In what position should newborns be put to sleep? Putting newborn babies to bed. What sleeping positions should you choose? Bedding for babies

Peaceful sleep for a newborn - most important condition for him. This is both a method of protection and a time of strengthening, growth, a period of peace and rest. Parents are mistaken if they do not attach importance to how to properly lay the baby down and in what position it is better to place the child. Many people wonder whether a newborn must sleep in a crib.

Healthy sleep for a newborn

We would like to immediately reassure all parents: babies, if healthy, sleep very soundly. They cannot be disturbed by ordinary voices and loud, unsharp sounds. Therefore, there is no point in creating ideal silence while the baby sleeps. In addition, the habit of ideal silence, which is extremely difficult to ensure constantly, in the future will not give the child the opportunity to sleep peacefully on the street or in the apartment during the day.

The duration of sleep in infants varies during the first year of life from 18-20 hours in a newborn to 13-14 hours in an 11-12 month old baby.

Putting the baby to bed

Absolutely all parents and close relatives always want to hold their dear newborn baby in their arms as often and as long as possible. Of course, caring hands give the baby a feeling of security and comfort; your calm heartbeat sets a soothing rhythm. But all this is good in moments when the baby is painful or overexcited. The rest of the time it is better to adhere to constant rules.

  • Place a newborn correctly in the same place under the same conditions: only in a crib, or only in a stroller, or only on a sofa, or only in your arms (but then do not be outraged that the child cannot fall asleep in a crib, changing conditions it will be stressful for him), etc.
  • Sing a lullaby or speak in a low, calm, almost monotone voice, avoiding abrupt changes timbre and sound strength.
  • Breastfeeding is always ideal before bed: it satiates, the sucking reflex soothes, and sometimes tires newborns, in the cradle from mother's hands cozy and calm.
  • If the baby is not hungry and is used to the pacifier, give him a pacifier when putting him to bed. Satisfying the sucking need, the child calms down.
  • Swimming before bedtime is very good. It perfectly relaxes and prepares you for bed. You can talk to your pediatrician about what herbs can be added to the water if your baby is overexcited or bothered. painful sensations.
  • The room should be clean and ventilated. The air must be saturated with oxygen. The temperature should not exceed +22C, optimal +18C. Such conditions are useful for strengthening the baby’s immunity and restful sleep.

Check out the video “How to put a newborn to sleep”, “8 ways to put babies to sleep”.


IN Lately swaddling has become considered a relic of the past, and few people listen to grandmother's advice. However, for newborn children it can be useful. After the cramped mother's womb, large space and spaciousness are not comfortable for the baby. Arms and legs are hypertonic. Therefore, loose swaddling will even be useful for your baby. In this position, the baby is calm and warm. However, do not tighten the diaper too tightly so as not to impede the baby's breathing or injure the delicate bones. As the child grows up, he will learn to fall asleep peacefully without swaddling.

Sleeping mode

You can often hear that children confuse day and night: they sleep during the day and are active at night. To avoid this, try not to communicate with your baby at night from the first days: feeding, swaddling, changing a diaper - all in minimal lighting, without emotional appeal or comments. During the day, fill your waking periods with impressions and pleasures as much as possible: conversations, massages, singing, looking at them, toys, etc. Thus, a daily routine, a sleep pattern that is convenient for you and comfortable for the child, gradually develops.

Sleeping in a crib

There is no single rule on how to properly place a newborn in a crib. However, pediatricians are unanimous on several points.

  • The crib should be kept away from heating devices and radiators. central heating.
  • The bed should be warm and cozy for the baby. Therefore, in a poorly heated room, it is better to warm the crib with a heating pad.
  • The side position has the least risk. In the tummy position for a newborn high risk infant mortality syndrome, and in a supine position there is a risk of the baby burping and choking. Therefore, it is better to place the baby on its side, with its back resting on a folded blanket, so that the baby does not roll onto its tummy or back. Do not forget to periodically turn the child over to the other side so that the shape of the head is formed correctly in this position.
  • If the baby shows anxiety, do not rush to pick him up. Talk quietly and calmly, pet him, sing a lullaby, make sure that nothing physically irritates him.

Daytime nap

Many parents are concerned about how to put their child to sleep during the day. Separate rules for nap does not exist. It is better to put a 9-month-old baby, just like a newborn, to bed at the same time, following the routine. The child should be well-fed and comfortably dressed. The room has been checked, the bed is not cold. 40-30 minutes before bedtime, communication becomes calm and peaceful.

If something is bothering your baby, carry him in your arms for a few minutes, singing and talking to him gently. Put him in the crib, stroke him, continuing to speak monotonously.

Why doesn't the baby sleep

According to Dr. Evgeniy Komarovsky, if the child is healthy, then think about objective reasons.

  • Perhaps the baby doesn't want to sleep yet. It grows, and the time spent awake increases, and the number and duration of daytime dreams decreases.
  • The child will not be able to sleep hungry. The baby should eat before bed. It would be correct to give him breast or milk porridge.
  • The baby may be capricious because it is too low or too high temperature air.
  • Sharp extraneous sounds and bright lights can be annoying. Make sure that the room is twilight, the glare of light does not fall on the child, and the surrounding sounds are muffled and monotonous.

We wish your baby a sound and healthy sleep!

How much sleep does a baby a few weeks old need to sleep? Why does a baby sleep well during the day, but does not fall asleep for a long time at night? In what position should a newborn sleep, and what should the room temperature be? How should you put a baby in his crib so that he doesn't wake up? Since these questions worry more than one young family, in this article we tried to answer them.

The question of how a newborn should sleep is not as simple as it might seem at first. The duration of children's sleep largely depends on the conditions that parents can create for their baby. During sleep infant gaining strength, growing, gaining weight.

Some parents have no need to worry - their children sleep peacefully, do not toss and turn, delighting and touching everyone around them with their appearance. But there are also “sleepyheads” that create a lot of problems for their dads and moms, since their behavior differs significantly from what is expected.

A newborn baby sleeps for almost 20 hours, waking up to feed

Newborns are usually called those babies who exist in the world for no more than a month. Further one month old baby“gets the right” to be called a baby. As for the duration of sleep, since all children are individual, we can only talk about some average data.

The birth process has had a very stressful effect on the child, and he needs to regain his strength as quickly as possible. That is why:

  • in the first two weeks, when the baby’s body is as weakened as possible, he sleeps 20 - 22 hours a day;
  • then, until the end of the first month of their life, babies sleep from 18 to 20 hours, waking up only at a short time to eat mother's milk;
  • in subsequent months, sleep time is reduced to 16–17 hours.

It will be better if the baby sleeps most of this time at night, thereby giving his parents rest and sleep. To achieve this, pediatricians recommend specifically shortening the baby's daytime sleep somewhat, combining evening games, bathing and subsequent feeding so that by 12 at night the baby is bathed and well-fed. After this, he will fall asleep and be able to sleep uninterruptedly for 6-7 hours.

Should babies be rocked to sleep before bed?

Another question is where a newborn should sleep. Many young parents believe that the baby should fall asleep strictly in his crib. “I fed him,” my mother says, “I played with him, changed him, and now it’s time to put him in a crib - he should only sleep in it.”

Then the real “game of nerves” begins. Not all children immediately fall asleep calmly; many begin to cry, become capricious, and ask to be held back. Psychologists recommend that in such cases, be sure to take the baby in your arms and rock him to sleep. Feeling the mother's presence, smelling her and touching her body, the child falls asleep much faster and more willingly. But you shouldn’t immediately put him in the crib as soon as you notice that he hasn’t opened his eyes for a long time - first, an ordinary drowsiness falls on the baby, and you need to give him a little time so that he falls asleep more soundly.

For the first months, the baby should be put to sleep in the same room in which his parents sleep. It is advisable that the crib be moved close to the mother's bed, and the side partition removed. The more time the baby feels his mother’s presence in the first months, the higher the chance that he will grow up healthy and balanced.

Why children may have trouble sleeping

At first, it is better for a newborn baby to sleep with his parents

The main problems that new parents experience with their children when trying to get them to sleep are the following:

  1. The baby does not sleep the required two to three hours during the day. His sleep is intermittent - he sleeps for half an hour, then stays awake for the same amount of time, then falls asleep again for half an hour.
  2. The baby wakes up late at night and never agrees to fall asleep again.
  3. It can be very difficult to put a baby to sleep in the evening after a night feeding.

To understand why this happens, it is worth remembering the structure of our sleep. For every person (including infants), the state of sleep has several phases. Deep sleep smoothly turns into superficial sleep, then superficial sleep again gives way to deep sleep. But in an adult this phase lasts for several hours, while in a baby the phase deep sleep takes on average about half an hour. Next comes the period light sleep, and here the baby can be awakened by any careless sound, light or awkward movement.

It turns out that in order for the baby to sleep long enough, you need to provide him with comfortable conditions, so that during periods of the shallow sleep phase there are no irritants that can wake the child up ahead of time.

What conditions are needed for a baby to sleep peacefully?

To have a restful sleep, you must first eliminate external stimuli.

This is what exactly these most comfortable conditions should consist of.

  1. The baby's bedroom should be well ventilated, and the temperature in the room should be between 20 - 22 degrees. If the weather permits, better for the baby organize daytime naps outside, in the fresh air. Oxygen-saturated air promotes a more measured and good sleep. Buy a device that allows you to determine the importance in the room - in a child’s bedroom it should be in the range of 50 - 60%.
  2. If your baby periodically wakes up every half hour in daylight, try organizing a semi-darkness in the bedroom for him. Cover your windows with curtains or blinds during the day. In the evening, remove any overhead lights by switching to a night light. Talk in a low voice, turn down the volume from the TV and close the window if city noises are coming from the street.
  3. Find the right mattress for your baby. Under no circumstances should the baby sleep on a soft mattress; his body should not sink or “drown” in it. It is better to buy two hard mattresses for sleeping - one for the crib, the other for the stroller. A baby does not need a pillow at all, up to a year. Hard surfaces help a growing child develop correct posture; on a soft bed, the baby can be harmed.
  4. Try to make your baby feel your presence even in his sleep. Do not go into another room while he is sleeping - he may feel a break in the connection with his mother and wake up. This connection is especially important in the first three months of his life. While the baby is small and light, it is generally better for the mother to carry him with her in a special sling, and in this position even do simple housework.
  5. If you decide to teach your baby to fall asleep in a crib, stay next to him until he falls asleep. Pet him, talk to him in a soothing tone, read him stories or sing a lullaby. It doesn’t matter what exactly you do, the main thing is that, even closing his eyes, the baby feels your presence as long as deep sleep doesn't look at him.

As common sense dictates, children are more likely to fall asleep the more you satisfy them. physiological needs. At this age, the baby needs:

  • There is . Make sure that when going to bed, the baby is fed and watered;
  • walk . You need to walk your baby outside about twice a day. Do this right around the time he's napping;
  • bathe . Evening bathing should be given Special attention. By bathing the baby after an evening out, and then feeding and talking to him, you can easily “convince” him to sleep the required 6-7 hours at night;
  • play . Don’t forget to talk to your baby, give him a massage, lisp with him, tell him a story or sing for him. Remember that we humans are social creatures, and your baby also needs communication with you, albeit not to the same extent as sleep or food.

Always consider general state baby. Until about four months, babies, especially artificial ones, will have colic and tummy upsets. To those who are on breastfeeding, in this regard it is a little easier. But all the same, for both of them it is necessary to carry out all preventive procedures, namely:

  • do morning exercises;
  • get massages;
  • hold the baby upright after feeding so that he burps the air swallowed with milk;
  • Place the baby on its tummy for a short period to remove gas from the little belly.

What position should your baby be placed in?

Observing how newborns sleep, one can come to the following conclusion: children sleep in almost the same positions that we adults prefer, i.e. on their back, on their side or on their stomach. But which of these postures is more correct, or should you trust nature - let the baby sleep in the way that is comfortable for him?

Let's look at which baby sleeping positions are the least dangerous.

  1. All pediatricians recommend sleeping on your back, considering it the safest. It is in this position that the baby should be put to sleep day and night. Even if your slightly older child falls asleep in a different position, on his tummy or on his side, then try to turn him over onto his back. True, if the baby regurgitates food while lying on his back, he may choke. Usually, in the first weeks, doctors recommend placing the baby on his side, and only after a month - on his back. Well, be sure to make sure that when lying on your back, the baby’s head is turned slightly to the side - in this position, belching food will no longer be dangerous for the baby. During sleep, the baby himself will turn his little head first to one side, then to the other.
  2. Sleeping on your stomach is possible, but only in your presence and only for a short time. The fact is that this position is one of the indirect causes of sudden infant death syndrome, which happens to children in the first months of life. Of course, the prone position is just one of the unfavorable factors, there are others, but it’s better not to risk it. But still, do not forget that doctors recommend using this position for babies who suffer from colic after feeding - this makes it easier for them to pass gas.
  3. Sleeping on your side is quite safe. Unlike sleeping on his back, if the baby suddenly burps in his sleep after eating, on his side he is not in danger of choking on vomit. If you decide to place your baby on his side, place something on his front and under his back to prevent him from rolling over. Just before going to bed, you should either swaddle your baby tightly or put a long-sleeved shirt on him so that he doesn’t scratch himself in his sleep.

Whatever sleeping position you prefer for your child, you still need to change it sometimes. It is advisable to approach him from time to time and turn him, while sleeping, from his back to his side or from one side to the other. However, this is often not worth doing. If the baby slept for several hours on one side, then after the next feeding put him on the other side.

Make sure that the baby does not sleep on one side all the time - in this case, he may well begin to develop deformation of the skull that has not yet become stronger.


So, answering the question of how an infant should sleep, we can name the following requirements:

  • the bed should be level and quite hard, without any pillow;
  • It is advisable to place the baby on its side or back to sleep. The position on the stomach should be avoided, using it only to relieve the baby from stomach colic;
  • To ensure that your baby sleeps peacefully, try to surround him with attention so that he feels his mother’s love and constant presence;
  • To prevent the child from waking up too often, remove those factors that may disturb him during the shallow sleep phase;
  • In order for the baby to sleep all night, organize all the conditions for him, combining a walk with subsequent bathing and feeding, so that the baby falls asleep only after 24 hours.

Contents of the article

When a child is born, he experiences two basic needs - regular food intake and healthy, full sleep. As with everything else, the baby is still too helpless to satisfy his needs on his own, which means helping him fall asleep easily without being overexcited or overtired is the responsibility of the young mother, just like feeding. Unfortunately, not all neonatologists and pediatricians pay sufficient attention to consulting on the organization and establishment of healthy regimen baby day We will fill this gap and tell you in detail how to put a baby to sleep, what secrets of our mothers and grandmothers can be adopted and which ones are better to discard, we will look at the main mistakes of young parents and help you calmly enjoy happy motherhood.

What prevents a baby from sleeping?

Your baby is fed and changed, his cradle is charming and reminiscent cozy nest, household members walk on tiptoes, neighbors talk in whispers, and even noisy children in the yard have received strict orders not to play under your windows. But despite all efforts, the baby does not want to fall asleep. And even after the joint efforts of mom, dad and both grandmothers sent the baby to the side, the blissful silence is again broken by a cry - the child immediately woke up, and it’s time to start the rocking procedure all over again.

If the baby falls asleep, it’s too early to rejoice! He might wake up again in 10 minutes 😉

When you were discharged from the maternity hospital, you were probably warned that for the first 4 weeks the newborn will not be awake much at all, waking up only for feedings and changing clothes. But as it turns out already at home, no one told how difficult it can be to put infant sleep - and now day is confused with night, and the baby’s promised 20 hours of sweet sleep have turned into endless screams with little respite. And then you realize that not even a pre-purchased mobile phone with teddy bears, nor specially selected wallpaper in a soft blue color for the children's room. Something keeps waking up your baby.

The baby in the crib both restores energy and learns. During sleep, the brain processes the impressions it receives. Moreover, for now newborn baby sleeps, adapting to new conditions.

How long does a newborn sleep?

Immediately after birth, the child sleeps around the clock, waking up every 2 - 4 hours to eat and the duration of sleep during this period is 16 - 20 hours a day. When breastfeeding, the baby will wake up more often. This happens because the mixture is digested in three hours, and milk in one and a half.

The baby is not yet accustomed to freedom of movement, and if the baby is swaddled loosely before bed, sleep will become stronger, and the cozy swaddling will resemble being in the womb.

Night sleep

At night newborn sleeping 8 - 9 hours, with two or three "snacks" during this period. The baby's sleep is stronger if he sleeps with his mother, and if the baby's "nest" is far away, the mother will have to constantly jump up to the baby, which negatively affects the well-being and mood of the nursing mother. And the baby gets worried when he doesn’t feel his mother’s usual warmth and smell.

An additional crib for a baby will be a salvation: the baby feels protected next to his mother, and the mother feeds “on autopilot”, through sleep, while The child is sleeping in your own bed.

Daytime nap

Often newborn does not sleep during the day, if the mother does not know how to properly organize daytime rest. Remember that in the first weeks the newborn is awake for no more than two hours at a time. After this time, the child will be overtired, and it will not be easy to fall asleep, no matter how much you want it. Therefore, do not “over-walk” the baby, if you see that your son or daughter is rubbing his eyes and sulking - it’s time to go to the side: and pet him, sing a song, but do not develop the habit of constant motion sickness, otherwise you will regret it later.

In the fresh air, the baby easily sleeps for 6 hours in a row, but on the other hand, to maintain lactation, breaks between feedings are recommended for no more than three hours.

What to do if a newborn confuses day with night

This happens because the baby has not yet formed a clear rhythm and it will take a day or two to return to the routine. During daytime sleep, do not muffle the current noise and light, and at night, do not turn on the lights, if you are feeding or swaddling a newborn, do not start conversations or games. In situations when it’s already morning and it’s time to get up, but the child is asleep, parents should force him to wake him up, otherwise the routine will shift. Towards evening, get ready for bed: bathing, massage. Starts at eight or nine in the evening night sleep newborn.

Newborn doesn't sleep well, often shudders and wakes up for many reasons: stuffiness, cold, tummy hurts or arms twitch “by themselves”

How to tell if a newborn baby is cold

Check the spout: if it’s warm, the baby is warm too.

Overheating is determined differently: place your finger behind the baby's collar or the edge of the diaper and touch the back; if the skin is sweaty, the baby is hot.

What position should a newborn sleep in?

On the side

Sleeping on the side is recommended by pediatricians from the first days of life: during sleep, the child sometimes burps, and in the position on the side there is no risk of choking.

Do not forget to put your baby to sleep on one side or the other so that the bones do not become deformed, torticollis does not appear, and soft tissues do not lie down.


This pose is even more beneficial than lying on your side. Sleeping halfway helps relieve gas during colic and reduces the risk of choking in your sleep. It’s easy to lay your baby down half-side down: roll the sheet into a roll and tuck the baby’s body in.

On the back

If the baby is sleeping on his back, turn his head to one side, a different one each time, and swaddle his arms loosely so that the baby does not frighten or scratch himself. This position is not suitable for colic.

On the stomach

Babies love to sleep on their stomachs. In addition, in this position the muscles of the back and neck are strengthened, and gases pass freely. A newborn who sleeps on his stomach requires supervision. Remember if baby sleeps on stomach, the mattress must be hard and there must be no pillow, otherwise the child will suffocate.

Crib and linen for newborn

For the mother's convenience, the baby's bed is adjustable in height: while the child is small, use small sides, this will make it easier to lean into the crib. As the baby grows, the bottom of the crib lowers and you get railings that the baby holds on to when he gets up on his feet.

Buy a hard or orthopedic mattress. Don’t give your newborn a cozy nest with feather beds, it’s harmful.

There is also no need for a pillow; it is more useful to raise the legs of the bed from the headboard.

Linen for a newborn is made from pastel-colored cotton. Do not overload your baby's visual apparatus with bright prints on diapers.

The newborn period lasts a month and during this time try properly organize your child's sleep and accustom yourself and your baby to a clear rhythm. WITH correct schedule day, it will be easier for mom to cope with daily worries.

Let children's sleep He will be healthy and his dreams will be sweet.

Happy young parents, having waited for the birth of a long-awaited miracle, face many problems in the first days of communication with their baby. One of the most important is the organization of healthy sleep for infants. All kinds of advice fall on the head of a newly-made mother and father: the mother-in-law demands the creation of ideal silence, the mother-in-law is against co-sleeping, experienced friends recommend from the first days falling asleep independently.

Let's try to figure out how to properly put a newborn to sleep.

The importance of getting enough sleep

In the first month of life, sleep occupies the main place in the life of an infant. It lasts up to 20 hours a day and is of great importance:

  • in a dream the baby grows;
  • restores strength;
  • strengthens the nervous system;
  • accumulates energy to get acquainted with the new world.

Creating conditions for baby's sleep

A newborn's sound and complete sleep is directly related to the conditions created for him by his parents. These include the following factors.

Crib, mattress, pillow

The place to sleep must meet the requirements of safety, convenience and hygiene. Selection of cots for modern market huge. They have different functionality, differ in shape, parameters, and design. The main thing is that it is made from environmentally friendly materials. If this is a classic option, the width between the rods should not be more than 6 cm.

You should carefully approach the choice of a children's mattress: perfect option– special orthopedic, fits tightly to the walls and exactly matches the size sleeping place. Initially, for the convenience of communicating with the baby, the mattress is fixed at the highest position, then, when the child learns to stand up on his own, it is lowered.

Ideal conditions for a baby - plenty of light and fresh air. Do not forget about daily ventilation, wet cleaning of the room and frequent changes linen

How long does a newborn sleep?

The duration of sleep for a child up to a year depends on individual characteristics body and is not the main indicator of the baby’s development. The baby is not aware of the time of day, so he sleeps and wakes according to his biological clock.

According to average statistics, in the first month of life, 16-20 hours of sleep per day is considered the norm. The older the child gets, the less he sleeps. By the age of one year, daytime sleep can be once or twice, and nighttime sleep cannot be interrupted for feeding. Sleep disturbance indicates problems with health, nutrition, and intestinal colic.

There are generally accepted sleep standards, presented in the table:

Child's age, months. Daily sleep duration, hours. Night sleep Sleep periods, hours. Periods of wakefulness, hours. Number of nap breaks
0–3 19 – 21 8 – 9 2,5 – 3 0,5 – 1 4 – 5
3–6 18 – 20 8 – 9 2 – 2,5 1 – 2 4
6–9 17 – 18 10 – 11 1,5 – 2,5 1,5 – 2,5 2 – 3
9–12 15 – 16 10 – 11 1,5 – 2,5 2 – 3 1 – 2

The indicators indicated in the table are arbitrary and vary depending on individual characteristics.

A newborn's sleep time is also related to the microclimate of the family. Fatigue and emotional exhaustion mothers directly affects the condition of the child. His sleep may be restless and short-lived.

It is important to adhere to the regime from the first days. Keeping your baby healthy and sleeping means creating a cozy and comfortable family environment.

What position should you choose for sleeping?

The physiologically natural position is for the newborn to lie on his back with his legs spread apart and his arms bent behind his head, clenched in fists. Sleeping on your back with your head turned to the side is not dangerous and is suitable for daytime and nighttime rest.

It has been proven that you need to monitor the baby’s posture and constantly change it (especially the position of the head) for correct formation and development of the musculoskeletal system.

Pediatricians consider sleeping on one of the sides and down the stomach to be convenient and comfortable positions. Let's take a closer look at them.

Sleeping on your side

The safest sleeping position based on structural features gastrointestinal tract babies. Due to the deficiency of the cardiac sphincter, babies can burp, often profusely. This position will not allow you to choke on the regurgitated mass. They practice laying it half-sided with a rolled-up towel or. Remember to regularly change your baby's body position to avoid developing torticollis.

Sleeping on your stomach

It has a positive effect on the development of the child, helping to strengthen the muscles of the back and neck. This position is especially convenient in the first three months, when the baby is bothered intestinal colic. The position on the stomach eliminates accumulated gases, guaranteeing a restful and sound sleep.

However, this situation requires increased vigilance: in order to avoid sudden infant death syndrome, it is necessary to constantly monitor, especially in the first three months of life.

The baby is not able to control his body and can bury his nose, stopping the flow of air, which can lead to cessation of breathing.

You should not leave the baby on your stomach for a long time. It is worth changing the position after some time. Experts recommend lying on your stomach during sleep several times a day.

Contraindications for different sleep positions

When putting your baby to sleep, first of all remember the safety of the position in which he is located. There are a number of contraindications:

  • sleeping on the side and back is contraindicated for newborns with abnormal development hip joints;
  • You can’t sleep lying on your back if you have muscle hypertonicity (in this case, tight swaddling is indicated) and severe colic;
  • The child's head should not exceed the position of the body.

To form a healthy spine, it is better to place the baby on a perfectly flat, hard horizontal surface with the head and body fixed at the same level.

Your intuition and love for your baby will tell you how to put your baby to sleep and what sleeping position will be most comfortable.

How to put your baby to sleep correctly?

Parents adapt to the baby’s biorhythms and behavior and choose the most convenient way putting the baby to bed. Numerous options to help falling asleep quickly newborn, come down to three main ones:

  1. motion sickness;
  2. co-sleeping;
  3. falling asleep on your own.

Let's look at how to quickly put a child to sleep using these methods.

Motion sickness

Motion sickness – natural need crumbs. It helps you fall asleep quickly and develops vestibular apparatus and trains coordination in space. Psychologists recommend rocking in your arms (especially in the first three months), which helps you feel the warmth of your mother’s hands and protection from the still unfamiliar world, and is considered a guarantee of the development of a calm, balanced personality.

Smooth rocking in the crib is allowed, accompanied by light, pleasant music. Whether or not to rock your baby is up to you individually.


Co-sleeping is indispensable and convenient during breastfeeding for both mother and baby. In the first months of life, it contributes to:

  • formation of a balanced psyche;
  • trouble-free operation respiratory system baby;
  • increased lactation;
  • establishing common biorhythms for mother and child, eliminating confusion between day and night.

There are also numerous arguments against:

  • high probability of crushing the baby;
  • unhygienic;
  • difficulty in falling asleep on your own.

The decision of whether or not to place the baby with the mother depends solely on the decision of the parents and the needs of the child.

Falling asleep on your own

Modern parents often practice this, putting a lot of effort into it.

The main requirement in this case: daily repetition of the same procedures and adherence to the regime. The baby will get used to the fact that after an evening bath, a warm, tasty treat from the breast or bottle will be waiting for him, and then he will be put to bed and fall asleep. The result will not be long in coming; if you firmly and persistently repeat the same actions day after day, the child will fall asleep instantly.

Maintaining order and uniformity in the first year of life is the key to successful upbringing. Be patient, clearly decide what is comfortable for you and stick to these positions for some time. Positive result secured.

Falling asleep rituals

A newborn's ability to fall asleep quickly is facilitated by following the so-called “rituals” of falling asleep. Here are the basic rules, the effectiveness of which has been practically proven:

  • well ventilated area;
  • a calm environment without distractions;
  • performance hygiene procedures(bathing, massage);
  • adherence to daily routine;
  • feeding;
  • singing lullabies;
  • reading fairy tales or relaxing calm music;
  • tactile touches (stroking, light tapping);
  • favorite toy.

How to properly put a child to sleep is primarily up to parents to decide. The main thing, when trying to adhere to the regime and develop bedtime rules, is not to forget about the characteristics of your baby. The process of falling asleep should be positive and joyful. The task of parents is to form useful and correct habits that contribute to good health And proper development beloved child.

Daytime sleep rules

Putting your baby to sleep during the day is not difficult if the child is healthy and nothing bothers him. Young mothers try to adhere to the following rules:

  • calm atmosphere and comfort of the room, absence of external stimuli, creation of twilight;
  • long active activities with the baby (games, exercises on a special developmental mat, riding on a swing);
  • adherence to the regime and going to bed at the same time every day;
  • breastfeeding or bottle feeding;
  • singing lullabies and playing relaxing music;
  • regular walks in the fresh air.

Rules for falling asleep at night

How to put a newborn baby to sleep at night? To ensure a long and restful night's sleep for both parents and baby, use these simple tips:

  • relaxing and cozy environment;
  • ventilation at night;
  • fresh air with optimal temperature and humidity in the room;
  • water procedures with the addition of soothing herbal infusions;
  • mandatory feeding;
  • clean clothes;
    if necessary, tight swaddling;
  • adding anti-colic drops to milk or a mixture (espumisan, bobotik, sub-simplex and others);
  • rocking to a lullaby or children's music.

Experts recommend reducing nap time to increase nighttime sleep. However, 80% of newborns require night feeding, which decreases by the age of one year. Putting a baby to sleep should be based on the individual developmental characteristics of the baby and the regime established by adults.

remember, that healthy sleep child is the key to family comfort, coziness and tranquility. By skillfully using the recommendations of specialists, experienced parents and developing your own tricks for putting your baby to bed, your family will be happy and calm.