How to properly stimulate the immune system and when is it important to do it? What is the danger of uncontrolled drug intake. Best drugs for boosting immunity in adults

Immunomodulators - group pharmacological preparations that activate the body's immunological defenses at the cellular or humoral level. These medicines stimulate the immune system and increase nonspecific resistance organism.

main organs immune system human

Immunity is a unique system of the human body, capable of destroying foreign substances and in need of correct correction. Normally, immunocompetent cells are produced in response to the introduction of pathogenic biological agents into the body - viruses, microbes and other infectious agents. Immunodeficiency states are characterized by reduced production of these cells and are manifested by frequent morbidity. Immunomodulators - special drugs, united by a common name and a similar mechanism of action, used for the purpose of prevention various ailments and strengthening the immune system.

Currently, the pharmacological industry produces a huge number of drugs that have immunostimulating, immunomodulatory, immunocorrective and immunosuppressive effects. They are freely sold in the pharmacy chain. Most of them have side effects and have a negative effect on the body. Before purchasing such medicines, you should consult with your doctor.

  • Immunostimulants strengthen human immunity, provide more efficient work immune system and provoke the production of protective cellular links. Immunostimulants are harmless to people who do not have immune system disorders and exacerbations of chronic pathologies.
  • Immunomodulators correct the balance of immunocompetent cells in autoimmune diseases and balance all components of the immune system, suppressing or increasing their activity.
  • Immunocorrectors affect only certain structures of the immune system, normalizing their activity.
  • Immunosuppressants suppress the production of immunity links in cases where its hyperactivity harms the human body.

Self-medication and inadequate intake of drugs can lead to the development of autoimmune pathology, while the body begins to perceive its own cells as foreign and fight them. Immunostimulants should be taken according to strict indications and as prescribed by the attending physician. This is especially true for children, because their immune system is fully formed only by the age of 14.

But in some cases, it is simply impossible to do without taking drugs of this group. At serious illnesses With high risk development serious complications taking immunostimulants is justified even in babies and pregnant women. Most immunomodulators are low-toxic and quite effective.

The use of immunostimulants

Preliminary immunocorrection is aimed at eliminating the underlying pathology without the use of basic therapy drugs. It is prescribed for people with kidney disease, digestive system, rheumatism, in preparation for surgical interventions.

Diseases in which immunostimulants are used:

  1. congenital immunodeficiency,
  2. malignant neoplasms,
  3. Inflammation of viral and bacterial etiology,
  4. Mycoses and protozooses,
  5. Helminthiasis,
  6. Renal and hepatic pathology,
  7. Endocrinopathy - diabetes and other metabolic disorders
  8. Immunosuppression while taking some medicines- cytostatics, glucocorticosteroids, NSAIDs, antibiotics, antidepressants, anticoagulants,
  9. Immunodeficiency due to ionizing radiation, excessive alcohol intake, severe stress,
  10. Allergy,
  11. Conditions after transplantation,
  12. Secondary post-traumatic and post-intoxication immunodeficiency states.

The presence of signs of immune deficiency - absolute reading to the use of immunostimulants in children. The best immunomodulator for children can only be selected by a pediatrician.

People who are most often prescribed immunomodulators:

  • Children with weak immunity
  • Elderly people with depleted immune systems
  • People with busy lifestyles.

Treatment with immunomodulators should be under the supervision of a physician and immunological research blood.


The list of modern immunomodulators today is very large. Depending on the origin, immunostimulants are isolated:

Self-administration of immunostimulants is rarely justified. Usually they are used as an adjunct to the main treatment of pathology. The choice of drug is determined by the characteristics of immunological disorders in the patient's body. The effectiveness of drugs is considered maximum during an exacerbation of the pathology. The duration of therapy usually varies from 1 to 9 months. The use of adequate doses of the drug and proper adherence to the treatment regimen allows immunostimulants to fully realize their therapeutic effects.

Some probiotics, cytostatics, hormones, vitamins also have an immunomodulatory effect. antibacterial drugs, immunoglobulins.

Synthetic immunostimulants

Synthetic adaptogens have an immunostimulating effect on the body and increase its resistance to unfavorable factors. The main representatives of this group are "Dibazol" and "Bemitil". Due to the pronounced immunostimulating activity, the drugs have an anti-asthenic effect and help the body recover quickly after long stay in extreme conditions.

With frequent and protracted infections, for prophylactic and therapeutic purposes, Dibazol is combined with Levamisole or Decamevit.

Endogenous immunostimulants

This group includes preparations of thymus, red bone marrow and placenta.

Thymic peptides are produced by thymus cells and regulate the immune system. They change the functions of T-lymphocytes and restore the balance of their subpopulations. After the use of endogenous immunostimulants, the number of cells in the blood is normalized, which indicates their pronounced immunomodulatory effect. Endogenous immunostimulants enhance the production of interferons and increase the activity of immunocompetent cells.

  • Timalin has an immunomodulatory effect, activates regeneration and reparation processes. It stimulates cellular immunity and phagocytosis, normalizes the number of lymphocytes, increases the secretion of interferons, and restores immunological reactivity. This drug is used to treat immunodeficiency conditions that have developed against the background of acute and chronic infections, destructive processes.
  • "Imunofan"- a drug widely used in cases where the human immune system cannot independently resist the disease and requires pharmacological support. It stimulates the immune system, removes toxins and free radicals from the body, and has a hepatoprotective effect.


Interferons increase nonspecific resistance human body and protect it from viral, bacterial or other antigenic attacks. Most effective drugs that have a similar effect are "Cycloferon", "Viferon", "Anaferon", "Arbidol". They contain synthesized proteins that push the body to produce its own interferons.

To drugs natural origin applies leukocyte human interferon.

Long-term use of drugs in this group minimizes their effectiveness, inhibits a person's own immunity, which ceases to function actively. Inadequate and too prolonged use of them has Negative influence on the immunity of adults and children.

In combination with other drugs, interferons are prescribed to patients with viral infections, laryngeal papillomatosis, and cancer. They are used intranasally, orally, intramuscularly and intravenously.

Preparations of microbial origin

Medicines of this group have a direct effect on the monocyte-macrophage system. Activated blood cells begin to produce cytokines that trigger innate and adaptive immune responses. The main task of these drugs is to remove pathogenic microbes from the body.

Herbal adaptogens

Herbal adaptogens include extracts of echinacea, eleutherococcus, ginseng, lemongrass. These are "soft" immunostimulants widely used in clinical practice. Preparations from this group are prescribed to patients with immunodeficiency without a preliminary immunological examination. Adaptogens start working enzyme systems and biosynthetic processes, activate the nonspecific resistance of the organism.

The use of herbal adaptogens with preventive purpose reduces the incidence of acute respiratory viral infections and opposes the development of radiation sickness, weakens the toxic effect of cytostatics.

For the prevention of a number of diseases, as well as for get well soon patients are advised to drink daily ginger tea or cinnamon tea, take black peppercorns.

Video: about immunity - School of Dr. Komarovsky

Everyone's body defenses are different. Some have weak immunity from birth. And nature rewards others with persistent natural protection. Immune stimulants help increase resistance child's body various diseases and have a general strengthening effect. The main thing is to choose correct methods immune stimulation that does not side effects.

How to boost your child's immunity

Often ill children, or rather, their parents, who avoid hardening and physical improvement, rely on medical science, demanding from the doctor a miraculous remedy that can instantly heal a frail child. There are many natural and artificial origin that have a positive effect on the state of the body. Means that stimulate the immune system have an active effect on different parts of this complex process. These immune stimulation drugs include immunostimulants and adaptogens.

Sometimes there are cases when immunity needs not support, but oppression. For example, when transplanting organs and tissues, it is necessary to overcome adverse reactions immune system, leading to rejection of a "non-native" organ, or during treatment autoimmune diseases, when defensive forces organisms turned against their own cells. Then the means come to the aid of doctors not to stimulate the immune system, but, on the contrary, to suppress it - immunosuppressants.

Immunostimulants (strengthen immunity) and immunosuppressants (depress immunity) belong to the group of immunomodulators, drugs that affect the state of immunity.

Immunostimulants enhance the production of antibodies, increase the level of complement and interferon, increase the activity of lysozyme, stimulate phagocytosis. Immune stimulants are used only on prescription.

Often, mothers in pursuit of a newfangled immunostimulant forget about long-known and no less effective means- Vitamins that stimulate the immune system, and trace elements.

More than half of Russian children are deficient in vitamin C, which is very important for the immune system, as it is an antioxidant and protects lymphocytes from aggressive free radicals, preventing them (lymphocytes) from premature death. When the level drops ascorbic acid in the blood, lymphocytes become lethargic and not viable. You need to cheer them up, make them active.

How to stimulate the immune system with vitamins? Weakened children should take vitamin C constantly, especially in winter and spring, during outbreaks. viral infections, with increased physical and mental costs.

To stimulate the child's immunity, prepare rose hips in the summer, and you will always have an excellent source of vitamin C at hand. healthy drink increase the body's resistance to harmful influences external environment.

It is very simple to prepare such a natural immunity stimulant: place a handful of berries in a thermos, and pour boiling water over it. After a few hours, vitamin tea is ready. Add some sugar or honey and let the child drink half a glass 2 times a day. You can prepare the infusion in the evening, then in the morning you will get a fragrant drink of rich color and good taste. "Splash witchcraft" to each family member and be healthy!

Another powerful antioxidant required for normal functioning immune system, beta-carotene. This antioxidant for stimulating the immunity of children became known not so long ago, but has proven itself from the very beginning. better side. Beta-carotene protects cells from destruction by free radicals - oxidants, the concentration of which increases in conditions of environmental pollution, increased radiation intensity, physical overload, nervous stress. Due to its ability to bind free radicals, beta-carotene strengthens the immune system, reduces the risk of infectious diseases, softens the action harmful factors environment, increases the adaptive capacity of the body and resistance to stress. In the body, this natural drug that stimulates the immune system is converted into vitamin A, the role of which for functional state vision, mucous membranes, skin, growth and development bone tissue cannot be overestimated.

As a source of vitamin A, use freshly squeezed carrot juice, 30 to 150 ml on an empty stomach daily, depending on age. Cooking carrot juice- the operation is time-consuming and unpleasant, but for the sake of strengthening the health of the child, it is worth overcoming some difficulties.

Vitamins of group B, E, folic acid are integral part enzymes involved in complex biochemical processes of the body, and their deficiency leads to metabolic disorders.

Try to use sprouted grains of wheat, oats, rye, which contain these vitamins, in the diet of a weakened child, and after 2-3 weeks you will notice that the child's appetite has increased and a blush has appeared on his cheeks.

Iron deficiency disrupts the supply of cells and tissues with oxygen, iodine deficiency leads to dysfunction thyroid gland and hormonal disruptions, lack of calcium leads to rickets and disorders of the skeletal system.

When compiling the menu, do not forget to include in it products that stimulate the immune system - the sources of these trace elements: liver, tongue, river and sea ​​fish, cottage cheese.

Chronic deficiency of these and other vitamins and minerals undermines the immune system from the inside.

Daily intake of multivitamins and microelements does not require much work, but has positive influence on the body's defenses.

Don't forget about dairy products. American scientists have conducted studies proving that these drinks stimulate the production of interferon and increase local mucosal immunity. gastrointestinal tract. The protective effect of these products is due to the presence of lactic acid and bifidobacteria in them, which improve the intestinal microflora and digestion.

Just one glass of kefir, yogurt, curdled milk, acidophilus per day activates the immune system organs better than expensive drugs.

Medicines that stimulate the immune system: tablets and tinctures of plants

Among the pharmacological drugs that stimulate the immune system, the first is the familiar dibazol. This drug, which reduces arterial pressure, turned out to be an effective interferonogen, that is, it stimulates the production of its own interferon in the body. The same effect is exerted by chimes, used to improve cerebral blood flow. A number of new drugs that stimulate the synthesis of interferon have appeared in last years: amixin, poludan, cycloferon, viferon (candles), genferon (candles for children of all ages and spray for children over 14), imunofan, polyoxidonium, etc. They are used to prevent and treat diseases of a viral nature.

From a large group of tablets that stimulate the immune system and are effective for prevention bacterial infections, it is worth highlighting preparations of microbial origin and their synthetic analogues: IRS-19, broncho-munal, ribomunil, licopid, exalb, imudon and others that increase the body's resistance to pathogens respiratory diseases, as well as with adenoids, chronic tonsillitis, bronchitis, pneumonia.

Preparations that stimulate the immune system of children and adults, which are prepared from the organs of the immune system of animals ( thymus, Bone marrow, spleen), contain biologically active substances and have an immunostimulatory effect. These include thymusamine, timoptin, thymactide, epifamin.

There are preparations containing ready-made antibodies against certain diseases, which are administered to weakened and seriously ill children. For example, influenza-staphylococcal immunoglobulin is recommended for use in infants with influenza, pneumonia, and sepsis. Chigain, gabriglobin, pentaglobin, etc. - these drugs are successfully used in the treatment of seriously ill children, when it is necessary to quickly increase the content of antibodies in the blood.

Another drug for stimulating immunity, which has been recognized by pediatricians in recent years, is CIP (complex immune preparation), the undoubted advantage of which is the ability to take it orally. It has proven itself in the treatment of children of the first years of life suffering from gastrointestinal diseases. By adding interferon to its composition, pharmacologists suggested new drug- kipferon, which is used in the complex treatment of many viral and bacterial infections in children and adults.

The group of adaptogens includes plant substances (ginseng, echinacea, aralia, eleutherococcus, aloe) and biogenic (propolis, mummy, apilac) origin, which help the body adapt to changing environmental conditions, increased mental and physical stress.

In pharmacies you will always find eleutherococcus extract - a wonderful natural remedy, which increases immunity with constant use for 1.5-2 months. Dosage calculation is very simple: 1 drop for one year of life 2-3 times a day.

Start taking in October-November, and the period of the greatest incidence respiratory infections pass without problems.

The names and dosage of pharmacological preparations and infusions from plants that stimulate immunity are shown in the table:

A drug Age Dose
Mstyluracil Up to a year 0.05-0.1 g 3 times a day
After a year 0.1-0.5g 3 times a day
Psntoxyl After a year 0.01 g per year of life 3 times a day after meals
Dibazol After a year 0.001 g per year of life 2-3 times a day 2 hours before meals
Glutamic acid 1% solution Up to 2 years 3-5 years After 5 years 1 teaspoon 3 times a day 1 dessert spoon 3 times a day 1 tablespoon 3 times a day
Apilak Up to 1 year
1-2 years
3-7 years
7-14 years old
0.005 g 0.01 g 0.02 g 0.03 g per dose
Revenge Up to 1 year
1-2 years
3-7 years
7-14 lay down
0.06 g 0.08 g 0.1 g 0.3-0.5 g per dose
Eleutherococcus extract 1 drop per year of life 3 times a day
Chinese lemongrass tincture 1 drop per year of life 3 times a day
Aralia tincture, zamanihi. ginseng Also
Aloe extract Up to 5 years 5-10 drops 3 times a day 1/2 teaspoon
5-15 years old

Natural Immunity Booster #6
Red wine. But only natural, high-quality, from red grape varieties improves the work immune cells. Half a glass a day is enough for an adult

But, unfortunately, even with all the fantastic possibilities, the human immune system is quite vulnerable. Immunity is hit malnutrition, regular stress, incorrectly prescribed medicines - especially antibiotics, environmental problems.
The central organ of the immune system is the thymus gland, which is located behind the sternum. Until the age of 22-25, it develops, and then its growth stops and the reverse process begins, from the age of 35-40 its functions begin to fade. By the age of 60-70, almost everyone develops age-related immunity deficiency. Resistance to infections decreases, diseases become protracted.

There are 2 main types of immunity: innate and acquired in the fight against various diseases. But there is an opportunity to stimulate the immune system without expecting diseases. Many are known natural stimulants who do not have immunity side effects and also delicious and affordable.

Without the immune system, the human body would not exist in a healthy state for even an hour! Its high mission is to protect the biochemical environment of the body from the aggression of external and internal enemies, from viruses to mutant tumor cells. Thanks to immunity, the body successfully prevents a myriad of diseases.

What are the pills to increase immunity in adults

Such medicines are usually combined into independent groups. Pills to increase immunity for adults - the list is long, but you need to choose with a doctor - differ significantly in the principles of action on the body's defense system:

  • Synthetic drugs. Active ingredients- artificial chemical compounds, which are able to increase the activity of the immune system in adults and children.
  • Biogenic stimulants. Preparations produced from plant and animal raw materials. aloe extract, kalanchoe juice, FiBS, Biosed, Apilak, Peloid distillate, Peat, which improve the stimulation of metabolism, help to increase the activity of the endocrine glands.
  • vitamins. These are organic or synthesized dietary supplements (biologically active additives), which help to strengthen the immune system due to the normalization of biochemical and physiological processes.
  • Medications to improve immunity plant origin . The drugs stimulate him to cellular level by enhancing phagocytosis. Help improve the body's resistance negative factors external environment.

Herbal preparations to increase immunity

It is wrong to assume that such drugs are completely safe. Really, natural extracts, tinctures, lozenges, pills to increase immunity for adults - the list of them is not so long - they have a minimum of side effects. The main property of herbal and homeopathic preparations is to strengthen resistance to infections. However, these medicines can cause allergic reactions.

Particularly popular are:

  • tinctures of echinacea, ginseng, eleutherococcus, lemongrass, rhodiola rosea;
  • Immunal, Immunorm, Estifan (echinacea tablets);
  • Dr. Theis (a line of preparations with echinacea, calendula, comfrey, etc.), etc.


Preparations of this group for strengthening the immune system are effective only if used at the very beginning of the disease. Popular drugs that help increase the body's resistance:

  • Grippferon- nasal drops;
  • Viferon- ointments rectal suppositories;
  • Interferon leukocyte- powder for injection solution.

Interferon inducers

These medicines are especially effective for viral diseases induce the body to produce protective proteins on their own. Such drugs have fewer side effects than drugs containing interferon. Inductors last longer, are not addictive, and are cheaper. This:

  • Amiksin;
  • Arbidol;
  • Dipyridamole;
  • Kagocel;
  • Lavomax;
  • Neovir;
  • Poludan;
  • Cycloferon.

Bacterial immune preparations

Fears that such drugs can be harmful are completely unfounded. Bacterial medicines for raising immunity are intended not only for adults, but also for children. Due to the presence of fragments of streptococci, staphylococci, other pathogenic bacteria these drugs are strong immunostimulants:

  • Imudon- lozenges for resorption for infections oral cavity mouth, throat;
  • Broncho-munal- capsules, effective at frequent inflammations top respiratory tract;
  • IRS-19- immunomodulator in the form of a nasal spray, widely used in the treatment of diseases of the nose, throat, ear, respiratory tract;
  • Ribomunil- tablets and granules for solution, effective against frequent infections ENT organs;
  • Pyrogenal- suppositories and injection solutions for immunorehabilitation and prevention of many inflammations;
  • Likopid– a universal immunomodulator in the form of sweet tablets for elimination infectious processes any localization.

Nucleic acid immunostimulatory drugs

Required medicines:


If they are not allergic, then these are indispensable medicines that help adults restore weakened immunity. Immunoglobulins differ in price from vitamin preparations, contain antibodies to pathogens of many diseases, are administered using injections and droppers:

  • Intraglobin;
  • Gamimun N;
  • Cytotect;
  • Pentaglobin;
  • Humaglobin.

Synthetic pills for immunity for adults

To strengthen the body's defenses during seasonal epidemics, it is recommended to drink synthesized drugs. The only condition: the medicine selected for immunity by adults should not cause intolerance to the components. Effective synthetic immunomodulating tablets that have a powerful immunostimulating and antiviral effect:

  • Galavit;
  • Amiksin;
  • Polyoxidonium;
  • Neovir.

Vitamins to boost immunity

Vitamins are indispensable participants biochemical reactions supporting the defenses on high level. The most popular multivitamin-mineral complexes at an affordable price for women, men, children:

  • Centrum;
  • Supradin;
  • Multitabs;
  • Vitrum;
  • Alphabet;
  • Vitrefor;
  • Complivit (a series of inexpensive products).

The price of pills to increase immunity for adults

Inexpensive drugs can be bought in the online store by ordering from the catalog. Estimated cost of medicines (in rubles, the price difference depends on the city, pharmacy network):

  • neither hardening, nor diet, nor folk remedies help.
  • It should be remembered: most immuno-boosting drugs have a lot of contraindications, side effects! For example, many interferons cause allergic reactions, depression, furunculosis, disorders of the digestive and hematopoietic processes, cardiac activity, so only a doctor should prescribe immunostimulating tablets.

    At the same time, it is extremely important to follow the therapy regimens and dosages, which should be age-appropriate, general condition patient's health. The best remedy for immunity - not pills, but the elimination of factors that weaken the body's defenses: healthy, active image life, quality food strengthens them no worse than pills.

    Video: how to increase immunity for an adult

    Thanks to strong immunity, the body is able to reflect external negative influences, infections, infections. But to maintain this system, you need to regularly receive trace elements, vitamins, minerals and others. important substances. Sometimes the defense system becomes vulnerable, a person often gets sick, treatment becomes ineffective. At such times, it is advisable to use special drugs to increase immunity. There is a huge choice of funds, the purpose of which depends on the specific situation.

    What drugs to take to boost immunity

    To enhance the effectiveness of therapy, experts advise taking antiviral immunostimulating agents in addition to the main drugs or as the final stage of treatment. It is allowed to combine several types of drugs, in which case the doses of each of them must be limited to a minimum. If protection human body very weakened, up to four courses with drugs to increase immunity can be carried out annually, especially during mass diseases. The effect occurs approximately 1-2 weeks after the start of the course.

    Immunity boosters for adults

    If the body began to lose its resistance to diseases, then the question of whether an adult, sooner or later, begins to worry. Available in pharmacies a large number of special means which makes it sometimes difficult to make a choice. They are divided into several groups:

    • herbal for prevention;
    • immunomodulatory drugs;
    • interferons at the onset of the disease;
    • antiviral;
    • means for thymus.

    Immunostimulating drugs for children

    The child's body has its own characteristics, which are important to consider when choosing immunostimulating drugs for children. For example, newborn babies get everything they need from mother's milk. After reaching six months, the protective system becomes less protected, the body during this period is susceptible to various microbes. The ability to independently synthesize immunoglobulins appears only after six years. In this connection, parents are wondering how to increase the immunity of a child?

    It is advisable to think about this when the baby is often sick, the treatment takes a long time and does not give the desired effect. The pediatrician should deal with the issue of prescribing drugs to increase immunity in a child. If the child is under three years old, then they can prescribe "Grippferon" or "Laferobion". Those over three years of age are assigned herbal remedies or with nucleic acids, for example, lemongrass, Derinat, Immunal. Besides drug treatment, it is worth walking more often fresh air with the baby and monitor his nutrition.

    List of the best immune drugs

    For many Russians remains topical issue about what drugs to increase immunity. These products usually contain a lot important components which are very beneficial for the body. For example, lithium, zinc, selenium, natural antiseptics,. When choosing immune remedies, it is important to pay attention to the content of the above substances in the composition and the age for which the remedy is designed.

    Sometimes to strengthen protective system organism choose herbal medicines. As a rule, they are produced on the basis of herbs such as cat claw, ginseng and others. Echinacea-based immunity boosters are considered the most popular, they actively affect the body (along with hormonal ones), suppressing inflammation on the initial stage development.

    vegetable origin

    If an efficient and harmless way to raise immunity, it is advisable to choose a remedy based on natural extracts. This group is suitable for prevention and complex treatment while having few side effects. Among the most popular are:

    • "Immunal";
    • ginseng extract;
    • Eleutherococcus extract;
    • lemongrass extract.

    The drug "Immunal":

    1. Ingredients: Echinacea purpurea plant juice, sodium, magnesium, colloidal silicon dioxide.
    2. Take 1-2 tablets daily (children 4-6 years old), 2-3 pcs. (6-12 years old), 3-4 pcs. (teenagers over 12 and adults).
    3. The course of treatment is 14 days.


    There is a group of immunostimulants, the action of which is the activity of the bacteria that make up the composition. talking plain language, such drugs affect the body, like vaccination: bacterial enzymes, getting inside, begin to stimulate the active appearance of protective cells. Due to them, there is an increase in human resistance to infections. The most popular means of this group:

    • "IRS";
    • "Imudon";
    • "Ribomunil";
    • "Likopid" and others.

    "Ribomunil" in tablets:

    1. The composition contains bacterial ribosomes, proteoglycans, magnesium, silicon, ribonucleic acid.
    2. Take 3 capsules, in the morning before meals, once a day.
    3. The course is at least three weeks.

    Interferon groups

    This group of drugs is especially effective on initial stage appearance of acute colds. For the purpose of prevention, interferons are not prescribed, they contain active substances that specifically affect the elimination of the symptoms of a developing disease. by the most popular drugs to increase immunity from this group, are considered:

    • "Transfer factor";
    • "Amixin";
    • "Viferon";
    • "Anaferon" and others.

    Antiviral homeopathic remedy"Anaferon":

    1. The composition contains antibodies, lactose, magnesium, MCC.
    2. Take one tablet every half hour.
    3. The course is assigned individually. For prevention, it is allowed to drink 1 tablet daily, no more than three months in a row.

    Biogenic stimulants

    This group medicines found in animal and vegetable origin. Drugs act on human organs. Used as an additional measure to restore health. They are formed in plant or animal tissues during negative impact on cells, therefore they are able to protect the human body. The components of the preparations are biologically active, due to which the stimulation of many important systems. They are not divided into groups, the most popular biogenic stimulants:

    • "FiBS";
    • "Peloidin";
    • aloe and others.
    1. An extract in liquid form prepared from canned leaves by a special method.
    2. It is used by injection in 1 ml (once a day) or 1 teaspoon inside (three times a day).
    3. The course of treatment is about one month.

    Nucleic acid-based drugs are also produced to maintain immunity, for example, sodium nucleinate:

    1. Available in the form of tablets and liquid solution.
    2. Composition of sodium nucleinate: calcium, starch, polyvinylpyrrolidone, beeswax, aerosil, sugar.
    3. Take in addition to the main treatment, after meals, 1-2 g, at least 3-4 times a day.
    4. The course is prescribed individually, on average 10 days.

    Thymus (thymus) remedies

    In the human body, the thymus gland, which is sometimes called the thymus or thymus, is responsible for immunity. She supports healthy state many systems: endocrine, immunoregulatory, lymphopoietic. In addition, the thymus purifies the blood and lymph that pass through it. From this it becomes clear how important it is to maintain the work of this body. To do this, you can buy a lot of drugs in a pharmacy:

    • "Thymosin";
    • "Timolin";
    • "Timoptin";
    • Vilozen and others.

    "Thymosin" (Thymosin):

    1. Actively affects lymphocytes, increasing their number in the blood.
    2. The preparation contains water-soluble polypeptides (extracted in animal tissue).
    3. It is used by injection at 100 mcg, 1 time in 3-4 days. Or one tablet (0.25 mg) every 4 days.
    4. The course of treatment is 30 days.

    Synthetic and mixed non-specific stimulants

    Another category of drugs - non-specific stimulants of the immune system of the human body. They differ in the mode of action, the effect obtained, the testimony of specialists. It is not recommended to purchase this group of products without a doctor's prescription. It is worth highlighting pyrimidines, which do not have side effects, being the safest synthetic immunomodulators. The action of drugs is aimed at restoring body cells, eliminating inflammation, and preventing catabolization. The most famous:

    • "Levamisole";
    • "Pyrimidine";
    • "Prodigiosan".

    Find out what it is and methods of treatment.

    Video about drugs to increase immunity

    The immune system is responsible for normal condition homeostasis, so it is important to maintain its work. Special preparations, penetrating into the body, distinguish between body cells and foreign antigens, eliminating the latter. This prevents infection of a person, strengthening his health in a complex way. It is not recommended to get involved in drugs, especially without a doctor's prescription. From the video below, you will learn everything that you were interested in on the issue of drugs to maintain immunity.