Cancer horoscope description of the sign. General description of the sign. In my personal life

Let us present to your attention a detailed description of a person born under the zodiac sign Cancer.

Secrets of Cancer's happiness

You are not always able to maintain smooth, happy relationships, because you are a person of moods with a tendency to indecision. This is especially noticeable in Cancer men, who are inclined to change their assessments of what is happening, despite the fact that they are zealous defenders of people dear to them and have a noticeable sentimental streak.

You are a wonderful “getter”, you are persistent and reliable. You have an instinctive, almost telepathic understanding of your partner's feelings and moods, but you certainly need to learn firmness and determination, as well as curbing your tendency to be grumpy and dislike criticism. Do not attach too much importance to your parents' opinions about your family life and do not resort to odious comparisons that can destroy family happiness.

However, you can be called a good, if not brave, lover. Learn to manage sudden changes in your mood wisely. As a rule, representatives of your sign tend to naturally calm down and settle down soon after starting married life. Home and household mean a lot to you.

Astrological characteristics of the zodiac sign Cancer

Symbol: crab.

Ruling planet of Cancer: Moon.

Characteristics of the Cancer sign: water-cardinal-negative.

Sign of a teacher, prophet.

The character of the owner of this sign is: sensitive and compassionate, subject to mood swings, persistent, ambitious, attentive and careful, susceptible to the influence of subtle energies.

Positive qualities of Cancer: perseverance, sensitivity, compassion, heightened mental sensitivity, the gift of persuasion, law-abidingness and idealism, a vivid imagination.

Negative qualities of Cancer: changeability of moods, pronounced inferiority complex, indecisiveness, inability to forgive, pessimism, vulnerability.

Cancer Personality

According to the traditional view, Cancer people are big lovers of home. For all their great commitment to family and home, other special qualities of their personality are also known. So, they crave to be visible and in the spotlight.

You are unusually receptive; your sensitivity borders on hypersensitivity. Your main desire is the desire to be loved, despite the fact that your personal freedom is also dear to you. You have great determination and are able to stubbornly hold on, tightly clinging (not in vain your symbol is the crab) to your loved one, your idea or property. You have the power to achieve the impossible. Your attitude towards the world truly makes you remember a crab, first moving forward, and then immediately moving back.

Let us also note the grandiose desire to earn and save a lot of money, which you realize in life only to a very small extent. This drive makes you a hard worker in big organizations and corporations. However, the original reason for your desire for money is rooted in an excessively large sense of insecurity.

Sometimes this makes you overly cautious and timid, discouraging you from taking risks and taking advantage of good opportunities. Learn to be more entrepreneurial, it's in your best interest. You are a person of strong likes and dislikes, as well as great loyalty.

Your other passion involves a strong sexual drive - perhaps largely due to your affectionate and grasping nature. You need completeness and completeness, and otherwise you tend to suppress and prohibit; it all comes from the same feeling of insecurity. It is an undeniable fact that you are sensitive and sentimental and at the same time love money and good food. You have very strong intuition.

"Cancer" as a friend

People of your kind are worth their weight in gold where loyalty and love for people are important. You are always ready to give, but you are disappointed and sad if it does not bring rewards. You'll never end a relationship, but don't expect too much from a friendship either.

Cancer is like a father

You have excellent qualities as a father, but you feel best in this capacity while your children are very young. Keep up with them and their ideas about life as they grow. Don't be intolerant or reprimand them too harshly. Your imagination can be very rich and you can encourage your children's creativity. Pay special attention to seeing life through their eyes.

Cancer is like a mother

You have supreme maternal power over your family and home, you are an example of selfless maternal love. You are gentle and loving, you gather your chicks closer to the nest and, nevertheless, you are overly inquisitive about the deep, spiritual feelings of children and worry too much about them. Only by giving these inclinations their due can you experience the serene happiness of motherhood.

A look at the decades:

Although everyone born between June 22 and July 22 was born under the sign of Cancer, a more thorough study, taking into account the characteristics of your decade, will help you better evaluate the qualities of your character.

If you were born between June 22 and July 1 (first decade), then you are ruled by the Moon, and the features of a typical “cancer” are very prominently expressed in your character. You are tenacious and tenacious, compassionate, loyal and idealistic, but can be fickle, suspicious, pessimistic and unsure of yourself. Try to build more on the positive traits of your personality.

If your date of birth fell between July 2 and July 12 (second decade), then your ruler is the planet Mars with all his strength and valor, and he imparts these qualities to you.

You are an even stronger “cancer” and are capable of becoming almost a dictator. You have tremendous energy and mobility and will gravitate towards fame and attention from people.

If you were born between July 12 and July 22 (third decade), then you are ruled by the “great benefactor” Jupiter, and you are guaranteed fame, luck and a considerable amount of money. You were born happy, except for the unfortunate tendency to be overweight! Education and travel will benefit you the most.

About people of dual nature - for those born on the days of changing signs

If you were born between June 20-23, then your birth date fell during the Gemini/Cancer transition.

Extraordinary people. They have psychic abilities, are witty, and easily susceptible to mood swings; attractive and somewhat evasive at the same time, and sometimes reserved and cold; in some cases there may be a wonderful interaction of mind and heart and, unfortunately, disorder (when one falls under the control of the other), in others, however, whatever the real reason, they are undoubtedly captivating and charming creatures, often living in their own world . These people are either very sociable or very taciturn and calm. Like water, they are able to take any form, to be almost anything they want to be - and this is their peculiarity, their distinctive feature. If only they understood this and made a sustained, sincere, concentrated and sustained effort!

Diseases of the chest, stomach, intestines, nervous attacks, colds, allergies, and skin diseases can pose a threat to health.

The most important years will be 2, 5, 7, 11, 14, 16, 20, 23, 25, 29, 32, 34, 38, 41, 43, 47, 52, 55, 59, 62, 65, 68, 70, 74 , 77, 79, 83, 86, 88, 92, 95, 97, 101 years.

As a rule, these are somewhat pompous, but inexplicably pleasant people. "Your Lordship" would suit them perfectly. True dignity is different from pomp and circumstance - that is the lesson you should learn in life. By all accounts, you are amiable, often generous, law-abiding, and gifted with creative abilities beyond the ordinary; you are a good father (or mother) to your children, a wonderful host (or hostess), artistic, and often gifted with psychic abilities. Your sensitivity is well known, and this trait can poison your life. Don't let it come to this. This is undoubtedly your “fatal mistake”, a “flaw”, as if in Shakespeare’s tragedy “Hamlet”. Another contradiction is that although you are artistic and imaginative, you are also traditional and conservative, even if you are a bohemian. It's all you. A certain magnetism and the ability to attract and captivate people is inherent in you from birth. You can be a very private person and at the same time have a brilliant public image. It's you too.

Health problems can be caused by the condition of the stomach, chest, heart, circulatory system, back and spine.

The following years will be especially important: 1, 2, 4, 7, 10, 11, 19, 16, 20, 22, 28, 29 (critical), 31, 34, 38, 40, 43, 47, 52, 55-56 ( turning point years), 58, 64-65, 67, 73-74, 76, 82-83, 85, 91-92.

Know what's good for you:

— Lucky number for Cancer: 2, 7, 11, 20, 29, 25, 34, etc. (series of twos and sevens).

- Cancer's lucky colors are pink, pale green and white (mostly).

— Happy Cancer Day: Monday and Thursday.

— Cancer's lucky flowers and herbs: white rose, white lily, poppy, honeysuckle.

— Cancer's lucky stones: rubies, pearls, moonstone.

Representatives of the Cancer sign have pronounced sensitivity - even a ridiculous joke said in their direction can cause depression; Moreover, Cancer has good internal energy, and it can quickly adapt after a depressed state. Cancers should not be considered melancholic, because they love to joke, and they do it no worse than others.

The life of Cancer represents light and dark stripes, and, even in the best moments, people of this sign sometimes prefer to pause and take advantage of the lull to think and make a decision. They take you not through stubbornness, but through cunning, not through aggressiveness, but through starvation.

Cancer has nobility and selflessness, but he is in no hurry to show these qualities, so from the outside he will seem like an egoist in love with himself. Cancers have high self-esteem, so when they find themselves in the spotlight, they begin to behave defiantly. Cancer loves flattery and attention, but takes it for granted. Also, representatives of this sign attach great importance to material values.

Cancer would rather choose a quiet family life than a bright and social life filled with various surprises. They are stingy in showing feelings towards friends, but they have no barriers for their family.

Cancer men They strive to save money and try to get comfortable in everything, providing confidence and reserves for a rainy day. At the first contact with such a person, it will seem that he is stingy, but the point is rather that he is trying to be rational in his expenses, preferring long-term investments. The Cancer man will not waste his strength and energy on trifles, the return from him is not maximum, but he still achieves his goals.

Cancer Women They seem gentle and calm, but their mood is dependent on the world around them. They need the support of family and friends, because they are constantly waiting for approval. They are excellent mothers and faithful wives.

Element of the sign

Cancers belong to the water element. Such people try to avoid stormy currents, choosing a slow but thorough movement along the bottom. They are concerned about the problems of their own safety and security. Cancers use the thickness of the water as additional protection from unnecessary vibrations.

All representatives of the water element, and Cancers in particular, know how to focus on insignificant but interesting little things, although sometimes they give them great importance, thereby limiting their freedom.

For Cancers, a lake is a priority over a fast river; they are not afraid of a boring and routine life and prefer a deep study of the situation to a superficial one, while being well aware that immersion too quickly can be disastrous. Therefore, before starting, they thoroughly test the waters.

Work and career

Among Cancers there are a large number of outstanding people with a scientific mindset - they enjoy studying and comparing facts, analyzing. Cancers love history, and therefore they make excellent specialists in the field of antiques.

Cancers are endowed with imagination. Cancer's ability to keep secrets and instill trust and calm in people makes them good lawyers. They also make good psychologists and psychotherapists.

Cancers have passion, but they are haunted by bad luck, so they make better businessmen than gamblers. It is worth noting that Cancers are very responsible about their work, they perform their duties conscientiously down to the smallest detail, and it does not matter what position they occupy.

Cancers love the earth, and therefore gardening comes very naturally to them. Also, Cancers take food very seriously and attentively, and become excellent cooks.

Psychological portrait

Cancers are in no hurry to show others their true character, preferring to portray a calm and confident person, but people quickly read this mask: Cancer’s fears are too strong to be hidden under the mask of calmness and confidence.

Cancers are not particularly impulsive, but they are prone to sudden mood swings. A representative of this sign can become very offended or angry even over trifles, and then calm down and seem to forget about what happened. When communicating with Cancer, it is worth knowing that his behavior is connected with the phases of the Moon and changes in accordance with them.

Cancers make decisions quickly, but do not go ahead towards their goal. Before achieving a goal, Cancer explores possible plans for the development of the situation and ways to retreat.

Cancers are prone to hoarding, preferring real benefits rather than prospects, and they categorically do not like to risk money. Even if they feel successful in the business, they will invest significantly less into the business than they could - this is how Cancers protect themselves from financial losses, which they fear more than anything else.

Cancers are very vengeful and sometimes vindictive, but they do not fight openly, preferring to do everything on the sly so that no one finds out about it.


The sensitivity of Cancers is a real problem primarily for themselves: they are prone to depression and sudden mood swings. On the other hand, an optimistic Cancer recovers from even the most serious illness right before our eyes and remains healthy until old age.

Skin is an eternal problem for Cancers, because... They are very sensitive and prone to inflammation, even the most minor cuts and abrasions take a long time to heal. Representatives of the sign should also pay attention to the kidneys and bladder, because they are weak, and their care should be appropriate.

Cancer desperately needs walks in the fresh air, as well as rest near the water. The sea can cure Cancer of the melancholy that provokes illness, faster than success at work or even happiness in the family, to which people of this sign attach great importance.

Cancer calendar

Select your birthday and find out the detailed characteristics of Cancer born on that day!

By your zodiac sign you can learn quite a lot about preferences and personality in general, so sometimes you just need to know the characteristics of this zodiac sign.

Zodiac sign Cancer - what does it mean

As you know, this is the fourth sign of the zodiac. There is an interesting myth about how the constellation Cancer appeared, it tells us how Cancer wanted to stop Hercules from killing the Hydra, he dug his claws into Hercules’ leg with all his might, but could not stop him.

But as a reward for his courage, Hera, who hated Hercules with all her soul, immortalized him by placing the constellation Cancer in the starry sky, so that everyone who looked at the sky would remember the reckless but courageous act of Cancer.

The time of Cancer is the summer solstice, this sign symbolizes the element of water. Cancer is patronized by the planet Moon, which symbolizes its secrecy. This means that they never fully reveal themselves to even the closest people; they have some kind of secret that always intrigues and fascinates their friends.

Character of a Cancer person according to the horoscope

Cancers are very calm and balanced individuals, not prone to various adventures. These are calm contemplative thinkers. They have a very sharp mind, but they lack practicality.

For Cancers, comfort means a lot and for this feeling they are ready to sacrifice a lot, even love. If a loved one violates the consistency and regularity of their life, Cancer, without regretting anything, will break off this relationship.

Cancers can be called egoists who do not take into account other people's opinions, unless they coincide with their own. All white flowers are associated with this sign, such as jasmine, honeysuckle, water lilies and metals such as silver and platinum will perfectly complement the nature of Cancers.

Cancer in relationships

They are very passive towards all aspects of life and do not strive to solve problems. Be that as it may, the main thing is not to let Cancers close themselves off, for this you need to know what this zodiac sign means.

At the same time, you cannot directly express your dissatisfaction with Cancers, because they are deeply emotional and vulnerable, this can traumatize them and close them off to others.

When communicating with them, it is also important to maintain a certain distance, because Cancers, with their deep views on life, always need free space for reflection and conclusions, so do not get into their soul, if Cancer considers you worthy of taking a place next to them, this means that soon he will reveal his thoughts and feelings to you.

Zodiac sign Cancer - characteristics

The favorite time of the representative of the Zodiac sign Cancer is a moonlit night. It is at night, full of mystery, in the shimmering silver light, that Cancer indulges in his dreams.

The ghostly light of the moon fits perfectly with his changing mood. On a clear night in the lap of nature, watch the Moon a little, and you will find in it much in common with the character and nature of Cancer. Look how quickly its shape changes: one moment it is a huge, bright, round ball - and now it turns into a narrow, thin sickle, a second later sinking into the clouds.

Frequent mood changes of the Cancer zodiac sign are explained by the same reasons as the ebb and flow of the tides, and occur under the influence of the Moon. But the Moon itself does not change, it only seems changeable. The same is with the character of Cancer: despite the apparent inconsistency and polarity of moods, this is one and the same person. And if you know exactly all the mood swings of Cancer, it is not difficult for you to recognize him, no matter what phase he is in.

One of the phases of his mood is infectious laughter. When Cancer laughs, it's hard not to laugh. He laughs so deliciously and boisterously that he resembles two hundred chickens clucking at the same time. If among the guests someone laughs contagiously or skillfully tells a funny story, know that it is almost certainly Cancer. It is difficult to find a person with a more subtle sense of humor. His jokes are never flat or, on the contrary, abstruse, but come as if from the depths of his soul.

In the rays of glory, Cancers behave at ease: they do not puff themselves up or pretend to be something, but you clearly feel that they are not indifferent to the attention. Cancers never chase fame (they never chase anything at all), but enjoy its fruits with pleasure.

I don’t envy you if you witness the bad mood of a representative of the Zodiac sign Cancer. He has the ability not only to fall into a state of deep depression himself, but also to plunge those around him into it. Pessimism is one of the characteristic traits of Cancer’s nature, and in this state, he somehow constantly remains.

Cancer never sheds crocodile tears. His tears are real streams of sorrow, erupting from the very depths of his tender, easily wounded heart. It is not difficult to offend him with a careless word or look. Having been offended, he remains sullenly silent, and you will never find out the reason for the offense. Sometimes Cancer is capable of deeply harboring a grudge and seeks revenge. True, Cancer prefers to take revenge secretly. Offended, he most often withdraws into himself and shows no signs of life, refusing to answer letters or phone calls.

Another characteristic feature of the Cancer zodiac sign is causeless harshness, even anger. Not for anyone in particular, but for the whole world. A passerby who rudely answered your question, a neighbor at the table who, in response to your request, almost threw a salt shaker at you - all this is also Cancer. At these moments he seems to hate everyone and everything. Fortunately, this condition does not last long. The phase of the Moon changes, and with it the character of Cancer.

To better understand the Cancer zodiac sign, I advise you to observe the habits of a real Cancer. If a cancer grabs onto something with its claw, you will not be able to tear it off with any force. As a last resort, he can even sacrifice his claw. So is Cancer. He will never part with what is dear to him - be it his close friend, thing or work.

It is interesting to watch a cancer when it is aimed at something. This amazing creature will never directly approach the desired object, but will make roundabout maneuvers without letting it out of sight. If suddenly the object he has his “eyes on” wants to run away or someone else intends to encroach on him, the cancer will immediately jump to the coveted object and grab onto it.

The behavior of Cancers is similar to the behavior of their namesakes. Having set a goal, Cancer will never go ahead. He will circle around, pretending to be busy with something else, and watch carefully. But as soon as he feels that someone else can interfere with him, he will quickly complete his planned combination and leave his opponent high and dry.

As for nobility and selflessness, it cannot be said that Cancer is completely devoid of these qualities. On the contrary, he will always come to the rescue, but only when he makes sure that there is nowhere else to wait for help; Cancer will wait until the last minute, expecting that someone else will help, and not him. He is not one of those who thoughtlessly waste his own time or money. And yet he is a kind and compassionate creature, and he will not let you drown before his eyes.

Impulsiveness is not typical for the Cancer zodiac sign. Having conceived something, he will calculate the possible options, weigh the pros and cons. That is why he rarely makes mistakes and all his enterprises end successfully. Not being a gambler by nature, he rarely takes risks, because if he loses, he falls into deep pessimism, feeling unhappy. He does not belong to those natures who, having failed, will try to take revenge. Cancer falls into a trance, from which it will not be able to get out immediately.

Cancers - both men and women - treat their home with love, bordering on reverence, comparable only to the sacred ecstasy into which the ancient priests fell before the sacrificial altar. Cancer's home is a place where he feels calm and comfortable. On duty, Cancer can travel halfway around the world, but nowhere will he be as happy as in his own home. Take a look, if it happens, at the face of a Cancer who has returned home after a long absence. Delight and bliss - that's what will be written on it. Cancer, even if he is very rich and loved, never feels completely comfortable. The constant expectation of future troubles, disasters and trials forever torments him.

Many Cancers keep a huge supply of canned food under their bed or in their pantry. Don't believe me? Stop by and see for yourself. Moreover, some banks indicate a period of 30 years ago. Memories of a long-past famine (although, most likely, he knows about it only by hearsay) will remind him that it is better to prepare for trouble in advance, then it will be easier to cope with it. (Noah, one must think, was also born in the constellation Cancer. Otherwise, it is unlikely that he would have taken with him “a pair of each creature” so prudently.)

Cancer loves water. If he is not swimming or water skiing, he is certainly wading in knee-deep water. Most Cancers have their own boats and even speedboats, and if one of them has to choose between a dozen luxury limousines and his own, albeit small, vessel, where he could be alone with himself, he will, without hesitation, choose the second. Cancers are attracted by the sea surf and the lunar path in the sea. Cancer, who is on board his own yacht in worn-out sneakers (for only the old is truly valuable), can be considered the happiest of mortals.

Cancers are big gourmets. They love it when the pantry and refrigerators are full of supplies (this gives them confidence in the future). Even talking about food puts them in a good-natured mood, with their faces beaming with pleasure. Cancers find it difficult to bear talking about hunger and hungry people and feel sincere compassion for them. Throwing away food, even leftovers, is unacceptable for Cancer. If you don't want him to be disappointed in you, never do this in front of him.

Cancer zodiac signs, both men and women, have a strong parental instinct. They always strive to feed their friends deliciously and wrap them up warmly, and treat them like the most caring parents. It's hard to say that the biggest weakness in a Cancer's life is children, food or money.

Cancer hides its subtle, easily vulnerable soul under a hard shell, consciously avoiding the turbulent collisions of life. His favorite colors are pale gold and silver (shades of moonlight), as well as light green, purple and lilac.

Cancer in work, business and finance

Cancer realizes its abilities in the spheres of imagination, in music, novels, and cinematography. The influence of his planet, the Moon, gives recognition to the public.

He does not tolerate failures at work well, and if he fails, he withdraws into himself, although, in principle, he is endowed with the gift of winning over others.

Most Cancers are excellent gardeners. But their bank accounts are surrounded with no less love and care. Cancers are stingy and financial people. They always have a decent reserve for a rainy day. Even in cases where Cancer assures you of his bankruptcy, this means that he has approached several tens of thousands, put aside for a rainy day. However, for a true Cancer, this is a real disaster. True, with someone he sincerely loves and who is in trouble, Cancer will always share everything he has.

Cancer Health

Cancers are unusually emotional. Cares and worries can put him to bed, but fun can cure him. When something threatens his happiness, health or well-being, Cancer becomes despondent, which entails a deterioration in well-being (even serious illnesses), mistakes, miscalculations and larger troubles. We can safely say that Cancer himself often brings misfortune upon himself.

Most often, Cancers suffer from pain in the chest and chest, knees, they have weak kidneys, bladder, and sensitive skin. The head and face, as well as the stomach and digestive organs are less susceptible to diseases. Cancers practically gave rise to all kinds of ulcers. But those of them who, calling for help with a highly developed sense of humor, maintain good spirits, live happily to a ripe old age. The health of no other zodiac sign is as susceptible to mood swings as that of Cancer. The consequence of dark thoughts and tears is illness, and fun and happiness lead to miraculous healing. People born under this sign should always remember this.

Therefore, he needs to avoid sad and sick people. Cancer has the ability to accumulate in itself those worries, troubles and sorrows that those around them carry within themselves: it makes them feel better, and Cancer feels sadder.

He has a lot of minor ailments; sometimes he simply imagines them, but they depress him very much. But what depresses him most is his state of fatigue. Cancer needs long sleep: this is the best therapy for it. He loves his bed, his room, his “shell”, which shelters him from the hardships of the outside world.

Among the elements, iodine is shown, which promotes the activation of the thyroid gland and cell renewal, as well as maintaining the figure. Lactic acid products are shown. Herbs: lemon balm. For a Cancer woman, pregnancy helps restore balance. Relaxation by the sea and hydrotherapy are recommended. Alcohol and any other stimulants are contraindicated.

Horoscopes of the Zodiac sign Cancer

- at the beginning of your acquaintance, you will be perplexed who she is: a gentle, affectionate Girl or a wild, mistrustful animal. But even after living with her for many years, you will never get an answer to this question. Most likely, it has both, and also a little crazy, a lot of melancholy and a lot of imagination.

- this person is not one of those who is ready to open his soul to the first person he meets. Even his best friends often don't know much about him. To truly understand him, you will have to eat more than a pound of salt with him.

Cancer is the fourth sign of the zodiac. Its designation is two claws, which symbolize the unity of the male and female principles. He personifies the wisdom of love.

Element: water

Planet: Moon

Stone: calcite, emerald

Mascot: heart, clover

Color: green, pink

Characteristics of the sign

The Moon, which rules Cancer, gives it sensitivity and gentleness. This gives him a good understanding of people and a subtle mental organization. However, he does not remain vulnerable. Having a well-developed intuition, Cancer unmistakably determines when it is necessary to “hide in a shell” and sits there until better times. His negative traits are excessive emotionality and secrecy.

People around them often treat Cancer unkindly. His mood spoils easily and spreads to everyone around him. At the same time, he is able to listen and support in difficult times, loves to joke well and laugh heartily.

Cancer Woman

The Cancer woman is more emotional, it is more difficult for her to control her emotions. It is important for her to see the love of loved ones - then she is able to cope with her excessive sensitivity. Representatives of this zodiac sign put family happiness first. They become excellent wives and mothers, sensitive and loving.

Cancer Man

The Cancer man is ready to work hard. He knows how to set goals and achieve them with minimal energy expenditure. It is important for him to have a comfortable environment, because his mood changes quickly depending on the behavior and words of his colleagues and loved ones.

Love and family

Personal relationships are very important for Cancer. But living with him is not easy, because he constantly demands proof of self-love. He searches for his soul mate for a long time, rejecting candidates who, in his opinion, are unsuitable. If the desired ideal is found, he will do everything to win its favor.

Takes family seriously. After all, this is his “fortress”, behind which he hides from a hostile world. Cancer often pampers loved ones with gifts, despite outward stinginess. Loves children and is proud of their successes.


Cancer is compatible in character with the representative of its zodiac sign, Virgo, Taurus, Scorpio and Pisces. Difficult relationships develop with Leo, Capricorn and Aquarius.

Career and profession

Work for Cancer is a vital activity. He is able to devote himself entirely to the task at hand, using his natural concentration and penchant for analytics. For him to work comfortably, the atmosphere in the team is important. He often stops conflicts and reconciles those at war. Colleagues may perceive this as intrusiveness and dislike him for it.

The Cancer submissive is a wonderful performer. He constantly improves his professional level and is able to perform the most complex tasks. But his true calling is to lead. He is demanding of himself and his subordinates. Under his leadership, significant results are achieved.

Cancer can choose any profession. The most suitable areas of activity for him are psychology, accounting, and jurisprudence.


Cancer is most susceptible to nervous diseases and depression due to excessive emotionality. It is important for him to observe a work and rest schedule. To maintain your health, you need to take a short vacation as often as possible and rest from everything that can bring you worries. It is recommended to drink herbs that normalize the nervous system and use hydrotherapy.

Cancer's weak points are the nervous system, kidneys, chest, skin and gastrointestinal tract.

When it comes to food, it is important to stick to the golden mean. It is undesirable to consume a lot of fatty, spicy foods and carbonated drinks. After all, the gastrointestinal tract is also sensitive to stress, and overload with unhealthy food can cause permanent disruption of its functioning. It is recommended to eat more lactic acid products and iodine-rich foods.

Element of Cancer

The element of the zodiac sign Cancer is Water. Water gives Cancer a number of distinctive properties such as creative thinking, daydreaming, impressionability, detachment from the outside world, disorganization, and sloppiness.

Planet Cancer

The patron planet of the Cancer zodiac sign is the Moon. The Moon influences the fate of Cancer and endows it with a number of strengths and weaknesses, such as the willingness to follow the call of intuition, spontaneity during decision-making, caring, responsiveness, sensitivity, increased emotionality, whimsicality, subtle aesthetic taste, frequent mood swings, disorganization, dependence on someone else's opinion, a strong connection with family and origin.

Celebrities born under the sign of Cancer

Alexander Vasiliev, Alsou, Anna Mikhailovskaya, Valery Meladze, Vitali Klitschko, Grigory Leps, Dmitry Pevtsov, Yegor Creed, Zhanna Aguzarova, Zhanna Friske, Zinedine Zidane, Leonid Agutin, Liv Tyler, Lindsay Lohan, Laysan Utyasheva, Mike Tyson, Meryl Streep, Natalya Rudova, Nonna Grishaeva, Pamela Anderson, Pelageya, Princess Diana, Ralf Schumacher, Robin Williams, Sergei Zverev, Sylvester Stallone, Tatyana Lazareva, Timur Bekmambetov, Tom Cruise, Tom Hanks, Tutta Larsen, Harrison Ford.

Characteristics of the zodiac sign Cancer by animal year


People born under the sign of Cancer in the year of the Rat have a magnetic effect on those around them. Their charisma, optimism and sincerity make them the soul of any company. When the slightest obstacle to their plans appears, they become upset and withdraw into themselves. They rarely splash out their emotions and share their experiences only with those they trust.


Cancers born in the year of the Ox have good health. Energy combined with endurance and extraordinary intelligence opens up wide opportunities for them. These people rarely rush into the thick of things. They like a measured life, which gives them a feeling of comfort and security. They open their inner world to a select few.


People born under the sign of Cancer in the year of the Tiger radiate kindness and optimism. Thanks to their exquisite taste and grace, they know how to present themselves in society. They subconsciously strive for power and behave harshly with those who do not obey their will. They are picky about the words and actions of others and tend to invent problems in order to heroically solve them.


Cancers born in the year of the Rabbit stand out for their bright appearance and elegance. They are wise beyond their years, which attracts older people to them. He approaches matters in detail, prescribing a clear plan of action. In controversial situations, they rely on intuition. In human relationships, sincerity is valued, without which friendship or love is doomed to failure.


A person who was born under the sign of Cancer in the year of the Dragon is endowed with natural charm. It becomes warmer and more comfortable next to him, which attracts people to him. Compliance takes him away from conflicts, and unprecedented cordiality helps him win the trust of his friends. Has a developed sense of duty and the gift of an organizer. We are ready to move mountains for the sake of a dream.


Cancers born in the year of the Snake skillfully control their emotions. Thanks to demonstrative self-confidence and calmness, no one knows what is going on in their souls. They like to live according to a plan and avoid tasks that require quick action. They find happiness in knowing their inner world. Because of this, they have few real friends.


People born under the sign of Cancer in the year of the Horse are dependent on public opinion. In an effort to please, they often lose their individuality. Thanks to their vivid imagination, erudition and aesthetic taste, they do not accept stereotypes. The lack of inner strength is compensated by the support of friends and relatives. They value feelings as long as they contain romance.


Cancers born in the year of the Goat value stability. Despite their unpredictability and impermanence, they are afraid of change. Communication with people is often fraught with conflict. Due to laziness and unwillingness to take responsibility, success comes to them towards the end of their lives. Family often becomes the only pier that can curb their temper.


Cancers who were born in the year of the Monkey have a passionate temperament. Their energy, enthusiasm and self-confidence are enough to move mountains. They have a non-standard type of thinking, thanks to which they achieve their plans with unprecedented ease. They rarely refuse help and always know how to defuse the situation.


Cancers who were born in the year of the Rooster can hardly be called a harmonious person. They combine logic and frivolity, isolation and gullibility, compliance and conflict. Despite the internal imbalance, these people radiate positivity and pursue good goals. Due to constant mood swings and restless disposition, it is never boring with them.


A person born under the sign of Cancer in the year of the Dog is an example of humanism and devotion. He is not prone to conflicts, betrayal and falsehood, in the fight against which he sees his highest purpose. Due to riskiness and impatience, he often regrets what he has done. Easily adapts to the situation, which increases his chances of winning.


Cancers born in the year of the Pig have a self-sufficient and integral nature. They quickly get carried away by new ideas and face all sorts of troubles with humor. They rarely take unnecessary risks. Due to frequent mood swings, others treat them with caution. With their love of love, they dream of creating a strong family.