Complications after removal of a cervical canal polyp? Removal of a polyp of the cervical canal: reviews of treatment Removal of a polyp of the cervical canal using the radio wave method

The formation of a cervical polyp may not affect a woman’s well-being. However, there are also cases of pronounced signs of pathology:

  • Pain and pulling sensations in the lower abdomen, felt simultaneously in the lower back;
  • Copious discharge of a yellowish tint during the entire period between menstruation;
  • Discharge brown with blood in the middle of the cycle;
  • Unpleasant sensations and pain during sex;
  • Severe abdominal pain during menstruation;
  • Infertility;
  • Miscarriages in cases of conception.
Removal of a polyp of the cervical canal - surgery on extraction pathological growth mucous layer, manifested as a growth in the lumen of the cervix.

The reasons for the latter condition have not been clarified by doctors. Most scientists tend to associate the inability to conceive and carry a child with instability hormonal levels with the development of a polyp of the cervical tract.

Preparation for removal of a cervical tumor

Initially, the patient makes an appointment with a gynecologist, who diagnoses the presence of a neoplasm, determines its size and stage of development. IN mandatory Before surgery to eliminate a polyp of the cervical opening, colposcopy and a series of preoperative tests are required. The patient is referred for the following studies:

  • Cervical smear for polymerase chain reaction analysis;
  • Smear for the presence of chlamydia, gardnerella, ureaplasma, mycoplasma, papillomavirus and trichomonas;
  • Cytological analysis of scrapings;
  • A smear from the cervix, the canal itself, the vagina and urethra for microflora;
  • Complete blood count, blood sampling for sugar and platelets.

Also, before removing the cervical polyp, the blood is examined to determine antibodies to mycoplasma, chlamydia and ureaplasma.

At the second appointment, the doctor examines the data obtained and sets a date for eliminating the polyp of the cervical opening of the cervix. The operation should be carried out either 1 day before the start of menstruation, or immediately after its end.

How is a cervical canal polyp removed?

Today, there are several doctors who can eliminate the polyp of the cervical canal, allowing this operation to be performed. The method is especially popular laser removal polyp - the cervical canal is practically not injured. In addition, with such removal of a cervical growth, the risk of infection during the procedure is distorted, which becomes a decisive factor when choosing a method for eliminating a cervical polyp.

Modern clinics offer several types of surgery to eliminate a polyp of the cervical canal:

  • Radio wave procedure;
  • Curettage of the pedicle of a cervical polyp;
  • Removal by cryodestruction and electrodestruction.

Since the growth of the cervical canal is something similar to a wart, the process of removing it is almost the same as the procedure for reducing a papilloma.

Progress of surgery to remove a cervical tumor

Removal of a polyp localized in the tissues of the cervical canal is always carried out under general anesthesia. Once the anesthesia begins to take effect, the surgeon begins to locate the cervix using a speculum. After this, he grabs the polyp with a fenestrated clamp and makes circular movements. Removal is carried out by unscrewing the growth from the cervical canal along with the stem.

After removing the large polyp from the surrounding tissue, the surgeon scrapes out the cavity of the cervical canal, removing the remains of the formation's stalk.

If the polyp is located in upper sections cervical canal, its removal is carried out under hysteroscopic observation. In cases where the neoplasm, on the contrary, is close to the external pharynx, it is excised wedge-shaped, after which a suture is applied with catgut. When re-extracting the polyp of the cervical opening after detecting a relapse of the disease, a cone-shaped amputation of the cervix is ​​performed.

After unscrewing the polyp of the cervical canal, the surgeon cauterizes its bed and sends the removed pathological tissue to histological examination. First of all, it is necessary in order to detect or exclude the presence of cancer cells in them. In addition, test results are necessary for prescribing further therapy: antibacterial, hormonal or anti-inflammatory, necessary for the final treatment of a cervical polyp.

At the next stage the place former localization The growth is treated according to the method chosen by the doctor. One of the treatment options is the drug “Solkovagin”. After its use, a crust forms at the operation site, which subsequently comes off along with the discharge. The disadvantage of this method is that it requires a whole course of treatments.


The most commonly used method is cryodestruction of the pedicle of a cervical polyp - the impact is extreme low temperatures on pathological cells with the aim of proliferation. The method requires experience and certain skills from the doctor, since he needs to choose the speed and depth of freezing to obtain the maximum effect.

Radio wave removal

The radio wave method is considered the most gentle, the advantage of which is the rapid restoration of healthy tissue damaged during surgery. In the coming months, pregnancy may occur and proceed without complications.

Application of electric current

Another option is cauterization of the leg of the cervical canal polyp electric shock. This method is rarely used today because it involves serious risk development of complications.

Laser removal of cervical tumor

Advantages laser exposure on the tissue of the polyp of the cervical canal - this is fast recovery, absence of scars on the cervix, good condition reproductive organs after surgery, minimal blood loss. The extraction of the cervical polyp occurs with maximum precision, without damaging healthy tissue. This operation is performed on an outpatient basis; within a few hours after the operation, the patient is discharged for home treatment.

However, there are some disadvantages. So use it laser beam is only possible for working with single entities. The rehabilitation period is accompanied by copious discharge from the cervical canal.

What if the presence of a cervical polyp is detected in a pregnant woman?

If the growth occurs during pregnancy, the doctor chooses a wait-and-see approach, monitoring the dynamics of the disease, instead of immediately prescribing exact date removal of a polyp of the cervical canal. In some cases, it disappears on its own after childbirth, and then no intervention is required.

If during pregnancy the growth rapidly increases and exceeds 2 cm in diameter, you should resort to polypectomy or hysteroscopy. The doctor may also decide to urgently remove an overgrown polyp.

Rehabilitation period after removal of a cervical polyp

Within 10 days after removal of a neoplasm of the cervical canal, the patient is shown antibacterial treatment. At the same time it can be prescribed hormone therapy. It is prescribed by a doctor when a woman experiences hormonal imbalance.

It is mandatory to see a gynecologist in the next few months after removal of the polyp in order to exclude an early relapse of the disease and to avoid the consequences of a possible infection.

Sexual intimacy in the first 10 days after surgery is strictly contraindicated. For 10 days, you must avoid procedures involving immersion in water: taking a bath, swimming in a pool or natural bodies of water.

Douching and using tampons for hygienic purposes is prohibited. To protect laundry from secretions, use only pads.

For several weeks after the removal of the cervical polyp, you should not lift heavy objects. It is better to refuse to play sports, especially if it is associated with strength training. If the polyp removal procedure was performed in the warm season, the patient is instructed to limit time spent in the sun. You need to pay attention to the psycho-emotional state - nervous shock and stress is contraindicated until complete recovery.

Considering that wound healing after removal of a cervical polyp requires rest for the whole body, a woman should avoid shaking and the slightest overload. You cannot plan road trips, train trips, or air travel for several weeks following the removal of a neoplasm of the cervical canal. Best option- stay at home for a while.

Planning pregnancy after elimination of the cervical polyp is possible only when bloody discharge will stop completely. As a rule, this is 2-3 weeks. If blood or mucus stops flowing during this period, then a complication of the procedure for extracting a cervical polyp can be suspected. It's better to see a doctor as soon as possible.

The total rehabilitation period, taking into account the prescribed hormonal or anti-inflammatory therapy, is about six months. If the violation hormonal balance is not observed, the recovery period is reduced to 1-2 months.

Complications and side effects of polyp removal

As a rule, complications are not observed after this procedure. In rare cases, patients experience the following problems:

  • Bleeding from the cervical canal;
  • Loss of fertility;
  • Thermal burns;
  • Pathological narrowing of the cervical canal and cervix.

Sometimes it happens that the removal of polyps of the cervical tract is not completed - the leg is not completely removed. Often, incomplete removal of the polyp stalk leads to the appearance of new formations. Accordingly, the symptoms repeat. In such a situation, an urgent additional consultation with a doctor and the appointment of a new operation is required.

Is it possible to reduce the likelihood of recurrence of cervical polyps?

To ensure that the operation on the polyp in the cervical canal does not have to be repeated, the doctor prescribes prophylaxis. These are standard measures to support the immune system and the body’s ability to resist viruses. To this it is necessary to add recommendations on compliance with hygiene and care standards.

What if the polyp in the cervical canal is not removed?

In the absence of proper treatment and surgery of the cervical canal, there is a high probability of polyp cells degenerating into malignant neoplasms. Sexually acquired infections and other infections can provoke cell changes. The decisive factor in the development of cervical polyps can be medical manipulations: childbirth, curettage for abortion and diagnosis, installation intrauterine devices. Women in adulthood are also at risk. Often, cervical canal disease develops before menopause due to hormonal changes.

Therefore, at the first warning signs polyps in the canal, you should contact a gynecologist. Planned plans should not be neglected preventive examinations which must be completed at least once a year. Special attention attention should be paid to planning future pregnancy- If you want to have a child, you must undergo an examination by a gynecologist. Women whose age is approaching menopause should also undergo prevention of cervical polyps.

Surgery to remove cervical canal polyps today is carried out under video surveillance, which can significantly reduce the risk of injury and relapse. Another thing is that not all regional clinics have such equipment available. So today we’ll look at ways surgical intervention with cervix formations.

Polyps in cervical canal

Drop-shaped or mushroom-shaped growths can form on any mucous membrane. Yes, in the format female body they are found in the uterus, vagina and cervical canal. Moreover, the first and last ones can be confused upon visual inspection if the polyp has reached a size of several centimeters. In this case, having a base in the uterine cavity, it hangs into the lumen of the cervix. Ultrasound helps to establish precise localization.

It is difficult to say what led to the appearance of such a pathology. But, in general, the reasons are:

  • Injuries during childbirth and operations;
  • Inflammatory processes;
  • Infections of the reproductive system;
  • Endocrine disruptions;
  • Inherited predisposition.

Formations in the cervical canal can be provoked even by overweight and vascular diseases, such as hypertension. More often than not, several reasons work together against the patient.

Polyp clinic in the cervix

The symptoms of the pathology are not unique and only indicate a problem in the woman’s reproductive system:

  • Pain and spasms in the lower abdomen, and sometimes in the lower back;
  • Blood after exercise, sexual intercourse, or gynecological examination;
  • Frequent inflammation with infected yellow discharge;
  • Heavy and painful periods;
  • Problems with conceiving and maintaining pregnancy.

Attention! Small formations of a few millimeters do not cause negative symptoms, so they are found by chance during routine examinations.

Why do cervical canal polyps need to be removed?

There must be good reasons for any operation. Such a pathology is not unreasonably solved in such a radical way:

  1. Often growths become the culprits of infertility. They purely mechanically prevent sperm from entering the uterine cavity. In addition, as a foreign body, the polyp leads to spasmodic contractions of the myometrium, which causes the fetus to fall away.
  2. Adenomatous, and some other types of formations can degenerate into a cancerous tumor of the cervical canal. It is believed that this is only a matter of time and circumstances.
  3. The polyp is easily damaged, which is manifested by spotting bloody discharge of red, brown and pink shades. This is not only inconvenient for the patient, but also high risk infection. Pathogenic microorganisms even normally present in the vagina. Their reproduction and penetration into the wound can lead to tissue abscess and sepsis. In severe cases, the issue is resolved by amputation of the cervix, uterus, and sometimes all female organs.
  4. In the presence of a polyp, the surrounding tissues are in a state of constant inflammation. Over time, they lose elasticity, which can lead to severe injuries to the cervical canal and cervix during childbirth.

Attention! Small single formations up to 5-10 mm in the absence of rapid growth are not an indication for removal.

How to prepare for surgery?

If surgical intervention is necessary, the doctor will prescribe some examinations:

  1. Vaginal smear. It is studied not only by a simple microscopic method, but also PCR method to identify all viruses, bacteria, fungi that are present in the microflora of the genital organs.
  2. An ultrasound is performed immediately after menstruation. This is necessary for better visualization of the uterine cavity, where the base of the polyp or other additional formations may be located. At this time of the cycle, the endometrium is smaller and does not hide anything from the doctor's eyes. It is important to determine the location, where its base is, in the uterus or in the cervical canal, as well as its size. Sometimes a series of studies is carried out to assess the dynamics. If the polyp grows quickly, then surgery is prescribed immediately.
  3. According to the protocol, an assessment is carried out before removal general condition health, do an ECG, apply the latest fluorography.
  4. Women with thrombophlebitis and varicose veins should visit a phlebologist. They are at high risk of blood clots breaking off or advancing. It is usually recommended to wear compression stockings during surgery.
  5. If an ultrasound does not give a clear picture, it may be prescribed diagnostic hysteroscopy. The same procedure, only for inspection without removal.
  6. General blood and urine tests, biochemistry, tests for HIV, CSR, hepatitis - these are standard tests before surgery.
  • If an infection is detected, a full course of treatment is carried out followed by control tests;
  • A week in advance, vaginal sanitation is prescribed with antibacterial suppositories, for example, Terzhinan;
  • Do not take blood thinning medications 3 days before removal. Acetylsalicylic acid has this effect;
  • The day before surgery, remove hair from the genital area;
  • For 12 hours, if anesthesia is expected, you should not drink or eat.

Attention! Surgical intervention in the female genital area is usually prescribed in the first half of the cycle, immediately after menstruation. But it is possible to remove polyps on any day except menstruation.

General description procedures

This operation is called hysteroscopy after the name of the equipment. The difference between all the methods is only in the tool that is used for direct department polyp from the wall of the cervical canal. Otherwise, all manipulations are the same:

  1. Depending on the severity of the case, the operation is performed either on an outpatient basis or in a hospital. This is determined by a gynecologist surgeon.
  2. The patient is placed on a gynecological chair and, if necessary, anesthesia is administered, which we will discuss later.
  3. The external genitalia are treated with antiseptics and the vagina is sanitized.
  4. The neck is opened and fixed with a special device. In some cases, medications are used to relieve spasm so that the expansion of the canal goes better.
  5. The hysteroscope is inserted. This is a complex device equipped with a camera to monitor the progress of the operation, and also allows you to insert instruments to remove the polyp.
  6. When manipulating the uterine cavity, it is filled with saline solution to straighten the folds. This is not required for surgery in the cervical canal.
  7. Removal of the formation is carried out using the chosen method.
  8. The entire cervical mucosa is examined for the presence of other polyps.
  9. In most cases, complete curettage of the surface layer is performed to prevent relapse.
  10. All removed materials are sent for histology.
  11. The surgical field is re-treated with antiseptics.
  12. The instruments are removed from the cervical canal.
  13. The patient is sent to the ward intensive care before waking up from anesthesia.
  14. At satisfactory condition after 2-4 hours the woman is allowed to go home.

Interesting fact! The entire procedure takes about 30 minutes, with the excision of the polyp itself taking about 30-60 seconds.

Methods for removing polyps inside the cervical canal

Today, all such operations are carried out under the control of a video camera. Old antiquated methods with complete curettage of the cervix are used only in very remote corners of the country, where there is no modern equipment No. In this case, the probability of polyps reappearing is 70-80%. In addition, cervical injuries, bleeding and infection are possible. But fortunately, there are modern methods of removal with a hysteroscope, which are available in all regional and district centers, both in private and public clinics:

  1. Classic polypectomy. The formation is twisted until it is separated from the wall of the cervical canal. The base is cleaned with a curette or cauterized with an electric current. This method is used for polyps up to 30 mm in size.
  2. The most best effect has laser removal. The leg tissue is evaporated until the polyp body is completely separated. The vessels are sealed at the same time, so no bleeding occurs. The advantage of this method is that during healing after surgery, there are no scars that could subsequently interfere with normal childbirth.
  3. The radio waves of the Surgitron apparatus are not inferior to lasers in all characteristics. A special scalpel does not cut, but melts tissue with radiation. Surgeons consider such equipment to be the safest and most convenient to use; in addition, scars do not form after healing.
  4. Cryodestruction. Apply to the base liquid nitrogen, which destroys tissue and promotes separation of the polyp body. Only suitable for small formations. High professionalism is required to calculate the amount of nitrogen and not damage healthy tissue of the cervical canal.
  5. Diathermocoagulation or diathermoexcision is a method in which a loop is put on a polyp, tightened, and current is applied. As a result of cauterization, the growth falls off. The equipment is available in almost every clinic. But during healing, scars form, which is undesirable for women who plan to give birth again.

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Expert opinion

Olga Yurievna Kovalchuk

Doctor, expert

A competent doctor will tell you which method of removal is suitable in your case. He will also explain where it can be done nearby. But often personal gain leads to unreliable recommendations, so if in doubt, it is better to consult with several specialists. Although laser and radiosurgical removal of cervical polyps is suitable for everyone.

Do you need anesthesia?

Despite the fact that according to the law of the Russian Federation medical workers are required to use pain relief for everyone available means, it often happens that such operations are carried out “live”. Of course, in conditions paid clinic the patient will be provided with the most best anesthesia. IN government agency This possibility should be discussed in advance. Typically, short-term general anesthesia is used to remove polyps in the uterus or cervical canal. It lasts about 30 minutes, the patient quickly comes to her senses and hardly feels side effects in the form of nausea, confusion, dizziness, etc. B outpatient setting local anesthesia is performed.

According to reviews of patients who underwent surgery under short-term general anesthesia, they did not feel anything. Women who have undergone live removal of polyps say that only the opening of the cervix hurts, and the removal of the formation itself is practically not felt. Those who have gone through removal from local anesthesia also felt discomfort during equipment installation.

Attention! For some patients, anesthesia is contraindicated, so consultation with an anesthesiologist is required.

What happens after polyps are removed?

The rehabilitation period usually lasts until the next menstruation, which is about 4-5 weeks. To prevent relapses and complications, the following measures are taken:

  1. Immediately after the operation, vaginal sanitation is prescribed with antibacterial suppositories of complex action. The course depends on the drug from 5 to 7 days.
  2. If histology results reveal an adenomatous or glandular type of polyp, then a plan is developed hormonal treatment. It can last from 3 to 12 months. The medicine is chosen according to the woman’s age and pregnancy plans.
  3. If cancer cells are detected in a polyp, consultation with an oncologist is required.

Also, some restrictions are set for the patient during the rehabilitation period after removal. Banned:

  • Sex;
  • Tampons;
  • Douching;
  • Carrying heavy objects;
  • Intense physical activity;
  • High temperatures. For example, a sauna;
  • Immersion in water;
  • There is a lot of ultraviolet radiation both from the natural sun and in the solarium.

Attention! At the end of rehabilitation, follow-up examinations are carried out every month for six months.

When can surgery not be done?

There are certain restrictions and prohibitions on the removal of polyps:

  • Menstruation. The intervention is prescribed 1-2 days after it;
  • Pregnancy. In some cases, expectant mothers undergo removal of formations in the cervical canal after the end of the 1st trimester;
  • When oncology of the female genital area is detected, the issue with the cancerous tumor is first resolved;
  • Bleeding from the uterus must be eliminated before surgery;
  • Infections must be treated before removal;
  • Inflammatory processes in the woman’s genital organs also need to be eliminated before intervention;
  • Severe damage to the liver, kidneys, heart and others general diseases require a special approach. In this case, the decision to remove polyps in the cervical canal is made not only by the gynecologist, but also by another specialized specialist.

Cost of the procedure

The compulsory medical insurance policy entitles the patient to receive services for the removal of polyps in the cervical canal free of charge. Another thing is what equipment is available in the institution to which the woman is assigned. If this is all right, then you should clarify whether the procedure will be carried out with anesthesia. Which is also included in the scope of free medical care.

Otherwise you can find private clinic and choose the removal method and anesthesia option as you wish. Electrocoagulation is the cheapest and costs about 2000-3000 rubles, radiosurgery with the Surgitron device costs 5000-7000, laser removal is available only in a few clinics and will cost 15-20 thousand, and difficult cases even more expensive.

Attention! It is necessary to take into account that the cost of treatment will include consultations, tests, postoperative observation, and not just the removal of polyps. Therefore, how much you have to spend depends on many factors.

What complications arise when removing polyps?

Such operations in the cervical canal are carried out strictly according to a protocol that avoids severe consequences. But there is still a small probability of a problematic outcome of removal. This could happen:

  1. Adhesions and scars. Occurs when cauterized by electric current or mechanical excision. They are dangerous due to narrowing of the cervical canal, up to complete blocking of the lumen. Connective tissue It is not elastic, therefore, during the birth process, strong tears occur in such a place, which is dangerous for bleeding.
  2. Infection. With sanitization before, during and after surgery, this possibility should be reduced to zero, but there are cases. This usually happens when the woman fails to comply with hygiene and other recommendations after removal of the formations.
  3. Bleeding. Even with expansion, the lumen of the cervical canal does not provide room for manipulation, so it is easy to damage the delicate mucous membrane during surgery, which will lead to severe bleeding, since there are many small and large vessels.
  4. Allergic reaction to anesthesia. This risk is prevented by observation after removal in the intensive care unit under the supervision of an anesthesiologist. The problem quickly resolves with antihistamines.
  5. Hemometra is a complex postoperative condition when the cervix spasms and blood accumulates in the uterine cavity. Pain occurs when moving, infection may occur with high temperature. Urgent medical attention is required.
  6. Relapse. When using modern methods the risk of recurrence of polyps is significantly reduced and depends on the case and the chosen method of removal.
  7. Oncology. Surgery may cause growth cancerous tumor in the cervical canal. This happens extremely rarely if atypical cells were already present in the formation itself. Therefore, to be on the safe side, doctors scrape out the entire inner layer of the cervix.

Attention! Bleeding often occurs from physical activity, sexual dysfunction, overheating, so you need to follow the recommendations of the rehabilitation period.


The cavity located between the vagina and the cervix is ​​called the cervical canal. In this area covered with mucous membrane, there may be various pathologies gynecological nature. Women often experience the formation of polyps (both single and multiple) in the cervical canals. The disease is a growth of the mucous membrane, externally similar to an hanging wart.

Is it necessary to remove a polyp of the cervical canal and in what cases?

The polyp does not threaten the woman’s life, but it can degenerate into malignancy, so timely therapy and treatment is simply necessary. Sometimes, formations grow and increase significantly in size, which interferes with the natural separation of the endometrium during menstruation. Such formations are dangerous:

  • During pregnancy or for nulliparous girls.
  • If there is an inflammatory process of the polyp.
  • If bleeding becomes more heavy between periods.
  • If there are strong painful sensations lower abdomen.

What methods are used to remove polyps?

Before considering options and methods for removing polyps, it is worth determining the reasons for their formation, symptoms, possible complications and treatment methods. Doctors and scientists have been arguing for many years regarding the prerequisites that provoke the formation of tumors. Some believe that the cause of the formation of polyps is a hormonal imbalance, others argue that they arise as a result of infection, virus or cervical injury.

Polyps of the cervical canal are not always accompanied by certain symptoms, so women often do not even realize that there is a problem. The disease can be detected during examination with a mirror on a gynecological chair. Sometimes, the presence of cervical canal polyps is manifested by some symptoms:

  • Violation menstrual cycle.
  • The presence of bloody discharge between menstruation (often observed after sexual intercourse).
  • Abundance of blood during menstruation, strong spasmodic pain during this period.
  • Availability vaginal discharge.
  • Feeling of heaviness in the lumbar region.

Removal of polyps in the cervical canal occurs through surgery. Until recently, the operation was performed under general anesthesia, which not everyone can tolerate normally. IN modern medicine more gentle removal techniques are used, which are performed under local anesthesia. Common methods used to treat tumors are:

Before choosing the removal option and receiving a referral for the procedure, you must undergo a number of examinations and preparatory steps:

  • Be examined by a gynecologist, where smears will be taken to identify viral or infectious diseases. If any diseases are found, they must be treated before surgery so that after the procedure there is no infection of the area where the removal was performed.
  • Pass general analysis blood, sugar.
  • The procedure is colposcopy, taking a sample for histology, biopsy.


In modern medicine, the polyp is removed without curettage. But sometimes this procedure is prescribed by the attending physician and is performed in the following cases:

  • The doctor has a suspicion that polyps and formations in the woman’s cervical canal are malignant.
  • If long time Bleeding is observed during the intermenstrual period in women over 40 years of age.

The curettage procedure consists of removing the endometrium from the cervical canal, which occurs monthly naturally during menstruation. It is advisable to carry out the procedure a few days before the start of the menstrual cycle; it is carried out under anesthesia. The materials obtained as a result of the operation are sent for further research. The main goal laboratory tests confirm or deny the presence of certain diseases. After curettage, polyps often form again; watch the video to learn more about their occurrence after the procedure:

Removal of a polyp using a hysteroscope without anesthesia (hysteroscopy)

An innovative method for removing cervical canal formations is hysteroscopy. This treatment option has clear advantages, but is not yet used in all clinics. Pros of hysteroscopy:

  • The operation is performed without the use of anesthesia.
  • Delivers minimal pain and inconvenience.
  • The procedure lasts several minutes.
  • Does not require compliance with a special regime, so registration sick leave not necessary.
  • In 99% of cases, there are no complications or recurrence of the disease after surgery.
  • Minimal trauma to the mucous membrane, which reduces the likelihood of infection and infection of the surgical site.
  • Using a hysteroscope, it is possible to monitor the progress of the operation on a monitor.

Laser polyp removal surgery

Laser is often used to treat polyps - this method is good both for removing tumors on the skin and mucous membranes internal organs. The procedure has its advantages:

  • The procedure is also possible for nulliparous girls.
  • The operation takes minimal time.
  • After the operation there are no traces, scars, cicatrices, damaged tissue heal very quickly.
  • There is no bleeding. This is due to the fact that the laser not only removes the tumor, but also simultaneously cauterizes all blood vessels.
  • Low level injury to mucous tissue.
  • Low probability relapse of the disease.

Radio wave removal

Removing polyps using radio waves is comparatively new method treatment. This technique has become a favorite for many doctors and they strongly recommend this procedure to patients. Advantage: no tissue injury occurs during the operation; this intervention is considered the safest. When using this method, there are no scars left, and healing occurs very quickly. Recovery after surgery is easy, so there is a lot about the technique positive feedback.


Removal of benign formations on the skin using chilled nitrogen - cryodestruction - has been known to many for a long time. Few people knew that it is possible to treat cervical canal polyps in this way. During the operation, the formation is exposed to nitrogen, cooled to a minimum temperature. As a result of this procedure, the polyp cells die and it falls off, and the bed is baked, which eliminates bleeding. The healing time of the wound is several months, it all depends on the diameter of the polyp stalk.

Treatment after polyp removal

After removing polyps from the canal located between the uterus and vagina, it is important to properly carry out rehabilitation to prevent relapse. What to do after polyp removal:

  • Follow the recommendations given by your doctor.
  • Take antibacterial medications for 10 days to prevent infection of the bed where the polyp was.
  • Take special medications if there is a hormonal imbalance.
  • Refrain from heavy physical work and do not lift heavy objects.
  • Regularly undergo examination by a gynecologist.
  • In order to reduce the likelihood of infection, you should abstain from sex for the next two weeks, water procedures in bodies of water and minimize exposure to the sun.
  • Try to spend the first time calmly, without emotional outbursts.
  • If you are planning a pregnancy, it is better to wait a little until the abnormal vaginal discharge completely stops.

Where are polyps removed in Moscow

In order to get rid of the problem of polyps in the cervical canal, you must first find a suitable clinic to surgical intervention went without problems. Although there are a huge number of gynecological offices in Moscow where services are provided, there are few places where the use of innovative methods treatment of the disease. When choosing an establishment, you should pay attention to the following factors:

  • How many years has the clinic been on the services market, what are the reviews about it, and the attending physicians.
  • What techniques are used to remove polyps.
  • What are the reviews about the operation to remove formations on the mucous membrane of the cervical canal?
  • Which diagnostic techniques are used, is it possible to hand over everything in one place? necessary tests and get results as quickly as possible.
  • Price for services, how much the operation and related tests cost.

Popular Moscow clinics where polyp removal surgery is performed are:

  • Euromedprestige. A multidisciplinary clinic, one of the areas of which is gynecology. There are several branches in Moscow. Polyps are removed in the clinic by polypectomy (unscrewing of the formations).
  • “SM-clinic” - the operation is performed by unscrewing the polyp and scraping out its remains.
  • “Network of gynecological clinics”, which have many branches (including 24-hour ones). They perform surgeries to remove polyps using hysteroscopy.
  • Medical center"Bionis". Here it is possible to perform an operation to remove polyps using radio waves.
  • “Treatment and Rehabilitation Center” of the Ministry of Health Russian Federation. The operation is performed using a laser.
  • The Crede Experto gynecology clinic will help you get rid of the problem using a laser.

Price for removal of cervical canal polyp

Prices in Moscow for services depend on many factors:

  • Kudos to the clinic, reviews of polyp removal.
  • The treatment method used.
  • The need to undergo certain tests and diagnostics.
  • Additional consultation with another specialist.

The price usually includes:

  • The first consultation with a gynecologist, which different clinics ranges from 700 to 3000 rubles. A repeat visit will cost from 500 to 2 thousand rubles.
  • Calposcopy costs from 1200 rubles.
  • An operation to remove a polyp will cost from 2,000 to 10,000 rubles - depending on the method, type of anesthesia (on average 2,500 rubles for short-term and 5 thousand for long-term), and the number of formations.
  • Preoperative examinations and smears will cost at least 300 rubles each.

Polyps of the cervical canal must be removed using surgical intervention. The disease cannot be neglected in order to prevent the degeneration of benign formations into cancer cells. And for this you need to carefully monitor your health, regularly visit a gynecologist, undergo medical examination and follow all his recommendations.

Pain during intercourse spotting in the middle of the menstrual cycle, nagging pain lower abdomen - quite common symptoms for many “female” diseases. Here are the polyps of the cervical canal, if they manifest themselves, then in this way.

What do you know about them? You've probably heard that this is a benign formation. And therefore, most likely you think, it is not dangerous. And you are wrong.

Firstly, in addition to severe discomfort, violations in intimate life In women, polyps often cause infertility. Secondly, they have the ability to degenerate into a malignant formation. This happens in only 1-1.5% of all cases. Still, why take the risk?

If a tumor is detected, it must be removed as quickly as possible. And to be sure that problems will definitely bypass you, do not forget to visit a doctor with for preventive purposes. And, of course, as soon as you notice any “worrisome” symptoms, put everything aside and go see a doctor.

Surgical removal of a polyp of the cervical canal in ON CLINIC

The main diagnostic methods are ultrasound examination, diagnostic curettage and hysteroscopic examination. Curettage of the mucous membrane can be carried out only in the absence of inflammatory processes and infections in the organs of the reproductive system. Therefore, before surgery, mandatory therapy for identified diseases is carried out.

Don't be afraid of surgery! To remove polyps, experienced ON CLINIC specialists use minimally invasive methods that do not require skin incisions and do not pose a threat to the woman’s body.

Our clinic uses the most modern instruments, including laser systems, radio wave devices, equipment for cryocoagulation. After removal of the tumor, the attending physician prescribes effective prevention relapses to reduce the likelihood of polyps re-forming.

In some cases, the procedure is possible during pregnancy if there is rapid growth of the tumor, signs of necrosis or initial stage malignancy.

Removal of cervical canal polyp with laser

Laser polypectomy is by far the most gentle and effective intervention. This minimally invasive operation allows for targeted removal of defects without affecting healthy tissue. Thanks to this approach, the wound surface heals in as soon as possible, the patient feels great and after a few days can lead her usual lifestyle.

It is very important during the intervention to completely remove the stalk of the tumor, which significantly reduces the risk of relapse.

At correct implementation Laser removal does not create scars on tissues and is completely preserved reproductive function women.

Removal of polyps with Surgitron

Removal of cervical canal polyps is also carried out using the Surgitron device, which transmits radio waves during exposure to tissue high frequency. This allows tumors to be removed without damaging healthy mucosa, which significantly shortens the patient’s rehabilitation period.

Advantages of using the Surgitron device:

  • sterility of the procedure - during the operation there is no contact between the electrode and tissues;
  • speed of manipulation;
  • simultaneously with the incision, coagulation of the vessels is performed, which prevents bleeding;
  • Reproductive function is not affected.

Advantages of ON CLINIC

  • Polypectomy is most often performed as part of day hospital– you can return home on the same day.
  • Our patients have spacious operating rooms and comfortable wards, which are equipped with the latest equipment from the world's best manufacturers.
  • Consultations with the center’s leading specialists to the required extent and assistance from doctors after the intervention, conducting a control ultrasound. We “guide” our patients “from” to “to” - this approach ensures the most successful results of the operation and speedy recovery. And all this at an affordable price!

Cost of services

When undergoing a gynecological examination, as well as when colposcopy is performed, a polyp of the cervical canal is diagnosed quite often. This is a tumor-like neoplasm that originates from the columnar epithelium of the endocervix and grows into the lumen of the cervix.

Just like an endometriotic polyp, a cervical canal polyp can cause many unpleasant consequences. This pathology can lead to infertility and miscarriage. In some cases benign formations become evil. That is why a polyp of the cervical canal must be removed when planning a pregnancy.

The operation to remove a polyp is not complicated, however, it can still be accompanied by various complications. You need to understand how the body should normally function after the procedure, what is normal and what is pathological. This will help avoid a number of unpleasant consequences.


Doctors identify several factors that influence the nature of the discharge:

  • Size and appearance tumors. The larger the polyp, the more blood vessels it contains. After removing a large polyp, bleeding will be stronger than when removing a small one. In this case, the thickness of the leg and its volume also play a role.
  • Presence or absence inflammatory process. If, after removal of the polyp, an infection enters the genital tract, the discharge will acquire an unpleasant odor and a greenish or yellowish tint. As is correct, they are plentiful and take a long time to transform.
  • A type of surgical intervention. Bleeding is minimal after laser polyp removal and cryodestruction. If the polyp was removed by unscrewing the stem, the bleeding will be prolonged and profuse.
  • Vascularization is the degree of blood supply to the polyp. The more the tumor feeds on blood, the stronger the bleeding will be after its removal.
  • Ingrown legs. If the polyp has grown deeply, it will be quite difficult to remove it. During the operation, the surgeon may also injure healthy blood vessels and fabrics. In such cases rehabilitation period It is somewhat more complicated and lasts longer.

Vaginal discharge always changes after removal of a cervical canal polyp. Normally, a woman experiences an increase in mucus volume and slight bleeding. You shouldn't be afraid of this. This is quite normal. Vaginal mucus has antibacterial properties. It protects the reproductive organs from infection.

Blood after modern procedures for polyp removal is present in minute quantities. Thus, vaginal discharge after the operation they look like ichor, a mixture of mucus and blood. In the first days after the procedure, the discharge is relatively abundant, but over time its amount gradually decreases. This indicates that the wound is healing.

If the operation was performed correctly and the woman does not have any complications, light bleeding will not be observed for more than a week.


Complications after removal of a polyp of the cervical canal can be as follows:

Inflammatory damage to the reproductive organs. This can happen if a woman has untreated infectious diseases pelvic organs if she does not comply with hygiene rules or if surgical instruments were not sterile enough.

The essence of treating this problem is the use of antibacterial drugs. They can be administered intravenously or intramuscularly, ingested or used topically. The gynecologist should select the drug based on which microorganism caused the disease.

Perforation of the uterine wall. This can happen if the doctor is not experienced enough, if the cervix is ​​insufficiently dilated or the walls of the organ are loose. If the damage is minor, it heals on its own. Large wounds are usually sutured. To prevent development infectious process, after this, antibacterial agents are necessarily prescribed.

Hematometra is a violation of the evacuation of blood and its accumulation in the uterine cavity. This problem can occur with spasmodic contractions of the cervix. In this case, the woman’s discharge suddenly stops and severe pain. The essence of treating hematomeres is to create conditions for evacuation of the contents. To relieve pain, doctors can prescribe painkillers, and the associated infection can be eliminated with antibiotics.

  • a significant increase in the volume of vaginal discharge;
  • availability unpleasant odor at discharge;
  • the occurrence of pain in the lower abdomen and/or lumbar region;
  • increase in body temperature to low-grade levels;
  • deterioration in overall health;
  • sudden cessation of vaginal discharge.

All of the above symptoms should not be normal. If they occur, you must go through medical examination. Do not forget that various health problems are easier to eliminate in the initial stages.