Maintenance strategies and ways to increase the efficiency of repair work. Improving the organization of repair facilities at the enterprise

1.1 General characteristics enterprises………..……………………………8
1.2 Calculation of production indicators…………………………..……………….10
1.3 Conclusions…………………………………………………………………………………..20
2 TECHNOLOGICAL PART……………………………………………………………..21
2.1 Calculation and design of the painting area for painting
2.1.1 Operating mode of the painting area………………………………………………………..21
2.1.2 Calculation of labor intensity on the site………………………………………….21
2.1.3 Justification of operating modes and determination of time funds………..22
2.1.4 Determination of the composition and number of workers……………………………24
2.1.5 Calculation and selection of equipment………………………………………………………….25
2.1.6 Calculation of site area, production areas…………………27
2.1.7 Lighting calculation………………………………………………………..28
2.1.8 Calculation of the enterprise’s need for energy resources…………………..30
2.2.9 Technological process in the painting area…………………………..31
3 Design part………………………………………………………..50
3.1 Rationale for design development…………………………………50
3.2 Design and operation of the device…….……………………………..50
3.3 Design requirements……………………………….51
3.4 Calculation of the metal structure of the painting table……………………………52
3.5 Selection of springs according to GOST……………………………………………………………..54
3.6 Calculation of welds………………………………………………………54
3.7 Axis calculation………………………………………………………………………………..55
3.8 Calculation of bolted connections………………………………………………………………..56
4.1 Main hazardous production factors and hazards
during painting work………………………………………………………..59
4.2 Analysis of industrial injuries……………………………………..60
4.3 Measures to improve occupational safety………………………………..62
4.4 Fire water supply……………………………………………………65
4.5 Calculation of artificial lighting……………………………………………………..65
4.6 Calculation of natural ventilation………………………………………………………66
4.7 Description of the graphic part of the UAPT……………………………………………………………68
4.8 Safe working conditions and environmental safety…………………68
5.1 Determination of capital investments……………………………………….74
5.2 Organization of labor and wages…………………………………….76
5.3 Determination of wage costs……………………………….77
5.4 Calculation of costs for materials and spare parts…………………………..78
5.5 Determination of economic efficiency factors……………………81
5.6 Determination of payback periods…………………………………………..81


Over the past 10 years, there have been qualitative and quantitative changes in the structure of the fleet of motor vehicles operating in Bryansk and the Bryansk region as a whole. The forms of ownership have changed, both for vehicles (passenger cars, trucks, buses, road construction vehicles), and for enterprises for their storage, maintenance and repair.
Despite the overall positive dynamics in the development of urban transport infrastructure, a number of negative transport phenomena and problems have emerged. And first of all, the problems of untimely and poor-quality maintenance of motor vehicles, which leads to an increase in the number of road accidents for technical reasons related to vehicle malfunctions, to the deterioration of the environmental situation in the city caused by general decline environmental performance of vehicles operated without proper technical diagnostics and repairs. A car has an average of 15,000-60,000 parts, of which 9,000-10,000 change their residual life and reliability during their service life.
Currently maintenance and repairs of cars and parts of trucks are carried out both at technical service enterprises with various forms of ownership, and on an individual basis.
Currently, several specialized enterprises for the maintenance and repair of motor vehicles are officially registered and operating in the city (this does not include auto repair areas at motor vehicle transport enterprises that operate and repair trucks).
The distribution by type of services offered at technical service enterprises is extremely uneven. In particular, there is an abundance of services for replacing units and parts, tire fitting work, while there is a simultaneous shortage of services for repairing and adjusting fuel equipment, repairing electrical equipment, repairing gas equipment, etc.
Depending on the type of vehicles serviced, some enterprises specialize in servicing foreign cars, while others specialize in servicing domestic cars.
The equipment of technical service enterprises is insufficient; only some of them have modern diagnostic equipment; incoming quality control of spare parts is carried out only at 43% of enterprises; 54% of enterprises do not carry out final quality control of the services provided, which certainly affects the number of accidents due to technical reasons.
The currently existing system for ensuring the quality of services at car service enterprises is based on a system of certification of car service services, certification of spare parts and garage equipment. However, if in large enterprises a certain level of control is still provided, then in medium and small enterprises, and especially in ATP workshops, inspection control over the provision of services, the equipment used, the quality of purchased consumables and spare parts is practically not carried out.
In general, the system for providing services for the maintenance and repair of motor vehicles available in the city of Bryansk cannot be considered as a reliably operating urban system, controlled within the framework of current laws and operating in accordance with the interests of the city and consumers of its services.
In this regard, this diploma project presents calculations for the design of a painting area, calculations and selection of modern technological equipment, measures were proposed to improve labor protection and environmental safety at the enterprise. And the payback period for the project has been determined.


1. Aleksandrov P. M. Lifting and transport machines. – 2nd ed., revised. – M.: Mashinostroenie, 1984. – 336 p. Il.
2. Ananyin A.D., Baikalova V.N., Zangiev A.A. et al. Diploma design. – M.: MGAU, 2003. – 141 p.
3. Babusenko S. M. Design of repair and maintenance enterprises. 2nd ed., revised. And additional – M.: Agroproizdat, 1990. – 352 p. Il.
4. Belkov G.I. Labor protection. – M.: Agropromizdat, 1990. – 320 p.
5. Belsky V.I. Diagnosis and maintenance of passenger cars. - M.: Kolos, 1980.
6. Belyaev N.M. Collection of problems on strength of materials. – M.: Nauka, 1978
7. Vavilov N.I. Life safety at agricultural enterprises. appointments. – M.: Kolos, 1984.
8. Varnakov V.V., Streltsov V.V., Popov V.N., Karpenkov V.F. Technical service of agricultural machines. – M.: Kolos, 2000. – 256 p.
9. Guzenkov P.G. Machine parts. – M.: Higher School, 1986.
10. Erokhin M. N., Karp A. V., Vyskrebentsev N. A. Design and calculation of hoisting and transporting machines for agricultural purposes. – M.: Kolos, 1999. – 228 p.: ill.
11. Kats A.M. Car bodies. – M.: Transport, 1972.
12. Kats A.M. Painting of cars at motor transport and auto repair enterprises. – M.: Transport, 1986.
13. Levitsky I.S. Organization of repairs and design of agricultural repair enterprises. – M.: Kolos, 1977.
14. Lukoshnikov A.V. Labor protection. – M.: Kolos, 1978.
15. Mekler V. Ya., Ovchinnikov P. A. Industrial ventilation and air conditioning. – M.: Stroyizdat, 1978. – 312 p.
16. Smelov V.G. Coursework and diploma design for machine repair. – M.: Kolos, 1984.
17. Tikhomirov A.V. Agricultural Electrical Engineer's Handbook. – M.: Informagrotekh, 1999.
18. Temichev A.A. Catalog of car parts. – M.: Mechanical Engineering, 1988.
19. Yalutsky S.N. Car repair manual. – M.: Koleso, 2001.
20. Yalutsky S.N. Design, repair, operation, maintenance of VAZ cars with a new control panel. – M.: Koleso, 2001.
21. Mikhalchenkov A.M., Tyureva A.A., Kozarez I.V. Course design on machine repair technology. - Bryansk, Bryansk State Agricultural Academy, 2008. – 124 p.
22. Kurchatkin V.V., Telnov I.F., Achkasov K.A. and others. Reliability and repair of machines / Ed. V.V. Kurchatkina. - M.: Kolos, 2000. - 776 p.
23. STP 81-03-03. Enterprise standard. Course and diploma projects (works). General design requirements. / Mikhalchenkov A.M., Memetov R.A., Spiridonov V.K., Zueva D.S., Kiseleva L.S. – Bryansk: BGSHA, 2004. – 80 p.
24. Kozarez I.V. Feasibility study of engineering solutions in diploma and course projects: guidelines / I.V. Kozarez, A.A. Tyureva. – Bryansk: Publishing house of the Bryansk State Agricultural Academy, 2011. – 144 p.
25. Tyureva, A.A. Design of technological processes of repair and restoration / A.A. Tyureva, I.V. Goat cutter. – Bryansk: Publishing house of the Bryansk State Agricultural Academy, 2012. – 180 p.

We thank the editors of the “Springboard to Success” magazine of NPO Saturn for providing this material.

Over the many years of existence of enterprises, the practice has developed that a head office of the chief mechanic is created at the plant, and independent services for repair and maintenance of equipment are organized in the workshops. In this case, the management of such services is carried out directly by the head of the workshop or his deputy and functionally by the chief mechanic. The workshops organize warehouses of spare parts for their equipment, recruit personnel to repair equipment, and create their own repair schedules, which are carried out by their own people. And so it went on for many years, until advanced equipment appeared, which is more like a “cabinet with wires” than a familiar machine. And the more such machines there are, the more difficult it is to maintain them...

New manufacturing technologies and product quality requirements also required completely new types of equipment. Of course, it was possible to recruit specialists in this equipment or specifically train workers in each workshop. But they still need to be found!

And this is just one of the problems that the chief mechanic service of JSC UEC-Perm Motors had to face. Indeed, with the start of preparations for serial production of the PD-14 engine, not only the amount of equipment supplied increased, but also its complexity. New manufacturing technologies and product quality requirements also required completely new types of equipment. Of course, it was possible to recruit specialists in this equipment or specifically train workers in each workshop. But they still need to be found!

At the same time, it is also necessary to create your own fund of repair parts for the purchased equipment. And so in every workshop... This became problem number two for the chief mechanic’s service.

And the situation was aggravated by the fact that almost no statistics on breakdowns were kept in the workshops, downtime was not recorded, the accounting of available spare parts for equipment was broken, and there was no clear information about what would be needed in the near future.

And in conditions of growing production volumes, every hour of equipment downtime due to repairs had an increasingly sensitive effect. And the further it went, the more difficult it became to cope with the growing volume of emerging “work.” And this continued until the existing system of equipment maintenance and repair could no longer cope.

It was necessary to build everything from scratch. These include the processes of planning equipment maintenance, creating operational communication with the chief mechanic’s service when machines fail, organizing a managed stock of spare parts, creating and restoring repair capabilities “on our own.”


An analysis of the organization of equipment maintenance work inside the workshops showed its shortcomings. Firstly, there are no certain rules, what work and in what volume should be performed inside the workshop and when it is necessary to hand over the machine to a contractor. Secondly, shop services perform only those jobs that can be completed at the current moment, depending on the availability of spare parts. Thirdly, as mentioned earlier, the work performed is not recorded anywhere, and cases of repair can only be identified if spare parts are purchased or if a contact with a contractor is recorded.

In order to build a warning system about equipment failure, it was decided to modify the existing automated automated system “Requests for equipment repair.” Previously, in order to notify the competent services, the production foreman had to find a workshop mechanic, then wait for the mechanic’s service workers, and bring the problem to the attention of the performers, which ultimately took up to several hours of the shift.

Statistics on equipment failure and causes of failures

At the moment, in the case of emergency or scheduled maintenance, the production foreman just needs to make a note about the condition of the equipment and then the whole process takes place without his participation. At the same time, due to automation, it became possible to collect statistics on each case of failure, for what reasons this or that machine stops, and already plan required types repairs for each piece of equipment.

Accounting for downtime and current state equipment repair


The main task of this stage was to assess the existing resources to maintain equipment in working condition. In each workshop, an inventory of spare parts was organized and analysis was carried out. It is worth noting that simultaneously with the inventory, work was carried out to organize a unified warehouse for spare parts. At that time, this made it possible to reduce the need for critically scarce parts for machine tools. When all the information was collected, it turned out that most of the spare parts needed at that moment were in neighboring workshops, and even more often, parts for machines that had already been decommissioned in this workshop were “laid” in the warehouses of workshops.

No less important task was an assessment of the existing staff...

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3. Main directions for improving repairs and inter-repair services

3.1 Reorganization of the management structure of teams for the repair of technological equipment

For the most successful and economical implementation of the tasks assigned to the repair service of the enterprise, it is necessary to develop a rational structure and management scheme. When developing a management scheme for the repair facilities of an enterprise, one should take into account the modern management technology existing at the enterprise, general style work, as well as a number of other factors on which the organization of repair management depends.

1. Since the initiators of most of the unscheduled equipment maintenance work carried out are service personnel, their work predetermines a specific way of managing teams, that is, it does not require direct supervision, but only requires administration (decision of general organizational issues, registration of activities carried out and work performed) and organization of supply (spare parts, components and consumables), which determines the ineffectiveness of having three managers in the structure, whose responsibilities are essentially identical.

2. Incomplete loading of equipment when working on the second shift (the average equipment shift ratio is 1.45), reduces the work of maintenance personnel to standby mode and carrying out a small part of planned equipment maintenance activities, which is due to the work of most support services (warehouses, mechanical section of the RMC ) enterprises in a single-shift mode, all this makes the presence of a manager supervising the work of the second shift of teams irrational.

3. The dispersal of separate integrated teams throughout the enterprise makes non-operative communication with managers whose location (due to the performance of official duties) cannot be permanent. When the need arises to quickly solve production problems, unjustified equipment downtime occurs, which is due to the irrational distribution of responsibilities between the boss, foreman and mechanic.

The above shortcomings in the structural organization of the management of the shopping center necessitate a reorganization of the management structure and revision job descriptions some members of the shopping center. In accordance with this, in order to ensure a more rational organization of management of repair personnel, it is necessary to reorganize the management structure:

1. To abolish in the management structure the position of mechanic and power engineer of technical centers included in the CR&OK, whose responsibilities are duplicated job responsibilities mechanics of CR&OK and energy of CR&OK.

2. Determine the main responsibility of the equipment repairman - direct supervision of repairmen and electricians in servicing electrical equipment, organizing the production of spare parts and performing mechanical repair work.

A number of measures taken make it possible to rationally distribute responsibilities between participants in the repair production management structure, which makes it possible to:

1. Simplify the structure of subordination of certain categories of repair personnel, thereby improving the psychological microclimate of the shopping center team;

2. Reduce the time of unscheduled equipment downtime by speeding up individual repair operations - manufacturing spare parts, performing mechanical repair work.

3.2 Progressive forms and methods of repair

The constant increase in repair maintenance costs requires the search for more progressive forms and methods of equipment repair. These forms and methods include:

specialization and centralization of equipment repair;

expansion of advanced repair techniques;

implementation advanced technology repair work and their mechanization;

improving the organization of work for repair personnel, etc.

The most important direction should be considered the comprehensive expansion of the centralized form of organizing repairs based on the specialization of repair work, that is, the development of specialized repair enterprises and the centralized production of spare parts. The organization of specialized enterprises creates conditions for effective application in the repair production of high-performance equipment and accessories, advanced technological processes and labor methods characteristic of serial and continuous production.

Centralization of repairs can be carried out on the scale of individual enterprises, industries and national economy generally. Large repair shops can be created at the plant scale to produce spare parts and overhaul equipment.

In large workshops, it is advisable to create specialized teams for the repair of single-model equipment and standard units of various equipment.

If there are a large number of factories in a certain industry in one economic region It is advisable to create a large repair plant or workshop of industry significance at the parent enterprise for the production of spare parts and individual species repair. Intersectoral centralization is advisable for repairing the most popular models of equipment using an exchange fleet of equipment in the machine tool industry. In this case, repairs must be carried out either by factories that produce this equipment or by special factories.

The methods for performing repair work are varied: nodal, sequential-nodal, “against the flow”, standard, etc.

The nodal method consists of replacing worn-out units of the unit with spare ones, previously manufactured or repaired. At the same time, equipment downtime is significantly reduced, since most of the repair work is performed before the machine is taken out for repair.

With the sequential-node method, worn-out units of the unit are repaired not simultaneously, but sequentially using breaks in the operation of the units. This method is used to repair equipment that has structurally separate units (aggregate machines).

The upstream method is used to repair flow-automated lines and requires serious preparatory work.

Most often, the equipment of these lines is repaired simultaneously with the line being stopped or in separate sections, with extensive use of nodal methods.

A necessary prerequisite for the specialization of repairs is to improve the structure of the machine park by reducing the number of standard sizes and models of basic machines and units produced in the machine tool industry and mechanical engineering plants.

The widespread use of standard components and parts in the machine tool industry makes it possible to reduce the need for spare parts and the duration of repair work by several times.

New equipment must meet all the requirements for maintainability and high operational reliability (ease of disassembly and assembly, inspection and adjustment, durability of associated parts, etc.) All technical documentation for the repair of new equipment is supplied by the manufacturers.

Equipping machine-building plants with mass-produced machines in combination with widespread standardization both in machine-tool construction and in repair production will make it possible to distinguish repairs as an independent specialized branch of machine-building production.

The solution to this issue is to reduce basic repairs to operations for replacing parts, assemblies and assemblies, which is, in essence, the specialization of repairs at the individual level.

The industrialization of equipment repair involves bringing the organizational, technical and economic level of repair closer to the level of manufacturing new machines in the machine tool industry.


The repair facility is one of the most important links in the structure of a manufacturing enterprise, since the efficiency of its work largely determines the cost of products, their quality and labor productivity at the enterprise.

To solve the issues of organizing repair facilities at enterprises, systems for maintenance and repair of technological equipment are developed and applied, which are based on the principle of routine maintenance and scheduled preventive repair of equipment. However, the features of equipment operation and the structure of the enterprise’s repair facilities often require revision adopted systems maintenance of technological equipment for its rationalization and taking into account the operating conditions prevailing at the enterprise.

Consideration of the issues underlying the construction of an equipment maintenance system at a mechanical engineering enterprise, and analysis of the organization and activities of the repair facility, as well as finding ways to improve it. Accordingly, the following issues are raised:

Organizing scheduled repairs and routine maintenance of equipment at a machine-building enterprise, analyzing their effectiveness, as well as improving the organization of scheduled preventive maintenance using accumulated knowledge statistical information on the number and nature of downtime of serviced equipment;

Studying the features of repair personnel management, analyzing and finding ways to increase the efficiency of the adopted repair management structure;

The organization of repair facilities at Remservis LLC has a number of features, which include:

The organization of repair production is carried out on the basis of an improved Unified PPR system, enshrined in the Regulations on PPR.

Equipment maintenance is carried out in accordance with the STP adopted at the enterprise in accordance with the monthly maintenance plans and schedules issued by the PGM.

Maintenance and scheduled repairs of high-tech equipment are carried out by several integrated repair teams, while the high complexity of the equipment requires highly qualified repair personnel.

The initiators of most unscheduled equipment maintenance work are maintenance personnel, so their work predetermines a specific way of managing teams, and only requires administration.

Prompt production of spare parts by the mechanical repair shop is carried out on site machining or on an inter-shop order by the main mechanical shops.

As a result of an analysis of the system for organizing the repair service at Remservis LLC, it was proposed to carry out a number of measures to improve and rationalize the activities of the repair service:

To abolish in the management structure of the shopping center the position of an equipment repair mechanic, whose duties are duplicated by the job responsibilities of a foreman for repairing equipment of the shopping center and a mechanic of the Central Operations Center,

The main factors for saving from the implementation of measures to improve technology and organize repairs are reducing the labor intensity of repair work, reducing equipment downtime during repairs, as well as improving the quality of equipment repairs. Consequently, the main indicators for assessing the activities of the repair service are: the share of planned work in the total volume of work performed and the amount of equipment downtime during unscheduled repairs.

Calculation of indicators for assessing the performance of the repair service shows that:

The introduction of measures to improve the organization of repair maintenance allows us to increase the proportion of planned work.

Along with improving the performance indicators of the repair service, the implementation of the proposed measures will lead to the effect of improving the quality of repairs, which can be determined through the conditional amount of released equipment, which also indicates the rationality of the proposals.

The use of more progressive forms of organization and equipment maintenance systems allows not only to improve the work of integrated repair teams, but also to rationalize the removal of equipment for scheduled repairs, thereby:

Reduce equipment downtime;

By timely planning of individual activities for repair and maintenance of equipment, reduce the labor intensity of repair work;

By eliminating irrational and untimely scheduled repairs, reduce the cost of repair maintenance;

By promptly introducing amendments and changes to the PPR schedules, thereby planning the upcoming material and labor costs for repair work, reduce the time required for repairs and increase the quality of repairs.


1. Fatkhutdinov R.A. Organization of production. M.: Infra-M 2000

2. Organization and planning of mechanical engineering production, ed. M.I. Ipatova. M.: Higher School 1998

3. - electronic weekly "RETAIL"

4. Vasiliev V.N. "Organization of production in market conditions" Mechanical engineering, 99

5. Makarenko M.V., Makhalin O.M., “Production management”: Textbook. Benefit. For universities - M.: PRIOR Publishing House, 1998

6. Fatkhudinov R.A. "Organization of production": textbook INFRA-M. 2001

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at the course "Organization of production at an enterprise"

on the topic “Improving the organization of repair facilities at an enterprise (using the example of a gas production facility)”





Competent and efficient organization repair department at a mechanical engineering enterprise has always been a guarantor of its normal operation. But this problem has become especially relevant in our country in recent years. This is due to the complex financial situation domestic enterprises that are not able to timely update or modernize their fixed assets. Optimal use of repair departments should to some extent reduce losses from obsolescence and wear and tear of equipment. This, of course, cannot in any way completely solve the problem of updating fixed assets, but it will help in some way to alleviate the threat of a sharp drop in production.

For various enterprises The organization of a repair enterprise involves its own strictly individual approach, based on the specifics of the enterprise, its size and personnel composition. In small enterprises, a centralized method of organizing repairs is mainly used, in large enterprises - a decentralized one, but this is by no means a rule - each enterprise must choose the most appropriate one for itself. optimal method based on economic feasibility.

This course work describes the Gomel starting engine plant, where the problem of deterioration of fixed assets has become particularly acute. This enterprise has a centralized system for organizing repairs, although it has the capacity for large-scale and mass production. Despite the presence of RMC, workshops are often idle or produce defects. The reason for this is that the RMC does not have time to carry out scheduled repairs in order of priority before they fail. Therefore, the course work proposes to change the approach to organizing repairs, making it decentralized. Thus, personal repair service will be carried out directly for each workshop, which is designed to reduce losses from equipment breakdowns. This will require slightly more workers and machines, but the reduction in losses from defects and equipment downtime should cover these additional costs. Also, the decentralized system makes it possible to reduce the time for equipment changeover, which had to be carried out at the RMC for each workshop that has special equipment.

The structure of the course work also includes some theoretical foundations for organizing a repair facility (Part 1), as well as possible ways to improve it (Part 3).

The main objective of the course work is to find ways to improve production efficiency at an enterprise using better organization the work of its repair departments. Unfortunately, at the present time, the repair base at domestic enterprises is not flexible enough, which is explained by the large number of specialized equipment, while many of them are forced to repurpose their production due to the market situation. In this case, it is necessary to completely reconsider the organization of repairs at the enterprise, optimizing it for new specifics. This takes a lot of time and money. However this problem for some reason it does not attract enough attention, although it is quite relevant.

Attention to the organization of repairs at enterprises should be especially close in modern conditions, implying fierce competition, in which quality now wins first of all, the proper level of which cannot be achieved with current state production base of the domestic industry.

1. Theoretical foundations of organizing a repair facility

1.1 Objectives and structure of the repair facility

The repair facility, which is part of the auxiliary production of a machine-building enterprise, is intended to carry out a set of work on the maintenance and repair of plant equipment to ensure its most efficient use.

The main direction when designing the repair production of new or reconstructed plants is its specialization and centralization, ensuring:

A) obtaining spare parts and components for the repair of universal equipment from domestic equipment manufacturers, as well as from specialized enterprises and machine tool associations, which must also carry out the bulk of major overhauls of this equipment.

B) Creation in industrial areas and nodes of industry and inter-industry specialized enterprises and workshops for the centralized repair of similar equipment, the production of spare parts and replacement units for it, as well as the production of non-standardized equipment for groups of factories. When designing new and reconstructing or expanding existing machine-building plants, it is necessary to proceed from long-term plans for industry and inter-industry specialization of repair production and centralized provision of spare parts for equipment by creating a common specialized repair enterprise to service a group of plants included in an industrial hub, association or complex of enterprises.

C) limiting the scope of work of mechanical repair shops and repair bases of individual machine-building enterprises being designed, mainly to the production of small and medium-sized repairs of all technological and handling equipment, as well as major repairs and production of spare parts for imported and certain types of specialized domestic equipment.

Centralization of the production of spare parts and specialization of repair enterprises increases labor productivity and the quality of repair work, and also reduces their cost.

In the mechanical repair shops of a number of factories, work is also carried out on the modernization of equipment, the production of mechanization and automation equipment, safety equipment, as well as the production of individual special machines and other equipment.

The machine-building plant equipment subject to repair can be divided into the following groups according to its purpose:

Technological equipment:

· Mechanical - metal-cutting, metal-pressing forging, foundry, woodworking;

· Furnace - heating furnaces in forge shops, heat treatment furnaces, melting and drying plants in foundries, etc.;

Handling and transport equipment:

· Crane - overhead and beam cranes, special portal, console and other cranes;

· Conveyors and elevators;

· Ground - carts of all kinds, etc.;

Power equipment:

· Electrical engineering - electric motors, transformers, electric welding machines, electrical equipment and devices, electrical networks;

· Thermal power equipment - equipment for compressor, boiler, pumping, oxygen, acetylene and other stations.

Sanitary equipment: equipment for pumping stations, ventilation devices, air conditioning systems, etc.

Industrial distribution: pipelines for water supply, sewerage, air and gas supply systems, etc.

In small engineering plants, the operation and repair of all equipment is the responsibility of the plant's chief mechanic department; repairs are carried out in the mechanical repair shop, which also includes the corresponding departments (electrical repair, pipeline, etc.). In large factories, depending on the scale, nature and conditions of production, as well as the location of the plant, for repairs different groups equipment, special workshops are organized.

1.2 Forms of organization of repair work

To organize repair work at factories, a repair service is created, the tasks of which are as follows:

1. supervision and care of existing equipment in order to correct minor defects and possibly prevent breakdowns;

2. timely (scheduled preventative) equipment repairs;

3. equipment modernization.

At large factories, repairs of equipment in all workshops are carried out by the repair shop and repair bases of production workshops.

The implementation of all types of repair work is distributed between the mechanical repair shop and the repair bases of production shops, depending on the size of the enterprise and the nature of production; in this regard, one or another form of organization of repair work is established: centralized, decentralized, mixed.

The centralized form of organization provides for the implementation of all types of repair work, as well as the modernization of equipment by the mechanical repair shop, which is under the supervision of the chief mechanic of the plant. This form of organization is used in factories where each workshop has equipment of no more than 500 repair units.

In a decentralized form of organization, all types of repair work, including major repairs, as well as equipment modernization, are carried out by workshop repair bases under the guidance of a workshop mechanic. This form of repair organization is used in factories whose workshops have equipment of over 800 repair units. In this case, the mechanical repair shop of the plant produces replacement parts and spare parts for spare parts storage rooms, restores parts, and overhauls some of the most labor-intensive and complex units.

In a mixed form of organization, all types of repair work, except capital ones, are carried out by workshop repair bases, and major repairs (and sometimes medium ones), as well as modernization of equipment, are carried out by a mechanical repair shop. This form of organizing repair work is used in factories whose workshops have equipment from 500 to 800 repair units.

All types of repair work, except major repairs, are carried out at the installation site of the unit. Major repairs on site are carried out only for heavy machines (over 2.5 tons), the rest are transported to the mechanical repair shop.

1. Organization of repairs.

The organization of repair and maintenance of equipment of domestic machine-building enterprises is based on a system of planned preventive maintenance (PPR), the essence of which is that after the unit has worked for a certain number of hours, it undergoes various types of preventive maintenance and scheduled repairs, the sequence and frequency of which is determined the purpose of the unit, its design and repair features, dimensions and operating conditions.

The PPR system is aimed at preventing intensive wear of equipment, sharply reduces the possibility of unexpected failure and allows repair work to be carried out in the shortest possible time through their preliminary preparation. As a result of the application of the PPR system, conditions are created for effective use equipment, reducing its wear, increasing its time useful work, improving the quality of repair work.

The fundamental foundations of the PPR system are established by the Regulations on scheduled preventive maintenance of technological and handling equipment of machine-building enterprises.

Types of maintenance and repair work:

Between-repair maintenance includes monitoring compliance with equipment operating rules, timely elimination of minor faults and regulation of mechanisms, carried out by workers servicing units, adjusters and duty personnel included in the auxiliary workers of the workshop, and performed during breaks in the operation of the unit, without disrupting the production process.

Inspections are a type of scheduled maintenance; carried out to check the condition of the equipment, eliminate minor faults and identify the scope of preparatory work to be performed during the next scheduled repair; performed by repair mechanics with the involvement, if necessary, of those working on the equipment.

Minor repairs are a type of planned repairs associated with the replacement or restoration of worn parts and adjustment of mechanisms and ensuring normal operation of the unit until the next scheduled repair.

Medium repair is a type of planned repair associated with partial disassembly of the unit, overhaul of its individual components, replacement or restoration of major worn parts, assembly, adjustment and testing of the unit under load.

Overhaul is a type of planned repair that involves complete disassembly of the unit, replacement of all worn parts and assemblies, repair of basic and other parts and assemblies, assembly, adjustment and testing of the unit under load.

During medium and major repairs, the standards provided for or technical specifications geometric accuracy, power and performance of the unit for the period until the next planned medium or major overhaul.

Proper organization of the maintenance and repair system should, as a rule, exclude unscheduled repairs caused by accidents and equipment breakdowns.

Repair cycle. The duration of the repair cycle is the length of time between the commissioning of equipment and the first major overhaul (for newly installed equipment) or between two successive overhauls (for equipment in operation).

The structure of the repair cycle is determined by the list and sequence of repair and maintenance work performed during this period of time.

The structure of the equipment repair cycle depends on its classification and age.

Duration of the repair cycle, interrepair periods (time periods between two next scheduled inspections or between the next scheduled repair and inspection) are determined for each group of equipment depending on many factors: the type of equipment, its design and repair features, conditions and nature of work, specifics and serial production, etc.

The degree of complexity of repair of each piece of equipment is assessed by the category of repair complexity, depending on its design and technological features specified in the passport characteristics.

The category of complexity of repair of each piece of equipment is determined by comparison with the complexity of repair of the standard unit, which for technological equipment is a 1K62 screw-cutting lathe with the largest diameter of the workpiece being 400 mm. And the distance between centers is 1000 mm.

This machine corresponds to the 11th category of complexity, or, in other words, 11 conditional repair units (RE), adopted as a measure of the labor intensity and machine intensity of repair work, according to which design calculations of the number of workers, equipment, and material consumption are carried out.

Repair complexity categories (number of repair units) for different types technological and handling equipment are given in the Unified PPR System. It also provides dependencies and formulas for determining the category of difficulty of repairing various types of equipment according to their design features.

By dividing the sum of the repair complexity categories (repair units) of the equipment of each workshop by the number of units (pieces) of this equipment, the average repair complexity is determined for the workshop, and then for the plant as a whole. These average values ​​are different for plants in different branches of mechanical engineering.

As the initial data for determining the labor intensity of equipment repair and maintenance work, time standards for one repair unit were adopted, established taking into account the use of advanced technology and high-performance methods for performing repair work. The structure of the repair cycle (the number of medium and small repairs per cycle) is different for different types of equipment, as a result of which the labor intensity of work per repair cycle is also different.

Composition of the mechanical repair shop.

It depends on the scale and serialization of the main production, the degree of cooperation in auxiliary production and the volume of planned repairs and other work.

In relation to the scheme of the technological process of overhaul of the mechanical part of technological and handling equipment, the RMC may include the following departments (areas) and premises:

Main departments (sections): procurement; dismantling (disassembly and washing); mechanical (production and restoration of parts); metalwork and assembly; metallization and surfacing; galvanic (metal coating); blacksmithing; thermal; boiler-welding; tinsmith-copper; pipeline; test; painting

Utility and storage areas: sharpening area; shop mechanic repair base; expedition; warehouses for metal, blanks, spare parts; storerooms for auxiliary materials, instrumental distribution room, intermediate (interoperational) room.

Office and household premises.

RMCs do not always have the full composition of the listed departments and areas. In repair shops of small factories, some of them may be absent (for example, forging, thermal, galvanic, sharpening) or combined with co-located tool and other shops. Heat treatment, production of forgings and castings for repair needs, metal coating can be performed in the production shops of the main production or obtained from outside. On the contrary, in large factories (mainly large-scale and mass production) separate repair and forging and repair and foundry shops are organized. At such factories, they are sometimes divided into separate mechanical assembly shops (production of non-standardized equipment), pipe and tinsmith shops (heat repair shops) and mechanization and automation equipment shops.

At large factories, specialized departments (sections) can be organized as part of the RMC: repair of hydraulics, repair of scales, etc.

When the plant uses advanced equipment repair methods and, in particular, the unit method of repairing equipment models of the same name, available at the plant in significant quantities, in which the units requiring repair are removed and replaced with spare, pre-repaired (purchased or manufactured), the RMC includes warehouses (storerooms) for spare units and units requiring repair (removed).

At small factories (mainly small-scale and single production), it is recommended to cooperate with the RMC with the main production shops for large-sized and special machines that have a very small load in the RMC.

2. Organization of repair facilities at the GZPD

2.1 Structure of the repair facility at the GZPD enterprise

At the described enterprise there is a centralized organization of repair work, i.e. There is a mechanical repair shop, which is under the supervision of the chief mechanic’s department and reports directly to the chief mechanic. In addition, in the workshop itself, the operational management of the unit is carried out by the head of the RMC. According to his staff, he is entitled to a deputy, who is not available at the moment. The organizational structure has next view- the following departments are directly subordinate to the head of the repair shop:

· a group of repairmen led by a foreman;

· a group of riggers (maintenance of overhead cranes);

· economic group headed by a shop economist and including one or more economists-standardizers;

· group of turners-repairers;

· the PPR group, which directly carries out the planning of repair work.

The power shop has its own repair specialists - electricians and repairmen, who report to the head of this workshop.

At the moment, the number of repair shop personnel ranges from 40 to 60 people; the maintenance group and riggers are virtually absent due to difficulties with wages. According to the plan, the number of RMCs should be (at full load of the PM) about 150 people for a given enterprise.

In fact, the enterprise has long lacked a maintenance system and a centralized repair system as such, despite the presence of a RMC. Necessary repair work is carried out by the workshops on site. RMC performs only work on the production of necessary spare parts.

Currently, the only people left in the repair shop are mechanics, repairmen, their foreman, an economist-standardizer, and, in fact, the head of the workshop. This situation does not in any way correspond to the required volume of repair work at the enterprise. Therefore, the presence of the RMC as a repair department can be considered inappropriate. He is no longer fulfilling the functions assigned to him. The proposed transition to a decentralized method of carrying out repair work will not introduce anything particularly new into the work of the enterprise, however, it will consolidate the actually existing system and will allow us to get rid of unnecessary, inefficiently operating departments.

2.2 General characteristics of the described enterprise

The main activity of the plant is the development, production and sale of starting engines, gearboxes, spare parts for them, small-sized diesel engines, welding electrodes, hemo- and enterosorbents, consumer goods. In addition, the plant develops, produces and sells production automation and mechanization equipment, develops design estimates and carries out construction work, provides paid services to the population, conducts intermediary and commercial activities.

GZPD was formed in 1944 on the basis of engine repair shops. The main goal of establishing an engine repair plant was to create a base for technological services for the republic’s agriculture.

The plant is located on two sites, separated from each other by a distance of 4 km. The total territory is 36.6 hectares, the production area is 74.1 thousand square meters. m.

Currently, the plant is undergoing a structural restructuring of management. For better control and increased efficiency, one of the sites is being transformed into a branch of the main enterprise with its own full-time director and his staff.

At the end of 2001, the structure of the plant included 6 main production shops (diesel engine shop, passenger car repair shop, starting units shop, sorbent shop, electrode shop, casting and consumer goods shop), 6 auxiliary production shops (mechanical repair , instrumental, power and power, transport, mechanization and automation workshop, repair and construction area) and 34 divisions of departments and services.

The production capacity of the enterprise, taking into account the mothballed capacities, allows the production of 100 thousand units. starting motors, 17 thousand tons of electrodes, 6000 pcs. small diesel engines per year.

Use of plant production capacity.

Thus, due to shortage working capital production capacity is effectively frozen. The main types of products are produced with a specific customer in mind and in very small batches. Such production capacities that were created at the plant are not practical at the moment. However, problems arise with the sale of unused fixed assets, since the equipment is very specialized and, moreover, is located in poor condition. So the production capacity at the plant is preserved, although it is not used one hundred percent.

Data on wages are given in prices of the corresponding year.

The number of plant personnel has a constant tendency to decrease, which is due to insufficient high level wages at the enterprise. The wage fund also does not grow, if we take into account its real value, but decreases slightly.

Such a slight decrease in the wages and salaries is explained only by uncovered loans from the state, thanks to which wages at the plant are maintained at an acceptable level. Due to the prohibitively high average production costs compared to revenue, the enterprise is not able to provide the wages on its own.

State of the enterprise's fixed assets.

The table below shows average cost all items recorded in this division related to fixed assets.

As can be seen from the table, the vast majority of workshops and departments have fixed assets that are worn out by more than 50%. About half of them reach the 100% milestone, and some are starting their second service life. This is explained by the fact that due to a lack of working capital, the last time fixed assets were significantly updated was in 1991.

The most worn-out objects turned out to be those that do not directly affect production process and the profitability of the enterprise, which is understandable. Production capacities in workshops are on average worn out by 55 - 65%, although here it is also necessary to take into account the specifics of each workshop - some of them have reached 90% deterioration. In general, if this continues, then in 5-6 years the plant will have no fixed assets left, which have already almost exhausted their resources.

Indicators of capital productivity and capital intensity reflect a low degree of return from fixed assets, which is explained by the incomplete use of production capacities.

Analysis of the financial condition and financial results of the plant’s economic activities.

As can be seen from the table, the enterprise is unprofitable, has no profit and no own funds, that is, in fact, it lives only at the expense of state assistance. In addition, having illiquid assets, it is not able to cover loans.

It should be noted that the plant incurs its main losses from its core activities, in particular in the production of starting units that do not have sustainable demand. The production of spare parts for agricultural machinery has proven to be profitable, and the production of small-sized diesel engines can be profitable with sufficient investment support.

2.3 Annual program, working hours and time funds

Annual program.

The design of the plant's mechanical repair services is carried out on the basis of a program that represents the total volume of work on maintenance and all types of equipment repairs and other work (modernization, production of non-standardized equipment) to be performed within a year.

Inter-repair maintenance of equipment is conditionally not included in this scope according to the approved technical design standards, since this work is performed by auxiliary personnel of production shops (mechanics, lubricants), who are counted separately from repair services.

The main section of the program for calculating repair services is equipment maintenance and scheduled repair work. Other types of work are accepted in aggregate as a percentage of the main ones.

The annual volume of repair work for maintenance and scheduled repairs of equipment (in RE), to be performed by repair services, is called repair capacity and is determined by the formula:

T is the duration of the repair cycle (in years) for the same equipment.

The annual repair capacity for a plant can be determined by detailed or aggregated calculations.

Detailed calculations are based on the full specification of the equipment being serviced across the plant's workshops.

The category of repair complexity and the duration of the repair cycle for each standard size of equipment are established according to the Unified PPR System. repair labor cost equipment

The detailed method for calculating repair capacity is not used in design practice because of its complexity, the need for a lot of labor and a long time.

This method is used to determine the standard average repair complexity by type of equipment or by plant workshops of the relevant industry or sub-industry.

Standard values ​​of average repair complexity and average cycle time by type of equipment or by workshop are used in aggregated calculations of repair capacity.

Calculation of annual repair capacity by type of equipment.

Vtp - coefficient characterizing the type of production;

Bto is a coefficient characterizing the type of equipment;

Ву is a coefficient characterizing the operating conditions;

Vm is a coefficient characterizing the properties of the processed material.

The annual repair capacity for this division is obtained by dividing the product of the average repair complexity by the number of pieces of equipment by the average cycle. The duration of the repair cycle in days is 1596.

Working hours and time funds.

The operating hours of mechanical repair services (RMS) are the same as in the production workshops they serve. This is basically a two-shift operation.

The funds are based on: the duration of a five-day working week - 41 hours, holidays per year - 8, working hours per shift - 8.2 hours, working days per year - 253.

The actual annual operating time of the equipment when working in two shifts is 4015 hours, the workplace when working in two shifts is 2070 hours.

When determining the structure of the work cycle, we will take into account the severe wear and tear and low quality of the equipment installed in the workshops of the enterprise.

Let's define it this way:

K - O - O - O - M - O - O - O - M - O - O - O - M - O - O - O - S - O - O - O - M - O - O - O - M - O - O - O - M - O - O - O - K.

That is, when servicing equipment, it is recommended to focus on minor repairs and routine maintenance of machines, which will reduce the main repair costs and ensure smooth operation of the equipment throughout the entire repair cycle.

Let us determine the duration of the overhaul period with the structure of the repair cycle - 24 - 6 - 1:

hour. = 200 days;

hour. = 50 days;

where Trts is the duration of the repair cycle;

n is the number of repairs.

Thus, inspections are carried out every 50 days, and minor repairs are carried out every 200 days.

2.4 Determination of the labor intensity of repair work and time spent on maintenance between repairs

For this enterprise, which has a mechanical repair shop at its disposal and uses a centralized method of organizing repairs, it is proposed to abolish the RMC and transition to a decentralized repair system. This is due to the low quality of the equipment and the need for closer control over it (the location of the plant on two sites is also taken into account. All calculations are carried out in aggregate for the main and auxiliary production shops.

When designing the mechanical repair services of a plant, the number of equipment and workers is determined based on the labor intensity of the repair work to be performed by these services. Calculation of labor intensity by workshop is given in tables 2.6 and 2.7:

Time standards for carrying out relevant types of repairs.

The time spent on maintenance between repairs is determined in hours. For each workshop, they can be determined from Table 8 at the intersection of the column and row corresponding to a specific operation and a specific division, respectively.

2.5 Calculation of the amount of equipment

The machine equipment of the mechanical department of the RMC is divided into main and auxiliary. In the general plant classification, all equipment of repair services is classified as auxiliary.

The amount of main equipment of the RMC is determined in total by calculation of the labor intensity of machine tools. Auxiliary equipment is not calculated, but accepted as a whole.

Calculation of the amount of equipment to service each of the production departments is carried out as follows:

Calculation of the amount of equipment required for repair work.

Thus, to carry out maintenance and repair work at the enterprise, it is necessary to have 116 special machines and 116 universal ones, for a total of 232 machines.

2.6 Calculation of the number of employees

According to the general plant classification, all workers in mechanical repair services belong to the group of auxiliary workers.

Within these services they are divided into main and auxiliary. The main workers include machine operators, mechanics, welders, heat experts, etc.

The number of repair workers for each workshop is determined from the labor intensity of repair work and maintenance between repairs as follows:

3. Main ways to improve repair facilities

The main goal of improving the repair facilities at the enterprise is to increase the efficiency of all departments, improve the quality of products and reduce their costs.

In order for the production process at the enterprise to be sufficiently smooth and reliable when carrying out repair work, it is necessary to observe the precautionary principle, otherwise an economically profitable level of operational reliability of the equipment will not be ensured, i.e. losses from machine downtime will exceed some benefits from the use of parts or other components until they completely fail.

The precautionary principle when carrying out repair work implies situational analysis equipment condition with an assessment of the true technical condition of machines, which is determined using diagnostic tools and methods. That is, the corresponding repair and maintenance work should not be carried out according to a strict schedule, but should take into account various objective factors that affect the equipment during its operation in different ways.

When carrying out routine repairs, taking into account technical and economic feasibility, preference should be given to the aggregate method using pre-repaired units and other components. This allows you to reduce the time for routine repairs, improve its quality and reduce the requirements for the qualifications of workers.

The use of smaller parts during aggregate repair is one of the promising directions increasing its effectiveness.

This path ensures prompt, high-quality and affordable repairs, due to the possibility of free, economically feasible choice by equipment owners of the type and performer of the necessary repair work. For the enterprise being described, this choice has already been made - it is proposed to include a special repair unit - a mechanical repair shop serving 6 main production shops and 6 auxiliary shops - to be replaced by repair bases (sites) within each shop.

This choice may be useful when following conditions:

· sites must be independently and uniformly supplied with spare parts and materials according to reasonable standards;

· decentralization of the repair facility should ensure the competitive nature of the activities of all repair and maintenance units;

· Availability of quickly adjustable equipment for prompt execution of work;

· sufficient level of qualification of repair workers.

As for the production assets and capacities of the enterprise's repair and maintenance departments, the main direction in improving their use is technical re-equipment. It should be aimed at increasing the flexibility of repair production, its multi-product specialization, and focus on the repair of components and assemblies of machines and equipment.

In the field of planning the reproduction of fixed production assets, it is advisable to use scientific approaches and management methods. In the field of technical supervision, maintenance and repair of fixed production assets - increasing the technical level of mechanical repair departments, strengthening motivation to improve the quality of work.

In the system of repair production in modern conditions, the exchange fund is important. Its role increases with the growth of specialization and concentration of production, with the development of production cooperation.

The presence of an exchange fund helps to improve the service of enterprises, reduce repair time, improve the quality of repair work and the rapid restoration of failed machines and units, and a relatively uniform workload of repair departments.

The main directions in the field of production organization are the development of specialization and cooperation both in the production of main products and in the organization of repair facilities.

Also, to increase the efficiency of repair service, it is necessary to unify and standardize spare parts elements, use computer-aided design systems based on classification and coding, reduce the duration of design work and improve their quality.

In the field of direct organization of repair work, the principles of rational organization of production (proportionality, parallelism, etc.) and the use of computers must be observed.

One of the directions for improving the repair facilities is the development of a new state system documentation (GOST, OST, STP) on the organization and management of the equipment repair process, which, first of all, should reflect advanced domestic and foreign experience.

The use of new documentation will increase the level of labor productivity of repair workers and reduce their number.

It is important to improve methods of planning and economic stimulation of the work of repair shops and individual team workers. Methods for planning and assessing the activities of repair production units and teams in market conditions Businesses should stimulate uninterrupted maintenance of main production and reduce repair costs.

Specialization at the enterprise level will increase the level of mechanization of repair work and optimize the number of workers.

When designing new machines and mechanisms and developing technological processes, factors that help reduce the share of manual labor costs during their operation and repair should be taken into account.

The TSTOR system (standard maintenance and repair system) must be adjusted at the enterprise taking into account local conditions management.

To improve the repair service process, it is necessary to implement automated control systems - automated repair management systems that meet all modern requirements ensuring equipment reliability under any operating conditions (multi-shift, continuity) and can be widely used in industrial enterprises.

The automated control system ensures planning of repair work, monitoring its implementation, distribution of labor costs by type of repair and their analysis, rational use of all resources.

When designing repair units, one must strictly follow the current standards, instructions and design rules related to occupational health, safety, fire and explosion safety.

In the technical and economic analysis of repair departments, we use the following indicators:

· total quantity maintained technological and handling equipment of the plant;

· average duration repair cycle in years;

· annual repair capacity in RE;

· level of centralized provision of spare parts as a percentage general need;

· level of centralized execution on the side of major repairs as a percentage of their total volume;

· total quantity of basic (metal-cutting) equipment of mechanical repair services.

Optimization of these indicators should be the goal of any improvement, which should be expressed primarily in increased quality, improved labor productivity, increased production volumes, improved capital productivity and material intensity, etc.

Another way to improve repair services is perhaps the transition to purchasing repair services from specialized repair companies. This is quite relevant for our manufacturers, who are often unable to service their fixed assets properly and at the same level of costs as specialized enterprises. In addition, the quality of repair work carried out by enterprises specializing in repairs should be incomparably better.


In conclusion, it must be said that repair services today at domestic enterprises have not yet reached the level of perfection at which their maximum efficiency is possible. Not enough necessary equipment, qualified workers. After all, the repair industry requires universal equipment of the best quality, and workers who are not only highly qualified, but also capable of servicing various types of equipment. If an enterprise has an RMC, which serves several workshops that are often in no way connected with each other in the production cycle and produce completely different products, the designer needs to think about what equipment to put in the RMC, and which workers to invite to carry out repair work simultaneously, for example on a specialized production line for the production of gearboxes and asynchronous motors generating direct current in the electrolysis workshop. For each of these departments, a strictly individual approach is required, both in the selection of equipment for repair and in the selection of repair workers.

For enterprises that produce more or less homogeneous products and have the opportunity to purchase appropriate equipment and workers, it is advisable to have an RMC and use a centralized method of repair maintenance.

For enterprises like GZPD, whose product range is very different (metal products, plastics, chemicals, etc.), and which are not able to provide their RMC with the appropriate equipment and personnel, it is advisable to specialize repair bases by workshop. In this case, the problem with workers is solved - such a level of their qualifications and versatility is not needed, especially since many of the main workers in this workshop will be able to carry out repair work themselves if they have the appropriate equipment. The equipment is also specialized in some way - in any case, the problem with its constant readjustment will no longer exist.

In short, any production system must be flexible enough, whether it is the main or auxiliary production, and respond to changes in the external environment quickly enough, and ideally, even ahead of them. Our economic system, even if it had already come to an understanding of market laws, turned out to be quite difficult to climb and clumsy, which is why we now see such a situation in the domestic industry.


1. “Design of machine-building plants and workshops”, ed. B.I. Eisenberg, vol. 5. M. 1975.

2. M. E. Egorov “Fundamentals of design of machine-building plants”, M. 1969.

3. N.S. Sachko “Organization and operational planning of mechanical engineering production”, Mn. 1977.

4. N.S. Sachko, I.M. Babuk “Organization and planning at a machine-building enterprise”, Mn. 1976.

5. R.A. Fathkhutdinov "Organization of production".

6. “Organization, planning and management of a machine-building enterprise”, ed. Radionova.

7. Kozhekin R.Ya., Sinitsin L.M. “Organization of production”, Mn. 1998.

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Yu.P. Kosinov, A.A. Romanov, Yu.V. Trofimov
(OJSC TsKB Energoremont, OJSC RAO UES of Russia)

1. Setting objectives for improving the repair of facilities
electric power industry

The fundamental criteria for improving maintenance and repair must meet the ultimate goals of energy production - ensuring the reliability of energy supply to consumers.

At the level of individual generating companies, the final goals are differentiated accordingly. In this regard, a secondary group of final goals of energy production appears - ensuring the competitiveness of energy producers.

All these goals turn out to be interconnected and form the basis for the formation of tasks for improving the repair of electric power facilities without taking into account their state affiliation and socio-economic structure.

The priority criteria for improving energy repair production include the desire to achieve higher levels of readiness of energy sources to bear loads.

Such indicators in the field of reliability theory are considered complex. Despite the well-known content of the above term, in the sphere of relations between energy producers and consumers, this concept is usually used as an indicator that can influence the rating of energy companies when selling shares and other securities. Basically, such relationships are accepted in countries North America.

Providing more mundane criteria for improving energy repair production should include the desire to achieve more low indicators repair component of tariffs for electrical and thermal energy. The latter reduces the semi-fixed component of tariffs and also helps to increase the competitiveness of energy companies.

The identified criteria for improving maintenance and repair, naturally, cannot be considered exhaustive, however, on their basis it is possible to formulate some prerequisites for more specific tasks in the field of domestic energy production.

Since the beginning of the 90s, due to well-known circumstances, the domestic electric power industry has entered a phase of declining energy production. The resulting reserves, combined with the weakening of the functions of the command-administrative system, led to a number of negative manifestations. They were expressed in an increase in the duration of downtime of power equipment in various types of repairs, as well as in an unpredictable increase in the costs of maintenance and repairs.

External prerequisites for reducing the efficiency of energy repairs turned out to be significant, but not dominant. The basis of the negative processes was the economic and physical aspects of the aging of the equipment in use.

The negative trends that emerged were studied in a timely manner, and their consequences were largely overcome. The proposed project for improving energy repair production did not violate the existing system of current state standards, regulatory documents State Technical Supervision, rules of technical operation and rules for organizing maintenance and repair of equipment, buildings and structures of power plants and networks. Its essence was to organize the transition from repair cycles in calendar terms to cycles of the same type, but taking into account previously achieved developments in the interrepair periods for specific types of capital equipment. Other conditions remained unchanged, including the implementation of major and medium repairs simultaneously on all types of power unit equipment, which, naturally, did not help reduce repair costs and equipment downtime.

As a result of the implementation of the developed project for improving energy repair production, a soft transition was made from a rigid system of regulation of repair cycles to a system of repairs that take into account the previously achieved operating time within the interrepair periods.

Despite the empirical approach to estimating the time between repairs, the first step was taken to study the informal processes of technical diagnostics of power equipment of thermal power plants.

These developments were enshrined in the guidance document RD 34.20.601-96 " Guidelines to improve the system of maintenance and repair of power units and power plants of thermal power plants based on a repair cycle with an assigned time between repairs."

A “soft” transition to repairs with a designated time between repairs should be understood as a slight decrease in the level of previously practiced administrative resources in the implementation of innovations. Utilities were expected to make their own decisions about implementing proposed improvements. This reflects the natural expectations of the immediate transition of the domestic electric power industry to market relations.

Despite the significant expectations that have not yet been met, which led to only partial implementation of the developed measures, in general, it was possible to stabilize the readiness indicators of thermal power plants to bear loads. However, it was not possible to overcome the rising costs of maintenance and repairs.

Here, to a certain extent, the fundamental factor of the command-administrative system manifested itself - planning costs based on previously achieved indicators. As physical volumes have increased, costs have increased. If additional physical volumes can be proven, then the repair component of final product tariffs increases accordingly.

Physical volumes of repairs additional to standard ones are usually referred to as “super-standard”. They are characterized by a significantly higher content of materials used, spare parts and necessary structural elements in the form of replaceable worn-out units and are often dominant in the pricing of the repair component of tariffs.

In this regard, it is not always possible to establish stable correlations between temporary indicators of equipment downtime during repairs and costs adequate to them.

At the same time, solving the problems of stabilizing annual equipment downtime in all types of repairs turned out to be quite transparent and correlated. The increase in downtime of specific equipment or groups of equipment as a whole was compensated by an increase in the overhaul period, leading to a reduction in the share of equipment annually taken out for major and medium repairs.

As a result, the indicators of readiness of energy sources to bear loads turned out to be independent of the known data on increased repair costs and ensured the stable functioning of the electric power industry.

Subsequent studies showed that only market relations in the field of energy production can create the necessary conditions for the desire to reduce the costs of maintenance and repair of electric power facilities.

The economic tool of the next expectations should be competitive relations among energy companies, and the functional tool should be the transition to repairs based on technical condition.

When developing a repair system based on technical condition, it should be taken into account that the domestic electric power industry at the initial stage has reliability indicators that are adequate foreign analogues, and any innovations must be sufficiently researched and justified so as not to discredit their merits.

It should also be noted that our electric power industry operates in a non-ordinary economic space. Prices for materials and engineering products are close to world prices. Fuel prices are artificially low according to the conditions of the domestic market in proportions inverse to the world ones. Regulated tariffs for electricity and heat energy represent a concentration of economic inconsistencies. In such conditions, one should hardly expect to discover any patterns that influence changes in the repair component of product costs.

In the current situation, it seems advisable to operate to a greater extent with various kinds of physical quantities, quantitative and qualitative indicators, such as indicators of reliability, efficiency, etc.

2. Starting conditions for further improvement of repair
service. Medium-term forecast of changes in individual
characteristics of the condition of thermal power plant equipment

Evaluating current state thermal power engineering in the field of economics of repair, it can be noted that over 12 years (since 1987), specific repair costs relative to installed capacity for thermal power plants as a whole decreased by 24%, and for federal-level thermal power plants increased by 2%.

Over the same period, the specific repair costs for the reduced output for thermal power plants as a whole increased by 27%, for the power unit thermal power plants of JSC-Energo - by 23%, and for thermal power plants of the federal level - by 73%.

At the same time, the number of hours of use of installed capacity decreased by 1.48 times.

During the period from 1999 to 2001, the specific costs per 1 kW of repaired capacity of thermal power plants at the federal level increased 3.53 times.

These data indicate the unfavorable state of the economy.