Requirements for a security guard's workplace. Basic requirements for workplace organization

To put it briefly, workplace is an open or closed area of ​​territory or space, equipped with the necessary production means, within which the employee is engaged in labor activities. It can also be assigned to a group of employees. Typically, a certain part of the general production cycle is carried out at the workplace.

It is logical that in order to achieve high labor productivity, it is necessary to provide conditions under which his performance will be the highest.

Important! The employer should adapt workplaces, taking into account not only the specific type of activity, qualifications, but also individual physical and psychological characteristics every employee.

General requirements for workplace organization

These requirements are regulated by the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and Standards (SanPiN) and other legal documents.

The main goal of organizing a workplace is to ensure high-quality and efficient performance of work in compliance with established deadlines and with full use of the equipment assigned to the employee.

To achieve this, organizational, technical, ergonomic, sanitary, hygienic and economic requirements are imposed on the workplace.

What requirements must an employee’s workplace meet?

Occupational safety is a primary requirement!

The most important requirement when organizing a workplace is to ensure safe, comfortable working conditions, and to prevent the occurrence of occupational diseases and accidents. This entire set of measures is called occupational safety and health.

In other words, labor protection, in essence, is a system of legislative acts in conjunction with socio-economic, organizational, technical, hygienic, medical and preventive measures and means that ensure safe working conditions and the preservation of the health of enterprise employees.

To do this you need to create favorable conditions labor in accordance with sanitary standards, safety regulations, ergonomics, and aesthetics.

Indoor microclimate

The legislation of our country strictly regulates the temperature and humidity of indoor air. In particular, when the average daily temperature outside is below 10°C, the amplitude of its fluctuations indoors should be 22-24°C. When the ambient temperature is higher specified value– 23-25°C. In case of temporary non-compliance with these conditions in one direction or another, the length of the working day is reduced (SanPiN dated June 21, 2016 No. 81).

Protection from the harmful effects of computer technology

Since today it is impossible to imagine office work without a PC, there are standards for employees who use computer equipment in their work. For example, when working with a computer with a flat monitor, the workplace must have an area of ​​at least 4.5 square meters. m, when using a kinescope monitor - 6 sq.m. After each hour of operation, the room must be ventilated (SanPiN 2.2.2/2.4.1340-03 dated May 30, 2003). The same regulatory act regulates the height, width and depth of the feet under the desk, and stipulates the mandatory presence of a footrest with a corrugated surface.

The level of electrostatic and electromagnetic fields, radiation and ultraviolet radiation, radio frequency ranges and other factors harmful to the health of employees.

Attention! The use of copiers, printers and other office equipment in basements is prohibited, and for ordinary offices, appropriate standards are established for the distance between technical means(SanPin 2.2.2. 1332-03).

Lighting requirements

Also, the relevant articles of SanPin establish standards for lighting. For example, the illumination in the room should be between 300 and 500 lux. When using artificial lighting, lighting parameters must ensure good visibility of the information provided by the screen personal computer. For local lighting, lamps installed on work tables or specially equipped panels for vertical installation are recommended (SanPiN 2.2.1/2.1.1.).

Noise requirements

The maximum threshold for noise level is 80 decibels (SanPin 2.2.4. 3359-16).
Regulatory documents provide for the installation of special foundations or shock-absorbing pads under the main noise-producing equipment and other equipment, as well as the use of noise-absorbing materials.

Providing conditions for eating

The procedure for eating at the workplace is regulated by Article 108 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, SNiP 2.09.04-87:

  • if the number of employees is less than 10 people, a space of at least 6 square meters is required. m, equipped with a dining table;
  • with up to 29 employees, the required area is twice as large;
  • if the company employs up to 200 employees, it is obligatory to have a canteen-serving area;
  • if the number of employees exceeds 200, the canteen must be provided with raw materials or semi-finished products.

Unregulated situations

If situations arise that are not regulated by sanitary and hygienic standards (the roof is leaking, the toilet is faulty, etc.), the employee has the right to refuse work. In this case, the employer is obliged to offer him other employment until the problem is completely eliminated. If such a decision is impossible, according to Article 157 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the employer is obliged to declare downtime with payment of a penalty in the amount of at least 2/3 of the average wages employee.

Of the ergonomic requirements for the workplace, the following should be additionally noted:

  1. Selection of a rational location of the working surface and zone, taking into account the anthropometric data of a particular employee.
  2. Provision of measures to prevent or reduce premature fatigue of the employee, the occurrence of stressful situation taking into account the physiological, psychophysiological characteristics of a person and his character. By the way, according to psychologists, workers who constantly use electronic computers in their work are much more exposed to stress than their less “advanced” colleagues.
  3. Ensuring speed, safety and ease of maintenance in both normal and emergency operating conditions.

Technical parameters include equipment with innovative technology, devices, laboratory equipment, load-moving mechanisms, etc.

Employer's liability

According to the requirement of Article 209 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the corresponding federal executive body establishes the procedure for certification of workplaces in order to determine factors affecting the safety of working conditions in production. For each violation established legislation the employer is responsible.

For the first violation, officials and individual entrepreneurs are warned or subject to a fine of 2,000 to 5,000 rubles. The same for organizations - a warning or a fine in the amount of 50-80 thousand rubles (Article 5.27.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, part 1).

In case of repeated violation, part 5 of this article already provides for more severe penalties:

  • officials are subject to a fine of 30-40 thousand rubles or disqualification from one to three years;
  • fine amount for individual entrepreneurs similar, or their activities may be administratively suspended for up to 90 days;
  • organizations may be fined 100-200 thousand rubles or also subject to administrative suspension of their activities.

Instead of a conclusion

Based on the state of workplaces at a particular enterprise or office, one can judge not only the level of work organization and production culture in them, but also their solidity and the degree of trust potential and existing clients have in them.

It involves taking into account certain conditions and material equipment that allow it to be used rationally. This process affects labor productivity.

Safe organization and maintenance of the workplace has a positive impact on the production culture of the enterprise and leads to full application its reserves.


Safe organization and maintenance of the workplace is characterized by the following parameters:

  • temperature, exchange, air humidity, illumination, cleanliness, operating mode;
  • condition labor discipline;
  • dimensions of the production site, equipment, production inventory (racks, containers, stands);
  • the specific placement of inventory, equipment, labor objects (units, workpieces, parts) and tools that ensure rational movements of the employee;
  • maintenance of the workplace together with the devices and tools that are needed to carry out technological process;
  • the presence of production, accounting and technical documentation: drawings, process maps, work order instructions, tool book, brand;
  • providing the workplace with workpieces, parts, materials, technical control, repair of fixtures and equipment if necessary.

Significance of the process

Keeping a safe workplace has a positive impact on productivity.

The results of statistical studies indicate that when proper organization workplace, you can count on high-quality and effective work employee.

After analyzing the work processes, it was found that the most profitable is sitting position. That is why the rules for maintaining a workplace include the issue of placing seats in production, where the force is about 5 kg. If the working force exceeds 10 kg, work should be performed only in a standing position.

In case of equal convenience between two provisions, the employee has the right to independently choose one of them.

Important information

There are certain requirements for the maintenance of the workplace, according to which the axis of the employee’s body must coincide with the work area.

Maximum quantity the movements he makes must be within the normal working zone. The movements made by the employee must involve minimal effort. A variety of devices are suitable for this, which speed up and facilitate the procedure for performing the required amount of work. All movements are assumed to be rhythmic and simple.

General conditions

When designing workplaces, the requirements of technical aesthetics must be taken into account. If the inventory and equipment meet the aesthetic requirements in color and shape, you can count on a significant simplification of human labor.

Modern requirements

What is workplace organization? Contents of workplace organization - prerequisite increasing employee performance. In addition to muscular costs, the load on a person’s visual-nervous apparatus increases significantly during work. With rational, ergonomic design of workshops, using reasonable coloring of inventory and equipment, it is possible to increase the tone of workers and increase labor productivity with minimal energy costs.

The correct selection of colors helps reduce fatigue and is considered an excellent prevention of conflicts in the workplace.

Selection of materials

Statistical research conducted in production confirmed the possibility of increasing labor productivity by 15-20 percent, subject to the above factors.

Positive impact on the central nervous system render green-blue, yellow colors. It is advisable to paint top part walls, ceilings, window blocks light shades: cream, white, blue. Light colors reflect more than half sunlight, so there are significant savings electrical energy. It is recommended to paint panels used on walls in light green. Fixed parts modern equipment should be green, and moving fragments should be yellow or cream.

The racks installed in production workshops match the color of the main equipment. Contrasting shades are chosen for levers and buttons on control panels.

Hazard warnings in different colors

In order to prevent the likelihood of industrial injuries, compliance safe conditions labor, some elements are painted in warning colors:

  • yellow;
  • orange;
  • red.

Yellow color is used to designate those parts and materials that can be pushed, pinched, or on which a worker can hit or suffer serious injury. For example, this color is used to paint transport and lifting equipment, monorails, trolleys, cranes, initial and last steps stairs To enhance the effect, alternating yellow and black stripes are used.

Red color - signal increased danger, warning about the possibility of fire. It is used when painting brake devices, fire fighting equipment, prohibitory signs.

The orange tint is used to designate parts and mechanisms that can injure workers. It is used when painting sharp edges, internal surfaces, open machine accessories, contact with which may result in electric shock.

Orange color is suitable for warning about the possibility of radiation exposure.

Green color is allowed for safe materials, exit doors, cabinets with pharmaceutical drugs.


Professionals suggest enhancing the effect with the help of high-quality lighting. It has special requirements. The maximum amount of light should be in work area so that the employee feels comfortable performing his direct functional duties.

Depending on the specifics of production, the amount of electrical energy supplied to the work area varies significantly.

Labor protection work

Immediately after employment, an induction is carried out with a new employee. Its content depends on the specifics of the enterprise.

According to Article 216 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, the responsible employee (labor safety specialist) and the director of the enterprise are required to make explanatory recommendations that relate to specific activities.

Instruction options

There are several options for instructions, each of them uses its own instructions.

The primary view is carried out before direct execution job responsibilities. It is mandatory for all categories of employees, regardless of working conditions. It will include questions regarding a safe route to the workplace, methods and technologies for performing direct job duties, safety precautions, as well as requirements for clothing and footwear, appearance when performing work functions.

Induction training is used in situations where an employee is hired. A second version is needed in cases where emergency situations arise that demonstrate employees’ incomplete knowledge in the field of labor protection, organization and workplace safety.

In addition, repeated instructions are necessary after the occurrence of emergency situations. Their goal is to periodically update the knowledge of employees. The frequency of repeated briefings is once a quarter.

Unscheduled briefings are carried out when there are changes in technological chains. For example, when installing new equipment in workshops, the requirements for workplace organization change, so an occupational safety specialist conducts unscheduled training for workers. The reason for an unscheduled briefing may be an accident at work, the cause of which was a violation of safety regulations or improper organization of the workplace. A special journal indicates the reason that led to circumstances of this kind. Based on the results of the inspection of the commission created at the workplace, a certificate of injury is drawn up.

Targeted training is intended for specific tasks, the implementation of which is associated with a serious danger to the health of the employee. They are carried out as needed. For example, theoretical classes are conducted with the skills acquired in practice. The results of the briefing are recorded in a special journal, and the employee puts a signature confirming the reality of its implementation.

Organizing a high-quality and safe workplace is the task of an employer who thinks about the health of his employees. Activities related to this process pay off with high employee productivity, increased company prestige, and also lead to additional material profit for the company.

SanPiN (sanitary rules and regulations) obliges workers and office managers to comply with certain rules on organizing premises and workspace. The employer must provide all employees comfortable conditions. Employees, in turn, undertake to maintain cleanliness and not load the table with unnecessary things.

The area of ​​the workplace must comply with the standards.

The employer, among other things, is responsible for the arrangement of the work premises. Unfortunately, few office employees know what working conditions they are entitled to by law. Therefore, they sit on broken chairs in a dark, damp or stuffy room.

And if there is an air conditioner installed back in the days of Tsar Gorokh, then it makes worse noise than a Soviet refrigerator due to multiple breakdowns during operation. Such conditions distract from the main activity, increase irritability, fatigue and, as a result, reduce performance.

So, the main requirements that SanPin imposes on the organization of office space:

  • optimal temperature in winter and summer. In the cold season it should not be lower than 22 degrees, in the warm season - no higher than 25.

Otherwise, working becomes no longer comfortable. Regardless of the time of year, the temperature should be between 20-28 degrees. If the employer cannot provide optimal air temperature, then he must officially reduce the working day (and no overtime);

  • one employee with a computer is entitled to 4.5 sq. m. of working space. If an employee works at a PC, then the optimal area workplace is 4.5 sq. m. or 6 sq. m.

The exact footage depends on the model and dimensions of the device, as well as the presence of other equipment at the workplace - a scanner, printer, and so on;

  • excellent lighting is the key good vision. The employer can use both artificial and natural light sources. So, for example, you can initially rent a bright room with large windows and not particularly care about the lighting in daytime days.

Light from natural and artificial sources must fall in the same direction, so led lamps It is best to place it parallel to the windows. The windows themselves should face mainly north and northeast, so that the sun does not blind your eyes. In general, lighting should be at least 500 lux.

With this indicator, you can work on a PC, read and write. 300 lux is also suitable for office work, but with such lighting it is impossible to see small details;

  • humidity within employee workplaces should not exceed 60%, in other rooms (buffets, toilets, warehouses) - 75%. It is highly desirable that the office have an air conditioner, an air purifier (humidifier), and a ventilation system;
  • Office equipment should not be stored in basements: printers, scanners, and so on. It can be placed next to workplaces. Office equipment should be placed at a distance of 60 cm from the nearest table or wall. There must be at least 1 m of unoccupied space in front of it;
  • noise in an office space should not exceed 80 dB. For comparison - telephone conversation in terms of “noise” it is approximately 50 dB;
  • Chairs for office workers should be height adjustable and have a reclining backrest.

This is necessary in order to optimize the chairs for each employee, based on their height and weight.

Workplace certification: what is it and by whom is it carried out?

Conducted at certain intervals.

Takes place in mandatory once every 5 years. Representatives of an independent company or trade union come to the office and evaluate workroom based on all established criteria.

If union workers find any violations and inconsistencies, a fine is imposed on the employer.

Certification is, roughly speaking, a procedure during which the workspace is checked for violations. Various instruments are used to measure air temperature and humidity.

The furniture, the position of workplaces, and so on are also inspected. In general, everything is checked up and down.

An employee can independently complain about violations of SanPiN or about a long-term (more than 5 years) lack of inspection of workplaces. To do this, you must first contact your employer with specific complaints. Moreover, you can simply request a description of your workplace in accordance with all sanitary standards.

If the employer avoids a direct answer, then you can safely contact the State Labor Inspectorate. The only downside is that anonymous complaints are not possible.

Employee benefits

If there are no conditions, the working day may be reduced.

If the rules for organizing the workspace are violated, employees are granted certain privileges. For example, reducing the working day at low or high temperature indoors.

If in the warm season the temperature is 28.5 degrees, then the working day is reduced to 7 hours. At 29 degrees you can only work for 6 hours, at 29.5 - 5.5 hours.

Employees are provided with a dining space, the organization of which depends on the number of workers in the office. Even if the company employs less than 10 people, there should still be a place for eating - at least 6 square meters. m. and with a dining table.

The headquarters, consisting of 10 employees, already requires a separate dining room of at least 12 square meters. m., and of 30 - a canteen-distributing area.

If the office bathroom does not function, then employees can go home with peace of mind or demand compensation.

Employees can turn any violations in the organization of their workspace to their advantage.

But, of course, it is much better if the employer takes care of the improvement of a comfortable office that meets all the rules of SanPiN.

From this video you will learn about workplace organization.

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Let's look at what requirements apply to the modern workplace.

The basic concepts that characterize the workplace and are used in labor legislation are given in Article 209 of the Labor Code.

So, a workplace is equipped necessary means to complete a production task, the place where an employee must be to perform his or her duties official duties. It is directly or indirectly under the control of the employer.

The organization of the workplace refers to its equipment and layout. Full and complete equipment of the workplace, as well as its rational layout, allows in the best possible way organize the labor process and increase its efficiency.

Working conditions are a combination of factors production environment And labor process that affect the performance and health of the employee. Article 46 Labor Code contains recommendations to reflect them in the employment agreement.

The basis of the system legal regulation conditions and labor protection are constituted by the Constitution, the Labor Code, the Law of July 17, 1999 No. 181-FZ “On the fundamentals of labor protection in Russian Federation», regulations subjects of the Russian Federation, various standard rules on labor protection, which are issued by federal executive authorities.

Labor legislation imposes an obligation on the employer to ensure safe working conditions and labor protection in its organization. These requirements are binding on all legal and individuals when they carry out any type of activity (Article 211 of the Labor Code). Article 212 of the Labor Code, as well as Article 14 of Law No. 181-FZ, provides an exhaustive list of the obligations that the employer must fulfill.

These include:

Providing employees with special clothing, shoes and other equipment at the employer’s expense personal protection(in hazardous production);

Creation of working conditions that meet labor safety requirements at each workplace;

Conducting workplace certification.

Certification of workplaces

The employer is obliged to ensure that workplaces comply with labor protection requirements. Location and organization of workplaces, equipment and tools for work, air environment and other conditions must be safe and not threaten the life of the employee.

In order to implement the norms labor legislation aimed at creating healthy and safe working conditions, a system of certification of occupational safety and health work was created. It was approved by Resolution of the Ministry of Labor dated April 24, 2002 No. 28. Key element certification is work on certification of workplaces, i.e. assessment of working conditions at workplaces in order to identify harmful and (or) dangerous production factors and implement measures to bring working conditions into compliance with state regulatory requirements. Certification is carried out in the manner established federal body executive power, carrying out the functions of developing public policy and legal regulation in the field of labor.

During certification, they check to what extent the employer’s activities to ensure labor safety in organizations comply with state regulatory requirements in certain sectors of the economy (clause 6 of Appendix 2 to the Resolution of the Ministry of Labor of April 24, 2002 No. 28).

The normative basis for workplace certification is considered to be labor safety system standards (GOSTs), sanitary rules, norms and hygienic standards and other documents. In particular, certification of workplaces for working conditions is included in general requirements to the occupational safety management system, defined by GOST R 12.0.006-2002.

Based on the results of certification of the organization, a so-called security certificate is issued. It certifies the compliance of the employer’s labor protection work with state regulatory requirements.

Sanitary and hygienic requirements

The Labor Code imposes on the employer the provision of sanitary, medical and preventive services for workers in accordance with labor protection requirements. For these purposes, according to established standards, sanitary premises for eating, providing medical care, lounges in working hours and psychological relief. Sanitary posts are being created with first aid kits equipped with medicines and drugs for first aid; apparatus (devices) are installed to provide workers in hot shops and areas with carbonated salt water, etc. (Article 223).

To ensure normal conditions microclimate parameters are normalized due to human activity. The industrial microclimate standards are established by GOST 12.1.005-88 SSPT. “General sanitary and hygienic requirements for the air in the working area.” They are the same for all industries and all climatic zones. The microclimate parameters in the work area must correspond to optimal or permissible microclimatic conditions.

The level of temperature, humidity and air speed is regulated taking into account the severity of physical work: “light”, “medium” and “heavy” work. In addition, the season of the year is taken into account: the cold period of the year (average daily outside air temperature below +10°C) and the warm period (temperature +10°C and above).

No less attention should be paid to the ventilation system. Firstly, it is necessary to ensure equality of the volume of supply and exhaust air; Air flows should not raise dust and cause hypothermia among workers. Secondly, you need to minimize the noise coming from the fans.

Lighting, in accordance with the “Building Codes and Regulations” SNiP 23-05-95, must ensure uniform brightness in the field of view, the absence of sharp shadows and glare, consistency over time and the correct direction of the light flux. Please note that lighting in workplaces and production areas must be monitored at least once a year.

By the way, the costs of ensuring normal working conditions provided for by law, an organization can take into account when calculating income tax as part of other expenses associated with production and sales (subclause 7, clause 1, article 264 of the Tax Code). After all, the Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of April 22, 2003 No. 64, which provides for sanitary rules and standards - SanPiN, was approved on the basis of the Law of March 30, 1999 No. 52-FZ “On sanitary and epidemiological welfare population."

Responsibility for violation

Managers and other officials of organizations guilty of violating labor safety rules and regulations are subject to prosecution. administrative responsibility in accordance with the Code of Administrative Offenses (CAO):

In the form of a fine in the amount of 500 to 5000 rubles (Article 5.27 of the Administrative Code);

In the form of disqualification for a period of one to three years for a repeated violation;

For violation of requirements fire safety established by the standards, norms and rules (Article 20.4 of the Administrative Code), which is fraught with a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine (for officials - from 1000 to 2000 rubles, for legal entities- from 10,000 to 20,000 rubles;

For violation of legislation in the field of ensuring the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population (Article 6.3 of the Administrative Code), expressed in non-compliance with the existing sanitary rules and hygienic standards, failure to comply with sanitary, hygienic and anti-epidemic measures, entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine (for officials - from 500 to 1,000 rubles, for legal entities - from 10,000 to 20,000 rubles).

Psychological aspect

Economic benefits of compliance legal requirements to organizing a workplace is not only the absence of fines and the ability to accept these expenses as a reduction in taxable profit. A well-thought-out workplace layout can significantly increase labor productivity and, as a result, increase company profits.

It is extremely important for management to correctly place not only their own desktop, but also the workplaces of their subordinates, since the progress of work in the team depends on this. Obviously, in order to take into account many options and undesirable aspects of employee behavior during work, you need to think through and predict many nuances and subtleties.

However, there are also general points that it would be nice for everyone to observe in order to feel confident and free at work:

You cannot sit with your back to the door;

You should not arrange desks so that two employees sit face to face;

It is undesirable to sit with your back to the window;

It is very important to keep order in the workplace.

In addition, color also affects a person’s performance, fatigue, orientation, and reaction. Cool colors (blue, green, yellow) have a calming effect; warm colors (red, orange) are exciting. Dark colors have a depressing effect on the psyche.

To increase work efficiency, the Japanese have developed a method of organizing the workspace, known as the “5S method”. Its goal is to create optimal conditions for performing operations, maintaining order, cleanliness, neatness, saving time and energy. Arose this method in Japan in the mid-twentieth century and consists of five steps, named after the first letters of five Japanese words, which translated mean: “sorting”, “self-organization” (ordering), “systematic cleaning”, “standardization”, “improvement” ( improvement).

As the experience of corporations that have adopted Japanese practices shows, after eliminating all inconsistencies, optimal working conditions are created, productivity increases, injuries and the number of occupational diseases decrease, and the number of occupational diseases increases. corporate culture, the quality of basic and auxiliary operations, and also decreases negative impact on environment. Russian corporations are also adopting the 5S method. Thus, JSC Russian Railways began to use this method as part of the implementation of a quality management system (QMS) for international standard ISO-9000.

Production aesthetics determines the requirements for introducing an artistic element into the environment in which it is carried out. work activity people. It is designed to evoke positive emotions and help improve human performance. Industrial aesthetics presupposes appropriate external and internal design of buildings. Existing enterprises, the construction of which at one time did not comply with aesthetic requirements, should be reconstructed and modernized, taking into account modern requirements industrial aesthetics.

The external design of buildings and structures provides for the rational architecture of their facade, roofs, gutters and cornices, walls and foundations, as well as entrances and entrances. The internal and external territory of the enterprise must also meet the requirements of aesthetics: arrangement of convenient approaches and entrances to the enterprise, walkways, asphalt paths safe for pedestrians throughout the entire territory, landscaping of the territory, including the installation of lawns and flower beds; construction of fountains, pools, sculptural decorations, etc.

The interior of production premises or their internal design covers all those premises where workers spend time working or resting: workshops, laboratories, departments, support services for production and household purposes, warehouses, rest rooms. When organizing the interior, first of all, it is necessary to proceed from labor safety, convenience of working posture (including features visual perception). It is also necessary to take into account the psychological needs of a person during work. Thus, it is psychologically necessary that a person in the workplace can see external environment, nature. In this regard, wherever it is permissible, instead of blank walls in buildings, it is advisable to install transparent stained glass windows, through which a view of greenery, trees, etc. would open.


Office space largely determines the perception of a company's philosophy. It is also very important that people who spend half their lives in the office identify themselves with the company, its direction, its goals, and feel at home in the workplace. Only then will they be able to work with full dedication and maximum efficiency. And an enterprise, taking care of the working conditions of its employees, will be able not only to protect itself from possible fines, but also to increase its income.

Currently, almost all organizations, companies and firms have personal computers (PCs). Therefore, this chapter will consider the requirements for organizing workplaces for personnel working with PCs.

First, let's look at the employee's office. The area per workstation with a PC for adult users must be at least 6.0 m2, and the volume must be at least 20.0 m3. The height of the premises (from floor to ceiling) must be at least 3.0 m.

PC rooms must be equipped with a first aid kit, carbon dioxide fire extinguishers, and safety instructions must also be present. Rooms with computers must be wet cleaned daily. The floor surface should be smooth, without potholes, non-slip, easy to clean and wet, and should have antistatic properties without streaks.

The room with the PC must be equipped with heating, air conditioning or effective supply and exhaust ventilation systems. To increase air humidity, air humidifiers should be used, filled daily with distilled or boiled water. drinking water or ventilation of offices. Communication means should be located within reach.

When placing PC workstations, it is necessary to take into account the distance between desktops with video monitors (towards the rear surface of one video monitor and the screen of another video monitor) - at least 2 m, and the distance between the side surfaces of video monitors - at least 1.2 m.

The video monitor screen should be located at an optimal distance of 600-700 mm from the worker’s eyes, but not closer than 500 mm, as the eyes get tired and subsequently affect vision.

The keyboard should be placed on the table surface at a distance of at least 300 mm from the edge facing the user or on a special, height-adjustable work surface separated from the main table top.

The duration of work on a PC should not exceed 6 hours per day.

Each item in the workplace must have its own permanent place and a fixed movement area.

To ensure optimal performance, regulated breaks are established throughout the work shift. With an 8-hour work shift when working on a computer, regulated breaks should be set 2 hours from the start of the work shift and 2 hours after a lunch break of 15 minutes each (see Appendix 2).

Rooms with PCs should have natural and artificial lighting. Artificial lighting in PC operating rooms is provided by a general uniform lighting system. Natural lighting should be provided through light openings oriented predominantly to the north and northeast and provide a natural light factor of at least 1.5%. In production and administrative premises, in cases where work is primarily done with documents, combined lighting systems are used (in addition to general lighting, local lighting lamps are additionally installed to illuminate the area where documents are located).

Predominantly fluorescent lamps should be used as light sources for artificial lighting. Fluorescent lighting allows you to increase illumination by 2-2.5 times compared to incandescent lamps with the same energy consumption. When installing indirect lighting in industrial and administrative and public premises, the use of metal halide lamps with a power of up to 250 W is allowed. It is allowed to use incandescent lamps in local lighting fixtures.

The light should not blind the eyes and not cause glare directed at the employee. The mounting of the lamp should provide for the possibility of moving it in accordance with the individual characteristics of the worker (for example, for left-handed people).

When installing local lighting, it is better to use rotating, movable lamps on a flexible hose or on special hinges; soft, non-dazzle light should fall on the workplace from the left; The lamp power is recommended to be at least 50-70 W.

The illumination on the table surface in the area where the working document is placed should be 300-500 lux. Local lighting should not create glare on the screen surface and increase the screen illumination to more than 300 lux.

Illumination of working areas with displays is recommended within 300-500 lux. There should be no windows or lighting fixtures in the field of view of the person working with the display. Lamps must have diffusers; reflection on the screen from the light source is removed by installing protective screens. The brightness of the glow should not be less than the illumination of the working surface with documents, since jumps in brightness when changing fields of view (from document to screen and vice versa) should be minimal.

Window openings in rooms with PCs must be equipped with adjustable light-protection devices such as blinds, curtains, external canopies, etc.

To ensure standardized illumination values ​​in PC rooms, it is necessary to clean the glass window frames and lamps as necessary, but at least twice a year and timely replacement of burnt-out lamps.

IN close connection With the establishment of rational illumination, the color design of the premises must be decided, since there is a certain relationship between color and the occurrence of visual fatigue.

For monotonous work, painting the walls and furniture in bright, invigorating colors is justified, and for work that requires active attention, a calmer color in blue, bluish-green colors is advisable. It is recommended to paint the walls in the same tones for any type of activity in rooms whose windows face the sunny side, and, conversely, in warmer tones (yellowish beige, ivory, light yellow) in rooms facing north or north. East. In office premises of the central and northern regions, it is recommended to paint ceilings in white, in the south – in light blue.

Maximum permissible noise level - 80 dB, recommended temperature for normal working conditions - 18-22 ° C, relative humidity - 60-80%, air speed - 0.5-1.5 m/sec, illumination - 300 lux per 1 m 2 (see Appendix 1) category 1a - includes work performed while sitting and not requiring physical exertion, during which energy consumption is up to 120 kcal/h; Category 1b includes work performed while sitting, standing or associated with walking and accompanied by some physical stress, in which energy consumption ranges from 120 to 150 kcal/h.

An important element of the workplace is work furniture. Its rational design helps to save movements, reduce body tension, and, consequently, reduce fatigue and increase human performance. It must take into account the position of the performer in the workplace, that is, the working posture, and the loads that the employee experiences during the work process.

The height of the working surface of the table for adult users should be adjustable within the range of 680-800 mm; if this is not possible, the height of the working surface of the table should be 725 mm.

The work desk must have legroom with a height of at least 600 mm, a width of at least 500 mm, a depth at knee level of at least 450 mm and at the level of outstretched legs no less than 650 mm.

The work chair (chair) must be lift-swivel and adjustable in height and angles of inclination of the seat and back, as well as the distance of the back from the front edge of the seat, while the adjustment of each parameter must be independent, easy to carry out and have a reliable fixation.

When working for a long time in a sitting position, chairs and armchairs with mandatory elements in the form of backs, armrests, and, if necessary, headrests should be used.

The seat height should optimally be adjustable within 350-500 mm from the floor, depending on the height of the worker and the height of the working surface. The recommended width of work furniture seats is 330-400 mm, depth 380-420 mm. The design of the chair must include a footrest (footrest).

For short-term use (5-10 minutes), hard chairs and stools are recommended.

Support seats are used when an employee is unable to sit down even for a short time, but can lean on the support seat, somewhat relieving muscle tension.