Functional and job responsibilities: differences. Determination of official (official) functions of employees

The main organizational document regulating the division of responsibilities and rights between employees and the establishment of relationships between individual positions is the job description.

is an organizational and legal document that defines the main functions, duties, rights and responsibilities of an employee of an organization when carrying out activities in a certain position.

The job description allows:

  • distribute rationally functional responsibilities;
  • increase the timeliness and reliability of task completion;
  • improve the socio-psychological climate in the team and eliminate conflicts;
  • clearly define the employee’s functional connections and his relationships with other specialists;
  • specify the rights of the employee;
  • increase personal and collective responsibility;
  • increase the effectiveness of moral and material incentives for employees;
  • organize a uniform workload of workers.

Sources for developing job descriptions

Initial data for development job descriptions are:

  • and functional structure;
  • classifier of control functions;
  • classification directory of positions of managers, specialists and employees;
  • management labor standards;
  • regulations on structural divisions;
  • results of expert and opinion polls workers, etc.

The first source for developing job descriptions is Qualification directory for positions managers, specialists and other employees. The directory contains list of qualification requirements specialists various categories. Each qualification characteristic is a normative document that regulates the content of the functions performed by workers, helping to ensure optimal technology, rational division of labor, high organization, and order at each, as well as improvement. As regulatory framework qualification characteristics of employee positions are intended for use in enterprises, institutions and organizations various forms property, organizational and legal forms and sectors of the economy, regardless of their departmental subordination. Based on qualification characteristics Job descriptions for specific employees are being developed.

The job description form and the structure of the text are fixed in the USORD.

Job descriptions must be drawn up for each position provided staffing table.

Development and sections of job descriptions

When developing job descriptions, the regulations on the structural unit are used. Regulations and job descriptions are interrelated documents, since the responsibilities of each employee arise from the tasks and functions of the entire service as a whole.

The text of the job description must fully and clearly define the tasks, functions, and responsibilities of the employee. An unclear and incomplete definition of the scope of activity of each employee leads to instability in the work of the service itself and inconsistency in the actions of individual workers. As a rule, such a situation contributes to the emergence conflict situations caused by the employee’s misunderstanding of his responsibilities. The text of the job description is set out in separate paragraphs.

A job description usually consists of the following sections:

  1. General provisions
  2. Main tasks and functions
  3. Responsibilities
  4. Rights
  5. Responsibility
  6. Relationships

In the first section of the job description " General provisions» contains:

  • name of the position in accordance with the staffing table and basic information about it: title structural unit, subordination of this employee, category of personnel (specialist, technical executive);
  • procedure for appointment and dismissal;
  • the procedure for filling this position during the temporary absence of the employee;
  • requirements for vocational training(level of education, work experience), qualification requirements (must know... must be able to...);
  • scroll regulatory documents, by which the employee is guided in his professional activities, a list of administrative documents regulating job responsibilities(orders and instructions of the head of the organization, preschool educational institution service, etc.).

In the second section " Main tasks and functions“The job description formulates the main task of the employee of this position, the subject of his responsibility, and the area of ​​work. Next comes a list of specific types of work that make up the implementation of the main task. For example: the main task of an employee is to control the deadlines for the execution of documents. IN different organizations and when using different technologies, this task may consist of different operations. For example, when using manual technology, these could be the following operations:

  • receipt (from the registration area, from the secretariat, etc.) of documents put under control;
  • filling out control cards;
  • making notes on the progress of execution;
  • maintaining a time card file;
  • transfer of information;
  • compiling and maintaining reference files, servicing requests from management staff specialists, etc.

The same task with automated technology will include operations such as:

  • entering into a computer database of registered documents;
  • maintaining a computer database of documents marked “Control”;
  • servicing requests from management staff specialists, etc.

In the section " Responsibilities» job descriptions record the conditions that must be observed by the employee when performing his functions. For example:

  • observe ;
  • comply with established deadlines for document preparation;
  • observe ethical standards communication in ;
  • maintain the confidentiality of proprietary information.

In the section " Rights» the range of rights necessary for an employee to implement the duties assigned to him is fixed, as well as the procedure for exercising these rights. The section includes such rights as: making decisions, obtaining information to perform one’s work, the right to approve certain types documents, right of control, etc. A clear formulation of the employee’s rights makes it possible to formulate his responsibility, which is highlighted in a separate section.

In the section " Responsibility» record the content and forms of the official’s responsibility for the results and consequences of his activities, as well as for failure to take timely measures or actions related to his duties. Responsibility can be established disciplinary and material, but always in accordance with current legislation and taking into account the specifics of the organization’s work.

In the job description section " Relationships» record the procedure for interaction between the employee and other structural units and officials. The section lists those structural units from which the employee receives documents, and those to which he transfers information.

Job descriptions are developed and signed by the head of the office management service, approved by the head of the organization (company). Job descriptions are drawn up on general form organizations. They can be endorsed (agreed) with the heads of those structural units with which the employee interacts.

Job descriptions also apply to long-term use.

Revision of job descriptions is mandatory under the following conditions:

  • changing the structure of the organization;
  • reassignment of the office management service;
  • change of job title;
  • change of internal organizational structure office services;
  • introduction of new forms and methods of labor organization;
  • implementation new technology, since this involves a redistribution of functions between individual employees and structural divisions.

With the job description, the manager (or personnel service) obliged inform the employee against receipt. The familiarization visa is located below the signature of the head of the office management service (the developer of the job description) and consists of the words “I have read the instructions (to)”, the employee’s signature, his initials, last name and date.

We completed the previous series of articles on process management with process identification.

Now, based on the results of structuring and identifying processes, we will move on to developing employee job responsibilities.

The initial data for this are process specifications, which contain all the information we need:

  • Process executor,
  • Brief description of the process,
  • The purpose of the process
  • Process results,
  • Process indicators.

Now, to draw up an employee’s job responsibilities, we just need to look through all the specifications and select those in which he is indicated as a performer.

It hardly needs to be said that job responsibilities are drawn up not for the individual employee, but for the job position that can be occupied by different individuals.

Having thus selected the specifications we need, we obtain the entire set of processes in which the employee occupying the position in question participates. His work functions are the functions of the executor of these processes. We can only describe them.

It is convenient to describe job responsibilities in the form of a table, filling it with information obtained by copying data from process specifications.

For each process in which an employee participates, we indicate the goals of the process, its results and indicators - all this data is in the specification of the corresponding process. Information from the specification is also used to describe the employee’s functions, but some clarifications and additions may be required.

For example, consider the job responsibilities of a manager responsible for the development of a network of stations maintenance, attracting new stations to it.

The responsibilities of this employee are described precisely and specifically. It is indicated in which processes he is a performer, what functions he performs, what goals he must achieve, what is the result of his work and by what criteria they are assessed. This description is fundamentally different from the vague and empty documents that are usually drawn up in most enterprises and are called “Job Responsibilities” or “Job Descriptions”.

By the way, about the name. In our opinion, it is more correct to call the document considered here “Job Responsibilities,” meaning that it quite fully defines the range of responsibilities of the employee. The instruction is a document of another level. It describes the order in which operations are performed in certain processes. Instructions for performers should be drawn up after the development of business process regulations, since they detail the description of the work of process performers. There can be many instructions - as many as the number of different operations the employee performs.

Usually the question arises about the completeness of job responsibilities. Have we overlooked some employee functions? This is out of the question. The completeness of job descriptions is ensured by the methodology for their compilation. Let us remember that we first identified the structure of the processes top level, and making sure that nothing was missed, we identified a second and, possibly, a third level. Thus, all business processes are taken into account, there can be no “gaps”. We then drew up specifications for all processes, and only then moved on to describing the functions of employees in the form of job responsibilities.

As you can see, drawing up job responsibilities is not difficult task, if this is done on the right methodological basis. Moreover, errors are excluded with this approach.

Implement process approach The electronic training course “How to build a process management system in your company” will help you.

When developing job descriptions, sometimes not only job responsibilities are provided, but also functional responsibilities. What is their difference? And what is the difference between a job description and a work instruction?

What is the difference between functional responsibilities and job responsibilities?

Labor legislation does not distinguish between the concepts of functional and job responsibilities and does not define them. It is believed that the functional responsibilities of an employee characterize the goal or functions of a particular employee, that is, the result that is achieved as a result of the employee performing his duties. And the direct duties that an employee performs to achieve such goals are called job responsibilities. For example, in accordance with professional standard“Accountant” (approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor dated December 22, 2014 No. 1061n) one of the labor functions of the chief accountant is the preparation of accounting (financial) statements. This can be classified as functional responsibilities. And the direct labor actions that an employee must perform to achieve this function, i.e., in fact, his job responsibilities, are, for example:

  • counting and logical verification of the correctness of the formation of numerical indicators of reports included in the accounting (financial) statements;
  • formation of explanations for balance sheet and report on financial results;
  • ensuring the signing of accounting (financial) statements by the head of an economic entity;
  • ensuring the safety of accounting (financial) statements before they are transferred to the archive.

Often the terms “job responsibilities” and “functional responsibilities” are considered synonymous. And it doesn’t matter how the employee’s responsibilities are named in the job description. It is important that their content clearly indicates what specific work the employee will need to perform, taking into account the peculiarities of the organization of production, labor and management at the enterprise.

The difference between a job description and a production job description

When managers, specialists and other employees are hired, the instructions developed for them are called job descriptions. And for worker professions, based, as a rule, on unified tariff and qualification reference books for work and worker professions in the relevant industries, they are approved manufacturing instructions, which are also sometimes called work instructions. Thus, the difference between a job description and a work instruction lies only in the category of workers for whom such instructions are being developed. Although this division is quite arbitrary, because both official and working instructions must give the employee a clear understanding of what work he has to do.

Despite the fact that the Labor Code does not contain any mention of a job description, it is an important document, the content of which is not only labor function employee, range of duties, limits of responsibility, but also qualification requirements requirements for the position.
Since the procedure for drawing up instructions is regulatory legal acts is not settled, the employer independently decides how to formalize it and make changes to it.
A job description can be an annex to an employment contract, and can also be approved as an independent document.
Amendments to the job description may be associated with a change mandatory conditions employment contract. In this case, the requirements for advance written notification of this to the employee must be met. And only after the employee agreed to continue labor relations, changes are made to the job description.
If the instruction is an annex to the employment contract, it is advisable to simultaneously make changes to the employment contract and the job description by preparing an additional agreement.
If the job description was approved as a separate document and changes to it do not entail the need to change the mandatory terms of the employment contract, it is most convenient to approve the job description in new edition, familiarizing the employee with it in writing. The job description, as a rule, is drawn up in two copies, one of which, at the request of the employee, can be given to him.
When preparing a job description and making changes to it, the requirements should be taken into account State standard GOST R 6.30-2003 "Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for document preparation", put into effect by Resolution of the State Standard of Russia dated 03.03.2003 N 65-Art.

The job description must be signed by the employee to whom it concerns.


The job description of a preschool educational institution employee consists of the following sections: general provisions, functions, responsibilities, rights of employees, relationships (relationships by position), employee responsibility, job evaluation.
IN general provisions The following main tasks of the employee are established, for example:
The main task of the clerk is to receive, register incoming and send outgoing documents;
procedure for filling a position, i.e. who appoints and dismisses this employee;
professional requirements for the employee (level of education, work experience, etc.);
basic documents and materials that an employee must follow in his activities.
The section “Employee Functions” defines the subject matter or area of ​​work assigned to the employee, a list of types of work that make up the performance of the assigned functions, for example, registration of documents may consist of such work - filling out cards, maintaining a file cabinet, issuing certificates by phone, etc. .d.
The “Employee Responsibilities” section specifies the following features:
related to the preparation of documents, receipt, processing and issuance of information;
requiring the mandatory use of certain forms and methods of work (for example, periodic monitoring of the formation of cases in structural units, conducting briefings, etc.);
requiring compliance with deadlines for specific actions;
the procedure for executing orders;
ethical standards that must be observed in the team.
The section “Employee Rights” defines the employee’s rights to implement the functions assigned to him and perform his duties.
The “Relationships” section indicates the divisions and employees from whom the contractor receives and to whom he transmits information, its structure and timing of transmission, who is involved in the execution of certain documents, with whom they are agreed upon, etc.
The “Job Evaluation” section lists criteria that allow assessing the degree to which an employee fulfills his functions and responsibilities, use of rights, etc. The main criteria are the quality of work and timeliness of its completion. The quality of work is determined primarily by the fulfillment of the duties assigned in the job description.

To formulate the content of the job description, use the reference book below.

In accordance with Article 143 Labor Code In the Russian Federation, tariffication of work and assignment of tariff categories to employees are carried out taking into account the unified tariff and qualification directory of works and professions of workers, the unified qualification directory of positions of managers, specialists and employees.
Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 31, 2002 N 787 established that the Unified Qualification Directory of Positions of Managers, Specialists and Employees (hereinafter referred to as the UQS) consists of the qualification characteristics of the positions of managers, specialists and employees, containing job responsibilities and requirements for the level of knowledge and qualifications of managers , specialists and employees.

Each employee must fulfill his or her functional responsibilities. Any enterprise has bosses, managers, as well as departments that are obliged to working hours follow all proper instructions.

Importance of Functional Responsibilities

Job seekers in most cases do not have a clear idea of ​​what kind of work is offered to them. Knowledge of all main functional responsibilities is key element during personnel selection. This is how applicants can understand what employers want from them.

Every applicant for a particular vacancy must understand the functional responsibilities. All advertisements contain job titles, but in order to get a job, you need to have an idea of ​​your future responsibilities. Using a short list of the employee’s future tasks, you can quickly form a clearer and more detailed idea of ​​the vacancy.

All employers should describe responsibilities in as much detail as possible on a piece of paper. In order for vacancies to be compiled correctly and competently, it is necessary to include the following points:

  • Functional responsibilities.
  • Authority.
  • Indicate the level of responsibility.

Given detailed description will allow many managers not to encounter possible misunderstandings, and also not to waste their time on unsuitable candidates.

What qualities should an employee have?

First of all, all employees are qualified according to general indicators and data. Managers can evaluate professional features, information and qualities of each applicant.

Important functional responsibilities of employees:

  • Dexterity is especially important when performing complex manual tasks on a regular basis.
  • Neat appearance and punctuality. It is especially important to be able to communicate with clients or operate specialized equipment.
  • Mobile qualities. Some positions involve travel on business trips at the request of the manager.
  • good physical condition and preparation.

Main responsibilities of a manager

Any enterprise or organization employs managers who belong to the category of specialists. The following functional responsibilities of the manager can be distinguished:

  • Knowledge of the entire structure of the enterprise.
  • Planning your work day, meetings, calls, receiving visitors.
  • Going on short-term business trips to solve basic problems.
  • Implementation technical support activities of the organization.
  • Conducting negotiations, business meetings, receiving visitors.
  • Coordination especially important issues with employees of the structural unit.

Managers must conduct business operations and regularly monitor the collection of materials and important documentation. You also need to remember to prepare analytical and background information.

What responsibilities should general departments perform in an enterprise?

All organizations include departments that must perform specific tasks and instructions. The main functional responsibilities of the general purpose department can be identified:

  1. Continuous provision and implementation of unified systems standards.
  2. Organization of work related to the processing of documentation received by the enterprise. It is also necessary to constantly monitor correspondence, letters and other printed materials.
  3. Ensuring an effective control system over all departments.
  4. Monitoring the work of the secretariat, as well as receiving and processing correspondence.
  5. Examination correct design materials that must be sent to the judicial authorities.
  6. Development and approval scheduled inspections in the field of structural division of the enterprise.

Employees of the general department must properly organize business production, use technical means, computer technology, operating system, and also check all completed documents for literacy in a timely manner.

What responsibilities should bosses perform?

The functional responsibilities of the chief are determined to a specific extent, which depends on the qualification characteristics. The list of to-dos and assigned tasks can be supplemented and clarified during the preparation of job descriptions. But all circumstances that arise are taken into account.

The boss must properly organize the complete provision of the enterprise with all necessary material resources which may be required for further production activities. In this case, it is necessary to take into account such points as the quality of resources and their rational use. This is required in order to reduce production costs and ultimately obtain maximum profits.

The boss must manage the ongoing development of long-term projects. His responsibilities include balances of material and technical support, as well as drawing up production programs, calculation of repair and operational needs at the enterprise.

Functional responsibilities of a specialist at the enterprise

Any organization should take care to hire a specialist who will manage automated control systems. He must have complete higher education, which fully corresponds to the direction of preparation. Particular attention is paid to work experience in this specialty, as well as in management positions.

It is possible to identify the main functional responsibilities of specialists in automated systems controls:

  • Management, organization and further implementation of important projects that are aimed at improving production process. A specialist can apply modern methods computer technology, innovative communications and communications.
  • Organization of research that is aimed at the management system, order and planning methods.
  • Direct participation in writing technical specifications to create an automated production process control system.

What responsibility does an automated control systems specialist have?

The chief specialist must not only fully perform his functional duties, but also bear responsibility for the actions taken. A fine may be levied in case of failure to fulfill assigned job tasks, as well as in case of incomplete use of all granted rights for work. Chief specialists bear responsibility in case of non-compliance with internal labor regulations, labor protection, and safety regulations in the production process.

It is also necessary to take into account sanitary and fire protection. Under no circumstances should specialists disclose important information about the company where they work.