How to close the third eye with the index finger. Right hemisphere of the brain. What needs to be done to start seeing

How to develop psychic abilities? Their manifestation is closely related to the sixth chakra of a person. Opening the third eye: an amazing technique in its effectiveness!

What are the possibilities of the third eye?

The third eye¹ is the mystical eye of a person, capable of contemplating internal psychic energies, subtle worlds and awakening superpowers. It is located in the sixth chakra in the area between the eyebrows; Every person has a third eye!

For most people, this mysterious eye is dormant; if it manifests itself, then people often write off unexpected thoughts, manifestations, or a coincidence.

In ancient times, the third eye was open for all people, it was a birthright! It allowed you to control reality and manifest various extrasensory abilities, such as telepathy, clairvoyance, telekinesis, and many others. Even the very name of the sixth in the Sanskrit translation means “order”: it was enough to give a clear command, and the trained consciousness changed reality!

In order for the third eye to open, special exercises based on attention span².

This article describes a simple and incredibly effective third eye light stimulation meditation. It will allow you to make the opening of the third eye; and you will be able to awaken your superpowers!

Huge opportunities open up:

  • travel through the subtle worlds and communicate with different entities;
  • and gain knowledge from information field the universe;
  • make your thought stronger and easily shape reality;
  • learn mental communication and inject thoughts into other people.

All this will become possible for you!

Opening the Third Eye with Light: A Simple Technique!

This meditation must be performed for 30 days daily, in the evening, after sunset every day. The only requirement is regularity!

That's where the whole secret lies. As they say: "Rome was not built immediately," so in the development of psychic abilities, patience and practice are needed. Therefore, you will need to make your intention firm and bring the matter to fruition!

1. The practitioner takes an ordinary candle and places it in front of him at arm's length, slightly below eye level.

2. A person sits in a yoga or Turkish position, straightens his back. Close your eyes and take a few slow, deep breaths, focusing on your breath.

This will release current thoughts and focus on meditation.

This look is the secret of practice! It is necessary to look at the flame with concentration, but to cover with your vision the whole picture that the eyes can give.

Stopping blinking allows you to expand the boundaries of the visible, to go beyond the usual limits. At first, not blinking will be difficult, but with practice you will learn not to break your gaze for long enough.

If your eyes get tired during practice, you can squint them slightly so that the surface eyeball wetted with liquid, and then re-open.

You don't need to close them! But if this suddenly happened, do not worry and keep watching.

4. The practitioner does this exercise for 30 days, adding one minute of concentration every day. On the first day it will be 1 minute, on the last day the time of concentration will reach 30 minutes of close contemplation.

5. When the contemplation time is up, the person closes his eyes and relaxes. At this time, he looks at the imprint of the flame on the retina. Over time, it will disappear, but all the time of its "existence" it is necessary to observe it.

When contemplating the imprint of the flame, the practitioner rolls his closed eyes and tries to "drag" the residual glow to the area between the eyebrows. This is where the light should be scattered.

It may be difficult in the beginning, but with practice it will not be difficult.

6. As soon as the imprint of the flame disappears, you can open your eyes and return to your business.

This exercise will open the third eye, improve vision and the functioning of the pituitary gland: a special brain organ responsible for concentration and paranormal perception.

Activation pineal gland(pineal gland) will lead to the release of the hormone of youth - melatonin, as a result of which a person will gain the ability to maintain his youth for long years. Intuition, the ability to clairvoyance and many other superpowers develop.

After activating the third eye, you may want to develop psychic abilities³ that will begin to manifest in you. On our site you can find a lot of materials on this topic!

Did you know that you have an innate gift that can bring you a fortune? To learn about this gift, get your free brief diagnosis. To do this, just follow the link >>>

Notes and feature articles for a deeper understanding of the material

¹ The Ajna Chakra (third eye) is the brow chakra where the three main nadis converge (sushumna, ida and pingala), the abode of the “subtle penetrating mind (Wikipedia).

² Technique for developing concentration

Few people would not like to open their third eye, to see the energy processes taking place in the world and in the energy body of each individual person. To get the opportunity to see through objects, revealing their energy essence, to be able to tune in to the necessary information at any time, to acquire the ability to foresee the future.
So how does the clairvoyant system work?

The body of clairvoyance is enough a complex system channels. The easiest way to explain the principle of its work on the example of a kaleidoscope. It consists of many sections, seers call these sections mirrors, because, in essence, these are mirrors. There are one hundred and eight sections or mirrors in total. When you turn the kaleidoscope, a certain pattern is formed, you look at the image that has arisen. Then you turn your kaleidoscope again and you see a completely different pattern, and so on. It is the same with clairvoyance, the system of mirrors can turn in any way, revealing something new to you.

The secret of the yantra is to make the right hemisphere of the brain work. As you know, in order to open any psychic ability faster, it is necessary to activate both hemispheres of the brain, left and right.
The left is responsible for logic, the right for emotions, volumetric perception. When both hemispheres begin to work in sync, this leads to holographic perception, which is of great benefit to clairvoyance. Therefore, it is desirable to work with the yantra, but expecting your third eye to open just because you look at the yantra will not be entirely true. This is just the first stage, in fact, this is the zero from which the movement will begin.
You can actually use not the yantra itself, but any object consisting of complex lines. For example, irrational figures.

When you look at such an image, the left and right hemispheres begin to work together, because the left is not able to identify the object in its entirety, in its entirety. Look at such figures for fifteen to twenty minutes.
You can use this method to remember a dream that you have forgotten. After ten or fifteen minutes, the dream usually comes back on its own, without any effort. It is important to simply look at the figures, turning off the worries and thoughts of the day.
Consciousness must be pure, just look at the figures and that's it.

The most common mistake in unlocking abilities is being too hasty. It is necessary that the technique is assimilated by the energy body, a skill appears that you could turn to at any time.
The second most common mistake is feeling like you've already achieved everything. Usually, from the very first lessons, people get something, they begin to see astral colors. Inspired, a person expects further "miracles", but nothing happens, then he is disappointed and gives up everything. This mistake is the most typical for the modern mind, we are used to getting everything at once and as quickly as possible. This belief does not apply to the process of fully opening the third eye.

The organ of clairvoyance is the same muscle as the others, it's just that it is not in the physical, but in the energy body. Any muscle needs to be trained, any ability can be developed if you know how it is done.

Many people want to open their third eye today, and the main driving force there is not a simple curiosity, but an urgent need to expand the boundaries of the knowable. Full opening of the third eye is not a quick process, especially if a person has never seen even the closest to physical body aura sheaths. In this case, it will take months of hard work, but if you are serious and feel that opening the third eye is really necessary for you, stock up on perseverance and patience, and the result will not be slow to appear.

Removing the "stub"

If you have tried a lot of exercises and trained your third eye a lot, but as a result, the vision did not come, the reason is that you did not remove the “plug”.
Let me remind you that clairvoyants call a small energy cover in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe ajna chakra a “stub”. It is a kind of screen, a veil that needs to be removed in order for us to see the full vision. The plug serves as a kind of safety valve so that a person is not shocked by the amount of information and can work calmly in the physical reality given to him.

Clairvoyance is our natural heritage, all people have the ability for it. When passing through certain stages in life, a person gradually accumulates energy, thereby improving his energy configuration. When the level of consciousness rises, we are able to see the future, the energy structure of people and the Universe.

People must prepare their minds to accept large amounts of information. This is achieved through meditation. It should be taken into account that some entities that the clairvoyant begins to see may be dangerous or unpleasant for a person. Therefore, we must fully prepare ourselves. Managing emotions is much more serious than we used to think.

When a person opens clairvoyance, he kind of opens a shield between our world and the energy world of other beings. They begin to notice us and often cling to unprotected areas of the energy body. Therefore, we must protect our energy body by making it stronger, that is, by increasing the level of energy density. The essence can penetrate only those places where the field is weaker, where there are problems.

The "plug" is usually removed during the intensive practices of the second complex to open clairvoyance, if the level of consciousness is expanded and you are in good control of yourself. Remember to focus not only on infinity, but also on yourself. Otherwise, you will be prematurely detached from the body. First you need to build energy bodies, and only then go on an otherworldly journey.

To focus on yourself you need:
Close your eyes and relax.
Feel yourself.
Concentrate on yourself.

It is very simple, but you need to do it constantly. You don't have to close your eyes once you learn how to be constantly in this meditation.

It is important to understand correctly what is meant by “self-centeredness”. You need to concentrate on your gradual expansion, but not just imagining it. First, focus on yourself as you are now. So many, many times, then in time you will notice something in you expanding. You don’t need to expand right away, this practice is not for expanding your consciousness, here, first of all, the energy body is being worked out. Expansion of consciousness may occur as a consequence, but this should not be done intentionally.

If the "stub" is not removed by practical exercises, most likely the energy passage is heavily clogged. I recommend an additional investment of an energy crystal and work with golden balls, which is described in detail in complex No. 2 on opening clairvoyance. Any passage can be cleared by energy exercises, any level of consciousness can be raised to a higher level. high levels.

How to open the third eye? The practice of clairvoyance

Synchronization of the left and right hemispheres of the brain

Look at the figures, trying to see them in full. Reduce mental dialogue to zero. Perform from 15-20 minutes, gives a holographic perception. Turn on the figures.

Volumetric pictures

Available from eyes closed. To represent a three-dimensional image, for example, a cube or a rotating ball, any other three-dimensional object will also work. You can paint it with any color, it is advisable to start with light tones, gradually reaching the darkest shades. For example, imagine a ball, color light blue. Then gradually thicken, blue, dark blue, blue, intense blue, purple, dark purple. Let it rotate from left to right, then from right to left.

Divide your attention into three parts

Imagine a tree, and try to see it at the same time in front, behind and from above. This is very useful exercise do it as often as possible. It is difficult at first, you may not see anything at all, but it is necessary to go on and on. Imagine it in your imagination as clearly, brightly, in all details as possible. Even if you can't see anything, work is going on. You learn to perceive three-dimensional objects, without seeing which full clairvoyance is difficult to achieve.

How to open the third eye? The practice of clairvoyance

Working with a candle

We put a lit candle in front of us, the room should be illuminated only by it. Look at the flame of the candle, trying not to blink. When you want to blink, close your eyes and look at the flame, trying to see the colors of which it is composed, here is a bright blue color, bright yellow, red, green, and so on, as much as you can see. Close your eyes again and look at the flame remaining on the retina. So a few minutes.

Cleansing the third eye and energizing the pineal gland

Tune in to the candle flame. Imagine how a beam of golden energy comes out of the flame and enters deep into the pituitary gland, clearing everything in its path and illuminating your third eye from the inside with intense golden light. Do from 15-20 minutes. Perfectly cleanses energy channels from pollution, supplies the third eye with a source of additional energy, nourishes pineal gland.

Learning to see the ether

Ethereal vision is the most First stage visions. Those of you who can see the ether, but do not yet master the astral and other stages of vision, can practice with everyone, this will only be useful. Perform in the dark. Sit or lie down, relax, if possible, clear the mind of thoughts. Stretch your hand in front of you, fingers slightly apart, look at your hand. But in such a way, as if looking through your fingers. Look like this for several minutes, trying to see a glow around the fingers. Try blinking less than usual. We relax and look through our fingers, trying to cover a little space directly near the fingers. Thus, you adjust your third eye, bring it into focus. For some, it works faster if you focus on only one finger, and not on all at once. We chose, for example, the index finger, we look at it from a distance of 30-40 centimeters from the eyes, we look as if through the finger, trying to catch the change in the glow around the finger. Usually, after such training, everyone begins to see ethereal energy. The next step is to develop the ability.

How to open the third eye? The practice of clairvoyance

Exercises to open the third eye.

Learning to see the glow around the head. For work, you will need any object of red color. For example, your favorite mug, book, or any red-colored object, it is desirable that its size be at least 10 by 10 centimeters, and White list paper, such as a landscape sheet. We put the red object in front of us on the table. We sit down and look at it for a few minutes. Then we sharply remove the object and look at the white sheet of paper.
You will see a green glow in the shape of your item. This is his astral color. In the same way, try to make such an experiment with an object of blue color. You will see the astral complementary color of blue, it will be a completely different color. It is only necessary that your object be solid, without pictures, without transitions into halftones, that is, pure red or pure blue.
third eye activation

Clairvoyance is revealed as the effort expended. Second necessary condition is the presence of human energy training. This means free additional energy, due to which, in fact, the process of vision is carried out.
Some call it the "readiness" of a person, "an increase in the essence of life", "an increase in the level of awareness." Without additional energy, all such practices are unlikely to lead to full disclosure and the ability to operate with one's abilities.
For example, development can occur in leaps and bounds. A person still weakly sees the etheric layer, and suddenly his level of clairvoyance rises sharply to the level of seeing the structure of an object. These jumps are due to bursts of energy. It will be difficult for such a person to control his clairvoyance. Energy can be obtained through practices and attunements.

But if your energy level is naturally low, for example, the magnetic field at the time of your birth was low, and accordingly you received little magnetic energy, then it is difficult to work without additional settings. Here, in order not to carry out a lot of adjustments, the best way out would be Reiki Initiation. Reiki will provide your energy system with a constant influx of additional energy, then it will be much easier to work. Of course, if you are getting energy impacts and your energy system is in good shape, there is no need for Reiki. Unless you intend to become a healer.

If you are a follower of a certain religion or are part of an esoteric society, you are energetically fed by the egregor of the social group to which you belong.
But there are some nuances here. Egregor requires your full participation and attention. You have enough energy to perform certain actions and practices. But access to another level of awareness can be blocked due to working off the general karma of the society to which you belong.

An ideally favorable situation develops when a person raises his own level to the level of any Master. A person must reveal himself, but this is not so easy to do. Therefore, there are helpers: Teachers, esoteric societies, Channels. They can quickly supply a person additional information and energy.
But if you do not develop your energy configuration on your own, you become just a temporary consumer of the Channel. The most optimal, energy-literate and affordable way for everyone is to connect to the Channel in order to draw a sea of ​​​​available energy there, while not forgetting to engage in practices that develop your energy configuration. For example, work with the chakra system, mobilization of the entire energy system, practices that develop siddhis.
The channel will provide you with energy, but you must use this energy to work on yourself.

It happens that clairvoyance opens up in a person who has never been engaged in energy practices at all. This is due to the accumulated experience of its essence. He has a good connection with his inner Teacher, and of course, a high level of energy.
Clairvoyance is well combined with the opening of the chakras, clearing the channels with high-frequency energies, Diagnosis and treatment with the help of hands, as well as Initiation into the Channels or receiving Attunement.
But you should never forget that the Tuning must be accompanied by a technical part, that is, an additional Complex. The complex will provide the correct energy construction in your energy configuration. Any Adjustment must be fixed in your energy body. Only then will you become capable of independent activity within the framework of a global change of yourself.

How to open the third eye? The practice of clairvoyance

The third eye and the meaning of the colors of the aura.

Bluish spots of variable shape mean absent-mindedness.
Pure blue streams, sincerity, nobility, the desire to improve one's qualities.
Dirty blue moving streams give out a feeling of envy.
Black color in the aura of hatred.
Red-brown flashes of anger.
All shades of red indicate nervous excitement.
Gray-brown stripes indicate selfish intentions.
Dark gray cloud means deep depression.
pale grey colour in the aura indicates fear
Greenish gray stripes, insincerity, the desire to deceive for the sake of profit and satisfaction of vanity.
Green brown dots with red patches, a person experiences a strong exciting feeling of jealousy.
The green cloud is unpleasantly marsh in color, a person wants to assert himself at the expense of others by any means.
Blue Brown color indicates lower religiosity, aimed at achieving selfish goals.
A beautiful pink cloud enveloping a person means love and compassion for all mankind.
Pink rays emanating from the inside out, love for the world, a wish of love and harmony to all beings.
moving orange cloud brown drops, lust for power.
A greenish blurry cloud is a sign of empathy.
light green color sympathy.
Brown gray stripes with red selfishness, the desire to command other people, capture and enslave them.
Purple lines, striving for a higher ideal, rejection of a sense of ownership and a thirst for possession.

How to open the third eye? The practice of clairvoyance

The pineal gland is associated with the right hemisphere human brain, as well as with the pituitary gland and with medulla oblongata. Through vibrations, it has a certain connection with the ajna chakra and directly with the third eye itself. Therefore, for the disclosure of complete clairvoyance, it is necessary to use the entire energy chain as a whole. Otherwise, your vision may be one-sided. For example, some people see only the astral plane or mental images, but do not know how to tune in to seeing real karmic structures or the energy structure of the world. Because their clairvoyance is only partially open, not at all levels, that is, the entire energy chain of clairvoyance has not been worked out.

Clairvoyance is not only the vision of astral images, but also the ability to tune in to other people and events, the ability to read information from the energy fields of the Universe. To do this, first of all, inner silence is needed. Only by turning off the energy bursts that occur when certain human thoughts appear, it is possible to fine-tune and decipher the images. Therefore, if you sit down, for example, to perform exercises from the complex for opening clairvoyance, and at that time you yourself think about something else, the results will not appear very soon. Of course, some movement will occur even in this case, but very slowly, which will certainly affect the quality of your interpretations.

When a clairvoyant looks at an object, he must perceive it as a whole, and not build up non-existent elements with the help of his consciousness. This is the basic problem of all clairvoyants. First of all, the ajna chakra should work perfectly. There should be no blockages in the chakras if a person wants to open full-fledged clairvoyance. Clairvoyance also depends on the work of the crown chakra, so meditation is essential when opening clairvoyance. During meditation, synchronization of the right and left hemispheres of the brain takes place, channels of communication with the astral body are adjusted.

Clairvoyance depends directly on the energy level of the human system. If we do not have the energy to perform a certain practice, then it will be of little use. To solve this eternal problem, you need exercises to pump energy, connect to a powerful energy structure that generates and provides a constant flow of energy to your body. Only after that a person is ready to discover any of the superpowers.

A person must find himself, this means a constant study of his capabilities. human system it is truly something unique, it is no longer an animal level, far from animal. Although most people continue to be animals throughout their lives. We are the pinnacle of the animal kingdom, we are Will, Love, Control (Understanding), Vision and Spiritual Wisdom. In fact, there is very little of the animal in us, the number of chakras of animal nature is less than the higher chakras that have risen above the animal in themselves. A person has higher centers, which, when opened, give him access to a completely different level of perception and functionality. Man is a spiritual being, he is a child of the entire Cosmos, who has simply closed temporarily on the animal side of his nature. It seems to us that the life we ​​lead is very good, correct and full of pleasures. But people have absolutely no idea of ​​the differences between the enjoyment of the Buddha and the enjoyment of an ordinary person, there is a colossal difference between them. It seems to a person that everything is fine with him, and he does not think about the fact that there is much, much more than his existence. Those who enter the astral consciously can approximately understand what I am talking about. Awareness of oneself as a strong free being, infinitely more powerful than a simple person. But the astral level is also just a step over which we need to step over in order to finally reach higher levels and connect with our soul.

How to open the third eye? The practice of clairvoyance

LSD, third eye, Christianity and ergot.

In search of a causative agent capable of providing synergy cognitive activity and thus play a certain role in the emergence of hominids, many researchers of psychedelics came to the conclusion that in prehistoric times it was hallucinogens that endowed humans with such invaluable gifts as imagination, the rudiments of abstract thinking, and much less necessary things- religion and the idea of ​​Gods. Such thoughts do not bring joy to a person who considers himself the "crown of creation". Only the majority of people struggled to overcome internal resistance and agreed with the opinion about the origin of man from the "monkey", so what - now you have to come to terms with the idea that these monkeys were under the influence psychoactive substances? Whether this is true or not is unknown, as long as it is just a theory, the same as, for example, the theory of cannibalism as the initial factor in the emergence of the mind (see "The corpse created a man from a monkey"), but the fact that the use of hallucinogens has always been part of the religious mystical human experience in traditional cultures is beyond doubt. Where cacti (mescaline) and purple bindweed ololiukui (LSA) did not grow, fly agaric (bufotenin) came into play; where there was no cannabis, there was mandrake root (the only drug mentioned in the Bible), henbane or belladonna. Psilocybin mushrooms, tropical creepers (DMT), poppy (opium), coca, the mysterious "catfish" ... Is it possible to list everything that people have drugged themselves with? All these substances were united by one thing - they were used consciously and mainly for ritual purposes. The right to give narcotic "divine" ecstasy belonged to the priests, and amateur performance was usually punished (for example, Alcibiades was accused in 415 BC of "unauthorized" distribution of the drink of the "Eleusinian mysteries"). Often, hallucinogens were considered directly gods. The tribes of the Aryans, making religious rites, drank an extract of the psychedelic mushroom amanita (amanita). In fact, Soma, as this hallucinogen was called, was the name of one of the chief gods. More than 100 hymns of the Rig Veda sing of the god Soma. The Aztec mushroom "teonanazatl", which means "flesh of God", forbidden to Christians, was the embodiment of the great Mexican God of the Sun. Christians who worshiped this "idol" gouged out their eyes after three days of torture.
But there was one drug that people did not know anything about (or forgot the recipe, if it was really used earlier in the "Eleusinian mysteries") - this is the ergot alkaloid or in our time - LSD. This hallucinogen has played a role in the history of the Earth's population that is difficult to overestimate. It was the only psychedelic that was consumed unknowingly for centuries and cost the lives of millions and millions of people, because it was increased tenfold in its action by the sinister catalyst - Christianity.
In an eternally suffocating Europe Dark Ages"where cannibalism had already become the norm of life and decrees were required prohibiting cannibalism, where the fires of the Inquisition blazed, burning witches, sorcerers, scientists and other heretics, and God-fearing peasants, in between eating witches, lynched their own neighbors, who seemed to them werewolves and vampires Where the notorious most Christian Count Dracula (who, apparently, will soon become an Orthodox saint - this issue has already been raised in Romania) feasted to the screams of thousands of people, impaled by him around holiday table. Where the children went on the Crusade, but fell into slavery, and the rest of the population made knees in the "dance of St. Vitus." Where mass psychoses never stopped and "self-flagellated" were replaced by "dancing", and those, in turn, "convulsioners". Where the Protestant bonfires surpassed the Inquisition and no longer blazed, but smoldered - Christians began to prefer to roast enemies alive for at least two hours (this is how Calvin burned Servetus) ... Two Gods rule in this world. Christ and Ergot. Or, if you like, the "Holy Trinity" - Christ, Ergot and Sacred Cannibalism.
It is this tandem that is responsible for the crusades, the burning of witches and heretics, the appearance of werewolves, vampires and other "St. Vitus dances" and even the French Revolution.

How to open the third eye? The practice of clairvoyance

Narcologist A.G. Danilin wrote: "Renyar and Bekhterev write that the content of hallucinations is determined not by magic plants, but ... suggestion environment, that is, what we today would call the "setting" of cultural tradition. "This should not be surprising. Hallucinogens only generate glitches, and what these glitches will be depends on the surrounding society. And this is wonderfully described in "The Snow of St. Peter" by Leo Perutz, where to the question: "Why is faith in God disappearing in the world?", one of the heroes, Baron von Malkhin, finds the answer: "Faith in God does not disappear at all - only the flame of faith in God went out. " And the baron, having understood, what caused the Crusades, etc., decides to rekindle this flame by synthesizing a drug from ergot and drugging the surrounding peasants (in this book, L. Perutz anticipated the real synthesis of LSD from ergot - this will be done by Hoffmann only ten years later). The baron, waiting for a crowd of peasants, offering psalms to the Mother of God and dreaming of restoring a "charitable" monarchy, waits only for the peasants who have come to beat him with threshing chains, singing at the same time ... "International".
Thus, if the society medieval Europe Christian through and through, then the glitches will be appropriate - demons, witches, Christ calling on the Crusade, etc., and in the last (of the well-known) outbreak of ergot poisoning in 1951 in France, people will already see flying saucers and green humanoids - that is, thoughts about which prevail in a given society at a particular time.
Epidemics of ergotism were also in India, from where rye (and, accordingly, ergot) came to Europe. It is possible that hallucinogenic states influenced the development of, say, the bloody cult of Kali, but were there practices in India of mass burning of witches and heretics, analogues Crusades etc.? It could not be, there was no Christianity. Only a symbiosis of psychedelic madness and misanthropic religion could lead to the History we have.

How to open the third eye? The practice of clairvoyance

Thank you for your help with trikuta. cool. but it was written that you need to work out your energy body. and if master's protection has been developed. In the exercises to open the third eye --- I see behind the red square a green color (Glow) (as soon as I put the picture on a piece of paper), and behind the blue and black one seems to be the same White color. Why? And how long should you do the exercises?

How to open the third eye? The practice of clairvoyance

How to open the third eye? The practice of clairvoyance

Something like color memory is activated on the retina. Which then replaces the real object, even if it has already been removed.

This is clear. Thank you. but how to perform full yogic breathing does not work. and how long to train in the development of the "third eye"?

The easiest way to open the third eye is to do yoga or meditation. Yoga allows you to create perfect harmony physical and spiritual or "subtle" bodies, and meditation expands consciousness, allows you to fully use your mind. It is best to combine both classes, this will allow you to as soon as possible achieve the desired result.

It is desirable to practice yoga every day, and it is better to start the practice under the guidance good teacher After that, you can move on to self-study. Many practitioners notice that self-study yoga brings them more benefit and joy. After each yoga session, you can do meditation to open the third eye. If yoga does not cause you enthusiasm, this meditation can be done separately.

To begin the meditation on opening the third eye, take a comfortable position. You can sit or lie down, as long as your back is straight. Try to relax, let go of thoughts and emotions, close yourself from external stimuli. Concentrate on your breathing, between inhalation and exhalation, make a short pause, breathe rhythmically and not very deeply, try to breathe in your stomach, not your chest.

Opening the third eye

Close your eyes, sit quietly for a while, concentrating on your breathing, then focus on the area between the eyebrows, fix your attention on this place, continue breathing, try not to think about anything. After a while, you will see a small point of light in your inner field of vision, concentrate on it.

It should be noted that some people can easily raise their eyes while keeping them closed, while others can mentally hold their gaze between the eyebrows. If you find it difficult to physically raise your eyes, do not force yourself, limit yourself to the mind's eye.

Focus on a point of light, watch how it expands, covering the entire field of vision, this is how the opening of the third eye manifests itself. If this happens, you should feel lightness, calmness, confidence. Perhaps this will take a lot of time and several dozen meditation sessions, the main thing is not to stop halfway. For some people, it may take years of daily meditation to open the third eye.

Opening the third eye allows you to understand and accept the fact that your life is a kind of partnership with the world or the universe. It eliminates doubt and fear, allows you to accept the true self. Opening the third eye is a way to look at the world around you and loved ones in a completely different way.

The third is considered the so-called invisible organ that every person has. Everything large quantity people successfully activate it, thereby gaining new opportunities.

In this article, we will tell you how to open the third one in a person on your own and what signs will indicate the successful completion of the practice.

What's this?

The predominant number, esotericists, as well as followers of the culture of the East, assure that every person, without exception, has a third energy center. But only a few are able to use unique abilities. The phenomenon of the third eye is compared with a sense organ that gives a completely new perception of the surrounding reality. There is an opportunity to contemplate the energy component of the world. Such extraordinary abilities are inherent in psychics.

According to esoteric literature, a child is born with open third eye, but as he grows older, such an additional sense organ is blocked by his subconscious.

A person does not use it, and very often simply does not believe that it exists at all. In the process of becoming a personality, society imposes on a person a kind of framework, the implementation of which is mandatory. That is why, after some time, there may be physical changes in a person’s state, which may cause some discomfort, but at the same time will indicate the activation of the sixth energy center:
  1. . Active and prolonged concentration in the front of the forehead is characterized by heaviness and increased. It is connected with increased activity pineal gland, which previously could be completely atrophied. You can feel quite severe migraines.
  2. Weak dizziness and hallucinations. This indicates a change in the existing brain waves, namely the switching of the usual beta frequencies to alpha frequencies. Roughly speaking, practitioners stay in a weak state of trance during the day.
  3. Burning sensation in the region of the nose. Practitioners from India consider such a manifestation to be the main symptom that indicates the opening of the chakra. You can cool an open energy center with sandalwood paste, but you can also use any other or against burns.
  4. Peculiar "goosebumps" on the forehead, which are accompanied by weak crackling sounds that seem to come from.
  5. After lowering the eyelids, bright flashes of light may appear, and the activity of lateral vision also increases.
  6. Heaviness in the palms, slight itching is possible.

How the third eye opens affects the variety of sensations and the degree of their activity. For example, increased headaches may be accompanied by a runny nose.

Often people are afraid of such physical changes in sensations, they may experience panic, anxiety, sometimes even. If this happens, the development of the sixth energy center should be temporarily stopped.

Important! The signs that were listed above can often coincide with the underdevelopment of third eye activity. Especially if they are complemented constant fatigue, chronic migraine and constant runny nose, as well as low level attention and. Therefore, you need to take into account such similarities and try to listen to your body as carefully as possible.

Opening Techniques

The signs that a person’s third eye has begun to activate are already known, now you can move on to how to open it.

  1. It should be performed in the evening, when it is already getting dark outside. It is best to do this every day for a month.
  2. First of all, you should take an ordinary candle and light it, setting it in front of you. The distance between the eyes and the flame of the candle should be equal to the distance extended. Lights must be turned off so that the room is completely dark. It is also important to ensure absolute silence in the house.

  1. Now you need to look closely at the flame of the candle, in its center. You can’t translate your gaze, you also need to try not to blink. If your eyes get tired, you can squint a little, thereby washing the eye with a natural tear, but you still can’t blink.
  2. You need to hold out for a start at least a minute. Then, increasing this time daily, you need to reach 20-30 minutes of uninterrupted gaze.
  3. After the exercise of contemplating the flame is over, you need to close your eyes and continue to peer into the imprint of the candle fire, which will remain on the retina. Usually it shimmers with all the colors of the rainbow, after which it completely disappears.
  4. Looking at such an imprint, you should try to roll your eyes so as to move it to the area of ​​​​the third eye - the area between the eyebrows.
vision .
The Hindu legends of Ajna were first addressed by the scientific community in the 1880s. A separate hypothesis was developed by the Germans and the British about the correspondence of the sixth chakra of a person with the third eye of reptiles. They differed, according to the hypothesis, in that as a result of evolution, the third eye penetrated inside the skull. This photosensitive unpaired organ has been found in many amphibians and reptiles. Most likely, this is an undeveloped pupil, which does not have the ability to project the information received into the brain.

Did you know? Among the researchers of ancient civilizations, there is a version that the third eye is a gift from alien creatures that became the progenitors human race. This all-seeing eye was able to update the base of information knowledge at the expense of the cosmic mind, and also help to overcome gravity.

This organ in animals determines the magnetic lines of the Earth, serves as a kind of guide in the surrounding space. In modern frogs and lizards small spot under the skin it has both a nerve and a retina, and even a lens. According to information received from paleontologists, a hole for the third eye could be observed on the remains of ancient lizards.
When trying to develop the sixth energy center in yourself, it is important to be sure that you are able to handle it. Do not perform the exercise out of idle curiosity. You should listen to your intuition and inner feelings.

Pay attention to the world around you. Introverts believe they have a more intuitive understanding of the world than regular people, and they may be right. This is because they tend to spend a lot of time watching other people and in doing so develop a deeper understanding of things like body language, facial expressions and other hidden types of communication. This allows them to better recognize lies, sarcasm, sexual chemistry, and other hidden signals.

  • Try to go out public places, such as a park, restaurant or cafe, and just people watching. Don't be rude or go overboard by eavesdropping on other people's conversations. Try to come up with the story of these people, the topic of their conversation and other information. The more you practice, the better you will get.
  • The next time you are at a table with family or friends, be quiet for a while and just listen to the conversation. Observe silent people and watch their reactions to the interaction that occurs. Try to imagine what people think when they are silent. Again, the more you practice, the better you will get.
  • Pay attention to your dreams. Many psychic people believe that dreams can serve as premonitions. Before analyzing dreams, you should start keeping a dream journal. Keep a diary by your bed so you can write down your dreams as soon as you wake up.

    • Be mindful of your dreams and try to find a connection, if any, between your dream and your everyday life. Analyze if anything that you dreamed about in the last couple of weeks came true, in real life.
  • Listen to your instincts. Did you have a peculiar premonition about a person, place, or event that you couldn't explain? Have you ever had a feeling that something will happen, without any hard evidence of it? Such sensations are called instincts; and everyone has them. Unfortunately, many forget their instincts and choose to over-rationalize their lives. The next time you have one of these feelings, write it down and see if it comes true. Try to trace the connection between these instinctive feelings and your life.

    • Remember that premonitions are not necessarily true. Conversely, if this is true, the event may occur in real life in a few days, months, or even years. The best way to be convinced of the veracity of instinctive sensations is to write down premonitions and re-read the notes from time to time.