On what land can a pharmaceutical production be built? A typical business plan for a pharmaceutical enterprise (with a financial model). Methods of winning and retaining customers

Pharmaceutical business on diseases

John le Caré

Translation of the article was carried out by Ph.D. Streltsova G.P. (G. )

There is an entire industry whose natural economic interests are to prevent, suppress and discredit any information related to the eradication of disease. Sales of drugs for ongoing diseases benefit the pharmaceutical industry over a trillion dollars.

Although these medications relieve symptoms, they are not a cure. We need to realize: the purpose of this business is earning income from continuing illnesses. Cure or eradication of any disease will lead to the collapse of the billion-dollar pharmaceutical market.

I encourage you to read the fundamentals that reveal the nature of the pharmaceutical business and think about each of them. You will understand why we are inundated with advertisements from pharmaceutical companies trying to make us believe that they are “searching for cures”, “seeking to eliminate diseases”, “increasing” and all the rest.

Using false representations, the pharmaceutical industry was able to hide for many decades the true nature of its business, which was to maximize profits from the continuation of diseases. The pharmaceutical "disease business" has killed more people than all of humanity's wars combined.

As a direct consequence of the activities of pharmaceutical companies, more people have died from preventable diseases than from all the wars in human history. The stages of development of this tragedy are described below.

For example, the fact that vitamin C strengthens artery walls has been known for more than 200 years, ever since James Lind discovered that vitamin C deficiency causes bleeding and scurvy. Any pharmaceutical company executive, any PhD or MD who denies our knowledge of this fact is simply not trustworthy.

Then, why didn’t medicine take this knowledge into service, why didn’t it launch a fight against cardiovascular diseases? Why is the official daily recommended dose of vitamin C 60 mg, an amount barely enough to prevent scurvy but surely too low and almost certainly causing an epidemic of cardiovascular disease?

You will find the answer to this question on the next page.

Throughout the century, pharmaceutical companies have understood that the population's optimal intake of vitamins would lead to the collapse of the billion-dollar pharmaceutical market. In addition, they cannot be patented, and the level of profit from their sale will remain meager. Based on this analysis, two survival strategies for the pharmaceutical industry were identified:

  • By all available means, discourage the use of vitamins and other natural therapies, as well as research in this area and the dissemination of relevant information.
  • Maintain the illusion that patented synthetic drugs are an adequate means of combating human disease.

The pharmaceutical industry is as necessary to the country as cancer is to the body.

Why is it that millions of people are still willing to pay the pharmaceutical cartel billions of dollars? for medicines that do not cure, but often “mutilate”?

The answer is: over the past century, the drug cartel and its army of lobbyists have created a sophisticated system of control, penetration, economic incentives, manipulation and deception.

The most important components of this system are briefly described on the next page. Millions of sick and healthy people were regularly deceived by this system:

  • Systems of manipulating research to present synthetic drugs rather than natural remedies as real “cure”;
  • Systems of prescribing “medicines” by doctors who have not been trained in nutritional medicine and who receive financial rewards for prescribing pharmaceuticals instead of natural therapies;
  • Systems of deceptive multi-million dollar pharmaceutical advertising campaigns that deliberately mislead people about the effects of drugs and their risks and mask the irresponsible nature of the pharmaceutical business;
  • A regulatory system created by government and legislative structures under pressure from the pharmaceutical lobby, which imposes bans on the dissemination of reliable information about the effects of vitamins and other natural therapies on human health.

In the future, no country should allow itself to be burdened by a pharmaceutical industry that is growing like a cancer at the expense of people, companies and the public sector; and they suffer from skyrocketing costs for medicine that does not cure.

21st century: liberating human health

500 years ago, the Roman Church made billions of thalers (the forerunner of the dollar) by selling indulgences to its faithful - the imaginary "keys to the gates of heaven." Then the deception scheme collapsed, and with it the former power of the church.

Today, the same model of deception is used by the pharmaceutical industry. She is trying to sell millions of people the “keys to health”, and in return takes billions of dollars from them, creating the illusion that she is interested in preserving them.

Given the current sad state of affairs, the urgency of creating a new healthcare system is clear. Freeing ourselves from the absurd yoke of the pharmaceutical industry will bring immediate and direct benefits to millions of people, businesses and the public sector in all countries. The new health system must be based on increased competence and greater involvement of millions of people. The basics of health should become clear, achievable and accessible to everyone.

The era of human history in which health was left to the mercy of industry, which shamelessly used it as a cover, must be irrevocably a thing of the past.

The new health system must place special emphasis on first aid services, disease prevention and eradication. Health centers and health consultants are expected to replace many of the “high-tech” medical centers of today. Every natural food store is the beginning of a local health center. The new health care system must be created by committed people outside the medical profession, as well as by a growing number of doctors and professionals.

Most professionals understand that they themselves have been compromised by pharmaceutical companies and are victims of a healthcare system designed to please drug manufacturers.

Pharmaceutical Industry Laws

The main principles of the pharmaceutical “business of diseases”

For the pharmaceutical industry, preventing common diseases is not profitable from a financial point of view, because the continuation and spread of diseases is an indispensable condition for increasing its financial power.

1. The pharmaceutical industry is an investment industry focused on making a profit for its investors. Business is not focused on improving people's health.

2. The pharmaceutical investment industry is artificially created and has been developing for over a century according to a strategy developed by the same investment groups that control the global petrochemical and chemical industries.

3. The pharmaceutical industry's huge profits are based on the principle of patenting new drugs. Essentially, patents allow drug makers to arbitrarily set profit margins on their products.

4. The pharmaceutical industry's market is the human body - but only when it is sick. Therefore, the continuation and spread of diseases is a sine qua non for the growth of the pharmaceutical industry.

5. The main strategy for the growth of the pharmaceutical business is to develop drugs that only mask the symptoms, but do not cure or eliminate diseases. It becomes clear why the effectiveness of most prescribed medications today has not been proven, and the medications themselves only affect the symptoms of the disease.

6. To further expand their pharmaceutical market, drug manufacturing companies are constantly looking for new applications (indications for use) of the drugs they already sell. For example, Bayer's painkiller Aspirin is now taken by 50 million healthy Americans in the mistaken belief that taking it will prevent heart attacks.

7. One of the main strategies used to expand the pharmaceutical market is aimed at “nurturing” new ones through the use of pharmaceutical drugs. Most of the medications prescribed and taken by millions of patients today provide only short-term relief from symptoms. But at the same time they cause a lot new diseases– as a result of their known long-term side effects. For example, it is known that all cholesterol-lowering drugs currently on the market increase the risk of developing cancer, but only after the patient has taken them for several years.

8. The now known fatal side effects of pharmaceutical drugs have become the fourth most common cause of death in industrialized countries. Ahead - only mortality from heart attacks, cancer and (Journal of the American Medical Association, April 15, 1998). This fact is also not surprising, since drug patents are issued mainly for new synthetic molecules. The body tries to eliminate the toxic effects of synthetic molecules and remove them, which often fails; the result is an epidemic of severe or fatal side effects. Comparative statistics of annual deaths of US residents who died from side effects of drugs (106,000 per year), at the fronts (49,000 per year) and in Vietnam (10,000 per year).

9. The continuation and spread of diseases increases the market for pharmaceutical investment business. At the same time, preventing and eliminating the causes of diseases leads to a reduction in income in the long term. Consequently, the pharmaceutical industry does not deal with the issues of preventing and eliminating the causes of diseases, and even creates all sorts of obstacles to such activities.

10. Worst of all, disease eradication is inherently incompatible with and fundamentally contrary to the interests of pharmaceutical investment. The elimination of diseases, now considered as a segment of the potential market, will destroy billions of investment funds and ultimately lead to the collapse of the entire industry.

11. Vitamins and other effective natural therapies that optimize cellular metabolism pose a threat to the pharmaceutical "disease exploitation business." They act at the cellular level on the causes of the most common diseases of our time, and they cannot be patented because they are natural substances.

12. For more than a century, the pharmaceutical industry and other essential nutrients, whose functions in cell metabolism have been established, have remained the most intransigent opposition and the greatest threat to the long-term success of the pharmaceutical investment business.

13. Vitamins and other effective natural therapies that effectively prevent disease are incompatible with the very nature of the pharmaceutical “disease exploitation business.”

14. To ensure the long-term development of its investment, threatened by effective, natural and generic therapies, the pharmaceutical industry has used the most cynical methods over the past century, namely:

– Hiding vital information regarding their health from millions of people. It is simply unacceptable that so few people today know that the human body cannot produce vitamin C and lysine on its own, two key molecules needed to strengthen connective tissue strength and prevent .

– Discrediting natural methods of treatment and recovery. The most common route is through global PR campaigns orchestrated by pharmaceutical cartels that spread lies about the supposed side effects of natural substances—molecules that have been used by nature for millennia.

– Legislative ban on the dissemination of information about natural methods of treatment and preservation of health. Finally, it placed its lobbyists in key political positions in the main markets of the leading drug exporting countries.

15. The pharmaceutical "disease business" is the biggest deception and fraud business in human history. Such a product as “health”, promised by pharmaceutical companies in the form of a drug, is not delivered to millions of patients. Instead of this “product”, the exact opposite is most often supplied: new diseases and often death.

16. The survival of the pharmaceutical industry depends on eliminating effective natural treatments and restoring health at all costs. These natural and off-patent therapies have become the treatment choice for millions of people, despite the collusion of economic, political and media opposition to the world's largest investment industry.

The pharmaceutical sector includes several industries, but there are universal recommendations that will help you buy a pharmaceutical business or sell it. When conducting a specific transaction, it is recommended to contact consultants.

Purchase of a ready-made company

To buy a profitable pharmaceutical business, it is important to focus on the following parameters:

  • company income;
  • proposed assets;
  • accounts receivable;
  • staff;
  • documentation.

It is advisable that as many assets as possible be transferred into ownership. This will serve as a kind of insurance if the drug business does not work out in the future. Then it will be possible to sell the premises, equipment, remaining drugs, trademarks, website, transport.

The company’s lack of debt is an obvious advantage, and the presence of experienced specialists and managers on the team will allow, for example, to buy a pharmaceutical company in Moscow while living in another city. Documentation must be carefully checked - this will reduce legal risks to a minimum.

Sale of pharmaceutical business

You should carefully prepare for the sale. To do this, it is necessary to put all documents in order, if possible, renew contracts and licenses, and formalize special relationships with suppliers and partners.

We should not forget that raider groups still exist in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other regions of Russia, so it is important to take measures to protect information that can serve as a lever for dishonest operations.

The price of a pharmaceutical business depends on many parameters. First of all, it is recommended to prove to the buyer that the business will generate income in the future. To do this, you can build a financial model, offer an interesting business plan and provide revenue data for recent years.

I think that many people surfing the Internet, and especially users who are looking to make money on the Internet, have more than once encountered such a concept as “pharma” or “”.

First, let's figure out what pharma is. The abbreviation “pharma” comes from the term “pharmaceuticals”. According to Ushakov’s dictionary, pharmaceuticals (Greek Pharmakeutike - medicinal) is a set of applied disciplines on the extraction, processing, storage and dispensing of drugs.

That is, in other words, this is everything related to tablets. And the term “pharma business” that you heard about on the Internet means the trade in pharmacological drugs (or pharmaceutical drugs, they are simply “pills”).

It turns out that those who are engaged in pharmaceutical business on the Internet simply sell all kinds of pills.

How is a pharmaceutical business organized on the Internet?

Let's start with the fact that there are manufacturers of pharmaceutical drugs that are located in countries with a low standard of living and, accordingly, low wages (for example, in India).

This makes it possible to produce tablets at fairly low prices. However, these are high-quality pharmaceutical products that, due to their low prices, sell well in the USA and Europe.

It is precisely because of the low price of tablets that such companies can afford to pay good commissions to their distributors. This is done very easily via the Internet.

An affiliate program is being created in which anyone can take part, just register. Such pharma affiliate programs offer ready-made online stores for selling tablets.

All you need to do is bring customers to your store and receive a very good percentage of sales. But bringing a potential buyer is the most difficult thing. But we’ll talk about this in another article in this section.

Who buys pills online

The bulk of tablet buyers via the Internet live in America and Europe. This is not surprising; they have long understood that buying online is convenient. And not just pills.

In addition, buying pills on the Internet makes life easier for shy people; they do not have to “blush” at the pharmacy when buying Viagra or diet pills. They will be brought home. Just as I said above, in an online store the price will be significantly lower than in a regular pharmacy, and this is also not an unimportant plus.

Making money from farming - why it’s worth a try

It’s worth trying to make money from farming because it’s a big business with a multi-billion dollar turnover. Why not try to grab a piece of this pie for yourself?

This, of course, is not easy - there is decent competition in the topic, however, if you dream of “manna from heaven” while lying on the couch and do not make any physical movements, you will have nothing.

You have to earn material wealth)) I can say that the most successful adverts (as participants in affiliate programs are called) earn several thousand dollars a day!

I think this is enough motivation)))

3. Review of affiliate programs for foreign traffic

4. Review of affiliate programs for Russian traffic
4.1. Rufarma Affiliate Program
4.2. DoktorDick Affiliate Program

5. Getting Russian pharma traffic









4.1.1. Population dynamics 16

4.1.2. Living level 20


4.2.1. Pharmaceutical market 24

4.2.2. Commercial retail sector 26

4.2.3. Parapharmaceuticals segment 27

4.2.4. Public sector of the pharmaceutical market 27


4.3.1. Imported and domestic drugs on the Russian market 31

4.3.2. Prescription and over-the-counter drugs 33

4.3.3. Commercial retail sector drugs 34



4.5.1. OJSC Pharmstandard 42 OJSC Pharmstandard-Ufa Vitamin Plant 43 OJSC Pharmstandard-Leksredstva 47

4.5.2. JSC "Federal Center for the Design and Development of Nuclear Medicine Facilities" 51

4.5.3. JSC "Akrikhin" 54

4.5.4. OJSC "Nizhpharm" 58

4.5.5. NPO Microgen 61







6.3. STAFF 75




















List of charts

Diagram 1. Natural movement of the population, 2005-2012, thousand people.

Diagram 2. Dynamics of the permanent population of Russia, 2000-2012, million people.

Diagram 3. Dynamics of the permanent population of Moscow, 2000-2012, million people.

Diagram 4. Dynamics of the permanent population of St. Petersburg, 2000-2012, million people.

Diagram 5. Dynamics of infant mortality in Russia, 2000-2012, thousand people.

Diagram 6. Dynamics of average monthly nominal accrued wages in Russia, 2000-2012, rub./month.

Diagram 7. Dynamics of average monthly nominal accrued wages in Moscow, 2000-2012, rub./month.

Diagram 8. Dynamics of average monthly nominal accrued wages in St. Petersburg, 2000-2012, rub./month.

Diagram 9. Distribution of the population by average per capita monetary income

Diagram 10. Volume of the Russian pharmaceutical market in 2010-2012. and forecast for 2013.

Diagram 11. Dynamics of volumes of the commercial retail pharmaceutical sector. market 2010-2012

Diagram 12. Volume of the parapharmaceutical sector of the Russian pharmaceutical industry. market in 2011 - 2012

Diagram 13. Dynamics of volumes of the Russian pharmaceutical DLO sector. market 2011-2012

Diagram 14. Dynamics of volumes of the hospital procurement sector of the Russian pharmaceutical market in 2011 - 2012.

Diagram 15. Dynamics of the ratio of imported and local drugs on the Russian market in 2007-2012.

Diagram 16. Share ratio of prescription and over-the-counter drugs in the Russian pharmaceutical industry. market in 2010-2012

Diagram 18. Regional structure of pharmaceutical production in 2012, %

Diagram 19. Dynamics of Russian pharmaceutical volumes. production in 2010-2012 and forecast for 2013-2017.

Diagram 20. Distribution of pharmacy visitors by age in 2011.

Diagram 21. Distribution of consumer preferences by type of medical products in 2011.

Diagram 22. Investment structure

Diagram 23. Structure of revenues by various income items for the planning period

Diagram 24. Structure of current expenses

Diagram 25. Structure of tax payments

List of charts

Chart 1. Break-even point.

Graph 2. Graph of revenue, costs, profit

Chart 3. Net profit chart

Graph 4. NPV and undiscounted cash flow for the investor



List of tables

Table 1. Distribution of the population by average per capita monetary income, as a percentage of the total, 2006-2012.

Table 2. Volume of the pharmaceutical market and its sectors in 2011-2012.

Table 3. Structure of hospital purchases of OTC drugs by ATC groups in 2012

Table 4. TOP 20 drugs in the commercial sector in 2012

Table 5. Dynamics of Russian pharmaceutical volumes. production in 2005-2012, billion rubles.

Table 6. TOP 10 manufacturing companies by sales volume, 2012

Table 8. Balance sheet of OJSC Pharmstandard-Ufa Vitamin Plant.

Table 9. OJSC Profit and Loss Statement "Pharmstandard-Ufa Vitamin Plant".

Table 10. Main financial indicators of Pharmstandard-Ufa Vitamin Plant.

Table 11. Balance sheet of Pharmstandard-Leksredstva OJSC.

Table 12. Profit and loss statement of Pharmstandard-Leksredstva OJSC.

Table 13. Main financial indicators of Pharmstandard-Leksredstva OJSC.

Table 14. Balance sheet of JSC Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Federal Center for the Design and Development of Nuclear Medicine Facilities".

Table 15. Profit and loss statement of JSC Federal State Unitary Enterprise “Federal Center for the Design and Development of Nuclear Medicine Facilities”.

Table 16. Main financial indicators of JSC FSUE “Federal Center for the Design and Development of Nuclear Medicine Facilities”.

Table 17. Balance sheet of JSC Akrikhin.

Table 18. Profit and loss statement of Akrikhin OJSC.

Table 19. Main financial indicators of JSC Akrikhin.

Table 20. Balance sheet of OJSC Nizhpharm.

Table 21. Profit and loss statement of Nizhpharm OJSC.

Table 22. Main financial indicators of Nizhpharm OJSC.

Table 23. Balance sheet of NPO Microgen.

Table 24. Profit and loss statement of NPO Microgen.

Table 25. Main financial indicators of NPO Microgen.

Table 26. Structure of consumer spending in 2011.

Table 27. Structure of expenses of decile groups of the population in 2011.

Table 28. Distribution of room areas

Table 29. Required equipment

Table 30. Staffing table

Table 31. Cost of sales of medicinal products by type, rubles/package

Table 32. Markups on medicines, %.

Table 33. Investment plan

Table 34. Project risks

Table 35. Initial project indicators

Table 36. Revenue plan for the planning period

Table 37. Expense plan

Table 38. Taxation for the project

Table 39. Data for calculating the break-even point

Table 40. Profit and loss statement

Table 41. Cash flow statement

Table 42. Project performance indicators

The business plan proposes the organization of an enterprise that should ensure the uninterrupted production of a wide range of high-quality pharmaceutical products (finished medicines and substances) to meet the needs of all population groups in the region (source - www.cfin.ru).

  • Expanding production and increasing sales of the medical drug Polysorb

The business plan proposes expanding production and increasing sales of the newest medical drug Polysorb based on nanotechnology, ensuring the individual safety of consumers (source - www.cfin.ru).

The business plan describes the marketing and financial aspects of creating a network of pharmacies based on the wholesale pharmaceutical company Home Pharmacy. This network will be a closed joint stock company owned by two shareholders. The company plans to open ten pharmacy kiosks. Marketing research has shown that pharmacy chains are attractive to investors and highly profitable enterprises have the opportunity to build a gas station in the Moscow region (source - www.openbusiness.ru/).

  • Business plan for the production of biotechnological products

The business plan describes the activities of Scientific and Production Enterprise Nanosintez LLC, which is a manufacturer of biotechnological products, created with the support of the Federal Fund for Assistance to the Development of Small Innovative Enterprises in the Scientific and Technical Field within the framework of the START-08 program. The company is the winner of the 2009 Innovation Convention in the category “Best Innovative Product in the Field of Medicine”, Laureate of the Zworykin Prize (source - www.openbusiness.ru/).

  • Standard business plan for the Center for Rehabilitation of the Spine and Large Joints

This business plan is a description of a commercial project to organize a Center for Rehabilitation of the Spine and Large Joints (hereinafter may be used: Rehabilitation Center, Spinal Rehabilitation Center, Center) on the basis of a medical clinic or as a separate medical center. The rehabilitation center is focused on the use of the “natural movement” mechanism, simulating the work of muscles. The equipment that is proposed to be used in this project allows you to restore motor activity in the shortest possible time and create a load stereotype (source - www.openbusiness.ru/).

Every entrepreneur, starting his business, must clearly understand the future need for financial, material, labor and intellectual resources, the sources of their receipt, and also be able to clearly calculate the efficiency of their use in the process of the company’s work. This business plan describes the creation of an enterprise for the production of medical equipment (source - www.openbusiness.ru/).

The business plan proposed for consideration was developed with the aim of organizing a diagnostic center using the Biotest medical device, which is intended for the diagnosis and treatment of many diseases according to the method developed by R. Voll (source - www.openbusiness.ru/).

The proposed plan for creating a pharmacy describes the purpose and objectives of the company, ways to achieve its goals, and also contains the main financial indicators of its proposed activities (source - http://www.ideibiznesa.org/).