Discharge in large clots during menstruation. Why do blood clots come out during menstruation?

Clots during menstruation periodically occur in the vast majority of women. Some of their manifestations do not cause any concern and are the norm for menstruation.

But there are times when the appearance and consistency of clots are alarming, especially if they are abundant and thick discharge accompanied by pain symptoms. In this case, their appearance indicates a sign of a violation in the woman’s health.

Blood clots come out during menstruation

Since ancient times, women have been interested in everything related to the function of childbirth, and any unusual sensations caused anxiety and worry: is everything okay?
This is still the case today; women are very careful and careful about their bodies, and they cannot help but worry about such a phenomenon as the presence of blood clots during menstruation.

Causes of clot formation

To understand the reason for this phenomenon it is necessary to have at least elementary representation about how the uterus is anatomically structured.
The uterus, a hollow muscular organ in which the fetus develops during pregnancy, consists of three layers: the endometrium - the layer lining the uterus from the inside, the myometrium - the muscular layer itself, and the perimeter - the membrane that covers the uterus.

During the menstrual cycle, the endometrium thickens and loosens, which is ready to receive a fertilized egg. And if pregnancy does not occur, then, as one of the scientists poetically put it, “the uterus cries bloody tears", that is, the endometrium is rejected, accompanied by bleeding. During menstruation, a woman’s body loses about a glass of blood. The discharge lasts from 3 to 5 days and its color changes in the range from bright red, dark cherry or brownish and has a specific smell. When With heavy discharge, clots ranging in size from 3 mm to 3 cm usually appear, which indicates that the enzymatic system responsible for blood clotting is not coping with its task, and the blood partially coagulates in the vagina. Therefore, most often there is no reason for concern.

If during menstruation clots appear that look like “liver, meat”, having bad smell and at the same time you feel the feeling severe fatigue, then these may be signs of a serious pathology of the whole body, including the reproductive system - it is necessary to undergo a TVUS and consult a gynecologist. If the clot is dense, oblong and you are sexually active, it may be a miscarriage.

The cause of clots during menstruation is also a miscarriage early pregnancy, when it is still very difficult to determine it. In this case, their color should be gray or slightly yellow. This is a fertilized egg that the body has rejected.

In what cases should you consult a doctor?

1. If, in addition to heavy periods with blood clots, you feel general malaise, dizziness, decreased performance, and you experience pallor skin- then you should think about the need to take a blood test and apply for medical care. Most likely you have iron deficiency anemia. You should not self-medicate. Iron supplements adequately prescribed by a doctor will cope with the disease in 1-2 months.

2. If you are thinking about having a baby, you stop using birth control, and during your menstrual cycle you experience yellowish-gray bleeding with clots - this may indicate a miscarriage, rejection of the fertilized egg, that is, a miscarriage. In this case, it is also advisable to consult a doctor.

3. Normally, periods occur regularly, last 3-5 days, are moderately painful and moderately heavy. In this case, the appearance of clots is not a cause for concern. But if you are concerned about heavy bleeding with clots and severe pain, then you should consult a gynecologist, get tested and have an ultrasound, because this may indicate hormonal imbalances, inflammatory process or the presence of a serious disease - endometriosis.

4. Blood clots can be observed in the menstrual flow of women who protect themselves from unwanted pregnancy through intrauterine device, they are part of a fertilized egg that leaves the uterine cavity during bleeding.

5. Bend of the uterus, an excess of B vitamins, increased thrombus formation can also cause the appearance of heavy menstrual flow with clots.

6. Heavy menstruation with clots can be observed in women in the postpartum period. This indicates a pathology such as incomplete rejection of the placenta or poor uterine contractions. In any case, you need to see a doctor and receive treatment.


The appearance of blood clots during menstruation can be caused by any reason, even an increase in body temperature during colds, but if this worries you, then you need to consult a doctor, do tests and an ultrasound, which will help exclude or, conversely, identify violations, receive recommendations, treatment, as well as answers to all questions.

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Often women face various manifestations violations hormonal levels. The result is a change in the regularity of the menstrual cycle, the volume and nature of the discharge. Blood clots during menstruation, the causes of which are different, are also evidence of a disorder. Let's consider this phenomenon, highlighting ways to combat it.

Your period comes with blood clots - what does this mean?

During menstrual days the color and consistency of the discharge changes. At first the blood has a scarlet tint, towards the end it is dark red, sometimes brown. This option is the norm. But why blood clots come out during menstruation, whether this is a violation, not every girl knows. Bound this fact with a lack of anticoagulants. As a result, small volumes biological fluid can curl up in the vagina and come out. Its dimensions reach 0.3-4 cm! Scarlet periods with blood clots, the causes of which are due to uterine bleeding, are dangerous. Condition requires emergency care doctors

Heavy periods with blood clots - reasons

It is worth noting that such a phenomenon can also be considered as a sign of a violation. When heavy periods with clots occur every month, an examination and examination by a gynecologist is necessary. Among the main reasons for such symptoms are:

  1. Failure of the hormonal system. Often, heavy, bloody discharge during menstruation is observed in adolescents, when the cycle is just beginning. A similar thing is observed in women after the birth of a child.
  2. Endometriosis. The disease is characterized by a change in the structure of the inner lining of the uterine cavity, which becomes similar to the mucous membrane. The affected areas form a focus of inflammation. When complaining about blood clots during menstruation, going through the causes, doctors initially rule out this disease.
  3. With such a disorder, areas of the endometrium, the last layer of the uterus, are found in the muscle layer.
  4. The presence of neoplasms in the reproductive system. Abundant menstrual flow always accompanied by diseases such as cysts, polyps, fibroids. Outgrowths form on the walls of the reproductive organ.
  5. Diseases of the pelvic organs. Inflammations and infections in this department often involve the uterus, causing blood clots during menstruation, the reasons for which are unknown to the girl.
  6. Somatic diseases. These include disorders not associated with damage reproductive system, but actively influencing hormones in general. This is observed with kidney damage, thyroid gland, liver.

Scanty discharge with clots during menstruation

Normally, menstruation takes 3-5 days, the volume of fluid released is 50-150 ml. Reduced periods with clots are a sign of a disorder. Among the reasons causing this phenomenon are:

Heavy bleeding during menstruation with clots

Many factors explain this phenomenon. So, blood clots during menstruation, similar to liver, can be observed with:

  1. The presence of a septum in the cervix. Is it congenital or acquired? It is most often formed during the developmental stage inside the mother’s womb. Abnormal outflow of menstrual fluid leads to the appearance of black blood clots during menstruation, the causes of which are unknown to the girl.
  2. Caused by dysfunction of the adrenal glands, pituitary gland and thyroid gland. As a result of the growth of the endometrium, an increase in the volume of secretions is observed.
  3. Using a spiral. As a result, the uterus can respond to the introduction of a foreign object with the growth of the endometrium, inflammation and the appearance of polyps.
  4. Consequences of abortion or spontaneous termination of pregnancy.

Menstruation with clots - reasons (without pain)

In order to get rid of and completely eliminate large blood clots during menstruation, the causes of which are unclear, the girl should consult a gynecologist. Comprehensive diagnostics will help solve the problem. It includes:

  • examination in a gynecological chair;
  • collecting smears from the vaginal cavity and urethra;
  • Ultrasound of organs in the pelvis.

Heavy periods with blood clots - treatment

The therapy process depends entirely on the factors that caused the disorder. Complex treatment heavy menstruation with clots consists of:

  • diagnostic measures: examination, ultrasound, exclusion of infection and inflammation in the pelvis;
  • drug therapy;
  • preventive measures.

The basis of treatment is hormonal drugs based on progesterone: Utrozhestan, Duphaston. In order to reduce the risk of developing anemia, iron-containing medications are prescribed: Sorbifer, Maltofer. In order to reduce the volume of blood loss, during menstruation more than 150 ml are prescribed Dicynone, aminocaproic acid, calcium gluconate. If the problem is caused by the installation of an IUD, doctors remove it.

The nature of menstruation depends on many factors: general condition health, individual characteristics body, age-related changes hormonal background. At various diseases organs of the reproductive system there are significant deviations from the norm. It is important to pay attention to the appearance of unusual signs in a timely manner. If menstruation is heavy, with clots, there are associated symptoms causing discomfort, this indicates a serious pathology. But at the same time, clots in menstrual flow can be normal.

If there are few of them, and the volume of menstruation does not exceed 80-100 ml, then, most likely, the formation of clots is caused by natural causes. Normal menstruation lasts no more than 5-6 days and is not overly painful, and the discharge does not have an unpleasant odor.

The appearance of clots in normal discharge may occur in the following cases:

  1. In the uterine cavity there are adhesions and scars that interfere with the outflow of mucus and menstrual blood. Stagnant blood clots and is sometimes expelled from the uterus in the form of lumps.
  2. Available congenital disorders the shape or position of the uterus (for example, the curvature of the cervix, the presence of partitions in the cavity), which contributes to the formation of blood clots.
  3. Blood has increased viscosity(this condition occurs, for example, with insufficient fluid intake, a predominance of protein products in the diet, with diseases of the liver, kidneys, and blood vessels).
  4. A woman sits or lies for a long time. Blood and mucus accumulate and thicken, and appear when standing up. copious discharge with lumps of mucus.
  5. Blood clotting increases as a result of taking medications - coagulants (for nosebleeds, for example) or hormonal drugs. This helps reduce the duration and intensity of bleeding, but leads to the formation of blood clots in the discharge.
  6. Installed in the uterine cavity contraceptive device, which contributes to the formation of blood clots in menstrual blood.
  7. A woman has an abortion that has just begun (at 1-2 weeks). After a short delay, heavy, long periods appear with clots of unevenly exfoliated endometrium.

The norm is the appearance of lumps during the first menstruation after an abortion, when the discharge may contain remnants of the fertilized egg. The hormonal shift that occurs in the body after abortion and childbirth is the reason that periods become heavy. Hormones also affect the production of enzymes that regulate blood clotting.

At various periods of a woman’s life, associated with natural changes in hormonal levels (development of the reproductive system, onset of sexual activity, menopause), deviations in the nature of menstruation are also possible. Scanty discharge may alternate with abundant ones. The appearance of lumps is explained by changes in the structure of the mucous membranes.

Hypothermia, malnutrition, and bad habits contribute to the appearance of deviations in the nature of menstruation.

Addition: Alcohol increases blood viscosity. After its accumulation in the blood, menstruation may contain large blood clots.

Video: Why blood clots form during menstruation

Causes of pathological heavy menstruation with clots

Abundant and prolonged discharge blood during menstruation can cause iron deficiency anemia. Large blood loss leads to a decrease in hemoglobin levels, that is, to a lack of oxygen supply to the body's cells. Symptoms of this dangerous condition are dizziness and headache, loss of strength, pallor, decrease blood pressure. This inevitably affects the production of hormones, as well as the functioning of the hematopoietic organs, which leads to disruption of the homogeneity of the composition of menstrual secretions and the appearance of clots in them.

Pathological heavy periods with clots can be a symptom of various hormonal disorders and diseases of the reproductive organs.

Signs of pathology

The fact that heavy periods of heterogeneous consistency are pathological can be judged by the following signs:

  1. In addition to increased blood loss during menstruation, bleeding or brown spotting is observed in between periods.
  2. Menstruation comes too often (cycle length less than 21 days) or with long delays(later than 35 days). It is possible to alternate long and shortened cycles.
  3. Blood loss is 100-150 ml or more.
  4. The duration of menstruation is 8 or more days.
  5. Blood discharge has pungent odor, they contain impurities of purulent mucus.
  6. Menstruation is accompanied by severe pain in the lower abdomen.

Only after gynecological examination and with an ultrasound, the doctor will be able to tell what was the cause of heavy periods.

Diseases that cause abnormal periods

The appearance of thick impurities in menstrual discharge may be due to improper development endometrium, which is renewed with each menstrual cycle. The reason for their formation is also damage to tissues and blood vessels, the formation of obstacles to the exit of secretions from the uterus.

Uterine fibroids. This benign tumor develops in the muscles of the uterine wall and can grow towards its outer membranes. If it fills the uterine cavity, then various disorders cycle. The cause is compression and damage to blood vessels, stretching of the uterus. The tumor blocks the exit from the cavity to the cervix, which leads to the formation of blood clots. Heavy periods with blood clots, as well as an enlarged abdomen and nagging pain below the navel are characteristic signs of fibroids.

Endometrial hyperplasia. The result of hormonal imbalance in the body, as well as damage to the endometrium during an abortion or curettage, is a disruption of its development and structure. The mucous membrane thickens, swells, and uneven exfoliation occurs. At the same time, dense particles appear in menstruation. Blood loss from damaged vessels increases.

Endometriosis. The disease is associated with an increase in the volume of the endometrium inside the cavity, its growth into the tubes and ovaries, cervix, and peritoneal area. In this case, all processes of the menstrual cycle are disrupted. Menstruation becomes profuse, comes irregularly, and contains particles of destroyed tissue.

Polyps in the cavity and cervix. These neoplasms are growths on the inner walls. They are easily injured when the endometrium leaves the uterus during menstruation. Volume increases bloody discharge, they contain particles of decaying tissue.

Cervical erosion. Damage to the mucous membranes in the area cervical canal and at the entrance to the vagina leads to the appearance of ulcers and microcracks in this area. The cause of cervical erosion is damage during childbirth, abortion, or curettage of the uterine cavity. The wounds may fester. Bacteria easily penetrate the internal genital organs, causing inflammatory processes. All this leads to cycle disruption and the appearance of heavy periods with clots.

Infectious diseases of the genital organs. They lead to inflammatory processes, causing disruption structures of the uterine cavity. In addition, microorganisms secrete substances that, when released into the blood, can change its acidity and viscosity. This causes clots to form.

Warning: Heavy bleeding with clots may be a sign of formation cancerous tumor in the uterus. Therefore, if obvious discomfort appears due to clots during menstruation, you should immediately undergo a gynecological examination.

Reason pathological discharge during menstruation maybe wrong exchange substances diabetes mellitus, disruption of the pituitary gland, thyroid gland and other organs of the endocrine system.

Video: Heavy periods with endometriosis

What to do during periods with clots

If there is obvious signs pathology, then you need to contact a gynecologist. You may need to consult an endocrinologist or oncologist. If the blood loss is too great, there are large clots, and the discharge is bright red, you must call an ambulance. Uterine bleeding sometimes it is possible to stop only by complete removal endometrium. It is unacceptable to self-medicate or use home remedies to stop bleeding.

Normally, women should not experience heavy uterine bleeding with clots, even during menstruation. The reasons may be inflammatory diseases, hormonal dysfunction.

The main causes of uterine bleeding with clots

Uterine bleeding with clots and heavy discharge during menstruation are often confused; women do not know the danger this pathology poses. Most women think that this is normal phenomenon and thus the body is cleansed. In fact, uterine bleeding not only spoils the quality of life, but is also dangerous to a woman’s health.

Unusual discharge in the form of uterine bleeding often occurs in women before menopause and in young girls during the formation of the menstrual cycle. IN childbearing age Uterine bleeding is a deviation from the norm and indicates that something is going wrong in the body.

All spotting that is not menstruation is divided into types according to the cause of occurrence, signs of manifestation and danger. IN medical practice There are many types of uterine bleeding, but there are those that occur most often and have characteristic features differences.


Occur between natural menstruation and are not always pathological. But the occurrence of bloody discharge with clots indicates the development of pathology. This manifestation of symptoms may be associated with the development of endometriosis, fibroids or cysts. But this may also indicate a serious inflammatory process in the reproductive system.


They differ from others in the absence of any symptoms except bloody discharge. The amount of fluid may be barely noticeable and sometimes continuous. The cause of this pathology may be infectious diseases, previous abortions and taking hormonal medications.


Occurs when the appendages malfunction. This pathology especially often appears after long absence normal menstruation. Hormonal imbalance provokes untimely rejection of the lining of the reproductive organ, as well as spontaneous opening of the cervix. provokes uterine discharge with clotted blood.


The reason for such bleeding lies in the low tone of the myometrium. After surgical interventions, abortion or miscarriage, the uterus is not able to retain the mucous layer and it comes out in the form of various nature bleeding.


Occurs in young girls even before the onset of puberty. They are caused by intense physical activity, stress, poor nutrition And frequent illnesses. Such bleeding is dangerous due to the occurrence of anemia.


Occurs in women during menopause and in girls during puberty. Due to the lack of ovulation, the balance of hormones is disrupted, the follicles do not mature, and progesterone is not produced in required quantity. Without treatment, such manifestations are dangerous for the formation of malignant tumors.

Only a doctor can say exactly what is causing uterine bleeding and how to stop it. full examination. Any manifestation of bloody discharge cannot be ignored, and if symptoms appear, it is important to consult a gynecologist.

To know when to sound the alarm, it is important to recognize bleeding. Very often it is confused with natural physiological process, the signs of pathology are very similar. Few people know how much blood they lose during menstruation, and it can be very difficult to see a significant difference.

In order to understand whether the discharge is heavy and whether it can be attributed to bleeding, you need to try to estimate the amount of fluid. This is done using personal hygiene products. If a pad or tampon is completely wet within an hour, this means it is not just menstrual flow, but dangerous uterine blood loss.

The duration of such manifestations cannot exceed a week and if blood loss increases, you should immediately consult a doctor. may take a long time to build up, so it is important to pay attention to other symptoms.

Other signs of pathological discharge include:

  • the appearance of small clots;
  • severe pain in the lower abdomen of various types;
  • unexplained weakness;
  • nagging pain in the lower back;
  • pallor of the skin.

Large blood loss leads to iron deficiency anemia, which is manifested by a decrease in hemoglobin in general analysis already after 2-3 days of heavy discharge.

Causes of pathology

To eliminate the pathology, it is important to understand the nature of this manifestation. Uterine bleeding with clots, the causes of which are unknown, cannot be stopped and recurrence cannot be prevented. The treatment regimen and prognosis for the future depend on this. favorable outcome. The cause of bleeding can be not only serious disorder reproductive system, but also diseases of other organs, external and third-party factors.

Among the extragenital reasons are:

  • infectious processes;
  • blood abnormalities;
  • disruption of the urethra;
  • liver diseases, cirrhosis;
  • thyroid dysfunction;
  • pathologies of the heart and blood vessels.

Genital causes are usually associated with pregnancy and childbearing. Among them are:

  • pathologies of embryo development;
  • pregnancy outside the uterus;
  • scars on the uterus after previous births;
  • placental abruption;
  • cervical damage;
  • destructive processes in the uterine cavity;
  • ruptures and injuries during childbirth;
  • delayed or partial release of placenta;
  • endometritis;
  • fibroids and malignant tumors;

If pregnancy is excluded, blood clots in the uterus are caused by the occurrence of pathological formations ovaries and uterus. Often spontaneous bleeding may occur when integrity is violated fallopian tubes, ovarian apoplexy.

Genital bleeding can also be caused by any injury to the uterus and external genitalia due to violence or careless attitude towards one’s health. Violate reproductive functions can various drugs and hormonal contraceptives.

Assisting with uterine bleeding

Before the ambulance arrives heavy bleeding from the uterus, it is important to provide first aid correctly. With breakthrough blood loss, every minute is important, because it could be the last.

What you can and should do yourself at home:

  • take a horizontal position and raise your legs above head level;
  • apply cold to the lower abdomen for 15 minutes, then break for 5 minutes;
  • Replenish fluid loss by drinking plenty of fluids.

Regarding medications, you need to be careful and not take any medications without a doctor’s prescription. There are a number medicines which are used to deal with clots, but without knowing correct dosage you can not only call side effects, but also harm the body even more.

But it is also prohibited to use heating pads or douching. The solution may be harmful, and the plastic of the procedure tip may damage the mucosa. It is important to exclude drugs that can lead to contraction of the uterine walls, which will only increase blood loss.

How to detect bleeding during menstruation

The appearance of discharge in the middle of the cycle is alarming to any woman, but if it occurs during the expected period of menstruation, then it is quite difficult to distinguish between menstruation and blood loss.

You can track it by character, color and consistency. If the pad has to be changed more often than once every two hours, and due to blood clots, the discharge is not completely absorbed, then this indicates a pathology.

Due to the fact that menstruation is a normal physiological process, a woman should not feel severe discomfort and pain during menstruation. Such symptoms, together with weakness and fatigue, indicate a disorder.

A big misconception among women is that it is impossible to have a gynecological examination during menstruation, and they simply wait for it to end. If there is heavy discharge, you can go through ultrasound examination to exclude hazardous phenomena in the form ectopic pregnancy or formations and this will not cause discomfort.

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U healthy women The monthly cycle becomes regular on average 2 years after the start of menstruation and lasts from 21 to 30 days. The amount of blood released in the first days of a new cycle varies individually, but on average it is 50-70 ml. It is believed that if you have to change sanitary pads every 2-3 hours, then a woman loses a lot of blood during menstruation. The blood may be normal, but pathology cannot be ruled out.

Normal discharge does not have a distinct odor and is dark in color. Menstrual blood may not contain large number thick fragments. The appearance of scarlet discharge should alert you.

Externally. But, in fact, this is accumulated blood or pieces of the exfoliated inner lining of the uterus - the endometrium. When they are small and the bleeding is not too painful, this is normal.

If a woman does not move for a long time, sits or lies, then the blood stagnates and begins to coagulate in the uterine cavity or vagina. After the woman stands up, a blood clot will come out. In this case, there is no reason to worry.

Pathological causes

The situation is completely different when, after the clots are released, the bleeding intensifies, the woman feels weakness and pain in the lower abdomen. This is a serious reason to see a doctor to find out why this is happening. After all, the appearance of such symptoms is characteristic of a number of diseases.

Poor clotting

One of them is poor clotting blood. With this pathology are observed. This condition can last up to 10 days every month and leads to anemia.

The main causes of poor blood clotting are:

  • genetic diseases - hemophilia, von Willebrand disease;
  • insufficient vitamin K content;
  • oncological and infectious diseases of the liver;
  • long-term use antimicrobials and anticoagulants;
  • low platelet count.

Endometrial hyperplasia

With this disease, the membrane lining the inside of the uterus, the endometrium, grows deep into the walls of the uterus or grows too much. Sometimes so much so that the process goes beyond the genital organ and spreads to neighboring ones.

The reasons that cause the appearance of endometrial hyperplasia are not fully understood. But it is believed that hormonal and immune system. Frequent abortions and long-term use intrauterine contraceptives, severe course childbirth, overweight and “bad” heredity.


Violations monthly cycle, which is observed in women suffering from endometrial hyperplasia, may be the first symptom by which a doctor suspects this pathology. Depending on the causes of the disease, periods either come after a long break or too often.

In the first case, grown over long period the endometrium comes out in the form of large clots. At the same time, the woman feels sharp pain in the lower abdomen, often similar to labor pains. The discharge (except for large thick fragments) is liquid and much more abundant than in the normal state of the endometrium.

When the growth of the endometrium is uneven and focal in nature, then menstruation is quite scanty. This is explained by the fact that only areas of normal, unchanged endometrium are exfoliated and come out. In this case, spotting or heavy bleeding may appear in the middle of the cycle.

The reasons for the appearance of blood are various - strong physical exertion, careless sex. But because increased fragility vessels with focal hyperplasia, bleeding can begin arbitrarily.

Condition after childbirth

Postpartum discharge in women is somewhat different from the usual menstrual discharge and is called lochia. Do not be alarmed if a large amount of blood comes out while breastfeeding your baby, when walking or after palpating the abdomen - the uterus contracts especially actively. on average up to 8 weeks and consist of:

  • blood cells;
  • plasma that is released from the injured surface of the uterus;
  • epithelium;
  • mucus.

The composition and intensity of lochia changes depending on how long ago the birth took place. In the first week they are heavy, similar to menstruation, and contain a lot of clots. The amount of blood released directly depends on how well the uterus contracts. For the first 7 days postpartum period a woman can lose up to half a liter of blood.

Then the lochia acquire a red-brown tint, become denser and less abundant. At 4-5 weeks they are already dark brown and scanty. And finally, by week 8, the uterine mucosa is completely restored, and the discharge takes on the character of light mucus.

They have the same character as when physiological childbirth. But in this case, the woman should especially carefully monitor their intensity and color. If the amount of blood suddenly increases significantly, you should immediately consult a doctor. Postoperative suture may hinder normal contraction uterus, which causes severe bleeding.

It happens that after childbirth the placenta is not completely separated, the endometrium does not come out well, and the blood stagnates. In this case, the woman may feel severe weakness, dizziness, which is accompanied by high temperature. This condition is a reason to immediately visit a gynecologist.

Hormonal imbalances

Among the reasons that cause the release of large amounts of blood during menstruation, disorders occupy a special place hormonal balance in the body. They occur in women of different ages– both for very young girls and mature ladies.

Disorders can be caused not only by reasons related to insufficient or excessive production of sex hormones - estrogen and progesterone. Malfunctions of the thyroid gland and adrenal glands also do not have the best effect on the female reproductive system.

The menstrual cycle often gets disrupted. Your period comes earlier than expected, or, conversely, with a significant delay. After a long break, women notice rather large clots in their menstrual blood. The discharge is abundant.

Hormonal imbalances cannot be ignored, hoping that “they will go away on their own.” They often become an impetus for the development of infertility, problems with pregnancy, severe anemia and cancer.

Anatomical abnormalities

is a phenomenon that is characterized by a non-standard location of the organ in abdominal cavity. The body of the uterus is displaced posteriorly, to the left or right side. Often the bend is congenital, but can also occur as a result of previous diseases.

Congenital deformity is not a cause for concern. While the purchased one is accompanied by a whole set unpleasant symptoms. Among them are cycle disorders, pain in the lower abdomen in critical days, weak or too abundant discharge. Menstruation does not pass without a large number of clots. These problems are associated with obstructed outflow from the uterine cavity.

The same discomfort experienced by women with a septum in reproductive organ. It appears as a result of a disturbance in the intrauterine period of development. In addition to the problems associated with menstrual cycle, this anomaly threatens the onset and normal pregnancy of a woman. This is why doctors advise getting rid of the septum surgically.


Insufficient hemoglobin content in the blood – anemia. It may appear as a consequence harmful influence on the body of various external factors or develop after major blood loss.

The production of female sex hormones depends on the sufficient content in the body of all necessary nutrients. As soon as their concentration decreases, a process begins that negatively affects the functioning of the reproductive organs.

Affects the nature of the monthly cycle. It becomes shorter. When menstruation arrives, a woman feels especially bad - appears severe weakness, pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, shortness of breath even at rest.

The discharge these days is abundant (due to increased fragility of blood vessels), bright red in color (low number of red blood cells in the blood). In this case, a large number of clots come out. Menstruation with anemia lasts up to 7 days, and its intensity remains the same for almost the entire period.