Adaptogen is a general tonic of natural or artificial origin. Reception of adaptagens, description of preparations. Which is better, ginseng or eleutherococcus: description, properties, indications, application, reviews

  Adaptogens are herbal medicines.. They tone the body, increase efficiency and have an immunostimulating effect. They adapt the body to high physical, emotional, mental stress, increase resistance to cold, heat and stress.

  Adaptogens are different:

  • chemical (vitamins)
  • biological (dietary supplements)
  • vegetable - the most popular with us.

  If you look in the refrigerator or first aid kit, then in almost every family you can find jars-bottles with different tinctures: eleutherococcus, ginseng, Chinese magnolia vine, rose radiola, licorice root. These are natural adaptogens.

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  There are also other adaptogens - for example, guarana and gotu kola. But they grow in South America, so preparations based on these herbs can rarely be found on the shelves of our pharmacies.

  Adaptogens are best used autumn, winter and early spring. In summer, the body and without aids or medicines can be energized.

  If you constantly get sleepy, you don't want to work, you can't concentrate on the task and everything annoys you, then these are the first signs of a seasonal breakdown.
  These symptoms are the first call for admission adaptogens.

  The main thing in this matter is - correct dosage.
  For example, 10 drops of Eleutherococcus in the morning - and complete lethargy all day, but 25 drops of the same drug can turn into an energizer.

  Therefore, it is necessary to strictly follow the instructions: it is advisable to drink all tinctures 2 times a day, 20-25 drops, in the morning and at lunchtime. The only exception to the rule is Rhodiola rosea tincture, which has other rules for taking it. On the first day, you need only 10 drops, then every day increase the dose by 2 drops - and so on up to 25.

  For the effect to be effective, you need to complete a whole course within a month.
  But with a break of 7 days: for 2 weeks we are charged with energy from adaptogens, we have a rest for a week, and then we take the drug for another 14 days.

  By the way, it is very useful to drink adaptogems before traveling abroad, to warmer climes.

  Although adaptogens in most cases have no contraindications, there are people for whom they are undesirable. For example, allergies. You can not drink adaptogens and people prone to hypertensive crises, hypertensive patients - as tinctures increase blood pressure.

  But for hypotensive patients, the opposite is true: adaptogens are not only possible, but also necessary to drink. Small children should also not be given herbal remedies. They can make babies real energizers, overly nervous and aggressive.

Top 5 Adaptogens

Ginseng tincture

  One of the most popular adaptogens in our country - ginseng tincture. It stimulates the central nervous system, especially memory and thinking, improves cellular metabolism and oxygen uptake by body cells, stimulates immunity, endocrine, sexual function as well as hematopoiesis. Ginseng, reducing the amount of cholesterol in the blood and normalizing lipid metabolism, is indicated for people with diabetes, especially since it also has the ability to lower blood sugar.

Chinese lemongrass

  Another well-known adaptogen - chinese lemongrass. The healing properties of lemongrass are impressive: it enhances the sharpness of night vision, increases blood pressure in case of hypotension, stimulates motor and secretory function digestive tract.
  Increases the tone of skeletal muscles, activates and stimulates metabolism, increases the body's resistance and resistance to hypoxia or oxygen starvation.


  And here eleutherococcus stimulates the body during high physical exertion. A feature of Eleutherococcus is that it improves vision and color perception. It has a strong anti-toxic, anti-stress and radioprotective effect, increases the body's defenses against colds.

Radiola pink

  Radiola pink, or golden root, is considered an elixir of youth and health. Radiola-based medicine increases attention, endurance, relieves fatigue, improves memory.

Liquorice root

  Another popular adaptogen is liquorice root. V medicinal purposes it has been used for over 5000 years. A bunch of licorice roots has even been found in Tutankhamun's tomb. The Egyptians, Greeks and Romans recommended licorice to combat physical overload and stress.

Attention! the information on the site is not a medical diagnosis, or a guide to action and is for informational purposes only.

Adaptogens - pharmacological group preparations of natural or artificial origin that can increase the body's nonspecific resistance to a wide range of harmful effects physical, chemical and biological nature.

I - Classification
- plant origin: rhodiola rosea, ginseng, eleutherococcus, aralia, astragalus, centaury, lemongrass, sea buckthorn, ginger, etc.;
- mineral origin: mumiyo;
- animal origin (including preparations of animal waste products): reindeer antlers (gypsy, pantocrine), bee waste products (apilak, etc.);
- synthetic (trekrezan).

II - Application
- Indications: increased fatigue, stress, anorexia, prevention of acclimatization and colds, as well as to speed up the recovery process after the acute phase of the disease, hypofunction of the sex glands.
- Side effects: allergies, insomnia, increased tone of the myometrium. It should be noted that alcohol extracts should be used in the first half of the day, since adaptogens can cause insomnia.
- Contraindications: hypertonic disease, insomnia, pregnancy.

III - Effects of adaptogens
- Under the influence of adaptogens, the body begins to oxidize milk and pyruvic acid, which are the main "fatigue toxins". Under the influence of adaptogens, the body quickly copes with post-workout acidosis - a shift in blood pH to the acid side.
- Under the influence of all adaptogens without exception, the permeability of cell membranes for carbohydrates, proteins and fatty acids increases.
- adaptogens increase sensitivity muscle cells to endogenous (own) insulin. Insulin begins to "drag" the molecules of proteins and carbohydrates through the cell membranes into the cell with greater activity.
- Adaptogens contribute to the accumulation of glycogen in the muscles, liver and heart. Glycogen, the main "fuel" for muscles. Only after the depletion of glycogen stores do cells begin to absorb amino acids and fatty acid.
- Glucose can be assimilated by the cells of the body only if it is pre-phosphorylated - phosphorus residues will be added. With fatigue, in conditions of lack of ATP and decreased activity enzyme systems responsible for carbohydrate-phosphorus metabolism, the body begins to use glucose with difficulty. Both mental and physical performance decreases. The use of adaptogens allows you to activate the phosphorylation of glucose - the conversion to glucose-1 - phosphate. This dramatically improves the entire bioenergy at once, because proteins and fats cannot be oxidized at all without glucose. It is the oxidation of glucose that provides energy for the oxidation of amino acids and fats.

IV - Overview of drugs

Schisandra chinensis
- The main active ingredients of lemongrass: schisandrin, deoxyschisandrin, gamma-schisandrin, schisandrol. main, most potent substance- schisandrin. Especially a lot of it in the seeds of lemongrass fruits. Medicines are prepared from the seeds.
- A distinctive feature of lemongrass is that it enhances the processes of excitation in the central nervous system to the greatest extent (in comparison with other adaptogens). Moreover, the stimulating effect of lemongrass is so strong that it is not inferior in strength to some doping drugs.
- In medicine, lemongrass is used to treat nervous depression and general apathy.
- Another feature of lemongrass is its ability to increase visual acuity in myopia, glaucoma and other eye diseases. Visual acuity is improved by increasing the sensitivity of the retina to light stimuli.
- Significantly increases acidity gastric juice improves digestion of food. Both mental and physical performance under the influence of lemongrass are noticeably increased.
- Alcoholic tincture of lemongrass is usually used. The tincture is taken once a day in the morning in a small amount of water.
- In order to enhance the inhibitory processes in the central nervous system, the selection of the optimal dosage begins with 5-10 drops. To obtain a tonic and stimulating effect, selection begins with 10-15 drops. Doses are strictly approximate. The exact dosage is selected individually, empirically.
- In order to enhance the inhibitory processes in the central nervous system, the selection of the optimal dosage begins with 5-10 drops. To obtain a tonic and stimulating effect, selection begins with 10-15 drops.

Leuzea safflower (maral root)
- The main active ingredients of Leuzea are phytoecdysones. Phytoecdysones are polyhydroxylated steroid compounds. They have a pronounced anabolic activity. Anabolic activity - distinguishes Leuzea from other adaptogens. Leuzea promotes build-up muscle mass. The ability of Leuzea to enhance protein synthesis has a beneficial effect on the state of the liver.
- With prolonged use of Leuzea, the composition of the blood improves: the number of leukocytes and erythrocytes increases, the content of hemoglobin increases. Leuzea also has a mild, physiological vasodilating effect. With its regular consumption, an increase in the lumen of the vascular bed occurs and the power of the heart muscle increases (the heart rate decreases).
- Some species of animals that eat leuzea are able to have sexual intercourse up to 100 times a day.
- Release form of the drug: alcohol extract in vials of 30 ml. Inhibitory doses of leuzea extract: 5-10 drops in the morning on an empty stomach once in a small amount of water. Activating doses: 10-30 drops.

Eleutherococcus senticosus
- The plant contains a sum of glycosides - eleutherosides. Eleutherosides have the ability to increase the permeability of cell membranes to glucose. This is due to some hypoglycemic effect of Eleutherococcus. The oxidation of fatty acids is also markedly increased. The ability of Eleutherococcus to improve color vision deserves attention. Visual acuity also improves slightly.
- Eleutherococcus is considered a drug that improves thermoregulation due to more intense oxidation of glucose and fatty acids. This allows you to use Eleutherococcus to prevent colds. The conducted studies have shown a high preventive activity of Eleutherococcus.
- The number of colds in the experimental group, which took eleutherococcus, decreased by 2 times compared to the control group.
- For medical use an alcoholic extract of Eleutherococcus senticosus is produced in vials of 50 ml. Inhibitory doses of Eleutherococcus: 6-12 drops in the morning on an empty stomach in a small amount of water. Activating doses: 15 drops to 1 teaspoon on an empty stomach.

- The effects of the use of ginseng root are due to the content in it of a special kind of glycosides - panaxosides. A distinctive feature of ginseng is its ability to increase appetite and, as a result, the overall body weight.
- Ginseng somewhat improves digestion and favorably affects the state of the liver. There is also a slight decrease in blood sugar, color vision improves
- Contrary to popular belief, the tonic effect of ginseng and its ability to prevent the development of various diseases is not only not higher, but even somewhat lower than that of some other adaptogens.
- Release form: alcohol tincture of ginseng root in bottles of 10-30 ml. Take 1 time per day in the morning before meals in a small amount of water. Inhibitory doses: 10-20 drops. Activating doses: 30-40 drops.

Rhodiola rosea (Golden root)
- Rhodiola rosea is called the golden root, not only because its roots have a golden yellow color when cut. Her positive impact on the body is exceptionally strong.
- The general strengthening effects of Rhodiola are due to the presence of two main active ingredients - Rhodosin and Rhodioliside.
- A distinctive feature of Rhodiola from other adaptogens is that it has a strong effect on striated muscle tissue, as well as on the heart muscle. Even after a single dose of Rhodiola, muscle strength and endurance increase. The contractility of the heart muscle also increases.
- Rhodiola rosea causes a distinct activation of cell bioenergetics. The size of mitochondria increases, their ability to utilize carbohydrates, fatty acids, and lactic acid increases. Increases glycogen content in muscles and liver.
- According to the strength of its general strengthening and tonic effect, Rhodiola is perhaps the most powerful adaptogen.
- Release form: alcoholic extract of the root in bottles of 30 ml. Rhodiola extract is taken once a day in the morning on an empty stomach in a small amount of water. Inhibitory doses: 2-5 drops. Activating doses: 5 to 10 drops.

Aralia Manchurian
- The main active ingredients are aralosides glycosides. To date, the following have been described: araloside A, araloside B, araloside C. It is possible that plants also contain other aralosides that have not yet been described.
- Aralosides have a diverse effect on human body: have a tonic and general tonic effect, activate protein synthesis, reduce blood sugar due to a significant increase in the permeability of cell membranes for glucose. The intensity of glucose oxidation inside the cell also increases.
- Aralia differs from other adaptogen plants in that it has the strongest hypoglycemic effect.
- The strong hypoglycemic effect of the Manchurian aralia sometimes causes an increased appetite. But an increase in appetite does not always lead to an increase in body weight. An increase in general activity and an increase in working capacity reach such an extent that with an increase in the amount of food consumed, the amount of energy expended also increases. The ability of Aralia to increase appetite can be successfully used to treat decreased appetite in children. Doses of aralia are selected individually, adjusted for the child's lower body weight.
- The strength of the tonic action of Aralia is higher than that of most adaptogens and is second only to the strength of Rhodiola.
- Release form of aralia: alcohol tincture of aralia root in bottles of 50 ml. Aralia is taken once a day in the morning on an empty stomach in a small amount of water. Inhibitory doses: 2-6 drops. Activating doses: 6-15 drops.

Sterculia platanophylla
- Sterculia has a tonic and restorative effect, similar to the action of Eleutherococcus senticosus.
- For medicinal purposes, use the leaves of sterculia, collected at the beginning of flowering, before the appearance of yellowed leaves.
- The leaves of sterculia contain: essential oil (up to 0.1%), resins (about 5%), organic acids (2.5%), traces of alkaloids.
- Caffeine, theobromine, organic acids (about 6%) were found in the seeds of sterculia, fatty oil(up to 26%) and traces of alkaloids.
- Sterculia tincture is used as an aphrodisiac for physical and mental fatigue, overwork, asthenic conditions, after debilitating diseases. It is not recommended to take at night.

lure high
- Lure flowers resemble ginseng flowers. Hence the legend was born that they seemed to lure ginseng hunters into the thicket of the forest. Some authors believe that the plant is named lure because of the bright red color of the fruit, which attracts birds.
- Pharmacological properties temptations are due to the presence of saponins, alkaloids, glycosides, essential oils. According to the spectrum of its effect on the body and the strength of the tonic effect, zamaniha is close to ginseng.
- Release form: alcoholic tincture of lure roots in bottles of 50 ml. Take the tincture in the morning once a day in a small amount of water on an empty stomach. Tonic doses: 10-20 drops. Activating doses: 30-40 drops.

- Saparal is a mixture of ammonium bases of salts of triterpene glycosides (aralosides) obtained from the roots of Manchurian aralia.
- Saparal has the main tonic and restorative effects of aralia, however, due to the smaller spectrum of active substances, it does not cause a decrease in blood sugar. Saparal can be used instead of alcohol tincture of aralia in cases where an increase in appetite is not desirable, or when alcohol consumption is contraindicated even in very small quantities.
- Release form: tablets of 50 mg.
- Saparal is taken once a day, in the morning on an empty stomach, with a small amount of water. Sometimes, when taken in a large dose on an empty stomach, it can cause mild nausea. In such cases, saparal should be taken after meals. Inhibitory doses: 0.5 - 1 tablet. Activating doses: 1.5 - 2 g.

V - Application of adaptogens
- Do not take adaptogens 2 or 3 times a day. Single use only morning reception harmoniously fits into the human biorhythm.
- Attempts to take adaptogens 3 times a day in order to increase efficiency can not only not increase it, but even lower it.
- Drug stress can develop in the body when using any drug. But special care should be taken when using tonic and stimulant drugs that can increase excitation or inhibition in the central nervous system.

VI - Dose selection
- Dose selection can be started with 6 drops, taking them in the morning on an empty stomach in 1/4 glass of water. After taking it, you need to analyze your own feelings during the day. If you experience a surge of energy, an acceleration of the thought process and a desire to work, then you are in the range of activating doses.
- If you feel general relaxation, lethargy, then this dose is inhibitory for you, and the next day it must be increased. Increasing the dose should be gradual, 1 drop per day. And so on until you get into the activation range.
- Activation will increase every day, however, sooner or later hyperactivation will come - a state when, due to too much energy, it becomes difficult to sleep at night.

VII - combination
- Adaptogens are perfectly combined with any other plants, vitamins, vitamin-like substances and drugs.
 A group of drugs whose action adaptogens can weaken are sedatives and hypnotics. Adaptogens taken in activating doses weaken the effect of such drugs.
- The action of stimulants of the nervous system, such as caffeine and ephedrine, on the contrary, is enhanced by adaptogens.

Mumiyo - "mountain resin", is mined in the mountain caves of Central Asia. Shilajit is a natural mixture of organic and inorganic substances that are highly soluble in water, which is collected in rock cracks, voids, niches in the form of films, crusts, outgrowths of black, dark brown and brown tar-like masses mixed with sand and crushed stone.
Shilajit varieties
1. Cadaverous - a solid or waxy mass of black color, formed during mummification or the slow decomposition of the corpses of animals and insects, mumiyo was usually obtained from mummified people and animals.
2. Lichen - a thick or solid different mass - a product of the vital activity of plants, mainly lichens.
3. Juniper - a resinous brown-black mass with a resinous odor, released from the trunk of the roots of juniper, pine, spruce, is carried by water in the soil, mixes with soil elements and forms streaks in the crevices of rocks.
4. Bituminous - liquid or waxy mass dark color accumulated as a result of anaerobic decomposition of dead plants. It differs from oil in that it does not contain volatile hydrocarbons, since it is formed close to the soil surface and quickly loses volatile components.
5. Excrement - petrified excrement of small animals, mainly rodents and bats (the most common). Mumiyo is not a natural resin, but reacted with rocks(rocky surface, dust) and hardened excrement of bats of the smooth-nosed family.
6. Honey-wax - yellow, brown or black mass - a waste product of wild bees, polymerized as a result of prolonged lying.
7. The mineral was found high in the mountains, in the voids of rocks, where neither animals nor plants could get, which indicates the possibility of the formation of mumiyo from minerals, but with the participation of microorganisms or protozoa. Possibly has something in common with ozocerite

- As a result of comprehensive research at the Institute of Geochemistry and analytical chemistry them. Vernadsky, a single formula was derived for different samples of mumiyo:
- Ca Si[(K,Na)C4 H10 CH2O], According to this chemical formula mountain balsam is a kind of natural mineral with a stable organic part of the molecule.
- they write that they bought mumiyo in tablets in a pharmacy and refer to a negative experience of use, which did not give any results.
- Among the reasons why the use of mummy in tablets may not give the desired results, the following should be noted:
- A low-quality substance was used to manufacture a batch of medicine. This is due to the fact that the mummy is mined in small quantities, and in this form is taken by drug manufacturers. The quality of batches of raw materials of several kilograms is usually unrealistic to check, and in many cases, the manufacturer is forced to rely on the integrity of raw material suppliers.
- The manufacture of medicines based on mummy, especially tablets, involves the introduction of certain additives. These additives in patients can cause an individual reaction, as a result of which the effectiveness of the drug may decrease.
- Mummy in pure form can be stored for a long time. However, as part of tablets and other dosage forms it has a limited shelf life. If the mummy is stored in the form of large masses, it is able to preserve itself, and its qualities even improve with time. However, the microscopic dosage, which is in tablets, when exposed to light and other factors, leads to the fact that during long-term storage, the mummy loses its medicinal properties.
- When using mummy, it is necessary to remember that only the substance itself has healing properties - but not the ingredients that are used to prepare ointments, suppositories, solutions, etc. from it. All these substances react with the components of the drug during storage, and the natural balance its composition is violated. Expired mummy-based medicines do not have any medicinal qualities. Optimal is the acquisition of a pure substance, in large enough - up to several hundred grams - quantities. In this form, the mummy can be stored for several years, fully retaining its medicinal properties.

Reindeer antlers
- Panty (young deer antlers) is a bone sponge filled with blood. Panty is a complex organ consisting of diverse, mostly young, growing and differentiating tissues. The outer cover is the skin, the central one is the brain, rich in thin-walled vessels surrounded by a ring of loose connective tissue.
- At present, two drugs pantocrine and velcornin have been developed from antlers. Moreover, during extraction, only 3% of dry matter passes from antlers into preparations. The main share of biologically active substances remains in the cake and is not used.
- Raw materials are a valuable source of essential amino acids that must be supplied to the human body with food. In addition, the raw material contains protein with collagen as the main protein-containing compound and includes: glycine, alanine, proline and hydroxyproline. Among other amino acids contained in the "Concentrate of biologically active substances from reindeer antlers" can be distinguished: lysine, threonine, valine, leucine, isoleucine, phenylalanine, histidine, arginine, serine, glutamic and aspartic acids, cystine, tyrosine. Amino acids are essential components proteins, enzymes, hormones, etc. biological substances. In addition, they have independent preventive value. Glutamic acid takes part in the biological processes of the brain, participates in protein carbohydrate metabolism, improves the nutrition of the nerve cells of the brain, is widely used in mental illness. Aspartic acid is used for cardiovascular vascular diseases, promotes the penetration of potassium and magnesium ions into the intracellular space. A mixture of methionine, cysteine, glutathione and ATP improves the biosynthesis of protein and nucleic acids by providing energy for these processes.
- The lipid fraction contains over 25 substances of various chemical nature: phospholipids, sterols, triglycerides. It is known that phospholipids are part of the cytoplasmic membranes of the cell and are the basis on which the formation of protein enzymatic substances that ensure the biosynthesis of many life-support substances of the cell takes place. They are able to bind toxins in the body and increase the effectiveness of many biologically active substances. Biogenic bases act on the cardiovascular system, lower blood pressure. Phospholipids contained in antlers play important role in the conduction of nerve impulses, blood coagulation, immunological reactions, the processes of cell proliferation and tissue regeneration, in the transfer of electrons in the chain of "respiratory" enzymes. detailed study made it possible to establish that the most important of the phospholipids are biogenic bases - choline and ethanolamine. Choline is primarily the main part of the biologically active acetylcholine, a nerve impulse mediator. Sterols stimulate the sexual function of the body, have a rejuvenating effect on it. Triglycerides of fatty acids are part of anti-sclerotic drugs, affect reparative processes. Unsaturated fatty acids with isolated double bonds in the radical exhibit antitumor activity.
- increase the adaptogenic resources of the body - resistance to the effects of various stress factors;
 increase and restore physical and mental performance in case of asthenia, overwork;
- contribute quick recovery after illness, injury and surgical interventions, accelerate wound healing, bone fusion;
 have a gonadotropic stimulating effect, stimulate reproductive system;
 enrich the body with iodine and calcium;
 strengthen the musculoskeletal tissue.
Dosage and administration:
Inside, before or during meals.
Tablets, capsules:
Adults and children over 12 years old: 400-800 mg per day in 2-3 divided doses. Children 3-7 years: 200 mg per day, 8-12 years: 400 mg per day. Course 1-2 months. Repeated courses are possible every 2 months.
Solution (drops) for oral administration:
15-50 drops 2-3 times a day with a little water. The course of treatment is 2-4 weeks. If necessary, after 5-10 days, the course of treatment is repeated.
individual intolerance(including history of hypersensitivity);
 conditions in which iodine preparations are contraindicated;
serious illnesses of cardio-vascular system;
 severe kidney disease;
 increased nervous excitability, epilepsy, hyperkinesis;
malignant neoplasms;
 acute infectious diseases;
 pregnancy.

Trekrezan - Hydroxyethylammonium methylphenoxyacetate
Pharmacological action: Broad-spectrum adaptogen. Increases the body's resistance to intense physical and mental stress, hypoxia, overheating, hypothermia, immobilization and pain stress. It has a pronounced antitoxic effect in case of poisoning with ethanol, organic solvents and salts heavy metals. Has immunostimulating properties.
Indications: The need to increase physical and mental performance, prevention of overwork. Prevention of pathological changes accompanying various stressful effects (hypoxia, overheating, hypothermia). Asthenia, immunodeficiency (after past illnesses). As an antidote for poisoning with salts of heavy metals and organic solvents; to reduce withdrawal symptoms.
Contraindications: Hypersensitivity.
Side effects: Allergic reactions.
Dosage and administration: Inside, adults - 0.1 g or 0.2 g 2-3 times a day (maximum daily dose- 0.6 g). The course of treatment is 1-1.5 months. If necessary, the treatment is repeated at intervals between courses of 1-2 months.

A type of alternative medicine that involves the use of highly diluted drugs that are believed to cause symptoms in healthy people similar to those of the patient's illness. The concept of treatment according to the pseudoscientific principle "like like" is opposed by homeopaths to the principles of allopathy, on which rational pharmacotherapy is based.
- modern science, including medicine, is skeptical about homeopathy, pointing to the lack of scientific foundations for this method of treating diseases. The theoretical justification of the homeopathic principle does not correspond to scientific ideas about the functioning of a healthy and diseased organism, the safety and effectiveness of most homeopathic treatments have been insufficiently tested, and clinical trials have been carried out homeopathic medicines found no difference between homeopathic remedy and placebo

WHO opinion
- World Organization Health (WHO) warns against homeopathic treatment of infectious and any other serious diseases.
- According to the experts of the organization, "the use of homeopathy has no evidence base, and in cases where it is used as an alternative to the main treatment, it poses a real threat to the health and life of people"
Homeopathic dilutions and concentrations
- Dilutions 1 to 10 are called decimal, denoted by the Roman numeral X or the letter D (1X=1D=1/10, 3X=3D=1/1000, 6X=6D=1/1000000). Similarly, dilutions of 1 to 100 ("hundreds") are denoted by Roman numerals C (1C=1/100, 3C=1/1000000 and so on).
- Thus, the probability that 1 mol of dilution of 13C contains at least one molecule of the original substance is 1%, for 14C 0.01%, etc. Dilutions with an index of 40C approximately correspond to 1 molecule for the entire observable Universe, and with index 200C (Anaferon, Oscillococcinum) 1 molecule per 10320 Universes, respectively.
- Essentially, homeopaths prefer not to discuss the nature of fields or “biological information”.
- The problem is also that at high dilutions, the amount of impurities in homeopathic medicine will inevitably turn out to be more than the active substance. This is due to the fact that: in the substance on which dilutions are prepared (water, sugar), there are always impurities; aqueous solutions leach the glass of the test tube, and when grinding, sugar captures the particles of the mortar, and itself undergoes chemical transformations; during any dilution, dust particles can enter the solution, the composition of which is almost unpredictable.

Attitude in the EU and the US
- The profile committee of the British Parliament decided that public health insurance will not cover homeopathic treatment because it "works no better than placebo."
- The Committee also told the FDA not to license homeopathic medicines because it gives the public the illusion that they are being offered really topical medicines.
- The US Food and Drug Administration has not approved the use of homeopathic medicines in veterinary practice.
- The authors of a meta-analysis published August 27, 2005 in The Lancet concluded that the clinical benefit of taking homeopathic medicines is due to the placebo effect.

Adaptogens are natural preparations, stimulating the protective capabilities of a person. They can prevent the influence of weather changes, fluctuations atmospheric pressure, in addition, a person develops resistance to stress, physical and mental performance. At the same time, their effect on the central nervous system occurs quite gently and beneficially, including metabolic processes, the function of the endocrine and immune systems is normalized. Their help is invaluable in overwork, as well as in recovery after surgery and illness and depressive states.

In most cases, the result of the use of adaptogens is quite fast, it happens in a few days, and the maximum is achievable in half a month, the maximum is a month.

Adaptogens are consumed up to two times a day, mainly in the morning. With increased excitability of a person at night, you should use sedatives, for example, motherwort, valerian, mint and the like.

Adaptogenic products are easily prepared at home from plant-based adaptogens, but they can also be purchased at a pharmacy. It is believed that industrial products are more efficient, this is due to special cooking technologies.

Doses of the use of adaptogenic drugs

It is important to know that the dose of adaptogens is selected individually, taking into account the characteristics of a particular person, in connection with this, they start with a minimum dose. Feeling an influx of energy, an increase in working capacity and intellectual activity, consider that the dose is chosen successfully and you can try to increase it by a few drops. However, with an increase in excitability, irritability, and insomnia at night, the dose should definitely be reduced.

In general, adaptogens are contraindicated in patients with marked nervous excitability, hypertension, acute infectious diseases. It is forbidden to use adaptogens for pregnant women and children under sixteen years of age, as well as watching some films of an adaptogenic nature.

However, for older people, adaptogens can significantly improve the quality of life. At the same time, however, it must be borne in mind that by this age many diseases can be acquired that are contraindications to the use of these substances.

Of the adaptogens, ginseng has the ability to increase all vital functions. Its main active ingredient is a glycoside, the regulator of most organs and body systems.

Ginseng and Eleutherococcus tinctures

The most optimal form of ginseng preparation is an alcoholic tincture and it is sold in pharmacies. It is consumed fifteen to twenty-five drops twice a day, half an hour before lunch. The duration of therapy is from a month to one and a half and this course can be repeated after a few weeks.

Eleutherococcus is a remedy for unnecessary cholesterol. Glucoside determines its rare stimulating properties. In principle, it has the same properties as ginseng.

Like ginseng, the Eleutherococcus drug is distributed in the pharmacy network in the form of an alcoholic tincture.

How to take ginseng and eleutherococcus tinctures correctly?Use the drug twenty to thirty drops half an hour before meals for a month.

Another remedy - Rhodiola rosea (golden root) - has a mild and immediate effect. Many doctors believe that in some cases it is a more effective remedy than even ginseng. Main active ingredients rhodiola rosea are rhodosin and rhodioloside, and they have an effect on muscle tissue, for example, the heart muscle, in addition to the fact that these components stimulate the energetic activation of cells. The use of Rhodiola even once gives a quick and tangible benefit to the body. Doctors prescribe it for exhaustion physical strength and nervous system, impotence, vegetative-vascular dystonia and other critical conditions, and in addition, if necessary, increase the body's endurance and resistance to factors that can be extreme. These are changes in the climatic zone, hard work, difficult expeditions.

Rhodiola rosea is sold in the form of an alcoholic infusion in pharmacies. Use five to ten drops up to three times a day for half an hour before meals.

The life of a modern person is such that he has to constantly maintain his energy and efficiency on high level. Poor ecology, lack of sleep, physical and emotional overload worsen the state of health, interfere with normal work, and reduce the quality of life in general.

Therefore, it is necessary to turn to such methods of maintaining strength and energy that would be safe for health, convenient to use, would have a noticeable effect, act quickly and be not burdensome financially.

Of course, all these criteria are perfectly matched by tinctures from natural energy plants. We will talk about them below.

Recall that in the last article we considered.

Rules for use and dosage

Herbal tinctures are good because they have a high concentration of the substance, are well absorbed through digestive tract act quickly and have a cumulative effect. Many . They can be bought at a pharmacy or prepared independently on alcohol or alcoholic drink: vodka, moonshine, cognac, red wine. The main thing when using them is to observe safety precautions, excluding an allergic reaction and remember the following dosing rules:

  1. In minimal doses such medicines will help you get rid of stress faster, relax before a new energy breakthrough: on average, this is 5-7 drops of an alcohol preparation per reception.
  2. At medium dosage they will tone up, invigorate.
  3. Maximum amount(20-40 drops) will give a sharp rise in strength, but it is better to contact her if necessary to urgently raise the tone; for constant vigor it is better to do with an average dosage.

Both the dosage and the rate of adaptation to the tonic preparation must be selected strictly individually.

How to take tinctures? It is better to start with one drop, gradually increasing the dosage. It is also necessary to carefully monitor the reaction of the body: an allergy to any herbal ingredients may suddenly appear and have backfire up to deadly dangerous edema Quincke.

Top 5 best tinctures for fatigue

And now let's look at a list of the most effective tinctures that give a feeling of vivacity, increase energy, and also help fight fatigue, absent-mindedness and fatigue.

1. Ginseng

This plant is one of the most famous natural energy drinks. It is easier to purchase an alcohol preparation from it in a pharmacy network than to prepare it yourself.

There are real legends about ginseng because it:

  1. Helps with low blood pressure: it is advisable for hypotensive patients to take ginseng for long courses, then they will not have problems with loss of strength and weakness that always accompany hypotension.
  2. Activates the immune system: struggling with everything that interferes with life, good immunity adds energy to a person.
  3. Phytohormones in its composition normalize hormonal background , and, as a result, all body systems work better, giving strength and vigor.

But in a small dosage, Eleutherococcus is prescribed for nervous tension and stress.

Useful "side" effects: Eleutherococcus slightly lowers blood sugar, which is good for diabetes, and improves color vision, which can also be regarded as the normalization of the body as a whole. Also, this plant improves mood and helps fight depression.

3. Echinacea

Echinacea is better known as an immunomodulator.

It really helps a lot in recovery from illness, and in the fight against colds and respiratory diseases. Even viral infections are much easier and do not bring so many complications if echinacea tincture is taken in parallel with antiviral drugs.

In addition, echinacea affects the adrenal cortex, so anti-rheumatic and anti-allergic hormones are better produced.

But those who take tinctures from it note a significant surge of strength and energy. If you drink this remedy in courses of 2 months, taking a break for the same period, the tonic effect becomes very noticeable.

4. St. John's wort

Traditionally, St. John's wort is part of anti-inflammatory and antitussive preparations. But few people know that this herb has a wider spectrum of action:

  1. it is a remedy for infertility;
  2. a plant that treats well the breakdown, improves mood and emotional well-being;
  3. also St. John's wort.

Therefore, taking St. John's wort should be discussed with a gynecologist if hormonal, including contraceptive, drugs are taken.

It is also necessary to know that St. John's wort can be used as a tonic and as a medicine, helps produce happy hormones and uplifting. The form of the tincture in this case greatly simplifies the task and speeds up the absorption process.

Chinese magnolia vine tincture should be taken 25 - 30 drops 2 times a day for the same period.

5. Chinese lemongrass

It is also valued for its many healing properties. Lemongrass in the form of tincture is very convenient to take 5-15 drops in the morning for vigor.

Lemongrass is necessary for those who, by the nature of their activity, need focus carefully, be focused. Alcohol preparation is best taken in the morning and afternoon, avoiding the evening.

The plant also contributes to the rise in blood pressure, which greatly facilitates the life of hypotensive patients.

Diseases of the circulatory system, exacerbations of hypertension and oncological diseases are contraindications for taking any tonic and tonic drugs.

Tinctures of natural energy drinks are not the only way to tone up the body and maintain a cheerful state. In addition, it is imperative to observe other conditions for the accumulation and conservation of forces.

  1. Proper nutrition. To and endow the body with energy, include vegetables, fruits, herbs, berries, nuts, honey, low-fat dairy products, eggs, white lean meat, fatty sea ​​fish, unrefined virgin oils, spices, dark chocolate, teas and herbal infusions. All this must be on the menu of a person who needs a lot of strength and energy. Avoid fatty and red meats, refined vegetable oils, fast food, smoked meats, semi-finished products, confectionery and pastries containing refined sugar, medium or margarine, excess salt, alcohol.
  2. Use a large number water. Need or herbal decoctions to maintain water balance and remove decay products from the body. This is especially important for brain cells.
  3. Dream. You need to sleep at least 7-9 hours a day so that all body systems have time to rest.
  4. Physical activity. Sports, physical education, walks in the fresh air are necessary for normal energy metabolism.

Now let's take a look at the video:

Herbal alcohol preparations of a tonic nature - good way quickly restore strength and maintain vigor for a long time. But at the same time, it is necessary to coordinate the intake of such drugs with the attending doctors, since they may be contraindicated in certain diseases and conflict with the medications taken.

Thank you

Today lemongrass chinese widely used in medicine and sports to strengthen the immune system, increase and normalize blood pressure, to treat gout and obesity. About how to properly take lemongrass preparations for pregnant women, nursing mothers, children and athletes - and will be discussed in this article. In addition, let's talk about healing properties lemongrass honey.

Lemongrass in medicine

Preparations lemongrass used as a stimulant for disorders of the functioning of the nervous system, increased drowsiness, as well as hypotension.

Lemongrass action:

  • relieves fatigue;
  • repeatedly increases physical and mental activity;
  • normalizes blood pressure;
  • eliminates oxygen starvation;
  • kills both pathogenic bacteria and pathogenic fungi;
  • accelerates wound healing;
  • boosts immunity.
V oriental medicine This plant is used in the following conditions:
  • prostration;
  • sexual impotence;
  • anemia;
  • respiratory diseases;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diseases of the liver and kidneys;
  • diseases of infectious genesis;
  • cold;
  • nervous and mental disorders.
Such wide application lemongrass in traditional medicine and herbal medicine is due to the fact that the plant, acting on the central nervous system, increases reflex excitability, thereby enhancing positive reflexes, improving neuromuscular conduction, increasing motor activity. In addition, it was found that schisandra preparations enhance the body's nonspecific resistance to any pathogenic influences without exception.

Schisandra preparations prevent the development of atherosclerosis, as they prevent an increase in the concentration of cholesterol.

This plant helps in a short time and without harm to health to adapt to various extreme conditions. external influences(for example, to a sharp change in climatic conditions).

It cannot be said that lemongrass is often included in the complex treatment of cancer patients, since it contains substances that have oncoprotective properties (for example, copper, selenium).

But it should be remembered that a single dose of the plant is ineffective. Lemongrass preparations are taken in courses of 20 - 30 days, exclusively under the supervision of a doctor and after passing medical examination. The effect of the reception will reach its climax at 15 - 20 days from the start of the course.

Schisandra for immunity

The human immune system protects the body from the negative effects of genetically alien substances that can come from outside, or can be formed in the body itself. It is a weak immune system that is the main cause of many diseases.

It is possible to increase immunity without harm to health by using adaptogens that increase the body's nonspecific resistance to negative effects of a physical, chemical, and biological nature. Lemongrass is such a plant adaptogen.

The basis of the tonic effect of lemongrass is the activation of metabolism, as well as the regulation of the endocrine and autonomic systems.

As a result of this impact, the following phenomena are observed:

  • increased appetite;
  • increased tone of hollow organs;
  • increased secretion of the glands of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • restoration of reduced vascular tone;
  • increase in blood pressure;
  • normalization of the heart.
Lemongrass preparations have a psychostimulating effect, which is manifested by an improvement in working capacity, as well as a decrease in the manifestation of symptoms of asthenia and fatigue. What matters is that this effect is not accompanied by any signs of arousal, which cannot be said about chemicals. Thus, the manifestation of both general tonic and psychostimulating effects is within the limits of the physiological norm.

Action of adaptogens:

  • brain optimization;
  • increasing intellectual productivity;
  • increase in the rate of reactions;
  • ensuring more economical expenditure of energy by muscles;
  • improved protein synthesis, which is associated with biochemical mechanism memory;
  • strengthening the body as a whole.
As an adaptogen, lemongrass preparations are used to prevent influenza and acute respiratory infections. The use of lemongrass and healthy people who lead active image life, whose labor activity associated with severe physical or emotional stress, as well as exposure to various extreme factors.

Lemongrass helps to speed up the process of recuperation after surgery, a serious illness or intoxication of the body. Thus, lemongrass ensures the maintenance of internal balance in the body, which is extremely important for a healthy and emotionally prosperous life.

Ways to take Lemongrass:
1. 20 - 30 drops pharmacy tincture plants are diluted in 150 ml of water and taken twice a day, before meals or four hours after meals.

2. 1 tbsp Lemongrass seeds are poured with 250 ml of boiling water, infused for two hours, filtered and taken in 2 tbsp. four times a day, half an hour before eating.
3. 0.5 g of lemongrass seed powder is taken twice a day, before meals.

To strengthen immune system It is important to lead a healthy lifestyle and eat right. Yes, in daily diet there must be foods that not only contribute to the production of antibodies, but also contain microelements, macroelements and vitamins necessary for life support. Exclude from the menu should be fried fatty foods, sugar-containing products, alcohol.

  • lean meats (beef tenderloin, pork tenderloin, chicken breast);
  • lean fish (tuna, cod), as well as seafood;
  • dairy products;
  • vegetables;
  • fruit;
  • dried fruits;
  • berries in fresh and dried form;
  • bran bread;
  • nuts;
  • cereals (buckwheat and oatmeal);
  • mushrooms in fresh and dried form;
  • seasonings (various herbs, horseradish, mustard).

Schisandra at high and low pressure

Today, from hypertension (high blood pressure) and hypotension (low blood pressure) suffers a huge number of people around the world. The main causes of both conditions are constant stress and an unhealthy lifestyle.

It is extremely important to fight hypertension and hypotension. So, hypertension, at which pressure exceeds 140/90 mm Hg, can provoke the development of diseases of the heart, adrenal glands, as well as the pancreas and other important organs.

Hypotension, in which pressure rarely exceeds 90/60 mm Hg, can provoke general weakness, fatigue, irritability, low performance.

Lemongrass preparations increase blood pressure in particular, and tone the body as a whole due to flavonoids, lignans, essential oils, organic acids and resins contained in the plant. In combination with other herbal preparations, lemongrass is able to normalize blood pressure.

Important! Before you start taking this or that plant, it is imperative to consult with your doctor, who will conduct an appropriate examination and diagnostic examination, on the basis of which he will prescribe the dose and regimen of the drug.

To prepare a decoction that increases pressure, you need 20 g of dry lemongrass berries, previously crushed in a mortar, pour 400 ml of boiling water, after which the mixture is heated over low heat for 15 minutes, without bringing it to a boil. A decoction is taken three times a day, a tablespoon.

You can prepare the following tincture: 10 g of crushed schisandra berries should be poured with 500 ml of alcohol, tightly close the container and put it in a dark place for 7 days (it is important that the temperature at the place of infusion is at room temperature). The tincture should be shaken periodically. After a week, the tincture is filtered twice to get rid of sediment. It is taken three times a day on an empty stomach, 35 drops each. Such treatment is carried out by a course designed for 25 days. Tincture is taken until 19.00, which will help eliminate insomnia.

Lemongrass for gout

Gout is caused by a metabolic disorder in general, and purine metabolism in particular. The result of such disorders is the deposition of uric acid in the joints, which causes the development of inflammation and severe pain in the joints.

Lemongrass contains mineral salts (iron, magnesium, selenium, manganese, etc.), vitamins, organic acids, flavonoids, fiber and pectin, which normalize metabolism and remove cholesterol from the body.

In case of early toxicosis, as well as hypotension, in pregnant women, a collection of herbs can be used, which includes the following components:

  • lemongrass leaves - 10 g;
  • green stalks of oats - 10 g;
  • green stalks of rye - 10 g;
  • fragrant dill fruits - 20 g;
  • leaves and fruits of common barberry - 20 g.
One tablespoon of the collection is poured into a glass of water and boiled for no more than one minute, after which the broth is infused for an hour, filtered and drunk one fourth of a glass three times a day, before eating.

In addition to receiving herbal preparations, it is important to alleviate the manifestation of toxicosis to adhere to the following rules:

  • normalize the daily routine;
  • fully rest;
  • daily walk in the fresh air;
  • eat easily digestible foods;
  • do not eat immediately before going to bed, which will help improve its digestion;
  • eat small meals, but often;
  • Eliminate both too sweet and too sour foods from the diet.
By following these guidelines, you can special efforts postpone early toxicosis, which in most cases disappears after 8-10 weeks. If the manifestations of toxicosis have not gone away, but only worsened, then it is necessary to consult a doctor, since this may be an indication for the placement of a pregnant woman in a hospital for preservation.

Lemongrass during lactation

As you know, breast milk contains all nutrients, which are present in the mother's blood, and they enter the blood from the intestines. Lemongrass preparations are contraindicated during lactation, since the substances contained in the plant have an exciting effect on the nervous system of the mother - and, consequently, the child.

Schisandra for children

Lemongrass preparations are used in medicine not only for the treatment of adults, but also for children. Lemongrass is not recommended for children under 12 years of age (according to the doctor's indications, plant preparations can be prescribed to children who are 5 years old).

Lemongrass is prescribed for children to increase appetite and activate the body's defenses. In addition, lemongrass preparations are indicated for the elimination of physical and mental overwork, the prevention of influenza and acute respiratory infections. According to studies, it was found that the use of lemongrass preparations during an influenza epidemic reduces the risk of the disease by at least 4 times.

Schizandra is also used in the treatment of dysentery in children, and taking this plant gives better results than taking a bacteriophage. Also, plant preparations are prescribed for various mental illnesses.

Schisandra externally is indicated in the treatment of long-term non-healing wounds and ulcers.

Important! The use of lemongrass for the treatment of children is possible only after consulting a doctor who will correctly calculate the dose. Self-medication can lead to serious malfunctions in the functioning of a child's (not yet formed) body.

Rules for the use of herbal preparations by children:
1. Consultation with a doctor, during which a complete anamnesis is collected.
2. The use for the preparation of medicines only of plant materials purchased in a pharmacy, but not from private traders, who are often not experienced herbalists.
3. Exception for compiling polysyllabic collections: collections intended for children should include no more than four herbs (you should first check if the child is allergic to the components of the collection).
4. Disinfection of herbs by boiling.
5. Exclusion of fees, which include poisonous plants.

If a child develops nausea, vomiting or itching, it is necessary to immediately stop taking the drug that provoked such a reaction.

Lemongrass for weight loss

The main causes of obesity are:
  • hormonal disorders;
  • stress;
  • metabolic disease;
  • malnutrition;
  • sedentary image life;
  • diseases of the nervous and endocrine systems.
Many of the causes listed above can be eliminated by taking lemongrass preparations that regulate the process of energy production and consumption. Schisandra preparations, firstly, have a tonic and stimulating effect on the body, and secondly, they allow you to increase energy consumption - and therefore enhance the effect of the diet.

In addition, this plant reduces the level of cholesterol in the body, removes toxins by normalizing metabolism, and also normalizes hormonal levels (these three components accompany the life of overweight people).

Lemongrass stabilizes metabolism, improves the functioning of the cardiovascular and digestive systems, positively influencing carbohydrate metabolism, thereby contributing to the burning of excess fats.

Schisandra Calorie

The calorie content of lemongrass per 100 g of the product is 11.1 kcal. 100 g of this medicinal plant contains 1 g of protein and 1.9 g of carbohydrates. There are no fats in lemongrass.

Lemongrass, ginseng and eleutherococcus

Such medicinal plants, like lemongrass, ginseng and eleutherococcus, belong to the class of adaptogens that accelerate adaptive processes, stimulate the body's defenses, increase efficiency, and reduce the degree of damage during radiation exposure.

These medicinal plants have a general tonic, as well as a psychostimulant effect. It should be remembered that in order to achieve the maximum effect from taking ginseng, magnolia vine and eleutherococcus preparations, it is necessary to take them in a course of 10 days, and up to several months (only a doctor can correctly calculate the duration of the course of treatment). To achieve a pronounced tonic effect caused by a single dose of adaptogens, it is necessary to take large doses drug.

Action of ginseng:

  • toning and stimulating the nervous system;
  • increased appetite;
  • increase in working capacity;
  • increasing the body's resistance to physical stress;
  • stimulation of the cardiovascular system;
  • increase in potency;
  • increased immunity;
  • memory improvement;
  • aging prevention.
Eleutherococcus action:
  • toning the nervous system;
  • improvement of blood supply to the brain;
  • increased excitability of the cerebral cortex;
  • increasing mental and physical performance;
  • improvement of color vision;
  • improvement of liver function;
  • activation of lipid metabolism;
  • increase in muscle performance.
Lemongrass action:
  • increase in working capacity;
  • mood improvement;
  • increased visual acuity;
  • increased sensitivity of nerve cells;
  • promoting weight gain.
Important! Simultaneous intake of several adaptogen drugs is not recommended (only a doctor, taking into account the patient's history, can prescribe joint reception adaptogens).

An overdose of adaptogen drugs can provoke overexcitation of both the nervous and cardiovascular systems.

Ginseng, eleutherococcus and lemongrass are contraindicated in:

  • insomnia;
  • hypertension;
  • increased excitability;
  • individual intolerance;
  • lactation;
  • pregnancy (may be used for medical reasons).

Honey with lemongrass

Lemongrass honey, which is a natural antiseptic, has a light yellow color, a specific aroma, and a pleasant sour taste. This honey is one of the rarest and most beneficial because it has anti-inflammatory, sedative and stimulating properties.

This dietary product has not only high calorie content and nutritional value, but also easy digestibility.
The effect of honey on the body:

  • stimulation of the secretory and motor function of the gastrointestinal tract and biliary tract;
  • decrease in blood viscosity;
  • improvement of lipid metabolism;
  • stabilization of blood pressure;
  • increase in working capacity;
  • acceleration of granulation growth;
  • promoting rapid epithelialization of wounds;
  • improvement general condition organism;
  • increase in muscle strength;
  • increase in hemoglobin in the blood;
  • lowering cholesterol levels.
  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • skin diseases;
  • general weakness and exhaustion accompanying the postoperative condition and protracted illnesses;
  • asthenic, psychoasthenic and depressive states;
  • fast fatiguability;
  • increased sleepiness.
Honey with lemongrass choleretic action, quickly restores strength, gives energy, maintains vigor.


  • individual intolerance to all bee products;
  • insomnia;
  • lactation period;
  • pregnancy;
  • high blood pressure;
  • allergic diseases.
Important! Before taking honey, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

Lemongrass in sports

Lemongrass preparations are excellent antioxidants that promote health, increase endurance, activate muscles, as well as metabolic processes.

Compared with other adaptogens, lemongrass maximizes the processes of excitation in the nervous system, thereby increasing efficiency. For this reason, this plant is advisable to use in sports.

Lemongrass preparations help to cope with large physical activity, because they contribute to the restoration of forces in as soon as possible after a fairly intense training or competition.

To prepare a tonic, pour 15 g of lemongrass fruits into 300 ml of boiling water, and then put the product on low heat (it is important not to bring the infusion to a boil). After 15 minutes, the infusion is removed from the fire, cooled and taken in a tablespoon three times a day, but no later than 18 - 19 pm, which will help eliminate possible violations sleep.

lemongrass oil

Athletes use lemongrass mainly as an oil, which is sold in pharmacies.

Results of using lemongrass oil:
1. Increase in background indicators of adrenaline and norepinephrine.
2. Increased athletic performance at a dosage of 1 ml of oil per day.
3. Activation of humoral immunity, which, when taking plant oil, remains at a level that is close to the original (even under conditions of intense sports loads causing immunodeficiency in many athletes).
4. Decreased inhibitory and increased activating effects of the CNS regulatory systems directly on the cerebral cortex.
5. Optimization of the adaptive reserves of the human body.
6. Facilitate the adaptation of the body to intense stress.

Schisandra chinensis preparations have a beneficial effect not only on the physical state athletes, but also on the psychological. According to studies, athletes who take lemongrass are more patient and sociable, they have a lower level of emotional stress and anxiety, improved susceptibility to information, which is important for establishing full-fledged communication between athletes and coaches.

Important! According to anti-doping studies, lemongrass preparations have a doping frequency, but still, the mechanism of action of this plant differs from the principle of action of chemical stimulants, after which the phase of oppression begins. In addition, doping makes the body function "for wear and tear", while the effect of lemongrass is soft and natural. But still, regarding the possibility of taking lemongrass preparations (especially before the competition), you should consult with the trainer and your doctor.

Before use, you should consult with a specialist.