Features of placing infants to sleep. My tips or how to put a baby to sleep How to put a baby to sleep after feeding

For correct height and the development of the baby, immediately after birth, he must remain in a state of sleep for a long time. He wakes up most often when he feels discomfort or needs a diaper change. Waking up is always a joy for parents, but a reasonable question arises, how to put the baby to sleep.

The baby becomes more active from the second month of life. During this period, he shows curiosity and studies with interest the world around us. That is why it becomes almost impossible to put the baby to sleep without motion sickness. Moms can use tips that will make this process as fast and efficient as possible.

Reasons for not sleeping

If the baby sleeps well, then parents can be completely confident in the proper growth and development of his body.

For children in at different ages The following rest periods are typical:

  • Until the child is three months old, he should sleep at least 17 hours.
  • From 3 to 6 months this period decreases to 15 hours.
  • Up to 12 months, sleep is about 14 hours.
  • Children over one year old should sleep 13 hours.

If you can’t quickly put your baby to sleep, then most likely he is experiencing severe discomfort. The situation is developing against the background the following symptoms:

  • Colic and excessive gas.
  • Severe pain in my head.
  • Increased pressure.
  • Increase in body temperature.

Put to sleep infant almost impossible if he is hungry or in a wet diaper. Against this background, he experiences severe discomfort. The situation also develops in case of cold or stuffiness. Breasts feel uncomfortable if the air in the room is excessively dry.

Getting your newborn to sleep is much easier if you give him the breast. However, experts recommend gradually weaning him from this process.

Features of daytime sleep

The baby must rest for a sufficient period of time in order to grow and develop properly. Otherwise, the baby becomes capricious and irritable. You can easily put your baby to sleep during the day if you follow a number of basic rules:

  • Baby up to six months old daytime you should sleep three times. After the end of this period, the period is reduced to two times. Experienced parents recommend taking equal breaks between these processes. These are the first steps of accustoming to a certain regime. In the future, it will be much easier for parents to put him to bed in a strictly certain time.
  • It will be much easier for your baby to fall asleep if a calm and quiet environment is created in the room. Rest and state of relaxation can be disrupted by any sound, noise and even conversations of neighbors. Parents should try to do everything to protect him from this.
  • Needs to be organized quality conditions indoors. Special attention should be given to air humidity and temperature. These indicators can be easily adjusted using additional devices. Considered optimal temperature regime at 23 degrees with air humidity of at least 50%.
  • Plays an important role during sleep fresh air. Its access can be ensured by regular ventilation. 30 minutes will be enough for this.

It is important for a child in infancy to maintain any tactile contact with his mother.

Features and specification of sleeping at night

For a newborn baby key value plays recreation in dark time days. Night sleep cannot be anxious and restless. You can quickly put your little one to bed only if you strictly follow the recommendations from mothers with extensive experience:

  • The baby will be able to fall asleep quickly only in a calm environment. These requirements must also be observed at night.
  • Comfortable conditions are maintained even at night. The room should be ventilated, warm and sufficiently humid.
  • Before going to bed, the child should be thoroughly bathed. Thanks to water procedures, he will be able to relax and calm down. The situation is not only necessary for maintaining personal hygiene standards, but also helps the baby fall asleep quickly.
  • Allows you to relax and unwind light massage. Movements should be smooth and set the little one in the right mood.
  • Before going to bed, the baby must eat well. In this case, he is guaranteed not to wake up at night from hunger. Mommy always checks the diaper or diaper.

The baby will easily go to bed if the parents follow these rules exactly. His rest will be good, so he can gain strength for the adventures of the new day.

Weaning a baby from the breast

The baby falls asleep much faster after feeding. However, sooner or later it will have to be done. It is necessary to gradually teach the baby to fall asleep on his own. The only exceptions are those cases in which the baby should be fed milk.

At the first stage, all children begin to be capricious and refuse to sleep. They are already accustomed to constantly feeling contact with their mother, so they cannot imagine a vacation without her. In this case, their bodies develop discomfort, which only caring parents can help get rid of.

Stroking helps your baby relax and fall asleep

It is possible to put a newborn to sleep without using the breast. To do this, it is enough to follow simple recommendations from experienced mothers:

  • During weaning, the baby needs to be provided with as much comfortable conditions in the family. He instantly reacts to the worsening mood of his mother, so he becomes as capricious and irritable as possible. More recently, he used his mother’s breast to calm him down, but now he cannot do this. If he is under severe stress, then attempts to cling to the breast will appear much more often. Parents must do everything so that during this period of development the toddler feels exceptionally good and positive emotions.
  • In order for the baby to fall asleep faster, almost all parents are ready to do everything for him. If they plan to quickly wean him off the breast, then being led by whims is not allowed. It is best to put the baby in the crib and not pick him up at the slightest change in mood. Additionally, it is not recommended to give him breastfeeding or pick him up. The weaning period lasts differently for all children. As a rule, it is approximately seven days. At the end of this period, the baby will be able to fall asleep on his own without his mother’s breast.
  • It is allowed to additionally use a bottle or pacifier during the weaning period. They are used to simulate the presence of the mother.

How to properly wean a baby from motion sickness

According to many psychologists, children should not be taught to this process. You just need to put them in the crib and wait for them to go to bed.

Otherwise, the process of weaning itself may negatively affect his psychosis. emotional state. IN at the moment experiences severe stress: he was separated from his mother and was not allowed to even touch her.

The child will sleep soundly at night if the parents listen and follow simple recommendations specialists in this field:

  • Before going to bed, the baby should see one of the family members. In this case, he will get used to it and will feel completely protected.
  • During the day, the child should be active. However, forgetting to sleep at lunchtime is also not recommended. If the baby has received a sufficient amount of emotions and impressions, he will quickly fall asleep and enjoy his rest. Some parents are convinced that their baby will quickly fall asleep if shortly before this he actively plays on his own.
  • The best time to go to bed is impossible to pinpoint. Each family's regime is unique, so only parents can make a decision about this. In this matter, attention should be paid to the child’s activity and the planned time of awakening. At night, the baby should sleep for at least ten hours. Otherwise, he will not be able to rest well and gain strength for the new day. It is recommended to determine your bedtime and stick to this pattern all the time. In this case, a program will be strengthened in the body, which will allow you to accustom the baby much faster.
  • In order for your baby to fall asleep quickly, it is recommended to take him for a walk before bed in the fresh air.
  • It is important to place the baby in a calm and quiet room. There should be no bright light in it. Parents should only go inside if absolutely necessary. At the same time, they must behave very quietly.
  • The baby will quickly fall asleep if mommy puts him in a comfortable position. It is also necessary to comply with personal safety standards. Experts recommend putting the toddler on his side. This will allow him to burp unhindered and not choke. The prone position is considered unacceptable, as this increases the risk of harm. cervical spine spine. Also, the pose can block breathing, because the baby periodically sticks his nose into the pillow. It is important that the baby falls asleep with a straight back and on his side. Thanks to this, he will feel as comfortable as possible. At the same time, the risk of injury can also be minimized.

Healthy sleep– the key to proper growth and development

Instead of rocking, mommy can use pleasant touches. It is also allowed to constantly be nearby and hold the baby’s hand or hug. At the same time, the baby feels the warmth of a loved one and quickly falls asleep. Over time, stroking will be completely unnecessary, and the little one will be able to rest on his own.

To quickly wean off the breast, it is necessary to create the most positive conditions in the family. Mother's milk is not allowed to be used during the day. Instead you need to show maximum quantity love and care. Physical discomfort can also have a negative impact on the situation.

A pediatrician will be able to give correct advice and assess the situation. Additionally, he will check general condition young patient. Thanks to this, the probability negative consequences can be minimized.

The topic is relevant for new parents who have no idea how to put a newborn baby to sleep if he does not sleep at night. Such sleep disturbance in a child under one year old is not new to anyone, however, the question is how to deal with it?

Formation of sleep and food intake in the first months of a newborn’s life

The first few months after birth, the baby spends almost all of his sleep. free time and wakes up every 2-3 hours because he is hungry. According to sleep standards, infants from 1 to 12 months sleep from 12 to 18 hours a day, i.e. Sleep takes up most of the day.

Sleep norm for infants up to 3 months is about 17-18 hours. Closer to three months of age daily norm is reduced to 15 hours, with about 5 hours of daytime sleep, the rest of the time the baby rests at night.

As the baby grows, it is necessary to establish a feeding schedule and gradually reduce feedings at night. To establish your baby's daily routine and reduce nighttime snacking, you need to feed your baby well before a night's rest.

Borunova E.K., children's instructor physical therapy scientific center children's health,Moscow

How to put a baby to sleep at night if he is too active? It is necessary to give up noisy games and loud music, which in no way encourages peace.

Take care of proper routine day is necessary even during pregnancy. By the seven-month period of pregnancy, the child has formed a certain. Expectant mother A few months before giving birth, you should begin to monitor your daily routine so that in the future you don’t have to wonder how to put your baby to sleep at night.

According to medical research, women whose pregnancy proceeded calmly and without fuss, who spent the required 8 hours of sleep, are faced with the problem of restless or short sleep of the child much less often.

After the birth of the baby, the new mother should not forget about the regime that she followed during pregnancy: “quiet hour”. Now she is responsible not only for herself, but also for her baby. Sleeping and feeding routine will help avoid problems with night rest. Her responsibilities include establishing a daily routine and monitoring the child’s time of rest and wakefulness if he confuses day with night.

Causes of restless sleep and how to eliminate them


With an established regime, the child is calm, active during wakefulness, gets enough sleep and pleases the parents good mood

In addition to the fact that the child wakes up at night from a feeling of hunger, there may be other reasons for night wakefulness, for example,.

Teeth growth may also be accompanied by. How to put him to bed when children begin to teethe, due to which they do not sleep at night and are capricious?

The most the right remedy in this matter is to eliminate the feeling of discomfort from teething. You can use special tools.

There are children's gels, such as Dentol-Baby and Baby Doctor, which contain extracts of chamomile, calendula, and plantain. They are aimed at relieving gum redness, relieving pain and eliminating discomfort during teething.

The use of gels containing lidocaine (for example, Kalgel, Kamistad) for children is not recommended, because many side effects. Dentinox is an immediate aid, but it contains lidocaine.

If the baby does not sleep at night and, you can also use Viburkol suppositories. They will alleviate discomfort in the oral cavity and the child’s peaceful sleep will not be disturbed. And the question of how to teach a newborn to sleep at night if teething will be resolved.

Other reasons

But what if it's not teeth? Then why doesn't a newborn sleep at night?

Karkashadze G.A.,Head of the Department of Cognitive Pediatrics, Scientific Center for Children's Health,Moscow

Children's sleep is an important part of a baby's life. Any sleep disturbance leads to mental disorders, behavior disorder. As practice shows, babies do not sleep well at night not because of medical problems.

Conditions such as room temperature and air humidity must be ensured. The temperature for comfortable sleep should not exceed 21 degrees, but be higher than 18.

The most basic reasons are:
The baby may wake up not only from a feeling of hunger, but also due to excessively dense evening reception food. If he is bothered by colic or bloating, then the baby sleeps restlessly at night. It is necessary to keep the line between “ate heavily” and “overeat” and. In addition, if a mother is breastfeeding, she must monitor her diet.

Loneliness is one of the reasons for poor quality sleep. Newborn babies can be put to sleep next to their mother - this way they sleep more peacefully. At this age, co-sleeping will only be beneficial for babies, as they will feel safe next to their mother. Possibly closer to 6 months. You can find out how to choose the first crib for your baby in this article.
How to put a baby to sleep if he is in an overexcited emotional state and does not show any signs of fatigue at all? Active games before bedtime, fun and loud music will only invigorate the baby. You need to remove all distractions, such as loud sounds or strong lighting.
A wet diaper or insufficient air humidity can also cause sleep disturbances. Allergies, accompanied by itching, can also cause a feeling of discomfort.
Various neurological diseases can also cause short sleep. If the baby is very capricious and constantly cries, you should consult a doctor to identify the exact cause. How to choose an orthopedic pillow for a baby with torticollis, read.

How to organize a daily and sleep schedule so that your child sleeps well at night

Little tips for new mothers and fathers on how to put a newborn baby to sleep if he does not sleep at night:

  1. Create a bedtime ritual: a calm environment, bathing, reading books or a lullaby, sleep. Repeat it daily. In the future, the baby will begin to understand that it is time to sleep.
  2. Often women make a small mistake when putting their baby to bed: as soon as he falls asleep, they try to leave the room as quickly as possible. According to research, the first 20 minutes after falling asleep lasts the restless phase light sleep and any rustle or movement can pull the child out of a sweet slumber. Stay close to your baby or, if possible, sleep with him.
  3. You can put in the crib something that mommy wore throughout the day. Feeling the smell of his mother nearby, the child will fall asleep faster.
  4. Fitball. The benefits of this fitness equipment have been noticed not only for sports, but also for motion sickness of the baby. Uniform rocking on the fitball in the mother's arms acts like rocking in the womb and, moreover, does not have any effect heavy load on mom's back.
  5. Not every baby requires rocking or singing lullabies. As practice shows, some children fall asleep faster if you just sit next to them, stroke them or let them hold your finger.
  6. Quiet classical music has a beneficial effect on baby's sleep. Observe the child’s reaction: as a rule, this contributes to rapid lull.

Lupandina-Bolotova G.S.,Head of the Department of Physical Therapy,Scientific Center for Children's Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences

The question of how to put a baby to sleep arises for many parents. Walking in the fresh air will help solve the problem. In the evening, the street is quiet and the air is fresh.

As practice shows, the rustling of leaves and the rocking of the stroller have a beneficial effect on falling asleep quickly.


There can be many reasons why a baby does not sleep at night - colic in the stomach, bothersome teeth, long naps during the day. Secrets of young parents can help if the baby has trouble sleeping day and night.

Armed with these simple tips, every pair of young parents will be able to solve the problem of how to put their newborn to sleep if he does not sleep at night. After all, the sooner this problem is solved, the sooner both the baby and the father and mother will be able to rest.

With the arrival of a new member in the family, parents have the same question: how to put a newborn to sleep? Most dads and moms go to the Internet to get an answer. This article will tell you about the best way to put your newborn to sleep. You will learn about the features of this procedure and get acquainted with the nuances of the process. You can also find out the opinion of experts on this matter.

Ask your doctor about how to properly put your newborn to sleep

Each baby in the children's clinic is assigned to a specific area, which is supervised by a pediatrician. If you have a question about how to put your newborn to sleep at night or during the daytime, visit medical institution and ask your doctor.

The pediatrician will tell you in detail that a baby should sleep on a hard surface in the first year of his life. There is also no need to cover the child and place a pillow under his head. It is worth folding the diaper several times and placing it at the head of the bed. Doctors believe that in such conditions the newborn’s spine will take the correct position. Is this really true? Some modern pediatricians have a completely opposite opinion about how to put a newborn to sleep. Let's consider the main nuances and conditions.

Co-sleeping or staying in a crib?

Before putting your newborn to bed, you need to decide on his resting place. Doctors' opinions vary greatly about what is best for the baby. Some doctors believe that the baby should be with his mother for nine long months. A sharp separation can have a bad effect on the baby’s neurological condition. That is why experts recommend that mothers arrange co-sleeping. Place your newborn with you. This way you won't have to get up for the next feeding. In the first months of life, the child should not be separated from his mother for more than two hours.

Other doctors say that the place of a newborn baby should be determined separately. The child needs to buy a separate comfortable crib or cradle. There is no place for a baby in mom’s bed. Only the baby's dad should sleep there.

The right bedding

How to put a newborn to sleep? If you are determined to sleep together, then the question is: bedding usually does not occur. The baby sleeps on his mother's sheet and is covered with her blanket. However, you still need to maintain personal hygiene. When sleeping together, the child needs to lay out his own diaper. Place it directly on your sheet. Also buy a small blanket to cover your baby.

If you place your child in a crib, then you need to buy a mattress and a pillow with a blanket. Most pediatricians recommend firm mattresses made from natural materials. Pillows should only be used on the advice of a physician. Often these are orthopedic devices. Doctors also advise not to cover the baby, but to place him in a sleeping bag.

Hard or soft?

How to properly put a newborn baby to sleep? Is it really necessary to use only hard surfaces and give up soft feather beds, blankets and pillows?

Nowadays, parents often face the fact that their children refuse to sleep in their cribs. The babies fall asleep well in their mother's arms, but after being transferred to the cradle they begin to cry. What is the reason for this concern? It's all about the sleeping conditions. In ancient times, babies were placed on lush soft feather beds, and a small pillow was placed under the head. In such conditions, newborns slept sweetly and for a long time. It is worth noting that many generations grew up in similar cradles. At the same time, people do not suffer from curvature of the spine, from which new hard mattresses and orthopedic pillows “rescue”.

Ambient conditions

How should you put a newborn to sleep? What should be the conditions surrounding it? After all, only in a comfortable environment will the baby sleep soundly and peacefully.

First of all, before putting your newborn to bed, you need to ventilate the room. However, make sure that the room temperature does not drop below 20 degrees. Also, do not heat the air to more than 25 degrees. Remember that newborn children, due to underdevelopment of thermoregulation, quickly freeze and overheat. Make sure that your baby is dressed in comfortable, breathable clothing that does not have large buttons or sharp objects.

To download or not?

How to put a newborn to sleep? Many new parents resort to motion sickness. While grandmothers and experienced mothers they say that this is fraught with hand training. In fact, if your baby gets used to falling asleep in your arms while rocking rhythmically, this will cause a lot of inconvenience later on. Is it right to rock a newborn baby?

Many doctors, pediatricians and neurologists say that in the process of rhythmic rocking, a child develops normal operation vestibular apparatus. Often, patients with impairment of this function are recommended to ride on a swing. In the first months of a child’s life, he or she is bothered by pain in the tummy. That is why the baby cries and kicks its legs. During the rocking process, the child is distracted and calms down. This is why rocking your baby to sleep is not only possible, but also necessary. This will help avoid the baby’s screams and the mother’s excessive nervous tension.

In what position?

How to put a newborn to sleep? Should the baby lie on his back or stomach while resting? What can you say to new parents about this?

In most maternity hospitals, babies are placed on their sides. In this case, a special cushion or rolled up towel is placed under the backrest. This position will help prevent the baby from choking during burping. However, in many countries, doctors practice sleeping on their stomachs for newborns. In fact, in this position the baby will be somewhat more comfortable. Hands and feet will not frighten the baby, and gases will be able to escape from the tummy more quickly. In Russia, pediatricians do not allow the baby to be placed on his stomach until the umbilical cord falls off. On average this time is two weeks. Many babies like to sleep on their back. However, you should not practice this position at night. Quite often, babies spit up and can choke on these masses.

What conclusion can be drawn about the baby’s position in sleep? Put your child to sleep exactly as he or she is comfortable. However, when positioning on the stomach, it is worth removing the pillow from under the newborn’s head. This will help avoid sudden death.

How to put a newborn to sleep: some ways

Already after the first month of the baby’s life, mom and dad develop a certain technique with which they lull the baby to sleep. In fact, there are many ways to put a newborn to sleep during the day or at night. Some of them are presented to your attention.


Many babies fall asleep well while feeding. It doesn't matter whether your baby is eating or not breast milk or a mixture. Newborn babies have a strong sucking reflex. While sucking, they calm down and fall asleep safely. Do not forget to hold the baby in a “column” so that the air comes out of the stomach.

How to put a newborn to sleep in a crib

If you want to teach your baby to fall asleep in his own bed, then it is worth saying that at this age it will not be easy to do. A pacifier, a bed pendulum and a mobile will come to your aid. Place your baby in bed and rock him slightly. If the baby is worried, give him a pacifier. This arrangement can continue for quite a long time. Remember that the child must be fed and have a clean diaper or diaper.


Sometimes regular stroking can help put a newborn to sleep. Find a point on your forehead between your eyebrows and make circular movements in a clockwise direction. All your touch should be gentle. Such stroking calms the newborn, and he quickly falls asleep.

In conclusion

You now know how to put a newborn to sleep. Remember that during the day there should be monotonous noise around the child. At night, turn off the lights, radio and TV. If you have to feed or change your baby's clothes, use a night light and conduct all conversations in a whisper. Sweet dreams to your baby!

I often receive letters from you complaining about the difficulties of putting newborn babies to sleep. You write that it takes a long time to put the baby to bed. Despite obvious fatigue, the child is capricious, cries, but does not fall asleep, tormenting both you and himself. How to put a baby to sleep? Let's talk about this.

Create a familiar environment

The first thing that is important to do in order to put your baby to sleep without problems is to rid him of these problems. The most important of them lies in the fact that the child found himself in a completely new, unusual environment. Just imagine: in your tummy it spent 9 months getting used to one set of conditions, and now it’s in completely different conditions:

  • There was constant noise in your tummy (the beat of your heart, the flow of blood, the sound of amniotic fluid, external noises), and now they are trying to create perfect silence around. Which, it turns out, is completely uncomfortable for a newborn!
  • The child got used to constant twilight and suddenly found himself in bright light (by the way, read an interesting article about when a newborn begins to see >>>);
  • Inside my mother he kept moving with her all the time, and now suddenly he suddenly stopped swaying;
  • It was cramped for the baby in the mother, but now there is so much space that the baby feels lost;
  • For the previous 9 months, my mother was constantly there as a guarantee of peace and security. And now she tries to put him down alone and leave.

Therefore, to quickly put your baby to sleep, create conditions similar to those to which he is accustomed:

  1. Swaddling will provide tightness (in addition, the baby will be warmer this way, because his thermoregulation is still weak). Learn the secrets of swaddling from the article How to swaddle a newborn >>>;
  2. Background noise will help create white noise– audio recording of measured, muffled sounds (the sound of wind, rain, river) We have an article on this topic on our website: White noise for a newborn >>>;
  3. It’s also easy to create twilight by closing the curtains and turning off the lights;
  4. Movement in the stomach now perfectly simulates motion sickness (don’t be afraid to rock your baby - he won’t get used to it until he’s 3 months old);
  5. You can also recreate constant contact with your mother: let the baby fall asleep under your breast, or in your arms, on your stomach. Let him feel your constant presence, as it was before birth.

To your question about how to lay one month old baby There is only one answer to sleeping without motion sickness – early. Due to the immaturity of the nervous system, the baby cannot yet fall asleep on his own.

Do not force a tiny organism by teaching it independence by throwing it alone in the crib. Apart from terrible stress (my mother left me, she doesn’t need me!), this will give the baby nothing.

What else is important to consider when putting your baby to bed?

  • The baby can now stay awake between naps for about 20 minutes. After that he nervous system gets tired. The baby begins to show signs of fatigue (be capricious, rub his face or eyes with his fists, “kick out”). So it’s time to put him down again.
  • Most babies don't know when it's day or night. You can help them with this by constantly showing the difference clearly;

So, during the day he needs to ensure maximum light and noise conditions (open the curtains, if necessary, turn on the lights, do not whisper, do not muffle other sounds). But then, how to put a one-month-old baby to sleep during the day? Let it be “half-dark” and “half-noisy.”
At night, on the contrary, it should be as quiet and dark as possible. Even if the baby wakes up for feeding or needs to change his diaper, do it in the dark, with a dim nightlight, without talking to him loudly.

  • Most of a child's sleep at this age is not deep sleep. Therefore, the baby can wake up every 20-30 minutes, even if it is not yet time to eat. Especially during the day, when there is more interference. Be prepared for the fact that the baby will have to be “pumped to death”;

To put your baby to bed at night...

...often mothers have to spend much more effort. After all, when showing your child the difference between day and night, you cannot make light or noise. How to put a one-month-old baby to sleep at night in this case?

Co-sleeping can be a good help, when the baby falls asleep next to his mother, feeling her warmth, smell, and pulse.

Know! So that mommy can also get some sleep, you can move a baby's cradle to the adult bed by removing its side wall. This will make feeding the baby more convenient: the fewer unnecessary movements, the faster the baby will calm down again.

In addition, if you constantly accustom your baby to the difference between day and night, this will help the baby get used to the silence of the night. And in the future, in 3-4 months, do not confuse day with night, which is quite common among infants.

This issue is covered in the article The child confused day with night, what to do?>>>

By the way! Don't be afraid to tame your baby too much. Better be careful not to give your child a feeling of peace, security, and joy.

After all, now it is you who are the stronghold of little children’s happiness, the shortage of which is in early childhood may, in the future, turn out to be serious psychological problems(withdrawal, embitterment, inferiority complex, neuroses, aggression).

Finding the reason will then be very difficult. But problems are easier to prevent!

What else affects babies' sleep?

Yes, a lot of things actually. So you seem to be rocking him, and swaddling him, and turning on white noise, and giving him breastfeeding, but he is still tormented by crying... Then think about this one more thing:

  1. Are you calm yourself?

Newborns very acutely feel emotional discomfort in the family, especially in their mother. If you are nervous, often quarrel with your husband, or have become embittered, all your rocking and lullabies will not help put your baby to sleep.

  1. Isn’t the child’s psyche overloaded with the constant “invasion of guests”?

Our grandmothers also hid their children from prying eyes for the first few months. And not at all in order not to “jinx it.”

It’s just difficult for the baby’s nervous system to cope with “digesting” so many faces, voices, and noises. A grandmother coming “for a visit” is one thing. But crowds of friends, colleagues, all kinds of relatives are already too much.

Many parents are faced with the problem of how to put their newborn to sleep, because sleep is the main factor in the growth and development of the baby. Therefore, it is necessary to find out why the baby does not sleep at night, and what to do.

If a baby does not sleep well both day and night, this can lead to deviations not only physically, but also psychological development. What does proper rest contribute to:

  • Correct brain function. This body needs good rest. It processes the information received during the day and relieves stress.
  • Restoration of strength. In the process of understanding the world little man tired both physically and emotionally. That's why restoration of energy is its basic need.
  • Diversified development. A well-rested baby is ready for new knowledge. He shows interest in everything and easily socializes in society.
  • Emotional stability. When a baby doesn't sleep well at night, crying and whims during the day are guaranteed. This has a negative impact on psychological state not only the baby, but also the mother.

Age-specific sleep needs calendar

Starting from the birth of the child, the parent is obliged to create a regime in which the baby will get enough sleep.

With each month, the newborn begins to be more awake, and his needs for the amount of sleep change. The child can increasingly go without sleep. Now he not only sleeps and eats like a newborn, but communicates with his mother, plays, and explores the world.

But it is worth remembering that each child is unique, and some may sleep all night, waking up only to feed. And someone walks at night and sleeps during the day. But there are certain rules:

Age Total sleep per day Daytime nap Night sleep
0-2 months17-20 hours8-9 hours7-10 hours
2-4 months14-16 hours4-5 hours9-10 o'clock
4-6 months14-15 hours4-5 hours10 o'clock
6-12 months13-14 hours2.5-4 hours11-12 hours
12-18 months13-14 hours2-3 hours11-12 hours
1.5-2.5 years12-13 hours1.5-2.5 hours10.5-11 hours
3-4 years11-12 hours0-1.5 hours10.5-11 hours
5 years10.5-11 hours10.5-11 hours

The main thing is not to miss the moment and not to prolong the active time between dreams. The information in the article at the link will help you understand why. The toddler may become overtired and then it will be difficult to calm him down. Excessive fatigue and tension will not allow the little researcher to get a deep and full night's sleep.

For a baby up to 3 months, the time of his comfortable wakefulness is equal to the time of his previous sleep. But no more than 50-60 minutes.

Between the ages of 3 and 8 months, try to recognize signs of your baby's fatigue and start putting him to sleep right away. From the age of 8 months, try to create rest by the hour.

How long can a baby stay awake without overtiring:

Age Time Age Time
0-2 months75 min.9 months2 hours 45 minutes
3-4 months1 hour 30 minutes10 months3 hours
5 months1 hour 45 minutes11 months3 hours 15 minutes
6 months2 hours12 months3 hours 30 minutes
7 months2 hours 15 minutes15 months4 hours
8 months2 hours 30 minutes18+ months4 hours 30 minutes

Causes of sleep disturbances

To understand why a newborn does not sleep at night, you need to determine the specific reason.

Therefore, if a baby sleeps restlessly at night, it is imperative to find out the reason. If this is associated with some disease, you should immediately seek help.

You can consult your pediatrician, and he will refer you to a specialist. Perhaps it will be enough to drink sedatives, for example, the teas we talk about in this.

The main reasons for lack of sleep:

  • pain (most often colic, teething, rickets);
  • stressful situations;
  • heredity;
  • diseases of internal organs;
  • incorrectly set mode;
  • individual characteristics;
  • extraneous irritants;
  • physiological needs.

How to look out for signs that your child is tired

It’s not difficult to notice when your baby is ready to sleep. To do this, you should take a closer look at his behavior. It is important to put your baby down as soon as signs of fatigue appear, otherwise overtiredness may occur.

The following actions indicate drowsiness:

  • constantly rubs his eyes;
  • yawns;
  • is capricious;
  • overly excited or, on the contrary, lethargic;
  • poor coordination;
  • loses interest in games.

10 ways to put your baby to sleep

All children are supposed to sleep at night, so how do you teach a newborn?

Let's look at the most popular methods:

Bathing a newborn before bed using decoctions or infusions of soothing herbs promote comfortable rest
  1. Conversations before bed. A native voice is soothing, the main thing is that it is quiet and monotonous. You can read a story, sing a lullaby, or just talk.
  2. Regular ventilation. In a room with a large flow of fresh air, the process of falling asleep is easier. The warmer the conditions, the worse baby sleeps at night.
  3. Breast milk or bottle. They will satisfy not only the sucking reflex and hunger, but also help to calm down.
  4. Swaddling. Even though modern techniques They reject this method; for some children, especially hyperactive kids, it really helps, if you don’t overdo it. It’s worth a try if your baby is very active and his arms and legs are in constant motion. The baby will stop distracting himself and will probably fall asleep sooner.
  5. Evening swimming. Water procedures have a beneficial effect on the body, completely relaxing it. If add an infusion of soothing herbs to the water, then the effect of the baths will increase.
  6. Fighting colic. Almost every newborn does not sleep at night due to colic. Special services will help you get through this difficult moment medical supplies(check with your pediatrician), a warm diaper and a heating pad applied to the tummy, circular massage movements in a clockwise direction.
  7. Mode. How to put a baby to sleep if he constantly cries? Perhaps the baby was overexcited. Going to bed at the same time will become a useful habit.
  8. Restrictions. The method is to in the evening, protect your offspring from noisy games, active entertainment and TV. It is worth preparing your fragile nervous system for sleep and not loading it with unnecessary information.
  9. Take breaks. If rocking the baby is ineffective and lasts more than an hour, take a break for 15-20 minutes, then start again.
  10. Rituals. Repeating the same actions every day helps your newborn feel secure and go to sleep easier. To overcome sleep disturbance in a child under one year old, it is necessary daily ritual. Be sure to follow the sequence of actions, do not rearrange them. If your fidget does not calm down. Give him a short relaxing massage, tell him a short story in a quiet voice. If the baby sleeps in his own crib, you should not allow him to fall asleep in his parents' bed. About that how to teach your baby to sleep in his own crib can be found here.

Colic is natural physiological process in the body, this happens due to the underdevelopment of your baby’s gastrointestinal tract. Be patient, according to statistics, by 3-4 months colic goes away without a trace.

If you need to quickly alleviate your baby’s condition, we recommend mastering it. This is not at all difficult, but read about the rules for its implementation in a separate article.

Compliance with the sequence of actions when laying

A bedtime ritual is a daily repeating sequence of actions.. Newborns do not know how to navigate time; thanks to the ritual, they receive a signal that preparation for sleep begins.

If an adult quickly gets bored with routine, then for a baby it is important, so he orients himself in events.

Rules of the ritual:

  • Duration before nap– 10 minutes, before night – more than 20 minutes.
  • Each time the ritual is performed by the same person, just before bedtime.
  • If you end the ritual with a fairy tale, and your child then asks you to sing to him, the ritual turns into an endless game. Perform the ritual 1 time.
  • It is important to be systematic. Every day, before every bedtime.
  • Don't be distracted by other things, be it an important phone call or cutlets on the stove. Concentrate on the baby and complete the ritual.

If a newborn does not sleep well at night, then introducing a ritual will solve this problem.

7 effective techniques for falling asleep on your own

If a child has the skill of falling asleep independently, this makes life much easier for his parents.

The following techniques will tell you how to put your baby to sleep without tears and hysterics.

1 Self-soothing. After all procedures are completed, the child is placed in a crib. You need to be close until your eyes close, then you can leave the room. When the baby cries, all actions should be aimed at consoling only with the help of the voice. You need to talk to him quietly and affectionately, without getting him out of the crib.

2 Gradual farewell. As soon as the baby begins to fall asleep, they put him in bed and stand next to him. If the baby is naughty, you can calm him down, but you should not pick him up. You need to move a short distance from the crib every day.

This way, the child will slowly get used to the constant presence of his mother and within a couple of weeks he will be able to spend the night alone.

3 No tears. When there is an association of sleep with feeding and rocking, then in order to teach the baby to fall asleep on his own, it is necessary to destroy this connection. Let your child fall asleep in unusual conditions, such as in a car or on the street.

Give your child his favorite toy in his crib - it will calm him down

Give him a favorite toy that he can go to bed with. It is important to gradually reduce the duration of motion sickness and limit night feedings so that a sudden change in habitual patterns does not cause psychological trauma in the child.

4 Ferber method. Described below the method can be called quite cruel and is as follows. Having lulled the child to sleep, they leave him in the crib and leave the room. Hearing crying, they wait a little and return, trying to calm him down, but not picking him up.

Every time he wakes up, all actions are repeated. Gradually, the child's time alone is increased until he gets used to being in the room on his own.

5 Estiville method. During the day, the mother explains to the baby that in the evening he will sleep on his own in his crib. After the child lies down, the mother kisses him and leaves for a minute or more. When returning, you need to explain that she is nearby and he is safe.

Unlike the previous one, this method implies shorter time intervals when the baby is left alone.

6 Tactile method. The children's nervous system has its own characteristics. To calm down and calm down, they need tactile contact.

Gentle stroking of the arms, back and legs can put the baby to sleep in 10-15 minutes.

7 Mom is nearby. Mom's smell makes the baby feel safe. The feeling that his mother is nearby does not allow him to wake up. You need to put something from your mother’s clothes next to the baby so that he feels the presence of a loved one.

How not to put your baby to bed

It happens that parents do not know what to do when their baby cannot sleep at night. In your search for answers, it’s easy to stumble upon advice that you shouldn’t follow.

8 bad styling tips:

  1. Sleep in a stroller or car. A child's sleep is divided into 4 phases. And when the baby falls asleep deeply, high-quality recovery occurs child's body. But, if the little one is in a state of movement, it is impossible to fall asleep “deeply”. During a walk, rest is considered superficial, and as soon as the stroller stops, the eyes open. If you have to long trip with a baby, and you are worried about how to organize a comfortable rest for your child during a flight or move - a week before the trip, introduce the sound of the rumble of a car, plane or the sound of train wheels into your falling asleep ritual. This will become a good association and will help you fall asleep safely on the road.
  2. Motion sickness. Such movements do not allow the baby to fall asleep soundly., and then problems arise with falling asleep on your own. Also, there is danger in motion sickness. Doctors have a definition - “to relieve pain.” If a child is thirsty, hungry, or has ear pain, then motion sickness will not let you understand that any abnormalities are occurring.
  3. Termination breastfeeding. Enough teach your baby to sleep without the harmful association BREAST = SLEEP, and then you won’t have to deprive your baby of very healthy mother’s milk.
  4. Pacifier. This attribute is also a bad association. At the moment when the baby moves from one phase of sleep to the next, he will wake up in search of an object missing in his mouth.
  5. Late bedtime. Children who are early risers wake up at 6-7 am, and this does not depend at all on what time they were put to bed. If such a child is put to bed very late, the baby will receive insufficient quantity sleep, and therefore be moody and restless.
  6. Rest in complete silence. There is such a thing as “white noise”. The baby associates such noise with comfort, because even in the womb he hears the beating of the mother’s heart, the pulse of blood through the veins, and the rumbling in the stomach. Pediatricians believe that It is comfortable for a newborn to sleep to monotonous noise in the first months of life.
  7. Tight swaddling. If you systematically swaddle a newborn and at the same time tighten the diaper too much, you can cause a violation in circulatory system fragile organism, dysplasia hip joints, in the worst case - SIDS (sudden infant death syndrome) from suffocation.
  8. Warm air in the room. Many people are afraid of their child catching a cold and do not open the windows. In fact fresh air helps you fall asleep, and proper healthy temperature indoors – 18-21 °C. Overheating is much worst problem than hypothermia.

It is believed that the most best time production of melatonin (sleep hormone) - from 18:00 to 22:00, it is during this period of time that the baby should be put to bed


Advantages and disadvantages of co-sleeping

It is important to practice co-sleeping with your baby at first. But it is important not to overdo it, because... Weaning your child off this habit may be problematic in the future

Co-sleeping with mom is very important for a baby. Mom's warmth and her smell lull you to sleep, giving you a feeling of comfort and security.

Such calmness allows the child to develop properly, protects the parents’ nerves, and also allows them to restore wasted energy.

But besides the advantages there are also negative aspects co-sleeping:

  • the personal life of the spouses suffers;
  • possible injury to the baby;
  • a habit of sleeping in the parent's bed is developed, which will be very difficult to give up in the future.


All children are very individual, and choose suitable method, problem solver with sleep, only parents can. You need to listen to your child, monitor his behavior in order to identify and eliminate the cause of concern.

To learn the 10 golden rules baby sleep from Dr. Komarovsky, we recommend watching the following video: