Production instructions for the hvo operator. Chemical water treatment operator: job description, training features and reviews


[Job Title]



[Name of organization]



"______" _______________ 20___


Chemical water treatment operator, 2nd category

1. General provisions

1.1. Real job description defines and regulates the powers, functional and job responsibilities, rights and responsibilities of a 2nd category chemical water treatment operator [Name of the organization in genitive case] (hereinafter referred to as the Company).

1.2. category is appointed to a position and dismissed from a position as established by the current labor legislation by order of the head of the Company.

1.3. A 2nd-grade chemical water treatment operator belongs to the category of workers and reports directly to [name of the position of the immediate supervisor in the dative case] of the Company.

1.4. A person with a secondary education is appointed to the position of 2nd grade chemical water treatment operator vocational education and appropriate training without any work experience requirements.

1.5. IN practical activities A 2nd category chemical water treatment operator must be guided by:

  • local acts and organizational and administrative documents of the Company;
  • internal rules labor regulations;
  • rules of labor protection and safety, ensuring industrial sanitation and fire protection;
  • instructions, orders, decisions and instructions from the immediate supervisor;
  • this job description.

1.6. A 2nd-grade chemical water treatment operator must know:

  • operating principle of serviced equipment: water treatment plants, filters various systems, pumps, dispensers, deaerators, saturators, settling tanks and other devices used in the process chemical cleaning water;
  • basic chemical processes clarification, softening, passivation and acidification of feed water, chemical reagents, reagents used in chemical water treatment;
  • purpose and conditions of use of instrumentation;
  • layout of steam and water pipes, taps and valves;
  • procedure and rules for starting and stopping units under normal and emergency conditions;
  • methods for identifying and eliminating malfunctions in the operation of installations;
  • lubrication and cooling systems for serviced engines and mechanisms.

1.7. During the period of temporary absence of a 2nd grade chemical water treatment operator, his duties are assigned to [deputy position title].

2. Job responsibilities

A 2nd-grade chemical water treatment operator performs the following job functions:

2.1. Conducting the process of chemical water purification: chlorination, desalting, desiliconization, sodium cationization, liming in a plant (unit) with a capacity of up to 70 m 3 /hour.

2.2. Maintenance and regulation of the operation of water treatment units and condensate purification devices: heaters, settling tanks, saturators, deaerators, cation exchange and mechanical filters.

2.3. Regeneration of reagents, cleaning and washing of equipment.

2.4. Monitoring the performance of control and measuring instruments.

2.5. Determination of hardness, alkalinity and other quality indicators of chemically purified water.

2.6. Preparation of reagents and dosing of alkali.

2.7. Inspection and current repair of serviced equipment and equipment.

2.8. Maintaining journal entries about the operation of installations.

In case of official need, a 2nd grade chemical water treatment operator may be involved in performing his duties. job responsibilities overtime, in the manner prescribed by law.

3. Rights

A 2nd category chemical water treatment operator has the right to:

3.1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the enterprise management concerning its activities.

3.2. Submit proposals for improvement of work related to the duties provided for in this job description for management’s consideration.

3.3. Report to your immediate supervisor any deficiencies identified during the performance of your duties. production activities enterprise (its structural divisions) and make proposals for their elimination.

3.4. Request personally or on behalf of the immediate supervisor from heads of departments of the enterprise and specialists information and documents necessary to perform their job duties.

3.5. Involve specialists from all (individual) structural divisions of the Company in solving the tasks assigned to them (if this is provided for by the regulations on structural divisions, if not, with the permission of the head of the Company).

3.6. Require the management of the enterprise to provide assistance in the performance of their official duties and rights.

4. Responsibility and performance evaluation

4.1. A 2nd category chemical water treatment operator bears administrative, disciplinary and material (and in some cases, provided for by law RF, - and criminal liability for:

4.1.1. Failure to comply or improper execution official instructions from the immediate supervisor.

4.1.2. Failure or improper performance of your labor functions and the tasks assigned to him.

4.1.3. Illegal use of granted official powers, as well as their use for personal purposes.

4.1.4. Inaccurate information about the status of the work assigned to him.

4.1.5. Failure to take measures to suppress identified violations of safety regulations, fire safety and other rules that pose a threat to the activities of the enterprise and its employees.

4.1.6. Failure to ensure compliance with labor discipline.

4.2. The assessment of the work of a 2nd-grade chemical water treatment operator is carried out:

4.2.1. Direct supervisor- regularly, in the course of the employee’s daily performance of his labor functions.

4.2.2. The certification commission of the enterprise - periodically, but at least once every two years, based on documented results of work for the evaluation period.

4.3. The main criterion for assessing the work of a 2nd category chemical water treatment operator is the quality, completeness and timeliness of his performance of the tasks provided for in these instructions.

5. Working conditions

5.1. The work schedule of a 2nd grade chemical water treatment operator is determined in accordance with the internal labor regulations established by the Company.

5.2. Due to production needs, a 2nd grade chemical water treatment operator is required to travel to business trips(including local significance).

I have read the instructions on ___________/___________/“____” _______ 20__.



Organization name



Job title

head of the organization

_________ № ___________

Signature Explanation of signature

Place of compilation





1.1. A chemical water treatment operator is hired and dismissed from work by order of the head of the organization on the recommendation of ___________________________________________________.

1.2. The chemical water treatment operator reports to ________________________________________.

1.3. In his activities, the chemical water treatment operator is guided by:

Charter of the organization;

Internal labor regulations;

Orders and instructions of the head of the organization (direct manager);

These operating instructions.

1.4. A chemical water treatment operator must know:

Technological process of the work performed;

Technological maps, work instructions and other documents regulating the performance of the relevant work;

Organization of work at your workplace;

Rules technical operation and care of equipment, devices and tools with which he works or which he maintains; ways to identify and eliminate necessary cases current problems that arise during the execution of work;

Methods of current, preventive and overhaul equipment with the participation of a worker in such repairs;

Standards for the consumption of fuel, energy, raw materials and materials for the work performed, methods for the rational use of material resources;

Requirements for the quality of work performed, including related operations or processes;

Types of marriage, the reasons that give rise to it, ways to prevent and eliminate it;

Internal labor regulations in the organization;

Labor protection rules and instructions, safe methods and working methods;

Security rules environment when performing work;

Rules, methods, techniques and means of preventing and extinguishing fires, preventing and eliminating the consequences of accidents and other incidents at your workplace;

Rules and methods of providing first aid to the victims;

An automatic control and alarm system, rules for controlling lifting and transport equipment and rules for performing slinging work, moving and storing cargo, where this is provided for by the organization of work at the workplace;

Fundamentals of labor legislation, contractual regulation labor relations, including in the field of remuneration and labor standards, the content of the collective agreement and the procedure for negotiating its conclusion;

Forms and systems of remuneration established in the organization, their features, the procedure for establishing and revising tariff rates, norms and prices;

The procedure and features of tariffing and re-tariffing of works and workers;

Basic provisions and forms of training, retraining and advanced training of workers in production;

The operating principle of the equipment being serviced: water treatment plants, filters of various systems, pumps, dispensers, deaerators, saturators, settling tanks and other devices used in the process of chemical water purification;

Basic chemical processes of clarification, softening, passivation and acidification of feed water;

Chemical reagents, reagents used in chemical water treatment;

Purpose and conditions of use of instrumentation;

Layout of steam and water pipes, taps and valves;

Procedure and rules for starting and stopping units under normal and emergency conditions;

Methods for identifying and eliminating malfunctions in the operation of installations;

Lubrication and cooling systems for serviced engines and mechanisms.


The chemical water treatment operator is tasked with:

2.1. Conducting the process of chemical water purification: chlorination, desalting, desiliconization, sodium cationization, liming, etc.

2.2. on an installation (unit) with a capacity of up to 70 cubic meters per hour.

2.3. Maintenance and regulation of the operation of water treatment units and condensate purification devices: heaters, settling tanks, saturators, deaerators, cation exchange and mechanical filters.

2.4. Regeneration of reagents, cleaning and washing of equipment.

2.5. Monitoring the readings of control and measuring instruments.

2.6. Determination of hardness, alkalinity and other quality indicators of chemically purified water.

2.7. Preparation of reagents and dosing of alkali.

2.8. Maintaining journal entries about the operation of installations.


The chemical water treatment operator is responsible for:

3.1. For failure to perform (improper performance) of one’s work, within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

3.2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

3.3. For causing material damage- within the limits determined by the current labor, criminal and civil legislation of the Republic of Belarus.

Job title

head of structural





Full name


With working instructions





Full name



Thermal power engineering has always been one of the most necessary and in demand work areas. That is why the profession of a chemical water treatment operator is very important. All the subtleties and features of this work will be discussed further.

Who is a chemical water treatment operator?

Quality of both cold and hot water, coming from the tap, must comply with the standards. The heating supply during the cold season must also be efficient. The chemical water treatment operator is supposed to monitor all this.

A representative of the profession in question is a specialist who maintains water treatment plants. In addition, the chemical water treatment operator must monitor the quality of operation of the boiler room and its elements. If even a minor mistake is made in the operation of the water treatment system, then everything can turn out in the worst possible way. That's why this profession is so important and necessary.

Responsibilities and functions of a chemical water treatment operator

Like any other specialist, a chemical water treatment operator has a number of professional responsibilities. Of course, all functions vary depending on the rank and qualifications.

However, some main types of activities can still be identified. Firstly, it is the elimination and identification of various types of problems and malfunctions in the operation of water treatment equipment. Secondly, it is the start and stop of the entire serviced system. You can also highlight such important responsibilities as maintaining the water purification process, working with filters, preparing special raw materials, selecting, regulating and maintaining a certain operating mode, etc.

A representative of the profession in question must know the following points:

  • analysis methods;
  • installation of various equipment;
  • how to start and stop serviced units;
  • properties of certain solutions and some other things.

Thus, the chemical water treatment operator has rather difficult responsibilities. However, training in this profession will help you fully get comfortable and acquire necessary knowledge. And you can get all the knowledge about the profession in vocational schools, training centers (courses), as well as in courses specially created by enterprises with permission (license) from technical supervision authorities. Training programs must be coordinated with the technical supervision authority. Individual training of personnel is not permitted.

What qualities should a chemical water treatment operator have?

Of course, not every person will be able to get a profession in the field of thermal power engineering. And all because to work you need to have certain qualities and skills.

What can be said about the qualities that a worker must have, about the character traits necessary to obtain a profession?

A chemical water treatment operator must have incredible, almost exorbitant accuracy. The duties of this worker require special care. After all, you often have to work with various chemicals and equipment elements that require special care in handling. That is why such qualities as accuracy, attentiveness and accuracy are fundamental in the work of a heat power engineer.

It is also worth remembering that the profession in question is only suitable for people with good, good health. To get workplace, need to have good eyesight and hearing, excellent dexterity and sustained attention. It is unlikely that management will hire a person with allergies or disorders cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system. To get a job you must have good physical characteristics.

About the first category in the profession

The job description of a chemical water treatment operator classifies the profession into certain categories. There are four types of qualifications in total.

What can you tell us about the initial, very first category?

A first-class chemical water treatment operator has the following functions:

  • adjusting the operating mode of dosing devices;
  • auxiliary work on maintenance of some equipment;
  • preparation of reagent solutions;
  • transportation of chemicals within the workplace;
  • cleaning and washing of some types of equipment and more.

It is worth noting that a first-class chemical water treatment operator performs many of his functions only under close attention a specialist with a higher rank. It is also worth noting that not all of them were mentioned above, but only the most basic functions. The worker's responsibilities may vary depending on the station, region, etc.

About the second category in the profession

A chemical water treatment operator with a second category is endowed with slightly great features and credentials than a specialist with an initial rank. Thus, his powers include the following job responsibilities:

  • water purification using various chemical processes (liming, chlorination, desalting, etc.);
  • maintenance of water treatment equipment with a capacity of no more than 70 m 3 /h;
  • monitoring the readings of various measuring instruments;
  • cleaning and washing of equipment;
  • repair of some equipment;
  • filling out a log about the operation of installations.

A second-class specialist may also have some other functions. But it depends on the workplace.

About the third category in the profession

What does the job description prescribe about the third category of the profession in question?

A chemical water treatment operator of this qualification has the following functions and responsibilities:

  • chemical water purification in installations with a capacity of 70 to 300 m 3 /h;
  • regeneration of some filters;
  • work with raw materials: preparing substances for crushing, sifting, clarification, heating, etc.;
  • work using special filters (under the guidance of a fourth-class chemical water treatment operator);
  • manual or automatic control of water supply to technological stations.

In addition to all of the above, a third-class specialist is required to start and stop equipment, adjust temperature regime, identify and troubleshoot problems, etc.

About the fourth category in the profession

A specialist of the last, and therefore the most important, category has a number of very extensive powers.

Among them are:

  • on equipment with a capacity of at least 300 m 3 /h;
  • conducting a deep process of water desalination on all available filters;
  • the process of measuring the electrical conductivity of demineralized water;
  • full control over the operating mode (namely temperature, pressure, water supply speed and much more) in accordance with established standards;
  • removing unnecessary impurities from water;
  • ensuring optimal operation of all equipment - monitoring the cleaning, flushing and lubrication of units;
  • delivery of equipment for repair and its acceptance from repair;
  • recording all necessary indicators and data in the production log.

Since a fourth-grade chemical water treatment operator is a very responsible and important position, there may be much more functions here.

On the responsibilities and rights of a chemical water treatment operator

Labor protection for a chemical water treatment operator includes certain types rights and responsibilities.

What is the responsibility of a representative of the profession in question? The job description prescribes the following points:

  • maintaining a work log;
  • proper operation and safety of units;
  • supplying the boiler room with liquid, checking the water regime of the boiler room;
  • steam and water analysis.

What rights does the job program provide for a representative of the profession in question? The chemical water treatment operator has the right:

  • demand from management to repair broken equipment or replace failed units;
  • demand from the authorities special clothing and special footwear (if these things were not issued in a timely manner);
  • Inform superiors of any production problems.

Thus, the responsibilities and rights of the chemical water treatment operator are quite clear and fair.

The issue was approved by Resolution of the USSR State Committee on Labor and Social Issues and the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated January 31, 1985 N 31/3-30
(as amended:
Resolutions of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR, the Secretariat of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions dated 10/12/1987 N 618/28-99, dated 12/18/1989 N 416/25-35, dated 05/15/1990 N 195/7-72, dated 06/22/1990 N 248/10-28,
Resolutions of the State Committee for Labor of the USSR 12/18/1990 N 451,
Resolutions of the Ministry of Labor of the Russian Federation dated December 24, 1992 N 60, dated 02/11/1993 N 23, dated 07/19/1993 N 140, dated 06/29/1995 N 36, dated 06/01/1998 N 20, dated 05/17/2001 N 40,
Orders of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated July 31, 2007 N 497, dated October 20, 2008 N 577, dated April 17, 2009 N 199)

Chemical water treatment operator

§ 14. Chemical water treatment operator (1st category)

Characteristics of work. Performing auxiliary work on servicing individual chemical water treatment units and regulating the operation of dosing devices under the guidance of a more highly qualified operator, participating in the preparation of reagent solutions according to given recipes, charging dispensers, slaking lime, preparing solutions of caustic soda, phosphate and chlorine. Transport and carry chemicals and materials within the work area. Cleaning tanks and washing mechanical filters. Lubrication of bearings and mechanisms.

Must know: basic information about the design of serviced devices and filters; location of water and steam pipelines, taps and valves; composition and properties of the main filter materials; basic methods of mechanical and chemical water purification; purpose of the steam jet injector; rules for cleaning and washing filters, containers and equipment.

§ 15. Chemical water treatment operator (2nd category)

Characteristics of work. Conducting the process of chemical water purification: chlorination, desalting, desiliconization, sodium cationization, liming, etc. on an installation (unit) with a capacity of up to 70 cubic meters. m/h. Maintenance and regulation of the operation of water treatment units and condensate purification devices: heaters, settling tanks, saturators, deaerators, cation exchange and mechanical filters. Regeneration of reagents, cleaning and washing of equipment. Monitoring the performance of control and measuring instruments. Determination of hardness, alkalinity and other quality indicators of chemically purified water. Preparation of reagents and dosing of alkali. Inspection and current repair of serviced equipment and equipment. Maintaining journal entries about the operation of installations.

Must know: operating principle of the equipment being serviced: water treatment plants, filters of various systems, pumps, dispensers, deaerators, saturators, settling tanks and other devices used in the process of chemical water purification; basic chemical processes of clarification, softening, passivation and acidification of feed water, chemical reagents, reagents used in chemical water treatment; purpose and conditions of use of instrumentation; layout of steam and water pipes, taps and valves; procedure and rules for starting and stopping units under normal and emergency conditions; methods for identifying and eliminating malfunctions in the operation of installations; lubrication and cooling systems for serviced engines and mechanisms.

§ 16. Chemical water treatment operator (3rd category)

Characteristics of work. Conducting the process of chemical water purification: chlorination, desalting, desiliconization, sodium cationization, liming, etc. in an installation (unit) with a capacity of over 70 to 300 cubic meters. m/h. Conducting the process of deep desalting of water using the ion exchange method on cation exchange and anion exchange filters and on ion exchange adsorption columns under the guidance of a more highly qualified operator. Regeneration of sodium-cationized filters. Conducting the process of water purification from salts using single-stage ion exchange filters. Preparation of raw materials: crushing, sifting of ion exchange resins, clarification and heating of water, preparation of solutions of specified concentrations. Regulation of water supply to subsequent technological stages of production from the control panel or manually.

Regeneration of cation exchange and anion exchange installations with solutions of acids, salts, alkalis. Regulation of the parameters of the technological regime provided for by the regulations: temperature, pressure, concentration of regenerating solutions according to the readings of instrumentation and the results of chemical analyses. Carrying out chemical analyzes of condensate, steam, feed and fuel water. Starting and stopping serviced equipment. Identification and elimination of malfunctions in the operation of equipment and communications.

Must know: arrangement of serviced equipment; technological scheme for conducting the water purification process; arrangement of control and measuring instruments; physical and chemical properties solutions of salts, acids, alkalis; requirements for demineralized water by technical specifications; analysis methodology; rules and regulations for pre-boiler and intra-boiler water treatment; procedure for starting and stopping units under normal and emergency conditions.

§ 17. Chemical water treatment operator (4th category)

Characteristics of work. Conducting the process of chemical water purification: chlorination, desalting in an installation (unit) with a capacity of over 300 cubic meters. m/h. Conducting the process of deep desalting of water using the ion exchange method on cation exchange and anion exchange filters and on ion exchange adsorption columns. Monitoring the parameters of the technological regime provided for by the regulations: temperature, pressure, water supply speed, concentration of regenerating solutions according to the readings of instrumentation and the results of chemical analyses. Measurement of electrical conductivity of demineralized water. Calculation of the required amount of raw materials and product yield. Removal of suspended coagulation particles from water, soda-lime water softening. Changing the entire chemical water treatment regime when the quality of incoming water changes. Ensuring proper operation of the entire water treatment system, timely cleaning and flushing of devices and lubrication of parts of all mechanisms. Preparing equipment for repair, receiving it from repair. Recording indicators of the chemical water treatment process in the production log.

Must know: rules for regulating the process of chemical water purification; kinematic diagrams serviced equipment; methods of analysis and calculations.

02/14/2014 – We present to your attention the occupational safety instructions for a chemical water treatment (CWT) operator. The instructions include five chapters: 1) general labor protection requirements; 2) labor protection requirements before starting work; 3) labor protection requirements when performing work; 4) labor protection requirements upon completion of work; 5) requirements for labor protection in emergency situations.

Chapter 1. General requirements on labor protection

1. The chemical water treatment operator ensures high-quality and the right quantity preparation of boiler room feed and make-up water.

2. Persons whose age corresponds to that established by law, who have passed the medical examination, training in the appropriate program at the UKK, testing of theoretical knowledge and practical skills of safe working methods and permission to work independently.

3. Admission to independent work is made after a mandatory two-week internship under the guidance of an experienced operator.

4. The HVO operator undergoes periodic testing of knowledge on labor safety issues at least once a year.

5. The HVO operator undergoes occupational safety training:

introductory – when applying for a job;

primary at the workplace - before starting work;

repeated - during work at least once every 6 months;

unscheduled - when adopting new regulatory legal acts, technical regulatory legal acts on labor protection or introducing changes and additions to them;

replacement or modernization of instruments and tools, materials and other factors affecting labor safety;

violation by the employee of the requirements of regulatory legal acts, technical regulatory legal acts, local regulatory legal acts on labor protection, which led or could lead to an accident, an industrial accident, and other serious consequences;

during breaks in work by profession for more than six months;

upon receipt of information about accidents and incidents;

target - when performing one-time work not related to direct duties in the specialty (loading, unloading, cleaning the territory, etc.);

when eliminating the consequences of accidents, natural disasters and catastrophes; when performing work for which a work permit is issued.

6. The HVO operator is obliged to:

know the requirements set out in the instructions (passports) of equipment manufacturers, technological instructions and labor protection instructions;

provide assistance and cooperate with the employer in ensuring healthy and safe working conditions, immediately notify the work manager or other official of the employer about the deterioration of his health;

use personal protective equipment when performing work:

cotton suit ZMiVu 12 months.

rubberized apron with bib K20Shch20 on duty

rubber boots K20Shch20 24 months.

leather boots Mi 12 months

rubber gloves K20Shch20 until worn out

combined mittens Mi until worn out

headdress 12 months

respirator until worn out

gas mask that filters until worn out

protective suit low temperatures from

cotton fabric Tn 36 months.

insulated tarpaulin boots Tn20 24 months.

have a clear understanding of dangerous and harmful production factors related to the performance of work (exposure to hazardous chemicals, exposure to hot steam and hot liquids, contact with sharp protruding parts of equipment, moving machines, mechanisms), and know the basic methods of protection against their effects;

know the fire and electrical safety requirements when performing work and be able to use fire extinguishing equipment. Smoking is allowed in specially designated areas;

be able to provide first aid to the victim;

know sanitary and hygienic working conditions and comply with industrial sanitation requirements;

comply with internal labor regulations;

know the structure and principle of operation of the equipment included in its service area;

know the layout of the boiler house pipelines included in its service area, the places where water samples are taken;

know the rules of operation of the equipment assigned to him;

know the quality standards of all waters.

7. The HVO operator must not expose himself to danger and be in places where work is being carried out that is not directly related to the work he is performing.

8. In the event of an accident at work, the HVO operator takes measures to prevent the impact of traumatic factors on the victim, provide him with first aid, and call him to the scene of the incident medical workers and reports the incident to the immediate supervisor or other official.

9. The operator must assist and cooperate with the employer in ensuring healthy and safe working conditions, immediately notify his immediate supervisor or other official of the employer about the malfunction of equipment, tools, devices, vehicles, protective equipment, about the deterioration of your health.

10. The HVO operator is responsible for:

compliance with the requirements of instructions (passports) of manufacturers, technological instructions and labor protection instructions, fire and electrical safety rules;

compliance with internal labor regulations;

accidents, accidents and other violations caused by the actions of a chemical equipment operator who violates the requirements of labor protection instructions, instructions (passports) of manufacturers.

11. For violation of labor discipline, failure to comply with the requirements of regulatory legal acts on labor protection, the HVO operator bears disciplinary, administrative and criminal liability in accordance with the law.

12. A HVO operator who appears at work in a state of alcohol, drug or toxic intoxication is not allowed to work (is suspended from work) on the corresponding day.

13. The HVO operator should not begin to perform one-time work that is not related to his direct responsibilities in the specialty, without receiving targeted instructions.

Chapter 2. Labor protection requirements before starting work

14. Responsibilities of the HVO operator.

14.1. The HVO operator is responsible for the uninterrupted supply, required quality, feed and make-up water, for the good condition of the equipment, for compliance with the water regimes of the boiler room, for the high-quality performance and registration of all water analyzes in the journal.

14.2. The HVO operator is obliged to:

monitor the water level in deaerator, condensate and make-up tanks.

Maintain sodium cation filters according to the instructions.

Perform a full chemical analysis of water according to the instructions for the volume of chemicals. control.

regulate boiler blowing through the boiler operator.

keep a record of analysis results, all types of filter maintenance operations, and the state of the boiler room thermal circuit.

produce preparation of salt solutions and chemical reagents.

14.3. The operator is personally responsible for the quality of feed water and maintaining a given level in deaerators and tanks.

15. The procedure for accepting and turning over shifts.

15.1. The operator works according to the shift schedule. The transition from one shift to another is agreed upon with the foreman.

15.2. Before going on duty, the HVO operator is obliged to:

check the condition of the equipment and thermal circuit of the boiler room through personal inspection in the presence of the person handing over the shift.

read the comments in the journal.

check for chemicals reagents, glassware.

15.3. Identified deficiencies during the acceptance of a shift are recorded in a log, in which a signature is made about the acceptance of the shift, after which the person handing over the shift signs.

15.4. For problems not identified when accepting a shift, the person accepting the shift is responsible. The shift is considered handed over after the person who accepted the shift has signed it in the journal.

Chapter 3. Labor protection requirements when performing work

16. Occupational safety rules for HVO operator.

16.1. Sampling of boiler water, feed water and condensate is carried out through refrigerators specially installed for this purpose. The temperature of the water leaving the refrigerator should not exceed 25-30 degrees.

Sampling should be done wearing gloves.

16.2. Acids and alkalis can cause painful burns if handled improperly. When selecting small quantities of acid from large bottles, you should use a special siphon equipped with a rubber bulb.

16.3. When diluting or crushing pieces of alkali (caustic soda), be sure to wear safety glasses.

16.4. When diluting strong sulfuric acid, you should add the acid to water in small portions, stirring; under no circumstances should you pour water into the acid.

16.5. Acids should be stored in glass bottles with ground stoppers; bottles should be kept in wicker baskets.

16.7. Eye skin burns caused by acids or alkalis require immediate and copious rinsing with a fast-flowing stream of tap or bucket water for 10-15 minutes. After thorough washing, the burned areas must be neutralized: for acid burns - 2% soda solution, for alkali burns - 2% boric acid solution, respectively, 0.5% solutions are used to neutralize burned eyes. In case of skin burns, you should consult a doctor after providing first aid; it is especially necessary medical care for eye burns.

16.8. It is prohibited to clutter areas between operating equipment, passages, stairs, and platforms with foreign objects.

16.9. All channels and pits must be covered corrugated iron sheets.

16.10. When starting and stopping electrically driven equipment during production repair work During emergency operations, the operator must follow the “Addition to the safety instructions for briquette shop personnel.”

16.11. All dangerous places: gear, chain, belt drives, cardan shafts, rotating parts must be protected.

16.12. Electric motor housings must be grounded.

16.14. The operator must start the electrically driven equipment while standing on a rubber mat.

17. Instructions for chemical water treatment

Description of the chemical scheme water treatment

17.1. Chem. water treatment works according to a two-stage sodium cationization scheme.

17.2. As raw water for chemical The water treatment system receives artesian water, either directly from the cold pressure tower or through a heater. When using a heater, water should be supplied to the cold water treatment plant with a temperature of no higher than 40-50 degrees, in order to avoid damage to the sulfonated coal loaded into the cathine filters.

17.3. After filters, 2 stages of chemical. water treatment, purified water enters the deaerator, where it is mixed with the condenser and forms feed water for boilers, as well as for feeding the heating network. The working salt solution is prepared in a wet salt storage bin.

18. Instructions for maintenance and operation of sodium cathine filters.

18.1. When water is filtered through sodium cathine filters, scale-forming cations (calcium, magnesium) are exchanged for sodium cation. This process can be represented as follows:

2NaR + Ca(HCO3) = CaR + 2NaHCO3

2NaR + Mg(HCO3) = MgR + 2NaHCO3,

where R is a complex cation complex. By releasing sodium into the water and retaining calcium and magnesium cations, the cation exchanger is gradually filled with these cations and loses its ability to soften water. During regeneration, the depleted cation exchanger is treated with a salt solution, passing through the layer of depleted cation exchanger, sodium ions displace calcium and magnesium cations from it, which go into the solution. The cation exchanger enriched with sodium cations regains the ability to soften water. The reaction that occurs during regeneration can be represented by the following equation:

CaR + 2NaCl = 2NaR + CaCl

After regeneration, washing is performed to remove excess regenerated solution and regeneration products.

19. Sodium cathine filter device.

19.1. The sodium cathine filter is a cylindrical oval body with spherical bottoms. Support feet are welded to the bottom bottom for installing the filter on the foundation. Inside the filter, in its upper part, there is a device in the form of an intermediate bottom for supplying raw water and a regeneration salt solution and removing loosening water. This device serves to uniformly supply and distribute the regeneration solution of salt and water over the entire cross-section of the cation filter. The filter has one lower hatch and an upper cover, made to allow installation and repair of internal devices, as well as periodic inspection during operation. At the bottom of the filter there is a drainage device, which is an intermediate bottom with fittings and caps that serve for uniform distribution of loosening and drainage of chemically treated water over the entire cross-sectional area.

19.2. The filters are loaded with sulfonated carbon, the loading height is 2 m, the grain size is 0.5-1.25 mm. The filter is equipped with pipelines used for supplying raw water, discharging softened water, and supplying solution table salt, supply of washing water for loosening and drainage of water into the drainage. There are two sampling points for taking water samples before and after the filter. There are two pressure gauges installed on the filter (one at the inlet, the other at the outlet of the filter).

20. Maintenance of sodium cathine filters.

The operation of sodium cathine filters consists of periodically performing operations that make up a full operating cycle:

1. Loosening 2. Regeneration

3. Washing 4. Softening

20.1. Loosening.

Loosening is carried out before regeneration, due to which the contaminants accumulated in it and small particles of sulfur coal formed as a result of its partial grinding during operation are removed from the cation and the possibility of better processing of the cation exchanger with a solution of table salt is created.

Loosening of the cation exchanger is carried out by the reverse flow of water from the pipeline through the lower drainage system and discharge from it through a distribution device located in the upper part of the filter.

Loosening is done as follows:

close the control valve between the loosening valves;

open the valve connecting the upper part of the filter with the discharge into the drain;

open one by one both loosening valves feeding raw water V bottom part filter, adjust the intensity of loosening with one of them (there should be no large particles of sulfur coal in the discharged water).

The loosening intensity should be approximately 11-14 m3/hour, the total loosening duration is 20-30 minutes at a speed of 5.5-6 cubic meters/hour or 90-100 l/min. With a total loosening time of 20-30 minutes, loosening will take 2-4 cubic meters. water. When loosening is carried out, samples of drain water are taken every 2-3 minutes, in which the content of fines is determined by eye. When removing large particles, the intensity of loosening should be reduced by closing the valve. As soon as the wash water sample becomes clear, the loosening operation is stopped. At the end of loosening, the valves are closed and the pump is turned off.

20.2. Regeneration.

Regeneration of sodium cation filters produced with a 6-9% solution of table salt. To turn on the filter for regeneration, it is necessary to open the salt release valve to the filter and the filter lower drain valve. Turn on the salt pump and adjust the flow rate of salt using the valves. Check for air in the upper part of the filter by opening the vent valve until water appears. Pass the required amount of solution through the level in the wet storage bin.

20.3. Washing.

Once the salt has passed through the filter and all salt valves have been closed, the filter is placed for cleaning. Washing is done with the aim of releasing the spent regeneration solution into the drainage and is carried out at a speed of 4-5 cubic meters per hour, which corresponds to 2.0-1.5 cubic meters per hour. Washing with quantities of water less than specified leads to an increase in water for the chemical treatment plant’s own needs and does not provide positive result washing. The washing is done for 20-30 minutes, then take a taste test (you can taste the water earlier, at the beginning it will be bitter, then salty at the end of the washing). If the water is fresh, then it is checked for hardness.

If the 1st stage filter is put into operation after regeneration, it must be washed to 300 mcg-eq/l; the 2nd stage filter is washed to 50 mcg-eq/l.

If the filter is not placed in reserve after regeneration, then in order to avoid peptization of the cation exchanger, it is partially washed from the regeneration solution, i.e. to a hardness of 400-500 mcg-equiv/l. The final cleaning is done before putting the filter into operation.

20.4. Softening.

To turn on the cation exchanger filter for the “softening” operation, you must:

make sure that there is no air cushion in the filter (this is done before adding salt and before washing), there is an air vent on the filter, it opens until water appears, then closes.

The valves at the inlet to the outlet filters open. The softening speed should be 20 m/h.

Chem. Work control is carried out according to the schedule. By the end of the filter operation, the chemical control becomes more frequent. While the filter is operating, the vent opens to release air accumulated in the filter.

The filter is switched off by closing the valves at the filter inlet and outlet.

When softening water, you need to check the water for removal of sulfonic carbon. If sulfonated carbon appears, this indicates a failure drainage system, the filter emergency stops, sulfonated carbon is expelled from it and the drainage system is inspected and repaired.

20.5. Chemical water control.

Chemical control of water used for the needs of the boiler house is carried out through timely sampling of water and its chemical analysis. Water samples are taken from certain designated points in the boiler room thermal circuit through sampling valves. To avoid errors, before taking samples from samplers installed at some distance from the sampling point, it is necessary to flush the line into the drain with a sufficient amount of water, after which the water is drawn into a container that has been previously washed with the water being sampled. The glassware must be labeled for each sample and used strictly for its intended purpose.

The sampler valve must be constantly open so that the water in the sampler does not stagnate.

Frequency of sampling.

Raw water: alkalinity – once a month

hardness – once a month.

Full analysis - once a year (in a specialized laboratory).

Chem. purified water: hardness – each time the filter is put into operation, in case permanent job filter, analysis should be carried out after an hour, until the water is soft, and after 10-15 minutes before stopping the filter for regeneration.

Nutrient water.

Hardness – after 2 hours

Alkalinity – after 2 hours.

Boiler water.

Alkalinity – after 2 hours

Hardness – 1 time per day.


Alkalinity – after 2 hours

Hardness – after 2 hours.

Water quality standards.

Chem. purified water after filters:

hardness – up to 20 mcg-eq/l., 1st stage – up to 100 mcg-eq/l.

Feed water: hardness – up to 20 mcg-equiv/l.

Boiler water: alkalinity – 15-20 mcg-eq/l.

Condensate: hardness no more than 20 mcg-eq/l.

21. Instructions for water analysis.

Determination of hardness using the trilonometric method:

Required details:

0.01 – solution of Trilon “B”

ammonia buffer solution

indicator solutions: dark blue chrome.

Determination technique.

100 ml. The test water is added to a conical flask with a capacity of 250 ml., 2-5 ml are added. ammonia-buffer solution, 7-8 drops of dark blue chromium indicator and slowly titrated with a 0.01 N solution of Trilon “B” until the pink turns blue; when determining hard water, titrate with a 0.1 N solution of Trilon “B” in ml. multiplied by 100. Example: titration of 100 ml. 0.4 ml of water was used. Trilon "B" 0.01N.

Water hardness = 0.4x100=40 mcg-eq/l.

Example: when titrating with a 0.1 N solution of Trilon “B”, the hardness is in mg-eq/l. is equal to the amount of Trilon “B” consumed in ml. If for tetration 100 ml. 4 ml of water were used. A 0.1 N solution of Trilon “B” will result in water hardness of 4 mEq/l.

Note: 1 mEq/L = 1000 mcg-Eq/L.

If there is zinc in the water, 1 ml should be added to the water sample before determining the hardness. 1.5-2% solution of sodium sulfide, in the presence of manganese, add 5 drops of 1% solution of hydroxylamine hydrochloride before introducing the reagents.

Preparation of reagents.

0.1N solution of Trilon “B” 18.620 g. Dissolve in a liter volumetric flask; if the solution turns out to be cloudy, it should be filtered and then the volume of the solution should be brought to 1 liter with distilled water. The titer is set with a 0.1 N solution. For this, take 10 ml. The 0.1 N solution is brought to 100 ml with distilled water, 2-5 ml are added. ammonia-buffer solution, 5-7 drops of dark blue chromium and slowly titrate with stirring a 0.1 N solution of Trilon “B” until a clear change in the color of the solution.

Ammonia buffer solution.

20 ammonium chloride is dissolved in distilled water, add 180 ml. 25% ammonia solution and bring to 1 liter with distilled water.

Indicator solutions.

Acid chrome dark blue 0.5 g. dissolve in 10 ml. ammonia buffer solution and bring to 100 ml. ethyl alcohol.

Determination of alkalinity.

The alkalinity of natural waters, both surface and deep, is determined by the presence of bicarbonates and humates in them, i.e. salts, weak organic acids. The alkalinity of water softened only by cationization is also due to bicarbonates and humates.

The alkalinity of boiler waters is due to the presence of caustic alkalis, soda phosphates, silicates and humates. Below is a table showing the substances that cause alkalinity in various waters.

Natural water humates

Cationized NaHCO3, humates

Nutrient NaHCO3, Na2CO3, NaOH

Lime-cationized sometimes humates

Boiler NaOH, Na2PO4, Na2CO3, Na2O3, humates

Steam condensate NaHCO3, salts of organic and volatile acids

When determining the alkalinity of boiler, softened and natural waters, titration is carried out with a 0.1 N acid solution in the presence of the indicators phenolphthalein and methyl orange.

Necessary reactors.

Solutions of hydrochloric or sulfuric acid, 0.1N and 0.01N concentrations.

A solution of NaCH 0.1H concentration, H2, O4 or HC.

Indicators: 1% alcohol solution of phenolphthalein, 0.1% aqueous solution methyl orange, mixed indicator.

Method of determination.

To determine the alkalinity of boiler boiler, softened, natural water pipette 100 ml. into a conical flask with a capacity of 250-300 ml, add 2-3 drops of an alcohol solution of phenolphthalein and, when a red color appears, titrate with a 0.1 N acid solution until discoloration. Record the result. Add 1-2 drops of methyl orange and continue titration until the color changes from yellow to orange. Record the acid consumption used for titration using methyl orange.

When determining the alkalinity of river, artesian and softened water using indicators phenolphthalein and methyl orange, the following cases may occur:

1. Water is not colored by phenolphthalein. Acid consumption for methyl orange is greater than zero.

2. Acid consumption for phenolphthalein is greater than for methyl orange.

Calculation for determining hydrate, carbonate, bicarbonate and total alkalinity is carried out according to the table below:

Consumption of 0.1N acid, ml. Present in water

FF 0 bicarbonates

F1F 0 humates

FF MO carbonates

F1F1 0 bicarbonates, humates

FF OM hydrates

F1F1 0 Carbonates, humates

where: FF – acid consumption for phenolphthalein in ml.

MO – acid consumption for methyl orange in ml.

Ф1Ф1 – acid consumption for back titration

and v/a is greater than v/

and in/ a is less than in/.

Alkalinity of water in MKG-eq/l. during titration and ml. water with an acid solution is equal to the acid consumption multiplied by (in mcg-eq/l.).

Alkalinity of water in µg-equiv/l. when titrating ml. water N acid solution is equal to the acid consumption.

Preparation of reagents for determining the alkalinity of an acid solution.

An acid solution is prepared using concentrated hydrochloric or sulfuric acids. The concentrations of strong acids are checked using hydrometer. Quantity ml. concentrated sulfuric acid required to prepare one liter of 0.1N acid is determined by the following proportion:

X – 4.9 X = 1000 x 4.9

Where: A is the concentration of the initial sulfuric acid in grams/cm. cubic, which is in the table by specific gravity.

4, 9 – the number of grams of sulfuric acid contained in one liter of 0.1N solution.

Suppose you need to prepare 20 liters. 0.1N sulfuric acid, then you need to take (1000 x 4.9 x 20) ml. concentrated acid and add 20 – (1000 x 4.9 x 20) A liters of water to the bottle.


1 gr. phenolphthalein is dissolved in 100 ml. ethyl alcohol (phenolphthalein 1%).

Methyl orange.

0.1 gr. methyl orange is dissolved in 100 ml. hot water, filter if necessary.

Chapter 4. Labor protection requirements upon completion of work

22. Upon completion of work, the HVO operator is obliged to:

tidy up the workplace;

transfer the shift to a replacement operator;

sign for shift magazine about handing over the shift;

take off protective clothing in a specially designated place.

leave the workplace until the replacement arrives;

hand over a shift to a shift worker who is under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

Chapter 5. Labor protection requirements in emergency situations

24. If a fire occurs during work or near the workplace, the operator is obliged to:

stop performing work;

report the incident to the immediate supervisor;

take measures to extinguish the fire and prevent its spread using available fire extinguishing means;

If it is impossible to extinguish the fire using the available fire extinguishing means, call the fire department.

Please note that you can download other materials on labor protection and certification of workplaces for working conditions in organizations in the section “ Occupational safety».