Growing greens as a business profitability. Growing dill for sale - can dill greens bring good income?

You retired, lost your job due to downsizing, your business collapsed. In short, do you have a lot of free time, some money and a passionate desire to start a profitable business? There is only one thing left - to choose a promising business so that it is both to your taste, profitable, and does not spoil your health. There are commercial risks in industry, trade, and transportation. But why not go into farming? The business idea of ​​growing greens looks very attractive.

Is farming profitable?

After many years of recession and devastation, agriculture in the Russian Federation is actively developing, saturating the domestic market with products and generating good profits. The whole world felt this, eating bread made from Russian wheat, and looking with sadness at the growth of crops and livestock numbers. Inside the country, you don’t even have to look at media materials - just look at the store shelves.

And how many businessmen, from oligarchs to provincial small business representatives, invest their funds in the agricultural sector. Agriculture is currently a very profitable activity. For example, growing greens in a greenhouse (as a business) all year round is a very good thing in the context of sanctions and counter-sanctions. Because politics is politics, and a person always wants to eat, especially fresh and beautiful greens.

Greens aren't just about dollar speculation

The future belongs to domestic agricultural products. And now growing greens is especially promising. Growing greens in a greenhouse for sale is a profitable business. Green onions, parsley, dill, radishes, etc. are very popular. They have a large amount of vitamins, microelements, essential substances, improve the taste of any dish, maintain health and energy. Greens are not threatened by competition from abroad - such a product quickly deteriorates and lengthy logistics even from close Turkey, and even more so from European and Asian countries, leads to the fact that imported agricultural products are inferior to domestic ones and, moreover, are crammed with chemicals. And finally, the state, concerned about the problem of the agricultural sector, allocates many financial and tax preferences.

Much more. The business of growing greens in a greenhouse all year round nowadays is a very popular and profitable business. There is competition, but you shouldn't be seriously afraid of it.


A business plan for growing greens in a greenhouse, like any theoretical part of the plan, requires some attention. Greens are small plants, and in this regard they can be grown in small containers on the window, in open ground and in greenhouses.

Growing at home has its own promise. If your goal is just to provide your farm with greens, this is the best option. However, such a pocket agricultural sector produces too little effect to hope for commercial returns.

Open ground allows you to “stretch” the scale to the entire personal plot, and this is already several hundred square meters of land. It can be calculated that with a three-fold harvest, up to 2 tons of greenery can be collected from one hundred square meters. With the cost of one kilogram being approximately 100-150 rubles. the cost of harvest from one hundred square meters will be more than 200 thousand rubles. Impressive, isn't it?

In addition, open ground requires small allocations, which allows even small farmers to successfully commercially grow greens.

The disadvantage of this option is high weather requirements. The climate should be warm and moderately rainy. Basically, the southern part of Russia fits these parameters. The rest of the country has short, fairly cool summers, which limits the amount of greenery available. In addition, harvesting greens at the same time on all farms leads to a decline in demand and a decrease in cost.

Bottom line: the business of growing greens in open ground will become profitable under two conditions. Good weather and the opportunity to trade in a large city are important. For other producers, the greenhouse remains the best option.


With the arrival of late autumn and frosty winter, the vegetation in the beds froze, and fresh agricultural products began to come only from the greenhouse. Greens from specialized premises are now in good demand in restaurants, canteens, and snack bars. It is sold in markets, department stores and specialty stores. Growing greens in a greenhouse in winter for sale in our country with a short summer can be a profitable activity.

The most effective option for growing greens is to build a thermos greenhouse. Double protection of the structure makes it possible not to carry out additional heating to maintain the temperature required for plants.

You need to start preparing for the summer season from the middle of the last winter month. First you need to remove the accumulated snow near the greenhouse and put down black film or roofing felt. The same material is placed inside the greenhouse to harness the heat from the sun's rays. Ruberoid or black film is quite effective, and as a result, various types of greenery can be sown already in early spring. The earth will thaw by at least 15 cm, this result will be quite enough. Growing greens in a greenhouse as a business has already proven its worth.

Greenery - all year round!

You can increase the growing season of useful plants. Year-round cultivation of greens in a greenhouse is not uncommon in our country.

Many gardeners keep ordinary greenhouses made of white glass and standard polycarbonate in their summer cottages. In such a structure you can get beautiful greenery, just like in open ground. In addition, greenhouse fresh greens are often even tastier than garden greens, because they are not influenced by chemicals, they do not have to be afraid of acid rain and industrial pollution. Growing greens in the cold winter is economically profitable.

Greenhouse onions can be obtained in. They are rich in vitamins and strengthen the immune system of the human body during the cold winter period. To get good green onions, you need to choose the right variety. For example, varieties of winter varieties suitable for planting are Troitsky and Spassky. It is better to choose medium bulbs - with a diameter of 3-5 cm. When planting such onions in a greenhouse, you can get a fairly good harvest.

Greenhouse dill is planted as a compactor or as a separate crop. Before planting, the seeds used must be soaked for 3-4 days, and the water must be changed every day. After this, the seeds must be dried. Dill as a compactor receives its commercial form in 50 days, and as a separate crop - in 60 days. Sprouted ones should be planted in March or autumn.

Technologies for growing greens in a greenhouse are simple. To ensure greens grow regularly, you can sow dill seeds every month. This is an undemanding crop, and therefore it needs to be sown in continuous strips every 30-40 cm. Leave the seeds at a depth of 2 cm. When the greens begin to sprout, the soil should be a little damp.

Parsley contains enough vitamin C, which is very necessary for a person in winter. For a good harvest, it is better to take light and nutrient-rich soil. Parsley is resistant to cold weather and can be planted at the end of August. We make holes in the soil, water them generously and place the plant in them to the depth of the root. The temperature in the greenhouse should be maintained at 15-28 degrees. Parsley is watered by drip using a regular watering can.


To make more profit in a shorter period of time, a hydroponic greenhouse business plan is needed. Growing different types of greens throughout the year will make you a successful businessman.

Hydroponics is a specialized agricultural system that allows you to produce vegetables and other crops without land. As a rule, nutrient liquids are used for hydroponics, and the systems are placed in ordinary greenhouses.

The hydroponic business is gaining popularity among budding growers. The fact is that this method of growing vegetables retains fewer risks for production work and does not require special physical activity compared to traditional farming.

True, more equipment, and therefore more expenses, is needed. To create a business you need the following equipment:

  1. Frames for vertical placement of plants in a greenhouse.
  2. Water heating systems.
  3. Filters for purification of industrial water.
  4. Backup and main power generator.
  5. Containers for cleaning the resulting products and their packaging.
  6. Refrigerator or cold room with metal racks for storing vegetables.
  7. Consumable raw materials include substrate, seeds for cultivation and packaging for transportation and sale.

When choosing types of greens to harvest hydroponically, you need to rely mainly on familiar and popular crops. Growing greens in a greenhouse as a business based on those species that are pleasant and easy for the entrepreneur personally to obtain will become more effective. Poor awareness or lack of experience in growing a particular crop can be a serious reason for bad luck in the agricultural business.

Growing onions

Green onions have so many beneficial qualities and are so popular that when growing greens in winter greenhouses you cannot do without them. The needs for it are always unusually great.

There are three types of onions:

  • spicy;
  • semi-sharp;
  • sweet.

When comparing onions, gardeners take into account that sharp onions acquire a marketable appearance the fastest, but their feather volume is insignificant. Sweet onions have the largest volume of feathers, but they grow very slowly. Therefore, in the spring, breeders settle on semi-sharp varieties, as an intermediate option.

At the end of winter, planting onions with seeds is initially done in boxes. At the beginning of spring, they are picked and planted in a greenhouse. The gap between the bulbs should be kept to 5 cm.

After planting the onions, it is recommended to plant a second portion for new seedlings in boxes with soil. By the time the first harvest ripens (in three weeks), the seeds will hatch, and it will be time to plant them. In the greenhouse, before you begin to pull out the onions, the beds must be watered heavily. After 6 hours, the onions need to be collected together with the heads. After this, you can organize the supply of green goods to retail and catering chains.

Growing dill

The most popular and popular herb is, of course, dill. Growing greens in a greenhouse as a business should start with growing dill. Based on this, about half of the harvest should be harvested from this plant. The varieties are always used early.

It should be taken into account that these varieties need to be updated at equal periods of time, once every few years. Before planting, the seeds are kept in water, but not germinated. Sowing takes place on strips of land stretching from north to south. It is necessary to water in time with warm water and weed the bed from weeds. It is necessary to leave gaps between planting dill of about 10 cm.

Shortly before harvesting, the soil of the beds must be heavily irrigated with water. After this, the dill is torn out from the softened soil, the roots are thoroughly cleaned of dirt and dried. Then the greens must be collected in special waterproof containers. The dill leaves should be at the top. Water with various minerals and an aspirin tablet will help extend the shelf life of products. Then the dill will be fresh for 7 days.

There is no point in cultivating dill in winter: even in a greenhouse it will not have enough light, and, therefore, the product will not be very good with an unattractive shape.

Other types of greens

Nowadays, the main herbs on sale are fresh onions and dill. But this does not mean that you should not get other types of tasty and healthy greens. Growing greens in a greenhouse as a business can also be done with other plants. In greenhouses, for example, you can get lettuce. It contains many vitamins and beneficial microelements, which will be especially valuable after the New Year.

In February and March, early radishes obtained in the greenhouse are in great demand. You can look at other greenhouse crops.

That is, gardeners have a certain ability to maneuver. But before this, it is necessary to foresee the expected demand in the market. Undoubtedly, the variety of types of greens obtained will make it possible to attract customers, but keep in mind that if you receive unclaimed types of greens, you may find yourself without money.

Subtleties of trading

Production of products means their obligatory sale. The business (growing greens in a greenhouse all year round) is very profitable, but it needs to be developed. Therefore, having received the goods, go sell it. You need to know that greens are often used in various dishes in restaurants, canteens and other catering establishments. In addition, greens are sold in markets, regular and specialized stores.

Retail trade requires special documents. However, at the market it is enough to show a certificate stating that you have a household plot. But with the increase in the scale of trade, bureaucratic turnover will increase noticeably.

Greens must be separated by size. So, a bow with a long, large feather is placed separately, with a short, weak feather, and accordingly, it is laid out in another batch.

The price of a product very often depends on its appearance. Yellow, dried out, stale greens are thrown away. Another marketing ploy - try to slightly reduce the price compared to the prices of other sellers. Profits may even increase due to increased turnover. Everything is quite easy and simple.

To increase your wealth, you will need a winter greenhouse, various green seeds to obtain goods, and a little later, a retail outlet where you will sell your harvest.

Cash turnover

The business of growing fresh herbs in a greenhouse, like any business in principle, requires certain expenses, especially at the beginning of the process. But after this, the income will be much higher than the investment. If you develop a business from scratch, the bulk of the funds will be invested in the greenhouse. In particular, a thermos greenhouse will require more than thirty thousand rubles.

Otherwise, it should be borne in mind that growing greenhouse greens does not require large expenses and quickly pays for itself, especially in winter. Fresh greens on the New Year's table, on the holiday of all men (February 23) and women (March 8), will always be popular and will bring great profits. If you create a greenhouse (growing greens), the profitability of the business is ensured.

* The calculations use average data for Russia

50,000 ₽

Minimum investment



20 sq.m.

Required area

From 1 month

Payback period

Most people who choose the idea of ​​starting their own “rural” business consider growing herbs for sale among the first options. Indeed, this idea seems, at first glance, simply ideal for a start. To implement it, according to the authors of numerous articles on the Internet, large start-up capital is not required. Planting material is quite inexpensive, the growing period for greenery is on average a month, and the yield is very high: up to four kilograms of greenery can be harvested from one square meter of area. The demand for such products is stable, and the profitability of such a business is over 65%. However, unfortunately, not all of these statements are confirmed in practice.

First of all, you need to decide for what purpose you are going to do this. It’s one thing if you grow greens for your own needs and sell the surplus. If you have land, the costs of purchasing planting material and fertilizers will be minimal. But you shouldn’t count on big profits in this case either. In the best case scenario, you will recoup your investment and provide yourself with fresh and environmentally friendly greens from spring to autumn. Also, if you have a large enough area, you can grow greens exclusively for sale. But this option requires, firstly, large investments, and, secondly, such a business will also be seasonal. There is a third option for making money from greenery - year-round cultivation of green crops in greenhouses. However, in the period from late autumn to mid-spring, greenhouses will have to be heated and lit, which is associated with high costs. One of the biggest disappointments for newcomers to this business is the idea that it is possible to collect 4-4.5 kg of greens per square meter. In fact, even under the most favorable conditions (good lighting, drip irrigation, fertilizers and top dressing), the harvest will average no more than three kilograms of greenery per 1 sq. meters. At the same time, its cost will be very high. It is extremely undesirable to increase the sowing density beyond the recommended one, as this will lead to a deterioration in the quality of the greens.

And finally, the key problem is the organization of sales of finished products. As the farmers themselves say, growing greens is not a problem. The main problem is to sell it and make a profit. Firstly, purchase prices can vary greatly even in the same region and in the same season. Small-scale wholesale prices for greens can range from 50 rubles to 150 rubles per kilogram, but on average no more than 70-80 rubles with retail prices of 200 rubles per kg. Competition for local greens producers comes from farmers from nearby regions.

Types and characteristics of green crops

Greens are healthy and tasty, contain a large amount of vitamins, improve the taste of first and second courses, and promote better absorption of food. Green crops are quite resistant to low temperatures, so they can be grown in open ground from early spring to late autumn using early or winter sowings. The most commonly grown plants are dill, green onions, lettuce, spinach, and parsley. These greens are used to prepare various dishes, and the technology for growing them is very simple.

Dill grown in greenhouses both as an independent crop and as a sealant. When grown for greens, it is sown in meter-long beds in rows (8-10 cm between rows) or continuous sowing, planting the seeds to a depth of 2-3 cm. The sowing density is 15-20 g of seeds per 10 square meters. meters. Dill is cut when it reaches a height of 10-12 cm. During the summer, depending on weather and climatic conditions, dill can be sown at least twice. It is noteworthy that of all green crops, dill is the most demanding in terms of lighting and temperature (it must be at least 15°C). In addition, it takes the longest to mature, but at the same time has the highest productivity.

For growing Luke For feathers, experts recommend using small onions with a diameter of up to 30 mm and weighing up to 30 g and large sets. The sowing scheme uses a row with row spacing of 45 cm or a strip of 20 plus 50 cm. When planting in the fall, the bulbs are planted to a depth of 4-5 cm, and in the spring - to a depth of 2-3 cm. The harvest can be harvested when the feathers reach a length of 20 -25 cm. There are technologies that allow you to grow green onions all year round. The best varieties for growing for sale are “Batun”, “Emerald Island”, “Parade”, “Karatalsky”, “Krasnodarsky G-35”, “Ispansky 313”, “Kaba”.

Ready ideas for your business

Salad sow in early spring and even before winter in an ordinary way. Different types of lettuce are suitable for greenhouse cultivation - head lettuce, asparagus lettuce, leaf lettuce and romaine. Greenhouse varieties of lettuce are most often grown because of their early maturity. However, cabbage also grows well, although it is more demanding in terms of lighting and seeding density. Leafy lettuce is sown at a distance of 15-20 cm between rows and 2-3 cm in a row, and cabbage lettuce is sown at a distance of 20-25 cm between rows and up to 10 cm in a row. Seeds are planted to a depth of 1-1.5 cm. The sowing density is 5 g of seeds per 10 square meters. meters of area. The harvest can be obtained 35-40 days after sowing. Lettuce requires regular care: it is necessary to regularly loosen the soil, destroy weeds and water the plants abundantly. In addition, it is necessary to thin out the plants in a timely manner, otherwise they will begin to bloom too early. Early deciduous varieties of lettuce include leafy varieties: “Maysky” and “Berlinsky Yellow”, and head varieties include “Large Green”, “Stubborn”, “Khrustalny”, “Stone Head”. For autumn sowing, varieties such as “Winter Yellow-Green” and “Romain” are used.

Spinach grown in the same way as lettuce. The only difference is in the sowing density: the distance between the rows should be 15-20 cm. The consumption is 40 g of seeds per 10 square meters. meters. The first harvest can be obtained in 30-35 days. Thus, in one area over the summer you can harvest two or more harvests. This crop tolerates the first frosts well, so it is often sown in the summer after lettuce, onions and other early crops. Then spinach can be grown until late autumn. The only disadvantage of this green crop (as well as lettuce) is the need for regular watering. When drought occurs, spinach loses its nutritional value and shoots out. The most common varieties of spinach include Summer Giant, Virofle and Victoria.

Parsley grown both from seeds and by forcing them from root crops. Before sowing, parsley seeds are kept in damp gauze for five days at room temperature and another ten days after germination at a temperature of +1-2°C. This allows you to get the first shoots as soon as possible and increase productivity. The sowing rate for parsley is 20 g per 10 square meters. meter. It is much more difficult to grow parsley from root vegetables. To do this, the root crops are kept in sand at a temperature of +2°C, and then planted in moist soil at an angle of 45 degrees and to a depth of 15 cm (with a root crop weight of 60-70 g). First, furrows are cut in the soil at a distance of approximately 15 cm from each other, then they are filled with water. The distance between plantings should be 5-6 cm, and between rows - 10 cm. The main thing is not to cover the head and neck of the root crops with soil. The soil must be slightly compacted and watered intensively. The harvest can be obtained 30-45 days after planting the root crops, when the parsley leaves reach 20-25 cm in length. Moreover, with proper care (regular watering - preferably drip watering, ventilation, avoidance of sudden temperature changes, good lighting) you can collect up to 6 kg of greenery from 1 square meter. meters.

When growing greens for sale, experts advise giving preference to early-ripening and hardy varieties. If you plan to grow several types of green crops at once, then you must follow the sowing sequence. First of all, onion sets are sown, which are used for cutting. Before planting, the material must be prepared. It is recommended to soak the sets three days in advance, cutting off the upper part of the head. Then it is planted in soil that is well moistened with water (warm if the ground is not yet warmed up enough). Onions require the usual care: loosening the soil, fertilizing and regular watering. After the onions, dill and parsley are sown, the seeds of which are also pre-soaked. Two weeks after planting onions and dill, lettuce and spinach can be planted.

Growing greens in greenhouses

As experience shows, it is most profitable to engage in a greenhouse business in the southern regions of our country - in the Stavropol and Krasnodar territories, where the frosts are not so severe and the daylight hours are longer. Otherwise, high costs for gas and electricity in the northern regions will “eat up” all the profits from the sale of finished products. For a greenhouse with an area of ​​20 square meters. meters, heating costs in winter are about 75,000-80,000 rubles. In the middle zone, heating costs for such an area will average 250,000 rubles per year (if you meet the electricity quota). It often turns out to be more profitable to deliver finished goods from other regions than to grow greens yourself. The minimum profitability of a greenhouse business should be 20%. Ideally, you should strive for 30-35%, but they are difficult to achieve.

Ready ideas for your business

It is more profitable to grow greens in a greenhouse at least four times than vegetables. However, keep in mind that ideally you need to organize stable sales of your products in the nearest locality in order to minimize transport costs.

The cheapest technology for greenhouse cultivation of green crops is hydroponics. In essence, it allows you to minimize physical labor, shorten the vegetative cycle of plants several times and, accordingly, increase productivity several times. When using hydroponic technology, plants are grown in artificial media without soil - not in boxes with soil, but in ordinary plastic cups or PVC pipes with holes made in them. They receive nutrients from a humid-air environment, which requires frequent or constant drip irrigation with a working solution of mineral salts. Thanks to the small volume of containers for growing plants, they can be placed not only in the lower part of the greenhouse, but also vertically, on the walls, and even under the ceiling, which allows you to increase productivity even in a small area. Everything would be fine if not for one “but”: crops grown hydroponically do not have a characteristic taste and smell. They are practically tasteless, although they have an attractive appearance. Even the low price does not compensate for the shortcomings in taste. But, nevertheless, although this technology is not suitable for the summer season (when there is an abundance of fresh greens straight from the garden on the market), it is widely used for growing greens in the winter months. In the absence of an alternative, consumers are willing to buy fresh greens, even if their taste leaves much to be desired.

There are also “intermediate” technologies for greenhouse cultivation of greens, which involve the simultaneous use of peat and ordinary soil and liquid fertilizers used in hydroponics. These technologies are three times more expensive than hydroponics, but the products grown with their help are not much different from those grown in open ground.

What material should greenhouses for growing greens be made of? Currently, glass and polyethylene are most widely used for this. A glazed greenhouse is more expensive both at the construction stage and during further operation, since glass does not retain heat well. In addition, on hot and sunny days, glass does not retain or diffuse light, which can cause burns to plants. As a last resort, tempered technical glass with a thickness of 6 mm or more can be used to build a greenhouse. This material can be purchased at a price of 1000 rubles per linear meter. However, polyethylene is not the best option, since, on the contrary, it transmits light very poorly. On cloudy days, there will be insufficient lighting in such a greenhouse, which adversely affects the plants. And the cost of heating a film greenhouse will be considerable. There are better options, which have recently become increasingly popular - metal structures with acrylic or polycarbonate coating. A greenhouse made from these materials is more expensive than a polyethylene one. But it will last much longer, and its efficiency will be higher.

Ready ideas for your business

Construction of a greenhouse costs from 1,500 rubles per 1 sq. meter excluding additional equipment. At the same time, a greenhouse of 100 sq. meters (a relatively small greenhouse measuring, for example, 5 by 20 meters) gives about 80 square meters. meters of usable area. However, the area can be increased to 200 square meters. meters using a two-tier shelving system.

It is recommended to divide a large greenhouse into spans of 25 square meters. meters, which will make it easier to care for the plantings. Manufacturers, in an attempt to reduce the cost of greens as much as possible, do not pay much attention to either the quality of the soil or its fertilization. In extreme cases, if the greenery “fades”, then it is sprayed with urea, and if mold appears, it is treated with potassium permanganate.

Prospects and risks of green business

Although, in general, growing greens for sale is a promising and profitable direction, but only if several conditions are met. Production volumes come first - the larger they are, the better. And on the second (although this condition is no less important) is the availability of sales channels. You won’t earn much by selling greens on your own at the market or selling them to resellers for pennies. You can negotiate supplies with cafes and restaurants, but, firstly, their purchase volumes are not so large. Secondly, you need to provide all documents for your products. And thirdly, achieving such agreements will be very difficult.

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The demand for greens is consistently high. This makes the cultivation of spices a promising area. However, significant investments will be required to make a good profit.

Profitability is assessed based on the scale of the business. For large and successful entrepreneurs with an established sales market, it reaches 65%; at the initial stage it is 20-30%; on average - a little more than 40%. Among the advantages are:

  • inexpensive planting material;
  • ease of cultivation and unpretentiousness of crops;
  • year-round demand, increasing in winter and spring;
  • compactness: does not require large areas or expensive equipment;
  • quick payback;
  • the ability to harvest 4-5 harvests per year.

However, building a business on greenery is risky because:

  • high production costs;
  • products are not stored for long;
  • the crop may die from diseases and pests;
  • The costs of heating greenhouses are significant.

Interesting direction for business?


What you need to start a business

To grow greens you will need:

  1. Insulation: film, polystyrene foam, foil (for indoor growing).
  2. Soil, fertilizers and planting material.
  3. Containers: pots, boxes, pallets, water bottles.
  4. Thermometer for monitoring air temperature.

There are several places where you can grow herbs for sale:

  • in the apartment;
  • in open ground;
  • in the basement;
  • in the garage;
  • in the greenhouse.

Growing greens at home allows you to get a small amount of harvest all round
year. Plants will need a place away from radiators and artificial lighting. The same goes for basement growing. You can't make much money this way.

One option: sow plants in open ground or a greenhouse in the summer, and move them indoors in the winter. But the most effective way of growing is a greenhouse.

A favorable microclimate is always maintained in the greenhouse. Its design allows you to conveniently fertilize the beds and harvest the crop. In addition, plants are comfortable in heated greenhouses even in winter.

Types of greenhouses

The business plan will be built and adjusted based on the characteristics of the greenhouse.

The type of heating is selected depending on the available fuel resources and the thermal conductivity of the greenhouse material (the higher the thermal conductivity, the more productive the heating system should be).

Reference! Some entrepreneurs install wood stoves for heating and solar panels to provide electricity.

A lighting system and a well-functioning irrigation system are also required. For lighting, fluorescent lamps are preferable.

A watering system is required to minimize manual labor. The most affordable is a mass watering system. A more expensive and effective option is a drip irrigation system. Advanced farmers will benefit from hydrogel, a productive and cost-effective technology for preserving moisture.

Depending on the type of greenhouse covering, there are:

  1. Glass. Strong, durable, transmit color well. The main disadvantage is that they cause plants to get sunburned. Also, such greenhouses do not retain heat well, which makes them unprofitable in winter.
  2. Polyethylene. In polyethylene greenhouses, plants are not afraid of burns, but they receive much less light. In addition, film shelters are short-lived. The only advantages are low cost and ease of use and installation.
  3. Acrylic/polycarbonate. Quite expensive, but effective option.
  4. -thermoses. The design of such greenhouses provides for a double covering, which allows minimizing heating costs. In mid-February, the greenhouse is cleared of snow and lined with black film. The soil will warm up sufficiently by the beginning of March.

What plants are more profitable to grow?

The basis of the business is growing dill and onions. These are the most popular and profitable
plants. It is also advisable to plant:

  • parsley (leaf, because root parsley is not in demand);
  • salad (green and leafy, watercress);
  • spinach;
  • cilantro;
  • sorrel;
  • celery (leaf, root and stalk).

Before sowing, the seeds are briefly soaked in water. Planted in rows (in limited space - in a checkerboard pattern) to a depth of no more than three centimeters. The sowing density indicated on the packaging must be observed.

Advice! Give preference to ultra-early and early ripening varieties.

Before purchasing seeds, you need to read reviews regarding a particular variety. Well proven: Uzbek dill, Prima and Curly parsley, Vulcan onion, Curly celery, Lolla Rossa and New Year's lettuce.

There are several varieties of onions: hot, sweet and semi-sharp. Acute is the fastest to ripen, but is not suitable for pen. Sweet takes a long time to ripen. Semi-sharp onions are the golden mean, allowing you to grow both greens and bulbs.

After receiving the first harvest, you can grow the seeds yourself, changing the variety every two to three years to avoid degeneration.

Greens require less attention than vegetables or fruits. Many varieties are resistant to cold. But minimal care is required: watering, loosening, weeding and fertilizing. The landing order should also be observed. With rational crop rotation, after one plant is harvested, another is planted in its place.

Here are some tables to help guide you when boarding.

Table 1. Dill planting dates

Table 2. Onion planting dates

Table 3. Planting order when growing several types of plants.

PlantSowing time:
Basilfrom May 10 to June 10
Mustard leaffrom April 10 to August 10
Cilantrofrom April 20 to August 10
Watercressfrom April 10 to September 10
Onion setsfrom March 30 to May 10
Leekfrom March 10 to May 30
Onionfrom April 15 to May 10
Melissafrom April 20 to May 20
MintMarch, April, September
March, April, October
Radishfrom April 10 to May 25
Saladfrom April 10 to August 20
Leaf celeryfrom May 1 to June 10
Asparagusfrom May 1 to July 10
Dillfrom April 1 to July 31
Sorrelfrom April to June
Spinachfrom April 10 to July 20

Advice! If the “standard set” sells well, you can plant other herbs for testing: basil, cardamom, coriander. Or sow a bed of radishes. You don’t need to grow a lot: the volume can always be increased if there is demand.

On average, 3 kilograms of greens are obtained from one square meter. Based on these numbers, a business plan will be calculated.

Business plan for growing greens

The plan is attractive because it requires minimal investment at the initial stage. Seed material
it's very cheap. If you have your own plot, there is no need to purchase or rent land. The main expenses will be on greenhouses and equipment, as well as “little things”: fertilizers, pest control, shelving, containers for plants.

Calculating expenses

  1. Purchase of two greenhouses made of cellular polycarbonate with an area of ​​18 square meters. meters – 60,000 rubles.
  2. Seeds - about 2000 rub.
  3. Fertilizers and remedies for diseases - about 7,000 rubles.
  4. Transport costs (not included here, as they directly depend on the region and points of sale).

In total, you need to invest about 70,000 rubles. In the future, as the business expands, the assistant’s salary will be added to the expense item - 120,000 rubles per year, as well as registering a business and paying fees - 15,000 rubles.

Income calculation

  1. The useful area of ​​greenhouses is approximately 30 square meters. meters (you can increase the area due to additional tiers and racks). An average of 3 kg of greenery can be grown on one square meter. This is 90 kg from two greenhouses.
  2. There are 4-5 harvests per year. Let’s say we managed to grow 450 kg.
  3. The price per kilogram of dill varies from 50 to 200 rubles, depending on the season and sales volumes. Onions are more expensive. The average price per kilogram of greens will be about 150 rubles/kg.

In total, you can get 67,500 rubles for the sale. This means that in the second year the greenhouses will reach self-sufficiency. Every year, profits will grow due to a decrease in costs for greenhouses (only fixed costs for fertilizers and seeds will remain) and an increase in the consumer audience.

It is worth considering that greenhouses can pay for themselves in the first five months by increasing the usable area. The average profit of a developed business is 200-250% per season.

Growing greens in winter is more expensive, but at the same time demand increases, so it is worth considering the possibility of growing greens in a greenhouse year-round.

Business for growing greens all year round

From mid-autumn to mid-spring, plants in greenhouses require lighting and heating, which is expensive. However, growing greens for sale in winter is profitable, since it is during this period that demand and price increase.

Additional costs will be:

  1. Heating system (50 meters of polypropylene pipes) – 12,000 rub.
  2. KamAZ coal for a year - 10,000 rubles.
  3. Electricity (fluorescent lamps) – 15,000 rub.

Advice! To save heat, place the greenhouses nearby and make a common entrance.

If the business plan comes true, then you can gradually add new greenhouses and reach the industrial level.

Harvest and sale of crops

Pre-sale preparation of goods includes several stages:

  1. A few hours before harvesting, the crops need to be well watered.
  2. Carefully remove from the ground, wash the roots and dry.
  3. Sort plants by size (long/short feather). Subsequently, different prices are set for different types.
  4. Plants are placed in a special container with their leaves facing up.
  5. To keep greens longer, they are placed in water with the addition of an aspirin tablet (per liter).

Advice! You can grow and sell greens in special mini-pots. Greens in a pot last longer and attract consumers with their beautiful appearance.

Those who have had personal experience with growing greens say that the main problem is not production, but profitable marketing.

The markets are constantly highly competitive, and the need for greens can be fully satisfied by local farmers. A retail outlet on the market will only do for the first time; when production volumes increase, you will have to look for additional sales channels:

  • cafes and restaurants;
  • shops;
  • vegetable warehouses;
  • wholesale warehouses;
  • companies engaged in the preparation of ready-made food;
  • schools, hospitals and other public institutions (by tender).

Sometimes documents may be required for sale - a certificate of availability of a personal plot and special certificates about the product.

Large production must be registered as an individual entrepreneur in the field of agricultural production (OKVED code - A.01.12.2). In this case, the form of taxation is Unified Agricultural Tax - 6% of net profit. To officially hire workers, you will have to register with the Pension Fund and the Social Insurance Fund.

To increase sales, set the price slightly below the market price. Seasonal discounts, several types of payment, and the possibility of deferred payment are effective.

Reading time: 9 min · Viewed:.

We grow greens in our summer cottages only for ourselves, but what if we grow them for sale? How much income can you get? How much money should you initially spend to implement this idea?

One-time investments and expenses

Before you can start earning income, you need to invest your own capital. It is impossible to determine a clear amount that will be needed. It depends on the features:

  • where the greens will be grown (greenhouse, at home, in open ground);
  • what area is allocated for planting with greenery (the required amount of seed depends on this);
  • what greens are grown for sale (dill, parsley, onions, etc.);
  • what fertilizers will be used (protection from pests, for plant immunity, and so on);
  • regional characteristics (for example, whether constant heating of the greenhouse is needed, shelter from heavy rains, and so on).

Let's take, for example, approximate calculations for growing onions.

Where will the cultivation take place? Estimated costs Growing period and sowing cycle Expected income for 1 month Estimated payback period
Apartment or garage initial costs for the purchase of seed - 4,000 rubles;

purchase of necessary packaging – 5 thousand rubles;

mineral fertilizers and the soil itself - 4.5 thousand rubles;

monthly utility bills – 2.5 thousand rubles;

transportation for sale – 5 thousand monthly.

Year-round cultivation 30 thousand rubles 1 month

Profitability 50 - 180%

Use of land purchase of seeds for sowing - 4 thousand rubles;

mineral fertilizers – 1,000 rubles;

payment for the irrigation system – 1.4 thousand rubles;

payment for transport – 10 thousand rubles.

About 5 months 30 thousand rubles 1 month

Profitability 100 - 150%

Greenhouse growing option Purchase of building materials for the construction of greenhouses – 140 thousand rubles;

Installation of a hydroponic system – from 5 thousand rubles;

Containers - 7 thousand rubles;

Mineral fertilizers and soil – 3.5 thousand rubles;

Seeds – 4 thousand rubles;

Lighting – 11 thousand rubles;

Transport – 10 thousand rubles;

Utilities – 2.5 thousand rubles.

Year-round cultivation 30 thousand rubles 3 months

Profitability 25 - 250%

The income indicated is the same everywhere, since it is unknown what area will be used and what yield is expected.


As long as the greens are grown on a summer cottage or in an apartment, no legal documents need to be drawn up. In simple words, there is no need to register as an individual entrepreneur. But at the same time, you need to remember one nuance: you cannot sell products yourself (there are no documents for this), and therefore there is only one sales route - hand over to resellers. This is not profitable, but in the early stages it is quite normal.

As soon as income begins to increase and there will be regular customers, there will be a need to expand the business (for example, cultivation in a greenhouse will be required) - paperwork will be necessary.

The best option would be to register an individual entrepreneur using the OKVED coding - A.01.12.2. According to this coding, the entrepreneur is marked by the tax authority as working in the agricultural sector.

It will be possible to choose the Unified Agricultural Tax system (the most optimal one).

The definition of Unified Agricultural Tax means a single agricultural tax, which can replace other forms of taxation. The percentage tax rate on it is very low - only 6% of net income.

Periodic (monthly) expenses

Monthly costs directly depend on where the greens are grown.

It is worth noting that today it is common to grow hydroponic method- significant cost savings. Plants are grown without soil. Thanks to this, you can get a presentable appearance of the finished product for sale.

Returning to the monthly costs, we can say: in financial terms it will cost about 6 thousand rubles for home cultivation, more if you need to regularly travel to the area where greens grow.

It is impossible to predict the financial costs of constant travel (markets, travel to the place of cultivation).

As for spending your time, it all depends on the method of cultivation. If greens grow hydroponically, then you just need to regulate the process (once a day when grown in remote areas from the house, and if grown in a room or in a garage, then you must agree that control will certainly be regular).

The greens are unpretentious, and it’s enough just to take care of them: don’t overwater (if you use the hydroponic method), don’t overdry the soil (if you don’t use hydroponics), make sure there is a sufficient level of lighting (just install energy-saving light bulbs and forget).

Stages of business development

Stages of development of an idea for growing greens:

  1. Choosing the type of greenery and where to grow it.
  2. Select a growing method (hydroponics or another option).
  3. The sales market (shops, supermarkets) is being developed. Maybe someone I know is involved in growing herbs and was talking about places.
  4. We need to start purchasing the necessary goods: equipment, seeds, and so on.
  5. Planting and growing greenery.
  6. Selling greenery, making your first profit.

It must be remembered: at the first positive negotiations on the issue of sales, you should not stop; you need to constantly look for profitable offers for yourself.

Returns and future income

It is necessary to approach the cultivation of greens for the purpose of further sale with all responsibility. No need to think: the business option is simple. How the owner treats him will determine the profits in the future.

Payback period

The payback period directly depends on the initial investment. For example, the initial costs are 30 thousand rubles.

With this amount, the aspiring entrepreneur was able to purchase the necessary material, seeds, etc. He ended up planting about 10 square meters of his plot with green onions.

On average, from one square meter per month you can get up to 10 kg of greens.

Accordingly we get: 10 kg x 20 sq. m. = 200 kg of finished products per month.

At a wholesale price of 70-80 rubles. for 1 kg you get in a month: 70 rubles x 200 = 14 thousand rubles.

But at the same time, subtract about 50% for utility bills and transport, it turns out 7 thousand.

Based on these indicators, you can see that the payback period will be about 5 months.

But let’s be honest, for 10 square meters you shouldn’t even think about growing greens. The minimum territory should be about 40 square meters. m., and this is the minimum. Only in this case can you achieve good profits and form your own customer base.

Monthly income

As mentioned above, income depends on the sales market itself, which is preferred by the novice entrepreneur.

For example, it will be possible to deliver products to supermarkets only if:

  • there will be an individual entrepreneur;
  • There is a sanitary certificate confirming the absence of chemical additives and other things. In simple words, the product is allowed to be sold.

As a rule, they buy products at a price of 20% or more than what resellers offer.

About resellers

Here, too, not everything is so simple. Most of them use greens as an additional product, so they will offer minimal prices. The best option would be to submit an advertisement in a regional/city newspaper, on regional Internet sites, and so on, where the entrepreneur offers to purchase the product at his own set price. In this case, you can achieve the maximum level of income from your products. You need to be prepared: this is a rather labor-intensive process, and the ability to conduct a business conversation will be very useful.

Profitability calculation

After studying information on various forums where entrepreneurs in this area share secrets for growing greens, in particular onions, the following can be noted: profitability can reach about 500% with minimal investment.

At the same time, it is worth taking into account regional characteristics. From the words of the entrepreneurs themselves (from the forums) we can conclude that growing exclusively green onions. Speaking about dill, parsley and other vegetation, they all claim that you can “burn out” there. This is due to the fact that onions are not at all capricious and are resistant to possible temperature fluctuations (of course, here we are not talking about a temperature jump from 20 degrees Celsius to 10 degrees or less). Fluctuations of 3-5 degrees are not scary for him.

Moreover, green onions are considered the most popular, so there will be demand for them at any time of the year.

The entrepreneurs themselves note: to increase profitability, it is necessary to try to plant greenery at the initial stage minimum 30 sq. m. plot, otherwise, the income will be minimal, which can lead to apathy, and as a result, loss of interest in this business.

Examples of profitability

Today, the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bgrowing greens in greenhouses is popular, since in this case the yield will be guaranteed, and, frankly speaking, it is better to set up the entire system once, rather than then having to do it all over again when increasing capacity.

Having analyzed the statements of users on agricultural forums, we can say that their profitability is very different.

For example, a user under the nickname Igor86 says that he grows greens all year round (specifically onions). He works on a summer cottage of 20 acres. Initially he spent 100 thousand starting capital. For this money I purchased several used refrigerators for storing goods, seeds, greenhouses, and so on.

The first profit was 25 thousand rubles - there was no sales. After 1 year, earnings are 300 thousand rubles per month, registered as an individual entrepreneur, and officially sells its products (under contracts) to stores and small supermarkets. Its big advantage is that it is already able to accept back expired goods.

As you can see, with desire and perseverance you can achieve good results.

How much can a ready-made business be sold for?

The price of a ready-made business directly depends on the following factors:

  • presence of regular customers;
  • productivity (it is not recommended to purchase cheap varieties due to the low percentage of germination);
  • number of greenhouses;
  • methods of growing greens.

Minimum price for a ready-made business - 300-400 thousand rubles.

Video consultation

Video No. 1 points out the main mistakes when growing green onions. Denis Ulyanov reports.

Video No. 2 talks about the possibility of using hydroponics.

I would like to note that there are no videos that address this issue. Agree, few people will tell you the secrets of their success.

Feel free to create a business plan based on your capabilities and start taking action.