Hydrochloric acid poisoning symptoms. Hydrochloric acid poisoning. Symptoms of hydrochloric acid poisoning

Hydrochloric acid is one of the most corrosive liquids used in various industries. The elemental formula (HCl - hydrogen chloride) gives a dangerous compound, the vapors of which irritate the human mucosa. If it comes into contact with the skin, the acid causes severe burns, so when working with hydrogen chloride, you must follow safety precautions and be extremely careful.

How is hydrochloric acid obtained?

The main method for producing hydrogen chloride is synthetic: gaseous hydrogen chloride is dissolved in water. The second way is to obtain hydrochloric acid from side gases, for example, from hydrocarbons. Both methods are used on an industrial scale when it is necessary to obtain a large amount of a substance for further use.

In the laboratory, hydrochloric acid can be obtained through a popular exchange reaction: when sodium chloride (table salt) is mixed with concentrated sulfuric acid, heated to 150 ° C, and the output is sodium hydrogen sulfate and the desired hydrogen chloride.

Where applicable

Caustic hydrochloric acid has found application in industry and medicine. Hydrometallurgy and electroforming are impossible without the use of hydrogen chloride. It is used to clean the surface of metals and ceramics, and various chlorides are obtained with it.

Cleaning metal from cement with hydrochloric acid

In its natural form, hydrochloric acid is found in gastric juice, being an integral part of it. With reduced stomach acidity, patients are prescribed a weak solution of hydrogen chloride in combination with pepsin (digestive enzyme) orally.

It is interesting! Hydrochloric acid is even registered as a food additive as an acidity regulator (E507).

Symptoms of poisoning

There are three ways to poison yourself with hydrogen chloride, and depending on this, the signs of poisoning will be different.

Skin contact

To some extent, this can be considered poisoning, because the body interacts with a poisonous substance through contact through the skin. The result of contact with hydrochloric acid on the skin is a burn. Depending on its degree, different symptoms are observed. At first it is moderate redness and pain. If the acid concentration is high, then blisters, necrosis can form, the burn site changes color from red to white or dark.

Through the respiratory tract

Such poisoning often occurs in production during force majeure or non-compliance with safety regulations. The primary irritant effect is on the upper respiratory tract, resulting in symptoms such as hoarseness, chest pain, painful cough, and a feeling of suffocation. This swells the larynx, making it difficult to breathe. If the victim is not helped, and he continues to be in the lesion, toxic pulmonary edema develops, which can lead to death.

If swallowed

People who have hydrochloric acid in their stomachs are usually perplexed: how can you drink liquid and not understand that it is acid? Thus, as a rule, children and people who decide to end their lives are poisoned. Symptoms characteristic of poisoning and mucosal burns: nausea and vomiting with blood, pain throughout the digestive tract, painful cough, a lot of saliva. The skin on the body may become yellowish and the urine dark brown. Another characteristic symptom is liver damage. The right side begins to pull, toxic hepatitis develops.

Attention! Complications after poisoning with hydrochloric acid can be severe damage to the organs of the nasopharynx, as well as the esophagus and stomach. Burn shock often leads to instant death.

First aid for poisoning

First aid measures also depend on the method of poisoning.

  1. If hydrochloric acid gets on the skin, the affected area should be washed with running water, and then with an alkali solution (for example, soda - 1 tsp per 200 mg of water). If tissue is stuck to the skin, it cannot be torn off.
  2. If a person has inhaled a vapor of hydrogen chloride, it must be taken out into the air and allowed to rinse the throat with a solution of furacilin. After that, give a drink of warm milk with the addition of soda. Put mustard plasters on the larynx area. Rinse eyes with water and drip with novocaine solution.
  3. Swallowed hydrochloric acid is the most dangerous condition, and the further health and life of a person depends on the provision of first aid. The stomach must be immediately lavaged, preferably with a tube. A soda solution is used as a washing liquid. After that, cold is applied to the victim's stomach, they are also allowed to swallow pieces of ice. Internal bleeding is stopped by medications: intramuscular injections.

In case of hydrochloric acid poisoning, the victim himself sometimes remains conscious, so he may well be able to help himself on his own. Everyone can get out of the lesion into the air, treat the burn with alkali, or at least call for help and tell the people who came to the rescue about their symptoms.

Hydrochloric acid poisoning poses a particular threat to human life. Often, such intoxications are diagnosed in industrial conditions, but the possibility of developing an overdose at home is allowed. What to do in case of poisoning?

How poisoning occurs

Hydrochloric acid is a colorless liquid with a characteristic pungent odor. One of the strongest acids, capable of dissolving some metals. Easily turns into a gas.

Hydrogen chloride is used in the textile industry, leather business, metallurgy of precious metals, in the production of glue, acids.

The substance is present in the stomach in minimal concentration. Acid contributes to the normalization of the digestive process, protects the body from harmful bacteria and microorganisms.

At a concentration exceeding 24%, hydrochloric acid can cause irreversible harm to the human body. Vapors formed upon contact with air cause irritation to the organs of the visual and respiratory systems. There are several factors that can provoke the development of poisoning.


  • Vapor intoxication is possible when working in rooms with poor ventilation,
  • Ingestion by negligence, more common in children,
  • The ingress of hydrochloric acid on the epidermis, mucous membranes in case of non-compliance with the rules for using the reagent.

Poisoning by a substance at home in adults occurs as a result of the use without protective equipment of the skin, eyes, and organs of the respiratory system. Intoxication can occur when acid is inaccurately transferred from one container to another.

Acid poisoning symptoms

It is impossible not to notice the symptoms of hydrochloric acid intoxication. Signs appear very quickly, differ depending on how the poisoning occurred.

Overdose in pairs:

  • Pain in the chest and throat area
  • The flow of blood from the nose,
  • In case of poisoning with highly concentrated vapors, blood inclusions may be present in the vomit,
  • Cough,
  • Hoarseness,
  • violation of the respiratory process,
  • Eye pain, redness,
  • The flow of tears
  • Pulmonary edema, asthma attacks,
  • Loss of consciousness.

Ingestion of hydrochloric acid leads to serious disorders and is manifested by vivid symptoms.


  1. Burns of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, tongue, gums,
  2. Strong, unbearable pain inside,
  3. Painful shock,
  4. Vomiting blood
  5. Coughing,
  6. increased salivation,
  7. yellowness of the skin,
  8. Urine dark brown
  9. difficult urination,
  10. Pain in right side
  11. High concentrations can lead to gastric perforation.
  12. convulsive conditions,
  13. Coma.

Skin contact:

  • Redness,
  • Burning,
  • Pain at the site of contact
  • The presence of blisters.

Symptoms are determined after a short period of time. The period of acute poisoning lasts up to two days.

What is the danger of intoxication

Hydrochloric acid is a particular danger to the human body. In case of poisoning with such a substance, serious complications and violations of the functionality of the body may develop.


  1. Violation of the liver, as a result of toxic hepatitis,
  2. Bleeding in the stomach due to the destroyed walls of the organ,
  3. Shock from pain when acid enters a large area,
  4. In case of contact with the eyes, visual impairment,
  5. Serious malfunction of the kidneys,
  6. Respiratory failure, suffocation, shortness of breath,
  7. The development of a coma.

Similar consequences develop gradually depending on the degree of poisoning.

First aid and treatment methods

If signs of poisoning are found, an ambulance must be called. At home, it is allowed to carry out activities aimed at improving the condition of the victim. First aid for hydrochloric acid poisoning should be carried out quickly to reduce the risk of negative consequences.


  1. If the salt compound gets on the skin, the damaged areas are washed with plenty of cool water. The processing time is at least half an hour.
  2. In case of intoxication with vapors, the victim is provided with access to fresh air, windows are opened, tight clothes are unbuttoned.
  3. It is recommended to monitor the patient's condition, in the absence of signs of life, resuscitation is carried out.
  4. The victim from the vapors is allowed to drink warm tea, water. It is recommended to rinse the nose and mouth with cool water.
  5. In case of an overdose resulting from ingestion of acid, an ice pack is placed on the abdomen to eliminate or reduce possible bleeding.
  6. No medicinal products are allowed. It is allowed to give the patient a glass of water (you can mineral alkaline). Drinking liquid is required in small sips.
  7. It is not allowed to wash the stomach, try to induce vomiting at home. Such first aid can lead to the development of burns of the throat, bleeding.

Treatment is carried out in a medical institution under the supervision of specialists.


  • Cleansing the stomach with a probe,
  • Use of droppers with medicinal solutions,
  • Prescribing medications to relieve pain
  • The use of medicines aimed at restoring the functioning of organs and systems,
  • If necessary, oxygen inhalation and artificial ventilation of the lungs,
  • Carrying out resuscitation therapy in the absence of signs of life,
  • Selection of vitamins and special nutrition.

Treatment is carried out in intensive care, and then in a hospital. The duration depends on the patient's condition and the degree of poisoning.

Prevention in case of poisoning

An overdose of hydrochloric acid can lead to adverse consequences in the form of exacerbation of chronic diseases, disruption of the digestive system. Often, after such poisoning, people develop peptic ulcer disease, pathologies of the kidneys and liver are noted. Intoxication adversely affects the organs of the respiratory and visual systems.

It is possible to avoid poisoning by observing the rules of prevention.


  • Work with hydrochloric acid is required in protective equipment,
  • The room should be well ventilated, have good ventilation,
  • At home, the use of a harmful substance is not recommended.

Hydrochloric acid poisoning is dangerous to human life. With proper treatment, the prognosis is favorable, but the development of negative consequences in the future is not excluded.

Chemical properties of hydrochloric acid - video

Hydrochloric acid poisoning is a rather big threat to human life. In this case, severe burns of the mucous membranes, respiratory tract, and skin integuments occur.

Any person needs to know the signs of such poisoning and be able to provide assistance to the victim. After all, his life depends on it.


Hydrochloric acid belongs to the group of highly caustic and toxic substances.

The second name of the substance is hydrogen chloride.

It is a clear liquid (sometimes a yellowish color may be present). The smell from it comes sharp and unpleasant. Sometimes you can see a cloud of smoke above the container with it.

Vapors of hydrochloric acid are no less poisonous and have the same detrimental effect on the body.

This substance is obtained industrially - hydrogen chloride (gas) is dissolved in water. ()


The scope of use of hydrochloric acid is very wide. It is applied:

  • in hydrometallurgy,
  • for cleaning metals before soldering,
  • to obtain chlorides of various metals,
  • for cleaning ceramics,
  • in medicine,
  • in the food industry.

In addition, human gastric juice also contains a small amount of hydrochloric acid. It regulates the acidity of the environment.

Considering that this substance is used in many areas, poisoning happens quite often. It may be due to inattention, it may be a suicide attempt, or work in a factory where a fairly large release of fumes occurs.

Hydrochloric acid intoxication: symptoms

Symptoms of hydrochloric acid poisoning differ in how it happened. There are three ways for poison to enter the body:

  • swallowing,
  • inhalation,
  • through the skin.

Each of them is characterized by distinctive features that a person needs to know.

If swallowed

Hydrochloric acid poisoning through the oral cavity occurs when the poison is swallowed. As a rule, most often this happens in people who are prone to suicide and children who have drunk the substance as a result of carelessness of their parents. In this case, the following symptoms are noted:

  • pain and burning in the mouth,
  • nausea, vomiting brown-black, often with an admixture of blood,
  • coughing,
  • profuse salivation,
  • pain in the esophagus, stomach, chest,
  • tongue turns black
  • skin may turn yellow
  • there are painful sensations in the right side due to a violation of the liver.

Through the respiratory tract

Poisoning with hydrochloric acid vapor is no less dangerous than swallowing this substance.

It also has a rather destructive effect. Occurs, as a rule, in the production associated with this poison. In this case, the following symptoms are observed:

  • voice becomes hoarse
  • there are pains in the nasopharynx,
  • severe cough occurs
  • possible pain in the chest,
  • with severe poisoning, laryngeal edema occurs,
  • the person begins to choke.

In the absence of the necessary assistance, the victim of vapor poisoning may develop pulmonary edema, which can subsequently lead to death.

Skin contact

It cannot be called poisoning in the full sense of the word. However, getting acid on the skin brings a lot of suffering and trouble to a person. There is a burn.

In this case, the following symptoms are observed:

  • redness of the skin area,
  • strong pain,
  • blistering,
  • change in skin color to lighter or, conversely, darker.

In the absence of help, tissue death is possible.

In addition, general signs for hydrochloric acid poisoning, regardless of the method, can be noted:

  • headache,
  • pressure drop,
  • tachycardia,
  • temperature increase is possible
  • loss of consciousness.

Of the internal organs, the liver primarily suffers, as the organ responsible for cleansing the body of toxins. As a result, the functionality of the kidneys begins to be disturbed, up to renal failure.

A person can go into acid burn shock, causing death.


Treatment of intoxication with this poison begins with emergency care. This will give the person a chance to recover.

First aid for hydrochloric acid poisoning includes the following:

  • If an acid burn occurs on the skin, then it is necessary to rinse the place with cool water, after which you can wash this area with a weak solution of soda (a small spoon in a glass of water). It will help neutralize the effect of the acid.
  • In case of poisoning through the respiratory tract, it is necessary to bring the person to clean air as soon as possible, ventilate the room. You can give him a solution of soda or furacilin to gargle. In addition, the victim is given warm milk to drink.
  • Poisoning that occurred through the oral cavity is the most severe and dangerous. Currently, there are two rather conflicting opinions: induce vomiting or not. It is believed that inducing vomiting and doing a gastric lavage is necessary to free the latter from the acid that has got inside. But there are cases when ruptures of the esophageal and gastric membranes occur, which are damaged by acid. In addition, when water is mixed with acid, heat may be generated, leading to further burns. The victim is allowed to give drinks and foods containing protein - milk, raw egg white. If there is stomach bleeding, an ice pack should be placed on the abdomen, and pieces of ice or frozen milk may be given to the person to ingest. Do not use drugs with a laxative effect in case of poisoning with hydrochloric acid. The fact is that the human intestine is quite long, so before the acid is removed, it can also cause damage to him. With severe pain, injections of painkillers can be given.

But in any of these cases, first of all, you need to call the doctors. And correctly and timely provided first aid will help them in the future.

The patient is treated in a medical facility.


  • Gastric lavage is carried out, but only in a hospital setting.
  • Drugs are prescribed to stop bleeding.
  • Medicines are used to support the performance of various organs - the heart, liver, kidneys.
  • The victim is prescribed a diet.

Unfortunately, even after recovery, a person can be haunted by various diseases, scars in the digestive organs.

To avoid poisoning, it is worth using protective equipment (clothes, respirators, gloves) when working with this poison. If the poisoning did happen, then it is necessary to provide first aid to the person as soon as possible in order to save his life.

Video: Making hydrochloric acid at home

Acid. For many people, this word is associated with processes such as corrosion, splitting, oxidation and melting. It is difficult to argue with this phenomenon, since a solution of hydrochloric acid, however, like any other, is used precisely for this. Once hydrochloric acid solution is capable of destroying metals, then what can happen to human skin, eyes and lungs? Unfortunately, the results of poisoning can be deplorable - irritation and serious burns. But it is precisely to prevent such situations that safety precautions exist - in this article we will learn how to properly store hydrochloric acid solution how it is transported and what to do in case of contact with this substance.

The first issue is storage. hydrochloric acid solution poured into rubberized tanks or containers, as well as polyethylene barrels and glass bottles - any of these options is quite acceptable. At the same time, the used container, in which there is a residual solution of hydrochloric acid, can also be used, unless, of course, the results of the technical analysis do not allow the opposite. It is important to ensure that the container is sealed, as hydrochloric acid solution when evaporated, it is extremely dangerous (burning of the lungs and mucous membranes is not excluded). For these purposes, gaskets made of rubber or polyethylene are used, which applies not only to filled, but also to empty containers. If hydrochloric acid solution Packed and bottled correctly, transportation by any means of transport is allowed.

When working with hydrochloric acid, care must be taken to protect against possible detonation of the composition - this may well happen, since hydrochloric acid solution on contact with air, it releases hydrogen chloride, which becomes explosive when interacting with certain metals. The main task is to exclude contact of the solution with a number of metals (Al, Zn, Fe, Co, Ni, Pb, etc.). In addition, the so-called "fog" that accompanies the hydrochloric acid solution during evaporation is dangerous to humans. If the vapor concentration is more than 5 mg/m3, the risk of burns is extremely high.

Remove spilled on the floor hydrochloric acid solution can be done with water and an alkaline solution. In case of contact with the skin, the affected area should be washed with warm water and wiped dry with a soft cloth. The use of iodine and brilliant green is strictly prohibited. If airborne acid poisoning occurs, remove the source and remove the hydrochloric acid solution by aeration. In case of contact with the eyes, rinse them with plenty of water. In any of the cases listed above, it is necessary to consult a doctor, since hydrochloric acid solution is a very dangerous substance, poisoning and burns of which can lead to disability. To prevent this from happening, you must follow the safety rules. In this case, the hydrochloric acid solution will not pose any danger to humans and the environment.

Safety precautions when working with hydrochloric acid solution

Despite the fact that the life of the acid is unlimited, it requires careful and consistent compliance with safety regulations, which include:

  • if acid enters the stomach, it must be removed from there as soon as possible by inducing a gag reflex, then drink water and repeat the procedure again;
  • do not allow acid to get on the skin, if an acid solution gets on the skin, it must be urgently washed off with warm water and blotted with a soft cloth, if wounds appear, an antiseptic or healing composition should be applied;
  • when working with acid, you need to be in a mask, otherwise there is a possibility of vapor poisoning, the victim should be immediately taken to the air, where there are no vapors, allowed to catch his breath, and if necessary, make artificial respiration and call a doctor;
  • eyes when working with acid must be protected by goggles. If the eyes are affected by an acid solution, they should be immediately rinsed with water, with severe tingling and pain, you should consult a doctor.

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In cases of leakage or spillage, hydrochloric acid can cause significant damage to the environment. Firstly, this leads to the release of vapors of the substance into the atmospheric air in quantities exceeding sanitary and hygienic standards, which can lead to poisoning of all living organisms, as well as the appearance of acid precipitation, which can lead to a change in the chemical properties of soil and water. Secondly, the acid may seep into the groundwater, resulting in contamination of inland waters. Where the water in rivers and lakes has become quite acidic (pH less than 5), fish are guaranteed to disappear. When trophic chains are disturbed, the number of aquatic animal species, algae and bacteria is reduced.

In cities, acid precipitation accelerates the destruction of marble and concrete structures, monuments and sculptures. Hydrochloric acid corrodes metals when it comes in contact with metals, and reacts with substances such as bleach, manganese dioxide, or potassium permanganate to form toxic chlorine gas.

The probability of poisoning with hydrochloric acid (in its pure form or in the form of a chemical composition, where it is the main component) in a concentration that threatens life and health is quite high for a person. The following situations can serve as a reason for poisoning:

  • A) destruction of a storage tank or a vessel for transporting technical hydrochloric acid, as a result of which it spilled and evaporated;
  • B) contamination of soil, plants, sources of drinking water with industrial hydrochloric acid;
  • C) accidental contact with the skin, mucous membranes or inside the body of household chemicals containing hydrochloric acid.

A concentration of 15 mg/m3 of hydrochloric acid affects the mucous membranes, a concentration of 50-75 mg/m3 is difficult to tolerate, a concentration of 75-150 mg/m3 has a detrimental effect on the body and causes irreversible consequences, including death.

The action of all types of acids (hydrochloric, chamois, nitric) on the human body is determined by their ability to take water from tissues, bind alkalis (changing the alkaline reaction necessary for living protoplasm to an acidic one), and precipitate proteins. The strength and depth of action of acids on tissues depend on the concentration of their solution: acids can cause tissue irritation (increased secretion, hyperemia), inflammation or complete destruction. The introduction of concentrated acids into the body is characterized by damage to organs exposed to the direct action of acids (burns of the walls of the oral cavity, esophagus, stomach with their perforation and subsequent scarring), changes in the blood due to the neutralization of its alkalis, damage to the nervous system, kidneys, liver, and a decrease in cardiac activity.

Like other acids, hydrochloric acid is extremely dangerous to human health. If it comes into contact with the skin, it causes severe burns, and contact with the eyes threatens with complete loss of vision. The mist and vapors of hydrogen chloride, which are formed when concentrated hydrochloric acid interacts with air, are also very dangerous: they irritate the mucous membranes and respiratory tract. Prolonged work in an atmosphere of HCl causes catarrh of the respiratory tract, tooth decay, clouding of the cornea of ​​​​the eyes, ulceration of the nasal mucosa, and gastrointestinal disorders.