My biological age test. How to quickly and easily find out your biological age

Do you like self-tests? Most answer - yes! And today I offer a test “how to determine your biological age" All that is required is a stopwatch and a long ruler (50 cm).

What is biological age? This is not the age on the passport. Passport age is chronological age. The state needs it for statistical purposes.

And biological age is age various systems body. And it may not at all coincide with the actual one reflected in the documents.

There are many tests to determine biological age. Readers of my newsletter are familiar with some of them. Some were pleased with the results, others not so much...

Today I want to invite you, all readers of my site, to take a test and determine how young you really are.

In the photo you see photos of celebrities - Sofia Rotaru, Madonna, Chinese actress Gong Li. They are already over 40, over 50, and some over 60. But will you give them that much? You yourself probably know many more examples. famous people who look 30 years younger than their official figures.

I don't know what the biological age of these divas is, but they look great.

As the famous saying goes, “a woman is only as old as she looks, and a man is only as old as he feels.” None of these girls look more than 30. What do you think?

What affects biological age?

Genetic inheritance plays a big role. However, this does not mean that good genes are the only way to look good.

You also need to pay attention to your lifestyle. Regular physical activity in a small volume (not professional sports!) allows the systems of our body to function correctly. You can at least do it!

If you doubt that you can maintain balance with eyes closed, then it’s better to stand closer to the wall or near the back of a chair.

What did you get? Compare with the tabular data and write down your indicator.

1) If you stood for 30 seconds or more, you are 20 years old;
2) from 21 to 25 seconds – 30 years;
3) from 16 to 20 seconds – 40 years;
4) from 10 to 15 seconds – 50 years;
5) 10 seconds or less or were unable to do this exercise at all - you are 60 years old or older.

4. Skin condition test

Pinch the back of your hand with your large and index fingers and hold for 5 seconds. The skin in this area will turn a little white. How long will it take for your skin to return to its original state?

Compare with the table and write down your indicator.

1) Up to 5 seconds – your skin is 20 years old;
2) from 6 to 8 seconds – 30 years;
3) from 9 to 12 seconds – 40 years;
4) from 13 to 15 seconds – 50 years;
5) over 15 seconds – 60 years and older.

5. Joint condition test

Test the flexibility of your joints by trying to clasp your arms at the level of your shoulder blades.

To do this, place both hands behind your back: one from below, the other over your shoulder. Try to connect your fingers at the level of your shoulder blades.

What happened?

1) Easily clasp your fingers into a “lock” - your joints are 20 years old;
2) The fingers touched each other, but they could not be connected - 30 years;
3) Hands come closer but fingers do not touch - 40 years;
4) The palms are placed behind the back, but they are far from each other - 50 years;
5) The palms are barely moving or it doesn’t work at all – 60 years or more.
Write down the resulting indicator.

6. Test for the state of the nervous system (reaction speed)

Determine the state of the nervous system and at the same time check the speed of reaction.

Take in one hand or ask an assistant to hold a ruler 50 cm long in front of you. It should be positioned vertically with the number “Zero” down. You have to hold it by the other end.

Your hand should be about 10 cm below the ruler. Your assistant releases the ruler and you catch it with your thumb and forefinger. At what point did you succeed?

1) Up to 20 cm – your nerves are 20 years old;
2) 25 cm – 30 years;
3) 35 cm – 40 years;
4) 40 cm – 50 years;
5) 45 cm or not caught at all - from 60 years old.

Record your result.

Now add up all 6 indicators and divide the result by 6. This is your biological age.

Let me note once again that the obtained indicators are not a dogma, they can change depending on your lifestyle.

Biological age test (video)

Write in the comments what you did. How old do you feel?

All the best to you!

How to determine your biological age (test)

You may have noticed some symptoms, for example, aversion to your usual food, causeless migraines, weight gain on a strict diet and other sensations that you have not encountered before.

Conclusion - something is happening, your body is changing. Scientists say that people who are young in their biological age can cope with changes environment easier. The number of years lived is not determined by a person’s true age; biological age decides everything.

Scientists have proven that the chronological age indicated in your passport does not correspond to how old you really are, that is, your biological age. Psychologically, you can be much older or, conversely, younger. It all depends on how you feel and what kind of lifestyle you lead. There are people who are biologically 40 but chronologically 80, and vice versa.

Of course, the question is logical: how to find the correct diagnosis that helps determine biological age? IN medical sources To do this, they recommend conducting a test, which we will use. Let's complete several test tasks:

1. Take your pulse. Now do 30 squats at a fast pace. Measure your pulse again and note the difference. If your heart rate increases by:

  • 0-10 units - you are 20 years old;
  • 10-20 units - 30 years;
  • 20-30 units - 40 years;
  • 30-40 units - 50 years;
  • more than 40 units - 60 years and older.

2. So, firmly squeeze the skin with your thumb and forefinger back side brushes, in other words, you need to pinch yourself for 5 seconds. For accurate results, time yourself using a stopwatch. Next, releasing your fingers, determine how many seconds it will take for your skin to return from white to its original state:

  • in 5 seconds - you are about 30 years old;
  • for 8 - about 40 years;
  • in 10 - about 50 years;
  • for 15 - about 60 years.

3. Now let's do gymnastics. Stand straight, bend your knees, lean forward. Try to touch the floor with your palms in this position. In principle, this task is easy. Let's evaluate the result:

  • you put your palms completely on the floor - your biological age is 20-30 years;
  • touch the floor with your fingers - about 40 years old;
  • if you can only reach your shins with your hands - about 50 years;
  • If you only reach your knees, you will be over 60 years old.

4. Now let's check the reaction speed. Your assistant holds a regular student's ruler 50 cm long vertically, zero down, with your hand 10 cm lower. The assistant should suddenly let go of the ruler, and you should try to grab it with your index finger and thumb. The result is measured in centimeters:

  • if you hold the ruler at 20 cm - 20 years;
  • 25 cm - 30 years;
  • 35 cm - 40 years;
  • 45 cm - 60 years.

5. Place your hands behind your back and clasp them in a “lock” at the level of your shoulder blades. If you:

  • did it with ease - you are 20 years old;
  • just touched with fingers - 30 years;
  • could not touch - 40 years;
  • could not put their hands behind their back - 60 years.

6. Now the task is the most difficult. Close your eyes tightly, stand alternately on your left or right leg. You are allowed to balance with your hands, but holding on is prohibited. Try to stay in this position. Let someone close to you count how many seconds you were able to stay in this position:

  • 30 or more - 20 years;
  • 20 - 40 years;
  • 15 - 50 years;
  • less than 10 - 60 years and older.

If you are not delighted with the results, finally take care of your health, start with at least morning exercises. After some time, the test exercises can be repeated. And, perhaps, physical age will give way to biological age.

Also for support good shape The following tips will help you:

  • Drink more green tea, it is precisely what it contains that help the body shake itself up and become younger. This is especially true in the summer - this type of tea perfectly quenches thirst, which cannot be said about sweet sparkling water.
  • Instead of milk chocolate, eat dark chocolate containing at least 70% cocoa. As scientists have proven, a few shares of this chocolate a day help normalize work. circulatory system, and also increase mental activity. Among other things, dark chocolate will help cope with stress and improve memory.
  • Make masks. For example, fruits remove dry skin, and their aroma affects nervous system soothing.
  • Play sports. Just 30 minutes of muscle activity a day will help the body stay toned and prevent skin aging.
  • Laugh more - laughter destroys stress hormones in the blood.
  • Make love regularly. Scientists have proven that nothing lifts your spirits like good sex. In addition, it also helps normalize sleep and helps the body produce joy hormones.
  • Be careful with medications. When purchasing medications, never hesitate to consult with your pharmacist about how they fit in with other medications (even just vitamins) and when to take them.
  • Finally, try to think less about your problems! The more you obsess over them, the less likely you are to get rid of them and the more likely you are to develop a “mania.” Divide problems into 2 types: those that can be solved now - those that can be solved later. Deal with them in order, depending on the occurrence of funds, without paying attention to unnecessary thoughts about troubles.

Remember that the tests that we gave as an example today determine biological age only conditionally. This is due to the fact that with age, more than one level of “wear and tear” of our internal organs, but also anthropological data, for example: the height becomes shorter, the shoulders become narrower, the stomach becomes larger, even the nose is wider, and the ears are longer! All this is compared in a special program. Thus, only specialists can help you find out your biological age reliably.

Biological age. Rejuvenation of the body.

According to scientists and psychologists, some people age even earlier than their actual biological age. That is, in appearance a person is young and full of strength, but in his soul he is already a real old man, mired in doubts and depression. And no means traditional medicine And salon treatments for beauty and relieving fatigue they will not help here.

Predisposition to accelerated aging is akin to genetic disease, which accelerates the withering process of both the brain and body.
The following test will help you find out if you are at risk of accelerated aging.

How do you know if you're aging faster than expected?

You can find out by subtracting the proper biological age (ADB) from the actual biological age (AFA). If there is no difference between FBV and DBV or it is less than 3, then you are aging on time; if more than three, it’s time to at least change your lifestyle and habits, or better yet, consult a doctor.

FBV - DBV ≤ 3 => :)
FBV - DBV > 3 => :(

More accurate calculations can only be carried out by gerontologists, since, firstly, more than a dozen indicators must be taken into account (which cannot be measured at home); secondly, what is much more important is not just biological age, but the so-called functional age - the body’s capabilities under load (and it will also not be possible to create them without leaving home). But at our request, scientists have compiled more simplified calculations for our readers. So…
Formulas for calculating DBV
Men: DBV = 0.629 x CV + 18.56
Women: DBV = 0.581 x CV + 17.24

Where: HF- calendar age in years.

Formulas for calculating FBV
In men: FBV = 26.985 + 0.215 ADS - 0.149 HDV - 0.151 SB + 0.723 SOZ
In women: FBV = - 1.463 + 0.415 ADP - 0.14 SB + 0.248 MT + 0.694 SOZ
ADS- systolic (upper) blood pressure, in mm Hg. Art. Measured on the right arm in a sitting position three times with an interval of 5 minutes. The results of the measurement at which the blood pressure had the lowest value are taken into account.
ADP- pulse blood pressure, in mmHg. Art. The difference between systolic (upper) and diastolic (lower) blood pressure.
HFA- duration of holding your breath after a deep breath, in seconds. Measured three times at intervals of 5 minutes using a stopwatch. The largest value is taken into account.
SB- static balancing, in seconds. It is determined by standing on the left leg, without shoes, eyes closed, arms down along the body (without prior training). Measured using a stopwatch three times with an interval of 5 minutes. The best result is taken into account.
MT- body weight, in kg. Measured in light clothing, without shoes, on an empty stomach.
POPs- self-assessment health index (SHI), in points. Determined using a questionnaire including 29 questions.


1. Do you have headaches?
2. Would you say that you easily wake up from any noise?
3. Are you bothered by pain in the heart area?
4. Do you think that recent years Has your vision deteriorated?
5. Do you think that lately Has your hearing deteriorated?
6. Do you try to drink only boiled water?
7. Do younger people give you a seat on a bus, trolleybus, or tram?
8. Are you bothered by joint pain?
9. Do you go to the beach?
10. Does changing weather affect your well-being?
11. Do you ever have periods when you lose sleep due to worry?
12. Do constipation bother you?
13. Do you think that you are as productive now as before?
14. Are you bothered by pain in the liver area?
15. Do you ever feel dizzy?
16. Do you find it more difficult to concentrate now than in past years?
17. Are you worried about memory loss or forgetfulness?
18. Do you feel various parts body burning, tingling, “pins and needles”?
19. Do you have periods when you feel joyful, excited, happy?
20. Do noise and ringing in your ears bother you?
21. Do you keep for yourself home medicine cabinet one of the following medications: validol, nitroglycerin, heart drops?
22. Do you have swelling in your legs?
23. Do you have to give up some dishes?
24. Do you experience shortness of breath when walking quickly?
25. Are you bothered by pain in the lumbar region?
26. Do you have to use medicinal purposes any mineral water?
27. Does it bother you bad taste in your mouth?
28. Can we say that you began to cry easily?
29. How do you assess your health?

For each unfavorable answer, give yourself one point. At the same time, the unfavorable answer to questions No. 1-8, 10-12, 14-18, 20-28 is “yes”, and to questions No. 9, 13, 19 - “no”. For the 29th question, two options are unfavorable: “bad”, “very bad”.

Determine your biological age.
You can easily find out how your age according to your passport differs from your biological age.

Scientists believe that the number of years a person has lived says little about his real age. After all, everything is decided by a completely different age - biological. His clock ticks in his brain and muscles, and is not determined by an entry in his passport.

To determine how biological age differs from calendar age, you need to measure and compare a number of specific anthropological parameters. For example, over the years, the nose becomes wider, the ears are longer, the shoulders are narrower, and the height is shorter. The lungs narrow and rib cage, on the contrary, the stomach grows and enlarges. You can also measure how the functioning of the brain, heart, vascular elasticity, hormonal changes and so on.

Determine how young you are using another test.


Measure it at rest. Then squat 30 times at a fast pace. How much has your heart rate increased?

In a 20-year-old person it can increase by 5-10 beats. For a 30-year-old, the norm is to increase by 10-20 strokes. For a 40-year-old - 20-30 strokes. For a 50-year-old - 30-40 strokes. For a 60-year-old - 50-60. And for a 70-year-old - 60-70.

2. AGE OF VESSELS (Skin elasticity).

Pinch yourself on the back of your hand. You need to hold the skin in this position for five seconds. After this, we release the skin and note the time during which it will again acquire its normal appearance.

If the skin color becomes the same within 5 seconds, then you are no more than thirty years old, after 8 seconds - you are no more than forty, 10 seconds - you are at the moment 50 years old. Well, what if normal color skin returned only after 15 seconds, then you are already 60 years old. Over 20 seconds - over 70.

About "wrinkling". 20-year-olds have very soft skin and usually no wrinkles. In 30-year-olds, the skin becomes drier and the first horizontal lines appear on the forehead. In 40-year-olds, nasolabial “creases” and “crow’s feet” form in the corners of the eyes. In 50-year-olds, nasolabial wrinkles move towards the chin and wrinkles appear on the neck.
After 60 years, wrinkles on the face become sharper, areas covered with a network of wrinkles appear, and wrinkles also form on the hands and body.

3. SPINAL MOBILITY (Flexibility).
Having placed your (straight!) legs together, you need to try to touch the floor with your palms. If you managed to completely place your palms on the floor, then your biological age is 30 years old, if you touched the floor only with your fingertips, you are 40 years old. If your palms could only reach your shins and did not touch the floor at all, then you are 50 years old, but if you managed to touch your knees, your biological age is 60 years old. I managed to reach only my knees - more than 70 years.


Place both hands behind your back, one on top and the other below, and clasp them together. If this exercise was easy, then your biological age is 20 years old, if your fingers only lightly touched each other - you are 30 years old, if your fingers did not touch each other at all - 40, if you could not bring your hands together behind your back - 60. And if you If you couldn’t even put your hands behind your back, then you are no less than 70 years old.


Ask someone close to you to hold a ruler, the length of which is 50 centimeters. Stand facing each other. The assistant's hand should be extended and located 10 centimeters above your hand. Ask your assistant to release the ruler without warning you.

Your task is to catch it as quickly as possible with two fingers - thumb and forefinger. After that, look at what mark you caught the ruler. If at the 20 centimeter mark, then your biological age is 20 years old, if at the 25 centimeter mark, you are already 30, 35 centimeters - 40, 45 centimeters - 60. And if you couldn’t catch the ruler at all, then at the moment you are 70 years old .

6. VESTIBULAR APPARATUS (Coordination of movements)

Close your eyes tightly, stand on one leg and bend the other at the knee. If you managed to stand in this position for more than 30 seconds, you are 20 years old, if 20 seconds - 30 years, 15 seconds - 50. Well, if you were able to maintain balance for less than 10 seconds, then you are 60 or more years old.


Take a breath full breasts and exhale slowly. Now count how many of these breaths you can take in a minute. But just take your time, otherwise you may feel dizzy from the excess oxygen in your body. If you were able to take 40 breaths in a minute, you are 20 years old, from 35 to 39 - 30 years old, from 30 to 34 - 40 years old, from 20 to 29 - 50 years old, from 15 to 19 - 60 years old, from 10 to 14 years old - 70.


From what distance can you blow out a burning candle or match? If you were able to do this from a distance of 1 meter - you are 20 years old, from a distance of 70-80 centimeters - 40 years old, from 50-60 centimeters - 60 years old, 30-40 - more than 70 years old.

Now add up all the results obtained and divide them by eight (the number of tests). The resulting figure will be your true biological age. If this number differs by more than 5 from your passport age, then you need to take all measures to stop being nervous and worrying about little things, and also try to avoid stressful situations.

But if your biological age exceeds your passport age by more than 10 years, then there are serious disorders in your body and you need to go to the clinic as soon as possible and have full examination all organs and systems.

Here are a few more exercises for those interested:

Cardiovascular system
State cardiovascular system can be tested by measuring the time it takes to run a mile (1600 meters). For 25-35 years old it is 7-8 minutes, for 36-45 - 8-9 minutes, for 46-55 - 9-10 minutes, for 56-65 - 10-11. The jogging distance can be reduced, say, to 100 meters. In this case, the time spent on this will be: 11-16 seconds for 20-35 years old, 17-23 seconds. for 36-45 years old, 24-32 sec. for 46-55 years old, 33-42 sec. for 56-65 years old.

Squat test
The squat test is also widely known. To do this you need to measure your heart rate at rest and then do 30 squats. The pulse increased by 10 beats - you are 20, by 10-20 - 30, by 20-30 - 40, by 30-40 - 50, by more than 40 - more than 60.

Hearing test
As for hearing, at 20-30 years old we are able to hear a human voice of “normal volume” from a distance of 12 meters, at 40 years old - from 11 meters, at 50 - from 10 meters, at 60 - from 7 meters, and at 70 - from just 4 meters.

Vision test
Vision is determined inversely proportional to the distance at which we are able to distinguish ordinary printed text (newspaper or magazine font). If this distance is no more than 10 centimeters, you have the eyes of a 20-year-old, from 10 to 13 cm - a 30-year-old, from 13 to 30 cm - a 40-year-old, and anything larger corresponds to an age over 60.

A person’s biological age shows how much his body has worn out since birth: skin, internal organs and systems. The worse the organs work and interact with each other, the older the person is and the fewer full years of life he has left. However, it must be said that this information is not a reason for grief or despair. This is just a reason to think about your lifestyle and a good incentive to change it for the better.

The average person lives 90 biological years. By calculating your real age, you can determine how much longer you can fully live. If in fifty calendar years you have worn out your body to the full eighty, then you only have six to seven years left in reserve. And vice versa, if at the same fifty your body is preserved like that of a thirty-five-year-old, you still have time to live.

Rejuvenation from within

We are all, unfortunately, aging, and what is important to understand first of all for those people who want to stop this process as quickly as possible is that we age not only on the outside, but also on the inside.

Its external age-related changes we can see in the mirror, but we cannot see the fact that old age also affects us from the inside, and this is partly why we believe that old age is only on the outside. It never occurs to us that the internal organs (liver, heart, kidneys...) look as old as the face we see in the mirror every morning.

If we can see old age from the outside, then we can only feel old age from the inside. Feel bad, feel low, feel sick. But the result of aging from the inside is always reflected from the outside in a mirror that you just have to look at. And this is not ecology and nerves, these are age-related changes in body systems. Which can be slowed down.

But, surprisingly, we try to stop the aging process only from the outside, for which, using cosmetics and anti-aging procedures, for the most part, we do not pay any attention to our old age inside, and we have no idea that old age always comes only from the inside . But wrinkles on the face and flabby muscles are only processes of biological aging inside the body, which we can see from the outside.

It is also surprising that a person covering up old age on his face will not understand that these are not skin problems or poor nutrition, these are all the same age-related changes in the physiological systems of the body and nothing more.

Poor health is “not tiredness and you need to get enough sleep,” it’s the old age of the internal organs. Young children are tired and do not get enough sleep, but they do not feel unwell. They are always full of strength.

Modern humanity has decided for itself that old age begins after fifty, and becomes closer when you are sixty. Before that, it was just wrinkles and nothing more. Unfortunately, this is self-deception; for many, old age begins much earlier, even when there are no wrinkles on the face yet or they are just beginning to appear.

By sixty, many people’s bodies have already become completely old inside; the person dies before reaching retirement, but they say that he died young. But in fact, they don’t die young, inside such a " young man", the body of a very old man or woman.

Of course, it’s easier to convince yourself that the body is separate inside itself, and you yourself are separate. The appearance is in itself, and the internal organs are in themselves. It’s easier to put cream on your face, put on masks and do facelifts than to take care of the youth of your internal organs.

All anti-aging procedures are only rejuvenation of areas of the body, through the skin of the face. Although the effect is still partially there, since the procedure penetrates the skin inside, and from the inside the rejuvenating effect comes back out. We do not rejuvenate our appearance, we introduce youth inside through the skin, and the skin after the procedures becomes young only because the body has become younger from the inside.

But this is still not enough. This is ineffective, because it is impossible, at least, to apply a cosmetic procedure deeply and to the entire body at once. Therefore, everything comes back quite quickly.

To make it easier to understand, I will explain it like this. An old liver, a worn-out heart, a diseased spleen, and overloaded kidneys create their own individual picture of wrinkles, spots and bags under the eyes on a person’s face. Cosmetic mask on the face such a picture will be partially retouched, exactly to the depth skin without reaching the liver, kidneys, heart and spleen. And after a short time, the old organs will restore the picture of the face according to their age state. That is, if the biological age of these organs is much higher than the calendar age of a person, then the face of such a person will correspond not to the photograph in the passport, but to the age of the internal organs.

Many people cannot believe that age-related changes in his internal organs are outside the passport data of the person himself. A person grows up and ages not linearly in the same way and at the same time with the whole body at once. For most people, the biological age of its internal organs differs from each other. And this difference can be very significant. A person may be forty, but by this age his liver is eighty, and his kidneys at this moment celebrated their fiftieth anniversary. And some of his organs could already have died. This is also possible.

In this case, the function of such “dead organs” is taken over by adjacent organs and systems, and if, for example, such a “dead” organ is removed from such a person, he will note to his surprise that after the operation practically nothing has changed. And this is correct, the organ has long since died as a physiological system, and the body has been living without it for a long time.

Old age on the face feeling unwell- these are symptoms that the biological age of a number of organs is far ahead of the calendar age of a person. There are many reasons why this happens.

Overload and wear and tear, organ weakness from birth, improper lifestyle and work, and so on. The result is the same, some organs are much older than others, and as a result, the young begin to conflict with the old, and the old organs cannot provide for the needs of the young, and since the human body is partially closed on itself, it happens that both the young and older organs. And a person, looking at his calendar age, continues to consider himself still young, believing that his internal organs are as young as he is according to his passport.

And of course, treating yourself as if you were young, and inappropriate stress, both nutritional and physical, which leads to even greater aging and wear and tear. But man imposes on himself cosmetic procedures and believes that the problem has already been solved.

What to do? Is it possible to rejuvenate from the inside?
I don’t want to give you too much hope (in this matter the “naked” truth is better), but it is possible to stop the aging of your organs.
To do this, you first need to determine the biological age of a person and the biological age of his organs separately. After this, we direct all rejuvenation correction (therapy) to them.

The therapy methods themselves can be different: Denastherapy, Auricular therapy, Oberontherapy, Lithotherapy, Homeopathy, but with one significant difference - these methods will be specifically targeted at rejuvenation from the inside of specific organs. Targeted impact of rejuvenating procedures, and after stopping in the organs accelerated process aging transition to other organs, which must adequately interact with the enhanced properties of the renewed organs.

And so sequentially, organ by organ, it is possible to align their calendar age with their biological age, and for those who are ready to go further, i.e. continue the procedures - make the biological age less than the calendar age. Where specifically they are engaged in the processes of rejuvenation of the functions of internal organs - look on the Internet, there are already offers today. For example, ask in a search engine “Correction of the biological age of body systems” or “rejuvenation from the inside.”

* * *
And in conclusion - an interesting fact. Scientists from the National Gerontological Center of Russia conducted a large sociological research: calculated the biological age for three groups of people - new Russians; ordinary people With low level income, and poor but intelligent. It turned out that low-income intellectuals age the slowest, and the new Russians age the fastest. The intense rhythm of life and endless overeating take their toll.

It is well known that passport age does not always coincide with biological age. This difference can be seen especially clearly in adulthood and old age. Someone at 60 already looks like a very old man, and someone at 70 is still active, cheerful, and looks much younger than their peers. However, such a difference is increasingly occurring at a younger age.

How to determine a person's biological age? Exists large number There are various methods for determining the biological age (BA) of a person, while none of them is universal (despite the fact that they are quite serious and based on measuring the most important physiological parameters of a person).

We offer you a biological age test that you can take on your own. Despite its apparent simplicity, it is based on the academic work of the candidate biological sciences Russian Research Institute of Gerontology of the Russian Federation, Kaurova B.A.

How to find out your biological age? To do this, you need to take several measurements (pulse, reaction speed, joint flexibility and mobility, etc.)

Biological age test

1. Pulse measurement
Measure your pulse at calm state. Then measure it after performing 10 squats (at a fairly fast pace). Compare the results of the first and second measurements:
if your pulse has changed by no more than 10 units, then your B.V. is approximately 20 years.
from 10 to 20 units. — 30 ​​years
from 20 to 30 units. — 40 years
from 30 to 40 units. — 50 years
more than 40 units - from 60 years or more

2. Checking the reaction speed
To carry out this test, you need an assistant who will hold a 50 cm long ruler vertically downwards (you need to hold it by the end where the zero mark is).
The subject extends his right hand forward (the lower end of the ruler should be located 10 cm above the hand of this hand). The assistant releases the ruler without warning; the subject must have time to catch it with his thumb and forefinger.
Look at what mark you caught the ruler.
20 cm - your biological age is about 20 years
from 20 to 25 cm - 30 years
from 25 to 35 cm - 40 years
from 35 to 45 cm - 50 years
did not catch the ruler - 60 years or more

3. Balance test
Standing straight, close your eyes. Stand on one leg, tuck the other leg and lift it about 10 cm from the floor. Start counting “one and, two and” (at the speed of the second hand), continue counting until you maintain balance on one leg.
if you managed to resist for at least 30 seconds, your BV is 20 years
from 20 to 30 sec. — 30 ​​years
from 15 to 20 sec. — 40 years
from 10 to 15 sec. — 50 years
less than 10 sec. — 60 years and older

4. Checking the flexibility of the spine
Stand up straight, then slowly lean forward, trying to touch your palms to the floor (your legs can be slightly bent at the knees).
if your palms are completely on the floor, your BV is from 20 to 30 years
if only your fingers touch the floor - about 40 years
if your hands only reach your shins - about 50 years
if hands reach only to knees - 60 years and older

5. Checking joint mobility
Standing straight, put your hands behind your back - one from below, the other from above and try to interlock your fingers.
If you succeeded easily, your BV is about 20 years
if the fingers only touch each other - from 30 to 40 years
if hands do not touch each other - from 40 to 50 years
if your hands are difficult to move behind your back - 60 years and older

6. Checking skin elasticity
Thumb and index finger right hand grab a fold of skin on the back of your left hand and for 5 seconds. squeeze (pinch) it. Then release, the skin at the place of compression should turn slightly white.
if the skin regains its previous appearance in 5 seconds, your BF is up to 30 years
from 5 to 8 sec. — 40 years
from 8 to 10 sec. — 50 years
from 10 to 15 sec. — 60 years and older

7. Lung capacity test

Light a candle and, taking a deep breath, try to blow it out.


if you were able to blow out the flame at a distance of 1 m, your life expectancy is from 20 to 30 years

if at a distance of 80 cm - from 30 to 40 years

if at a distance of 60 cm - from 40 to 50 years

if at a distance of 50 cm - from 50 to 60 years

less than 50 cm - over 60 years old


The test is over. Now add up the results and divide them by 7 (the number of tests). The resulting arithmetic mean is your biological age.

Today you can often hear such a concept as biological age, but not everyone fully understands the meaning of this concept. And, moreover, few people know how to determine actual biological age at home.

Throughout its existence, humanity has always strived for a long life. But to prolong life, it is necessary to somehow estimate what is not the nominal age of a person at the current moment, but the real one, since some people age early, while others grow old late. Therefore age must be assessed objectively.

There are many methods and many parameters to determine biological age. We will present three main parameters that allow you to adequately assess your biological age at home.

For this purpose, you will not need, first of all, ordinary household scales. Spirometer, allowing you to determine the volume of air in the lungs. Glucometer, which allows you to determine both the level of glucose and cholesterol in a person’s blood. Thus, in order to assess biological age, we need 4 parameters: weight, lung volume, blood glucose and cholesterol levels.

The table below shows the three main indicators for ideal healthy person. Having determined your indicators, you can determine your real biological age and see how large the deviation of your biological age is from the age of an ideally healthy person.

Ideal indicators of the biological age of an absolutely healthy person

However, one must understand that poor performance is by no means a death sentence, since a person can influence his own performance.

So the level of glucose and cholesterol directly depends on our diet. The vital capacity of the lungs and body weight depend on physical activity. Don’t start this process, don’t force the parameters in the table to shift to the right, take care of yourself.

However, there are also simpler ones, although less exact ways definitions, the following table for determining biological age will help us with this. First you need to stand with one leg bent and your arms extended parallel to the floor, then close your eyes and start counting the time in seconds. How longer time you can stand, the lower your real biological age.

Biological age determination table

Time for men, sec.

Time for women, sec.

Your approximate biological age

Not everything is fatal, everyone and everything ages, but with at different speeds. Follow two simple truths: maintain moderation at the table and move more. The sooner you take care of yourself, the lower your rate of change in biological age will be.