The permissible amount of energy drinks and what to do in case of an overdose. What happens if you take a lot of pills at once?

It is known that approximately a quarter of all victims in the world are people who were poisoned by pills. The situations can be very different. Perhaps the person immediately turned to some specialists who prescribed him certain medications. The interaction of some of them can cause poisoning from the pills. The more medications you take at the same time, the higher the risk of poisoning becomes. Sometimes grandparents leave bottles of pills in visible places, creating a health hazard for children who mistake them for colorful candies. Sometimes cases of suicide are possible.

Doctors indicate that the risk is minimal when taking two or three drugs at the same time, but it increases twenty or more times if there are six or seven drugs. In such cases, one can expect a wide variety of adverse consequences for the body. After poisoning there is a feeling of nausea, vomiting, possible skin rashes and internal hemorrhages. In some particularly serious situations, death is possible.

Most of the population globe takes certain medications daily. Thirty percent do this as prescribed by a doctor, the rest are engaged in dangerous self-medication. Poisoning from tablets is also possible if they are combined with certain products. For example, warfarin, a drug against blood clots, should absolutely not be consumed at the same time as cranberry juice. Dairy products affect the effect of antibiotics, alcohol greatly increases the effect of sedatives, drugs with paracetamol and antihypertensive (pressure-lowering) drugs on the body.

What to do if you are poisoned by pills? Unfortunately, poisoning from pills cannot always be determined immediately. Only after several hours may the first symptoms appear in the form of nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, severe pain in the abdominal area, cramps, dizziness, drowsiness, disorientation, and in some cases, loss of consciousness. During this time, they have time to be absorbed into the blood, so the first thing you need to do is call an ambulance. The victim should be given as much warm liquid to drink as possible and try to induce vomiting. This will help with any remaining medications in it. The first remedy in such situations is activated carbon. It should always be in You can give up to twenty tablets at a time. They will help neutralize the effects of drugs. You can use any other type of absorbent, but if at the moment If you don't have them on hand, make it yourself. To do this, take at least ten chicken whites, beat them vigorously and force the victim to eat them.

What to do in case of poisoning with pills and complications of the situation? In the event that the victim has taken large dose sleeping pills, loss of consciousness, decreased blood pressure, and cardiac arrest may occur. Immediately give the patient a large dose of strong coffee or tea, try to bring him to consciousness, induce vomiting (only when he is conscious), give him an enema and call an ambulance. Do not let the victim lie down and sleep, as this is life-threatening.

Poisoning from pills, after providing first aid and eliminating all unpleasant symptoms and consequences, it is necessary to continue to treat at home. Quite often after poisoning, the stomach hurts. This situation- stress for him, so he needs to be given a rest for one or two days. You can drink tea from garden thyme and garden marjoram. Gradually switch to light foods and take them in small portions. You can apply cold compresses to the stomach area.

One of the main causes of poisoning is excess permissible doses, so remember that various drugs may contain the same substance in their composition. Always consult your doctor, especially if you have liver, kidney, stomach or intestinal diseases. Do not self-medicate and refrain from drinking alcohol.

The most harmless tablets for fever are paracetamol. It is used for pain in the joints and head at any age from young to old. Not a drug, but an all-healing medicine. The popularity is due to the following:

  • Rarely causes an immunopathological process - allergy
  • Rarely causes unwanted effects
  • Quickly copes with pain and fever
  • All produced forms are applicable - syrups, tablets, capsules, etc.

– a harmless drug, but if you drink a lot, poisoning is possible.

First symptoms of poisoning

To avoid severe consequences with a fatal outcome, paracetamol poisoning must be recognized immediately early stage. This is the main task, but it is complicated by the absence of symptoms in the first couple. The first thing that can indicate poisoning is the symptoms characteristic of liver damage. They develop a short period of time after poisoning, and the antidote is no longer so effective.

There are 4 stages with symptoms of paracetamol poisoning:

Stage I

Time period: From the moment of admission

Characteristic symptoms: Sensation preceding vomiting, vomiting, painful condition

Stage II

Time period: Development of liver toxicity within 24 hours and up to 36.

Characteristic symptoms: Bilirubin - a bile pigment and indicators of the blood clotting pathway, may exceed the norm in case of severe poisoning. It may also be accompanied unpleasant pain in the right hypochondrium.

Stage III

Time period: Peak of hepatotoxicity. From 72 – 96 hours.

Characteristic symptoms: Involuntary eruption of stomach contents and symptoms liver failure. Bilirubin levels and blood clotting pathways reach their maximum. Possibility of developing pancreatitis and renal failure.

IV stage

Time period: Recovery. From 3 - 5 days.

Typical symptoms: If there are no fatal outcome, followed by liver restoration. The process takes from a couple of days to a couple of weeks.

Dosage calculation for adults

To make it as clear as possible, let’s clarify right away: there are 10 tablets in one package. The weight of the entire package is 5 grams. Accordingly, 1 tablet weighs 500 milligrams.

Adolescents over 16 years of age and adults are prescribed 1 (500 ml) tablet four times a day. The daily maximum is unacceptable for exceeding 4 grams, i.e. 8 tablets, 500 grams each. The interval between doses is from 4 to 6 hours.

For pregnant women, it is better to limit the use of this drug, or better yet, eliminate it.

Calculation of dosage for children

Infants under 4 months are strictly prohibited from drinking.

To avoid an overdose of paracetamol in children, you must follow the instructions in the table:

3 – 6 months

2 times a day. 80 mg per day.

6 – 12 months

2 – 3 times a day. 80 mg per day.

1 – 2 years

3 times a day. 150 mg per day.

2 - 4 years

4 times a day. 150 mg per day.

6 – 8 years

8 – 12 years

4 times a day. 200 - 300 mg per day.

12-15 years

4 times a day. 200 - 300 mg per day.

Drug overdose

Getting an overdose of paracetamol is not that difficult. But why does a sane person need this? A significant role is played by the universal availability of the drug and its issuance without a prescription under various names. There is an opinion that there is no such thing as too much paracetamol. I felt unwell and elevated temperature- Paracetamol helps. To avoid sick leave, I prescribed a complex of treatment for myself cold medicines and to work. An hour later there is a meeting, but you are not feeling well – a powdered medicine diluted in boiling water will help. There is always a way out and you don’t need to think for a long time about which medicine to purchase, since there is enough advertising on this subject. And few people think about the composition of all these drugs. This is a big omission, since most often they all contain active substance– paracetamol. And accordingly, exceeding the dose is inevitable.

How many tablets is permissible to take? If you take 5 paracetamol tablets, there is no danger for an adult, since it does not exceed the critical daily norm. What happens if you take 10 paracetamol tablets? As noted above, acceptable daily norm 4 grams, and in a package there are 5, i.e. the excess will be only 1 gram (2 tablets). It is important to note here that we're talking about about taking at intermediate intervals throughout the day. This is not critical, but still not worth experimenting with. It is important to note here that we are talking about taking it at intermediate intervals throughout the day.

In America, paracetamol is one of the few medicines, which can be purchased without a prescription. Therefore, in order to avoid a progressive amount of intoxication of people or cases of paracetamol poisoning, and subsequently death, measures have been taken. The authorities organized a propaganda program to inform residents about the dangers of overdosing on this medicine.

Lethal dose

When asked whether it is possible to die from paracetamol, the doctors answered. Lethal dose paracetamol is 1.945 g/kg body weight. To put it simply, these are 2 packages weighing 5 grams each.

Paracetamol should only be taken if you really feel unwell. Doctors strongly recommend not to take the drug on your own for more than 3 days; the worst outcome can be death.

Paracetamol Antidote

Is there salvation in the form of an antidote? Yes, there is an antidote for paracetamol! This is very famous drug for cough - acetylcysteine ​​(ACC). Indications for use: after an overdose of paracetamol, drink ACC within 7 hours. Dosage 300 milligrams per day. Misconception, that activated carbon can cope with this problem as an antidote.

Hello, dear readers! Do you know what polypharmacy is? IN lately this term has become familiar to many, because the simultaneous administration of five or more drugs in patients causes special difficulties in the treatment of diseases.

As people get older, they develop a variety of conditions that require different medications. Often, in addition to the treatment prescribed by the doctor, patients themselves also take other medications. At the same time, they do not think about the fact that they can interact with each other and, as a result, patients sometimes not only do not see an improvement in their condition, but it worsens even more.

Everyone knows: pharmaceutical business is one of the most profitable. Nowadays there are pharmacies on literally every corner, sometimes around the clock. You can buy any medicine now without any problems. True, prices in pharmacies increase annually by 20-25%. But this does not scare our people; advertising is now staged in such a way that every person can diagnose himself and prescribe treatment.

From TV screens, from the pages of magazines, we are advised: if you have a headache or something else hurts, take MIG or Pentalgin (or maybe it’s better to look for the cause of these pains?), problems with the intestines: buy Imodium or enzyme tablets (maybe it’s worth knowing when to eat in moderation? ), to restore potency there is effective means(maybe it’s worth leading healthy image life?), the child’s temperature has risen, they immediately grab Panadol (or maybe there is no need to bring down the temperature?). The list goes on for a long time...

So it turns out that the doctor prescribed us treatment for a stomach ulcer, and at the same time we are also treating hypertension, rheumatoid arthritis, and we also take oral hormonal contraceptives. All together this is polypharmacy or it is also called pharmacomania.

Harm from taking too many medications

Let me give you a few statistical observations.

  • Under the age of 65, polypharmacy occurs in 56% of people, over 65 years of age - in 73%;
  • When taking two medications at the same time, their interaction is observed in 6% of patients, and if 5 medications are taken simultaneously, then this figure immediately increases to 50%, when taking 10 medications, the figure already reaches 100%;
  • In 96% of cases, doctors do not know what else patients are taking, besides the drugs they prescribed. Many patients are simultaneously treated by different specialists: a therapist, a neurologist, an ophthalmologist, a gynecologist, who are not interested in what other medications the patient is taking;
  • Risk of occurrence side effects in elderly people 5-7 times more often than in young people;
  • When more than 3 drugs are prescribed, the likelihood of side effects is 10 times greater;
  • Elderly people are hospitalized for side effect medications 2-3 times more often than younger people;
  • The greatest number of deaths from side effects in older people occurs after 80 years of age.

How does this happen?

All medicines are obtained through chemical reactions and combinations of various components. Drug manufacturers must ensure that finished products would not have a detrimental effect on the human body and would help to stop the causes of the disease.

But at the same time, if medications are taken incorrectly, various unforeseen situations can occur and chemical reactions occur directly in the human body. For example, if you take aspirin along with drugs containing caffeine, then toxic substances. With the simultaneous use of sedatives and sleeping pills Vitamin D is destroyed.

An important fact is: what do patients take their medications with, as well as what foods are consumed during treatment. For example, milk slows down the effect of ampicillin, and eating vegetables reduces healing effect aspirin.

Not harmless in terms of interactions with drugs biologically active additives And medicinal herbs. Therefore, whenever it is recommended to take infusions or tinctures, I advise you to discuss such treatment with your doctor. Again, an example: St. John's wort reduces the therapeutic effect of taking oral contraceptives, cyclosporine, simvastatin, cyclosporine, etc.

When using a large number of drugs, not only the original substances interact, but also their metabolites, resulting in the formation of highly allergenic complexes and conjugates. This is where various allergic reactions, manifested by severe generalized bullous dermatitis and epidermal necrolysis. In half of the cases, such complications occur with the simultaneous use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and sulfonamides.

Long-term simultaneous use of antispasmodics and certain blood pressure lowering agents can lead to atonic constipation, followed by independent long-term and unsuccessful treatment with laxatives. Similar treatment ultimately leads to intestinal diverticulitis, changes in intestinal microflora, an increase in the amount of endotoxins in the blood, which again aggravates heart failure.

Medicines and alcohol

If you read any instructions for the use of medicines, they always indicate the exclusion of alcohol during treatment as contraindications. And this is not without reason. Knowing that even a one-time intake of alcohol of any strength during treatment can lead to greater harm to health than its constant use.

At simultaneous use medications and alcohol; possible various unexpected allergic reactions, poisoning, increased side effects from drugs.

For example, the simultaneous use of paracetamol, which we use for colds, and alcohol, has a strong damaging effect on the liver and kidneys, which can ultimately lead to cirrhosis or necrosis of the liver and severe lesions kidney And if you combine alcohol and taking sleeping pills or antidepressants, a more depressing effect on the psyche is possible, as well as severe disorders which increase the likelihood of stroke or myocardial infarction.

How to avoid danger or rules for taking medications

Dear readers, in our case you realized that quantity does not always mean quality. And to avoid negative impact When taking medications, you should follow certain rules.

  1. Follow your doctor's recommendations and instructions for use of the drug: take your medications correctly, this applies to taking medications before or after meals.
  2. Do not self-medicate. Advertising on television or articles about health are not a reason to prescribe treatment for yourself. In all cases, consult your doctor.
  3. The effect of taking medication will be when it is taken at regular intervals, in which case the concentration of the drug will be uniform throughout the day. This is especially true for taking antibiotics, since the pathogenic microflora adapts and an addictive effect is observed and the medicine turns out to be ineffective during subsequent treatment.
  4. Pay attention to what time of day you should take the medicine, as different means a more pronounced therapeutic effect is exerted in different times days. This should be taken better at night, since the pain usually intensifies at night, and vasodilators better in the morning. It is better to take it in the evening antihistamines: At night, less of the hormone that inhibits allergic reactions is produced. Your doctor will tell you more about your appointment time.
  5. The treatment that has been started must always be completed, even if all the symptoms of the disease have disappeared and the state of health has improved. First of all, this also applies to antibiotics: after all, at the beginning of treatment, the most sensitive microorganisms die, and more resistant microorganisms die only at the very end of the course of treatment.
  6. When prescribing several drugs, they should be taken separately with a short time interval. Taking multiple medications at the same time puts a lot of stress on the liver and kidneys, and this can lead to unwanted side effects.
  7. When consuming tablets, they should be chewed, if not special recommendations according to their use and if they are not gelatin capsules or film-coated tablets. Even bitter tablets should be chewed, because their effect already begins in the oral cavity.
  8. All oral medications should be taken with a glass of water. I wrote about this in my article “”, I recommend reading it.
  9. It is strictly forbidden to use medications that have expired. The most harmless thing from taking them is the ineffectiveness of treatment, but the worst thing is irreparable harm to health. It should also be noted that medications must be stored correctly, i.e. in certain temperature conditions, this is always mentioned in the instructions for use of the drug.

In conclusion

The problem of polypharmacy is now very acute, especially in geriatrics. You should know that treatment will be successful when as few medications as possible are used and are used strictly as prescribed by the doctor.

Observations have shown that in old people who do not have pronounced manifestations of any diseases, significant improvement occurs when all medications are discontinued. general condition and well-being.

It is not for nothing that the medical community advocates a healthy lifestyle and physical activity: physically active people They use fewer medications, and as they age, their quantity generally decreases, which means that more active people get sick less and live longer.

You can learn more about the problem of polyplasmasia from experienced doctors and experts in this video, watch it to the end.

Dear readers, I hope that you were interested in learning about polyplasmacy and the dangers of taking a large number of medications, share the information by clicking on the social buttons. networks. On my blog there are many articles about how to be and stay healthy for a long time. Read and subscribe to blog news.

Be healthy! Taisiya Filippova was with you.

A question that interests all, without exception, inhabitants of the globe: “What happens if you drink a lot?” For millions of people a topic for thought that they can answer for themselves. However we'll talk not only about alcoholic drinks. Immediately, oddly enough, in response to the question posed, a certain statement (or folk wisdom, I won’t say categorically): “If you drink a lot of water, you will live long, if you drink a lot of alcohol, you will soon die.” Of course, everything is not as literal as in the slogan that so quickly comes to mind, but there is still some truth in it. Therefore, before you absorb liquid in large quantities, you need to know what happens if you drink a lot. Undoubtedly, if we talk about water, then in such a situation there will be absolute advantages, for example:

  • Accelerating metabolism, improving the general condition of your body.
  • Cleansing of toxins, removal of toxins.
  • Saturation of a sufficient number of organs with water, excellent health and healthy skin.
  • If you are losing weight, then large number water promotes faster weight loss.
  • 2 glasses of water before meals prepare the body for food intake and awaken it.

But it is necessary to remember that the expression “a large amount of water” refers to its norm for each person. That is, you need to consume as much fluid as your body needs. If you carefully read the list above, it becomes clear what happens if you drink a lot. If you consume a huge number of liters per day, this will lead to swelling and prolapse of organs, which is not good.

What happens if you drink a lot of alcohol:

  • Brain fog, high spirits, questions like “Where am I?”
  • Loss of meaning in life.
  • Harm to your health.
  • Gradual addiction, the possibility of alcoholism.

What happens if you drink a lot of soda: Pepsi, Cola, Sprite, and so on:

  • Obesity.
  • Huge harm to health.
  • Addiction.
  • Poisoning, accumulation harmful additives and dyes in the body.

All this confirms that you need to drink any liquid in moderation.

But I don’t see anything wrong with this!

Of course, most people are inveterate skeptics. They won't understand the seriousness of it until they're faced with real problems. Therefore, they will say: “What will happen if you drink a lot?” They will also laugh at the text stated above, but in vain, because this is a direct disregard for their health. The body does not like to be joked about. Therefore, I repeat once again: if you pour in a lot (of any liquid), the body will receive invaluable damage, which will be very difficult, and sometimes even impossible, to compensate.

I'm an avid coffee drinker!

Millions of people are proud that they drink a lot of coffee, considering it good source energy and vigor for the whole day, but only a few people know what this can lead to. But what to do if a person drank a lot of coffee? If such an embarrassment has occurred, then time and only time is needed for the ill-fated drink to leave the body. There's nothing you can do about it. In the future, be aware of the consequences overuse coffee:

  • Insomnia, nervous disorders.
  • Addiction.
  • Deterioration of brain function.
  • Promotion blood pressure, deterioration of heart function.
  • Yellow teeth.

Remember, the main thing is moderation in everything!

Sedatives have been used for the treatment of diseases of the central nervous system since ancient times. These are heterogeneous substances, the mechanism of action of which is a coordinating effect on the brain - suppression of excitation processes and activation of inhibition.

Sedative medications

Poisoning sedatives takes 2nd place after intoxication with sleeping pills. Distinctive feature medications sedative effect is an effect on the central nervous system, with characteristic stimulating or sedative effects on the mental area of ​​the brain. It also turns out to have a certain antidepressant (sometimes intoxicating) effect.

Moreover, they, to a greater or lesser extent, affect the functioning of the subcortical brain centers.


Considering their origin, two groups of sedatives are distinguished: plant-based and synthetic. There is another complex group, which includes drugs produced on the basis of plant raw materials and synthetic components.

The advantage of natural-based medications is their milder effect on the body and a small range of side effects that are reversible.


Depending on the pharmacological effect, they are also divided into groups. Symptoms of toxemia sedatives, are determined by their belonging to each of these groups.


They are classic preparations made on a plant base or containing bromine. Among these sedatives, infusions based on valerian, motherwort, and combined agents of plant origin.

Tranquilizers (anxiolytics)

These are psychotropic medications used to suppress feelings of anxiety, emotional overexcitation, fears and other psychological disorders. Most of these drugs are made on the basis of benzodiazepines.


This is very strong drugs, with a pronounced sedative effect. They find application in the practice of psychiatry. Prescribed for neuroses and psychoses. May be prescribed to lower blood pressure. Very effective in the treatment of delusional and aggressive states, hallucinations.


This is a group of psychotropic drugs used to stabilize the emotional background in mentally ill people.


These are psychostimulants. Used in the treatment of psychogenic depressive states, alcohol syndromes and psychoses, further consequences of encephalitis, as well as narcolepsy. They can also be used to relieve and eliminate fatigue, periodically increase performance and mental activity.


Components that exhibit an antidepressant effect in endogenous (arising against the background of complete well-being or minor mental trauma) depression. The difference in the action of antidepressants, in contrast to psychostimulants, lies in their abilities. The latter have analeptic properties, while antidepressants have a psychostimulating effect.

Advantages and Disadvantages

The objective advantage of sedative medications is a reduction in the degree nervous overstrain, which eliminates the risk of various complications resulting from stressful situations.

However, such means also have disadvantages. They often provoke addiction. This creates the need to take more serious medications.

This, in turn, is fraught with psychological addiction.

Moreover, these drugs, in particular synthetic ones, have a list of side effects.

Possibility of toxemia

An overdose of sedatives is due to the presence of such a disadvantage as addictiveness.

And the shorter the half-life, the higher it is.

Many people use such medications and do not feel the desired effect after long-term use, believe that increasing the dose is a harmless matter. However, not every time you can get by with only mild poisoning if you take a lot of tablets. Let's figure out what happens if you take an increased dose of such tablets.


Usually, to ensure a mild sedative and vasodilating effect, the instructions recommend a norm of 7-8 mg. This corresponds to 15-20 drops of medicine (or 30-50 drops) 3-4 times a day.

If the medicine is in the form of tablets, then you need to take as much in a single dose as indicated in the instructions. Recommended 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day.

Each of these drugs has a different lethal dose for humans. Moreover, it is individual for everyone. There are known cases of death from taking the drug in an amount of 0.1-0.3 g/kg of the patient’s body weight, while favorable results were recorded from taking 45 g of the drug.

To avoid unwanted effects, you must follow the recommendations specified in the instructions that are included in each package. But before increasing the norm, you should definitely consult with your doctor.


Signs of acute toxemia will be more or less different from each other. This is due to slightly different internal processes occurring under the influence of pharmacological effects:

First aid measures

If a person is poisoned calming tablets, having taken a sufficient dose, as shown characteristic symptoms, then you should call ambulance. The doctor will determine the degree of toxemia and decide whether hospitalization is necessary.

If the victim is calm and conscious, then before the arrival of doctors it is necessary to take a number of standard measures, the algorithm of which is similar to any drug poisoning:

  • give me a drink aqueous solution activated carbon for the purpose of cleansing the intestines;
  • cause a gag reflex;
  • impose cold compress on the forehead (if available) high temperature) instead of antipyretic drugs;
  • if necessary, perform pulmonary-cardiac resuscitation;
  • cover with a blanket to warm the patient in case of chills and calm him down;
  • give warm, weak tea.

Further treatment will take place in a hospital setting, if hospitalization is required. The patient will be given an antidote (depending on the toxic substance), gastrointestinal tract lavage using a flexible probe, forced diuresis and symptomatic therapy.