Drugs to enlarge the endometrium of the uterus. Moderate physical activity. Enlargement of the endometrium with the help of medications

Thin endometrium - is one of the reasons preventing natural conception. Its thickness is determined by several factors, including hormonal changes. It becomes most functional during the premenstrual period. The question of how to grow the endometrium is most relevant for women planning to become mothers.

Structure and functions of the endometrium

Endometrium– mucous membrane of the uterine cavity. How quickly and successfully the fertilized one can establish itself depends on its thickness, integrity and functionality.

The structure of the endometrium includes:

  • epithelium - the cellular layer lining the uterine cavity;
  • capillaries, glandular ducts;
  • stroma - supporting connective tissue that produces collagen during menstruation.

The main function of the endometrium is to create conditions favorable for fixation and normal development embryo in the uterine cavity. Normally, after this the mucous membrane begins to change: its blood supply increases and secretory functions. Subsequently, endometrial vessels take part in. Thanks to them developing fetus receives the required amount of oxygen and all the substances necessary for development.

Another function of the endometrium is a barrier. It prevents the development of adhesions: it does not allow the walls of the uterus to stick together, despite their constant contact.

The likelihood of pregnancy depends on the thickness and structure of the endometrium, as well as the maturity of the glandular layer. The functionality of the mucous membrane is determined by the presence of estradiol, a hormone produced by follicles. During this process, the endometrium matures and further produces progesterone.

Causes of insufficient endometrial thickness

In order to determine how to quickly grow the endometrium for successful conception, you need to find out the reasons for its reduced functionality. A thin lining of the uterus may be due to the following factors:

  • pathology endocrine system, available from birth;
  • dysfunction in the production of endocrine glands, leading to a discrepancy between hormone levels and periods menstrual cycle;
  • insufficient blood supply to the uterus, bladder, muscles pelvic floor and rectum, as a result of inflammation, operations, injuries, as well as congenital nature;
  • damage to the mucous layer of the uterus, most often resulting from abortions and curettage;
  • underdevelopment of the pelvic floor and uterine muscles;
  • infectious diseases of the uterus;
  • use of birth control pills.

Currently, researchers hypothesize that the reason insufficient thickness mucous membrane may be hereditary. But there is not yet enough clinical data to support this theory.

Thin endometrium

Enlargement of the endometrium with the help of medications

In order to grow the endometrium for short terms must be used medicines. Their prescribing should be done exclusively by a doctor, since only he can select the most effective drugs and correctly draw up a treatment regimen.

Since the growth of the endometrium occurs with the help of an increase in the amount of estradiol, hormonal drugs can quickly cope with the problem. The regimen for taking them is determined by the phases of the cycle.

In the first half, injections of Divigel, Estradiol, Femoston and Proginova tablets are prescribed. These medications increase the thickness of the endometrium by increasing blood circulation and gland activity.

In the second phase, it is necessary to take Duphaston and Utrozhestan. These drugs promote the formation and maturation of the endometrium. Both contain large number progesterone is a hormone necessary for the implantation of the embryo in the uterine cavity and the successful course of pregnancy.

Besides hormonal drugs, the doctor can prescribe medications necessary to treat diseases that cause thin endometrium. The main objectives of such therapy are restoration of damaged mucous membranes, elimination of infectious and inflammatory processes in the uterus. If a woman takes birth control pills, then their cancellation will be required.

Enlargement of the endometrium using folk remedies

Thin endometrium is a solvable problem, since it can be increased by using medications in combination with traditional medicine methods. Among the decoctions medicinal herbs The most effective are the following:

  • Sage decoction. Phytohormones increase the level of estrogen in the blood and stimulate the activity of follicles. To prepare the decoction you need 1 tbsp. l. dried crushed plant, pour 250 ml of water, boil and cool for 10–15 minutes. Take a third of the volume up to 4 times a day. Treatment should be carried out according to the menstrual cycle: start on the 4th day of menstruation, end on the day ;
  • Decoctions of red brush and boron uterus. These medicinal plants influence hormonal background, have anti-inflammatory properties. The red brush must be taken in the first half of the cycle, starting on the last day of menstruation. Borovaya uterus - in the second half of the cycle. Decoction recipe: 1 tbsp. l. Pour dry herbs into a container, pour 250 ml of boiling water and wrap for 3 hours. Drink 100 ml 3 times a day;
  • Decoction of knotweed. The drink improves blood supply to the uterus and helps restore the mucous membrane. To prepare the decoction a glass dried herb you need to pour a liter of boiling water and leave for 5 minutes. Drink 1–2 glasses a day, replacing tea.

Important! Use any herbal decoction must be agreed with a doctor. Folk recipes can significantly affect hormonal levels, the functioning of individual organs and the condition of the body as a whole.

Lifestyle for growing endometrium

No matter how carefully all the doctor’s prescriptions are followed, it is possible to enlarge the endometrium for conception only if integrated approach. Important role plays the lifestyle that a woman leads. Proper nutrition and sufficient physical activity are conditions for the health of the body as a whole and reproductive system in particular.

A balanced diet helps maintain endometrial thickness and functionality. For successful conception daily meals women should include:

  • sources of vitamin E: leafy vegetables, unrefined grains, bran, vegetable oils;
  • sources of vitamin C: black currants, lemons, bell pepper, grapefruit, kiwi;
  • sources of salicylates(substances that prevent the formation of blood clots): strawberries, raspberries, honey, raisins, prunes, thyme, curry, paprika, ginger, cinnamon;
  • sources of omega-3 fatty acids : rapeseed and linseed oil, tuna, nuts, salmon.

At insufficient blood supply pelvic organs require moderate physical activity. Swimming, running, fitness, and oriental dancing can help thicken the mucous membrane. There are special exercises, leading to strengthening of the muscles of the perineum and pelvis (Kegel technique, wumbling). But before starting classes, you should consult your doctor, in some cases physical activity may make the situation worse.

A doctor can give an exact answer to the question of how to grow the endometrium. He will conduct all the necessary examinations and, based on the results obtained, draw up effective program treatment. Modern approach to restore the functions of the uterine mucosa includes the use medicines, folk remedies, as well as compliance with the rules of nutrition and physical activity.

Endometrial thickness plays a role paramount importance during the process of conception, therefore, when planning a pregnancy, many women are faced with the question of how to grow the endometrium for conception. On different stages menstrual period The thickness of the endometrial layer varies. This factor must be taken into account if for a long time attempts to conceive a baby remain unsuccessful. Experts determine specific norms for endometrial thickness and can determine the most favorable day of the cycle, when the endometrium will be most suitable for the attachment of a fertilized cell.

The endometrium is the inner mucous layer uterine body, consisting of integumentary glandular epithelium, connective tissue structures and circulatory system. The endometrial layer provides optimal conditions for implantation of the embryo from the tube into the uterine body and its implantation into the wall of the uterus. Endometrial activity is controlled by hormonal substances and depends on their level. At the end of the cycle, maximum thickening of the endometrium occurs, the number of glandular fractions in it increases, blood supply improves, and the most favorable size of the endometrium for conception is achieved. When the fertilized egg is fully implanted into the uterus, the endometrial vascular network will move to the placental tissues, through which oxygen and nutrition will be supplied to the fetus in the coming months. Therefore, indicators such as structural maturity and endometrial thickness for conception are of fundamental importance.

The activity and maturation of the endometrial layer is influenced by the ovarian hormone - estradiol. With him normal concentration In the female body, the endometrium undergoes full maturation every month, followed by the formation of progesterone receptors. Progesterone is hormonal substance, produced in the postovulatory period and extremely necessary for maintaining a comfortable development of pregnancy. Normally, conception occurs according to this scenario:

  1. In the middle of the cycle, ovulation occurs and the female cell leaves the follicle;
  2. Caught in the fallopian tube, it waits to meet the sperm;
  3. When sexual intercourse occurs, thousands of sperm rush towards the waiting female cell;
  4. One of the sperm penetrates under the egg membrane and merges with the cell - fertilization occurs, during which a fertilized egg is formed;
  5. Then the already fertilized cell will go to the cavity of the uterine body to grow into the endometrial layer. It is at the moment of implantation of the embryo into the endometrial structures that pregnancy occurs.

If conception does not occur, the endometrial tissue sloughs off and leaves the uterine cavity in the form menstrual bleeding, which also contain an unusable corpus luteum and an unfertilized egg. With the onset of a new cycle, another cell will mature and a new endometrial layer will grow. Similar processes are repeated monthly until the woman reaches menopause.

Endometrial thickness

As described above, at different phases of the cycle the thickness of the endometrial layer changes. How thick should the endometrium be to conceive? On days 5-7 of the cycle, the endometrial size reaches about 3-6 mm, on days 8-10 - 5-10 mm, on days 11-14 - 7-14 mm, and on days 15-18 - 10-16 mm, on On days 19-23 of the cycle, the thickness of the endometrial layer increases to 10-18 mm, on days 24-27 - up to 10-17 mm. During menstruation, the endometrial layer is already 5-9 mm.

When menstruation ends, regeneration processes begin, the thickness of the intrauterine mucosa reaches approximately 0.2-0.4 cm, but with the beginning of regeneration it rapidly increases. In order for a full-fledged conception to take place, the thickness of the mucous layer must reach at least 1.1-1.3 cm - this is the generally accepted norm of the endometrium for conception.

On the 18th day of the cycle, the fertile stage ends and by 19-23 days the thickness of the endometrial layer reaches its maximum values, so the embryo can attach to the uterine wall without any problems. By the end of the cycle, approximately on days 24-27, the endometrial mucous layer begins to thin again, its size by this time should normally be about a centimeter.


If there are various kinds pathological factors, then maturation of the endometrial layer does not occur, or it does not mature to normal sizes for conception. Then the patient is diagnosed with infertility. The endometrial layer can change pathologically due to hypoplasia or hyperplasia. With hypoplasia, the mucous layer becomes thinner, reaching only 0.6 cm by the time of ovulation. Such deviations require mandatory medical intervention. If the size of the endometrium does not change throughout the entire cycle, then the cause of such deviations may be pathologies such as insufficient blood circulation or chronic endometritis. With hyperplasia, the size of the endometrium, on the contrary, exceeds the norm.

For proper treatment it is necessary to know exactly what factor caused the dysfunction of the endometrial layer.

  • Thinning of the endometrium may be caused by endocrine congenital pathologies or muscular underdevelopment of the uterus;
  • Long-term use oral contraception can also cause problems;
  • Infectious uterine lesions;
  • Often such a diagnosis is made against the background of hormonal imbalances;
  • In case of uterine circulation disorders;
  • Traumatic damage to the endometrium during gynecological curettage;
  • Due to a deficiency of hormones that are responsible for the full formation of the endometrial layer.

Even hereditary factor may cause such a pathology, although there is still a lot of debate regarding this theory.

How to normalize thickness

The endometrial layer, with its pathological thinning, is quite amenable to correction. But before treatment, the patient must undergo a series of diagnostic procedures. The examination necessarily includes an analysis of the concentration of hormones such as progesterone, prolactin, follicle-stimulating and luteinizing hormones, as well as estradiol. The woman is also given ultrasound diagnostics, during which the course of folliculogenesis and other reproductive processes is assessed.

Among other studies, bacterial cultures are taken from the uterine cavity and cervical canal. Mandatory histological examination endometrium with taking biomaterial on days 22-24 of the cycle. Problems with the endometrium can arise due to sexually transmitted infections, therefore, during diagnosis, a test for papillomavirus and herpes infection, ureaplasma and mycoplasma, chlamydia. Often they resort to the pipell biopsy technique, which makes it possible to clearly determine the presence of structural abnormalities in the internal uterine layer.

After determining the cause, the doctor selects the optimal treatment method.

Medication methods

If the thinning of the endometrial layer is caused by low hormonal status, then its thickness can be increased by taking certain hormonal medications. At the beginning of the cycle, injections of estradiol, Divigel, Proginova, and the drug Femoston are indicated. Such medications help increase the thickness of the mucous layer due to the activity of the glands and increased blood circulation. If the endometrium does not grow properly due to progesterone deficiency, then the patient is prescribed the drug Duphaston or Utrozhestan. These medications contain the progesterone hormone necessary for implantation of the embryo into the uterine wall. In addition, these medications help the endometrium to fully form and mature.

Besides hormone therapy the specialist does others medicinal purposes, the purpose of which is to eliminate pathologies that provoke thinning of the endometrium. Their action is aimed at eliminating inflammation and infections, restoring mucous damage. If at the time of treatment the patient is protected by taking oral contraception, then such drugs will have to be abandoned.

Also effective drug to restore the endometrium is Hormel. These drops belong to the category of homeopathic remedies, but differ quite high efficiency in terms of regulating female hormonal levels. The drug activates estrogen production, but at the same time acts gently. Increased hormone in turn, promotes the normal formation of endometrial tissue.

It is much more difficult to eliminate such causes of thinning as post-abortion consequences. In such a clinical situation, the doctor prescribes a comprehensive drug effects with the use of antibiotics and anti-inflammatory drugs. The treatment will be long, and the monthly processes of endometrial growth will normalize no sooner than in six months. And even with normal sizes There is no guarantee of pregnancy from the uterine mucosa after such complications.

Folk remedies

With a thinned endometrium, traditional treatment methods can also help.

  1. Borovaya uterus. It's famous among women herbaceous plant, restoring hormonal levels, promoting maturation normal endometrium, as well as supplying the body necessary elements. The herb can be brewed, used as tea, or douched with its infusion. An alcohol tincture is even prepared from the boron uterus.
  2. Sage is considered no less effective for growing the endometrium. A decoction is prepared from the plant and taken from the 4th day of the cycle until its middle ( ovulatory period). Taking sage after ovulation, if fertilization has occurred and full conception has occurred, can cause a miscarriage. That is why the drug is taken only before ovulation, i.e. in the first half of the cycle.
  3. The use of vitamins E and C also helps restore the endometrium. Products rich in these substances have an incredible effect on the uterine mucous membranes. Flaxseed and milk, currants and fresh vegetables, pineapples and citruses - a woman should place special emphasis on these products.

Exercises to pump up the abs help improve pelvic circulation. This seemingly simple method can help many patients restore the endometrium, but before using it, it is recommended to discuss the method with a gynecologist, because in some pathologies, pumping the abs, on the contrary, is dangerous. Non-traditional approaches such as treatment with leeches or acupuncture also improve blood circulation.

The best and fastest results are achieved with an integrated approach to solving the problem. But any treatment must be discussed with a specialist. Even harmless weed can cause harm if used incorrectly. reproductive health. The dimensions of the endometrium are great importance for the onset and development of pregnancy, so it is better to avoid mistakes such as abortions and curettage from a young age.

The endometrium is sensitive to the hormonal background of a woman, and it is this feature that affects its size. The endometrium becomes noticeably thicker and is enriched with glands, which provide improved blood supply to the tissue in the last, premenstrual phase of the cycle. This ensures a successful pregnancy – that is, it ensures the possibility of conception.

Why is the endometrium needed, what should it be like?

called the endometrium mucous membrane inside the uterus. This is a system that consists of many components, in particular:

  • Epithelium – integumentary and glandular;
  • Blood vessels;
  • Stroma - supporting, connective tissue, which during menstruation develops into mature cells that produce collagen and a number of other substances.

Creating favorable conditions for the attachment and development of the embryo in the uterus is the main function of the endometrium. If conception occurs, the number in the endometrium begins to increase blood vessels and glands, in order to:

  • The endometrial vessels have become part of the placenta;
  • Oxygen was delivered to the developing fetus;
  • Ensured receipt nutrients embryo.

Endometrial thickness for conception and pregnancy

So, we found out that the endometrium is one of the important elements conception. The ability to get pregnant depends on:

  • Thickness and structure of the endometrium;
  • Successfully reaching the desired threshold of maturity superficial endometrial glands.

It is these moments that ensure, in fact, the attachment of the fertilized egg to the walls of the uterus and the beginning of its development into an embryo.

The maturation of the endometrium depends directly on estradiol- a hormone produced when proper development follicles.

Estradiol provides:

Pregnancy will not occur if for some reason the endometrium does not mature. Reasons that cause such problems include:

  • Congenital conditions, at which production essential hormones insufficient or absent;
  • Hormonal– if for some reason a woman’s hormonal background does not allow the endometrium to reach right moment the desired phase of development (thin endometrium);
  • Blood supply disorders in the uterine area– congenital or acquired. Similar problems can arise after injuries, inflammation, diseases of the uterus and adjacent organs, as well as in;
  • Trauma to the endometrium itself– usually resulting from an abortion. Complete removal The endometrium during active curettage occurs extremely rarely, but even partial removal of this layer makes pregnancy very difficult.

Depending on the causes of disturbances in the maturation and development of the endometrium, the doctor prescribes certain medications. A traditional medicine knows his own ways to help cope with this problem.

Effective ways to grow the endometrium: medications

To quickly grow the endometrium, as a rule, use medicines. It should be noted that thin endometrium is difficult to treat.

Since the growth of the endometrium directly depends on estrogen, accordingly, the following is prescribed:

  • Hormonal treatment: As a rule, these are injections of estradiol, Divigel.
  • Drops "Gormel"homeopathic medicine, which is used to regulate a woman’s hormonal conditions. Its action is aimed at activating estrogen production. The effect of the drug is quite mild and effective.

It is believed that drugs such as "Duphaston" and "Utrozhestan", build up the endometrium. This is not true. These drugs help the endometrium to form and mature. These drugs contain progesterone: Duphaston consists of synthesized progesterone and has no side effects, Utrozhestan is made of natural progesterone.

Traditional ways to quickly grow the endometrium

Can help in growing the endometrium Not traditional medicine :

These methods are considered effective by improving blood circulation in the pelvic organs.

Often women use folk remedies to increase the thickness of the endometrium.

Remember, self-medication and self-diagnosis can lead to irreparable consequences. Before taking any drug or herb - consult your doctor. Herbs sometimes have no less strong action than drugs.

The website warns: the recipes given here do not replace drug treatment and do not cancel a trip to the doctor. Use all the tips presented only after examination and on the recommendation of a doctor!

The thickness of the endometrium directly affects the possibility of conception. A thinned mucous membrane is not able to optimally create the necessary environment for the establishment and development of the embryo. You can grow the endometrium at home with the help of medications, special gymnastics, and the use of folk remedies.

What is the endometrium?

The endometrium is the lining of the wall inside the uterus. It consists of:

  • epithelium;
  • blood vessels;
  • stroma;
  • basal plate;
  • uterine gland.

Stroma - connective tissue, which during menstruation turns into mature cells that produce collagen and other useful substances.

Functions of the endometrium

The main function of the endometrium is to create an optimal environment for the attachment and development of the embryo. When conception has occurred, the number of blood vessels and glands in the endometrium begins to increase. This happens for:

  • delivery of oxygen to the fetus;
  • providing nutrients to the embryo;
  • entry of endometrial vessels into part of the placenta.

The endometrium prevents the formation of adhesions and, accordingly, protects the uterine wall from sticking together.

Endometrium and pregnancy

Important! If the endometrium stops maturing, then the conception of a child will not occur. For successful pregnancy it must reach a certain thickness.

A successful pregnancy depends on:

  • endometrial thickness;
  • structures of the mucous layer;
  • reaching the desired threshold of maturity of the superficial endometrial glands.

Attachment of the fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus and the beginning of its development into an embryo occurs only when in good condition the indicated indicators.

The maturation of the endometrium depends on the amount of estradiol, a hormone that is produced during the correct development of follicles. A sufficient amount of estradiol ensures the accumulation of receptors for progesterone, the hormone responsible for the menstrual cycle, pregnancy and embryonic development.

Causes of endometrial development disorders

Thinning or poor development of the endometrium is scientifically called hypoplasia. The reasons for this diagnosis are as follows:

  • insufficient production of hormones;
  • miscarriages, abortions;
  • the presence of congenital anomalies;
  • the result of curettage;
  • availability pathological conditions that arose as a result of impaired blood supply to organs located in the pelvis;
  • the presence of chronic gynecological diseases;
  • the presence of inflammatory processes.

Important! The main and most common cause of endometrial thinning is reduced content hormone estradiol.


The following signs indicate that pregnancy does not occur due to thinning of the mucous membrane:

  • menstruation is irregular, short-lived, scanty, spotting;
  • pregnancy does not occur for more than a year or spontaneous termination occurs in the early stages;
  • There are signs of menopause (if its onset is still far away): bouts of sweating, regular mood swings, decreased desire for a sexual partner, insomnia, fever, headaches, and uncontrollable emotions.

Important! The listed symptoms may not only be a sign of a thinned endometrium, but also be a consequence of abortion, mechanical interventions in the vagina, or the presence of genital infections.


Disturbances in the development of the endometrium are determined by an obstetrician-gynecologist. From laboratory research appoint general analysis blood and analysis to determine the level of sex hormones in the blood. In addition, the specialist prescribes:

  • Ultrasound of the pelvic organs (the ratio of endometrial thickness to the current phase of the cycle is determined).
  • Coagulogram (comprehensive analysis of blood clotting indicators).
  • Laparoscopy.
  • Hysteroscopy.
  • Colposcopy.

Additionally, you may need to take tests for the presence infectious diseases sexually transmitted diseases, as their pathogens can lead to thinning of the uterine mucosa. The results obtained will show the specialist the parameters of the endometrium and the state of reproductive function.

Thickness standards for conception

According to medical standards, the optimal size of the endometrium for conception should be within 11-12 mm. During ovulation, pregnancy can occur from days 15 to 20 of the cycle. Each day of the cycle corresponds to a certain thickness of the endometrium.

If the normal thickness is violated, then pregnancy either does not occur or proceeds with major complications. The endometrium can be restored with timely diagnosis, correct definition the causes of pathology and proper treatment under the supervision of a specialist.

Methods for endometrial growth

The choice of method for growing the endometrium depends on the reason that caused its thinning. Any therapy is carried out before the onset of the ovulation period and only under the supervision of a doctor.


Main goal drug treatment- increase levels of the hormone estrogen, the amount of which affects the thickness of the endometrial layer.

For this purpose, specialists prescribe the following drugs:

  • Divigel. Its use helps normalize hormonal balance. The estradiol contained in the composition increases the level of progesterone, which is responsible for the growth of the mucous layer of the uterus.
  • Proginova. The composition includes estrogens and estradiol, which increase the density and quality of the mucous layer. The use of the drug also helps to improve uterine blood supply.
  • Gormel. Homeopathic remedy in the form of drops, activates the process of production of the hormone estrogen in the body. Experts also recommend using it to regulate female hormonal conditions.
  • Utrozhestan. Hormonal drug containing natural progesterone. Prescribed in the 2nd half of the menstrual cycle for the formation of the endometrial layer and synthesis corpus luteum. The use of the drug helps improve the structural and functional state endometrium.
  • Duphaston. Hormonal remedy, which includes synthesized progesterone. Prescribed in the 2nd half of the menstrual cycle for the formation of the endometrial layer and the synthesis of the corpus luteum.
  • Chimes. The use of the drug helps to increase the size of the epidermal layer and normalize the processes of microcirculation and blood circulation.

Important! The drugs Duphaston and Utrozhestan are prescribed not for growing the endometrium, but for its formation.

With the help of exercises

  • Pose: straight back, hands on hips, legs crossed in Turkish style. In this position, simultaneously pull in the muscles of the abdomen, buttocks and pelvic floor. Hold for a few seconds, then release. Perform 16 times.
  • Pose: legs straight, spread out to the sides as much as possible, arms above your head. Bring your hands together and in this position bend towards your toes. First to one, then to the other. Make 6 tilts in each direction.
  • Pose: sit on your heels, back straight. Place one hand behind the neck, extend the other from behind to meet the first. Repeat the exercise several times, changing hands.
  • Pose: in sitting position Straighten one leg, bend the other at the knee so that your fingers reach the perineum as close as possible. Raise your hands up and stretch them towards the toe of your outstretched leg, while squeezing the muscles of your buttocks. Stay in this position for 6 seconds, then return to the starting position. Repeat 4 times for each leg.
  • Pose: lie on your back, lower your arms along your body. Raise your legs up and spread them shoulder-width apart. Then cross them over each other (like scissors) 8 times. Lower, then return to the starting position and repeat again. In total, the exercise is performed 6-8 times.
  • Pose: lie on your back, raise your legs. Move one leg to the side as far as possible, then attach the second to it. Return to starting position and do the same with the second leg. Perform the exercise 4-6 times with each leg.
  • Pose: lie on your stomach, rest your forehead on the floor. Place your hands above your neck on your elbows: right hand on the left elbow, left - on the right. In this position, raise your legs as high as possible and spread them apart different sides, toes should be extended. Hold the pose for a few seconds, return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise several times.
  • Pose: sit up straight, legs extended. In this position, pull in and relax your stomach as much as possible. Repeat the exercise as much as you can.

The execution time for the entire complex is 15-20 minutes. To achieve results, gymnastics are performed daily or every other day.

Important! This method does not always help to grow the endometrium. The result depends on the cause of the exhaustion. Therefore, before using gymnastics, you need to consult a gynecologist.

Unconventional methods

The use of helps to quickly grow the endometrium unconventional methods which help improve blood circulation in the pelvic organs:

  • Acupuncture.
  • Hirudotherapy.

After ovulation, the mucous uterine layer increases to maximum size, after which the process of its reverse development and rejection begins. Therefore, it is recommended to use acupuncture, hirudotherapy and other methods to grow the endometrium before ovulation.

Folk remedies

You can grow the endometrium with the help of decoctions and infusions, which contain herbs that normalize hormonal levels and help improve the condition of the mucous layer. These include: sage, mistletoe, lovage, hops, clover, etc.

Here are some effective recipes:

  • Sporid decoction. Art. Pour a spoonful of the plant into 250 ml of boiling water, leave for 3 hours, strain. Take 60-70 ml in small sips three times a day. Using a decoction helps improve blood circulation, microcirculation and helps restore the mucous layer.
  • Infusion of raspberry leaves. These parts of the plant are brewed with boiling water and drunk instead of tea. Raspberry leaves contain estrogen, which stimulates ovarian function.
  • Carrot seed powder. Grind the seeds of the fruit to a powder state, take a teaspoon 3-4 times a day, wash down a large number water.
  • and a red brush. A drink from each herb is prepared separately, but according to the same principle: 1 tbsp. l of the plant, pour 250 ml of boiling water, leave for 4 hours. Take the entire dose in small sips or a teaspoon every 6 hours. The scheme for alternating decoctions is as follows: divide the menstrual cycle into two phases, in the first, take a red brush (also known as Rhodiola cold) daily, in the second - boron uterus.

Thickening the mucous layer will be helped by taking herbal teas from plants that contain estrogen (for example, tea based on linden color or mistletoe).

Important! Any herbs have side effects and contraindications. Therefore, before using one of the recipes, you should consult your doctor.

The growth of the endometrium will be faster and more effective if you adhere to the following recommendations during this period:

  • Play sports or do any physical exercise(but do not overexert yourself). You need to choose activities that promote blood flow to the pelvic organs (for example, dancing, race walking, swimming).
  • Avoid alcohol.
  • Stop smoking.
  • Add foods that contain vitamins C (lemon, bell pepper, cabbage, pineapple) and E (milk, almost all types of nuts, peas, sunflower seeds).
  • Go for a run before bed.
  • Maintain a daily routine.

The recovery time for endometrial thickness depends on age, general condition health, the chosen method of treatment and compliance with all recommendations received from a specialist.

Questions and answers

How to quickly grow the endometrium after curettage?

Through the use of hormonal drugs, for example, such as estradiol injections, Divigel. The use of unconventional methods helps well, the most effective of them are acupuncture and hirudotherapy.

How to quickly grow the endometrium during IVF?

Both during physiological conception and during IVF, the embryo must be implanted into the endometrium. If it is not possible to grow the endometrium for IVF, then during it, depending on the cause of thinning, you need to take antibiotics to destroy the infection, medications that increase blood circulation in the pelvic organs, do special gymnastics, use massage, and physiotherapy.

When planning pregnancy, the condition of the mucous layer of the uterus is of no small importance. For this reason, women begin to worry about the question of how to quickly grow the endometrium. For conception to occur, it must have sufficient thickness.

Thinning of the mucous membranes can occur under the influence of many factors. Folk remedies will help to enlarge the endometrium, medications And correct image life.

In the process of preparing for pregnancy, not only the general condition of the body, but also the thickness of the uterine layer is of no small importance. If so, then problems with fertilization are possible. This is why endometrial augmentation is needed.

Mucous reproductive organ consists of basal and functional layers. Their main function is considered to be the creation of the conditions necessary for the attachment of the egg. In addition, the endometrium creates an environment suitable for normal fetal development.

If conception does not occur, then during the period of regulation the functional layer is completely rejected and gradually comes out along with menstruation. Further recovery endometrium is normal. By the middle of the cycle, it is again ready for the attachment of the fertilized egg.

How does the endometrium grow?

The intensity of growth of the uterine layer directly depends on hormones, and in particular estrogens. At the beginning of the menstrual cycle, their concentration increases significantly. As a result, the endometrium thickens and pinopodia grows, which are necessary for successful implantation of the fertilized egg.

After ovulation, progesterone begins to be intensively produced, which, if fertilization is successful, helps create an environment favorable for the development of the embryo. At the same time, the uterine layer continues to thicken and becomes part of the placenta.

A kind of plug forms in the vagina, preventing infection from entering the uterus. Therefore, it is so important to enlarge the endometrium when planning pregnancy.

Risks of thin endometrium

This layer is responsible for the ability to bear a child normally and the functioning of the entire reproductive system. The thin endometrium in the uterus often becomes the “culprit” of spontaneous miscarriage. The reason for miscarriage in this case is a lack of oxygen and nutrients. In this case, the placenta is not able to form normally. Infertility is often diagnosed.

It is also worth noting that thinning of the mucous membranes is observed when various diseases uterus. Before you begin extensions for conception, you need to cure these pathologies.

Causes of endometrial thinning

Restoration of the endometrium does not occur adequately for the following reasons:

  • circulatory disorders in the pelvic organs;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • wrong anatomical structure reproductive organ;
  • inflammation in the uterus;
  • underdevelopment of the myometrium;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • damage to the mucous layer of the uterus (as a result of curettage or abortion).

Importance when planning pregnancy

This uterine layer is necessary for gestation and full development fetus If there is an insufficient supply, the egg is unable to implant and pregnancy becomes impossible. Even if the fertilized egg succeeds in attaching, the further development of the embryo will be problematic.

It is on the basis of these tissues that the placenta is formed. If the endometrial tissue is too thin, the fetus will not be able to fully develop. Pregnancy often ends in spontaneous abortion. Therefore, endometrial extension is first performed, after which successful fertilization becomes possible.

Signs of pathologies

The main reasons why the endometrium does not grow are: hormonal imbalance and insufficient estrogen production. Such problems are most often indicated by systematic spontaneous abortions and subsequent curettage. The situation is only getting worse.

Thinning of the mucosa is not accompanied by visual signs, but is noted following changes in the body:

  • migraine;
  • excessive sweating;
  • stopping hair growth on the skin;
  • blood pressure surges;
  • scanty periods;
  • frequent hot flashes;
  • sleep disturbance and nervous overexcitation;
  • discomfort during sex;
  • muscle spasms and joint pain;
  • lack of orgasm.

Infertility does not always occur with such changes. Conception is sometimes still possible, but the course of pregnancy turns out to be very problematic. Throughout this period, there is a threat of miscarriage, it is noted severe toxicosis. Often, a woman is unable to carry a child to term.

Diagnosis of the condition

To assess the condition of the endometrium before IVF or conception naturally, certain examinations and tests are prescribed. Among the main ones, the following stand out:

  • ultrasound examination. An ultrasound is performed at the beginning monthly cycle, immediately after the end of the regulation. To get a complete picture and study changes in the lining of the uterus, the procedure is carried out in other phases;
  • blood test. In this way, it is possible to determine the hormonal level;
  • uterine biopsy. Tissue collection is carried out on days 20–22 of the menstrual cycle.

Only after a full diagnosis can it be possible to select the optimal treatment regimen and eliminate the problem that is preventing conception.

Effective ways to grow the endometrium

Therapy aimed at restoring the mucous layer of the reproductive organ is carried out comprehensively and includes measures such as:

  • treatment of congenital diseases, infectious, venereal diseases and inflammation in the cervix and organ cavity;
  • proper organization of the diet in order to stimulate the blood circulation process;
  • rehabilitation after abortive measures and restoration of the integrity of the mucous membranes;
  • normalization of hormonal levels.

After identifying the cause of disturbances in the reproductive system, the doctor selects the most appropriate course of treatment. Not only traditional medicine is used, but also folk remedies. Nutrition and exercise are also considered important.


Promotes rapid thickening of the endometrium various medications. The drugs have a beneficial effect on female body. Among the main ones are the following:

  1. Proginova. This product contains estrogen and estradiol. It is most often used when there is a history of spontaneous miscarriages or abortions. Active components The drug helps improve blood circulation, restore the body and thicken the uterine mucosa. Often resort to its appointment before carrying out in vitro fertilization. The main advantage of the medication is that it can be used in the process complex therapy and combine with other means.
  2. Divigel. The basis of the drug is an artificial analogue of estradiol. It fully corresponds in physical and biochemical properties to the natural hormone responsible for normal functioning reproductive system, protein synthesis and full formation mammary glands. This medication helps normalize cholesterol levels, work cardiovascular system and grow the endometrium.
  3. Gormel. The medication helps eliminate hormonal imbalance. Its action is aimed at stimulating the natural synthesis of estrogen. It has a gentle effect on the body, which is an undeniable advantage.
  4. Duphaston. The main active ingredient is synthesized progesterone. The drug has no contraindications or side effects.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine will also help to grow the endometrium. The most effective are considered:

  1. . With its help it is possible to restore normal level hormones. The product helps increase the concentration of estrogen and stimulate the development of follicles. To prepare the medicine, one tablespoon of sage is immersed in 300 ml of water and boiled for a quarter of an hour. The finished drink is filtered and allowed to cool. Take half a glass four times a day. Therapy begins on the fourth day of the cycle and is completed during the period of ovulation.
  2. Red brush or hog queen. These plants help normalize hormone levels, thicken mucous membranes and eliminate inflammatory processes. In order to prepare a decoction, take 50 grams of the plant, immerse it in a glass of water and boil for a quarter of an hour. After this, infuse for at least three hours, filter and take 100 ml three times a day in the first half of the cycle.
  3. Blue clay. Half a kilogram of raw material is mixed with a small amount of water, heated and shaped into a flat cake. After this, the compress is applied to the stomach and left for about two hours. Therapy is continued for a week.
  4. Raspberry leaves. A decoction based on them is prepared quite simply. A couple of tablespoons of crushed leaves are brewed in a glass hot water. Drink throughout the day instead of regular tea. This product contains vitamin E, the endometrium begins to grow faster.
  5. Knotweed. 300 grams of pre-crushed plants should be poured with a liter of hot water and left for a quarter of an hour. Drink one glass of the product per day.
  6. Linseed oil. It is recommended to add it to juices, salads and other dishes throughout the first half of the cycle.

Alternative medicine also turns out to be effective:

  1. Acupuncture. When exposed to certain points, the condition of the reproductive system improves significantly, and the affected organs begin to function normally.
  2. The use of leeches (hirudotherapy). The method improves blood circulation, and as a result, the growth of the mucous membranes of the reproductive organ is stimulated.

Nutrition and sports

In order to normalize blood circulation and restore the uterine layer, moderate physical activity is recommended. First of all, abdominal exercises. They should be performed daily for 3-4 minutes.

A sedentary lifestyle leads to the fact that blood circulation in the organs of the reproductive system deteriorates significantly, and this negatively affects the condition of the female body. Thinned endometrium can be increased through belly dancing, swimming, jogging morning time and gymnastics.

Huge popularity in lately gained wumbling. During such training, the vaginal muscles are strengthened, and this contributes to the thickening of the mucous membranes. Classes are effective in the most problematic cases. Exercises are recommended to be performed as a preventive measure various pathologies female reproductive system, and when planning pregnancy.

Wrong organized diet nutrition negatively affects the condition of the female body and can cause disruption of the growth of the uterine layer. If such problems arise, it is recommended to adhere to certain rules. You should include foods for endometrial growth in your diet and exclude those that negatively affect this process:

  • salty, fried, fatty and spicy foods should be eliminated completely or reduced to the bare minimum;
  • increase consumption of berries, herbs, fruits and vegetables;
  • Seafood rich in vitamins C and E has a beneficial effect on the female body.

Blueberries, cranberries and raisins, rich in salicylates, are considered some of the healthiest. Pineapple has been noted to have an effect on the endometrium. In addition, it helps activate the body's protective functions and prevents the occurrence of thrombosis.

According to doctors, a properly selected diet helps strengthen the immune system and improve the general condition of the body. If you follow all the recommendations, the mucous layer of the uterus can reach seven centimeters in thickness.

It is extremely important that the menu contains a sufficient number of products containing vitamins K, E, B and C. Thanks to them, the female body will begin to function normally much faster.

Thinning of the endometrium is serious problem, preventing conception and normal pregnancy. For this reason, doctors strongly recommend building up this layer first. There are many folk and medicinal methods improving the condition of the uterine mucosa. The main thing is to follow all the instructions of the gynecologist, and soon you may experience healthy pregnancy With favorable outcome. Without eliminating this problem, the chances of bearing a child are almost zero.