Methods for increasing the nonspecific resistance of the organism. Factors that reduce the nonspecific resistance of the organism; ways and methods of its increase and strengthening. Endocrine function and reactivity

Any effect that changes the functional state of regulatory systems - nervous, endocrine, immune or various executive systems (cardiovascular, digestive, metabolic reactions, etc.) leads to a change in the reactivity and resistance of the body. There are known factors that reduce nonspecific resistance: mental trauma, negative emotions, functional inferiority of the endocrine system, physical and mental overwork, overtraining, starvation (especially protein), malnutrition, lack of vitamins, obesity, chronic alcoholism, drug addiction, hypothermia, colds, overheating, pain trauma, detraining of the body, its individual systems; physical inactivity, a sudden change in weather, prolonged exposure to direct sunlight, intoxication, past illnesses, etc.

There are two groups of means and techniques that increase nonspecific resistance.

To the first group include the means by which the increase in stability is achieved at the cost of the body losing the ability to exist independently, reducing the activity of vital processes. These are anesthesia, hypothermia, hibernation.

In animals in a state of hibernation, when infected with plague, tuberculosis, anthrax, the disease does not develop, it occurs only after waking up; increases resistance to radiation exposure, hypoxia, hypercapnia, infection, poisoning; winter-sleeping mammals tolerate such low temperatures (rectal - 5 ° C), which are certainly fatal for an awake individual. During hibernation, animals release dermorphin and similar opioid peptides that inhibit the reactions of the hypothalamic-pituitary system and the brain, many manifestations of reactivity are inhibited, metabolism is reduced, and oxygen demand is reduced. A similar increase in resistance, in particular, to surgical trauma occurs in a person in a state of cold anesthesia - during iatrogenic hibernation.

In a state of anesthesia, resistance to oxygen starvation and electric current increases; streptococcal sepsis does not develop; when applied to the skin of mustard gas and lewisite, inflammation does not develop. Under conditions of hypothermia, tetanus, dysentery intoxication is weakened, sensitivity to all types of oxygen starvation, to ionizing radiation decreases; cell damage is reduced: in rats, for example, a burn with boiling water does not cause hyperemia, edema, or necrosis; allergic reactions are weakened; in the experiment, the growth of malignant tumors slows down.

Under all these conditions, a deep inhibition of the nervous system and, as a result, all vital functions develops: the activity of regulatory systems (nervous and endocrine) is inhibited, metabolic processes are reduced, chemical reactions are inhibited, the need for oxygen decreases, the work of transport systems is weakened - blood and lymph circulation, body temperature decreases, the body switches to a more ancient metabolic pathway - glycolysis. As a result of the suppression of the processes of normal vital activity, the mechanisms of active defense are also turned off (or slowed down), an unreactive state arises, which ensures the survival of the body even in very difficult conditions. At the same time, he does not resist, but only passively endures the pathogenic action of the environment, almost without reacting to it. This state is called tolerance (I.A. Arshavsky) and is a way for the organism to survive in adverse conditions, when it is impossible to actively defend itself, it is impossible to avoid the action of an extreme stimulus.

To the second group include methods of increasing resistance while maintaining or increasing the level of vital activity of the organism:

training of the main functional systems: physical training; hardening at low temperatures; hypoxic training (adaptation to hypoxia);

Changes in the function of regulatory systems: autogenic training, hypnosis, verbal suggestion, reflexology (acupuncture, etc.);

non-specific therapy: balneotherapy, spa therapy, autohemotherapy, protein therapy, non-specific vaccination, pharmacological agents - phytoncides, interferon, adaptogens (ginseng, eleutherococcus, dibazol and vitamin B 12 in a certain dosage, etc.).

The doctrine of adaptogens is associated with the name of N.V. Lazarev (1895-1974), who laid the foundations of the "pharmacology of a healthy person" and formulated the concept of the adaptogenic effect. Adaptogens include a number of herbal preparations: extracts from plants of ginseng, eleutherococcus, Manchurian aralia, leuzea, zamaniha, Chinese magnolia vine, radiola rosea ("golden root"), etc .; some means of animal origin (pantocrine); a number of synthetic drugs - derivatives of benzimedazole (dibazol); vitamin B 12, etc.

Adaptogens are agents that accelerate adaptation to adverse factors, normalize stress-induced disorders: they have a wide range of therapeutic effects, increase resistance to a wide range of physical, chemical, and biological factors.

Eleutherococcus has the most pronounced adaptogenic effect. In the experiment, it also has antitoxic, antimutagenic, antiteratogenic effects. Eleutherococcus extract contains: eleutherosides A, B, C, D, E, F, with which its biological activity is mainly associated; vitamins C, E, beta-carotene (provitamin A); trace elements Ca, P, K, Mg, Na, Fe, Al, Ba, Sr, B, Cu, Zn, Mn, Cr, Co, germanium.

It has been established that adaptogens and, in particular, eleutherococcus stimulate not only adaptation reactions, but also compensatory reactions. So, in the experiment, against the background of the introduction of Eleutherococcus, cerebral ischemia and myocardial infarction proceed more favorably.

The mechanism of action of adaptogens (Eleutherococcus, Dibazol, vitamin B 12) is associated, in particular, with their stimulation of the synthesis of nucleic acids and proteins and the stabilization of biological membranes.

Using adaptogens (and some other drugs), as well as adapting the body to the action of adverse environmental factors, it is possible to form in the body a state of non-specifically increased resistance- SNPS (N.V. Lazarev). This condition is characterized by an increase in the level of vital activity, the mobilization of active defense mechanisms and functional reserves of the body, and increased resistance to the action of many damaging agents.

An important condition in the development of SNPS is a gradual increase in loads, avoiding overloads, in order to avoid disruption of adaptive-compensatory mechanisms.

Managing the reactivity and resistance of the body is a promising area of ​​modern preventive and curative medicine. Increasing nonspecific resistance is an effective way of general strengthening of the body, increasing its protective capabilities in the fight against various pathogens.

Body resistance - ( from lat. resistere - to resist) - this is the property of the body to resist the action of pathogenic factors or immunity to the effects of damaging factors of the external and internal environment. In other words, resistance is the resistance of an organism to the action of pathogenic factors.

In the course of evolution, the organism has acquired certain adaptive mechanisms that ensure its existence in conditions of constant interaction with the environment. The absence or insufficiency of these mechanisms could cause not only a violation of vital activity, but also the death of an individual.

The resistance of the body manifests itself in various forms.

Primary (natural, hereditary) ) resistance b - this is the resistance of the organism to the action of factors, determined by the peculiarity of the structure and function of organs and tissues that are inherited . For example, the skin and mucous membranes are structures that prevent microorganisms and many toxic substances from entering the body. They perform a barrier function. Subcutaneous fat, having poor thermal conductivity, contributes to the preservation of endogenous heat. The tissues of the musculoskeletal system (bones, ligaments) provide significant resistance to deformation in case of mechanical damage.

Primary resistance may be absolute and relative :

absolute primary resistance - a classic example is hereditary resistance to a number of infectious agents ("hereditary immunity"). Its presence is explained by the molecular features of the organism, which cannot serve as a habitat for a particular microorganism, or there are no cell receptors necessary for fixing the microorganism, i.e. there is a receptor non-complementarity between aggression molecules and their molecular targets. In addition, cells may not contain substances necessary for the existence of microorganisms, or they may contain products that interfere with the development of viruses and bacteria. Due to absolute resistance, the human body is not affected by many infectious diseases of animals (absolute human immunity to rinderpest), and vice versa - animals are not susceptible to a large group of human infectious diseases (gonorrhea is a human disease only).

· relative primary resistance - under certain conditions, the mechanisms of absolute resistance can change and then the body is able to interact with the agent that was previously “ignored” by it. For example, poultry (chickens) under normal conditions do not get sick with anthrax, against the background of hypothermia (cooling) it is possible to cause this disease. Camels, immune to the plague, fall ill with it after being very tired.

Secondary (acquired, modified) resistance- this is the resistance of the body, formed after the preliminary impact on it of certain factors. An example is the development of immunity after infectious diseases. Acquired resistance to non-infectious agents is formed through training for hypoxia, physical activity, low temperatures (hardening), etc.

Specific resistanceis the resistance of an organism to the action of a single agent . For example, the emergence of immunity after recovery from infectious diseases such as smallpox, plague, measles. The increased resistance of the organism after vaccination also belongs to the same type of resistance.

Nonspecific resistanceis the resistance of an organism to the action of several agents at once . Of course, it is impossible to achieve resistance to the whole variety of factors of the external and internal environment - they are different in nature. However, if a pathogenetic factor occurs in many diseases (caused by various ethological factors) and its action plays one of the leading roles in their pathogenesis, then resistance to it is manifested to a greater number of influences. For example, artificial adaptation to hypoxia greatly facilitates the course of a large group of pathologies, since it often determines their course and outcome. Moreover, in some cases, the resistance achieved by such a technique can prevent the development of a particular disease, pathological process.

Active resistanceit is the stability of the body, ensured by the inclusion of protective and adaptive mechanisms in response to the effects of agents . This can be the activation of phagocytosis, the production of antibodies, the emigration of leukocytes, etc. Resistance to hypoxia is achieved by increasing ventilation of the lungs, accelerating blood flow, increasing the number of red blood cells in the blood, etc.

Passive resistancethis is the stability of the body associated with its anatomical and physiological characteristics, i.e. it does not provide for the activation of reactions of the protective plan when exposed to agents . This resistance is provided by the barrier systems of the body (skin, mucous, histohematic and hematolymphatic barriers), the presence of bactericidal factors (hydrochloric acid in the stomach, lysozyme in saliva), hereditary immunity, etc.

A.Sh. Zaichik, L.P. Churilov (1999) instead of the term " passive resistance "suggest to use the term to denote the above described states of the body "portability ».

There is also a slightly different interpretation. "portability ". During the action of two or more extreme (extreme) factors, the body often responds to only one of them, and does not respond to the action of others. For example, animals exposed to radial acceleration tolerate a lethal dose of strychnine and have a higher survival rate under conditions of hypoxia and overheating. In shock, the body's response to mechanical stress is sharply reduced. This form of response, according to I.A. Arshavsky, cannot be named resistance , since under these conditions the body is not able to actively resist the action of other environmental agents, maintaining hemostasis, it only endures impact on the state deep depression of vital activity . Such a state of I.A. Arshavsky and suggested calling " portability" .

General resistanceit is the resistance of an organism as a whole to the action of a particular agent. For example, general resistance to oxygen starvation ensures the functioning of its organs and systems due to various protective and adaptive mechanisms activated at various levels of organization of living systems. These are systemic reactions - an increase in the activity of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, these are also subcellular changes - an increase in the volume and number of mitochondria, etc. All this provides protection for the body as a whole.

Local resistanceis the resistance of individual organs and tissues of the body to the effects of various agents . The resistance of the mucous membranes of the stomach and duodenum to ulcer formation is determined by the state of the mucous-bicarbonate barrier of these organs, the state of microcirculation, the regenerative activity of their epithelium, etc. The availability of toxins in the CNS is largely determined by the state of the blood-brain barrier, which is impassable for many toxic substances and microorganisms.

The variety of forms of resistance demonstrates the significant capabilities of the body in protecting against the effects of external and internal environmental factors. In individuals, as a rule, one can note the presence of several types of reactivity . For example, a patient was injected with antibodies to a certain type of microorganism (staphylococcus) - the forms of resistance are as follows: secondary, general, specific, passive.

5 .4.Relationship between reactivity and resistance.

In a general biological sense, reactivity is an expression of an individual measure of the adaptive capabilities of living systems, the entire range of reactions , characteristic of the body whole . It doesn't boil down to quantitative concept and is characterized by a certain set adaptive responses , possible for given organism (“what I have, I give”), i.e. is of a qualitative nature.

resistance already, applicable to interaction with a specific pathogenic agent and is quantitative in nature, i.e. characterized by a certain set of protective reactions against this influence and ensuring the preservation of homeostasis, and in case of a disease, contributing to the return to it .

Opportunity body resist damaging effects of the environment, ultimately determined by his reaction as a whole, and therefore, all mechanisms, providing resistance are one of the main consequences and expressions of reactivity. Often, reactivity and resistance change in the same direction, for example, immunity with hyperergic reactivity during the tuberculous process (high resistance against the background of hyperergy). However, they should not be completely identified; with the same tuberculosis, pronounced resistance (immunity) can also be observed with hypergic development of pathology. Resistance may decrease against the background of a hyperergic form of reactivity, which is noted, for example, during an allergy; and vice versa - the lower the reactivity, the higher the resistance. The latter position is most clearly demonstrated in winter-sleeping animals. In them, during hibernation, many mechanisms (manifestations) of reactivity are significantly reduced. But at the same time (decrease in reactivity), resistance to a wide variety of agents (hypothermia, hypoxia, poisoning, infections) is significantly increased.

The fact is that opioid peptides (dermorphin) released during hibernation inhibit the activity of the hypothalamic-pituitary and other brain systems. Hence, the inhibition of the activity of the higher vegetative parts of the CNS (sympathetic) contributes to a decrease in the intensity of metabolism, the oxygen consumption by tissues is significantly reduced, which allows these animals to endure, for example, more significant hypothermia than awake individuals.

Individuals in an active state actively respond to hypothermia - there is a significant tension in the higher autonomic and neuroendocrine centers with activation of the work of the peripheral endocrine glands (adrenal glands, thyroid gland). A diametrically opposite effect is noted - the intensity of metabolism increases, the need for oxygen by tissues increases, which leads very quickly to the depletion of the energy and plastic resources of the body. In addition, simultaneous stimulation of the function of the thyroid gland and the adrenal cortex causes a certain antagonism in the final mechanism of action of their hormones. At the level of cellular processes, the effect of glucocorticoids and thyroid hormones is opposite (thyroid hormones uncouple oxidative phosphorylation, and glucocorticoids enhance it). The function of the adrenal cortex is inhibited by thyroid hormones. Such an active, but energy-intensive (energy-consuming) and contradictory reactivity does not provide proper resistance to cold. Rectal temperature in winter sleeping animals can reach + 5 0 С without any serious consequences for the body, while death in awake animals often occurs at a rectal temperature of + 28 0 С.

Using artificial hibernation (cold anesthesia), surgeons significantly increase the body's resistance during long-term and extensive surgical interventions. Barbiturate coma (characterized by inhibition of the responses of the reticular formation, diencephalon and stem structures) is considered to be energy-sparing for the brain and increases survival in extreme conditions. On this basis, in anesthesiology and resuscitation, it is used to treat other, more dangerous types of coma. We should not forget the famous statement of I.P. Pavlova about the healing role of sleep as a protective inhibition.

Thus: the first - the highest degree of resistance of the organism can be achieved with different intensity of response to the effects of agents. And secondly, the hyperergic form of reactivity does not always lead to significant resistance; the high intensity of the body's response is not in all cases beneficial and even dangerous.

Naturally, the question immediately arises, why is this happening? After all, reactivity is ultimately aimed at protecting the body from exposure to pathogenic agents, and in the event of a disease, at eliminating the pathological process, the disease. We have repeatedly emphasized that the protective, adaptive reactions of the body carry a hidden, and sometimes a clear threat of further damage, which can contribute to the aggravation of the pathology (see p. 22, 68, 69). The natural response of the body sometimes even leads to its death: one of the defense mechanisms in drug addiction is an increase in the activity of the parasympathetic nervous system, which forms a physical dependence on the drug or, excessive myocardial hypertrophy ends with cardiosclerosis. It is difficult to clearly differentiate their positive and negative purpose. For example, when does the protective role of centralization of blood circulation end in acute hypoxia and where does its negative effect on the organs and tissues of the body begin, what are the criteria for the positive and negative appointment of edema that develops during inflammation? We will try to answer these questions in the next section on The main issue of pathophysiology is the ratio of sex and protection in the disease.

Body resistance - (from lat. resistere - to resist ) is the property of an organism to resist the action of pathogenic factors or immunity to the effects of damaging factors of the external and internal environment. In other words, resistance is the resistance of an organism to the action of pathogenic factors.

In the course of evolution, the organism has acquired certain adaptive mechanisms that ensure its existence in conditions of constant interaction with the environment. The absence or insufficiency of these mechanisms could cause not only a violation of vital activity, but also the death of an individual.

The resistance of the body manifests itself in various forms.

Primary(natural, hereditary) ) resistanceb - this is the resistance of the organism to the action of factors, determined by the peculiarity of the structure and function of organs and tissues that are inherited. For example, the skin and mucous membranes are structures that prevent microorganisms and many toxic substances from entering the body. They perform a barrier function. Subcutaneous fat, having poor thermal conductivity, contributes to the preservation of endogenous heat. The tissues of the musculoskeletal system (bones, ligaments) provide significant resistance to deformation in case of mechanical damage.

Primary resistance may be absolute and relative :

    absolute primary resistance - a classic example is hereditary resistance to a number of infectious agents ("hereditary immunity"). Its presence is explained by the molecular features of the organism, which cannot serve as a habitat for a particular microorganism, or there are no cell receptors necessary for fixing the microorganism, i.e. there is a receptor non-complementarity between aggression molecules and their molecular targets. In addition, cells may not contain substances necessary for the existence of microorganisms, or they may contain products that interfere with the development of viruses and bacteria. Due to absolute resistance, the human body is not affected by many infectious diseases of animals (absolute human immunity to rinderpest), and vice versa - animals are not susceptible to a large group of human infectious diseases (gonorrhea is a human disease only).

    relative primary resistance - under certain conditions, the mechanisms of absolute resistance can change and then the body is able to interact with the agent that was previously “ignored” by it. For example, poultry (chickens) under normal conditions do not get sick with anthrax, against the background of hypothermia (cooling) it is possible to cause this disease. Camels, immune to the plague, fall ill with it after being very tired.

Secondary(acquired, modified) resistance- this is the resistance of the body, formed after the preliminary impact on it of certain factors. An example is the development of immunity after infectious diseases. Acquired resistance to non-infectious agents is formed through training for hypoxia, physical activity, low temperatures (hardening), etc.

Specific resistanceis the body's resistance to the influence of a single agent . For example, the emergence of immunity after recovery from infectious diseases such as smallpox, plague, measles. The increased resistance of the organism after vaccination also belongs to the same type of resistance.

Nonspecific resistanceis the body's resistance to exposure to multiple agents . Of course, it is impossible to achieve resistance to the whole variety of factors of the external and internal environment - they are different in nature. However, if a pathogenetic factor occurs in many diseases (caused by various ethological factors) and its action plays one of the leading roles in their pathogenesis, then resistance to it is manifested to a greater number of influences. For example, artificial adaptation to hypoxia greatly facilitates the course of a large group of pathologies, since it often determines their course and outcome. Moreover, in some cases, the resistance achieved by such a technique can prevent the development of a particular disease, pathological process.

Active resistanceit is the stability of the body, ensured by the inclusion of protective and adaptive mechanisms in response to agents . This can be the activation of phagocytosis, the production of antibodies, the emigration of leukocytes, etc. Resistance to hypoxia is achieved by increasing ventilation of the lungs, accelerating blood flow, increasing the number of red blood cells in the blood, etc.

Passive resistancethis is the stability of the body associated with its anatomical and physiological characteristics, i.e. it does not provide for the activation of reactions of the protective plan when exposed to agents. This resistance is provided by the barrier systems of the body (skin, mucous, histohematic and hematolymphatic barriers), the presence of bactericidal factors (hydrochloric acid in the stomach, lysozyme in saliva), hereditary immunity, etc.

A.Sh. Zaichik, L.P. Churilov (1999) instead of the term " passive resistance "suggest to use the term to denote the above described states of the body "portability ».

There is also a slightly different interpretation. "portability ". During the action of two or more extreme (extreme) factors, the body often responds to only one of them, and does not respond to the action of others. For example, animals exposed to radial acceleration tolerate a lethal dose of strychnine and have a higher survival rate under conditions of hypoxia and overheating. In shock, the body's response to mechanical stress is sharply reduced. This form of response, according to I.A. Arshavsky, cannot be named resistance , since under these conditions the body is not able to actively resist the action of other environmental agents, maintaining hemostasis, it only endures impact on the state deep oppression of vital activity . Such a state of I.A. Arshavsky and suggested calling " portability" .

General resistanceit is the resistance of an organism as a whole to the action of a particular agent. For example, general resistance to oxygen starvation ensures the functioning of its organs and systems due to various protective and adaptive mechanisms activated at various levels of organization of living systems. These are systemic reactions - an increase in the activity of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, these are also subcellular changes - an increase in the volume and number of mitochondria, etc. All this provides protection for the body as a whole.

Local resistanceis the resistance of individual organs and tissues of the body to the effects of various agents . The resistance of the mucous membranes of the stomach and duodenum to ulcer formation is determined by the state of the mucous-bicarbonate barrier of these organs, the state of microcirculation, the regenerative activity of their epithelium, etc. The availability of toxins in the CNS is largely determined by the state of the blood-brain barrier, which is impassable for many toxic substances and microorganisms.

The variety of forms of resistance demonstrates the significant capabilities of the body in protecting against the effects of external and internal environmental factors. In individuals, as a rule, one can note the presence of several types of reactivity . For example, a patient was injected with antibodies to a certain type of microorganism (staphylococcus) - the forms of resistance are as follows: secondary, general, specific, passive.

It is innate in origin. It includes barriers between the external and internal environment, cellular and humoral factors of the internal environment and is provided by the following mechanisms.

Barriers between the external and internal environment- skin and mucosal epithelium(oral cavity, nasopharynx, gastrointestinal tract, lungs, eyes, urinary tract). Their barrier function is provided mechanically, i.e. an obstacle to passage, removal due to the flickering of the cilia of the epithelium and the movement of mucus, as well as due to chemicals released by the cells of the barriers. The skin secretes bactericidal substances (lactic and fatty acids, formation of hydrogen peroxide) as part of the secretions of the sweat and sebaceous glands. Hydrochloric acid and gastric juice enzymes destroy microorganisms. Lysozyme of saliva, lacrimal fluid, respiratory mucus, blood, mother's milk, synovial, peritoneal and pleural fluids has a powerful bacteriolytic effect.

At the same time, the secrets of the mucous membranes also contain specific protection factors, for example, immunoglobulins JgA - secretory antibodies.

Humoral factors of the internal environment are plasma proteins.

fibronectin- a protein that, when attached to foreign particles, cells, microorganisms, facilitates phagocytosis, i.e. it is one of the opsonization factors. It is produced by macrophages, endothelium, smooth muscle cells, astroglia, Schwann cells, enterocytes, hepatocytes and other cells. It has a high affinity for fibrin, actin, heparin.

Interferons produced by neutrophils and monocytes. They have various functions: they stimulate the activity of natural killers and macrophages, directly affect DNA and RNA-containing viruses, inhibiting growth and activity, retard growth and destroy malignant cells, possibly through increased production of tumor necrosis factor. They are divided into 3 groups: a-, b- and g-interferons, the latter being immune (produced in response to an antigen). g-inter-

feron, produced by natural killers and activated T-helpers, activates macrophages (stimulates their production of interleukin-1), enhances the production of superoxide radicals in neutrophils. Interferons are used in clinical practice. Interferon-a activates the differentiation of leukemia cells to mature forms, modeling their genetic program with blocking the autocrine production of growth stimulants and their receptors in these cells. Therefore, it is effective in the treatment of patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia (hair cell leukemia).

Lysozyme is an enzyme produced by neutrophils and macrophages. It destroys the membranes of bacteria, promoting their lysis. Lysozyme stimulates T-, B-lymphocytes, enhances the adhesion of immunocompetent cells, activates the complement system, affects various stages of phagocytosis, chemokinesis, opsonization and antigen degradation. Lysozyme also stimulates regenerative processes in tissues, enhances the action of antibiotics. Determination of its activity is a way to assess the state of nonspecific resistance.

Complement- an enzyme system of more than 20 globulin proteins. They are denoted by the letter C with a serial number (C 1, C 2, C 3, etc.). These proteins are produced by macrophages in an inactive state. Activation occurs either due to the contact of the system components with any foreign cell, or with the antigen-antibody complex. Complement is characterized by the following functions: cytolysis (destruction of foreign cells), opsonization (facilitation of phagocytosis), participation in the development of inflammation (by attracting phagocytes, mast cells to the focus and releasing histamine, serotonin from the latter), participation in the modification of immune complexes and their excretion from the body.

Properdin system consists of three components: protein P, or own properdin; factor B - a b-glycoprotein rich in glycine, and protease D, which is a proenzyme. Properdin is activated by bacterial endotoxin, the hormone insulin. Under its influence, factor D is activated, under the influence of which - factor B and then the complement system. Together with other humoral factors, properdin provides bactericidal, hemolytic, virus-neutralizing effects, and is a mediator of immune responses.

The humoral factors of nonspecific protection include other substances: leukins, plakins, b-lysines. Leukins are secreted by leukocytes, plakins by platelets. Both types of agents are found in blood plasma and tissue fluid and have a bacteriolytic effect. Plasma b-lysines have an even greater lytic effect on staphylococci and anaerobic microorganisms.

Many tissue fluid agents(inhibitors of hyaluronidase, phospholipases, collagenase, plasmin) inhibit the enzymatic activity of microorganisms and the vital activity of viruses.

Cellular mechanisms of nonspecific resistance. They are represented by an inflammatory reaction of tissues and phagocytosis. They involve neutrophils, monocytes, macrophages, eosinophils, basophils.

tissue inflammatory response- an evolutionarily developed process of protecting the internal environment from the penetration of foreign macromolecules. Microorganisms that have penetrated into the tissue are fixed at the site of penetration, are destroyed and then removed from the tissue into the external environment with the liquid medium of the inflammation focus - exudate. Tissue cells and leukocytes entering the focus of inflammation form a kind of protective shaft that prevents the spread of foreign particles in the internal environment. In the focus of inflammation, the process of phagocytosis is especially effective. Phagocytosis, being a nonspecific defense mechanism, at the same time contributes to immunological defense mechanisms. This is due, firstly, to the fact that, by absorbing macromolecules and splitting them, the phagocyte, as it were, reveals the structural parts of molecules that are foreign. Secondly, phagocytosis under conditions of immunological protection proceeds faster and more efficiently. Thus, the phenomenon of phagocytosis occupies an intermediate place between the mechanisms of specific and nonspecific defense. This once again emphasizes the conditionality of dividing the mechanisms of protection of cellular homeostasis into specific and nonspecific.

End of work -

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This is a method of recording the process of blood clotting and clot formation on a thromboelastograph. Principle of operation. The analyzed blood is collected directly into a cylindrical cuvette and metal is immersed in it.

Lesson 1
1. Are the statements true: a) homeostasis is the ability to maintain the constancy of the internal environment of the body, b) static processes are the basis of homeostasis, c) homeostasis is based on

Pediatric department
LESSON 1 1. Specify the sequence of stages of hematopoiesis during fetal development. 1. Splenic. 2. Mesoblastic. 3. Pechen

Lesson 2
1. Specify the differences in the composition of white blood in newborns after birth. 1. The number of leukocytes in the first 4 days after birth is higher than in adults. 2. Ney

Lesson 4
1. Are the statements true: a) in newborns, the total amount of blood is 15% of body weight, b) in adults, the total amount of blood is 20% of body weight, c) therefore, in

A) no, b) no, c) yes
SITUATIONAL TASKS 1. A person has lost 2 liters of blood. The blood group has not been established. What is the doctor's strategy? What and how much should be transfused to this recipient? 2. A patient was brought to the hospital

Answers to the questions of test control of knowledge
Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 1. 1 2. 1.2 3. 3 4. 3 5. 4 6. 2 7. 1 8. 1 9. 1 10.

Knowledge for students of the pediatric department
Lesson 1 Lesson 2 Lesson 3 Lesson 4 1. 2,3,1,4 2. 1,2,3,4 3. 1,2,3 4. 1,3,4 5. 1

In the process of treatment, many are faced with such a problem as the resistance of the body to the action of antibiotics. For many, such a medical conclusion becomes a real problem in the treatment of various diseases.

What is resistance?

Resistance is the resistance of microorganisms to the action of antibiotics. In the human body, in the aggregate of all microorganisms, individuals resistant to the action of the antibiotic are found, but their number is minimal. When the antibiotic begins to act, the entire population of cells dies (bactericidal effect) or stops its development altogether (bacteriostatic effect). Antibiotic-resistant cells remain and begin to multiply actively. This predisposition is inherited.

In the human body, a certain sensitivity to the action of a certain kind of antibiotics is developed, and in some cases a complete replacement of the links of metabolic processes, which makes it possible for microorganisms not to react to the action of an antibiotic.

Also, in some cases, microorganisms themselves can begin to produce substances that neutralize the effect of the substance. This process is called enzymatic inactivation of antibiotics.

Those microorganisms that are resistant to a particular type of antibiotic may, in turn, be resistant to similar classes of substances that are similar in mechanism of action.

Is resistance really that dangerous?

Is resistance good or bad? The problem of resistance is currently acquiring the effect of the “era of post-antibiotics”. If earlier the problem of antibiotic resistance or non-acceptance was solved by creating a stronger substance, then at the moment this is no longer possible. Resistance is an issue that needs to be taken seriously.

The main danger of resistance is the untimely intake of antibiotics. The body simply cannot immediately respond to its action and is left without proper antibiotic therapy.

Among the main stages of danger are:

  • alarming factors;
  • global problems.

In the first case, there is a high probability of a resistance development problem due to the prescription of such groups of antibiotics as cephalosporins, macrolides, quinolones. These are quite strong broad-spectrum antibiotics that are prescribed for the treatment of dangerous and complex diseases.

The second type - global problems - represents all the negative aspects of resistance, including:

  1. Extended hospital stays.
  2. Large financial costs for treatment.
  3. A high percentage of mortality and morbidity in humans.

Such problems are particularly pronounced when traveling to the Mediterranean countries, but mainly depend on the type of microorganisms that may be affected by the antibiotic.

Antibiotic resistance

The main factors leading to the development of antibiotic resistance include:

  • drinking water of poor quality;
  • unsanitary conditions;
  • uncontrolled use of antibiotics, as well as their use on livestock farms for the treatment of animals and the growth of young animals.

Among the main approaches to solving the problems of fighting infections with antibiotic resistance, scientists come to:

  1. Development of new types of antibiotics.
  2. Change and modification of chemical structures.
  3. New drug developments that will target cellular functions.
  4. Inhibition of virulent determinants.

How to reduce the possibility of developing resistance to antibiotics?

The main condition is the maximum elimination of the selective effect of antibiotics on the bacteriological course.

In order to overcome antibiotic resistance, certain conditions must be met:

  1. Prescription of antibiotics only with a clear clinical picture.
  2. The use of simple antibiotics in the treatment.
  3. Use of short courses of antibiotic therapy.
  4. Taking microbiological samples for the effectiveness of a particular group of antibiotics.

Nonspecific resistance

This term is commonly understood as the so-called innate immunity. This is a whole complex of factors that determine the susceptibility or immunity to the action of a particular drug on the body, as well as antimicrobial systems that do not depend on prior contact with the antigen.

Such systems include:

  • phagocyte system.
  • Skin and mucous membranes of the body.
  • Natural eosinophils and killers (extracellular destroyers).
  • compliment systems.
  • Humoral factors in the acute phase.

Factors of nonspecific resistance

What is a resistance factor? The main factors of nonspecific resistance include:

  • All anatomical barriers (skin, ciliated epithylium).
  • Physiological barriers (Ph, temperature, soluble factors - interferon, lysozyme, complement).
  • Cellular barriers (direct lysis of a foreign cell, endocytosis).
  • inflammatory processes.

The main properties of non-specific protection factors:

  1. A system of factors that precedes even before the encounter with the antibiotic.
  2. There is no strict specific reaction, since the antigen is not recognized.
  3. No memory of foreign antigen on secondary contact.
  4. Efficiency continues in the first 3-4 days before the activation of adaptive immunity.
  5. Rapid response to antigen exposure.
  6. Formation of a rapid inflammatory process and an immune response to an antigen.

Summing up

So resistance is not very good. The problem of resistance at the moment occupies a rather serious place among the methods of treatment of antibiotic therapy. In the process of prescribing a certain type of antibiotics, the doctor must carry out the entire range of laboratory and ultrasound studies to establish an accurate clinical picture. Only upon receipt of these data, it is possible to proceed to the appointment of antibiotic therapy. Many experts recommend prescribing light groups of antibiotics for treatment first, and if they are ineffective, move on to a wider range of antibiotics. Such a phased approach will help to avoid the possible development of such a problem as the body's resistance. It is also not recommended to self-medicate and use uncontrolled drugs in the treatment of people and animals.