Instructions for the use of baneocin powder in infants for diaper rash. Instructions for use of antibacterial ointment Baneocin

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Sometimes in life we ​​have to deal with scratches, wounds, burns, abrasions... Children especially often need to treat such damage to the skin. But how they don’t like those products that cause a tingling sensation! These products include iodine, hydrogen peroxide, and “green stuff.”

Seeing that the mother reached into the medicine cabinet for medicine to anoint the wound, the baby begins to cry and scream, trying to run away, anticipating pain. Now, in such cases, you can use harmless means - a powder or ointment called “Baneocin”.

General information about the drug

Baneocin is produced in Austria in the form of powder and ointment. A plastic jar contains 10 grams of powder and is equipped with a dispenser. The powder has a fine structure and white(sometimes there is a slightly yellowish tint).

The ointment is in aluminum tubes, packaged in 20 grams.

The active components of the ointment and powder are two effective antibiotic, belonging to the group of aminoglycosides. They are called bacitracin and neomycin.

Baneocin, produced in powder form, contains an auxiliary substance – corn starch (sterilized). And in addition to antibiotics, the ointment also contains white soft paraffin and lanolin.

How the drug works

Bacitracin and neomycin give the ointment and powdered dosage form bactericidal properties. These antibiotics potentiate the action of each other, so Baneocin is able to zealously destroy harmful microorganisms present on the skin and in the wound area. Therefore, Baneocin cures infectious and inflammatory lesions of the epidermis if they are caused by pathogenic microbes sensitive to the components of the powder and ointment. The drug manages to destroy:
  • Gram-positive bacteria - various streptococci (including hemolytic), staphylococci, clostridia, Treponema pallidum, Corynebacterium diphtheria, Bacillus anthrax, listeria.
  • Gram-negative bacteria - Neisseria, gonorrhea pathogens, Haemophilus influenzae, Proteus, Fusobacterium, Clepsiella, Enterobacteriaceae, Shigella, Salmonella, Escherichia coli, Vibrio cholerae, Mycobacterium tuberculosis, Leptospira, Borrelia.
  • Fungi - actinomycetes.
When using Baneocin, there is no fear that addiction will occur and resistant strains of bacterial cells will form to the antibiotics contained in it. Resistance does not develop in almost any cases, so Baneocin will continue to be effective. Even if the powder or ointment comes in contact with blood or other biological fluids organism, their active components continue to exhibit their bactericidal properties.
  • abscesses, mastitis;
  • carbuncles, boils and other pustular skin lesions;
  • purulent infections - pyoderma, folliculitis, hidradenitis (a condition in which the lymph node is inflamed).
It can also be used to prevent the development infectious inflammation after surgical interventions, ear piercings.

The ointment eliminates infectious agents, reduces the manifestations of the inflammatory process, and accelerates the healing of wound surfaces. Therefore, the ointment is indicated during the treatment of burns (boiling water, iron and other household appliances).

Baneocin powder shows its effectiveness in treating skin damage, chicken pox, herpetic rashes, eczema, ulcers, cracks, contagious impetigo, scratches, cuts. They can be used to treat postoperative sutures, injuries after childbirth (such as a perineal rupture), and a newborn’s navel. The powder can help eliminate heat rash, diaper dermatitis. Bacteria at the site of application are destroyed, which significantly accelerates the healing of injured surfaces and wounds.

ENT doctors use Baneocin to combat secondary infectious processes with a runny nose (acute or chronic) and otitis externa, after operations performed on the sinuses or in the forehead.

How to use Baneocin

The powder or ointment is applied to an adult or child only on the damaged area of ​​the skin. After applying the ointment or powder, you can cover the area with a sterile bandage. The ointment should be applied in a thin layer two or three times a day, and the powder should be used from two to four times per day.

If massive burns are being treated, when more than 20% of the skin is affected, then Baneocin powder is applied once a day. This limitation is provided due to the likelihood of absorption of the drug into the bloodstream. It is worth saying that not a single case of overdose was registered during the use of Baneocin. For the treatment of otitis externa, large cuts and large wounds, which are likely to heal with the formation of scar tissue, Baneocin ointment is first applied to the turundum, which is then injected into the ear canal or into the wound. When applying Baneocin ointment, be careful not to get it into your eyes. It is impossible to treat otitis media with Baneocin for a long time, since in this case the risk increases toxic lesions ear. If during treatment with Baneocin you notice manifestations of allergies, then use of this medicine stop and inform the doctor about this so that he changes the treatment tactics.

Pediatricians allow the umbilical wound of newborns to be treated with Baneocin powder, starting from the first day the baby is born. In this case, the umbilical wound heals without problems within two to five days. First, this wound is washed with hydrogen peroxide (3% concentration), then dried with a cotton swab. After such actions, Baneocin powder is poured directly into the wound. Such treatments are carried out until the wound dries and heals. If the umbilical wound becomes wet, does not heal, and pus appears, then treatment with Baneocin can be carried out four to five times a day. Baneocin should not be used for more than a week.

What else can Baneocin powder be useful for? For treating cuts, scratches, skinned elbows and knees, calluses, burns (first, second and even third degree) for adults and children. The surfaces of burns are sprinkled with powder twice a day for 7-10 days, until complete epithelialization. For diaper dermatitis, Baneocin powder can be used as a powder; the skin condition improves within 4-10 days from the start of use this tool. To make chickenpox blisters dry faster, you can sprinkle them with Baneocin powder. He good alternative"green". Carry out the procedure twice a day. As soon as a crust has formed, you can stop sprinkling. If the blisters were deep, then to prevent the appearance of scars, you can lubricate these places with Contractubex or Solcoseryl. Baneocin will be able to cope with boils and purulent inflammations on the skin. It can also be used when acne, pimples on the face and other parts of the body. In such cases, dermatologists advise applying Baneocin in the form of an ointment once a day to the areas of rashes and pimples. It is best to apply the medication shortly before bedtime. In the morning, wash your face well, and to give freshness to the skin, it is advisable to use a toner. To eliminate acne, Baneocin ointment is used for a week or two. Then a break is required. If necessary, you are allowed to repeat the course later.

About side effects

In case of extensive skin damage or use of Baneocin in high doses, it is possible that the active substances of Baneocin are absorbed into the blood, which is fraught with the development of systemic undesirable effects. Then there is a risk of toxic effects of antibiotics on the organ of hearing and kidneys, disruption of the transmission of nerve impulses to the muscles. Sometimes allergic reactions (rash, redness of the skin, itching or peeling) appear at the sites where this medicine is applied. It is extremely rare that an allergy may present itself as contact eczema.

Are there any contraindications

Baneocin is allowed to be used even for the treatment of newborns. But the drug also has absolute contraindications. These include:
  • pathology of the cochlear apparatus (located in inner ear);
  • integrity violation eardrum;
  • pathology vestibular apparatus;
  • serious problems with the kidneys (especially if there is cardiac or renal failure);
  • very extensive areas of skin damage;
  • increased sensitivity or allergy to the components of the composition;
  • hypersensitivity or allergy in the past to antibiotics included in the aminoglycoside group (for example, Gentamicin, Streptomycin, Kanamycin, etc.).
This remedy is not used to treat eyes.

Particular care should be taken in case of acidosis, myasthenia gravis and various pathologies muscular or nervous system. If signs of deterioration in health are noticed, this drug should be discontinued immediately.

Is it possible to use Baneocin during pregnancy?

Baneocin (powder or ointment) contains antibiotics that can not large quantities be absorbed into the bloodstream. And if these antibiotics get into the blood, then they may well get through the placenta to the fetus developing in the uterus, then there is a risk of developing pathology of the hearing organ. Therefore, the decision to prescribe Baneocin for topical use during pregnancy or breastfeeding accepted only by a doctor. If the drug is still prescribed to a pregnant woman (or breastfeeding), then large areas of skin cannot be treated. If Baneocin is applied to the area mammary glands, then immediately before feeding the baby, you must thoroughly wash off the medicine from the skin.

Many people who resort to the help of Baneocin then speak positively about the drug. It is especially liked by parents with small children. You can put it in your first aid kit if you are going with the whole family to the country, on a hike or on vacation. Especially for: - http://site

Damage to the skin in the form of scratches, cuts, and household burns can cause a lot of problems, despite their apparent insignificance. Baneocin ointment helps fight them. Instructions for use, reviews of this drug from doctors and patients, as well as similar medicines will be discussed below.

Abrasions and scratches

No one can avoid minor injuries at home - scratches left by a pet, cuts from careless handling of a knife, burns while preparing goodies for the family, broken knees, when you learn to ride a bike and scuffed heels from new shoes. The causes of skin injury can be listed for a very long time. And, it would seem, there is nothing terrible here - a small scratch will heal itself. But since the protection is broken, pests - microorganisms, causing inflammation. This is also dangerous for wounds left after surgical interventions. That is why even seemingly minor injuries to the skin must be protected using, for example, Baneocin ointment. The instructions for use for this medicine tell in sufficient detail about its composition and treatment features.

Pharmacological group and form

In order to effectively protect damaged skin from any infection entering the wound, the drug must have a complex effect. This is exactly what Baneocin ointment is. The instructions indicate that the composition refers to pharmacological group combination antibiotics, available in two dosage forms - in the form of an ointment and in the form of a powder, used only externally. The ointment is white in color and has a medium thick consistency. It is packaged in aluminum tubes equipped with a protective membrane, which must be opened upon first use using a special tip on the cap. The powder of this drug has a white or slightly yellowish tint and a fine-crystalline structure.

What does the medicine for skin lesions consist of?

Instructions for using Baneocin ointment talk about the active ingredients. There are two of them - bacitracin and neomycin.

Bacitracin is used as an organic zinc derivative. This substance was discovered by accident, back in the mid-20th century, as a result of the work of strains of the bacterium Bacillus subtilis.

Neomycin (Neomycinum) is used in the form of sulfate. It contains a complex of aminoglycosides - neomycins type A, B, C, produced by the bacteria Streptomyces fradiae.

Also in the composition of the Baneocin ointment, the instructions indicate the following ingredients: lanolin, white soft paraffin. They act as formative components, and lanolin, or, as it is also called, wool wax, also has skin-softening properties. This feature of this substance improves the medicinal qualities of the drug.

How does the drug work?

All important information talks about Baneocin ointment and instructions for its use. She points out that the drug has a two-component active - bacitracin and neomycin - natural antibiotics, obtained as a result of the work of bacteria certain types and strains.

Today, bacitracin is a widely sought-after broad-spectrum antibiotic, since its functionality negatively affects the cell membrane of microorganisms, inhibiting its synthesis. This substance has a polypeptide structure, which means it has quite broad biological capabilities. This antibiotic exhibits its functionality against gram-positive bacteria, including beta-hemolytic streptococci and staphylococci, as well as some types of gram-negative pathogenic microorganisms.

Neomycin is also an antibiotic belonging to the group of aminoglycosides from the 1st generation. The peculiarity of the substance is that it itself has a complex structure, which includes the antibiotics neomycin A, neomycin B, neomycin C. The substance has a bacteriostatic effect due to the fact that, penetrating through cell membrane bacteria microorganism, enters into contact with special ribosomal receptor proteins. This causes disruption of the structure of matrix and transport RNA and stops protein synthesis. If neomycin is used in high dosages, then it will have a bactericidal effect, causing the death of the microorganism due to damage to the cytoplasmic membranes.

Two active components in one preparation will allow you to resist the work of a large group of pathogens that can cause inflammation.

Active Component Path

For externally used ointment "Baneocin", the instructions for use indicate that both active substances - bacitracin and neomycin - work only on the surface of the skin, practically without being absorbed into the skin. systemic blood flow and without having any effect on the body. In addition to the fact that the drug is not absorbed into the systemic bloodstream, it is not adsorbed by the skin, even if it has significant damage. According to the developer and manufacturer clinical research The drug was found to be well tolerated when used correctly in accordance with pharmaceutical recommendations.

Area of ​​destination of the medicine

  • hidradenitis suppurativa;
  • impetigo contagious;
  • infection (secondary) with dermatoses, burns, abrasions or cuts;
  • carbuncles (after surgical treatment);
  • paronychia;
  • periporitis;
  • staphylococcal sycosis;
  • deep folliculitis;
  • boils;
  • secondary infected eczema;
  • ulcers lower limbs complicated by infection.

Also, Baneocin ointment can be used in cosmetic surgery and in skin grafting, to treat and prevent infection of the intervention site. In addition, this drug can be used as an additional drug in postoperative period. If necessary, the ointment should also be used in the treatment of infected cavities and wounds as a means applied to bandages covering the area of ​​injury or surgical intervention.

The instructions for use of nasal ointment "Baneocin" describe the ability of the drug to help in the treatment of inflammatory diseases, localized on the nasal mucosa. These can be either boils or a common runny nose, which manifests itself against the background of a bacterial infection. In this case, the drug is lubricated with the mucous membranes of the nasal passages 2-3 times a day.

For Baneocin ointment, the instructions for use also stipulate the possibility of using it as a prophylactic agent to prevent the potential threat of inflammation in the area of ​​damaged skin.

Are there any contraindications?

Antibiotics - special group medicines, in which an extensive list of substances is used as active components. The vast majority of them have strict restrictions. The use of Baneocin ointment, according to the instructions, is prohibited in the following situations:

  • large areas of skin damage - due to an increase in the amount of absorbed antibiotic and potentiation of the risk of ototoxic action of neomycin;
  • infections of the external auditory canal combined with perforation of the eardrum;
  • lesions of the vestibular or cochlear systems, accompanied by severe disturbances of excretory function due to heart or renal failure;
  • with increased sensitivity of the patient’s body to antibiotics of the aminoglycoside group, to bacitracin and neomycin in particular, as well as to the formative substances of the drug;
  • combined use of other aminoglycoside-type antibiotics due to their accumulation and severe toxicity.

Baneocin ointment cannot be used to treat various eye infections.

For this medicinal product There are some restrictions in use when constant monitoring of the patient is necessary. These are people with impaired liver and/or kidney function, suffering from acidosis, severe myasthenia gravis, or other neuromuscular diseases or pathologies.

How to use the drug?

Describes how to properly use Baneocin ointment in the treatment of skin surface damage and wounds. The photo below will serve as an example of applying a bandage with medicine.

The drug is used externally only! The surface of the skin on which the medicine must be applied must first be cleaned of the old layer, dirt, exudate, if any, with a gauze or cotton swab. Then a small amount of ointment is squeezed out of the tube onto the skin, which is then distributed over the damaged area. thin layer. If the damage is not severe, then a protective bandage may not be applied to the skin. If necessary, the ointment is applied to a gauze pad, which is then applied to the wound and secured with a plaster or bandage. You can apply the medicine 2 or 3 times a day. If a person suffers from impaired liver or kidney function, no dose adjustment or dosage regimen is required. The instructions for Baneocin ointment for children also recommend the above method and dosage of use. Treatment with this medicine is carried out in a course course, no more than 7 days. Daily dosage the drug should not be more than 200 grams of ointment, excluding the affected area.

For mom and baby

Contains all important information about Baneocin ointment instructions. For newborns, as well as pregnant and breastfeeding women, there are no strict restrictions on the use of the drug, since it is used to heal superficial skin. But before using this remedy, you should always consult a specialist, especially taking into account that neomycin can cause decreased and even hearing loss due to its orthotoxic effect. This applies not only to the newborn child, but also to the fetus in the womb. When recommending this remedy, the doctor should take into account that the ointment is used externally and is practically not absorbed into the systemic circulation, although neomycin and bacitracin can penetrate the placental barrier and into breast milk.

For newborn babies, high-quality healing of the umbilical wound is especially important - the slightest oversight on the part of the adult caring for the child can result in omphalitis - inflammation of the umbilical wound and peri-umbilical space. It is to prevent such a complication that the drug in question should be used.

Also, many parents use this ointment to lubricate the child’s nasal passages when they have a runny nose. The procedure is carried out 2-3 times a day, after first clearing the baby’s nose of the secretions that have accumulated there. The drug is applied in a thin layer using a cotton swab.

Side effects

Instructions for use of Baneocin ointment describe possible side effects that may occur during therapy with this drug.

Numerous studies have shown that this medicinal composition is well tolerated by patients different categories. If side effects develop, then only in rare or extreme cases. in rare cases, What World Organization Health (WHO) is classified into the following quantitative indicators: rarely 1 case per 1000-10,000 uses of the drug, very rarely - 1 case per more than 10,000 uses of the ointment. The following side effects were identified:

  • allergic reactions;
  • neuromuscular blockade;
  • contact dermatitis;
  • nephrotoxicity;
  • ototoxicity;
  • redness of the skin;
  • damage to the vestibular nerve;
  • dry skin;
  • photosensitivity;
  • phototoxic reactions.

Detection of an undesirable effect of Baneocin ointment requires contacting a specialist for symptomatic therapy (if necessary) and replacing the drug with another one of a similar effect.

Joint reception

Regarding external ointment"Baneocin" instructions for use indicate that the product should not be used in conjunction with the following medications:

  • antibiotics of the cephalosporin group;
  • aminoglycoside antibiotics;

Taking the above drugs together is potentially dangerous due to nephrotoxicity.

The combined use of Baneocin and furosemide or ethacrynic acid in therapy can have an ototoxic effect.

But the use of narcotic substances, anesthetics and/or muscle relaxants together with Baneocin, especially in violation of the ointment use regimen, can cause serious blocking of neuromuscular conduction.

"Baneocin" is an externally applied drug that does not have any significant systemic action. But such conditions for joint treatment with the above substances and drugs must be taken into account by the patient and the specialist recommending the drug.

If there is too much medicine

Before using Baneocin ointment, any person should study the instructions for its use. There is no need to try to speed up the process of healing from inflammation of skin damage by increasing the amount of ointment or the frequency of its application. It won't give positive result, but will only lead to unnecessary waste drug, which means material costs. There is no information about an overdose of Baneocin ointment, because the medicine is used externally and practically does not penetrate into the systemic bloodstream through the skin. But during treatment using this remedy, it is necessary to pay attention to the symptoms of ortho- and nephron disorders.

Some features

For an external medicinal product - Baneocin ointment - the instructions for use stipulate the maximum permissible duration of its use - 7-10 days. If there is a need for more long-term treatment or the surface of the lesion is large or deep enough, then the specialist must choose a different means and method of therapy. During long-term treatment with this drug, the potential orthodox nephrotoxicity of the active components must be taken into account.

For pets

Important information about Baneocin ointment is contained in the instructions for use. For cats and dogs, it is also possible to use it to treat skin damage and prevent the development of inflammation in the postoperative period. The only thing to do is to prevent the animal from licking the applied medicine. The easiest way to do this is to use a special medical collar.

How to purchase and store medicine?

External antibacterial agent used in outpatient setting- this is Baneocin ointment. The instructions for use explain that you can purchase it at any pharmacy; you do not need a prescription from a doctor.

Store the ointment at room temperature, removing the tube from direct sun rays. The shelf life of the drug is 36 months from the date of its release pharmaceutical company. Once this period has expired, the medicine cannot be used.

What do they say about the product for the skin?

The instructions tell both the specialist and the patient all the important information about the Baneocin ointment. Patient reviews help to better understand the properties of the drug. Everyone who has used the ointment in the treatment of cuts, scratches, the consequences of surgery and similar problems with the external integument, especially complicated by the inflammatory process, speaks of its effectiveness. Doctors recommend this drug for both outpatient and inpatient treatment of disorders of the integrity of the skin, including those complicated by inflammation. About any side effects in the vast majority of reviews it is not even mentioned.

Are there any similar drugs?

Describes bacitracin and neomycin, as the active ingredients of Baneocin ointment, instructions for use. Analogs of this drug should have the same antibacterial effect and be used externally. These are drugs such as Fucidin, produced in the form of ointments and creams, liniment of syntomycin, and Bactroban ointment. There is no analogue of "Baneocin", in which bacitracin and neomycin work in combination. But both antibiotics can be found in some external medicinal preparations.

You can find Baneocin ointment in many home medicine cabinets. The instructions for it, included in each package, must be carefully read by the patient before use, since the medicine is available without a prescription and is often used on the advice of loved ones or relatives who have already used it in the treatment of skin lesions.

To increase the degree of effectiveness in certain methods therapeutic effects apply antibacterial drugs which are used externally. Such antibiotics make it possible to quickly cope with many dermatological lesions, eliminating unpleasant symptoms and alleviating the patient's condition. And among such drugs, we should specifically mention Baneocin, which copes well with many skin diseases and at the same time can be used in complex treatment to obtain the most pronounced results.

From this article you will learn about the instructions for use of ointment, Baneocin powder, its analogues, price and reviews of the drug from doctors and patients.

Features of the drug

Thanks to its optimally formulated composition, Baneocin quickly penetrates the upper layers of the skin, eliminating such unpleasant symptoms of the disease as,. At the same time, a relatively small number of side effects allows it to be used in the treatment of skin lesions, in gynecology and otolaryngology, even when treating children younger age and newborns.

Today, Baneocin is sold in city pharmacies both in the form of an ointment and as a powder. Both types do an excellent job with most manifestations of skin diseases, cleansing the skin and making it more tender. Decreased susceptibility to environment due to the inclusion of certain active components in the composition of the drug antihistamine action ensures the success of treatment.

In both dosage forms this drug are bactericidal substances, which sharply inhibit the process of reproduction of pathogenic microflora on the surface of the skin, soothing it, relieving swelling, and quickly eliminating the process of inflammation. The speed of action of the drug in any form is explained relatively high concentration active substance in it and the ability to enhance action with an integrated treatment approach.

Composition of Baneocin

The active substance of the drug in question is the antibacterial agent baneocin in combination with neomycin, also an antibiotic. Their mutual strengthening of action explains high efficiency drug.

As auxiliary components The drug contains the following components:

  • powder Baneocin - highly purified corn starch;
  • Baneocin ointment contains lanolin, soft white paraffin.

The balance of the composition determines the ease of application of the product to the skin surface, the rapid absorption of the ointment, and the absence of greasy traces after use.

Dosage forms

The drug Baneocin is sold in the form of powder and ointment.

  • Powder has a characteristic crumbly structure, white or slightly yellowish tint. Offered for sale in the form of a can made of polymer material, which is packaged in cardboard box with information on its side surface about the name of the drug, the manufacturing company and the expiration date. The cost of Baneocin powder may vary depending on the size of the seller’s markup from 340 to 510 rubles per bottle.
  • Ointment also has a white or light yellow tint and has a light consistency. Quickly absorbed. Sold in aluminum tubes, in cardboard packaging with instructions inside. The price of such a tube can range from 380 to 520 rubles per package.

This video will tell you about Baneocin in detail:

Pharmacological action

The effect of the drug begins almost immediately after its application to damaged areas of the skin. At the same time, the degree of absorption of the drug by the skin is approximately the same both in the form of an ointment and in the form of a powder.

The upper layer of the epidermis perfectly absorbs the active substances of the product, and an important advantage of Baneocin can be considered the absence of negative effects on healthy skin.

The effect of the product begins already at the stage of its application. The specificity of the pharmacological effect should be called rapid and effective cleansing affected areas of the skin and wound surfaces of any area from pathogenic microflora.

The most susceptible to the active substance are staphylococci, listeria, anthrax bacillus, and streptococci. Their neutralization allows, in the shortest possible time, to cleanse the skin, eliminate microorganisms that provoke irritation and activation inflammatory processes in the skin.


Doctors call the peculiarity of the drug the rapid effect of the active substance on all skin lesions, in which the inflammatory process is just beginning. No side effects such as increased sensitivity of the affected skin, the appearance of additional rashes, development negative reaction allows the use of Baneocin powder even in the treatment of burns of any severity.

The absorption of the active substance by the upper layer of the epidermis is due to rapid penetration into the bloodstream, which allows for the most complete elimination of any form of inflammatory processes caused by both pathogenic bacteria and fungi of various types.


Excellent tolerability of both antibacterial substances included in the product allows Baneocin to be prescribed in complex therapy numerous dermatological diseases. At the same time, there is a rapid manifestation of a positive therapeutic effect even on large areas of damage, elimination of such serious diseases as ringworm, weeping eczema, folliculitis, pyoderma. Thanks to wide range action of both antibiotics, the remedy is also suitable if the body is resistant to one of them. At the same time, their complex impact significantly increases overall efficiency of this tool.

The drug is well recommended in the treatment of numerous gynecological lesions (perineal ruptures during childbirth, cracked nipples) and in surgery ( various types burns, injuries and skin tears, accompanied by purulent and inflammatory processes in the skin) due to parallel elimination of the source of inflammation and acceleration of healing mechanical damage skin. The degree of contamination by pathogenic bacteria when using Baneocin decreases significantly after the first few uses of the drug.

Let's find out whether baneocin helps with acne, and also what else it should be used for.


Indications include surgery, gynecology, pediatrics, and otolaryngology. Baneocin is recognized as the most effective in the treatment of the following dermatological lesions:

  • folliculitis, ;
  • and trophic ulcer;
  • frequent formation of deep follicles with a purulent process in the skin;

Instructions for use of Baneocin for newborns, adolescents and adults are given below.

Instructions for use

The use of the drug can be prescribed in complex treatment pathological process. Depending on the diagnosis, a specific dosage form of the drug or both types of the drug may be prescribed to increase the degree of effectiveness.

  • Thus, to treat inflammatory processes on the skin, the selected type of drug (ointment or powder or both dosage forms) is applied strictly to the affected surface. After uniform application, the surface of the skin can be left open for complete absorption of the active substance and the beginning of its action, or a bandage is applied on top, which allows the skin to breathe.
  • At therapeutic effects on the skin when receiving significant burns (more than 20% of the entire skin surface), the dose of the product used should be limited, since, according to medical standards, total quantity no more than 1 mg (or 100 g) of active substance per day should be applied to the skin finished product). With this method of exposure, treatment with any form of the product is carried out once. If necessary reuse For subsequent applications of Baneocin, half the dose is used.

With frequent or long-term use any form of the drug may increase the total amount of active substance penetrating into the bloodstream, therefore the time of use of Baneocin should be limited. Typically, the duration of its use is prescribed by a dermatologist for the treatment of all skin lesions.

Find out below whether Baneocin ointment or powder has contraindications.


  • Contraindications include serious illnesses kidneys, liver, as well as increased susceptibility of the patient’s body to the active substances of this drug.
  • Also during pregnancy daily dose Baneocin should be reduced depending on the degree of tolerability of the drug.
  • Also, caution is required when using this product during pregnancy on large areas of the skin.
  • Children under 3 years of age also require careful use of Baneocin, however, its mild effect on the skin allows its use when treating the umbilical cord in newborns.

Side effects

To the most common side effects when using the remedy in question, the occurrence of swelling and swelling of varying intensity should be attributed. Allergic manifestations in the form of redness of the skin on it and a significant increase in sensitivity, as well as itching or burning - these manifestations are also possible side effects when using the drug with an increased degree of skin sensitivity.

Special instructions

  • TO special instructions should include the period of breastfeeding, when active substance can provide negative impact on a newborn when it penetrates into mother's milk.
  • Also, the period of bearing a child requires increased caution in the use of Baneocin: if a large area of ​​skin is affected, the amount of the drug used should be limited.

Interaction with other drugs

The use of the drug does not exclude the possibility of complex use of other drugs.

With a similar effect on the skin (stopping the inflammatory process, cleansing the skin of pathogenic microflora), the effect of Baneocin increases, and when prescribed in parallel with certain types of relaxing substances of narcotic and non-narcotic action, high probability the occurrence of paralysis due to deterioration in the transmission of nerve impulses to the muscles.

The birth of a baby always brings great joy to parents, but sometimes from the very first days of his life he has to deal with some unpleasant moments. For example, the navel does not heal for a long time, it festers, and itches. With the introduction of complementary foods, allergies and diathesis can make themselves felt, and every second child experiences chickenpox before the age of three. All these are not very good serious problems skin problems can cause discomfort to the child, so parents should help the baby. It is precisely such troubles that the drug Baneocin for newborns helps to cope with, active ingredients which contains neomycin and bacitracin.

This drug is available in powder and ointment form. Baneocin in the form of powder and ointment is used for newborns as an antibacterial agent. Its components successfully fight gram-positive (hemolytic streptococcus, staphylococcus) and gram-negative bacteria. It is extremely rare to observe the development of their resistance to the drug.

Indications and dosage

This drug is effective against bacterial skin infections. Thus, baneocin powder is used for chickenpox, weeping impetigo, infected varicose ulcers, bacterial, and eczema. Baneocin demonstrates its effectiveness in the prevention of umbilical hernia in infants.

Indications for the use of Baneocin ointment for newborns, as well as older children, are as follows: skin infections, such as carbuncles, boils, hidradenitis suppurativa, paronychia and secondary skin bacterial infections (with abrasions, cuts, dermatoses and burns).

In children and adults, the drug (both powder and ointment) is used only on the affected areas. If necessary, you can use a bandage. A non-healing navel, for example, needs to be treated with powder two to four times, and with ointment two to three times a day. Before treating the navel with baneocin, prepare clothes for your baby so that he cannot touch the wound with his hands. First, rinse your weeping belly button with hydrogen peroxide using a pipette. Then gently wipe the wound with a cotton swab or pad. After that, fill it with powder. The navel will heal faster if it is not covered with anything. If this is not possible for a number of reasons, then make sure that the diaper does not cover the navel, because it will float.

If the baby has weeping areas on the face or other easily accessible places, which often happens with atopic dermatitis, that is, diathesis, baneocin in powder form will promote speedy healing. After treatment with the drug for about an hour, make sure that the baby does not touch this area of ​​skin. If more than 20% are affected skin, then the powder can be used only once a day, since the active ingredients are absorbed into the blood faster.

Side effects and contraindications

The use of baneocin can cause allergic reactions in the baby. So, with prolonged use, redness and rashes appear on the skin. The skin becomes dry and itchy. It is not recommended to use baneocin for longer than seven days. If you notice the first signs of an allergic reaction, immediately stop taking the drug and consult your pediatrician to find an effective replacement for baneocin.

Contraindications for this drug include severe renal dysfunction, perforation of the eardrum, diseases of the vestibular apparatus and increased sensitivity of the child’s body to aminoglycosides (neomycin and bacitracin). There is no information about an overdose of baneocin, and it can be purchased in pharmacies without a prescription.

Baneocin ointment is combination drug external use.

It is used to treat inflammatory skin processes. The ointment helps to quickly heal wounds, because it has antimicrobial and antibacterial properties.

On this page you will find all the information about Baneocin: complete instructions for use for this medicine, average prices in pharmacies, complete and incomplete analogues of the drug, as well as reviews of people who have already used Baneocin ointment. Would you like to leave your opinion? Please write in the comments.

Clinical and pharmacological group

Drug with antibacterial effect for external use.

Conditions for dispensing from pharmacies

Available without a prescription.


How much does Baneocin cost? Average price in pharmacies it is at the level of 400 rubles.

Release form and composition

The drug is available in the form of an ointment for external use, which has yellowish color and a weak characteristic odor. The product is packaged in aluminum tubes, each of which contains 20 g of medicinal ointment.

1 g of the drug contains:

  • neomycin sulfate – 5000 IU;
  • bacitracin zinc – 250 IU.

As excipients are lanolin and paraffin, which have white color and soft consistency.

Pharmacological effect

Bacitracin, which is one of the main substances of this drug, belongs to polypeptide antibiotics; its bactericidal effect is due to inhibition of the processes of synthesis of cell membrane components.

Neomycin belongs to the aminoglycoside group of antibiotics, so its action leads to inhibition of protein synthesis in bacterial cells. When applying the drug to damaged areas of the skin, its absorption is minimal, which is why the maximum concentration is formed at the site of application of Baneocin.

Indications for use

According to the instructions, Baneocin ointment is prescribed for:

  • Pyoderma;
  • Pseudofurunculosis;
  • Paronychia;
  • Boils, carbuncles (after surgery);
  • Hidradenitis suppurativa;
  • Contagious impetigo;
  • Infected varicose ulcers;
  • Secondary infections in various dermatoses;
  • Folliculitis of the scalp;
  • Infections due to burns;
  • Secondary infections in patients with acute chronic, external;
  • After operations on paranasal sinuses nose, earlobe piercing, skin transplantation.

Baneocin ointment is also used in surgical cosmetology.


According to the instructions, Baneocin is not used for:

  • Severe renal dysfunction;
  • Damage to the cochlear and vestibular systems;
  • Hypersensitivity to bacitracin, neomycin;
  • Severe and extensive damage to the skin.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

The use of Baneocin during pregnancy and lactation is possible after consultation with a doctor and only if the expected benefit to the mother outweighs the potential risk to the fetus or infant.

It should be remembered that neomycin, like all aminoglycoside antibiotics, can penetrate the placental barrier. With the systemic use of aminoglycoside antibiotics in high doses, intrauterine hearing loss in the fetus has been described.

Instructions for use

The instructions for use indicate that Baneocin ointment is used externally only. The area where the ointment is applied should not exceed 1% of the body surface area (which corresponds to the size of the patient's palm).

  • For adults and children, apply a thin layer of ointment to the affected areas - 2-3 times a day. It is possible to apply ointment under the bandage.
  • The dose of neomycin for adults and children and adolescents under 18 years of age should not exceed 1 g/day (corresponding to 200 g of ointment) for 7 days.
  • Patients with impaired liver/renal function and elderly patients do not require dose adjustment.

The ointment can be used as additional treatment in the postoperative period. Applying ointment to bandages is preferable when local treatment infected cavities and wounds (for example, bacterial infections external auditory canal without perforation of the eardrum, wounds or surgical incisions healing by secondary intention).

Side effects

Let's consider what side effects may cause the use of the drug Baneocin.

  1. Allergic reactions. If ointment is used for a long time, possible redness, dry skin, rash, itching. Reactions allergic type occur as contact eczema and develop infrequently.
  2. If the area of ​​skin affected by the disease is extensive, then the drug is absorbed in large quantities, which can provoke oto- and nephrotoxic effects and neuromuscular conduction disorders.
  3. If an allergy or superinfection develops, the drug must be discontinued.

At local application the ointment usually does not cause any adverse reactions and is well tolerated by patients.


There were no precedents for overdose after treatment with Baneocyon.

Special instructions

The risk of developing toxic effects is high if normal functioning liver and/or kidneys. If these deviations are present, it is recommended to conduct blood/urine tests and audiometric studies before starting treatment and during therapy.

Drug interactions

If absorption is noted and a cephalosporin or another group of antibiotics, for example, the aminoglycoside series, is prescribed, there is a risk of increasing the likelihood of an unpleasant nephrotoxic reaction after using the cream.

Taking diuretics and Baneocin, for example, furasemide or ethacrynic acid, can provoke oto- and nephrotoxic effects. The process of complete absorption of the powder quickly potentiates special phenomena in the form of a blockade in the neuromuscular system of the body in patients receiving medical drugs, modern anesthetics, and also after taking muscle relaxant.