Professional service standards. Hotel service

Who is the first person a client sees when crossing the threshold of the salon? Administrator! The administrator should “present” the salon procedures with his appearance, but the main thing is not to overdo it. Where is the line, crossing which a well-groomed woman turns into a caricatured anti-advertising for her salon? What should a beauty salon administrator really look like? The first rule to remember is: moderation is good in everything!!

Rules from Evelina Khromchenko

    Hair: should always be washed, freshly colored (no regrown roots or dull color), trimmed and styled.

    Manicure: nails of maximum medium length, coated with pastel shades of varnish.

    Makeup: everyday, i.e. easy. Smokey eyes and bright lipstick, such as cyclamen or red, can cause an aggressive reaction.

    If there is a solarium in the salon, then the skin should acquire a light tan.

    Clothes: fashionable, preferably monochromatic, a combination of at least three colors is acceptable. And, of course, not flashy shades such as orange, red, etc. If the salon has a dress code, then this is simply an ideal option. The neckline is not deep, the skirt is not above the knee. The blouse can be worn with 1 or 2 buttons unbuttoned. According to the psychology of communication, this allows you to avoid the impression of “closedness” when talking with a client.

A pleasant, neat appearance of an employee inspires trust and a predisposition to communicate. An employee of the hotel contact area must carefully monitor his appearance, the neatness and cleanliness of his clothes and shoes. Professional Look– this is an important component of the service provided to guests, as well as a sign of respect for colleagues. In this regard, it is necessary to comply with the following requirements regarding the appearance of personnel.

The materials of personnel uniforms must be selected so that the clothes do not stick to the skin, do not roll up or stretch; the most successful option is a mixture of cotton fabric with any synthetic material.

Hair must be clean, neatly trimmed and combed. Women's hairstyle must be neat, loose hair and huge brightly colored clips in her hair are unacceptable. If the hotel has branded hairpins, then their use is acceptable. Men must be closely shaven and mustaches and sideburns neatly trimmed. Hair color should look natural

Nails should be neatly trimmed, clean and polished. It is allowed to use nail polish in moderate tones, preferably pastel colors; long nails are prohibited. Men are prohibited from using nail polish.

Uniform shoes must be in good condition, not worn out and well polished. Women are required to wear closed shoes with heels no higher than four centimeters. Shoes must be of a classic style; wearing sports shoes is prohibited. Shoes made of genuine leather are recommended.

Makeup - natural, moderate. Used decorative cosmetics should be without shine or pearlescent. Eyeshadow, blush, powder - soft, natural shades without shine.

Additional Requirements appearance. 1. Do not use perfume, cologne or deodorant with a strong odor. The use of perfume should be moderate, because strong odors may cause allergies or other unpleasant illnesses in the client. 2. The skirt should not be shorter than the middle of the employee’s knee. Regardless of the season, all employees at work must wear tights or stockings of a natural flesh color and always without a pattern. 3. Pants should be slightly below the ankle. Men should choose socks that match their uniform trousers 4. All employees in working hours It is prohibited: * carrying a mobile phone, the sound signal must be turned off; * conversation on mobile phone in guest areas and in the workplace; * chew chewing gum, it is recommended to freshen your breath with special refreshing plates.

You should smile when talking on the phone, as your mood is always conveyed to the caller. If a guest is standing in front of the administrator and the phone is ringing at this time, he should not be distracted by the call until he finishes the conversation with the guest. If the guest has time to wait, he will invite the administrator to answer the call. Telephone etiquette requires that the receptionist state his name if he is calling himself. Before dialing a phone number, you should state the reason for the call in a few sentences. The administrator must always monitor his gestures, posture, and facial expressions. You should not wrinkle your forehead or actively gesticulate, your hands should be calm, they seem to express your thoughts, not feelings. If you accompany your speech with slightly outstretched palms, for example, about the advantages and capabilities of your hotel, the guest will always feel that he is the one... main man at the hotel. The behavior culture of a hotel administrator includes following rules: - do not ask unnecessary questions; - do not make comments, do not read moral lectures; - do not make any claims; - do not ask the guest about his personal life, the purpose of the visit, etc. The administrator must know how to greet the guest depending on his gender, age, position, etc. Character traits such as restraint, dignity, etc. are mandatory for the administrator. modesty.

The administrator of a beauty salon is the person who not only talks to you on the phone, making an appointment with a specialist, first of all, this is the first person you first see after you cross the threshold of the establishment.

That is why the administrator should always look neat, and most importantly well-groomed - it is his appearance forms the first, in some cases decisive, opinion about the salon, and whether it is worth visiting or whether it is better to find an alternative.

Some establishment managers try to select an administrator with a doll-like appearance, looking at whom one gets the impression that they spend their days sitting in solariums, hair salons and other similar establishments. This may be the right approach, but there should be moderation in everything.

It also happens that the salon administrator is a beautiful girl, but unkempt - it seems that she does not have enough money or time to wash her hair, do a styling, manicure, and keep her skin in proper shape. Agree, a rare visitor will believe such an administrator that professional craftsmen really work in the salon.

A girl administrator should talk not only with words, but also with her brilliant appearance about the procedures that the establishment offers. But at the same time, in no case should it look vulgar and defiant. You can't go beyond the bounds of decency.
In our case, one of the decisive factors in the appearance of an administrator is a sense of proportion, a subtle sense of style and harmony, not only in clothing, but also in general appearance.
Let's imagine this situation: a woman spent more than one month at home, being in maternity leave and caring for young children. Naturally, she had practically no time left to take care of her skin, hair and nails - her appearance was not very good. And now, finally, the opportunity has arisen and free time in order to pay attention to your beloved.

She enters the salon and sees a doll there, with a perfect manicure, clean skin, incredible hairstyle and plump lips. At the same time, she looks at the visitor with surprised eyes, openly letting her know that she looks terrible, especially compared to such a beauty like her. In this case, many women turn around and leave, feeling insulted and humiliated.

What exactly should a beauty salon administrator look like?

Makeup is light and natural, in a word - everyday. And even if you really love brightly colored lipsticks, leave them for evening outings; during the day they look ridiculous, and in some cases, aggressive.

Hair must be clean, uniform in color (under no circumstances should the roots grow out). A neat haircut and styling, even if it is simple, but always neat. To do this, you can ask one of the masters to do light styling every morning.

If you have a solarium in the salon, you should strive to ensure that your skin always has a uniform shade of light tan.

Manicure is required every day. At the same time ideal option are nails medium length, the coating is not bright, pastel colors are better.

Clothing, preferably fashionable, but in no case flashy, sexy or provocative.

The best option would be a monochromatic outfit, and if you prefer to mix shades, then choose no more than three colors. Believe me, orange, red and other bright shades will look too provocative on the administrator.

Skirts should be of medium length - ideally knee-length. Clients don't like it too much open people, at the same time, the very closed and secret staff does not inspire confidence in them. Therefore, if you wear shirt-style blouses or jackets, then always leave the top buttons undone - psychologists say that this way you look like an open and sincere person.
The administrator of a beauty salon must understand that his appearance is business card establishments.

1. The role and importance of the position of receptionist (administrator) in a hotel

· Official rights and responsibilities. Basic requirements for the level of knowledge and skills.

2. Meeting and placing guests at the hotel.

· Standards of work when booking hotel rooms. Types of booking. Payment for booking.

· Reception and accommodation of guests. Meeting the guest and registering and its procedure. Documents upon registration

· Checking the readiness of the room stock and interaction with other departments of the hotel

· Hotel introduction and promotion additional services

· Checking out guests upon departure (preparing and conducting the checkout operation). Payment for additional services.

3. Receiving phone calls

standard for handling incoming calls

· standard phrases that are acceptable in communication with a guest and prohibited for use.

4. Reception and work with requests from hotel guests

standards for receiving personal and telephone guest requests

· registration of personal and telephone requests

· provision of additional and personal services

· control of related services

5. Resolution of non-standard and conflict situations.

· Types of clients and behavioral styles

Administrator Appearance Standard

A professional appearance is an important component of the service provided to guests, a sign attentive attitude to colleagues. Failure to comply with this standard may be grounds for removal of the employee from work.

HAIRSTYLE. First of all, the hair should be clean, neatly trimmed and combed. A woman's hairstyle should be compact; loose hair is unacceptable. Men should be closely shaven. Mustaches and sideburns are neatly trimmed. Hair color should look natural.

MAKEUP. Makeup should be inconspicuous, nails should be neatly trimmed and clean. It is allowed to use nail polish in discreet, moderate tones. Avoid wearing perfumes and colognes with strong or strong odors.

DECORATIONS. The wearing of jewelry should be limited. Watches, a chain on the chest, earrings, and no more than two rings on the hands are allowed. Wearing multiple earrings in one ear is not recommended. Men are not allowed to wear earrings.

SHOES. Must be in good condition, untrodden, well polished. Women are required to wear closed shoes with heels no higher than 7 cm. It is recommended to refrain from wearing avant-garde style shoes. It is prohibited to wear sports shoes, sandals, fabric shoes, etc. at work.

CLOTH. Employees who are issued a uniform must wear it in full during working hours. Uniforms must be clean and ironed.

Employees who are not issued a uniform should appear modest and businesslike. Women are advised to wear suits (dresses) business style, trousers are allowed. The color of the blouse (dress) must match the color of the underwear. As a general rule, skirt length should not be shorter than “just above the knee.” Regardless of the season, all female employees must wear tights or stockings during working hours, preferably natural ones and always without a pattern. It is not allowed to wear sportswear, denim clothing, leggings, or shorts. Men should wear business casual attire (preferably a suit and tie). Shirts are preferably plain or with slightly noticeable stripes or checkered patterns.

NAME SIGN. A name badge must be worn during working hours so that colleagues and guests can be addressed by name. The name badge must always be worn on the left side. If you lose your name tag, notify your supervisor immediately.

It is PROHIBITED to chew chewing gum during working hours.

Telephone standard

When the phone rings, you must pick up the phone before the third ring.

You need to talk on the phone in a friendly, polite tone.

You should start the conversation with a greeting " Good morning(day, evening)" or "Hello."

If the call is from a city connection, the employee should hear the name of the Hotel complex and division.

If the call is an internal connection, the employee should hear a greeting, position and name. For example: “good morning, floor manager Tatyana Ivanova. I’m listening to you!”

Once you receive your order, be sure to repeat it.

Smile when you answer the phone. Even without seeing a smile, the caller will feel that they are sincerely interested in his call,

The general rule is that the person who called ends the call first; If the conversation is interrupted for any technical reasons, the person who called the first time should call again.

If you need to ask someone to wait by the phone for no more than 60 seconds (you need to find necessary information, answer on another phone). Be sure to ask the person if he will wait and wait for his answer. When the phone is picked up again, resume the conversation by expressing gratitude for the wait.

If you are calling.

1. Clearly formulate to yourself the purpose for which you are going to call and what the content of the future conversation should be. (For particularly complex negotiations, it is better to make a list of questions that you are going to ask on paper, this will make it easier for you to monitor the completeness and consistency of the answers.)

2. Optimal time For phone call determined by three criteria:

A) When, in your opinion, your call will be more convenient for the subscriber;

B) When is it easier to reach him;

C) When will it be more convenient for you to call?

3. After connecting, introduce yourself: “Hello, Bank “GRAN”, (if necessary, provide the name of the department), last name,” and here ask the questions you have prepared.

When guests come to a restaurant, they are not very concerned about how the work process is organized there. For them, the main thing is that the vacation goes well, fun, without conflicts and troubles. But no one imagines how much work it takes to get the job done right. Ensure cleanliness, politeness and efficiency of waiters, conscientiousness of bartenders and much more. A special person, the administrator, is responsible and oversees all these processes. There may be several of them, this is at the discretion of the owner of the establishment. We will find out in the article what the responsibilities of a restaurant administrator are.

Why is this profession important?

First of all, it’s worth figuring out who an administrator is. This is a person who not only manages staff, but also makes sure that all processes are carried out correctly and are well coordinated with each other. There may be several openings for this position in a restaurant. It all depends on the level of the establishment. The responsibilities of a restaurant administrator include the following positions:

  1. Full control of personnel. Starting from the time of arrival, appearance and ending with the quality of the work performed.
  2. Organization of banquets and corporate events (assistance in creating menus, calculating portions per person, determining time periods for serving dishes, and much more).
  3. Separation job responsibilities between staff. This item must be agreed upon with the general manager or immediate supervisor establishments.
  4. Permission controversial situations with clients, smoothing unpleasant moments that may arise during the work process.
  5. Carrying out inventory.

These are the main responsibilities of a restaurant administrator, which he must perform efficiently and responsibly. After all, from work this person a lot depends.

Pros and cons of the profession

Many people ask: “What is interesting about working as an administrator in a restaurant?” His responsibilities are quite extensive; it seems that he needs to control all the processes that occur within the establishment. And this is true. But the profession has a lot of positive aspects:

  1. Decent wages.
  2. The opportunity to look good. After all, appearance is an integral point that the administrator must take care of.
  3. High position, status.
  4. Ability to manage people.
  5. The prospect of increasing job responsibilities.
  6. Large social circle.
  7. Meeting interesting people.
  8. Diversity. There is no routine, a new day is not like the previous one.

Like any profession, this one has its drawbacks:

  1. Busy work schedule. There are no weekends or holidays. As a rule, it is on these days that the volume of work is greatest.
  2. Unpleasant situations often occur with guests. In any case, there will be discontent, swearing and conflicts.
  3. Huge responsibility.

But if you are stress-resistant, have correct speech and excellent appearance, this profession is just for you.

Do you want to become an administrator? Get your resume right

Who is a restaurant administrator? The responsibilities and principles of work of this person are specified in job description, which every establishment has. To take this vacancy, you need to carefully study the requirements for the candidate and write a resume correctly.

Be sure to include the reason why you are interested in this position. You can mention that you like and are interested in communicating with people. If there is a previous similar experience, this is undoubtedly a plus. Ownership is also valued. foreign languages, since fashionable establishments are often visited by guests from abroad.

Personnel management, assistance in organizing banquets, communication with clients - these are the main responsibilities of a restaurant administrator. For a resume, or rather, when compiling it, it is necessary to take them into account, and only in this case the position will be yours.

What character traits do you need to have to succeed in your profession?

Restaurant administrator is a rather difficult profession; not every person can occupy this position. There are certain character traits that you need to have to succeed:

  1. Stress resistance.
  2. Openness and sociability.
  3. Ability to resolve conflict situations.
  4. Responsibility.
  5. The desire to be a leader.

Don't forget about the correct and competent speech and great appearance.

What is unacceptable in the workplace?

It is worth noting that the responsibilities of a restaurant administrator include a huge list of tasks that he must complete. In addition, do not forget that other employees should be equal to him. There are moments that the administrator should not allow:

  1. Leave workplace without the consent of the manager.
  2. Use foul language, be rude, insult staff, suppliers or visitors.
  3. Look unkempt and wrinkled.
  4. Drink alcohol in the workplace.

What rights does an administrator have?

A restaurant administrator has quite a lot of powers. First of all, in order to establish a normal process, he needs to monitor the work of the staff. Sometimes it is necessary to introduce a system of punishments and fines. But all these points need to be agreed upon with management. This also applies to difficult situations with visitors. If the client behaves inappropriately, drunk poses a danger to others, the administrator has the right to ask security to remove him from the establishment.

The article described what the responsibilities of a restaurant administrator are. To occupy this position, you must have certain character traits. Remember: this work is quite interesting, but at the same time difficult and responsible.