How to help sleep. How to learn to fall asleep quickly if you want to sleep, but sleep does not go. Avoid fatty and heavy foods

The question of how to fall asleep quickly if you can’t sleep is disturbing a large number of people. They toss and turn at night for 25-45 minutes, and some spend hours in a sleepless state. Largely fast falling asleep depends on the person and in most cases a trip to the doctor can be postponed. A fairly large number of methods have been developed on how to quickly fall asleep at night if you cannot, which are based on correct breathing and body position. This allows you to learn to fall asleep in minutes.

How to fall asleep quickly if you do not want to sleep?

We list the methods and techniques for accelerating falling asleep:

Sleep during the day

You can sleep during the day, but only at certain hours. If you have a desire to take a nap at lunchtime, do not deny yourself, but no more than one hour. This will help you fall asleep faster in the evening.

We use massage

This is a universal way to relax the body and muscles. Must use for massage aroma oils conducive to sleep. They will help to greatly relax and achieve a greater effect from the massage than without their use. Combing at night with a massage brush is a wonderful relaxing head massage.

If you do not know what to do to quickly fall asleep, then do self-massage.

Start massaging your arms and shoulders lightly. Lightly stretch your face, then massage your neck and back of your head. Upper body massage is not the only way.

A good method of how to fall asleep quickly without drugs is to massage the feet. If you use creams and ointments that help relieve fatigue from the legs, the effect will be even stronger.

Use the methods described below, and you will significantly speed up the process of falling asleep:

Correct Mode

It is necessary to build the correct daily routine and try to follow it. All your activities should occur at about the same time compared to the previous day. Wake up in the morning, take a shower, go to breakfast, etc. everything must happen at the same time. Allow your body to enter this mode and get used to it. This method will allow you to fall asleep quickly and easily.

Scientists have long known that time healthy sleep it is considered until 00:00 and you need to sleep for at least eight hours.

Proper nutrition

Don't eat a lot of food before bed. good option There will be a meal 2-3 hours before bedtime. Going to bed with a feeling of hunger is not worth it. Take care to eat in moderation - overeating leads to heaviness in the stomach, and undereating leads to discomfort and hunger - and this is not something that will help you fall asleep quickly. If you really want to eat, you can eat fruits, and sour-milk products are also suitable.

Choose a comfortable mattress and pillow

If you have been trying to fall asleep for a long time and cannot find the optimal position for sleeping, your neck becomes numb and all the time, something interferes. Most likely, you need to choose the right mattress or pillow for you individually.

If you don’t know how to fall asleep quickly if you don’t feel like sleeping, then here are some tips for you:

  • The bed should be as comfortable as possible to get you to sleep.
  • The pillow should be custom-made for you. This question is very important, because the pillow helps to relax and fall asleep quickly. We are all different and pillows are also different.

For someone will optimal solution use down pillows, a pillow with buckwheat is suitable for someone. Now orthopedic pillows are gaining popularity. Mattresses also have their own firmness levels. Choose according to your comfort level. When choosing a blanket, try not to choose too hot or too cool and thin. For each season, have your own version of the blanket. These recommendations in many cases help close the issue, I can’t fall asleep at night what to do.

Comfortable room temperature

Ventilate the sleeping area before going to bed, and also make sure that the temperature in the room is cool. This will make it easier to fall asleep. If possible, it is advisable to take a walk on fresh air before bed and take a shower.

Use these tips and you will learn how to fall asleep quickly and easily, falling into a deep and sweet sleep.

Comfortable sleeping position

In bed, you need to specifically turn around to find out for yourself in which position you feel comfortable and as comfortable as possible. Feel in which position your muscles are more relaxed. This procedure must be carried out several times in a row. When you know what position you are most comfortable in, you can stop. Comfortable position - will help you fall asleep quickly.

Physical activity for good sleep

If you feel severe fatigue after sedentary work in the office, but you still can’t fall asleep quickly and soundly, then most likely the body is not tired, unlike the brain. Often sedentary image life leads to insomnia.

Make it a rule to load the body. Try to walk more often, forget about the elevator and walk more. Knowing what to do to fall asleep quickly, you can not worry about insomnia. The effect will not be long in coming, but 2-3 hours before bedtime you should not engage in stress on the body. In this way, you will raise adrenaline, and there will be no time for sleep.

Get rid of annoying factors

Most likely, family members know about your problem. And they will be sympathetic to the request to turn down the sound of the TV or play the tablet in another room. Turn off any light that might interfere with your sleep in one way or another. Comfortable environment in the bedroom, where it is quiet, dark and no one interferes - good way to fall asleep quickly if you can't sleep.


There are many sleeping pills on the market today. varying degrees operation and safety of use. You can choose some means on the Internet, for example, containing lofant, orange fruit, escholcia grass. The product is suitable for children and adults.

If you are wondering how to fall asleep without the use of drugs - read below.

How to fall asleep quickly at night without sleeping pills and drugs

Drinks to promote sleep

Since ancient times, healers have used drinks for sleep against insomnia. There are many simple and versatile methods:

  • Warm milk or kefir. One glass before bed.
  • Take a glass of warm water and add a spoonful of honey. Drink just before bed for half an hour. This is a tried and tested method of how to fall asleep quickly at night without sleeping pills.
  • Quick sleep will help infusions medicinal herbs: motherwort, oregano, linden, hops, St. John's wort, melissa, valerian, mint. Also in the pharmacy you can buy such phyto tea with herbs, if you live in the city, this is especially true.

Use the methods above to know how to fall asleep quickly at night without sleeping pills.

Try sleep exercises

  • A fairly popular exercise is “counting sheep”, you can count everything that comes into your head. The main rule is that the object imaginary in the head moves.
  • Try to tire your eyes. Easy and fast task. Do it while you sleep. Closed eyes actively move your gaze from side to side. With the question, can not sleep at night what to do, will fight easier.
  • Look up with closed eyes. This is the position of the eyes of a sleeping person, it is believed that this way you can fall asleep faster.
    - You need to imagine the subject in your head. Zoom it in and out using your imagination.

All the methods and exercises listed in this article do not work alone. To fall asleep quickly and fight insomnia, use a set of methods to quickly fall asleep if you can’t sleep.

Video: How to fall asleep quickly? 7 ways to help you fall asleep quickly


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What needs to be done for sleep?

Make sure that the water temperature does not exceed thirty-seven degrees.

  • tea drinking

Make warm and pleasant tea. You can drink it with sugar, or you can not add sugar.

  • Walk in the fresh air

Take a walk, and do not sit in front of TVs, computers and laptops.

  • Check. Count to one hundred...

If you don't fall asleep, keep counting until sleep comes. So you can count up to a thousand ....

  • Milk with honey

This remedy was recommended to us by our grandmothers and great-grandmothers. It is worth drinking a little milk with a doctor - the dream will come, as if it had not disappeared.

  • "Smart" Dinner

Don't eat three hours before bed. Even the most light food not worth eating!

  • Classical music

Listen to some classics if you want to fall asleep in a few seconds. The best "lullabies" are Tchaikovsky and Vivaldi.

  • Room ventilation

Sleep will never come to a stuffy room! Do whatever you can to prevent stuffiness.

  • Turning off the light

Do you remember where the light switch in your bedroom is located? Click and plunge into darkness.

  • Love

You can quickly fall asleep after sex or next to your loved one. Better than both, just combine.

  • Soft music

Turn on the player, close your eyes and drown in the melodies. You will not have time to come to your senses, as the morning will come.

  • Fairy tales

Turn on some audiobook with fairy tales (quietly). The method from childhood will not let you down even now!

What to do (and what not to do) in order to fall asleep quickly?

What can I do to fall asleep quickly?

Use folk remedies that "give" sleep

Sleep Recipes

  1. Grind two tablespoons of hop cones. Fill with boiling water. Set an hour. Strain.
  2. Take four tablespoons of motherwort. Pour them in a glass of boiling water. Pour into a thermos. Leave for a few hours. Drink half a glass half an hour before meals.
  3. Mix alcohol with propolis tincture. Take twenty drops of the mixture (twenty minutes before meals).
  4. Mix honey with cinnamon. Take half an hour before bedtime. Ventilate the room!
  5. One tables. mix a spoonful of honey in a glass of cool water. Drink a little.
  6. Rub the turnip on a grater. Take two tablespoons of turnip. Boil fifteen minutes. Leave overnight.
  7. Make a salad dressing. We take one table. a spoonful of fresh lettuce leaves. Pour boiling water (one cup). Hold on for a few hours. Drink at night.
  8. Mix one spoonful of oats and one spoonful of semolina. Fill with water (you need six hundred milliliters). Strain. Drink throughout the day if insomnia bothers you.
  9. Take twenty grams of lemon balm, twenty grams of coriander, twenty grams of peppermint. Add one hundred milliliters of alcohol (pure) to the mixture. Dilute with water (twenty milliliters). Strain through the day. Press the raw material. Take a large handkerchief and moisten it with tincture. Apply a scarf to the back of the head and to the temples.
  10. Take the fruits of fennel, hops. Take valerian and chamomile. Connect the components. Dial one hundred grams of this mixture. Fill with a glass of boiling water. Thirty minutes, heat the mixture in a water bath. Cool ten minutes. Strain, squeeze and boiled water add. Take a glass (before bedtime).
  11. How to fall asleep quickly? - Take fifty grams of dill. Fill it with Cahors wine. Put it on the stove. Boil twenty minutes (on the weakest fire). Wait an hour, not forgetting to wrap the pan. Strain. Take fifty (or sixty) grams before bed.

Continuation. . .

This page will be of great benefit to those who sometimes can't sleep at night who toss and turn in bed from side to side and can't get to sleep. We'll talk about how can fall asleep quickly in 1 minute, various ways improve sleep for morning awakening in good mood, full of strength and energy for the coming day.

In order for your sleep to be full and strong, you must follow a number of certain rules and conditions.

  1. It is necessary to develop the habit of going to bed in certain time so that a certain rhythm of the change of sleep and wakefulness is fixed in the body.
  2. Exciting conversations should be avoided before bed. stressful situations, exciting reading, exciting music, emotionally rich television programs.
  3. Autogenic training contributes to the process of falling asleep in the same way as air baths, dousing and rubbing, evening walks, general massage.
  4. Follow a specific bedtime ritual. If you are used to falling asleep with a book in your hand - do not give up this habit, if you have always fallen asleep under a mental count - continue it.
  5. The room in which you sleep must be ventilated before going to bed.
  6. Do not eat at night, otherwise the dream will be restless and superficial. The bulk of the calories should be taken in the morning and at lunchtime, you should have dinner no later than 18 hours, and before going to bed you can drink a glass of kefir with a tablespoon sunflower oil(It is especially important for older people to follow this rule).
  7. You should not get involved in detective stories before going to bed (tell children scary tales), take tonic drinks (tea, coffee, chocolate), as all this excites the nervous system.
  8. Mental work at night is not desirable, as this can become a habit and eventually lead to exhaustion. nervous system and sleep disorder.
  9. To speed up falling asleep, you can use a tape recording of the sound of the surf, calm soothing music such as a lullaby, etc.
  10. Cold compresses on the legs also help to fall asleep faster. To do this, moisten cotton socks cold water, wring out, put on your feet, and pull woolen dry socks on top. Cover yourself with a blanket, after a while your legs will warm up and you will fall asleep.

If you can't sleep at night: ways to fall asleep quickly

To improve sleep in traditional medicine aromatic substances have been used since ancient times. For example, healers and healers recommended inhaling, before going to bed, the aroma of fresh chamomile.

Having a bouquet of string, geranium, lavender, rosemary, sage or wormwood in the bedroom will improve the process of falling asleep. Also useful at home are the following folk remedies:

You can try to eat a large amount of fresh food during dinner. onion.

cook valerian infusion: a tablespoon of chopped root should be poured with a glass of boiling water, boiled over low heat in a sealed container for 10 minutes. Insist 1 hour, strain. Take 2 tablespoons at night.

lavender oil: Spread with whiskey oil before going to bed. Drop 3-5 drops on a piece of sugar, suck before going to bed.

Elder. Brew 1 tablespoon of chopped root with a glass of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes over low heat, leave for 1 hour, strain. Decoction take 1-2 tablespoons at bedtime.

Hop. Crushed hop cone powder can simply be taken at night as a soothing and sleeping pills 1 g each (at the tip of a knife). It is good to stuff a pillow with fresh hop cones (or put them in a mattress) and store them in a closet. For insomnia, sleep on this pillow or mattress.

Take 25 g hop cones per 100 ml of alcohol, insist in the dark for 7-10 days, shake occasionally, and then take 1 teaspoon before bedtime.

Dill seeds. Boil 50 g of seeds on low heat for 15 minutes in 0.5 l of Cahors wine. Insist, wrapped, 1 hour. Take 50 ml at bedtime.

Drink a glass of hot sugary water at night, or warm milk(but not tea), or a glass of hot infusion of valerian root (a teaspoon of the root in a glass of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes, strain).

You can prepare the next collection - 1:

  1. Valerian officinalis (root) - 20 g;
  2. Peppermint leaves - 30 g;
  3. Motherwort five-lobed (grass) - 30 g;
  4. Common hop (cones) - 20 g.

Mix all. Pour 1 tablespoon of the collection with a glass of boiling water, leave for 1 hour, strain. Take half a glass of infusion for nervous excitement, insomnia, irritability.

Good help like this collection - 2:

  1. Hawthorn blood-red (flowers) - 50 g;
  2. Highlander bird (grass) - 30 g;
  3. Horsetail (grass) - 20 g.

Prepare as in the previous recipe. Drink one third of a glass an hour before bedtime with irritability and insomnia.

  1. Valerian officinalis (root) - 30 g;
  2. Three-leaf watch (leaves) - 40 g;
  3. Peppermint (leaves) - 30 g.

Cooking as in previous recipes. Drink half a glass 2 times a day for irritability, insomnia, nervous excitement.

If all the measures you have taken have not worked, try another one. way: make the entire bed of the patient from black material: sheets, pillowcases, a blanket, a nightgown. If possible, paint even the walls of his room black. This gives amazing results: even people who have been suffering from insomnia for months fall asleep peacefully.

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I bring to your attention 9 ways to fall asleep quickly, sleep well and wake up full of energy + an interesting technique for falling asleep! (activity before bed, walk before bed, food before bed, phone and TV before bed, what book to read before bed, room for perfect sleep, sleeping naked, falling asleep technique, how to put your head and thoughts in order before going to bed) ...

February 15, 2014

On my previous blog, I conducted an experiment called “Healthy sleep in 30 days” (if you are interested, you can type in Yandex). The bottom line was that I suffered from occasional insomnia, didn’t have a clear sleep routine, as a result of which my the physical state seriously suffered, and there was not enough energy even for the simplest actions. Within a month, I trained myself to get up and go to bed at the same time (at 10 pm and 5 am respectively), which allowed me to get just an incredible boost of energy.

During the experiment, I read a lot about the properties of sleep, how to fall asleep quickly, how to relax as much as possible, how to deal with insomnia, and so on. As a result, I have developed a reliable rest system that allows me to remain extremely energetic to this day. There are no specific secrets. It only takes a little will to go to bed earlier and wake up when needed. I will consider the rise next time (if you don’t want to miss it, I advise you to subscribe to updates), but today I’ll talk thoroughly about falling asleep.

It is worth noting that if you did not have any specific schedule, then get used to proper sleep it will be quite difficult. As far as I remember, I learned to fall asleep quickly only after 5-7 days, but the result was worth it. So, if something doesn’t work out for you, don’t give up and you will definitely. By the way, the first advice is just to do these exercises regularly and track the effect. Go to bed and get up at the same time. Just count down required amount hours and set an alarm.

Another aspect worth remembering just before the tips is the duration of sleep. It is believed that healthy sleep should be at least 8 hours. However, deeper research in this topic has shown that you need to sleep as much as your body is tired. For example, if you have not moved all day, then 5-6 hours of sleep will be enough for you, and if you have had enhanced training, then 10 hours may not be enough. In addition, you need to take into account the long and slow phases of sleep. But for simplicity, let's take an interval of 7.5 hours. This will be enough.

No. 1. Relax.

In a tense state, you are unlikely to fall asleep quickly, no matter how hard you try. Relaxation signals the body that it's time to rest, and best holiday- this is a dream. Even if you just lie down for a few minutes during the day, our body will consider this a signal to turn off, try it yourself. I do not know for sure, but I assume that alcohol affects the body in this way. Therefore, after 50 g of alcohol, we can easily fall asleep.

There are many relaxation methods. The easiest way is to take a relaxing bath. warm water will help your muscles relieve tension, and your head to distract from unhealthy thoughts. A good option is to watch TV. Yes, it is not always harmful (I wrote my opinion about it in the article ""). Half an hour spent in front of the TV can help you fall asleep much faster.

One more piece of advice how to fall asleep fast- take a walk. As a child, I had a book called Encyclopedia for Boys, which had a section on healthy lifestyle life. It was recommended to take a walk for an hour before going to bed. By the way, my first teacher gave this advice, citing her own experience as an example. I remembered these recommendations only during the experiment ... and they really work.

No. 2. Ventilate the room.

Also a good recommendation. Fresh air affects healthy sleep. Ventilating the room, you will not only fill it with living oxygen, but also cool the air. Most people cannot fall asleep quickly because the room temperature is too high. Cool air will create ideal conditions for relaxation, and the blanket will become even closer and dearer.

By the way, sleeping in the open air is much better. I remember an incident that happened to me in the 10th grade at the field training camp. The doctor told us the main points on the first medical care right in the clearing near the camp. We were allowed to sit and lie on the ground. The sun was shining brightly and it was quite warm, but not hot (the cool time is the end of May). After having a hearty lunch and warming up in the sun, I lay down on the grass and fell asleep in a matter of seconds. I woke up two hours later at the end of the training and felt as if I had slept all night.

Many recommend leaving the window open altogether. I do not know how reasonable such a wish is. Still, even in summer it can be very cold and you can easily get sick. If you do this, then you need to train gradually, better in combination with exercises and hardening. Then you will become a truly healthy person.

No. 3. Limit yourself.

Another useful advice how to fall asleep quickly at night. Limit yourself in food, nicotine and especially coffee. All these foods hinder your sleep. The last cigarette and cup of coffee is best taken 4-5 hours before bedtime. But with food, everything is not so simple. The fact is that lying down on an empty stomach is also not worth it, then the constant demands of the body to satisfy your appetite will take away all your sleep. You need to lightly snack on light food. For instance, light salad. I prefer to drink a glass of kefir (a habit from the camp). This not only allows me to quickly fall asleep, but also brings additional benefits.

Also, do not allow yourself to worry, worry, get excited and generally experience powerful emotions. Then you will just stare at the wall for half the night and constantly think about what occupies your thoughts. It's best to just close your eyes and imagine something nice. Then smile and take three deep breaths. Mentally tell yourself that now you need to quickly fall asleep, and tomorrow you will wake up fully asleep and able to have a successful day.

By the way, don't drink tea either. I have not seen this in the literature (and some authors even recommend using it). The fact is that it often happens to me that after a cup of tea I am completely unable to fall asleep. My girlfriend noticed the same thing. You can experiment on your own. After setting your brain to fall asleep quickly, have a cup of tea. I'm sure you'll find it much more difficult to fall asleep.

No. 4. Eliminate all irritants.

Everything disturbs my brother's sleep. When I lived with my parents, the place constantly infuriated that my brother wakes up from every rustle. And since I walked until late, I often had to make noise with doors and creak floors. In the morning I was waiting for a conversation with my brother that “you need to be quieter,” but I did not understand him. And it turned out that a lot of people have this problem. Moreover, insomnia can be caused not only by noise, but also by the simple blinking of a light bulb on a computer. This is simple advice How to fall asleep quickly without medication.

By the way, at this point it should also be said about daytime sleep. It is at noon that we are surrounded by the largest amount of noise, and it is almost impossible to sleep at such a time. However, there is still one way out. At least I use it all the time. But this does not mean that it will suit you, because you may not have some physiological properties. The fact is that I cover one ear with a pillow, and the other ... with a bicep. It is very convenient and extremely practical. With the help of my biceps, I can sleep with almost any noise (unless, of course, it is very loud).

I remember when I gave this method in response to the question of how to quickly fall asleep during the day, they looked at me like I was crazy, but I don’t see anything wrong with my technique. Of course, you can use special headphones, but they are terribly uncomfortable. I use my biceps to fall asleep, and when I sleep, I'm already in a comfortable position. At least I never woke up in the same position as I fell asleep.

And while we're talking about the situation...

No. 5. Take the most comfortable posture

I recently saw on the Internet fast way fall asleep. It seems that he helped me, since it is rather problematic to fix the result. The bottom line was that you need to take the yoga corpse pose (lie on your back in a relaxed state) and roll your eyes up. It was said that most often we sleep in this position and it is most favorable for sleep. But I think it's more a matter of self-hypnosis. Although, who knows...

It is best to choose a position yourself in which you will be truly comfortable. It may take you much longer, but you can lie down the way you like. Feel free to take positions that may seem strange. In the end, it is unlikely that anyone will see you in this position. Even better if there is a loved one nearby. There are many positions in which you can sleep very comfortably together.

My advice is to have two blankets handy. One is thin, the other is thick, so that you can always pick up best option. Our body is unpredictable and at the same temperature it can ask for different things. So give your body what it asks for. Do you want to understand how to fall asleep quickly and easily?

No. 6. Read a book

Of course, this advice could have been safely included in the previous paragraphs, but let's consider it separately. I think this is the most The best way how to fall asleep quickly and soundly. By reading books, you not only become better, but also gain excellent tool to fight insomnia. It is not for nothing that for many centuries children have been read a fairy tale at night. Books help to relax, as well as distract from unnecessary thoughts, drawing certain images in the mind that completely capture the mind and make the brain quietly go into the world of dreams.

For these purposes, I do not recommend that you read a book on your own. Better choose some action-packed literature like Russian science fiction. You won’t have to think much there, it’s interesting to read and bright images are drawn great. At my father a big library such works and I periodically take such reading material to read during the holidays or before bedtime. It helps amazingly.

No. 7. Use autosuggestion

You can, of course, call this item fashionable auto-training, but I don’t really like these borrowed words. It feels like someone wants to deceive you or make you look stupid, the essence is still the same. Many trainers to the question "what to do to fall asleep quickly?" say that you just need to force yourself to sleep. This approach is partly correct. You must not only force yourself, but convince your own body that you want to sleep right now.

Use visualization to enhance the effect and then you will understand how to fall asleep quickly. In fact, this is a normal view, only with full inclusion. Imagine what it feels like to be healthy and sound sleep. As the next day you rise full of strength. All this, no doubt, will help you fall asleep soundly and healthy sleep very fast.

Let's summarize. 7 tips to help you fall asleep faster:

  1. Relax;
  2. Ventilate the room;
  3. Limit yourself;
  4. Eliminate all irritants;
  5. Take the most comfortable position;
  6. Read a book;
  7. Use self-hypnosis;
  8. Apply all these tips and understand in practice what to do to fall asleep quickly;

That's all. I hope you can finally get rid of insomnia and enjoy a pleasant and sweet sleep. If you have any questions - ask them in the comments. And don't forget to subscribe to updates to be the first to receive new posts. Till!

These days, a night of good, sound sleep seems like an unaffordable luxury, however, it is very important factor determining our energy charge for the next day. When you sleep long enough and soundly enough, you become alert and more productive. Below you will see 10 tips that will help you fall asleep faster and sleep soundly through the night.

1. No screens

Try not to look at the screen for at least 30 minutes before going to bed. Since this stimulates the brain and it will become much more difficult to fall asleep. An exception may be screens that use e-ink technology (such as Kindle), but backlit screens should be avoided.

2. Read

Reading a book before bed great way to fall asleep. This is a proven and very relaxing way that really works. Good book will help you.

3. Subdued light

Try to remove all sources of bright light in your bedroom. Bright light prevents the production of melatonin in the brain, the hormone responsible for sleep. Light also stimulates your brain, and the more light, the more time it takes to doze off. My advice is to put in dimmers so you can change the intensity of the lighting in your bedroom.

4. Avoid fatty and heavy foods

Our body cannot process food properly when it is in lying position- it is designed in such a way that digestion occurs when we are sitting or standing. Overeating before bed can cause indigestion. Also, try not to eat fatty foods. Your body will need to work hard to digest all this and keep you awake. Give it at least 3 hours. This means that if you go to bed at 10, then after 7 you can no longer eat.

5. Avoid alcohol

While alcohol may help you fall asleep faster, it can also impair the quality of your sleep. Studies have shown that alcohol affects fast phase sleep - the most restful part of the sleep cycle. If you've ever experienced the "familiar" sensation after a night of drinking (you slept for a long time, but when you woke up, you still felt tired) - it's because of the deterioration in the quality of sleep. So avoid drinking alcohol before bed.

6. Breathing exercises

The best thing to do before going to bed is to relax. If you are stressed or worried about something - do a series breathing exercises. Just lie down, close your eyes and focus on slow and deep breathing within a few minutes. It may seem difficult at first, but it will gradually become easier. At the beginning, thoughts will swarm in your head, but the longer you do this, the less they will remain, and you will see how effective this exercise is.

7. Worry diary

Another way to deal with your anxiety is to keep a worry diary with you. Take a notebook or piece of paper and cut it in half. Before you go to bed, write down everything that worries you on the left side. Write on the right Possible Solution. If a solution cannot be found, write down the date you return to the problem again. This will clear your head of worries and you will be able to sleep.

8. Distract yourself

When you distract yourself with something boring, falling asleep is much easier. Here's what you can do: count backwards from 300 through 3. That means you're counting: 297, 294, 291, and so on. At the end of the day, that's enough difficult task, but also quite boring, so it works. By distracting yourself in this way, you turn off your mind, which allows you to fall asleep.

9. Avoid caffeine

Everyone knows that caffeine helps you stay on your feet longer, so you should try to avoid it before you go to bed. By the way, did you know that caffeine has a half-life of up to 8 hours? This means that if you have a cup of coffee at 6 pm, it will be in your body until 2 am. This is not very good, especially if you want to go to bed early. It is better not to drink coffee after 2 p.m. to go to bed on time.

10. Hot tub

The old way - accept hot bath. Just remember that it will take at least an hour before you go to bed. best temperature water of 38 degrees and above and you will need to stay in it for at least 20 minutes for it to have an effect.