What is reflux gastritis and can it be cured forever. Acute reflux gastritis or karma for malnutrition

The group of diseases of the digestive system includes reflux gastritis. This is inflammation of the stomach due to backcast contents of the duodenum. Intestinal juice, pancreatic secretion and bile enter there. Otherwise, this form of gastritis is called biliary.

The development of gastritis on the background of reflux

Biliary gastritis is a non-infectious disease in which the lining of the stomach becomes inflamed. Its development is based on duodeno-gastric reflux. This state widespread among the population. Reflux can also occur in healthy people. It is considered pathological if the acidity of the stomach changes significantly and does not depend on food intake.

Reflux gastritis occurs predominantly in adults. Children rarely get sick. The prevalence of this form of inflammation of the stomach is 5-7%. In every second of these patients, a violation of the motility of the antrum and 12 duodenal ulcer is detected. For reflux gastritis overall structure inflammatory diseases stomach accounts for 5%.

Etiological factors and pathogenesis

There are several reasons for the development of this pathology. The main etiological factors are:

  • dysfunction of the sphincter;
  • resection of the stomach;
  • suturing a duodenal ulcer;
  • cholecystectomy;
  • plastic of the pyloric department;
  • carrying out gastroenterostomy;
  • chronic duodenitis;
  • chronic gastritis;
  • stomach cancer;
  • stagnation of contents in the duodenum;
  • high pressure in the small intestine.

The development of bile reflux gastritis is due to impaired motility of the intestines and stomach or insufficiency of the sphincter of Oddi. Against this background, pancreatic enzymes, bile acids, intestinal juice and lysolecithin are thrown back. Increased secretion of gastrin. All this leads to damage to the cells of the mucous layer of the organ.

Over time, dystrophy develops. The inflammation is focal. Deep layers of the organ may be involved in the process. In healthy people with periodic reflux, bile does not irritate the mucous membrane. When this process becomes constant, the barrier function is broken. Biliary gastritis is often accompanied by an increase in pressure in the organ cavity.

This is a risk factor for the development of gastroesophageal reflux disease. In the development of biliary gastritis play a role:

  • malnutrition;
  • alcoholism;
  • pancreatitis;
  • cholecystitis;
  • cholelithiasis;
  • smoking;
  • alcohol addiction;
  • taking medications from the NSAID group;
  • stress.

The appearance of this pathology is largely determined by the lifestyle of a person.

How the disease progresses

The severity of symptoms of reflux gastritis depends on the form of the disease. Gastritis is simple (catarrhal, superficial), erosive, atrophic and hyperplastic. The main symptoms are:

  • pain in the upper abdomen;
  • feeling of heaviness after eating;
  • air belching;
  • heartburn;
  • nausea;
  • flatulence;
  • bitter taste in the mouth;
  • belching of eaten food;
  • violation of the stool by the type of diarrhea or constipation;
  • vomiting of bile;
  • loss of appetite;
  • weight loss;
  • dry skin;
  • cracks in the corners of the mouth;
  • weakness.

With catarrhal reflux gastritis, pain does not always appear. This is not a permanent symptom. The pain is felt in the epigastric region and occurs after eating. She is spastic. Pain can be triggered by stress and heavy physical labor. Violation of the digestion process leads to the accumulation of gases in the stomach. This is manifested by belching and flatulence.

Sometimes there is a cough. Its appearance indicates the entry of stomach contents into the esophagus. The disease proceeds in waves and for a long time. Long periods of remission are often observed. If a person is not treated, then tissue transformation occurs. Necrobiosis develops, erosion appears.

The latter may bleed. This results in clotted blood in the stool. Over time, proliferation and dysplasia develop. This leads to atrophy of the parietal cells. Juice secretion is reduced. The following symptoms appear:

  • feeling of fullness in the stomach;
  • rotten taste in the mouth;
  • unstable chair;
  • fast saturation;
  • dry mouth;
  • pale skin;
  • atrophy of the papillae of the tongue;
  • white bloom;
  • dizziness.

With atrophic catarrhal reflux gastritis, hypovitaminosis often develops. Vitamin A deficiency can cause vision loss. With a deficiency of cyanocobalamin, brittle nails and hair are observed. Some patients develop a hyperplastic form of the disease, in which cysts and polyps form.

Patient examination plan

With reflux gastritis, the symptoms are nonspecific. To determine the type of inflammation and possible cause the following studies will be needed:

  • pH-metry;
  • FEGDS;
  • biopsy;
  • histological analysis;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs;
  • antroduodenal manometry;
  • electrogastrography.

It is important to assess the acidity of gastric juice. Daily pH monitoring may be necessary. During FEGDS, edema and redness of the mucosa are detected. If you suspect the presence of chronic reflux gastritis, an analysis for Helicobacter bacteria is mandatory. It is required to exclude other diseases (gastric and duodenal ulcers, cholecystitis, pancreatitis). Be sure to collect an anamnesis and palpation of the abdomen. During the survey, the gastroenterologist identifies the main risk factors for the development of gastritis. Lifestyle, diet, bad habits, chronic diseases, current complaints are assessed.

Treatment methods for patients

With reflux gastritis, treatment is conservative. In the absence of dangerous complications, hospitalization is not required. What medications should be taken for this disease, not everyone knows. Drug treatment pursues the following tasks:

  • increasing the protective properties of the gastric mucosa;
  • decrease in acidity;
  • elimination of the main symptoms;
  • decrease in aggressiveness of bile.

For biliary reflux gastritis, the following medications are used:

  • prokinetics;
  • antacids;
  • proton pump blockers;
  • ursodeoxycholic acid preparations.

To reduce irritation of the gastric mucosa, proton pump inhibitors are prescribed. These include Omez, Rabiet, Pariet, Lancid, Epicurus, Lansoprazole-Stada and Omeprazole-Akrikhin. With increased acidity, antacids are prescribed (Tisacid, Rutacid, Phosphalugel, Almagel). An important aspect therapy is the normalization of the motor function of the stomach and duodenum 12. This is achieved through the use of prokinetics.

These include Domperidone-Teva, Passagex, Motilac and Motilium. They help to cope with bitterness in the mouth, belching and heartburn. All prokinetics accelerate the evacuation of food from the stomach and duodenum. Ursodeoxycholic acid preparations must be prescribed. This group includes Ursosan, Ursofalk, Ursodez and Urdoksa. Ursodeoxycholic acid is the least aggressive bile acid. It does not have cytotoxic properties. It reduces the concentration of cholesterol in bile, prevents the formation of stones, increases the activity of lipase and improves liver function.

Ursofalk is contraindicated in the presence of gallstones, cirrhosis, dysfunction of the gallbladder, acute cholecystitis, acute inflammation of the intestine, damage to the kidneys, pancreas and liver, as well as drug intolerance. These drugs are not suitable for the treatment of reflux gastritis in pregnant and lactating women. The choice of drugs largely depends on the level of stomach acidity, their tolerance and the age of the patients.

Other aspects of therapy

Diet for reflux gastritis plays a big role in treatment. All patients must adhere to the following rules:

  • refuse fried foods and spicy foods;
  • do not use extractives and acidic foods;
  • exclude carbonated drinks, coffee and alcohol from the menu;
  • eat fractionally in small portions 5-6 times a day;
  • do not eat before bed;
  • do not take a horizontal position of the body and do not work after eating.

The menu for reflux gastritis should be such as to achieve maximum sparing of the gastric mucosa. To improve the motility of the stomach and intestines, it is imperative to consume 500 g of fresh fruits and 300–400 g of vegetables daily. Patients can eat lean boiled meat, lean fish, dairy products, cereals, soups, pasta, vegetables, cereals and sweet fruits.

During diet therapy, you can drink weak tea, compote or jelly home cooking. A doctor should tell the patient about therapeutic nutrition for reflux gastritis. Additionally, B vitamins and retinol may be prescribed. The treatment regimen includes physiotherapy (electrophoresis, UHF, phonophoresis and UHF therapy).

It is possible to carry out amplipulse therapy. Physiotherapy is contraindicated in case of erosion or ulcers. Diet therapy for reflux gastritis can be supplemented with traditional medicine. To combat heartburn, angelica seeds, calamus roots and celery are used. Excellent tool are flax seeds. They have an enveloping effect and help protect the mucosa from irritation by its bile.

Prevention of the disease is rational nutrition, treatment of cholecystitis and duodenitis, proper conduct operations on organs gastrointestinal tract, kept active image life, giving up alcohol and cigarettes. Thus, biliary gastritis on the background of reflux is rare. If you experience pain, bitterness in your mouth, heartburn, nausea or belching, you need to visit a gastroenterologist.

Symptoms of the disorder digestive tract familiar to almost everyone. The most common of them is the severity after taking fatty foods, abdominal pain, stool changes. All these signs indicate that there was a violation of the function of the digestive tract. However, there are many diagnostic criteria characteristic of a particular pathology. The most common disease that most of the population has is gastritis. This pathology includes several types of inflammation of the stomach wall. One of them is reflux gastritis. This disease has a chronic course, so it is important to distinguish it from an acute inflammatory process that occurs episodically.

Clinical manifestations of gastritis

Reflux gastritis is chronic pathology stomach, so it manifests itself repeatedly. If the diet is violated, relapses of the disease occur, which can last more than one month. A temporary cessation of the process during treatment, followed by the onset of symptoms, is one of the diagnostic criteria for reflux gastritis. The clinical picture of the inflammatory process consists of the following symptoms:

  1. Pain in the epigastric region for half an hour after eating.
  2. Bad breath.
  3. Belching.
  4. Chair disorder.
  5. Bloating and nausea.
  6. Single vomiting.

Biliary reflux gastritis is manifested by the appearance of a bitter taste in the mouth, an unpleasant eructation. When vomit appears, their color is most often dark due to the admixture of bile. Apart from indicated symptoms, at chronic inflammation stomach, there is a change in skin color (anemia), dryness in the corners of the mouth, weight loss.

Diagnosis of reflux gastritis

The diagnosis of reflux gastritis can be made according to the corresponding symptoms of the disease. In order to confirm it, a number of special studies are being carried out. The most common diagnostic method is FEGDS. Thanks to this study, changes in the mucous membrane are evaluated not only in the stomach, but also in the esophagus and duodenum. Another advantage of FEGDS is the possibility of taking a biopsy in the area of ​​damaged tissue. At histological examination mucous membrane, it is possible to accurately determine the depth of the defect and make a diagnosis: atrophic or superficial reflux gastritis. In addition to the endoscopic method, abdominal ultrasound and x-rays with contrast are performed.

What is the diet for reflux gastritis

With any digestive disease, you must follow a diet. This is especially true for gastritis. Improper nutrition exacerbates the inflammatory process, as there is irritation of the gastric mucosa. In no case should you eat fatty, spicy and fried foods. It is also not recommended to eat a lot of salty and sweet. All these products provoke a relapse of reflux gastritis. At acute attack it is necessary to follow a strict diet (table number 1), which is implemented in all medical hospitals. If the patient's condition is not so severe, then you can be treated at home. However, dieting is essential. Foods that can be eaten with gastritis include boiled and steamed vegetables, meat, low-fat broths, mashed potatoes and cereals on the water, soft-boiled eggs. In addition, it is recommended to use crackers.

Reflux gastritis: drug treatment

It is worth remembering that the main treatment for any inflammatory process of the stomach wall is proper nutrition. However, the courses drug therapy also give a positive effect if a diagnosis of reflux gastritis is made. Treatment should be aimed at accelerating the movement of food, neutralizing bile, and also relieving inflammation. In order to get rid of the reverse reflux of intestinal contents, prokinetic agents are used (drugs "Cerukal", "Motilium"). decline harmful effects bile acids are promoted by the medicines "Ursosan" and "Holosas". For anti-inflammatory purposes, proton pump inhibitors are used, which neutralize the increased acidity of the stomach. The representative of this group is the drug "Omeprazole".

Disease prevention

In order to prevent the development of gastritis, it is necessary not only to eat right, but also to give up bad habits. Stress is another factor due to which reflux gastritis is formed. Therefore, it is important to avoid nervous overexcitation. If gastritis has already developed, it is necessary to undergo an annual examination to prevent an exacerbation of the disease.

Most people do not take stomach and intestinal problems seriously. As a result, against the background of banal discomfort, such an ailment as reflux gastritis can develop. The trick of the disease is that it may not manifest itself for a long time and then lead to serious complications.

The sphincter is a special circular muscle located at the intersection of the stomach and esophagus. This muscle is also located at the exit from the stomach into the duodenum. The activity of the sphincters and the stomach should be synchronized. In simple words when the esophageal sphincter closes, there is a wave contraction of the stomach towards the intestine. After that, the lower muscle should open so that the contents enter the intestines, then the sphincter closes.

This structure of the stomach is due to the fact that different sections have different pH, which is necessary for the full process of digestion. For example, near the esophagus, the pH is slightly acidic, in the stomach itself, where the food bolus is treated with acid - acidic environment, and near the intestines - alkaline.

In reflux gastritis, the lower gastric sphincter does not close completely or opens after food has left the stomach. Inflammation occurs because the contents of the intestine, treated with alkali, penetrate into antrum. As a result, antral reflux gastritis develops.

Reflux gastritis is a chronic inflammatory process that occurs in the walls of the stomach cavity. This disease is formed due to the return of digested food back to the stomach from the intestine. Most often, there is a further development of such complications as duodenogastric reflux.

Such throwing can be called reflux. Due to the fact that in the intestine there is a flow of bile to process fats, the chyme enters into an aggressive interaction with the stomach walls, stimulating inflammation and ulcers. This disease is difficult to treat. In 70% of all cases, the patient is forced to comply medical nutrition all life. The disease affects the cells nervous system, so the patient during the period of the disease becomes irritable, feels severe pain and other symptoms. Useful related articles - and what is this disease.

Classification of pathology

Varieties of reflux gastritis depend on the localization, the nature of the course of the disease.

Reflux gastritis is classified as follows:

Biliary gastritis of the stomach is a disease accompanied by a malfunction in the normal functioning of the bile duct, sac. Second name - bile reflux gastritis. In the bile ducts, sphincters atrophy, which can be facilitated by many factors:

  • infection;
  • stress;
  • genetic predisposition.

A large amount of bile is thrown into the intestines, some penetrates into the stomach, which destroys the integrity of the walls. The result is inflammation. If treatment is not started on time, inflammation can lead to an ulcer.

Superficial reflux gastritis recognized dangerous pathology capable of causing cancer. Considering that bile juice constantly penetrates into the stomach, many epithelial cells die in it, but in return, much more superfluous ones are formed. As a result, they remain an unformed mass. Such cell associations can transform into a malignant tumor.

Duodenal reflux gastritis is an inflammatory process that occurs due to retrograde reflux of food into the stomach from the duodenum. Appears as a result of inflammation in the intestines and pressure in it, increased weakness sphincter between the stomach and intestines.

Catarrhal reflux gastritis affects much deeper than superficial gastritis. Adversely affects the condition of the mucous membrane. As a result, there is a strong swelling on the shell, epithelial dystrophy may occur.

Erosive gastritis is a rather painful variety. Most often, pathology occurs in people with sensitive epithelium. As a result of several refluxes, many small ulcers form. The main symptoms are painful spasms that make themselves felt during or after eating. These ulcers need emergency treatment. Otherwise, the entire stomach may be affected.

The atrophic type is the most dangerous, since the entire gastric mucosa atrophies. This leads to the fact that the gastric walls become vulnerable, defenseless.

Symptoms of pathology and complications

Reflux gastritis, the symptoms of which are considered ambiguous, proceeds with vague signs, so in most cases the patient is unaware of the presence of the disease. At this time, acidity changes, causing the transformation of cells resembling those located in the intestines. There is a huge risk of complications.

The treatment is determined by the doctor, therefore, with any suspicion of a disease, it is necessary to go for an examination and consultation. The main symptoms of the disease:

  • lack of appetite;
  • weight loss
  • belching;
  • ulcers, jams appear in the corner of the mouth;
  • v epigastric region pain is concentrated, which has a aching character;
  • the presence of an unpleasant aftertaste in the oral cavity;
  • heartburn;
  • alternating diarrhea and constipation.

One of the complications of reflux gastritis is esophagitis. Esophagitis is an inflammatory lesion of the esophagus, namely its mucous membrane. This disease manifests itself as follows:

  • increased salivation;
  • heartburn;
  • burning pain behind the sternum;
  • swallowing function is impaired.

Esophagitis can provoke such pathological conditions:

  • stenosis;
  • Barret's disease;
  • perforation of the esophagus;
  • peptic ulcer.

To diagnose esophagitis, it is necessary to conduct the following studies:

  • x-ray of the esophagus;
  • endoscopic biopsy;
  • esophagoscopy.

Treatment is prescribed based on the etiology of esophagitis. It is carried out through diet, physiotherapy and medication. In case of urgent need, surgical intervention may be necessary.

In some cases, a complication such as gastritis duodenitis may develop. When the mucous membrane of the duodenum becomes inflamed, duodenitis disease occurs. If inflammation also affects the stomach, gastroduodenitis develops.

Symptoms of the disease:

  • constant pain in the epigastrium has a aching character;
  • most often, there are hungry, night pains;
  • spread of pain to the shoulder blade and left arm, back;
  • irritability;
  • inflammation;
  • impaired motility of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • belching;
  • heaviness in the abdomen;
  • aversion to food;
  • weight loss;
  • constipation and diarrhea.

Confirm the presence of reflux gastritis and possible complications some research will help. Most often, they do the following:

  • stomach biopsy;
  • FEGDS;
  • daily monitoring of the pH of the patient's stomach.

When the diagnosis is confirmed, the doctor prescribes the appropriate treatment.

Medical therapy

Having found the symptoms, you need to visit a doctor and start treatment. According to the results of the tests, the doctor prescribes a special diet therapy and vitamins. If the inflammation is focal, then antihistamines or anti-inflammatory drugs will be needed.

Sometimes to this disease added bacterial infection. In this case, antibiotics are prescribed. The doctor must choose such medicines that will not cause injury to the diseased stomach. If neoplasms are present, surgical intervention is performed.

The diet prohibits the use of the following foods:

  • fast food;
  • soda, alcohol;
  • sugar and salt;
  • fruits are sour;
  • coffee Tea;
  • boiled eggs;
  • raw vegetables, fruits;
  • pork;
  • beans;
  • yeast dough;
  • peas;
  • cabbage;
  • smoked meats, canned food and marinades.

Diet therapy offers the following useful products:

  • omelette;
  • milk;
  • cottage cheese (casserole, cheesecakes);
  • souffle, pudding;
  • steamed fish cakes;
  • lean meat;
  • biscuit cookies;
  • porridge;
  • jelly;
  • rosehip decoction.

It is necessary to eat food 5-6 times a day in small portions, chewing thoroughly.

We should not forget about traditional medicine. In this case, you must first consult with your doctor. Only after his approval can the methods of traditional medicine be used. It is important to choose a good and effective remedy, without contraindications and side effects.

For the treatment of gastritis folk remedies the following options apply:

Recipe #1

Potato decoction. Cut the washed tubers, do not peel the peel, boil for an hour. Take five times a day for one hundred milliliters.

Recipe #2

Dandelion syrup. This method great for pain and discomfort. Place the flowers of the plant in a three-liter bottle, sprinkle the layers with sugar (500 grams), press so that the juice appears. Dosage: 1 tbsp. a spoonful of syrup is diluted in 100 ml warm water, drink three times a day.

Recipe #3

Grate the celery root, squeeze out the juice. Take one tablespoon twice a day before meals.

Recipe #4

Mix 1 tbsp. St. John's wort, yarrow, mint, brew in 3 cups of boiling water. Leave for a day. Application: take a few sips every two hours.

Recipe number 5

Grate the tubers raw potatoes, wrap in gauze and squeeze the juice. Drink six times a day for one hundred milliliters.

If there is a suspicion of reflux gastritis, an urgent need to visit a doctor to perform an instrumental study. For gastritis of the stomach, specific pains and symptoms are characteristic that will help to make a diagnosis. The specialist can assign competent treatment, prescribe necessary medicines, phytotherapy and diet therapy.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract frequent pathology for modern people. Inflammatory process affecting the gastric mucosa is the most common disease. One of the varieties of the disease is chronic reflux gastritis.

It is caused by the return of food from the duodenum. The content has an increased acidity, which irritates the mucous membrane. The disease most often proceeds according to the chronic type, has characteristic symptoms. Therapy of the disease includes not only drug treatment, but also the correction of the diet.

A chronic inflammatory process that develops on the mucous membrane of the antrum of the stomach due to the reflux of food from the duodenum is reflux gastritis. Food masses have a negative effect on the shell, since they are more acidic than the contents of the stomach, and also contain bile acids and other enzymes.

As a result, the blood circulation of the membrane is disturbed, puffiness appears, defects appear in the form of erosions, dead areas. The disease has a classification according to microbial K 29.5 and is treated as chronic gastritis, unspecified.

A bit of physiology

The entrance and exit of the stomach is closed by muscular rings called sphincters. The upper one separates the stomach from the esophagus, the lower one closes the entrance to the duodenum. They close and open alternately. Food, moving through the esophagus, passes through the upper sphincter, enters the stomach, which begins to contract, moving food to the lower sphincter. It opens, and food masses, moving further, enter the intestine.

The stomach is divided into sections, each of which has a different acidity, which contributes to the digestion of food. The weakest environment has a distal section, the middle - high acidity, the 12th duodenum contains alkali. With reflux, the alkaline contents enter the antrum of the stomach through an incompletely closed muscle ring and cause an inflammatory process.

Reasons for the development of pathology

This type of gastritis is caused by the following reasons:

  • chronic type duodenitis;
  • adverse drug reactions;
  • stomach surgery;
  • weakening of the sphincter tone.

True reflux gastritis is caused by only one reason - resection of the stomach. Chemical Appearance is a consequence of impaired patency of the 12th duodenum, diseases of the pylorus. In addition, they cause such a pathology. medicines, groups of NSAIDs, anti-inflammatory drugs, as well as drugs containing iron, potassium. The cause of reflux is also the intake of a large amount of alcoholic beverages.

Disease classification

The pathological process has its own varieties, depending on the degree of damage to the mucosa, as well as the nature of the course of the disease. Allocate:

In case of violation of the contractile function of the lower sphincter, food is thrown back, negatively affecting the walls of the stomach.

Symptomatic manifestations

Symptoms of gastritis reflux are similar to other clinical manifestations of diseases of the digestive system, but have their own characteristics:

  • fullness in the stomach after eating;
  • heaviness in the epigastric region;
  • bitter taste and the same eructation;
  • increased gas formation;
  • constant nausea;
  • stool disorder.

The pain syndrome in this disease is absent or manifests itself weakly. A brighter clinic appears during the period of exacerbation. In the process of the disease, there is a violation of the evacuation of food through the gastric tract, as well as the absorption useful substances from incoming food, which leads to a lack of vitamins and anemia. As a result, the patient loses weight, the skin turns pale, dry, brittle hair falls out, cracks appear in the corners of the mouth. At the reception, the patient complains of headaches, decreased performance, hypoactivity, nervousness.

Diagnostic measures

To establish a diagnosis of chronic reflux gastritis, in addition to collecting patient complaints and an objective examination, diagnostic procedures consist of:

  • esophagogastroduodenoscopy;
  • measurements of the intragastric environment;
  • biochemistry of blood and urine;
  • general analysis of blood and urine;
  • stool samples for the presence of occult blood;
  • Ultrasound of the abdominal organs.

Instrumental studies are prescribed as additional procedures, since plaque on the tongue, emaciation and other visible changes are characteristic of all types of gastritis. Diagnostics makes it possible to distinguish reflux gastritis from other gastric pathologies, to determine the degree of damage to the walls of the stomach, as well as the level of acidity. to identify a bacterial lesion (X, bacter pylori), bakposev is carried out.

Treatment of reflux gastritis

Therapy of the chronic type of reflux gastritis does not require hospitalization. Hospital treatment assumed if:

  • carrying out surgical intervention;
  • persistent dyspeptic disorders;
  • suspicion of complications.

In other cases, the patient is prescribed treatment, which he conducts at home on his own. It includes:

  • diet
  • mode correction;
  • medication.

An important aspect of treatment that needs to be taken into account is strict observance proper nutrition and daily routine.

Diet and diet

The diet of a patient with reflux is aimed at reducing gastric overload. Therefore, you need to eat often (5-7 times), but in small portions, do not overeat. You can’t immediately go to bed after a meal, you need to actively move for about half an hour. Eating before bedtime, as well as at night, is prohibited. The food taken should not be spicy, well cooked. Steamed, boiled or baked food without adding fat. Changes are also made in the diet of such patients. It is forbidden:

  • sweets containing cocoa;
  • coffee and caffeinated drinks;
  • fortified and alcoholic drinks;
  • soda;
  • spicy, fatty and spicy dishes;
  • preservation and marinades;
  • acidic foods;
  • fresh baked goods.

The emphasis in nutrition is on vegetables, fruits, cereals, pasta and eggs are limited. You can rabbit meat, veal, chicken meat, not fatty fish, but you should refuse pork and beef with hard veins. The same applies to fatty fish.

Medical treatment

During the treatment period, medications of different pharmacological groups are prescribed:

  • Prokinetics reduce reflux - Cerucal, Motylium, Raglan.
  • At severe pain drink antispasmodics or analgesics - No-shpa, drotaverine.
  • Cytoprotectors are used to protect the mucosa - De-nol, Sucralfate;
  • If there are erosive changes in the mucosa, apply Omeprazole, Pariet.
  • to reduce the negative impact of gastric secretion on the mucosa drink Almagel, Phosphalugel, Smektu.
  • If there is a lesion of H. bacter pylori, then antibiotic therapy is carried out.

The drugs should be drunk in a course and in a dosage prescribed by a doctor. Self-correction of treatment leads to negative results.

Treatment at home

If reflux gastritis is chronic, then it is treated at home. To do this, they adhere to proper nutrition, perform exercises prescribed by the doctor, take decoctions of herbs. In addition, such patients should not be subjected to increased physical exertion, not bring the body into a state of chronic fatigue and stress. All this negatively affects the work of the digestive tract, leads to exacerbation.

Folk remedies

  • dandelion syrup 1 tbsp. l. groove per day;
  • chamomile syrup 1 tsp. half a glass of water three times a day;
  • decoction of potato tubers half a glass 4-5 times;
  • juice from raw potatoes for half a glass on an empty stomach in the morning;
  • celery juice 1 tsp twice a day.

Such treatment should be coordinated with the attending physician, since during an exacerbation it is used in combination with other methods of therapy.

Useful video

What symptoms are manifested and how reflux gastritis is treated is voiced in this video.


Physiotherapy for chronic reflux gastritis is aimed at restoring the gastric mucosa and enhancing the contractile function of the lower sphincter. They are applied after removal. acute symptoms or during remission. The patient is given:

The course of physiotherapy is two weeks. In addition, the patient is recommended a set of exercises developed by the doctor of exercise therapy.

Surgical treatment

Operations are carried out in exceptional cases, when the inflammatory process, in the absence of treatment, has taken a chronic course. Indications for surgical intervention become:

  • the presence of ulcers, complicated by bleeding;
  • the formation of rough scars,
  • neoplasms in the stomach;
  • dysfunction of the gatekeeper.

The complexity of the operation depends on the degree of development of the disease and the condition of the patient.

Complications and consequences

With untimely treatment of chronic reflux gastritis in a patient, erosion occurs on the mucosa, turning into ulcers. It threatens to develop internal bleeding. With poor functioning of the digestive tract, little enters the blood nutrients which causes anemia and feeling unwell. In addition, a chronic inflammatory process causes metaplasia, which provokes the formation of tumors.

Disease prevention

To prevent recurrence of the disease, you must follow all the recommendations of the doctor, regularly conduct a physical examination. It is advisable to periodically spa treatment at resorts specializing in the treatment of pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract. If symptoms of reflux gastritis appear, visit your doctor and get treatment.

Reflux is a generalized name for a condition in which there is a reverse movement of the contents of the internal hollow organs. In particular, reflux in gastritis-duodenitis is a movement in the opposite direction to the natural, the contents of the duodenum, that is, into the stomach.

What symptoms indicate duodenitis and how to treat this disease?

Why is this pathology dangerous? With a short duodeno-gastric reflux special consequences for the organism is not observed. But long course the disease is fraught with quite serious complications occurring against the background of the main pathologies, gastritis and duodenitis. This is the possibility of chemical-toxic gastritis, gastroesophageal reflux and stomach ulcers.

Precursors of duodenogastric reflux can be any pathology of the gastrointestinal tract: gastritis, pancreatitis, duodenitis, esophagitis. As an independent reflux disease, gastritis, duodenitis is observed relatively rarely - in about 30% of cases.

It is believed that even in healthy people, the release of the contents of the duodenum into the antrum of the stomach occurs in about one in ten people. This happens mainly during sleep or when performing heavy physical work and is completely asymptomatic, so such conditions are considered as a syndrome, not a disease.


The manifestations of this pathology are few, while they are similar to the symptoms of many other diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - gastritis, esophagitis, and some forms of pancreatitis. In many cases, pathology is generally detected by chance, during fibrogastroduodenoscopy, since it is often asymptomatic.

Among the main signs of duodeno gastric reflux, the following should be noted:

  • discomfort and pain observed in the epigastric region (mainly of a spastic nature) that occur after eating due to increased activity of the digestive tract;
  • a feeling of heaviness, fullness, swelling in the epigastric region, observed immediately after eating;
  • a yellowish coating on the tongue and a bitter taste in the mouth can indicate the presence of reflux;
  • sometimes there is heartburn, which usually indicates excessive secretion of hydrochloric acid, but also occurs with low acidity of the stomach;
  • nausea, accompanied by vomiting, in which bile is present in the vomit, is also evidence of gastroduodenal reflux;
  • often with reflux there is an involuntary eructation, the cause of which is precisely the ejection of food with bile from the intestines into the stomach.

It should be noted that the gut is dominated by alkaline environment and acidic in the stomach. When bile mixes with pancreatic juice, an aggressive substance is obtained that is able to destroy the mucous barrier of the stomach walls and begin to decompose internal tissues. Prolonged releases of duodenal juice are dangerous because they cause metaplasia of the gastric epithelium, inflammation of the mucosa, the appearance of erosions and ulcers.

Classification of duodeno gastric reflux

The clinical picture during the reverse movement of the intestinal contents depends on the degree of damage to the gastric epithelium, according to which refluxes are classified:

  1. Superficial gastritis duodenitis reflux is a pathology that does not lead to gastric dystrophy, but the surface layer of the epithelium is already beginning to collapse along with its regenerative function. With prolonged reflux, dystrophy affects the cells of the glands, infiltration of the mucosa occurs.
  2. Catarrhal duodeno-gastric reflux against the background of gastritis occurs due to intoxication with chemicals, stale foods, under the influence long-term use certain medications or as a result of food allergies. In this case, inflammation of the mucosa occurs, turning into edema and degeneration of the epithelium, as a result of infiltration of leukocytes, secretory activity is activated, which is subsequently replaced by secretory insufficiency. In some cases, inflammation spreads to the intestines, causing gastroenterocolitis.
  3. Erosive reflux gastritis duodenitis, as the name implies, is characterized by the appearance of erosions that are localized in the epithelial layer, without affecting the underlying ones; scar tissue does not form during healing. The cause of this type of pathology is bile emissions that occur during alcohol and chemical intoxication under the influence of stress. Complications often include endocrine pathologies, somatic disorders.
  4. Biliary reflux gastritis duodenitis is characterized by a disorder such as dyskinesia bile ducts, accompanied by malfunctioning of the sphincters. The cause of the occurrence is failures in the synchronous motility of the gallbladder and bile ducts, caused by malnutrition, psycho-emotional disorders.

It should be noted that erosive reflux gastritis and superficial reflux duodenitis are the mildest forms of diseases that often occur asymptomatically and without irreversible consequences.


In most cases, the diagnosis of GI reflux is straightforward, but most accurate diagnosis can be obtained by conducting a comprehensive examination of the patient, including:

  • Ultrasound of the abdominal cavity;
  • electrogastroenterography;
  • intragastric pH-metry;
  • radiography of the gastric cavity using a contrast agent;
  • fibrogastroduodenoscopy study.

Important! Self-treatment duodeno gastric reflux is unacceptable. Symptoms this disease in many ways similar to other pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract, so the treatment regimen should be determined only by a gastroenterologist, and only on the basis of the results of a comprehensive examination.

Causes of duodeno gastric reflux

For a long time it was widely believed that the cause of duodeno gastric reflux is defensive reaction organism on the course of inflammatory processes in the gastric mucosa, when gastric juice enters the duodenum with hyperacidity. With the reverse release of duodenal juice into the stomach, its alkalization occurs, which allegedly reduces acidity, preventing further damage to the gastric epithelium.

At present, a series of special studies have proven that this opinion is erroneous - duodenal juices, when they enter the stomach, provoke further damage to the mucous barrier. This is facilitated by the penetration of hydrogen ions from the duodenal fluid into the submucosal layer of the stomach, which stimulate the activity of the antral glands, which specialize in the secretion of gastrin, which increases acidity, and does not reduce it.

In fact, the development of GHD is influenced by many factors, from impaired functioning of the motor function of the stomach and duodenum to insufficiency of the pylorus.


The goal of therapy for this pathology is to normalize the functioning of the duodenum and stomach, as well as the entire gastrointestinal tract. At the same time, drug therapy is supplemented by a therapeutic diet that excludes the use of products harmful to the digestive tract.

Taking medications is aimed at neutralizing the harmful effects of bile on the gastric mucosa, esophagus and oral cavity, an increase in the tone of the sphincter, for the rapid removal of the contents of the stomach from the body.

Restoration of motility is achieved by prescribing drugs-agonists of opioid receptors of the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract (Trimedat), drugs-proton pump inhibitors (Omez) are responsible for neutralizing the effect of duodenal juice on the gastric mucosa, for better assimilation food is prescribed drugs that block serotonin / dopamine receptors (Cerukal). Finally, drugs from the antacid group (Almagel, Phosphalugel) will help get rid of heartburn.

Duodeno-gastric reflux on the background superficial gastritis, the mildest form of pathology, can be stopped without drug therapy - with the help of careful dieting, but such treatment will be longer and does not guarantee a cure for gastritis.

Diet for duodenogastric reflux

The principle of proper nutrition for GHD practically does not differ from the diet used in the treatment of gastritis.

General recommendations - exclude from the diet (or minimize consumption) fried, fatty, spicy foods, give up alcohol and smoking, citrus fruits, chocolate products, fresh wholemeal bread, fresh tomatoes, garlic.

The diet for GHD should be formed on the basis of the following dishes:

  • vegetarian soups, broths low-fat varieties meat;
  • vegetable / fruit salads (it is forbidden to use acidic and indigestible foods);
  • yogurt, low-fat cottage cheese;
  • mineral water, dried fruit compote.

  • fractional nutrition should be provided (three main meals and between them 2-3 additional ones) with a reduced dosage of products;
  • a menu should be formed based on easily digestible products that do not irritate the gastric epithelium;
  • chew food thoroughly - the enzymes contained in saliva will ensure the preliminary digestion of food until it enters the digestive tract;
  • for an hour after eating, it is not recommended to take a horizontal position (that is, lie down);
  • with duodenal reflux gastritis should be avoided physical activity associated with the involvement of the abdominal muscles for 40 - 60 minutes after eating;
  • should not be worn tight clothes and use tight belts that can increase intra-abdominal pressure, provoking reflux;
  • shows daily walks (minimum hourly).


In most cases, the prognosis for the treatment of duodeno-gastric reflux is favorable, but we should not forget that in order to exclude relapses, it is necessary to get rid of concomitant pathologies - gastritis and / or duodenitis.

During periods of remission, you should continue to observe correct mode nutrition, constantly control body weight, give up bad habits - and then you will forget about any problems of the gastrointestinal tract.

  • 1General symptoms
  • 2Forms of pathology
  • 3Use of medicinal herbs
  • 4Essential Diet

1General symptoms

If a person has atrophic gastritis, symptoms and treatment with folk methods should be checked with a doctor. Usually, in the early stages of the development of such a disease, there are no pronounced symptoms.

The key phenomenon in this case is atrophy. Gradually, the cells that form the tissues of the walls of the stomach begin to degenerate, and it is they who are the secretory glands. As a result, the body does not produce enough enzymes of gastric juice and food cannot be fully digested. Usually, the first transformation affects the cells that are responsible for the synthesis of mucus. Further development of the disease can lead to stomach cancer.

The main symptoms of this disease are as follows:

  • suffering from heartburn;
  • severe pain in the abdomen;
  • suffering from constipation and diarrhea, which become chronic.

It is necessary not to treat the symptoms, but immediately go to the hospital to diagnose, establish an accurate diagnosis and choose the appropriate treatment.

As a rule, pronounced painful sensations appear in people after they eat sour food. Sometimes there is nausea and bouts of vomiting. It also prevents bloating and gases that accumulate in the stomach.

If the disease is severely neglected, then the person's nails become brittle, and the hair becomes dry. It also changes for the worse and skin covering. The skin becomes unhealthy, pale. This is due to the fact that the digestion process is disturbed, as a result of which the body cannot take useful substances from food.

2Forms of pathology

There are several main forms of atrophic gastritis:

  1. Spicy. In this case, it is the exacerbation that is taken into account. chronic processes. The patient has swelling of the organ, destructive processes of the epithelium, plethora of blood vessels in the walls of the organ. Sometimes erosions appear on the gastric mucosa.
  2. Chronic. This disease is considered independent, and not a continuation or transformation acute form gastritis. Such an ailment is called inactive, or in remission. Usually the walls of the organ become thinner, the mucous membrane is smoother, the dimples on the stomach are wide. The activity of the secretory glands is reduced. Cell degeneration is observed.
  3. Focal. Foci appear on the walls of the organ, where the tissue changes.
  4. Moderate. In this case, the degree of transformation is lighter or partial. Usually there are dyspeptic disorders.
  5. Surface. This form is a harbinger of inflammatory processes.
  6. Antral. In this case, destructive processes affect only the antrum of the organ.
  7. diffuse. There are no serious dystrophic changes.

3Use of medicinal herbs

Treatment of atrophic gastritis with folk remedies is very effective, especially if you combine them correctly and follow the doctor's recommendations.

1. Calamus root.

Calamus root tinctures are the most popular and effective. Such drugs help improve gastric secretion and have a good effect on the body as a whole. To prepare the tincture, you need to grind 15 g of calamus roots and pour in a liter of cognac, insist in sunny place within 2 months. Then you need to strain the tincture and add 100 g of honey, then wait another month. After that, strain again and store in a dark place. Only after 6 months the medicine will be ready. It must be taken in 1 tbsp. l. before meals twice a day.

2. Whey and oats.

Whatever preparations for gastritis have been created, oats have been used by the people for many centuries. It is necessary to cook 1 kg of oats in 5 liters of whey (only homemade). The product is boiled for 3 hours on low heat. The container must be closed with a lid. After this, the product should be cooled and the oats themselves removed. Add 120 g of medical alcohol and 300 g of honey to the liquid. Such a medicine is taken on an empty stomach in an amount of 30 g. Each time, the liquid must be shaken before taking.

3. Kissel.

It is very useful every day to drink jelly based on various fruits. This drink envelops the walls of the stomach, creating a kind of protective barrier.

4. Chamomile.

Chamomile decoction is perhaps the most popular folk remedy. To prepare it, you will need 60 g of inflorescences per liter of boiling water. When the remedy is infused, it must be filtered. It is allowed to drink in any volume. It is recommended to add honey to the drink.

5. Parsley.

If a person has gastritis, treatment with folk remedies is very effective.

In addition, all the ingredients can not only be purchased at the pharmacy, but also collected in the garden. For example, parsley roots are suitable. They need to be thoroughly washed and chopped, pour boiling water in the evening and wait until the morning. It is recommended to take medicine for 1 tbsp. l. before meals.

6. Flax seeds.

A medicine based on flax seeds not only envelops the walls of the stomach, but also stabilizes the level of secretion of gastric juice. In addition, the seeds of this plant contain a lot of fat, fiber, amino acids, vitamin E. You need 1 tbsp. l. seeds pour 2 tbsp. boiling water and boil for 5 minutes, then insist the medicine for 3 hours. After that, the drink must be filtered and the mucus itself should be taken in 0.25 piles before each meal.

8. Sea buckthorn.

Chronic atrophic gastritis in severe form is treated with sea buckthorn oil. Every day on an empty stomach you need to drink a glass of warm water, to which a couple of tablespoons of oil are added.

The agave also has a strong medicinal effect. You will need a glass of aloe juice, the same amount of alcohol and another 200 g of honey. The remedy is infused for a month. You need to take it for 1 tbsp. l. before meals.

10. Medicinal collection.

It is necessary to mix in equal parts wormwood, dill seeds, sage, St. John's wort, mint, triad and calamus root. Pour boiling water over the composition and wait 3 hours until the medicine is infused. Take the remedy 3 times a day before meals.

4Essential Diet

Another way to improve the patient's well-being is diet. Proper nutrition is the key to recovery. First of all, you need to exclude from the diet foods that are harmful to the stomach. These include fried, fatty foods, canned food, smoked meats, muffins, sweets, chocolate, coffee. It is recommended to include lean fish and meat in the diet. Broths, cereals are very useful. You need to steam, bake or boil vegetables.

Fractional mode is best for the patient. It is necessary to eat in small portions, but often - 6 times a day. Doctors recommend doing a fasting day once a week.

Food should not be too hot or cold. Be sure to chew foods thoroughly so that the walls of the stomach are not injured in the future. Avoid alcohol and smoking as these bad habits only exacerbate the patient's condition. The risk of transition of atrophic gastritis to cancer increases.

It is recommended to drink a third glass of potato juice every day. This tool helps to eliminate the inflammatory processes of the gastric mucosa. Take this medicine three times a day before meals.

For breakfast, it is best to eat a whole green apple. It can be ground together with pumpkin. It is useful to add honey and a little lemon juice. Even for breakfast, it is recommended to eat blueberries - at least a spoonful.

It is very useful to drink the juice of tomatoes or cabbage in half a glass three times a day. Healthy drinks also are a decoction of wild rose and lemon. The doctor prescribes the patient "Essentuki", "Narzan", "Mirgorodskaya" and other mineral waters. They should be taken warm three times a day before meals (20 minutes) in an amount of 200 ml.

If the patient has gastritis, the doctor determines the symptoms and treatment with folk remedies. Usually a person suffers from heaviness in the stomach, pain and rumbling in the stomach. Treatment can be carried out with medicines, but traditional medicine also does an excellent job with this disease and improves the patient's condition. The main thing is to consult a doctor before starting therapy.

Gastritis is an inflammation in the stomach lining. Because of this, it breaks normal functioning Gastrointestinal tract, there is an imbalance in its work. Gastritis, the symptoms of which we will reveal in detail, leads to the fact that food is absorbed much worse. Therefore, the patient may suffer from a deficiency of trace elements and vitamins, and begins to lose weight. Such patients often complain of general weakness, they do not have enough energy even to carry out their usual daily activities. Soon, other organs and systems begin to suffer. Therefore, gastritis requires attention. It needs to be treated, not healed. It is important to know the symptoms of gastritis. As soon as you suspect something is wrong, it is better to immediately consult with a gastroenterologist. We will tell you in detail what gastritis is, symptoms, treatment and types of this pathology.

In fact, on our general state and the health of the gastrointestinal tract is directly affected by the food that we eat daily. In urban conditions, unfortunately, both water and food are far from ideal and healthy. Therefore, the incidence rates of the urban population go off scale. The body is trying with all its might to cope with food prepared using modern technologies from modern products. Unfortunately, this is difficult for him. All sorts of "improvers" of our food have become a huge problem at the current stage of the development of civilization. We eat foods that contain a huge amount of preservatives, dyes, flavor enhancers, stabilizers, etc. Even in ordinary bread now it cannot do without such “charms of civilization”. But in nature they simply do not exist. This chemical compounds which are foreign to our body. In fact, every day we are forced to poison our body little by little, clog it with toxins and aggressive chemicals. And we have not yet mentioned the genetic modification of products.

Symptoms of gastritis of the stomach are very debilitating and exhausting the body. But still, we can help our stomach a little. The main thing is to improve your food culture. You need to make sure that the food was rational. It should consist of quality products with a minimum content of all kinds of additives. It is best to eat about five times a day, in reasonable portions. Such food is called fractional. It allows not to overload the gastrointestinal tract and ensures a normal metabolism. Believe that the symptoms of gastritis are so unpleasant that you will soon want to give up yourself. harmful products and alcohol.

Some disappointing facts:

  • According to statistics, since the middle of the 20th century total number pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract has doubled;
  • About 90% of the total population of civilized countries suffer from any gastrointestinal diseases;
  • The leader among the pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract remains gastritis.

Symptoms of gastritis of the stomach bother almost nine out of ten people. Oddly enough, but gastritis remains a disease that affects mostly the middle class of the population. Most of them are residents major cities and so-called white-collar workers. But the poorest segments of the population suffer more from terrible epidemics and infectious diseases than from gastritis. Because gastritis, the treatment and symptoms of which we will consider in detail, bothers more relatively wealthy people.

Unfortunately, the incidence of gastritis in developed countries continue to grow. This is due to a direct relationship between the level of wealth and the development of gastritis. The problem is that if the poor are forced to eat simple food in the form of cereals and soups, then the same “white collars” sin by constantly visiting fast food and regularly drinking alcohol. Therefore, gastritis can also be perceived as a tribute to globalization. After all, the plant of the Earth is constantly growing, and it becomes more and more difficult to feed it. Therefore, food manufacturers regularly lower the quality of their products. But apart from objective factors, there are also subjective factors. This is our attitude to our own health and nutrition. Agree that we ourselves can control which products we use - relatively safe or potentially dangerous. Do not chase the simplicity and attractive taste of fast food products or the ubiquitous convenience foods. It is better to spend a little of your time and effort, but cook at home healthy and fresh dish. Believe that the stomach, and the body as a whole, will be grateful to you. It's always better to give up cigarettes or beer in favor of overweight vegetables or fruits.

First symptoms

Gastritis of the stomach, the symptoms of which we list below, can only be the first link in the chain of diseases. Unfortunately, we are starting to change something in our diet and general style life only after we encounter the first symptoms of the disease. So, with gastritis, what symptoms should alert? You should be alert if:

  • There is constriction, a feeling of discomfort. This feeling intensifies immediately after eating and is observed in the epigastric zone (this upper section abdominal cavity).
  • Pain appears in the same area.
  • Heartburn or belching with a sour taste.
  • A dense white coating appears on the tongue.
  • There are dyspeptic symptoms (stool disorder, nausea and vomiting).
  • The temperature can rise to 37.

Alone, these symptoms can still signal a simple disorder in the work of the gastrointestinal tract. But if you notice a combination of several at once, this may signal the development of gastritis. In this case, it is better to immediately consult an experienced gastroenterologist. Do not underestimate the danger of this disease. Gastritis can be the starting point in a long chain of dangerous pathological conditions. Therefore, it is better to immediately begin its treatment.

Gastritis can occur in one of two forms:

  • acute;
  • chronic.

There is also a distinction between gastritis and varying degrees acidity:

  • normal;
  • reduced;
  • elevated.

Gastritis is acute. With this form of the disease, inflammatory processes on the gastric mucosa are most often caused by a single exposure to a specific stimulus. In this case, such an impact should be strong enough. It can be food poisoning, as well as exposure to aggressive chemical substances, for example, medicines.

Gastritis is chronic. It's lengthy pathological condition that has developed in the patient over time. In this case, there is a structural restructuring of the entire gastric mucosa, as well as its gradual atrophy.

Do not underestimate the danger of gastritis! Of course, when the first signs appear, you can take symptomatic treatment and they will be gone soon. But at the same time, the root cause that provoked the development of the disease will remain. It is very important to eliminate it so that there is no recurrence of the disease. The danger is also that if the treatment is wrong, it can even provoke the development of ulcers and even cancer. But alkalis, acids and other aggressive chemicals are of particular danger. When ingested, they can cause irreversible damage to the mucosa and lead to death.


In acute and chronic gastritis may be different reasons development.

Causes of acute gastritis;

  • eating low quality food. At the same time, it can be contaminated with dangerous microorganisms and contain dangerous substances;
  • infection. Relatively recently, the Helicobacter pylori bacterium was identified, which most often provokes the development of gastritis. It has been scientifically proven that this bacterium provokes the development of gastritis with an increased level of acidity;
  • if toxins have entered the stomach. Penetration into the stomach of chemicals with an irritating effect is very dangerous. They can quickly damage the mucosa and cause irreversible changes.
  • strong alcoholic drinks (subject to their regular use). Alcohol negatively affects the condition of the mucosa. He irritates her;
  • a number of drugs also have a bad effect on the condition of the stomach. First of all, these are drugs from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Indomethacin, Diclofenac, Ketoprofen, Acetylsalicylic acid, Ibuprofen, Aspirin);
  • as a consequence of other diseases;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • disturbed metabolism.

Particular attention should be paid to how Helicobacter pylori leads to the development of gastritis. In general, the discovery of this bacterium and its influence on the appearance of gastritis has become a revolution in gastroenterology. Up to this point, it was believed that gastritis is not of a bacterial nature. The mechanism of development of gastritis after it enters the body is as follows:

  1. Helicobacter pylori bypasses the mucus layer in the stomach and attaches securely to epithelial cells.
  2. Under the influence of a colony of bacteria, urea begins to turn into aggressive ammonia. In this case, the acidic environment of the stomach is neutralized.
  3. Bacteria actively multiply, begin to migrate. This is how the infection center appears.
  4. Mucous membrane under the influence of bacteria is actively destroyed. Epithelial cells become inflamed and die. Numerous ulcerations appear in the stomach.

Causes chronic form gastritis:

In fact, there are quite a few different forms gastritis. Each of them has its own causes of development and characteristic severe symptoms. Of course, the symptoms may recur, but with different types of this disease there are different manifestations this pathology. An experienced gastroenterologist will always be able to distinguish between them. This is very important, since the treatment of different forms of gastritis may have its own characteristics. In addition, it is very important to eliminate the very cause of this disease. Otherwise, you can fight for a long time clinical symptoms disease, but relapses will be repeated, since the cause of the disease has not been eliminated. The difference between different types of gastritis is its clinical manifestation, as well as features of damage to the mucous membrane.

There are the following types of acute gastritis:

  1. catarrhal. It is also called simple or banal. This type of disease is the most common. It is the result of frequent and regular food poisoning, malnutrition. His main feature- leukocytes begin to collect on the gastric mucosa, signs of inflammation appear, epithelial dystrophy begins.
  2. fibrinous. It is also called diphtheria. It becomes a consequence of poisoning with acid, sublimate, as well as the development serious illnesses infectious nature. Its main symptom is that diphthyritic inflammation develops on the gastric mucosa.
  3. Corrosive. It is also called toxic-chemical or necrotic. Its development is due to the fact that concentrated salts enter the stomach. heavy metals, alkali or acid. The main symptom is a necrotic change in all tissues of the stomach.
  4. Phlegmonous or purulent. Appears due to past injuries, and is also a complication after cancer or stomach ulcers. It may also lead to some infectious diseases. The main symptom is that the wall of the stomach undergoes purulent fusion, it begins to spread to the mucous membrane purulent process. This leads to intoxication of the whole organism.

There are also such types of chronic gastritis:

  1. Type A. Autoimmune (fundic). Its development is provoked by antibodies that the body secretes on its own stomach cells. Often it is accompanied by pernicious anemia.
  2. Type B. Bacterial (antral). It provokes bacterial infection of the walls of the stomach. The main culprit is the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. It has been scientifically proven that it is this type of gastritis that accounts for 90% of all cases of the chronic form of this disease.
  3. Type C. Chemical (erosive). Pathology leads to it, in which bile is thrown into the stomach. This happens with duodenogastric reflux, as well as due to treatment with certain drugs (most often, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs).
  4. There are also medicinal and alcoholic types of chronic gastritis.
  5. atrophic. The main symptom is atrophy of the deep layers of the gastric mucosa.
  6. Hypertrophic. It manifests itself mainly in the fact that the gastric mucosa begins to thicken greatly, its epithelium changes.
  7. Polypous. Most often it accompanies severe atrophic gastritis. Often clinical picture blurred in this case. Occasionally, there may be stomach bleeding.


Gastritis makes itself felt right away with a number of extremely unpleasant symptoms:

  1. Nausea.
  2. Vomit.
  3. Pain in the upper abdomen. She can wear different character- from aching to burning. Wherein characteristic symptom gastritis is that such pain increases or vice versa almost completely disappears during the next meal.
  4. Appetite disappears.
  5. There is flatulence (swollen stomach).
  6. Heartburn.
  7. Belching.
  8. In the upper abdomen, after eating, a feeling of fullness may appear.
  9. Losing weight.
  10. An unpleasant taste often appears in the mouth.
  11. A grayish-white or yellow coating appears on the tongue.
  12. Relieves dizziness.
  13. The person becomes irritable.
  14. There is a general weakness.
  15. There may be disorders in the cardiovascular system: arrhythmia, cardialgia, instability of blood pressure.
  16. With chronic atrophic gastritis the patient suffers immediately from a whole "bouquet" of symptoms: weakness, sweating, pallor, drowsiness. Often, all these symptoms appear after a short period of time after the next meal. Often they are also accompanied by intestinal disorders.
  17. With infectious gastritis, fever can also be observed.

The peculiarity of chronic gastritis is that it occurs with constant relapses. For years, the patient suffers from a sudden deterioration in the condition, which alternates with obvious remissions. Often the disease is seasonal.


Gastritis is dangerous not only for its many symptoms, but also for possible complications:

  • at erosive form internal bleeding may develop;
  • hypovitaminosis due to impaired metabolism;
  • with phlegmous purulent gastritis, sepsis and peritonitis may develop;
  • anemia;
  • pancreatitis (inflammation of the pancreas), especially if there are risk factors such as taking certain medications, alcohol, smoking;
  • dehydration (due to prolonged vomiting);
  • anorexia (exhaustion of the body due to impaired metabolism and poor appetite);
  • peptic ulcer (if no treatment is taken, the walls of the stomach may become more and more affected);
  • stomach cancer (gastritis is considered a risk factor for the development of cancer).

How to Diagnose

It is very important to make the correct diagnosis as early as possible. Then gastritis will not have time to cause significant harm to the body. Chronic gastritis is especially dangerous, since long time there is a pathological effect on the gastric mucosa. In the arsenal of gastroenterologists there is a whole range of methods and techniques. They will help not only to correctly diagnose this disease, but also to find out exactly what specific type it is dealing with in a particular case.

Diagnostics goes through several stages:

  1. Clinical. At this stage, the doctor carefully listens to all the patient's complaints, analyzes them and compiles a detailed anamnesis. This necessarily takes into account not only the subjective complaints of the patient, but also the data of his examination. Already at this stage, the gastroenterologist can make a preliminary diagnosis. He can also draw up a well-thought-out plan for instrumental examination.
  2. Diagnostics endoscopic + biopsy. A biopsy is mandatory. It helps to find out if there is a Helicobacter pylori bacterium in the stomach. Endoscopic examination helps to find out if there are any changes in the gastric mucosa. If they are found, then this method helps to clarify their localization and degree. Endoscopic examination also helps to detect possible precancerous changes. The peculiarity of a biopsy is that not one fragment is taken for it, but at least 5 - from the body and angle of the stomach, as well as from the antrum.
  3. Respiratory. This diagnostic also helps to detect bacterium Helicobacter pylori. In this case, the patient must take urea with the isotopic composition of the normal level. The ammonia concentration is then measured using a gas analyzer.
  4. Laboratory. This diagnosis includes a biochemical and clinical analysis of blood, urine, feces, as well as an analysis of feces for occult blood.
  5. ultrasound. At the same time, research gallbladder, liver, pancreas. This helps to detect associated pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract.
  6. pH-metry intragastric. It helps to determine the state of secretion and diagnose pathologies that accompany acid-dependent diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  7. Electrogastroenterography involves the study of how the gastrointestinal tract copes with its motor-evacuation function. In case of violations, duodenogastric reflux can be detected.
  8. Manometry. Allows you to detect reflux gastritis. This method is based on the fact that with reflux gastritis in the duodenum, the pressure rises almost three times.

So, we examined in detail the symptoms of acute and chronic gastritis. But it is better not to wait for their appearance, but to take care of your health in advance. Eat healthy, eat quality foods, stop smoking and overuse alcohol. Then your body will not be threatened by such a disease.