The diet of a healthy person, the importance of diet. What is a diet and why is it necessary?

Nutrition is important external factor, aimed at maintaining and ensuring the basic processes of the body, such as growth, development and the ability to be active.

All these processes can actively occur in the body, subject to a balanced diet. It is characterized by three principles: quantitative, qualitative (or balanced nutrition), as well as adherence to the diet.

I principle

It implies conformity energy value(caloric content) of the diet to the daily energy expenditure of a person.

The energy value of the diet is ensured by the amount of nutrients in daily nutrition- proteins, fats, carbohydrates, multiplied by their caloric coefficient.

Let us recall that these values ​​are as follows: the caloric coefficient of 1 g of proteins is 4.0 kcal, fats are 9.0 kcal, carbohydrates are 4.0 kcal.

Based on the amount of energy expenditure, the entire adult working population (18-60 years old) professional activity are divided into five groups: the first group practically does not use physical labor in their work, the fifth group includes representatives of professions engaged in very heavy physical labor (Table 2).

Deviations from the physiological norms of needs for basic nutrients and calorie content lead to disruption of human health. Lack of calories and a decrease in the amount of nutrients leads to a decrease in body weight, impaired metabolic processes, protective properties body and changes in many organs.

Table 2. Physiological norms of the needs of an adult able-bodied person for basic nutrients and calories

Approved by the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the USSR on May 29, 1991, No. 5786-91.

Excess calories with excess carbohydrates and fats in the diet leads to weight gain, in some cases to obesity - and this is a risk factor for many diseases, especially cardiovascular diseases.

There are several methods for controlling body weight. The simplest method is Broca's method. Subtract 100 from height (in cm), the resulting number is the recommended body weight in kg. With this method, an adjustment is sometimes made for age. To the found weight, men add 2.5-6 kg, women - 2.5-5 kg.

Quetelet index

More precise method, which is used all over the world, the method of assessing body weight using the Kegle index is recognized. The method reflects fat reserves in the body. For this method, lower and upper limits for the mass value are established, which are accepted as the norm (Table 3). To calculate this index, it is necessary to divide the weight, expressed in kilograms, by the height, expressed in meters and raised to the second power, i.e. multiplied by itself.

II principle of quality (or nutritional balance)

The term balanced nutrition means providing the body with all the essential components of food.

Essential food components include essential amino acids, polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins (13), Ca, microelements (8).

Diet quality indicators A:

  • The ratio of proteins, fats, carbohydrates in the diet is 1: 1.2: 4.5 (on average for a middle-aged man with average energy expenditure).
  • The share of animal proteins, which should be 55% of the total amount of protein per day. At the same time, the body is provided with a full set of essential amino acids.
  • The proportion of vegetable fats should be 30% of the total amount of fat, thereby providing the body with polyunsaturated fatty acids.
  • Providing all essential vitamins.
  • Sa is poorly digestible mineral substance, and its presence in the body is prerequisite balanced diet. The formula for the optimal ratio of Ca: P: Mg is taken into account as 1: 1.3 (1.5) : 0.5 (0.7).

In accordance with the concept of optimal nutrition, in addition to the above nutrients, in order to prevent many diseases that are currently spreading rapidly due to unfavorable ecology, the presence of a large number of preservatives, flavorings, modified starch and soy, etc., it is recommended to include the following Nutrients (functional ingredients):

  • dietary fiber (fiber, protopectin, lignin, hemocellulose);
  • antioxidants (vitamin E, vitamin C, β-carotene, selenium);
  • oligosugars as a substrate for the formation beneficial microorganisms in the intestines (bifidobacteria);
  • polyunsaturated fatty acids (ensuring an optimal ratio of omega-3 and omega-6 (linolenic and linoleic acids) in the diet).
  • minerals (Ca, Fe, J, Se).

III principle - adherence to diet

Characterized by four indicators:

  • frequency of meals;
  • intervals between meals;
  • time to take food;
  • distribution of calorie content across meals.

The most rational thing for an adult is one-time appointment write, 3 meals a day are allowed. Reducing the number of appointments has a negative impact on human health and often leads to illness. gastrointestinal tract, increased cholesterol levels in the blood, decreased protein absorption.

The intervals between meals should not exceed 5.5 hours, since during this time regular food leaves the stomach and hungry peristalsis of the stomach appears.

It is advisable that the main writing techniques take place at the same time. Then a conditioned food reflex is developed, affecting the secretion of gastric juice, and appetite increases.

The most appropriate way to distribute calories across meals is as follows:

Of no small importance in ensuring a balanced diet is the correct composition of the menu for main meals. So, the breakfast menu should include a second hot dish, its nature depends on gender, age and professional group the person for whom the diet is being prepared. This can be a dish of meat, fish, poultry with various side dishes, cottage cheese, vegetable, and cereal dishes. The menu includes bread or sandwiches and a hot drink - tea, coffee, cocoa.

The most high-calorie meal is lunch, which usually consists of four courses: an appetizer, 1st hot dish, 2nd hot dish, a sweet drink or a sweet dish. Each of the listed dishes performs its own function. The snack should stimulate appetite and improve the secretion of gastric juice. Appetizers can be made from gastronomic products, salads and vinaigrettes. The best option is salads made from raw or boiled vegetables, seasoned vegetable oil.

The first hot dish performs a similar function, especially if the broth in which the dish is prepared contains nitrogenous extractives.

Thus, conditions are created for the digestion of the main course of lunch, rich in proteins of animal and vegetable origin, fats of animal and vegetable origin, as well as complex carbohydrates. During the digestion of the second hot dish in the stomach, gastric juice is also released, so at the end of the meal, a sweet dish or drink is offered to inhibit the release of gastric juice. And besides, dessert serves as an “aftertaste”, i.e. leaves a pleasant feeling from eating.

Just like for breakfast, a hot second course is recommended for dinner, but the products included in it must leave the stomach quickly and be digested well so as not to disturb sleep. In this regard, natural meat dishes, fatty foods, fried fish and poultry, offal dishes, and legumes are excluded from the dinner menu. Recommend not strong tea, fermented milk drinks, do not recommend coffee, cocoa, strong tea, which stimulate the nervous system. All meals include wheat or bran bread - for breakfast and dinner, rye bread - for lunch.

It should be taken into account that when compiling daily menu it is necessary to comply with the range of dishes; dishes, foods and drinks should not be repeated throughout the day.

To create a menu daily ration and calculating its chemical composition use the “Collection of recipes for dishes and culinary products for enterprises catering", "Chemical composition food products. Reference tables of the content of basic nutrients and energy value of food products.”

According to everyone, a healthy diet is something that does not contain fat at all, is low-calorie and tasteless food. In reality, everything is somewhat different, and even healthy food may turn out to be very tasty. How to correctly create a schedule and regime, what are the principles balanced diet?

Healthy eating rules

Organizing a proper diet is very important. Scientists have proven that adults who use high-quality products for cooking live longer and get sick much less often than others. If you are seriously concerned about your health or the diet of your loved ones, then first learn the basic rules of nutrition:

  • Be sure to include protein in every meal. However, this does not mean that you should eat exclusively meat and fish all day. Dairy products, legumes or eggs are also excellent sources of protein.
  • Create a routine and proper daily routine. Try to eat strictly at certain hours and do not skip lunch or dinner.
  • Try to eat as little fat as possible. If you cook food in oil, then use products that contain no more than 10% fat. This rule does not apply to so-called healthy fats, which are found in avocados, nuts, and seafood.
  • Eat whole grain cereals. They will have to be boiled a little longer more thoroughly, but they contain more vitamins.
  • Drink mineral water. You don’t need to do any special calculations, just replace your regular drinks throughout the day with a glass of drinking water.

List of foods for proper nutrition

In addition to following the basic rules of nutrition and regimen, you will have to learn about the correct ratio of foods, and also learn how to combine them. Conventionally, all food is divided into three types. This:

  • protein;
  • neutral;
  • starch.

Each category is absorbed by the body differently: some foods require more energy to process, while others pass almost immediately from the stomach into the intestines. In order not to put unnecessary stress on the body, the exact compatibility of products for proper nutrition is very important. The following table will help you combine ingredients. At one meal you need to eat foods from the first and second columns or from the second and third columns:

Protein food

Neutral food

Starchy food

Nuts and seeds


Cream and butter

Vegetable oils


Vegetables and mushrooms (carrots, beets, celery, legumes, cabbage, etc.)

Fermented milk products

Sour fruits (oranges, lemons, strawberries, cherries, apples, others)

Sweet fruits (bananas, pears, Jerusalem artichokes, raisins)

Sauces and dressings for dishes based on vegetable oils, lemon juice, apple cider vinegar, mayonnaise

Tomato juice

Salad dressings: sour cream, cream.

How to cook food correctly

To preserve all the beneficial substances in vegetables, it is better to fry or stew them at a temperature no higher than 60 degrees. Steaming, baking or frying at 100 degrees will help not to lose the nutritional value of meat, poultry and fish. At the same time, the process of baking a kilogram of beef tenderloin itself is long - from 60 minutes to two hours. Marinades help reduce this time. High-temperature cooking of foods with proper nutrition is unacceptable, and fried foods can be eaten extremely rarely.

Proper nutrition regimen

Even an adult on a diet should follow a reasonable diet:

  1. Ideally, food should enter the body once every four hours, but if this does not happen, digestive disorders begin, ultimately leading to more serious problems.
  2. The correct eating regimen is five times a day: three main meals and snacks.
  3. The diet must contain fats, proteins, carbohydrates and fiber.
  4. Every day you need to drink water in the amount of 40 ml per kilogram of weight.

Diet for weight loss

The basic rule for those who want to reset overweight– the diet must be balanced. The total calorie content of meals per day for those losing weight is 1700 kilocalories. It is advisable to eat three times a day:

  • Eat within half an hour when you wake up. At breakfast, the body should receive approximately 25% of the kcal from daily value, so the food should be dense: porridge, muesli, cheese, eggs, dairy products and fiber.
  • At lunch, calories should be 50%. The plate should be filled a quarter with protein foods (meat or fish), the same amount with a side dish of carbohydrates (rice, buckwheat or potatoes), and half with fiber (cabbage, cucumbers, tomatoes).
  • For dinner, target 25% of your calories. A good option is seafood with vegetables, cottage cheese, and lean fish dishes. Don't eat carbohydrates at night: while you sleep, they will turn into fat.
  • A proper diet for weight loss cannot do without snacks. You can eat it for the first time light snack 2 hours after breakfast, the second after lunch. Any snack should be within 100 kcal.

Meal times with proper nutrition

After you have mastered all the rules and purchased necessary products You will need to draw up a schedule to outline proper nutrition hourly:

  1. Remember that healthy carbohydrates will enter the intestines after 4-6 hours. Therefore, it is better to eat dishes such as cereals, pasta and bread for breakfast so as not to feel hungry longer. Be sure to make your own proper breakfast tastier, add fruits, berries, honey to regular porridges.
  2. It is advisable to have lunch around 12 o'clock, and the diet should include all types of foods: proteins, fats, carbohydrates. In the middle of the day, be sure to eat the first course and a small lean side dish. Avoid fast food packages, crackers, chips and fast food.
  3. It is better to have dinner around 5-6 pm with protein foods. It will be digested in the stomach in just 2-3 hours, so it will not disturb your sleep. Prepare lean fish or meat, eat a piece of chicken or a cup of cottage cheese.

Intervals between meals

Snacking is an important part of a healthy diet. A light lunch will feed you at the stage of slightly noticeable hunger, and at lunch or dinner you will not exceed the norm. For good health, the interval between meals should be 2-3 hours, and when a person takes long breaks from eating, his blood sugar level drops and his health worsens. To prevent this from happening, nutritionists advise having snacks. There are several options for nutrition that are healthy for the body:

  • eat one or two fruits or a glass of berries in the morning;
  • After lunch, you can have a snack with a plate of salad or a glass of smoothie;
  • a quarter glass of seeds or 20 grams of nuts will satisfy hunger in the interval between breakfast-lunch or lunch-dinner;
  • Half a pack of cottage cheese, a glass of milk or kefir will be an excellent afternoon snack or after-dinner snack.

Healthy nutrition schedule for every day

Even if you stick to four meals a day, it is worth resorting to rational distribution of calories. If you schedule your meals correctly, your stomach will not be overloaded, and your body will gradually get used to this routine. Violating the regime is strictly prohibited even when losing weight. Even if you don’t have time to have lunch, you shouldn’t eat a double portion for dinner: it’s better to have a hearty breakfast.

A rough daily routine should look something like this:

  • 8.00 – 9.00 – breakfast. You need to try to eat more carbohydrates and less protein foods.
  • 12.00-14.00 – lunch. Here, on the contrary, you should protect yourself from carbohydrates and pay attention to nutritious dishes: cream soups, vegetable broths, stews, poultry.
  • 16.00 -17.00 – afternoon snack. Avoid fatty foods, starchy foods or sweets. confectionery.
  • 19.00 – dinner. The menu will include low-fat fish, stewed vegetables, and fermented milk products.

Sample healthy nutrition menu

If you follow the right diet and a clear schedule, you can bring your body to excellent health in a few weeks. physical fitness. It's not only important to eat healthy food, but also exercise and be sure to sleep 7-8 hours a day. Beginners can create a proper nutrition menu for the day, and the next day they can make minor adjustments to it. Rough plan should be like this:

  • In the morning, organize hearty breakfast. Eat milk porridge, muesli with yogurt, a piece of tofu with an egg, or some lean fish.
  • After two hours, have a snack at work: drink a glass of milk or make a smoothie.
  • At noon, treat yourself to seafood soup, a piece of beef and rice.
  • For lunch, dried fruits, nuts, a bun.
  • In the evening, give preference to chicken with vegetable salad, and you can drink a glass of red wine.

Video: Principles of proper nutrition

Design and research work

Rational diet

Completed by: 4a grade student

Dorozhkina Victoria

Head Dorozhkina E.G.

Podolsk, 2016





    1. 3.1. What is a balanced diet?

      3.2. Multiplicity of meals and intervals between meals

      3.3. Meal times during the day;

    1. Temperature regime of food;

    Developing the ability to adhere to a diet regardless of adult supervision everyday life.





“Health has been given to us from above, learn to take care of it!”

One day, after a test, I came home from school. Grandma immediately saw my depressed mood: “Vika! What's happened?".

I told her that I had made very stupid mistakes due to my carelessness that should not have happened. Suddenly the grandmother asked: “How did you have breakfast today?” And I remembered that in lately, when my mother leaves for work early and I get ready for school myself, sometimes I don’t feel like eating, I’ll drink tea, eat some sandwich and that’s it. And by the end of the second lesson I start feeling hungry, my head hurts, my stomach hurts and I start yawning.

This is one of the reasons for your inattention,” said the grandmother. “You don’t eat right, and you don’t have enough strength for all your lessons.” Previously, your mother monitored your diet, but now your mother has gone to work, and you yourself must understand how important it is to follow your own diet, eat rationally, regardless of adult supervision, in order to grow up healthy and cope with the ever-increasing school loads.

I thought about my grandmother’s words.

But how to eat properly and what is a rational diet?

So,the purpose of my work : Study a rational diet and apply the findings in everyday life.


    Find literature on diet;

    Analyze the information found;

    Find out what a rational diet is;

    Maintain a balanced diet in everyday life (develop the skill of maintaining a diet regardless of adult supervision in everyday life).


Food is a vital necessity for humans. Food has a significant impact on a person. It gives energy, strength, development, and when used correctly, health.

But very often food is the main source of most diseases: increased content cholesterol in the blood, obesity and other metabolic disorders, caries, diabetes, gastritis, gastric ulcer and 12 duodenum, pancreatitis - no full list modern diseases caused not proper nutrition.

According to statistics, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, along with diseases of the eyes and the musculoskeletal system, are the most common at school age. According to many studies, among the main factors influencing our health, 75% is due to nutrition.

However, with proper nutrition you can get rid of many diseases.

Proper organization nutrition can help solve many problems that arise during adolescence. Now it is especially important to provide the body with all the resources not only for growth and development, including puberty, but also to help your body cope with the increasing stress of school.

3. Diet.

3.1 What is a balanced diet

Diet (foodmode) is a quantitative and qualitative characteristicnutrition, including the frequency, time of food intake and its distribution by calorie content and chemical composition, as well as human behavior while eating.

Rational nutrition - it is physiologically complete andhealthy people, taking into account their gender, age, nature of work, climatic conditions habitat.

Thus, a rational diet includes:

    Number of meals during the day (multiplicity of meals);

    Intervals between meals;

    Meal times during the day;

    Time spent eating;

    Distribution of the daily diet according to its energy value, chemical composition, food set and weight into individual meals;

    Food temperature

    Regularity and violation of diet;

3.2 Multiplicity of meals and intervals between meals

The question of how many times to eat a day, at what intervals and what caloric amount of food to take during each meal is one of the problems that is carefully studied by specialists, including the Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. Research by scientists has shown that one-time meals are generally unacceptable: the human body with such nutrition is under tension, not only the digestive system, but also all other systems and organs of the body, especially the nervous system, do not work properly.

Eating two meals a day also causes feeling unwell. A person with such a diet experiences severe hunger, and the digestibility of the most important part of the diet, protein, on average is no more than 75percent of what enters the body.For the normal functioning of the digestive system, food must enter it in small portions at certain intervals..

Meals are divided into main meals and so-called snacks.Main breakfast, lunch and dinner are considered.

Snacks – small meals in between the main ones.However, it's not just about the number of snacks, but also what exactly you eat when you just want to slightly drown out the feeling of hunger.

The length of the intervals between meals is determined by the period of time necessary for the digestion, absorption and absorption of nutrients.

The intensity of the synthesis of digestive juices decreases significantly for the first few hours after a meal, is restored by the 2nd hour, and reaches its maximum by the 4th hour. For this reason, it is not advisable to eat earlier than two hours after the previous meal.

Long breaks in eating can provoke:

    overstimulation of the food center;

    secretion of a large volume of gastric juice, which has an irritating effect on the mucous membrane of the empty stomach and can lead to inflammatory phenomena. If spasmodic contractions of the vessels of the stomach occur, damage to the organ may occur.

During short intervals there is not enough time for the complete digestion process and absorption of nutrients to next appointment food. This can cause a disorder in the motor and secretory functioning of the digestive tract.

In addition, the following factor is important. A healthy stomach is a muscular bag that can stretch and contract. However, it lacks the ability to grab food, turn it over and process juices unless it has a certain volume. Therefore, the statement “eat more often and little by little” in the absence of pathologies of the digestive tract is not true.

Optimalintervals between meals are two to four hour intervals. In addition, the digestive glands need rest for 8 to 10 hours per day, when the ability of the digestive organs to function normally the next day occurs.The most favorable conditions for digestion are created in people who eat 4 times a day.Its advantages lie in the uniform load on digestive tract, in the most complete processes food processing, its digestion and assimilation, in maintaining a constant internal environment.

3.3 Meal times during the day.

Let's start with the first one -breakfast . It should be eaten 30 minutes after waking up. If you do exercises in the morning, then you can do it after 40-45 minutes, but this time (after which you should feed yourself) is the maximum.

The best time to have a snack is in the morning, 2-3 hours after breakfast. If you had breakfast at 7, then have a snack at 9-10 o'clock.

At lunchtime, it is better to have a snack 2-3 hours after lunch or 2-3 hours before dinner.

You should have dinner no later than two hours before bedtime. If this period of time is less, then a person will go to bed with a full stomach, which will lead to restless sleep, and the body will not receive the necessary rest.

3.4. Time spent eating

Breakfast and dinner should last at least half an hour, lunch - at least 40 minutes, butno more than 45 minutes. This is the required maximum time from the very beginning of the meal to its end.

3. 5. Distribution of the daily diet according to its energy value, chemical composition, food set and weight into individual meals.

Breakfast - the main meal, it can be protein, carbohydrate, combined, depending on many indications, but– HE MUST BE!

Breakfast should make up 25-30% of the total calorie content of the daily diet: it is necessary to create an energy reserve in the body for the duration of intense and prolonged work.

Schoolchildren who eat a full breakfast solve problems faster and cope with difficulties. A schoolchild's breakfast should include complex carbohydrates. Buns, pies, and crackers are strictly not suitable. The perfect breakfast are porridges. The most healthy cereals- buckwheat, rice, oatmeal. Proteins are useful for breakfast - “building material” for a growing body and fats - a source of energy.

Second breakfast - during the break. Its calorie content is approximately 10-15% of the total for the day. It is enough to eat scrambled eggs or eggs, or sandwiches, or sausages and drink a glass of tea, kefir or coffee.

Dinner - This is the main meal, it makes up the most significant part of the calorie content daily ration- from 35 to 40% and must consist of at least two dishes, the first of which is usually soups, etc., the second - meat (including poultry) or fish with side dishes, salads, etc. For lunch you should definitely eat a protein product and vegetables.

Dinner - this meal should be light. Its calorie content should not exceed 15-20 percent of the daily diet.It includes protein, boiled meat, kefir, citruses, apples and vegetable salad, yogurt,cottage cheese, drink milk, kefir or weak tea. Spicy foods, strong tea and coffee are not useful in the evening - they act as a stimulant.

Snacks – not the main meals between breakfast and lunch, lunch and dinner, and after dinner. Basically, some products that are insignificant in quantity and nutritional value are used: for example, a few nuts, whole grain bread, a slice of cheese, an apple, berries. A snack does not significantly fill the stomach and is intended only to satisfy hunger while waiting for the main meal.

    1. Food temperature

In order for the digestion process to be carried out properly, the temperature regime of food is important. The temperature of hot food should be no higher than 50 – 60 degrees, cold food – no lower than 10 degrees.

3.7. Regularity and eating disorders

Eating regularly at the same time is extremely important. Formed conditioned reflex stimulation of appetite by the time factor. By a certain time, a feeling of hunger arises, which excites the food center and triggers the reflex secretion of gastric juice.Digestive juices thus begin to separate even before eating, and the incoming food is absorbed much faster and better than for those who do not adhere to a diet and eat at different times.Clear, organized,correct diet is most beneficial for digestion and absorption. In most cases, two to three days are a sufficient period for the body to adapt todiet. In some situations, it is difficult to strictly follow the regime; some deviations from the usual meal times are possible - optimal - within 30 minutes.

In case of violationsdiet the conditioned reflex begins to fade. Food enters the stomach, which is not prepared for digestion. This affects the food center - appetite decreases and food mass is poorly absorbed. Irregular and disorderly nutrition distorts the physiological rhythms of the digestive glands, reduces digestibility and in some cases provokes the development of diseases - gastritis, cholecystitis, etc.

If the choice is made in favor of one or the otherhuman diet , it is necessary to strictly observe it, since sudden changes in diet and food stress are not indifferent to the body.

    Maintaining a healthy diet in everyday life

Knowing what a rational diet is, what its rules are, after analyzing my daily schedule, I decided to create my own diet:

7.00 – breakfast

9.40 – second breakfast (snack during recess - fruit)

14.00 – lunch

17.00 – afternoon tea

19.30 - dinner

I tried to stick to this regimen and noticed that after just two days I stopped yawning, began to work more attentively and actively in class, and after only 5 days I developed the skill of following a diet regardless of adult supervision. In addition, after studying at school and taking dance classes, I still have the strength and time to quickly cope with my homework and much more that I could only dream of before (daily walks, creativity and hobbies).


After analyzing the information I found on a rational diet, I found out thatto the most important meansensuring health includes proper balanced nutrition. Rational nutrition is a guarantee of successful physical, mental and mentaldevelopment of modern schoolchildren. I created a balanced diet for myself and began to adhere to it in everyday life. To my surprise, it only took me less than a week to develop the skill of following a diet regardless of adult supervision in everyday life. As a result, my mood, efficiency, stress resistance improved, II solve problems faster and cope with difficulties.


Rational nutrition is a guarantee of successful physical, mental and mentaldevelopment of modern schoolchildren.In our time of great overload, accelerated pace of life, the possibility ofstressful situations - it should be remembered that proper nutrition in childhood largely contributes to the formation of an organism capable of overcoming the difficulties of life.

Rational nutrition is, first of all, properly organized and timelysupplying the body with well-prepared, nutritious and tasty food.Eating is a habit that can and should be managed.“Your food should be medicine, and your medicine should be food,” asserted the ancient Greek physician and thinker Hippocrates. Therefore it is very important to payattention to the formation and education of rational eating habits from an early ageage, so that in adulthood health problems caused by improperthe person no longer had food.Health itself is nothing without its content, without health diagnostics,means of ensuring it and practices for ensuring health. To the most important meansensuring health includes proper balanced nutrition. Food is onefrom the most important factors environment, influencing the conditionhealth, performance, mental and physical development, as well ashuman life expectancy.

WITHIt turned out to be very easy to develop the skill of following a diet regardless of adult supervision in everyday life.Proper nutrition can help solve many problems.

    Literature and Internet resources

Maybe, the best diet, no matter what goal she pursues, there will always be nothing more than proper nutrition. Proper nutrition will never make you starve, sit on celery or become bloated from water. And if you try, you can even include something very tasty in your diet.

But the most interesting thing is that proper nutrition surpasses even the most popular diets in its effectiveness, because it allows you to keep yourself in good shape, be healthy and beautiful, and, if necessary, lose excess weight (by the way, kilograms that were lost correctly will no longer appear ), and at the same time almost limit yourself to your favorite dishes. The secret of healthy eating lies in its rules, and it is with them that we will begin our lesson.

Basic rules of healthy eating

It’s almost impossible to take it like this and immediately choose a diet for yourself that would suit all parameters. The main reason is that each person has his own individual metabolism, and the diet that one person praises with enthusiasm and enthusiasm may not be suitable for another (and sometimes can even be harmful).

This is where proper nutrition comes to the rescue: firstly, it does not require any diet at all, and secondly, it allows a person to independently determine his diet. The task is only to approach this process competently, following several universal rules. Here we will answer the questions: when to eat, what portions to eat, etc.

The basics of proper nutrition are as follows:

  • One of the main conditions for proper nutrition is to eat often. According to most healthy eaters, three main meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) and a couple of small snacks throughout the day are a great way to relieve hunger. Plus, they allow you to avoid overeating before bed. Thus, you need to eat fractionally, making 2-3 hour intervals between all meals. Metabolism will always be normal, and the body will have enough energy for full functioning.
  • Portions should be small. By eating 5-6 times a day, you will not experience a strong feeling of hunger and overeat. If you are used to large portions, first reduce the portion by 1/3, and then by half. Listen to your feelings to understand which option is yours. Note that many supporters of proper nutrition consider a 200-ounce serving of food to be optimal. But here we must remember that the diet should be varied, nutritious, well digestible and contain required quantity calories (for example, 200 g of nuts is too filling and too much, and 200 g of tomatoes is low in calories and not enough, etc.). Determine your portion size empirically, and also remember that you need to get up from the table a little hungry.
  • The day should definitely start with breakfast. In the morning, metabolism is faster than in the afternoon or evening, so you can have a larger breakfast. For the first meal, porridge, omelette, boiled eggs with a salad of cucumbers, tomatoes and fresh herbs. You can also eat rice noodles, wild rice or durum wheat pasta for breakfast. Important note: if you have a sweet tooth, try to eat sweets in the morning.
  • The last meal should be the lightest: low-calorie, quickly digestible, small in volume. Some nutritionists generally recommend drinking a glass of kefir instead 1-1.5 hours before going to bed.
  • It is better to make the menu mainly from light foods. Fried and fatty foods are considered unhealthy foods, so they can be excluded from the diet altogether, and sweets can be consumed in strictly limited quantities.
  • The bulk of your daily diet should consist of fresh fruits and vegetables. Ideal option- this is when the plate is divided into 4 parts: 2 are vegetables, 1 is a side dish (pasta, porridge, etc.) and 1 is protein products (chicken breast etc.).
  • If there is a choice of meat and fish, then it is advisable to give preference to the latter.
  • You should exclude sausage, chips, soda and any other products that contain flavor enhancers, preservatives, etc. from your diet. There is no benefit at all in such food, but there are a lot of calories and harmful elements that negatively affect metabolism.
  • Salt is often called “white poison” or even “white death”, but the human body needs it, and there is no need to completely abandon it. But it is useful to reduce the daily norm to a maximum of 5 g.
  • No eating before bed. It is widely believed that you should not eat after 6 pm, but modern nutritionists are increasingly pointing out that this limit is only partly correct. At this time, it is worth having your last meal, and quite heartily, but you should not refuse food until the morning, especially if you go to bed later than 11 pm. It is recommended to have a light snack 2-3 hours before bedtime.
  • We have already said enough about the benefits of water, but let us remind you once again that proper nutrition requires the presence of 1.5 to 2.5 liters of water per day in the diet.

These are the basic rules of healthy eating. Don’t think that this is the prerogative of people with a will of steel. In fact, everyone can live and eat healthy. The main difficulty is that it is necessary to overcome a certain barrier (related to nutrition and not only) and instill healthy ones. Just try for 3-4 weeks to eat as experts recommend, and you will no longer be able to return to your previous course.

Well, now it’s time to move on to the most interesting part - what should the menu of a person who wants to eat healthy consist of? It’s worth starting by considering the most common healthy diet.

Healthy menu for every day

The rules of healthy eating discussed above are very simple, but if you are not used to them, they can be difficult to master. Thus, difficulties may arise with what to cook for lunch, what to snack on, what foods can be combined and which ones should not, etc.

To prevent such difficulties from becoming a problem for you, we offer you a wonderful menu option for the week (there are several dishes to choose from, so making your diet varied will not be difficult). As usual, we will consider breakfast, lunch, dinner and snacks.

  • Porridge (rice, buckwheat or oatmeal) with low-fat milk
  • Kefir with fruits or cottage cheese with herbs
  • Scrambled eggs with tomatoes or two boiled eggs
  • Cheesecakes baked in the oven
  • Porridge (pumpkin with rice)
  • Chilled tomato soup, as well as liver stewed in sour cream
  • Zucchini boats with cheese and meat, cooked in the oven
  • Cabbage salad and fish bits
  • Onion soup, lettuce and a piece of turkey, stewed in tomato sauce
  • Stewed vegetables and fish roll with spices and garlic
  • Lenten soup (without potatoes), salad of tomatoes, green onions and parsley and a piece of boiled meat
  • Cottage cheese casserole with a little jam
  • Vegetable stew with seasonings
  • Sweet salad of apples and grated carrots with a spoonful of honey
  • Assorted fruits (such as grapefruit, orange and cranberry)
  • Greek salad with some tofu
  • Seafood skewers (shrimp, scallops and champignon caps, drizzled with oil and sauce, salted and baked in the oven - all this is strung on thin sticks or skewers dipped in water)


  • A glass of natural yogurt, kefir or milk
  • 30-40 g dried fruits or nuts
  • A few berries, a piece of melon or watermelon, a few plums, a pear or an apple (can be baked)

Remember this is just an example healthy menu for every day, and if you wish, you can create your own. Imagine, experiment, swap dishes and add new ones, guided by personal preferences and budget. Eat what you like, following the rules we talked about above. And, of course, don't forget about physical exercise and water consumption.

Healthy eating for weight loss

Any recipe designed for weight loss will always be based on the fact that it excludes fried, fatty and heavy food, but contains products with a high percentage of vitamins and microelements

Here are some delicious dishes that will help you feel full and at the same time help you lose weight:

Pumpkin salad:

  • 100 g pumpkin
  • 100 g carrots
  • 100 g apples
  • A little lemon juice.

All ingredients, in addition to the juice, are grated on a coarse grater, laid out in layers on a plate, sprinkled with lemon juice and eaten immediately. This salad can be eaten not only raw, but also baked in the oven (for 20-30 minutes). But the baked dish needs to be sprinkled with cinnamon and mixed thoroughly again.

Tomato soup with cottage cheese:

  • 150 g cottage cheese
  • 0.5 l tomato juice
  • A little vegetable oil
  • A little lemon juice
  • A little parsley and dill
  • 1/3 teaspoon sugar
  • A little black pepper and cumin
  • A little salt

All ingredients, except greens, are mixed in a blender. The resulting mass is sprinkled with chopped herbs.

Chicken rolls:

  • 2-3 chicken breasts (fillets)
  • 100 g broccoli
  • 2 eggs
  • A little salt, herbs and spices

First, the broccoli is finely chopped and then beaten with eggs and spices. The resulting mass is poured onto a flat plate and baked for 1-2 minutes in the microwave. Next, the fillet is beaten. At the next stage, the omelet is cut into portions, placed on breasts and rolled into tight rolls. The rolls are tied with thread and placed in a baking bag, sprinkled with vegetable oil and sprinkled with salt, spices and herbs. Bring to readiness for 25 minutes in the oven.

If for some reason the dishes presented are not to your taste, you can find a huge number of similar ones on the Internet. The point is that the products are healthy, contain the necessary elements and vitamins, are low-fat and easy on the stomach. The rest is a matter of technique.

Healthy eating options also include special options for men, women, children and athletes. Next - a little about each of them.

Healthy eating for men

By nature, men are providers and hunters. Unlike the weaker sex, to whom nature has assigned the role of hearth-keepers and mothers, the stronger sex is characterized by a slightly different metabolism, slightly larger body weight and greater daily energy expenditure. All this suggests that the nutritional rules will differ in some ways.

A man's diet must be formulated in a special way. Firstly, initially a man has large muscle mass, so he needs protein that will support the body. If ladies can easily spend several days on cereals, fruits and salads, then it is advisable for men to eat meat. If a man is a vegetarian, the body should receive more vegetable protein contained in nuts, mushrooms, potatoes, fermented milk products, legumes (except lentils and beans, which stimulate the production of female hormones), etc. And secondly, male body must regularly produce testosterone.

Based on this, the men's menu should always have:

  • Pollen (as a dietary supplement)
  • Alcohol (optional and in limited quantities: for example, an aperitif in the form of a glass of cognac)
  • Liver, raspberries, dates, figs, lemons, apples and other foods containing zinc
  • pumpkin seeds and nuts and other products containing selenium
  • Bran, fish, egg yolk and other foods containing phosphorus
  • Fruits and berries containing glycogen (glycogen protects against strokes, heart attacks and prostate cancer)
  • Foods containing vitamin E

It would not be superfluous to say that it is better for men to avoid beer if possible. instant coffee and soybeans, because These products serve as stimulants for the body's production of female hormones. If you can’t completely eliminate them, you can simply reduce their number.

And one more thing: the daily calorie intake for men depends on the activity of their lifestyle, and can vary from 2400 to 3300 calories. If a man is engaged in physical labor or training, you need to approach the upper threshold, and if he works in an office or sits a lot at the computer, then you can stick to the lower threshold.

And as an example of healthy men's nutrition we offer this option:

  • Breakfast: a bowl of porridge and a piece of boiled meat plus a cup of tea or coffee (not instant, but freshly brewed)
  • Snack between breakfast and lunch: a glass of juice and toast with a piece of cheese
  • Lunch: a bowl of soup (without potatoes), some boiled or baked fish, a serving of vegetable salad, a serving of pasta (durum wheat) or stewed mushrooms
  • Snack between lunch and dinner: several fruits and unsweetened natural juice
  • Dinner: a pack of cottage cheese (200 g) with herbs

Healthy eating for women

The daily calorie intake for women can vary from 1700 to 2000 calories, with the upper threshold recommended exclusively for athletes. This suggests that lovely ladies should eat less than men, but the menu itself can be much richer. You also need to remember that women also have their own “female” products containing microelements that women specifically require.

We are talking mainly about calcium. In general, they always need to supply the body, but after 50 years it becomes a vital necessity. The nuance is that calcium is excreted from the female body due to various ailments and pregnancy, and simply with age. For this reason, it needs to be restored, which means that it is necessary to mandatory eat:

  • Leafy greens
  • Almond
  • Dairy products
  • Cheese (including tofu)

No less important element is iron. No woman can remain completely healthy without it, but every month this element (about 100 mg of it) is lost during menstruation. Another difficulty is that the absorption of iron is seriously interfered with by the hormone estrogen. All this indicates the need for women to regularly replenish iron reserves. This is facilitated by:

  • Liver
  • Dried fruits (apricots, dried apricots, pears, apples)
  • pumpkin seeds
  • Rosehip infusions
  • Cocoa

Third on the list is vitamin C. It has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the immune system and nervous systems, helps the body produce collagen and also serves as an excellent antioxidant. To avoid experiencing vitamin C deficiency, you should eat:

  • Yellow and Green pepper
  • Sea buckthorn
  • Strawberry
  • Rose hip
  • Any citrus fruits
  • Beans
  • Green peas
  • Lentils
  • Peaches
  • Avocado
  • Tomatoes
  • Beet
  • White cabbage
  • Broccoli
  • Leafy greens (parsley, lettuce, spinach)
  • Nuts

Among other things, ladies should include soybeans, sprouted grains and cranberry juice in their diet. But this could be the beauty’s menu for one of the days:

  • Breakfast: omelet (3 whites and 1 yolk), tomato, a glass of freshly squeezed juice or a cup of freshly brewed coffee.
  • Snack between breakfast and lunch: a few plums and some almonds.
  • Lunch: green soup with broccoli, vegetable salad with beans, a glass of tea.
  • Snack between lunch and dinner: apple (can be baked with raisins, prunes and dried apricots)
  • Dinner: boiled shrimp with avocado salad, tofu cheese and spices.

Healthy eating for children

Preparing the right diet for a child is a very serious matter, because growing and developing organism needs a lot of calories, namely:

  • Children under 3 years old - 1500 calories
  • Children 3-5 years old - 1800 calories
  • Children 5-8 years old - 2400 calories
  • Children 8-16 years old - 2500-3000 calories

Agree: the volume is considerable. Almost any child always moves a lot, runs and plays, which means he spends a lot of energy - carbohydrates are needed to replenish it. Calcium is needed to grow and strengthen bones. To gain muscle mass you need protein. For brain development and mental activity vitamins and microelements are required.

It is also interesting that children’s metabolism is as precise as swiss watches, which is why sweets do not cause damage to health, and cholesterol, harmful for adults, helps form cell membranes. But still, this does not mean that children can eat everything and anyhow - they also must eat according to the system, and it is based on the following principles:

  • It is better if the child eats in a specific mode. However, you always need to focus on his feelings: if he wants to eat, feed him; if he doesn’t want to, don’t force him to eat.
  • Don't neglect snacks. Fruits, crackers, yoghurts, etc. are suitable for this. Portions should be small so as not to kill your appetite.
  • One of your meals must include protein. It could be cutlets, chicken breast, peas or oatmeal, cottage cheese, etc.
  • Children's menu must certainly include dairy products.
  • You can eat sweets, but in small quantities, for example, a couple of sweets or a cake for dessert. And the best and healthy sweets berries, sweet fruits, dried fruits and honey are considered.
  • A child should drink a lot of water - this will allow his body to always be healthy and have good immunity.

In addition to everything, the developing body must receive the proper amount of vitamins and microelements, and in particular sulfur, iron, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, iodine and zinc, which directly affect mental activity, as well as vitamins B, C and E.

The children's daily menu may look like this:

  • Breakfast: pancakes and applesauce plus compote or apple juice.
  • Snack between breakfast and lunch: dried fruits soaked in fruit juice, baby cookies or banana.
  • Lunch: soup for chicken broth, several meatballs and vegetable salad plus compote.
  • Snack between lunch and dinner: cheese sandwich.
  • Dinner: Rice or oatmeal, a glass of jelly, kefir or milk.

Healthy nutrition for athletes

Sports and proper and healthy nutrition are two inseparable things. But if we are talking about really good health and high sporting achievements, then just proper nutrition is not enough here. In reality, everything is different, and here's why:

  • When playing sports, muscles actively grow, which requires an impressive amount of protein, and from different sources. Thus, cottage cheese or nuts alone will not be enough - you need eggs, fish, meat, and other protein products (by the way, sports nutrition was created precisely to supply the body of athletes with protein).
  • At sports loads the body loses a colossal amount of energy, and this, in turn, is provided by carbohydrates. But simple carbohydrates, such as sweets, honey or sugar, will not bring much benefit. It is necessary to introduce complex carbohydrates into the diet: whole grain bread, legumes, vegetables, fruits and cereals. You should definitely eat something carbohydrate 1-2 hours before class.
  • A carbohydrate break is also recommended 30 minutes after the start of training. A low-fat milkshake, energy bar or banana will perfectly invigorate and give you strength. 1.5 hours after exercise you need to have a full meal. And along with carbohydrates, it would be good to “refuel” with protein, because... at this time it is absorbed best.
  • Many people are scared by the word “fat,” but it should always be in an athlete’s diet. Required quantity fat can be obtained from flax seeds, sea fish, seafood, nuts and vegetable oils.
  • ¼ of an athlete's daily menu is always vegetables and fruits. Together with complex carbohydrates, they supply the body with fiber and vitamins.

Of course, the features of a healthy diet depend on the type of sport a person plays. So, for a weightlifter there will be one option, for a gymnast - a second, for a boxer - a third, etc. However, those who do not yet want or are not ready to dive into the details of sports dietary norms and rules can build their menu something like this:

  • Breakfast: oatmeal and a couple of boiled eggs.
  • Snack between breakfast and lunch: milkshake.
  • Lunch: a piece of meat or fish and vinaigrette.
  • Snack between lunch and dinner: a pack of cottage cheese.
  • Dinner: half a pack of cottage cheese and rice porridge with meat.
  • 1.5 hours before going to bed: a glass of milk or kefir.

This is an approximate organization of the diet of men, women, children and athletes. In principle, by following these simple rules, you can already be sure that you are eating the way you need to. And if you are not worried about such things as obesity, underweight, impaired metabolism, lack of vitamins and microelements or something similar, then these recommendations are quite enough to guide you healthy image life. In any other cases, the best solution would be to contact a specialist, for example, a nutritionist, who will help you choose the right regimen or suggest a good diet.

And while we are talking about diets, we will not miss the opportunity to introduce you to some popular diets. The information you will find below is for informational purposes only (we will only provide brief descriptions diets), and for more detailed information you will need to use auxiliary sources.

Popular diets

Before proceeding directly to the description of diets, it makes sense to say that most of them can be successfully implemented at home, and do not require huge costs or any special knowledge and skills. What to choose is up to you to decide.

Today you can find many diets, including mono-diets, protein diets, low-fat diets, low-calorie diets and others. Not all of them can boast of effectiveness, and some can even worsen health. Therefore, you definitely need to study everything and get advice from a professional.

You shouldn’t rush into switching to any diet, because... sudden changes in diet can negatively affect your well-being and mood. But if you choose a diet and follow it wisely, the results can be truly amazing.

What diets should you pay attention to? Here is a small list of them and their brief characteristics.

Kefir diet

Refers to mono-diets, is strict and is not recommended for long-term use. Promotes weight loss and involves exclusively consuming kefir. Improves intestinal and gastrointestinal microflora, removes toxins and benefits the body as a whole.

The kefir diet can have several options: the first is consuming only kefir, the second is consuming kefir, sweet vegetables and fruits, and the third is daily alternation of consuming kefir and regular products. Duration of the diet: about a week. You can re-apply the diet no earlier than after 1-2 months.

Kremlin diet

A diet designed for rapid weight loss. It is based on minimal consumption of foods containing carbohydrates, which provokes the body to use its own resources stored in fat deposits. Does not exclude the consumption of foods containing protein.

The basic rule of the diet is the complete exclusion of sugar in any form. Low-carb vegetables, cheeses, eggs, meat and fish are allowed on the menu. If you wish, you can find special tables for calculating points and points that reflect progress, because You can consume a certain number of glasses per day (all products have their own number).

Buckwheat diet

Another tough but effective mono-diet. According to reviews, it allows you to lose up to 10 kg in just 7 days. It is based on the consumption of buckwheat, which cleanses the body and gives a feeling of fullness, as well as having a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin. Buckwheat is consumed without salt, but you can add a little low-fat kefir. You can eat it in any quantity.

In a less strict version, low-fat yogurt and fruit are allowed, but the result will not be as noticeable. In addition to the diet, multivitamins are recommended, and after using it you need to adhere to a gentle diet.

No carbohydrate diet

The principle of this diet is to limit the intake of starch and sugar with food. The main rule: daily intake of a permissible 250 calories in the form of carbohydrates. It is interesting that the diet does not imply control over the consumption of cottage cheese, cheese, meat, fish and poultry, and also that you need to eat berries, root vegetables, citrus fruits and vegetables.

You cannot eat fruits (except citrus fruits), sugar, carrots, potatoes, flour, dairy products, cereals, corn and fat-containing products, as well as drink alcohol and sugary drinks. It is forbidden to eat 2-3 hours before bedtime, drink 30 minutes after eating, and fry in any oil other than olive oil.

Apple diet

It is not particularly strict, but is popular because of its effectiveness. The essence of the diet is to eat apples - valuable fruits that correct and normalize metabolism, help lose extra pounds, and are useful for atherosclerosis, hypertension and intestinal problems. The basic rule is to do 1-2 apple fasting days per week.

Can be used in several options: the first - only apples and water, the second - only apples, the third - apples and kefir, and the fourth - apples, green tea and black bread crackers (the last option is designed for 6 days). Apple diet very effective in quitting smoking.

Dukan diet

The motto of the Dukan diet is quite unusual: eat as much as you want and you will lose weight. But, of course, you can only eat certain foods. The diet consists of 4 stages: the first is “Attack” (3-4 days), the second is “Cruise” (depends on weight and can last several weeks), the third is “Fixation” (depends on the number of kilos lost, and can last up to 2 months) and the fourth - “Stabilization” (the longer, the better).

The diet depends on the stage: starting with protein foods and foods containing glucose and carbohydrates, a person gradually adds vegetables, cheese, cereals, pasta and even some sweets. There are also certain norms for drinking water and eating oat bran. Any cooking involves heat treatment.

Japanese diet

Designed for a period of 13 days to 13 weeks, depending on the amount of excess weight. The diet is characterized by balance and long-lasting effects, up to several years. Helps you lose weight and includes a varied diet. Basic rule: smooth transition to dietary food and back. Built on accelerating and optimizing metabolism.

You should eat protein foods. The consumption of carbohydrates and fats is limited. You can eat vegetables, eggs, meat, fish; drink juices, mineral and boiled water. It assumes the presence of black coffee on the menu, and therefore is not suitable for everyone. One of the disadvantages: the diet is not balanced and the body’s needs for nutrients are not taken into account.

Maggi Diet

One more protein diet. Often called egg or curd-egg. But in addition to eggs and cottage cheese, he includes many foods in his diet, including fruits, vegetables and even meat. Designed for, and the menu changes every week. Helps change eating habits and has a lasting effect.

Before use, it is advisable to make sure that there is no allergy, because There are citrus fruits on the menu. Bananas, figs, grapes, dates, mangoes, butter and fat-containing products, sugar and mayonnaise, as well as smoking and drinking alcohol in any form are prohibited.

Malysheva's diet

It is an entire nutrition system. Based on minimizing the consumption of foods containing fats and table salt, avoiding flour products, potatoes, sweet pastries, pure sugar, rice, carrots, beets and any alcohol. The menu includes oatmeal, yogurt, low-fat yoghurts, chicken, eggs, fish, low-fat kefir, fruit.

The diet does not allow starvation. It involves frequent portioned meals, calorie tracking, communication between a person and his body while eating, and lifestyle changes based on dietary requirements. Designed for 2-3 months, it has a gentle effect on the body and gives a long-lasting effect.

Other diets include fasting, raw food, dry food and vegetarianism. There are also additional principles of nutrition, for example, separate nutrition, absolute optimality and others (you can read about all this in our article “”).

To put it simply, there is room for flexibility, and anyone can choose a diet that suits them and does not cause serious discomfort. But, again, we repeat: before you “go on” a diet, you must visit a nutritionist and undergo an examination of your health, otherwise even the most praised diet can lead to disappointing consequences.

This concludes the lesson of the main part of our course, but we do not say goodbye, because... We have prepared several applications especially for you that will answer your remaining questions, if any. We wish you to always be healthy and beautiful, and to eat only what you like and, of course, is healthy.

Test your knowledge

If you want to test your knowledge on a topic this lesson, you can take a short test consisting of several questions. For each question, only 1 option can be correct. After you select one of the options, the system automatically proceeds to next question. The points you receive are affected by the correctness of your answers and the time spent on completion. Please note that the questions are different each time and the options are mixed.

Great value for physical health, as well as a good thought process has a normal regular diet. Here it immediately arises interesting question about the optimal mode of food consumption. Today, social conditions dictate the correct attitude towards one’s health.

Power Mode Meaning

Experts have long recognized that regular nutrition has beneficial effect on the body. If the eating schedule is disrupted, the digestive organs cease to function normally. Even the mood from this state of affairs worsens. The frantic pace of life makes us turn a blind eye to maintaining health. A large number of bad habits lure into their networks workaholics who do not have the opportunity to stop for a minute and think about things not related to work.

In general, proper regulation of the flow of food entering the stomach leads to good results. Rhythmic and efficient work will be provided only by digestion, which is built according to a certain system. There is no universal remedy in this situation, since each person is individual. Here it is necessary to take into account age, gender and the specifics of the activity. The diet promotes the secretion of saliva and digestive juices.

The key to healthy eating is not only the distribution of foods over time, but also taking into account calorie content, duration of meals, and intervals between meals. All the energy that helps us move and live comes from food. The body maintains a certain body temperature, correct work internal organs, metabolic processes.

The most important thing is that your diet allows you to protect your body from overeating. You should always consume the amount of food that is necessary to satisfy your hunger. Excessive amounts of food lead to obesity, development of ulcers and more. serious complications, such as diseases of the cardiovascular system.

  • Physiologists talk about the mandatory presence of fish, meat, eggs, fruits, vegetables, legumes and cereals in the diet. At certain times, some elements from this set are excluded, it all depends on the prescribed diet.
  • During the experiments, it was found that the most optimal diet is to eat four times a day at intervals of four hours. There is no longer a feeling of hunger here, it appears wellness, protein begins to be absorbed by 80 percent.
  • Although it is possible to increase the number of meals to six during a heart attack, during the recovery period after surgery, during diets and during diseases of the digestive tract.
  • Now nutritionists talk about the extreme benefits of eating two meals a day. Meals break up the day with breakfast at 11 a.m. and dinner, which includes lunch, at 5 p.m.
  • If we talk about the importance of four meals a day, then the main task of this regime is to reduce the overall load on the stomach. This approach reduces sleepiness after eating, which so often occurs in everyday life.
  • How to create a diet

    Caloric content of food should be taken into account with national characteristics and traditions. If the diet is about three times a day, and energy costs do not go beyond ordinary norms, then special attention It is worth paying attention to eating during breakfast.

    Breakfast Always have to be filling. It should contain 40 percent of all calories a person takes in a day. After all, all the strength to work for the day human body draws from breakfast. Dinner is the main point of eating, it should contain about 40 percent of the daily calories. It is easy to calculate that dinner the remaining 20 percent of the total daily value is allocated. If you switch to four meals a day, then 10 percent of breakfast and lunch just need to be allocated to afternoon tea. Each meal should be chewed thoroughly for 25 minutes.

    The diet should be such that a person’s performance does not decrease after meals. Upon exception useful substances from the names of the products consumed as food, apathy appears and fatigue. That's why it's so important to include different products in your daily meals. When eating meat, fish and dairy products, the body receives protein. Such substances are necessary to create new body cells and maintain existing ones. Vegetables are rich in fiber, which helps remove acids and speed up the process of removing toxins.

    Carbohydrates are no less important for normal operation everyone's life important systems. You should eat bread, pasta, brown rice, and mushrooms. To prevent obesity, you need to count total quantity calories consumed per day.

    The liquid helps cleanse the body. Carbonated drinks may cause some discomfort. Drinking liquid during meals does not have any negative effects.

    There are rules for healthy eating that affect the quality of meals.

    • Firstly, you should strictly adhere to your diet. Only a systematic approach will give good results. The body will get used to the fact that food arrives at a certain time, after which it will be ready to process it most efficiently.
    • Secondly, you should not eat during breaks between meals. The required interval is a minimum of four hours. If you take food in various snacks, the digestive system will begin to work incorrectly and malfunction, as it will be busy all day.
    • Thirdly, you should eat only when you feel hungry. In order not to be deceived once again, you need to take 200 grams of water orally 30 minutes before the start of the meal. This is where you get rid of unnecessary calories.
    • Fourth, you should not eat food if you feel unwell, have a fever or have other physical weaknesses. It is better to replace food with water. Food taken during illness will deprive the body of resources to fight.