How to keep yourself in shape - all about physical and spiritual development. Advice for men, or how to keep fit

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Sometimes we overload ourselves with work, responsibilities, an abundance of tasks planned in the work calendar... As a result, we get a completely unnecessary reaction from the body - we don’t have enough time for anything, fatigue knocks us off our feet, the desire to create and even live disappears.. .

In such cases, fitness and sports fans suggest working out in the gym to bring back joy to life through muscle fatigue. And at the same time - improve your physical fitness and appearance!

But there are other ways to keep yourself in great shape without wasting time on training mats in dusty gyms, especially if you are not a fan of sports activities and do not really like to sweat for beauty and health. Here is their list:

How to keep fit, 5 secrets

The first secret is daily intensive walking.

What is the essence of vigorous walking? You should move as actively as possible. You can use everything that comes along the way: the stairwell of your own entrance to the house, walking alleys in the park, climbs to bridges, a handy jump rope, 10-minute walks after lunch...

The task is to take 10 thousand steps daily - this is when the body will receive the necessary boost of vigor, which can replace training in the gym.

The best routes for intense walking can be from the office to home, from the park to kindergarten, from home to a beauty salon or hairdresser... Think about this and create your own route that you can walk 10 thousand times daily. In terms of time, such a walk should take 40-45 minutes, and its pace should warm the thigh muscles.

The second secret is healthy eating

To keep your body in excellent physical shape, you don’t have to wait for a miracle - just eat healthy food th (a vegetable diet is a great way to lose weight quickly!) and this will be quite enough.

Avoid too sweet and too fatty foods, give preference to balanced healthy foods - adhere to the principles of proper nutrition.

Try to do without snacks, but if you really can’t bear it, in moments of hunger, offer your appetite a place fresh fruit dried, and replace chocolates with nuts or almonds.

The third secret is little physical exercises to keep yourself in shape.

They will tone the muscles completely unnoticeably. What exercises can you try?

Exercise one: try brushing your teeth while sitting in a position as if you were sitting on a chair. Typically, brushing your teeth takes 2-3 minutes. This time is enough to train yourself in the “sitting person” pose - the abdominal wall, buttocks, thigh muscles, and back muscles will receive tone.

Exercise two: While taking a shower, train your buttock muscles by tensing and relaxing them every three seconds. This is not difficult to do and you can train your buttocks not only in the shower, but also while sitting at your desk, or while traveling on public transport...

Third exercise: abdominal muscle training. They are brought into a healthy tone by pulling the stomach inward during inhalation. Breathe abdominal wall throughout the day and the tightness will appear again!

Secret four - five minutes of yoga

An excellent exercise that allows you not to suffer on the gymnastic mats and feel happy! Do it every morning on an empty stomach.

Standing straight, place your hands on your hips, take a deep breath through your nose.

Exhale, bend your knees and lean forward, arching your back. Reach your chin to your chest. Hold your breath for 10-20 seconds in this pose. Repeat the exercise 5 times.

The pose helps saturate the brain and body with oxygen, increases the production of serotonin, a hormone responsible for a good, joyful mood.

Secret five - making love

Sex or making love is a great way to not only burn extra calories, but excellent remedy to strengthen immune system and promotions vitality. In addition, during sex there is a significant release of endorphins, and they, in turn, help in the fight against stress, normalize sleep and mental state person.

These are the little secrets that people came up with who know how to keep themselves in shape without dieting and in good tone. Use it, because you have to love yourself!

Beauty attracts not only men, but also women. However, if women spend their entire lives improving their appearance, men are not accustomed to preening themselves. How can representatives of the stronger sex maintain physical fitness and take care of their appearance without spending a lot of time on it and without experiencing any particular difficulties?

Diet will help you stay in shape

Diet is necessary for those who suffer from overweight and has the whole set of complexes associated with this feature of its own constitution. The choice of diet is best left to girls, who often resort to severe dietary restrictions in order to improve external indicators.

If you don't have a decent source of information in mind, try something original. For example, go on a protein diet for a couple of weeks (you need to exclude fatty foods from your diet, replacing them skim milk, chicken meat and soy), banana (2-3 unripe bananas for breakfast will cleanse the body of fat deposits in a couple of months), or egg. Can't give up flour and sweets? Then we move on to other methods.

Running will help men keep fit

Scientists have developed a formula that can quickly determine energy costs while running. And energy costs are calories, which are so difficult for fat people to get rid of. Multiply each kilometer of jogging by your own weight and get the number of kilocalories that can be lost this way. Can you run 5 kilometers weighing 80 kilograms? If yes, then get rid of 400 kilocalories.

After a week or two of daily jogging in a park or forest, you will see the result in the mirror (just don’t run along the road - you’ll inhale all sorts of nasty things). In addition to improvements in appearance, you will soon notice an improvement in your mood and increased vitality. Moreover, it doesn’t matter at all whether you run at the speed of a sprinter, a marathon runner, or in “ragged running” mode, constantly changing the rhythm.


Swimming is an excellent, albeit not the most popular sport (alas, there are not enough swimming pools even in major cities, not to mention towns and villages). When swimming, all muscle groups are involved; An hour actively spent in the pool is no less useful than an hour of training with dumbbells and barbells. In addition, an amateur swimmer does not risk damaging his joints or getting sprained ligaments. And swimming, you see, is much more pleasant than running along a polluted highway.

And it won't be long before you can surprise everyone and excellent shape, and the ability to float elegantly on the water. A good swimmer can be seen not only in swimming trunks on the golden sand, but also in ordinary clothes, far from the sea: he is athletically built, springy, but not pumped up. Visit the pool twice a week, and after a month the entire fair sex will be looking at you.

Charging outdoors

If there is no pool or good fitness center nearby, take a closer look at your own yard. It is quite possible that somewhere nearby there is a structure or a simple device for pumping up the press, parallel bars and a horizontal bar. There are such “oases of amateur sports” in every neighborhood, in groves and parks.

By the way, about the press: if you pump it up for at least five minutes a day, after two weeks any fat man will be surprised when he looks at his own reflection in the mirror. The abs are one of the main muscles of the body. In the process of working on the abs, all other muscles receive an impulse to grow and renew.

Home exercises to keep fit

For the laziest people who are glued to the computer, TV or sofa, we recommend doing simple exercises at least once a day. Ten squats, ten push-ups, bends forward, right and left can work wonders. Not immediately, but in a maximum of a month you will feel a surge of strength, better side your mood will change, and your lifestyle will begin to change on its own.

Do men need to keep themselves in shape, and is the game worth the candle?

A good question that is best answered not by a doctor, but by a psychologist. Yes, indeed, many of us consciously give appearance and the state of the body in favor of the usual comfortable lifestyle. Torture yourself sports loads, without seeing the result ahead, it makes no sense. If you can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel, and you’re tired of living the old way, try starting with action: behavioral therapy- one of the most popular psychological techniques, allowing you to improve your life and get out of the swamp of everyday life.

“I am a woman, which means I am an actress, I have a hundred faces and a thousand roles” - this line of the famous poem perfectly describes the modern representative of the fairer sex. Every day girls have to solve hundreds of questions: how to get themselves in order without spending too much time and money on it, what to eat to lose weight, how to create an ideal image - and this is far from full list. At work, a woman needs to be strong and active, and at home she must become a caring wife and mother. What is the main woman's secret success and attractiveness, we will consider in the article.

Where to start?

How to quickly get yourself in order? The old saying goes: “Change starts with you.” Start clean. Put your home in order so that you yourself enjoy being in it. Remove everything unnecessary: ​​annual receipts, broken dishes, old trash that no one has used for a long time, things with holes, everything you don’t like. Set new goals for yourself, separate what you can start doing right now and what your long-term plans are. Complete old unfinished tasks every day.

Watch carefully how you spend your time. Turn on your awareness to the maximum. What is your very first action after you come to workplace how many times are you distracted by email? phone calls, correspondence on social networks?

If you find it difficult to manage time, set clear time limits for each task. Plan your day the night before you go to bed. Many successful people They adopted this technique because the subconscious mind finds the shortest and easiest way to solve problems overnight.


The first and most important rule: to get yourself in order, you must first open the refrigerator and remove everything unnecessary from it. Without food restrictions, you won’t be able to lose weight even within a calendar year.

  1. Rule one: no fast food, give up shawarma, pizza, french fries, burgers, cola, chips and other unhealthy pleasures.
  2. Stop eating stress. The modern rhythm of life and big circle responsibilities often become the reason nervous breakdowns. Favorite food is on the list of greatest pleasures. It’s so nice to relieve stress with a cake, pastry or delicious bun. Give up the habit of eating bad things with sweets. Instead, try switching to physical activity: go for a walk, take a walk in the park, remember that a long time ago you wanted to start running or swimming. It is not for nothing that in the old days much attention was paid to the body. It is believed that the answer to a tormenting question comes while moving. Your body will thank you for a little physical activity.
  3. Drink more clean water. At times you may think that you are hungry, but in fact your body needs water. If it is not possible to buy mineral or bottled water every day, replace tea with hot water with lemon. It is known that this is exactly what the last royal family did.
  4. Avoid sweets and starchy foods.
  5. Replace fried foods with steamed or baked ones. Baked apples and potatoes are a great help in the fight against overweight.
  6. Eat food often, every 2-3 hours, but in small portions. A little trick: replace large plates with smaller ones. Studies have shown that in this way a person is able to eat less and feel full faster.
  7. You need to leave the table slightly hungry. The feeling of fullness occurs approximately 20-30 minutes after eating.
  8. Drink water half an hour before meals, this will also help you eat less.
  9. Don't eat at night.
  10. Follow your diet, try to coordinate your daily routine so that breakfast, lunch and dinner take place every day at approximately the same time.
  11. Don't starve yourself. As a result, you will lose very quickly overweight, and then you gain more than you originally had. This is due to the psychology of our body, which does everything to protect us. A state of constant hunger will lead to the fact that the body will begin to store fat deposits in reserve, in case of an unplanned hunger strike.
  12. Avoid alcoholic drinks.
  13. Eat fruits and vegetables more often.

Which product is harmful to the skin?

If you want your hair to shine, your nails to be strong, your skin to glow and be toned, say a firm “no” to sugar. What happens to your skin after this? She will become radiant, like the world famous singer Beyoncé. Some people advise replacing your usual sugar with substitutes, but this will not solve the problem; in addition, it will add new ones. The use of substitutes causes fatty liver. Eat less salty foods; salt retains water in the body. Use butter promotes the accumulation of fat deposits in the abdominal area.

Time management and weight loss

How to start getting yourself in order without waiting for Monday, the beginning of the month or the year? Starting to do something is the most difficult task of all. Any new undertaking is met with stiff resistance from the entire organism as a whole. You immediately want to sleep, eat, drink tea, check your email and sit for “5 minutes” with your favorite game or episode of your favorite TV series. Why does this happen and how can you make this brain trick work for you? The salt lies in these five minutes. The most important thing is to force yourself to hold out for a short amount of time. Then the brain will begin to perceive the task easier. Every girl has at least once wondered how to get herself in order in a week. When looking at the impressive numbers of squats, jumping rope and everything else, horror involuntarily creeps up. It has been noticed that it is better to do a small amount of work, but every day, than to complete the five-year plan in three years, and then lose the result. Just 20 minutes in the morning, 10 minutes during the day and 10 in the evening - and perfect figure in a couple of months in your pocket. Agree, it doesn't sound as scary as 40 minutes of squats a day or 500 jumping ropes. In addition, to develop a useful habit, you need to hold out for exactly 3 weeks. After this period, all the actions that you perform will be perceived by the body as naturally as brushing your teeth in the morning. You yourself will not notice how jogging has become not a torment, but a pleasure.

A set of exercises for weight loss

The following exercises have been tested in practice. As for how many times to do them, it all depends on your desire:

  • turns - 20 times to the right and left;
  • squats - 50 times;
  • tilts - 100 times to the right, left and forward;
  • press - 100 times.

5 exercises for a young mother

How to get yourself in order after childbirth, when there is no time left to go to the gym? Some simple exercises will help you achieve your goal:

  1. Lying position on your back. Spread your legs and bend your knees. Bend your legs so that your knees are touching. Do the exercise 5 times.
  2. Breathe deeply so that your abdominal muscles can tighten as much as possible. Exhale through your mouth, releasing the air slowly.
  3. For those mothers who can already lie on their stomach: raise your head and chest while inhaling. No need to make extra effort. Your hands should remain relaxed.
  4. Lying on your back, lift your legs perpendicular to your body and hold for a few seconds. The exercise is allowed after 2 weeks.
  5. While standing, draw large circles with your hands. This will tone your arms.

Love yourself

A well-groomed woman always attracts the attention of others, regardless of gender. Men turn around and compliment, other women are jealous. Take the whole process of jogging, exercising, and applying makeup not as a given and obligation, but as creativity and caring for your body. Perception greatly influences the final result. The most important thing is not to listen to the song to the end, but to enjoy singing. This can also be applied to the question of how to get yourself in order. Fall in love with the process of movement and interaction with your body.

Hair care

A well-groomed woman knows that beautiful hair- the key to success and an indicator of how healthy the body is overall. The best professional products hair care products are in the kitchen. They are more efficient cosmetics due to its naturalness, they do not carry side effects and revitalize curls. Some simple recommendations on the use of masks:

  1. The mask is applied only when fresh If the product remains after application, it is better not to use it the next day.
  2. When a recipe contains components that inspire uncertainty, it is better to check this before application: a small amount of the ingredient is applied to the elbow, if there is no burning, the component can be used.
  3. The mask is applied strictly certain time specified in the recipe. You can no longer hold it, otherwise there is a danger of damaging your hair.

Cinnamon against time

How to look younger than your age without visiting plastic surgeon? Cinnamon can help women in this matter:

  • Cinnamon is enriched with phosphorus, iron, contains calcium, essential oils and microelements.
  • It improves blood circulation in the body and acts as an antioxidant, activating skin cells.
  • Has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects.
  • Contains beta-carotene, therefore it is used as an anti-aging agent.
  • Vitamin K, which is part of cinnamon, makes the skin smooth and tightened.
  • Vitamin C will make your skin smooth and velvety.

Cinnamon and ginger mask

This mask will allow you to quickly refresh your facial skin in case of an emergency outing.

Mix a tablespoon of grated ginger with a teaspoon of cinnamon and green tea. All components are mixed well and applied to the face. Wash off the mask after 20 minutes.

Banana and cinnamon mask

This mask will refresh dry facial skin.

Mix a teaspoon of milk cream with a teaspoon of cinnamon, add one third of a banana. The prepared mask is applied to the already clean face and washes off after half an hour.

What to eat to lose weight

We all love to eat delicious food. How to keep yourself in shape and not turn it into gastronomic torture? Losing weight can be delicious. Foods that help fight fat are:

  • The rating opens with oatmeal, familiar to everyone since childhood. This porridge is digested very slowly by the body, the feeling of fullness remains for a long time. She is an enemy of cholesterol and a source of fiber. Use oatmeal It will help keep your glucose normal, and you won’t crave sweets before lunch.
  • A glass of red wine.
  • Chicken breast. This is a dietary meat that speeds up metabolism.
  • Fruits: pineapple, grapefruit.
  • Ginger.

Fat burners that will help you remove belly fat

Belly fat is the main enemy female figure, it’s not easy to fight him. A list of products that will help remove belly fat and get closer to the ideal of how a woman should look:

  1. Fresh vegetables and low-calorie fruits.
  2. Water.
  3. Oatmeal.
  4. Grapefruit.
  5. Cottage cheese and dairy products.

How to become beautiful without spending

How to get yourself in order, lose weight quickly, with virtually no effort and financial costs? The answer will disappoint many representatives of the fair sex - no way. In any case, you will have to spend certain financial and time resources to achieve your goal. This is natural, because no one has the idea of ​​how to magically appear at work while lying in bed, using, for example, the power of thought. The exact same principle works here. If you have set your goal to become a beautiful, well-groomed woman, you will have to reach your goal. Accept that you will have to set aside time for your body every day and buy creams, cosmetics, scrubs and other cosmetic products from time to time. Don’t save to the point of fanaticism, wondering how a woman can clean herself up if she doesn’t have the means to buy high-quality cosmetics, which don’t necessarily have to cost the same as a country house.

A few words about age

Every woman thinks about how to look younger than her age. For some women this psychological problem, which is the presence of fear of old age. It lies not so much in numbers, but in the reluctance to see your body old and ugly. Some simple tips on how to look younger:

  1. Accept that at 50, you still won’t be able to look 15, even with opportunities modern cosmetology. Every age has its own charm and beauty. Interesting fact: The oldest model in the world is 81 years old, and she came to the beauty industry when she was already at an advanced age for a woman.
  2. Make age your ally when creating a new look: emphasize your charm and femininity by abandoning the imposed idea of ​​wearing what teenagers wear when you are older. Bright makeup, a too short dress, a miniskirt in this case will not only look stupid, but also create reverse effect: You will look older than your age.
  3. "Wear" your face. Women can wear a hat with amazing chic, but their face cannot. What does this even mean? Look at yourself in the mirror. If you notice a tired look and lack of a smile on your face, it’s time to fix it. Smile and continue to do so until the smile becomes as natural as possible. Don't frown, let your eyes sparkle.
  4. Use cleansers and moisturizers like Jennifer Aniston does. It's hard to believe that this style icon is over 40. Special attention it focuses specifically on moisturizing the skin, as well as proper nutrition and doing yoga.
  5. Change your bright makeup to a calm one, which will be dominated by pastel colors.
  6. Avoid spending a lot of time in the solarium or in the open sun.
  7. Adjust your eyebrows. Try to choose the optimal shape so that they do not appear too thin or too thick.
  8. Use lip balm to help you look younger.
  9. The look pays a lot of attention to the hair, and this is not surprising. Too much dark colors will add age to you. For example, black color will oblige you to always wear makeup and at least a few bright-colored accessories, otherwise the created image will look faded. It's best to move on to more light colors, avoiding the extreme of changing your hair from brown-haired or brunette to blonde. Most best option- lightening several tones from natural. And, of course, it is also better to avoid painting it bright red.
  10. As for a haircut, too short can visually make you look older, especially if they are noticeable age-related changes skin in the neck area, disturbed oval of the face. If such problems occur, it is better to opt for a long haircut. A radical change in hair length from very long to extremely short will attract the attention of others to your age. However, in one case, a short haircut will become ideal option: if the condition of the hair has deteriorated sharply.
  11. Play sports. Have you noticed that girls and women of the same age look completely different. Fragile, slender women look much younger than the girls in their bodies. If you find it difficult to find time for gym or swimming, take advantage of the opportunities that you have, for example, give up the elevator and take the stairs to the floor, park your car outside the house, walk one stop, and so on.
  12. Find a reason to rejoice in every day and stop stressing over trifles. Most of the situations that the brain thinks about during the day will never happen. The brain simply scrolls through the most terrible scenarios of events, sometimes reaching the point of absurdity. Fears and doubts, endless thinking about unpleasant situations waste a huge amount vitality and exhaust the body.
  13. Get enough sleep. If you have insomnia, try exercising your body in the evening. physical work. Fresh air in the room also promotes healthy sleep.

Hand care

Women's hands age faster than their faces, because every day they have to deal with cooking, washing dishes and other household chores. They are the ones who can give away age. How to care for women's hands so that the skin remains young? Some simple but effective tips:

  • always do household chores wearing rubber gloves, this will protect your hands from interacting with chemicals;
  • do not go outside without gloves in cold weather, low temperatures will damage the skin and make it rough;
  • lubricate your hands with cream twice a day - morning and evening;
  • After any contact with water, thoroughly dry your hands with a towel: the longer the water remains on your hands, the greater the dehydration of the skin;
  • give up cheap soap, replace it with soft soap, or even better, with baby soap.

We hope that the described tips on how to get yourself in order will help you form an ideal image and follow it for a long time.

Hi all. Today's post is on the topic of health.

The fact is that over the past 3-4 months I have disrupted my daily routine, did not eat very healthy, practically did not exercise, and gained a little excess weight.

The prerequisites appeared a long time ago, Tanya cooks very tasty and tries in every possible way to please, so for almost 2 years I have been eating heavily, tasty and nutritious. But I used to burn extra pounds due to sports, so there were no problems.

But after contracting chickenpox, repairs with occasional snacks, a series of holidays and 4 months of absence from sports, my physical fitness deteriorated.

Naturally, I am not one of those who simply observes my life from the outside and decided to get back into shape.


So, I thought about it, read a little literature, consulted with more competent comrades and drew up some program for myself. Or rather, habits that need to be built into your lifestyle.

Some need to be built in again, some for the first time.

To begin with, for a long time I could not determine how much I needed to weigh. Different calculators show completely different numbers from 52 (some kind of nonsense) to 74 kg. Some people shout that I am in the pre-obesity stage. Others say that the weight is close to ideal. Pointing our finger at the sky, we determine that ideal weight for my height it is 68-70 kg.

With a height of 175 cm, I weighed 78 kg when I decided to get in shape. I think it’s worth dropping the weight to 68 kg, and then look at the circumstances. Build it up using muscles or fix it at this mark.

The main criteria are that the result should be visible, the state of health should improve.


Regarding diet, my personal thoughts are VERY simple:

  • No fast food or processed foods, as well as soda, chips and other obvious slag. I'm not talking about extremes like completely abandoning mayonnaise, sausage and dumplings, but obviously minimizing harmful products costs.
  • Respectively more greens, fruits, vegetables. It is contraindicated to start the morning without fruit. Also useful good tea(V lately started drinking Pu-erh). Just drink it not after meals, but between meals.
  • About 2 liters of water per day. Even more likely, “at least 2 liters per day.” A water filter was specially purchased for this purpose. You won't have to constantly run to the store for 6-liter bottles.
  • Avoid tea/coffee after meals. Instead, drink a glass of water half an hour BEFORE your meal. Firstly, it is useful (stimulates the work of the stomach, and not, on the contrary, dilutes gastric juice). Secondly, there is no temptation to eat sweets.

    IMHO, it is worth replacing with fruit. Especially if it is customary to drink tea in the family. Moreover, I read somewhere that fiber removes excess fats obtained during a meal.

    I personally did just that. Now I automatically eat more fruits and less sweets. I feel much better when I leave the table.

  • No alcohol or no more than once a month. New Year and other holidays were thrown out of balance. Started using alcoholic drinks more than once a month. Although I don’t overuse it, I think it’s worth limiting it.
  • No snacking between meals. I already wrote about tea between meals. But this does not mean that you need to put sugar in your tea or wash down buns with it. I drink strong black tea without anything.

    Believe me, it's really tasty without any sweets. You just need to feel the taste of tea and immediately you will want to stuff it with something else.

  • No food 4 hours before bedtime. This doesn't mean you can't have dinner. You just need to eat on time. If you go to bed at 10, then no later than 6 pm. If at 12, no later than 8. And of course, it is advisable not to overeat at night - eat moderately healthy light food.

All this fits normally into your lifestyle and gives results even without intensive training. It’s just that with normal physical activity, the weight will balance out on its own.

For example, I lost 2 kilos in 2 weeks of this “diet”. Although no. I am categorically against diets. Let's put it another way. For 2 weeks of this lifestyle.

At the same time, I practically did not play sports and led a rather passive lifestyle (a lot of work on the computer).


Of course, you can’t live without sports. The key to good shape, confidence and well-being is precisely this physical activity. Which, to be honest, I'm out of the habit of. It's okay, we'll get used to it.

So here is a list of sports habits.

  • Daily morning workout. There must be sports in the morning. Warm up + strength exercises+ stretch, then shower. There is simply no way without this.
  • Tabata 3 times a week. I was advised to do high-intensity interval training using the Tabata protocol no more than 2-3 times a week. So that the body has time to rest.

    As before, the complex is simple: push-ups + presses + squats. One clarification - between exercises you need to reduce the rest time to a minimum.

  • Contrast shower. Every day after morning workout. This is a charge of vigor, cleansing pores, improving metabolism, increasing immunity.
  • Bath once a week. In the bath we cleanse the body, have fun, treat colds, and heal abrasions after training.

    We go as a group on Saturdays from 8 to 10 am. Unfortunately, it’s not always possible to go, since there are various events and trips on Saturdays.

  • More walking, strolling, movement. Both cycling (in summer) and walking. We take the stairs, not the elevator. I'm lucky, I now live on the fifth floor, without an elevator, the stairs are quite steep. On the other hand, dragging a bicycle up and down will be terribly broken.

Daily routine

All failures in nutrition and sports begin with a failure in the daily routine. At first we stay late at work, then we get up later, don’t have time to do exercises, eat quickly or don’t eat at all, snack on anything during the day, eat heavily in the evening before bed and go to bed late. A vicious circle.

Therefore, early rise (in winter at 7, in autumn-spring at 6, in summer at 5), morning exercises (+ shower) and going to bed at 10-11 pm. To make it easier to get up, I set a pleasant melody on the alarm clock, which immediately charges me with positivity and energy.

Celebrities often surprise audiences with their stunning looks. But few people know how much effort they put into it. How do stars keep fit? ZdravCom has learned the diet recipes of seven famous beauties.

Text: Shelena Yarukhina

Celebrities are always in public, whether they're starring in movies, appearing on talk shows, or walking the red carpet at a premiere. They cannot afford to be indifferent to their appearance. After all, their income ultimately depends on how they look.

As a rule, every celebrity has their own secret on how to support themselves. Usually this is not just for weight loss, but a whole program that includes a set of workouts and a diet. ZdravCom found out the secrets of the diet of Hollywood stars and famous models.

1. Jennifer Aniston, 43 years old

She charmed the audience not only with her delightful sense of humor. Jennifer Aniston, star of the popular television series Friends. Fans think she has the sexiest body in Hollywood. It is no coincidence that her photographs adorn the covers of numerous glossy magazines.

40% daily norm calories come from carbohydrates. She gets carbohydrates from non-calorie foods - fruits, vegetables, beans and other legumes;

30% are proteins. As a rule, these are lean meats (chicken, turkey), fish, tofu and low-calorie dairy products;

At every meal, Jennifer chooses foods that provide the right balance of protein, fat, and carbohydrates. In her opinion, this promotes hormonal balance and maintaining optimal weight. As for, in addition to cardio training, Jennifer does yoga. According to the actress, it was yoga that helped her overcome the gap with Brad Pitt.

2. Kate Hudson, 33 years old

To the start of filming a new film Kate Hudson it was necessary - during pregnancy, the Oscar-winner’s daughter Goldie Hawn gained 24 kilograms.

Kate replaced her usual diet. She ate food from high content protein, but in small portions. The diet was supplemented by gym sessions, which included strength training and cardio exercises. And although Kate had a hard time after giving birth, she lost weight in just four months! In addition, she also pumped up muscles, which are the envy of many in Hollywood.

3. Oprah Winfrey, 58 years old

As the most successful TV presenter in the world, Oprah Winfrey forced to maintain her physical attractiveness for millions of television viewers. Agree, an overweight TV star is quite a rarity. It's no secret that Oprah has been one of them for many years. However, not so long ago she brought hers and now, thanks to her diet, she looks much younger than her age.

Oprah's Secret: Most Influential Celebrity of 2010 Forbes magazine She trains five times a week - she spends half an hour on the treadmill and then does strength exercises. Her nutrition strategy is simple: beans, fish, nuts, fruits, vegetables, chicken and low-fat dairy are good, but white sugar and flour products- this is bad.

After seven in the evening, Oprah does not eat anything at all - neither healthy nor unhealthy foods.

4. Gwyneth Paltrow, 40 years old

It would seem, why does this slender blonde, who has an Oscar and several professional awards in her baggage, need a diet? However, Gwyneth carefully follows a similar nutritional strategy Oprah Winfrey. Like the TV personality, she also eliminated flour and white sugar from her diet.

Being a fan macrobiotic diet, Gwyneth loads up on vegetables and brown rice. If he eats meat, then only lean meat. But she removed dairy products from her diet. In addition, Gwyneth does yoga and fitness every day. Moreover, during training, the mother of two works so hard that the sweat flows like a stream.

5. Madonna, 53 years old

Have you been to Madonna's concert in St. Petersburg as part of the Sticky and Sweet world tour? If not, find the recording on the Internet and see how it works on stage: 24 concert numbers in two hours - not every performer can withstand such a load! Physical form The 52-year-old pop star is simply amazing.

Ask how she does it? Madonna has been practicing Ashtanga yoga for many years and follows a strict diet that excludes. As befits a true “Material Girl,” the singer adheres to macrobiotic system nutrition that includes organic foods rich in lean protein.

6. Claudia Schiffer, 41 years old

Perhaps this is how one can define the dietary credo of the 40-year-old German supermodel. In the first half of the day, the blonde with a perfect figure (95x62x92) leans on fruit, for lunch she always eats salad, and for dinner she prefers steamed vegetables. Claudia Schiffer's diet is supplemented tomato juice And herbal tea in large quantities.