Unstable hind legs in a puppy. Weak hind legs in a dog - what to do

Weakness of the dog's hind legs. Why? What to do?

To us, in veterinary clinic“Vitus”, dog owners quite often come to complain about weakness of the hind limbs of their pets. Different people describe the signs of the disease in different ways: a wobbling gait, the dog drags its paws, paralysis of the hind legs, lameness, hunched back, etc.

There is no single cause for the problems described. Therefore, qualified diagnosis is very important for effective treatment. In this case, you cannot do without a visit to the doctor.

In this article we will try to give general information By possible reasons weaknesses of the hind limbs in dogs, and also briefly indicate general principles diagnostics and treatment of relevant diseases.

There is a breed and age predisposition to certain pathologies. So, Pekingese, Dachshunds, French and english bulldogs, poodles and pugs are prone to displacement and fracture intervertebral discs(discopathy, disc herniation). This pathology poses a serious danger to life and can even lead to the death of the dog. When a disc slips, it compresses the spinal cord. Outwardly, this is manifested by repeated attacks of severe pain: the dog freezes in one position (usually with with an outstretched neck and hunched back), occurs severe trembling, shortness of breath, hind legs weaken, weaken. With less pronounced compression spinal cord clinically, only weakness of the hind limbs is observed - the dog seems to be dragging them, tries to shift the body weight mainly on the front legs, cannot jump onto the sofa (chair, armchair), cannot bend over to the bowl or to the floor. If discopathy is suspected, it is necessary to immediately conduct a qualified diagnosis and take effective measures up to surgical intervention, since compression of the spinal cord can quickly lead to irreversible changes when any treatment is ineffective.

Dogs of large and giant breeds (St. Bernard, Great Dane, Rottweiler, Newfoundland, Labrador, etc.), as well as German shepherds aged 4-12 months, are predisposed to diseases of the hip joints. The occurrence of these diseases is influenced by many factors, in particular, an unbalanced diet, overweight puppy, slipping of paws on the floor, heredity, etc. When the hip joints are affected, most often signs of limb weakness appear after rest (in the morning, when getting up) and decrease during physical activity. In addition, damage to the hip joints is rarely symmetrical, and the dog initially “falls” on only one leg. You can read more about the pathology of the hip joints in our article “Dysplasia...”.

Middle-aged dogs may suffer from muscle inflammation, myositis, the day after unusually heavy physical activity. One of the manifestations of myositis is weakness of the hind limbs, “stilted gait.” Treatment of myositis is not a serious problem. However, only a veterinarian can distinguish myositis from spinal cord damage.

In older dogs, hind limb weakness may be central in origin, i.e. associated with brain dysfunction. According to our observations, most often there are various vascular problems, less often - volumetric processes (brain tumors). In this case, competent treatment can significantly improve the dog’s condition and significantly prolong its life.

Kidney disease in dogs CANNOT cause weakness of the hind legs and hunched position of the body, unless we are talking about an extreme degree of exhaustion and autointoxication (however, in this case, the weakness extends to all muscles).

A common mistake that owners make is to independently “treat” their dog with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (aspirin, indomethacin, diclofenac, etc.). Clinical improvements with the use of these medications are exclusively temporary and mask the manifestations of the underlying disease. In addition, medical anti-inflammatory drugs have serious side effects, including ulceration of the stomach wall and gastric bleeding.
Kuznetsov V.S.

Problems of skeletal formation
when raising puppies large breeds dogs.
1. Introduction.
2. Main problems:
1) VKG;
2) Fractures;
3) Hip dysplasia;
4) Valgus deformity;
5) Osteochondrosis.
3. Conclusions.
Any dog, regardless of breed, needs strong, properly developed bones, reliable and functional joints. However, for large, heavy animals this is especially important. Various pathologies skeletal development in a dog can not only be a disqualifying sign, but also cause pain and suffering in the animal. At the same time, many factors influencing the occurrence of skeletal diseases in puppies can be “reduced to zero” by knowing the causes of these diseases.
Main problems.
Certain problems associated with the development of bones and joints in puppies of large breed dogs occur in clinical practice especially often. These include: secondary nutritional hyperparathyroidism (erroneously called rickets), traumatic and pathological fractures, hip dysplasia (both congenital, genetically inherited and acquired), hind limb valgus and osteochondrosis.
Secondary feeding hyperparathyroidism (SCH).
First, a few words about rickets. Rickets is a disease of growing animals, manifested by impaired growth and bone development due to a lack of vitamin D in the diet.

Traditionally in Russia, rickets is the name given to any local thickening or curvature of bones in puppies. It has been scientifically proven that true rickets (vitamin D deficiency) is extremely rare in dogs and is difficult to simulate even in experiments.

Unlike rickets, secondary feeding hyperparathyroidism (SCH) occurs very often in puppies, and it is its manifestations that are usually called rickets.

The cause of ICH is insufficient intake of calcium into the body, often aggravated by excess calories in the diet. This situation occurs when the puppy is fed meat, fish, porridge without the addition of calcium-containing preparations. All types of meat (including offal), as well as grains, contain very little.

Therefore, rations homemade based on meat components must be supplemented mineral salts containing a significant percentage of calcium (more than 8%), but the amount of the mineral mixture should remain within reasonable limits. Provide the necessary balance and required quantity Ca and P, at home it is more difficult, because It is almost impossible to control the true amount of these substances in the original products. Puppies of large dog breeds (Great Danes, Newfoundlands, St. Bernards, Rottweilers, etc.) are especially susceptible to the disease.

The best conditions for skeletal development are created by using ready-made balanced (dry or canned) food for puppies, which takes into account the characteristics of the stages of growth and development of babies, for example, Pedigree for puppies up to 12 months; Advance Puppy Rehydratable, for puppies of toy, small and medium breed dogs aged from 4 weeks to 6 months, or Advance Growth, designed and taking into account the physiological characteristics of puppies of large and giant breed dogs.

The composition of these feeds fully takes into account the needs of the growing body for all nutrients, vitamins and minerals.

The diet granules are easily soaked, which is used for feeding the puppy during the adaptation period; when switching to a ready-made diet, it is introduced gradually over 5–7 days, starting with minimal quantities.

We do not recommend mixing balanced ready-made food with other products to avoid imbalance of nutrients and minerals in the puppy’s body (except for the period of transfer to dry food) and the addition of vitamin and mineral supplements is categorically excluded.

If you are using a homemade diet to feed your growing puppy, be sure to adequately supplement it with minerals. Combined mineral fertilizers such as Slicks, Vetzyme, and Irish Kale are best suited for this. We do not recommend using domestically produced drugs and fertilizers. Dose mineral supplements necessary in accordance with manufacturers' recommendations. However, even with the best supplements and quality foods, it is difficult to accurately balance your diet. We also do NOT recommend supplementing your homemade diet with vitamins A and D.

And if the puppy shows signs of so-called “rickets,” supplementing with vitamin D can only worsen the condition if calcium intake does not increase. Usually, to stabilize bone growth, it is enough to transfer the puppy to ready-made food. If the curvature of the limbs and/or gait disturbance is severe, we recommend contacting the clinic for examination (X-ray, consultation with an orthopedist).

Excess weight of a puppy can increase the manifestations of ICH, so the puppy should not be overfed; when using ready-made food, it is enough to follow the feeding rate indicated on the package. The growth potential is genetic and depends little on feeding the puppy at important condition that the food is balanced. Therefore, a thin puppy has a better chance of developing normal bone structure.

In contrast to VKH, among the classic skeletal diseases associated with calcium deficiency with excess phosphorus, there may be cases where some owners allow excess calcium supplementation without proportionate inclusion of phosphorus in the diet. High calcium levels increase its circulating concentration and, as a result, the secretion of calcitonin increases and disturbances in the production of PTH occur. In this condition, the activity of osteoclasts, which are extremely important for correct formation skeleton during growth. As a result, premature closure of the growth zones may occur. long bones, which will lead to their underdevelopment.
Unfortunately, fractures of limb bones occur quite often in puppies of large dog breeds. At the same time, most owners consider injury as the only reason for the incident. In fact, in many cases, bone fractures in puppies occur with minimal external influence. Such fractures are called pathological.

Pathological fractures indicate poor mineralization of the skeleton. The reason for this may be low calcium intake, high phosphorus intake and low vitamin D intake. In such cases, fracture fixation plays only a SECONDARY role for recovery, the main thing is nutritional support.

Healthy animals with traumatic fractures are usually treated through the process of primary or secondary bone healing. Optimal condition is achieved by using prepared feeds with adequate levels of calcium, phosphorus, vitamins A and D. Excessive doses of these substances have been shown to delay bone healing. Pain from injury or surgery causes stress, which depletes protein reserves and reduces the immune response. In addition, there is an increasing need for ascorbic acid and probably in other substances. U surgical patients The period before and after anesthesia can be particularly detrimental. Therefore, it is necessary to use special dietary feeds designed for the needs of sick animals.

Hip dysplasia.

This is a common congenital disease of dogs, mainly large breeds (St. Bernards, Rottweilers, Newfoundlands, Labradors, etc.). Several studies have confirmed that puppies are initially born with normal hip joints. Dysplasia develops during the first 6 months of life as a result of disproportionate development bone structures and soft tissues of the hip joints. The development of the disease is also significantly influenced by external factors, mainly feeding and exercise.

At birth, the femoral head and acetabulum in puppies are formed primarily from cartilage. Bone formation and changes in the position of the femoral head depend on the process of endochondral ossification. When a dysplastic joint forms, a redistribution of the load occurs: more than half of the body weight during walking falls on the anterior-superior edge of the cavity. As a result, microcracks and deformations, erosion of cartilage are formed. Clinically, this is manifested by lameness and pain, especially when standing up.

As already said, diet plays a role important role in the development of dysplasia. Thus, several studies have established that long-term consumption of a diet with a HIGH calcium content leads to impaired bone formation, incl. and the head of the femur, which is manifested by deformation of both the bones themselves and the joints. With an excess intake of phosphorus in the diet, the normal absorption of calcium from the intestine may slow down due to the formation of non-absorbable compounds - phytates. Excess vitamin D in the diet causes delayed ossification, i.e. normal formation of bones and, accordingly, joints. Also, the development of dysplasia can increase with an excess of vitamin C and a lack of thiamine (vitamin B1) in the diet.

Feeding your puppy a balanced food, such as Advance Growth, significantly reduces the likelihood of developing dysplasia. At the same time, it is very important not to overestimate the dose of food, because... Excessive energy intake into the puppy’s body accelerates its growth and weight gain. Under such conditions, the load on the hip joints increases significantly. This may damage them.

In clinical practice, we often record acquired post-traumatic deformities of the hip joints in puppies of large breed dogs, which can be regarded as dysplasia. Such damage occurs most often in puppies that are overweight, kept on home-cooked or mixed diets. Joint injuries occur when jumping or sliding unsuccessfully (especially on linoleum or parquet). If you contact the clinic in a timely manner, it is possible effective treatment such patients with good long-term results.

If deformation hip joint dysplasia has already been formed and a diagnosis has been established; it is possible to carry out both conservative and surgical treatment. The method and tactics of treatment are determined by the doctor in each case individually.
Valgus deformity of the hind limbs.
In the canine community, the disease is called X-shaped hind limbs. Hallux valgus develops most often in rapidly growing puppies of large breed dogs. It is characterized by significant curvature of the bones of the thigh and lower leg, as a result of which the position of the hind limbs significantly changes.

Most probable cause today is improper feeding. Excess protein and energy in a puppy's diet leads to accelerated growth and weight gain. In this case, the total weight of the young animal exceeds the natural resistance to the loads of the developing skeletal system of the limbs.

If animals get to the doctor in a timely manner, before the onset of severe deformities of the limbs, then a sharp restriction of the amount of protein and calorie content of the feed is sufficient. Painkillers and chondroprotectors reduce pain, but thus increase the young animal’s need for movement, which leads to an increase in biomechanical load. After the growth zones are closed, corrective operations on the bones can be performed, which significantly improves the quality of life of animals.
Osteochondrosis is complex pathology, manifested by impaired mineralization of cartilage. The disease is widespread among various types animals, including dogs. In dogs, osteochondrosis is observed as a primary disease in large breed puppies (i.e., more than 25 kg of adult animal weight). Breeds at greatest risk: Great Dane, Labrador, Golden Retriever, Newfoundland, Rottweiler.

If the disease affects the articular cartilage, osteochondritis dissecans (OCD) may subsequently develop. In OCD, part of the articular cartilage begins to separate and may become fragmented. At the same time, inflammation of the joint is noted.

Osteochondrosis is a multifactorial disease in which genetics and nutrition play significant roles. The disease affects various breeds and each of them has a specific localization of osteochondrosis. Thus, in Rottweilers, OCD lesions are more common in the elbow and hock joints. In most cases, lesions are observed from different sides.

Cartilage separation in osteochondrosis is most common in areas subject to the greatest load.

In puppies of large dogs with osteochondrosis, damage to the growth zones is also observed, which leads to curvature of the bones of the forearm, separation of the olecranon process from ulna and supraglenoid process of the scapula.

It has been scientifically proven that long-term consumption of excess amounts of balanced food or food rich in calcium (regardless of other components) may cause an increase in the frequency and severity of signs of osteochondrosis in puppies of large breed dogs. Similar changes can be observed in puppies raised on a diet high in calcium.

Exists erroneous opinion that there is no such thing as excess calcium, and the puppy will absorb as much calcium from the diet as it needs. In experiments it was found that dogs receiving food with high content calcium, they absorb much more of it.

In dogs with articular cartilage osteochondrosis without cartilage detachment, only nonspecific changes may be evident. clinical signs. In cases where the cartilage begins to peel away, osteoarthritis and inflammation of the subchondral bone may occur. The result is lameness.

Measurement of circulating concentrations of calcium and phosphorus does not allow establishing the ratio in feed and absorption of these elements and cannot be used to support the diagnosis of osteochondrosis.

Osteochondrosis of articular cartilage does not always develop into OCD. However, in cases where the cartilage begins to delaminate, surgical treatment is required.

If osteochondrosis affects the growth zone of the forearm bones, the so-called "crooked beam syndrome" In crooked ray syndrome, severe shortening of the ulna may be irreversible, as may abnormal development of the wrist and/or separation of the olecranon.

Feed correction on early stages may have a positive effect on the spontaneous resolution of cartilage lesions. Osteochondrosis of the articular cartilage and growth plates may resolve, but dietary changes may not help in cases of OCD where cartilage detachment has occurred or where severe radial curvature has occurred. In most of these cases, surgical correction is indicated.

Feed correction involves reducing the intake of energy (proteins, fats, carbohydrates), calcium and vitamins to the minimum needs of the dog. Drug treatment of osteochondrosis in dogs is ineffective.

Not only its growth and development depend on how well the puppy eats.

Properly fed puppies have good immunity and are less susceptible to diseases.

Adequate supply of all nutrients and proper care will help to fully realize the genetic potential and lay the foundation for a long, fulfilling and healthy life your pet.

Kuznetsov V.S.

One of the frequent complaints of dog owners with neurological problems– both hind legs fail. In this case the dog:

  • Starts to move abnormally.
  • The hind legs seem to stop obeying and become weak.
  • Paresis or complete paralysis of the pelvic limbs develops.

More often this problem occurs in dogs of small and medium breeds that have a genetic predisposition to lesions of the intervertebral discs. These dogs include mainly dachshunds, in addition to all brachycephalic breeds - Pekingese, French bulldog, Brabançon and others. Typically, these dogs' hind legs begin to work abnormally between the ages of 3 and 8 years.

The first symptom neurological disorders in the thoracolumbar region spinal column, which lead to the dog beginning to lose its hind legs, is pain. Later, weakness appears, the inability to move the limbs, and last of all, pain sensitivity disappears.

These symptoms usually come on suddenly while walking or playing with other dogs, or without visible external reasons in a state of relative rest. Sudden movements can trigger the appearance of such symptoms, but are not their main cause. Many dachshund owners believe that the significant length of the spinal column plays a role in the development of the disease, but this is not true. Sometimes the manifestations of the disease occur all at once, but it also happens that in the morning the dog feels only pain, and by the evening paralysis of the limbs develops with loss of pain sensitivity.

There can be many reasons why dogs' back legs fail. And, of course, those owners who suddenly encountered this problem are lost and don’t know what to do. Just yesterday their pet was briskly jumping on the sofas and playing tag with neighbors dogs, and today he lies indifferently, unable to rise.

Cases of damage directly to the extremities include injuries (fractures, sprains and ruptures of tendons, injuries peripheral nerves), as well as arthritis and arthrosis of the joints of the extremities, tumors.

If the above diagnoses are excluded, then we're talking about, most likely about spinal pathology, that is, a violation of the innervation of the limbs due to any pathological influences on the spinal cord. Paresis and paralysis of the hind limbs develop in the case of damage to the spinal cord at the level of the thoracic and (or) lumbar spine.

  • Injuries

Refusal hind legs in a dog it can occur as a result of trauma - with fractures, sprains and ruptures of ligaments and tendons, with damage to peripheral nerves, as well as due to diseases such as arthrosis, arthritis of the joints of the limbs, tumors, discopathy and herniated disc. In addition to these diseases, spinal pathology is possible, in which the innervation of the limbs is disrupted due to the effect on the spinal cord unfavorable factors. Paresis and paralysis are frequent accompaniments of spinal cord lesions in the lumbar and thoracic regions.

A common reason why the back legs of dogs fail is of a traumatic nature: car injuries, falls, blows, severe bites during fights. In some cases, such consequences can result from an unsuccessful sharp turn, jumping and slipping on an ice crust.

At the site of direct injury to the spine, the integrity of the spinal column (its structure) is disrupted, swelling occurs, which leads to compression of the spinal cord and radicular nerves. Accordingly, the supply of blood with oxygen stops, and with prolonged compression nerve cells die, which makes it impossible for nerve impulses to pass through peripheral nerves. Strong traumatic injury leads to disruption of the integrity of the spinal tissue, and rupture of the spinal cord occurs.

  • Degenerative diseases of the spine

Refusal normal functioning hind limbs in dogs can provoke degenerative diseases of the spine, which are characterized by a violation of important metabolic processes in his tissues. So this leads to pathological changes structures of the spinal column.

  • Spondylosis

A dog’s hind legs may fail due to spondylosis – “local aging” of some vertebral segments. This disease progresses very slowly and is practically undetectable at the earliest stage. First of all, the outer fibers of the fibrous ring are affected (the consistency of the nucleus pulposus is preserved), and then calcification of the anterior longitudinal ligament begins. Osteophytes develop, which visually resemble beak-like growths.

  • Tumors in the spine

Tumor-like processes gradually developing in the immediate vicinity (or itself) of the spinal cord lead to pathological changes and fractures of the spinal column. With a sharp exacerbation of the process, swelling and compression of the roots and spinal cord occur, and the following symptoms can be observed in the dog: weakening or failure of the hind limbs, arched back, gait disturbance, when the dog’s body position changes, the dog yelps, comorbid disorders(violation of urination and defecation), in some cases, refusal to feed.

  • Spondyloarthrosis

The consequence of static loads in osteochondrosis of the spine can be spondyloarthrosis (deforming arthrosis of the joints of the spine). Uneven loads on the spinal column can also lead to protrusion of the nucleus pulposus of the intervertebral disc through the pathologically altered fibrous ring. This phenomenon is called vertebral hernia. Protruding towards the spinal cord, the hernia causes compression of the radicular nerves and (or) the spinal cord.

  • Discopathy

Neurological lesions of the pelvic limbs are most often based on diseases of the intervertebral discs (discopathies). In this case, the changed substance of the disc penetrates into spinal canal and pinches the spinal cord or roots spinal nerves, which manifests itself as a neurological deficit. Often a large dog's hind legs fail, and this problem has its own characteristics. Similar lesions are observed in older animals of large and giant breeds: German shepherds, Dobermans, Rottweilers, Great Danes and others. As a rule, this group of dogs develops clinical symptoms progresses slowly over several months or even years. In this case, we can assume lesions of the intervertebral discs in the lumbar spine or at the level of the lumbosacral junction, as well as lumbosacral stenosis.

Discopathy is very common in dogs - French bulldogs. This is due to the anatomical structure of the animal, when, during artificial selection, the spine became elongated, and now undergoes stronger loads than the spine of “normal” dogs. The distance between the vertebrae has become significantly greater than normal. This is due to genetics and is inherited. Disc prolapse can occur not only during active movements and jumping, but even at rest, when the dog is sleeping or lying quietly.

  • Dysplasia

Very often, owners of heavy breed dogs (St. Bernard, Shepherd, Labrador Retriever, Great Dane, etc.) are faced with diseases of the musculoskeletal system. The most common condition in puppies is hip dysplasia. This disease is hereditary in nature and most often appears between the ages of 4 and 10 months during intensive growth. First there is a problem when getting up, especially after sleep. The dog limps, then straightens up and walks normally. Further without treatment, the symptoms may intensify, until the dog completely refuses to walk. If you notice such signs, you need to take your dog to the vet and get an x-ray.

  • Osteochondrosis of the spine

Osteochondrosis of the spine is considered the most severe form of damage; this disease is based on degenerative processes in the intervertebral discs(discopathy), often involving the surrounding vertebral bodies, as well as changes in the ligamentous apparatus and intervertebral joints.

The reasons for the development of osteochondrosis can be:

  • Genetically determined developmental defects causing vertebral instability.
  • Rheumatoid lesions.
  • Spinal injuries.
  • Impaired microcirculation leading to disruption of disk nutrition.
  • Autoimmune processes.

Spinal pathology is also possible, which arises from the effects of adverse factors on the spinal cord. Frequent companions of spinal cord lesions in the thoracic and lumbar region are paresis and paralysis. Most often, dogs' paws suffer from falls (especially in small breeds), car injuries, blows and severe bites during fights.

Even an unsuccessful jump, a sharp turn, or a dog slipping on an icy crust can lead to paw failure. At this moment, at the site of spinal injury, the integrity of the structure of the spinal column is disrupted, swelling occurs, which compresses the radicular nerves and the spinal cord.

Of course, the answer will be to contact a veterinarian, preferably specializing in neurology. If you notice a painful reaction in your dog when changing body position, a tense gait, a reluctance to walk, especially on stairs, do not wait until its hind legs give out - immediately show the animal to a doctor, then the treatment will be more effective. If the problem with your hind legs has already happened, you shouldn’t wait any longer.

If the animal has suffered a spinal injury, try to get it to the doctor as quickly as possible and in an immobilized state (secure the animal on a board using bandages or straps). Do not use painkillers until you see a doctor. Pain limits the animal's activity, which helps avoid further displacement of the vertebrae during a fracture.

It is possible to notice the onset of the disease and urgently consult a specialist, but most inexperienced owners don't give any importance to such important symptoms How:

  • Anxiety.
  • The dog hides and squeals when someone touches its back.
  • The dog is passive when other dogs are frolicking.

However, in most cases, the alarm begins to sound when the dog’s hind legs partially begin to fail, or paralysis develops. And here it is necessary to differentiate such a disease as radiculitis. An incorrectly prescribed treatment (for example, massage instead of maximum immobilization of the animal) will waste valuable time and aggravate the situation.

The sooner help is provided to the dog, the better the prognosis for its recovery. In any case, there is no need to despair, because there are known cases when completely immobilized dogs were put on their paws and returned to active life. Depending on the diagnosis, it is prescribed drug treatment in the form of injections. A more radical case in the case of spinal diseases is surgery, after which treatment also continues.

In parallel, the dog is prescribed a massage, swimming is recommended during the recovery period, and exercises with the dog upon return to it motor activity. All dog owners should remember that it will not be possible to help a paralyzed dog at home. You must definitely see a doctor, undergo all the prescribed examinations to make an accurate diagnosis and start timely treatment.

First, the doctor will conduct an examination and evaluate general condition, will provide emergency assistance and make a primary diagnosis. If we are talking about spinal pathology, the doctor:

  • Check the preservation of sensitivity (tactile and pain) of the limbs.
  • Checks the integrity of the reflexes.
  • Check for pain in the spine.
  • Order an x-ray examination.
  • Myelography may be performed, that is, x-ray will be done after introduction to spinal canal special X-ray contrast agent. This is done to identify the slightest abnormalities that are not noticeable on a regular image, as well as to determine the exact localization of the process. If necessary, prescribe blood and urine tests to identify accompanying pathologies(pyelonephritis, renal, liver, heart failure, etc.).

The conducted studies will help the doctor assess the extent of the lesion, give a prognosis of the disease and make a decision on treatment. Perhaps the doctor will give you a choice between surgery and therapeutic method treatment may insist on one of them.

Today I will talk about why some dogs may experience back leg failure. I will consider possible pathological processes, their causes, how they manifest themselves and which breeds are predisposed. I'll tell you what to do and how to cure it folk remedies, if the dog cannot stand up and its paws are taken away. This will cover the issues of preventing spinal diseases.

  • Damage to the peripheral nerves of the spinal column.
  • Intervertebral hernia.
  • Spondylosis.
  • Paw injuries.
  • Tumors.
  • Osteochondrosis.

All these pathologies can lead to complete or partial paralysis of the hind legs, weakness and lethargy.

A little more about these pathologies.

X-ray - failure of the hind limbs of a dog

Damage to peripheral nerves of the spinal column

This happens if the dog has a history of gunshot wound, beating the animal in the back area, when hematomas compress the nerves and prevent them from freely transmitting impulses to the pelvic limbs and the legs may fail.

The process is reversible. After recovery is completed, the animals regain the ability to move, if there was no serious damage spinal column.

As an additional therapy, if the examination did not reveal any third-party pathologies, a paw massage is performed so that after the nerves are restored, the dog can stand on its paws faster and more confidently.

Arthritis is a common cause of limb mobility impairment.

Intervertebral hernia

Intervertebral hernia is observed in dogs with a long spine - corgis and dachshunds.

U and , German Shepherd large distances between the vertebrae, which leads to prolapse. Fibrinous ring under action various factors moves beyond the boundaries of the vertebral disc, dragging the nucleus pulposus with it. Compression of the nerves occurs.

The process is developing slowly. Often seen in older dogs.

You can tell that a dog is suffering from a hernia by the following signs:

  • She lies in an unusual position for her and cannot walk.
  • Refuses active games, lethargic.
  • At first, the hind legs give way, the dog falls, becomes weak, and feels unwell. Complete paralysis appears some time after the onset of the disease.
  • When touching the back (more often lumbar region) shows that she is sick.

At advanced cases can only be treated with surgery.

It happens that only the fibrinous ring protrudes beyond the vertebral disc, without dragging the nucleus along with it. With this pathology, paralysis of the pelvic limbs does not develop, but the gait becomes unsteady and unsure.

A characteristic feature the disease is stiffness of movement after sleep or long rest


The disease is characterized by aging of individual vertebrae. 1-3 may suffer, and the rest remain unchanged. The fibrinous egg is affected without affecting the nucleus pulposus. The process proceeds slowly, without manifesting itself in any way until last stage when the longitudinal ligament becomes calcified. At this stage, paresis and paralysis of the pelvic limbs develop.

Paw injuries

These include:

  • Dislocations.
  • Various fractures and legs may be lost.
  • Sprained and torn ligaments, the dog pulls its paws behind itself.
  • Inflammation of ligaments and tendons.

Hind limb injury

Everything happens as a result of the trauma that the animal receives during active games, falls and blows.

A characteristic feature of injuries is sharp pain in the affected area.


New growths near or in the spinal cord lead to compression nerve tissue and swelling, which prevents the transmission of impulses to the hind legs.

In addition to paralysis of the limbs, the following symptoms appear:

  • Refusal to eat.
  • Urinary and fecal incontinence.
  • There is exhaustion.
  • The dog arches its back.

The only thing possible treatment– removal of tumors.

Chemotherapy drugs are rarely available for animals.


Damage occurs not only to the vertebral discs, but also ligamentous apparatus. Depending on the location of the lesion, different symptoms are observed.

The dog lies down a lot, stops running and playing, gets up reluctantly and slowly

Throughout the entire period of illness, the animal shows in every possible way that something is bothering it. She may lie uncharacteristically, move little, and whine if the affected area is touched.

Osteochondrosis develops slowly, and the limbs begin to fail only at the last stage.


Bulldogs are susceptible. The essence of the disease is that due to the large distance between the vertebrae, the ligamentous apparatus weakens. The vertebra descends, injuring the spinal cord.

With discopathy in dogs, the paws suddenly fail.

The disease is hereditary. Common in the following breeds:

  • French bulldogs.
  • Dachshunds.
  • Corgi.
  • Pekingese.

What to do if your dog's back legs fail

First of all, go to the vet.

When considering possible pathologies, the treatment is completely different, and independent therapy will lead to dire consequences.

The veterinarian will prescribe an x-ray of the pelvic limbs and spine, which will show pathologies of the paws and spine.

Only an experienced veterinarian can treat the disease.

Treatment methods

Approximate treatment plan


Surgery to place pins and plates to help the bone heal properly. After a month, the dog gets up on its paws and begins to lead an active life.

In case of damage to the peripheral nerves of the spinal column

Drugs are prescribed to stimulate the restoration of nerve tissue. As a rule, to treat, it takes for a long time due to the characteristics of fiber regeneration.

Tumors and intervertebral hernia

Depending on the size of the pathology, surgery is performed.


Successfully treated with different stages. Therapy is complex and lifelong.


  • Dietary therapy to maintain healthy joints from a line of professional animal feeds
  • Chondroprotectors – for restoration of cartilage tissue
  • B vitamins - as a rule, the drug Combilipen is used
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures - warming with a blue lamp
  • Massage if the disease was detected at an early stage.

Treatment is long and complex and always comprehensive


Treated with lifelong NSAIDs and various methods physiotherapy, for example, acupuncture at certain points and point current. When ligaments are calcified, lipase injections are prescribed.


In the early stages, NSAIDs are used. In advanced cases, surgical intervention.

How to avoid hind leg problems

  1. Small puppies under 6 months of age must be able to go down stairs and from heights with the help of their owner.
  2. Predisposed breeds should undergo x-ray examinations once a year to identify pathologies in the early stages
  3. Avoid injury to paws and spine
  4. Moderate physical activity
  5. Balanced diet

For dogs with a predisposition to pathologies of the musculoskeletal system, chondroprotectors are prescribed after the second year of life.

Unfortunately, some dogs suffer from this type of disease.

Quick and thoughtful actions, even in case of illness, can protect the animal from complete paralysis

But you can help her if you contact a veterinarian in a timely manner, follow all his instructions and surround your pet with affection and care.

Many dogs are susceptible to developing musculoskeletal diseases. Cases when their hind legs fail are not uncommon. There are several reasons for this condition.

Which breeds are most likely to have hind leg failure?

This problem is usually faced by owners of small and medium-sized dogs.

Dachshunds have a predisposition to lesions in their hind legs.

Some breeds have genetic predisposition to lesions of the intervertebral discs. Specific symptoms observed in:

  1. Tax.
  2. Brabançonov.
  3. French bulldogs.
  4. Pekingese.

Impairment of the hind limbs is observed at approximately 3–8 years of pet's life .

Main causes of pathology

This symptom is often observed against the background of impaired innervation of the paws.. The provocateur may be a lesion of the spinal cord at the lumbar or thoracic spine.

The development of arthritis can cause the hind legs to fail.

But the hind legs can also fail due to development:

Discopathy is often observed in Basset dogs.

Features of dysplasia

This pathology is very difficult to treat.

Dysplasia often occurs in Great Dane dogs.

Often dysplasia passed on to dogs genetically . Therefore, when purchasing an animal, you need to ask for both documents and tests for this disease from its father and mother.

Features of osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis in a dog in the picture.

A conditional “continuation” of discopathy is osteochondrosis.

The main reason for this serious illness considered to be impaired mineralization of cartilage. It quickly hardens, which helps.

Osteochondrosis dangerous because if left untreated, the animal’s hind limbs gradually fail.

Features of arthritis and arthrosis

Arthritis and arthrosis occur more often in older dogs.

These pathologies are most often diagnosed in dogs of heavy, large breeds. The main difference between arthrosis and arthritis is the absence of inflammation. There is a rapid change in the cartilage, which is soon destroyed. Inflammation with arthritis joint capsule. This disease occurs in older animals.


First specific sign is pain syndrome. A little later, the dog becomes weak and lethargic. She has difficulty moving her paws. Pain sensitivity disappears last.

Pain in the limbs is main symptom diseases.

These signs may appear while playing with other animals.

  1. If the disease is advanced, symptoms appear even when the dog is in a state of relative rest.
  2. Sometimes all the signs of the disease appear immediately . Often in the first half of the day a pain syndrome occurs, and in the late afternoon paralysis of the paws develops.
  3. Most insidious disease is spondylosis . At first it occurs slowly and is not detected in the early stages. As the pathology progresses, the development of osteophytes is observed. Visually, they resemble beak-like growths.
  4. Tumors in the spine also do not manifest themselves at first . When the process worsens, the spinal cord is compressed. This leads to arching of the animal's back and disruption of its gait.
  5. When getting up and sitting down, the pet may yelp in pain . Involuntary urination is sometimes observed. In some animals, the act of defecation is disrupted. A weakened dog may refuse to eat.

How can you help your dog?

If you detect at least one of the alarming symptoms in your dog, you need to contact your veterinarian as soon as possible, specializing in neuroscience. To establish a primary diagnosis, the doctor:

  1. Orders an x-ray examination.
  2. Checks for pain in the spine area.
  3. Clarifies the safety of reflexes.
  4. Checks for pain and tactile sensitivity.

If you notice any alarming symptoms, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Sometimes a sick animal is prescribed a myelogram. The conducted studies help the veterinarian assess the stage of the lesion and decide on therapeutic tactics.

When diagnosing, it is very important to differentiate radiculitis. Incorrect treatment contributes to the worsening of symptoms.

Drug treatment

If the dog’s condition is characterized as acute, it is prescribed the use of steroid hormones:

  1. Solumedrol.
  2. Metipreda.
  3. Dexamethasone.
  4. Prednisone.

Solumedrol is used for acute course diseases.

At the end of this course, the dog is prescribed non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. The pet is recommended to take Rimadila, Quadrisola .

“Human” NSAIDs should not be given to animals.

This leads to an opening stomach bleeding. Death often occurs.

In order to improve the nutrition of nervous tissue, the dog is prescribed B vitamin injections . The metabolism of oxygen and glucose in affected tissues is activated by Actovegina. Prozerin is recommended for resuscitation of neuromuscular conduction. It can be combined with other anticholinesterase drugs.

When the pathology is in the acute phase, Prozerin not registered. It is important to remember that these injections are painful.


The main goal of the operation is to eliminate compression of the spinal cord. Surgery is prescribed only after comprehensive survey dogs.

Surgery is prescribed to relieve compression of the spinal cord.

During surgery, the veterinarian removes the spinal arches. After surgery, the doctor advises the dog’s owners regarding the rehabilitation period.

What's the prognosis?

Severe swelling contributes to compression of the nerve tissue. Against this background, there is a deterioration in blood supply. Access of oxygen to the affected tissue is disrupted, and nerve cells die.

The prognosis depends on the degree of compression. The larger the area of ​​nerve tissue damage, the worse it is. If the animal has impaired bowel movements and lacks pain sensitivity, the prognosis worsens.

Therefore, it is very important to notice the onset of the disease. You should immediately contact a veterinary clinic if your dog:

  • worries a lot;
  • hides from the owner;
  • squeals when someone touches her back;
  • refuses to play with other animals.

Preventive measures

It is better to take a puppy of any breed in your arms when going down.

Sooner or later, any dog ​​develops problems with its limbs. The owner's task is to reduce the risk of developing dangerous diseases. To do this, you need to follow preventive recommendations.

Puppies of heavy breeds need to be given chondroprotectors. This must be done continuously until the child reaches 12 months of age. Dachshunds and large dogs up to 10 months. you can't jump. Playing with large adult animals is not recommended.

Before reaching six months of age Puppies of any breed must be carried in your arms when going down.

  • They rise on their own. This helps strengthen muscles .
  • Animals prone to dysplasia are shown periodic x-ray examination . This will help to detect the disease in a timely manner.
  • It is important to provide your pet sufficient level physical activity . Their excess is just as harmful as lack of activity.
  • The dog's diet should be balanced . Until the age of six months, the animal should be given special food for young dogs. The pet's diet should be rich in vitamins and other substances necessary for the body.
  • It is important to protect your dog from drafts. Otherwise, there is a risk of catching a cold in the spine.
  • It is advisable to minimize the risk of injury. This will avoid the development of dangerous pathologies.

The dog should be protected from possible drafts.

Video about hind leg failure in dogs

Have you started to notice that your German Shepherd has weak paws? Don’t panic right away, even if this is your first experience of keeping dogs. Weakness in the hind legs is usually normal in puppies. Absent at five months muscle mass, which explains the lack of power in the paws. The bones have already grown, but the ligaments are not yet strong enough to support the puppy’s heavy weight. But this is not the only reason. This article will discuss what may be associated with paw weakness in both an adult German Shepherd and a puppy.

When purchasing a puppy, you should mentally prepare in advance for the possibility that he may have health problems in the future. One of the first difficulties you may encounter is a paw problem.

In addition to the usual age-related manifestation of this trouble, there are other reasons. They can be divided into groups:

  • elbow joint;
  • hip dysplasia;
  • tumors;
  • spinal injury;
  • injuries.

Let's look at each cause of paw weakness in detail.

Elbow dysplasia

Bone development disorder elbow joint which is inherited. Because of this, puppies begin to limp on the front limb at six months. To escape pain, a dog may deliberately avoid stepping on a paw, but during a trot it still limps.

Symptoms of lameness can appear as early as four months, aggravated by minor physical exertion.

Hip dysplasia

The hereditary disease is a disorder of the development of the hip joint. As a rule, at birth the puppy looks absolutely healthy, the first symptoms begin to appear at six months.

The disease begins to be provoked by excess weight, poor diet, lack of vitamins D2, D3, as well as increased physical activity on the limbs.

The disease begins to develop with slight discomfort. Gradually, the shepherd begins to limp on his hind legs, and then stops standing on them altogether.


A dark growth can be found on the bones of the front limb of a German Shepherd after six years. Because of this, the dog begins to limp and refuse to walk.

If the lump goes away quickly, then it was most likely inflammation. You need to worry if the tumor grows slowly and continuously. If such a tumor is located in one place, then it is benign. If there is rapid growth of the lump, then this is malignant tumor, which affects other parts of the body, tears body tissue.

What to do: If the lump does not go away within three days, you should immediately consult a doctor. Perhaps you will be in time and the tumor will be removed with minimal consequences.

Spinal injury

If your dog's back legs fail, there is a possibility of spinal cord damage. The German Shepherd begins to limp in his hind legs as his paws begin to hurt first. Gradually, the hind legs begin to give way, after which numbness sets in.

The puppy could have been injured in childhood, during too active games, which led to compression of the spinal cord. Due to the resulting edema, due to poor oxygen supply, the cells die and thereby impair the performance of the limbs.

If there is genetic inheritance, then they can develop the following types diseases:

  • degenerative – metabolic disorder in the tissues of the spine;
  • osteochondrosis – due to a genetic developmental disorder, injuries, microcirculation there's blood coming out damage to intervertebral discs;
  • tumors in the vertebrae, which can lead to a spinal fracture;
  • spondylosis – aging of the vertebrae. The tissues of the spinal column are gradually affected, which is why the dog first begins to squat on its hind legs, and later they fail altogether.

What to do: Never self-medicate. At the first sign of lameness, you should immediately contact your veterinarian.


A pet can get various injuries anywhere and anytime: during training or during games, fights with other dogs.

When sprained or bruised, the dog begins to limp on the affected leg, and the bruised area may swell. The pet whines pitifully, indicating that it is in pain. In this case, you can handle it yourself. If there is a bruise, apply a cold compress for half an hour and change it every two hours. Elastic bandage will help with sprains. In any case, do not allow the dog to actively move or play until the paw returns to normal.

You should behave completely differently in case of dislocations or fractures, since self-treatment strictly prohibited. In both cases, the dog cannot stand on the limb at all.

When a bone dislocates, it flies out of the joint and only an experienced doctor can properly set it back into place.

If the fracture is open, then the bone sticks out, in case closed fracture a broken paw looks shorter than a healthy one.

As soon as you discover a fracture, immobilize the limb, apply ice, and take your dog to the hospital as quickly as possible.

Necessary prevention

So that your puppy grows up healthy dog with good musculoskeletal system, you should adhere to several rules:

  • observe the correct ;
  • add only what is necessary to food in reasonable quantities;
  • raise your puppy correctly, without overloading him with unnecessary physical activity.

Almost all puppies are born with perfect limbs, but problems can occur in the future. As a responsible German Shepherd owner, it is your responsibility to properly care for your dog. You must not only feed your puppy properly, but also make sure that he does not overeat. When the baby begins to stand on his paws, excess weight can immediately damage the joints.

Remember to keep an eye on where puppies play. The surface must be smooth and non-slippery, without obstacles or drafts. The puppy should not be given much physical activity. Also, do not bandage the dog’s limbs, disrupting blood circulation.

Just let the puppy grow into normal conditions, and everything will be fine with you.

Have you ever encountered the problem of weak paws in your shepherd? What was the reason?