How to remove the redness of a pimple overnight. Clear skin - how to quickly remove redness from acne? Physiological features of the phenomenon

When pimples appear on the skin, they are often accompanied by redness. It is because of this redness that they attract attention. And such a pimple also hurts, causing discomfort. They appear due to inflammatory processes caused by the activity of pathogenic bacteria.

Redness and swelling are a normal reaction of the body; this condition can simply be waited out. But this is not always possible, so for many, how to quickly remove redness from acne on the face becomes a pressing issue. Because it’s not always possible to disguise it with improvised means.

You can calm the inflammatory process quickly and at home. You shouldn't try to squeeze out a red pimple, even if you really want to, because... this will only worsen the situation and the inflammation may intensify.

They can use:

  • Cosmetic products.
  • Pharmacy products.
  • Folk recipes on a natural basis.

Everyone chooses for themselves how to remove the redness of a pimple on the face, based on the capabilities, preferences and individual characteristics of the body. But simply getting rid of one or more inflammations is not enough: symptomatic treatment is a temporary measure. It is imperative to identify the cause of acne and eliminate it. Otherwise, the fight against redness will be eternal.

Pharmacy products

To get rid of inflammation on the skin, you can go to the pharmacy. Among the pharmaceutical products that can help you:

  • Visine drops. Apply to swelling (you can use a cotton pad), accelerate the process of vasoconstriction, the effect is noticeable in 5 minutes. But it is temporary and will not completely relieve inflammation.
  • Nazivin drops. They work in a similar way to Visin, applied to swelling and having a temporary effect.
  • Levomekol ointment. Apply directly to the pimple, quickly heal it and remove redness.
  • Ordinary Aspirin. The tablet is crushed and diluted with a small amount of warm water. The resulting mixture is applied to the pimple and left on for at least half an hour. You can even go to bed with such a mass on your skin. You can also use baby cream instead of water.
  • Vitamin E in capsules or gel format. Apply a thin layer to the redness and leave overnight.

If the situation is not too advanced, it is quite possible to relieve inflammation overnight with the help of pharmaceutical drugs. The main thing is not to forget to read the instructions for use and take into account the presence of possible contraindications and individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Folk recipes

Folk remedies also help to cope with redness, but they do not act as quickly as pharmacy ones. But if you have enough time, you can use:

  • Aloe. Cut a fresh leaf into pulp, apply it to the pimple, and cover it with a band-aid to fix it. Keep for fifteen minutes. Repeat several times at intervals of an hour.
  • Chamomile oil. Drop onto a cotton pad, apply to redness, and let absorb. You can do it at night.
  • Lemon juice. Apply to redness, do not wash off, best to leave for the whole night, wash in the morning with your usual products.
  • Mix table salt and water in a 1:1 ratio and spread the resulting paste onto the red pimple. Leave for a while, rinse, lubricate the skin with baby cream.
  • Prepare a mask from cosmetic white clay, talc and milk (all in equal proportions). If the skin is oily, add a small amount of calendula tincture and lemon juice. Place the mask on the skin for 15-20 minutes, rinse with warm water.

To quickly remove redness from acne, you should use folk recipes as soon as the pimple appears and is discovered. Just one night and it will become less red. And slight redness on the skin can be masked with a special green concealer or powder applied to a layer of cream.

Other ways

You can quickly relieve the redness of acne in other simple ways. This:

  • Ice. Rubbing with a regular ice cube will noticeably reduce the redness. If you wish, you can freeze not just water, but with aloe or soothing herbs. Holding the ice cube against the skin for a few seconds is enough; prolonged exposure is not advisable.
  • Toothpaste. The simplest toothpaste (ideally regular white) is applied in a thin layer to the skin. Wait until it dries and remove it. This will not stop the inflammatory process, but the redness will become less noticeable.
  • Tar soap. Lather and apply the resulting foam to the affected area of ​​the skin. Rinse off and apply cream. You can buy this soap in almost any store.

Remember that these methods do not cure the skin. They only make the pimple less noticeable. This makes it easier to disguise it with decorative cosmetics, but this does not solve the problem itself.

What not to do with inflamed acne

If you have inflamed red pimples, you should never:

  • Squeeze them out. Inflammation will worsen, pain will increase, and more rashes may appear.
  • Apply heat compresses or warming ointments. For bacteria, heating becomes a stimulus to accelerate activity, and the inflammatory process will intensify.
  • Forget about cleansing and moisturizing. The skin must be thoroughly cleansed (it is recommended to exfoliate the face once a week), and also lubricated with moisturizers (you can use masks without a warming effect).
  • Leave acne to its fate. If you don't pay attention to the origin of pimples, they won't leave you. This means that you need to spend time finding out the cause (even going to a cosmetologist) rather than constantly fighting the symptoms of acne.

Many people neglect these simple rules. This mainly concerns the ban on extrusion. But following the rules will allow you to avoid problems with skin rashes in the future.

Painful and inflamed red pimples tend to appear at the most inopportune times. Unsightly redness can be difficult to hide, but there are plenty of ways to quickly reduce it. These include pharmaceutical drugs with anti-inflammatory and vasoconstrictor effects, folk remedies, and simply improvised means such as ice or toothpaste. Reducing the redness does not cure the pimple, but it does make it easier to cover up.

When sunbathing on the beach or even in a solarium, you want to get a beautiful tan.

But sunbathing often turns into a real disaster when, instead of tanning, a distinct and unpleasant redness appears on the body, and the skin begins to ache.

How to remove redness from tanning from the face and body?

Why does the skin turn red after sunbathing?

If you notice redness on your skin after being in the sun, it means you have a sunburn. Yes, yes, that's right! And all because you tanned incorrectly.

You may have been in the sun too long, at the wrong time, or did not use sun protection.

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And as a rule, the skin of the face and décolleté are the first to suffer from excessive sunbathing, since the skin in these areas is the most sensitive.

How long will it take for the redness after sunbathing to go away? Of course, red skin will not stay with you forever - it will disappear on its own within one or two weeks, but not everyone is ready to wait that long, and therefore you can try to speed up the skin restoration process.

How to prevent redness?

After receiving a burn, your skin will begin to peel and hurt, in addition, you will not get a good tan until it completely heals, but this is not a matter of one day.

In general, it is better to try to prevent burns and the appearance of beauty than to treat them later (especially since prevention will not take much of your time and effort).

What is needed for this?

  1. First, you must love and purchase tanning cream and body lotion, which you need to use before and after tanning. Such products are selected taking into account your skin type and the expected brightness of the sun.
  2. Secondly, for sunbathing there is a certain time when it is better to sunbathe and when it is extremely undesirable to do so. So in the morning hours (before noon) you will definitely not get either heatstroke or burns. If you were unable to sunbathe during the specified period, then wait until 16.00 - only after four o’clock in the afternoon the sun becomes less dangerous and hot again.
  3. Also try to avoid direct sunlight and, at least at first, sunbathe somewhere in the shade: this way your body will gradually get used to the high temperatures, and the tan obtained under an umbrella or a special canopy will last longer.
  4. In addition, you need to tan gradually. For example, people with very pale and sensitive skin are most at risk of getting burned within the first 30 minutes, especially if they are sunbathing in a very hot country. Try to spend no more than twenty minutes tanning on the first day of your stay on the beach, then, day by day, increase this time, because your skin will already get used to the sun, and this procedure will not result in unpleasant consequences in the form of redness.

How to get rid of redness on the face at home?

Is your face very red after being in the sun? Well, in this case, various salon procedures will help you, but, alas, they are not cheap.

That's why it's better to use home remedies - they save you money, and they're just as effective.

  • First of all, use a product that contains aloe. As you know, this plant perfectly soothes the skin and helps relieve inflammation. Even just aloe juice will do.
  • Another well-known remedy is yogurt and kefir. It is recommended to carefully apply any of these fermented milk products to the skin of the face and wait until it dries, after which the mass should be washed off with cool running water.

How else can you remove redness after sunbathing? In addition to the natural remedies listed, why not make a homemade compress or mask? They are easy to prepare, and they do a pretty good job of eliminating redness (but, of course, not in one procedure).

So, there are several recipes for such remedies:

  1. Brew regular green tea (even tea bags will do), then cool it and then add some fresh aloe juice to it. Mix everything, soak gauze in the solution and make a compress, applying the gauze to your face. Keep this compress on your face for 20 minutes.
  2. The following recipe will help you quickly remove redness after sunbathing and whiten your skin. To prepare it you will need one fresh cucumber, which you must grate. Apply the resulting paste to your face for half an hour. For convenience, it is recommended to lie with a cucumber mask on the sofa or bed and not move, otherwise it will begin to slide off your face. After the specified time has passed, the mask should be washed off with clean cold water, without using any additional means (foam, soap, etc.).
  3. Equally effective for eliminating redness from tanning on the face is regular potatoes. Raw potatoes are cut into circles and then applied to the reddened areas. From time to time some circles are replaced by other, fresh ones. However, you are allowed to slightly modify this recipe: just grate the potatoes (also raw) on a grater and apply the resulting mass to your face. When the moisture from the mask is absorbed into the skin, you can wash the product off your face with water.
  4. Our grandmothers also knew about the benefits of vodka and used it to relieve inflammation and redness from the skin. In order for the product to help, wash your face with cool water before going to bed, and then apply a small amount of vodka to your skin. The next morning the result will be almost perfect - your redness on your face will noticeably decrease.
  5. If you have oatmeal in the house, then pour 4 tablespoons into 100 milliliters of boiling water, stir, leave the paste until it cools completely and apply it to the reddened areas of the face. After a quarter of an hour, the mixture should be washed off with cool water.

Ointments and creams sold in regular pharmacies will also help to quickly get rid of redness after a sunburn.

Some of the most effective and popular products are those containing panthenol, because it helps cool the skin and heals it well.

If you don’t want to touch your skin, even a light touch causes you pain, then buy a spray - it’s convenient to use, you don’t have to touch the affected areas, and it’s as effective as ointments.

As for ointments, “Rescuer” will come to the rescue: although this product is not one of the cheapest, it has a very good effect on damaged skin, relieving pain, soothing the skin and accelerating the restoration of its cells.

Methods for eliminating redness on the body

Unfortunately, redness can appear not only on the face, but also on other parts of the body - on the hands, in the décolleté, etc., therefore, you need to know methods that will help you eliminate such an unaesthetic problem in a short time.

For the most part, such methods are based on applying special lotions made from natural ingredients to damaged areas of the skin:

  1. Chop or twist the aloe very finely, adding sunflower or olive oil to it;
  2. Make cold mashed potatoes and add a small amount of sour cream to it;
  3. Grate one or more (if the affected area is quite large) raw potatoes.

You can also numb red areas after sunbathing and remove heat from them using homemade ointments:

  • mix vegetable oil and a few drops of sea buckthorn oil;

Even one pimple that pops up on the face can significantly ruin your appearance, especially in cases where the damaged area turns red. This makes the flaw more noticeable.

In addition, redness is a sign of an advanced inflammatory process. It is impossible to stop it quickly, but eliminating its symptoms in a short time is quite possible.

Causes of the problem

Sebum is a protective barrier against viruses and bacteria. Some people secrete more of it than required. This may be caused by poor hygiene or an excess of testosterone in the body.

Dust and dead skin particles settle on the surface covered with secretions, causing the sebaceous glands to become clogged. At first, the resulting blackheads can be easily masked with foundation, but over time, bacteria in these areas begin to multiply intensively. Because of this, the skin becomes very red.

If you are thinking about how to quickly remove a pimple on your face, do not try to squeeze it. This will only worsen the problem: the damaged area will turn red even more, and the inflammatory process will spread throughout the face. As a result, you will no longer have to deal with just one abscess, but with acne.

Preparation for applying the medicine

Before we talk about how to quickly remove redness from acne, you need to talk about cleansing your face before using this or that product. Not a single product, even the most effective one, will help solve the problem if it is applied to contaminated skin.

Women first need to wash off their makeup, and after that, deeply cleanse the surface of the skin using a film mask, scrub or peeling. For men, it is enough to use liquid soap or cleansing lotion for the face.

After removing excess sebum and dead epidermal cells, you can proceed to applying an anti-redness product. Its choice depends on the individual tolerance of the components, as well as on how much time remains to eliminate redness.

“Soft” methods of solving the problem

You can remove redness after a pimple quickly and without harm to the skin using simple remedies. They are sold at the pharmacy. These remedies eliminate redness and reduce inflammation.

Ways to eliminate redness overnight

These methods are suitable for those who want to achieve long-term effects, not just short-term ones. All four products are applied to the face at night.

Prevention of inflammation

It is possible that one or more of the measures described will be sufficient to eliminate redness. To avoid such problems in the future, just follow a few recommendations.

  • It's worth reconsidering your diet. Flour, most factory-made confectionery products, fried and fatty foods have an adverse effect on the condition of the skin - all these products should be abandoned forever. Sweets can be replaced with dried fruits, fried and fatty foods with protein-rich foods, store-bought baked goods with homemade ones, and artificial fats with natural ones.
  • It is very important to get rid of problems with the gastrointestinal tract, if any - without this it is impossible to cleanse the skin of the face. If this is the case, you should be examined by a gastroenterologist and change your diet. The main principle of a healthy diet can be formulated as follows: you need to eat as few foods as possible with chemical additives and more natural ones.
  • Those who want to get rid of rashes and redness should completely give up smoking and alcohol.
  • It is important to learn how to properly care for your skin, choose medicinal and decorative cosmetics taking into account all the features of your facial skin.
  • Maintaining a normal daily routine is also important. Those who have skin problems need to get enough sleep and lead an active lifestyle.

All methods for eliminating redness on the face described in this article can only be considered cosmetic measures. Skin problems can signal serious health problems. In any case, it is advisable to be examined by a dermatologist, because only a specialist can make a diagnosis and prescribe a course of treatment.

Many of us do not pay attention to redness of the skin until itching appears in that place, and then a pimple. The easiest way to get rid of it is by squeezing it out. This should not be done, just like covering it with foundation. With such procedures, the pores become clogged and inflammation will occur in nearby areas. Let's figure out how to quickly remove redness?


At home, in case of illness, we create a first aid kit. Look into it. You may find one of the medications there that will help relieve skin redness. For example:


Take 0.5 tsp. baby cream (unflavored). Grind a whole aspirin tablet into powder. Mix the cream with the medicine and apply to the area that is bothering you. Let it remain as a mask for 20 minutes. Then rinse with warm water, and finally with cold water.


A drug that is used to treat the nose. It is a vasoconstrictor. For example, Naphthyzin with Nazivin and Glazolin. They are applied externally. They contribute to the narrowing of blood vessels with capillaries. The product needs to be dripped onto the inflamed area. It will help relieve redness for a while. These drugs are suitable if you urgently need to cosmetically remove a stain on your skin. They do not have a therapeutic effect.

2% salicylic acid

If it is not in your first aid kit, then the pharmacy near your home probably has it. This acid is found in many medicinal ointments and creams that relieve inflammation. It is best to buy an aqueous solution. He will help quickly. Soak a cotton swab in it and wipe the sore spot. Let it sit on the skin for about 15 minutes. After the procedure, rinse off. If you have a lot of redness on your face, you can add a little acid to the clay mask. It will have a healing effect and the acne spot will go away.


The ointment kills many bacteria that cause inflammation of the skin. Apply directly to the painful area. After this, rinsing is not required.

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Remember that a red acne spot is already an affected area of ​​skin. To quickly relieve inflammation, you need to thoroughly clean the area. Use a scrub. The skin is injured, which means a scrub with a mild effect is suitable for you.

Prepare it yourself:

Take wheat flour - 50 g.
Corn flour – 100 g.
Milk (preferably fresh) – 100 g.
Mix everything and apply to your face with light circular movements.
Keep on your face for 2 to 5 minutes. and rinse with warm running water. Repeat cleansing 1-2 times a week if necessary.


Thanks to various therapeutic masks, you will remove unpleasant acne marks. The white clay they contain will effectively relieve redness and incipient inflammation. Your face will look healthier.

The skin becomes a little lighter in tone from exposure to cucumber pulp and juice. Acne will go away if you use a badya mask. Only
But in the summer it does not need to be done, pigment spots may appear. Before using a store-bought or homemade mask, do a test. Add a pea-sized amount of product to the inside of the elbow and see if an allergic reaction occurs?

Ice will help with redness. Make it from a decoction of herbs. It is best to take separately or together: chamomile with oak bark and celandine. Very effective anti-inflammatory.

Folk remedies

Not everyone trusts pharmaceutical ointments, considering them harmful or causing an allergic reaction. Therefore, they use proven folk recipes. Some ways to relieve redness were discovered by your grandmothers in early childhood, while others you will learn about for the first time. All recipes are proven and effective:


  • We have already mentioned ice. When cooled, the blood vessels constrict. Apply a cube of herbal decoction to the site of inflammation. Keep it for just a few minutes, otherwise you can chill the nerve endings located there. This method will help you quickly get rid of inflammation.

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Tea tree oil

  • An excellent antiseptic is tea tree oil. It kills bacteria and disinfects the affected area. The stain will soon go away. The oil is strong and may even cause a burn in the area. Therefore, apply it directly to the pimple and then wash it off. Essential oils of clove and pine are slightly less effective, but also excellent antiseptics.

aloe leaf

  • Quickly relieves redness and helps moisturize the skin. If you have aloe growing on your windowsill, tear off part of the bottom leaf. Rinse it, remove the top stand and apply the fleshy part to the painful area. Leave for 5 minutes. Repeat daily until the pimple is completely healed.


  • Cucumber isn't as effective, but if it's the season and you have some in the fridge, use it. You need to cut a circle 0.5 mm thick and apply it to that place. Keep it until you get tired of it. At least 20 minutes.


  • It is more effective to use its juice. If you have nothing to squeeze out, then cut it very finely and apply it to the pimple. Hold for 10 minutes. Shoot carefully. There is no need to rub that place.

Tar soap

  • Even our grandmothers used them for such purposes. Apply this soap to the area that is bothering you overnight. If the redness needs to be removed as soon as possible, then use a knife to make shavings of soap. Secure it to your face with adhesive tape.
    Not everyone knows, but toothpaste is an excellent folk remedy. Squeeze out a drop, lubricate the pimple and let it stay there for 5 minutes. Rinse it off.

Cosmetic clay

  • Any one will help remove redness: blue or white, black. Requires 1 tsp. Dilute the clay in warm water or kefir so that a paste comes out. Moisten the skin with light movements. Let it stay on your face until it dries. A crust of clay will come out. There is no need to tear it off. You can remove it with warm water.


  • Honey will help remove redness. Buy only natural ones from a trusted seller. It should not be diluted with sugar or contain other additives. Ask the seller if he fed the insects with syrup? If not, purchase the product. At home, heat it in a water bath. Let its temperature be slightly above room temperature. Lubricate the pimple. Lie down with a compress. Honey is liquid and can run down your face. Let 15 minutes pass. You can go up and clean it with water. The stain in that place will come off.

The redness of the pimple itself and the skin around it makes it especially noticeable on the face.

Therefore, in parallel with the treatment of the inflamed tubercle, another question arises: how to remove redness?

Squeezing out such an element is always not the best way out of the situation, especially since such actions not only will not solve the problem, but often aggravate it.

  • All information on the site is for informational purposes only and is NOT a guide to action!
  • Can give you an ACCURATE DIAGNOSIS only DOCTOR!
  • We kindly ask you NOT to self-medicate, but make an appointment with a specialist!
  • Health to you and your loved ones!

That is why it is important for any person to know how to remove redness from acne quickly at home.

After all, the situation can happen to anyone, and making a pimple less noticeable is always urgent.

Reasons for appearance

It can be difficult to guess where a pimple on your face once again came from.

After all, the reason can be many different factors.

  • Hormonal imbalances or changes. Girls and women especially often have to deal with them. In addition to puberty, hormonal changes occur shortly before the onset of menstruation due to the use of hormonal contraceptives.
  • Diseases of the endocrine system.
  • Hypothermia, colds or viral diseases. They weaken the immune system, so pathogens living on the skin can be activated.
  • Low-quality decorative cosmetics. It can quickly clog pores, causing breakouts. This especially often occurs when products and powder are abused.
  • Constant worries. They maintain high levels of the hormone cortisol, which, in turn, stimulates the sebaceous glands.
  • Incorrect, disease or digestive problems. Usually these two factors are interrelated.
  • Improper skin care. Using products that are not suitable for your skin type or existing problem.

Any of the above factors can lead to blockage of the sebaceous gland duct.

Sebum accumulates inside it, forming a raised area on the skin.

Instant cooling helps to constrict blood vessels and stops the proliferation of bacteria.

Photo: ice cubes with chamomile decoction have a vasoconstrictor and antibacterial effect

As ice for cosmetic purposes, you can use boiled, mineral water and herbal decoctions (chamomile, string, St. John's wort, calendula, sage, etc.).

An ice cube is applied to the pimples for a short time of 1-3 minutes.

Longer exposure may cause cold burns and tissue necrosis.


has a whole range of properties that help fight the redness of acne.

This has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, softening, moisturizing, and restorative effects.

With the help of the juice of this plant, it is quite possible to get rid of severe inflammation in a day.

Photo: a compress with aloe will relieve inflammation

To do this, fresh aloe pulp is applied to the pimple for a quarter of an hour. Can be secured with adhesive tape. This procedure should be repeated every hour. There is no need to wash off the juice from your skin.

Questions and answers

How to relieve inflammation overnight

Night is a good time to treat acne.

The body rests, which allows the skin restoration processes to work fully.

The main thing is to apply the desired composition over the pimple, and by the morning you can almost completely get rid of it.

  • Chamomile oil can be purchased ready-made at a pharmacy. A drop is applied to the pimple and left overnight. By morning the inflammation will noticeably decrease.
  • Lemon juice fights bacteria and lightens the red area. With its help you can fight the spots left behind by acne. The juice is applied to redness at night and washed off in the morning.
  • Vitamin E will help your skin recover quickly from damage. Its oil solution in capsules is sold in pharmacies. The capsule is pierced with a needle and a drop of oil is applied to the damaged skin overnight.
  • If a woman crushes a pimple and gets severe redness as a result, then antibiotics will help the skin recover quickly. You can use special pharmaceutical preparations (Zerkalin, Zinerit), but if you don’t have them at hand, then look in the medicine cabinet for tablets of Levomycetin, Amoxicillin, Tetracycline. Crush the tablet, mix the powder with water, apply a thick paste to the pimple. By morning the inflammation will go away.

Is it possible to quickly relieve swelling?

Simple methods will help relieve swelling from a squeezed pimple.

  • Apply an ice cube to the swollen area for a couple of minutes. You can repeat the procedure every hour.
  • Lubricate the swollen area with a remedy against allergic reactions (Psilo-balm, Fenistil-gel).

If there is no open wound at the site of the squeezed pimple, you can use:

  • toothpaste;
  • salicylic acid solution;
  • calendula tincture;
  • propolis tincture;
  • iodine

All these remedies will help quickly get rid of swelling and redness.

What to do if squeezed out and a tumor appears

If the tumor appeared because a girl unsuccessfully pressed a pimple or tried to get rid of it by squeezing it while it was not yet ripe, then the following remedies can eliminate these consequences:

  • aloe pulp compress. You can even leave it on all night, securing it on the pimple with a band-aid. But usually they keep it for half an hour;

Photo: ichthyol ointment will draw out pus and eliminate inflammation

  • ichthyol ointment. It will not only draw out the remaining pus, but also eliminate inflammation and have an antibacterial effect, which is important if there is an infection inside;
  • Levomekol. Ointment with antibacterial properties. It will help stop the proliferation of microorganisms if this is the cause of the tumor. It will draw out any remaining pus and speed up healing.

Sometimes your hasty actions can cause harm or aggravate the situation.

Therefore, it is better to take your time and listen to the advice of a cosmetologist.

  • Swollen pimples should not be squeezed. Inflammation means the body's active struggle with foreign elements. While it continues, the pimple has not yet matured.
  • Do not use heat compresses on a red pimple. They can lead to the spread of infection.
  • Pamper your facial skin with compresses with sea salt solution. It has a beneficial effect on cells, normalizes metabolic processes and prevents inflammation.
  • Don't forget to moisturize your skin. This is especially important during the cold season. Indoor heating dries out the air, and the skin begins to lack moisture.
  • Be sure to take time to care for your skin in the morning and evening. This cannot be done hastily.
Redness makes the pimple the most visible on the skin.

But redness itself is a natural physiological process, a reaction to the presence of pathogenic microorganisms under the skin or damage to the skin.

You can get rid of it even in a short time and on your own.

But it is better, of course, to prevent inflammation on the skin. To do this, you need to carefully follow the rules of caring for it.

Video: “Mask for acne on the nose and face at home with honey and aspirin”