Is it possible for a nursing mother to eat pea soup? Is it possible to include peas in the menu of a nursing mother?

For obvious reasons, during breastfeeding a woman has to limit herself in food. Consumption of certain foods breastfeeding not recommended because milk is allergenic or harmful substances may enter the child's body. Some women ask if a nursing mother can pea soup? We will answer this question in this article.

As you know, all legumes increase gas formation in the intestines. Peas are no exception. It is precisely this characteristic that makes us think about whether it is worth consuming peas (in particular pea soup) during breastfeeding? After all, despite the danger of bloating in the mother and baby, it is very useful.

What are the benefits of peas?

Peas are rich in nutrients:

  • It contains a lot of lysine. Lysine has an anti-inflammatory effect. It increases the body's resistance various viruses. In addition, thanks to lysine, normal absorption of calcium by the human body is ensured, which is very important for women in postpartum period, as well as for their newborn babies.
  • Peas contain cystine, which has a beneficial effect on lactation in women by stimulating the production of oxytocin.
  • Peas are rich in vitamin B6, it takes part in the metabolism of amino acids. The lack of this vitamin affects a person’s skin: it becomes dry, dermatitis appears, spots on the lips, and bruises under the eyes. In children under one year old, with a lack of vitamin B6, cramps appear in the legs.
  • Peas contain a lot of selenium, which improves immunity and strengthens general health person.
  • Peas, like other legumes, are high in protein. Its composition is similar to meat.

From all of the above it is clear that all those useful substances, which are contained in peas, are simply necessary for the body of a mother who has just given birth and her child. But there are some points to consider.

Peas in very in rare cases causes allergies. Therefore, its main drawback is different: after its use there is increased gas formation and bloating. In young children these processes cause intestinal colic. For this reason, mothers who are breastfeeding should stop drinking pea soup immediately after giving birth.

When can you eat pea soup while breastfeeding? The legume ban doesn't last forever. At approximately 3 months of the baby's life, the mother can try pea soup. And, if the baby reacts normally, it can be introduced into regular use.

Some women claim that they ate pea soup before 2-3 months after giving birth, and at the same time their children calmly tolerated their introduction to this product. Everything is explained individual characteristics each child individually. One child has a more developed enzyme system, while the other has a more sensitive and vulnerable body. The mother of a child who regularly suffers from colic is not recommended to eat pea soup until 3.5 - 4 months. It will be even better if she postpones this wonderful dish until the baby is 6 months old. And the mother of a healthy, calm baby can try introducing pea soup into her diet at 2 months.

Rules for introducing peas into mom’s menu:

  • For the first time, try no more than 1 teaspoon of simply boiled peas (not pea soup) in the first half of the day.
  • For 2 days, monitor your baby’s behavior: whether he has become restless, how he sleeps, whether he experiences pain in the tummy, whether he has constipation, etc. Any of the listed symptoms will indicate the need to give up peas until the baby is 6 months old. If there is no negative reaction, try boiled peas a couple more times over the course of a week, doubling the dose. Then you can eat simple pea soup.
  • The dish must be prepared from dry cereals, because... fresh peas are less easily digested by the body.
  • For the first time, do not cook concentrated soup; there should not be a lot of peas.
  • Do not add smoked meats to the soup under any circumstances.
  • If the baby reacts normally to a pea dish, then it can be consumed during breastfeeding 1-2 times a week.
  • After six months of the baby’s life, fresh pea dishes can be introduced into the mother’s diet.


Simple pea soup recipe

Pea soup for a nursing mother can be prepared in different ways. Here is one of the good and simple recipes.

Ingredients: 200 grams of dried peas, 0.5 chicken breast, 4-5 potatoes, 1 carrot, 1 onion, 3.5 liters of water, salt, bay leaf.

Preparation: Soak the peas in water overnight. In the morning, drain the water. Pour 1 liter of water over the peas and put on fire. After boiling, cook the peas over low heat for 40-60 minutes until they soften. At this time you need to cook the broth. Boil the meat in 2 liters of water. Remove the cooked meat from the pan and chop. Cut the peeled potatoes into cubes, grate the carrots, and chop the onion. Send all the vegetables to boil in the broth, add boiled peas to them. Salt the dish and cook until the vegetables are soft. Finally, you can turn the soup into a puree soup using a blender.

Video recipe for pea soup in a slow cooker

Let's sum it up

Pea soup is very tasty and healthy dish. Lactation is the period when you should use this product with caution. Due to its ability to cause increased flatulence, it is not recommended for nursing mothers under 3 months of age. When breastfeeding, it is advisable to cook soup from dry peas and in a lower concentration than in traditional recipes. Pea porridge It is not recommended for use until the newborn has reached 4-5 months (due to the strong concentration of peas).

Breastfeeding women, especially in the first months after childbirth, are very careful about their diet. This is due to the fact that all babies suffer from colic and tummy cramps. Everyone knows that legumes can cause gas formation in an adult. But whether a nursing mother can have pea soup so as not to harm the baby, we need to figure it out.

I would like to immediately note that in the first two months after the birth of a child, a woman should have a strict diet, during which she eats only boiled and steamed food. Many foods are prohibited: fried foods, pickles, chocolate, legumes, carbonated drinks and much more.

Why can I have pea soup?

But after two month diet A nursing mother can have pea soup, and nutritionists explain why. The fact is that any food that enters our body contains proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Plant proteins contained in peas, after entering the human body, are broken down into amino acids. From them protein is created, which is characteristic of human digestion. It is very specific and is not absorbed by the body, but remains in the intestines. Then it disintegrates, and as a result - gas formation and discomfort. The protein does not enter the blood, which means it cannot be in breast milk.

How to introduce a child to soup?

If you still have doubts and don’t know whether you can eat pea soup, like a nursing mother, so that everything is in order with the baby’s tummy, then start small. Introduce a very small portion of soup into your diet, literally 2-3 tablespoons, and look at the child’s reaction. If he has no negative reactions during the day, then you can gradually increase the daily portion to 150 ml. Although it is worth noting here that doctors recommend eating this first dish no more than 2 times a week. It is also worth noting that it is better to cook the first course from dried peas, because... it is digested by the body more easily than fresh peas, and without any particular undesirable issues.

So, a nursing mother can eat pea soup only two months after giving birth, without adding any smoked meats to the dish.

Recipe for creamy pea soup for a nursing woman.

It is not recommended to consume canned foods during lactation, because canning uses a lot of substances that cannot be called useful.

Nevertheless, green peas has a lot of weight when breastfeeding beneficial properties– strengthens the immune system, helps improve the functioning of many body systems. However, many are wary of the technology for preserving peas, because it can use harmful chemicals, so maybe it’s better to refuse this product?

Subject to compliance with all conservation requirements of this product, green peas retain almost all useful substances. It contains proteins, carbohydrates, fiber, starch, as well as vitamins A, B, E, H, and large number valuable minerals (calcium, selenium, magnesium, potassium, zinc, chlorine and others).

Such a diverse vitamin and mineral composition ensures that green peas perform the following functions:

  • Amino acids in green peas have properties that have a positive effect on lactation.
  • Green peas have a valuable effect on the condition of the skin, improving it appearance and helping to eliminate her diseases.
  • This product has antiviral properties, helping immune defense body.
  • Thanks to its balanced composition, it promotes the absorption of calcium, which is necessary for a woman during lactation and for a baby at the stage of its growth and development.
  • Regular consumption of peas improves the condition and functioning of the nervous and endocrine systems.
  • A pleasant feature of canned peas is the fact that they are useful both in pure form, and in various dishes. It can be added to salads, soups, side dishes, or eaten straight from the jar.
  • Green peas are widely used in dietary nutrition. Due to its low calorie content (about 50 kcal / 100 g of product), it will become an assistant in the fight against overweight young mother after childbirth.

Harm of green peas during breastfeeding

Consuming green peas in limited quantities usually does not cause any adverse reactions.

However, there is a possibility individual intolerance product from the mother or child. This is especially true for people who have a high tendency to allergies. In this case, you should completely exclude canned green peas from your diet.

Excessive consumption of green peas can lead to increased gas formation, bloating, constipation and other gastrointestinal disorders.

Is it possible to have canned peas during breastfeeding?

Considering possible benefit and the harm of peas, the question arises: is it possible to eat green peas while breastfeeding? There is no clear answer to this.

Some experts strongly discourage its use. But considering positive properties of this product, you can include it in the diet of a nursing woman, but with great caution, having carefully studied all the recommendations on this matter. It is advisable to consult with your local pediatrician.

How to include canned green peas in a nursing diet

  • Green peas are not recommended for consumption before the child is 6 months old.
  • It is better to take the first dose of canned peas in the first half of the day in order to be able to observe the child’s well-being. To start, 1 teaspoon of the product is enough.
  • You should eat peas in quantities of no more than 3–4 tablespoons per day.
  • You should choose only high-quality, fresh product. The jar itself should not show signs of damage or swelling.
  • Be sure to study the composition of this product. It should not contain preservatives, but only peas, salt and sugar.
  • After opening the jar, you need to pay attention to the appearance of the peas. Its color should be green, the marinade should not be cloudy and transparent.
  • If possible, it is better to preserve green peas yourself.

Recipe for canning homemade green peas for a nursing mother

This recipe is the simplest, without adding all kinds of spices and flavor enhancers. It is most suitable for the breastfeeding period.

To make the canned product tasty and tender, you need to buy green peas in season, fresh, not overripe.

Required Ingredients

Green peas – 1 kg;

Water -1.5 l;

Salt – 4 tbsp;

Sugar – 4 tbsp.

Cooking process

  • Bring water to a boil.
  • Add salt and sugar there.
  • Wash the green peas, peel them, sort them and pour them into the water.
  • Cook for 20 minutes.
  • Sterilize jars.
  • Pour the peas into it and pour the marinade over it.
  • Store in a dark, cool place.

Green peas during breastfeeding can only be beneficial if the preservation technology is correctly followed, in which chemical preservatives and flavor enhancers are not used. You should purchase such a product only from well-known manufacturers or prepare it yourself.

Can a nursing mother eat pea soup? Before answering this question, let's consider in detail main ingredient of this dish - peas. What is good, bad and how important and necessary is it for a woman’s body during lactation and, of course, for a newly born baby.

About the benefits of peas: what is important to know

First of all, peas are interesting because they are very rich in proteins. Moreover, these proteins are similar in properties to the proteins contained in meat. In the composition of peas such necessary for full development amino acids such as cystine and tryptophan, lysine and methionine. Why do nursing mothers need them?

  • Cystine – is part of the hormones insulin and somostatin, as well as immunoglobulins; helps to activate cleansing processes in the body when exposed to polluted air and chemicals.
  • Tryptophan is an amino acid that is converted into serotonin, which provides the body with the ability to mentally relax, thus exhibiting anti-stress activity.
  • Lysine is needed by the body for complete physical development, normal height and restoration processes in tissues, as well as for the production of hormones, enzymes and antibodies. In addition, this substance has an antiviral effect. In addition, lysine promotes the absorption of calcium and its transport to the bones.
  • Methionine is a component of one of the main “ building materials" V human body. Therefore, consuming foods containing methionine is simply necessary. Moreover, this amino acid itself is supplied to humans only through food.

However, that's not all! Peas contain pyridoxine, which is directly involved in the breakdown and synthesis of the amino acids mentioned above. A lack of pyridoxine can cause seizures and the development of dermatitis.

Selenium is also found in peas. We can say that the vegetable is rich in this microelement. Selenium is useful and necessary because it is part of an enzyme that has a powerful antioxidant effect.

Selenium also helps strengthen the immune system, increase efficiency, and prevents the development of cardiovascular diseases, necessary for the liver, protects against poisoning.

It is also known that it is with the participation of selenium that most of human energy is formed. Many women are prescribed selenium as a dietary supplement during breastfeeding.

So can a mother eat pea soup while breastfeeding?

Peas and baby's allergies

Do peas cause allergies? Experts note that pea allergies are the exception rather than the rule. And it is extremely rare in breastfed babies.

However, a nursing mother should introduce peas (like any other new product for a child) into her menu gradually, carefully observing the reaction of the baby and, of course, her body. Well, if you have any suspicions or concerns, it is best to consult with your child’s pediatrician, who is familiar with his body.

Pea soup for mom and gas for baby: myth or truth

Is it true that if a nursing mother eats pea soup, then the child will certainly be tormented by gas?

Indeed, for certain reasons, when eating peas (and legumes in general), slightly more gases are formed in the intestines than usual. But excess gas levels:

  • firstly, not critical;
  • secondly, essential vitamin reserve, which our body is replenished as a result of eating peas and legumes, brings much more benefit than harm from the formation of gases;
  • and, finally, thirdly, in our case, during breastfeeding, gas discomfort affects the mother’s body to a greater extent, and not the child’s.

How to prepare pea soup for a nursing mother?

The simplest recipe! For the soup you will need peas (preferably split), onions, carrots, salt, herbs, butter.

Before you start cooking, peas should be thoroughly washed. Then soak it for several hours.

If you are planning to prepare the soup in the morning, you can soak the peas overnight.

Soaked and once again washed peas are poured into boiling water so that there is three times more water than the peas themselves (otherwise it will turn out to be porridge).

Is it possible to have millet porridge while breastfeeding and why is it good?

It must be said that after soaking, the pea soup will only cook for about 40 minutes. Somewhere in the middle of cooking, add chopped onion to the pan, add one bay leaf, and salt to taste.

5 minutes before it’s ready, add the chopped and simmered vegetable oil carrot. It is better to grate it on a coarse grater and keep it in a frying pan until soft. But under no circumstances should you fry it! Such carrots will give the taste softness and tenderness. And, if you know, it is from such carrots that carotene is well absorbed.

Finely chopped greens ( dill is better) add a couple of minutes before the end of cooking.

You will see that the soup is ready when the peas are completely boiled and the dish itself has acquired the consistency of a medium-thick mush.

A mother who is breastfeeding should really like pea soup prepared in this way. As you noticed, it does not contain traditional potatoes, which means there are no extra calories, no increase in blood sugar levels.

Pea soup is usually included in the list of dishes not recommended for breastfeeding. This is due to the peculiarities of the absorption of vegetable protein, which is contained in fresh and dried peas.

Plant proteins are broken down in the body and serve as a source for humans beneficial amino acids. A significant part of the amino acids obtained from peas is used to support the functioning of organs and systems, but the other part forms a protein with specific properties - it is not absorbed by the body.

This protein partially disintegrates as it passes through the intestines, causing increased gas formation. As a result, abdominal pain, gurgling, and bloating occur. However, such discomfort only threatens a nursing mother who decides to include pea soup in her menu.

Since the specific protein formed by amino acids is not absorbed by the mother’s body, it cannot pass into breast milk. And those amino acids that are passed on to the baby through milk do not form that same “harmful” protein. Thus, the baby will receive only the beneficial substances that peas and other soup ingredients are rich in.

The only danger that should be taken into account when including pea soup in your mother’s diet is. But this is associated with the introduction of any new product to the menu.

Useful properties

Peas are very useful for a nursing mother, since they contain cystine. This essential amino acid promotes the production of oxytocin, a hormone important for good lactation. Pea soup should be included in the menu if you have problems with production breast milk, as well as during the period of restoration of lactation, if it was interrupted for any reason.

Another essential amino acid is lysine. Thanks to lysine, the body's resistance to viral diseases. In addition, lysine is responsible for transporting calcium from the blood into bone tissue. Only with a sufficient amount of lysine in the body will calcium from food or medicine be well absorbed, strengthening bones and teeth weakened during pregnancy.

A nursing mother needs to receive vitamin B6 - pyridoxine, which large quantities found in peas. This vitamin necessary for the breakdown and synthesis of amino acids. Pyridoxine deficiency manifests itself as skin rashes(dermatitis), and also causes seizures.

The health and mood of the baby depends on the well-being of a young mother during breastfeeding. Get rid of headaches and bad mood, increase vitality tryptophan, the source of which is pea dishes, helps. Tryptophan normalizes work endocrine system, helps synthesize proteins for muscle tissue and the immune system.

Peas also contain a large amount of selenium, a “microelement of longevity.” It is extremely important for the health of a nursing mother because:

  • helps improve immunity;
  • helps speed up metabolic processes in the body;
  • suppresses inflammatory processes;
  • serves for the prevention of diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • is a powerful antioxidant;
  • prevents the development of malignant neoplasms;
  • has a beneficial effect on the condition of hair, nails and skin;
  • removes toxins from the body.

Pea soup is extremely healthy and can be recommended to women who are breastfeeding if there is no individual intolerance to this product or contraindications, which include cholecystitis, gout and acute nephritis.

Introducing pea soup into your diet

The baby's digestive system must have time to prepare for a product such as peas. You should not experiment with introducing pea soup into your mother’s menu until the baby reaches three months of age - by this time his enzymatic system is already quite developed.

In order for a nursing mother to track her baby’s reaction to peas, you can eat three or four peas in the first half of the day. Take dried peas, soak and cook or steam them. Fresh or canned peas not suitable - kept fresh active substances, which are difficult for the baby’s body to assimilate, and the composition canned food contains harmful “chemical” components.

If within two days the child does not develop an allergy and no digestive disturbances are noticed, next time you can try introducing pea soup into the menu, eating a couple of spoons and again monitoring the reaction. In the future, the portion can be gradually increased to 200 ml, but you should not consume this soup more than twice a week.

How to cook soup

A nursing mother will have to give up the classic version with smoked meats, as well as fatty broth with pork or lamb. Pea soup can be cooked with water, chicken or veal broth.

A tasty and healthy soup made from dried peas is worthy of diversifying the menu of a young mother, if the baby does not have an individual intolerance to the product.