GOST 26633 91 updated edition. Additional requirements for aggregates for concrete intended for various types of construction




GOST 26633-91



Date of introduction 01.01.92

This standard applies to structural heavy and fine-grained concrete (hereinafter referred to as concrete) used in all types of construction.


1.1. The requirements of this standard should be observed when developing new and revising existing standards and technical specifications, design and technological documentation for prefabricated concrete and reinforced concrete products and prefabricated structures, monolithic and prefabricated monolithic structures (hereinafter referred to as structures).

1.2. Concrete should be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to design and technological documentation for specific types of structures, approved in the prescribed manner.

1.3.2. The strength of concrete at design age is characterized by classes of compressive strength, axial tension, and bending strength.

The following classes are established for concrete:

Compressive strength: B3.5; B5; B7.5; B10; B12.5; B15; B20; B25; B30; B35; B40; B45; B50; B55; B60; B65; B70; B75; B80.

Note. It is allowed to use concrete of intermediate classes of compressive strength B22.5 and B27.5;

axial tensile strength: Bt 0.4; Bt 0.8; Bt 1.2; Bt 1.6; Bt 2.0; Bt 2.4; Bt 2.8; Bt 3.2; Bt 3.6; Bt 4.0;

Tensile strength in bending: Btb 0.4; Btb 0.8, Btb 1.2; Btb 1.6; Btb 2.0; Btb 2.4; Btb 2.8; Btb 3.2; Btb 3.6; Btb 4.0; Btb 4.4; Btb 4.8; Btb 5.2; Btb 5.6; Btb 6.0; Btb 6.4; Btb 6.8; Btb 7.2; Btb 8.0.


1. For concrete structures designed before the entry into force of ST SEV 1406 (when rationing strength by grade), the following grades are established:

Compressive strength: M50; M75; M100; M150; M200; M250; M300; M350; M400; M450; M500; M550; M600; M700; M800; M900; M1000;

axial tensile strength: Pt 5; Pt 10; Pt 15, Pt 20; Pt 25; Pt 30; Pt Z5; Pt 40; Pt 45; Pt 50;

Tensile strength in bending: Ptb 5; Ptb 10; Ptb 15; Ptb 20; Ptb 25; Ptb 30; Ptb 35; Ptb 40; Ptb 45; Ptb 50; Ptb 55; Ptb 60; Ptb 65; Ptb 70; Ptb 75; Ptb 80; Ptb 85; Ptb 90; Ptb 100.

The relationship between classes and grades of concrete in terms of tensile and compressive strength with a standard coefficient of variation of 13.5%, and for massive hydraulic structures - 17.0% is given in the Appendix.

1.3.3. For concrete structures subject to alternating freezing and thawing during operation, the following grades of concrete are assigned according to frost resistance: F50; F75; F100; F150; F200; F300; F400; F500; F600; F800; F1000.

1.3.4. For concrete structures that are subject to requirements for limited permeability or increased density and corrosion resistance, waterproof grades are assigned. The following waterproof grades have been established: W2; W4; W6; W8; W10; W12; W14; W16; W18; W20.

1.3.5. Concrete strength classes, frost resistance grades and water resistance grades of concrete in specific types of structures are established in accordance with design standards, indicated in standards, technical specifications and in design documentation for these structures.

1.3.7. Technical requirements for concrete established in paragraphs. - must be provided by the manufacturer of the structure at the design age, which is indicated in the design documentation for these structures and assigned in accordance with design standards depending on the concrete hardening conditions, construction methods and the timing of the actual loading of these structures. If the design age is not specified, the technical requirements for concrete must be met at the age of 28 days.

1.3.7a. The values ​​of the normalized tempering, transfer (for prestressed structures) strength of concrete are established in the design of a specific structure and are indicated in the standard or technical specifications for this structure.

1.3.8. The specific effective activity of natural radionuclides (Aeff) of raw materials used for the preparation of concrete should not exceed the limit values ​​depending on the area of ​​application of concrete according to Appendix A of GOST 30108.

1.4. Requirements for concrete mixtures

1.4.1. Concrete mixtures must comply with the requirements of GOST 7473.

When choosing materials for selecting the composition of concrete, a radiation-hygienic assessment of these materials should be carried out.

1.4.3. For road and airfield pavements made of heavy and fine-grained concrete, the water-cement ratio is assigned depending on the workability of the concrete mixture in accordance with GOST 7473 and should not be more than those indicated in the table. 1a.

Table 1a

Structural coating layer

Water cement ratio for concrete




Bottom layer of two-layer coatings


1.4.4. For road and airfield pavements made of heavy and fine-grained concrete, the volume of entrained air in the moving concrete mixture and the content of conditionally closed pores in concrete from this mixture must be no less than the values ​​​​indicated in Table. 1.

Table 1

1.4.5. For hydraulic structures with normalized frost resistance F200 and higher, operating under conditions of saturation with sea or mineralized water, the volume of entrained air in the concrete mixture must correspond to that indicated in the table. .

Table 2

1.4.6. The volume of entrained air in concrete mixtures for concrete bridge structures with standardized frost resistance is taken according to the standards and technical specifications for concrete structures of a particular type; it should not exceed, %:

2 - 5 - for concrete and reinforced concrete bridge structures;

5 - 6 - for covering roadways of bridges.

terms of Use

Type and consumption of cement, kg/m3


PC-D20 SSPTs-D20




They don’t standardize

Under atmospheric influences

with non-stressed reinforcement


Under atmospheric influences

with prestressed reinforcement


Under atmospheric influences


1. It is allowed to produce reinforced concrete with cement consumption less than the minimum allowable, subject to preliminary verification of the protective properties of concrete in relation to steel reinforcement.

2. The minimum consumption of other types of cement is established based on the results of assessing the protective properties of concrete using these cements in relation to steel reinforcement.

3. The minimum cement consumption for concrete structures operating in aggressive environments is determined taking into account the requirements of SNiP 2.03.11.

1.5. Requirements for binding materials

The use of pozzolanic cements for the production of prefabricated reinforced concrete structures without a feasibility study is not allowed.

For concrete road bases, it is allowed to use Portland slag cement in accordance with GOST 10178.

1.6. Requirements for placeholders

Natural sand and sand from rock crushing screenings with an average grain density of 2000 to 2800 g/cm3 and their mixtures that meet the requirements of GOST 8736, sand from blast furnace and ferroalloy slags of ferrous metallurgy and non-ferrous nickel and copper smelting slags are used as fine aggregates for concrete. metallurgy in accordance with GOST 5578, as well as ash and slag mixtures in accordance with GOST 25592.

1.6.4. Coarse aggregate should be used in the form of separately dosed fractions when preparing a concrete mixture. The largest aggregate size must be specified in standards, technical specifications or working drawings for concrete and reinforced concrete structures. The list of fractions depending on the largest grain size of the filler grains is given in table. .

Table 4

Coarse aggregate fraction

From 5 to 10 or from 3 to 10

From 5(3) to 10 and St. 10 to 20

From 5 (3) to 10, St. 10 to 20 and St. 20 to 40

From 5 (3) to 10, St. 10 to 20, St. 20 to 40 and St. 40 to 80

From 5 (3) to 10, St. 10 to 20, St. 20 to 40, St. 40 to 80,

St. 80 to 120

Note. The use of a filler fraction with a grain size from 3 to 10 mm is allowed if sand with a particle size modulus of no more than 2.5 is used as a fine filler.

It is allowed to use coarse aggregates in the form of a mixture of two adjacent fractions that meet the requirements of Table. .

Table 5

1.6.8. The grade of crushed stone from igneous rocks must be not lower than 800, crushed stone from metamorphic rocks - not lower than 600 and sedimentary rocks - not lower than 300, gravel and crushed stone from gravel - not lower than 600).

The grade of crushed stone made from natural stone must be no lower than:

300 - for concrete class B15 and below;

400 » » » B20;

600 » » » В22.5;

800 "" classes B25; B 27.5; B30;

1000 "" class B40;

1200 » » » B45 and above.

It is allowed to use crushed stone from sedimentary carbonate rocks of grade 400 for concrete of class B22.5, if the content of soft rock grains in it does not exceed 5%.

The grades of gravel and crushed gravel must be no lower than:

600 - for concrete class B22.5 and below;

800 - "" classes B25; B27.5;

1000 - "" class B30 and higher.

5 - for concrete classes B40 and B45;

10 » » » B20, B22.5, B25, B27.5 and B30;

15 - for concrete class B 15 and below.

1.6.10. The frost resistance of large aggregates must be no lower than the standardized grade of concrete for frost resistance.

1.6.11. Fine aggregate for concrete is selected according to its grain composition, the content of dust and clay particles, petrographic composition, and radiation and hygienic characteristics. When selecting the composition of concrete, density, water absorption (for sands from crushing screenings), voids, as well as the compressive strength of the original rock in a water-saturated state (for sands from crushing screenings) are taken into account.

Fine aggregates should have an average grain density of 2000 to 2800 kg/m3.

1.6.12. The grain composition of fine aggregate must correspond to the schedule (see drawing). In this case, only grains passing through a sieve with round holes with a diameter of 5 mm are taken into account. If the grain composition of natural sands does not meet the requirements of the schedule, a coarsening additive should be used for fine and very fine sands - sand from crushing screenings or coarse sand, and for coarse sand - an additive that reduces the particle size modulus - fine or very fine sand.

Permissible content of rocks and minerals classified as harmful impurities in aggregates:

amorphous varieties of silicon dioxide, soluble in alkalis (chalcedony, opal, flint, etc.) - no more than 50 mmol/l;

sulfur, sulfides, except pyrite (marcasite, pyrrhotite, etc.) and sulfates (gypsum, anhydrite, etc.) in terms of SO3 - no more than 1.5% by weight for coarse aggregate and 1.0% by weight for fine filler;

pyrite in terms of SO3 - no more than 4% by weight;

layered silicates (micas, hydromicas, chlorites, etc., which are rock-forming minerals) - no more than 15% by volume for coarse aggregate and 2% by mass for fine aggregate;

magnetite, iron hydroxides (goethite, etc.), apatite, nepheline, phosphorite, which are rock-forming minerals - each individually no more than 10%, and in total no more than 15% by volume;

halides (halite, sylvite, etc.), including water-soluble chlorides, in terms of chlorine ion - no more than 0.1% by weight for coarse aggregate and 0.15% by mass for fine aggregate;

free asbestos fiber - no more than 0.25% by weight;

coal - no more than 1% by weight.

Dimensions of test sieves holes, mm

1 - lower limit of sand size (fineness modulus 1.5); 2 - lower limit of sand fineness (fineness modulus 2.0) for concrete class B15 and higher; 3 - lower limit of sand fineness (fineness modulus 2.5) for concrete class B25 and higher; 4 - upper limit of sand coarseness (fineness modulus 3.25).

1.6.14. Fillers containing inclusions of harmful impurities exceeding the values ​​​​given in clause , as well as zeolite, graphite and oil shale, can be used for the production of concrete only after testing in concrete in accordance with the requirements of clause.

1.6.15. To use crushed stone from sedimentary carbonate rocks of aphanite structure and igneous effusive rocks of glassy structure, gravel with a smooth surface for concrete of strength class B22.5 and higher, and gravel of any kind for concrete of strength class B30 and higher, they must be tested in concrete in compliance with paragraph .

1.6.16. Additional requirements for aggregates for concrete structures of various types are established in the appendix.

1.9. Concrete of the frost resistance grade F200 and higher, as well as concrete of the frost resistance grade F100 and higher for hydraulic structures should be made with the mandatory use of air-entraining or gas-forming additives.

1.9a. Concrete for road and airfield pavements should, as a rule, be prepared with the mandatory use of air-entraining and plasticizing additives.

It is allowed, with appropriate technical justification, to prepare mobile concrete mixtures with one air-entraining additive, and rigid concrete mixtures with one plasticizing additive. It is also allowed, after special research and experimental construction, to use a gas-forming additive instead of an air-entraining additive.

1.10. Concrete mixtures of workability grades P3 - P5 for the production of prefabricated reinforced concrete structures and products and workability grades P4 and P5 for monolithic and prefabricated monolithic structures must be prepared with the mandatory use of plasticizing additives.


2.1. Incoming inspection of materials (cement, aggregates, water, additives) used for the preparation of concrete mixtures establishes their compliance with the requirements of Section. .

2.3. Concrete quality acceptance for monolithic structures is carried out according to all standardized indicators established by the work project.


Porosity indicators, including the volume of conditionally closed pores - according to GOST 12730.4;

Prismatic strength, modulus of elasticity and Poisson's ratio - according to GOST 24452;

Shrinkage and creep deformations - according to GOST 24544;

Characteristics of concrete crack resistance - according to GOST 29167.

3.6. The specific effective activity of natural radionuclides (Aeff) of raw materials for the preparation of concrete is determined according to GOST 30108.

3.10. The frost resistance of concrete when selecting and adjusting its composition in the laboratory can be determined according to GOST 10060.4.

3.9-3.10. (Introduced additionally. Amendment No. 1).




Table 6

Concrete strength class

Average strength of concrete ()*, kgf/cm2

The closest concrete grade in terms of strength is M

Deviation of the nearest grade of concrete from the average strength class, % ,

Axial tension

Bending stretch

* Average concrete strength R calculated with coefficient of variation V, equal to 13.5%, and a probability of 95% for all types of concrete, and for massive hydraulic structures with a coefficient of variation V, equal to 17% , and security 90%.

Table 6 (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).


1. Harmful impurities include inclusions of the following rocks and minerals: amorphous varieties of silicon dioxide (chalcedony, opal, flint, etc.), sulfates (gypsum, anhydrite, etc.), layered silicates (micas, hydromicas, chlorites, etc.), magnetite, iron hydroxides (goethite, etc.), apatite, nepheline, phosphorite, halogens (ladite, sylvite and others), zeolites, asbestos, graphite, coal, oil shale.

2. Harmful impurities in concrete (in aggregates used for concrete production) can cause:

reduction in the strength and durability of concrete;

deterioration of surface quality and internal corrosion of concrete;

corrosion of reinforcement in concrete.

3. The main harmful impurities that reduce the strength and durability of concrete: coal, graphite, oil shale; layered silicates (micas, hydromicas, chlorites, etc.); zeolites, apatite, nepheline, phosphorite.

4. The main harmful impurities causing deterioration in surface quality and internal corrosion of concrete:

amorphous varieties of silicon dioxide, soluble in alkalis (chalcedony, opal, flint, etc.), chlorite and some zeolites;

sulfur, sulfides (pyrite, marcasite, pyrrhotite, etc.);

sulfates (gypsum, anhydrite, etc.);

magnetite, iron hydroxides (goethite, etc.).

5. The main harmful impurities that cause corrosion of reinforcement in concrete:

halides (halite, sylvite, etc.), including water-soluble chlorides;

sulfur sulfides and sulfates.


1. Fillers for concrete road and airfield pavements and foundations

1.1. With the largest aggregate grain size equal to 80 mm, it is allowed, by agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, to supply a mixture of fractions ranging in size from 5 to 40 mm.

2 - for single-layer and top layer of two-layer road surfaces;

3 - for the bottom layer of two-layer coatings and bases of improved permanent road surfaces.

1.3. The grades of crushed stone, gravel and crushed gravel must be no lower than those specified in.

Purpose of concrete

Brand of coarse aggregate in terms of strength, not lower

Gravel and crushed stone from gravel (breakability grade)

from igneous and metamorphic rocks

from sedimentary rocks

Single layer coatings and top layer of double layer coatings

Bottom layer of two-layer coatings

Foundations of improved permanent coverings

Purpose of concrete

Grade for abrasion in a shelf drum, not lower

Gravel and crushed gravel

from igneous rocks

from sedimentary rocks

Single layer coatings and top layer of double layer coatings

Bottom layers of two-layer coatings

Foundations of improved permanent coverings

Purpose of concrete

Frost resistance grade of crushed stone and gravel for concrete used in areas with the average monthly temperature of the coldest month

From 0 to -5 °C

From -5 to -15 °C

Below -15 °C

Single-layer coatings and the top layer of two-layer road surfaces

Bottom layer of two-layer road surfaces

Foundations for improved permanent road surfaces

2.4. For concrete reinforced concrete sleepers, you should use crushed stone from igneous rocks of a grade not lower than 1200, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks of a grade not lower than 1000, and crushed stone from gravel of a crushability grade not lower than 1000.

2.6. The use of gravel is not allowed for concrete:

structures of bridges and culverts operated in areas with an average temperature of the coldest five-day period below minus 40 ° C;

transport structures with frost resistance grade F200 and higher;

transport reinforced concrete structures designed for endurance.

1 - for concrete of prestressed spans operated in areas with an average outside air temperature of the coldest five-day period below minus 40 °C;

2 - for concrete spans and bridge structures operated under conditions of variable water levels.

3. Fillers for concrete of hydraulic structures

3.1. During the construction of massive hydraulic structures, it is allowed to use crushed stone and gravel in the following sizes:

from 120 to 150 mm;

St. 150 mm, introduced directly into the block when laying the concrete mixture.

3.2. For concrete of hydraulic structures, the content of dust and clay particles in crushed stone, crushed gravel and gravel (regardless of the type of rock) should not exceed, %:

1 - for concrete in the zone of variable water level and above-water zone;

2 - for underwater and internal zones.

3.3. For concrete of hydraulic structures operating in an area of ​​variable water level, the presence of clay in the form of separate lumps in the coarse aggregate is not allowed.

3.4. Grades of crushed stone made from natural stone must be at least 600 for concrete of strength class B15 and below, 800 for concrete of strength class from B20 to B30 inclusive. 1200 - for concrete of a strength class higher than B30.

The crushability grades of gravel and crushed stone must be at least 800 for concrete of strength class B15 and below, 1000 for concrete of strength class B20 and above.

(Changed edition,





Official publication



HEAVY AND FINE-GRAIN CONCRETE Technical specifications

Heavy-weight and sand concretes. Specifications

MKS 91.100.30 OKP 58 7000

Date of introduction 01/01/92

This standard applies to structural heavy and fine-grained concrete (hereinafter referred to as concrete) used in all types of construction.


1.1. The requirements of this standard should be observed when developing new and revising existing standards and technical specifications, design and technological documentation for prefabricated concrete and reinforced concrete products and prefabricated structures, monolithic and precast-monolithic structures (hereinafter referred to as structures).

1.2. Concrete should be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to design and technological documentation for specific types of structures, approved in the prescribed manner.

1.3. Characteristics

1.3.1. Requirements for concrete are established in accordance with GOST 25192 and international standards ISO 3893, ST SEV 1406*.

1.3.2. The strength of concrete at design age is characterized by classes of compressive strength, axial tension, and bending strength.

The following classes are established for concrete:

Compressive strength: B3.5; B5; B7.5; B10; B12.5; B15; B20; B25; B30; B35; B40; B45; B50; B55; B60; B65; B70; B75; B80.

Note. It is allowed to use concrete of intermediate classes of compressive strength B22.5 and B27.5;

Axial tensile strength: B t 0.4; B t 0.8; B t 1.2; B t 1.6; B t 2.0; B t 2.4; B t 2.8; B t 3.2; B t 3.6; B t 4.0;

Tensile strength in bending: B tb 0.4; B tb 0.8; B tb 1.2; B tb 1.6; B tb 2.0; B tb 2.4; B tb 2.8; Vi, 3.2; B tb 3.6; B tb 4.0; B tb 4.4; B tb 4.8; B tb 5.2; B tb 5.6; Btb 6.0; B tb 6.4; B tb 6.8; B tb 7.2; B tb 8.0.


1. For concrete structures designed before the entry into force of ST SEV 1406 (when rationing strength by grade), the following grades are established:

Compressive strength: M50, M75; M100; M150; M200; M250; M300; M350; M400; M450; M500; M550; M600; M700; M800; M900; M1000;

Axial tensile strength P t 5; P t 10; P t 15; P t 20; P t 25; P t 30; P t 35; P t 40; P t 45; P t 50;

Tensile strength in bending: P tb 5; Ptb 10; Ptb 15; Ptb 20; Ptb 25; Ptb 30; Ptb 35; Ptb 40; Ptb 45; Ptb 50; P tb 55; Ptb 60; Ptb 65; Ptb 70; Ptb 75; Ptb 80; Ptb 85; Ptb 90; P tb 100.

* On the territory of the Russian Federation, SNiP 52-01-2003 is in force (hereinafter).

Official publication Reproduction prohibited

© Standards Publishing House, 1991 © STANDARTINFORM, 2005 © STANDARDINFORM, 2008

2. The relationship between classes and grades of concrete in terms of tensile and compressive strength with a standard coefficient of variation of 13.5%, and for massive hydraulic structures - 17.0% is given in Appendix 1.

1.3.3. For concrete structures subject to alternating freezing and thawing during operation, the following grades of concrete are assigned according to frost resistance: F50; F75; F100; F150; F200; F300; F400; F500; F600; F800; F1000.

1.3.4. For concrete structures that are subject to requirements for limited permeability or increased density and corrosion resistance, waterproof grades are assigned. The following waterproof grades have been established: W2; W4; W6; W8; W10; W12; W14; W16; W18; W20.

1.3.5. Concrete strength classes, frost resistance grades and water resistance grades of concrete in specific types of structures are established in accordance with design standards and are indicated in standards, technical specifications and in design documentation for these structures.

1.3.6. Depending on the working conditions of concrete, in standards or technical conditions and working drawings of concrete and reinforced concrete structures, additional requirements for the quality of concrete provided for by GOST 4.212 should be established.

1.3.7. Technical requirements for concrete, established in pi. 1.3.1-1.3.6 must be provided by the manufacturer of the structure at the design age, which is indicated in the design documentation for these structures and assigned in accordance with design standards depending on the concrete hardening conditions, construction methods and the timing of the actual loading of these structures. If the design age is not specified, the technical requirements for concrete must be met at the age of 28 days.

1.3.7a. The values ​​of the normalized tempering, transfer (for prestressed structures) strength of concrete are established in the design of a specific structure and are indicated in the standard or technical specifications for this structure.

(Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 1).

1.3.8. The specific effective activity of natural radionuclides SF,ff) of raw materials used for the preparation of concrete should not exceed the limit values ​​depending on the area of ​​application of the concrete in accordance with Appendix A of GOST 30108.

1.4. Requirements for concrete mixtures

1.4.1. Concrete mixtures must comply with the requirements of GOST 7473.

1.4.2. The composition of concrete is selected according to GOST 27006.

When choosing materials for selecting the composition of concrete, a radiation-hygienic assessment of these materials should be carried out.

1.4.1, 1.4.2. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

1.4.3*. For road and airfield single-layer and top layer of two-layer coatings, the water-cement ratio in the concrete mixture should be no more than 0.50, and for the bottom layer of two-layer coatings - no more than 0.60.

1.4.4*. For road and airfield pavements, the volume of entrained air in the concrete mixture must correspond to that indicated in the table. 1.

Table 1

1.4.5. For hydraulic structures with normalized frost resistance F200 and higher, operated under conditions of saturation with sea or mineralized water, the volume of entrained air in the concrete mixture must correspond to that indicated in the table. 2.

Table 2

1.4.6. The volume of entrained air in concrete mixtures for concrete bridge structures with standardized frost resistance is taken according to the standards and technical specifications for concrete structures of a particular type; it should not exceed, %:

2-5 - for concrete and reinforced concrete bridge structures;

5-6 - for covering roadways of bridges.

1.4.7. The minimum consumption of cement according to GOST 10178 and GOST 22266 is taken in accordance with table. 3 depending on the type of structures and their operating conditions.

Table 3

Type of design

terms of Use

Type and consumption of cement, kg/m 3

PC-D0, PC-D5



They don’t standardize

Under atmospheric influences

Reinforced with non-tensioned reinforcement


Under atmospheric influences

Reinforced with pre-stressed reinforcement


Under atmospheric influences


1. It is allowed to produce reinforced concrete with cement consumption less than the minimum allowable, subject to preliminary verification of the protective properties of concrete in relation to steel reinforcement.

2. The minimum consumption of other types of cement is established based on the results of assessing the protective properties of concrete using these cements in relation to steel reinforcement.

3. The minimum cement consumption for concrete structures operating in aggressive environments is determined taking into account the requirements of SNiP 2.03.11.

1.5. Requirements for binding materials

1.5.1. Portland cement and Portland slag cement in accordance with GOST 10178, sulfate-resistant and pozzolanic cements in accordance with GOST 22266 and other cements according to standards and specifications in accordance with their areas of application for specific types of structures should be used as binding materials.

1.5.2. The type and grade of cement should be selected in accordance with the purpose of the structures and their operating conditions, the required strength class of concrete, and frost resistance grades

and water resistance, the value of the tempering or transfer strength of concrete for prefabricated structures based on the requirements of standards, technical specifications or design documentation for these structures, taking into account the requirements of GOST 30515, as well as the impact of harmful impurities in aggregates on concrete (see Appendix 2).

The use of pozzolanic cements for the production of prefabricated reinforced concrete structures without a feasibility study is not allowed.

1.5.3. For the production of prefabricated structures subjected to heat treatment, cements of groups I and II should be used for steaming efficiency in accordance with GOST 10178. The use of cements of group III is allowed upon agreement with specialized research institutes, a feasibility study and the consent of the consumer.

1.5.2, 1.5.3. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

1.5.4. For concrete of road and airfield pavements, chimneys and ventilation pipes, fan and cooling towers, supports of high-voltage power lines, reinforced concrete pressure and free-pressure pipes, reinforced concrete sleepers, bridge structures, support columns, piles for permafrost soils, Portland cement based on clinker with standardized mineralogical should be used composition according to GOST 10178.

For concrete road bases, the use of Portland slag cement in accordance with GOST 10178 is allowed.

1.5.5. (Deleted, Amendment No. 1).

1.6. Requirements for placeholders

1.6.1. As large aggregates for heavy concrete, I use crushed stone and gravel from dense rocks in accordance with GOST 8267, crushed stone from blast furnace and ferroalloy slags of ferrous metallurgy and nickel and copper smelting slags of non-ferrous metallurgy in accordance with GOST 5578, as well as crushed stone from thermal power plant slags in accordance with GOST 26644.

Natural sand and sand from rock crushing screenings with an average grain density of 2000 to 2800 g/cm 3 and their mixtures that meet the requirements of GOST 8736, sand from blast furnace and ferroalloy slags of ferrous metallurgy and nickel and copper smelting slags are used as fine aggregates for concrete. non-ferrous metallurgy in accordance with GOST 5578, as well as ash and slag mixtures in accordance with GOST 25592.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

1.6.2. If it is necessary to use aggregates with quality indicators lower than the requirements of state standards given in and. 1.6.1, as well as the requirements of this standard, their research must first be carried out in concrete in specialized centers to confirm the possibility and technical and economic feasibility of obtaining concrete with standardized quality indicators.

1.6.3. Coarse aggregate, depending on the requirements for concrete, is selected according to the following indicators: grain composition and largest size, content of dust and clay particles, harmful impurities, grain shape, strength, grain content of weak rocks, petrographic composition and radiation-hygienic characteristics. When selecting the composition of concrete, density, porosity, water absorption, and voids are also taken into account. Coarse aggregates should have an average grain density of 2000 to 3000 kg/m3.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

1.6.4. Coarse aggregate should be used in the form of separately dosed fractions when preparing a concrete mixture. The largest aggregate size must be specified in standards, technical specifications or working drawings for concrete and reinforced concrete structures. The list of fractions depending on the largest grain size of the filler grains is given in table. 4.

Note. The use of a filler fraction with a grain size from 3 to 10 mm is allowed if sand with a particle size modulus of no more than 2.5 is used as a fine filler.

It is allowed to use coarse aggregates in the form of a mixture of two adjacent fractions that meet the requirements of Table. 4.

Table 5

Largest aggregate size, mm

from 5(3) to 10 mm

St. 10 to 20 mm

St. 20 to 40 mm

St. 40 to 80 mm

St. 80 to 120 mm

1.6.8. The grade of crushed stone from igneous rocks must be not lower than 800, crushed stone from metamorphic rocks - not lower than 600 and sedimentary rocks - not lower than 300, gravel and crushed stone from gravel - not lower than 600.

The grade of crushed stone made from natural stone must be no lower than:

300 - for concrete class B15 and below;

» classes » class » »

B25; B27.5; B30;

B45 and above.

It is allowed to use crushed stone from sedimentary carbonate rocks of grade 400 for concrete of class B22.5, if the content of soft rock grains in it does not exceed 5%.

The grades of gravel and crushed gravel must be no lower than:

600 - for concrete class B22.5 and below;

800 "" classes B25, B27.5;

1000 "" class B30 and higher.

5 - for concrete classes B40 and B45;

10 » » » В20; B22.5; B25; B27.5 and B30;

15 "" class B15 and below.

1.6.8, 1.6.9. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

1.6.10. The frost resistance of large aggregates must be no lower than the standardized grade of concrete for frost resistance.

1.6.11. Fine aggregate for concrete is selected according to its grain composition, the content of dust and clay particles, petrographic composition, and radiation and hygienic characteristics. When selecting the composition of concrete, density, water absorption (for sands from crushing screenings), voids, and the compressive strength of the original rock in a water-saturated state (for sands from crushing screenings) are taken into account.

Fine aggregates should have an average grain density of 2000 to 2800 kg/m3.

1.6.12. The grain composition of the fine aggregate must correspond to the schedule (see drawing). In this case, only grains passing through a sieve with round holes with a diameter of 5 mm are taken into account.

If the grain composition of natural sands does not meet the requirements of the schedule, a coarsening additive should be used for fine and very fine sands - sand from crushing screenings or coarse sand, and for coarse sand - an additive that reduces the particle size modulus - fine or very fine sand.

Taking into account the requirements of clause 1.6.2 in concrete of strength class up to VZO or B tb 4.0 inclusive. It is allowed to use very fine sands with a particle size modulus of 1.0 to 1.5 with a grain content of less than 0.16 mm up to 20% by weight and dust and clay particles of no more than 3% by weight.

1.6.13. The types of harmful impurities and the nature of their possible impact on concrete are given in Appendix 2.

Permissible content of rocks and minerals classified as harmful impurities in aggregates:

Amorphous varieties of silicon dioxide, soluble in alkalis (chalcedony, opal, flint, etc.) - no more than 50 mmol/l;

Sulfur, sulfides, except pyrite (marcasite, pyrrhotite, etc.) and sulfates (gypsum, anhydrite, etc.) in terms of S0 3 - no more than 1.5% by weight for coarse aggregate and 1.0% by weight - for fine aggregate;

Pyrite in terms of S0 3 - no more than 4% by weight;

Layered silicates (micas, hydromicas, chlorites, etc., which are rock-forming minerals) - no more than 15% by volume for coarse aggregate and 2% by mass for fine aggregate;

Magnetite, iron hydroxides (goethite, etc.), apatite, nepheline, phosphorite, which are rock-forming minerals - each individually no more than 10%, and in total no more than 15% by volume;

Test sieves opening dimensions, mm

1 - lower limit of sand size (fineness modulus 1.5); 2 - lower limit of sand fineness (fineness modulus 2.0) for concrete class B15 and higher; 3 - lower limit of sand fineness (fineness modulus 2.5) for concrete class B25 and higher; 4 - upper limit of sand size (fineness modulus 3.25)

Halides (halite, sylvite, etc.), including water-soluble chlorides, in terms of chlorine ion - no more than 0.1% by weight for coarse aggregate and 0.15% by mass for fine aggregate;

Free asbestos fiber - no more than 0.25% by weight;

Coal - no more than 1% by weight.

1.6.14. Fillers containing inclusions of harmful impurities exceeding the values ​​​​given in paragraph 1.6.13, as well as zeolite, graphite and oil shale, can be used for the production of concrete only after testing in concrete in accordance with the requirements and. 1.6.2.

1.6.15. For the use of crushed stone from sedimentary carbonate rocks of aphanite structure and igneous effusive rocks of glassy structure, gravel with a smooth surface for concrete

strength class B22.5 and higher and gravel of any type for concrete of strength class VZO and vatttte, they must be tested in concrete in accordance with and. 1.6.2.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

1.6.16. Additional requirements for aggregates for concrete structures of various types are established in Appendix 3.

1.7. To reduce the consumption of cement and aggregates when preparing concrete mixtures, it is recommended to use fly ash, slag and ash and slag mixtures from thermal power plants that meet the requirements of GOST 25592, GOST 25818 and GOST 26644.

1.8. To regulate and improve the properties of concrete mixture and concrete, reduce cement consumption and energy costs, chemical additives that meet the requirements of GOST 24211 should be used.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

1.9*. Concrete frost resistance grade F200 and higher, as well as frost resistance grade concrete F100 and higher for road and airfield pavements and hydraulic structures should be manufactured with the mandatory use of air-entraining or gas-forming additives.

1.10. Concrete mixtures of workability grades PZ-P5 for the production of prefabricated reinforced concrete structures and products and workability grades P4 and P5 for monolithic and prefabricated monolithic structures must be prepared with the mandatory use of plasticizing additives.

1.11. Water for mixing concrete mixtures and preparing solutions of chemical additives must comply with the requirements of GOST 23732.


2.1. Incoming inspection of materials (cement, aggregates, water, additives) used for the preparation of concrete mixtures establishes their compliance with the requirements of Section. 1.

2.2. The quality of concrete for prefabricated reinforced concrete and concrete structures is controlled when accepting structures in accordance with GOST 13015.

2.3. Concrete quality acceptance for monolithic structures is carried out according to all standardized indicators established by the work project.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

2.4. Concrete for frost resistance, water resistance, average density, abrasion, water absorption is assessed when selecting each new nominal composition of concrete according to GOST 27006, and in the future - at least once every 6 months, as well as when changing the composition of concrete, production technology and quality of materials used.

Periodic tests on the specific activity of natural radionuclides in concrete are carried out during the initial selection of the nominal composition of concrete, as well as when changing the quality of the materials used, when their specific activity of natural radionuclides in new materials exceeds the corresponding characteristics of materials previously used.

If necessary, concrete in terms of humidity, shrinkage deformation, creep, endurance, heat release, prismatic strength, modulus of elasticity, Poisson's ratio, protective properties of concrete in relation to reinforcement and other standardized indicators are assessed in accordance with the requirements of the standards and technical specifications for concrete structures of a particular kind.

2.5. The concrete mixture is accepted according to GOST 7473.

2.6. The strength of concrete is controlled and assessed according to GOST 18105.


3.1. The compressive and tensile strength of concrete is determined according to GOST 10180 or GOST 28570, or GOST 22690, or GOST 17624, and is controlled according to GOST 18105.

3.2. Frost resistance of concrete is determined according to GOST 10060.0-GOST 10060.3 or GOST 26134, water resistance - according to GOST 12730.5.

3.3*. The quality indicators of concrete established in the standards or technical specifications for concrete of specific structures are determined according to the following standards:

Average density - according to GOST 12730.1 or GOST 17623;

Humidity - according to GOST 12730.2 or GOST 21718, or GOST 23422;

Water absorption - according to GOST 12730.3;

Porosity indicators - according to GOST 12730.4;

Abrasion - according to GOST 13087;

Prismatic strength, modulus of elasticity and Poisson's ratio - according to GOST 24452;

Shrinkage and creep deformations - according to GOST 24544;

Endurance - according to GOST 24545;

Heat dissipation - according to GOST 24316;

Characteristics of concrete crack resistance - according to GOST 29167.

3.4. The quality of the concrete mixture is determined according to GOST 10181.

3.5. Checking the protective properties of concrete in relation to steel reinforcement - according to the normative and technical documentation approved in the prescribed manner. The corrosion resistance of concrete is determined according to GOST 27677.

3.6*. The specific effective activity of natural radionuclides (L^f) of raw materials for the preparation of concrete is determined according to GOST 30108.

3.7. The quality indicators of coarse aggregate for heavy concrete are determined according to GOST 8269.0 and GOST 8269.1, and for fine aggregate for concrete - according to GOST 8735.

3.8. The quality indicators of additives are checked according to GOST 24211, and water - according to GOST 23732. The effectiveness of the influence of additives on the properties of concrete is determined according to GOST 30459.

3.1-3.8. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

3.9. Accelerated determination of the compressive strength of concrete to regulate its composition during the production process is carried out according to GOST 22783.

3.10. The frost resistance of concrete when selecting and adjusting its composition in the laboratory can be determined according to GOST 10060.4.

3.9, 3.10. (Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 1).

APPENDIX 1 Reference


Table 6

Concrete strength class

Average strength of concrete (R)*, kgf/cm 2

The closest concrete grade in terms of strength is M

M ~ R ■ 100 R

Concrete strength class

Continuation of the table. 6

Deviation of the nearest grade of concrete from the average strength class, %

Axial tension

Bending stretch

* The average strength of concrete R is calculated with a coefficient of variation V equal to 13.5% and a probability of 95% for concrete of all types, and for massive hydraulic structures with a coefficient of variation V equal to 17% and a probability of 90%.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

APPENDIX 2 Information


1. Harmful impurities include inclusions of the following rocks and minerals: amorphous varieties of silicon dioxide (chalcedony, opal, flint, etc.), sulfates (gypsum, anhydrite, etc.), layered silicates (micas, hydromicas, chlorites, etc.), magnetite, iron hydroxides (goethite, etc.), apatite, nepheline, phosphorite, halogens (lalit, sylvite and others), zeolites, asbestos, graphite, coal, oil shale.

2. Harmful impurities in concrete (in aggregates used for concrete production) can cause:

Reduced strength and durability of concrete;

Deterioration of surface quality and internal corrosion of concrete;

Corrosion of reinforcement in concrete.

3. The main harmful impurities that reduce the strength and durability of concrete: coal, graphite, oil shale; layered silicates (micas, hydromicas, chlorites, etc.); zeolites, apatite, nepheline, phosphorite.

4. The main harmful impurities causing deterioration in surface quality and internal corrosion of concrete:

Amorphous varieties of silicon dioxide, soluble in alkalis (chalcedony, opal, flint, etc.), chlorite and some zeolites;

Sulfur, sulfides (pyrite, marcasite, pyrrhotite, etc.);

Sulfates (gypsum, anhydrite, etc.);

Magnetite, iron hydroxides (goethite, etc.).

5. The main harmful impurities that cause corrosion of reinforcement in concrete:

Halides (halite, sylvite, etc.), including water-soluble chlorides;

Sulfur, sulfides and sulfates.




1. Fillers for concrete road and airfield pavements and foundations

1.1. With the largest aggregate grain size equal to 80 mm, it is allowed, by agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, to supply a mixture of fractions ranging in size from 5 to 40 mm.

2 - for single-layer and top layer of two-layer road surfaces;

3 - for the bottom layer of two-layer coatings and bases of improved permanent coatings

1.3. The grades of crushed stone, gravel and crushed stone from gravel must be no lower than those indicated in the table. 7.

Table 7

1.4. Crushed stone and gravel, except for the strength grades indicated in the table. 6, must have wear marks in the shelf drum not lower than those indicated in the table. 8.

Table 8

1.6. The frost resistance of crushed stone and gravel must not be lower than the requirements specified in table. 9.

Table 9

1.7. Sand from crushing screenings and enriched sand from crushing screenings for concrete road and airfield pavements and foundations must have strength grades of the original rock or gravel not lower than those indicated in the table. 10.

Table 10

2. Aggregates for concrete transport construction

1 - concrete of bridge spans, bridge structures in zones of variable water levels, culverts, reinforced concrete sleepers, contact network supports, communication and automatic blocking lines, power transmission line supports;

2 - concrete of monolithic bridge supports and culvert foundations located outside the level of the variable water level zone.

2.3. For concrete bridge structures located in an area of ​​variable water level, bridge deck structures, bridge spans, as well as culverts, crushed stone of grade 1000 and higher from igneous rocks, crushed stone of grade 800 and higher from metamorphic and sedimentary rocks, crushed stone from gravel and gravel should be used grades for crushability not lower than 1000 - for concrete of strength class B30 and above, and 800 - for concrete of strength class up to B22.5 inclusive.

Fillers, the strength of which, when saturated with water, decreases by more than 20% compared to their strength in a dry state, are not allowed to be used for concrete structures located in the zone of variable water level and underwater zone.

2.4. For concrete reinforced concrete sleepers, you should use crushed stone from igneous rocks of a grade not lower than 1200, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks of a grade not lower than 1000, and crushed stone from gravel of a crushability grade not lower than 1000.

2.3, 2.4. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

2.6. The use of gravel is not allowed for concrete:

Structures of bridges and culverts operated in areas with an average temperature of the coldest five-day period below minus 40 ° C;

Transport structures, frost resistance grade F200 and higher;

Transport reinforced concrete structures designed for endurance.

1 - for concrete of prestressed spans operated in areas with an average outside air temperature of the coldest five-day period below minus 40 °C;

2 - for concrete spans and bridge structures operated in conditions of variable water levels.

3. Fillers for concrete of hydraulic structures

3.1. During the construction of massive hydraulic structures, it is allowed to use crushed stone and gravel in the following sizes:

From 120 to 150 mm;

Over 150 mm, inserted directly into the block when laying the concrete mixture.

3.2. For concrete of hydraulic structures, the content of dust and clay particles in crushed stone, crushed gravel and gravel (regardless of the type of rock) should not exceed, %:

1 - for the zone of variable water level and the surface zone;

2 - for underwater and internal zones.

3.3. For concrete of hydraulic structures operating in an area of ​​variable water level, the presence of clay in the form of separate lumps in the coarse aggregate is not allowed.

3.4. Grades of crushed stone made from natural stone must be at least 600 for concrete of strength class B15 and below, 800 for concrete of strength class from B20 to B30 inclusive, 1200 for concrete of strength class above B30.

The crushability grades of gravel and crushed stone must be at least 800 for concrete of strength class B15 and below, 1000 for concrete of strength class B20 and above.

3.5. For concrete of hydraulic structures, which is subject to requirements for frost resistance and cavitation resistance, crushed stone from igneous rocks of a grade of at least 1000 should be used. The use of crushed stone from gravel or gravel of a crushability grade of at least 1000 is allowed after special research is carried out, taking into account the operating conditions of structures in accordance with and . 1.6.2 of this standard.

3.4, 3.5. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

3.6. For concrete of hydraulic structures in a zone of variable water levels, crushed stone or gravel with an average grain density of at least 2.5 g/cm 3 and water absorption of no more than %> should be used:

0.5 - for crushed stone from igneous and metamorphic rocks;

1.0 » » » sedimentary rocks.

For concrete in the internal, underwater and above-water zones, the grain density must be no lower than 2.3 g/cm 3 and water absorption no more than %>:

0.8 - for crushed stone from igneous and metamorphic rocks;

2.0 » » » sedimentary rocks.

3.7. Crushed stone and gravel for wear-resistant hydraulic concrete must have grades for wear in the shelf drum not lower than:

I-1 - for crushed stone from igneous and metamorphic rocks;

I-P » » » sedimentary rocks, as well as gravel and crushed gravel.

3.9. The frost resistance of crushed stone and gravel for concrete of hydraulic structures must be no lower than that indicated in the table. 11.

Table 11

For concrete of hydraulic structures with standardized frost resistance F300 and above and concrete of variable level zones, the use of gravel as a coarse aggregate is allowed only after testing the concrete for frost resistance.

3.10. For concrete of hydraulic structures, it is allowed to use sands with a particle size modulus from 1.5 to 3.5 (total residues on a 2.5 mm sieve from 0 to 30%>, on a 1.25 mm sieve - from 5 to 55%>, on on a 0.63 mm sieve - from 20 to 75%>, on a 0.315 mm sieve - from 40 to 90% and on a 0.14 mm sieve - from 85 to 100%). In this case, fine sands with a particle size modulus equal to or less than 2.0 should be used with the mandatory use of surfactant additives.

3.11. For concrete of hydraulic structures, the content of dust and clay particles in the sand should not exceed, % by weight:

2 - for concrete in a zone of variable water level;

3" surface concrete;

5 "underwater" and concrete of the internal zone.

For concrete of hydraulic structures, the use of fine aggregate containing clay in the form of individual lumps is not allowed.

1 - for concrete in a zone of variable water level;

2 "" surface area;

3 "" underwater and internal zones.

4. Fillers for concrete, concrete and reinforced concrete pipes

4.3. For concrete of pressure and low-pressure reinforced concrete pipes, crushed stone from natural stone of a grade of at least 1000 and crushed stone of gravel of a crushability grade of at least 1000 should be used. For concrete of free-pressure pipes, crushed stone from igneous rocks of a grade of at least 800 should be used, and from sedimentary and metamorphic rocks - not below 600, crushed stone from gravel and gravel of crushability grade not lower than 800.

2 - for concrete pressure pipes;

3 » » free-flow and low-pressure pipes.

4.5. Sand from crushing screenings and enriched sand from crushing screenings used for concrete of reinforced concrete and concrete pipes must have a strength grade of the original rock or gravel of at least 600. The use of these sands from rocks of aphanitic or glassy structure is not allowed.


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the Research, Design and Technological Institute of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete (NIIZHB) of the USSR State Construction Committee

2*. APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the State Construction Committee of the USSR dated May 16, 1991 No. 21

Change No. 1 was adopted by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization, Technical Standards and Certification in Construction (MNTKS) 12/07/2001

3. The standard complies with international standards ISO 3893-78 and ST SEV 1406-78

4. INSTEAD OF GOST 10268-80 and GOST 26633-85


Item number

Item number

GOST 4.212-80

GOST 22690-88

GOST 5578-94

GOST 22783-77

GOST 7473-94

GOST 23211-78

GOST 8267-93

GOST 23422-87

GOST 8269.0-97

GOST 23732-79

GOST 8269.1-97

GOST 24211-2003

GOST 8735-88

GOST 24316-80

GOST 8736-93

GOST 24452-80

GOST 10060.0-95

GOST 24544-81

GOST 10060.1-95

GOST 24545-81

GOST 10060.2-95

GOST 25192-82

GOST 10060.4-95

GOST 25592-91

GOST 10178-85

1.4.7, 1.5.1, 1.5.3, 1.5.4

GOST 25818-91

GOST 10180-90

GOST 26134-84

GOST 10181-2000

GOST 26644-85

GOST 12730.1-78 -

GOST 27006-86

GOST 12730.4-78

GOST 27677-88

GOST 12730.5-84

GOST 28570-90

GOST 13015-2003

GOST 29167-91

GOST 13087-81

GOST 30108-94

GOST 17623-87

GOST 30459-2003

GOST 17624-87

GOST 30515-97

GOST 18105-86

SNiP 2.03.11-85

GOST 21718-84

ST SEV 1406-78

GOST 22266-94

1.4.7, 1.5.1, 1.5.6

6. EDITION (September 2005) with Change No. 1, approved in December 2001 (IUS 11-2002)

Reissue (as of May 2008)

* See note from FSUE STANDARDINFORM (p. 16).


A change has been published in the information index “National Standards” No. 3-2007

Change No. 2 GOST 26633-91 Heavy and fine-grained concrete. Specifications

Adopted by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization, Technical Regulation and Certification in Construction (MNTKS) (Protocol No. 29 of May 25, 2006)

Registered by the Bureau of Standards MGS No. 5490

The date of entry into force of this change is established by the specified standardization bodies

Clause 1.3.1. Replace the words: “international standards ISO 3893, ST SEV 1406” with “international standard ISO 3893”.

Subclauses 1.4.3, 1.4.4 shall be stated in a new wording (supplement with table - 1a):

"1.4.3. For road and airfield pavements made of heavy and fine-grained concrete, the water-cement ratio is assigned depending on the workability of the concrete mixture in accordance with GOST 7473 and should not be more than those indicated in the table. 1a.

Table 1a

1.4.4. For road and airfield pavements made of heavy and fine-grained concrete, the volume of entrained air in the moving concrete mixture and the content of conditionally closed pores in concrete from this mixture must be no less than the values ​​​​indicated in Table. 1.

Table 1

Clause 1.9 shall be stated in a new edition:

"1.9. Concrete frost resistance grade F200 and higher, as well as frost resistance grade concrete F100 and higher for hydraulic structures should be manufactured with the mandatory use of air-entraining or gas-forming additives.”

Section 1 should be supplemented with paragraph - 1.9a:

"1.9a. Concrete for road and airfield pavements should, as a rule, be prepared with the mandatory use of air-entraining and plasticizing additives.

It is allowed, with appropriate technical justification, to prepare mobile concrete mixtures with one air-entraining additive, and rigid concrete mixtures with one plasticizing additive. It is also allowed, after special research and experimental construction, to use a gas-forming additive instead of an air-entraining additive.”

Clause 3.3. The fifth paragraph should be stated in a new edition:

“porosity indicators, including the volume of conditionally closed pores - according to GOST 12730.4.” Clause 3.6. Replace the words: “Ministry of Health of the USSR” with “health authorities.” Information data. Clause 5 shall be stated in a new wording:

Number of paragraph, subparagraph, application

GOST 4.212-80

GOST 5578-94

GOST 7473-94

1.4.1, 1.4.2, 2.5

GOST 8267-93

GOST 8269.0-97

GOST 8269.1-97

GOST 8735-88

GOST 8736-93

GOST 10060.0-95 - GOST 10060.3-95

GOST 10060.4-95

GOST 10178-85

1.5.2, 1.4.7, 1.5.1, 1.5.3, 1.5.4

GOST 10180-90

GOST 10181-2000

GOST 12730.1-78 - GOST 12730.4-78

GOST 13015-2003

GOST 13087-81

GOST 17623-87

GOST 17624-87

GOST 18105-86

GOST 21718-84

GOST 22266-94

GOST 22690-88

GOST 22783-77

GOST 23422-87

GOST 23732-79

GOST 24211-2003

GOST 24316-80

GOST 24452-80

GOST 24544-81

GOST 24545-81

GOST 25192-82

GOST 25592-91

GOST 25818-91

GOST 26134-84

GOST 26644-85

GOST 27006-86

GOST 27677-88

GOST 28570-90

GOST 29167-91

GOST 30108-94

GOST 30459-2003

GOST 30515-97

ST SEV 4421-83

Editor R.G. Goverdovskaya Technical editor O.N. Vlasova Corrector V.I. Barentseva Computer layout V.I. Grishchenko

Signed for publication on May 19, 2008. Format 60x84V8. Offset paper. Times typeface. Offset printing.

Uel. oven l. 2.32. Academic ed. l. 1.66. Circulation 184 copies. Zach. 535.

FSUE "STANDARTINFORM", 123995 Moscow, Granatny lane, 4.

Typed in IPK Publishing House of Standards for PC.

Printed in the branch of FSUE "STANDARTINFORM" - type. "Moscow Printer", 105062 Moscow, Lyalin lane, 6.

(approved by Decree of the USSR State Construction Committee dated May 16, 1991 N 21)

Revision dated 05/16/1991 - The document is not valid



Non-avy-weight and sand concretes.

GOST 26633-91

Date of introduction 1992-01-01


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the Research, Design and Technological Institute of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete (NIIZHB) of the USSR State Construction Committee


THEM. Drobyashchenko, Ph.D. tech. Sciences (topic leader); M.I. Brousser, Ph.D. tech. sciences; R.L. Serykh, Dr. tech. sciences; Yu.S. Volkov, Ph.D. tech. sciences; V.R. Falikman, Ph.D. chem. sciences; V.F. Stepanova, Ph.D. tech. sciences; F.M. Ivanov, dr. tech. sciences; MM. Kapkin, Ph.D. tech. sciences; M.L. Nisnevich, dr. tech. sciences; N.S. Levkova, Ph.D. tech. sciences; V.G. Dovzhik, Ph.D. tech. sciences; E.A. Antonov, Ph.D. tech. sciences; A.M. Sheinin, Ph.D. tech. sciences; V.A. Dorf, Ph.D. tech. sciences; T.A. Zatvornitskaya; S.P. Abramova; I.N. Nagornyak

2. APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the State Construction Committee of the USSR dated May 16, 1991 N 21

3. The standard complies with international standards ISO 3893-78 and ST SEV 1406-78

4. INSTEAD OF GOST 10268-80 and GOST 26633-85


Designation of the referenced technical document Item number, application
GOST 4.212-80 1.3.6
GOST 450-77 Appendix 4
GOST 7473-85 1.4.2; 2.5
GOST 8267-82 1.6.1
GOST 8268-82 1.6.1
GOST 8269-87 3.7
GOST 8429-77 Appendix 4
GOST 8735-88 3.7
GOST 8736-85 1.6.1
GOST 10060-87 3.2
GOST 10178-85 1.4.7, 1.5.1, 1.5.4-1.5.6
GOST 10180-90 3.1
GOST 10181.0-81 - GOST 10181.4-81 3.4
GOST 10260-82 1.6.1
GOST 12730.1-78 - GOST 12730.4-78 3.3
GOST 12730.5-84 3.2
GOST 12966-85 Appendix 4
GOST 13015.1-81 2.2
GOST 13087-81 3.3
GOST 17624-87 3.1
GOST 18105-86 2.6
GOST 19906-74 Appendix 4
GOST 22236-85 1.5.3
GOST 22266-76 1.4.7, 1.5.1, 1.5.6
GOST 22690-88 3.1
GOST 22783-77 3.1
GOST 23211-78 3.8
GOST 23254-78 1.6.1
GOST 23464-79 1.5.2
GOST 23732-79 1.1.1, 3.8
GOST 23845-86 1.6.13, 1.6.14
GOST 24211-80 1.8, 3.8, Appendix 4
GOST 24316-80 3.3
GOST 24452-80 3.3
GOST 24544-81 3.3
GOST 24545-81 3.3
GOST 25192-82 1.3.1
GOST 25592-83 1.6.1, 1.7
GOST 25818-83 1.7
GOST 26134-84 3.2
GOST 26644-85 1.6.1, 1.7
GOST 27006-86 1.4.2, 2.4
GOST 28570-90 3.1
TU 6-01-166-89 Appendix 4
TU 6-01-1001-75 -"-
TU 6-01-1026-75 -"-
TU 6-02-694-76 -"-
TU 6-02-696-76 -"-
TU 6-02-700-76 -"-
TU 6-02-995-80 -"-
TU 6-05-1857-78 -"-
TU 6-05-1926-82 -"-
TU 6-18-194-76 -"-
TU 6-36-0204229-625-90 -"-
TU 6-188 USSR-81 -"-
TU 13-0281036-05-89 -"-
TU 13-05-02-83 -"-
TU 18 RSFSR-409-71 -"-
TU 39-01-08-658-81 -"-
TU 64.11.02-87 -"-
TU 69 BSSR-350-82 -"-
TU 113-03-367-79 -"-
OST 13-145-82 -"-
OST 13-287-85 -"-
SNiP 2.03.11-85 1.4.7
SNIP 2.03.01-86 2.3
OSP-72/87 USSR Ministry of Health 1.3.8
ST SEV 1406-78 1.3.1, 1.3.2
ST SEV 4421-72 3.5
ISO 3893-78 1.3.1


This standard applies to structural heavy and fine-grained concrete (hereinafter referred to as concrete) used in all types of construction.

1. Technical requirements

1.1. The requirements of this standard should be observed when developing new and revising existing standards and technical specifications, design and technological documentation for prefabricated concrete and reinforced concrete products and prefabricated structures, monolithic and prefabricated monolithic structures (hereinafter referred to as structures).

1.2. Concrete should be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to design and technological documentation for specific types of structures, approved in the prescribed manner.

1.3. Characteristics

1.3.1. Requirements for concrete are established in accordance with GOST 25192 and international standards ISO 3893, ST SEV 1406.

1.3.2. The strength of concrete at design age is characterized by classes of compressive strength, axial tension, and bending strength.

The following classes are established for concrete:

Compressive strength: B3.5; B5; B7.5; B10; B12.5; B15; B20; B25; B30; B35; B40; B45; B50; B55; B60; B65; B70; B75; B80.

Note. It is allowed to use concrete of intermediate classes of compressive strength B22.5 and B27.5;

in terms of axial tensile strength: B(t) 0.4; B(t) 0.8; B(t) 1.2; B(t) 1.6; B(t) 2.0; B(t) 2.4; B(t) 2.8; B(t) 3.2; B(t) 3.6; B(t) 4.0;

in terms of tensile strength during bending: B(tb) 0.4; B(tb) 0.8; B(tb) 1.2; B(tb) 1.6; B(tb) 2.0; B(tb) 2.4; B(tb) 2.8; B(tb) 3.2; B(tb) 3.6; B(tb) 4.0; B(tb) 4.4; B(tb) 4.8; B(tb) 5.2; B(tb) 5.6; B(tb) 6.0; B(tb) 6.4; B(tb) 6.8; B(tb) 7.2; B(tb) 8.0.


1. For concrete structures designed before the entry into force of ST SEV 1406 (when rationing strength by grade), the following grades are established:

Compressive strength: M50; M75; M100; M150; M200; M250; M300; M350; M400; M450; M500; M550; M600; M700; M800; M900; M1000;

by axial tensile strength: P(t) 5; P(t) 10; P(t) 15; P(t) 20; P(t) 25; P(t) 30; P(t) 35; P(t) 40; P(t) 45; P(t) 50;

by tensile strength in bending: P(tb) 5; P(tb) 10; P(tb) 15; P(tb) 20; P(tb) 25; P(tb) 30; P(tb) 35; P(tb) 40; P(tb) 45; P(tb) 50; P(tb) 55; P(tb) 60; P(tb) 65; P(tb) 70; P(tb) 75; P(tb) 80; P(tb) 85; P(tb) 90; P(tb) 100.

The relationship between classes and grades of concrete in terms of tensile and compressive strength with a standard coefficient of variation of 13.5%, and for massive hydraulic structures - 17% is given in Appendix 1.

1.3.3. For concrete structures subject to alternating freezing and thawing during operation, the following grades of concrete are assigned according to frost resistance: F50; F75; F100; F150; F200; F300; F400; F500; F600; F800; F1000.

1.3.4. For concrete structures that are subject to requirements for limited permeability or increased density and corrosion resistance, waterproof grades are assigned. The following waterproof grades have been established: W2; W4; W6; W8; W10; W12; W14; W16; W18; W20.

1.3.5. Concrete strength classes, frost resistance grades and water resistance grades of concrete in specific types of structures are established in accordance with design standards and are indicated in standards, technical specifications and in design documentation for these structures.

1.3.6. Depending on the working conditions of concrete, in standards or technical conditions and working drawings of concrete and reinforced concrete structures, additional requirements for the quality of concrete provided for by GOST 4.212 should be established.

1.3.7. Technical requirements for concrete established in paragraphs. 1.3.1.-1.3.6 must be provided by the manufacturer of the structure at the design age, which is indicated in the design documentation for these structures and assigned in accordance with design standards depending on the concrete hardening conditions, construction methods and the timing of the actual loading of these structures. If the design age is not specified, the technical requirements for concrete must be met at the age of 28 days.

1.3.8. Concrete used for housing and civil construction, in terms of specific activity of natural radionuclides, must comply with the requirements of clause 1.4 of the Basic Sanitary Rules OSP-72/87, approved by the USSR Ministry of Health.

1.4. Requirements for concrete mixtures

1.4.1. The quality of concrete mixtures and the technology for their preparation must ensure the production of concrete structures that meet the requirements for all standardized quality indicators.

1.4.2. The composition of concrete is selected according to GOST 27006.

When choosing materials for selecting the composition of concrete, a radiation-hygienic assessment of these materials should be carried out.

The required values ​​of the water-cement ratio and the volume of entrained air in concrete mixtures are established for individual types of concrete, depending on the operating conditions of the structures.

The preparation and transportation of concrete mixtures is carried out in accordance with the requirements of GOST 7473.

1.4.3. For road and airfield single-layer and top layer of two-layer coatings, the water-cement ratio in the concrete mixture should be no more than 0.50, and for the bottom layer of two-layer coatings - no more than 0.60.

1.4.4. For road and airfield pavements, the volume of entrained air in the concrete mixture must correspond to that indicated in the table. 1.

Table 1

Structural coating layer Volume of entrained air in a concrete mixture, %, for concrete
heavy fine-grained
Single-layer and top layer of two-layer coatings 5-7 2-7
3-5 1-12

1.4.5. For hydraulic structures with normalized frost resistance F200 and higher, operated under conditions of saturation with sea or mineralized water, the volume of entrained air in the concrete mixture must correspond to that indicated in the table. 2.

1.4.6. The volume of entrained air in concrete mixtures for concrete bridge structures with standardized frost resistance is taken according to the standards and technical specifications for concrete structures of a particular type; it should not exceed, %:

Table 2

Maximum aggregate size, mm The volume of entrained air in the concrete mixture, %, at W/C
Less than 0.41 0,41-0,50 More than 0.50
10 2-4 3-5 5-7
20 2-4 4-6
40 1-3 3-5
80 2-4

2-5 - for concrete and reinforced concrete bridge structures;

5-6 - for covering roadways of bridges.

1.4.7. The minimum consumption of cement according to GOST 10178 and GOST 22266 is taken in accordance with table. 3 depending on the type of structures and their operating conditions.

Table 3

Type of design terms of Use Type and consumption of cement, kg/cub.m
PC-D0, PC-D5 SSPTs-D0 PC-D20 SSPTs-D20 ShPTs, SSSHPTs, PuzzPTs
unreinforced Weatherproof They don’t standardize
Under atmospheric influences 150 170 170
Reinforced with non-prestressing reinforcement Weatherproof 150 170 180
Under atmospheric influences 200 220 240
Reinforced with prestressed reinforcement Weatherproof 220 240 270
Under atmospheric influences 240 270 300


1. It is allowed to produce reinforced concrete with cement consumption less than the minimum allowable, subject to preliminary verification of the protective properties of concrete in relation to steel reinforcement.

2. The minimum consumption of other types of cement is established based on the results of assessing the protective properties of concrete using these cements in relation to steel reinforcement.

3. The minimum cement consumption for concrete structures operating in aggressive environments is determined taking into account the requirements of SNiP 2.03.11.

1.5. Requirements for binding materials

1.5.1. Portland cements and Portland slag cements in accordance with GOST 10178, sulfate-resistant and pozzolanic cements in accordance with GOST 22266 and other cements according to standards and specifications in accordance with their areas of application for specific types of structures should be used as binding materials.

1.5.2. The type and grade of cement should be selected in accordance with the purpose of the structures and their operating conditions, the required strength class of concrete, grades of frost resistance and water resistance, the value of the tempering or transfer strength of concrete for prefabricated structures based on the requirements of standards, technical specifications or design documentation for these structures taking into account the requirements of GOST 23464, as well as the impact of harmful impurities in aggregates on concrete (see Appendix 2).

The use of pozzolanic cements for the production of prefabricated reinforced concrete structures without a feasibility study is not allowed.

1.5.3. For the production of prefabricated structures subjected to heat treatment, cements of groups I and II should be used for steaming efficiency in accordance with GOST 22236. The use of cements of group III is allowed in agreement with specialized research institutes, a feasibility study and the consent of the consumer.

1.5.4. For concrete of road and airfield pavements, chimneys and ventilation pipes, fan and cooling towers, supports of high-voltage power lines, reinforced concrete pressure and free-pressure pipes, reinforced concrete sleepers, bridge structures, support columns, piles for permafrost soils, Portland cement based on clinker with standardized mineralogical should be used composition according to GOST 10178.

For concrete road bases, the use of Portland slag cement in accordance with GOST 10178 is allowed.

1.5.5. To improve the quality and efficiency of concrete, the additives listed in Appendix 4 should be added to the concrete mixture.

The types and volume (weight) of added additives are determined experimentally, depending on the type and quality of the starting materials used to prepare the concrete mixture and hardening modes.

1.6. Requirements for placeholders

1.6.1. Crushed stone from natural stone in accordance with GOST 8267, crushed stone from gravel in accordance with GOST 10260, crushed stone from associated rocks and waste from mining and processing enterprises in accordance with GOST 23254, gravel in accordance with GOST 8268, as well as crushed stone from thermal power plant slag in accordance with GOST 26644 are used as coarse aggregates for heavy concrete. .

Natural sand and sand from crushing screenings and their mixtures that meet the requirements of GOST 8736, as well as ash and slag mixtures in accordance with GOST 25592, are used as fine aggregates for concrete.

1.6.2. If it is necessary to use aggregates with quality indicators lower than the requirements of state standards given in clause 1.6.1, as well as the requirements of this standard, they must first be examined in concrete in specialized centers to confirm the possibility and technical and economic feasibility of obtaining concrete with standardized quality indicators.

1.6.3. Coarse aggregate, depending on the requirements for concrete, is selected according to the following indicators: grain composition and largest size, content of dust and clay particles, harmful impurities, grain shape, strength, grain content of weak rocks, petrographic composition and radiation-hygienic characteristics. When selecting the composition of concrete, density, porosity, water absorption, and voids are also taken into account. Coarse aggregates should have an average density of 2000 to 2800 kg/m3.

1.6.4. Coarse aggregate should be used in the form of separately dosed fractions when preparing a concrete mixture. The largest aggregate size must be specified in standards, technical specifications or working drawings for concrete and reinforced concrete structures. The list of fractions depending on the largest grain size of the filler grains is given in table. 4.

Table 4

Largest grain size Coarse aggregate fraction
10 From 5 to 10 or from 3 to 10
20 From 5(3) to 10 and St. 10 to 20
40 From 5(3) to 10, St. 10 to 20 and St. 20 to 40
80 From 5(3) to 10, St. 10 to 20, St. 20 to 40 and St. 40 to 80
120 From 5(3) to 10, St. 10 to 20, St. 20 to 40, St. 40 to 80, St. 80 to 120

Note. The use of a filler fraction with a grain size from 3 to 10 mm is allowed if sand with a particle size modulus of no more than 2.5 is used as a fine filler.

It is allowed to use coarse aggregates in the form of a mixture of two adjacent fractions that meet the requirements of Table. 4.

1.6.5. The content of individual fractions in the coarse aggregate in the concrete composition must correspond to that indicated in the table. 5.

Table 5

Largest aggregate size, mm Content of fractions in coarse aggregate, %
from 5(3) to 10 mm St. 10 to 20 mm St. 20 to 40 mm St. 40 to 80 mm St 80 to 120 mm
10 100 - - - -
20 25-40 60-75 - - -
40 15-25 20-35 40-65 - -
80 10-20 15-25 20-35 35-55 -
120 5-10 10-20 15-25 20-30 30-40

1.6.6. The content of dust and clay particles in crushed stone from igneous and metamorphic rocks, crushed stone from gravel and in gravel should not exceed 1% by weight for concrete of all classes.

1.6.7. The content of lamellar (flaky) and needle-shaped grains in coarse aggregate should not exceed 35% by weight.

1.6.8. The grade of crushed stone from igneous rocks must be no lower than 800, crushed stone from metamorphic rocks - no lower than 600 and sedimentary rocks - no lower than 300, gravel and crushed stone from gravel - no lower than Dr16.

The grade of crushed stone made from natural stone must be no lower than:

300 - for concrete class B15 and below;

400 -"- -"- -"- B20;

600 -"- -"- -"- B22.5;

800 -"- -"- classes B25; B30;

1000 -"- -"- class B40;

1200 -"- -"- -"- B45 and above.

It is allowed to use crushed stone from sedimentary carbonate rocks of grade 400 for concrete of class B22.5, if the content of soft rock grains in it does not exceed 5%.

The grades of gravel and crushed gravel must be no lower than:

Dr16 - for concrete class B22.5 and below;

Dr12 -"- -"- -"- B25;

Dr8 -"- -"- -"- B30 and above.

1.6.9. The content of grains of weak rocks in crushed stone from natural stone should not exceed, %, by weight:

5 - for concrete classes B40 and B45;

10 -"- -"- -"- B20, B22.5, B25 and B30;

15 - for concrete class B15 and below.

1.6.10. The frost resistance of large aggregates must be no lower than the standardized grade of concrete for frost resistance.

1.6.11. Fine aggregate for concrete is selected according to its grain composition, the content of dust and clay particles, petrographic composition, and radiation and hygienic characteristics. When selecting the composition of concrete, density, water absorption (for sands from crushing screenings), voids, and the compressive strength of the original rock in a water-saturated state (for sands from crushing screenings) are taken into account.

Fine aggregates should have an average grain density of 2000 to 2800 kg/m3.

1.6.12. The grain composition of the fine aggregate must correspond to the schedule (see drawing). In this case, only grains passing through a sieve with round holes with a diameter of 5 mm are taken into account.

If the grain composition of natural sands does not meet the requirements of the schedule, a coarsening additive should be used for fine and very fine sands - sand from crushing screenings or coarse sand, and for coarse sand - an additive that reduces the particle size modulus - fine or very fine sand.

Taking into account the requirements of clause 1.6.2 in concrete of strength class up to B30 or B(tb) 4.0 inclusive. It is allowed to use very fine sands with a particle size modulus of 1.0 to 1.5 with a grain content of less than 0.16 mm up to 20% by weight and dust and clay particles of no more than 3% by weight.

1.6.13. The types of harmful impurities and the nature of their possible impact on concrete are given in Appendix 2.

Permissible content of rocks and minerals classified as harmful impurities in aggregates:

amorphous varieties of silicon dioxide, soluble in alkalis (chalcedony, opal, flint, etc.) - no more than 50 mmol/l;

sulfur, sulfides, except pyrite (marcasite, pyrrhotite, etc.) and sulfates (gypsum, anhydrite, etc.) in terms of SO(3) - no more than 1.5% by weight for coarse aggregate and 1.0% by weight - for fine aggregate;

pyrite in terms of SO(3) - no more than 4% by weight;

layered silicates (micas, hydromicas, chlorites, etc., which are rock-forming minerals) - no more than 15% by volume for coarse aggregate and 2% by mass for fine aggregate;

magnetite, iron hydroxides (goethite, etc.), apatite, nepheline, phosphorite, which are rock-forming minerals - each individually no more than 10%, and in total no more than 15% by volume;

halides (halite, sylvite, etc.), including water-soluble chlorides, in terms of chlorine ion - no more than 0.1% by weight for coarse aggregate and 0.15% by mass for fine aggregate;

free asbestos fiber - no more than 0.25% by weight;

coal - no more than 1% by weight.

Dimensions of test sieves holes, mm

1 - lower limit of sand size (fineness modulus 1.5); 2 - lower limit of sand fineness (fineness modulus 2.0) for concrete class B15 and higher; 3 - lower limit of sand fineness (fineness modulus 2.5) for concrete class B25 and higher; 4 - upper limit of sand size (fineness modulus 3.25).

1.6.14. Fillers containing inclusions of harmful impurities exceeding the values ​​​​given in clause 1.6.13, as well as zeolite, graphite and oil shale, can be used for the production of concrete only after testing in concrete in accordance with the requirements of clause 1.6.2.

1.6.15. To use crushed stone from sedimentary carbonate rocks of aphanite structure and igneous effusive rocks of glassy structure, gravel with a smooth surface for concrete of strength class B22.5 and gravel of any kind for concrete of strength class B30 and above, they must be tested in concrete in accordance with clause 1.6.2.

1.6.16. Additional requirements for aggregates for concrete structures of various types are established in Appendix 3.

1.7. To reduce the consumption of cement and aggregates when preparing concrete mixtures, it is recommended to use fly ash, slag and ash and slag mixtures from thermal power plants that meet the requirements of GOST 25592, GOST 25818 and GOST 26644.

1.8. To regulate and improve the properties of concrete mixture and concrete, reduce cement consumption and energy costs, chemical additives that meet the requirements of GOST 24211 should be used.

The list of additives is given in Appendix 4.

1.9. Concrete frost resistance grade F200 and higher, as well as frost resistance grade concrete F100 and higher for road and airfield pavements and hydraulic structures should be manufactured with the mandatory use of air-entraining or gas-forming additives.

1.10. Concrete mixtures of workability grades P3-P5 for the production of prefabricated reinforced concrete structures and products and workability grades P4 and P5 for monolithic and prefabricated monolithic structures must be prepared with the mandatory use of plasticizing additives.

1.11. Water for mixing concrete mixtures and preparing solutions of chemical additives must comply with the requirements of GOST 23732.

2. Acceptance

2.1. Incoming inspection of materials (cement, aggregates, water, additives) used for the preparation of concrete mixtures establishes their compliance with the requirements of Section. 1.

2.2. The quality of concrete for prefabricated reinforced concrete and concrete structures is controlled when accepting structures in accordance with GOST 13015.1.

2.3. Acceptance of concrete for quality for monolithic structures is carried out according to strength, and for frost resistance, water resistance and other standardized indicators established by the project - in accordance with the standards for the organization, production and acceptance of work.

2.4. Concrete for frost resistance, water resistance, average density, abrasion, water absorption is assessed when selecting each new nominal composition of concrete according to GOST 27006, and in the future - at least once every 6 months, as well as when changing the composition of concrete, production technology and quality of materials used.

Periodic tests on the specific activity of natural radionuclides in concrete are carried out during the initial selection of the nominal composition of concrete, as well as when changing the quality of the materials used, when their specific activity of natural radionuclides in new materials exceeds the corresponding characteristics of materials previously used.

If necessary, concrete in terms of humidity, shrinkage deformation, creep, endurance, heat release, prismatic strength, modulus of elasticity, Poisson's ratio, protective properties of concrete in relation to reinforcement and other standardized indicators are assessed in accordance with the requirements of the standards and technical specifications for concrete structures of a particular kind.

2.5. The concrete mixture is accepted according to GOST 7473.

2.6. The strength of concrete is controlled and assessed according to GOST 18105.

3. Control methods

3.1. The compressive and tensile strength of concrete is determined according to GOST 10180 or GOST 28570, or GOST 22690, or GOST 17624, or GOST 22783.

3.2. Frost resistance of concrete is determined according to GOST 10060 or 26134, water resistance - according to GOST 12730.5.

3.3. Other indicators of concrete quality listed in clause 2.3 are determined in accordance with the requirements established in the standards and technical specifications for concrete structures of specific types:

average density - according to GOST 12730.1;

humidity - according to GOST 12730.2;

water absorption - according to GOST 12730.3;

porosity indicators - according to GOST 12730.4;

abrasion - according to GOST 13087;

prismatic strength, modulus of elasticity and Poisson's ratio according to GOST 24452;

shrinkage and creep deformations - according to GOST 24544;

endurance - according to GOST 24545;

heat release - according to GOST 24316;

3.4. The quality of the concrete mixture is determined according to GOST 10181.0 - GOST 10181.4.

3.5. Checking the protective properties of concrete in relation to steel reinforcement - according to ST SEV 4421.

3.6. The specific activity of natural radionuclides contained in materials for concrete and in concrete is determined in accordance with methods approved by the USSR Ministry of Health.

3.7. The quality indicators of coarse aggregate for heavy concrete are determined according to GOST 8269, and fine aggregate for concrete according to GOST 8735.

3.8. The quality indicators of additives are checked according to GOST 24211, and water - according to GOST 23732.

Appendix 1


Table 6

Concrete strength class Average concrete strength (R)<*>, kgf/sq.cm The closest concrete grade in terms of strength Deviation of the nearest grade of concrete from the average strength class,%
M-R x 100
B3.5 45,8 M50 +9,2
B5 65,5 M75 +14,5
B7.5 98,2 M100 +1,8
B10 131,0 M150 +14,5
B12.5 163,7 M150 -8,4
B15 196,5 M200 +1,8
B20 261,9 M250 -4,5
B22.5 294,5 M300 +1,9
B25 327,4 M350 +6,9
B26.5 359,9 M350 -2,7
B30 392,9 M400 +1,8
B35 458,4 M450 -1,8
B40 523,9 M550 +5,0
B45 589,4 M600 +1,8
B50 654,8 M700 +6,9
B55 720,3 M700 -2,8
B60 785,8 M800 +1,8
B65 851,5 M900 +5,7
B70 917,0 M900 -1,8
B75 932,5 M1000 +1,8
B80 1048,0 M1000 -4,9
Axial tension
B(t)0.4 5,2 P(t)5 -3,8
B(t)0.8 10,5 P(t)10 -4,8
B(t)1,2 15,7 P(t)15 -4,5
B(t)1.6 20,9 P(t)20 -4,3
B(t)2.0 26,2 P(t)25 -4,6
B(t)2.4 31,4 P(t)30 -4,5
B(t)2.8 36,7 P(t)35 -4,6
B(t)3.2 41,9 P(t)40 -4,5
B(t)3.6 47,2 P(t)45 -4,7
B(t)4.0 52,4 P(t)50 -4,6
Bending stretch
B(tb)0.4 5,2 P(tb)5 -3,8
B(tb)0.8 10,5 P(tb)10 -4,8
B(tb)1,2 15,7 P(tb)15 -4,5
B(tb)1.6 20,9 P(tb)20 -4,3
B(tb)2.0 26,2 P(tb)25 -4,6
B(tb)2.4 31,4 P(tb)30 -4,5
B(tb)2.8 36,7 P(tb)35 -4,6
B(tb)3.2 41,9 P(tb)40 -4,5
B(tb)3.6 47,2 P(tb)45 -4,7
B(tb)4.0 52,4 P(tb)50 -4,6
B(tb)4.4 57,6 P(tb)60 +4,2
B(tb)4.8 62,9 P(tb)65 +3,3
B(tb)5.2 68,1 P(tb)70 +2,8
B(tb)5.6 73,4 P(tb)75 +2,2
B(tb)6.0 78,6 P(tb)80 +1,8
B(tb)6.4 83,8 P(tb)85 +1,2
B(tb)6.8 89,1 P(tb)90 +1,0
B(tb)7.2 94,3 P(tb)90 -4,6
B(tb)8.0 104,8 P(tb)100 -4,6

<*>The average strength of concrete R is calculated with a coefficient of variation V equal to 13.5% and a probability of 95% for all types of concrete, and for massive hydraulic structures with a coefficient of variation V equal to 17% and a probability of 90%.

Appendix 2


1. Harmful impurities include inclusions of the following rocks and minerals: amorphous varieties of silicon dioxide (chalcedony, opal, flint, etc.), sulfates (gypsum, anhydride, etc.), layered silicates (micas, hydromicas, chlorites, etc.), magnetite, iron hydroxides (goethite, etc.), apatite, nepheline, phosphorite, halogens (lalit, sylvite and others), zeolites, asbestos, graphite, coal, oil shale.

2. Harmful impurities in concrete (in aggregates used for concrete production) can cause:

reduction in the strength and durability of concrete;

deterioration of surface quality and internal corrosion of concrete;

corrosion of reinforcement in concrete.

3. The main harmful impurities that reduce the strength and durability of concrete: coal, graphite, oil shale; layered silicates (micas, hydromicas, chlorites, etc.); zeolites, apatite, nepheline, phosphorite.

4. The main harmful impurities causing deterioration in surface quality and internal corrosion of concrete:

amorphous varieties of silicon dioxide, soluble in alkalis (chalcedony, opal, flint, etc.), chlorite and some zeolites;

sulfur, sulfides (pyrite, marcasite, pyrrhotite, etc.);

sulfates (gypsum, anhydrite, etc.);

magnetite, iron hydroxides (goethite, etc.).

5. The main harmful impurities that cause corrosion of reinforcement in concrete:

halides (halite, sylvite, etc.), including water-soluble chlorides;

sulfur, sulfides and sulfates.

Appendix 3


1. Fillers for concrete road and airfield pavements and foundations

1.1. With the largest aggregate grain size equal to 80 mm, it is allowed, by agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, to supply a mixture of fractions ranging in size from 5 to 40 mm.

1.2. The content of dust and clay particles in crushed stone from sedimentary rocks should not exceed, % by weight:

2 - for single-layer and top layer of two-layer road surfaces;

3 - for the bottom layer of two-layer coatings and bases of improved permanent road surfaces.

1.3. The grades of crushed stone, gravel and crushed stone from gravel must be no lower than those indicated in the table. 6.

Table 6

Purpose of concrete Brand of coarse aggregate in terms of strength, not lower
Crushed stone Gravel and crushed gravel
from igneous and metamorphic rocks from sedimentary rocks
1200 800 Dr8
Bottom layer of two-layer coatings 800 600 Dr12
Foundations of improved permanent coverings 800 300 Dr16

1.4. Crushed stone and gravel, except for the strength grades indicated in the table. 6, must have wear marks in the shelf drum not lower than those indicated in Table 7.

Table 7

Purpose of concrete Grade for abrasion in a shelf drum, not lower
Crushed stone Gravel, crushed gravel
from igneous rocks from sedimentary rocks

1.5. The content of lamellar (flaky) and needle-shaped grains in large aggregates for single-layer road and airfield concrete and the top layer of two-layer coatings should not exceed 25% by weight.

Single-layer coatings and the top layer of double-layer road surfaces F50 F100 F150 Bottom layer of two-layer road surfaces F25 F50 F100 Foundations for improved permanent road surfaces Igneous rocks Sedimentary and metamorphic rocks Gravel Single layer coatings and top layer of double layer coatings 800 800 Dr8 Bottom layer of two-layer coatings and bases 800 400 Dr16

2. Aggregates for concrete transport construction

2.1. The content of dust and clay particles in crushed stone from sedimentary rocks should not exceed the following values, %, by weight, for:

1 - concrete of bridge spans, bridge structures in zones of variable water levels, culverts, reinforced concrete sleepers, contact network supports, communication and automatic blocking lines, power transmission line supports;

2 - concrete of monolithic bridge supports and culvert foundations located outside the level of the variable water level zone.

2.2. The content of lamellar (flaky) and needle-shaped grains in large aggregates for concrete, reinforced concrete sleepers, power line supports, contact networks, communication lines and automatic blocking should not exceed 25% by weight.

2.3. For concrete bridge structures located in an area of ​​variable water level, bridge deck structures, bridge spans, as well as culverts, crushed stone of grade 1000 and higher from igneous rocks, crushed stone of grade 800 and higher from metamorphic and sedimentary rocks, crushed stone from gravel and gravel should be used grades not lower than Dr8 - for concrete of strength class B30 and higher and Dr12 - for concrete of strength class up to B22.5 inclusive.

Fillers, the strength of which, when saturated with water, decreases by more than 20% compared to their strength in a dry state, are not allowed to be used for concrete structures located in the zone of variable water level and underwater zone.

2.4. For concrete reinforced concrete sleepers, you should use crushed stone from igneous rocks of a grade not lower than 1200, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks of a grade not lower than 1000, and crushed stone from gravel of a grade not lower than Dr8.

2.5. The content of soft rock grains in crushed stone and gravel should not exceed 5% by weight for concrete of bridge structures located in an area of ​​variable water level, and concrete of culverts under embankments.

2.6. The use of gravel is not allowed for concrete:

structures of bridges and culverts operated in areas with an average temperature of the coldest five-day period below minus 40 degrees C;

transport structures with frost resistance grade F200 and higher;

transport reinforced concrete structures designed for endurance.

2.7. The content of dust and clay particles in fine aggregate for concrete of transport structures should not exceed, % by weight:

1 - for concrete of prestressed spans operated in areas with an average outside air temperature of the coldest five-day period below minus 40 degrees C;

2 - for concrete spans and bridge structures operated in conditions of variable water levels.

3. Fillers for concrete of hydraulic structures

3.1. During the construction of massive hydraulic structures, it is allowed to use crushed stone and gravel in the following sizes:

from 120 to 150 mm;

St. 150 mm, introduced directly into the block when laying the concrete mixture.

3.2. For concrete of hydraulic structures, the content of dust and clay particles in crushed stone, crushed gravel and gravel (regardless of the type of rock) should not exceed, %:

1 - for concrete in the zone of variable water level and above-water zone;

2 - for underwater and internal zones.

3.3. For concrete of hydraulic structures operating in an area of ​​variable water level, the presence of clay in the form of separate lumps in the coarse aggregate is not allowed.

3.4. Grades of crushed stone made from natural stone must be at least 600 for concrete of strength class B15 and below, 800 for concrete of strength class from B20 to B30 inclusive, 1200 for concrete of strength class above B30.

The grades of gravel and crushed stone gravel must be no lower than Dr12 for concrete of strength class B15 and below, Dr8 for concrete of strength class B20 and higher.

3.5. For concrete of hydraulic structures, which is subject to requirements for frost resistance and cavitation resistance, crushed stone from igneous rocks of a grade not lower than 1000 should be used. The use of crushed stone from gravel or gravel of a grade not lower than Dr8 is allowed after special research is carried out, taking into account the operating conditions of structures in accordance with the requirements of clause. 1.6.2 of this standard.

3.6. For concrete of hydraulic structures in a zone of variable water levels, crushed stone or gravel with an average grain density of at least 2.5 g/cm3 and water absorption of no more than % should be used:

0.5 - for crushed stone from igneous and metamorphic rocks;

1.0 -"- -"- -"- sedimentary rocks.

For concrete in internal, underwater and above-water zones, the grain density must be no lower than 2.3 g/cm3 and water absorption no more than %:

0.8 - for crushed stone from igneous and metamorphic rocks;

2.0 -"- -"- -"- sedimentary rocks.

3.7. Crushed stone and gravel for wear-resistant hydraulic concrete must have grades for wear in the shelf drum not lower than:

I-I - for crushed stone from igneous and metamorphic rocks;

I-II -"- -"- -"- sedimentary rocks, as well as gravel and crushed stone from gravel.

3.8. The content of soft rock grains in crushed stone and gravel for concrete of hydraulic structures in a zone of variable water levels should not exceed 5% by weight.

3.9. The frost resistance of crushed stone and gravel for concrete of hydraulic structures must be no lower than that indicated in the table. 10.

For concrete of hydraulic structures with standardized frost resistance F300 and above and concrete of variable level zones, the use of gravel as a coarse aggregate is allowed only after testing the concrete for frost resistance.

3.10. For concrete of hydraulic structures, it is allowed to use sands with a particle size modulus from 1.5 to 3.5 (total residues on a 2.5 mm sieve from 0 to 30%, on a 1.25 mm sieve - from 5 to 55%, on a 0 sieve .63 - from 20 to 75%, on a 0.315 mm sieve - from 40 to 90% and on a 0.14 mm sieve - from 85 to 100%). In this case, fine sands with a particle size modulus equal to or less than 2.0 should be used with the mandatory use of surfactant additives.

3.11. For concrete of hydraulic structures, the content of dust and clay particles in the sand should not exceed, % by weight:

2 - for concrete in a zone of variable water level;

3 - "- surface concrete;

5 -"- underwater -"- and concrete of the internal zone.

For concrete of hydraulic structures, the use of fine aggregate containing clay in the form of individual lumps is not allowed.

3.12. The mica content in fine aggregate for concrete of hydraulic structures should not exceed, % by weight:

1 - for concrete in a zone of variable water level;

2 -"- -"- surface zone;

3 -"- -"- underwater and internal zones.

4. Fillers for concrete, concrete and reinforced concrete pipes

4.1. The content of dust and clay particles in coarse concrete aggregates for reinforced concrete and concrete pipes should not exceed 1% by weight.

4.2. The content of lamellar (flaky) and needle-shaped grains in large aggregates for concrete in free-flow and pressure reinforced concrete pipes should not exceed 25% by weight.

4.3. For concrete of pressure and low-pressure reinforced concrete pipes, crushed stone from natural stone of a grade of at least 1000 and crushed gravel of a grade of at least Dr8 should be used. For concrete of free-flow pipes, crushed stone from igneous rocks of a grade not lower than 800 should be used, from sedimentary and metamorphic rocks - not lower than 600, crushed stone from gravel and gravel of a grade not lower than Dr12.

4.4. The content of dust and clay particles in the sand should not exceed, % by weight:

2 - for concrete pressure pipes;

3 -"- -"- non-pressure and low-pressure pipes.

4.5. Sand from crushing screenings and enriched sand from crushing screenings used for concrete of reinforced concrete and concrete pipes must have a strength grade of the original rock or gravel of at least 600. The use of these sands from rocks of aphanitic or glassy structure is not allowed.

TU 6-36-0204229-625 Melamine formaldehyde anionic resin MF-AR (used MFAS-R100p) TU 6-05-1926 Dauphen DF TU 6-188 Ukrainian SSR Water-soluble drug VRP-1 TU 64.11.02 Technical lignosulfonates LST TU 13-0281036-05 Technical modified lignosulfonates LSTM-2 OST 13-287 Monolit-1 M-1 TU 69 BSSR-350 Sodium ethyl siliconate GKZh-10 TU 6-02-696 Sodium methyl siliconate GKZh-11 TU 6-02-696 Stabilizing Hypane GPN TU 6-01-166 Water-retaining Methylcellulose MC TU 6-05-1857 Bentonite clay BG TU 39-01-08-658 Air-entraining Saponified wood resin SDO TU 13-05-02 Tall pitch glue KTP OST 13-145 Sulfanol WITH TU 6-01-1001 Gas-forming Polyhydrosiloxanes 136-157M TU 6-02-694 Sealing Aluminum sulfate SA GOST 12966 Hydrophobizing Fenia ethoxysilosan 1113-6-3 (FES-52) TU 6-02-995 Sodium aluminum methyl siliconate AMSR TU 6-02-700 Bactericidal Katapinbactericide KB TU 6-01-1026 Inhibitor Sodium tetraborate TBN GOST 8429


1. This appendix lists additives that have been produced by industry.

2. The use of other additives that meet the requirements of GOST 24211 is allowed.




Date of introduction 01/01/92

This standard applies to structural heavy and fine-grained concrete (hereinafter referred to as concrete) used in all types of construction.


1.1. The requirements of this standard should be observed when developing new and revising existing standards and technical specifications, design and technological documentation for prefabricated concrete and reinforced concrete products and prefabricated structures, monolithic and prefabricated monolithic structures (hereinafter referred to as structures).

1.2. Concrete should be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to design and technological documentation for specific types of structures, approved in the prescribed manner.

1.3. Characteristics

1.3.1. Requirements for concrete are established in accordance with GOST 25192 and the international standard ISO 3893.

* On the territory of the Russian Federation, SNiP 52-01-2003 is in force (hereinafter).

1.3.2. The strength of concrete at design age is characterized by classes of compressive strength, axial tension, and bending strength.

The following classes are established for concrete:

Compressive strength: B3.5; B5; B7.5; B10; B12.5; B15; B20; B25; B30; B35; B40; B45; B50; B55; B60; B65; B70; B75; B80.

Note. It is allowed to use concrete of intermediate classes of compressive strength B22.5 and B27.5;

Axial tensile strength: B t 0.4; B t 0.8; B t 1.2; B t 1.6; B t 2.0; B t 2.4; B t 2.8; B t 3.2; B t 3.6; B t 4.0;

Tensile strength in bending: B tb 0.4; B tb 0.8, B tb 1.2; B tb 1.6; B tb 2.0; B tb 2.4; B tb 2.8; B tb 3.2; B tb 3.6; B tb 4.0; B tb 4.4; B tb 4.8; B tb 5.2; B tb 5.6; Btb 6.0; B tb 6.4; B tb 6.8; B tb 7.2; B tb 8.0.


1. For concrete structures designed before the entry into force of ST SEV 1406 (when rationing strength by grade), the following grades are established:

Compressive strength: M50; M75; M100; M150; M200; M250; M300; M350; M400; M450; M500; M550; M600; M700; M800; M900; M1000;

Axial tensile strength: P t 5; P t 10; P t 15, P t 20; P t 25; P t 30; P t 35; P t 40; P t 45; P t 50;

Tensile strength in bending: P tb 5; Ptb 10; Ptb 15; Ptb 20; Ptb 25; Ptb 30; Ptb 35; Ptb 40; Ptb 45; P tb 50; P tb 55; Ptb 60; Ptb 65; Ptb 70; Ptb 75; Ptb 80; Ptb 85; Ptb 90; P tb 100.

2. The relationship between classes and grades of concrete in terms of tensile and compressive strength with a standard coefficient of variation of 13.5%, and for massive hydraulic structures - 17.0% is given in Appendix 1.

1.3.3. For concrete structures subject to alternating freezing and thawing during operation, the following grades of concrete are assigned according to frost resistance: F50; F75; F100; F150; F200; F300; F400; F500; F600; F800; F1000.

1.3.4. For concrete structures that are subject to requirements for limited permeability or increased density and corrosion resistance, waterproof grades are assigned. The following waterproof grades have been established: W2; W4; W6; W8; W10; W12; W14; W16; W18; W20.

1.3.5. Concrete strength classes, frost resistance grades and water resistance grades of concrete in specific types of structures are established in accordance with design standards, indicated in standards, technical specifications and in design documentation for these structures.

1.3.6. Depending on the working conditions of concrete, in standards or technical conditions and working drawings of concrete and reinforced concrete structures, additional requirements for the quality of concrete provided for by GOST 4.212 should be established.

1.3.7. Technical requirements for concrete established in paragraphs. 1.3.1 - 1.3.6 must be provided by the manufacturer of the structure at the design age, which is indicated in the design documentation for these structures and assigned in accordance with design standards depending on the concrete hardening conditions, construction methods and the timing of the actual loading of these structures. If the design age is not specified, the technical requirements for concrete must be met at the age of 28 days.

1.3.7a. The values ​​of the standardized tempering, transfer (for prestressed structures) strength of concrete are established in the design of a specific structure and are indicated in the standard or technical specifications for this structure.

(Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 1).

1.3.8. Specific effective activity of natural radionuclides ( A eff) of raw materials used for the preparation of concrete should not exceed the limit values ​​depending on the area of ​​application of concrete according to Appendix A of GOST 30108.

1.4. Requirements for concrete mixtures

1.4.1. Concrete mixtures must comply with the requirements of GOST 7473.

1.4.2. The composition of concrete is selected according to GOST 27006.

When choosing materials for selecting the composition of concrete, a radiation-hygienic assessment of these materials should be carried out.

1.4.1, 1.4.2. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

1.4.3. For road and airfield pavements made of heavy and fine-grained concrete, the water-cement ratio is assigned depending on the workability of the concrete mixture in accordance with GOST 7473 and should not be more than those indicated in the table. 1a.

Table 1a

1.4.4. For road and airfield pavements made of heavy and fine-grained concrete, the volume of entrained air in the moving concrete mixture and the content of conditionally closed pores in concrete from this mixture must be no less than the values ​​​​indicated in Table. 1.

Table 1

1.4.5. For hydraulic structures with normalized frost resistance F200 and higher, operating under conditions of saturation with sea or mineralized water, the volume of entrained air in the concrete mixture must correspond to that indicated in the table. 2.

Table 2

1.4.6. The volume of entrained air in concrete mixtures for concrete bridge structures with standardized frost resistance is taken according to the standards and technical specifications for concrete structures of a particular type; it should not exceed, %:

2 - 5 - for concrete and reinforced concrete bridge structures;

5 - 6 - for covering roadways of bridges.

1.4.7. The minimum consumption of cement according to GOST 10178 and GOST 22266 is taken in accordance with table. 3 depending on the type of structures and their operating conditions.

Table 3

Type of design

Terms of Use

Type and consumption of cement, kg/m 3





They don’t standardize

Under atmospheric influences

Reinforced with non-prestressing reinforcement


Under atmospheric influences

Reinforced with prestressed reinforcement


Under atmospheric influences


1. It is allowed to produce reinforced concrete with cement consumption less than the minimum allowable, subject to preliminary verification of the protective properties of concrete in relation to steel reinforcement.

2. The minimum consumption of other types of cement is established based on the results of assessing the protective properties of concrete using these cements in relation to steel reinforcement.

3. The minimum cement consumption for concrete structures operating in aggressive environments is determined taking into account the requirements of SNiP 2.03.11.

1.5. Requirements for binding materials

1.5.1. Portland cements and Portland slag cements in accordance with GOST 10178, sulfate-resistant and pozzolanic cements in accordance with GOST 22266 and other cements according to standards and specifications in accordance with their areas of application for specific types of structures should be used as binding materials.

1.5.2. The type and grade of cement should be selected in accordance with the purpose of the structures and their operating conditions, the required strength class of concrete, grades of frost resistance and water resistance, the value of the tempering or transfer strength of concrete for prefabricated structures based on the requirements of standards, technical specifications or design documentation for these structures taking into account the requirements of GOST 30515, as well as the impact of harmful impurities in aggregates on concrete (see Appendix 2).

The use of pozzolanic cements for the production of prefabricated reinforced concrete structures without a feasibility study is not allowed.

1.5.3. For the production of prefabricated structures subjected to heat treatment, cements of groups I and II should be used for steaming efficiency in accordance with GOST 10178. The use of group III cements is permitted upon agreement with specialized research institutes, a feasibility study and the consent of the consumer.

1.5.2, 1.5.3.(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

1.5.4. For concrete of road and airfield pavements, chimneys and ventilation pipes, fan and cooling towers, supports of high-voltage power lines, reinforced concrete pressure and free-pressure pipes, reinforced concrete sleepers, bridge structures, support columns, piles for permafrost soils, Portland cement based on clinker with standardized mineralogical should be used composition according to GOST 10178.

For concrete road bases, it is allowed to use Portland slag cement in accordance with GOST 10178.

1.5.5. (Deleted, Amendment No. 1).

1.6. Requirements for placeholders

1.6.1. Crushed stone and gravel from dense rocks in accordance with GOST 8267, crushed stone from blast furnace and ferroalloy slags of ferrous metallurgy and nickel and copper smelting slags of non-ferrous metallurgy in accordance with GOST 5578, as well as crushed stone from slags of thermal power plants in accordance with GOST 26644 are used as large aggregates for heavy concrete.

Natural sand and sand from rock crushing screenings with an average grain density of 2000 to 2800 g/cm 3 and their mixtures that meet the requirements of GOST 8736, sand from blast furnace and ferroalloy slags of ferrous metallurgy and nickel and copper smelting slags are used as fine aggregates for concrete. non-ferrous metallurgy in accordance with GOST 5578, as well as ash and slag mixtures in accordance with GOST 25592.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

1.6.2. If it is necessary to use aggregates with quality indicators lower than the requirements of state standards given in clause 1.6.1, as well as the requirements of this standard, they must first be examined in concrete in specialized centers to confirm the possibility and technical and economic feasibility of obtaining concrete with standardized quality indicators.

1.6.3. Coarse aggregate, depending on the requirements for concrete, is selected according to the following indicators: grain composition and largest size, content of dust and clay particles, harmful impurities, grain shape, strength, grain content of weak rocks, petrographic composition and radiation-hygienic characteristics. When selecting the composition of concrete, density, porosity, water absorption, and voids are also taken into account. Coarse aggregates should have an average grain density of 2000 to 3000 kg/m3.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

1.6.4. Coarse aggregate should be used in the form of separately dosed fractions when preparing a concrete mixture. The largest aggregate size must be specified in standards, technical specifications or working drawings for concrete and reinforced concrete structures. The list of fractions depending on the largest grain size of the filler grains is given in table. 4.

Table 4

Largest grain size

Coarse aggregate fraction

From 5 to 10 or from 3 to 10

From 5 (3) to 10 and St. 10 to 20

From 5 (3) to 10, St. 10 to 20 and St. 20 to 40

From 5 (3) to 10, St. 10 to 20, St. 20 to 40 and St. 40 to 80

From 5 (3) to 10, St. 10 to 20, St. 20 to 40, St. 40 to 80, St. 80 to 120

Note. The use of a filler fraction with a grain size from 3 to 10 mm is allowed if sand with a particle size modulus of no more than 2.5 is used as a fine filler.

It is allowed to use coarse aggregates in the form of a mixture of two adjacent fractions that meet the requirements of Table. 4.

Table 5

Largest aggregate size, mm

from 5 (3) to 10 mm

St. 10 to 20 mm

St. 20 to 40 mm

St. 40 to 80 mm

St. 80 to 120 mm

1.6.8. The grade of crushed stone from igneous rocks must be not lower than 800, crushed stone from metamorphic rocks - not lower than 600 and sedimentary rocks - not lower than 300, gravel and crushed stone from gravel - not lower than 600.

The grade of crushed stone made from natural stone must be no lower than:

300 - for concrete class B15 and below;

400 » » » B20;

600 » » » В22.5;

800 "" classes B25; B27.5; B30;

1000 "" class B40;

1200 » » » B45 and above.

It is allowed to use crushed stone from sedimentary carbonate rocks of grade 400 for concrete of class B22.5, if the content of soft rock grains in it does not exceed 5%.

The grades of gravel and crushed gravel must be no lower than:

600 - for concrete class B22.5 and below;

800 "" classes B25; B27.5;

1000 "" class B30 and higher.

5 - for concrete classes B40 and B45;

10 » » » B20, B22.5, B25, B27.5 and B30;

15 "" class B15 and below.

1.6.8, 1.6.9.(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

1.6.10. The frost resistance of large aggregates must be no lower than the standardized grade of concrete for frost resistance.

1.6.11. Fine aggregate for concrete is selected according to its grain composition, the content of dust and clay particles, petrographic composition, and radiation and hygienic characteristics. When selecting the composition of concrete, density, water absorption (for sands from crushing screenings), voids, and the compressive strength of the original rock in a water-saturated state (for sands from crushing screenings) are taken into account.

Fine aggregates should have an average grain density of 2000 to 2800 kg/m3.

1.6.12. The grain composition of the fine aggregate must correspond to the schedule (see drawing). In this case, only grains passing through a sieve with round holes with a diameter of 5 mm are taken into account. If the grain composition of natural sands does not meet the requirements of the schedule, a coarsening additive should be used for fine and very fine sands - sand from crushing screenings or coarse sand, and for coarse sand - an additive that reduces the particle size modulus - fine or very fine sand.

Taking into account the requirements of clause 1.6.2 in concrete of strength class up to B30 or B tb 4.0 inclusive. It is allowed to use very fine sands with a particle size modulus of 1.0 to 1.5 with a grain content of less than 0.16 mm up to 20% by weight and dust and clay particles of no more than 3% by weight.

1.6.13. The types of harmful impurities and the nature of their possible impact on concrete are given in Appendix 2.

Permissible content of rocks and minerals classified as harmful impurities in aggregates:

Amorphous varieties of silicon dioxide, soluble in alkalis (chalcedony, opal, flint, etc.) - no more than 50 mmol/l;

Sulfur, sulfides, except pyrite (marcasite, pyrrhotite, etc.) and sulfates (gypsum, anhydrite, etc.) in terms of SO 3 - no more than 1.5% by weight for coarse aggregate and 1.0% by weight - for fine aggregate;

Pyrite in terms of SO 3 - no more than 4% by weight;

Layered silicates (micas, hydromicas, chlorites, etc., which are rock-forming minerals) - no more than 15% by volume for coarse aggregate and 2% by mass for fine aggregate;

Magnetite, iron hydroxides (goethite, etc.), apatite, nepheline, phosphorite, which are rock-forming minerals - each individually no more than 10%, and in total no more than 15% by volume;

Halides (halite, sylvite, etc.), including water-soluble chlorides, in terms of chlorine ion - no more than 0.1% by weight for coarse aggregate and 0.15% by mass for fine aggregate;

Free asbestos fiber - no more than 0.25% by weight;

Coal - no more than 1% by weight.

Dimensions holes control sit, mm

1 - lower limit of sand size (fineness modulus 1.5); 2 - lower limit of sand fineness (fineness modulus 2.0) for concrete class B15 and higher;
3 - lower limit of sand fineness (fineness modulus 2.5) for concrete class B25 and higher; 4 - upper limit of sand size (fineness modulus 3.25).

1.6.14. Fillers containing inclusions of harmful impurities exceeding the values ​​​​given in clause 1.6.13, as well as zeolite, graphite and oil shale, can be used for the production of concrete only after testing in concrete in accordance with the requirements of clause 1.6.2.

1.6.15. To use crushed stone from sedimentary carbonate rocks of aphanite structure and igneous effusive rocks of glassy structure, gravel with a smooth surface for concrete of strength class B22.5 and higher, and gravel of any kind for concrete of strength class B30 and higher, they must be tested in concrete in compliance with clause 1.6.2.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

1.6.16. Additional requirements for aggregates for concrete structures of various types are established in Appendix 3.

1.7. To reduce the consumption of cement and aggregates when preparing concrete mixtures, it is recommended to use fly ash, slag and ash and slag mixtures from thermal power plants that meet the requirements of GOST 25592, GOST 25818 and GOST 26644.

1.8. To regulate and improve the properties of concrete mixture and concrete, reduce cement consumption and energy costs, chemical additives that meet the requirements of GOST 24211 should be used.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

1.9. Concrete of the frost resistance grade P200 and higher, as well as concrete of the frost resistance grade P100 and higher for hydraulic structures should be manufactured with the mandatory use of air-entraining or gas-forming additives

1.9a. Concrete for road and airfield pavements should, as a rule, be prepared with the mandatory use of air-entraining and plasticizing additives.

It is allowed, with appropriate technical justification, to prepare mobile concrete mixtures with one air-entraining additive, and rigid concrete mixtures with one plasticizing additive. It is also allowed, after special research and experimental construction, to use a gas-forming additive instead of an air-entraining additive.

1.10. Concrete mixtures of workability grades P3 - P5 for the production of prefabricated reinforced concrete structures and products and workability grades P4 and P5 for monolithic and prefabricated monolithic structures must be prepared with the mandatory use of plasticizing additives.

1.11. Water for mixing concrete mixtures and preparing solutions of chemical additives must comply with the requirements of GOST 23732.


2.1. Incoming inspection of materials (cement, aggregates, water, additives) used for the preparation of concrete mixtures establishes their compliance with the requirements of Section. 1.

2.2. The quality of concrete for prefabricated reinforced concrete and concrete structures is controlled when accepting structures in accordance with GOST 13015.

2.3. Concrete quality acceptance for monolithic structures is carried out according to all standardized indicators established by the work project.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

2.4. Concrete for frost resistance, water resistance, average density, abrasion, water absorption is assessed when selecting each new nominal composition of concrete according to GOST 27006, and in the future - at least once every 6 months, as well as when changing the composition of concrete, production technology and quality of materials used .

Periodic tests on the specific activity of natural radionuclides in concrete are carried out during the initial selection of the nominal composition of concrete, as well as when the quality of the materials used changes, when their specific activity of natural radionuclides in new materials exceeds the corresponding characteristics of materials previously used.

If necessary, concrete in terms of humidity, shrinkage deformation, creep, endurance, heat release, prismatic strength, modulus of elasticity, Poisson's ratio, protective properties of concrete in relation to reinforcement and other standardized indicators are assessed in accordance with the requirements of the standards and technical specifications for concrete structures of a particular kind.

2.5. The concrete mixture is accepted according to GOST 7473.

2.6. The strength of concrete is controlled and assessed according to GOST 18105.


3.1. The compressive and tensile strength of concrete is determined according to GOST 10180 or GOST 28570, or GOST 22690, or GOST 17624, and is controlled according to GOST 18105.

3.2. Frost resistance of concrete is determined according to GOST 10060.0 - GOST 10060.3 or GOST 26134, water resistance - according to GOST 12730.5.

3.3. The quality indicators of concrete established in the standards or technical specifications for concrete of specific structures are determined according to the following standards:

Porosity indicators, including the volume of conditionally closed pores - GOST 12730.4;

Prismatic strength, modulus of elasticity and Poisson's ratio - according to GOST 24452;

Shrinkage and creep deformations - according to GOST 24544;

Characteristics of concrete crack resistance - according to GOST 29167.

3.4. The quality of the concrete mixture is determined according to GOST 10181.

3.5. Checking the protective properties of concrete in relation to steel reinforcement - according to the normative and technical documentation approved in the prescribed manner. The corrosion resistance of concrete is determined according to GOST 27677.

3.6. Specific effective activity of natural radionuclides ( A eff) raw materials for the preparation of concrete are determined according to GOST 30108.

3.7. The quality indicators of coarse aggregate for heavy concrete are determined according to GOST 8269.0 and GOST 8269.1, and for fine aggregate for concrete - according to GOST 8735.

3.8. The quality indicators of additives are checked according to GOST 24211, and water - according to GOST 23732. The effectiveness of additives on the properties of concrete is determined according to GOST 30459.

3.1 - 3.8. (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

3.9. Accelerated determination of the compressive strength of concrete to regulate its composition during the production process is carried out according to GOST 22783.

3.10. The frost resistance of concrete when selecting and adjusting its composition in the laboratory can be determined according to GOST 10060.4.

3.9, 3.10. (Introduced additionally, Amendment No. 1).




Table 6

Concrete strength class

Average strength of concrete () *, kgf/cm 2

The closest concrete grade in terms of strength is M

Deviation of the nearest grade of concrete from the average strength class, %,


Axial tension

Bending stretch

* Average concrete strength R calculated with coefficient of variation V, equal to 13.5%, and a probability of 95% for all types of concrete, and for massive hydraulic structures with a coefficient of variation V, equal to 17%, and security 90%.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).




1. Harmful impurities include inclusions of the following rocks and minerals: amorphous varieties of silicon dioxide (chalcedony, opal, flint, etc.), sulfates (gypsum, anhydrite, etc.), layered silicates (micas, hydromicas, chlorites, etc.), magnetite, iron hydroxides (goethite, etc.), apatite, nepheline, phosphorite, halogens (ladite, sylvite and others), zeolites, asbestos, graphite, coal, oil shale.

2. Harmful impurities in concrete (in aggregates used for concrete production) can cause:

Reduced strength and durability of concrete;

Deterioration of surface quality and internal corrosion of concrete;

Corrosion of reinforcement in concrete.

3. The main harmful impurities that reduce the strength and durability of concrete: coal, graphite, oil shale; layered silicates (micas, hydromicas, chlorites, etc.); zeolites, apatite, nepheline, phosphorite.

4. The main harmful impurities causing deterioration in surface quality and internal corrosion of concrete:

Amorphous varieties of silicon dioxide, soluble in alkalis (chalcedony, opal, flint, etc.), chlorite and some zeolites;

Sulfur, sulfides (pyrite, marcasite, pyrrhotite, etc.);

Sulfates (gypsum, anhydrite, etc.);

Magnetite, iron hydroxides (goethite, etc.).

5. The main harmful impurities that cause corrosion of reinforcement in concrete:

Halides (halite, sylvite, etc.), including water-soluble chlorides;

Sulfur sulfides and sulfates.




1. Fillers for concrete road and airfield pavements and foundations

1.1. With the largest aggregate grain size equal to 80 mm, it is allowed, by agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, to supply a mixture of fractions ranging in size from 5 to 40 mm.

2 - for single-layer and top layer of two-layer road surfaces;

3 - for the bottom layer of two-layer coatings and bases of improved permanent road surfaces.

1.3. The grades of crushed stone, gravel and crushed stone from gravel must be no lower than those indicated in the table. 7.

Table 7

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

1.4. Crushed stone and gravel, except for the strength grades indicated in the table. 7, must have wear marks in the shelf drum not lower than those indicated in the table. 8.

Table 8

1.6. The frost resistance of crushed stone and gravel must not be lower than the requirements specified in table. 9.

Table 9

Purpose of concrete

Frost resistance grade of crushed stone and gravel for concrete used in areas with the average monthly temperature of the coldest month

From 0 to -5 °C

From -5 to -15 °C

Below -15 °C

Single-layer coatings and the top layer of two-layer road surfaces

Bottom layer of two-layer road surfaces

Foundations for improved permanent road surfaces

1.7. Sand from crushing screenings and enriched sand from crushing screenings for concrete road and airfield pavements and foundations must have strength grades of the original rock or gravel not lower than those indicated in the table. 10.

Table 10

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

2. Aggregates for concrete transport construction

1 - concrete of bridge spans, bridge structures in zones of variable water levels, culverts, reinforced concrete sleepers, contact network supports, communication and automatic blocking lines, power transmission line supports;

2 - concrete of monolithic bridge supports and culvert foundations located outside the level of the variable water level zone.

2.3. For concrete bridge structures located in zones of variable water levels, bridge deck structures, bridge spans, as well as culverts, crushed stone of grade 1000 and higher from igneous rocks, crushed stone of grade 800 and higher from metamorphic and sedimentary rocks, crushed stone from gravel and gravel should be used grades for crushability not lower than 1000 - for concrete of strength class B30 and above, and 800 - for concrete of strength class up to B22.5 inclusive.

Fillers, the strength of which, when saturated with water, decreases by more than 20% compared to their strength in a dry state, but can be used for concrete structures located in the zone of variable water level and underwater zone.

2.4. For concrete reinforced concrete sleepers, you should use crushed stone from igneous rocks of a grade not lower than 1200, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks of a grade not lower than 1000, and crushed stone from gravel of a crushability grade not lower than 1000.

2.3, 2.4.(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

2.6. The use of gravel is not allowed for concrete:

Structures of bridges and culverts operated in areas with an average temperature of the coldest five-day period below minus 40 ° C;

Transport structures with frost resistance grade F200 and higher;

Transport reinforced concrete structures designed for endurance.

1 - for concrete of prestressed spans operated in areas with an average outside air temperature of the coldest five-day period below minus 40 °C;

2 - for concrete spans and bridge structures operated in conditions of variable water levels.

3. Fillers for concrete of hydraulic structures

3.1. During the construction of massive hydraulic structures, it is allowed to use crushed stone and gravel in the following sizes:

From 120 to 150 mm;

Over 150 mm, inserted directly into the block when laying the concrete mixture.

3.2. For concrete of hydraulic structures, the content of dust and clay particles in crushed stone, crushed gravel and gravel (regardless of the type of rock) should not exceed, %:

1 - for concrete in the zone of variable water level and above-water zone;

2 - for underwater and internal zones.

3.3. For concrete of hydraulic structures operating in an area of ​​variable water level, the presence of clay in the form of separate lumps in the coarse aggregate is not allowed.

3.4. Grades of crushed stone made from natural stone must be at least 600 for concrete of strength class B15 and below, 800 for concrete of strength class from B20 to B30 inclusive. 1200 - for concrete of a strength class higher than B30.

The crushability grades of gravel and crushed stone must be at least 800 for concrete of strength class B15 and below, 1000 for concrete of strength class B20 and above.

3.5. For concrete of hydraulic structures, which is subject to requirements for frost resistance and cavitation resistance, crushed stone from igneous rocks of a grade of at least 1000 should be used. The use of crushed stone from gravel or gravel of a crushability grade of at least 1000 is allowed after special research is carried out, taking into account the operating conditions of structures according to the requirements clause 1.6.2 of this standard.

3.4, 3.5.(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

3.6. For concrete of hydraulic structures in a zone of variable water levels, crushed stone or gravel with an average grain density of at least 2.5 g/cm 3 and water absorption of no more than % should be used:

0.5 - for crushed stone from igneous and metamorphic rocks;

1.0 » » » sedimentary rocks.

For concrete in the internal, underwater and above-water zones, the grain density must be no lower than 2.3 g/cm 3 and water absorption no more than %:

0.8 - for crushed stone from igneous and metamorphic rocks;

2.0 » » » sedimentary rocks.

3.7. Crushed stone and gravel for wear-resistant hydraulic concrete must have a wear rating in the shelf drum not lower than:

I-I - for crushed stone from igneous and metamorphic rocks;

I-II » » » sedimentary rocks, as well as gravel and crushed gravel.

3.9. The frost resistance of crushed stone and gravel for concrete of hydraulic structures must be no lower than that indicated in the table. 11.

Table 11

For concrete of hydraulic structures with standardized frost resistance F300 and above and concrete of variable level zones, the use of gravel as a coarse aggregate is allowed only after testing the concrete for frost resistance.

3.10. For concrete of hydraulic structures, it is allowed to use sands with a particle size modulus from 1.5 to 3.5 (total residues on a 2.5 mm sieve from 0 to 30%, on a 1.5 mm sieve - from 5 to 55%, on a 0 sieve .63 mm - from 20 to 75%, on a 0.315 mm sieve - from 40 to 90% and on a 0.14 mm sieve - from 85 to 100%). In this case, fine sands with a particle size modulus equal to or less than 2.0 should be used with the mandatory use of surfactant additives.

3.11. For concrete of hydraulic structures, the content of dust and clay particles in the sand should not exceed, % by weight:

2 - for concrete in a zone of variable water level;

3" surface concrete;

5 "underwater" and concrete of the internal zone.

For concrete of hydraulic structures, the use of fine aggregate containing clay in the form of individual lumps is not allowed.

1 - for concrete with variable water level;

2 "" surface area;

3 "" underwater and internal zones.

4. Fillers for concrete, concrete and reinforced concrete pipes

4.3. For concrete of pressure and low-pressure reinforced concrete pipes, crushed stone from natural stone of a grade not lower than 1000 and crushed stone from gravel of a grade not lower than Dr8 should be used. For concrete of free-flow pipes, crushed stone from igneous rocks of a grade not lower than 800 should be used, from sedimentary and metamorphic rocks - not lower than 600, crushed stone from gravel and gravel of a grade not lower than Dr12.

2 - for concrete pressure pipes;

3 - for concrete of free-flow and low-pressure pipes.

4.5. Sand from crushing screenings and enriched sand from crushing screenings used for concrete of reinforced concrete and concrete pipes must have a strength grade of the original rock or gravel of at least 600. The use of these sands from rocks of aphanitic or glassy structure is not allowed.

APPLICATION 4 (Deleted, Amendment No. 1).


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the Research, Design and Technological Institute of Concrete and Reinforced Concrete (NIIZHB) of the USSR State Construction Committee

2. APPROVED AND ENTERED INTO EFFECT by Resolution of the State Construction Committee of the USSR dated May 16, 1991 No. 21

Change No. 1 was adopted by the Interstate Scientific and Technical Commission for Standardization, Technical Standards and Certification in Construction (MNTKS) 12/07/2001

3. The standard complies with international standards ISO 3893-78 and ST SEV 1406-78 -93

Appendix 2 The nature of the possible impact of harmful impurities on concrete. 11

Appendix 3 Additional requirements for aggregates for concrete intended for various types of construction. 11




GOST 26633-91



Date of introduction 01.01.92

This standard applies to structural heavy and fine-grained concrete (hereinafter referred to as concrete) used in all types of construction.


1.1. The requirements of this standard should be observed when developing new and revising existing standards and technical specifications, design and technological documentation for prefabricated concrete and reinforced concrete products and prefabricated structures, monolithic and prefabricated monolithic structures (hereinafter referred to as structures).

1.2. Concrete should be manufactured in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to design and technological documentation for specific types of structures, approved in the prescribed manner.

1.3. Characteristics

1.4. Requirements for concrete mixtures

1.4.1. Concrete mixtures must comply with the requirements of GOST 7473.

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 1).

Water cement ratio for concrete



Single layer coatings and tops layer two layers ny coatings







Bottom layer of two-layer coatings







(Changed edition. Amendment No. 2).

1.4.4. For road and airfield pavements made of heavy and fine-grained concrete, the volume of entrained air in the moving concrete mixture and the content of conditionally closed pores in concrete from this mixture must be no less than the values ​​​​indicated in Table. 1.

Table 1

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 2).

1.4.5. For hydraulic structures with standardized frost resistance F 200 and above, operated under conditions of saturation with sea or mineralized water, the volume of entrained air in the concrete mixture must correspond to that indicated in table. .

Table 2

The volume of entrained air in the concrete mixture, %, at W/C

1.4.6. The volume of entrained air in concrete mixtures for concrete bridge structures with standardized frost resistance is taken according to the standards and technical specifications for concrete structures of a particular type; it should not exceed, %:

2 - 5 - for concrete and reinforced concrete bridge structures;

5 - 6 - for covering roadways of bridges.

terms of Use

Type and consumption of cement, kg/m 3


PC-D20 SSPTs-D20

1.5. Requirements for binding materials

1.6. Requirements for placeholders

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

Coarse aggregate fraction

From 5 to 10 or from 3 to 10

From 5(3) to 10 and St. 10 to 20

From 5 (3) to 10, St. 10 to 20 and St. 20 to 40

From 5 (3) to 10, St. 10 to 20, St. 20 to 40 and St. 40 to 80

From 5 (3) to 10, St. 10 to 20, St. 20 to 40, St. 40 to 80,

St. 80 to 120

Note: The use of a filler fraction with a grain size from 3 to 10 mm is allowed if sand with a particle size modulus of no more than 2.5 is used as a fine filler.

It is allowed to use coarse aggregates in the form of a mixture of two adjacent fractions that meet the requirements of Table. .

1.6.5. The content of individual fractions in the coarse aggregate in the concrete composition must correspond to that indicated in the table. .

Table 5

1.6.6. The content of dust and clay particles in crushed stone from igneous and metamorphic rocks, crushed stone from gravel and in gravel should not exceed 1% by weight for concrete of all classes.

1.6.7. The content of lamellar (flaky) and needle-shaped grains in coarse aggregate should not exceed 35% by weight.

1.6.8. The grade of crushed stone from igneous rocks must be not lower than 800, crushed stone from metamorphic rocks - not lower than 600 and sedimentary rocks - not lower than 300, gravel and crushed stone from gravel - not lower than 600).

The grade of crushed stone made from natural stone must be no lower than:

300 - for concrete class B15 and below;



800"" classes B25; B 27.5; B30;

1000"" class B40;

1200"""B45 and above.

It is allowed to use crushed stone from sedimentary carbonate rocks of grade 400 for concrete of class B22.5, if the content of soft rock grains in it does not exceed 5%.

The grades of gravel and crushed gravel must be no lower than:

600 - for concrete class B22.5 and below;

800 - "" classes B25; B27.5;

1000 - class B30 and above.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

1.6.9. The content of grains of weak rocks in crushed stone from natural stone should not exceed, % by weight:

5 - for concrete classes B40 and B45;

10"""B20, B22.5, B25, B27.5 and B30;

15 - for concrete class B 15 and below.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

1.6.10. The frost resistance of large aggregates must be no lower than the standardized grade of concrete for frost resistance.

1.6.11. Fine aggregate for concrete is selected according to its grain composition, the content of dust and clay particles, petrographic composition, and radiation and hygienic characteristics. When selecting the composition of concrete, density, water absorption (for sands from crushing screenings), voids, and the compressive strength of the original rock in a water-saturated state (for sands from crushing screenings) are taken into account.

Fine aggregates should have an average grain density of 2000 to 2800 kg/m3.

1.6.12. The grain composition of the fine aggregate must correspond to the schedule (see drawing). In this case, only grains passing through a sieve with round holes with a diameter of 5 mm are taken into account. If the grain composition of natural sands does not meet the requirements of the schedule, a coarsening additive should be used for fine and very fine sands - sand from crushing screenings or coarse sand, and for coarse sand - an additive that reduces the particle size modulus - fine or very fine sand.

Taking into account the requirements of items in concrete of strength class up to B30 or B tb 4.0 incl. It is allowed to use very fine sands with a particle size modulus of 1.0 to 1.5 with a grain content of less than 0.16 mm up to 20% by weight and dust and clay particles not exceeding 3% by weight.

1.9a. Concrete for road and airfield pavements should, as a rule, be prepared with the mandatory use of air-entraining and plasticizing additives.

It is allowed, with appropriate technical justification, to prepare mobile concrete mixtures with one air-entraining additive, and rigid concrete mixtures with one plasticizing additive. It is also allowed, after special research and experimental construction, to use a gas-forming additive instead of an air-entraining additive.

(Introduced additionally. Amendment No. 2).

1.10. Concrete mixtures of workability grades P3 - P5 for the production of prefabricated reinforced concrete structures and products and workability grades P4 and P5 for monolithic and prefabricated monolithic structures must be prepared with the mandatory use of plasticizing additives.

Average density - according to GOST 12730.1 or GOST 17623;

Water absorption - according to GOST 12730.3;

Porosity indicators , including the volume of conditionally closed pores- according to GOST 12730.4;

Prismatic strength, modulus of elasticity and Poisson's ratio - according to GOST 24452;

Shrinkage and creep deformations - according to GOST 24544;

Heat dissipation - according to GOST 24316;

Characteristics of concrete crack resistance - according to GOST 29167.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

(Changed edition. Amendment No. 2).

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

3.9-3.10. (Introduced additionally. Amendment No. 1).




Table 6

Concrete strength class

Average strength of concrete ()*, kgf/cm 2

The closest concrete grade in terms of strength is M

Deviation of the nearest grade of concrete from the average strength class, % ,

Axial tension

Bending stretch

* Average concrete strength R calculated with coefficient of variation V, equal to 13.5%, and a probability of 95% for all types of concrete, and for massive hydraulic structures with a coefficient of variation V, equal to 17% , and security 90%.

Table 6 (Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).



1. Harmful impurities include inclusions of the following rocks and minerals: amorphous varieties of silicon dioxide (chalcedony, opal, flint, etc.), sulfates (gypsum, anhydrite, etc.), layered silicates (micas, hydromicas, chlorites, etc.), magnetite, iron hydroxides (goethite, etc.), apatite, nepheline, phosphorite, halogens (ladite, sylvite and others), zeolites, asbestos, graphite, coal, oil shale.

2. Harmful impurities in concrete (in aggregates used for concrete production) can cause:

reduction in the strength and durability of concrete;

deterioration of surface quality and internal corrosion of concrete;

corrosion of reinforcement in concrete.

3. The main harmful impurities that reduce the strength and durability of concrete: coal, graphite, oil shale; layered silicates (micas, hydromicas, chlorites, etc.); zeolites, apatite, nepheline, phosphorite.

4. The main harmful impurities causing deterioration in surface quality and internal corrosion of concrete:

amorphous varieties of silicon dioxide, soluble in alkalis (chalcedony, opal, flint, etc.), chlorite and some zeolites;

sulfur, sulfides (pyrite, marcasite, pyrrhotite, etc.);

sulfates (gypsum, anhydrite, etc.);

magnetite, iron hydroxides (goethite, etc.).

5. The main harmful impurities that cause corrosion of reinforcement in concrete:

halides (halite, sylvite, etc.), including water-soluble chlorides;

sulfur sulfides and sulfates.



1. Fillers for concrete road and airfield pavements and foundations

1.1. With the largest aggregate grain size equal to 80 mm, it is allowed, by agreement between the manufacturer and the consumer, to supply a mixture of fractions ranging in size from 5 to 40 mm.

1.2. The content of dust and clay particles in crushed stone from sedimentary rocks should not exceed, % by weight:

2 - for single-layer and top layer of two-layer road surfaces;

3 - for the bottom layer of two-layer coatings and bases of improved permanent road surfaces.

1.3. The grades of crushed stone, gravel and crushed stone from gravel must not be lower than those specified in.

Purpose of concrete

Grade for abrasion in a shelf drum, not lower

Gravel and crushed gravel

from igneous rocks

from sedimentary rocks

Single layer coatings and top layer of double layer coatings

Bottom layers of two-layer coatings

Foundations of improved permanent coverings

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

Amendment. IUS 11-2002.

2. Aggregates for concrete transport construction

2.1. The content of dust and clay particles in crushed stone from sedimentary rocks should not exceed the following values, %, but not less for:

1 - concrete of bridge spans, bridge structures in zones of variable water levels, culverts, reinforced concrete sleepers, contact network supports, communication and automatic blocking lines, power transmission line supports;

2 - concrete of monolithic bridge supports and culvert foundations located outside the level of the variable water level zone.

2.2. The content of lamellar (flaky) and needle-shaped grains in large aggregates for concrete, reinforced concrete sleepers, power line supports, contact networks, communication lines and automatic blocking should not exceed 25% by weight.

2.3. For concrete bridge structures located in zones of variable water levels, bridge deck structures, bridge spans, as well as culverts, crushed stone of grade 1000 and higher from igneous rocks, crushed stone of grade 800 and higher from metamorphic and sedimentary rocks, crushed stone from gravel and gravel should be used grades for crushability not lower than 1000 - for concrete of strength class B30 and above, and 800 - for concrete of strength class up to B22.5 inclusive.

Fillers, the strength of which, when saturated with water, decreases by more than 20% compared to their strength in a dry state, but can be used for concrete structures located in the zone of variable water level and underwater zone.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

2.4. For concrete reinforced concrete sleepers, you should use crushed stone from igneous rocks of a grade not lower than 1200, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks of a grade not lower than 1000, and crushed stone from gravel of a crushability grade not lower than 1000.

(Changed edition, Amendment No. 1).

2.5. The content of soft rock grains in crushed stone and gravel should not exceed 5% by weight for concrete bridge structures located in an area of ​​variable water level, and concrete for culverts under embankments.

2.6. The use of gravel is not allowed for concrete:

structures of bridges and culverts operated in areas with an average temperature of the coldest five-day period below minus 40 °C;

transport structures with a frost resistance mark F 200 and above;

transport reinforced concrete structures designed for endurance.

2.7. The content of dust and clay particles in fine aggregate for concrete of transport structures should not exceed, % by weight:

1 - for concrete of prestressed spans operated in areas with an average outside air temperature of the coldest five-day period below minus 40 °C;

2 - for concrete spans and bridge structures operated in conditions of variable water levels.

3. Fillers for concrete of hydraulic structures

3.1. During the construction of massive hydraulic structures, it is allowed to use crushed stone and gravel in the following sizes:

from 120 to 150 mm;

St. 150 mm, introduced directly into the block when laying the concrete mixture.