Garden mint medicinal properties and contraindications. Medicinal mint has a lot of positive properties. Mint: medicinal and beneficial properties

Mint is an amazing and absolutely unpretentious plant from the Lamiaceae family, which has found wide application in various fields of human activity. In folk and official medicine it is used as a medicinal plant, effective in treating many diseases. The above-ground parts of the plant have a wonderful menthol odor, which allows its extracts to be used in aromatherapy, the manufacture of perfumes and body care products. Mint is also actively used in cooking. Its leaves are added to salads, used as a spice in baking, confectionery, meat dishes, refreshing and low-alcohol drinks. Interestingly, this plant has long been considered more female than male. Even now, many men are afraid to use it due to the possible negative impact on sexual function. What are the benefits of mint for women?

Medicinal properties of mint

The medicinal properties of mint for women and also its contraindications are due to the presence of certain biologically active compounds in its composition. Of particular value among them is menthol, of which half the essential oil extracted from mint consists. Mint is rich in tannins, minerals, vitamins, phytoncides, bitterness and other beneficial components.

The plant has been used in folk medicine for a very long time to treat pathologies. digestive tract, nervous and cardiovascular systems, respiratory infectious diseases. It has a pronounced sedative effect, helps with insomnia, depression, normalizes sleep, improves mood, eliminates headaches, has a hypotensive effect and can be used in the treatment of arterial hypertension.

Herbal infusions and decoctions have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the liver and digestive tract; they are effective against flatulence, intestinal disorders, stimulate the process of digestion of food, increase appetite and improve metabolism. For colds and acute respiratory viral infections, it is useful to drink mint tea with honey and lemon. This remedy has an antipyretic effect, reduces sore throat, and relieves cough.

Interesting: Mint extract is included in many pharmaceutical products prescribed for the treatment of heart diseases, nervous system and relief of ARVI symptoms.

The use of mint for women for medicinal purposes

The benefit of mint for women is that it can solve a number of typical women's problems, among which:

  • painful menstruation;
  • unpleasant symptoms of menopause;
  • inflammatory processes in the pelvic organs;
  • excess weight;
  • Excessive body hair growth caused by large amounts of male hormones.

Ingestion of mint decoctions or infusions helps reduce excess weight, the occurrence of which is due to a violation metabolic processes. The plant has a cleansing effect on the body, accelerates the elimination of waste and toxins, normalizes digestion and absorption nutrients. If following a diet healthy image life and increase motor activity supplement daily use cups of mint tea, you can quickly get rid of extra pounds.

The grass of the plant has good influence on nervous system, allows you to relax and normalize sleep, which is especially important for the fair sex, who are prone to worry about any reason.

When used wisely, mint will be useful for pregnant women. Thanks to its refreshing and tonic properties, drinks based on it will make it easier to survive toxicosis and relieve characteristic attacks nausea, constipation and bloating. However, the dosage of mint tea should not exceed two cups per day. Unlike products made from dry or fresh herbs, using the plant’s essential oil for cosmetic or any other purposes during pregnancy is unacceptable. The use of mint for women during the period breastfeeding undesirable, as it can reduce production breast milk. But at the stage of its planned completion, the plant helps to gradually reduce lactation.

Interesting: B ancient Rus' There was a custom according to which, in order to meet their betrothed in a dream, girls put several sprigs of mint under their pillow before going to bed.

Infusion for problems of the female reproductive system

Dried (1 tbsp) or fresh (2 tbsp) mint herb is poured into ¼ liter of boiling water and left for 30 minutes. Strain and drink warm like tea. Due to its antispasmodic action, this remedy is effective in menstrual pain, premenstrual syndrome, menopause, as well as during inflammatory processes in the organs of the female reproductive system.

Soothing tea

Mix equal parts of chamomile flowers, mint, St. John's wort, oregano and half of the hop cones. Prepared herbal mixture in the amount of 1 tbsp. l. Brew 200 ml of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, and then consume warm.

Slimming drink

Mix freshly squeezed juice of one lemon, peeled grated cucumber, a piece of chopped ginger root and 10 crushed mint leaves. The prepared composition is poured into 2 liters of water and infused. Drink in small portions throughout the day. The drink activates the breakdown of fats in the body, improves metabolism, and removes excess fluid.

The use of mint for women for cosmetic purposes

Mint has a positive effect not only on a woman’s health, but also on her appearance for outdoor use. Masks, tonics, and lotions are prepared on its basis. Such products are very beneficial for the skin, as they:

  • help get rid of acne and dermatitis;
  • eliminate irritation;
  • refresh and tone;
  • tighten pores;
  • normalize functions sebaceous glands;
  • eliminate oily shine;
  • smooth out wrinkles and prevent age-related skin aging.

Ice cubes are prepared from mint infusion and used to wipe the skin of the face. This effect effectively tones, tightens and refreshes the skin.

Mint is also used for hair care. Rinsing with mint infusion after washing your hair strengthens weak hair, gives them a natural shine and healthy looking, normalize the functions of the sebaceous glands of the scalp, prevent fragility and splitting of the ends.

Interesting: There is a legend according to which the mint plant received its name from the patron goddess of meadows and fields, Menta.


The use of mint for women, despite its many beneficial properties, has some limitations. It is contraindicated to use products based on it if you have an allergic reaction to the plant, low blood pressure, or a stomach ulcer. The plant reduces the tone of the walls of blood vessels, so it can be dangerous when varicose veins veins and other pathologies of large vessels.

Video about the use of mint in medicinal and for cosmetic purposes:

All materials on the website are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any product, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

Mint is a perennial plant of the Lamiaceae family. The Mediterranean region is considered to be its homeland. Science identifies more than 100 subspecies of this plant, but currently only 25 types of mint are used.

Mint is widely used in cosmetology, herbal medicine, aromatherapy, pharmaceuticals, folk medicine, and cooking.

The beneficial properties of the plant lie primarily in high content menthol. This essential oil is found in the leaves and inflorescences of mint. The amount of menthol may vary depending on where it is grown. herbaceous plant and the time of its collection.

In addition to menthol, mint contains ascorbic acid, carotene, betaine, flavonoids, essential oils, tannins.

Most high quantity useful substances in mint is observed when it is collected before flowering.

Useful properties of the plant

Mint has unique beneficial and healing properties.

Menthol is the main component of a large amount medicines. Medicines containing menthol are prescribed for the treatment of angina pectoris, dilatation of cerebral vessels, and increased nervous excitability. Menthol-based drops relieve swelling of the mucous membrane during vasomotor rhinitis.

The plant is included in many tinctures, drops, ointments, tablets, extracts, herbal infusions. Peppermint oil can eliminate toothache and headache.

Mint is used in both traditional and folk medicine; it is included in many medicines, tinctures, decoctions, and more.

Peppermint is used as an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, cholagogue. The plant has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system and stimulates blood circulation. Mint is indispensable in the treatment of sore throat, pharyngitis, bronchitis, various diseases respiratory tract.

It is used to improve digestion, eliminate nausea, prevent gastritis, flatulence, and ulcerative colitis.

Mint perfectly stimulates the gallbladder and liver. It also has a beneficial effect on vision.

Mint decoction has a disinfectant effect; it is used when inflammatory processes. Lotions made from a decoction of the plant will relieve itching and swelling from insect bites.

Mint is also used to prepare soothing baths.

The leaves of the plant relieve skin irritation, and the bactericidal property of mint is used for cuts, scratches, and frostbite.

In cooking, mint is used as a spice and is added to a variety of sauces. Mint-based drinks have excellent refreshing and tonic properties.

In cooking, mint has a wide variety of uses: refreshing drinks, desserts, salads, spice for fish dishes and much more.

The plant is widely used in cosmetology; it is included in various lotions, masks, creams, shampoos and balms.


There are a number of contraindications for the use of mint in food and medicinal purposes.

People with low blood pressure, low tone venous vessels If you are hypersensitive to menthol, you should avoid using mint.

The plant cannot be used for treatment infants, since menthol can cause respiratory arrest. It is recommended to refrain from using mint in the treatment of children under five years of age.

The plant is contraindicated during lactation. At excessive consumption Peppermint may cause heart pain and insomnia. It is not recommended to use the plant for people suffering from various allergic reactions, chronic heartburn.

The beneficial and medicinal properties of mint have long been used in many countries. In ancient times and the Middle Ages, healers and healers used mint to treat various diseases. Ancient Roman scientists believed that the plant had a beneficial effect on mental processes. The healing power of mint was known in Japan, China, Arab countries. In Rus', mint was used for medicinal purposes and eaten.

Currently beneficial properties mints are used in the pharmacological, cosmetic, and food industries.

So many good things have been said about medicinal plants. Millions of books have been written about their healing properties. Numerous sources from ancient times contain descriptions of certain recipes traditional medicine. We are sure that people will never stop talking about medicinal plants, as they healing power will live forever. To medicinal herbs brought benefits, each of us must remember that they need to be used rationally. Any weed as well as pharmaceutical There are both indications and contraindications for use. About what contraindications for use are inherent mint, the medical college website ( will tell you right now.

First, a few words about the plant itself.

What is mint and what healing properties does it have?

Mint is a perennial medicinal plant of the Lamiaceae family, which has found its wide application as in pharmacology and cosmetology, as well as in herbal medicine, as well as aromatherapy. This plant has enough large number useful properties. Mint is endowed with antispasmodic and antiseptic properties. It also has a fairly powerful analgesic effect.

Mint is used to treat diseases such as: bronchitis, jaundice, angina, neuralgia, sinusitis, otitis media. If you are tormented by toothache or headache, you can also take the help of mint. You cannot do without the help of this medicinal plant in the fight against excessive gas formation, painful sensations in the area of ​​the stomach and intestines, stones in gallbladder. All this and much more therapeutic actions, mint owes its benefits to the components that make up its composition. These include tannins, carotene, essential oils, and vitamins. Tea, decoctions, infusions are made from mint and used for daily use. Mint can be classified as harmless medicinal plants, but only if it is used only by those people who have no contraindications to its use.

So, what are the contraindications to the use of mint?

First of all, it is worth noting that this medicinal plant cannot be used by people who have had increased sensitivity to its components. Mint is also contraindicated for individual intolerance. Mint is strictly contraindicated for people with low blood pressure, that is, with arterial hypotension . In principle, you can use her help, but remember that the course of treatment in this case should be minimal.

It is also very important to note that mint, by reducing the tone of the venous vessels, can quite easily cause an exacerbation of some other existing disease. For example, very often under its influence varicose veins become aggravated. That is why if you suffer from this disease, then it is best to avoid using mint. If you quite often become a “hostage” of heartburn, then it is best for you not to use mint. This is explained by the fact that mint can also cause this unpleasant sensation.

Mint should not be given to children under three years of age. Men should also stop using it, since this plant tends to reduce male libido. If you are suffering from drowsiness, then mint is also contraindicated for you. Another quite serious contraindication to the use of mint is infertility. Remember, if you already have problems with conception, do not take mint under any circumstances, as this plant will only worsen general position business

If you have no contraindications to the use of mint, then use it for your health. By the way, mint is also included in some dietary supplements (biologically active additives), so you can drink them too.

There is a beautiful ancient Greek legend about how mint appeared. The jealous wife of the ruler of the kingdom of the dead, Pluto, turned the nymph Mentu, whom her husband had the imprudence to favor, into a plant with a cooling scent.

The ancient Assyrians and Babylonians knew mint. It is significant that the great healers of antiquity, Hippocrates and Avicenna, described the benefits of mint in their scientific works. For thousands of years people have used healing qualities this weed.

There are a huge number of species of this plant. We are familiar with the names peppermint and lemon mint, but there is also field, long-leaved, and curly mint with notes of pineapple, apple, chocolate, ginger, and basil. However, we know one thing for sure: this weed combines great taste with a lot of beneficial qualities for the health of women and men.

Mint is unpretentious. It can be found in meadows, forests and cultivated areas, gardens and orchards in middle lane Russia. This plant is very common in Asia, India and Nepal.

Medicinal properties

  • Mint infusions are useful for problems with the heart and blood vessels. When used regularly, they even out the rhythm of the main organ. Based on this herb, publicly available remedies for heart problems are prepared, which also have general calming properties.
  • Mint has antispasmodic effect. It reduces pain of various etiologies. Herbal teas This plant will help ease the body's condition with migraines or menstrual pain. Drops that relieve toothache also largely contain mint.
  • Many problems with the gastrointestinal tract, such as indigestion, flatulence, heartburn and nausea, pain and cramps are solved by using mint. Special substances tannins will relieve the pain of diarrhea and relieve spastic constipation. It is possible to improve the functioning of the liver and gall bladder by consuming decoctions and infusions.
  • The calming effect of weed also extends to the nervous system, which is something many people lack. modern people, loaded with affairs and problems. A cup of mint tea before bed will help you unwind and get some rest.
  • Menthol, which makes up a significant proportion of the essential oil peppermint, has bactericidal properties. Therefore, the plant extract is often present in ointments for wounds and bruises, cuts, burns, and frostbite.
  • Since ancient times, mint has been included in a set of measures for the treatment of seasonal colds and viral diseases, striking respiratory tract. It has emollient properties, soothes sore throats, and fights harmful microorganisms. Peppermint tea It will help you fall asleep, and when you sleep, people recover faster.
  • This plant is an excellent diuretic. It removes excess moisture and relieves swelling for both men and women. Therefore, many doctors recommend replacing black and green tea herbal, in particular mint.

Mint and women's health

A good habit for all women is to have dried or fresh mint at home, brewing it every day. Then your periods will be more relaxed and your pain will be significantly reduced. But for male body The properties of mint are controversial. If consumed frequently, they will reduce the level of male hormones.

Healing herbs can ease the symptoms of menopause in women. And inflammatory gynecological diseases often recede under the influence of medications that include mint.

Mint and pregnancy

What are the benefits of mint during pregnancy? Many doctors warn expectant mothers against consuming this herb, since plants containing essential oils can threaten pregnancy. However, when used carefully under the supervision of a doctor, the properties medicinal plant will relieve nausea during toxicosis of the first trimester.

Pregnant women often suffer from constipation and heartburn. Mint can partially cope with this problem.

Expectant mothers and those who have already met their baby should take note of the following fact: mint is a remedy that increases lactation. Consuming it with other herbs, such as dill seeds, oregano and thyme, will enhance required properties if there is a lack of breast milk, it will help to establish breastfeeding.

Contraindications for use

Despite the many beneficial properties, this herb can not be used by everyone. Carefully read the contraindications to make sure whether the use is acceptable in your case.

  • Since mint contains essential oils, it can cause allergies. First you need to try just a little, and only after making sure that there is no reaction, use the plant regularly.
  • The properties of mint to lower blood pressure oblige hypotensive patients to treat it with caution and not to abuse medications and drinks based on it. It is better to consult your doctor first.
  • Mint is contraindicated for varicose veins, which especially torments women who have given birth.
  • This plant has interesting property: It soothes heartburn, but if consumed in excess, it can cause it. Therefore, people with increased acidity stomach, you should consume mint little by little.
  • Children under 3 years of age are also a contraindication to the use of this weed.
  • Men should not use mint in large quantities– this can lead to impaired potency.

How to use mint beneficially?

The plant should be collected away from major roads and, of course, not in the city. Weed grown near busy highways is likely to have absorbed heavy metals And harmful substances, the properties of which are not beneficial to the body.

You should not brew any plant in boiling water: most important substances, vitamins are destroyed. If you wait until the water cools to 70-75 degrees, you can get real healing herbal tea. You can also infuse it in a thermos, then the drink will become stronger and will not lose its benefits.

Mint is also good because it remains equally healing as in fresh, and dried. It does not lose its properties, and sometimes becomes even more fragrant than just picked.

A good solution, especially for women, is to add mint to vegetable salads. A drink with the addition of lemon and cucumber will quench your thirst on a hot day, speed up your metabolism, help burn excess fat and remove toxins.

Peppermint essential oil can calm you down and set you up for quality sleep if you add a few drops to the aroma lamp. Inhalations with plant-based oil are also good for sore throats and runny nose, as well as various types cough. These procedures soften inflamed mucous membranes, facilitate breathing and heal the lungs.

To take care of your skin, you can make ice cubes from mint infusion. By rubbing your face with them, you will smooth out wrinkles, remove bags under your eyes, and improve color.

Mint is a precious gift from nature. This unpretentious herb will grow without problems in your garden, garden or front garden. You can put her in flower pot home and enjoy the subtle and fresh aroma that envelops the apartment. Mint will soothe, disinfect, relieve pain and heal wounds. It is worth remembering, carefully storing and regularly using for food and treatment. Benefit of this product It is simply invaluable if used correctly and in moderation.

The plant called peppermint has been known to everyone since childhood. Its wonderful aroma captivates with its freshness and sophistication. Mint is widely used both in everyday life and in cooking, but this culture has become most widespread in the medical field. The benefits and harms of this popular plant are discussed below.

A little history

This culture has many varieties. There is green mint, lemon mint, apple mint and even curly mint. She is originally from the Mediterranean.

IN Ancient Rome There was a tradition before guests arrived to rub the tables with its leaves and sprinkle the premises with mint water. After this, the house was filled with a wonderful aroma of freshness and peace.

Mint came to our country in the 19th century, it was brought from England. Initially, when all the beneficial medicinal properties of the culture had not yet been studied, it was widely used in soap making.

An aromatic essential oil was obtained from the leaves, which is still widely used in pharmaceutical production, in cooking (we all remember the fragrant mint gingerbreads from childhood).

The use of mint is widespread in the production of alcoholic beverages, tobacco products and, of course, in medicine. Both dry and fresh, it is excellent as a seasoning for meat and vegetable dishes. And of course, many people prefer to pamper themselves with aromatic mint tea on long winter evenings. And in the sultry hot summer, a cooling drink is very appropriate and useful.

The most widespread in our country is peppermint, which is sometimes mistakenly called peppermint. It can be easily purchased at any pharmacy. But many housewives prefer to grow it themselves in their gardens and summer cottages. This unpretentious plant does not require special care and grows quickly without any human effort.

Important! The plant contains essential oils, tannins, menthol, ascorbic acid, carotene and flavonoids.

Useful properties and contraindications

For a plant like mint, the beneficial properties can be listed for a very long time.

Indications for use of mint

Indications for use include an extensive list:

  1. To improve digestion. The culture has the ability to remove symptoms of nausea and activate digestion. Treatment with mint is also recommended for toxicosis in pregnant women (if there is no low blood pressure). The plant has antiemetic properties and stimulates intestinal function.
  2. How sedative and pain reliever under stress, nervous disorders, neurasthenia.
  3. This is an effective anti-inflammatory agent that eliminates spasmodic pain in case of malfunctions gastrointestinal tract, flatulence.
  4. When treating many cardiovascular diseases as aid Prescribe mint decoctions and infusions.
  5. Colds will subside faster if you drink warm tea made from mint leaves with lemon and honey several times a day.
  6. Various skin dermatitis also treated with mint compresses, which effectively relieve itching.
  7. Mint decoction has a pronounced choleretic property.
  8. For diseases bladder this culture is also used.
  9. For stomatitis, the procedure of rinsing the mouth with mint decoction will be very useful.
  10. Migraines can also be treated with this aromatic plant. It will be enough to apply the leaves to your temples.
  11. The plant is also actively used in gynecology. The beneficial properties for women make it possible to use mint in the treatment of inflammatory processes in the female genital area.

Important! Despite the huge range of uses of mint, not everyone can use this plant.

Contraindications for use

The use of this plant is contraindicated in the following cases:

  1. Children's age, especially children under one year old. In children, this plant can cause oppression respiratory function until breathing stops.
  2. Decreased blood pressure It is also a contraindication to the use of mint culture, since the plant tends to lower blood pressure.
  3. Nursing mothers should also refrain from drinking this aromatic tea.
  4. Individual intolerance is also a contraindication to the use of the culture.
  5. Pregnant women should use it with caution, although it is very effective against toxicosis, but it can only be used after consulting with an experienced specialist.

The beneficial properties of mint culture for women are not limited to their use only as medicines for oral administration. The plant also occupies a worthy place in cosmetology. Peppermint tincture is used for facial skin rejuvenation and for hair restoration.

Regular use of mint tincture on the face will make the skin soft and velvety. The plant increases local immunity skin, with constant use, small wrinkles are smoothed out, facial tone is evened out, disappear or noticeably lighten dark circles under the eyes.

If applied mint tincture as a hair rinse, can be successfully used short terms eliminate seborrhea, get rid of itching of the skin.

Peppermint remedy improves blood circulation V hair follicles, thereby preventing excessive hair loss, normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

How to collect mint

The beneficial properties of mint and its fresh aroma have made it extremely popular. You can prepare it yourself. It is recommended to collect mint during its budding period. It lasts for about a month in June. The plant is carefully cut sharp knife. After this, you need to thoroughly wash the cut mint, shake and dry.

Dry the crop either on the street, avoiding direct contact sun rays, or in a room with good air access.

The plant should be spread out in one layer, stirring periodically. Dried mint is crushed and folded either in glass jars or cotton bags. The dried culture should be stored in a dark place.

For various colds, mint tincture or decoction is used as inhalation. Such procedures are effective for bronchitis, pneumonia, and pharyngitis. The aromatic mint drink is effective for chronic fatigue, depression and apathy, nervous disorders.

How to prepare a decoction

You can make your own from peppermint:

  • mint tincture.

Mint extract can be found at any pharmacy.

Mint tincture is prepared in two ways - with water and with alcohol. To prepare a water tincture, just pour a few tablespoons of chopped mint into 500 ml of boiling water and let it brew in a warm place. After 30 minutes, the infusion is ready for use.

For cooking alcohol tincture should mix fresh or dried mint with alcohol or vodka, in this case there should be 1 part of mint, and 5 parts of alcohol.

The container is tightly sealed and left in a cool, dark place for 14 days, periodically shaking the container with the tincture.

To prepare a mint decoction, you need to pour 1-2 tablespoons of mint with purified water and leave in a water bath for 20 minutes. The resulting broth is brought to the desired consistency with boiling water. But the most popular way to prepare a mint drink is to brew it in a thermos.

Regardless of which method of preparing an aromatic drink or compress you choose, it can be used both internally and externally, as compresses, lotions, added to the bath and used to rinse hair.

Attention! It's simple, tasty and aromatic plant will help cope with physical and psychological ailments.

We figured out how to prepare a tincture or decoction of mint, now we need to figure out how to take peppermint tincture. Take half a glass of infusion or decoction 2-3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. To taste, you can add honey, lemon or regular sugar to this aromatic drink.

You can use mint either dried or freshly picked. If this aromatic plant grows on your site in the summer, you can prepare it from cooling tea, to do this, it will be enough to pour boiling water over a few fresh leaves of the culture, let it brew and cool. Then lemon and honey are added to the drink to taste, and the iced tea is ready. This drink is especially relevant on hot summer days.

Video: Peppermint medicinal properties

Peppermint is effective remedy from many ailments that Mother Nature herself gave us, it is only important to use it skillfully. But before you start mint treatment, it is important to consult your doctor. Her medicinal properties and contraindications for women, as the main supporters of the use of medicinal plants, are very important to know.