Reddened eye causes an adult. Red eye color due to negative external influences. Causes of redness of one eye with pain

is a symptom complex that develops during inflammatory lesion century, tear ducts, conjunctiva or cornea. Clinically, the disease is manifested by hyperemia, increased lacrimation, edema, pain, and visual dysfunction. To establish the causes of development, biomicroscopy, visometry, perimetry, ultrasound, gonioscopy, tonometry, ophthalmoscopy are performed. Conservative therapy includes the use of antibacterial drugs, NSAIDs, glucocorticosteroids, antihistamines, mydriatics and antiseptics.

General information

Red eye syndrome is a common pathology in practical ophthalmology. Accurate statistical data on the epidemiology of the disease are not available, due to large quantity background diseases that lead to its development. It was found that more than 75% of the population had symptoms of this pathology of physiological or pathological origin. With damage to the anterior eyeball this figure reaches 95-98%. The disease can develop at any age. Men and women are affected with equal frequency. The pathology is ubiquitous.

Causes of red eye syndrome

This ophthalmopathology is considered as a symptom complex characterizing the course pathological process in the region of the anterior segment of the eyes. Risk factors for the development of the disease - long-term use contact lenses, autoimmune and metabolic disorders, arterial hypertension, aggravated allergic history. The main reasons for development include:

  • Inflammation eyeball structures. Red eye syndrome is a common manifestation of blepharitis, eyelid abscess, dacryoadenitis, dacryocystitis, conjunctivitis, keratitis.
  • Impact chemical substances . Injection of vessels of the conjunctival membrane - frequent reaction on decorative cosmetics, eye care products, increased chlorine content in water, chemical reagents.
  • hit foreign body into the orbital cavity. Pathology occurs when the conjunctiva is irritated by foreign bodies - dust particles, cosmetics or smoke.
  • visual fatigue. overvoltage eye muscles leads to impaired blood supply and the occurrence of hyperemia. This physiological phenomenon which passes on its own.
  • allergic reactions . Development clinical manifestations provokes allergies to pollen, pet hair, flowering plants.
  • Infectious eye diseases. Injection of the vessels of the conjunctiva - characteristic symptom toxoplasmosis, syphilis, chlamydia.
  • Blood diseases. Clinical manifestations may indicate hemophilia, thrombocytopenic purpura, idiopathic thrombocytopenia, von Willebrand disease, disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC).
  • dry eye syndrome. The development of pathology is due to a violation of the process of tear formation, which underlies xerophthalmia.


The key role in the mechanism of occurrence of red eye syndrome is given to increased permeability vascular wall. This results in the release of vasoactive substances into the bloodstream: histamine, bradykinin, interleukins 1, 2, 6, 8, thromboxane A2. Less often, hyperemia is a consequence of an anomaly in the development of blood vessels, manifested by thinning of the wall or a change rheological properties blood. As a result, the vascular network is clearly visualized on the surface of the eyeball. If the integrity of the walls of the capillaries is violated, bleeding develops with the formation of extensive areas of hemorrhage.

Symptoms of red eye syndrome

The first manifestation of the pathology is hyperemia of the conjunctival surface, which is later joined by small areas of hemorrhage located along the periphery of the limbus. The onset is usually rapid, prodromal phenomena are present only with infectious genesis illness. With a unilateral form, there may be a narrowing of the pupil on the side of the lesion. Patients complain of the appearance of "flies" or "floating opacities" before the eyes. There is a feeling of "sand in the eyes", the development of which is due to the expansion of the vessels of the conjunctiva. Intensity pain syndrome varies from a feeling of mild discomfort to severe pain, accompanied by the inability to open the eyelids, irradiation to the superciliary arches, temporal region.

Patients report itching, swelling, increased lacrimation. characteristic feature diseases - photophobia. In a complicated course, whitish, yellow or green masses. Visual dysfunction is manifested by the appearance of a "fog" or "veil" before the eyes, a decrease in visual acuity. There is a pronounced cosmetic defect. The recurrent course of the syndrome in children disrupts the process social adaptation. With allergic genesis, the symptoms increase at the time of exposure to allergens, autumn-spring seasonality is noted.

With the development of the disease against the background of conjunctivitis, changes in the cornea are not visually determined, but it is noted hypersensitivity. With dacryocystitis, along with all the symptoms described above, pathological masses of a cheese-like consistency are released from the lower lacrimal punctum when pressed on the lacrimal sac. In addition to general symptoms in patients against the background of iridocyclitis, the color of the iris changes, the pupil is deformed. Soreness is most pronounced in the projection zone of the ciliary body. When a disease occurs on the background of blepharitis, the symptoms are represented by redness of the eyelids, the presence of scales between the eyelashes and on the skin, ulcerative defects on skin eyelids, loss of eyelashes.


With low efficiency medical measures on the part of the cornea, complications such as bacterial keratitis, degenerative-dystrophic changes or clouding can be observed. Acute course inflammation of the conjunctiva, lacrimal ducts, eyelids or cornea is often replaced by chronic. Dacryocystitis is often complicated by phlegmon of the lacrimal sac. At long course iridocyclitis, obstruction of the pupillary opening is possible, which leads to impaired circulation intraocular fluid and the development of secondary glaucoma. Visual acuity is reduced due to clouding of the optical media, spasm of accommodation. Most rare complications pathologies - orbital cellulitis, the formation of connective tissue moorings. The development of an inflammatory process with the occurrence of pan- and endophthalmitis is more often noted.


Diagnosis is made by visual examination, special complex ophthalmic examinations. The naked eye reveals hyperemia of the anterior surface of the eyes. The main diagnostic methods include:

  • Biomicroscopy of the eye. The technique makes it possible to visualize the expansion of the vascular network of the conjunctiva, areas of hemorrhage, clouding of the lens.
  • Visometry. Reduced visual acuity is determined. If a spasm of the accommodative apparatus is suspected, it is recommended additional holding tests with mydriatics.
  • Perimetry. Helper method, allowing to reveal the concentric narrowing of the field of view.
  • Ultrasound of the eye. Ultrasonography used to visualize organic changes (foreign body) that can lead to the development of pathology. The technique is also used to detect objective signs of complications (clouding of the lens, anterior and posterior synechia).
  • Ophthalmoscopy. A fundus examination is performed to examine the condition of the optic disc and retina to assess the reversibility of visual dysfunction.
  • Gonioscopy. A small amount of turbid fluid in the anterior chamber may be determined.
  • Tonometry. Intraocular pressure increases secondarily in individuals with a history of uveal tract involvement.

Treatment of red eye syndrome

Plays a leading role in the treatment of pathology etiotropic therapy carried out to eliminate the clinical manifestations of the underlying disease. Surgical interventions are effective in traumatic injuries eyeball and dacryocystitis (dacryocystorhinostomy). In the early childhood probing of the lacrimal canal is recommended. Conservative therapy is based on the use of:

  • Antibacterial drugs. The appointment of a course of antibiotic therapy should be preceded by a study of the sensitivity of the pathogen to the agent used (antibiogram). Frequent instillations of drugs are shown (at least 6-8 times a day). At severe course using systemic antibiotic therapy.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). They are used to stop the signs of inflammation, reduce the manifestations of edema and pain.
  • Glucocorticosteroids. Instillations hormonal drugs prescribed when NSAIDs fail. In the idiopathic variant of the disease, glucocorticosteroids are strictly contraindicated.
  • Midriatikov. Used in patients with iridocyclitis to dilate the pupil and normalize intraocular hydrodynamics. The expediency of using this group of drugs for the prevention of pupillary fusion has been proven.
  • Antihistamines. They are prescribed for the allergic nature of the disease in the form of drops. At systemic manifestations allergies, oral administration or intramuscular administration is indicated.
  • antiseptic solutions. Antiseptic solutions are used to wash the conjunctival cavity in order to remove pathological masses.
  • vitamin therapy. Vitamins of groups A, C and P are used in addition to the main treatment.

Forecast and prevention

The prognosis for life and working capacity is favorable. Specific preventive measures have not been developed. Non-specific prophylaxis is reduced to observance of rules of hygiene of eyes, the prevention of contact of dust and toxic substances with conjunctiva. Patients with a burdened ophthalmic history should be examined twice a year by an ophthalmologist with mandatory eye biomicroscopy. When working in production, it is recommended to use tools personal protection(glasses, masks). WITH preventive purpose instillations of moisturizers, artificial tears are prescribed.

The sclera (protein) and the mucous membrane of the eye are supplied with blood vessels, the task of which is to saturate nervous tissue body nutrients and oxygen. V normal condition the vessels are practically invisible, however, when expanded (due to thinning of the walls), they become visible, since they stain the sclera red. Often, red eyes are a signal of the presence of some kind of trouble in the body, which can be due to both external irritants, allergens, and diseases that need to be investigated and treated. Let’s take a look at what causes this type of error.

Physical factor - often and not always harmless reason eye redness. Constant external exposure can lead to permanent visual impairment. As a result of the influence of the sun, gusts of wind, frost, a slight and short reddening of the eyes appears, which, as a rule, disappears within an hour. In addition to adverse weather conditions, the mucous membrane of the eye can be affected by urban smog, cigarette smoke, foreign objects present in the air (dust, grains of sand, specks, animal hair, etc.), as well as various aerosols. In these cases, the rate of disappearance of redness is individual and depends on the amount of damage. In addition, the cause of redness can be an injury (inflicted by a hand, a stick, another object) or a burn, and in similar situations in case of severe inflammation, it is recommended to consult a doctor.


Eye fatigue often causes a failure in their normal functioning accompanied by an unpleasant feeling of dryness, soreness, redness. It occurs, as a rule, with prolonged concentration on any object: a page of a book, a TV screen, a computer monitor, etc. It increases the load on vision and improper lighting during work (too bright or, conversely, dim light).

The eyes get tired quickly as a result of lack of sleep at night or its absence, as well as mental overstrain, during which intraocular pressure rises. If excessive stress occurs for a significant period, it can lead to myopia (nearsightedness) and reddening of the eyes can become chronic.


Alcohol intake is another common cause of vasodilation, not only in the eyes, but also in the skin and internal organs. Large dose alcohol provokes the release into the blood of increasing arterial pressure norepinephrine and renin, due to which drinking people often a capillary mesh appears on the whites of the eyes, and in some cases, hemorrhages occur in the eyeball.


Redness of the mucous membrane of the eye is one of the symptoms of conjunctivitis of any nature (bacterial, viral, herpetic, allergic, etc.). Along with inflammation in the disease, irritation, burning, lacrimation, fatigue eyes, as well as eyelid edema and photophobia. Conjunctivitis also occurs as a result of non-observance of hygiene, that is, the use of other people's scarves, towels, rare hand washing, and can be transmitted not only to contact, but also by airborne droplets (viral conjunctivitis). Treatment of the disease depends on its form, but in any case, to reduce the severity of inflammation, it is useful to wash the eyes with fresh tea leaves or chamomile decoction.


Allergic reaction

The eyes are a sensitive organ that is easily affected by irritating factors, one of which are allergens. Substances that provoke a strong response of the mucous membrane of the eye can be part of cosmetics, household chemicals, medicines, plant pollen, wool, animal feathers, as well as house dust, which usually contains molds and foreign bodies. In some cases, an allergic reaction may occur to impermeable contact lenses and rinsing agents. Elimination of redness in such situations, as a rule, occurs with the help of an antiallergic agent used as prescribed by a doctor.



Arterial hypertension (hypertension) is one of the common diseases, which can affect the condition of the retina of the eye. The most common is angiopathy of the retina - increased branching and tortuosity of the veins, due to which they become visible small arteries, and also pinpoint hemorrhages are found in the shell of the organ. Angiopathy is characteristic of the 1st (unstable) stage hypertension and, as a rule, passes with the correct selection of antihypertensive drugs.

Angiopathy in the 2nd stage of hypertension can develop into angiosclerosis (thickening and narrowing of the lumen of the vessels), which in some cases leads to their complete blockage. Along with redness of the eyes, signs of the disease are flies, dark spots before the eyes, itching, and pain in the eyes. Eye problems with severe hypertension are sometimes accompanied by swelling, nasal and ear hemorrhages, and blood in the urine. It is important to remember that vascular damage can affect optic nerve and lead to loss of vision, so the disease should not be left without medical supervision.

Many people experience reddening of the whites or eye fatigue from time to time. Most often, these symptoms are associated with eye strain, as well as exposure to external factors, for example, strong wind, dust. However, the reasons why the eyes get tired and redden may be more serious. These manifestations may indicate an inflammatory process, allergies or vascular pathology. Often, eye diseases are accompanied by other unpleasant manifestations.

Associated symptoms may include:

  • burning sensation in the eye;
  • pain;
  • temperature increase;
  • discharge from the eyes;
  • photophobia;

Eyes turn red in the sun

Impact of factors environment- most common causes white redness. In this case, the eyes may water or hurt, blurred vision may occur. If the eyes turn red in the sun, most likely there is nothing to worry about. However, if you observe this constantly, you should consult a doctor.

Among the external factors that cause redness of the eyes are called dry air, insufficient lighting. In this case, the symptom disappears within a short time on its own. Sometimes redness can be the result of an allergic reaction to dust or plant pollen.

Causes of redness of the eyes and the appearance of a feeling of fatigue

Redness of the eyes and a feeling of fatigue in the eyes may indicate the development of the most various diseases. This symptom can appear both in the morning and in the evening. Environmental conditions, observance of personal hygiene rules and the presence of other diseases also have a significant impact.

  • ingress of dust and other foreign objects(for example, eyelashes, sand, midges);
  • ingress of water, soap, cleaning products, etc.;
  • wind, cold air or vice versa the sun;
  • prolonged stay in a room with a working air conditioner, fan;
  • trips to the bath;
  • malnutrition;
  • tobacco smoke;
  • allergy to plant pollen, fluff, animal hair, mold;
  • intolerance to the elements contained in detergents and cleaning products, powders;
  • contact lenses;
  • wearing the wrong glasses;
  • cosmetics;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • prolonged eye strain (reading, watching TV, sitting at a computer, driving a car);
  • insufficient lighting of the workplace;
  • lack of sleep;
  • cry;
  • cold, cough;
  • redness of the eyes during pregnancy, overexertion during childbirth;
  • dry eye syndrome;
  • eye injury;
  • glaucoma;
  • blepharitis;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • astigmatism;
  • asthenopia;
  • uveitis;
The symptom may be due to climatic factors(wind, sun, water), during crying, when foreign bodies (sand, specks) get in, and also due to various diseases. Often redness of the eyes develops with chronic fatigue eyes in people whose lives are associated with intense visual stress (work at the computer, regular many hours of watching TV, long-term driving, painstaking work with eye fixation close range, especially in low-light workplaces).

Therefore, the eyes need to provide moisture by creating a protective film on the surface of the cornea. This task is met by funds based on hyaluronic acid, For example, eye drops"Artelak Splash", which are indicated to eliminate mild symptoms of eye fatigue that occur up to 2-3 times a day. With an intense manifestation of dryness that bothers a person throughout the day, you should pay attention to the Artelak Balance drops, which include a protector that provides a long-lasting moisturizing effect, and vitamin B12, which has pronounced antioxidant properties.

Eye redness treatment

It should be carried out after consultation with a specialist, however, in some cases, you can alleviate the condition if redness occurs on your own, at home.
In some cases, it is enough to establish and eliminate the cause that caused the reddening of the mucous membrane of the eyes, so that after a short period of time the condition of the eyes will return to normal on its own. In some cases, the following remedies can bring significant relief:
  • Vitamin-mineral complexes for the eyes with lutein, which help to cope with the adverse effects of increased visual stress.
  • Hardware that improves blood circulation in the organ of vision, training accommodation (an example of such a device can be Sidorenko Glasses, which combine several physiotherapeutic methods at once to achieve maximum effect.
  • Artificial tears (moisturizing eye drops, such as Systane or Oxial). Preparations of this group moisturize the mucous membrane of the eye, relieve symptoms of irritation, reduce pain and inflammation.
  • Vasoconstrictor drugs as eye drops("Vizin"). Please note: use similar drugs can be used as an "ambulance", but they do not eliminate the cause of redness of the eyes.
  • Doctors recommend treating conjunctivitis antimicrobials in the form of eye drops. For example, an antibiotic has proven itself well a wide range the action of ofloxacin from the group of fluoroquinolones of the II generation, which is embedded in the cell walls of bacteria and blocks the work of enzymes responsible for the reproduction of DNA molecules, after which the bacteria lose the ability to multiply and die. Ofloxacin - active substance the drug Floksal, which is available in the form of eye ointment and drops and has a pronounced antibacterial effect. With barley antibacterial ointment put on inflamed area, characteristic swelling of the eyelid, at least 2-3 times a day until the symptoms disappear completely, but not less than 5 days, even if the symptoms disappeared earlier. With bacterial conjunctivitis (red eye with purulent discharge), drops are instilled 2-4 times a day until the symptoms disappear completely, for at least 5 days in a row.
  • Compression for the eyes. Can be used for compress cold water, chamomile decoction, oak bark, you can apply ice cubes, bags of sleeping tea, slices raw potatoes etc.
If the cause of the reddening of the eyes is not clear, and the "home" methods described above do not bring relief, one should shortest time see a doctor. Contact immediately for medical care if redness of the mucous membrane of the eyes is accompanied by one or more of the following symptoms:
  • Headache
  • Pain or discomfort in the eye area
  • Violation of visual acuity
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Discharge from the eyes
  • Lacrimation, photophobia

Possible diseases

The most common cause of eye redness is:
  • acute or chronic conjunctivitis of an infectious-inflammatory or allergic nature;
  • promotion intraocular pressure(glaucoma);
  • diseases accompanied by difficulty in venous outflow from the head and increased intracranial pressure;
  • damage blood vessels eye at arterial hypertension;
  • irritation of the mucous membrane of the eyes with errors in the selection and use of contact lenses;
  • intense visual load, especially in patients with visual impairment (Myopia, Hyperopia or Astigmatism);
  • dry eye syndrome or xerophthalmia;
  • corneal ulcers;
  • episcleritis;
  • keratitis;
  • scleritis;

The best treatment is prevention

Observing simple rules, it is possible to avoid the appearance of many unpleasant symptoms, including redness of the eyes. To prevent overwork, our eyes need timely and good rest and support. It's about not only about the organization good sleep, but also about so needed by the eyes breaks during the working day. Experts recommend performing a simple set of gymnastics for the eyes, which helps to relax. oculomotor muscles and improves blood circulation in the eye area.
If your work involves heavy visual stress, organize yourself a ten-minute time break every hour, during which you can do a mini exercise for your eyes or just sit with eyes closed. It also helps to relax the muscles and moisturize the mucous membrane of the eye. frequent blinking and use of moisturizing drops (such as eye drops.)
, taking vitamins for the eyes (containing lutein).
After a working day, you can use various devices and devices for the eyes, which relieve eye strain and restore vision.

Success in the treatment of any eye disease directly depends on the level of equipment of the eye clinic and the qualifications of the attending physician. When choosing a clinic, it is important to find an institution where you will really be treated. instead of pretending to be treated and prescribing new examinations. The following is a rating of specialized ophthalmological institutions where you can undergo examination and treatment if you have redness of the eyes.

"The eyes are the mirror of the soul", - famous phraseL. N. Tolstoy.

Everyone at least once faced with the problem of redness of the organ of vision, and it often happens that the vessels expand on the surface of only one eye.

Let's figure it out what symptoms accompany redness, its causes and how to deal with it.

Symptoms of redness

Redness of the eye can go along with itching, tearing, pain, sometimes increased susceptibility to light and blurred vision.

    Itching happens varying degrees intensity, from mild discomfort to unbearable burning sensation.

    When trying to scratch and soothe the eye, the itching not only does not go away, but also intensifies, and from mechanical impact and the redness gets stronger.

  1. tearing could be like low (retentive), and elevated (hyperscretory). In the first case, the eye suffers from dryness, in the second - from excessive tears.
  2. Pain can occur with eye strain, as well as with blinking or even eye movement.

Why is one eye normal and the other completely red?

Most often, both eyes turn red, but when hit foreign body or injury one eye the other remains healthy. Often inflammatory processes begin with redness of only one eye and only later move to the other.


There are the following possible causes of redness.



  1. Conjunctivitis- perhaps the most common cause of redness of the eye. Inflammation of the mucous membrane is most often caused by an allergic reaction or external irritants. In addition to redness, conjunctivitis is accompanied by swelling of the eyelids.
  2. One of possible causes redness is an inflammation of the white membrane of the eye (sclera) - sclerite. It usually occurs against the background of other diseases: tuberculosis, lupus erythematosus, rheumatoid arthritis. Patients also have photophobia and profuse lacrimation.

    Reference! Women are more susceptible to scleritis than men. likelihood of scleritis increases with age.

  3. Uveitis- Another reason why redness is possible. In this inflammation, the actual choroid, which is accompanied severe pain and photophobia. This disease can develop into glaucoma.

Itchy eyelid due to allergies

Allergic reactions are usually accompanied by redness of both eyes, cough and runny nose. Allergies can be caused by anything:

  • pet hair;
  • pollen;
  • dust;
  • down;
  • poor quality decorative cosmetics (mascara, eyeliners, shadows due to the lanolin, beeswax, vegetable resins and iron oxides becomes a problem for sensitive eyes);
  • sleeping pills, painkillers and sedatives , as well as low-quality drops and ointments can cause redness of the eye and its dryness.


Injuries different nature accompanied by redness. The eye can be damaged by:

Attention! In the event of such damage, consult a doctor immediately.

General diseases

These include:

    At high blood pressure redness of the eye may occur. Weak thin-walled capillaries of the eye can not withstand pressure and burst.

    Then there are bright red stains on the mucosa.

  1. Vitamin deficiency may appear as redness. Most important for eye health vitamins of groups B, C, E, A. With their deficiency, vision deteriorates, diseases of the cornea and sclera appear.
  2. At diabetes vascular damage occurs due to constant fluctuations in blood glucose levels. In severe cases, this can lead to retinal clouding or destruction.
  3. At anemia on the fundus there are expansions of the vessels of the retina, microhemorrhages are formed in the form of stripes or smears.

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Diseases of the internal organs

These include:

Corneal diseases

Injuries of various kinds, avitaminosis, infectious diseases can lead to inflammation of the cornea of ​​​​the eye - keratitis. The main symptoms, in addition to redness, are increased tearing, soreness, impaired transparency of the cornea.

Keratopathy- a group of diseases of the cornea that occur against the background of its dystrophy. They are hereditary in nature or arise against the background of pathologies. nervous system, biochemical disorders, autoimmune diseases. Keratopathies are characterized by redness, painful sensations varying degrees intensity, reduced visual acuity and clouding of the cornea.

Viral or fungal infections may lead to corneal ulcer. In addition to redness, patients have a fear of light, increased tearing, and uncharacteristic discharge (pus).

One of the most dangerous diseases, a sign of which is the redness of the eyeball - glaucoma. It occurs when the pressure inside the eye increases.

The main symptoms are headache, a feeling of pressure at the temples, blurred vision, redness, iridescent circles before the eyes, or dark spots.

Important! Glaucoma threatens to reduce vision, and in severe cases its complete loss. If the above symptoms appear, you should immediately contact an ophthalmologist.


Most often used to relieve redness drops. Depending on the cause of redness, the doctor prescribes drops various kinds to relieve symptoms and get well soon.

For the treatment of infections and inflammations and their prevention after surgical interventions use antibiotics:

Reference! All drugs are prescribed by a doctor. Self-medication can lead to deterioration in well-being.

In addition to drops, ointments are prescribed for redness:

Important! Injury to one eye important to handle both to prevent the spread of infection.

Removing redness from allergies

With redness caused by allergies, the doctor prescribes antihistamines local or general action. Apply medications in the form of tablets.