Chicken fillet with buckwheat in the oven. Features of the buckwheat and chicken breast diet Buckwheat with boiled chicken breast

The role of chicken in the buckwheat diet

There are many diet options based on buckwheat itself. They help you reset extra pounds, but the body does not receive enough vitamins and minerals. Methods for losing weight using buckwheat and vegetables create a lack of protein, so they cannot be used long time. As a result of such diets, it is not fat deposits that begin to disappear, but muscles.

Chicken breast - ideal source low calorie protein. It helps maintain muscle mass and make the body toned after weight loss. Meat is quite nutritious, so it will be easier to lose weight than on cruel diets. Chicken fills you up well and suppresses hunger.

Basic rules of the buckwheat and chicken breast diet

So that the technique gives positive results, its features must be taken into account. The diet is designed for two weeks, but the period can be shortened depending on the desired weight loss. To provide the body with all the necessary nutrients while losing weight, it is useful to take vitamin and mineral complexes, but before using them it is better to consult a doctor.

Basic principles of the buckwheat diet with chicken breast:

  • steam buckwheat with boiling water overnight (you can add kefir and leave overnight;);
  • boil, bake or steam chicken breasts;
  • maximum permissible quantity meat - 2-3 breasts per day;
  • chicken should not have skin or bones;
  • drink 1.5-2 liters of water per day every day;
  • you can drink coffee and tea without sugar;
  • Eat the bulk of buckwheat in the first half of the day, chicken breast in the second;
  • Before going to bed, you can drink low-fat kefir;
  • provide physical activity.

Contraindications, pros and cons of the diet

The method of losing weight using dietary buckwheat with chicken has both advantages and disadvantages. The main advantage is weight loss in a gentle way, without constant feeling hunger and health problems. Dietary ration provides the necessary minimum nutrients. Breast contains protein, so losing weight does not lead to loss muscle mass.

The main disadvantages of the technique:

  • some find it difficult to maintain a monotonous diet for two weeks;
  • the condition of the skin, hair, and nails may worsen;
  • lost kilograms will come back if it doesn't change usual diet;
  • as side effect possible digestive problems (constipation, bloating, etc.).

Contraindications to the diet:

  • pregnancy;
  • heart disease;
  • kidney dysfunction;
  • illnesses gastrointestinal tract;
  • recovery period after surgery;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • diabetes mellitus

Buckwheat diet is not recommended for breastfeeding, but in some cases it can be used as prescribed by a doctor. It is usually used if the milk during feeding is too fatty and the baby gains weight too quickly. The duration of the diet during lactation is no more than three days and can only be used as prescribed by a doctor.

Diet options with menu

Diet for chicken breast with buckwheat can be different depending on the duration and set of foods in the diet. There is a strict and gentle option. The first one is designed for 3-5 days. Every day they eat 500 g of buckwheat steamed in the evening and boiled chicken breast. Meals are divided into 4-5 times. In addition to water, you can drink tea, coffee without sugar, mineral water without gas. With this scheme, you will lose a kilogram per day.

The gentle version of the diet is designed for 7 or 14 days. In addition to basic foods, you can include fruits, vegetables and low-fat kefir in your diet. Sample menu:

  • breakfast: steamed buckwheat (150 g), kefir;
  • second breakfast: a portion of buckwheat (50 g), orange;
  • lunch: buckwheat (150 g), boiled chicken breast, vegetable salad of tomatoes, cucumbers, herbs and olive oil (150 g), kefir;
  • afternoon snack: apple;
  • dinner: boiled chicken breast, kefir.

In 7 days of eating this way you can lose 3-5 kg. But it is important to remember that the result will only be saved if the right way out from the diet. Habitual foods should be introduced gradually, eaten often and in small portions, try to avoid junk food.

Expert opinion

Certified nutritionist. 5 years of experience.

Nutritionist advice. The buckwheat diet has its advantages. High content fiber helps cleanse the body of toxins. Buckwheat, having a high nutritional value, has low calorie content. Therefore, the advantage of the diet is that porridge can be consumed in large quantities, and you will not feel hungry.

Despite the significant list of advantages, there are also disadvantages that you should be aware of before you start following it. As a salt-free diet, buckwheat promotes excretion from the body large quantity liquids. In some cases, this can cause weakness, headache and increased fatigue. Therefore, experts recommend conducting a trial fasting day on buckwheat to understand how suitable it is in a particular case.


For a diet to be effective, it is necessary to prepare foods correctly. Chicken breast can be boiled, baked or steamed. Buckwheat should be steamed in the evening and left overnight. In the morning you will receive a healthy, nutritious and low-calorie dish.

Cooking principle dietary buckwheat:

  • rinse thoroughly and sort out a glass of buckwheat;
  • place in a saucepan and add 2-3 cups of boiled water;
  • close with a tight lid, wrap and leave overnight.

To brighten up the menu, meat can be cooked in different ways. For example, to cook chicken breast in soy sauce you need to take:

  • olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • soy sauce - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • chicken breast - 2 pcs.;
  • dry ginger - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • a bunch of greenery.

The breasts are removed from the skin, washed and cut. Olive oil mixed with soy sauce, add water (2 tbsp), dry ginger and chopped herbs. The mixture is poured over the meat and left to marinate for at least half an hour. After this, the breasts are placed in a tight food bag, carefully tied and boiled for 20-30 minutes.

Fasting day on buckwheat and chicken breast

Dietary buckwheat porridge with chicken can be used to relieve the body. To do this, during the day you need to eat 500 g of steamed buckwheat and boiled breast. It is better to divide food into 4-5 times and eat in small portions. In addition to water, you can drink green, black, herbal tea no sugar. According to this scheme, up to kg of weight is lost.

Buckwheat and chicken breast diet - great option for those who want to get rid of extra pounds, but does not tolerate severe food restrictions. Chicken meat provides the body with protein, due to which fat deposits disappear, but muscle mass remains. The diet is designed for two weeks. The video below shows a recipe for dietary buckwheat with kefir.

Merchant-style buckwheat is essentially crumbly porridge cooked with meat and vegetables. You can use any meat - pork, beef, poultry, minced meat - and it always turns out delicious. Today we are preparing merchant-style buckwheat with chicken.

When I first saw this recipe, I caught myself thinking that I cook it almost the same way, and now at home we call this dish not “merchant-style buckwheat,” but buckwheat pilaf.)))
I must say that this pilaf is prepared very simply, quickly, from available products and almost everyone likes it, even those who don’t really like buckwheat.

Ingredients:(for 4 servings)

  • 1 cup buckwheat
  • 2 glasses hot water
  • 350-400 g chicken fillet
  • 1 large onion (130-150 g)
  • 1 large carrots(150 g)
  • 3-4 cloves of garlic
  • 1-2 tbsp. l. tomato paste or ketchup
  • 25-30 g butter
  • dry seasonings as desired
  • olive or sunflower oil for frying

Instead of tomato paste or ketchup, you can take one large tomato, grated without skin on a coarse grater, also turns out delicious.
The capacity of the glass does not matter, it is only important to take cereal and water in a 1:2 ratio.


To prepare merchant-style buckwheat, you can use any part of the chicken; I prefer to cook with breast fillet.
So, cut the breast fillet into small pieces.

Pour olive oil or regular oil into a cauldron, deep frying pan or saucepan with a thick bottom. vegetable oil, heat it up and lay out the chicken pieces. Salt, pepper and fry until light golden brown.

Chicken can be fried not only in vegetable oil. I always advise not to throw away the fat trimmed from chicken pieces, but to freeze it. It can be added to any minced meat, or can be used when preparing chicken dishes. Just cut it, melt it, then remove the cracklings and add vegetable oil if there is not enough rendered chicken fat. This will further enrich the taste of the finished dish.

But let's get back to the recipe. While the chicken is frying, at the same time, in another frying pan, fry the onion, cut into quarters of rings, until transparent.

Then add the carrots, cut into strips or cubes, and continue to fry over low heat for another three minutes.

Of course, onions and carrots can be fried in the same bowl along with the chicken, but I always fry the vegetables separately, this way they fry more evenly and ready dish it turns out incomparably tastier.
Place prepared onions and carrots in a cauldron with fried chicken. Add garlic, passed through a press.

We sort out the buckwheat, rinse it, pour it into a cauldron with the chicken and vegetables. No need to stir. Then we dilute the tomato mass or ketchup in two glasses of hot water from the kettle and also pour it into the cauldron. To make merchant-style buckwheat with chicken taste even better, at this stage you can add a pinch of any dried seasonings, for example, basil, or my favorite nutmeg, or chicken seasoning, or herbs de Provence. I repeat, there is no need to mix the layers.

When the water boils, skim off the foam a little, but don’t overdo it. Taste for salt and add more salt if necessary. Let the buckwheat boil in an open cauldron; do not close the lid yet.
When the water boils to the level of buckwheat, add 25-30 g of butter.

Now close the cauldron tightly with a lid and reduce the heat to the minimum that your stove allows. Let the dish simmer for 15-20 minutes. Since not all of the water has boiled away yet, the buckwheat and chicken will never burn.

After the specified time, open the lid and mix the contents of the cauldron.

Merchant-style buckwheat with chicken turns out very tasty, aromatic, and, as you can see for yourself, it’s very easy to prepare.

I would also like to add that you can also cook buckwheat without chicken, and use it as an independent dish or as a delicious side dish.
What other delicious buckwheat-based dishes can you prepare? Look at the recipe or cooked in the oven.

That's all for today. I say goodbye to you until the next recipe and wish you all good luck, goodness and good mood!
Always have fun cooking!

Finally, I suggest watching a video about a performance by an extremely talented, amazing girl with the gift of ventriloquism.

The first step is to deal with the meat. Thaw the chicken breast if necessary and remove the skin. You don't have to do this, but I like it better...

Cut it into small pieces...

Sprinkle with salt, spices, add finely chopped garlic and 1 tbsp. l. mayonnaise...

Stir and leave to marinate, and in the meantime get to the rest of the ingredients. Cut the onion into half rings, three carrots on a coarse grater...

Fry the onion for a couple of minutes until it becomes translucent...

Then add the carrots and fry everything together for another 1-2 minutes...

We measure required quantity buckwheat, if necessary, sort out...

And rinse it thoroughly in running water. Now let's prepare the filling sauce. Mix sour cream and mayonnaise in approximately equal proportions and add herbs...

Mix everything well. The sauce is ready.

Now we begin to place all the prepared ingredients on a greased baking sheet. The first layer is 1/2 part of buckwheat...

Then arrange the vegetables evenly...

Sprinkle the remaining cereal on top...

Pour water. The water must first be salted to taste and stir well until the salt dissolves...

Spread the meat on top in an even layer...

And fill it with sour cream and mayonnaise sauce...

Cover with foil and place in the oven for 30 minutes at 180*C. Then we take it out, remove the foil and sprinkle the dish with cheese...

Place back in the oven for another 30 minutes. That's it! A delicious, and most importantly quick and inexpensive dinner is ready. I definitely recommend trying this hearty, simple and delicious dish! You can use any part of chicken as meat, and mushrooms are a perfect addition to the dish. It all depends on your imagination and your capabilities!

Bon appetit!

Cooking time: PT01H30M 1 h 30 min.

The most delicious and simple second course is buckwheat with chicken breast. We prepare it from fillet and cereals. The interesting thing is that you can use any cereal for such a dish, but it is better to leave the meat as specified in the recipe.

Vegetables are served with buckwheat and chicken. It could be fresh cucumbers and tomatoes, as well as any pickled assortment. Various sautés or stews are good as a vegetable part for the table. vegetable stew. They are very easy to make from zucchini, zucchini, squash, onions and carrots. Sauté is best served chilled with buckwheat, just like pickled tomatoes or cucumbers.

Buckwheat is very beneficial for the body, as it contains many necessary and healing microelements and vitamins. It should be consumed by adults and children at least once a week.


  • Buckwheat - 1 cup.
  • Chicken fillet - 1 pc.
  • Carrots - 1 pc.
  • Onions - 1 pc.
  • Vegetable oil- 2 tbsp.
  • Spices - 1 tsp.
  • Salt - 1 tsp.


Second course
Servings - 6
Cooking time - 40 min

Buckwheat with chicken breast: how to cook

The onion needs to be peeled, washed, and finely chopped. Pour oil into a frying pan and heat until high temperature. Let's add onions.

When the onion is slightly fried, add carrots, which have been peeled, washed and cut into cubes or sectors in advance.

Now you need to cut the fillet and also add it to the pan.

Let's add salt and crush everything with spices. Slowly stirring until everything is almost ready.

Let's take buckwheat. It needs to be washed, filled with water and put on fire.

When the water with buckwheat boils, add onions, carrots and meat. Cook, stirring a little, until done. This will take about 20 minutes. Then the buckwheat can be tightly covered with a lid and left to stand for about half an hour.

A similar diet with buckwheat and chicken has mixed reviews. Some people do not perceive this diet as a diet at all, since it contains quite a lot of additional products. At the same time, this particular diet is chosen by people who are afraid of losing muscle mass when losing weight and are looking for what foods can be added to the buckwheat diet.

The “chicken and buckwheat” diet is not as popular as various types food with only one permitted product. Despite its effectiveness, the results from it are not enough for many, because they want to lose weight at the most short terms.

In any case, you can find several diet options positive feedback, but there are no negative opinions at all. On average, people manage to lose 2-3 kg per week, which can be considered an excellent result.

After the end of the restricted diet, the weight returns, but not all of it. In general, a person manages to maintain the desired figure for a long time.

This diet has many names and variations (buckwheat-kefir, Pierre Dukan’s buckwheat diet, etc.), but the essence is always the same - buckwheat becomes the main product in the diet. This diet plan guarantees that you will lose up to a kilo every day, although it is fair to say that we're talking about not about fat burning, but about total loss weight (including muscle mass).

The basis of the diet was not chosen by chance and reviews of buckwheat for weight loss prove this perfectly. This cereal is the most optimal product because:

  • Contains a lot of protein;
  • Low in calories and not heavy on the stomach;
  • Contains many vitamins and minerals (Vitamin A, group B, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, etc.);
  • Very simple.

The optimal period for the diet is 7 days, the maximum is two weeks. It is also extremely important to add the following foods to your diet:

  • 1% kefir (1 liter per day), it is advisable to drink a glass 20-30 minutes before meals. You can also drink buckwheat with kefir if it seems too dry;
  • Many clean water(at least 2-3 liters per day);
  • Greens (only as a snack to satisfy hunger).

You can also add boiled chicken breast if necessary. low-fat cottage cheese(or yogurt) and non-calorie vegetables and fruits, but in minimal quantities. This will help diversify your diet, provide the body with nutrients and improve digestion.

In general, select the “rigidity” of the diet based on personal tolerance. If necessary, add the indicated products, but if you are planning for the stated result of -1 kg in 1 day, then you need to limit yourself to only buckwheat, kefir, water and a couple of cups of green tea per day.

There can hardly be more reliable and informative evidence than reviews of the buckwheat diet and before and after results with photos. This is the only way to really assess how effective such a diet can be. That's why we collected different reviews, which clearly demonstrate all the expectations and results of the buckwheat diet.

Buckwheat diet for 3 days

It's not even a diet, but fasting days. For the next three days you eat only buckwheat cooked according to special recipe: pour one glass of washed buckwheat into a container, pour two glasses of boiling water and wrap it in a towel overnight. Ready!

Please note: salt, sugar, butter cannot be used! When you feel hungry, feel free to eat porridge.

This version of “buckwheat relief” is easily tolerated and gives a feeling of lightness throughout the body.

Classic buckwheat diet for 7 days

A suitable option when you urgently need to lose weight. The duration of the diet is a week. The rules are simple: we eat steamed buckwheat without salt, sugar, oil or spices. Buckwheat can be mixed with kefir or drunk kefir separately. You are allowed to consume a maximum of 1 liter of low-fat kefir.

Do not limit yourself to drinking: any amount of tea, coffee, mineral or filtered water. Remember: we’ll leave sugar, milk and cream, and soda for later. The result is worth it: during the diet you can gain minus 10 kg.

You can repeat the diet no earlier than six months later.

Buckwheat diet with dried fruits: benefits and harms

Everyone tolerates the buckwheat diet differently. Some feel a surge of strength and a surge of energy, while others, on the contrary, feel tired and apathetic. But almost everyone who has tried buckwheat at least once in their life to fight extra pounds notes good results.

How long can you stay on a buckwheat diet?

Like all mono-diets, buckwheat diet It would be a stretch to call it balanced. This means that all the days you lose weight, your body will be in a state of stress. We love ourselves and don’t want health problems, right? Then don’t eat only buckwheat for more than three days in a row.

Use seven-day and two-week diets only in exceptional cases and no more often than once every six months. In this situation, the body will not only willingly give up the extra pounds, but will not suffer.

Is it possible to have ginger on a buckwheat diet?

How effective this or that unloading system is can be judged by the reviews of those who have lost weight. Well, here they are, as a matter of fact.

Before starting such a nutrition program, I advise you to carefully read the basic rules:

    1. Chicken breast eaten should be without skin and fat. It can be eaten boiled, stewed or steamed.
    2. Should be excluded from the diet simple carbohydrates . A complete taboo on sweets, smoked foods and canned food. But complex carbohydrates must be obtained from food plant origin.
    3. The maximum daily caloric intake is 1200 kcal. And at low motor activity The number of calories consumed should be reduced to 900 kcal. Therefore, those losing weight need to calculate calorie content of consumed dishes.
    4. Protein products should make up half of the daily ration.
    5. You need to eat in portions - 5-6 times a day.
  1. For normalization digestive process protein dishes should be combined with foods rich in vegetable fiber. These include fruits and berries, as well as non-starchy vegetables and herbs.
  2. During such weight loss, you can drink a glass of good dry wine once a day. This is to raise the “fighting spirit” :)
  3. Salt should be completely avoided. But you can flavor the taste of the meat with spices.
  4. The daily norm of liquid that should be drunk per day is 1.5-2 liters. This includes drinking water and unsweetened tea. To speed up metabolism, nutritionists recommend drinking water 20-30 minutes before meals.
  5. IN daily diet various whole grain porridge(the exception is wheat).

I only advise you to start this weight loss program after a preliminary consultation with your doctor. If you have chronic diseases Gastrointestinal tract, they can get worse.

Mono-variant diet on chicken breast

This fasting food system lasts 3 days. During this period you can lose 2 kilos.

Every day you need to consume about 700 g of boiled meat. Naturally, this amount of chicken needs to be divided into 5-6 meals.

Why do you need chicken in a buckwheat diet?

A diet of buckwheat, chicken and vegetables should last no more than two weeks, but a lot depends on how much weight you want to lose. For maximum results follow the rules:

  1. You can eat buckwheat porridge in almost unlimited quantities, and you can also eat 2-3 breasts without skin per day.
  2. You can drink up to 1 liter of low-fat kefir daily.
  3. It is better to steam the porridge with boiling water overnight rather than boil it in the classic way.
  4. Most of daily value Eat porridge in the first half of the day, and leave the breast and kefir for the evening.
  5. You need to drink at least 1.5 liters of water.
  6. After two weeks of the diet, take a multivitamin complex.

The description of the diet should begin with the preparation of its menu. Already from the name it is clear that the main products are chicken breast and buckwheat porridge, but in addition to them, any vegetable salads are allowed in unlimited quantities.

Low-fat kefir or vegetable oil can be used as a dressing for them. You can mix them, but make sure that you do not use more than one tablespoon of oil per day.

To receive greatest benefit, it is best to use unrefined.

Kefir can be drunk separately, but also in limited quantities. One glass is enough. I advise them to end the day and have a drink about two hours before bed as their last meal.

You can’t cook vegetables, because then they will lose most of the fiber, which is why they are allowed during the diet. Fiber fills the stomach and keeps it busy for a long time.

Chicken breast needs to be boiled or steamed. It is also allowed to bake it in a bag or in foil with the addition of spices.

Before cooking, be sure to remove the skin and remove all bones. Only fillet is eaten.

The chicken should be salted during cooking, and it is best to marinate it a little beforehand. However, in the case of cooking by boiling, this is not particularly effective.

It is best to add salt to water.

Buckwheat should also be prepared in a special way. A diet based on chicken breast and buckwheat is quite limited in quantity useful substances.

This especially applies to plant products. That is why it is best not to cook buckwheat, but to steam it.

The cereal should be thoroughly washed in running water, poured into a pan and pour boiling water over it. The water level is a finger thickness higher than buckwheat.

Without constant exposure to thermal energy, porridge will retain most of the nutrients, but still not all. There are even more effective way preparing porridge without losing nutrients, but it is not so universal.

Many people do not like the taste of this porridge.

On average, a person manages to lose 2–3 kg in a week of eating this way. At the same time, he does not need to exercise and he will not feel hungry.

The main products are chicken breast and buckwheat. The diet is effective precisely because of its basis, and vegetables and drinks are just an addition.

Diet for 1 and 2 weeks

A diet based on buckwheat, breast meat and kefir may also include greens, unsweetened fruits and vegetables. It is recommended to constantly count the calories consumed so that the daily calorie intake does not exceed 1200 kcal.

Chicken breast should be boiled or steamed, and salads should be prepared from vegetables. Use fruits to make fruit drinks and compotes, but without sugar.

In 7 days of a diet on buckwheat and chicken breast, you can lose up to 5 kg.

If you want to lose more excess weight, you can extend the diet up to two weeks, which will allow you to get rid of 7-9 kg of excess body fat. Approximate menu for the day:

  • have breakfast with buckwheat porridge and a glass of kefir;
  • for second breakfast, a small portion of buckwheat and unsweetened fruit;
  • we have lunch with porridge, chicken breast and light vegetable salad, and also drink a glass of kefir;
  • we have dinner with chicken breast and a glass of kefir;
  • Before going to bed, eat a small unsweetened apple or peach.