Overview of charitable organizations in Europe and the USA

Below we will consider the world's charitable foundations, or rather the largest and most famous charitable organizations of our time. Naturally, among the founders of these funds and managers you can find well-known personalities. On at the moment The world's largest charities donate huge sums of money to support those in need, with the Big Ten alone donating approximately $7-10 billion in total. But even such donations from charitable foundations around the world are not enough to provide assistance to absolutely everyone who needs it.

Foreign Charitable Foundation LillyEndowment

The Josiane C. Lilly Sr. Charitable Foundation was created in 1937 on the basis of its own pharmaceutical company businessman. The organization's budget at that time was 13% of the company's shares, and at the moment the fund (already independent of the company) is one of the five largest funds in the world with a capital of about 11 billion dollars. The purpose of the foundation is to encourage research in the field of health care, finance educational projects, and the construction and development of churches. Two thirds of total amount The fund directs funding to the development of its native state of Indiana. The founder of the fund was religious person and did much to develop churches, including the Church of Christ, located in his native Illinois (he sang in the choir there as a child). From the latest completed projects fund: transfer of $35 million to the University of Manchester for the construction of the College of Pharmacy in 2012; acquisition and formation of a collection of paintings that have important cultural significance, but have been ignored by the state. Most of the rescued paintings are on display in museums across the state.

WWF (World Wildlife Fund)

While many large foreign charitable foundations focus their activities on improving people's lives, WWF is concerned with achieving harmony in the existence of man and nature. This is one of the largest non-state charitable organizations with offices in 130 countries and 5 million employees. The foundation was founded in 1961 by the Englishmen Peter Scott, Luke Hoffmann and Guy Montfort. After 10 years, thanks to the efforts of Prince Bernard of the Netherlands, the fund became financially independent - 10 million capital was raised for it richest people peace. Proper organization The activities of the foundation turned it into an elite charitable club, to which donating funds was prestigious. The organization’s funds support more than 11 thousand projects aimed at preserving animal populations, improving the environment, and drawing attention to global problems wildlife. One of the foundation's most famous campaigns is the global Earth Hour.


The so-called Silicon Valley fund is focused on solving the most complex problems humanity, on improving the quality of life. The organization primarily provides grants in five key areas: education, economic security, immigrant integration, regional planning, and addressing immediate community needs. Today, the organization unites under its leadership more than 1,600 regional charitable foundations and has a capital of $2.9 billion. SiliconValleyCommunityFoundation plays a key role in implementation social projects at local, state and global levels. The authority of the fund is also evidenced by the fact that in 2012, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg donated 18 million shares of his company to the needs of the organization. The money was used to finance new giants and encourage the most promising projects in Silicon Valley.


This fund confirms the fact that charity abroad is considered natural norm for people who have achieved financial success. The founders of the successful computer company Hewlett-Packard, Bill Hewlett and David Packard, together with their wives, created two separate foundations that pursue different objectives. In 1966, the Bill and Flora Hewlett Foundation was created, specializing in solving public problems and environment. The amount of annual investment is 300 million dollars. The organization is mainly engaged in grand activities, financing projects to protect the environment, healthcare, and improve education. The foundation also supports HIV-infected people in underdeveloped countries, promotes the development of family planning programs among the poor in Africa and South Asia. The David and Lucile Packard Foundation allocates $250 million annually to improve the living conditions of children in underdeveloped countries, for scientific research, medical research, environmental protection projects.

FoundationZeitStiftungEbelin und GerdBucerius

One of the most important German and largest Hamburg foundations is named after the politician and publisher Gerd Bucerius. Gerd is known for having founded the popular German newspaper DieZeit, and later owned the Stern magazine, and was a Hamburg senator and member of the Bundestag. The charitable organization was founded in 1971. Over more than 40 years, the fund's assets have grown and now amount to 770 million euros. This allows the foundation to be among the ten most influential non-governmental charitable organizations in Germany. The Foundation currently even owns one of the first private universities in the country - the Institute of Law. Special attention The leaders of the organization pay attention to financing the education sector: substantial funds are allocated for this, but the approach to their investment is systematic. For example, one of popular programs- support for immigrant schoolchildren who want to become teachers. This solves the problem of obtaining quality education and employment for this category of the population. Another important area of ​​the organization's activities is solving the problems of free press in Eastern Europe by issuing grants and organizing competitions. Since 2000, the best journalists have been awarded prizes in the “Free Press” category. Eastern Europe" The representative of Ukraine also received the corresponding remuneration.

Bill and Melinda Gates Charitable Foundation

Bill Gates is famous not only for the fact that he became the developer of the most popular operating system, but also because it founded the Bill and Melinda Gates Charitable Foundation in 2000, which today is the most significant and largest in the world. Naturally, Bill Gates’s own money was spent on the development of the fund; in the first year alone, he donated $106 million for its development. The charitable organization provides assistance to seriously ill and poor people, and also helps to develop healthcare and education. Another businessman took part in the development of the fund - Warren Buffett, who donated a tidy sum to Bill Gates' organization.

- WellcomeTrust is the most popular British charity. The organization was founded back in 1936 in London, in honor of the pharmacist Henry Welcome. The fund’s program includes the development of healthcare and medicine, the protection of people and animals, and also actively finances medical and scientific research. WellcomeTrust is the largest fund in the UK, with a fund account of more than twenty-three billion dollars in 2005.

Ford Charitable Foundation. The founder of this fund is none other than Edzel Ford, the head of FordMotor. Ford invested huge amounts of money to fight poverty, develop science and medicine, improve financial condition in the country and donated to various charity projects. The Ford Foundation also works to protect human rights.

Johnson & Johnson is known for its first-class products intended for children, but not only for it. The son of the company's founder opened his own charitable foundation, the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, which eventually took its place on the list of "Charitable Foundations of the World." Johnson's charitable organization was founded in 1936, since then the foundation has been actively helping the poor and disadvantaged, as well as people suffering from chronic diseases. Every year the fund allocates approximately half a billion dollars to fight poverty in America.

The rating of charitable foundations in the world was compiled so that everyone can be convinced that charity is truly important for all people. Many famous personalities tried to improve the life of society and help those in need. This good example for others, because without significant support it is unlikely that modern charity has reached such proportions. Charitable foundations around the world provide incredible assistance to disabled people, sick children and adults. The goal of each such organization is to improve the quality of life of people around the world. It can be seen that in the list showing the largest charitable foundations in the world, there are no domestic charitable organizations. This to some extent speaks of the low level of development of domestic charity. Next, let's look at examples of several Russian charitable foundations.

Help for those in need - mandatory item in the “rule book” of any traditional religion, and much of the motivation for secular philanthropy 7 is rooted in religious ethics. In 2010, the State Duma adopted Federal law N 40-FZ, according to which religious organizations will be able to claim the status of “socially oriented” and, accordingly, count on state support on an equal basis with other non-profit organizations, which will allow them to actively master “secular” technologies.

Charitable religious organizations are often reproached for proselytism, 8 where the main form of religious charity is “the discovery of religion for a person.” But this is what missionary work does 9 . However, other types of religious charitable activity, as a rule, do not link the receipt of help with the obligatory “entry” into the faith.

The Orthodox help service “Mercy” is the largest association of church social projects to help people in need. The service includes 18 social projects:

  • - St. Spiridonyevskaya almshouse (care for the bedridden, abandoned by their relatives);
  • - Svyato-Dimitrievsky orphanage and St. Sophia Orphanage;
  • - Patronage service (home care for 47 lonely elderly and disabled people, as well as HIV-infected patients in two Moscow hospitals);
  • - Bus “Mercy” (during the cold season, the bus saves from freezing from 10 to 30 homeless people every night, and in the summer it helps the homeless medical care);
  • - Homeless assistance service in Moscow hospitals ( restoration of documents for the homeless, contact with relatives, sending home);
  • - Help for disabled children in 2 Moscow boarding schools.

The philanthropy of Islam and Judaism is perhaps more community-oriented - religious and ethnic. But help from these religious organizations can also be received by a person of a different faith (or an atheist) and nationality. Lunches organized in mosques are available to everyone. And the Muslim Solidarity Foundation provides medical assistance to seriously ill children, regardless of their religion or nationality.

Charitable organization “ Caritas Russia”(in Latin “caritas” - mercy, sacrificial love). “Caritas Russia” is a member of the International Confederation Caritas Internationalis - an international Catholic charitable organization that supports development, social work and helping people.

Caritas Germany: Thanks to the annual support (up to $60 thousand per year) of Caritas projects in Moscow to provide assistance to migrants, since 1993, about 20 thousand forced migrants from the CIS countries, the Baltic countries and non-CIS countries of the most vulnerable categories (large families, mothers with children, elderly, disabled).

Caritas France considers it a priority to support projects aimed at finding sources of funds locally - for example, social pharmacies, laundries, shops that provide goods and services to those in need at significantly lower prices, and, on occasion, create several jobs. In 1999, Caritas France provided Caritas in Taganrog with an investment grant of more than $30 thousand for organization in the Taganrog market social pharmacy"Lazarus".

Foundation " Jewish Charity Committee » was created with the aim of promoting activities in the field of culture, art, education, enlightenment, strengthening peace, friendship and harmony between peoples, strengthening the prestige and role of the family in society, protecting motherhood and childhood, helping socially vulnerable, low-income members of the Jewish community (pensioners, disabled people , low-income and large families, children with special needs), assistance spiritual development individuals, in particular to promote the activities of Jewish communities, as well as for the implementation of various humanitarian projects related to the development of Jewish culture, religion, education, health care and other manifestations of Jewish community life in Russian Federation and beyond. Protection of monuments Jewish history and culture and implementation of voluntary charitable activities in various fields public life.

Charitable organization " Joint"(English American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, abbr. JDC, "American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee") helps Jews in need or danger throughout to the globe outside the USA. In 1989, the Joint was allowed to return to the USSR. Main areas of work: helping the elderly, supporting families and children, developing the Jewish community.

One of the areas of the Foundation’s charitable work is “ Let's save Tibet» - preservation of local customs and folk art. Other Buddhist cultural initiatives include organizing concerts to promote the ideas of peace, non-violence and compassion that underlie ancient culture Tibet. For example, in June 2007, the main temple of Kalmykia organized a charity concert of the Aquarium group, free for everyone. In 2009, Elista hosted the “Ocean of Compassion” music festival, organized according to a different principle: this time the entrance was paid, but the proceeds went to charity. The festival was attended by performers of ethnic music from countries and regions where Buddhism spread - Kalmykia, Buryatia, Tuva, Mongolia and Tibet, as well as the groups “Aquarium” and “Splin” 10.

A charitable foundation is a non-profit organization that does not set as its goal making a profit, but makes public decisions significant issues in different spheres of society. The Children of the Earth Charitable Foundation for helping children treats sick children and supports charitable programs in healthcare, education, and the environment. Russian charitable foundations do not match Western ones in terms of the scale of their activities, but they have something to strive for. International Charitable Foundation is a capacious concept that speaks about the geography of the organization’s activities. International foundations in Russia are engaged in a variety of charitable programs, from animals to helping sick children.

The Children of the Earth Charitable Foundation helps raise funds to pay for the treatment of sick children; the foundation also works with children's medical and educational institutions Russia. In this article we want to conduct a comparative examination of the work of children's charitable foundations in Russia and Europe. Let's consider the main difference in goals and objectives not commercial organizations working in the field of helping children. Russian charitable foundations demand assistance for children increased attention from the state and society.

Charitable foundations of Russia

In our country, many charitable foundations, or more correctly, all leading children's charitable foundations, have as their main goal helping specific sick children or orphanages. Look in Yandex at the request for children's "charitable foundations" to see how the websites of these non-profit organizations are structured. As a rule, in the most prominent place are the stories of sick children, with photographs, documents, parents’ appeals and other information about the sick child. The main emphasis is on collecting charitable donations to pay for the treatment of a specific sick child. In second place are charity programs related to the support of orphanages.

What does this mean? This directly shows the real situation in the country with medicine and social policy. This suggests that Russia has many problems in this area, since charitable foundations raise funds for sick children and orphanages. Why are these costs not covered by health insurance, why is this a problem at all? Agree, there are many issues that require solutions.

International charitable foundations in Europe

Now let's see how charitable foundations in Europe work, or rather in those countries that we usually call “the West”. If you open the website of any German charitable foundation, which helps sick children, then we most likely will not see the stories of specific sick children, we will not see photographs of the child for whom funds are being raised. By the way, the mentality of European residents is different from ours; there it is considered inappropriate to display photographs of a sick child, but in our country the work of foundations proceeds differently. European charitable foundations collect charitable donations for programs to help children in Africa or Syria, so it turns out they don’t have problems with their children? All treatment is covered by insurance.

Conclusions about charitable foundations in Europe and Russia

International charitable foundations work more to help sick children of other countries, participate in international charitable programs, this indicates a favorable situation within Europe, well-established work in the field of healthcare and social policy. In Russia the situation is different. Charitable foundations in Russia work more on specific sick children and orphanages; international charity programs are rare. This indicates problems within the country. There is something to work on.

We hope that the situation will change and Russian charitable foundations will help specific sick children less and less, and will concentrate on international charitable programs. This will be an indicator that everything is fine with us and life has changed for the better.

To help sick children, support sports organizations, as well as theaters and museums. This year the fund spent about 13.75 billion rubles on the implementation of various projects. Sources of financing are Usmanov’s personal funds, as well as money allocated by companies controlled by him.

The Sistema Charitable Foundation was created in 2003 for the charitable activities of the corporation of the same name and the companies controlled by it. The main areas of activity of the foundation include science, culture and art, sports and social development. Every year the fund spends about three billion rubles to support more than 50 projects. Funds come to the fund from commercial organizations, as well as from individuals.

The Russian Relief Fund (Rusfond) was created in 1996 by the Kommersant publishing house to support readers of the Kommersant newspaper in need of help. The founder and director of Rusfond is journalist Lev Ambinder. In the first half of this year, the fund managed to collect almost 607 million rubles, and last year - more than 1.7 billion. Rusfond specializes in helping seriously ill children, promoting development civil society, implementation of high medical technologies. - individuals and organizations.

The Volnoe Delo Foundation was founded by Russian entrepreneur Oleg Deripaska in 1998. The Foundation supports projects in the fields of science, education, culture, territorial development, healthcare and animal protection. In 2014, for projects of the fund. According to Expert magazine, the fund is financed from the personal funds of Oleg Deripaska and contributions from the Basic Element group of companies.

Mikhail Prokhorov Charitable Foundation, which became the first charitable organization in Russia with a regional work strategy, was established by businessman Mikhail Prokhorov in 2004. — systemic support of culture in Russian regions. Over the 10 years of operation, the fund’s budget has exceeded two billion rubles. There is no exact funding.

The Elena and Gennady Timchenko Charitable Foundation was established in 2010. The main activity of the foundation is the implementation of programs: “Older Generation”, “Family and Children”, “Sport”, “Culture”. During the first three years of operation, the fund's budget amounted to $330.2 million. The main source of funding for the fund is the personal funds of the Timchenko Family

The Gift of Life Foundation was founded in 2006 by actresses Chulpan Khamatova and Dina Korzun. The foundation's area of ​​activity is helping sick children. In 2015, the fund collected more than 326 million rubles. Sources of funding are Russian, international and foreign organizations, individuals in Russia and abroad, as well as “stateless persons”.

The Victoria Children's Charitable Foundation was founded in 2004 by the president of the Uralsib corporation, Nikolai Tsvetkov. The foundation specializes in helping children without parental care and in difficult life situations. Expenditures on charitable programs in 2013 amounted to more than 184 million rubles. There is no more recent data. Sources of financing, also according to data for 2013, are Nikolai Tsvetkov’s personal funds, income from endowment capital, fundraising, and funds from Uralsib Bank.

There are about one and a half million registered charities and religious parishes in the United States. Over 2% of this country's GDP is spent on donations. Moreover, 76% of this money comes from individuals. And such a public foundation sends a fairly significant portion of charitable funds abroad.

The statistics of the Russian Federation are much more modest. The lion's share of official donations is made by legal entities, and from profits from financial and economic activities. There are no exact figures: estimates of annual payments range from 200 million to 1.5 billion US dollars. Many significant donations are also provided by banks.

What is a charitable organization?

According to the law, Russian charitable organizations - non-profit organizations, which have specific legal forms (public organizations, foundations and institutions). As for the taxation of charitable organizations, they are similar to other non-profit organizations (they are exempt from income tax in relation to targeted revenues and have a number of benefits that apply to both the beneficiary and the benefactor).

The Birth of Charity

The first charitable organizations in Rus' are considered to be monasteries, which Prince Vladimir ordered to engage in “contempt for the needy.” Such a decree was issued in 988, and Ivan the Terrible created the first almshouse, which is the prototype of the modern charitable foundation. Funds for their activities were allocated from the state treasury. In addition, wealthy members of society were obliged to give alms. Peter the Great considered charity one of the important spheres of public life.

After the revolution of 1917, Russian charitable organizations were abolished, and all their property was transferred to the people. IN recent years Charity is developing at an accelerated pace. This may be due to the fact that citizens have become more sensitive to the problems of others.


A non-profit charitable organization is required to register with the authorities, submit reports on its activities, and reflect the funds raised and spent, which are not subject to taxation. She must use donations only for charitable purposes.

Donation is the most popular way to help. In the Russian Federation, a public assistance fund can be financed from five sources:

  • government assistance;
  • grants, donations from individuals;
  • corporate funds of large business entities;
  • funds from municipal authorities and entrepreneurs;
  • family and private foundations are financed exclusively by private individuals.

Types of Charities

In addition to the method of receiving funds, Russian charitable organizations differ depending on the target audience:

  • charitable children's funds created to help various categories children. Help orphans, disabled people, children from children who suffer various diseases. The foundations are also involved in providing gifted children;
  • funds to help the adult population, for example, people with various diseases, refugees, disabled people, and so on;
  • charitable organizations to help the elderly, veterans, disabled and elderly patients, and hospice patients.

Have you decided to entrust your money to a charity foundation, but are not sure that it will go to those in need? There are various organizations in Russia that are founded by both Russians and foreign investors. There are also charities social programs commercial organizations. Below we will present stable funds that carry out charitable activities. They have personal websites and regularly submit reports on their work.

The main charitable organizations in Russia

COLLECTION (Union of Charitable Organizations of Russia) - this is 15 years of work, half a billion funds raised, dozens successful projects and thousands of people in need who received help from the fund. COLLECTION support famous actors, athletes, politicians.

One more large organization charitable assistance- National Charitable Foundation, which was founded in 1999 on the initiative of President V.V. Putin.

Initially, the fund was called the “National Military Fund” and provided all possible assistance to military personnel of various ministries and departments of Russia, members of their families, veterans and other persons. In 2002, the fund was classified as an organization that provides one-time humanitarian assistance.

Multipurpose charities

  • One of the largest ones, the Union of Charitable Organizations of Russia, unites more than two hundred different target areas, including volunteer and public programs. Provides assistance to a wide range of citizens.
  • Also a large fund in the charity market is ROSSPAS. Provides assistance to people who have serious illnesses. In the area of ​​his attention are displaced persons, disabled people, orphans, large families and
  • There are funds that carry out charitable activities for several categories of people in need. For example, the national charity organization “Dobro” provides assistance large families, with various diseases, orphans and those who suffer from drug addiction and alcoholism.

Charitable organizations providing assistance to children

  • There are exclusively children's charities, such as “Nastenka”, “Mary’s Children”, “Children’s Houses”, “Happy Hearts” and many others. Helping kids who are in difficult situations life situation: loss of parents, orphans, disabled people, patients with serious illnesses, those who suffer from a congenital illness.
  • The All-Russian Foundation "Charity - Russia" unites more than a million individual entrepreneurs. Gives away various grants and scholarships to young people and children, helps nursing homes, hospices and hospitals with public funds, and provides assistance to ordinary citizens who apply.

Other funds

  • A serious charitable organization is “Life”. Her target audience- children with cancer, blood diseases. Purchased with donations medicines, consumables, research and diagnostics, chemotherapy courses, surgeries are paid for, and provided to families.
  • Charitable organizations in Russia, founded by famous people in the country: politicians, show business stars, businessmen. This is an additional influx of investors and those who want to donate. The most famous fund in this category is “Give Life,” which was founded by popular actresses D. Korzun and Ch. Khamatova. Its goal is to help those suffering from cancer.
  • Public charitable organizations that help the disabled, the elderly, veterans, people and patients of hospitals and hospices are the “Vera”, “Old Age in Joy”, “Collective of Caring People” relief funds.
  • Large charitable organizations in the world also operate in Russia: the Soros Foundation, the International Women's Organization, the AIDS Foundation and others.

Helping is not easy, but very simple! This motto on the main COLLECTION website perfectly expresses the readiness to accept donations from any caring person. After all, the sooner the funds arrive at the charity fund’s account, the greater the chance of saving someone’s life.