How to pass histology. How is uterine histology performed? Interpretation of histological examination: what to pay attention to

All studies of the body that exist today are carried out using many techniques (ultrasound, various examinations, taking a large number of tests). Almost all types of examination give only approximate and not always correct results. There is one most accurate modern way of identifying pathologies. What is histology:

  1. Histological examination is the collection of tissues and their careful analysis to detect oncology.
  2. The cells of any foreign formation in the body have a specific structure. To identify these particles in tissue samples, microscopic scrapings are performed and examined using special equipment.
  3. Histology is a unique technique, because only it gives a chance to achieve the most accurate results by recognizing the disease at an early stage of development.

Goals and objectives of histology in medicine

There is general histology - the science of body tissues, dealing with a detailed study of their properties, structure, functions and interactions. A branch of this teaching is private microscopic anatomy, which examines each organ and its composition separately. Histology is also classified into normal and pathological types. The first is the analysis of tissues of a healthy body, the second is the study of their physiological and morphological transformation, which are associated with various diseases. The main tasks of histological activity are:

  • correct diagnosis in controversial situations;
  • detailed analysis of the rate of development of a malignant tumor;
  • detection of oncology in the first stages of formation;
  • study of transformations that occur in the patient’s tissues during therapy;
  • diagnosis of the pathologies being studied;
  • determining the growth and spread of cancer cells.


Histology provides invaluable assistance in confirming or refuting inflammation in tissues. This unique type of analysis also gives a chance to accurately identify a malignant tumor, which facilitates timely and only correct treatment, taking into account the type of tumor. Histological examination is used not only in gynecology, but also in many other areas of medicine.

In gynecology

What is histology in gynecology? A laboratory test procedure is often prescribed by a doctor to diagnose dangerous female diseases and their timely treatment. Gynecological histological analysis is carried out by examining a piece of tissue. Materials for histology are taken from the ovaries, the uterus and its cervix, the uterine mucosa (endometrium), the cervical canal, formations in the vagina, and so on. A woman is sent for histology if the following abnormalities are present:

  • prolonged bleeding;
  • termination of pregnancy (fetal death, miscarriage);
  • pain in the lower abdomen that constantly makes itself felt;
  • the likelihood of an adenoma or other benign breast tumor developing into cancer;
  • the appearance of neoplasms (polyps, cysts) on the internal or external female genital organs;
  • suspicion of a focus of the inflammatory process (dysplasia, erosion) or the formation of oncology in the uterus, ovaries, vagina;
  • biopsy and tissue analysis after surgery (curettage, hysteroscopy, removal of foreign formations or entire organs).

In other areas of medicine

Tissue collection and careful examination are very important in many medical fields. Every person who is suspected of developing oncological formations, for example, in the endocrine system or gastrointestinal tract, must undergo a histological examination. This modern and accurate technique is used in such areas as:

  • endocrinology (biopsy of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, etc.);
  • dermatology (histology for skin tumors, deep mycosis, reticulosis and other diseases);
  • otolaryngology (collection of samples in the throat, ears, nasal cavity);
  • gastroenterology (examination of tissues of the liver, stomach and pancreas, esophagus, colon, intestines, mucous membranes of these organs);
  • hematology (bone marrow biopsy, lymph nodes);
  • nephrology (analysis of kidney tissue);
  • urology (collection of material to identify pathologies of the prostate gland, testicles, bladder).

Histology analysis

A detailed examination of samples of organ tissue and cells is a histology analysis. A type of detection of dangerous pathologies is closely related to embryology (studies of the structure of the fetus) and cytology (study of living) cells. Histological analysis allows us to determine various abnormalities in any tissue of the body. Histology is often performed within 8-10 days after the biopsy. Sometimes an urgent diagnosis is necessary. In this case, the histological procedure is performed directly in the operating room.


Tissues for histology are collected using a special technique - biopsy. In other words, a microscopic tissue sample (biopsy) will be taken from the patient. He is examined using special equipment. What is a biopsy in its expanded meaning, how is it carried out? The procedure for collecting material is carried out using a long, thin needle, which is intended for intramuscular use.

Sometimes a thick puncture needle is used for a biopsy (the process is more painful, but more effective in terms of the accuracy of the result). When a biopsy is performed, the patient experiences mild unpleasant feelings that disappear within literally 15 minutes. Qualified specialists always collect material for analysis so that the process goes quickly, correctly and with minimal pain.

Manufacturing of drugs

Preparation of preparations for histological examination in the laboratory consists of several stages:

  • collecting material and securing it;
  • pumping out liquid from a material, compaction;
  • preparation of tissue sections;
  • staining each preparation and placing it in a special preservative medium.

There are several types of preparations for histology:

  • section of an organ (used more often than other materials);
  • smears (this is how bone marrow and blood are examined), prints (for example, the spleen);
  • film (taken from the membrane of the brain, abdominal cavity), total preparation.


There are two types of histological analysis, depending on how quickly the results of the study need to be obtained:

  1. Urgent diagnosis involves freezing the drug being studied. Several sections will need to be made in the material, which will be stained and examined using special equipment (microscope). This technique is often used in extreme situations, for example, before an emergency operation. The procedure takes about 40 minutes.
  2. The planned version of histology is performed as follows. The drug is placed in a preservative solution and filled with paraffin. Special cuts are made on the fabric and stained. The analysis of the material itself is performed by a specialist pathologist. Sometimes histological slides and blocks are used for routine analysis. The process of preparing the drug and studying it takes approximately 6-10 days.

Histology results

Some data do not necessarily indicate the identification of health problems. Any specialist performing histology will list the findings of each tissue, not just possible foreign formations. The conclusion is filled out in Latin, so to decipher it you need to seek help from a doctor. The patient receives the results of the histological analysis as a written report. The document contains information about whether any pathologies have been identified in tissues and cells. The conclusion also states:

  • personal information about the patient;
  • what tissue was taken for research;
  • biopsy site;
  • methodology;
  • analysis time;
  • basic information on the study (listed at the end of the document).

Who conducts the histological examination?

Histological examination must be carried out very carefully. Incorrect actions during tissue collection and analysis itself will cause an incorrect result. Histology is carried out by a pathologist. It describes the dimensions, consistency, and color of the material to be analyzed. Later, this specialist uses certain methods to obtain histological preparations. The final stage of the procedure is characterized by examining materials under a microscope, performing anatomical analyzes, and recording the results obtained.

Video about histology

Histological examination is a complex procedure that always occurs in stages. Especially for those who are interested in the details of this process in different areas of medicine, there are several interesting videos. From the videos it will become more clear how tissue is collected and analyzed, and what laboratory histology is. In addition, the videos will tell you about the preparation of research materials and much more.

One of the insidious diseases that can easily destroy most of the crop. The first clear signal of the presence of the disease is the appearance of single black spots on some leaves. Over time, there are more and more of them and they begin to merge together. Some types of this pathogen can infect not only leaves, but also fruits.

The drug Quadris in a minimum concentration (0.04-0.06%), as well as Metaxil (2.5 kg/ha) and Ridomil Gold MC (2.5 kg/ha) will help solve the problem.


There can be 2 main types: fruit and leaf. During the first stage, expressive dark depressed spots appear on the fruits; if nothing is done, they mummify. In the second case, the uppermost leaves wither, leaving the central stem exposed.

A radical solution to the problem could be the cultivation of disease-resistant hybrids: Longf, Shepf, F1 Life. Regardless of the selected variety, before planting seedlings, treat the seeds with Agat-25.

Ascochyta blight

Often distributed in film greenhouses. In open ground, the disease is extremely rare. Mostly the stems of the plant are affected, less often the leaves and fruits. At the base of the stem, characteristic spots appear that have a depressed shape, from which gum oozes.

To prevent the development of ascochyta blight, the soil should be thoroughly disinfected before planting seedlings, after which the drug Trichodermin should be added to it. The use of growth preparations – Immunocytophyte and Agat-25 – also helps. Experienced gardeners treat ascochyta blight spots with a paste of Rovral and chalk.

White rot

Most often it develops on old leaves located near the surface of the ground. Spots with a dark border appear on them, they turn brown, lose their shape and eventually dry out. The disease most often develops at temperatures from 15 to 27 C and air humidity above 77%.

Protection in this case will be the correct choice of a hybrid that is resistant to this disease (available for sale). I have not come across any chemicals that would solve the problem 100%. We'll have to experiment.

It often affects tomato fruits during storage, but can also appear on the fruits of growing plants. Whitish putrefactive spots are first found in damaged, weakened areas and then begin to grow.

The main protection against this disease is preventive soil treatment and high-quality disinfection after growing last year’s crops.


Not the most common disease of tomatoes, but it cannot be ignored. Old leaves are affected by various necrosis and chlorosis; if the situation is neglected, a gradual rejection of the root system may begin.

Commercially available fungicides are ineffective against this disease. Therefore, as a preventive measure, we can recommend removing any plant residues from the soil at the end of the summer season, as well as its disinfection.

Apical rot

They are the most common and practically incurable diseases. Plants are affected by fungal spores that are carried by wind, humans, rain or debris from other plants.

Increased humidity, violation of agricultural cultivation practices and low temperatures activate the development of fungi.

Late blight

Pathogen: Phytophthora infestans

The disease is more typical for open ground. It appears in the form of brown spots that appear throughout the plant - on the stem, leaves and fruits. It actively develops under temperature changes and high humidity. Leads to partial or complete loss of yield.

What to do if an illness occurs:

  1. At the first symptoms, tomatoes are sprayed with saline solution.
  2. During flowering, you can use a solution of crushed garlic, 200 g of which is diluted in 10 liters of water at a temperature of 25ºC and 1 g of manganese is added.
  3. Twice a month, plants are treated with copper oxychloride or polychlorine. 20 g per 10 liters of water is enough.
  4. Among the drugs, it is effective to use Zaslon, Barrier and Oxychom.

Pathogen: Alternaria solani

Dry spots appear on the fruits and leaves of tomatoes, which remain so in any weather conditions. The leaves gradually turn yellow, and a black coating appears on the spots. It grows actively in high humidity and warm weather.

What to do:

  • Follow the rules of crop rotation. It is better to plant tomatoes after legumes, green manure or onions. Potatoes should not be placed nearby and under no circumstances should tomatoes be planted in the same place for several years in a row.
  • For control before fruit formation, fungicides containing zinc are used. After this, biological products are used, such an example would be Fitospirin.


Pathogen: Colletotrichum coccodes, C. dematium.

The disease mainly manifests itself on fruits in the form of depressed spots and on the upper drying leaves. The cause may be the remains of other plants, poor-quality seeds or fresh manure. More often the disease becomes active at the end of the season.

What measures to take:

  1. Before planting, seeds are soaked in potassium permanganate or immunocytophyte.
  2. Tomato bushes are sprayed with Quadris, Flint or Strobe.
  3. With the active development of the disease, drugs with Bacillus subtilis are used.

Pathogen: Septoria lycopersici

The disease begins to develop on the lower leaves, they curl and dry out. The spots are light in color with brown edges. Also, these spots are covered with dark dots, which are pycnidia of the fungus. Spores are spread by wind, rain or human action.

To combat this disease, Bordeaux mixture, copper oxychloride and fungicides are used.

Appears first on the lower leaves of the bush after the tomatoes begin to ripen

With blossom end rot of tomatoes and peppers, watery, dark green spots appear at the top of the fruit, which quickly darken and can cover most of the fruit. The affected tissues dry out, the top becomes flat, and folds form on it.

Secondary microorganisms sometimes enter the affected areas, which leads to their softening.

Sometimes signs of blossom end rot in tomatoes become noticeable only when cutting into the fruit.

Top rot of pepper occurs mainly at high temperatures and low air humidity, as well as with a lack of calcium.

Check out photos of tomato pepper diseases and measures to combat them in garden plots.

The main measures to combat blossom end rot of tomatoes are maintaining the water regime when growing plants. During the period of intensive fruit growth, it is recommended to spray the bushes 1-2 times a week with a 1% solution of calcium chloride.

Plants should be fed with a solution of nitrate and potassium carbonate. To prepare it, you need to add 2 tbsp to 10 liters of water. l. calcium nitrate and 2 tbsp. l. potassium carbonate. Use 200 ml watering solution per plant.

Streak appears on the leaves, petioles and stems of tomato in the form of wide and narrow stripes of dying tissue. Necrotic spots of various sizes and shapes form on the fruits. With significant leaf damage, the spots merge with each other. After some time, the leaf dies.

With severe strikoma infestations, diseased plants develop slowly and may die.

Each patient may need to undergo a histology examination. What such an analysis can show, as well as what the doctor writes about in the conclusion, you can read in this article.

Histology analysis is a way to determine most accurately whether there are any dangerous tumors or cells in the patient’s body. Histology analysis is carried out to identify pathologies in various human systems, including the cervix. The difference between such testing and others is that with its help the doctor can obtain the most accurate information about the patient’s health status.

Currently, examination can be carried out in different ways (ultrasound, MRI, etc.). But not always with the help of them the doctor can obtain reliable data about the patient’s health, as well as make a correct diagnosis. For this there is a more accurate analysis called histology. A similar study is also done for the cervix. With the help of such testing, the doctor can study the tissues and cells in the body, as well as determine the pathology of the disease. This method is quite often used in gynecology to identify pathologies in the cervix.

However, many currently do not know how to correctly take a histology analysis. It is worth noting that such testing is not like all other types of research. It will all depend on which organ needs to be examined. In this case, for example, when determining the pathology of the development of the cervix, the doctor can take a smear from the vagina; in some other cases, tissue sections are taken from the organs being examined.

After receiving the material for testing, the doctor places it in formaldehyde, making a thin section of the material using a special tool. In this way, the fabric can be dyed to make it more convenient to study it. Fabric can be dyed in different ways. Eosin is most often used for this. When the fabric is exposed to such a product, it becomes colored. Its structure is also colored. Next, using a microscope, the doctor determines what bacteria and dangerous cells have appeared in the tissues.

In some cases, tissues may be placed in paraffin for histological analysis. Here, too, for research you will need a microscope, with the help of which you can determine certain pathologies in tissues.

What can a histology analysis show and how many days should it take?

This is also a question that worries many. Doctors note that testing, for example, a cervical test, is not always necessary. This will depend on certain conditions. Analysis must be carried out in the following cases:

  1. To determine the presence in the body, including in the uterus, how many pathogenic bacteria there are or the possibility of a tumor. A tumor is the most common reason for a uterine test. Carrying out analysis in this way allows the doctor to determine pathologies in the organ.
  2. To identify and clarify the causes of infertility.
  3. To determine the condition of the female reproductive system organs, including the uterus.
  4. To determine inflammation in the food digestion system.

Histology is the science that studies tissue. Its achievements are used in medicine to detect pathology before the appearance of clinical symptoms. Let's look at how histology in gynecology helps diagnose diseases of the reproductive organs after curettage.

Direction in biology

What does histology study? This biological science uses a microscope to examine the structure of body tissues. This table describes the subsections of histology.

What general histology studies: the structure of the tissues that make up organs. In gynecology, the study is important conditions of the endometrium of the uterus. What private histology studies: the structure of organs, which consist of characteristic textures.

Subject of research

The subject for research is material from fabrics of different origins. It is examined under a microscope after staining the preparation.

Microscopic examination allows us to detect the following processes occurring in tissues:

  • inflammation
  • blood flow disturbance,
  • internal hemorrhages,
  • vascular thrombosis,
  • detection of cancer cells,
  • presence of malignant tissue.

Important! Histology studies the microscopic structure of organs and textures. Using the method, it is possible to establish the presence of an inflammatory process and detect cancer cells before the appearance of clinical symptoms.

Preparation of material for analysis

The manipulation is carried out in stationary conditions. Material for research is selected by biopsy - taking prints, smears, films or tissue sections. For each method, instructions have been developed, the exact execution of all points of which is mandatory. A tissue sample is fixed with ethanol or formaldehyde, sectioned, stained, and examined using an electron microscope.

To conduct studies under light, fluorescent, phase-contrast or scanning magnifiers, complex preliminary preparation is required. Tissue sections are placed in a specialized balm or filled with paraffin. Material collection from various organs or textures is carried out using a punctate needle, trepanation, or aspiration method.

The selected material goes through the following processing steps:

  1. Fixation with formaldehyde or alcohol. Proteins coagulate, enzymes are inactivated, the cell dies, but does not disintegrate.
  2. Wiring. The sample is dehydrated and impregnated with paraffin.
  3. Filling. The container with the prepared material is filled with a hot liquid that hardens at room temperature. A solid formation is created, which can be conveniently divided into thin layers using a microtome.
  4. Cutting. Different thicknesses are recommended for different microscopes.
  5. Mounting. The slice is placed on the surface of warm water, and from there onto a glass slide to avoid wrinkles.
  6. Coloring.
  7. The final stage. The prepared section is covered (enclosed) with a protective film of Canada balsam or its equivalent. The drug can be stored for a long time.

How many days is the analysis done? This is a labor-intensive process taking, together with decoding, from 7 to 10 days.


What's the difference
between histology and cytology? The latter studies the vital activity of living cells.

Cytological analysis makes it possible to diagnose oncological pathologies, precancerous conditions, inflammatory processes and benign tumors.

In gynecology, mucus is collected for a smear from the urethra, vagina or cervix. The method is simple and safe.

Analysis is being done quickly, the result becomes known after a day. Cytology smears are recommended to be performed annually from the time a woman becomes sexually active.


Histology and biopsy are not different manipulations. To conduct a microscopic examination, it is necessary to select a piece of tissue from the location of the probable lesion. is the process of collecting material for histology analysis. To carry out the procedure, a woman must do the following: preconditions:

  • exclude dietary supplements from the diet for 14 days;
  • abstain from intimate relations for 3-5 days;
  • donate blood and do a vaginal smear for genital infections;
  • carry out all tests before the planned menstruation;
  • if the patient is taking medications, you should consult a doctor to avoid bleeding when collecting material;
  • two days before the procedure, you must stop douching, as well as the use of cosmetics for the care of the genitals.

The following types of biopsy are available:

  1. Strokes are imprints.
  2. Punctures. The puncture is made with a thin needle.
  3. Trephine biopsy. The material is extracted using a thick needle.
  4. Stereobiopsy. For monitoring, ultrasound or another device is used, with which the operator sees the tip of the sampling instrument.
  5. Brush biopsy. A sampling wire with small brushes is inserted through the catheter.
  6. Excision. Selection occurs from the affected organ during surgery.
  7. Transurethral. This is done using a cystoscope.
  8. Aspiration. It is performed through a needle with a syringe or using special devices.

Important! A biopsy is a method of collecting material intended for histological studies.

Significance in gynecology

Histology analysis necessary when the following situations occur:

  • frozen pregnancy;
  • birth of a deceased child;
  • permanent endometritis;
  • questionable symptoms during colposcopy;
  • tumors on the uterus;
  • bleeding during;
  • infertility;
  • histology in gynecology after curettage.

If the fetus died in the early stages, the gynecologist performs curettage to determine the cause of the miscarriage or fading. After eliminating the pathology, the patient has a chance for a successful course of subsequent pregnancies. What a histological examination shows: the presence of diseases that prevent successful pregnancy.

These include:

  • hormonal disorders,
  • genital infections,
  • endometrial abnormalities.

Control of the endometrium after curettage

The operation is performed before the onset of the planned menstruation to identify altered cells. If during the manipulation there is a suspicion of oncological pathology, an express study is performed , the histology results will allow you to adjust the operation.

Important! Histological diagnostic methods in gynecology make it possible to identify the causes of infertility, miscarriage and detect tumor cells before the onset of clinical signs of the disease.

Analysis transcript

If the analysis was carried out in a state institution on the direction of a gynecologist, then the woman will learn the results of the histological examination at a doctor’s appointment.

In a private clinic, the histology transcript is given to the patient on three forms. A woman who does not have a medical education should not try to understand the records.

Many histology results are written in Latin. It is reported what research methods were used - composition of solutions, brand of dyes. A long list of enumerations in the conclusion does not mean What is this Badly.

The doctor who deciphered the analysis describes everything he saw: pathological changes and tissues that correspond to the norm. What is histology in diagnosing gynecological diseases is an informative way to help the doctor draw a conclusion about the state of health, prescribe treatment and preventive measures. The conclusion does not contain recommendations for the treatment of the detected disease. VKontakte

The tissue composition of one or another part of the uterus, its cervix, plays an important role in the diagnosis of various diseases, both associated and not associated with neoplasms in the organs of the reproductive system. For this reason, various studies of the cellular composition of tissues play such an important role in gynecology. It is precisely such studies that include uterine histology, which is carried out for various symptoms and can be informative in diagnosing various types of diseases.



Histological examination of the endometrium and uterus is the study of the morphological cellular structure of certain tissue formations of a changed (or presumably changed) organ in order to establish the type of pathological process. In a situation where we are talking about the study of the reproductive system, the fundamental difference from a smear for cytology, which also examines the cellular composition, is that with cytology only a scraping of the upper layer of the mucous membrane is taken, while with histology - directly a piece of tissue (that is, the procedure more traumatic).

It is performed on patients of any age if there are sufficient indications for it. Unlike cytology, histology is not carried out for preventive purposes, as planned. The preparation for study is a fragment of tissue from a part of an organ, containing several cellular layers, cells of different types.

Its research is carried out using special solutions and dyes in laboratory conditions.


In what cases is cervical histology necessary? The following indications are available for this method:

  • Infertility;
  • Menstrual irregularities, absence of menstruation;
  • Stomach ache;
  • Pain and discomfort during sexual intercourse;
  • Excessively painful premenstrual syndrome;
  • Uncharacteristic or specific vaginal discharge;
  • Bleeding outside the menstrual cycle, etc.

Moreover, since the method is quite traumatic, it is prescribed only in cases where all other diagnostic methods turned out to be uninformative, did not help identify the disease, or there are significant contradictions between their results. In any case, an analysis for the histology of the cervix is ​​prescribed for the following conditions: leukoplakia, uneven surface of the cervical canal for unknown reasons, a large number of malignant atypical cells in a cytology smear, etc.


Although very often the histology of the endometrium of the uterus is studied, including for health reasons, in some conditions such an analysis cannot be carried out. It is recommended to postpone it if:

  1. The patient is pregnant;
  2. The patient has very low blood clotting;
  3. There is an acute inflammatory process in the organs of the reproductive system, as there is a high risk of infection;
  4. The patient has her period on the day of the proposed procedure.

Neglecting these contraindications may lead to bleeding and/or inflammation. A large scar may also form, which will negatively affect the distensibility of the birth canal, and therefore complicate the birth process in the future. Damage to the tumor formation can cause it to actively grow.

Preparations for the procedure

When preparing for this procedure, you need to undergo the following studies:

  1. Blood test for sexually transmitted diseases;
  2. Examination of the degree of vaginal cleanliness;
  3. Cytological examination, bacteriology, PCR;
  4. You must not have sexual intercourse for 48 hours before the intervention;
  5. During the same time, tampons, douching, vaginal suppositories, gels, creams, etc. cannot be used;
  6. In consultation with your doctor, you should stop taking anticoagulants and hormonal drugs.

Correct and complete preparatory measures before the intervention are very important, as they significantly affect the information content and objectivity of the data obtained during the analysis.

What day is it due?

The stage of the menstrual cycle at which the cervical histology analysis is taken depends on the purpose for which the study is being carried out. When determining certain indicators, it is better to choose one or another day to conduct this study.

  • To diagnose menorrhagia, it is recommended to collect research material no later than 48 and no earlier than 72 hours before the expected start of menstruation;
  • When determining the causes of infertility, this period increases to 5-7 days;
  • If it is necessary to assess the hormonal status based on the results of scraping, then it is better to do it in the third stage of the menstrual cycle, since it is during this period that its results are most objective and informative (from 17 to 25 days of the cycle);
  • If amenorrhea occurs, then tests are usually taken several times - four times with a week's break between them (usually, low-traumatic methods are used);
  • If diagnosis is necessary in the presence of any tumors, then the results of cervical histology are equally informative, regardless of the period in which they were given.

There may be some other features. That is why it is very important to take a histological analysis exactly when the doctor prescribed it. If it is prescribed urgently, then when decoding the specialist must make allowances for the stage of the menstrual cycle at which the study was carried out.

Collection methods

Material from the uterine cavity can be collected in various ways. Typically, 8 of them are most often used. Some are more traumatic, others less. The most appropriate method is selected by the doctor, based on the individual characteristics of the patient’s body. The most popular methods are:

The least traumatic methods include laser and radio wave. They are most often prescribed to young girls. The simplest and cheapest, as well as traumatic, methods are those that use a simple scalpel or loop. Using this method, the procedure is usually carried out free of charge, under a compulsory health insurance policy.

Progress of the study

After the drug has been taken for research, it is treated with a preservative, as well as coloring compounds to simplify diagnosis. Water is removed from the preparation, which also makes it more durable and its morphology easier to evaluate.

A dense block of fabric is made using paraffin. Then a thin section of the tissue is taken under a microscope using a special device. The material is colored along the cut in one way or another. After this, the tissue section is examined under a microscope. Normally, the epithelium is brown, the cells are approximately the same. If there are deviations, this suggests the presence of a particular disease.


Everyone undergoing this analysis should take into account that although histological examination of the cervix is ​​a fairly common procedure that is prescribed more or less regularly, it is nevertheless complex. Therefore, the professionalism of the specialist who performs it plays an important role in its informativeness and the quality of the result. This is especially true for the most innovative methods of work, in which doctors do not yet have sufficient (compared to old methods) experience.

In addition, high-quality preparation for such an analysis on the part of the patient is very important. All recommendations must be followed in full. Only then will the test result be as effective as possible.

Production time

How long does this analysis take? Production time varies and depends on many parameters. These are the workload of the laboratory, and the peculiarities of the methods by which the material is studied, and the goals of the study, and the characteristics of the drug, etc. but on average, the results of the study can be obtained 3-7 days after delivery.


How to decipher the results? Only a doctor can do this correctly. It is possible to establish whether atypia is only of a background nature, or whether it affects the deeper layers of tissue and atypical cells are present not only on the mucosa, but also in deeper layers. If atypical cells are found in the deep layers of tissue, this makes it possible to assume or confirm the presence of invasive cancer - the most severe form of oncology.

Are there mistakes?

Can a bad biopsy be wrong? More often than not, a good biopsy is erroneous when, due to an error in tissue sampling or examination, atypical cells are not detected, although in fact they are there. In general, if the preparations and techniques for sampling and studying were followed, then the likelihood of error is very low.

Recovery period

Taking into account the method used to collect tissue for study, the recovery period may vary in duration. Typically, it is recommended that you follow the restrictions listed below for three to six weeks after the intervention. The minimum value is recommended for low-traumatic interventions, the maximum for fairly traumatic ones. What restrictions do experts recommend observing during this period?

  1. For 5-7 days, do not lift heavy objects and limit physical activity;
  2. For 3 days, it is better to avoid getting water into the vagina;
  3. During the entire recovery period, you should not swim in natural reservoirs or chlorinated public pools, as there is a risk of infection;
  4. You should not steam in saunas, sunbathe, or visit a solarium during the entire recovery period;
  5. You can start having sex again no earlier than a month after the intervention, regardless of its type.

Normally, when such an intervention is performed, slight bleeding from the vagina and mild nagging pain in the lower abdomen may be observed for a week. This is normal. However, if the pain becomes too intense, the discharge becomes uncharacteristic - changes in smell and color, or there is severe bleeding, then you should immediately consult a doctor. The same should be done if there is an elevated body temperature.


The cost of the study varies in different cities.

Prices are indicative and may be increased due to the cost of materials and medications.


Although histology analysis is quite traumatic, it is nevertheless necessary. And if done in a timely manner, it can even indirectly contribute to saving the patient’s life.