All the best! The world's largest charities

Places are distributed according to the overall financial security of the organization, in other words, according to the number of donations. The vast majority of these funds are based in the USA, and only three of the rankings are located in the Netherlands, UK, and UAE.

1.Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation(Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation) has existed since 1994, its “state” is $42.3 billion. The main goal of the fund is to fight serious diseases, help the poor, support education and healthcare.

2. Dutch Foundation Stichting INGKA founded in 1982 by Swedish billionaire Ingvar Kamprad, founder and owner of IKEA. The official stated purpose of creating the fund is to encourage and support innovation in the field of architecture and interior design. Assets are estimated at $36 billion.

3. British Foundation Wellcome Trust- one of the oldest in the world: founded in 1936. His assets now total $25.9 billion. Since it was created by pharmaceutical magnate Sir Henry Wellcome, it is engaged in biomedical research to improve the health of people and animals. That is, it finances science, as well as public support for science. In the field of medical research, it is the world's second-largest private "philanthropist" after the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.

4. Howard Hughes Medical Institute(Howard Hughes Medical Institute) was founded by aviator, filmmaker, multi-billionaire and adventurer Howard Hughes in 1953. The foundation is engaged in medical research in the fields of genetics, immunology and molecular biology. Assets total $16.9 billion.

5. Ford Foundation(Ford Foundation) is the brainchild of another American rich man, the son of automobile magnate Henry Ford - Edsel Ford. Along with the Wellcome Trust, it is the oldest charitable foundation in the world - it has existed since 1936. Funds programs to support democracy, reduce poverty, promote international cooperation and human development. The Ford Foundation's assets are currently valued at $11.2 billion.

6. Foundation J. Paul Getty Trust, founded in 1982 and with assets of $10.5 billion, supports the arts. Thus, the J. Paul Getty Museum is located in Los Angeles, which annually receives 1.6 million visitors and is one of the most visited museums in the United States. The foundation provides training grants to other museums and cultural institutions.

7.Kamehameha Schools Founded in 1887, it is located in Hawaii and has $10.1 billion at its disposal. The school is designed to educate children exclusively of Hawaiian descent. As of 2011-12 academic year Kamehameha Schools had 5,398 students; another 1,317 children are in preschool institutions.

8. Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Foundation- a charitable foundation from the city of Dubai in the UAE with assets of $10 billion. Founded in 2007, the foundation focused its efforts on combating unemployment and illiteracy in Arab countries. The Foundation provides support to three areas: culture, entrepreneurship and employment, and education.

9. Robert Wood Johnson Foundation(Robert Wood Johnson Foundation) was founded in 1972, its assets currently amount to $9.53 billion. The goal is to improve the health and healthcare of all Americans. The foundation distributes grants to those who fight childhood illnesses and people's addiction to medical supplies, and also allocates funds for the training of doctors and nurses.

10. William and Flora Hewlett Foundation(William and Flora Hewlett Foundation) was founded in 1966 and manages $8.7 billion in assets. Engaged in issuing grants in the fields of education, environmental protection, global development, and performing arts.

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March 11th, 2013

Introducing the elite club of the world's rich - 15 businessmen who have spent over $1 billion on charity.

On October 30, 2012, Walt Disney announced the purchase of Lucasfilms, created by billionaire director George Lucas. For his life's work, Lucas will receive approximately $4.05 billion in cash and Disney stock. Moreover, after the deal is closed, Lucas plans to donate most of the proceeds to charity. Lucas is an experienced philanthropist. Back in 2010, he signed a contract with Bill Gates and Warren Buffett's Giving Pledge, promising to donate at least half of his fortune to this charitable foundation after his death.

Donated: $28 billion.

Net worth: $66 billion

Gates previously gave money to Harvard computer research, libraries, an aerobatics school and a charitable foundation in Seattle.

In 1999, he founded a family charitable foundation (Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation), donating $16 billion worth of Microsoft shares to it. Soon, thanks to the constant contributions of Gates and his friend Warren Buffett, the organization he created became the largest charitable foundation in the world. Among the organization's main plans for the next 10 years: vaccination programs against malaria and meningitis, which will cost $10 billion. In America, the Gates Foundation invests in the education and training of teachers. In April 2012, Gates' wife Melinda announced that she was going to spend $1.1 billion to make contraceptives available throughout the world.

Donated: $17.25 billion

Net worth: $46 billion

For years, Buffett insisted that he would give all his money to charity after his death, but not before.

However, acquaintance with Gates yielded “charitable” results: Buffett promised to invest more than $39 billion in the Gates foundation over 20 years. Moreover, in 2010, he and Gates founded the Giving Pledge, which encourages wealthy people in the United States to give the majority of their wealth to charity.

Donated: $8.5 billion

Net worth: $19 billion

Since 1979, Soros has given out $8.5 billion for completely different needs: from a needle sterilization program in a California hospital to scientific research in Russia and Eastern Europe(by the way, Vladimir Putin claimed that the leadership of Georgia under Mikheil Saakashvili received salaries “from Soros”) and assistance to the Roma. His latest initiative is $150 million to promote transparency in governments around the world and $100 million to overcome social barriers for African Americans.

Donated: $5 billion

Net worth: $4.8 billion

The Intel co-founder donated $5 billion worth of company stock to the Gordon and Betty Moore Family Charitable Foundation in 2000. The foundation invests in science, environmental protection and nursing education. The latter idea came from Moore's wife Betty, who once suffered from an incorrect injection (the wrong drug was given to her) by a nurse. Moore is also funding the construction of the world's largest telescope in Hawaii.

Donated: $4 billion

Net worth: $69 billion

The world's richest man has publicly stated that he feels more valued when he creates jobs than when he does charity work. However, he still donated $2 billion in 2006 and another $2 billion in 2010.

Much of this money went to education and health programs. Together with the Gates Foundation and the Spanish government, Slim has spent $150 million on food supply and disease prevention in Central America.

Donated: $3.5 billion

Net worth: $6.3 billion

Broad, who made his fortune in the construction industry with Kaufman & Broad, has recently focused on philanthropy. He tried to reform education by giving awards to the best teachers.

In 2010, he received permission to build a new Museum of Contemporary Art in Los Angeles, which is scheduled to open in 2014.

In 2007, Broad gave $26 million to fund an art museum at the University of Michigan. In October 2012, Brod donated 19 paintings from his collection to him. The foundation he created also helps fund medical research. Thus, he allocated more than half a billion dollars to Harvard and the University of Massachusetts for stem cell research.

Donated: $3.3 billion

Net worth: $10 billion

George Kaiser is an American businessman who inherited the Kaiser-Francis Oil Company from his father in 1969. In 1990, Keisner bought Bank of Oklahoma, making him one of 400 richest people in the world.

The foundation he created (George Kaiser Family Foundation, GKFF), based in Tulsa, Oklahoma, invests in preschool education and medicine, building schools for the poor, giving grants for education and treatment. Every year, GKFF allocates about $7.5 million for the needs of the poor: buying food, clothing, drug treatment, etc.

Donated: $2.8 billion

Net worth: $25 billion

Bloomberg has invested in 850 different charities. He supports anti-smoking organizations, the National Gun Law Foundation, and the New York Institute of the Arts.

He also donated $200 million to his alma mater, Johns Hopkins University.

In 2011, he gave $330 million to the Sierra Club's environmental causes, conservation, the Alliance for the Arts, and the suicide prevention group.

Donated: $2.1 billion

Net worth: $15.9 billion

The head of IT company Wipro, Azim Premji, founded the Azim Premji Charitable Foundation in 2001. The fund's initial investment was $125 million. In 2010, it contributed another $2 billion to build public schools, train teachers, and improve curriculum.

Opened in India in 2011 pedagogical university named after Azim Premji.

Donated: $2 billion

Net worth: $100 million

Founder of investment firm American Century Investments, James Stowers has not been on the list of the 400 richest people since 2000, when he invested $1.2 billion of his personal funds in the Institute for Medical Research in Kansas City.

Since then, he and his wife Virginia have given the institute millions for genetic research aimed at treating cancer, diabetes and heart disease.

Donated: $1.65 billion

Net worth: $25.5 billion

A Hong Kong billionaire (No. 11 on the Forbes global list), who today serves as chairman of the board of directors of one of Asia's largest conglomerates, Cheung Kong Holdings, Lee founded his own charitable foundation in 1980. In 2005, he sold his stake in CIBC Bank and gave $1 billion to charity. In 2006, Lee said that a third of his wealth would go to charity overall. Over the years, his money has helped children's centers and churches. He also helped patients with hepatitis and bird flu. He financed the construction of a new building medical university in California, which is named after him.

Donated: $1.5 billion

Net worth: $150 million

Sandler sold his lending company Golden West in 2006 before the crisis began and received $26 billion for it. Since then, Sandler has given most of his money to charity.

One of Sandler's most famous creations is the investigative journalism group ProPublica. ProPublica has won the Pulitzer Prize twice: in 2010 and 2011. The Sandler family also founded several groups fighting for the rights and freedoms of scientific research, especially in the field of diseases that affect people with low level income.

Donated: $1.5 billion

Net worth: $2 billion

Businessman and founder of the American television channel CNN Ted Turner was perhaps the first media personality to give $1 billion to charity. However, while building his television empire, Turner campaigned for millionaires not to give away money while they were young and full of ideas and energy.

In 1998, he announced that he would transfer $1 billion to the UN over several years. Currently, his annual contributions to this organization are $916 million.

Donated: $1.45 billion

Net worth: $15 billion

Microsoft co-founder Paul Allen's $26 million gift to Washington State University in 2011 earned Allen his spot on the list. For an article in Forbes magazine, he said that funding science has become a priority in his life.

Poll Alena is interested in neuroscience. He even created an entire institute for the study of the brain (Allen Institute for Brain Science), into which he invested about $500 million. He used his first charitable $100 million to create computer model how genes work in the mouse brain. The next $100 million is for a similar model human brain. Now a team of scientists hired by Allen is working to isolate the types of brain cells and understand how they develop.

Donated: $1.25 billion

Net worth: $5.5 billion

Together with four colleagues from IBM, Hopp founded the giant company software- SAP. In 1995, Hopp gave 70% of his shares to the non-profit organization he created, which is now one of the largest in Germany and Europe. Hopp's primary focus is youth sports, cancer research and the treatment of children's diseases.

There are about one and a half million registered charities and religious parishes in the United States. Over 2% of this country's GDP is spent on donations. Moreover, 76% of this money from individuals. And such a public foundation sends a fairly significant portion of charitable funds abroad.

Statistics Russian Federation much more modest. The lion's share of official donations is made legal entities, at the same time from profits from financial and economic activities. There are no exact figures: estimates of annual payments range from 200 million to 1.5 billion US dollars. Many significant donations are also provided by banks.

What is a charitable organization?

According to the law, Russian charitable organizations are non-profit organizations that have specific legal forms ( public organizations, foundations and institutions). As for the taxation of charitable organizations, they are similar to other non-profit organizations (they are exempt from paying income tax on targeted income and have a number of benefits that apply to both the beneficiary and the benefactor).

The Birth of Charity

The first charitable organizations in Rus' are considered to be monasteries, which Prince Vladimir ordered to engage in “contempt for the needy.” Such a decree was issued in 988, and Ivan the Terrible created the first almshouse, which is the prototype of the modern charitable foundation. Funds for their activities were allocated from the state treasury. In addition, wealthy members of society were obliged to give alms. Peter the Great considered charity one of the important spheres of public life.

After the revolution of 1917, Russian charitable organizations were abolished, and all their property was transferred to the people. IN recent years Charity is developing at an accelerated pace. This may be due to the fact that citizens have become more sensitive to the problems of others.


A non-profit charitable organization is required to register with the authorities, submit reports on its activities, and reflect the funds raised and spent, which are not subject to taxation. She must use donations only for charitable purposes.

Donation is the most popular way to help. In the Russian Federation, a public assistance fund can be financed from five sources:

  • government assistance;
  • grants, donations from individuals;
  • corporate funds of large business entities;
  • funds from municipal authorities and entrepreneurs;
  • family and private foundations are financed exclusively by private individuals.

Types of Charities

In addition to the method of receiving funds, Russian charitable organizations differ depending on the target audience:

  • charitable children's funds created to help various categories children. Help orphans, disabled people, children from children who suffer various diseases. The foundations are also involved in providing gifted children;
  • funds to help the adult population, for example, people with various diseases, refugees, disabled people, and so on;
  • charitable organizations to help the elderly, veterans, disabled and elderly patients, and hospice patients.

Have you decided to entrust your money to a charity foundation, but are not sure that it will go to those in need? There are various organizations in Russia that are founded by both Russians and foreign investors. There are also charitable social programs of commercial organizations. Below we will present stable funds that carry out charitable activities. They have personal websites and regularly submit reports on their work.

The main charitable organizations in Russia

COLLECTION (Union of Charitable Organizations of Russia) - this is 15 years of work, half a billion funds raised, dozens successful projects and thousands of people in need who received help from the fund. COLLECTION support famous actors, athletes, politicians.

One more large organization charitable assistance - the National Charitable Foundation, which was founded in 1999 on the initiative of President V.V. Putin.

Initially, the fund was called the “National Military Fund” and provided all possible assistance to military personnel of various ministries and departments of Russia, members of their families, veterans and other persons. In 2002, the fund was classified as an organization that provides one-time humanitarian assistance.

Multipurpose charities

  • One of the largest ones, the Union of Charitable Organizations of Russia, unites more than two hundred different target areas, including volunteer and public programs. Provides assistance to a wide range of citizens.
  • Also a large fund in the charity market is ROSSPAS. Provides assistance to people who have serious illnesses. In the area of ​​his attention are displaced persons, disabled people, orphans, large families and
  • There are funds that carry out charitable activities for several categories of people in need. For example, the national charity organization “Dobro” provides assistance to large families, with various diseases, orphans and those who suffer from drug addiction and alcoholism.

Charitable organizations providing assistance to children

  • There are exclusively children's charities, such as “Nastenka”, “Mary’s Children”, “Children’s Houses”, “Happy Hearts” and many others. Helping kids who are in difficult situations life situation: loss of parents, orphans, disabled people, patients with serious illnesses, those who suffer from a congenital illness.
  • The All-Russian Foundation "Charity - Russia" unites more than a million individual entrepreneurs. Gives away various grants and scholarships to young people and children, helps nursing homes, hospices and hospitals with public funds, and provides assistance to ordinary citizens who apply.

Other funds

  • A serious charitable organization is “Life”. Its target audience is children with cancer and blood diseases. Purchased with donations medicines, consumables, research and diagnostics, chemotherapy courses, surgeries are paid for, and provided to families.
  • Charitable organizations in Russia, founded by famous people in the country: politicians, show business stars, businessmen. This is an additional influx of investors and those who want to donate. The most famous fund in this category is “Give Life,” which was founded by popular actresses D. Korzun and Ch. Khamatova. Its goal is to help those suffering from cancer.
  • Public charitable organizations that help the disabled, the elderly, veterans, people and patients of hospitals and hospices are the “Vera”, “Old Age in Joy”, “Collective of Caring People” relief funds.
  • Large charitable organizations in the world also operate in Russia: the Soros Foundation, the International Women's Organization, the AIDS Foundation and others.

Helping is not easy, but very simple! This motto on the main COLLECTION website perfectly expresses the willingness to accept donations from any caring person. After all, the sooner the funds arrive at the charity fund’s account, the greater the chance of saving someone’s life.