Business style in women's clothing. Business style: how to shape it while preserving femininity as much as possible

ABOUT formal business style of clothing, strict dress code, restraint and conservatism - all this primarily speaks of the high status of the corporation and the professional business environment. Many people feel sad and despondent at the mere mention of white-collar style. However, professional style, as we stylists call it, is extremely multifaceted when examined in depth and is by no means as boring as it might seem at first glance. You just need to know some nuances and secrets.

ABOUT reflecting a person’s social status is the most ancient and original function of clothing. After all, appearance is a kind of code, deciphering which you can learn a lot about the world in which a person moves. The philosophy of any dress code is determined primarily by the appropriateness and need to correspond to the situation, and not by sheer prohibitions and restrictions.

D The spruce style primarily demonstrates professionalism and competence, certain values ​​and position in society. For example, in large companies, clothing is always designed in the same specified corporate style, but always with adjustments for the rank of employees. God is in the details. They are the insignia in the business environment, helping to understand who is in front of you: an ordinary clerk or a top manager. It is very important to understand that professional style is a statement not so much of individuality, but of compliance with the philosophy and message of the company in which the employee works.

M The international corporate standard was fully formed in the 80-90s of the 20th century under the influence of world political leaders, first ladies, leading news channels (mainly BBC and CNN), as well as Italian and English textile traditions.

Types of business style in clothing

WITH There are certain levels of appropriateness to the situation when choosing business attire that you need to know and understand. For example, the coefficient of conservatism is an indicator of the level of strictness, which affects the degree of freedom to choose clothing. Let's look at the most popular business dress code options.

1. Business Best

N The most demanding dress code that does not welcome expression of individuality. Typically used at very important business meetings or negotiations with foreign partners, as well as in legal organizations, banking, politics and insurance companies.

R Recommendations for men: the strictest and most conservative suit in black, gray or dark blue; snow-white shirt with double cuffs and cufflinks; exclusively black shoes - derby or oxfords. For women it is a blue, gray or beige suit; white blouse; flesh-colored stockings or tights; black pumps with heels from 3 to 5 cm; the only acceptable hairstyle is tied up hair; lack of short sleeves at any time of the year; It is allowed to diversify the costume with a neckerchief or small jewelry.

2. Business Traditional

T traditional formal business dress code, in which there are fewer restrictions and a little more opportunity for individuality: different colors and patterns are welcomed within reason. Men are recommended to wear a plain suit (delicate stripes are acceptable), women - a trouser suit or sheath dress with a jacket. We allow short sleeves and, depending on the situation, loose hair. Jewelry can be a little brighter and a little larger.

3. Business Casual

U Comfortable, elegant clothes for the office. This style is considered one of the most free and individual in the business environment. Perfect for organizations with casual clothing or for business Friday. Men are allowed to wear brighter (within professional style) shirts, trousers, polos or vests. For women - skirts, jackets, turtlenecks and knitted cardigans.

Basics of business style in women's clothing

  • Semi-fitted silhouette
  • Color: all shades of blue, gray, beige-brown, olive, burgundy and white.
  • Absence of patterns (except geometric prints)
  • Used trouser suit with classic trouser length
  • Jacket/cardigan
  • A skirt, the minimum length of which is 5 cm above the knee, the maximum length is 20 cm from the floor.
  • Used blouse
  • Sheath dress
  • Coat made of high-quality fabric with a classic cut
  • About the shoe: stable heel, height from 3 to 5 cm with a closed “toe”
  • Tights/stockings are beige and nude (no thicker than 20 den), black (8 den).
  • Smart: a simple shape with straight cut lines, plain, without unnecessary decorative elements.
  • Dyeing: laconic, simple in form. Expensive jewelry and semi-precious stones are allowed.
  • Hairstyle, makeup, manicure: hairstyle should be neat and fixed, makeup natural, French manicure is the best option for business.

Basics of business style in men's clothing

  • Men's suit (Italian, German, English cut) made of high quality fabrics. Particular attention should be paid to the fact that the bottom button of a single-breasted jacket is never fastened, and the length of the trousers should reach the beginning or middle of the heel.
  • With shirt: the color of the shirt should be in harmony with the color of the suit. The sleeve of the shirt is supposed to protrude 1-1.5 cm from under the sleeve of the jacket.
  • P polo shirt, thin jumper, turtleneck, vest.
  • Please note: only genuine leather is acceptable. Oxfords or Derbys. The more elegant the suit, the thinner the sole of the shoe should be.
  • Belt: selected to match the color of shoes, briefcase and watch strap (black, dark chocolate, shades of dark cherry).
  • Tie: the most striking indicator of both individuality and social status. The most important rule is that the tie should reach the belt buckle, and it should be matched to the suit and shirt at the same time.
  • N socks: must be darker than trousers (black, dark blue and dark brown).
  • Watches: the most important, prestigious and expensive accessory in a man's wardrobe.
  • C cufflinks
  • Tie clip
  • And the second pen: an equally important accessory that speaks volumes about the taste and social status of the owner.
  • Front: black in the shape of a cane.

IN In our time, there is a very clear trend towards simplification and democratization of business style in connection with the emerging postmodern era, which only benefits white-collar workers. There are many more opportunities to express individuality in a professional style than before (for example, the acceptable color palette is gradually expanding), which makes it more attractive and even more elegant. Restraint can go hand in hand with fashion, and formal business style is a direct confirmation of this!

Business style is the most conservative of all clothing styles. Its rules remain virtually unchanged. Today I will talk about the requirements of a business dress code for women and men.

Business clothing for women appeared around the nineteenth century, when women began to fight for their rights. They did not want to remain just an appendage of men. Women began to take part in business life, along with men.

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Clothing has become not only beautiful, but practical and comfortable. Many clothing ideas were borrowed from the men's wardrobe.

Main features of business style of women's clothing

Clothing creators are increasingly diversifying the clothing of business ladies. In the 2016 collections, they showed a large number of elegant suits and dresses that are necessary for working in the office. However, there are general frameworks in these clothes.

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Business suit color can be made in the following colors:

  • grey;
  • black;
  • white;
  • olive;
  • beige;
  • burgundy.

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Blouse , in its classic version, should be white. In modern business style, deviations in color are possible. The only condition is that it must be discreet and look harmonious in the overall ensemble. Nothing provocative, bright, open.

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Costume may consist of:

  • trousers and jacket;
  • trousers and jacket;
  • pencil skirts and jackets;
  • pencil skirts and jackets;
  • sheath dress and jacket.

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Absence of any patterns on the fabric, with the exception of stripes and geometric prints. The presence of beige or black nylon tights or stockings is mandatory. Shoes must be closed and with heels. Determine the heel height based on personal preference. You should be comfortable. No platform!

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If you prefer to wear jewelry, don't overdo it. A bag of a simple style, always one color, without unnecessary decoration.

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Main features of business style in men's clothing

Men's business suits should be made in muted colors. Unfortunately, men's business suits are not as varied as women's business suits.

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When choosing business-style clothes for yourself, you need to consider the following recommendations:

  1. The shirt should match the color of the suit. Its sleeve should be slightly longer than the jacket sleeve. Read more about choosing a shirt.
  2. The tie should be of normal length, that is, reach the very belt buckle. The tie must be matched to the shirt and suit at the same time. Don't forget about the tie clip.
  3. The color of shoes, bags and watch straps should be the same shade.
  4. Shoes must be strict. For information on what shoes to wear with what clothes, see.

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All prestigious companies have a special dress code. Therefore, business attire will come in handy. Each employee must have at least four sets of clothes for working in the office. Wearing the same suit all the time is not recommended.

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Nowadays, the possibilities for expressing individuality in this style are expanding. And above all, this is noticeable in the color scheme of business suits.

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Read about other clothing styles. Find out all the latest, fashionable and useful on my blog. Write your questions and wishes in the comments. Subscribe to my

What does business style mean?

Any style of clothing is subject to its own rules. As for business style, there are much more rules here than in any other. Nevertheless, it is important to know and adhere to them. This applies to both women and men.

How many times have they told the world that they evaluate a person at the first meeting by his appearance or, as they say, by his clothes. A person who shows up, say, in a tracksuit to a friend’s birthday party looks completely stupid. What about an evening dress at a bowling alley? Clothing is our shell, which can speak volumes. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s men’s or women’s clothing.

Take, for example, business style. Women's clothing related to business style is definitely a suit. However, men's business-style clothing is also a suit. Of course, in each case they have their own characteristics.

Women's business clothing

A women's business suit is a jacket and trousers or a tailored jacket and skirt plus an unpretentious blouse. Variations are possible with vests, sweaters with a neckline (a turtleneck is more of a sports-style garment). Women's business attire usually requires dark tones. Black, gray, dark blue will do. Brown is possible, but it doesn't suit everyone.

Pants should fit your figure perfectly. You should be comfortable in them both when walking and when you sit. If you wear shoes with heels, the bottom of your trousers should be exactly at the level of the middle of the heel.

And no leggings or leggings with blouses or T-shirts!

The skirt can be just above the knee if your legs allow it.

Tights or stockings are also clothing. Women's business-style clothing implies the mandatory wearing of tights or stockings at any time of the year. It is also worth remembering that the most acceptable color for them is flesh color, and not black at all, as many ladies sincerely believe.

The ideal shoe color to match the concept of " women's business clothing", is black. The heel can be anything, but it is better that it is not higher than eight centimeters.

Everything that was said above was relevant to those women who work in companies where a strict dress code has been introduced. But business women's clothing can be burgundy, beige, or green. That is, if the management of your company does not insist on strict restrictions on clothing or uniforms, then you can consider yourself very lucky, because you can afford a lot: scarves and stoles, tops and dresses, tunics and sweatshirts...

Pay attention also to the underwear - isn't it clothing? If we compare it with business style, there are only two rules: the underwear should be comfortable and match the color of the clothes (it is unacceptable for, for example, a pink bra to be visible from under a white blouse; beige underwear is worn under white clothes). However, there is one more rule regarding underwear in a business style: it should be there!

Men's business clothing

If you think that a suit and a shirt are an exhaustive list of clothing items included in the concept of “men's business style clothing,” you are deeply mistaken. Of course, a tie should be included on this list, whether you like it or not. When tied, the tie should reach the belt buckle. With a formal monochromatic suit, you can wear a plain shirt and a tie with a pattern or a plain one. If the shirt has a pattern, then the tie simply must be plain.

As for the pattern on the tie that you wear with a business suit, it can be stripes, abstract geometric images, or in some cases polka dots. Men's business-style clothing does not allow wearing a tie with inscriptions, picturesque images, or exotic designs.

Returning to the suit, it is important to say that this men's clothing should be absolutely comfortable and of excellent quality. The best colors are black, shades of blue and gray. The ideal material for a business suit is wool.

As for the shirt, the rules of business style say that this clothing can be either long or short sleeved (the latter option is summer), the shirt should fit its owner both in the collar area and in the waist area. The cuffs should be slightly longer than the sleeves of the jacket - one and a half to two centimeters.

If we talk about the colors of shirts acceptable for business style, then white, blue, and beige remain the priority. It is not forbidden to wear a thin striped shirt under a suit.

Forget about sparkly and silk shirts, even if you are a big fan of them.

About socks. Two basic rules apply here: socks must match the tone of the trousers and not have a pattern.

A belt is, of course, not clothing, it is an accessory. However, it is also important to pay due attention to it. Wearing a belt with a suit is a must. It should match the color of the shoes and briefcase of its owner. An ornate belt buckle worn with a suit is completely unacceptable.

Business style hairstyles They attract with their elegance, strict minimalism, slender outlines and sophistication. The main task of stylish, discreet hairstyles is to create the image of a businesslike, modern lady who has all the necessary qualities and talents for the successful growth of her career.

Punctuality, stability, accuracy, dedication, discipline, rigor and mobility are important facets of the business image that business-style hairstyles demonstrate.

Characteristic, bright accents of business style hairstyles.

Business style today is a definite special business card, which helps to create your own image, in which there is no place for negligence, tackiness, overt sexuality, promiscuity and frivolity.

An absolute veto is imposed on loose, flowing strands, very long hair (below the shoulder blades), too long bangs, lush, flying curls. Acceptable limits are determined, as a rule, by the recommended dress code, but the most important thing, of course, is maintaining style in a business attire, because style is the correspondence between the inner attitude and appearance, the ability to find balance and harmony between hairstyle, clothing, makeup and accessories.

Business style hairstyles stand out with calm tones, smooth strands, strict lines. It is necessary to lay the curls in the “inward” direction, thus creating the impression of reliability, purposefulness and independence.

Laconic, short bangs, side and straight partings are excellent options for business-style hairstyles.

Neat, symmetrical haircuts are also welcome, for example, graphic bob, “cascade”, “bob” with straightened ends of even, smooth strands.

Must be excluded chaotic, careless and disheveled curls, as such styling interferes with the working spirit.

It is recommended to pull unruly, curly strands back, completely exposing the forehead area. The curls framing the face can be beautifully pinned at the back of the head or twisted with an elastic cord into an elegant knot. Classic “spikelets”, “ponytail”, all kinds of buns and “shells” are universal styling for the office and unique hairstyles for business style.

However, they do not change their business style in everyday clothes - their everyday wardrobe does not tolerate negligence, unless more frivolous things are added to it and there is no officialdom. Often business women, dressing in a casual business style, prefer jeans and choose cardigans as outerwear.

Go shopping, meet someone in a cafe, have lunch with friends, go to a museum... On weekends, relax, don’t bring home a whole portfolio of things that will deprive you of the opportunity to relax.

Leave formal suits at home and dress simpler, but fashionable. Some lightness in casual business style clothing is a distinctive feature of casual. Of course, this negligence is not torn tights or a wrinkled blouse.

In the city, fashion, style, clothing design play a significant role! There should be naturalness and restraint in the entire appearance. Combine classic clothes with sportswear - this technique helps create. Relaxed, jackets, blazers, knitwear - these are the main items of women's wardrobe for the city. They can fit into a variety of situations; in any of these outfits on Saturday afternoon you can safely go shopping or to an opening day. Save patent leather shoes, furs and handbags embroidered with beads for special occasions.

Business casual wardrobe: suit, dress, jeans

Costume. Elegant suits with trousers, skirts, and dresses in a casual style differ from business ones in their lack of formality. They are as relaxed and comfortable as possible, able to easily fit into any situation of everyday life. Often the top of the suit is replaced with a jacket, blazer or cardigan. The main principle of choosing a suit is this: clothes should be light, not restrict movement, feminine and a little sexy.

The entire outfit must be thought through to the smallest detail. It is important that it matches the inner mood and gently emphasizes the status. Therefore, be sure to use some personal touch - a flower pinned to the lapel, or a bright scarf, a beautiful blouse or top. And remember about the length of the trousers: office suits are usually designed for high heels, so you should definitely have several pairs of trousers specifically for flat shoes.

Dress. Recently, light dresses have been replacing the usual jeans in the warm season. A loose cut, an abundance of various decorative elements, and an interesting color are welcome. If the dress has a strict cut, then it must be decorated with an original neckerchief.

Jeans. Business style for every day is unthinkable without. It is necessary not only to carefully select, but also to take into account fashion trends. That's why jeans should be changed every season: they can especially easily make you look unfashionable.

Casual business style of outerwear and knitwear

Outerwear in a business casual wardrobe is a loose coat, raincoat, light jacket or stole draped over the shoulders. Such things are the best completion of the image.

Cardigan. became a mandatory part of a woman's wardrobe back when it was a simple thin blouse with a button closure. Such a modest cardigan made of cotton or wool fits seamlessly into any look, successfully. The same smooth blouse with buttons was useful both day and evening: during the day it was worn with shirts in the spirit of men's shirts or with romantic blouses with bows and frills; in the evening it was quite appropriate with a cocktail dress, which made you feel smart, but not too dressed up - in this case it was unbuttoned or even simply draped over the shoulders.

The fashion dictionary defines a cardigan as a hip-length knitted jacket with a button closure, no collar, and a V-neck. However, the cardigan is no longer limited to this length, and the variety of its necklines and collars increases from season to season. Being democratic clothing, this knitted jacket, becoming an excellent replacement for a jacket, is slowly beginning to claim a more official status.

The cardigan was given its name by one of the most famous dandies of the 19th century - the successful military leader James Brudenell, Lord Cardigan, who invented an unusual model of a jacket without a collar and lapels. In its modern form, the cardigan came into fashion in the last century. Then a knitted two-piece appeared - a set of a jacket and a sleeveless jumper. But the cardigan finally made its presence known in the 1960s. The fair sex was fascinated by the femininity, versatility and practicality of a knitted jacket. They immediately realized that this item was priceless: elegant and practical, the cardigan can help out in almost any situation. Knowing this, designers offer new versions of it every season.

Indeed, you can wear a top, a cotton shirt or a silk blouse under a cardigan. It is easier to care for than a jacket and is also not as conservative. Any skirt goes well with it - straight, flared and narrow. A small button-down blouse can be worn with jeans and any fashionable trousers - wide ones with folded folds, in the style of Marlene Dietrich, and very narrow and short ones, in the style of Audrey Hepburn.

A buttoned-up knitted cardigan perfectly replaces a thin jumper, so you can wear it “solo” without wearing anything underneath. In an informal setting, such blouses look wonderful with full skirts or over light dresses. They are also good in combination with shorts, giving a woman a romantic and frivolous look. There are never too many cardigans, and a woman’s wardrobe should have a variety of models: calm tones and bright, small and voluminous, fitted and loose. Just keep in mind that it is advisable to combine things in neutral colors with a bright cardigan.

Knitwear. One of the most versatile items in a business casual wardrobe is a simple knitted two-piece, which looks equally good with a tight skirt or trousers. Knitwear should be of high quality, plain, cashmere or wool. Bright colors and patterns on it will add mood and dynamics to the image. Pay special attention to the fashionable color of the season, but keep in mind: such clothes immediately catch the eye.

Business casual wardrobe: shoes, bag, accessories

Shoes. On weekends, forget about black shoes. The choice for the city is quite wide: moccasins, pumps, loafers, clogs or sandals. Shoes with heels, albeit small ones, are preferred: according to French women, “a woman in heels looks more like a woman, and in sneakers, she looks more like an athlete.” Sneakers are only good for outdoor activities or household chores.

Bag. Like shoes, a bag should reflect fashion trends in both color and shape. A bag for the city can be medium-sized or quite large, with long handles so that it can be easily hung on the shoulder and free your hands, and with a secure enough clasp so as not to tempt thieves. A spacious external pocket is convenient, in which you can, for example, put a magazine without unfastening the bag.

Accessories and decorations. In your business casual wardrobe, pay special attention to accessories, but never wear large diamonds. A designer watch, an interesting bracelet, medium-sized earrings, beads or a pendant, an original ring - this is enough to emphasize status and style.

Clothing style is not just a choice of certain styles, fabrics, color combinations and accessories, but above all a certain philosophy, a view of the world. A stable, established style always solves certain practical problems and carries a message of personality to the outside world.

Business style is often perceived as boring, conservative, making a person seem like a faceless cog in a corporation. Why, despite the increasing democratization of fashion and freedom of choice among the many existing styles, does office style not go away from our lives? Let's figure it out.

Business style, as is already clear from the name, is designed to serve a person in his professional activities. Its task is to emphasize the status of a specialist, focus on work, the primacy of professional activity for the individual, and the ability to obey general rules. This is precisely what his conservatism and rigor are connected with. It has long been known that the first impression of a person is created by his clothing, and both for the employee and for the organization as a whole, it is important that this image inspires trust and respect and indicates a serious attitude towards the activity.

Initially, business clothing existed, for obvious reasons, only in men's fashion and was a classic suit in the English style. Although for almost a couple of centuries the men's suit has changed in cut, the image itself and the composition of the items included in it practically do not change. This is a dark suit, including trousers, a jacket and vest, a white shirt and tie, complemented by appropriate shoes and accessories that emphasize the status of the owner.

In women's fashion, business style appeared in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, when the lives of women of the privileged class began to change. The struggle for equality intensified, women appeared in student classrooms and offices, they began to engage in sports and social activities. This also required appropriate clothing. Formal suits appeared, the tailoring of which used elements of men's cut. This solved both practical problems, making clothes more functional, and emphasized equality with men and the importance of personal business qualities.

This first women's business suit included a long straight skirt, a blouse with a tight collar that allowed a tie to be worn, and a fairly long jacket-coat.

The First World War and its aftermath increased the number of women entering business. They didn’t want to completely give up their femininity, but they couldn’t afford all sorts of ruffles and deep necklines. It is for them that Coco Chanel, who herself was a businesswoman, comes up with her suit and little black dress. The costume included a cardigan or jumper that did not restrict movement, and a straight skirt, already noticeably shortened compared to the beginning of the century. The midi length was quite revolutionary at that time, but its practicality made the midi length a classic of women's fashion.

A trouser suit, similar to a men's one, was brought into fashion before World War II by Marlene Dietrich. He amazed his contemporaries, but despite the fact that the outbreak of World War II forced many women to wear trousers, this image was perceived as too shocking and did not fit into women’s business style at all until the 70s of the 20th century. Only the introduction of jeans and other trousers into the everyday life of women made this item of clothing more familiar, everyday, trousers were no longer perceived as something unacceptable and Yves Saint Laurent was able to offer a trouser suit as an alternative to the traditional women's business suit. Since then, a formal jacket and flared trousers have become a worthy alternative to a jacket and a narrow straight skirt as business clothing for women. Reaching its culmination in the 80s, the suit with elements of men's tailoring from Giorgio Armani looked strict and elegant.

Despite the inherent conservatism of the style, it still changes along with our lives, becomes more democratic, and today business style is often understood not quite the same as in the middle of the 20th century. No more monochrome, boring colors and masculinity. Currently, the dress code of a business woman does not exclude romantic prints, bright colors, or, conversely, delicate shades and soft lines. And proof of this is the outfits of modern business women, who, very often, are standards of style.

Today, there are several levels within business style, which are called differently in different sources, but the essence is the same - the difference in the degree of strictness of the dress code. There are three levels:

  • Strict classic. It is used during interviews, negotiations, and important meetings.
  • Business casual. It is worn to work where a strict mandatory dress code is not required. Close to the classic style, but allows for deviations in color, cut, and use of accessories.
  • Free or it is also called Friday, since nowadays even in large corporations, on the last day of the working week, a relaxation is made, allowing deviating from the strict dress code.

The relaxed business style of clothing is the most common, as it combines sufficient freedom of expression and classic elegance. A woman can wear this style not only at work, but also while walking in the city center. Moreover, if we are not talking about a resort town, then in the business center of the city, even if you went to a cafe or shopping, business casual is considered appropriate.

Modern office style in all its manifestations involves the use of only high-quality materials and cut, and has accumulated many interesting solutions. It creates an elegant and discreetly feminine image, emphasizing a woman’s self-esteem and the value of her personality. It is not surprising that not only successful business women, but also Hollywood stars and politicians dress in this style, for example, Penelope Cruz, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Angelina Jolie, Kellyanne Conway, Hope Hicks, Theresa May, Amal Clooney, Brigitte Macron, Megan Markle and others.

Despite a certain freedom in modern business style, its basis is still a suit, which can include a classic three-piece or a jacket combined with a skirt, dress or trousers.

In women's fashion, the styles of these parts of the costume may vary depending on fashion or body shape. So, the jacket can be long or short, double-breasted or single-breasted, the skirt can be pencil or godet, the trousers can be wide or tapered, but without excessive details, with practical fittings.

Trousers for a strict business style are usually straight. For everyday style, the requirements are less strict.

The color scheme of the suit is more free. These can be light pastel colors, gray, rich blue or green, other fashionable shades, it is possible to use a print, for example, with a discreet stripe.

In general, modern costume is undergoing enormous changes. Many designers are able to offer the most unexpected styles and colors: oversize cuts, cropped trousers, choosing a T-shirt rather than a dress shirt. It all depends on your mood!

The popularity of business style is also explained by the fact that the things that belong to it are truly universal. A narrow straight skirt, classic trousers, a good cut, a jacket and a white blouse, thanks to their “facelessness”, can easily be combined with things from other styles, creating a completely new image. A white blouse and stylish jeans, a formal jacket and a feminine romantic dress, a tight skirt and a voluminous sweater will perfectly complement each other and will look fresh and new every time.

In addition to the four-piece suit, the basic items of this style include a cardigan, coat, sheath dress, men's cut jacket or fitted jacket. Conclusion: a suit in which trousers, a skirt or a jacket can be successfully combined with other things is an excellent investment in your business look. If the items from your wardrobe base are perfectly combined with each other, then you can easily create a variety of sets and save your personal time.

Today's fashion allows in everyday business style to wear not only a sheath dress, but also other styles: midi or mini, straight silhouettes or shirt dresses, with unusual details or prints. Yes, yes, don’t be surprised, this is all permissible! Sometimes it may seem that such dresses are suitable only for a cocktail party. However, famous women wear them to work and look stylish and appropriate.

It should be remembered that the main principle of a business dress is elegance. No deep necklines or sheer inserts in inappropriate places. If the dress has short sleeves or no sleeves at all, then it is worn only with a jacket or cardigan.

If you have an exceptionally strict business style at work, then it is better to adhere to the following rules regarding the dress:

  • Color. No bright, flashy colors or prints. Plain dresses can only be in calm, restrained shades or dark classic colors.
  • Silhouette – straight or semi-adjacent. Should provide the most proportional appearance of the figure. Neither excessive tightness nor baggyness is desirable.
  • The length is the same as that of a classic skirt - to the middle of the knee. Mini or midi are only slightly deviating from this norm. Mini in a business style is no more than the width of your palm from the knee, midi - to the middle of the calf muscle.
  • Decor. In the office, it is quite possible to wear dresses with ruffles or embroidery, or other interesting details, but they should not be conspicuous and attract excessive attention.

Not so long ago, sportswear in a business style was completely unacceptable. After the advent of the “Friday” free version of this style, it became possible to combine jeans and sneakers with a jacket, a classic skirt or trousers with a plain sweatshirt. But a neat, restrained introduction of things from a sporty style is permissible only for a free version, and is completely unacceptable in a strict classic business style.

Properly combining sporty style with business style is not an easy task. But if you put together the combination correctly, then in such things you will look even bolder, declaring your originality. If you are new to such experiments, then it is best to start with one or two things in the image. For example, choose a T-shirt or sneakers. And don't forget to add some polish with the perfect pair of tapered trousers or blazer, pumps or ankle boots.

Although today on the fashion catwalk you can see a combination of sneakers or sneakers with a business suit, in real life you should wear such a daring combination only if you work in a creative field, go for a walk or in another informal setting.

If you intend to wear business-style clothes for their intended purpose, then the rules dictate choosing practical shoes with medium heels. Neither ballet flats, nor stiletto heels, nor platforms are strictly classic. Closed heel and toe are required. The decor, if present on the shoes, is only discreet and discreet. If you choose such shoes, not only will your feet get less tired, but you will always look appropriate and elegant.

But, despite this, shoes can become an independent part of the image, a bright accent that will set you apart from the gray mass. These could be pointed-toe stiletto pumps, or a more comfortable kitten heel. Don’t be afraid to experiment: choose interesting and trendy colors, prints and textures that will look organic in your image, but at the same time draw attention to yourself.

Business style requires wearing nude tights, natural makeup, and a strict hairstyle. Headbands, hairpins and elastic bands are considered taboo, and if you still need to put your hair in a bun or ponytail, then the accessories should not be bright. Discreet but high-quality jewelry is welcome. One of the most important things for a woman will be a moderately spacious elegant leather bag. In addition to it, the following decorations are appropriate:

  • Belt. Medium width, natural skin tones, without bright decorative details.
  • Earrings. The best option: stud earrings or earrings with an English lock of small sizes and no more than 5 mm in length from the earlobe. If you wear glasses, then it is also better to avoid large earrings, otherwise the image will be overloaded.