What is the best way to take calcium? Absorption of calcium in the body

In this article we will look at which calcium is best to drink and which is well absorbed by the body. To do this, we will identify the types of calcium that people use and clarify what their effect on the human body is based on the results of independent studies.

Which calcium is best to drink? Or rather, DO NOT drink...

Calcium, which is poorly absorbed:

— layers of shells from the world's reserves of ancient periods. This is pure calcium, and pure calcium is very poorly absorbed by the body. To be absorbed, it must be present together with other microelements.

- calcium carbonate (chalk). This causes the bone to become hard but brittle. In addition, everyone knows what mass chalk forms when dissolved in water. It is in this form that it settles in the intestines and interferes with the digestion and absorption of food, because The intestinal microflora dies and the absorption of substances through the intestinal walls becomes impossible. The food simply rots in the intestines. As a result, dysbiosis, gas formation, bloating and constipation.

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Harmful types of calcium

eggshell. This is the protective shell of the egg, which absorbs everything that is harmful to the embryo and contains radioactive metals. For example, we would not knowingly consume poisons such as plumbum, cadmium and lead, but these are the poisons contained in eggshells.

calcium chloride(calcium chloride), or calcium salt (popularly called " hot prick"). Very toxic, strongly acidifies the body (acidosis), irritates the gastrointestinal mucosa;

- calcium gluconate - the same effect as calcium chloride.

- calcium glycerophosphate. Removes calcium through metabolic disorders, and very quickly.

- calcium pantothenate (from horns). In fact, animal bone is poorly absorbed by the body. It is not possible to check what the animal was fed, where it was raised and what it was sick with.

— Calcium D3 Nycomed. Independent studies have found it contains cadmium and strontium. By accepting it, we provide for ourselves radioactive radiation from the inside. And we need vitamin D in the form of D1, not D3.

Which calcium is best absorbed?

There are also options that do not fully meet the above criteria, but their use also has a noticeable positive effect on health: calcium citrate tablets, microcrystalline hydroxyapatite (MCHA).

If you find another version of this composition or cheaper, write in the comments.

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What calcium is best for children to drink?

For children different ages will fit different shapes calcium. For example, as mentioned above, infants are suitable

Calcium (Ca) is one of the most important macroelements for the human body, involved in the construction of tissues and metabolism. The element ranks fifth in the list of all minerals found in the body, accounting for about 2% of a person’s weight.

The role of calcium in the body cannot be overestimated. Besides the well-known building material for bones and teeth, macronutrient regulates contractile function hearts, nourishes nerve tissue and participates in the conduction of impulses, reduces cholesterol levels, regulates arterial pressure, takes part in transportation nutrients By cell membranes and much more.

Calcium is extremely important for pregnant women - only with proper intake is the physiological development of the fetus and normal condition health of the expectant mother.

Calcium level in the body

Newborn babies have about 30 grams of calcium in their bodies. Gradually, the amount of calcium increases in adults and is approximately 1000-1200 g (per average weight 70 kg). The daily intake of calcium from food depends on age and gender:

Causes of calcium deficiency

Behavioral and external reasons

  • Insufficient intake of calcium from food, which is often observed when following certain diets for weight loss, an unbalanced diet, vegetarianism, fasting, neglect of dairy products, etc.
  • Low calcium content in water.
  • Smoking, excessive coffee consumption (accelerate calcium excretion).

Diseases, pathological conditions

  • Impaired absorption of macronutrients in the intestine, which occurs against the background of dysbacteriosis, candidiasis, food allergies, chronic enterocolitis and etc.
  • Diseases of the kidneys, hematopoietic system, pancreas (pancreatitis), thyroid gland(familial, idiopathic, postoperative hypoparathyroidism, in which hypocalcemia develops due to increased production of parathyroid hormone by the parathyroid glands).
  • Lack of estrogen
  • Rickets
  • (dairy and other products containing the element).

Metabolic disorders

  • Excess in the body of the following elements: lead, zinc, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, cobalt, potassium and sodium, which contribute to the excretion of calcium.
  • Deficiency in the body of vitamin D3, which is involved in the absorption of the element and its integration into cell structures (the norm for an adult is from 400 to 800 IU).

Other reasons

  • Increased need for the element, which is observed during the period accelerated growth, during pregnancy and lactation (calcium is used to build fetal tissue or enrich breast milk), increased physical and mental stress(accelerated consumption), menopause (lack of estrogen that absorbs calcium).
  • Old age (impaired absorption of calcium).
  • Treatment with diuretics and laxatives (accelerated elimination).

Symptoms of calcium deficiency in the body

  • Weakness, fast fatiguability, decreased performance.
  • Nervousness, irritability.
  • Dry and flaky skin, brittle nails. Excessive sweating scalp.
  • Tooth decay, caries.
  • Numbness of fingers, face, cramps, pain in legs and arms.
  • – fragility of bones, frequent fractures or cracks, bone deformation.
  • Impaired cardiac activity up to the development of heart failure, tachycardia.
  • Subcapsular (with prolonged hypocalcemia).
  • Increased bleeding, impaired blood clotting.
  • Decreased immunity, which is expressed by frequent infections.
  • Increased sensitivity to cold weather (bone and muscle aches, chills).
  • Signs of calcium deficiency in children: impaired formation of teeth and bones, pathological changes in the lens of the eye, disorders nervous system, excitability, convulsions, poor clotting blood.

Diagnosis of hypocalcemia

Diagnosis of the condition is carried out on the basis of patient complaints and laboratory determination of the element in the blood serum (normal 2.15 - 2.50 mmol/l).

Treatment - how to compensate for calcium deficiency

  • Therapy acute condition hypocalcemia is carried out in a hospital setting, because this situation is life threatening.
  • Chronic deficiency macronutrient requires taking calcium supplements, vitamin D3 and other elements, normalizing the diet and eliminating behavioral factors and foods that worsen the absorption of Ca or contribute to its loss.

Therapeutic drugs are prescribed in such a way that the daily intake of the element is approximately 1.5-2 g. Vitamin D preparations are selected in individual dosages, based on the needs of the body. The course of treatment is usually long and is determined individually. The modern pharmaceutical industry produces combination preparations containing calcium, vitamin D3 and other necessary pharmacologically active substances.

Calcium preparations

Pharmaceutical drugs are prescribed to treat and prevent conditions and diseases associated with hypocalcemia, as well as to accelerate the healing of bone fractures. Features of calcium preparations:

  • The composition must indicate the amount of elemental, pure calcium;
  • Better absorption is achieved when taken simultaneously with food;
  • Caffeine, carbonated drinks and alcohol significantly impair the absorption of the element;
  • Poor absorption is also typical when combined with antibiotics from the tetracycline group, laxatives, anti-inflammatory and anticonvulsants;
  • Calcium supplements often cause side effects in the form of abdominal pain, nausea, constipation.
  • Each drug has a number strict contraindications(pregnancy, urolithiasis disease, tuberculosis, chronic renal failure, childhood etc.).

All drugs from this category can be divided into 3 groups:

  • Monopreparations containing a macroelement in the form of salt: calcium carbonate (40% of the element), calcium citrate (21%), calcium gluconate (9%), calcium lactate (13%), etc.
  • Combination drugs, including calcium salts, vitamin D and other minerals. Vitamin D is involved in calcium metabolism, synthesis and maintenance of bone architecture, therefore such dosage forms more effective: Calcium D3 Nycomed, Kalcemin, etc.
  • Multivitamins. They contain several vitamins and minerals in prophylactic dosages and are intended for the prevention of hypocalcemia, and are also prescribed as an additional source of the element: Multi-tabs, Alphabet, etc. (calcium content per 1 tablet is 150-200 mg).

Popular drugs

Calcium carbonate and magnesium carbonate

Rennie 170 -250 rub. (menthol, orange, mint). Contains calcium bound systematic form, 680 mg calcium 80 mg magnesium hydroxycarbonate per 1 chewable tablet. It is used to eliminate the deficiencies of these elements, and also has an antacid effect. Intended for use by adults and children over 12 years old - 2 tablets each. after meals, dissolving in the mouth (maximum 11 per day).

Calcium chloride

In 1 ml – 0.1 g of calcium chloride. Medicine, prescribed for hypocalcemia, diseases of the thyroid gland and blood vessels. Available in the form of a solution for intravenous administration adults (15 ml 2-3 times per day) and children (5-10 ml 2 times per day), diluted with glucose or sodium chloride.

Calcium carbonate + Colecalciferol

Popular combination drugs that replenish the deficiency of the element and improve its absorption. Under the influence of the drug, the absorption of elements in the gastrointestinal tract is regulated, the increased synthesis of parathyroid hormones is prevented, and resorption increases bone tissue. WITH therapeutic purpose the dosage is selected individually. With preventative:

  • children 4-11 years old – 1 t 2 r per day
  • children over 12 years old and adults - 2 t 3 r per day.

Calcemin Advance

30 pcs. 440 rub., 120 pcs. 850-900 rub. Calcium citrate + carbonate 500 mg, vitamin D3 5 mcg – complex drug, intended to eliminate calcium deficiency and prevent conditions in adults and children from 12 years of age. Contains calcium, magnesium, zinc, copper, boron, colecalciferol. Take 1 t 2 times a day.

Marine calcium

100 pieces. 100 rub. Available in several variations - with magnesium, zinc, selenium, vitamin C, iodine. Belongs to the category of dietary supplements and acts additional source of these elements during pregnancy, lactation and menopause in women, intensive growth in adolescents, etc.

During the entire period of treatment, it is necessary to monitor the level of serum calcium - every week for the first month, then the frequency decreases.

Eggshells from lack of calcium in the body

Many sources traditional medicine promote consumption eggshells as natural source calcium. Indeed, the shell of an egg is 90% calcium. But research recent years showed that the digestibility of the element from the shell is very low, even when consumed with lemon or something else. Therefore, consider eggshells as an alternative balanced diet or therapeutic drugs, it is not worth it.

Sources give the following recipe for preparing eggshells: after thoroughly washing and removing the thin inner film from it, the shells are dried and ground into powder. Take half a teaspoon per day with meals, adding a couple of drops lemon juice. Course - 1.5-2 months, once every six months.

Calcium for older people – myths and reality

As you know, in older people the risk of developing osteoporosis increases significantly, and many, taking care of their health, increase the consumption of dairy products to ensure sufficient calcium intake in the body. New Zealand scientists have questioned the need for increased amounts of calcium to strengthen bones for people over 50 years of age.

  • Mark Bolland and a team of researchers at the University of Auckland analyzed 2 studies that looked at the effect of calcium on bone density. One of them covered age group over 50 years old (13,790 people). As it turned out, constant intake of calcium supplements and foods with high content element increased bone density by only 1-2%.
  • Another study found a relationship between the incidence of bone fractures and calcium intake. More than 45,000 people participated in the survey. It turned out that regular intake of macronutrients does not in any way reduce the likelihood of bone fractures.

Thus, scientists summarized that there is no point in taking calcium supplements or switching to diets with increased content there is no element in the products (at the same time, calcium must be supplied with food in the daily requirement).

But sufficient physical activity, in particular, jumping for 2 minutes every day is good preventive measure osteoporosis for older people. But let's not forget that this is just one study concerning a specific group of people without taking into account accompanying pathologies and characteristics of the body. If a doctor recommends taking calcium supplements for confirmed hypocalcemia or a tendency towards it, his recommendations should be followed.

Prevention of hypocalcemia

Prevention of this pathological condition For healthy people, who do not suffer from diseases leading to calcium deficiency, lies in a number of basic things that everyone can do.

  • Daily consumption of foods containing sufficient macronutrients to satisfy daily requirement in him;
  • Consumption of foods rich in vitamin D, which ensures the transformation of Ca in the body and its better absorption (fermented milk, vegetable oils, eggs, seafood, fish liver, fish fat, oatmeal, greens);
  • Preventive intake of vitamin D for children in the autumn-winter period (on the recommendation of a doctor);
  • Sufficient exposure to sunlight during safe hours, excluding the period from 12 to 15.00, which ensures the synthesis of vitamin D in the human body;
  • Periodic use of balanced vitamin-mineral complexes, but on the recommendation of a doctor and observing physiological dosages. Drug prevention hypocalcemia is especially relevant for pregnant, lactating and elderly women;
  • Compliance with due physical activity, feasible sport.

Products containing calcium

A nutritious diet with sufficient calcium is the best prevention and hypocalcemia, and diseases associated with macronutrient deficiency. It is easy to calculate the proper consumption of certain products, knowing daily norm and the amount of element per 100 grams of product. There is a lot of calcium in dairy products, but their digestibility deteriorates with age, so you should not rely only on this source of the element. also in large quantities Calcium is found in vegetables, seafood, and nuts.

Some features regarding calcium absorption

  • The digestibility of Ca from milk is only 30%;
  • Products plant origin characterized by 50% macronutrient digestibility;
  • The diet should be rich in foods containing vitamins D, C and magnesium;
  • Nicotine, alcohol, coffee, soda (especially cola), sausages, and smoked foods contribute to the leaching of Ca and impair its absorption;
  • Salt also promotes the removal of macronutrients from the body and negatively affects the gastrointestinal mucosa, impairing absorption.
  • The average daily calcium intake for an adult should be 1000-1500 mg. This amount is due to the fact that not all calcium listed in the food list is absorbed by the body.

What products contain calcium - table (amount of calcium - mg per 100 g of product)


Meat fish

Skimmed milk powder 1155 Sardines, canned food 380
Parmesan cheese 1300 Mackerel 240
Cheese "Dutch" 1040 Fish of the salmon family 210
Cheese "Cheddar", "Russian" 1000 Crabs 100
Cheese "Poshekhonsky" 900 Shrimps 90
Swiss cheese 850 Oysters, anchovies 82
Cheese "Roquefort" 740 Carp 50
Dry natural cream 700 Squid 40
Goat cheese 500 Milk sausages 35
Brynza 530 Pike 20
Processed cheese 520 Rabbit 19
Mozzarella 515 Chicken 17
Feta 360 Beef, lamb 10
Condensed milk 307 Beef liver, fatty pork 8
Soft cheese 260 Pork bacon 2
Plain yogurt 200

Vegetables, fruits, nuts

Fat cottage cheese 150 Sesame 780
Ice cream 140 Almond 230
Fruit yoghurt 136 Dill 208
Full-fat kefir (3.5%), acidophilus, yogurt, whole cow's milk 120 White beans 194
Liquid cream 10% 90 Hazelnut 170
Liquid cream 20% 86 Brazilian nut, arugula 160
Sour cream, fat content 30% 85 Beans, figs 150
Mayonnaise 50% 57 Parsley 138
Sandwich butter 34 Pistachios 130
Creamy margarine 14 Walnut 122
Unsalted butter 12 Spinach 106


Green onions, seeds, beans 100
Tea 495 Raisins, dried apricots 80
Chocolate white 280 Green salad 77
Milk chocolate 220 Garlic, peanuts 60
Coffee beans 147 Red cabbage 53
Peas 89 Red carrots 51
Barley grits 80 Turnip 49
Oat groats 64 White cabbage fresh, sauerkraut 48
Chicken egg (yolk) 55 Kohlrabi, yellow carrots 46
Cocoa 55 Strawberries 40
Hercules 52 Radish 39
Rye flour 43 Beet 37
Wheat groats 27 Radish 35
Tomato paste 20 Grapefruit, orange, Brussels sprouts 34
Buckwheat, semolina 20 Onion 31
Pasta 19 Grape 30
Rice 8 Apricot 28
Honey 4 Fresh mushrooms 27

Bakery products

Cauliflower, green peas, pumpkin 26
Black bread 100 Cucumber, black Eyed Peas 22
Wheat grain bread 43 Peach, pear 20
Bun 21 Apple, melon 16
Wheat bread 20 Eggplant 15

Juices, drinks

Ground tomato, watermelon 14
Cocoa with milk 71 Potato 10
Grape juice 20 Green pepper 8
Apple, tomato juice 7 Apple 7

In order for the human body to be strong and healthy, it requires an impressive amount of vitamins and minerals. Useful material We are accustomed to drawing from food and drink, and nature itself helps us replenish the reserves of some necessary elements. As is known, even sunlight promotes the absorption of calcium in the body.

And calcium, in turn, is considered one of the essential components necessary for our skeletal system.

Calcium is found in many foods (meat, milk, vegetables and fruits). However, simply eating food rich in this element is not enough. In order for the body to receive what it needs, it is worth knowing at what time of day calcium is absorbed, how and in what combinations it should be consumed. Let's try to figure it out.

At what time of day is calcium absorbed?

It turns out that the degree of digestibility of certain chemical substances The circadian rhythm has a huge impact. In order for the necessary elements to be accepted by the body in the required quantities, it is important to choose a favorable moment for their use.

At what time of day is calcium absorbed? Nutritionists and some others medical specialists, believe that the most favorable time The day for assimilation of this element is night. Therefore, it is recommended to take calcium-containing medications in the evening. If not everything is so critical and it is decided to make do with only a healthy, calcium-rich menu, the recommendations also do not change. The best time The day when calcium is absorbed is precisely night.

Some scientists also had to answer the question at what time of day calcium is absorbed. They also think that favorable period For absorption of this element into the blood, the evening is the time of day. Such conclusions were made based on the results of special studies, during which it was concluded that the most high concentration calcium in the blood is fixed during the day. In the evening the indicators decrease. If you take calcium supplements at night, then, of course, the levels will not drop and the body will not need to take it away. necessary element from bone tissue.

How to take calcium so that it is better absorbed?

Having found out at what time of day calcium is absorbed, it is worth asking another important question. How - in what form should calcium be consumed for better absorption?

If we're talking about about calcium supplements, Special attention should be given to the form, type, daily dose. As a rule, all these points are recommended and monitored by a doctor.

If we are talking about products rich in this useful element, it is important to consider compatibility with other foods and the optimal amount.

In order for calcium to be absorbed, it is useful to combine foods rich in this element with foods rich in vitamin D. After all, as you know, the absorption of calcium without this vitamin will not be complete. Foods rich in vitamin D should be consumed 3-4 hours before calcium-containing foods.

There are foods that block the body's absorption of calcium. These types of foods should be excluded from the diet or their intake should be minimized during the period when calcium replenishment is necessary.

Known the following types elements that are not recommended to be consumed if there is a lack of calcium in the body:

  • Alcohol;
  • Caffeine;
  • Cellulose;
  • Nicotine;
  • Proteins;
  • Phosphates.

The above substances slow down the absorption of calcium into the blood and promote the development of resorption (destruction of bone tissue).

However, not all of these substances need to be completely excluded from the diet. Some options are easy to consume in smaller quantities. But nicotine and alcohol should be eliminated completely.

What foods contain calcium?

We already know at what time of day calcium is absorbed. And we figured out some product combinations. But what foods contain calcium that is best absorbed? After all, having eaten a product containing useful element, you cannot be sure that the substance will be absorbed in the required quantity.

The healthiest calcium-rich foods are considered to be:

  • Natural dairy products: cheeses, cottage cheese, milk, fermented milk products;
  • Nuts: hazelnuts, almonds, pistachios;
  • Vegetables: spinach, legumes, garlic;
  • Fish ( great content calcium in the bones of sea fish);
  • Meat.

People suffering from calcium deficiency and prone to diseases of the skeletal system are recommended to eat such a dish as jellied meat more often, as well as canned fish and boiled fish, stewed and boiled spinach, and also pea soups and porridge. Naturally, a significant proportion of the diet should be dairy products. In case of serious calcium imbalances, patients are prescribed special medications.

The following options are used in medicine:

  • Calcium lactate;
  • Gluconate;
  • Citrate;
  • Calcium carbonate.

The listed substances differ different levels adsorption in human body. Some of the listed elements are absorbed longer, some faster. Depending on these characteristics, recommendations for taking these drugs are drawn up.

in organism? This question will definitely arise before everyone who chooses a vitamin-mineral complex to strengthen bones. IN pure form this mineral is completely useless for the body, therefore, in the pharmaceutical industry various of its compounds are used, about which we'll talk in our article.

Which calcium is better absorbed? in organism? Compare popular options

To understand , let's look at its most popular forms used today in the pharmaceutical industry. We will compare based on three main criteria: degree of absorption, safety and price.

Chloride and gluconate top this list only because of the lowest cost. By other criteria, they are a big loser. In these forms, bone mineral absorbed by only 3-5%, which together with the mass side effects gives every reason to put a bold cross on the drugs of this group.

Calcium lactate is often presented as one of the most bioavailable forms of this mineral, which is very far from the truth. The only category of people for whom this substance is truly beneficial and in whose body it is perfectly absorbed are infants. For everyone else calcium lactic acid- nothing more than a placebo, and not a cheap one at that.

Calcium carbonate , in trade parlance, is an absolute sales leader. Up to 85% of calcium-containing products on the market are produced on its basis. However, this popularity is due solely to its low cost. of this product. Essentially, it is the same or dolomite, in best case scenario, purified from harmful impurities. Therefore, there is no need to talk about high bioavailability of carbonate. At the most favorable conditions calcium in this form absorbed, on average, by 15-20%. At low acidity This calcium salt is ineffective in the stomach and can also cause gastrointestinal disorders.

Calcium chelate is absorbed well even without participation, and does not cause side effects. However high price Such drugs often scare off consumers.

Calcium citrate – an easily digestible and healthy form of bone mineral

Value for money ideal option is . This salt citric acid absorbed, on average, by 40-50%, even with low stomach acidity. At the same time, the mineral unclaimed by the bones easily excreted from the body, without the risk of soft tissue calcification. Less than 1% of elemental calcium remains in the blood plasma, which eliminates the likelihood of atherosclerotic vascular lesions.

Another significant benefit of calcium citrate is that it not only acts as a nutritional substance for bones, but also performs many other beneficial functions. biological functions. In particular, he stimulates energy metabolism processes, promotes calcium retention in bones, and prevents the formation of kidney stones.

Calcium citrate is an important component of drugs Osteomed and helping to eliminate bone pathologies. The fundamental feature of these osteoprotectors is the use natural component anabolic actiondrone stimulating osteogenesis processes. Calcium citrate used here to restore bone mineral density, for osteoporotic lesions and varying degrees gravity.



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Ecology of consumption. Health: Dear readers, do you think it’s worth drinking calcium? Weird question, you say, of course it’s worth it. After all, doctors recommend taking it to strengthen bones. I also took drugs

Dear readers, do you think it’s worth drinking calcium? A strange question, you say, of course it’s worth it. After all, doctors recommend taking it to strengthen bones. I also took courses of drugs with it every year with vitamin D. Therefore, I was very surprised when I came across information in popular publications that such drugs are harmful.

What is this? – I thought, “a marketing ploy for the sake of some new drugs and discrediting the previous ones? Who to trust and what to do: should you take calcium or not? I decided to look into this issue and study it as deeply as possible. And this is what I found out.

Just the facts

About a decade and a half ago, devices appeared - densitometers, with which you can determine how strong our bones are and whether the process of osteoporosis has begun in them.

It was then that it became clear that with age (especially in women), bone strength decreases, and this is fraught with fractures. Naturally, doctors sounded the alarm about this.

Pharmacists have developed various drugs calcium. And we started drinking them - with or without a doctor’s prescription, because you can still buy them without a prescription.

It has been firmly implanted in our heads that after 40 years we must take courses of calcium supplements, that by doing this we protect ourselves from the risk of developing osteoporosis. It was recommended to take it during pregnancy, for fractures, etc.

Then it turned out that our body does not absorb this mineral well, especially with age. To better calcium was absorbed, new drugs with it in combination with vitamin D appeared in pharmacies.

What rules must be followed?

How to take calcium supplements? Firstly, undergo an examination with a densitometer (a device that determines bone density), and secondly, do monthly laboratory analysis on the content of this mineral in the blood.

Unfortunately, densitometer testing is only available to residents major cities. Meanwhile, the study of the effect of calcium supplements on the condition of bones and the entire body continues.

Over the years, more than a dozen studies have been conducted on this topic, involving more than 11 thousand people. Recently, a group of English, American and New Zealand scientists studied and summarized the results of all the studies conducted.

The results were shocking: if you take calcium supplements, your risk of having a heart attack increases by 31%! Another conclusion regarding bones: preparations with this mineral do increase bone strength slightly, but this is not enough to reduce the risk of fractures.

So, to drink or not to drink?

How did it happen that calcium is both beneficial and harmful to the heart and blood vessels? According to scientists, the whole point is in what form and dosage you take it.

For example, if you took a calcium tablet, your blood suddenly contains more calcium than normal, since it is quickly absorbed by the body from the drugs.

It is at this time that the mineral poses a danger, as blood clotting increases. And if you also have a heart condition, this is doubly dangerous for you - a blood clot may form and blockage of the vessel.

Excess of this macroelement can be deposited on the walls of blood vessels, making them more rigid and narrowing their lumen. And if you already have it in your vessels inflammatory process or atherosclerosis, the prognosis for such lesions is even worse than for ordinary cholesterol plaques. This is a probable possibility of heart attack and stroke.

Calcium that enters the body from foods behaves completely differently. In this case, it is absorbed gradually, its concentration in the blood does not increase sharply.

Calcium should not be underestimated: bone density depends on it, and, indeed, big problems can arise if it is deficient. But one more feature must be taken into account: our body makes reserves of it in the bones at a young and young age - up to 30 years.

And later its consumption occurs more intensively than absorption. Therefore, bone density decreases with age. And the more “baggage” accumulated by this age, the lower the risk of joint disease in old age.

But this does not mean that calcium-rich foods are useless for older people. It is necessary to include them in the diet at any age and remember that it is better absorbed in the presence of vitamin D and magnesium. The sun's rays actively help the formation of vitamin D in our body, and magnesium often accompanies calcium in foods.

Content in products (in mg per 100 g)

  • Hard cheeses – from 750 to 1100
  • Cheese cheese – from 200 to 650
  • Cottage cheese – from 150 to 180
  • Milk – 121
  • Kefir – from 120 to 170
  • Yogurt – up to 200
  • Milk chocolate – 127
  • Ice cream – 150
  • Sardines in oil – 380
  • Salmon – 215
  • Cabbage – from 40 to 55
  • Spinach – 200
  • Poppy – 1500
  • Seaweed(kelp) – 1100
  • Sesame – 975
  • Nuts – up to 500, depending on the type
  • Whole grain bread – 320.

The list of foods containing calcium also includes raisins, oranges, broccoli, carrots, potatoes, legumes, and olives.

It should be taken into account that the mineral is less absorbed from low-fat dairy products. Therefore, in skim cheese add a little sour cream or flaxseed oil.

Proven safe way bone strengthening - permanent physical exercise. They should be dosed and varied - if possible, on all bones, joints and muscles.

In addition to strengthening bones, physical exercise increase body flexibility, reaction speed and coordination of movements, which also prevents fractures.

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