Dog breeds: Shorthaired Pointer. Kurzhaar or German pointer: description and character of the breed Kurzhaar sled sport dog

In European countries this is one of the most popular hunting breeds. However, a spotted and fit dog can be an excellent companion not only for a hunter.

For its versatility and special “giftedness,” many breeders call the shorthaired pointer a “jack of all trades.”

From history

The German Shorthaired Pointer was bred in Germany. The basis for the creation of the breed was the old German shorthaired pointers, whose ancestors were Spanish pointers and dogs of local origin.

Today, shorthaired pointers have become one of the most common breeds of pointers in the world. And this is not surprising: they are hardy, have a good sense of smell and the ability to track. In addition, shorthaired pointers have an innate poultry stance and a special “talent” for presenting game. In other words, a hunter – professional or amateur – cannot find a better companion.

You need to walk the shorthaired pointer at least three times a day for 30-45 minutes. But the dog should not follow you around - give him exercise, let him run off the leash.

- Very elegant breed dogs. In addition, German cops are excellent hunters. They are capable of rushing in search of game at the first call and being so persistent that they will not return to their owner without prey.

Shorthaired Pointers have a beautiful, clear stance. The dog quickly lifts the game onto its wing at the command of the hunter. In addition, the shorthaired pointer is excellent for family life. The German Cop loves children and does not show aggression. IN recent years This breed is also used as a sporting and sledding breed.

First of all, these dogs are universal. Shorthaired Pointers have well-developed muscles. They are active and love to run, swim, and play. But we should not forget about the direct purpose of these dogs – hunting.

In addition to games, the dog must learn commands from puppyhood. The dog must know its place in a small “pack” - a family, so it is better if it is trained by the owner, whom he will consider the “leader”.

Nature rewarded the shorthaired pointer perfect body for a hunting dog. Short wool, to which burdocks and dry branches do not cling. Paws with toes in which lumps of snow and dirt do not get stuck. A color that blends with the surrounding landscape so much that it becomes an excellent camouflage for a four-legged hunter... Well-developed limbs that allow the dog not to get tired when moving for a long time in water and in difficult forests...

If you constantly work with your dog and give it decent physical activity, it will always be fit and fast - both in the forest and on a walk.

Hunting or sofa?

Many argue that shorthaired pointers can be owned not only for hunting, but also for a rather relaxed lifestyle. This is a wrong opinion.

All shorthaired pointer ancestors are excellent hunters, so the passion to follow the trail is in their blood. If we, the owners, do not encourage it, very soon the breed will lose its uniqueness. Naturally, not many people engage in hunting. But it’s not worth getting a Shorthaired Pointer just for fun.

Taking care of Shorthaired Pointers is not difficult. A dog of this breed requires a separate place in the apartment, this can be bedding in the room, and a pantry in which you can arrange a corner for it.

You need to walk the shorthaired pointer at least three times a day for 30-45 minutes. But the dog should not follow you around - give him exercise, let him run off the leash. However, you shouldn’t overload your dog either – adequately assess its capabilities.

You need to wash your pet at least twice a month. An adult dog should be fed twice a day. Puppy up to one year - 2-3 times. Do not give to Kurtshaars fatty foods. The diet should include meat. If you choose dry food, it is enough to give it to your dog once a day. Don't forget about porridge with meat - it will help maintain necessary for a dog this breed weight. Hint: when proper nutrition And physical activity A healthy shorthaired pointer should have the last three ribs visible.

German pointers shed three times a year. During such periods, it is better to brush your pet with a brush while walking. Afterwards, you can wet a rubber glove in the bathroom and walk it through the dog’s hair.

Breeding problems

Many hunters are faced with this problem due to the fact that the dogs do not have a working diploma or conformation assessment; many animals were bred by mixing related blood, which is unacceptable, because as a result, the puppies were born weak and sick. When these individuals grew up, they had great difficulty learning hunting commands and did not represent their breed well at hunting shows.

One more, no less important issue The problem that hinders the breeding of dogs of this breed is that shorthaired pointers often die while hunting or get lost while following the trail of a large animal. Therefore, the owner needs to be very attentive and prudent, devoting a lot of time to training the pet.

Shorthaired Pointer in the show ring

In addition to a working diploma, the shorthaired pointer needs to take part in exterior exhibitions. To do this he needs to have correct bite and body structure that meets the standard.

In addition, the dog must run correctly, react calmly to dental examinations, and stand for a long time. It is impossible for an animal to show aggression towards strangers and strange dogs. In other words, general requirements requirements for shorthaired pointers at exhibitions do not differ from those followed by dogs of other breeds. Since such preparation is only possible with long-term training, training should begin as early as puppyhood.

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The name "Kurtshaar" is formed by merging the words "kurz" - short and "haar" - wool. In the USA the breed is called the German Shorthaired Pointer, in Russia – the German Shorthaired Pointer.

The first cops appeared in the Mediterranean several thousand years ago. From France, Italy and Spain they gradually spread throughout Europe. In those days they were used for hunting with nets and falcons.

The innate tendency to stand and sneak up carefully, without spooking the prey before the hunter approaches and commands, has always been highly valued. But with the advent of firearms, when success began to depend on the right shot, this feature became a necessity.

In many European countries, enthusiasts began to develop their own national breed gun dogs. Due to differences in hunting conditions, there was a natural division into island (Ireland, Scotland, England) and continental pointers.

Unlike island ones, continental pointers are considered generalists. And Kurzhaar is one of the best representatives of the group. According to the generally accepted description of the Kurzhaar breed, their ancestors came to Germany from Flanders.

A typical show-bred male in excellent physical shape.

Crossings with local Hanoverian hounds, and later with the Spanish Perdigero Burgos, led to the development of the Württemberg pointer. The shorthaired pointer is her descendant, after being “ennobled” with the blood of a pointer.

The Germans, with their usual thoroughness, did their best - the Kurts quickly won the respect of hunters around the world. The breed is also known in Russia, although our population cannot be called numerous.


Kurzhaar's appearance is not just a standard for the sake of maintaining a pretty appearance. This is a dog with working tests, that is, to be allowed to breed, it is not enough to go to an exhibition.

Each Shorthaired Dog from the breed description must meet certain requirements, since an incorrectly built dog is physically unable to fully reveal the breed's inclinations.

Kurtz should not be as thin as a greyhound, but being overweight is also unacceptable. The chest is quite deep, the back is almost straight, strong long legs are set straight.

The stomach is tucked up, but not to the “wasp” waist. The tail is set high and is docked halfway in countries where this is still permitted. Height: males 62 – 66, females 58 – 63 cm.

The head in the description is dry, the muzzle is wide and long, the jaws are powerful and strong. The wide ears are set high and hang close to the head. Dark brown eyes of medium size, not deep set and not protruding. The skin fits tightly without forming dewlap.

Natural stance of a show-class shorthaired pointer male (pictured - Essoo vom Ogdenberg, 2014).

More than 30 points of the standard describe the shortcomings and defects of Kurzhaar's appearance. Plus working qualities and health, which are also inherited. The choice of a puppy of this breed must be approached extremely responsibly!

The short, thick coat lies tightly all over the body and feels hard and rough to the touch.

Acceptable colors

  • brown solid;
  • brown with specks or small markings white on the paws and chest;
  • dark roan (an even mixture of white and dark brown hairs) with a brown head and specks or spots of white;
  • light roan (brown is lighter, the number of white hairs predominates) with a brown head and brown spots, without spots or with speckles.
  • black base with markings like roan and brown dogs;
  • white with speckles or spots, with brown markings on the head.

Quite rare white color(female with a 4 month old puppy).

Character and family life

Reviews from owners unanimously say that most Kurzhaars have a gentle and sociable character. Besides strong attachment to the owner, they are kind to all family members. Understanding one’s own importance is extremely important - the Kurt should feel needed, loved and a full-fledged member of a friendly pack.

Adult, well-mannered dogs are very patient, even very small and sloppy ones. And schoolchildren - best friends for endless noisy games!

The attitude towards fellow tribesmen is equal if the period of socialization was not spent on the couch. Of course, fights between dogs take place, just like in any other breed. But with cats you need to be on guard, even if it is a domestic animal to which the dog has become accustomed since childhood.

A strong hunting instinct can kick in at any moment. If the cat does not have a reliable shelter at a height, things can end in disaster. Owners of Kurzhaars recommend building shelves-steps leading to the ceiling for the cat - there the cat will sit until the owner arrives and “smarts” the bully.

Without work and activity, he will be bored and throw out excess energy on his household.

Birds, rabbits and other small things are fair game. When they are young, some chickens exhaust themselves trying to get to the cage, and then to its occupant! Therefore, it is better to give up the idea of ​​keeping smallmouths and cops together. Or put the cage in a place where the dog has no access if people are not present.

Wariness towards strangers rarely reaches the point of open aggression - more often, Kurts bark loudly and terribly at the “alien”, holding them in place until the owner’s command.

But in critical situation They will very effectively stand up for themselves and for any member of “their pack.” Moreover, bitches are no less decisive, although, as often happens, they are more manageable.

It is not recommended to develop guard and defensive instincts in German cops. By nature this is not their task! The resulting “distortion” can lead to unpredictable consequences for the psyche.

Education and training

Training a shorthaired pointer is a real pleasure! High intelligence, passion for work and people-oriented behavior quickly lead to success, which pleases both the owner and the dog.

First of all, it is necessary to establish close contact and earn the trust of an initially open, but prone to withdrawn dog. The behavior “I can’t hear anything, I can’t do it – for the life of me” can start after a single puncture. For example, unnecessarily strict punishment or tedious drills.

This does not mean that hooliganism should be forgiven. On the contrary, the kurt must clearly understand his position in the hierarchy of the pack. The punishment should just be verbal, intonation. For a dog with high intelligence, who naturally wants to do everything right, this is enough.

Mechanical impact is permissible in extreme cases. For example, pin down a male dog who has decided to “test the waters” with his teeth for a vacancy in the position of leader.

Sincere love for classes on the part of the owner, according to reviews from the owners, is a huge help! German cops perfectly sense the mood of their owner, to whom, surprisingly for a hunting dog, they are really closely attached.

They can master a regular training course, it just takes a little more time and persistence. The best proof of this is the video of the shorthaired pointer practicing commands:

The main thing in describing the character of the Kurzhaar breed is activity, and the puppies are literally overflowing with energy. There is no point in starting training without allowing your pet to spend part of the “charge”. Loads increase with age, always gradually, giving time for the development of the muscle corset, ligaments, and respiratory system.

Training should be done by a professional who is familiar with the characteristics of continental pointers. Experience with other hunting dogs is not enough to understand the behavioral nuances of the multi-skilled Shorthaired Pointer.

For example, a dog chews a bird. Let's punish! But he is not to blame, because there are many beast dogs in the pedigree. This is corrected gently, if at all (you can’t crush genes with your finger). Or the kurt works from the bottom - we will punish you! And for what? After all, for the continental this is not just normal, but desirable. Here it is not necessary to punish, but at the same time to develop the upper sense.

Legion breeders who prefer only island breeds (English Pointer, Setters - English, Irish, Irish Red and White, Scottish) can spoil the Shorthaired Pointer in a couple of sessions so that not every pro will correct the consequences of such training.

Hunting with shorthaired pointer

Watching an experienced cop work his pen is simply a fairy tale! Sensing game, the dog carefully sneaks in its direction, bending its head low, stretched out like a string. Freezes in the stance - not a single muscle betrays the dog, sometimes it seems that he even stops breathing!

The long-awaited command, a lightning-fast jerk - the bird was scared away by the shot. The dog lies down (hence the name cop) and waits for a shot. On command, he rushes to the killed carcass to bring the prey to the owner, who is proud of the excellent work of the dog.

But the peculiarity of the Shorthaired Pointer breed is that it is not just a pointer, but a station wagon. It works in any conditions, from open fields to swamps and open water. Excitement will not allow you to stop in front of dense thickets, although short hair does not protect well from thorns and sedges. The dog will rush into the icy water after the duck - a neoprene jumpsuit will help out.

Searching for wounded animals by blood trail, hunting hares and foxes. Hunting for wild boar and elk! A shorthaired pointer can do anything if there are many truly versatile and/or beastly dogs in its pedigree, and the training is done by a professional.

The famous stand of the shorthaired pointer (photo from a real hunt).

However, in countries former USSR Kurts are often used only for poultry. Most hunters are convinced that versatility is main drawback Kurtshaara. And it’s not always wise to let him near a cleaver, rather than an enclosure gilt. Still, they are far from the dexterity and malice of huskies.

The cost of a big game license plays a role, plus climate and hunting conditions. It just so happens that for many the main prey is poultry, and ungulates are eaten only a couple of times a season. Then there really is no point in developing other abilities besides the main focus of the cops. A couple of times a year you can take the huntsman’s dogs to hunt wild boar or elk.

We invite you to watch a video of training two shorthaired pointer puppies. Here the owner competently plays them on the front of the game, developing interest in the prey.

Multi-purpose chickens are more often purchased in Germany, Austria and other European countries. You can also buy a puppy with excellent all-rounder potential from us, but you will have to search for a long time and run a lot through forests and fields, assessing the abilities of the parents of the litter.

But if you just need a pointer, according to the bird, just look at the diplomas of the ancestors of the litter - not only the parents, but also all the available records. With good genetic material, Shorthaired Pointers happily, practically without any special training, learn to work with a stance, use their upper senses and flush out game.

We recommend that you completely trust your dog during your first trips. There is no need to direct her in a specific direction or scold her for mistakes. This is an intellectual, not a servant-performer, and this is not a disadvantage of the breed, but a big plus! After the first successes and praise, he himself will learn to avoid mistakes, and most importantly, he will learn to work without prompting, which is mandatory for a cop.

Kurzhaars have a very strong instinct. Sometimes owners, especially experienced and confident hunters, take it for a flaw correct behavior the dog, thereby confusing it and confusing it.

Is it possible to have a shorthaired pointer for those who do not hunt?

This breed is created for hunting. And not just once a year, but constant – real work for one of the best gun dogs. It is hunting that makes it possible to fully reveal the inclinations of the breed; only on the hunt is the Kurtz truly happy.

But with his appearance and good-natured character, Kurzhaar wins thousands of hearts around the world. And among them there are many opponents of hunting. The most reasonable option is to try to switch, find something else, travel to exhibitions, take part in the race for a mechanical hare.

If the desire to buy a Shorthaired Pointer puppy is irresistible, you need to be prepared for certain difficulties that a city dweller may call disadvantages. The hunting instinct will not go away - city cats and pigeons will not be happy with such a neighborhood. The need for exercise will also not disappear just because the dog is not used for its intended purpose.

It is possible to keep a chicken as a companion; there are many successful examples. But you need to have free time every day (running for three hours is nothing for adult dog, not even out of breath). And also a great desire to engage with your pet. Search and rescue, agility, Frisbee, freestyle, joint hikes, skiing or cycling - there are many options.

Just walking in the yard won't work. An attempt to put Kurzhaar on the sofa will end in the destruction of the apartment, aggression and stress from boredom. This breed is designed to work. And if you don’t want to hunt, then you need to find an alternative that is also pleasant for the owner, because we are talking about at least a decade!

Content nuances

In general, caring for the Shorthaired Pointer is simple, adjusted for its impressive size. The German cop needs personal space - a place where he can rest peacefully. It is important to avoid drafts, as wool holds almost no heat.

Seasonal molting is quite pronounced. Small hairs get stuck in furniture upholstery and clothing, where they are difficult to get out. Therefore, a shedding chicken needs to be brushed daily - do not be fooled by the modest length of the coat.

It is important that feeding is balanced on all points. Mistakes during the rearing period cannot be corrected later, and the dog is large - weak muscles or bones will certainly lead to health problems.

Only on a leash. If Kurzhaar suddenly runs after the cat, it will be very difficult to stop him. Although properly trained ones do not lose contact with the owner even in the heat of the chase! But achieving such obedience is difficult, and there are too many dangers in the city.

In winter and in the rain, a German shorthaired pointer or blanket. This is especially true for training in the cold. When moving, the kurt does not freeze for a long time, but when he starts to walk, he can quickly become hypothermic.


Genetically healthy Shorthaired Pointers remain active up to old age, which occurs after 12 years. This is a strong, hardy breed, real hard workers. The list of hereditary diseases is typical for most large breeds– dysplasia, eye diseases, hemophilia, epilepsy, hypothyroidism.

Nothing specific just for Kurts. But this does not mean that you can buy a puppy based on the first advertisement. You need to approach the choice of a nursery with all responsibility and look at the results of genetic tests. Fortunately, there are few amateurs in the breed - enthusiasts are more often involved in copping, and not breeders greedy for easy money.

The German Shorthaired Pointer, or German Shorthaired Pointer (Deutsch kurzhaar), is a breed of active pointing dog that was bred on the basis of the old German Shorthaired Pointer. The closest relatives of the shorthaired pointer are the Langhaar and Drathaar breeds.

History of the origin of the breed

Despite the fact that Germany is considered to be the homeland of the Shorthaired Pointer, the true history of the origin of this breed is currently unknown. According to some scientists, shorthaired pointers come from very ancient and little-known hunting breeds kept by noble people in Austria and Germany. However, it is absolutely certain that breed standards were established in Germany around the middle of the nineteenth century.

The history of the German Shorthaired Pointer dates back to dogs used in bird net hunting in the Mediterranean countries, as well as in falconry. Somewhat later, pointers appeared in France, Spain and Flanders, where the ability of such dogs to work in a standing position was highly valued.

This is interesting! Nowadays, the short-haired German pointer is undergoing a process of improving breed characteristics and testing, and the standards provide for the presence of a shorthaired pointer's physique, which allows the animal to fulfill all hunting requirements.

The appearance of the very first double-barreled weapon required a change in some of the rules for the use of hunting dogs, so there was a transition from pure pointers to universal gun dogs. A serious basis for the development and establishment of such a breed is the appearance of the “Stud Book of the German Shorthaired Pointer”, which made it possible to bring together breed characteristics, evaluation rules and tests of a hunting dog.

Appearance, description

A versatile hunting breed, it is characterized as a noble and harmoniously built dog. The physique features make such a pet strong, resilient and fast.. For a pedigree animal, the defining characteristics are the presence correct posture and smooth contour lines, as well as a dry head and tail with good carriage.

The nobility of origin is emphasized by the harmonious movements of the animal. Average weight an adult male can reach 31-32 kg, and females are always somewhat smaller. The height of a male at the withers is 65-66 cm, and that of a female is approximately 62-63 cm.

Breed standards

The cynological world presents three official breed standards for the German shorthaired pointer, which determine the qualities of a dog. Basic general characteristics standard:

  • an elongated head, proportional to the body, having a wide skull and a slightly convex forehead;
  • the muzzle is quite strong, having powerful jaws, capable of not only capturing game, but also bringing it to their owner;
  • The dog's dentition is complete, with teeth tightly adjacent to each other;
  • the nose is slightly drooping or upturned, with a slight hump, with a large and brown lobe, with wide and well-open, mobile nostrils;
  • with a light yellow or brown iris of medium-sized eyes, with a very expressive look, with dense and neat eyelids;
  • the ears are distinguished by their high position, always drooping;
  • the neck is long and proportionate, with well-defined muscles;
  • the body is square in shape, powerful, with respectable proportions, toned belly, deep chest, straight back and wide lower back;
  • the limbs are strong and quite strong, having very good and developed muscles;
  • the front legs are characterized by obliquely set shoulder blades, lying flat to the body;
  • the hind limbs are distinguished by their parallel arrangement to each other, with wide hips and developed lean muscles;
  • The tail is of medium size, thick at the base and thinning at the end. The traditional practice is to dock a third or half of the tail.

Shorthaired Pointers have skin that fits tightly to the body without wrinkles or folds. The coat is dense, hard and rough, bristly to the touch. The hair on the head is softer and shorter. The main varieties are brown piebald, all brown, white with brownish head spots, sandy yellow, black and light brown speckled with a brownish head.

Character of the shorthaired pointer

By their nature, Shorthaired Pointers are not only excellent hunters, but also loving, full-fledged members of the family. German pointers are intelligent and friendly dogs that strive to please their owner.

This is interesting! Friendly pet is able to get along well with older children, and also has excellent watchdog and protective qualities.

It should be noted that representatives of this breed are characterized by a tendency towards leadership or dominance, therefore, with an owner without experience in keeping cops, shorthaired pointers often get out of control and become almost unmanageable. Thanks to their innate intelligence and intelligence, German cops need constant mental stress and physical work.


Shorthaired pointers live quite a long time by dog ​​standards and do not have any special problems with immunity or health. Average duration The lifespan of a shorthaired pointer dog is thirteen years.

Keeping a German Shorthaired Pointer

The Shorthaired Pointer breed is also well known to many breeders under the names Shorthaired Pointer, German Bark and German Pointer. The breed is unpretentious in everyday life and is perfect for keeping in apartment conditions. Aviary keeping is also allowed, but in this case you will need to equip your pet with a well-heated kennel.

Care and hygiene

German breeders managed to develop a breed that requires minimal care. When kept at home hunting dog requires weekly brushing of the coat, which will help minimize the amount of hair falling out and promote natural renewal of the coat. During seasonal shedding, it is recommended to brush your pet daily. Frequent bathing can harm the health of the shorthaired pointer, so if necessary, it is enough to wipe the coat with a damp soft cloth.

The drooping ears of the German Shorthaired Pointer require regular inspections, and, as necessary, they are cleaned of accumulations of dirt and wax, which serves as a preventive measure for severe ear diseases. Hygiene oral cavity is also very important, therefore early age The puppy should be taught to brush its teeth or use special treats and toys for this purpose. Discharge from the eyes is carefully removed with a damp gauze cloth.

What to feed the shorthaired pointer

Feeding an adult shorthaired pointer has some peculiarities, but during the first month of life, the pet should eat exclusively mother's milk. From the third month, the amount of milk decreases, and solid foods, represented by offal and minced meat, as well as porridges cooked in meat broth.

Barley and potatoes are not used in animal nutrition. The diet should be balanced and varied, containing sufficient amounts of proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals, as well as fiber.

For the first five months, you need to feed your shorthaired pointer puppy five times a day, gradually reducing the number of feedings to twice a day. Sweets and sweets should be completely excluded from the diet of a puppy and an adult dog. flour products, spicy, fried and smoked food, as well as any tubular bones. The diet of an adult German pointer can be represented natural products and ready-made foods that are intended for energetic and active dogs.

This is interesting! With the onset of the autumn-winter period, the diet of the shorthaired pointer when kept on the streets needs to be made more nutritious and fortified, containing vegetable or butter, offal and beef tripe, vitamin and mineral complexes.

At natural feeding about 50% daily diet consists of boiled or raw lean meat, including chicken, beef and pork, rabbit and offal. Fresh and boiled vegetables should be included in your daily menu.

It is necessary to exclude from the diet products represented by radishes and radishes, onions and garlic, pasta and peas. Once a week the pet should be given fermented milk products, sea fillet or river fish, fish oil, as well as chicken or quail eggs.

Diseases and breed defects

  • weeping eczema;
  • hypothyroidism;
  • otitis;
  • granuloma;
  • epilepsy;
  • von Willebrand disease;
  • melanoma;
  • entropion;
  • cataracts;
  • bloating;
  • intestinal disorder;

Important! Breed deficiencies and disqualifying characteristics of the Shorthaired Pointer include any type of manifestation of weakness in the behavioral qualities of the breed, as well as noticeable deviations from established standards.

If the rules of maintenance and care are followed, even in adulthood shorthaired pointers remain active and fully functional.

Education and training

The priority of the owner of such a serious breed as the Shorthaired Pointer should be proper education and competent training. The qualities inherent in nature must be developed, so it is advisable to start raising and training from an early age. In order to correctly determine the method of training and education, it is necessary to take into account the temperament and character traits of your pet. As a rule, fairly strict methods are chosen for shorthaired pointer, which is due to the very strong nervous system animal and resistance to various stimuli.

In the process of education they develop positive qualities and negative character traits are excluded. However, training a German Shorthaired Pointer will not bring the expected results if the acquired puppy has a weak and cowardly disposition, is very afraid of loneliness, or prefers to curry favor with other dogs. According to dog handlers, a German pointer puppy should undergo not only home training, but also field training. By the age of six months, a pet of this breed, with proper upbringing, already responds to its nickname, and is also capable of performing some tasks. basic commands, including “sit,” “give me a paw,” “lie down,” and “place.”

Breed standard

German Shorthaired Pointer - Shorthaired Pointer

General view and type of constitution

The German Shorthaired Pointer is a high-fronted, proportionally built, energetic dog with beautiful firm build, strong but not coarse bones, well-developed elongated muscles and loose light movements. Constitution type - strong dry.

Type of behavior

German Shorthaired Pointing Dog – definitely balanced type nervous activity. Malice and cowardice are vices.


Height at the withers for males is 62-66 cm, for females 58-64 cm. Extension index is 101-103 for males, 102-105 for females. The extreme limits of the standard are in themselves undesirable. 2 cm above the standard with full proportionality is a disadvantage. More than 2 cm or less than the lower limit is a defect.


Coffee piebald, coffee with specks, coffee with graying, solid coffee. Darker shades of coffee color are preferred. The head is usually all coffee.

Flaws: white color with sparse specks and small spots.

Vices: solid white color, any admixtures of black or yellow (sand!) color, as well as the presence of tan marks.


The coat is short, shiny, straight, harsh and dense. The length of the coat on the body and neck is 1.5-2 cm. On the ears and head the coat is shorter (up to 1 cm) and softer. The hair on the legs is shorter and coarser than on the body.

Flaws: soft coat, shorter or longer than normal.

Vices: wavy hair

Skin, muscles, bones

The bones and muscles are well developed. The skin is moderately thick, dense, elastic, without folds. The muscles are strong and elastic.

Flaws: insufficient development of bones and muscles, individual folds of skin.

Vices: weak bones and muscles, rough, thick skin in folds.


Dry, not heavy, somewhat elongated, proportional to the body. When viewed from above and from the side, it is strictly wedge-shaped, but not pointed. The skull is not wide, slightly convex. The occipital protuberance is not very pronounced. The brow ridges are distinct, but not strongly developed. The transition from forehead to muzzle is smooth. The muzzle is elongated, not wide, dry, slightly tapering towards the nose; in bitches it is more pointed, but still not sharp. Muzzle with a hump. A straight muzzle is allowed, but not desirable. The length of the muzzle is 1-1.5 cm shorter than the length of the skull. The lips are not heavy, lying close to the jaws. Sawed-off shotgun upper lip smoothly slanted, the upper lip slightly covers the lower. The lips form a small fold at the corners of the mouth. The nose is wide, the color of the main color, with well-developed and mobile nostrils.

Flaws: unsmooth transition from forehead to muzzle. Overly developed brow ridges, wide skull, pronounced occipital protuberance, thick lips, rectangular cut of the upper lip, slight cheekbones.

Vices: rough head, drooping muzzle. upturned muzzle, smooth transition from muzzle to skull, sharp muzzle, very sharp (rectangular) transition from forehead to muzzle, bifurcated nose, strong cheekbones.

Hanging, somewhat high set. Being tightly packed towards lower jaw, should reach the corner of the lips. Wide at the base, tapering and bluntly rounded at the ends, moderately thick. The anterior edges of the ears calm state fit tightly to the cheeks.

Flaws: ears on cartilage, low set, pulled back.

Vices: very short, tube ears.


Expressive, medium size, set askew. Eyelid, tight-fitting, with an oval cut. Not sunken or rolling out. Eye color is dark brown and hazel. Young dogs are allowed light brown eye color.

Flaws: in adult dogs - light brown color, round eyes.

Vices: yellow eyes, green eyes, excessively bulging or sunken eyes, straight-set eyes.

Teeth and bite

The teeth are white, strong, well developed, tightly fitting one to the other. Scissor bite.

Moderate length, muscular, dry, set at an angle of 40° in relation to the body. The upper part is slightly curved. Approximately equal in length to the head. The neck expands from the head to the shoulders. IN cross section- oval.

Flaws: shortish neck, dewlap.

Vices: flat neck, rough, thick, damp neck, very short neck.


Deep, reaching to the elbows, moderately wide, oval in cross-section. The ribs are quite arched. The false ribs are well developed and form a smooth transition from the chest to the abdomen in adult dogs.

Flaws:excessively round (barrel) ribs; insufficiently developed false ribs, insufficiently drooping chest.

Vices: small, narrow, flat chest.


Well defined, protruding above the line of the back.


Straight, strong, wide, muscular, smoothly blending into the lower back.

Flaws: underdeveloped back muscles, narrow back, soft back, slightly hunched.

Vices: sagging or hunched back.

Small of the back

Slightly convex, short, muscular, wide, blending smoothly into the croup.

Flaws: long, straight, slightly hunched.

Vices: sagging, hunchbacked.


Wide, slightly sloping, long, muscular, wider in females than in males.


Moderately tucked, the belly line runs slightly below the groin.

Flaw or a defect, depending on the severity - a sharp tuck in the abdomen.


Dry, bony and muscular. When viewed from the front, they are straight and parallel. The shoulder blades are long, obliquely set, covered with strong muscles. The angle of the glenohumeral joint is about 100°. Elbows point straight back. The forearms are dry, strong, oval in cross-section. Pasterns with a slight forward bend.

Flaws: slightly curved forearms; straight shoulders, slightly turned elbows, straight or excessively sloping pasterns; size, clubfoot.


Hind limbs

Dry, muscular, with well-developed bones, slightly set back. When viewed from the front, they are straight and parallel. When viewed from the side, it has well-defined articulation angles. The thighs are long and muscular. The shins are long. The hock joints are strong, dry, and clearly defined. Metatarsus about half the length of the tibia, dry, vertically set.

Flaws: the angles of the limbs are not well defined (straight), short shins, close or inverted angles of the hock joints; sabering.

Vices: the same deviations from the norm, but expressed to a sharp degree.


Oval, arched, with tightly clenched fingers, claws lightly touch the ground.

Flaws: flat or splayed paws.


Thick at the base, docked (1/2 to 2/3 of the tail is left). When the dog is excited, the tail is held horizontally or slightly above the line of the back.

Flaws: undocked tail, somewhat elongated tail coat, low-set tail.

Vices: curved up; very low set tail. Suspension on the tail.

Kurzhaar is an all-round athlete. After all, you rarely see a retriever do a stand or a pointer know how to swim, but the shorthaired pointer can do any job, demonstrating energy and grace.

Guard qualities
Protective qualities
Attitude towards children

He knows how to hunt birds, fur-bearing animal, even on a deer - and that's not all.

The Shorthaired Pointer is suitable for any service. The shorthaired pointer was created as a pointer and a retriever at the same time. He will bring any floating item. He has a waterproof suit for this kind of work. The wool is almost like duck feathers. But he is also required to have an elegant stance.

The breed initially has the ability to stand still with almost no training. A dog with an exemplary stance should not move at all.

When the Shorthaired Pointer immigrated to America, he was not immediately accepted. The Americans thought that he was too slow and that hounds were much better, and that special dogs were used more in America.

In America, they prefer a rich brown color or a combination of brown and white. In Germany, black or black and white are allowed. If you want a dog of this breed, here is a list of the advantages of the shorthaired pointer or the German smooth-haired pointer:

Kurzhaar is always energetic. He's like a groovy guy. But be careful, he might eat your sofa. Being loyal and obedient, the shorthaired pointer may be too fussy for your children. The shorthaired pointer has good guard qualities. He is not a biter, but he will definitely bark.

High energy and versatility make the Shorthaired Pointer special among all breeds.

These dogs can do anything. They can pull sleds, they are followed, taken on hunts, and used as a gunner. Pointers, from which the shorthaired pointer originated, have been known since the time ancient egypt. The shorthaired pointer was bred in the 19th century. They were bred as a universal game hunter. It must be understood that such versatility was achieved through great selection work. To breed shorthaired pointer, a lot of different breeds. Presumably, the shorthaired pointer was based on Spanish and English pointers, Dalmatians, Weimar pointers, German hunting hounds and German Vizslas. Crossing was carried out not on the basis of exterior, but on working characteristics.

Shorthaired pointers can vary in color, as well as in abilities. If you are not sure what color your pet is, then look at the nose - it should tell you what color it is. Dark chestnuts have a brown nose, blacks have the same black nose.

The name “pointer” is translated as suggestive (the second name of the shorthaired pointer is the German smooth-haired pointer).

When standing, the shorthaired pointer lowers its head low, glares at the victim, raises its paw, straightens its tail and becomes like an arrow. All Shorthaired Pointers instinctively take this stance. You can see how 2 one month old puppy The shorthaired pointer, having found a feather, will chase it, stop and take a stand. Bred to hunt waterfowl, shorthaired pointers have a short, water-repellent coat that allows them to maintain body temperature. They have webbed toes, which is good for swimming. The paws themselves are collected in a compact spoon, which prevents them from clogging. And the claws, strong as nails, make the dog all-terrain. Kurtshaars are subject to the earth, water and air elements.

Caring for the Shorthaired Pointer

Shorthaired Pointers are suitable for any climate, but they need good loads and room to move. They love to be in company, but need supervision when interacting with children.

Their water-repellent coat is also dirt-resistant. This breed requires minimal grooming. From time to time they need to be combed, otherwise the shorthaired pointer will lose its stance and obedience.

Appearances can be deceiving; their fur sheds heavily. Since it is short it is not so easy to clean.

The shorthaired pointer makes a wonderful pet because it loves to be in the company of people.

Kurzhaar is not very suitable for families with small children. Being very mobile, they can inadvertently knock a child down.

Unlike other sporting dog breeds, the shorthaired pointer rarely suffers from hip dysplasia and joint diseases.

The shorthaired pointer is one of the super breeds. They are designed for canine sports. These unique athletes are able to run, run and run. The Shorthaired Pointer is made for jumping. They are very slender, which allows them to minimize the stress on their joints. All their strength comes from hind legs, allowing you to jump up.