different type of cooking.
  • Avoid sweets and starchy foods.
  • Instead of smoked meats or sausages, eat cheeses, and it is best to replace sour cream with low-fat yogurt.
  • It is not recommended to have dinner before bed and have a flour breakfast. The healthiest thing would be to have breakfast with porridge, such as oatmeal.

Chicken diet reviews and results

The chicken diet is famous mainly for positive reviews from those losing weight. On average, in 7 days of such a diet you can lose up to 6 kg of excess weight. It is popular even among athletes, since it is essentially a classic “body drying”.

Chicken meat can be replaced lean fish, shrimp and even lean beef or egg yolks. But the most effective will be the diet program in pure form, using chicken breasts.

The chicken diet is easily tolerated, without causing feelings of hunger.

Important: before you start using the chicken diet, be sure to consult a nutritionist. And most importantly, for those who suffer from diseases of the liver, kidneys and gall bladder, any protein programs Protein diet for weight loss
losing weight is strictly prohibited.

Useful properties of chicken meat

Since not all chicken meat is suitable for the diet, but only chicken breast, we will consider beneficial properties exactly this part. Most doctors and nutritionists prefer this part of the bird. This is all explained by the low calorie content of the product - about 137 kcal. per 100 g. Also, chicken breast is rich in various useful elements. Among them:

  • proteins - about 29.8 g;
  • fats (1.8 g), carbohydrates (0.5 g);
  • vitamins A, B, C, E, H, PP;
  • magnesium, iron, cobalt, chromium, zinc, phosphorus and others;
  • protein;
  • amino acids.

The essence of the diet

The chicken breast diet is a protein program, the essence of which is the accumulation of a large amount of proteins with a deficiency of carbohydrates. This will trigger the absorption of your own fat reserves for energy reproduction.

Chicken meat is an indispensable product in a balanced diet. This is explained by the fact that:

  • Chicken breasts contain large number microelements and vitamins that can compensate for their deficiency when consuming only products of plant origin.
  • Breast meat is a dietary product due to its low fat content and low calorie content.
  • The product contains a lot of protein, which makes it easy to digest.
  • Poultry contains nutrients that the body requires to function.

You can replace chicken with other types of meat - quail or turkey, which also contain a large amount of protein and are low in calories.

Its advantages

The diet has a number of other advantages:

  • When used on a diet, chicken broth allows the patient to strengthen the immune system and also helps restore vitality. The broth is used to prevent cardiovascular diseases: hypertension, stroke, heart attack.
  • Eating chicken allows you to maintain the balance of nutrients in the body at the desired level. This allows you to avoid exhaustion, loss of strength and other health problems during the diet.
  • A chicken diet does not require serious restrictions, and you can prepare quite a large number of dishes from it.


This diet has no contraindications as such. But still, before adopting such a diet, nutritionists recommend consulting with your doctor.

Also, along with the advantages that we wrote about above, it should also be noted that such dietary nutrition also has disadvantages.

  • Firstly, not everyone can withstand the blandness of breast dishes for several days. But, according to nutritionists, this deficiency can be easily neutralized. To do this, add spices to the meat. The meat can also be brushed with lemon juice.
  • Secondly, breast meat is very low in fat. Here, some diets allow the use of vegetable oil.

Diet options

In dietetics there is various options diets where the main component is chicken fillet meat. Let's look at some of them.

3 day program

A three-day weight loss program allows you to lose an extra three kilograms. The menu looks very simple. Throughout the day you need to eat 100 g of boiled chicken. As doctors note, with such a diet you should not forget about fluids.

7 day program

This version of the seven-day weight loss program can be called classic. Weekly diet on chicken fillet will allow you to remove about 4-5 kg. These data are approximate, since the physiological characteristics of a person play a significant role in this.

With this program, there is one rule - you need to eat in small quantities, but at least 5 times a day, which makes it possible not to experience hunger with a constant supply of nutrients.

The boiled chicken diet lasts 7 days and includes the following products.

With this system you can safely drink coffee and tea. If a person experiences a strong feeling of hunger between meals, you can drink still water with lemon.

9 day program

This program is based on the principle of mononutrition, which explains its effectiveness. Diet food, based on boiled chicken fillet for 9 days, allows for strict adherence remove the extra 5-6 kg from the diet.

The chicken diet menu for 9 days includes the following products.

Between meals you can drink up to 500 ml per day. low fat kefir.

There is another menu for this program. This diet alternates rice, chicken and vegetables for 9 days. There is also an apple option, where the diet includes 3 days of rice, 3 days of chicken and 3 days of apples.

Other Diet Options

With chicken broth

The chicken soup diet is one of the most common weight loss programs. It lasts a week and allows you to remove about 9 kg.

The essence of this program is that throughout the day in 5-7 doses you need to drink 1-1.5 liters chicken broth. It is better to eat it hot. In this case, water can be drunk in unlimited quantities, but subject to certain rules:

  • no later than 30 minutes before meals;
  • 2 hours after eating.

Other products must be abandoned. But if the feeling of hunger becomes unbearable, then you can eat a few diet bread or croutons.

How to make delicious broth

Recipes for making broth are quite simple. The chicken is lowered into cold water. After the water boils, you need to remove the “noise” (foam) with a spoon and slightly reduce the heat to medium level, and then completely to low. Cook the chicken breast until the meat is done. When about 30 minutes remain, you can add parsley, carrots, celery, onion and salt to taste. If it is impossible to endure such a regime, then it is recommended to lose weight with chicken soup, where boiled vegetables are added to the broth. You can easily last a whole week on this soup.

This method should not be used by people who have health problems, or who are pregnant or breastfeeding. And the best effect can be achieved if you combine the diet with running, aerobics or other types of physical activity.

Chicken liver diet

An important role is played by chicken liver in a diet that is not only dietary, but also useful product. It helps normalize the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, and also replenishes the balance of vitamin B2, which is responsible for the occurrence of anemia. Chicken liver also helps stimulate brain function and normalize thyroid function. You can use olive oil to prepare the liver.

Chicken and rice diet

The rice weight loss program with chicken is usually designed for three days. During this time, they lose about 2 kilograms. This diet includes rice, boiled chicken and vegetables. This diet can also be alternated with a diet of rice, chicken and apples.

The daily diet includes the following products:

Another diet option is alternating rice and chicken days. With this diet, you need to eat boiled rice for 3 days, chicken for 3 days.

Chicken-buckwheat diet

The buckwheat diet usually lasts a month. At the same time, you can lose 3-4 kg on buckwheat porridge. The buckwheat and boiled chicken breast diet includes the following daily diet:

Vegetables and chicken

A diet of lean chicken breast and vegetables will allow you to lose weight without extra effort and hunger. The menu is easy to prepare. If you stick to it for 2-3 days, you can lose a couple of kilograms. The basis of the menu is poultry without wings.

To lose excess weight quickly and effectively, many resort to fat-burning drugs and special teas for weight loss. But this method of getting rid of hated kilograms is fraught negative consequences for health, therefore the right way to solve the problem is to eat certain products nutrition that makes existing fatty deposits disappear without a trace and prevents new fat deposits from appearing. A striking example- chicken breast for weight loss.

Dietary composition

Breast is the least high-calorie part of a chicken carcass. It contains a minimum amount of fat (0.5 g) and a maximum amount of protein, which has excellent digestibility (23.5 g). From here energy value product - a little more than 110 kcal. This allows us to classify it as a dietary treat of animal origin.

Of vitamins, chicken breast contains numerous compounds of group B, of minerals - calcium, molybdenum, phosphorus, cobalt, sodium, magnesium, iron, zinc, etc. Chicken breast, like any other product of animal origin, is rich in essential amino acids, including arginine, which has the property of breaking down adipose tissue.

Benefits for weight loss

White chicken breast meat can be safely called ideal for effective weight loss and weight loss. This is explained by the presence of of this product special properties.

So, why does chicken breast make you lose weight? Firstly, as mentioned above, chicken fillet is perfectly absorbed by the human body. In addition, it contains much more proteins than lean beef and lean pork. Great value for effective weight loss with chicken breast, this delicacy has the bioavailability.

Secondly, dietary product quickly and for a long time satisfies the feeling of hunger. The reason again is high content a protein that provides the human body with enough energy, although consumed gradually.

Thirdly, the presence of a decent amount of vitamins and mineral salts in chicken breast prevents the occurrence of vitamin deficiency. This means weakness, increased fatigue and anemia while losing weight with white meat chickens are not a threat to a person losing weight.

Fourthly, eating chicken breast improves metabolism. As a result, the person’s weight is also adjusted.

Fifthly, the protein of the dietary product helps preserve muscles from the process of catabolism, that is, destruction. This is especially important for those who decide to combine losing weight on chicken breast with intense exercise.

In order for chicken breast to fully display all its beneficial qualities for your figure, you need to combine it in the menu with fresh and stewed vegetables, herbs, and also drink it as much as possible more water- up to 2 liters per day. Then the only disadvantage of eating white meat for weight loss, which is high doses proteins harmful to the kidneys will not make themselves felt. For weight loss, it is recommended to eat chicken breast itself boiled, baked, or steamed.

Options for losing weight with chicken breast

If you are serious, you can try special ones, the main component of which is the dietary product of animal origin that interests us.

Chicken mono diet

Don't be afraid of difficulties - choose the hard method of losing weight using chicken breast. He prescribes eating exclusively chicken white meat in the amount of 100 g at a time for three days in a row.

The diet provides for up to six such meals per day. A mandatory measure is to drink sufficient amounts of liquid throughout the day, including freshly squeezed fruit and berry juices, herbal and green teas, mineral water without gas. This mono-diet for weight loss using chicken breast can save you from 3 kg of excess weight within a specified period.

Losing weight on chicken breast with kefir

A fairly effective way to eliminate fat deposits is the kefir-chicken diet. Its duration is 9 days. For the first three days of the diet, you are allowed to enjoy only green apples: you should consume 1.5 kg of juicy fruits per day. Then for three days they eat only chicken breast fillet, boiled or steamed without salt and spices (1 kg per day).

For the next two days, you will need to drink exclusively kefir with a fat content of no more than 1% - up to 2 liters per day. Complete the diet by drinking 1.5 liters of chicken broth throughout the day without adding table salt. The kefir-chicken diet shows simply excellent results: loss of up to 10 kg of excess weight.

Chicken breast and green buckwheat for weight loss

Another effective combination for excellent weight loss is chicken breast plus green buckwheat. Advantage this method consists of a fairly gentle weight loss. Here is a sample menu:

  • Morning - 150 g of steamed green buckwheat, 200 ml of green tea without sugar.
  • Second breakfast - a glass of low-fat kefir.
  • Lunch - 150 g of boiled chicken breast, a portion of green buckwheat sprouts, a salad of spinach, kale and basil.
  • Snack - 200 ml natural yogurt without fruit or berry filling.
  • Evening - steamed buckwheat (100 g), a cup of herbal infusion.

Dinner should be done a few hours before bedtime. Drink 1.5-2 liters of liquid a day - this is table water, non-carbonated mineral water, and green tea. You are guaranteed to lose 3 kg per week on the chicken-buckwheat diet.

Effective diet - minus 8 kg!

A lighter option is the seven-day chicken diet. It will not require you to indulge in only chicken breast meat: in addition to it, you can also include cereals, pineapples, root vegetables, leafy vegetables, and cabbage in your diet. Follow the following pattern:

  • On the first day of the diet, eat boiled chicken fillet(0.5 kg) and rice (0.35 kg), dividing this amount of these products into 3-4 servings. Accompany every meal with a glass orange juice. Before going to bed, black tea without milk and sugar is allowed.
  • The second day involves eating 0.5 kg of fresh pineapples and 700 g of chicken breast during the day. These volumes of food also need to be divided into several equal parts. You can drink mineral water without gas and herbal tea in unlimited quantities.
  • The menu for the third day of the weight loss diet consists of half a kilogram of chicken breast, 150 g of white or Chinese cabbage, five large apples and two raw carrots. Chop these vegetables and fruits and combine to make a salad. Season it with lemon juice. It is preferable to bake chicken breast in the oven with low-fat sour cream and mushrooms. Natural vegetable and fruit juices are allowed as drinks.
  • The sixth day's diet includes 0.7 kg of boiled chicken and any number of lettuce leaves. Drink throughout the day plain water, fruit drinks, dried fruit compote.
  • Meals for the seventh day are similar to the menu of the previous day.

By following a chicken breast diet for a week, you will be able to lose weight and lose from 7 to 9 kg of excess weight.

You need to gradually exit any chicken breast weight loss diet. Do not overeat, introduce familiar foods daily so that the period for returning to your previous diet is twice as long as it took to lose weight. At the end of the chicken breast diet, try to limit the amount of baked goods, sweets, fried and fatty treats you eat. From now on, your menu should be filled mainly with proper and healthy food!