Background information is presented in the sector. Section III. State statistics system


In our lives, every day more and more importance and attention is paid to information, methods of its transmission and importance for certain categories of citizens.

The market for information services can be defined as a set of economic, legal and information relations in trade (selling and purchasing services) between suppliers (sellers) and consumers (buyers) and is characterized by a certain range of services, conditions and mechanisms for their provision and prices.

The product in the information services market is information. Information is information about persons, objects, facts, events, phenomena and processes, regardless of the form of their presentation. Information recorded on tangible media and stored in information systems (libraries, archives, funds, data banks, other information systems) forms information resources.

An information system is understood as an organizationally ordered set of documents (arrays of documents) and information technologies, including the use of computer technology and communications that implement information processes. An information resource can belong to one person or a group of people, an organization, a city, a region, a country, or the world. An information resource is a product of the activities of the most qualified part of society.

Business people have to study a huge amount of information every day in order to plan their affairs, set priorities, not rush anywhere and still manage to do everything. There are more and more sources, so it is so important to choose the “right” ones in order to correctly organize information flows. In addition to newspapers and magazines, business news agencies presented in electronic form are now becoming increasingly popular.

The purpose of the work is to study business news on the Russian information market. The subject of the study is business news.

The objectives of the work are as follows:

Study the essence and structure of the information market;

Describe business information;

Consider business news in the information market.

Business news as a sector of business information

The essence and structure of the Russian information market

Information is a non-decreasing and reproducible resource for the life support of society. For the development of society, it is necessary to attract not only existing, but also new information resources, replace old ones with more promising ones, and increase the share of systematic and theoretical, rather than simple empirical and experimentally obtained knowledge.

Services for transforming information and providing consumers with access to it are precisely the main results of the information industry - information services, which, along with the material form of use values, can also have an intangible form - act as a useful effect of labor, inseparable from the activity of serving the consumer itself.

The composition of the main types of information services, formed by the mid-70s. over the past three decades has not actually changed and includes: preparation of information sources, preparation of databases, publication of printed information publications, information services: reference information, information sources, information sources, provision of copies of information sources. Due to the fact that the Internet is developing towards the integration of information services and products into the main business processes of the areas of activity it serves, the emergence of new types of information services and products in the coming years seems unlikely. New types of information services and products will be associated with the introduction of new information technology, providing computer analysis and synthesis of new information based on databases.

The modern information market can be divided into four main areas that interact:

Electronic information;

Electronic transactions;

Network communications systems;


I. The electronic information market includes four main sectors:

1. Business information sector, covering:

Exchange and financial information - information on securities quotations, exchange rates, discount rates, commodity and capital markets, investments, prices, provided by exchanges, special services of exchange and financial information;

Economic and statistical information - numerical economic, demographic, social information in the form of time series, forecast models, estimates, etc.;

Commercial information - information on enterprises, firms, their products, prices, managers, etc.;

Information on commercial offers - information on purchase/sale for certain product groups;

Business news in the field of economics and business;

2. Legal information sector, including systems for accessing electronic collections of decrees, resolutions, instructions and other documents issued by state and local authorities.

3. Information sector for specialists, covering:

Scientific and technical information - background information and data in the field of physics, technology, computer science;

Professional information - special data and information from the field of various sciences, medicine, pedagogy, astrology, etc. ;

Access to primary sources - bibliographic and abstract information, as well as access to full-text electronic data.

4. The mass and consumer information sector includes:

Information from news services and press agencies;

Consumer information - local news, weather, radio and television program guides, transport schedules, hotel and restaurant guides, car rental information, etc.

II. The market for electronic transactions (operations) includes systems for banking and interbank transactions, electronic trading, systems for reserving tickets and hotel rooms, ordering goods, services, etc.

III. The software market includes all types of software products.

IV. The market for network communications systems includes e-mail systems, teleconferencing, electronic bulletin board systems (BBS), and other systems that connect PC users.

Thus, the result of the use of new information technologies is to provide the user with the data he is interested in in the form of information services based on information products. The information services market is defined as a set of economic, legal and information relations in trade between suppliers and consumers and is characterized by a certain range of services, as well as conditions, mechanisms for their provision and prices.

This sector is represented by the following types and sources:

1. Exchange and financial information - information on securities quotations, exchange rates, discount rates, commodity and capital markets, investments, prices. The sources of such information are exchanges and special exchange and financial information services that serve them. The main factor ensuring the commercial value of such information is its completeness, accuracy and efficiency.

2. Economic and statistical information - numerical economic, demographic and social information. Provided by economic management bodies and statistical services (state and non-state) in the form of time series, reports, estimates, forecasts, etc. Along with such factors that ensure the commercial value of information as completeness, accuracy and efficiency, accessibility (not secrecy) to the consumer is of particular importance.

3. Commercial information - address details about industries, enterprises and their responsible employees (including data on areas of activity, range of products, prices, etc.). Its sources are government and a number of non-governmental organizations. Many collections of commercial information offered on the information market as independent products are secondary processing of information collected by various government agencies (usually responsible for registration, licensing and/or inspection of various aspects of the activities of enterprises and organizations of various forms of ownership). The main factor determining the commodity value of information is completeness, accuracy and adequacy to the changes taking place.

4. Information on commercial offers comes from specialized companies - information resellers. In the simplest cases (for example, in market research that does not involve immediate purchase and sale as an integral part), only information about goods and prices is sufficient. In most commercially significant cases, potential sellers and buyers are also interested in the address details of counterparties, without which contact between them and, consequently, the transaction simply will not take place. Today, an integral part of the services related to the provision of such information is the possibility of immediately concluding a transaction based on the results
searching or selecting data. The quality of this related service determines success in this sector of the information market.

5. Political, economic, military, etc. news of interest to representatives of various social groups, in particular entrepreneurs. The main success factor here is efficiency (“tomorrow’s data should be published yesterday”), accuracy (compliance with facts, absence of distortions) and reliability of the forecast component (only those forecasts that come true are bought).

This sector is represented by the following types and sources:

1. Exchange and financial information - information on securities quotations, exchange rates, discount rates, commodity and capital markets, investments, prices. The sources of such information are exchanges and special exchange and financial information services that serve them. The main factor ensuring the commercial value of such information is its completeness, accuracy and efficiency.

2. Economic and statistical information - numerical economic, demographic and social information. Provided by economic management bodies and statistical services (state and non-state) in the form of time series, reports, estimates, forecasts, etc. Along with such factors that ensure the commercial value of information as completeness, accuracy and efficiency, accessibility (not secrecy) to the consumer is of particular importance.

3. Commercial information - address details about industries, enterprises and their responsible employees (including data on areas of activity, range of products, prices, etc.). Its sources are government and a number of non-governmental organizations. Many collections of commercial information offered on the information market as independent products are secondary processing of information collected by various government agencies (usually responsible for registration, licensing and/or inspection of various aspects of the activities of enterprises and organizations of various forms of ownership). The main factor determining the commodity value of information is completeness, accuracy and adequacy to the changes taking place.

4. Information on commercial offers comes from specialized companies - information resellers. In the simplest cases (for example, in market research that does not involve immediate purchase and sale as an integral part), only information about goods and prices is sufficient. In most commercially significant cases, potential sellers and buyers are also interested in the address details of counterparties, without which contact between them and, consequently, the transaction simply will not take place. Today, an integral part of the services related to the provision of such information is the possibility of immediately concluding a transaction based on the results
searching or selecting data. The quality of this related service determines success in this sector of the information market.

1st sector– business information, consists of the following parts:

  • stock exchange and financial information - securities quotes, exchange rates, discount rates, commodity and capital markets, investments, prices. Suppliers include special stock exchange and financial information services, brokerage companies, banks
  • statistical information - time series, forecast models and estimates for economic, social, demographic areas. Suppliers are government services, companies, consulting firms
  • commercial information on companies, firms, corporations, areas of work and their products, prices; about financial condition, connections, transactions, executives, business news in the field of economics and business. Suppliers are special information services

2nd sector
- information for specialists, contains the following parts:

  • professional information – special data and information for lawyers, doctors, pharmacists, teachers, engineers, geologists, meteorologists, etc.
  • scientific and technical information – documentary, bibliographic, abstract, reference information in the field of natural, technical, social sciences, industries and areas of human activity
  • access to primary sources - organizing access to sources of information through libraries and special services, the possibility of purchasing primary sources, obtaining them through interlibrary loan in various forms

3rd sector
- consumer information, consists of the following parts:

  • news and literature – information from news services and press agencies, electronic magazines, reference books, encyclopedias
  • consumer information - transport schedules, reserving tickets and hotel rooms, ordering goods and services, banking transactions, etc.
  • entertainment information – games, teletext, video text

4th sector
- education services, includes all forms and levels of education: preschool, school, special, secondary vocational, higher, advanced training and retraining

Information products can be presented in computer or non-computer form: textbooks, methodological developments, workshops, educational computer games, computer training and monitoring systems, teaching methods, etc.

5th sector
- providing information systems and tools, consists of the following parts:

  • software products - software complexes with different orientations - from a professional to an inexperienced computer user: system software, general programs, application software for implementing functions in a specific area of ​​belonging, for solving problems using standard mathematical methods, etc.
  • technical means - computers, telecommunications equipment, office equipment, related materials and components
  • development and maintenance of information systems and technologies - survey of an organization in order to identify information flows, development of conceptual information models, development of the structure of a software package, creation and maintenance of databases
  • consulting on various aspects of the information industry - what information technology to purchase, what software is needed to implement professional activities, whether an information system is needed and what kind, on the basis of which information technology it is better to organize your activities, etc.
  • preparation of information sources - creation of databases on a given topic, area, phenomenon, etc.

Any type of access can be organized in each sector:

  • direct to paper storage
  • remote to computer databases located remotely or located in the given premises

The information market, despite different concepts and opinions regarding its infrastructure, exists and develops, which means we can talk about the business of information products and services, which means not only trade and intermediation, but also production.

Information business functions:

  • financial management and accounting
  • HR management
  • logistics
  • production organization
  • marketing research
  • leasing operations
  • consulting service
  • property and information insurance
  • organization of information security service
  • service

Last lecture

Bottom up

The main goal of the projects carried out in accordance with this project is to create replicable products, and to serve the needs of a specific institution, this approach has been partially preserved today. By creating their own departments for optimization, enterprises tried to organize themselves on their own, however, periodic changes in work technology and job descriptions, difficulties associated with different user ideas about the same data, led to continuous modifications of programs to satisfy more and more new desires of individual workers. As a result, both the work of programmers and the information created. system, caused dissatisfaction among managers and users of the system. When using this method, support for individual functions is provided quite well and almost completely. There is no development strategy for the integrated development of the optimization system, and the integration of functional subsystems becomes a complex problem.
Associated with the awareness of this fact, there is a need for sufficiently standard programs. means of optimization of various institutions and enterprises. In accordance with this method, systems began to be designed from top to bottom, i.e. the assumption that one program should satisfy the needs of many users. The very idea of ​​using a universal program imposes significant limitations and opportunities for developers to create database structures, screen forms for choosing algorithms for calculations. the framework laid down above does not allow flexible adaptation of the system. specifics of a particular enterprise. Solving these problems requires serious modifications to the system, so the material and time costs for implementing the system and bringing it to the customer’s request usually significantly exceed the planned indicators.
The purpose of this methodology is to regulate the design process and ensure the management of this process. The main tasks to be solved, which the methodology of the information design method should contribute to. systems are as follows:
ensure the creation of corporate information. systems that meet the goals and objectives of the organization, as well as the requirements for optimizing the customer’s business process;
1) Guarantee the creation of a system with a given quality within a given time frame within the established budget;
2) Maintain a convenient maintenance discipline, modification of system expansion;
3) Ensure continuity of development i.e. use in the information being developed. system the existing infrastructure of the organization.
The introduction of this methodology should lead to a reduction in the complexity of the information creation process. systems, due to an accurate and complete description of this process, as well as the use of modern methods and technologies for creating information. systems throughout the information life cycle. systems from concept to implementation. Information design The system covers three areas:
· Design of data objects that will be implemented in the database.
· Designing programs, screen forms, reports that will ensure the fulfillment of data requests;
· Taking into account specific environments or technologies, namely: network topology (schemes), hardware configuration, etc.
According to modern methodology, the process of creating information. system is a process of constructing a sequential transformation, a series of coordinated models at all stages of the life cycle (LC). At each stage of the life cycle, models specific to it are created - organizations, information requirements. system, project information. systems, application requirements, etc. process of creating information The system is divided into a number of stages:
1) Formation of system requirements;
2) Design
3) Implementation;
4) Testing;
5) Commissioning;
6) Operation and maintenance;

Classification of world information resources

The main sources of information resources are presented on the Internet. The vast majority of resources are available via interactive access.

The world's information resources are classified according to various criteria.

  1. By the method of presenting information (by search method):
  • WEB pages;
  • GOPHER is a hypertext standard that is practically not developing today, since it supports only the text form of information presentation;
  • Databases with an Internet interface (usually paid);
  • File servers (FTP);
  • Teleconferences (NEWS GROUPS).
  1. Based on language.
  2. On a territorial basis.
  3. According to the type and nature of the information provided.
  • Thematic information.

The most valuable type of information directly related to a specific subject area: technical, technological, marketing, etc.

Rarely present on the Internet in its “pure form”.

As a rule, it turns out to be included in blocks of information of one of the types listed below.

  • Scientific publications: articles, abstracts, reviews and other scientific publications stored on the Internet (articles of some teleconferences).

A special type of such documents is represented by marketing research (free or paid) -

  • Advertising information.
  • Reference information – reference materials, links to company WEB sites, presented in a similar way to traditional “yellow pages” or in another way, regulatory framework, etc.
  • News is a type of “raw”, unprocessed information that is valuable not so much in itself as in the context of other events or in the dynamics of development, and often requires further processing.
  • Secondary information is systematized and pre-processed information that has significant value.

Sources of secondary information – resources containing:

  • reviews;
  • collections of abstracts;
  • catalogues;
  • specialized thematic sites.

See presentation for details

Information market structure

The market for information resources can be represented by the following structure (see Fig. 1):

  • electronic information;
  • electronic transactions;
  • network communications systems;
  • software.

Rice. 1. Components of the information resources market

The electronic information market is represented by the following sectors:

  • business information;
  • legal information;
  • information for specialists;
  • mass, consumer information.

See presentation for details

Business information includes stock exchange and financial information, for example, about exchange rates, securities quotes, discount rates, markets, etc.; economic and statistical information; commercial information (about enterprises, firms and their products, managers).

Business information must change quickly. Access to such information influences decision-making and business profits. This information changes hourly.

Legal information is the texts of laws, regulations, standards of international, state and local significance.

The sector of scientific and technical information includes reference information and data from various fields of science (physics, technology, medicine, pedagogy, computer science, etc.), as well as professional information, etc.;

The electronic transactions market represents sectors of electronic transactions:

  • systems of banking and interbank transactions;
  • electronic trading;
  • ticket and hotel reservation systems;
  • systems for ordering goods, services, etc.

The network communications systems market includes:

  • email systems;
  • teleconferences;
  • electronic network bulletin boards (BBS);
  • systems that unite computer users.

The software market includes all types of software products:

  • commercial software products;
  • open source programs.

Programs open source(with free software) are programs for which the license for use requires that they (down to the source text) be in the public domain, and their source text can be modified and freely distributed. Developed by an international community of programmers.

Open source programs are distributed under licenses. As a rule, these licenses are GNU GPL (General Public License) and GNU LGPL (Lesser General Public License), MPL (Mozilla Public License).

Commercial software products – closed source programs.

See more in the reader

See more in the reader

As suppliers information in the information services market are commercial structures, government and public organizations, and private individuals. They are usually called information corporations, information agencies, information services, information centers.

They perform the corresponding functions in the electronic information market:

  • database generator centers (research centers, institutes of scientific and technical information, consulting firms, agencies, computing centers, etc.);
  • information distribution centers based on databases;
  • information brokers.

Features of information demand

It should be noted that information is the basis for decision-making in all spheres of human activity. It helps improve labor efficiency in various areas. This circumstance determines the fact that consumers(users) of information services are specialists working in almost all areas of production.

Classification of users can be carried out on various grounds. For example, users can be divided into the following groups:

  • specialists from industrial and commercial enterprises;
  • specialists of consulting and marketing information agencies;
  • employees of research institutions and educational institutions;
  • employees of government agencies;
  • employees of public organizations;
  • individual users.

Depending on the type of information, different requirements are imposed on it. Business information influences decision making and must be prompt. Stock and financial information, such as exchange rates, securities quotes, discount rates, etc., changes very quickly, so it needs to be updated in a timely manner, otherwise it will be meaningless. Such an update should occur hourly, and possibly more often.

Commercial information, for example information about enterprises, its managers, sales, must also be prompt. For example, in order to conduct common business with a company that is a business partner, it is necessary to check information about it, even if it has had an impeccable reputation for a long time. Therefore, the requirements for commercial information are also constantly updated. But this type of information can be updated at least once a week. Business information consumers are constantly provided with news. They must have access to economic information, reviews, and forecasts.

Statistical information must change over a period of time.

Legal information is the texts of laws, regulations, standards of international, state and local significance. It must come from reliable sources, be reliable and complete. It should be updated as newly issued laws, decrees, additions, regulations, instructions, orders, etc. are received.

The sector of scientific and technical information includes reference information and data from various fields of science (physics, technology, medicine, pedagogy, computer science, etc.), as well as professional information, etc. As a rule, such information changes slowly, as theory and practices in scientific fields.

Information on different sectors of the information market can be obtained from different sources. Important sources of information are universal sources that contain data on different market sectors, as well as information about information. This:

  • archives;
  • statistical sources of information;
  • libraries;
  • classification tables;
  • reference books;
  • encyclopedias;
  • aggregating sources that collect various databases.


Information is presented in a formalized form or in text. It is organized into databases. Databases are registered by special bodies in accordance with the law.

In the Russian Federation, such a body is InformRegister. The Center provides methodological assistance in preparing information about created and operated databases and data banks for their state accounting and registration, publishes information about registered databases and registered data banks, and provides information services based on the metadata database and the State Register of Databases.

Informregister publishes:

  • electronic catalog of the State Register of Russian Databases with their description and contains the following features:
      • Name;
      • content;
      • technical means of implementation;
      • address and reference data of owners;
      • reference catalog “Databases of Russia”;
  • directory "Where to find an address." The catalog contains names, descriptions, volumes of databases containing information about organizations and enterprises, product range, services, and address and reference data of database owners;
  • electronic catalog “Where to find an address;
  • catalog "Russian electronic publications".

Library network of the Russian Federation

The most important sources of information are world and Russian libraries.

The library network includes the following systems:

  • public libraries at the federal, regional and municipal levels;
  • scientific and technical libraries and reference and information collections included in the Russian State System of Scientific and Technical Information (GSNTI);
  • information and library system of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAN);
  • library system of higher educational institutions;
  • network of municipal libraries;
  • network of agricultural libraries;
  • other systems and networks.

Largest public libraries of national importance:

  • Russian State Library (RSL) - 38 million items;
  • Russian National Library - 30 million items;
  • All-Russian State Library of Foreign Literature.

At the regional level, there are 217 central libraries of all 89 constituent entities of the Russian Federation and 49.7 thousand public city and municipal libraries.

Archive fund

The Archive Fund (AF RF) is under the jurisdiction of the Federal Archive Service (Rosarchiv). The volume of funds is 460 million storage units.

The archives are intended for storing state and municipal archives, state museums and libraries, institutions of the RAS system.

Archival documents may be temporarily stored by ministries, departments, institutions, organizations and enterprises classified as sources of acquisition of state and municipal archives.

State statistics system

State Statistics System ( Goskomstat Russia) is a federal executive body that manages the state statistics system of the Russian Federation, as well as bodies in the republics, etc. Its tasks:

  • development of scientifically based statistical methodology;
  • provision of official statistical information to the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, the Federal Assembly of the State Duma of the Russian Federation, federal executive authorities, the public, as well as international organizations;
  • providing all users with equal access to open statistical information;
  • publication of statistical collections and other materials.

The main tasks of the State Statistics Committee of Russia are:

  • integration of information resources of the entire system of state statistics bodies.
  • analysis of economic and social processes based on indicators contained in state statistical reporting. Information is provided by the Main Interregional Center for Processing and Dissemination of Statistical Information of the State Statistics Committee.
  • preparation of publications in the field of statistics and informing the general public.

Goskomstat annually publishes periodicals:

  • “The socio-economic situation of Russia”;
  • “Information on the socio-economic situation of Russia”;
  • “The socio-economic situation of the federal districts of Russia” (separate publications for each district);
  • "Statistical Review" (in Russian);
  • "Statistical Review" (in English);
  • "Short-term economic indicators of the Russian Federation."

Sources of business information

Exchange and financial information is provided to users by exchanges, banks, and special exchange and financial information services. They provide information about:

  • securities quotations;
  • exchange rates;
  • discount rates;
  • market of goods and capital;
  • investments;
  • prices

See more in the reader

Special agencies are engaged in the supply of economic and statistical information such as:

  • numerical economic;
  • demographic;
  • social;
  • in the form of dynamics series;
  • predictive models;
  • ratings.

Commercial information – information on enterprises, firms, their products, prices, managers, as well as information on commercial offers (about purchase/sale for certain product groups) is collected in databases.

Business news in the field of economics and business comes from exchanges, enterprises, and special services. They provide fresh, but “raw”, primary and operational information. The source of information is government authorities, such as the Central Bank of the Russian Federation and the Ministry of Finance.

There are complex databases covering both stock exchange and financial, as well as economic and commercial information. They are aimed at investors and business managers.

Sources of business information are information and consulting agencies, federations. For example, the Economic News Agency, the International Financial Information Agency (MAFI), RosBusinessConsulting, the Economic Information Agency "Rating", the Federation of Stock Exchanges of Russia (FFBR), the Commercial News Agency "Cominfo".

Business news comes from sources such as publishing houses and information services. For example, the newspapers “Finansovaya Gazeta”, “Economy and Life”, and the publishing house “Kommersant”.

Abroad, business news is contained in the databases of foreign agencies LEXIS - NEXIS, Dialog, Reuters.

The sources of access systems to electronic collections of decrees, resolutions, instructions and other documents issued by state and local authorities are Legal Reference Systems. These include (state system “System”, commercial systems: ConsultantPlus, Codex, Garant, etc.).

A well-known source of information for lawyers abroad is the LEXIS - NEXIS system.

Information for specialists

  • scientific and technical information – reference information and data in various fields (physics, technology, computer science, etc.);
  • professional information – special data and information from the field of various sciences, medicine, pedagogy, astrology, etc.;
  • access to primary sources – bibliographic and abstract information, as well as access to full-text electronic data.

Information sources for all of the above types of information are world-famous news agencies that aggregate databases on various topics. Below is information about some of them.

DunandBradstreet, which appeared 150 years ago. It provides users with information about the financial health and creditworthiness of companies; reference books-ratings of debt obligations; international training programs for specialists in the field of finance, marketing, information support, etc. The agency provides business certificates, credit analytical reports, payment analytical reports.

Dialog is an information corporation founded in 1972. The volume of its databases is 12 terabytes. Their topics include business, government and legislative acts, science, social sphere, news and current events.

LEXIS- NEXIS is the world's largest full-text online information system. Created to meet the demand for legal information. Currently aggregates databases of various areas.

Questel- Orbit the system contains 267 databases on various topics. The subject of databases is of interest to economists. These are business, news, trademarks, patents. The Patents group contains international information on patents (by industry, by individual country).

Mass, consumer information

This type of information resources is of interest to a wide range of people. This

  • information from news services and press agencies;
  • consumer information - local news, weather, radio and television programs, transport schedules, hotel and restaurant guides;
  • information and services for car rental, hotel reservations and air (bus) flights, etc.

The user receives all this information from thematic catalogs, encyclopedias, airline websites, online stores, etc.

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