Where and how to find sponsors? Finding and attracting a sponsor for a business or project. Charitable organizations

Coming up with an idea for a business is one thing. But putting it into practice is a completely different matter. Many business ideas remain unrealized for one simple reason - lack of money. One category of people, let's call them failed businessmen, leave their idea until better times or completely forget about it. The other is looking for all possible ways to bring the project to life. They empty their nest eggs, take out loans, or think about how to find sponsors.

How to find sponsors for a business: 5 search options + 3 steps to receiving funds

Before asking yourself the question of how to find sponsors for a business, you need to understand for yourself what we imagine these very sponsors to be like, and what you yourself can offer them. No one will just give you money. The sponsor must always be confident in the profitability of the project, so it is necessary to provide him full information about a business idea.

Therefore, we will divide our story into two blocks: first, we will find out where to find sponsors, as well as who can become them. Second, we will determine the main steps on how to find sponsors for the project.

Where to find sponsors: 5 options where you can get money for business development

So who can sponsor? Who can I ask for money? As they say, who to start with, where to run? Let's start with the simplest thing - with our relatives and friends.

Relatives and friends

You need to contact friends or relatives - entrepreneurs, who are involved in a business close to your idea. Sponsors give money for a reason; firstly, they must be sure that your project will be profitable. And secondly, you will need to advertise the sponsor’s services. This can be done both at the presentation of your project and after it.

For example, you are going to open a beauty salon, and your relative is engaged in production cosmetics. Consider that you have found each other - he gives you money for promotion, and you not only advertise his products, but also use them in your activities, i.e. here the sponsor also acts as a supplier.

Large entrepreneurs

If you don’t find anyone suitable among your relatives or friends, contact the entrepreneurs in your city. Collect the necessary information about the companies that interest you and make a proposal to their leader. In our example, we are looking for organizations related to cosmetology: cosmetic products, specialized equipment, etc.

By the way, entrepreneurs themselves are often not averse to sponsoring profitable projects. If they have free funds, they would rather invest them in a profitable business than just keep them. The main thing is to prove to them that “the game is worth the candle.” For more information on how to convince sponsors that the project will be successful, read the chapter “how to find sponsors for a project.”

Regional government structures

If you think that your innovation will help the development of the region or maybe it is connected with some scientific discoveries, then feel free to contact the city administration with a request for a grant.

A grant is a kind of gratuitous amount for starting a business. It is clear that many aspiring entrepreneurs apply for a grant, but not everyone who wishes receives this grant. The main thing here is to prove that your project will not only bring you profit, but, first of all, it will be useful to society.

For example, if you want to open a car rental company, then you don’t even have to think about a grant. But the idea of ​​opening a mini-bakery, specializing in so-called “healthy” bread: dietary, whole grain, organic or “live”, may well qualify for help from the region.

Technopark and business incubator

Structures such as business incubators and technology parks that help young entrepreneurs have become widespread. Sponsorship here is about creating favorable conditions to start developing your business.

New businessmen are offered training in the basics of entrepreneurship, accounting and other important sciences. A fully equipped office with furniture, office equipment, etc. is also provided on favorable terms. Assistance is provided both in writing business plans and in finding sponsors.

Banks and credit organizations

If you don’t seriously think about the question “how to find sponsors” and you are confident in your creditworthiness, then you can simply contact the bank to get a loan. But then you will need to find guarantors, you must have a good credit history, you will need to find property as collateral. As a rule, the amount for business development is not small, but whether this business will be profitable is still unknown.

A pitfall when contacting a bank is high interest rates on the loan. Therefore, this option for receiving funds for business development is very risky.

How to find sponsors for a project: 3 main steps to sponsorship money

So, we’ve decided where to look for sponsors, now we’ll describe the steps that will help us “reach out” to them.

Step 1. Decide on the amount, develop a business plan

Before wondering how to find sponsors, we ourselves must have a clear idea of ​​our future project. We need to clearly know how much money we will need, list all the costs, and plan the profit. Of course, a project that involves larger size planned profit. The payback period of the project is no less important.

The inclusion of a section in the business plan about possible risks and their assessment, as well as a development plan for this type of activity with all calculations. Also, don’t be lazy to draw up your business plan beautifully and efficiently – you still have to present it. The paper for printing must be of different quality. Accompany the material with graphic data.

A well-designed business development strategy is the first step to successfully finding sponsors!

Step 2. Attract sponsors

Where to get money to start own business? This is exactly the problem that 95% of new entrepreneurs face! In the article we revealed the most current methods obtaining start-up capital for an entrepreneur. We also recommend that you carefully study the results of our experiment in exchange earnings:

Sponsors won't know about you until you announce yourself. How? We'll find out now.

  1. Post information

Entrepreneurs or business associations have been created in almost every city. Apply there. Maybe there will be someone who wants to invest their money there.

Stopped at borrowed funds? Submit applications to banks and credit organizations. You can place advertisements seeking sponsors through some business publications. Moreover, these can be both electronic and printed sources.

  1. Visit the “right” places

What do we include here? Business forums, meetings aimed at helping new entrepreneurs. You can learn about such events through the Internet or online forums.

Step 3. Project presentation

So, a sponsor has been found, and the persuasion stage begins. The business plan has been drawn up, now you need to present it correctly. That's right, this means leaving no doubt in the mind of the sponsor about the profitability of your proposal. It is necessary to inform him both about your goals and plans for the future, and about the benefits that the sponsor will receive by investing in your project.

Plan your speech to fit within 5-7 minutes. Don't forget about visual material. Slides are best. Prepare answers to possible questions that you will undoubtedly be asked. For your part, also prepare a number of questions that interest you. Any person likes it when people are interested in him. By asking questions, you will make it clear that you have made inquiries about the sponsor and its activities and are interested in mutually beneficial cooperation.

How to find sponsors for an event: 3 steps to what you want

Another question that I would like to cover in this article is how to find sponsors for an event. Let's say you open the same beauty salon and in honor of its opening you decide to hold a local beauty contest. The competition is a competition, but you also need money for it. How to find them?

Again, we are looking for sponsors, especially with an event interconnected with the main activity, you can kill two birds with one stone: find sponsors both for the planned event and for further cooperation.

Preparatory work

First, before looking for sponsors, you need to provide all the information about the event. Describe both the purpose and duration of the event, describe in detail the program and participants of the event.

Don't forget to mention sponsors in your advertising. For example, place advertisements for sponsors' products on invitation flyers. Their products can also be used as prizes in the competition. Even if other prizes are used, they may be placed in bags with the sponsors' logo.

Working with sponsors

The next step in finding sponsors for an event will be to directly call potential patrons. Feel free to write letters to them or make calls. And do this regularly. Keep informed about how preparations for the event are going, which authorities supported your event, where advertising is given.

Don't forget about direct meetings with sponsors. Show them advertising products with their logo, listen to both comments and wishes. Show sincere interest in their activities, make inquiries about them, and monitor their achievements.

Many sponsors are not satisfied with just advertising about them during the event. They need direct access to customers. Try to make this way out! And the first step, of course, will be the distribution of prizes from sponsors. If people are satisfied with the products or services, then in the future they will contact the right address.

After the event

At the end of the event, do not forget to thank the sponsors in writing, as well as provide some statistics characterizing the event. For example, tell them how many people were present, reflect the number of products both donated and purchased, and give them a copy of the promotional item. By the way, don’t forget to include your contact information on the last one.

If the sponsor is satisfied with the advertising campaign carried out within the framework of your event, then next time he will contact you.


So, if you decide to start your own project, but don’t have the finances at all, don’t hesitate to turn to third-party resources. We hope that our tips on how to find sponsors will be useful to you.


If you encounter hopeless situation and you need outside help, you can use such a form as charity. There are many charitable foundations of both national and local importance. If you urgently need this kind of help, you need to contact several of these funds at once. This way, you increase your chances of getting the help you need.

How to get help?

To charitable foundation has granted your request for financial assistance, you need to know a number of features that should be taken into account when applying to the fund. In particular:

  • it is necessary to draw up a written appeal to the charitable foundation, in which you outline the essence of the problem and the help you need;
  • you need to attach evidence confirming that you really need financial assistance. It could be medical certificates, acts, etc.;
  • provide only truthful information.

The process of receiving charitable assistance

The largest charitable foundation is Russian Foundation Help. Its founder is the famous magazine “Kommersant”. If you decide to contact this fund, prepare a corresponding letter outlining the problem. Attach medical certificates. They are subject to mandatory testing by specialists and doctors. When the doctors conclude that you really need treatment, your letter will be reviewed on its merits.

The fund provides assistance to everyone in need, but people with one of the diagnoses that are on the list of the fund's program have priority. It is after the request is approved that the collection of funds begins, after which they are transferred to the account of the person in need.

Another well-known foundation is the Happy World Charitable Foundation, which cooperates with all cities of Russia. You can turn to this fund for help with any diagnosis. You just need to send the required list of documents by mail. After reviewing your application, you will be given a personal meeting. But, unlike the All-Russian Fund, this fund does not provide money, but provides the necessary treatment.

An organization that helps children is the Children's Hearts public foundation. The foundation specializes in helping children with birth defects and diseases nervous system and hearts.

There are also virtual funds, among which the Internet fund “Pomogi.org” stands out. If you have been rejected by other charities, you have every chance of getting help here.

Sponsorship is a fairly common type of activity in Russia. Business models of many companies in mandatory include activities related to the provision of monetary assistance to certain budgetary, non-profit structures, sports organizations, and individuals.

A type of activity quite close to sponsorship is charity. He is also involved in large number Russian organizations. According to a number of criteria various types activities related to the provision of financial and other types of material support by firms in relation to budgetary structures and individuals are defined as entrepreneurial activity. In some cases - as a charity. There are interpretations of a mixed nature.

By virtue of what characteristics is the difference between the activities of these types determined? What criteria are important from a tax point of view? Why is sponsorship profitable for many businessmen? What principles does the Federal Tax Service adhere to in calculating fees from sponsors and recipients of assistance?

Who is a sponsor?

The term "sponsor" is quite common. Depending on the context, its interpretation may vary from one case to another. Let's try to determine the meaning of the word "sponsor" by referring to the sources of law. Do they have any definition of this term? Yes, and it’s quite clear. It is contained in the Federal Law “On Advertising”. According to this law, sponsorship is an activity that involves some kind of response from the sponsored object regarding the provision of financial and other types of support.

A person who contributes money through sponsorship usually expects a return on his investment.

As a rule, the main mechanism used in such cases is advertising.

For example, let’s say that sponsorship is provided to a school.

Employees of this educational institution, it turns out, are then obliged to post information about the subject who helped in accessible media channels, booklets, and talk about him at public events.

Subject of sponsorship

What kind of assistance, from the point of view of Russian legislation, can be recognized as sponsorship? Clause 9 of Article 3 of the Federal Law “On Advertising” states that this may be the provision of funds for the purpose of holding an event sporting nature, cultural or in other fields, creating a product for broadcast on TV, radio or other creative work.

Differences between sponsorship advertising and regular advertising

As we said above, sponsorship involves a subsequent reciprocal gesture on the part of the sponsored object in the form of assistance in posting information about who helped in the media and other channels. This type of action is classified by law as “sponsored advertising.” At the same time, according to a number of by-laws, it differs from the traditional commercial one.

Firstly, according to one of the FAS letters, advertising cannot be considered sponsorship if it involves the publication of information about the brand, trademark without reference to the funded event or project.

Secondly, if the person who helped with money controls the campaign to promote his name in the media, then, according to the FAS position, he still uses the commercial advertising channel. The criteria here may be different. For example, the fact that the newspaper where the advertisement about the sponsor is published belongs to him.

Thus, a message like “Buy the goods of OJSC “Fresh Pineapple” as part of a branded retail chain in the central areas of our city” is in the nature of commercial advertising. In turn, the phrase “We thank the company OJSC “Fresh Pineapple”, presented trading network in the central part of our city for assistance in organizing a sports rally for students in grades 9-11 of secondary schools" may well be classified as typical sponsorship advertising. The difference is quite noticeable.

Documentary support of sponsorship

Sponsorships usually have formal registration procedures. The relationship between the recipient of assistance and the financing entity falls under the rules set out in Chapter 39 Civil Code. That is, here we're talking about on the provision of services that have a sign of remuneration. An agreement is drawn up sponsorship. A sample of it may contain the following items.

1. The subject is determined: the sponsor finances the event (creation of a creative product), and the recipient of the assistance undertakes to post information about who helped through available mechanisms.

2. The terms of the agreement are indicated:

  • the content of information published about the sponsor, the method of its distribution (mass media, leaflets, oral announcement, etc.);
  • the place where the event will be held;
  • duration of the sponsorship advertising campaign;
  • type of assistance provided ( cash or property);

3. Information is noted that reflects the method of confirming the fact that the obligations of the parties have been fulfilled. Usually this is an acceptance certificate (supplemented by relevant documents - certificates, advertising banner layouts, etc.).

Taxation of sponsorship

Taxation of sponsorship is carried out in accordance with the norms of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation. In accordance with them (in particular, Article 1 of the Code), the subject of support must include VAT (regardless of whether it is cash or property). The rate is 18%. From the point of view of the Federal Tax Service, the object of sponsorship is the advertising distributor.

He receives compensation for his services from the sponsor, that is, the advertiser. And therefore is obliged to pay VAT for the services provided. In some cases, it is possible to offset the VAT accrued on sponsorship and a similar tax on expenses associated, for example, with interaction with contractors during an advertising campaign. This concerns aspects related to the object of the transfer of assistance.

Is sponsorship a benefit for business?

How are things going with taxes for the party that provides support? The most remarkable thing is that the provision of sponsorship can be considered an expense of the organization.

That is, the amounts of money transferred to the support object (or the cost equivalent for property) can be used to reduce tax base if, say, the sponsoring organization works according to the simplified tax system.

Your team is ready to invest time and maximum effort into preparing for the event, but you will still have to buy or order some part of the work and goods externally. For example, if you are organizing a charity race, you will need: registration of the start and finish, printing of race participants’ numbers, commemorative badges, prizes, and so on. Sponsors may provide you with services, goods, premises or funds.

How to look for sponsors if you have not yet become famous like the Gift of Life Foundation and have not gained a strong reputation?

    Start searching for sponsors in parallel with the development of the event. It is very good if you enlist the support of sponsors at the planning stage. It’s good if at this stage you have at least a preliminary agreement with them. At a minimum, you should have an idea of ​​specific sponsors who could support your project and have worked with you before.

    Try to immediately obtain consent, or better yet, official support from the local administration, support public organizations. “Administrative resource” is often the deciding factor for sponsors.

    Your potential sponsors are companies and organizations that may be interested in the target audience of your event. So start by defining your target audience. What social status most of the event participants? Their age? Their interests, habits, passions? What groups of goods and services do they use in everyday life? What about during the event? The clearer and more voluminous you are about your participants, the easier it will be for you to decide on sponsors.

    Don't stop searching if you have already found sponsors. The more you have, the better. There is always a chance that a sponsor will refuse to help you at the very last moment.

    If you are seeking business support, remember that companies link their charity programs With corporate strategy; highlight their priority areas of charitable activity, regions, target audiences. If your project does not align with corporate priorities, you are less likely to receive sponsorship. But it increases exponentially if your project is located at the intersection of several areas of interest of a potential sponsor!

    If you plan to contact a business: it is better to address requests for sponsorship directly to the divisions of companies that are responsible for charitable and social programs, public relations departments, press services.

    Contact local media with a request or offer to provide information support for the event. Contact advertising agencies who could plan for you advertising campaign, place advertisements, make booklets, invitations.

    Prepare a concise and clear presentation of your event and a media plan for sponsors. Describe the goals of your project and specific event. Tell us where you will use the funds you raise. If possible, show how you used the help of sponsors last time, who you helped, what exactly you did, how many people attended your events. Indicate why you are contacting this particular organization and what you would like to receive from it.

    Offer sponsors several different options support. They can vary in volume (gold/silver sponsor), type (general/official/information sponsor), additional options (invitation to the award ceremony at the city hall, memorial sign). Create “affiliate” packages.

    When contacting sponsors, write: “with your help we want to do...”, “we invite you to participate...”. As a rule, you should not shout “help...”.

Large companies receive dozens of requests every day for financial assistance or sponsorship, you need to stand out from this background. And for this it is important not only good idea events, but also a thorough design of the project and a memorable presentation. Elena Chernina, partner relations manager at D-Group.Social, advises sending the presentation to two or three addresses in the company at once. Then you need to call the company representatives to find out that they have viewed your presentation and establish feedback with them.

Depending on the scale of your event, the search for sponsors can take up to 6 months.

    Remember that sponsoring companies plan their budgets in advance, including charitable ones, so start negotiations early and try to get your event included in the corporate plan. If not for the next year, then at least for the next one.

    If a company decides to sponsor you, it will definitely check all possible information about you. This includes information about whether you have permits to hold the event from the local administration and how many participants/spectators are stated in these documents. Provide sponsors only with reliable information.

    The reputation and constant activity of your NPO is very important factors success in negotiations with sponsors.

    Whatever event you plan, view it as an opportunity to make and strengthen social connections. Remember that your sponsors will view it the same way.

Nobody canceled the status. It is important for the sponsor to know who will be among the expected participants and guests of your event.

  1. Be sure to invite your sponsors to take part in the event, and if possible, allocate seats for employees of sponsoring companies. This is also important for companies. Joint participation in events consolidates the team; in the future, employees interact better within the company.
  2. NPO transparency will be of paramount importance to maintain good relations with a sponsor. Support agreements with sponsors with written agreements and contracts.

    Thank the sponsors at your event, letting them know that without their help it might not have happened or it would have been very difficult to do.

    Send sponsors a report of the event with photos and videos. Prepare a second report for them telling them where the money you raised went, what was done, how many participants and who specifically you helped. Tell us everything in detail - it's yours general history. It is important for sponsors to know that their money is going towards the stated goals, and the employees of the sponsoring company with whom you communicated will also need to report on the work done.

    Don't forget to collect sponsor reviews in your turn! If you interact with authorities in your projects, make sure to receive a letter of gratitude, which states your joint and successful activities. These letters will help you in your future work.

If you can't attract a sponsor

    A separate question: what to do if, having already agreed with sponsors, you understand that you cannot ensure the success of the event? The reasons may vary. You are not sure that you will be able to coordinate the event with the authorities (if necessary). You doubt that you will get the required number of participants. You have been refused by status guests.

In short, what to do if you understand that the event will take place, but will not give the effect that you and your sponsors expected? Most likely, no one will demand your money back, although further relations with these sponsors may be damaged.

But your risks would be much higher if you went looking for sponsors after doing all the organizational work.

In case you are unable to gather sponsors for the event, you can still mobilize own strength and try to finish the job. Try to explain the situation to your employees and partners, and agree with them on lower pay for a while.

Finally, if it is obvious that you cannot cope on your own, the event will have to be canceled, and this will create a very serious reputational risk for you and your team.

Weigh everything and decide what is more important. But most importantly, remember that you are not starting all your events for the support of sponsors and partners. You do them for the sake of those who need it yours support.

The article uses photographs of the Great Council of Non-Profit Organizations of the Voronezh Region.

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Was born Maecenas between 74-64 BC in a wealthy aristocratic family from the privileged class of horsemen. He was proud of his Etruscan roots (his family came from the nobility of Arretium - present-day Arezzo, a city in Central Italy, by the way, which is the birthplace of Petrarch). Actually, he received the name Tsilnius from his mother, since this was customary among the Etruscans. A convinced monarchist, Gaius Cilnius early entered the inner circle of Octavian, the future Emperor Augustus. Believing him to be the closest to the ideal image of a ruler, he helped his accession to the throne, supported him in every possible way, showing talent and energy, helped solve problems: he made peace with Anthony, for example, calmed popular unrest, and prevented conspiracies.

When Augustus left Rome, he left in his place Patron of the arts(either alone or paired with Agrippa). In fact, occupying the position of second man in the state, being an adviser and confidant of the emperor, he never had any public office. At the same time, he did not curry favor with the monarch and did not hide his views, even if they differed or completely contradicted the latter’s intentions. It’s hard to believe, but it was... a matter of friendship, which turned out to be so strong and strong that it even made it possible for Gaius Tsilnius, without ceremony, to extinguish outbursts of august anger, to which the ruler was prone. For example, there is a curious historical evidence about how Maecenas prevented Augustus from signing death warrants. He stopped him with the words: “Surge tandem, carnifex!” (That's enough for you, butcher!). And even after he warned his wife’s brother, a participant in the conspiracy against the government, in a kindred manner, that the secret intent had been revealed, Guy Tsilniy Maecenas did not lose the emperor’s friendship, although he was removed from participation in government affairs. He had a luxurious palace on the Esquiline Hill, surrounded by equally luxurious gardens.

During excavations, many artistic treasures were found there, on Merulana Street and this The “Maecenas Hall” has been standing for some time now. There he indulged in pleasures, without hiding his epicurean passions for pleasure: this man was sincere everywhere and in everything. Having created a literary circle, Maecenas managed to establish a friendly atmosphere in it, which served as the basis for the friendship of the participants. According to their numerous testimonies, there was no excessive ambition, envy, or other base manifestations. In general, the union was amazing, rare for the world of art. But perhaps this patrician not only had a rare sense of talent, which was recognized by his contemporaries, but also perceived them only in combination with high spirituality?!

And how Guy Tsilniy Maecenas cared for his charges! He supported and protected them in every possible way. He helped Virgil in a lawsuit with one centurion, and worked for the return of the taken away estate. He gave his estate to Horace... By the way, about Virgil. He wrote his “Aeneid” for 10 years, without showing a single line even at the urgent request of Augustus, and all this time he was on state provision. Without participation Patron of the arts such a thing would be impossible. Here you can find charitable foundation

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