Exercise for the eyes at all 100. Exercises for vision with farsightedness. How traditional medicine can help

In order for the muscles of our body to be more resilient and strong, to be in good shape, they should be trained. But few people might think that the eye muscles also need physical activity. Properly selected exercises can not only slow down or stop the process of vision deterioration, but also significantly improve it.

Palming according to W. G. Bates

Palming is a fairly popular and simple exercise to relax the eye muscles. This exercise uses both palms. The principle of palming consists of the following steps:

  1. It is necessary to warm up your palms. The best way to do this is to rub them together until they are slightly red and hot.
  2. Fold your palms so that they touch each other with their inner ribs and are located in the same plane.
  3. Bend your elbows, finding a support point (for example, a table or knees) and close your eyes with your palms so that only the fingers of one hand are on top of the other.
  4. Spend 5-7 minutes in this position. If necessary, repeat after some time.

The essence of palming is to cause so-called “lightning” in the eyes. However, you should not put pressure on the eyeballs.

This simple exercise can improve vision and is effective for farsightedness. When palming, the heat from the palms affects facial nerves, as well as on the eye muscles, relaxing them and providing blood flow to them. Such regular training can even change the angle of the eyeball, that is, you can count on a noticeable positive effect even with strabismus. You just need to squeeze your fingers as tightly as possible so that light does not penetrate through them. It is important that when performing palming you need to relax as much as possible, take a comfortable and relaxing position.

Important!!! On initial stage When performing palming, you may experience not entirely pleasant sensations in the eye area, soreness and a feeling of pressure “from within.” This is quite normal condition, after a few exercises the discomfort will go away.

Solarization is a set of exercises, the main active factor which is a bright light.

Solarization can be carried out using:

  • Sveta
  • sun;
  • candles;
  • electric incandescent lamp.

Solarization is performed in several steps:

  1. Take a position relative to the light source so that your face is directly opposite it. The eyes should be closed.
  2. Without squinting, try to get used to the bright light (your eyes should still be closed). If you feel pain in your eyes, they can be short time cover with your palms, then remove them and try again.
  3. It is necessary to slowly turn your head, first to the right, then to the left, so that the light can exert its influence evenly.
  4. Upon completion of solarization, do palming.

Solarization is effective in restoring vision. It improves blood circulation and also promotes rapid regeneration of eye tissue, especially in the postoperative period.

Movement Based Exercises

There are several types of basic exercises, of which it is recommended to create individual complexes:

  • circular movements of the eyes;
  • describing geometric shapes with the eyes;
  • focusing the gaze;
  • guide lines (up-down, left-right);
  • blinking/squinting.

Exercises that can be used to prevent and treat myopia include:

1 FocusingYou should look away into the distance and direct it to the farthest point within sight. Slowly move your gaze to the tip of your nose
2 Circular movementsDescribe a circle with your eyes. Repeat 10 times. Next, do the exercise in the opposite direction.
3 blinkingBlink quickly for a couple of minutes
4 Squeezing your eyes shut sitting position Close your eyes for a few seconds, repeat several times
5 Eyelid massageClose your eyes and massage your eyelids in a circular motion with light pressure.
6 Eye contactDirect your gaze to the place where the eyebrows grow together, hold it for 2-3 seconds, then return to the starting position and repeat
7 Head rotation with gaze shiftYou should slowly turn your head to the side, moving your gaze in the same direction. Next, turn your head in a different direction.

The most effective exercises for farsightedness are:

  1. Focusing on a distant object. Place your finger at a distance of 3-40 cm from your face. Look into the distance, then focus on your finger.
  2. Reading "between the lines." Pick up a book, read a few paragraphs of text, then focus on the white space between the lines.
  3. Head turns. Turn your head to the left, then to the right, while looking forward all the time.
  4. Observation of moving objects.

Important!!! After each set of exercises, you need to give your eyes a rest. You can relax your eye muscles by using light massage or compresses.

Preventive gymnastics

To ensure that visual acuity does not decrease, it is necessary to carry out the following preventive exercises from time to time:

  1. "Drawing letters." You need to use your eyes to describe any number of letters from the alphabet. The exercise can be considered completely completed if you managed to describe all 33 letters. 1. Open your mouth - close your eyes. At the same time open your mouth, then open your eyes wide. Try to open your mouth and eyes simultaneously.
  2. Blinking/squeezing your eyes shut. It is necessary to alternate frequent blinking with 3-5 second squinting.
  3. Massage the upper eyelids with light circular movements.
  4. Moving your gaze up and down.
  5. Moving your gaze diagonally.
  6. Pressure. You should close your eyes and do not press too hard on the eyelid.
  7. Look through your fingers. Covering your eyes with your palms, spread your fingers a short distance, look through them for a couple of seconds and squeeze them tightly again.
  8. Narrowing. It is necessary to close your eyes, touch your middle fingers to outer corner eyes, and pull to the sides. You need to feel a slight tension in the muscles.
  9. Tilt your head down, relaxing your neck muscles and placing your chin on your sternum. Direct your gaze to the floor. Then slowly tilt your head back, looking up.

Do not underestimate preventive eye exercises. After all, it is the eyes that are constantly exposed to the most harmful factors. Stress, bad habits, lack of vitamins, frequent illnesses and unfavorable environment often cause sudden and rapid loss of vision.

The table below presents three groups of exercises that provide a set of preventive measures.

Exercise groupStarting positionExample
Strengthening exercises eye muscles When sitting, the head is motionlessLooking away to the right, then to the left, without changing the position of the head
Exercises to stimulate circulation and blood flowSittingAlternately closing the eyes
Exercises for accommodationstandingFix your hand with an extended finger at a distance of 30 cm from your face, focus your gaze on it. Without changing focus, slowly move your finger towards your face. When it seems that your finger is double, you need to smoothly move it back to its original distance

For those people who spend a lot of time at the computer, working with papers and small print, preventative exercises are simply necessary.

Morning exercises for the eyes

Exercising in the morning allows the body to quickly wake up, tones the muscles and gives a good mood for the whole day. What about the morning one? The sensations from it are no less pleasant.

Morning exercises for the eyes can be done in several steps:

  1. Remaining in a horizontal position, stretch, relaxing the neck muscles.
  2. Several times, synchronously, open your mouth and eyes wide.
  3. Perform several squints, lasting 3-5 seconds.
  4. Then blink frequently, but not very quickly.
  5. Close your eyes and use your nose to describe any figure in the air. You can “write” words, letters or “draw” in this way. The duration of this exercise is on average 2-3 minutes. The images that arise during such an exercise make the brain “wake up” faster and get back to work.
  6. Raise and lower your eyebrows several times. Sometimes frowning, sometimes surprised.
  7. Lying on your back, do palming.
  8. Turn your head from side to side for 2-3 minutes. This relieves tension from upper section spine, this is especially important if you had to sleep in an uncomfortable position.

In total, it won’t take much time in the morning, but it will produce a noticeable positive effect: after 1-2 weeks, visual acuity will noticeably improve, the number of headaches will decrease, and there will be no signs of fatigue on the face.

Tibetan gymnastics

There are many techniques that include various sets of eye exercises aimed at correcting vision, preventing cataracts and treating many diseases associated with the eyes. Tibetan eye gymnastics is one of the most common and effective. It includes the following exercises:

  1. Peripheral vision training. With your arms extended in front of you, place your two index fingers in front of your eyes at a distance of 35-40 cm, joining them together. Without changing your gaze, slowly spread your arms with your fingers outstretched to the sides. The challenge is to look straight but still see your fingers. peripheral vision. Then bring your fingers together again in front of you.
  2. Pressure. On closed eyes Press lightly and quickly with your fingers, then open your eyes and try not to blink for about 5-6 seconds.
  3. Square. Describe the square with your eyes: look down - left - up - right. Then repeat in the opposite direction: look up - right - down - left.
  4. Blinking frequently for about a minute.
  5. Light eyelid massage. Close your eyes and use light massaging movements to move from the inner corner of the eye to the outer corner. upper eyelid, then along the bottom.

Important!!! Each exercise in Tibetan gymnastics should be performed for at least one minute or at least 10-15 repetitions.

It is not necessary to follow any one set of classes, because creating an individual program for yourself is not so difficult. It can include active exercises, massages and exercises that relieve fatigue.

Video - Gymnastics for the eyes

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Most people sooner or later experience vision problems. Lifestyle modern man negatively affects his health, especially in adulthood.

The most common eye diseases are fatigue after exercise (reading, computer work), myopia, farsightedness, astigmatism and others.

Can effectively combat many similar ailments special technique, developed by Professor Vladimir Georgievich Zhdanov.

The essence of Zhdanov’s technique

The main postulate of his methodology is the inextricability of the connection between the spiritual and physical health person.

Professor Zhdanov is an opponent of wearing glasses because they are harmful to human health and proposes to eliminate vision problems using his own drug-free method.

V.G. Zhdanov used well-known ophthalmological techniques to improve vision by ophthalmologists and psychophysiologists Shichko and Bates.

Gymnastics for the eyes according to Zhdanov is only part of a whole philosophy, which includes separate nutrition (with separate consumption of proteins and carbohydrates and limitation of fats), as well as refusal negative emotions And bad habits harmful to health.

The main postulate of V.G.’s methodology Zhdanova: “The inextricability of the connection between a person’s spiritual and physical health”

The main goal of Professor Zhdanov is to achieve the restoration and revival of a person’s spiritual world, which will then have a positive effect on the function of all his organs and systems.

A full complex You can learn exercises to restore vision using the Zhdanov method by reading our article.

Indications for using the technique and rules of implementation

Professor Zhdanov's eye gymnastics are suitable not only for people with visual impairments, but also for those whose work involves visual strain. Healing “palming” helps to relax oculomotor muscles. Regular training allows you to restore the functioning of the eye muscles and improve cerebral circulation.

This technique is simply necessary for those who want to restore vision using the Zhdanov method on their own, without surgical intervention. Patients with common vision problems who exercise regularly report that exercise therapy is effective. They give up glasses and correct the functioning of the most important organ of the visual system.

The main conditions for the effectiveness of using this technique are the systematic and correct execution of each exercise. Only then can you achieve amazing effect from charging.

Rules for performing exercises:

  • The exercises must be performed with glasses removed.
  • Exercises are done smoothly, without sudden movements.
  • Exercises for serious pathologies are limited in the number of repetitions (3-4 times for severe myopia and 1 time after retinal detachment).

During breaks at work, you should also give your eyes a rest. This can be done with the help of small activities: just write a few lines and patterns in the air with your eyes:

Restoring vision using the Zhdanov method contains many exercises; let’s look at the most popular ones.


Palming (from “palm” - palm) is an exercise designed to relax the oculomotor muscles.

Execution Sequence:

  1. Rub your palms until you feel warm.
  2. Place the fingers of each hand tightly in the shape of a ladle.
  3. Cross your fingers at right angles.
  4. Cover your face with your palms so that the crossed fingers are located in the center of the forehead, and the nose is located between the little fingers.

    The eyes should fall into the center of the dimples of the palms.

Special instructions:

  • The palms should be pressed tightly together and have no gaps in order to achieve complete darkness.
  • Breathing through the nose occurs calmly, eyes closed.
  • The elbows are fixed: either standing on the table or pressed to the chest.
  • The head is held straight, being an extension of the back.
  • The emotional state when performing exercises should be calm and relaxed. It is important to say out loud or mentally the phrases: “My eyes are good, they give me joy, happiness, allowing me to see the beauty of this world. Every day my eyes see better than before.”
  • It is important to imagine your eyes as healthy and alert.
  • To remove residual visual images, remember how the lights in the theater box slowly go out and how the theater plunges into complete darkness.
  • The most important condition for successful palming- “plunging” into pleasant memories that were in life.

Exit from palming:

Palming perfectly relieves eye fatigue after exercise

Palming perfectly relieves eye fatigue after exercise (TV, computer, reading). It is enough to devote three to five minutes of your time to it.

Palming while standing

It is carried out after solarization to relax the eyes and get rid of sun “bunnies”:

  1. Close your eyes and turn your back to the sun (light bulb, candle).
  2. Warm your palms by breathing on them or rubbing them together.
  3. Place your palms over your closed eyes and relax. The legs are shoulder-width apart, the arms are bent at the elbows, and the head is tilted forward.
  4. After the images (“bunnies”) disappear before your eyes, you need to blink several times.

Comments on the exercise

This exercise is contraindicated after:

  • Any surgical interventions before the eyes, before 6 months have passed since the operation;
  • Retinal detachments.

Solarization of eyes using a candle

Full version of the exercise:

  1. You need to stand facing the sun with your eyes closed. At the same time starting position standard: legs are positioned shoulder-width apart, arms hang freely.
  2. The face and chest rotate to the right, spinning on the right foot and turning the heel of the left foot up. The sun remains on the left side.
  3. We turn left. The sun is now located on the right side. Repeat turns 20-25 times. We repeat the phrase out loud: “The sun is on the right, the sun is on the left...”
  4. Eyes closed. There is a feeling of sun “bunnies”, about ten to twelve flashes. It is the sun's rays that penetrate through the eyelid, which activate the retina.

Comments on the exercise:

In cloudy weather, use a candle. In this case, you need to sit down and fix your gaze on a burning candle at a distance of a meter.

The head is turned to the right and left in the amount of 15-20 repetitions.

You can replace the candle with a table lamp.

Exercises near - far

The essence of this exercise is to alternately shift your gaze from an object located nearby to an object located in the distance.

    This exercise is great for relieving eye strain during office work.

    You need to imagine a butterfly sitting on the ceiling. Take a good look at it.

  1. Imagine that a butterfly has taken off and slowly lands on your eyebrows. Follow an imaginary butterfly as it flies back to the ceiling.
  2. The butterfly flew to the wall, where it landed on the tip of your nose. Look at it, blink and point it back.
  3. The butterfly sits on the floor, smoothly flying from there and landing on your upper lip.

Comments on the exercise: During the exercise, the internal longitudinal and transverse eye muscles are trained. The exercise allows the eye to relax and can be used as an additional exercise.

Exercises with alternating eye movements

Note on exercises for the eyes of Professor Zhdanov: if you have pain in the eyes from unusual stress, you can stop for 2-3 days and then continue performing the complex.

Morning exercises for the eyes according to Zhdanov

To strengthen the extraocular muscles and improve vision, you need to perform special exercises. The duration of the workout is from 10 to 15 minutes. While charging, relax and breathe evenly so that oxygen is evenly distributed throughout the body.

Sequence of actions:

Do not overexert yourself while charging. Calm breathing promotes uniform blood supply and restoration of the body. Morning workout should last no more than 15 minutes.

Gymnastics for farsightedness

This complex involves not only the eye muscles, but also the hands. The main goal of the training is to activate the oblique muscles of the eyes. During exercise, you will alternately tense and relax your oblique muscles, trying to see the approaching or receding finger.

Exercises for farsightedness with the thumb:

Index finger workout:

  • Squeezing right hand into your fist, stick it out index finger;
  • Move your right hand towards your face to extended finger was opposite the eyes;
  • Look into the distance until the end of the workout;
  • Quickly move your finger to the right and left side;
  • Move your hand 20 cm to the left, leaving it at eye level. Return your fist to the starting point;
  • Move your hand to the right side, come back again;
  • Do the exercise for 3 minutes.

Gymnastics according to Zhdanov for astigmatism

This complex relaxes the eye muscles, improves vision with astigmatism. In addition, these eye exercises according to Zhdanov will help prevent facial wrinkles that arise due to eye fatigue.

To prevent eye muscle strain while reading, keep the lighting bright.

If you notice that the letters are blurry, this means that your eyes are tired, and therefore you need to drop everything and do special gymnastics.

For astigmatism, it is recommended to use palming according to Zhdanov, described above. This simple exercise helps warm up the eyes, relieve visual strain and speed up blood circulation.

A real vision improvement program with Marilyn Roy.

We all understand the benefits of regular exercise. Every day new research is published proving that exercise is one of the most important parts of a healthy lifestyle. Aerobics exercises are especially useful - they improve blood pressure, slow down the aging process of brain cells and nerve cells. It has already been proven that sport allows you to maintain at the proper level a sense of balance, coordination of movements, memory and organization of vision in people of mature age.

Indeed, what is good for the heart is also good for the eyes. Moderate exercise, weight management, low-calorie and low-fat diets with a predominance of vegetables and fruits, and quitting smoking can significantly reduce the risk of developing the most common eye diseases. Recent research has shown that certain exercises can improve and maintain your vision throughout your life and reduce your risk of eye disease. They will help you maintain good vision throughout your life.

The expressions “fix” or “lose” also apply to vision. Your eye muscles also gain strength, coordination, and flexibility as you work. But if the eyes operate with the help of muscles, isn't it logical to keep them in good shape?

Hello, I'm Marilyn Roy, author of Eye Training. Thank you for using my program. For several years I have tried to integrate the maintenance normal weight, aerobics and sports into a single healthy lifestyle. I took the fitness program as a basis and naturally applied it to eye training. Despite the fact that I have been wearing glasses for 20 years, I noticed an improvement in my vision within a month. And after 13 months I passed the driver’s license exam. No glasses. I no longer need glasses to see clearly. I posted about my successes on my website: now I can watch the game from the highest stand, watch a play in the theater from the last row and ski without ugly glasses. It still amazes me.

Since I wrote my first book, EyeRobics: How to improve your vision, which has been published in five languages, I have learned how many people in a natural way improved your vision. Moreover, each professional category has its own methodology. Those involved in everyday vision improvement include professional baseball stars and Olympic gold medalists, tourists, professors, students, soldiers, scientists, teachers, merchants, pilots, writers, doctors, yoga instructors, lawyers, healthcare professionals and many others.

In this program I will tell you about some simple but very effective exercises that you can schedule into your daily routine. They won't take much time, but will bring tangible results. Once you master these exercises, you can incorporate them into your daily activities and you will have a lot of practice without wasting time. If you have not yet decided to take up this program and do not understand how important these exercises are for your health, you may want to first read the attached brochure, which contains a description of all the exercises.

The process of maintaining good vision is the result of maintaining its balance, thanks to which you can see near objects as well as distant objects while reading. In addition, you must be able to switch quickly. If you stop maintaining balance in your vision, you will notice that you gradually begin to lose the ability to focus clearly at one end of the vision spectrum. For example, if you constantly focus on close objects all day long, you will notice that by the end of the day, distant objects become blurry. Or you read with glasses all the time; soon you will not be able to do without them.

Relaxation is important component good vision. Often, poor vision develops because the muscles are tense, preventing them from relaxing to focus well. Marilyn Roy's 12 exercises will show you how to use facial expressions to teach your eyes to focus naturally. Your eye muscles maintain and develop strength, coordination, flexibility, and muscle memory as you use them. If your glasses do the focusing for you, your eye muscles don't get the training they need to focus clearly. Therefore, it is important to perform the exercises without glasses. If you find it difficult to get by without glasses, try using weaker glasses or ask your doctor for a new prescription for glasses or contacts. Don't rely on reading glasses or distance glasses for everything, so your eyes can focus on their own. Most of the exercises described below can be done comfortably at home in a chair. Remember - do without glasses only when it does not endanger you or others.

Let's start with a few relaxation exercises.

1. The first relaxation exercise is to close your eyes with your palms.

First, rub your palms together to warm them up. Close your eyes and place your palms on them. They should lie lightly on the bony bases around the eyes, but not touch the eyelids. The warmth and darkness will relax your eyes and you will notice that you can see contours more clearly immediately after doing this exercise.

Palming- a term coined by William Bates for an eye exercise that involves closing your eyes and covering them tightly with your palms for a few minutes (as in the picture). As a result, the eyes will relax, and relaxation will give good vision.

The eyes are closed with eyelids and covered with palms so that light does not penetrate into the eyes, but there is no pressure on them. The palms rest calmly on the cheekbones, and the fingers are on the forehead. Palming is usually performed in a sitting position. The elbows rest on the table or on a thick pillow lying on the knees.

While palming you should feel complete comfort, warmth and coziness. If possible, choose a time and place for doing this exercise so that no one can disturb you. Try to completely relax, get rid of tension in the muscles of the face, neck, shoulders and other parts of the body. If you want, you can listen to the radio or let your thoughts float freely, try to think about pleasant things. If unpleasant thoughts invade your consciousness, push them away, promising yourself to deal with them later.

Remain with your eyes closed for several minutes. The exact time is determined by trial and error; 5 minutes is a good time, 4 minutes is a minimum. In this state, it is difficult to keep track of time, so something like a silent timer (or digital clock with alarm) can be very useful.

2. Second exercise - take a break from working close.

Remember to stop reading about every 10 minutes and focus on distant objects. Blinking also helps the eyes change focus and moisturize the cornea. Far focus itself is more relaxed than near focus.

3. The next exercise is a relaxation movement.

Stand with your legs slightly apart.

Make rhythmic turns with your body so that your head and shoulders look in one direction or the other. Let your arms follow your body movements in a relaxed state. Your eyes should be open so that it seems to you that the world is floating past your gaze. Relax your whole body.

If you are unable to stand, slowly turn your head from side to side to relax your neck muscles.

4. The next relaxation exercise is looking out the window.

If you work indoors, move to a window and look outside into brighter daylight. Simply looking into the distance will help your eyes change focus and relax.


5. The first focusing exercise is to use a vision test chart.

Hang a chart on the wall to test your vision in the morning and before bed. If you are nearsighted, use the table from a distance. If farsightedness is near, at reading distance. Because you are so relaxed when you wake up in the morning, you may feel that this is the time of day when you see best. Even just to stop the process of vision deterioration, you need to work hard.

6. The next exercise is focusing on squares.

Focusing on squares trains the cross and focusing muscles. This exercise is effective for both nearsighted and farsighted people.

If you are farsighted, you have insufficient focus; if you are nearsighted, you have excessive focus.

To start, keep the squares at a comfortable distance from your eyes.

Note from the site author: Apparently, the picture with the squares should be in the book that came with the video. Using a graphics editor, I created an image with squares; You can print it out, or you can work with it directly from the monitor screen. The following links can open this image in different sizes: small, medium, large.

Cross your eyes slightly so that three squares appear on the page.

If you don't know how to cross your gaze, there is easy way learn this. Keep your finger between teaching aid and nose, do not look directly at the paper. In your peripheral vision, you will see a third square appear between the two squares.

Slowly remove your finger and try to clearly focus on the third square. You should see the same thing as in this diagram.

Slowly remove your finger and adjust your gaze so that you can read the word “Hi”, clearly in the center of the middle one. The word will appear vague, as if it is behind the paper.

If you have difficulty doing this exercise, try doing it using your far vision. This time, look into the distance, place squares between your eyes and choose a distant object to focus on. Let your attention be focused into the distance. Despite the paper, in your peripheral vision you will again notice a third square appearing on the page. Slowly lower your eyes and adjust your gaze until the middle square becomes clear.

The word should seem vague, as if in front of the paper.

This time, try moving the page towards you and away from you, keeping the middle square in focus. It took me a week to master all the elements of this exercise. So don't be discouraged if you find it difficult at first. If you have mastered this exercise, try making it more difficult by increasing the distance.

7. The next exercise is focusing on squares for myopic people.

Hang a copy of the squares on the wall next to the vision test chart. Create a third square. You can set the far focus by touching your nose between the squares and slowly stepping back. See how far you can go before the third square disappears. Learn to blink while maintaining an image to give your eyes a rest when they need it. You can learn to step back twenty feet (about seven meters) while holding the image. As you train your eyes to work together moving further and further away from the wall, you will notice that you can see the table more clearly. If I'm doing close-up work and see objects blurry, I can immediately improve my far focus by doing this exercise. Learn to cross your gaze and perform this exercise in different variations.

8. Let's do another exercise - “Near/Far”.

The purpose of this exercise is to train the eye to automatically adjust focus from near to far. This versatile exercise will provide good practice for automatic focus adjustment.

I must say that this is quite difficult exercise and when doing it, your eyes will quickly get tired. The exercise will not be more effective if you concentrate on working in the area that is most foggy for you and use letters or drawings with sharp, clearly defined corners. If you work in a foggy area for too long, your eyes will not be able to discern all the details of the image and their resolution will decrease. Sit comfortably in a chair or chair with something to read. Place a book or magazine with printed text on the table in front of you. Hang an eye test chart or other printed material on the opposite wall. Make sure the font is large enough to see. It may be vague, but at least you should be able to discern it. Focus your eyes on the font that you see most clearly, then move your gaze to the nearest letters printed in the same font and try to focus your gaze on it. If you can't get the focus, move the table a little until you can comfortably move from one font to another. Once you learn how to do this, move your gaze to a less legible font and let your eyes focus on it. Continue to move your gaze in three directions.

At one point, you will find that you no longer notice how your eyes adjust to all three distances. This good opportunity teach your eyes to work quickly and automatically. This skill will be a good reward for the effort spent.

Every time you exercise, adhere to the following principles. If you have trouble seeing close up, move the book closer and let your eyes automatically read the font better. If you are nearsighted, do the opposite of what farsighted people do - move the book as far away as possible. Very soon your eyes will begin to relax at the new distance and their focusing power will increase. You can speed up the process by working with your weaker eye separately until it focuses as well as your stronger eye.

8.1. Do the “Near/Far” exercise at your workplace (at the computer).

This is how I arranged mine workplace that I can do this exercise every time I work on the computer. The screen is located at an angle of approximately 45 degrees, and reading materials are at close to medium distance from the eyes.

The magnitude of these distances can be changed by choosing the optimal option for practice.

9. If you find it difficult to learn to cross your gaze, do the exercise “Convergence at one point (Convergence)”

Place a drawn figure, in this case a runner, at a comfortable distance for you so that you can focus on it clearly. Slowly move the drawing closer to the nose, continuing to keep it clearly in focus. Check how close to the nose you can move the design before it starts to split.

Instead of drawing, you can use your finger, pen or any other object.

10. The next exercise is called “Eyebrow Raise and Stretch.”

Eye coordination must be complex. When focus changes, some muscles relax while others tense. The purpose of this exercise is to develop the ability to feel how the muscles around the eye tense and relax, which is achieved by movements of exaggerated force.

Do the exercise gently, but feeling tension. Start by raising your eyebrows so that you feel a lateral tension in front of your eye. Then relax. It should feel like you are doing isometrics, squeezing the muscles under the skin and releasing tension.

Now tense your muscles top part cheeks creating tension, as if you are tightening the muscles on the sides of your face. Then relax.

Do each exercise several times, and then try to do two exercises at the same time.

You can make this movement even more challenging by moving your gaze up and down and from side to side as you perform this exercise.

After some time, you will begin to notice when you create tension and when you relax and feel how this improves or reduces your visual acuity. You will also be able to feel small pushing and pulling movements around your eyes as the muscles become more flexible and automatically respond to achieve better focus.

These exercises are called "Semicircle"

11. Start by moving your eyes in a large arc - from bottom to left, up and down to right. And back.

You can make the same arc with your hand if it is more convenient for you.

Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Then walk along the bottom of the circle - from top to left, down and up to right and back.

Repeat the exercise 10 times.

You can also make semicircles with the left and with right side. You may notice that some movements are easier for you to coordinate than others. Work more on movements that are more difficult for you.

12. Last exercise - “Concentric circles for astigmatism”

Note from the site author: this exercise uses a picture with circles - a large one and a small one below it (see below). Using a graphics editor, I created an image with circles; You can print it out, or you can work with it directly from the monitor screen. The following links can open this image in different sizes: small, medium, large, extra large

I usually do this exercise while watching TV. This allows you to immediately expand your field of view, making it possible to understand how distorted you are seeing the object.

The reason for astigmatism is that the muscles located around the eye contract differently. This can lead to changes in the cornea of ​​the eye. Astigmatism affects, as you can see, the object horizontally, vertically or diagonally.

If you have astigmatism, you will notice that the shape of the circle may change at a distance, and the shape of a small circle may change at low focus. The circle may appear streaked, gray spots, and from a distance the circle may even look like a kaleidoscope rather than a bunch of black and white lines.

Hang the picture next to the table so you can look at it and then at the table.

Stand where you can easily see the center of the circle and notice that there are concentric circles going all the way around the circle. Now approach and then move away from the circle, as you do so, you will notice that the outline of the circle begins to distort or even break. If this happens, try to relax and adjust your eye focus so that you can see the center of the circle again. Move closer to the hard-to-see area and focus both circles.

Another way is to try to focus on the stripe located near the outer edge of the circle and direct your eyes around the circle, trying to see a line of color passing through the gaps in the circle. At first it may seem to you that it is impossible to pass through the gaps in the circle, but if you once succeed, you will notice that your vision becomes more flexible and soon you will easily see the circle clearly.

As I said at the beginning, I usually hang a circle art and chart next to the TV so I can study while I'm watching it. At first it was difficult for me to sit two meters from the TV, but now I sit five meters away. I felt like I was watching TV at this distance in a more relaxed state.

In conclusion, I encourage you to incorporate eye training into your daily practice.

When I began to improve my vision, I started with just a couple of exercises. I chose the most effective ones: focusing on squares. I liked it and even created several variations of it. I realized very quickly that once I learned the basics of these exercises, I could practice anywhere, anytime. This made the classes more interesting. I was nearsighted and began to practice while attending movies, sports competitions, the theater, while walking and even playing sports in the gym. Gradually these exercises became a part of my life and helped me improve my vision.

You yourself have probably already convinced yourself that you cannot rely only on glasses to improve your vision. It can even lead to further deterioration of vision. Fortunately, more and more information is emerging about the benefits of daily vision therapy.

Starting a vision therapy program is just the first step in working to improve your vision. The Eye Exercises (Eye Training) program only gives you the tools to do this. Just like diet and fitness, the Eye Exercises (Eye Training) program will teach you how to change your behavior and habits to improve your vision over time.

To improve your vision, proper nutrition and general physical development are very important, so stick to a healthy diet, exercise, and then eye exercises will bring you tangible benefits.

Gymnastics “Vigilance”

Below we describe the rules for performing the “Vigilance” gymnastics developed by academician Yuri Aleksandrovich Utekhin. The rules are based on an interview with the academician, in which he talked about his technique.


To reduce the degree of myopia:

Close one eye. How - figure it out yourself. For example, if you wear glasses, you can cover one lens with a paper curtain.

Read the book at the maximum possible distance from your eyes.

Every five minutes, bring the book halfway to your eye 2-3 times and continue reading (this will provide a kind of massage to the lens).

The duration of reading with one eye is from 15 to 30 minutes. Then we close the open eye, and open the closed one and continue reading. Then we change again, etc. This way you can read for several hours in a row.

When performing gymnastics, glasses should be weaker regular glasses by 3 diopters for children and 2.5 diopters for adolescents and adults. Is your myopia from 2.5 to 5 diopters? In this case, you can do gymnastics without glasses at all, the main thing is to maintain the maximum distance from the book.

If one eye has a high degree of myopia, then it should be trained longer and more actively (for example, reading to it for 30 minutes, and the best - 15).

To reduce the degree of farsightedness:

The same principle as above, but with one amendment: read the book at the minimum possible distance from your eyes.

The scientific basis of gymnastics: Two open eyes cannot work the centers of the retinas at the same time, as this would cause double vision. Therefore, one eye inevitably stops working as the center of the retina, which causes a decrease in overall visual acuity. In some cases, both eyes do not function as retinal centers. Thus, if you read with one eye or the other eye alternately, then the working eye places its retina in the center, since the second eye does not interfere with it. Getting each eye used to this mode improves visual acuity.

Note: Gymnastics is for strong-willed people. You need to do exercises regularly, otherwise there will be no point.

I also came across a mention of this technique in Svetlana Troitskaya’s book “Get Rid of Killer Glasses Forever!” The technique is mentioned in Chapter 9, “Book - Eye Trainer,” in the “Rules of Reading” section.

Use one-eyed patches or “pirate glasses” whenever possible.

When reading with both eyes, both muscular and mental stress falls on them. This is due to the fact that different eyes can see the same thing differently. Connecting two different images and finding a single meaning for them is more difficult than in a situation where only one image enters the brain.

In addition, wearing a bandage allows one eye to rest, but only from visual perception. All muscle actions, performed with an open eye, is repeated synchronously with a closed eye. This is why it is so important that the bandage is comfortable and does not interfere with blinking or movement of the eye muscles. In this case, the eye muscles in the blindfold do not need to be reduced to the nose and the attention of both eyes should be concentrated on each section of the text.

To remember this rule, insert a bookmark with a hint in the book.

Put on the headband, dear friend, and play pirate.

I would also like to mention one of my ideas. It occurred to me to combine “Vigilance” with palming, that is, while I read with one eye, I tightly cover the other eye with my palm. The eye under the palm is closed, there is a small distance between the palm and the eye. I hold a book in one hand, and rest the other on my knee or table (depending on where and how I read).

I read a few pages, then change the load on my eyes - I relax the eye with which I was reading by palming, and vice versa.

It is difficult to say whether such “Vigilant Palming” is more effective than the usual “Vigilance” in practice, but theoretically yes - after all, the non-reading eye does not just look into the blindfold (or something with which it is covered), but relaxes. Well, you yourself know about the benefits of relaxation for the eyes (if you don’t know, read Bates).

Update: October 2018

Vision is most important function body, allowing you to fully live, work and rest. Given to us from birth the opportunity to see the world around us is taken for granted. While we care about the beauty of our figure and face, we care little about the health of our eyes and pay attention to our visual organs only when obvious problems begin.

Modern medicine allows you to quickly solve many eye diseases without any effort. However, all these “quick” methods have a number of contraindications, risks and complications. Slow but the right way if not radically improve, then significantly stop the decline in vision and achieve a certain remission - this is gymnastics for the eyes, requiring only one thing: persistence and thoroughness in its implementation. There are many sets of exercises and corrective techniques designed both for people with healthy eyes and for those who have vision problems, including children.

In this article we will present the most popular and effective sets of exercises that allow you to preserve and improve the condition of your visual organs, which are simple, understandable and easy, and most importantly - absolutely free and require only your own work on yourself.

Universal eye gymnastics to preserve and improve vision

The set of exercises presented below is suitable for people whose professional activities involve constant voltage visual apparatus, children with myopia or an increased risk of this disease (heredity, intense study, etc.).

They should be repeated every day, setting aside a specific time for gymnastics so that nothing distracts or interferes with you. You can not use all exercises, but choose the most suitable ones for yourself.

Exercise 1 – “Closing your eyes”

Sit on a chair and forcefully close your eyes for 5 seconds, then open your eyelids for 5 seconds. Repeat 7-8 times.
Effect: relaxation of the muscular system of the eye, strengthening of the eyelid muscles, improvement of blood circulation.

Exercise 2 – “Blinking”

Sit on a chair with your head straight and blink quickly for at least 1 minute.
Effect: improved blood circulation and blood supply to the eyes.

Exercise 3 – “Moving your gaze”

In a standing position (head straight), look into the distance for 2-3 seconds. Bring your index finger to your face and place it at a distance of 30 cm from the eyes, along the midline, move your eyes to the tip of the finger and hold your gaze for 3-5 seconds, then lower your hand. Repeat 10 times.
Effect: training the muscular system of the eye.

Exercise 4 – “Massage of the eyelids”

While sitting, close your eyelids and gently massage your eyes with your fingertips: upper eyelid from the inner to the outer edge, the lower eyelid - vice versa. Massage for 1 minute.
Effect: relaxation of the muscles that hold the eye and stimulation of blood circulation.

Exercise 5 – “Alternate eye training”

In a standing position, place your index finger along the midline of the face at a distance of 30 cm from the eyes, peer at the tip of the finger for 5 seconds. Cover your left eye with the palm of your second hand for 5 seconds, without taking your eyes off the finger with your right eye. Then remove your palm and look at the finger with both eyes again for 5 seconds. Repeat in the same order with the other eye. Repeat 5 times for each eye.
Effect: training both eyes.

Exercise 6 – “Horizontal eye movements”

In a standing position with your head motionless, move your right hand in a half-bent position to the side, extend your index finger and slowly move your hand to the other side, following the finger with your eyes, then also slowly return your hand to its original position, without taking your eyes off the finger. Repeat 10 times.
Effect: strengthening the muscles responsible for horizontal movements of the eyeball, improving eye coordination.

Exercise 7 – “Pressing on the eyelids”

In a sitting position, close your eyes, place three fingers on each eyelid and lightly press on the eyelid, hold your fingers for 2 seconds and then move your hands away from your eyes. Repeat 5 times.
Effect: improved fluid circulation inside the eye.

Exercise 8 – “Fixing the gaze”

In a sitting position, look into the distance and fix your gaze for 5 seconds, then move it to the tip of your nose, fix it for 3-5 seconds. Repeat 6 times.
Effect: development of the ability to hold gaze for a long time on objects close to the eyes.

Exercise 9 – “Vertical eye movements”

In a standing position with a motionless head, raise your half-bent right hand up, extend your index finger and fix your gaze on it, then slowly move your hand vertically down, and also slowly return your hand to its original position. Repeat 10 times.
Effect: strengthening the muscles responsible for the vertical movements of the eyeballs, training eye coordination.

Exercise 10 - “Circular movements”

In a sitting position with your head motionless, extend your half-bent arm in front of you and move it to the right. Extend your index finger, fix your gaze on it and begin making circular movements with your hand clockwise so that your finger is half a meter away from your eyes. Repeat the same with the other hand, making circular movements counterclockwise. Repeat 5 times.
Effect: development of coordination of complex movements, strengthening of the vestibular apparatus.

Exercise 11 - “Movements in different directions”

In a standing position with your head motionless, raise your eyes as high as possible, then lower your eyes down, then to the right and finally to the left. Repeat 8 times.
Effect: training complex eye movements.

Exercise 12 – “Circular movements-2”

In a sitting position, fixing your head in a motionless position, raise your eyes up and make movements in a circle, clockwise. Then do the same, but counterclockwise. Repeat 5 times.
Effect: increasing the stability of vestibular reactions, developing complex eye movements.

Exercise 13 – “Statistical stress”

In a sitting position, close your eyes and fix your head in a motionless position. With your eyelids closed, raise your eyes up, then down, then turn to the right and finally to the left. Repeat 6 times, remembering to keep your eyes closed.
Effect: development of the ability of static tension.

Exercise 14 – “Diagonal”

In a standing position, lower your head and look at your left foot, then raise your head and look at the upper right corner of the room. Lower your head and look at your right foot, raise your head and look at the upper left corner of the room. Repeat 4 times.
Effect: Improved coordination of movements of both eyes and head.

Exercise 15 – “Training the eye muscles”

In a standing position, look at the opposite wall (being a couple of meters away from it), mentally divide the distance to the wall into 2 equal parts and look at an imaginary point separating both halves of the room. Then divide the half that is closer to you into another half and fix your gaze on an imaginary point in the middle. Divide the remaining part of the distance in half and again fix your gaze on the point passing in the middle. Repeat 5 times.
Effect: coordination and training of the internal and external eye muscles, development of the ability to estimate distances.

With due diligence and work on yourself for at least six months, there is a real chance to improve your vision! These exercises are aimed at solving specific problems that lead to myopia. The first 7 exercises are considered simpler and easier, so they are suitable for beginners and those with good eyesight, i.e. as a preventive measure. The remaining exercises are considered gymnastics of increased complexity and are aimed at correcting vision, but you should move on to them after mastering the first half of the complex.

The total time to complete the complex after all the exercises have been mastered and learned is 7-10 minutes. Those. easy, quick and useful gymnastics will help improve vision without financial costs and health risks.

Gymnastics for the eyes according to Norbekov

The author of the method for restoring vision is Mirzakarim Norbekov, who is not a doctor, but positions himself as a person of high will and fortitude. Having improved his knowledge of martial arts, Norbekov devoted a lot of time to studying aspects of a healthy lifestyle and health promotion. Mirzarkim heads the Institute of Self-Healing that he opened.

His technique is controversial and is ambiguously assessed among professional ophthalmologists, just like the author’s popular work “The Experience of a Fool, or the Key to Insight.”

Restoring vision using Norbekov’s method is gymnastics for the eyes (physical aspect) and auto-training or normalization of the emotional background ( psychological aspect). According to the author, only by perceiving yourself as happy, healthy, and active can healing be achieved. Thus, patients starting to perform this complex should not perceive themselves as sick people, and the world around them should become a close and related environment.

The seven exercises included in the complex are gentle on the visual organs. When performing the complex there should be no overstrain or pain in the eyes. All exercises must be performed with a straight back, which, according to the author, is a fundamental factor for success.

Exercise 1. The head is in a level position. Slowly follow your gaze upward, to the very extreme point, and then continue to move your eyes, as if looking across your forehead. Return your gaze to its original position and then direct it down, as if looking through your throat, return to its original position.

Exercise 2. The head is in a level position. Gaze through the left ear and return to the starting position. Do the same with the right ear.

Exercise 3. The head is level and motionless. It will be necessary to mentally draw with your eyes geometric shapes, but without squinting or overstraining your muscles:

draw a diagonal by looking from the left bottom corner(on the wall of the room) to the upper right corner. Go down to the lower right corner and look at the upper left corner. Then do the same exercise in reverse, starting from the lower right corner. After the exercise, you need to blink often without tension, which will relax the eye muscles.

Exercise 4. "Eight". Keep your head in a motionless position, and draw a horizontal figure eight (infinity sign) with your eyes. The size of the figure should correspond to the contours of the face. Alternate the direction of “drawing”. After the exercise, blink your eyes frequently, relaxing your muscles.

Exercise 5. In a calm and noiseless environment, concentrate your gaze on the tip of your own nose, and then slowly move your gaze in front of you, while trying to look at the surrounding objects on the sides without moving your eyes.

After this technique has been mastered, the exercise is performed in the following sequence:

  • fixation of gaze on the tip of the nose;
  • moving your gaze forward, slowly;
  • fixation of objects located on the sides with motionless eyes;
  • fixation of the gaze on the bridge of the nose, then again slowly forward, and an attempt to examine the surrounding environment without moving the eyes;
  • the same thing, but with the initial fixation of the gaze on the bridge of the nose.

Exercise 6. Bring the index fingers of both hands to the tip of the nose, concentrate your gaze on the fingers and slowly spread your fingers to the sides, trying to follow with each eye the corresponding finger of the hand, i.e. lateral vision. Repeat 2-3 times, then relax your eyes, blinking 10-20 times.

Exercise 7. "Big Circle" Fix your head in a stationary position and maintain it throughout the exercise. Imagine a large dial painted in golden color before your eyes. Circle the outline of the clock with your eyes, fixing each number with your gaze, performing movements in two opposite directions. The outline of the imaginary dial should be smooth and gradually increase in diameter. Repeat the exercise several times.

To achieve maximum effect, M. Norbekov recommends:

  • follow the specified sequence of exercises;
  • perform the complex first with your eyes open, then with your eyes closed, and at the last stage mentally;
  • do everything positively good mood and in a calm, pleasant environment;
  • set yourself up for positive result and believe that with each new opening of the eyes after the training, vision will become better.

Exercises according to Zhdanov

Vladimir Georgievich Zhdanov is the author of a popular technique based on the fact that visual impairment occurs due to malfunction of the muscular system of the eyes, which is responsible for their mobility. The exercises he proposed are very similar to the gymnastics proposed at the beginning of the 20th century by W. Bates.

The complex is based on relaxing overly tense muscles and toning weakened ones. muscle fibers. This allows you to create an optimal balance of eye muscle mobility, which should restore visual acuity and focus.

Simple and accessible techniques help cope with myopia, farsightedness and astigmatism identified in the early stages.

Exercises for myopia and farsightedness

Before you begin to perform them, you need to relax by sitting on a chair and quickly blinking your eyes. The exercises are performed exclusively with the eyes, the face remains motionless. Each exercise lasts about 5 seconds and is repeated 6-10 times.

  • Look up and then look down, moving your eyeballs. Moves only eyeball. Repeat for 5 seconds, but at least 6 times.
  • Look as far as possible to the left, then as far as possible to the right.
  • Move your eyes around the circle, first clockwise and then vice versa.
  • Quickly squeeze and unclench your eyelids.
  • Draw diagonal lines with your eyes: from the lower right corner, move your gaze to the upper left corner, and vice versa.
  • Blink frequently, avoiding squeezing your eyelids tightly.
  • Place your index finger on the bridge of your nose and focus your gaze on it.
  • Stand near the window, focus on a close object (window handle), then quickly turn your gaze to a distant object and focus on it.

Gymnastics for astigmatism

The proposed exercises for correcting astigmatism do not find recognition among ophthalmologists, but the number of fans of the technique does not decrease.

All exercises should be repeated at least 6 times, after completing each exercise, relax your eyes by frequent blinking without strong squeezing of the eyelids:

  • Alternately draw imaginary lines with your eyes up and down, and then left and right, as if drawing a cross.
  • Outline an imaginary regular circle with your eyes.
  • Repeat the technique of the first exercise, drawing a cross from diagonal lines.
  • Draw a square with your eyes.
  • Outline an imaginary number eight, and then an infinity sign.
  • In the future, the complex can be complicated by “drawing” more complex shapes (spiral, trapezoid, polygon).

Palming for the eyes

These techniques allow you to warm your eyes with the heat emanating from your palms, relieve muscle strain, and improve blood circulation, so they are recommended for everyone with vision problems.

Sit at the table so that it is comfortable, place your elbows on the surface of the table. The fingers should be tightly joined and in this position rubbed with the palms. Close your eyes and press your crossed palms tightly to your face, covering your eyes with them and leaving your nose free. When opening the eyelids, light should not penetrate between the fingers, i.e. There should be no gaps. You should stay in this position for 2-3 minutes.

Tibetan gymnastics

IN oriental medicine eyes are associated with the element Wood and green. Exactly green has a beneficial effect on the organs of vision. Therefore, you should place some green object (the color of grass) next to the computer and periodically look at it for 5-10 minutes.

Eye massage

During breaks during the day (and you should look up from the monitor every 30-45 minutes), you can do useful self-massage, which consists of smoothing the upper and lower eyelids with your eyes closed. Another technique is to rotate with your eyes closed, while your fingers should lightly press on your eyelids.

A set of exercises for the eyes

Effective exercises, which were invented a long time ago, help improve vision.

  1. Place your index fingers at a distance of 40 cm from your eyes in a vertical position. Focus your gaze on your fingers, then begin to spread your arms to the sides until your eyes are able to see your fingers in peripheral vision, then bring your hands together again, without letting go of your index fingers. This exercise smoothly transitions into the next one.
  2. The index fingers are in front of the eyes, you need to focus your gaze on them, then look at any object that is several meters away. Fix your gaze on a distant object for 5 seconds, then look at your fingers again. Repeat 3-4 times.
  3. Close your eyes and, using gentle movements, lightly press the eyelids with your fingertips 6 times. Then open your eyes and try not to blink for 6 seconds. Repeat 3 times.
  4. Forcefully close your eyes and open your eyes 6 times, then open your eyes wide and, trying not to blink, keep your eyes open for 6 seconds. Repeat 3 times.
  5. Lower your eyes down, move them to the right, then up, left and down, repeating the circle 3 times. Then raise your eyes and look strictly to the right for a while. Perform the exercise in the other direction 3 times as well.
  6. Blink your eyes frequently, without squinting, for 2 minutes.
  7. Lightly stroke the eyelids with your fingertips.

At the end of the complex you should sit with your eyes closed for 3-5 minutes.

Eye wash

For this useful procedure take a wide basin, which is filled with cold water. For additional cooling, you can add a couple of ice cubes to the water. Place your face in a bowl of water, keeping your eyes closed, and then open your eyes. Make rotational movements with your eyes in the water with a large amplitude 10-20 times (3 sets). After washing, dry your face with a terry towel.

Under the influence cold water the blood vessels of the eyes narrow, and after the procedure is completed, the vessels dilate again, which leads to improved blood supply to the eye. The whites will become brighter and the eyes will gain a healthy shine.

There are other techniques of Tibetan gymnastics that are performed at the energy level, which, as their adherents say, improve vision through the power of thought and the inner potential of a person.

Experts in Tibetan medicine also say something that ophthalmologists cannot disagree with - dull eyes indicate ill health. But a clear look indicates good physical and mental health.

Children's gymnastics for the eyes

Myopia in childhood, in addition to hereditary factors and congenital pathologies, develops as an adaptation of the eyes to excessive visual load. Functional changes turn into structural ones, allowing you to see objects that are close to the eyes without strain, but the ability to clearly see distant objects gradually deteriorates (see).

To prevent myopia and slow down the progression of the disease, ophthalmologists recommend regular exercise. For children 3-4 years old, 2 lessons of 3-4 minutes per day are enough. In the future, the training time can be increased, but not more than 10 minutes, so that the eyes do not get tired. For schoolchildren from 6 years old, you can use the first 7 exercises given at the beginning of our article, and for older students, from 10 years old, you can add a couple of exercises from the second part of the same complex to the complex.

Eye gymnastics for children involves moving the eyeballs in all directions. However, children do not always perceive exercises well, even if they are not very complex. Many authors recommend performing gymnastics with children, explaining the sequence of actions in a playful or poetic form. Children will not perceive such activities as boring, they will quickly remember everything and start doing a set of exercises with pleasure.

  • Kids perceive associations well. For each exercise, you should come up with a suitable action that is familiar to the children. For example, blink your eyes often, like a butterfly flaps its wings;
  • Exercises in poetry can be found on the Internet, or you can show your imagination and compose funny poetic rhymes for the children every time;
  • After each exercise, praise the kids, encourage their efforts with kind words;
  • After a set of exercises to relieve eye strain, children should make faces - this is fun and very useful!
Cat Dragonfly
Now the window has opened
(spread arms to the sides) The cat went out onto the ledge
(walk like a cat)

The cat looked up
(look up)

The cat looked down
(looks down)

I turned left
(look with eyes to the left)

I watched the flies
(look from left to right)

Turned her eyes to the right
Looked at the cat
(look eyes to the right)

And then I looked straight
(look straight)

And covered them with my hands
(cover them with hands)

This is what a dragonfly is like - like a pea's eyes
(make glasses with fingers) Left - right, back - forward
(move eyes left and right)

Well, just like a helicopter
(make circular movements with eyes)

We're flying high
(look up)

We're flying low
(look down)

We fly far
(look ahead)

We're flying close
(look down)

Eye gymnastics for children is called ophthalmic pauses and is one of the healing techniques. Gymnastics is useful not only for children with vision problems - exercises help relieve tension, strengthen the eye muscles and increase blood circulation in the eyes. No special conditions are required for their implementation; they can be carried out in play kindergartens, in lessons, and also at home.

The child's head should be motionless. This position is easier to maintain in a sitting position.

  1. Alternately raise and lower your eyes, then look to the right, and then to the left. Repeat 3 times;
  2. Close your eyes and remain in this position for 10 seconds;
  3. Draw an imaginary circle with your eyes, first in one direction, then in the other direction;
  4. Draw an imaginary square with your eyes and move your gaze inside it along the diagonals;
  5. Draw some figure (number, letter) in the air with your nose;
  6. Close your eyes and bring them to your nose, imagine that the nose begins to grow and stretch out like Pinocchio’s (about 8 seconds), then imagine how the nose shrinks back (about 8 seconds), open your eyes;
  7. Make faces (ask the child to imitate an animal).

Contraindications to eye exercises

If there are even the slightest changes in the health of the visual organs or any eye diseases, the possibility of carrying out the procedures described above medical complexes should be checked with an ophthalmologist.

Any exercises for the eyes, and especially those that involve the muscular apparatus of the eyes, are contraindicated in cases of retinal detachment, as well as in recovery period after retinal surgery.

According to medical research, the most common causes of vision defects are functional disorders which in most cases can be overcome with simple and natural treatments, without the need for surgery, glasses or contact lenses.

This article will discuss the most effective ways vision restoration, which have proven themselves in the treatment of myopia, farsightedness, astigmatism and other vision defects. The effectiveness and speed of treatment directly depends on the complexity of the disorder, its duration and compliance with instructions.

Neglecting advice and recommendations, eye strain from excessive work, physical and mental stress, as well as poor nutrition can significantly slow down the progress of treatment, and in some cases stop it completely. To prevent this from happening, you should carefully follow all instructions throughout the course of treatment, as well as after its completion.

Causes of visual impairment

According to Dr. Bates' research, the main cause of visual impairment is psychological and physical stress, which leads to disturbances in accommodation - the ability to see distant and close objects equally clearly.

Contrary to the prevailing stereotype, focusing of vision occurs not only due to changes in the curvature of the lens, but also due to changes in the shape of the eye itself, due to the action of the external muscles of the eyeball, which are responsible for eye movement in all directions.

Due to the contraction of certain groups of eye muscles, the eye moves closer or further away. back wall eyes, depending on whether you are focusing on a distant or close object. Thus, many visual impairments are nothing more than the result of impaired accommodation due to improper functioning of the external muscles of the eye.

In the case of myopia (myopia), the eye has a constantly elongated shape, which does not allow focusing on distant objects, and in the case of farsightedness (hyperopia), the eyeball, on the contrary, has a compressed shape, thereby not allowing one to clearly see close objects.

Vision correction with lenses further aggravates the situation, as it fixes the muscles in one position, disrupting natural accommodation. As a result, muscle strain intensifies and the disease progresses.

Thus, glasses and contact lenses are main reason ongoing deterioration of vision, which they are aimed at combating.

Exercises to restore vision

Using special techniques to relieve tension from the eye muscles in combination with diet and general health improvement of the body, you can significantly improve your vision, and in some cases completely overcome many vision defects, including myopia, farsightedness and astigmatism.

To achieve maximum results, you must be conscious of treatment and carefully follow all instructions. The main task is to learn how to relieve tension and achieve the desired level of relaxation of the eye muscles. Deep relaxation and relaxation is the key to successful vision restoration.

Gymnastics for the eyes

Eye exercises are an integral step towards improving vision. The main task of eye exercises is to relieve tension from the eye muscles and tone them. This will significantly speed up the process of treatment and return to normal vision.

Gymnastics for the eyes for myopia, farsightedness and astigmatism consists of four basic exercises that must be performed in the most relaxed state. It is best to do this while sitting in a chair or on the sofa.

Exercise No. 1. As gently as possible and with minimal effort, move your eyes up and down 6 times in each direction. Movements should be slow and at equal intervals as much as possible. As you relax, the range of eye movements will increase. At the same time, remain as relaxed and at ease as possible. Repeat the exercise 2-3 times with pauses of 1-2 seconds between repetitions.

Exercise No. 2. Smoothly move your eyes from side to side 6 times in each direction. No tension. The main goal is to relax overstrained muscles, and not to increase tension, so a minimum of effort must be made to move the eyes. Repeat the exercise 2-3 times with an interval of 1-2 seconds between approaches. As you relax, increase the amplitude, keeping it relaxed and at ease.

Exercise No. 3. Bring your index finger to your eyes at a distance of about 20 cm, focus on it, and then look at a large object 3 meters or more away. Then move your gaze back to your finger, and then focus again on the distant object. Look back and forth 10 times at a fairly fast pace. Repeat the exercise 2-3 times with an interval of 1-2 seconds. This is one of best exercises to improve accommodation, which should be done as often as you can.

Exercise #4. As gently and slowly as possible, move your eyes in a circle, first in one direction and then in the other direction. Repeat the exercise 2-3 times, 4 circles in each direction with an interval of 1-2 seconds between cycles, while applying minimal effort.

Before each exercise, you need to relax your eyes by covering them with your palms for a few seconds. If you wear glasses, they should be removed while performing the exercises. If your eyes hurt during the process, stop the exercise and rest. Wash your face with cold water and perform palming.

Healthy exercises for the neck

Gymnastics for the neck is an integral step towards restoring vision. Due to overvoltage neck muscles, nerves are affected and problems with blood supply arise. Thus, for the treatment to be successful, it is necessary to exclude disorders in the spinal system and achieve complete relaxation of the muscles in the back of the neck.

Exercise No. 1. Take a free standing position, arms relaxed and down. Raise your shoulders as high as possible, then move them back as far as possible, then lower them down and return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 25 times, making fairly quick circular movements with your shoulders.

Exercise No. 2. Perform circular movements in the same way, only in the opposite direction. Pull your shoulders back, then lift them as high as possible, lower them down and return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise continuously 25 times.

Exercise No. 3. Lower your chin to your chest as low as possible, relax your neck as much as possible, then smoothly lift your head and throw it back as far as possible. Don't force yourself during the process. Repeat the exercise 12 times.

Exercise #4. Smoothly lower your chin to your chest, then turn your head to the left, tilt it back, turn to the right and return to the starting position. All movements should be slow, uniform and with the greatest possible amplitude, but without tension.

Exercise #5. Slowly turn your head to the right, return to the starting position, and then turn your head to the left. Turns should be slow, without tension and with maximum amplitude. Repeat the exercise 10 times.

Regular exercise helps relax the muscles of the neck and upper back, improves blood flow and nervous energy to the head, normalizes high and low blood pressure, and also has a positive effect on vision and general well-being. It is better to perform neck exercises in the morning or morning and evening, as well as throughout the day if the need arises.

Exercises to relieve eye strain

In order to achieve success in improving vision, the eyes must be given a full, consciously provided rest every day, lasting 30-60 minutes to relax all the muscles and tissues surrounding the eyes. There are special exercises for this:

Covering the eyes with the palms (palming)– one of the simplest and most effective exercises for vision correction, which can be performed almost anywhere and at any time. The technique for performing the exercise is as follows:

  1. Accept comfortable position on a chair, armchair or sofa to feel free and comfortable. Relax as much as possible.
  2. Close your eyes and cover them with your palms so that the middle of your right and left palms are opposite your right and left eyes, respectively, and your fingers are crossed on your forehead. Avoid any pressure on your eyes.
  3. Find a comfortable position with your elbows on your knees or table. At the same time, your eyes should remain closed and covered with your palms.
  4. Relax as much as possible, don’t dwell on anything important or serious, think about the good and positive. Try to see as black as possible. The blacker the color before the eyes, the more relaxation and rest they experience.

Schematically it will look like this:

To achieve a good effect, covering your eyes with your palms must be done at least 2-3 times a day for at least 10-20 minutes. It is also recommended to do the exercises during breaks from work when your eyes are tired.

Rocking to the sides– very effective exercise to relieve eye strain and relax. To perform it, stand straight, feet shoulder-width apart, arms down along the body. While remaining relaxed and at ease, begin to sway slightly from side to side.

While moving, you can imagine yourself as a pendulum and move just as measuredly and slowly. The torso should remain straight and the legs should not bend. If necessary, you can slightly raise your heel without lifting your foot off the floor.

It is best to perform the sway while standing near the window. At the same time, your eyes should be relaxed and look without tension at the objects outside the window, “swaying” with you. After a minute, close your eyes and imagine the “movement” of the window as clearly as possible. After a minute, open your eyes again and continue moving, then repeat the exercise again.

Rocking should be performed at least 3 times a day for 5-10 minutes. At correct execution it effectively relieves tension from the eyes, and also has a very beneficial effect on the condition of the eyes and nervous system as a whole. It goes without saying that if you wear glasses or contact lenses, you will need to remove them before performing this exercise.

blinking– a very simple and effective exercise for relieving eye strain. Unfortunately, for many people with visual impairments, the natural process of blinking is disrupted: they blink less often, their eyes become less mobile, and the blinking process itself occurs spasmodically, with tension and irregularly.

To improve your vision and overall eye health, you need to develop the habit of blinking frequently, regularly and relaxed, thus preventing strain. It is recommended to blink at least 1-2 times every 10 seconds without any effort, regardless of the situation.

Sunlight– is very important in the treatment of visual impairment and should be used to the maximum by all patients. However, you should use it with caution to avoid harming yourself. To do this, follow the main rule - never look at the sun with an unprotected eye, so as not to damage the retina.

There are many ways to restore vision with sunlight. The simplest and most effective is to stand facing the sun, close your eyes and slowly turn your head from side to side so that the rays fall evenly on your eyes. It is recommended to perform this exercise 2-3 times a day for 10 minutes. For safety reasons, it is best to do this in the morning and evening.

You can also rock from side to side while facing the sun. Of course, with your eyes closed. Such sunbathing helps improve blood circulation in the eyes and relaxes muscles and nerves.

In addition, the following exercise is very beneficial for improving vision:

  1. Cross the four folded fingers of one hand and place them perpendicular to the other four.
  2. Place your palms over your eyes so that one palm covers one eye and the other creates a point for a thin ray of sun to pass into the other eye.
  3. Pass a small beam of light through your fingers and look at it. Adjust the thickness of the beam so that contemplation sunlight it was pleasant and did not cause discomfort.
  4. After 1-2 minutes, change hands to look at the sun with the other eye.

Be very careful when looking at the sun through the hole between your fingers! Failure to comply with safety precautions can damage the retina of the eye!

Cold water– an effective remedy for quickly relieving tension and increasing the tone of the eyes, as well as the muscles and tissues surrounding them. To do this, while washing your face, close your eyes and do not splash too much water into them. Repeat the procedure 10-20 times, then gently wipe your closed eyes with a towel.

Repeat the procedure every time your eyes are tired, but at least 3 times a day. Please note that the water should be cold, not tepid.

Memory and imagination training is an important step towards good eyesight. It is very easy to verify this - we recognize familiar objects much faster than unfamiliar ones, since memory and imagination come to our aid. Therefore, they must be developed in order for vision restoration to be successful.

To train your memory and imagination, you can use the following exercise. Look carefully at any small object, its size and shape. Then close your eyes and try to remember everything in great detail. Repeat the exercise.

The above exercise should be performed for 5 minutes or more, of course, without glasses or contact lenses. You can also use words or letters from their books as objects. Regular training helps to significantly improve vision over time.

Central fixation– a basic exercise that allows you to better see the objects on which you concentrate your attention. Unfortunately, people with visual impairments are often deprived of this opportunity. Due to constant overexertion, they see better with peripheral vision than with central vision.

To restore central vision, use the following exercise. Open the book and concentrate all your attention on one line. Next, highlight the word in the center of the line and concentrate on it. After this, close your eyes and imagine that you see this word as clearly and clearly as possible, and imagine all the surrounding words as blurred as possible.

Open your eyes again and repeat the exercise. Perform central fixation for 5 minutes, each time imagining the central word more and more clearly, and all surrounding words as blurred as desired.

As your vision improves, move on to more short words, until you can do the exercise on two-letter words, concentrating on one letter. The second letter will be blurry. In this case, we can assume that central fixation is almost achieved.

Reading– contrary to prevailing stereotypes and misconceptions, reading is one of the the best ways training the eyes and keeping them active and healthy condition. Of course, this only applies to those cases when reading occurs without tension. Otherwise, poor vision will only worsen.

To improve your vision, you need to read without stress. To do this, take a comfortable sitting position, cover your eyes with your hands and relax as much as possible. After a few minutes, pick up a book and start reading, holding it at the most comfortable reading distance, remembering to blink while reading. As soon as the first signs of fatigue appear, give your eyes a rest. Close them for a few seconds, and if necessary, cover your eyes with your palms (palming).

As your vision improves, gradually change the distance to the book. In case of myopia, the distance must be increased, and in case of farsightedness, it must be decreased. If you currently have very severe myopia, then you can start reading with one eye, giving preference to the eye that sees worse. As your vision improves, you can begin to read with both eyes.

Initially, the reading time may be only a few minutes. However, there is no need to despair. Over time, as you master the skills of relaxation and relaxation, you will be able to read longer without any effort or stress.

Proper nutrition and diet to improve vision

Poor nutrition is common cause visual impairment with age. In many cases, following a diet alone can significantly improve vision, and in combination with special exercises, completely restore it.

It is impossible to create a universal diet that would suit everyone, so below are general recommendations on compilation proper diet power supply:

  1. Eat only natural food.
  2. Eat more vegetables, fruits and greens (in season).
  3. Cook food minimally and only when necessary.
  4. Eliminate artificial and concentrated foods, semi-finished products and canned food.
  5. Minimize, or better yet completely avoid, fried, smoked, fatty, sweet and salty foods.
  6. Avoid drinking alcohol and carbonated drinks.
  7. Minimize your consumption of tea, coffee and sugary drinks.
  8. Consume animal products, such as meat, in moderation.
  9. Start your morning with a light breakfast. Fruits and milk are best for this.
  10. Eat small portions, but often. Optimally up to 5-6 times a day.
  11. Each meal should contain foods rich in fiber (see point 2).
  12. Have dinner no later than 2 hours before bedtime.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that one should minimize, or better yet completely abandon, the consumption of everything that is so diligently promoted through means mass media. Food should be treated as a necessity, and not as a means to satisfy our tastes and whims. By changing your relationship with food, you will change your health.