Characteristics of a trainee in teaching practice at school: a sample. Characteristics of the internship of a student at a pedagogical university (sample)

Characteristics of the internship of a student at a pedagogical university (MIOO), faculty of correctional pedagogy, department of “special psychology and oligophrenopedagogy”
Katilovskaya Nadezhda Vladimirovna.

Nadezhda Vladimirovna Katilovskaya completed an internship at the State Educational Institution Center for Psychological and Pedagogical Rehabilitation and Correction “Children’s Personality” from April 1 to May 1, 2010.

Student Nadezhda Vladimirovna Katilovskaya attended 6 lessons in her specialty during her internship. According to the plan, the teacher gave an open arithmetic lesson on the topic: “Comparing fractions”, an open lesson on the basics of literacy on the topic: “Educational presentation on questions”, and compiled a psychological and pedagogical description for a student of grade 10 “B” Karatonova Alena.

During the internship, the student showed good knowledge of the material and the ability to use methodological literature. Rational use of class time and alternation of various types of children's activities. Competently applied the acquired theoretical knowledge in practice.

When preparing and conducting lessons, I took into account the teacher’s advice received during consultations and modern developments. Effectively used methods and techniques, as well as various forms of individual and collective activities of children. During classes, she successfully established contact with children and followed an individual and differentiated approach to learning. During the entire internship, work was carried out in close contact with all specialists of the center. The student demonstrated a conscientious attitude to work, punctuality, and rich creative potential.

Grade for teaching practice ______________________________

School methodologist ________________ /M.B. Usoltseva/

Teacher-supervisor ________________/S.A. Fedochenko/

In today's environment, testimonials are again called letters of recommendation. Use an example that will save time on drafting a satisfactory document. There is a difference in receiving a description, and writing it is completely different. Almost everyone had to connect with the concept as a characteristic. If the time has come to be hired, or take a valuable position. Increasingly, a foreign concept as a letter of recommendation is entering business life. Some time ago, the letter of confidence was replaced by the usual characteristic. Characterization was usually necessary.

Characteristics from the school about the student’s work during teaching practice (sample)

Student Punyak Natalya Rostislavovna completed an internship at Bolekhov Secondary School No. 1 from September 1, 2011 to October 24, 2011 in grade 3-A.

During the practice period, I taught 8 mathematics lessons, 4 reading lessons, 2 English lessons, 2 fine arts lessons, 1 physical education lesson. During the lessons she showed a good level of knowledge of the subjects.

She prepared for the lessons conscientiously, used clarity, and an individual approach to students. I discussed lesson plans with the class teacher. I took care of the accessibility and scientific nature of the material.

During lessons, she reminded me of discipline. I also didn’t forget to take moments of rest. Skillfully supervised the work of students in the lesson, explained clearly, repeated and consolidated what they had learned.

In addition, the trainee conducted two educational events: “Autumn Festival” and “Visiting Pencil.” The holidays were carefully thought out and organized. All students in the class actively participated in the activities.

Parents were invited to the “Autumn Festival”, with whom the trainee had the opportunity to meet and communicate.

Natalya Rostislavovna organized an exhibition of drawings on the themes: “Golden Autumn”, “Wonder Beasts”, “Gifts of Autumn”. She also organized a music day and a celebration of the native language. She took an active part in the autumn cleaning of the school yard and park.

I had a conversation with students about keeping their own yards, gardens and vegetable gardens clean and tidy.

Natalya Rostislavovna is a diligent, modest, friendly, active, demanding teacher. She constantly took into account the interests and desires of students and translated them into reality, without deviating from the work plan.

Deserves the highest rating.


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    Theoretically, the student’s characteristics are written by the head of practice from the enterprise. It is he who must characterize the student’s skills and abilities acquired during the internship.

    However, in most cases, the characteristics are written by the students themselves, and the manager only signs it and puts the seal of the organization (even more often this is done by the secretary of the enterprise).

    A sample description can be obtained from your department from the methodologist, or requested from senior students.

    So that you don’t have to search for a long time, we have attached it at the end of the article. Simply insert your details and print the document.

    Requirements for registration of student characteristics

    Read the basic rules for writing a review of a trainee from a supervisor

    The results of the practical training are recorded in a report, which is prepared by the student. The content of the report is regulated by the university, as are the documents that are attached to it. Therefore, the testimonial for a student intern must be drawn up in accordance with all the rules, indicating the necessary information and appropriate formatting.

    It is preferable to submit the review on the letterhead of the organization where the student was on internship.

    Information that must be indicated in the specification:

    • name of the organization and its details;
    • postal address;
    • e-mail;
    • contact phone number;
    • complete information about the student intern: full name, university, faculty and course of study;
    • the position in which the student completed his internship;
    • terms of industrial practice;
    • responsibilities that were assigned to the trainee;
    • signature of the practice manager;
    • seal of the organization.

    How to write a reference for a student undergoing an internship

    To write a reference for a student intern, you can use our recommendations

    When describing the duties that the student performed in practice, one should focus on the job description. Example: the student’s responsibilities included accounting, taking inventory, analyzing financial statements, etc.

    The level of theoretical training of the student and his ability to apply the acquired knowledge in practice should be assessed.

    Example: when carrying out instructions from the manager during the internship of Ivanova I.A. was guided by the knowledge acquired at a higher educational institution. The student’s level of theoretical training allows her to perform her job duties at a good professional level.

    Then the skills acquired by the student in practice should be reflected. This could be the preparation of reports, contracts, etc.

    In addition, one of the mandatory attributes of the review is a description of the student’s personal qualities. Qualities such as diligence, punctuality, responsibility, ability to learn, communication skills, dedication, etc. should be assessed.

    In conclusion, the characteristics from the internship site should indicate the grade that the student deserves for the internship.

    Sample characteristics of a student intern


    This description is given to a student of the Russian State Technological University. K.E. Tsiolkovsky Kovaleva Svetlana Vladimirovna, who completed pre-graduation internship at Segment LLC from May 10, 2012 to May 29, 2012.

    During the internship Kovaleva S.V. performed the following duties: got acquainted with the mission and goals of the company, the structure of the enterprise, took part in filling out supply contracts, drawing up reports, studied the rules of a sales visit, the basics of merchandising (the concept of displaying goods on shelves).

    During her internship at Segment LLC Kovaleva S.V. showed a good level of theoretical preparation. She approached all tasks conscientiously and responsibly. She showed her desire to gain new knowledge.

    In general, the work of Kovaleva S.V. deserves an "excellent" rating.

    Student profile template from the internship site

    When compiling a profile for a student from the place of practice, the supervisor must focus on the level of the student’s professional preparation for work, as well as indicate the skills and abilities that the trainee acquired in production. A characteristic written in accordance with all the rules will help the head of the university evaluate the effectiveness of the student’s internship and evaluate it fairly.

    Characteristics of a student undergoing internship - sample and template updated: February 15, 2019 by: Scientific Articles.Ru

    Every student at a pedagogical educational institution is faced with the task of undergoing practical training, and in order to be in good standing and have positive grades on the eve of the thesis, it is necessary to complete the practical training with dignity, confirming it with characteristics from the place of completion. We offer several options for characteristics for student trainees of various pedagogical profiles.

    Who needs it and why?

    The testimonial is issued to the student at the end of the internship and confirms its completion in a particular educational institution, and also describes the quality of the work done by the student: the administration indicates all the pros and cons of his activities and gives a mark. Then the student takes the reference to his university. The characteristics of the teaching practice trainee must reflect evidence that the knowledge, skills and abilities acquired in the educational institution were applied in work. Writing a reference for the class teacher requires special attention, since the student is faced with the task of organizing the class, maintaining documentation and educational activities.

    Below are specific examples of filling out the document.

    Primary classes

    Characteristics of an intern student at a school who completed an internship in... (indicate the full name of the educational institution) in the primary grades, full name.

    During the internship, the student showed himself to be a responsible teacher striving for self-development.

    Despite such a short period of teaching activity, he showed the ability to organize the educational process in such a way that the entire class was involved in the work, including low-performing children, who subsequently improved their performance in subjects.

    A series of consecutive lessons in mathematics, Russian language, literary reading, the surrounding world and labor training were planned and carried out. All plans were developed and approved at least three days before teaching.

    The lessons were planned methodically correctly, taking into account the age and individual characteristics of the students. The student masters teaching methods in primary school.

    The student was especially good at planning and conducting lessons on literary reading and the surrounding world, as he noted a deep feeling for beauty and good knowledge about his homeland and nature. The student managed to become an example for his students, develop in them a desire to learn new things about their hometown, introducing elements of local history into each lesson.

    He managed to help poorly motivated children express themselves in creative and intellectual activities, and contributed to improving the quality of knowledge in humanitarian subjects.

    He provided great assistance to the class teacher in preparing gifted children for the city Olympiads in Russian language and mathematics, namely: he was involved in the selection of additional material and conducting classes.

    By his example and through educational conversations, he tried to teach children order, work, and careful handling of textbooks and school supplies.

    He has pedagogical tact and is polite towards colleagues and parents.

    When working with children he was tolerant, patient and tactful. He repeatedly helped resolve conflict situations among children, managing to come to an agreement with them without losing respect from any of the students.

    In addition to systematic work with the class, work was carried out with parents. Thus, the “Super Family” event was held, dedicated to Family Day, where the student trainee was the organizer and presenter and showed himself to be a creative and extraordinary person.

    There were minor differences in planning and holding the parent meeting, as not everything that was planned was carried out. Due to my limited teaching experience, the ability to work with parents has not yet been developed at a sufficient level, but there is a great desire to work on my mistakes.

    A trainee’s teaching activity during the internship can be assessed at “5” (excellent).

    Summer school camp

    Characteristics for a student of teaching practice in a summer school camp, full name.

    An intern student at a pedagogical college underwent educational practice at the summer school health camp “Solnyshko” from June 1 to June 20.

    During her teaching practice, the student proved herself not only as an executive and responsible teacher, but also as a creative, creative person.

    She planned and carried out a number of entertainment events for children of primary school age.

    During preparations for the opening of the camp, I was engaged in the design of squad corners, thinking through costumes, mottos and chants.

    She perfectly prepared the event dedicated to the opening of the camp shift, managed to involve all the units, the organization was at a good level.

    Conducted the station team game “Treasure Island”, where she showed creativity, artistry and a desire to work. She not only organized this event, but also fully prepared the design and equipment for all competitions, skillfully distributed roles and responsibilities, and demonstrated acting skills.

    Along with the children, she took an active part in all events, managing to “ignite” the children’s audience, instantly receiving a return.

    Love for children, respect for the teaching staff, and responsible attitude towards filling out camp documentation are noted.

    She managed to establish friendly relations with the children, without losing her authority among the students.

    In reviews from parents and children about the camp session, the student’s work was noted positively, with many thanks.

    The school administration and the management of the summer school health camp believe that (F.I.O.) deserves the highest possible assessment of her practical activities, and gives her the mark “5” (excellent).

    Class teacher practice

    Characteristics of a student intern for practice at school, full name, full name, who stayed as a class teacher in secondary school No.... in the period from September 4 to October 5.

    (F.I.O.) served as a class teacher of grade 5 “B”.

    The student was faced with the tasks of observing the class, maintaining documentation and conducting educational work with the children's team.

    During the internship period, I managed to show myself as a comprehensively developed teacher.

    When filling out the documentation, namely the characteristics of the students, the social passport of the class, the intern’s high level of literacy, knowledge of scientific pedagogical terminology, attentiveness and accuracy were noted.

    At the stage of observing the children's team, she was able to notice the main positive and negative aspects of the class and, after analyzing, correctly selected ways to solve problems.

    Conducted a number of classroom hours and educational events that were aimed at uniting the children's team.

    One of the memorable events was the “Autumn Ball” for students in grades 5-6. Helped the children of the class prepare at the highest level and win in the nominations “Best Autumn Reader” and “Mr. Autumn”.

    The student has a high level of knowledge of information and communication technologies and uses them in her teaching activities.

    Throughout the practice, diaries and the condition of textbooks were regularly checked, and children’s class attendance was monitored. She accustomed children to systematic duty in the classroom and school.

    When conflict situations arose, the trainee managed to resolve them without offending anyone.

    During her work, she managed to become a good mentor and an excellent friend for students who had just moved to middle management and were in a period of crisis.

    She paid special attention to self-management skills in the classroom. Roles and responsibilities were clearly distributed among the guys, and she monitored their implementation.

    The class teacher and school administration believes that F.I.O. did her job perfectly well and gives a mark of “5” for practical activities.

    English language

    Characteristics of a trainee in teaching practice at school as a foreign language teacher.

    (F.I.O.) underwent practical training as an English teacher at secondary school No....

    During his career, he proved himself to be a responsible, diligent student.

    He systematically came for consultations with his mentor, full name, foreign language teacher and head of the methodological association at the school.

    Consecutive lessons on the topics My family, My day, Weekend were planned methodically correctly. Each lesson had a clear and accessible explanation of the new material for the children. Systematically checked homework and tracked the growth of each student.

    He was distinguished by his deep knowledge of the English language and foreign literature. He always found answers to the most intricate questions of his students and managed to attract children to study English.

    Proficient in modern pedagogical technologies, such as critical thinking and problem-based learning.

    During lessons I often used group work, which allowed many children to relax, become more active and fall in love with the English language.

    Demonstrated fluency in information and communication technologies using an interactive whiteboard.

    The main problem for (F.I.O.) was that it was difficult for him to maintain discipline at the proper level, and therefore some types of work did not give the expected result, since the students’ attention was not focused on the teacher. Thus, control on the At school topic showed that most of the class did not master the material.

    The school administration believes that the student’s practice can be rated “4” (good).

    Physical training

    Characteristics of a student trainee of pedagogical practice as a physical education teacher. During his internship in a secondary school (student's full name) he showed high knowledge of program material, the ability to lead and manage a class.

    From the first days of practice, he skillfully involved children in the educational process and managed to arouse interest in team sports games such as basketball, football, and pioneer ball. He organized the “Fun Starts” sports and entertainment event at the highest level for students in grades 3-4, receiving positive feedback from the school administration, children and parents.

    During the lesson he often changed types of activities, which helped to attract the attention of children and maintain discipline. Competently applied the acquired theoretical knowledge in practice. Provided support to every student.

    When preparing and conducting lessons, he took into account the advice of the teacher (full name) received during consultations. Effectively used methods and techniques, as well as various forms of individual and collective activities of children.

    The student demonstrated a conscientious attitude to work, punctuality, and creativity. I prepared carefully for my lessons. Actively used information technology. Extracurricular activities and competitions were planned and carried out taking into account age and individual characteristics.

    The student distinguished himself with diligence and responsibility; all assigned tasks were completed in a timely manner and conscientiously.

    Characteristics of a future Russian language teacher

    The pedagogical characteristics of a school trainee as a philologist have some peculiarities, and therefore are required in this article as an example.

    Characteristics of a student (full name, full name) who underwent teaching practice as a teacher of the Russian language and literary reading.

    The following classes were assigned to her: 5 “a”, 5 “b”, 7 “b”, 7 “d”, where some classes had a mathematical bias, while others had a humanitarian bias, in order to try their hand at different children.

    During the internship, the student showed a good level of knowledge in the subject and a high level of methodological training. She approached the lessons creatively, the lessons were new and interesting.

    From the first lesson, the student endeared herself to students of all classes. Even the most inactive children worked with great interest in the lesson, since the tasks corresponded to their level of knowledge in the subject.

    Preparation for the lessons was carried out systematically. Every day she brought various visual aids and printed cards with exciting tasks to class.

    The material is presented to the students in an accessible manner; the children have well mastered the knowledge gained in the lessons.

    The student demonstrated excellent knowledge in psychology and pedagogy. Both in theory and in practice, she took into account the individual and age characteristics of schoolchildren, and won the authority of students with her openness, humanity and love for her work.

    The testimonial for the trainee was drawn up by teachers and the school administration, who decided that (full name) deserves the highest grade for completing teaching practice - “excellent”. The school administration offers to provide a place of work for this student upon completion of her studies.

    Characteristics of a student who completed an internship in a preschool organization

    Characteristics of a trainee teacher (full name), a student at a pedagogical college who did an internship in a kindergarten...

    During the internship (full name) she proved herself to be a competent student who mastered basic methodological techniques. The work was carried out responsibly, efficiently, and always used additional and visual material when conducting demonstration lessons.

    Over the entire period (full name) she showed the ability to plan not only educational and cognitive activities, but also distinguished herself in educational work.

    She conducted numerous classes with children on moral education and patriotism, learned the national anthem, as well as state symbols.

    (Full name) implements educational tasks in the process of children’s activities, knows how to organize children in various types of activities, attract their attention, activate cognitive activity, and arouse interest in it.

    (Full name) conducts individual work with children at a high level. The student is proficient in information and communication technologies and skillfully applies them in her practice.

    Knows and applies all standards of health-saving technologies.

    She took part in all the creative events of the kindergarten, and also provided all possible assistance in decorating the hall for celebrations.

    This profile for the trainee was drawn up by the school’s pedagogical council. Based on the results of teaching practice, the student can be rated “excellent”.

    Educational practice

    A sample description of a trainee conducting educational activities is presented below. A student trainee (full name) underwent educational practice at secondary school No.... in the period from... to...

    Over the entire period, a lot of educational work was done, which covered several types of orientation: moral, patriotic, intellectual.

    (F.I.O.) came to practice prepared in advance: the topics of class hours and in-school events, for which preparations were underway during September, were taken. She constantly kept in touch with the head teacher for educational work, as well as the class teachers of the primary classes of this educational institution, came for consultations, listened to recommendations and made the necessary amendments.

    The first event held by the student was dedicated to Friendship Week at school. (F.I.O.) organized a “Mail of Friends”, students wrote letters to each other with wishes and offers to make friends. The idea was highly appreciated by the students.

    She worked as a host for the “Miss Autumn” events for high school students and “Golden Time” for junior schoolchildren, demonstrating herself at the proper level.

    The characteristics of the student intern at the school were drawn up and agreed upon by the school administration, which believes that (F.I.O.) deserves a high rating for his activities - “excellent”.

    All students are different

    Writing characterizations requires knowledge and experience. And sometimes even an experienced teacher asks for help.

    If the practice is industrial, the characteristics of the trainee will differ from passive activity. The samples presented above are suitable for more active practice.

    Not all characteristics will be completely suitable for the same student. The level of skills and abilities of one may differ radically from the abilities of another. When compiling documents, you can take into account the sample student intern characteristics presented above in order to understand by what criteria to evaluate the student.


    Student - Kokhanova Evgenia Sergeevna

    School address: Samara, Solnechnaya st., 19/26

    Head for methodological work: Kuznetsova Irina Viktorovna

    Physical education teacher: Vladimir Petrovich Kostin

    The school opened on September 1, 1988. Has 2 gyms and a sports ground. The school is inclusive.

    During my teaching practice, I attended 14 physical education lessons. She took an active part in educational events, such as class hours, conversations about health.

    In my opinion, the physical education and health activities provided for in the school curriculum are not carried out in full, due to the close involvement of teachers in other activities.

    I developed a scenario for the sporting event “Sportlandia”.

    The plan for teaching practice has been fully implemented. All documents have been collected. There were no deviations from the plan.

    During the practice, I took into account the work experience of a physical education teacher. My mentor corrected mistakes, gave advice, and shared practical experience.

    During my internship, I acquired many skills and abilities: I learned to competently compose notes for physical education lessons, keep a record of lesson density, do a pedagogical analysis of a lesson, draw up a scenario for a sports event, notes on physical education and recreational activities, keep a diary of pedagogical observations, compile psychological reports. pedagogical characteristics of the class, individual student.

    Thus, the practice was successful. During the course, I gained a lot of new knowledge and practically put it into practice: I tried myself as a physical education teacher.

    Characteristics of the work of student-intern Evgenia Sergeevna Kokhanova about completing teaching practice

    Kokhanova Evgenia Sergeevna completed her teaching practice at Municipal Educational Institution School No. 139 as a subject teacher (subject - physical education).

    During her teaching practice, Evgenia Sergeevna taught lessons in grade 3A. Before the start of the lessons, Evgenia Sergeevna familiarized herself with the school’s annual and quarterly planning and carefully developed outline plans for the lessons. These plans were provided for review before the start of the lesson.

    Evgenia Sergeevna knows various methods of conducting exercises. The selection of general developmental exercises corresponds to the main types of movements, that is, they are interconnected. The structure of the lesson was strictly followed, and clear methodological instructions were given. Evgenia Sergeevna was a good example for the students: clear presentation of tasks with explanations, emotionality, participation with children in outdoor games.

    Evgenia Sergeevna also took part in extracurricular sports activities: preparing and holding the sports festival “Sportlandia” among second-graders.

    Evgenia Sergeevna conscientiously treated her duties, she is efficient, strives for improvement, and enjoys the respect of students, students and physical education teachers. She can become a good physical education teacher who loves and knows her subject. Can conduct physical education lessons at a fairly high methodological level, apply interesting methods and technologies in his work.

    The characteristics are given for presentation to the Samara State Social and Pedagogical University.

    School director: Ratkevich Irina Viktorovna

    Physical education teacher: Vladimir Petrovich Kostin

    Class teacher: Melsitova Tatyana Yurievna

    MP \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\M P

    Assessment for academic work_____________________________________________

    Evaluation for educational work_______________________________________________

    Group leader-methodologist_______________________________________________

    Final grade for teaching practice______________________________

    "Sports Program Scenario"

    "Sportlandia" »

    Kokhanova Evgenia Sergeevna

    2016 – 2017

    "Sportlandia" for primary school

    Purpose of the program: achieving the comprehensive development of the child’s personality, based on physical development, health promotion, involvement in physical education and sports



    • Formation of knowledge and ideas about a healthy lifestyle;
    • Teaching rules of conduct in the process of collective action;
    • Expanding the horizons of younger schoolchildren.


    • Development of activity, independence, responsibility;
    • Development of statistical and dynamic balance, development of the eye and sense of distance;
    • Development of mindfulness as a character trait, a personality trait.


    • Fostering a sense of collectivism;
    • Formation of an attitude towards a healthy lifestyle;

    Time and place:


    Students of 2nd grade who have no medical contraindications are allowed to participate in the competition; the team consists of 14 people


    • Participants enter the gym accompanied by music;
    • Formation and greeting of teams;
    • Business card: name, motto, team emblem.
    • Presenter's opening remarks;
    • Opening speech by the school director;
    • Performance by the vocal ensemble “Solnyshko”;
    • Conducting competition tasks;
    • Summing up the holiday.

    Competition program

    Students enter the sports hall accompanied by a sports march and line up in two columns.

    Leading: Good afternoon, dear guests and guys. Today we all gathered for a sports festival and will go to the fun, exciting country “Sportlandia”. You all know how useful it is to play sports, exercise, and how necessary it is to toughen up. Two teams will take part in our competitions: “Sport” and “Physical Education”.

    The two teams came out together
    To start the holiday for us,
    And that's why everyone needs
    Everyone should take part.
    Everyone needs their strength,
    Show off your dexterity
    Be healthy and cheerful,
    And, of course, don’t be bored!

    I wish you all good luck and sporting victories!

    Jury requirement:

    1. Complete all tasks correctly.
    2. The team that finishes the relay first wins - 2 points, for second place - 1 point. Follow the rules of conduct and safety at competitions.

    Leading: And now we begin the competition.

    Competition tasks

    1st team -"Sport"

    Sportsmen and sportswomen!

    Girls and boys!

    We met in sports, friends.

    Long live friendship!

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