Charter of the public organization "Association of Teachers of Preschool Educational Organizations of the Moscow Region"

I. General provisions
1.1. Professional Association teachers preschool education(hereinafter referred to as the Association) is a non-profit voluntary association of teachers of preschool educational institutions.
1.2. The goal of the Association is to develop a professional community interested in improving the quality of preschool education and the prestige of the teaching profession.
1.3. The Association in its activities is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the laws of the Russian Federation, the Charter and laws of the city of Moscow, orders of the Department of Education of the city of Moscow, as well as other regulatory legal acts Moscow and these Regulations.

2. Main objectives of the Association
2.1. Creation of a platform - wide information field- for professional communication between preschool teachers.
2.2. Supporting the dissemination of best educational practices.
2.3. Organizing a public discussion of educational policy in the field of preschool education, making proposals for projects regulatory documents.
2.4. Representation of the professional interests of teachers included in the Association.
2.5. Formation of positive public opinion about the preschool education system.
2.6. Providing expert services in the field of preschool education.
2.7. Carrying out public relations through mass media in the interests of the members of the Association.
2.7. Organization and holding of exhibitions, festivals, consultation meetings, master classes, seminars, etc.

3. Structure of the Association
3.1. The Association includes nine professional sections:
heads of preschool educational institutions;
senior educators;
music directors;
physical education teachers and physical education instructors physical culture;
educational psychologists and social educators;
speech therapists and speech pathologists;
teachers additional education;
teachers of variable forms of preschool education.
3.2. In order to organize the work of the Association sections, they, together with the district departments of the Moscow Department of Education, determine the basic preschool institutions
3.3. Teachers of preschool educational institutions can take part in the work of the sections after registering on the Internet portal “Unified Educational information environment».
3.4. The activities of the Association are coordinated by the Association Council (hereinafter referred to as the Council). The Council consists of 2 people from each section and
1 representative of the Moscow Institute of Open Education, Research Institute of Preschool Education named after A.V. Zaporozhets, etc.
3.5. The chairman manages the activities of the Association. The Chairman of the Association is elected from among the members of the Council by a majority vote of its members by direct voting.
3.3. The section's regulations are approved by the Council.
3.6. Members of the Association have the right:
take part in the activities of the Association;
receive information via the Internet;
make proposals for consideration by the Council;
participate in the preparation and conduct of events.
3.7. Members of the Association are obliged to:
provide reliable information when registering on the Internet portal;
bear responsibility for the quality of the material posted on the Internet portal.

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1 APPROVED by the decision of the general meeting of founders public organization"Association of Preschool Teachers educational organizations Moscow Region" protocol 1 dated October 28, 2014 CHARTER OF THE PUBLIC ORGANIZATION "ASSOCIATION OF TEACHERS OF PRESCHOOL EDUCATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS OF THE MOSCOW REGION" g.o. Orekhovo-Zuevo 2014 1

2 Section 1. General provisions 1.1 The public organization “Association of Teachers of Preschool Educational Organizations of the Moscow Region” (hereinafter referred to as the Association) is a non-profit voluntary association of teachers of preschool educational organizations of the Moscow Region, created on the initiative of preschool teachers, as well as those involved in pedagogical, activities in the field of education to protect common interests, to achieve the statutory goals and objectives of the Association is non-profit organization, does not have as its main goal making a profit and does not distribute the profits between the founders and members. 1.2 Full name of the organization: Public organization “Association of Teachers of Preschool Educational Organizations of the Moscow Region.” 1.3 Abbreviated name: PA "APDOO MO". 1.4 Location of the permanent governing body of the Association: Moscow region, city. Orekhovo-Zuevo, st. Green d The founders of the Association are individuals ( teaching staff preschool education). 1.6 The Association in its activities is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Federal Law “On Public Associations”, the current legislation of the Russian Federation, regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Education of the Moscow Region and this Charter. 1.7 The Association may become a legal entity from the moment of its state registration, have an independent balance sheet, separate property, can, in its own name, acquire property and personal non-property rights and bear obligations, be a plaintiff and defendant in court, including a court of general jurisdiction, arbitration or arbitration courts, open current and other accounts in any bank as in rubles and in foreign currency. 1.8 The Association may have a round seal with its name, stamps, letterheads, emblems, symbols and other attributes of a legal entity, approved and registered in the prescribed manner. 1.9 The activities of the Association are based on the principles of voluntary participation, democracy and equality of its members. The Association independently determines its internal structure, directions and methods of its activities. The activities of the Association are transparent. Information about program documents, events - publicly available. This Charter regulates the tasks, functions, organization of work of the Association. The Association organizes its activities on the basis of the State Educational Institution of Higher Education of the Moscow Region "Moscow State Regional Humanitarian Institute" in Orekhovo-Zuevo, Moscow Region, has its own page on the website of the Moscow Regional Preschool Center education. Section 2. Goals and objectives of the Association 2.1 The most important goals The associations are: - development of a professional community interested in improving the quality of preschool education in the Moscow region and increasing the prestige of the teaching profession; - promoting the development of the innovative potential of the preschool system 2

3 education in the Moscow region through the creation, dissemination and implementation of educational innovations; - distribution through various information media, including the Internet, information about the achievements of teachers of preschool educational institutions in the Moscow region, their propaganda. 2.2 The main objectives of the Association are: - organizing public discussion of educational policy in the field of preschool education; - consolidation of teachers of preschool educational institutions, creation of a platform (wide information field) for their professional communication; - concentration of efforts of the Association members on the development of priority areas for current problems preschool education in the Moscow region; - support for the dissemination of best educational practices; - implementation information activities in electronic and print media and information networks; - formation of a positive public opinion about the preschool education system, about modern teachers preschool education; Section 3. The main activities of the Association To implement the statutory goals and objectives, the Association: - organizes and conducts seminars, conferences, lectures, consultations, exhibitions, excursions, festivals, auctions, competitions, and also uses other forms of dissemination of knowledge and information; - organizes regional, all-Russian and foreign educational trips and internships; - participates in scientific and scientific competitions educational projects within the framework of regional programs, pedagogical excellence competitions; - organizes an examination of the quality of teachers’ methodological developments; - participates in television and radio programs related to the activities of the Association and in accordance with the goals of the Association; - distributes periodic printed publications and book products; carries out exhibition activities; - informs members of the Association about the content and results pedagogical research and directions of practical developments in the field of preschool education using information, Internet and other technologies. - conducts scientific research, organizes and/or/ participates in their practical implementation; - establishes its own awards for the most active members and organizations of the Association; - implements its own grant programs to support the innovative activities of teachers of preschool educational organizations in the Moscow region; - carries out other types of activities that do not contradict the legislation and this Charter. Section 4. Rights of the Association 4.1. To achieve the statutory goals and objectives of the Association, it has the right to: - freely disseminate information about its activities; - represent and defend their rights, legitimate interests of their members in the bodies state power, organs local government and public 3

4 associations; - take initiatives on issues of preschool education and public life; - exercise in full the powers provided for by current legislation for public associations. Section 5. Responsibilities of the Association 5.1 The Association is obliged to: - comply with the legislation of the Russian Federation, generally recognized principles and norms of international law relating to the scope of its validity, as well as the norms provided for by this Charter. - annually publish reports on its work, information materials about its activities, ensure accessibility of the said report. - annually inform the body that made the decision on state registration, indicating the actual location of the permanent governing body, its name and information about the leaders of the Association in the amount of information included in the unified state register legal entities. - submit, at the request of the body making decisions on state registration of the Association, decisions of the governing bodies and officials of the Association, as well as annual and quarterly reports on its activities to the extent of information submitted to the tax authorities. - admit representatives of the body that made the decision on state registration of the Association to events held by the Association. - provide assistance to representatives of the body that made the decision on state registration of the Association in familiarizing themselves with the activities of the Association in connection with the achievement of statutory goals and objectives and compliance with the legislation of the Russian Federation. Section 6. Rights and obligations of members of the Association 6.1. Members of the Association can become citizens who have reached the age of 18 - teachers of preschool educational institutions of the Moscow region, regardless of their departmental affiliation, who share the goals of the Association, recognize the Charter of the Association and take part in the activities of the Association, and legal entities, public associations that share the goals and comply with the charter of the Association Foreign citizens and stateless persons legally located in the Russian Federation may be members and participants of the Association, except for cases established international treaties Russian Federation or federal laws. Foreign citizens and stateless persons can be elected honorary members of the Association without acquiring rights and obligations in the Association. Membership is formalized by a decision of the Association Council in the prescribed manner by this Charter; 6.4. Members of the Association have equal rights and bear equal responsibilities; 6.5. Members of the Association are not responsible for the obligations of the Association, and the Association is not responsible for the obligations of its members. 6.6 The founders automatically become members of the Association, acquiring the corresponding rights and obligations. 6.7 Membership in the Association is not an obstacle to participation in other organizations Members of the Association have the right: 4

5 Take part in the activities of the Association; Receive information about the activities of the Association, its plans and programs; Freely discuss and defend your opinion, criticize shortcomings in the work of the Association, make proposals for consideration by the Council; Participate in the preparation and conduct of events held by the Association; Freely leave the Association in the prescribed manner Receive advisory, methodological and other assistance from the Association; Submit your programs, projects, research, publications to receive expertise and support from members of the Association Receive a copy of the protocol upon request General meeting members of the Association or certified extracts from the minutes Use other rights established by current legislation. 6.9 Members of the Association are obliged to: - comply with this Charter; - provide information necessary to resolve issues related to the activities of the Association; - to be a conductor of the Association’s ideas locally; - regularly inform the Association Council about events, new projects, ideas in their municipalities. Section 7. Procedure for admission to the Association and withdrawal from the Association 7.1. Admission to membership in the Association is carried out on the basis of a personal application from an authorized representative of a preschool educational organization submitted to the Association Council; 7.2. Withdrawal from the Association is carried out: - for individuals: on the basis of a personal statement - for legal entities: on the basis of a corresponding decision of the governing body and an application for withdrawal / or on the basis of a decision of the Association Council to expel this member by a simple vote of the majority of votes participating in the meeting Members of the Association may be excluded from its composition by decision of the Coordination Council in the event gross violations by the provisions of the Charter, the use of forms and methods of work incompatible with the basic principles of the Association’s activities. For a significant contribution made to the promotion of the goals and solution of the tasks of the Association, its members may be awarded the title of honorary member of the Association by decision of the General Meeting of Members of the Association. Honorary membership in the Association is recognition of personal merit and is not associated with any financial or other benefits or privileges. Section 8. Management of the Association 8.1 The structural bodies of the Association are: - General meeting of members of the Association; - Association Council; - Chairman of the Association Council; - Audit Commission (Auditor) 8.2 General Meeting of Members of the Association: The highest governing body of the Association is the General Meeting 5

6 authorized representatives of preschool educational institution- members of the Association. The General Meeting is convened by the Association Council. The General Meeting is held as needed, but at least once a year. The General Meeting is considered competent if more than half of the Association’s members are present. The General Meeting has the right to make decisions on any issues of the Association’s activities. The exclusive competence of the General Meeting includes: - amendments and additions to the Charter of the Association - determination of priority areas of activity, principles of formation and use of the Association’s property - making decisions on the reorganization or liquidation of the Association - formation executive bodies and early termination of their powers 8.3 Council of the Association: For the general management of the activities of the Association in the period between General Meetings, the Council of the Association is created. The Council of the Association is formed from authorized representatives of full members of the Association, elected by the General Meeting of Members of the Association by open voting. (If there is a quorum of 2/3 of the Association members). The Association Council is elected for a period of three years. The Association Council is headed by the Chairman of the Association Council, who is elected from the members of the Council. The one who received the majority of votes is elected. The Association Council carries out general management of the Association’s activities, with the exception of issues falling within the exclusive competence of the General Meeting. The Association Council can consider any issues of the Association’s activities, except for issues falling within the exclusive competence of the General Meeting: - develops and prepares for of the General Meeting, long-term and annual plans of activity, programs of the Association, reports on implementation; - has the right to elect the Chairman of the Association Council from among its members; - resolves the issue of admitting individuals/legal entities as members to the Association and leaving it. - preliminary considers issues that are submitted for discussion at the General Meeting of Association Members; - has the right to create an expert council from among its members to conduct expert activities; - resolves other issues related to the activities of the Association that are not within the exclusive competence of the General Meeting. 8.4 Chairman of the Association Council: - elected from among the members of the Association Council by open voting by the General Meeting for a period of three years. (If there is a quorum of 2/3 of the Association members, by open voting). - organizes the current work of the Association, independently resolves all issues of the Association’s activities, with the exception of issues falling within the competence of the General Meeting; - ensures the implementation of decisions of the General Meeting and the Association Council; - may submit any issues for consideration by the collegial bodies of the Association; - can participate in meetings of all bodies of the Association with the right of decision 6

7 votes; - presides over meetings of the Association Council, monitors the implementation of decisions of the Association Council; - acts on behalf of the Association without a power of attorney, representing its interests in all institutions, organizations of the Russian Federation and abroad; - acts on behalf of the Association without a power of attorney in a court of general jurisdiction, arbitration and arbitration courts; - considers applications for admission to and withdrawal from the Association. - based on decisions made within its competence, issues orders and instructions. 8.5 The Audit Commission (Auditor) of the Association: - is elected by open voting of the General Meeting; - members of the audit commission (Auditor) cannot simultaneously be a member of the Association Council, as well as hold other positions in the management bodies of the Association; - the audit commission (Auditor) is elected for a period of three years; - the audit commission (Auditor) conducts inspections of the organizational and economic activities of the Association Council and the Chairman of the Association. Draws up conclusions on their activities and presents the results of inspections to the General Meeting. - inspections of the Association’s activities are carried out on behalf of the General Meeting or at the request of members of the Association amounting to at least 1/3 of total number its members; - has the right to get acquainted with all documents related to the activities of the Association and the Chairman of the Association. 8.6 Documentation of the Association: - activity plan of the Association; - copies of orders and instructions for the State Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education MGOGI, as the base of the Association, relating to the activities of the Association; - letters and appeals to members of the Association and other organizations regarding the activities of the Association are signed by the chairman of the Association; - minutes of meetings, registration sheets; - data bank about members of the Association; - collections of methodological developments, publications of materials on innovative activities; - other materials prepared within the framework of the Association’s activities. These materials are stored in the Moscow regional center preschool education. 8.7 The Secretary of the Association is appointed by the Association Council on the recommendation of the Chairman of the Association and is responsible for maintaining documentation on the work of the Association, office work, as well as processing personal data of members of the Association. 8.8 The Chairman of the Association, members of the Association Council, members of the Audit Commission (Auditor), and the Secretary of the Association perform their functions on a voluntary basis. Section 9. Property of the Association. Sources of formation. 9.1 The Association may own land plots, buildings, structures, structures, housing stock, transport, equipment, inventory, property of cultural, educational and health purposes, cash, shares, other securities and other property necessary to materially support the activities of the Association specified in the Charter. 7

8 9.1.1 The Association may also own institutions, publishing houses, and mass media created and acquired at the expense of the Association in accordance with its statutory goals. 9.2 The source of formation of the Association’s property is: - entrance and membership fees; - voluntary contributions and donations; - receipts of funds from lectures, exhibitions, lotteries, auctions; - income from entrepreneurial activity; - other receipts not prohibited by law. 9.3 The owner of the property is the Association. Each individual member of the Association does not have ownership rights to a share of property owned by the Association. Section 10. The procedure for making changes to the Charter Changes and additions to this Charter can be made at the initiative of the General Meeting, the Association Council, the Chairman of the Association Council and members of the Association Changes and additions to the Charter are made by its decision of the General Meeting of Members of the Association Changes and additions to the Charter are not accepted less than 2/3 of the votes of those present at the General Meeting Accepted changes and additions to the Charter of the Association are subject to state registration in established by law ok. Section 11. Reorganization and liquidation of the Association Reorganization of the Association (merger, accession, division, separation) is carried out by decision of the General Meeting by a qualified majority of at least 2/3 of the votes of the number of members of the Association present at the General Meeting. Liquidation of the Association is carried out by decision of the General Meeting by a qualified majority of not less than 2/3 of the votes of the number of members of the Association present at the General Meeting or by a court decision in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation. In the event of liquidation of the Association, its property and funds, after satisfying the claims of creditors, are used for the statutory purposes of the Association. 8

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teachers of MKDOU No. 23 “Romashka”,

One of the conditions for improving and reforming the preschool education system is the organization and implementation of teaching practice innovation activities aimed at designing a strategy for updating the management of preschool educational institutions, as well as organizing innovative methodological work with teaching staff. Without the introduction of new ideas and technologies in the work of each preschool educational institution, it is impossible to reform the entire preschool education system. The development of educational systems occurs due to the fact that innovations are created, disseminated and mastered.

Innovation processes have not spared our team either. Awareness of the need and need of our preschool educational institution to move forward led to the idea of ​​​​creating “Associations of Preschool Educational Institution Teachers.”

The activities of the Associations are aimed at structuring problems, developing directions for the transition to a new preschool educational institution, an action plan and its phased implementation in the preschool educational institution; to find the most effective special techniques, educational technologies ensuring improved quality of work with children; to create a bank of innovative ideas, as well as to transfer best practices.

Considering that today government reforms are being carried out in the field of education, a large number of innovations are emerging of various nature, focus and significance, innovations are being introduced into the organization and content, teaching methods and technology, we have identified two groups of Associations:

1. “Development of a system for applying innovative technologies in educational process».

Theoretical study of the problem of innovation serves as the basis for updating education, its comprehension and renewal in order to overcome the spontaneity of this process and effectively manage it.

2. “Development of a system for using information technology in the educational process.”

The modern information space requires a child to own a computer not only elementary school, but also in preschool childhood. Today, information technologies significantly expand the capabilities of parents, teachers and specialists in the field of early education. The ability to use a modern computer allows you to most fully and successfully realize the development of a child’s abilities.

One of the objectives of the Associations is to improve the professional level of teachers, develop creative potential, psychological readiness to the new. This will save high level the work of the institution, and will also increase parents’ confidence in the teaching staff.

Selection of participants working group Associations are held based on the wishes of the teachers themselves. Association leaders from among experienced teachers were recommended to the head of the preschool educational institution. At the meetings of the Associations, the following were approved: stages of project implementation, strategy and tactics of project actions.

Methodological topic:

"Development of the application system innovative technologies in the educational process."


Creating conditions for development and improvement professional competence teachers in the field of application of innovative technologies through the system methodological activities aimed at generalizing and disseminating experience in organizing the educational process of preschool educational institutions.


1.Provide personal and professional growth teachers through the system of methodological work of the Pedagogical Association.

2.Update and deepen the theoretical and practical knowledge of preschool teachers in the process of an ongoing seminar.

3.Create conditions for increasing the professional and creative potential of preschool teachers, develop skills in innovative and search-experimental activities.

Main stages of the Association’s work

“Development of a system for using innovative technologies in the educational process.”

Stage I- preparatory. Includes the creation of a working group, the study of methodological literature, regulatory documents, the development of an activity plan for the working group (academic year), its presentation to the head of the preschool educational institution, methodological council DOW.

Target: creation of a working group , study of literature and official regulatory documents necessary for the use of innovative technologies and preparation teaching staff to understanding the need to introduce innovative technologies into the educational process.

Stage II- developing. Includes the development of a project to ensure innovative processes, its expert assessment, testing, making adjustments, examination of implementation results.

Target : develop a project and put into practice innovative collective and individual pedagogical projects of members of the working group, present the project for discussion at the pedagogical council.

Stage III- implementation. During it, innovative projects are introduced into the practice of the entire preschool educational institution.

Target: implementation innovative projects preschool teachers.

Expected result: choice modern technologies to increase the efficiency of the educational process in preschool educational institutions.

Association of Teachers of MKDOU No. 23

Methodological topic:

"Development of the application system information technology in the educational process"

attraction to management activities;

incentives for contributions to innovative activity;

improving the collection and processing of information;

improving the quality of design of preschool educational institutions’ offices;

easing the problem of systematizing materials;

timely information using computer technology;

exchange of experience with other preschool educational institutions of the district, region, country;

improving the status of an educational institution.