Increased sensitivity of the breast (mastodynia). Increased sensitivity of the nipples in women: the main causes, possible diseases and their prevention

As you know, the male and female organisms have a number of features. Women, first of all, are distinguished by the presence of mammary glands. Beautiful sexy breasts, which, in addition to their aesthetic function, also perform the function of feeding.

V different periods of life, the breasts, and especially the nipples, may become more sensitive, or their reaction to external stimuli may disappear altogether. These problems arise due to hormonal fluctuations or due to psychophysical disorders. And only a woman faces them, a man similar discomfort unknown

Hypersensitivity of the nipple can be temporary, be natural, without carrying any serious danger. Or, on the contrary, testify to the manifestation of pathology, deviations.

Natural causes of nipple sensitivity include:

  • Menstruation (for example, delayed menstruation due to hormonal changes)
  • Pregnancy
  • lactation period
  • Ovulation
  • Climax

Often, in addition to discomfort, pain from touching the chest, especially when in contact with men, when a guy, a loved one caresses a woman, she also has other symptoms:

  • Pain in the mammary glands
  • Redness of the skin
  • Burning
  • Swollen nipples
  • breast augmentation

These symptoms may also occur as a result of natural causes. However, it is necessary to make sure exactly to avoid complications and prevent deterioration.

The reason is menstruation.

One of the main reasons why nipple sensitivity is exacerbated is the beginning menstrual cycle. At this time, there is a change in the hormonal background. However, after a few days, everything passes and the woman again does not worry about anything.

A feeling of discomfort can occur in the mammary glands at different periods of the menstrual cycle:

  • Immediately before menstruation (the second phase of the cycle), when the concentration of progesterone increases in the body, and, as a result, the breast swells.
  • During ovulation, when the body actively produces the hormone estrogen, which directly affects the genitals. Excessive sensitivity of the nipples due to ovulation is rare, but no one is safe from such an atypical reaction.
  • In the middle of a cycle. Unpleasant sensations arise as a result of a decrease in the amount of estrogen, as well as the release of latinizing hormone.

Hormonal changes are a natural physiological process and in the absence of other symptoms, you should not worry.

Pregnancy as a cause of sensitivity

No less than during menstruation, the nipple becomes more sensitive during early pregnancy. This phenomenon is associated with strong change occurring in the mammary glands due to the restructuring of the hormonal background.

The breast, its tissues swell greatly, the nipples begin to stick out, the mammary glands are rebuilt, the whole body is preparing for changes - bearing, breastfeeding a child.

A woman begins to produce another hormone responsible for tenderness, care and other similar feelings necessary for a mother to raise children - oxytocin, which affects mammary glands, their sensitivity.

Sensitive nipples during pregnancy is a sign that a woman, her mammary glands, are preparing for the birth of a child, for breastfeeding, which leads to changes:

  • Enlargement of the ducts of the mammary glands
  • Looseness glandular tissue
  • Isolation of colostrum

Pain while feeding

It so happened that it is the mother who is the person who in the first months of a child’s life gives him not only her love, care and tenderness, but is also the main source of nutrition for the baby. Without this opportunity given by nature, the human race probably could not have existed for so long. But sometimes strong pain in the nipples prevents mothers from fulfilling their role as nurses.

To reduce discomfort, reduce soreness, burning sensation of the nipples, mothers are recommended:

  • Choose good, comfortable underwear that allows you to support your chest in the correct position, to minimize the risk of injury.
  • It is correct to apply the baby to the breast in order to prevent the appearance of microcracks on the papilla, to make feeding painless.
  • Do not touch the chest unnecessarily, avoiding injury.

If you have any inconvenience, questions, it is best to immediately seek advice from a specialist - a mammologist.

Other causes of pain

In some cases, pain is felt as a result of:

  • Injuries, such as insect bites, bruises, piercings, due to the appearance of cracks. Even minor, small injuries, punctures, can bring discomfort. After all, the papilla, mammary glands, the skin around them is very delicate.
  • Allergic reactions - to powder and other laundry detergents, hygiene items, cosmetics, medicines, contraceptives, etc.
  • Rescheduled operations
  • When wearing uncomfortable underwear - especially frequent cases in women who are actively involved in sports. Some time after the start of training, the girl may feel burning pain in the chest, as a hard bra or T-shirt, worn on a naked body, rubs the nipples, and they start to burn, become dry, irritation, cracks appear on them.
  • stress
  • weather changes

Diseases and pathologies

The causes of nipple sensitivity sometimes lie in the development in women various diseases. The main diseases that cause chest discomfort:

  • Uterine fibroids, which can increase the volume of the breast, increase the sensitivity of the nipples. The disease affects hormonal background, metabolism.
  • Polyxitosis of the ovaries, which can significantly increase the production of estrogen. When ignoring the disease, sensitivity is felt more and more, constantly progressing.
  • Candidiasis - fungal disease, accompanied by itching, pain, swelling of the nipples, the formation of cracks, blisters on them. WITH breast milk the infection can enter the child's body.
  • The endometrium of the uterus - the papilla and areola are most affected.
  • Laktostasis, which develops due to stagnation of breast milk.

Any changes, a feeling of discomfort that causes suspicion, it is recommended to discuss with a specialist - a mammologist. Do not delay going to the doctor if pain are additionally accompanied by the following problems and deteriorations:

  • Itchy
  • Redness of the skin
  • Nipple retraction
  • Changing the shape of the breast

Breast tenderness may indicate:

  • Inflammatory processes in the body
  • Infectious diseases (mastitis)
  • Malignant tumors (oncology)
  • Mastopathy
  • Intraductal papilloma or other tumors

Prevention of breast diseases

Recover, improve after past illnesses, to reduce the sensitivity of the breast is much more difficult than it seems at first glance. So it's better to avoid similar problems. For this you need:

  • Stick to proper nutrition, reduce to a minimum the use of sweet, spicy, salty foods.
  • Use only those body care products that consist exclusively of natural ingredients.
  • Buy comfortable underwear made from natural fabrics, materials that fit perfectly on the figure, do not pinch or rub anywhere.
  • Take a shower, wash your nipples, but without soap, so as not to dry them out.
  • News healthy lifestyle life.
  • Check your breasts regularly.
  • See a doctor at least once a year, especially for women over 30.

Individual Feature

For some women, nipple sensitivity is individual feature, which does not disappear anywhere, but reminds of itself every day. There are not many such women, but they exist. And throughout their lives, day by day they feel this feeling on themselves, but they get used to it and continue to live, rejoice and enjoy everything that happens around them.

Why have become very sensitive nipples? Women's breasts consists of a mammary gland surrounded by layers of fat. The body of the gland is several cone-shaped lobes, consisting of large and small lobules. breast nipples are part of the mammary gland, their surface is covered with fine wrinkles. There are holes in them - milky pores, which are the end of the milk ducts. Their main purpose is to display the contents of the ducts when breastfeeding children. Around the nipples is an area called the areola, on which are small tubercles of Montgomery. These are vestigial glands, their number can be up to ten. Nipples and areolas contain a large number of nerve endings. Nipples may react to ambient temperature, touch, able to become hard or soft.

The female breast is made up of a mammary gland surrounded by layers of fat.

Why, at certain periods of life, women may notice increased sensitivity of the nipples? This condition is not pathological, but may indicate the onset of the disease.

  1. Mastodynia - a painful syndrome in the chest area, combines all pathological changes. The syndrome is manifested by increased swelling, increased sensitivity of the breast and nipples. There are physiological mastodynia that develops during puberty, during childbearing and during menopause, as well as pathological, which is a symptom. By the nature of development, the syndrome can be cyclic and non-cyclic.
  2. Premenstrual syndrome. Increased sensitivity of the nipples is often felt during the menstrual cycle, during the period of fluctuating hormones in the blood. After ovulation in the 2nd phase of the cycle, the production of the hormone progesterone is activated. The woman's body begins to prepare for possible pregnancy. The growth of the endometrium of the uterus increases, the growth of the glandular tissue of the mammary gland is noted. Under the influence of progesterone, breast growth, expansion of the ducts occurs. If the nipples become sensitive, then this is the main symptom of premenstrual syndrome. Mastodonia associated with the menstrual cycle is called cyclic.
  3. Soreness and tenderness of the breast are observed during childbearing. Swelling and sensitivity of the mammary glands are noted at the most early dates pregnancy. Connective tissues and milk ducts proliferate. During pregnancy, the nipples change, they become brownish or dark red. Their size, diameter and color of the areola increase. Sometimes colostrum can be shed late in pregnancy. In this case, you can use special thin gaskets that are fixed with adhesive tape.
  4. Sensitivity may increase during breastfeeding, especially at first. Due to improper breast capture by a child, abrasions and cracks can form on the surface of the nipples. In addition, hygiene violations can become the cause of irritability. The constant supply of milk moistens the bra pad, which makes the skin of the nipple unnecessarily soft and easily injured.

Nipples can react to ambient temperature, touch, can become hard or soft

Why does the chest hurt before menstruation (video)

The impact of diseases on the mammary glands

If the nipples become sensitive outside the period of pregnancy and lactation, then perhaps the causes are hidden in the pathology of the female genital area or in the pathology of the breast. Mastopathy is a pathology characterized by changes in breast tissue. Mastopathy means various violations connective and epithelial tissues. The disease develops due to hormonal imbalance. Mastopathy can be triggered by the late onset of menopause or total absence pregnancy.

On the initial stage mastopathy, pain in the mammary glands appears, nipples become sensitive

The development of the disease may be influenced by thyroid gland and any inflammatory process in the chest. Gynecological pathologies, connected with hormonal disorders, also contribute to the development of mastopathy. At the initial stage, mastopathy appears, the nipples become sensitive. Painful syndrome occurs due to fibrous growths that put pressure on the nerve endings. In addition, stagnation of blood in the veins causes swelling of the tissues, which causes an increase in the mammary glands. Often, mastopathy is accompanied by discharge from the nipples; the color and consistency of the liquid may vary.

Dangerous discharges with an admixture of blood are considered. It should be understood that any discharge outside of lactation is an alarming symptom.

Mastitis is an inflammatory process in the mammary gland that manifests itself during breastfeeding. The disease is provoked by streptococci, enterobacteria and staphylococci, penetrating through microtraumas in the nipples. Stagnation of milk in the ducts exacerbates inflammation in the mammary glands. At an early stage in the development of pathology, pressure on the nipple area may increase, and their sensitivity may increase.

Early signs of pregnancy (video)

What to do with hypersensitivity?

If the state is called premenstrual syndrome, then you should wear well-chosen underwear, that is, from natural material and preferably without seams. During pregnancy, cotton underwear should also be preferred. Need to choose carefully detergents it is preferable to use soap zero acidity to avoid dryness of the delicate skin of the nipples.

If the nipples become sensitive outside of pregnancy and lactation, then perhaps the causes are hidden in the pathology of the female genital area or in the pathology of the breast

It should be remembered that irritation of this area stimulates uterine contractions, which is undesirable during pregnancy.

At breastfeeding it is important to observe hygiene standards. Appeared microcracks need to be lubricated sea ​​buckthorn oil or healing ointment. It is necessary to teach the child to suckle correctly at the breast, capturing the nipple and areola completely. If soreness and tenderness are caused by the development certain disease, then you should undergo a course of treatment after consulting a doctor.

Often, women are not even aware that they have sensitive breasts that require special attention and care. How to recognize it and what to do next Moscow cosmetologist health center"Quantum" Alisa Vitalievna BASKOVA.

Sensitive breasts are not a diagnosis, but cosmetic and physical feature female body. To determine if your chest is sensitive, remember if it freezes in cold weather, even if you are warmly dressed? Is it painful to touch it or even the slightest pressure during menstruation? If you answered yes to these questions, your breasts are sensitive. Moreover, such indicators as its size and elasticity do not matter, because absolutely any breast can be sensitive.

Usually hypersensitivity breast gives a woman a certain discomfort. And it can be eliminated. In cold weather, put on a cotton turtleneck over your underwear first and only then - a jacket, sweater or any other, always woolen thing. Such clothes will best keep your chest from hypothermia.

Even the most comfortable underwear sometimes causes discomfort. Bras, bodysuits, graces, T-shirts, supporting the chest, always squeeze it a little. But even this small pressure it is enough for a woman with sensitive breasts to experience discomfort. Some ladies, wanting to get rid of them, stop wearing underwear that supports their breasts, because of which it quickly sinks and loses its shape. Hence the conclusion: sensitive breasts should not be deprived of support. To avoid discomfort Choosing the right underwear will help.

The main qualities that it should have are softness, the absence of protruding seams on inside and underwires in the seams under the bust, exactly matching the size of your bust. It can be a bra, bustier, bodysuit, T-shirt (the last three items - always with cups) made of natural, cotton jersey with a minimum inclusion of artificial fibers - elastane, lycra.

This jersey is very soft and at the same time fits the chest well, supporting it with the help of cups. If you want to make your breasts look bigger, get a foam bra, which is especially good to wear in winter, or a "Wonder bra" bra, but without wires. The first enlarges the chest due to the foam rubber sewn into the cups, the second - due to a special, multi-wedge cut. It is better to forget about rough lace underwear that injures the chest.

If you, having sensitive breasts, want to lose weight, in no case do not resort to those diets that help to lose excess weight in a record short time, and especially - to continuous starvation. These measures can cause your sensitive breasts to sag as quickly as they evaporate. overweight. Therefore, lose weight gradually, losing no more than 10% of the original body weight per year. It is better that the dynamics of weight loss be monitored by a dietitian who has selected this diet and complex for you. exercise. If for some reason you decide to lose weight on your own and find suitable diet, do banana masks that increase breast tone twice a week. To do this, mash a fresh banana with a fork and apply the gruel on the chest. After 20 minutes, remove it with a cotton swab and rinse the chest warm water.

Often women are not even aware that they have a sensitive
chest, requiring special attention and care. How to recognize it and
what to do next, says the cosmetologist of the Moscow
health-improving center "Kvanta" Alisa Vitalievna BASKOVA.

Sensitive breasts are not a diagnosis, but cosmetic and physical.
feature of the female body. To determine if a sensitive
your chest, remember if it freezes in cold weather, even if you
dressed warmly? Is it painful to touch her, or even the slightest
pressure during menstruation? If you answered yes to these
questions, your breasts are sensitive. Moreover, indicators such as
size and elasticity do not matter, because sensitive can
be absolutely any breast.

Usually, the increased sensitivity of the breast gives a woman a certain
the discomfort. And it can be eliminated. In cold weather, wear over
underwear, first a cotton turtleneck and only then a sweater,
sweater or any other, necessarily woolen thing. These clothes are better
just keep your chest from hypothermia. Even the most comfortable underwear
underwear sometimes causes discomfort. Bras, bodysuits, graces,
T-shirts, supporting the chest, always squeeze it a little. But even this
a little pressure is enough to make a sensitive woman
chest discomfort. Some ladies wanting from them
to get rid of, stop wearing breast-supporting underwear, which is why she
quickly sinks and loses its shape. Hence the conclusion: sensitive breasts
support cannot be denied. Helps avoid discomfort
selected underwear.

The main qualities that it should have are softness, lack of
protruding seams on the inside and “underwire” in the seams under the bust,
exact match to your breast size. It could be a bra
bustier, bodysuit, T-shirt (the last three products - always with cups) from
natural, cotton jersey with minimal inclusion
artificial fibers - elastane, lycra.
This jersey is very soft and at the same time fits the chest well,
supporting it with cups. If you want to visually enlarge
chest, get a foam bra, which is especially good
wear in winter, or a “Wonder bra”, but without wires. First
increases the breast due to the foam rubber sewn into the cups, the second - due to
special, multi-wedge cut. About rough lace underwear, traumatic
chest, better to forget.

If you, having sensitive breasts, want to lose weight, by no means
do not resort to those diets that help to lose weight in
record-breaking short terms, and especially - to continuous starvation. These measures
can cause your sensitive breasts to sag as well
quickly, as the extra pounds evaporate. So lose weight gradually
losing no more than 10% of the initial body weight per year. Better for
the dynamics of weight loss was monitored by a dietitian who selected this diet for you and
complex of physical exercises. If, for any reason, you decide
lose weight on your own and found a suitable diet, do it twice a day
a week banana masks that increase breast tone. To do this, you need to stretch
fork a fresh banana and apply the gruel on the chest. Take it off after 20 minutes.
cotton swab and rinse with warm water.
Strengthen your chest muscles every morning with the following exercise:
stand one step away from the wall and, raising to the level of the chest bent at the elbows
hands, rest your palms against the wall as if you intend it
push back. Relax. Repeat this exercise 20 times. Already after
The first session you will feel that your chest has become more elastic.

Breast sensitivity manifests itself in the form of mild or severe pain that occurs on palpation, wearing underwear and clothes, with active movements or exercise, while running or walking fast.

Breast sensitivity in some cases may be temporary, manifesting itself at certain periods of the menstrual cycle, under the influence of natural hormonal changes, but sometimes it is a symptom of the disease.

Only a doctor can determine the exact cause of breast sensitivity after studying the results of examinations and anamnesis. But first, let's determine what factors can provoke this phenomenon.

Breast tenderness during pregnancy

During pregnancy female body undergoes many significant changes, against which the sensitivity of the breast develops. According to statistics, such ailments often appear already in the early stages.

The cause of breast tenderness during pregnancy is due to a change in hormonal system. The effect is temporary, so no special measures need to be taken.

Breast tenderness during lactation

Under the influence of the hormone prolactin, active milk production occurs, which leads to swelling of the mammary glands. Quite often, during the period of feeding a child after childbirth, a woman notices an increase in the sensitivity of the breast.

This condition can persist throughout lactation, manifest itself with an excess amount of milk, after feeding or during feeding.

As a rule, the sensitivity of the breast disappears on its own after the complete completion of lactation. You need to contact a mammologist and undergo examinations if you notice that ailments persist after lactation.

Breast tenderness after surgery

If the patient has undergone breast surgery (implant placement, reduction mammoplasty, gland reconstruction), most often she observes not an increase in breast sensitivity, but a temporary loss of it.

When touched, it seems to her that the skin of the chest does not feel anything at all. To a greater extent this problem extends to the nipple-areolar complex. If the sensitivity of the breast has disappeared, there is no need to worry, because within 7-14 days after the operation it will have to recover on its own.

Breast tenderness before period

On the eve of menstruation, the body prepares for complex processes. Hormones play an important role in it, therefore, under their influence, the mammary glands swell, slightly increase in size and may seem heavy for some time.

Many women experience various uncomfortable sensations before the first days of a new menstrual cycle, and sometimes breast sensitivity appears before menstruation.

Breast tenderness during sexual arousal

Like a man's penis, women's nipples are prone to erection, which occurs with strong sexual arousal. At this point, they become more sensitive to touch and slightly painful to mechanical stress. This condition is natural: it is not for nothing that sex therapists consider nipples one of the most sensitive erogenous zones among women.

Sensitivity of the breast with mastopathy

Mastopathy is a disease in which the growth of the mammary glands occurs. Clinical picture involves pronounced swelling and enlargement of the breast, the occurrence of pain and discharge from the nipples. Also, with mastopathy, there is often an increase in the sensitivity of the breast. You can't just leave the problem unattended. You will need a medical examination and treatment.

Breast tenderness in adolescence

V puberty girls quite often complain of soreness and sensitivity of the breast, which can manifest itself at different periods of the menstrual cycle. This is a completely normal hormonal state for a teenage girl, in whose body drastic changes occur.