Why do periods come early? If menstruation came five days earlier

Every woman should take care of her women's health. And it doesn't matter how old she is, twenty or fifty. All ages can have their own problems, so it is important to visit doctors and take tests on time. But as practice shows, a woman does not always manage to go on time for a consultation with a gynecologist. The reasons may be different. For example, due to a fast-paced lifestyle, there is not always time to visit doctors. Today we will talk about why women can start menstruation five days ahead of schedule, and how this is fraught with health.

Menstruation 5 days ahead of time can be caused by various reasons

Reasons why menstruation may start earlier

Women's periods start at adolescence. Someone earlier, someone later, but one way or another, they begin at the age of 11 to 14 years. Although for some girls it happens earlier, while for others it happens later. At healthy woman the menstrual cycle lasts from 28 days to 36. Its duration depends entirely on individual features body of a woman, but it is the same every time. Started critical days last almost the entire life of a woman, and relentlessly come every month. An exception may be:

  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • disease.

If the first two points of the absence of menstruation are natural for a woman, then the last point is unnatural and undesirable.

There can also be many reasons why menstruation comes 5 days before the due date. In adolescents, menstruation is premature due to the fact that the cycle has not yet fully adjusted, so failures occur. Adolescent girls may begin menstruation, and then not come at all for several months. This phenomenon is not a pathology, and should not bring any concern. There are other reasons why a woman's period may begin earlier:

  1. Some women have this kind of failure due to the specific properties of the body. This kind of reason should not be feared, but if this happens often, then you should consult a doctor.
  2. Another reason for violation menstrual cycle, because of which menstruation begins a few days earlier - these are weather conditions. This happens when abrupt change climate from cold to hot, or vice versa. And this also happens if you come to another country with a different climate. However, such reasons are more characteristic of girls. For middle-aged and older women, these reasons rarely apply.
  3. The whole body of a woman is negatively affected by stress. Because of this, women also note that menstruation came ahead of schedule. In stressful situations, there is a negative impact on all internal organs, including those that are responsible for reproductive function person. nervous exhaustion, severe stress, and as a result, menstruation came ahead of schedule.
  4. If an inflammatory process has begun in some internal organ of a person, then this negatively affects menstruation, and the fact that it will begin ahead of time.
  5. If the genitals of a woman are susceptible to some kind of infection or any other disease, then this can lead to a violation of the menstrual cycle, as a result of which it begins earlier by several days.
  6. An unfavorable pregnancy outcome also leads to menstrual irregularities. That is, if a woman had an abortion, or she had a miscarriage, this will disrupt the functioning of the internal genital organs.

In addition, one of the reasons is an incorrectly installed contraceptive spiral, or if this spiral has shifted.

Inflammation internal organs and unsuccessful pregnancy can provoke early periods

Common Causes

  1. Menstruation is negatively affected serious disorders lung kidneys, or liver.
  2. Violation of the heart also entails this kind of problem.
  3. If you are taking any medications, they may cause your periods to come earlier.

If a woman adheres to an unhealthy lifestyle, the work of the genital organs is disrupted. This is due to the fact that such harmful and toxic substances, how:

  • alcohol;
  • nicotine;
  • drugs.

A few days earlier, menstruation comes even if the woman has been exposed to harmful substances such as radiation.

If there is a sharp shortage of useful substances, vitamins and microelements in a woman's body, then this leads to a violation of the menstrual cycle, and the woman may complain that menstruation came a few days ahead of schedule.

In women older than 45, early menstruation can be a sign of menopause. Although in this case, the menstrual cycle begins to jump, and increasingly begins later than before. This is a natural process in the body of a woman, which should not cause you concern. However, in such situations, it is recommended to consult a doctor who will help you facilitate this process.

Sometimes if menstruation began earlier, this may indicate a possible pregnancy. Although this kind of bleeding can not be called menstruation. Just at the moment when the egg enters the uterus and begins its attachment to its walls, it damages the endometrial tissue, and this entails the appearance of blood. This kind of bleeding is easy to distinguish from normal menstruation:

  • starts earlier than expected period;
  • the discharge in this case is insignificant;
  • such "monthly" lasts much less than usual.

Kidney disease affects the regularity of menstruation

What do menstruation that began in 5 days say?

If a woman’s period came earlier than expected, then this indicates that some kind of failure has occurred in the woman’s body, and this is how he signals you about the problem. But do not panic overnight, because in time Taken measures will protect you from possible severe consequences. In addition, there is a possibility that nothing serious is happening to you, and it happens.

Most often, the causes that led to the violation of the menstrual cycle resolve themselves, and the next month the menstrual cycle will begin on time. If you are aware of the reasons that led to such violations, then you have no reason to worry. But in case of a repeated case, we would recommend to consult a doctor.

In most cases, by the next monthly cycle is restored

Disease is the cause

  1. One of the diseases that can lead to a violation of the menstrual cycle, namely early start menstruation is polymenorrhea. Such a disease occurs either in young girls whose menstrual cycle has not yet been established, or in women over 35 years old. In the first case, you don't need medical intervention, and monthly are regulated by themselves. In the second case, a woman should definitely consult a doctor. Otherwise, menstruation will come earlier and earlier, which may lead to their complete cessation. But if your period came early, this is not a reason to panic and run to the doctor, assuming that you have polymenorrhea. This should be done if menstruation occurs earlier within a few months.
  2. An unpleasant reason why menstruation can begin earlier than the due date is unprotected intercourse. The fact is that during this process, an infection could enter the woman's body. So if you feel pain in the lower abdomen in conjunction with early periods, you should consult a doctor for proper treatment.
  3. A probable reason why menstruation can begin earlier may be a violation of the hormonal background of a woman. Each representative of the fair sex should carefully monitor her hormones, because a violation of their level can lead not only to a violation of the menstrual cycle, but also to the occurrence various diseases. Therefore, it is important for every girl to be vigilant when taking hormone-containing drugs, and not to do this unnecessarily. And also, you should not prescribe these drugs yourself, just because someone recommended them to you. Be sure to consult before taking the pills with your doctor, who will tell you the right dosage in your particular case, and tell you how much you need them.
  4. The reason why your hormonal background can be disturbed, are stresses. If a woman suffers from strong emotions for several days, then her hormonal background goes astray and this can lead to the fact that menstruation came earlier. There have been cases when a woman is so worried about the upcoming wedding day that on the appointed day she began her period. To avoid such situations, you should take sedatives. For example, you can drip yourself valerian, or brew tea with chamomile. Helps a lot hot tub with foam.
  5. In some women, the menstrual cycle begins a few days ahead of schedule due to careless sexual intercourse. Inadvertently, your partner may injure you in the vagina or cervix during sex. You may not notice it, but you will start to bleed afterwards. This reason will seem ridiculous and ridiculous to you, but I assure you that in such a situation there is no sense of humor. There are cases when, during aggressive sexual intercourse, a woman may experience a rupture of the ovary. In such a situation, you must immediately call ambulance because the woman needs surgical intervention.
  6. Every woman strives to be beautiful. Sometimes, to achieve this goal, the fair sex may resort to different methods. Some go to the gym, others go on diets, and some combine both of these methods. So, excessive exercise or severe depletion of the body with diets can lead to a violation of the menstrual cycle. Therefore, when playing sports, consult with a trainer about the required load. And if you decide to go on a diet, then you should visit a dietitian who will select the right diet specifically for you.

Careless intercourse can lead to injury and bleeding

What to do if your period came early

If the menstrual cycle began a few days earlier, meager or ordinary discharge came, then you should sort out your feelings and not smack the fever. Listen to yourself if you have dizziness and headaches. Feel the chest, if there is any pain in it. Naturally, breast examination should be carried out after menstruation is over, otherwise, due to the breasts that have poured during this period, you may misinterpret painful sensations.

Listen for pain in your lower abdomen. These sensations should be sought after the end of blood loss. For during this period, many women experience pain due to uterine contractions.

If you don't have any of these symptoms, and you don't feel weak or unwell, then you don't have to worry. You can also postpone your visit to the doctor. However, if the state of health worsens, or the violation of the menstrual cycle repeats and becomes systematic, be sure to consult a doctor and take the necessary tests.

It is the main indicator of the health of the fair sex. Each girl who has already established a cycle can calculate her period and find out the approximate date of the next menstruation. But sometimes there are deviations in the women's schedule in one direction or another, and this is alarming. Why is my period premature and should I be worried in this case? This can happen by different reasons, which can be both harmless and quite serious.

You can distinguish between menstruation and implantation bleeding by the nature of the discharge. Menstruation starts gradually. At first, the discharge is scarce, then their abundance increases. Duration - from three days to a week. Implantation bleeding will be sparse and will end soon.

After an artificial termination of pregnancy or miscarriage, the cycle may also be disturbed. In this case, the restoration of the cycle occurs independently for some time. Sometimes a little medical intervention may be required.

Breastfeeding can also affect the nature of the menstrual cycle.

Ectopic pregnancy

Early menstruation can occur with an ectopic pregnancy. This situation is dangerous for the health and even for the life of a woman. If you suspect an ectopic pregnancy, you should contact your doctor as soon as possible.


Facilities emergency contraception provoke the arrival of menstruation earlier than the due time. Such funds should be used only in extreme cases, as their frequent use can lead to health problems. In addition, a spiral that was installed incorrectly can also cause early menstruation.

Natural age changes

As mentioned above, during the formation of the menstrual cycle in a girl, menstruation may be irregular; she often notices that her period started a week earlier or later. Also, during the menopause, similar failures occur.

Change of climate or place of residence

Climate change can negatively affect the menstrual cycle. But in this case, everything gets better on its own within a few months. This phenomenon is considered normal.

Injuries and diseases of the female genital area

Bleeding may occur due to trauma to the vagina or cervix. The reason is a rough sexual intercourse or an incorrectly delivered contraceptive. At the same time, a woman may think that her period began a week earlier. It is important to accurately determine whether it is menstruation or bleeding in order to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Bleeding that is not menstrual can provoke inflammation in the uterus, fallopian tubes, ovaries. The appearance of secretions may be associated with endometriosis, fibroids, hypoplasia or underdevelopment of the genital organs, glandular hyperplasia of the endometrium. Various sexual infections can also cause scanty discharge, mistaken for menstruation.

Inflammatory processes and colds

A rare cause of failures in the female cycle are inflammation and colds. When the body is weakened by disease, failure can occur, which leads to premature menstruation. Such periods will be painful due to inflammation. It is necessary to do support for immunity, eat right, walk more in the fresh air.

Physical activity and dieting

Excessive physical activity can lead to a premature start of critical days. Do not be surprised if after an intense workout, menstruation began a week earlier. The same consequences are possible after fast weight loss. The whole body suffers from a lack of nutrients, blood clotting is disturbed. The reasons for this condition may be different, but this can be identified only after the examination.

Contribute to the onset of premature menstruation can take certain medications, poisoning, poor nutrition. In addition, premature menstruation can occur in women who abuse alcohol, smoke or take drugs. Also, the reason may be hereditary factors, serious malfunctions in the work of internal organs, cardiovascular disorders.

How are premature periods

Perhaps the appearance of drowsiness, tearfulness, irritability, minor chest pain, etc. In inflammatory diseases, the process can be quite painful, while pain is also felt in the lower back, hips, and groin area. Premature periods, the causes of which are hidden in hormonal disorders, are accompanied by strong blood discharge with clots.

What to do when periods come early

Don't panic right away! First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to the nature and composition of the discharge.

No need to worry if similar phenomenon arose for the first time, and the state of health remains normal. Menstruation ahead of time should not cause concern if there has been a change in climate, a strong mental shock, physical exertion (in the event that menstruation has begun recently). In this situation, it is important to adjust your daily routine and eat right, limit fatty, sweet, salty foods in your diet, spend more time outdoors. At nervous disorders it will be useful to accept the weak sedatives or herbal preparations.

If menstruation began early, the discharge is not abundant and has the character of a normal menstruation, but the general tone is reduced, nausea is observed, aching pain or other symptoms, then you should see a doctor in the near future, there is no need to call an ambulance.

Alert should be discharge in a large amount of bright scarlet color without lumps. If at the same time the state of health worsens and a fainting state occurs, it is necessary to consult a doctor - such symptoms are characteristic of bleeding. Before the arrival of the doctor, you need to lie down, apply ice to the lower abdomen, try not to drink any drinks.

You should also consult a doctor if:

  • failures have been observed for more than a year;
  • menstruation began early and lasted more than seven days;
  • discharge is abundant and requires frequent changes in hygiene products;
  • in the interval between menstruation, there are other discharges;
  • arises strong pain weakness, fever.

To determine the cause of this phenomenon, the doctor will prescribe the necessary tests. Most often it is a smear, a hormone test, ultrasonography female organs. In some cases, an MRI may be needed.

Regular menstrual cycle - important characteristic women's health. If failures occur in this area, if they are not single, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist to establish the cause of this condition.

Even menstrual cycle- it important feature women's health. Any violation in leads to a failure in the hormonal system, and, consequently, to a violation of the menstrual cycle.

Women are used to looking and responding only to a delay, since in such cases the degree of pregnancy is high, so often they simply do not pay attention to the fact that menstruation has gone a week earlier.

This ignoring of menstruation is wrong, because when you go to the doctor, you can find out that early bleeding talking about serious health problems.

How to get rid of female disease? Irina Kravtsova shared her story of curing thrush in 14 days. In her blog, she told what drugs she took, whether it is effective traditional medicine what worked and what didn't.

What is the menstrual cycle?

The transformation of a girl into a woman begins with the onset of the first menstruation. During the period of growing up of the female body, when the girl turns 12-13 years old, puberty also begins.

- This is bleeding, named because of the cyclicity. Life processes are distinguished by constancy at regular intervals. Such repetition is considered a sign of health and correct operation organism.

Menstrual cycle- this is the first sign of a woman's ability to have healthy offspring, so uniformity is important, since any violation in the cycle of menstruation, whether menstruation is early or delayed, indicates that the body is sick or under stress.

In the female body there is an ovum, a special body, which, when combined with a spermatozoon, gives rise to a new being.

Menstrual cycle- the sequence of development and maturation of the egg, which takes about a month. Each woman has an extremely individual menstrual cycle, its duration is influenced by various factors may have different quantity days, usually it is within 20-35 calendar days.

First day of the menstrual cycle- this is the initial time of the onset of bleeding (menstruation). The whole process is considered the main evidence of a woman's health and the possibility of fertilization, so any instability, early menstruation is a failure in the body.

Many women now have special ones that help track all violations in the cycle and prevent early menstruation.

Can menses start early?

Proper hormonal production, a normalized menstrual cycle - all this plays a huge role in women's health.

If it is found that menstruation has come ahead of schedule, then you should immediately consult a doctor, because this way the body, with the help of menstruation, makes it clear that the body is sick and requires urgent diagnosis to identify violations.

There are a lot of reasons for the arrival of menstruation a week earlier and they are distinguished different character, therefore it is very important to determine the violation options:

Menses a week early

In adolescence, when the menstrual cycle is just beginning to come into a semblance of normality, various jumps in terms can be considered normal, however, in more late age early menstruation can be considered a health disorder.

There is no need to immediately run and panic, but it is best to contact a specialist who will tell you what is the reason for such violations.

Look out for other symptoms early menstruation.

Disturbances in the nervous system, in addition to menstruation, greatly affect female character, setting the regime of eternal PMS, irritability and nervousness.

The main cause of violations female cycle is its imbalance. That is the first thing you should pay attention to.

However, you should not run such a state. Some of the causes of early menstruation are very dangerous. It is best to contact a gynecologist for violations of the cycle, who will take the necessary tests and identify the factors that influenced the arrival of early menstruation.

There are a lot of reasons for the occurrence of the factor of early menstruation, so it is best to contact a specialist who will tell you if there is visible reasons for excitement. It is not worth starting the problem, as well as panicking sharply, since it is impossible to identify the exact cause at home. It is advisable to regularly visit a gynecologist to prevent such problems.

Stories from our readers!
“The gynecologist advised me to take natural remedies. We opted for one drug - which helped to cope with hot flashes. It’s such a nightmare that sometimes you don’t even want to leave the house for work, but you have to ... As soon as I started taking it, it became much easier, you even feel that some kind of internal energy appeared. And I even wanted to have sexual relations with my husband again, otherwise everything was without much desire. "


External factors can quite often affect, causing early menstruation, but they do not carry much danger. Internal factors are already a completely different matter, especially if such violations occur constantly.

Pathological causes of early menstruation, which can simply be called bleeding, are accompanied by a number of other symptoms.


  • increase in body temperature;
  • severe fatigue.

All this suggests that you need to see a doctor, because the following diseases can roam the body:

  • tumors of the ovaries, uterus and cervix, vagina;
  • disorders in the thyroid gland;
  • diabetes.

Any of these diseases is dangerous for the female body and reproductive system therefore, early menstruation warns of the onset of violations. Attention should also be paid if hormonal contraceptives are taken, since early menstruation is often a dangerous consequence of their use, indicating endocrine system disorders.

emergency contraception

If you need to drink emergency contraceptive pills, then you should also prepare for the fact that a menstrual irregularity will occur, most often manifested in early menstruation.

Such medicines contain a fairly large amount of hormones, which, even with a single dose, may well disrupt regularity.

Menses may appear late, but as a standard, if the drug was taken during the first half of the menstrual cycle, then violations of the period 1-2 weeks earlier are quite normal phenomenon.

Such a violation, although unpleasant, since it cannot be accurately calculated, is not at all dangerous and does not require treatment. In addition, it is worth taking into account that early menstruation can take place for several more months, while the body is fully restored from a huge dose of hormones.

My personal history

with premenstrual pain and unpleasant secretions, it's over!

Our reader Egorova M.A. shared experience:

It's scary when women don't know true reason of their illnesses, because problems with the menstrual cycle can be harbingers of serious gynecological diseases!

The norm is a cycle lasting 21-35 days (usually 28 days), accompanied by menstruation lasting 3-7 days with moderate blood loss without clots. Alas, the state gynecological health our women is simply catastrophic, every second woman has some kind of problem.

Today we will talk about new natural remedy that kills pathogenic bacteria and infections, restores immunity, which simply restarts the body and includes the regeneration of damaged cells and eliminates the cause of diseases...

Features of menstruation, if menstruation came earlier

With the manifestation of early menstruation, all the features of the course and occurrence will depend only on the reasons that influenced the failure of the cycle:


The disadvantage of most drugs are side effects. Often, drugs cause severe intoxication, subsequently causing complications in the functioning of the kidneys and liver. To prevent side effect such preparations we want to pay attention to special phytotampons.

Could this be pregnancy?

Not only a delay, but also early menstruation can indicate the birth of a new person. Such bleeding comes and goes quite abruptly, therefore, in right sense it is difficult to call them monthly.

Early bleeding occurs due to damage to the endometrium during the entry of the future person into the uterus, which provokes the appearance of blood.

Menstruation as a sign of pregnancy is distinguished by the following features:

  • short term - usually it does not exceed one day;
  • the beginning of menstruation no later than a week before the start of the expected period;
  • distinctive or pink;
  • the amount of blood discharge is much more meager than during a normal pregnancy.

To determine whether pregnancy is the exact cause of the onset of menstruation, you need to do a pregnancy test that will accurately tell you its presence or undergo an examination by a gynecologist. There is no danger in such menstruation, so no measures are required.

Another thing is if the pregnancy is intrauterine, because in this case there will also be bleeding and it can easily be confused with menstruation. You should carefully look for signs of menstruation, which will tell the exact symptom.

Period 5 days earlier

There are a huge number of menstrual irregularities, so if your period started only 5 days earlier, you should pay attention to the following things:

Period more than 7 days earlier

10 days earlier

The standard menstrual cycle is established as early as adolescence, just a couple of years after the onset of menstruation.

At the same time, there are a lot of situations when menstruation arrives 10 days earlier:

The appearance of menstruation 10 days earlier is dangerous and therefore requires immediate appeal to the gynecologist, as a significant disease may be revealed.

2 weeks earlier

The appearance of menstruation 2 weeks earlier is dangerous and often manifests itself in the 21st century. Here you can no longer rely on a simple hormonal imbalance, since often the cause is a problem with the ovaries.

The main disease that causes such premature periods is anovulatory dysfunction, which causes female body produce instead of estrogen.

The launch of such a disease leads the body to a serious condition - ovarian resistance.

stop responding to any hormones produced by the body, which over time will lead to the disappearance of menstruation or heavy bleeding accompanied by pain.

The reasons for the appearance of menstruation 2 weeks earlier are considered:

  • abortion or miscarriage;
  • uterine tumor;
  • high blood sugar;
  • thyroid problem and overweight.

The nature of menstruation

The presence of meager discharge during menstruation does not indicate painlessness.

Often, even with very meager periods, especially those that came ahead of time, the following symptoms occur:

  • severe pain in the lower abdomen and lower back;
  • headaches and;
  • constipation or diarrhea.

The standard rate of blood discharge during menstruation is from 70 to 150 ml.

If this quantitative indicator is less, the presence of the following problems is detected:

  • hypomenoria;
  • tuberculosis;
  • problems with genitourinary system and operations on the reproductive;
  • frequent abortions, or breastfeeding;
  • depression or other nervous diseases;
  • intoxication or imbalance of hormones.

Scanty early periods have a non-standard color and appear slightly on the pad. Often provoke inflammatory processes.

A bigger problem for a woman is that they are painful with a lot of bloody discharge. Often they provoke anemia. With heavy periods, you should immediately consult a doctor, since there is a possibility of uterine bleeding, and not early periods.

Symptoms of heavy menstruation are:

  • menstruation lasts more than 7 days, daily blood loss is more than 200 ml;
  • severe pain in the uterus and ovaries;
  • the presence of a large number of blood clots for more than 3 days in a row and the presence of intermenstrual discharge.

Doctors call the reasons for the appearance of heavy periods:

  • lack of vitamins due to refusal to use a number of products;
  • medical abortion;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diseases associated with the reproductive system;
  • continuous intake of acetylsalicylic acid.

What should I do if my period came early?

If a problem of premature menstruation is discovered, then the first thing to do is to consult a doctor in order to undergo all the necessary tests to determine the cause of early menstruation. Often, if the situation is not dangerous, the doctor himself will consult and give the necessary information about the treatment to restore the harmony of the cycle.

The problem of pathology is revealed when persistent violations during the loop, not on a one-time failure, since it can be called external factors. During this period, you should carefully monitor the discharge, their appearance and appearance in order to notice violations.

However, if they appear heavy bleeding with severe pain, you should immediately rush to a specialist, as this is a significant possibility of a complex problem.

In addition to drugs, it is possible to restore the menstrual cycle with the help of folk remedies. Sometimes a simple dietary adjustment can help get rid of the problem. The use of folk remedies should not be left to yourself, they are used only with the permission of the doctor.

Herbs though are enough effective healers, most often, to get rid of early menstruation, they require a different treatment, and they themselves act as an additional one. The duration of application of infusions should not be more than 2 weeks.

Doctors call wormwood, mint, lemon balm, parsley, water pepper and tansy suitable herbs for getting rid of early menstruation:

Combination medical method treatment and folk methods in the ratio makes it possible to eliminate violations in the menstrual cycle. Treatment can not be carried out independently, a special permission of the doctor is required.

Uterine fibroids - DOES NOT MEAN OPERATION!

Every year, 90,000 women undergo surgery to remove uterine fibroids. Just think about these numbers! The important thing is that simply removing fibroids does not eliminate the disease, so in 15% of cases, fibroids reappear. Myoma will go away by itself and without any surgery, if you drink on an empty stomach regular herbal tea...

Cycle Failure Prevention

The harmony of the menstrual cycle is a factor in women's health, violations first of all scream about malfunctions in the body.

Therefore, it is important to follow the rules of prevention, which will help to avoid violations or notice in the early stages:

Violation of the menstrual cycle even for a week is a serious test for the body and the first bell that you should seek the advice of a specialist. Diseases of the reproductive system are dangerous and often lead to infertility, which undermines the health of the female body.

At proper prevention diseases, including dangerous ones, are avoided and detected in time. If your period appeared much earlier than the due date, do not panic, but you can’t endure the pain for sure. Severe pain, together with heavy periods, may be the first sign of bleeding, and not menstruation.

miscarriage, uterine bleeding- this is not a complete list of problems that cause a violation of the cycle. You should carefully monitor the color of the discharge during this period, since the change in the dark color of menstruation to lighter ones, like scarlet or pink, speaks both of the pathology and that the woman is pregnant. Menstruation can come early and smear.

A woman should be treated with great attention to her health - nature has rewarded her with a very delicate organism. One of the monthly duties is to control the timing of menstruation. Many keep their personal calendar, marking the days of its beginning and end. It is easy to see that with normal health, the process occurs regularly, so if the menstruation came ahead of time, this causes anxiety and suspicion of health problems. To calm down, it is better to visit a gynecologist, get advice and undergo the recommended medical examination. This will unambiguously determine the cause of the violation of the schedule and assign the correct correction.

Why did my period come early

There are many reasons for women's health. A number of them explain why menstruation came earlier than expected.

1. The strongest emotional disturbances suffered as a result of some kind of experience stressful situation, are able to make quite significant adjustments to the regularity of menstruation and overall well-being in general.

2. Increased physical activity shortly before the onset of the so-called critical days are a common cause of ovulation periodicity failure.

3. sudden loss weight (illness, cardinal and extreme diet) provokes changes in the cycle.

4. The need to acclimatize the body when moving (change of time zone, climatic conditions) makes the female body work in a stressful mode and is often the reason that menstruation came early.

5. Hard and rough sex that injures a woman's genitals (vagina, cervix) can cause either premature onset of menstruation or banal bleeding.

6. It is easy to confuse menstruation with uterine bleeding, which begins if the uterus is injured, its tissues are inflamed, there are tumors and other diseases.

7. Happy anticipation of motherhood at the very beginning can cause early spotting. This is explained by the fact that at 6-7 weeks of pregnancy, the embryo is implanted (implanted in the wall of the uterus), thereby destroying part of the superficial blood vessels, from which the blood flows out.

8. The explanation for the fact that menstruation came earlier may also lie in an ectopic pregnancy, arbitrary abortion. This is very dangerous situations in which a woman needs urgent surgical intervention.

9. Often taken by ladies oral contraceptives lead to hormonal imbalance, which causes cycle failure.

10. An unpleasant reason that menstruation came earlier can be sexually transmitted infections.

Jumps in the periodicity of the regulation should not be surprising in youth, when the cycle is just being established, and already at a very mature age, when it begins to fade.

How does menstruation go if menstruation came earlier

Features of the appearance of menstruation in such cases will depend on the cause of the violation of the cycle. If the jump is caused by nuances in the operation of the central nervous system, then usually the course of the regulations itself passes with deviations in the state of the lady.

Often this results in unpleasant headaches. Nausea may occur, which is absolutely not, as some girls are afraid, the first sign of pregnancy. The mood is depressed, tearful, unjustified tears appear. Some women may experience insomnia on such days.

In principle, menstruation often comes earlier, but for each lady in such a situation, they proceed differently, depending on the individual state of health. But it is worth remembering that if a hormonal disorder has occurred, then the discharge of blood is abundant, sometimes even clots can be observed. But in the case of an infection, pulling pains in the lower abdomen are often felt, the area hurts lumbar spine.

If menstruation came earlier: pregnancy ?!

A special case where a failure in a loop means possible pregnancy. If a woman leads a sufficiently active sexual life, then you won’t have to be surprised if, even with diligent protection from conception, premature regulation will become the first sign of future motherhood.

Should be held the simplest test by purchasing it at any pharmacy if:

- the onset of menstruation occurred 2-6 days earlier than expected;

- the blood that is released has changed its properties - the color has become pinkish or with a brown tint;

- the intensity and abundance of lochia (discharge) has sharply decreased;

- the menstruation itself lasted a smaller number of days than usual.

Similar differences in confirming the onset of pregnancy are due to the implantation of the embryo in the uterus.

Period came 5 days earlier

It is simply amazing how diverse the factors that cause menstrual irregularities are. So, if menstruation came earlier by 5 days, then it is recommended to consider a number of main reasons.

1. Normal operation The reproductive system of a woman is regulated by the work of not one organ, but several at once. Therefore, a violation of their functioning entails a situation when menstruation comes 5 days ahead of schedule. So, finding out the causes of deviations in the frequency of menstruation, it is possible to simultaneously detect diseases of the ovaries, uterus, even the brain.

2. The female body is so delicate that the failure of its functioning (mainly vegetative function) happens even due to a common cold. The main provocateur here is a violation of normal blood circulation during an illness.

3. Influence negative factors external environment can cause menstruation 5 days earlier. An example of such a situation is the need to get used to new climatic conditions(acclimatization) when changing a permanent place of residence, a business trip, a trip to new places for the purpose of recreation.

4. A relatively small deviation is often provoked by a radical diet. During a period of severe nutritional restriction, the body does not receive a number of essential substances and therefore stressed. This is what causes the menstrual cycle to fail.

5. Overload. Both physical and emotional, it causes deviations from the norm in just 3-5 days.

Period came a week earlier

If menstruation came a week earlier, then, most likely, potential provocateur factors become the reason for this.


With this symptom, the body produces more than enough estrogen. This occurs against the background of an increasing deficiency of luteic acid. Pregnancy in such a situation is completely excluded, since ovulation, most likely, is simply absent. Difficulties occur due to excess body weight, neoplasms in the female genital organs (for example, various cysts in the ovaries), and taking estrogen-containing drugs. The disease is confirmed by a routine blood test.

Inflammatory processes

Scarlet discharge, with clots may be a symptom of development inflammatory processes in the fallopian tubes, ovaries, in the cavity of the uterus itself. Abnormal discharge occurs due to a potential disease - underdevelopment of the organs of the reproductive system, endometriosis, fibroids, glandular hyperplasia, hypoplasia.

Uterine bleeding

If menstruation came a week earlier, then it is likely that this is by no means lochia, but dangerous uterine bleeding due to uterine injury, inflammation, and the development of a tumor on the genitals.

Period came 10 days earlier

Despite the fact that the menstrual cycle of a woman is established literally a couple of years after the menarche (first appearance), situations when menstruation came 10 days earlier are quite common. The main reasons for such a serious deviation can be quite a variety of factors.

1. Genetic predisposition. You should discuss with your mother whether she had similar situation, probably, something similar was observed quite often in the female line of the genus. If this is true, then you will have to come to terms with the existing state of affairs, because it is practically impossible to influence it.

2. Abortions, miscarriages. Such unpleasant situations quite often provoke a failure in the menstrual cycle, causing the premature appearance of lochia.

3. Deviations in body weight. If there is a sharp loss / gain in mass, then do not be surprised that menstruation came 10 days earlier. The same phenomenon can be provoked by the absence of a normal, healthy eating due to lack necessary for the body vitamins and minerals.

4. Inflammation. Alas, the inflammatory processes of the organs in the pelvic area are very common cause a wide variety of deviations in the body of a lady. The list of pathologies is very impressive - these are fibroids, malignant or benign tumors, endometriosis. The list can be continued without stopping, for a very long time. The most dangerous thing is that a woman does not always discover dangerous deviations and is delayed in applying for operational medical care.

5. Diseases of the internal organs. Cycle disruption often causes various ailments associated with the liver, kidneys, and other vital organs.

From this short list of the most common causes of deviations in the regularity of the appearance of lochia, it is clear that if menstruation comes 10 days earlier, then you should not delay a visit to the doctor. For with such an indicator, the probability that any disease will be detected is too high.

If menstruation came early, scanty

The painlessness of the flow of menstruation does not depend on their abundance. Even if menstruation came earlier and was rather meager in volume, the absence of discomfort is not guaranteed. On the contrary, they are often accompanied by symptoms such as:

- palpable pain in the lower abdomen;

- nausea;


- pulling pain in the lower back;

- diarrhea or constipation.

Scant allocation occur in the following cases:

- after childbirth (may come ahead of time and be an unusual brown color);

- after curettage (during abortion, diagnostic curettage, removal of polyps);

- with ovarian dysfunction;

- with a genetic predisposition;

- in inflammatory processes (in the ovaries, uterine appendages).

It's only small part the reasons for which scanty periods are observed, occurring ahead of time.

If menstruation came earlier and plentiful

Violation of the cycle in itself causes alertness, and if menstruation came earlier and plentiful, then you should think about the reasons. This is due to the fact that lochia should not be too significant in volume, especially if they appear with clots.

The main indications for such a situation:

- the specific structure of the uterus or its pathology;

hormonal disbalance;

- menopause, abortion, childbirth;

- uterine fibroids or endometriosis;

- pathology of the reproductive system;

- menorrhagia;

- lack of hemoglobin;

- inflammation and diseases of the pelvic organs;

- excessive use of contraceptives (spiral).

What to do if menstruation came earlier

So, we found out why menstruation came early. It remains to understand what to do with all this "happiness". Actually, as with any anomaly, the only recommendation is to eliminate the root of such a phenomenon.

It is worth sitting down calmly and analyzing what kind of lifestyle a woman leads. If it differs significantly from healthy, then, perhaps, it is worth considering - what can be done so that the regulations do not knock down their rhythm?

- Reduce stress, not only physical, but also moral. Constant stress has never done anyone any good.

- Eliminate the uncomfortable situation in your own home, stop, if any, all sorts of showdowns. The house should be a corner of calm, where you can feel good both in body and soul.

- Pay more attention to cooking healthy and healthy food(homemade meals), giving up unregulated snacks on the go, fast foods.

- be more careful when accepting any hormonal drugs read the instructions for their use. This concerns, first of all, the reception contraceptives(tablets).

- Do not worry too much if your period came first on a single day. Doctors do not call this a failure, but consider it a normal course of regulation.

- If this phenomenon occurs with frightening constancy, then it is best to contact your gynecologist for advice. If he recommends undergoing a full examination, you should not refuse - it means that he has some doubts that should be dispelled.

Do not forget that to endure severe pain, especially if they are clearly not accompanied menstrual bleeding. The main difference should be remembered - in a normal situation, the released blood should be dark and practically non-coagulable, and in a pathological situation it will be scarlet, clots and even pieces of torn tissue may appear. It is better to immediately consult a doctor - the cause of such an ailment is often far from harmless.

Correct deviations in the monthly cycle with the help of medications. If menstruation is regularly accompanied by palpable pain, then this is a strong argument in favor of the fact that you urgently need to take care of your own health, no matter what. With nausea, dizziness, fainting, vomiting, most likely, the girl can be congratulated - she will become a happy mother in the near future.

Regular menstruation indicates that all systems and organs female body are operating normally. Each representative of the fair sex can independently calculate the time of the next menstruation and prepare herself and her plans for this moment in advance. Women often experience disruptions in regularity menstrual cycle, and each time it is imperative to consult with a specialist in order to determine exactly what provoked the early or late onset of regulation.

In this article, we will look at the main reasons why menstruation began a week, 5 and 10 days earlier, and also find out in which case you should immediately consult a doctor, and whether this problem can be dealt with without medical help.

Causes of premature regulation

The first menstruation in girls begins at the age of 12-14, at first the cycle will be irregular, and the discharge can be varied, but after a year and a half its duration should be established and average plus or minus 28 days. This period is individual for each woman and depends on many factors, on average it ranges from three weeks to 35 days. The duration of normal critical days ranges from 3 days to a week. During this period, the uterine cavity is cleansed of the exfoliated endometrium, while not only the torn mucosa is released, but also a certain amount of blood.

After puberty, when critical days come every month, a cycle failure can normally occur after the first sexual experience, during pregnancy and due to the onset of menopause. If all of the above options are excluded, and menstruation began ahead of time, the reasons for the onset of premature regulation may lie elsewhere. Consider each of them in more detail.


When a woman is stressed, her blood pressure can rise sharply, which causes internal spasm and dilation of blood vessels. For this reason, due to stressful conditions, menstruation can begin earlier than the due date, usually by five to seven days.

If it is established that premature menstruation was due to stress, there is no need to panic, it is enough to stabilize emotions and rest a little, then there should be no violations in the next cycle.

Hormonal dysfunction

At hormonal imbalance, which contributes to the fact that critical days begin ahead of time, only a doctor can correct the situation, because hormonal surges can be caused not only by improper functioning of the reproductive, but also by the endocrine systems. The reason may be prolonged exposure progesterone on a woman's body or excessive production of estrogen. Cysts, tumors in the ovaries, taking hormonal drugs, etc. can provoke a change in the level of hormones.

Only a doctor can determine the exact cause of a hormonal imbalance based on the results of a blood test for hormones. In such a situation, self-activity is unacceptable.

Normal pregnancy and lactation

If menstruation starts early and does not last long, and the discharge itself is meager, this may well be a sign of pregnancy. Bloody discharge accompanies the implantation of the embryo in the uterine cavity, since the mucous layer is damaged during this process. This discharge is implantation bleeding.

Since breastfeeding is also accompanied by a change in the hormonal background in a woman's body, it is quite natural that it can cause critical days to arrive prematurely.

Complication of pregnancy

For any woman ectopic pregnancy is a very serious pathology, which, if not treated in time, can be fatal. Cycle failures can become a characteristic sign of ectopic development of the fetus, therefore, with an early onset of regulation, you should immediately consult a doctor. Surgery is used to fix the problem.


The intrauterine device can cause the regulation to begin ahead of time. If this happens in the first 3 cycles, after its installation, there is no need to worry, the body is adapting. But if early periods begin in other cycles, you need to seek help from a doctor, perhaps the IUD is not installed correctly.

Also provoke premature critical days can take hormonal contraceptives, so you should not assign them to yourself, by selecting oral contraception should be handled by a specialist.

Age changes

During puberty and during menopause, critical days can either be late or come ahead of time, this is a normal phenomenon characteristic of this period of a woman's life. In this case, the help of a doctor may be needed only to prescribe medications that alleviate the woman's condition.

Climate change, relocation

Moving, traveling to hot or, conversely, cold countries can cause disruptions in the menstrual cycle. If no abnormal changes are noticed in the months following the trip and adaptation, then you should not worry.

Injury and illness

Injury to the vagina or cervix during rough intercourse or due to improperly installed contraceptives can lead to the release of blood from the genital tract. At internal injuries discharge is not menstruation, and any bleeding requires medical attention.

Inflammatory processes in the uterus and its appendages, endometriosis, fibroids, tumors and various sexual infections can provoke bleeding.


Simple life situations can cause an early onset of menstruation:

  • intense training;
  • fast weight loss;
  • weight lifting;
  • irrational nutrition;
  • taking antibiotics and other medications;
  • abuse of alcohol, cigarettes and drugs.

In this case, the situation will be corrected by giving up bad habits, normalizing the daily routine, balanced diet, outdoor activities and moderate exercise.

Associated symptoms

Premature periods can be caused various reasons, so to install accurate diagnosis the doctor must be aware of the presence of all accompanying symptoms. For example, if the failure of the cycle occurred due to disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system, then the woman will be irritable, tearful, nervous against the background of early menstruation.

Additionally, a woman may experience the following symptoms:

  • headache;
  • nausea;
  • prostration;
  • depression;
  • resentment, tearfulness;
  • sleep problems.

If menstruation begins prematurely, you should definitely pay attention to their duration and intensity, as well as the presence of clots. The nature of bleeding can tell a specialist a lot about the reasons that caused it. With heavy premature menstruation, strong pain in the lower back and lower abdomen.

How to determine pregnancy

In some cases, premature menstruation may mean a possible pregnancy, spotting will indicate the implantation of the fetal egg in the uterine cavity. Need to distinguish menstrual flow from implantation bleeding, it has a number of specific signs:

  • the amount of discharge is very meager;
  • the allocation went 2-6 days earlier than the deadline for critical days;
  • discharges go from several hours to 2 days;
  • blood has a more liquid consistency and a pink tint.

To make sure that conception has occurred, a woman can take a routine pregnancy test. You can buy it at any pharmacy.

The nature of menstruation

Some mistakenly believe that only profuse monthly painful, in fact, scanty menstruation can cause severe pain. With meager periods, headaches, nausea, pain in the lower abdomen and in the lower back, problems with bowel movements can be additionally felt, and they can be expressed as both constipation and diarrhea. If meager periods went ahead of time, they could be caused the following reasons:

  • childbirth. After the birth of the baby and the completion of the lochia, the expected menstruation may come earlier, most often the discharge will have a pale brown tint;
  • curettage that accompanies abortion, removal of polyps or other diagnostic and therapeutic interventions;
  • ovarian dysfunction;
  • heredity;
  • inflammatory diseases of the pelvic organs.

The arrival of premature menstruation with too much should alert a woman even more. copious secretions especially when accompanied by large blood clots. There may be several reasons for this violation:

  • intrauterine contraception;
  • hormonal disorders;
  • abortion, childbirth;
  • menopause;
  • neoplasm in the uterus;
  • diseases of the genital area;
  • inflammation and diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • hemoglobin deficiency;
  • dysfunction of the reproductive system.

Dependences of the cause on the onset date

How many days ahead of time menstruation begins depends to a greater extent on the factors that caused the premature regulation. Many organs are involved in the sexual function of a woman, therefore, if the menstrual cycle is disturbed, the cause of dysfunction can be found not only in the uterus or its appendages, but also in the brain or endocrine system. Consider what pathologies and conditions can cause regulation ahead of time.

10 days faster

In the first year after menarche, there may be problems with the regularity of the cycle, menstruation can come 4 days earlier, for a week, and even disappear for six months. This is not a sign of pathology. If menstruation came 10 days earlier in women who have long passed the age of puberty, the following reasons for such deviations from the norm should be considered:

  • heredity. It is necessary to discuss this situation with the closest relatives, both maternal and paternal. If grandmothers, aunts or mothers could have critical days earlier than expected, this means that you need to come to terms with the situation and adapt, because on genetic predisposition almost impossible to influence
  • an abortion or miscarriage can cause menstruation to start 10 days earlier, because abortion dramatically changes a woman's hormonal background, and the body's reaction to such changes can be unpredictable;
  • sudden jumps in body weight cause alertness of the body, which is manifested by a violation of the regularity of the menstrual cycle. It is quite natural that in such a situation, menstruation can go not only 10 days, but even two weeks earlier. Help fix the situation balanced diet, weight control, physical exercise and additional reception vitamin complexes;
  • inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs - this is the most common reason for the arrival of early menstruation. Both benign and malignant tumors, as well as endometriosis, can provoke inflammation. In order to timely identify the disease and begin treatment, you should not hesitate to visit a gynecologist;
  • diseases of the kidneys, liver and other vital internal organs.

Whichever of the reasons listed above caused menstruation to come 10 days ahead of time, you should immediately seek help from a doctor.

For 5 days

Since the female body is a very delicate and fragile mechanism, even a common cold can cause menstruation 5 days earlier. Often this is due to impaired circulation.

If the regulations overtook you ahead of schedule by just a few days, you do not need to be afraid of the presence of serious pathologies, in such a situation, unfavorable environmental conditions are a provocateur: stress from moving, addiction to the body during a tourist trip, especially when changing time zones.

The reason that menstruation began 3 days earlier may be malnutrition, a lack of nutrients in the diet, or a rigid diet, which in itself is a test for the body. There is no need to panic if the critical days come 5 days earlier, this can be triggered by ordinary overwork, sometimes a woman just needs to have a good rest to normalize her cycle.

For a week

The reason that the spotting of menstruation began a week earlier may already be more serious problems with health than usual acclimatization or emotional overstrain, especially in cases where the failure of the cycle is observed not for the first time.

Hyperestrogenism, a condition in which there is excessive production of estrogen in the body against the background of not enough luteic acid. With such a hormonal imbalance, ovulation usually does not occur, which means that a woman cannot become pregnant. Hyperestrogenism can be caused by excessive body weight, tumors in the genital organs, taking hormonal pills containing synthetic estrogen. If menstruation came earlier by 7 days and the doctor suspects the presence of hyperestrogenism, this disease can be detected by a regular blood test.

When menstruation began a week earlier, and at the same time, the discharge has a bright red color and large clots, the presence of inflammatory processes in the ovaries, in the uterus and its appendages should first be suspected. If the critical days went a week earlier and the discharge is very different from the usual, this may be a sign of such diseases:

  • underdevelopment of the genital organs;
  • endometriosis;
  • benign tumor;
  • pathological growth or underdevelopment of the endometrium.

Also, do not exclude the fact that spotting that came ahead of time is not menstruation at all, but uterine bleeding, which opened due to mechanical trauma, due to inflammation or swelling in the organs of the reproductive and excretory system.

What to do

If your period started earlier than expected, there is no need to panic. The first thing to do is assess the situation. If before critical days there was a change in climate, excessive physical and emotional stress or a failure in the diet, then, most likely, they caused menstrual irregularities. In this situation, you should reconsider the diet, exclude fatty, spicy and spicy foods from it, add more fruits and vegetables. You should also have a good rest and drink soothing herbal teas. It should not be considered a failure if menstruation began 1-2 days earlier, but their onset 1-2 weeks before the due date should cause concern.

You need to schedule a visit to the gynecologist if menstruation begins early every month for several cycles in a row, and the woman is sick, there are aching pains in the lower abdomen and general weakness of the body. If the discharge is of a normal nature, then there is no need to call an ambulance. If the arrival of menstruation 2 weeks earlier is accompanied by abundant scarlet discharge with large clots, then this may indicate uterine bleeding. What to do in such a situation? You need to call an ambulance and before her arrival move less, do not drink any liquids, and attach an ice pack to the lower abdomen.

The following symptoms require immediate medical attention:

  • an irregular cycle is observed throughout the year;
  • if critical days start early and last more than a week;
  • if the discharge is abundant, and the gasket needs to be changed more often every 2-3 hours;
  • if there is intermenstrual bleeding and pathological discharge from the genital tract;
  • the temperature rises, general weakness and severe pain in the lower abdomen and lower back.

To establish the reason why menstruation may begin ahead of time, a series of examinations is required. In addition to a gynecological examination, you may need an analysis for hormones, swabs for microflora, ultrasound of the organs of the reproductive and excretory systems, and in special cases MRI.


Menstruation is an indicator that tells a woman about the state of her health. If critical days come ahead of time, and these failures are observed for several cycles in a row, you should immediately seek help from a doctor. Attentive attitude to your health timely diagnosis and adequate treatment will help a woman prevent the development serious illnesses and in some cases even save lives.