A device for girls to write while standing. Do women pee standing up? Women's public toilet and toilets in public places. This device was preferred in hiking and public toilets

When we are faced with the fact that the toilet is terribly dirty or there is only a toilet without a seat, which can only be used by squatting, or in the case that there is no toilet at all, women may find themselves at a disadvantage for physiological reasons. However, it is possible for a woman to urinate standing up and you just need to take the time to learn how to do it. To urinate while standing, try one of the following methods.


Part 1


    Familiarize yourself with your anatomy. You may not have spent much time thinking about what's going on below the waist, so now it's a good time to understand some of the female anatomy with the help of charts or by looking at yourself with a hand mirror.

    • Find the urethra. The urethra is the canal that drains urine from the bladder. Urine passes through this 4 cm long channel and exits through a small hole that is located behind the clitoris, just in front of the vaginal opening.
    • Find the labia. The labia majora are the two outer rounded folds of skin that lie on either side of the urethral and vaginal openings. The labia minora are two inner folds of skin hidden by the labia majora.
      • The opening to the urethra is very small - just a small incision - so don't worry if it takes you a minute or two to see it in the mirror.
      • It is worth touching these parts of your body and looking at how you feel. When you're first learning how to pee standing up, you'll have to use your fingers to open your labia, open your urethra, and thereby control the flow of urine.
  1. Maintain good hygiene. If you know the restroom you'll need to go to is dirty or non-existent, have a few things on hand to help you stay clean.

    Make sure the path is clear. You may have to urinate standing up because you're hiking or because the women's restroom is overcrowded and only the men's restroom is available. Before you start, make sure no one can see you. If you stop halfway through, everything around you may become wet, dirty for both you and the person who catches you, or both of you will be embarrassed.

    Part 2

    Try different ways
    1. Two finger method for beginners. When you're first learning to pee standing up, you want to make it as easy as possible for you to do so. You'll get better with practice, but now try these tips at home.

      • Wash your hands. Wash your hands thoroughly with warm water and soap and dry them.
      • Remove all clothing below the waist. Since you are new to this business, you most likely will not be able to do everything perfectly clean. To prevent urine from getting on your pants, skirt, underwear or shoes, simply take them off. If you are wearing hanging clothes on top, it is better to take them off too.
      • Stand in front of the toilet or shower stall. Place your feet about half a meter apart. Using the fingers of both hands, spread the labia as far apart as possible. Place your fingers slightly in front of the urethra. Pull your fingers slightly up and forward, applying equal pressure on both sides.
      • Start writing. Rotate your hips slightly, controlling the direction of the flow. Tense at the beginning and then at the end. This will reduce the number of leaking “droplets”.
      • Wipe yourself off and clean up any mess around the toilet or shower the stall. Be sure to wash your hands again.
        • Don't be upset if urine gets on one leg or splashes all around - this is completely normal for beginners. The key to success is frequent practice; if you keep practicing you will definitely see progress.
        • Experiment a little with your posture. You may find it easier if you bend your knees a little or arch your back. What works for one woman may not necessarily work for you, so try a few different positions.
    2. One-handed method for more experienced women.

    3. Funnel method. Use a bedpan or a special device that allows you to pee while standing. Urination devices have been around for almost 100 years and their functionality has improved significantly. You can buy disposable and reusable models in online pharmacies and on special websites.

      • Wash your hands.
      • Make sure your clothes don't bother you. You just need to lower your pants and lower your underpants or put them aside.
      • Replace the device. If it is made of plastic or other hard material, you can cover it with your hand on both sides. If it is made of silicone or other flexible material, grasp the device with your thumb and middle finger. Gently place it under your body so that it fits snugly against your back. Move the urine drainage tube away from your body and pants.
      • Start writing. Move your hips, bend your legs and/or arch your back to find a comfortable position that allows you to direct the stream correctly. Direct urine in the right direction; to the toilet or in the opposite direction from your feet.
      • When you're done, put the device away. If you don't have toilet paper, use it to wipe up any remaining spills. Shake it and rinse it with water if possible.
        • Although this method may seem easier to you than the finger method, it also takes practice. Try using the urination device at home a few times until you feel comfortable doing so.
        • Some reusable devices come in a reusable plastic bag; others do not have such packaging. Use a plastic bag to store the device before and after use.
        • As a last resort, you can make your own device from a plastic bottle. Cut off the bottom of the bottle with scissors or a knife. Remove the cap and thoroughly wash the top of the bottle. Place the hole on the top of the bottle under your urethra. Make sure it is positioned directly under the opening of the urethra to avoid any mess. Point the open end of the bottle in the direction opposite to you and calmly, without tension, begin to write.
    4. Hover method. If you have strong legs and can squat for a few seconds without any problem, then you can use the hovering method and write while squatting.

      • Place the toilet seat on top. This will make the "goal" a little bigger and help keep the toilet from getting dirty. Of course, if you are using this method because the toilet is dirty, then it doesn't matter. On the other hand, if you are not used to this method and are afraid of falling, you can place a toilet seat so that if you do fall, you will fall on it.
      • Bend your knees and lower your butt so that it is at an angle of almost 90 degrees. If you're not at a 90-degree angle and instead just lean back, you'll likely pee all over your seat and maybe even your pants and shoes. Secure your position by resting your forearms on your knees or placing one hand on the wall to prevent yourself from falling. Get as close to the toilet as possible without touching its surface.
      • Stand as far above the toilet as possible. Since the stream will flow forward, the further you lean, the less likely you are to splash urine.
      • Keep your head up. Look at the point directly in front of you. If you look between your legs, you may lose your balance.
      • When you're done, dry yourself and wash your hands if possible. If you have lowered the toilet seat, wipe it with toilet paper to clear it for the next user.


    • Peeing while standing does not help maintain cleanliness. Don't try this for the first time at a friend's house if you are interested in maintaining the friendship.
    • Practice at home before you try it anywhere else unless you are going camping etc.
    • Remember that it takes time to master this skill. Don't be discouraged if you don't succeed the first time.
    • Remember that while you need a public toilet to urinate, other women may use it to defecate or sit there for other reasons. Please be conscious and raise your seat. If you don't, wipe it afterwards; after all, this is what women expect from gallant men. Also wipe down the toilet seat.

The urethra in women has a rather complex structure, which only a medical professional can accurately understand. A representative of the fair sex, of course, should not delve into this issue. However, it is imperative to immediately respond to a problem if it makes itself felt. The body does not forgive indifference to itself and, when the opportunity arises, repays for connivance in full.

At its core, the urethra in women is an elastic tube that ensures the unhindered passage of urine out. Unlike men, in women this tube is many times wider and shorter. The external opening of the urethra ends at the vestibule of the vagina, so a gynecologist can also perform an initial examination of the urethra during the examination.

Directly next to the canal there is connective tissue, which thickens significantly towards the bottom. In turn, the wall of the urethra consists of 2 membranes: muscular and mucous.

The muscularis is a layer of smooth muscle and elastic fibers, while the mucosa is an epithelium that has several layers. Like any other, a woman’s urinary system is susceptible to a huge variety of diseases, which a representative of the fair sex may not immediately notice. Often, diseases of the urethra are closely intertwined with diseases of the reproductive system. In this case, treatment will have to be comprehensive, but first the woman will have to understand what is happening in her body.

The most characteristic symptoms indicating the presence of problems are pain when urinating, itching and even burning.

If you feel at least one of them, you should immediately make an appointment with a doctor. Otherwise, the situation may acquire catastrophic proportions, and the once harmless disease will quickly develop into a chronic one. Thus, among the most common diseases of the female urinary system are:

  • urethritis, or inflammation of the urethra;
  • trichomoniasis;
  • urogenital candidiasis;
  • gonorrhea;
  • cystitis.

Of course, any disease of the urethra in women is unpleasant and will cause great discomfort to its owner.

However, at the initial stage the situation is not critical. It is only important to choose the right treatment and not deviate from it until the end of the course.

And in this case, a positive result will not be long in coming.

And if you are interested in network business, then this is the place for you.

What does treatment include?

Any treatment for diseases of the urethra is aimed at restoring its normal functioning and eliminating unpleasant sensations.

In some cases, in order for a woman to feel relief, it is enough to relieve inflammation; it happens that antibacterial therapy is also required. In any case, the medications will do their job, and for a while the woman will forget about the problem that has befallen her.

However, a disease such as cystitis can easily return. To prevent this phenomenon, it is necessary to take a number of preventive measures.

In particular, women with problems with the genitourinary system are strictly prohibited from hypothermia. Moreover, it does not matter at all how it was achieved: by swimming in the cold sea or by standing for a long time at a bus stop in winter. Under the influence of unfavorable factors, the problem becomes more active at any time of the year.

A balanced diet, in which there is no place for food with an overly spicy, salty or sour taste, will also help to cope with the disease. Ignoring this point can easily lead to an exacerbation, which will make itself felt after each meal of the wrong food.

Promiscuous sex can also become a catalyst for the onset of women suffering from diseases of the urinary system. You need to choose a partner consciously, not forgetting about contraception.

Urolithiasis is a fairly common factor that provokes constant inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system. The whole point is that the stones, gradually breaking down, are divided into crystals, which, coming out through the ducts, can easily injure them. The result is persistent pain and a high likelihood of infection. However, only comprehensive treatment of the primary problem can help here.

A decrease in immune activity, especially in the spring, is a fairly common phenomenon that provokes the emergence of many problems. At this time, the body must be carefully supported with all kinds of vitamin complexes. Of course, there are a lot of diseases in modern conditions, but any woman can master the art of resisting them. It is important to listen to your body and provide it with support in time.


Do women pee standing up? Women's public toilet and toilets in public places

Can girls pee standing up?

When in a dirty toilet or in an area where there is no toilet at all, women often envy men who can “relieve themselves” while standing. Contrary to stereotypes, female physiology does not at all contradict this type of urination; the most important thing is to find a method that is suitable for you.

Remember, urination is a completely natural process and there is NOTHING to be ashamed of. And only you have the right to determine what exactly is comfortable for you.

Part 1. Preparation.

1) Study your anatomy. Not many people think about exactly how the urinary system works, so a good place to start is to familiarize yourself with the basic anatomy of women, either through pictures or through your own example using a mirror.

Find the urethra. This is a channel almost 4 cm long that connects the bladder with the “outside world”. Urine flows through it and comes out through a small hole located below the clitoris right next to the vagina.

Find your labia. The labia majora are the two outer rounded folds of skin located on either side of the openings to the vagina and urethra. The labia minora are the inner folds of skin under the labia majora (remember, your labia majora may not be symmetrical and your labia minora may be longer than your labia majora - this is completely normal. It is also normal for the labia majora to be a different color from the rest of your skin tone).

The opening to the urethra is a tiny hole, so don't worry if it takes a few minutes to find it with a speculum.

Don’t be afraid to touch the listed body parts and listen to your sensations. To learn to write while standing, you will have to push back the labia minora with your fingers - this will open the entrance to the urethra and allow you to control the flow of urine.

2) Maintain hygiene. If you know you may soon find yourself in an area with disgusting toilets or no toilets at all, keep the following items with you:

Hand sanitizer. It is extremely important to wash your hands before start writing while standing, since you will have to touch your genitals. Carrying out this process with unwashed hands, you can catch a genitourinary tract infection - the women's urethra is quite short (less than 4 cm), and bacteria easily reach the bladder. If you are unable to wash your hands with soap and water under the tap, use hand sanitizer.

Wet wipes. Carry a standard pack of wet wipes with you to dry your hands when you're done—some types of "standing pee" may involve getting your fingers wet.

3) Make sure the horizon is clear. Skill pee standing up can come in handy when you are on a hike or when there is a long line to get into the women's restroom and there is no way to get into the men's restroom. Before you begin, make sure you won't be interrupted - if someone inadvertently interrupts you in the middle of the process, you may become confused and feel awkward (as well as an unwitting bystander).

Part 2: Try different methods.

1) “Two finger method” for beginners. At first, it is quite natural for you to want to try the simplest option. The skill will come with practice, but first practice at home, following the instructions below:

Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water and then dry.

Remove ALL clothing below the waist (pants, skirt, underwear) and shoes to avoid getting dirty - as a beginner, you have not yet learned how to control the process in question to a sufficient extent, so it is better not to take risks. If your outerwear is long enough, take it off too.

Stand in front of the toilet or in the shower. Spread your legs about 0.6 meters. Use the fingers of both hands to spread your labia as wide as possible. Gently place your fingers over the urethra. Press them lightly (equally on each side) and, without letting go, pull up just a little.

Start urinating. Rotate your hips slightly to control the direction of the flow. It is better that the flow is strong at the very beginning and at the very end of the process - this will help to avoid “dripping”.

Dry yourself and tidy up the toilet or shower if flow control doesn't go well. Don't forget to wash your hands again.

Don't be upset if urine gets on your foot or splashes - this is completely normal for beginners. Remember, the most important thing is to practice, and then you will definitely notice progress.

Experiment with body position. For some it helps to bend their knees a little, for others it helps to bend their back. What works for one woman may not work for another, so be sure to try a few different positions.

2) “One-handed method” for more experienced ones.

Wash your hands.

Clothes should not get in the way - pull up your skirt or lower your panties and pants completely.

Keep toilet paper or a napkin ready with one hand - you'll need them if the urine doesn't go where you want it to.

Use the thumb and forefinger of your other hand to form a “V”, opening your small lips, and pull up a little - this will prevent urine from flowing down your leg. The way you pull, as well as position your hips as you do so, allows you to control the direction of the flow (but note, this will take some practice).

Dry yourself and clean up after yourself in the toilet if you are at home. Don't forget to wash your hands again.

Once you gain experience and learn how to control the flow well enough, you can stop worrying about clothes and lower your pants so much. If your pants have a long zipper, you can unzip it all the way without taking off your pants at all. Use your hand with your fingers forming a “V” to push the panties away.

3) "Funnel". Use a urinator (FUD - female urination device) or “device to pee standing up"(English STP - stand-to-pee device). In fact, urinators are over a hundred years old. Modern urinators come in two types: disposable and reusable. Both are easy to find in online stores.

Wash your hands

Clothes should not get in the way. When choosing this method, simply unbutton your pants and lower the front of your underpants (or pull them to the side).

Position the device correctly. If it is made of plastic or other rigid material, you can place your hands on either side of the wall. If the urinator is made of silicone or other flexible material, extend your thumb and middle finger along it. Press the device firmly against your body, following the back. Point the pipe away from your body and pants.

Direct the flow. To do this, form a triangle using your middle finger. Shift your hips, bend your legs, and/or arch your back to find the best position to control the flow. Direct urine into the toilet or away from your feet.

When finished, remove the urinator. You can also use it to clean up spills if you don't have toilet paper. Shake the device and rinse with water if possible.

This method may seem simpler than the previous ones, but it also requires practice. Try to adapt to the urinator at home before starting full use.

Some reusable urinators are sold with a special plastic case, but some are sold without it. In this case, always have a plastic bag on hand in which you can store the urinator before and after use.

If necessary, you can make your own urinator from a plastic bottle. Cut off the bottom with scissors or a knife. Remove the cap and thoroughly rinse the top of the bottle. Place the neck of the bottle against the urethra - make sure it is directly near the entrance, otherwise the flow will simply splash out. Point the free end of the bottle away from you. Make sure the flow is neither too weak nor too strong.

4) “Half-squat method.” If your legs are strong enough and you can easily hold a half-squat for a few seconds, this method is suitable for you.

Raise the toilet seat. You'll have more wiggle room, and the woman in line behind you won't have to use a dirty seat. Of course, if you resorted to this method because the toilet is ALREADY dirty, the problem disappears by itself. If you have just started practicing and are afraid that your legs will not stand it, leave the seat in place so that you can take your usual position at any time (in this case, do not forget to ensure the hygiene of the surface).

- Bend your knees and lower yourself slightly so that your legs form almost a right angle. If you just lean over a little and ignore this step, you'll likely end up splashing the seat, as well as your pants and shoes. Balance with your hands on your knees or one hand on a wall. Try to get as close to the surface of the toilet as possible without touching it.

Try to sit so that the flow goes directly into the toilet hole. This will prevent unnecessary splashes.

Keep your head down, focus on the point in front of you. Don't look down between your legs - you risk losing your balance.

When finished, dry yourself and wash your hands if possible. If you didn't lift the seat, wipe it down with toilet paper for the next visitor.

I always wipe the seat after myself. I never understood why it is difficult for others to do this. It feels like some kind of rural girls pee in the toilet.

Now I know what I'll do in the shower tonight. Such specific topics provoke dirty fantasies.

Indeed, some sick fantasies of perverts.Public toilet, it is to satisfy natural needs. And not at all sexual.

For some reason, men usually feel superior to what they can pee standing up. It's over! A new level has been opened! Now women pee standing!

But what can you do if the women's public toilet is dirty, and you can catch various infections there? So we have to pervert. And those who try to pee and not get infected with some kind of rubbish causes a fierce boner - perverts.

I need to learn, otherwise I’m tired of always carrying detergents with me. Toilets in public places are really very dirty.

Sounds cool! Do you wash and then sit on the toilet?

Well, that's it.Girls pissreally everywhere. Culture is at zero.

By the way, it has always been interesting - how can a method of urination be considered not only a virtue, but also a Reason for Real Male Pride.

I always thought that all women use the latter method when the seat is dirty. But my legs get tired, of course.

I think that when there is nothing else to be proud of, and posture for urination- what an achievement! So they look at such specimensphoto of girls peeing , and are proud of what they can stand up. And even kill a cockroach with a jet. What an achievement!

Useful article. Especially for those who have problems with the spine and cannot sit for some time. I would hang one of these in every neurosurgical department.

It turns out I have strong legs! I can do plie and half-squat poses!

Cool article, thanks! If they can’t sit down, the toilet is dirty, and they can’t stretch out,women pissing on the street . Not very comfortable in winter. In the city center too. And this method will help solve the problem.

I always sit on the weight with my strong brave legs. I still need to try this all in the bathroom, thank you!

You are brilliant. Not only is the article useful, it also reminds us once again that there is nothing shameful in this! For photos of women pissing special thanks! I repent - it leads me on this!

Someone already wrote that in the past, when women did not wear panties and pantaloons, urinated standing up no problem. They simply spread their feet so as not to get their shoes wet and held their skirts up. Among the peasantry, this method existed almost until the Second World War.

I always pee in public toilets using the last method, and so many people do it, how can it be otherwise? A public toilet is not a place to squat.

Cool, I need to practice. Adjust your sight! A new word in public urination!

I have wanted such a device for a long time, because... I like to travel and go into the forest, but I don’t like feeding mosquitoes. Women pee in nature and feed the mosquitoes. And if a tick also attaches itself, that’s a whole story.

But when a public toilet seat is so dirty it’s almost life-threatening, it’s better this way!

Oh cool. I get tired of making a throne out of paper every time! Now pissing girls saved from infections!

I have long suspected that I could pee standing up, but since I didn’t even see a mention of this anywhere, I thought that it was not worth trying, that it was still impossible. I was already thinking about buying a urinator, but I hope I’ll practice urinating without it. Thank you!

I remember a few years ago, I saw an article about a urinator. And she looked, of course, like “we knew that feminists wanted to become men, so they came up with crap to piss standing!" I then remembered a bunch of situations when I was “scorched” under the bushes, and how ashamed I was, and that I would not refuse such a device, but it would be awkward to use it in public.

But the impossibility pee standing up- this is another fact that adds uncertainty to a woman in many situations. We traveled south for 24 hours by car, traffic jams, and so on. Already at night we got stuck tightly, we had to go to the toilet in the bushes, but at night you can’t see a damn thing, you can’t get far. I had to sit under a tree and shine my back under the car headlights. And how many times did it happen in adolescence - on a hike, on a walk, or somewhere else - you go to the toilet under a bush, and someone is sure to see you. And if it is enough for a man to turn away, then a woman cannot change her position, and in order to pull up her pants, she needs to stand up - that is, show her completely naked lower body. And for some reason, random spectators always showed up - girlfriends “in the nick of time”, taught that girls don’t pee, instead of telling people walking, wait a minute, they start calling me, they say, hurry up, but they don’t slow people down. Like, it's a shame to say that there girl pissing. I suspect. Which many people like to watch. Pissing girls this makes them feel uncomfortable. But who cares?

I usually just raise the seat and climb up with my legs like a bird on a perch.

And after this, dirty shoe marks or even a broken toilet remain on the seat. Visitors coming after you will be very pleased later

This makes toilets break down faster. If they get caught, you'll have to pay a lot of fines!

And all my life, from childhood, I did this in a half-squat. And I was surprised that my friends could not think of this simple method, and were very “humiliated”, “depressed”. Someone was never able to explain that there is nothing humiliating about female urination. In general, it’s remarkable, of course, what we’ve come to. Men are not only cooler than "women" - they also urinate differently - here it is again, the Sacred Penis!

This is partly why the toilets are so dirty (dirt from the soles, plus urine, plus some people in this position can really miss the mark). So when women pee in the toilet in such an exotic way, I understand that they simply care about their health.

The surface of the toilet under the seat, covered with street dirt, does not even add to the feeling of hygiene. In addition, for the last method from the article (which, as it turns out, many people use), you also need to raise the seat. And the visitor also has to worry about your traces

Well, a broken toilet doesn’t change that.

I remembered a joke:

At an appointment with a psychologist.

Doctor! I have a serious problem. Whatever I do, my wife does it better: she earns more, whitewashes ceilings faster, varnishes parquet floors better, cooks great, is a wonderful housewife, a caring mother! I can't do anything better than her!

Yes, this is a problem. You need to find something in which you can outdo your wife, otherwise you will be depressed!

The discussion lasts 2 hours. Finally a way out has been found. A happy man runs home:

Wife! Eh, wife?! Let's see who can pee on the wall the highest!

They go out into the yard. The wife lifted her skirt, raised her leg and turned it onto the wall! We measured it - meter. The man unzips his fly with a proud smile.

Just let's be honest! Like me - without hands!

I recently read a lot of good reviews about the urinator. Many people have been using it for several years and are very satisfied. I ordered it for myself and am waiting. For assholes like me, this is an absolutely brilliant invention!

By the way, in the series "Sex in Another City" Max pees standing up when he and Jenny are traveling. Girls pee standing up– this is already the norm.

This article turned out to be extremely relevant for me, since I live in a dormitory in a mixed block with three dirty guys who constantly piss on the toilet rim. Every time I had to wipe them down in order to sit down.

But now I had a nap, I opened the toilet door and disgusting yellow drops of urine appeared on the already dirty rim of the toilet. And I immediately remembered your article! In general, everything went just perfect! (I used the two finger method). And even without preliminary training, I turned out to be more accurate than our members.

The claws need to be filed off. Otherwise you can get scratched.

Speaking of the “throne” made of paper. I once saw special disposable pieces of paper in the toilet at a gas station that are placed on the rim of the toilet, but it was still completely dirty. Pissing women They turned out to be pigs!

When you go abroad, you will be very surprised - there are such things in every toilet, along with toilet paper. When will civilization come to us?

Most women brought by ambulance from a community setting with an ankle fracture sustain their fractures during the procedure. Mature women pee like the last time, and receive various injuries. A floor wet from urine and street dirt does not contribute to stability. It’s okay for young people; they can hold on, but mature people, especially those with spinal problems, can’t.

After your article, I decided that if I order a menstrual cup for myself, I will also buy a urinator. I even saw a website somewhere where both were sold. As for the half squat: it’s not at all necessary to have strong legs. I always just grab something with my hands while I pee - most often it's the toilet door handle. And when there is no lock on the door yet, then this is generally killing two birds with one stone: you hold the door and don’t strain your legs.

And in some toilets the seats are made like this. Trains, for example.

And how they told me about a relative - and after. She simply knew how to do this even in old age.

- Pissing women past the toilet make such a procedure almost impossible. A smelly skating rink provides a lot of excitement and the danger of fractures, coupled with a concussion. Hitting a skull on the edge of the toilet is a dubious pleasure.

And I do this in a public toilet too. Otherwise, disgust chews me up until my ears crack. Paper is not available everywhere.

Honestly, even if there were disposable seats everywhere, I wouldn’t risk putting them on most toilets because of how dirty the latter are. We’re talking about the culture of each individual person. They won’t wipe down or raise the seats - you can’t save yourself with a piece of paper.

I need to order a set of disposable urinators somewhere, I’ve been thinking about them for a long time, long before feminism, otherwise squatting pissing one of the most hated things for me in nature, along with the inability to go to a warm shower and lousy sleep in a cold tent with bugs. Also, for many perverts, nature is simply paradise, when girls pee. Videos of yourself can then be found on the Internet.

At one time I solved the problem with bad doors this way - I sang. People probably thought that I was crazy, but they knew that there was someone in the booth and didn’t come in.

An anecdote (may hurt someone's feelings)

And God said to Adam and Eve:

I have two gifts for you. We need to decide who gets what. So, my first gift is skill pee standing up.

Adam immediately exploded:

Yes, Lord, I want it! Want pee standing up! This is so cool! Please! Me, me!

Eve grinned. God gave Adam this skill. Adam started right away write. Pee standing up under a bush, on a bush, behind a bush. Pee standing up into the lake, under the lake, on the lake. Pee down, climbing a tree. Shooting urine from the penis at flies.

God and Eve looked at this madness.

Lord, what is the second gift? - Eva asked quietly.

And God answered:

Brains, Eva, brains!

And I heard something more sexist: “But they will also have to be given to Adam, otherwise he will piss everything here.”

Don’t worry, this will never work out for me either, I had bladder surgery, so it’s unlikely to be 90 degrees. It's probably better to use a funnel. I really liked this idea! Especially in nature.

At our school, girls from the lower grades manage to hold the door outside with the soles of one leg in a half-squat, since there are no locks on the doors. These are really strong legs. Girls pee in the toilet, and train at the same time. Aerobatics! The older ones have to go to the toilet in pairs.

If there are handles on the doors, don’t worry about all this - just hang your bag on this very handle and lock the door. But with the foot, the system is not the same: during the process, in a half-squat, hold the handle with your hand, and lift it with your foot - this is when you get dressed, so you need dexterity, not leg strength.

Yes, thanks, sometimes I also use a bag where there are handles. Wow, wow, a whole system. I'll know!

Taking this opportunity, I join the request to raise the toilet seat. If the people who sit on it, for example, me.Pissing girls , raise the toilet seat1 Don't feed on everything below, like regimental horses!

I really like public toilets, where there is not a toilet, but special platforms for your feet, and you have to squat down. In my opinion, it is very convenient and hygienic. I wish all public toilets were like this. And sometimes I had failures in a half-squat (it’s not always possible to control the direction), so if there is toilet paper, I prefer to sit on it. Although then I was still paranoid that I might have caught something.

A useful skill, you should master the technique ideally, otherwise you’ll get tired of wiping and building thrones out of paper, and paper is not available everywhere.

When your feet hurt, the toilet is your only salvation. Then it would be better to have half of the public toilets with a “platform” and half with a toilet.

I support. Since it is very inconvenient to poop over the “platform”, especially in shoes with at least some kind of heel.

It’s just that I have such a toilet (I live in a village), I wore a cast and elastic bandages on my leg three times, and it was very difficult to walk in it. A women's public toilet, especially in the city, should be convenient!

Same story! My repeatedly sprained ankles say hello to the toilet fashion perverts!

I don’t like toilets like this because when the stream hits them, it splashes in all directions. How many times did I have to wash my ankles after such toilets! This is terrible! And also in such toilets girls pee in their panties quite often.

The most important thing, regardless of luck in this matter, is to clean up after yourself, no matter if it’s a home toilet or not (except when it’s already dirty). I just don’t understand how you can leave something like this behind, and as for the thing with your feet on the toilet - it’s completely dark, so it might split.

For those who write that the toilet may split. The average toilet can withstand up to 200 kg.

It can withstand, yes, but when people step on it, it gradually loosens and then cracks at the base.

Just like when they sit on it. Is this a reason not to sit on the toilet? When I see how girls pee in the bushes, I understand that they have given up on this dilemma. Although there is a public toilet nearby.

The pressure on the base of the toilet when a person sits on it normally and when he stands up with his feet differs significantly. In the same way, snow can support a person on skis, but your foot falls into a snowdrift. Likewise, on weak ice it is advised to lie flat. The toilet is designed for uniform pressure on all its elements.

However, the area of ​​the leg in contact with the rim of the toilet is almost no different from the area of ​​the thigh in contact with it - unlike all your examples where the surface area is very different.

The only difference is that when you sit on the toilet on your butt, part of the weight falls on your feet, resting on the floor, plus the position is stable, but when you place your feet on the rim of the toilet, all the weight falls on your feet in an unstable position.

At school, many girls only used the half-squat method, and did not sit on the toilet. Conditions forced us to do this. And this position almost excludes spying on pissing girls due to the scarcity of the picture, especially if the girl is in a skirt.

Toilet bowls underfoot do often break. I know a woman who, in a factory toilet, like everyone else, climbed with her feet onto the toilet - not for the first time, of course, and it split under her. She received quite serious lacerations to the perineum, and the insurance company was not even surprised - such cases are not that rare.

Yes, that is, this is equivalent to the same thing as if a heavier person would sit on the toilet, and toilets are designed for people weighing up to 200 kg, as indicated above.

When a fat person sits on the toilet, the pressure is distributed evenly along the rim, and not at the two points where the legs rest. It's not about a person's weight.

No, it’s not the same. However, I am not ready now to draw a diagram with vectors of application and distribution of forces.

Why can't you just pee half-sitting? Why look for the urethra, train, wear sterilizers and urinators, when you can just pee while half-sitting?

This is not suitable for all locations.

As it is written, conditions may be different. When standing, it is enough to turn away, otherwise you have to look for dense bushes.

- The “funnel” is very useful, for example, when hiking in the cold season. I really miss it (I’m thinking about looking for such a useful device) so as not to catch a cold on the same trip. To be honest, I didn’t even know about the “funnel, I’m saved, I hope that soon I won’t be tormented on hikes by the thought that I have to run into the bushes and freeze my private parts there. When.” girls pee on the street in the cold season, they can catch a serious cold.

And in a half-squat I can’t concentrate on the main thing. All energy and thoughts go to your feet. It's as if everything is blocked.

Apart from the post-operative period, I couldn’t name anything else as a really worthwhile reason to look for ways to write differently. Exclusively my opinion. I don’t want to offend or provoke anyone.

Standing will create even more interest than sitting and searching for bushes. Some video maniac might film video of girls peeing in the toilet while standing. And then this interesting entry may catch the eye of your boss, for example. And a girl peeing in a half-squat does not arouse such ardent interest.

What do you want? So that they rush to prove to you what reasons are REALLY worthwhile? You don't need to - don't study, write as you want. I once burned my butt while hiking with nettles in the bushes, and I don’t want to repeat it. On your scale, is this really or not really a worthwhile cause? But there the girls live in the dormitory, where all the toilets are stuffed, and they feel uncomfortable in a half-squat - is it like standing up?

Well, it’s as if not only people with a female gender ID can go to the women’s restroom...

And I always pee in a half-squat in public toilets and thought that everyone did this. And about video maniacs - I actually saw how they came across pissing girls. The video was then freely available. It's not very pleasant. So it’s better not to start discussions, but just write. How convenient for anyone.

Damn, it turns out I've been doing this all my life I'm peeing while standing.

Truly, live forever and learn! Thank you, I didn’t even think that the first method was possible.

This is very relevant, since now a visit to a dry toilet costs almost as much as four subway trips. It is clear that now their attendance will decrease, especially at the expense of men. And women have no choice but to pay (and there are situations when the only money left is for travel).

Not all people are perfectly healthy. I basically can’t sit down, I’ll fall right away. And thanks for the post. Very interesting methods, you should try them.

This is also not convenient for everyone. For example, I had to go to a public toilet with a ten or more kilogram child sleeping in a backpack or sling on my stomach. I can’t imagine how I would pee while squatting, and most importantly, how I would then get up, especially if I was also wearing fluffy skirts. When girls pee in the toilet– it can be extreme!

I've been using method 4 all my life. Now I feel like a pro!

I'll definitely try it. I've been looking for this all my life!

The first method works, only the jet splashes a little when it hits the toilet. I'll practice some more and try to hold it with one hand.

I have never sat on the toilet in my life. Nowhere at all. Always just by weight, the last method. I can't imagine touching the toilet seat. Anyone. Maybe,Russian girls piss sitting, I don't understand this. Just like I don’t understand the paper after relieving myself. Just a shower.

There is also a risk of infection when you touch your organs during these manipulations while standing.

Especially for you, the first thing in the post is written: disinfect your hands before performing manipulations while standing.

The risk still remains.

1. If you always do this, then theoretically one day you may not disinfect your hands thoroughly enough.

2. Should I explain to you that there are no disinfectants that 100% destroy all microbes along with their spores?

Well, that is, you should never touch your genitals with your hands, because theoretically they may not be thoroughly disinfected with a product that does not 100% destroy germs?

I think masturbation should be banned. And those who cannot write in a half-squat, let them burst, otherwise you never know.

When I'm in a public place, I never touch my genitals at all. And this applies primarily to places such as a public toilet.

Did I say it’s impossible? Calm down, please. I said that sitting down is more hygienic. There are different pissing girls. Look at the photo.

Well, I already understood the public reaction. From now on I will keep my opinion, which differs from the majority, to myself.

A good method, I’ll have to practice, thanks for the article, I’ll go practice!

All my life I have used the latter method everywhere and, in general, I thought that this was called writing while sitting. It turns out that you live and learn!

Very good post. It will be very useful in life! Thanks for the useful information!

The fact that I am not squeamish and am not afraid of infections will apparently one day play against me, since I always sit on the toilet. So far nothing seems to have rotted away from me. Probably everything is ahead, my infection is still waiting for me. By the way, on the topic of disinfecting toilet seats. I was recently in Yakitoria and saw such a thing. If you press a button, the cellophane moves along the seat and completely changes to a new one, crawling inside. And those who are afraid to sit down after another person can easily relax here.

It seems to me, or in many public places there are hole toilets (I don’t know what they are called correctly), they are more comfortable than sitting on a public toilet.

I learned in kindergarten pee standing up, because I was jealous of boys. Now. When beautiful girl pissing while standing, it excites them!

When I was 8 years old, I showed my friend from the dacha that I could do it too standing writing on the wall, I’m still ashamed, for some reason it didn’t look as normal and decent as he did it.

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Yes, yes, to write means to piss.

God has endowed both man and woman with the most convenient opportunity to piss while standing. Most men do not experience any discomfort with standing pissing. He took out the device, cast it, and went on about his business. Women have always known that it is convenient, but have never tried it. We came to the invention of a special writing funnel. There are reusable rubber ones:

There are paper disposable ones:

But this is fucked up. For such a simple task, no consumables are needed.

The secret is simple - a woman does not need to do anything special to piss while standing. You just need to stand up and take a piss. It's elementary! If you are a woman, try it today!

If you’re being a bit pissed off (how’s that for a pun?), then the first time you can test the functionality of the method in the shower. There is no need to be afraid of this - all the other crap that you wash off in the shower is unsterile, and urine is sterile (ask a doctor).

By the way, so as not to get up twice (I was busy today), let's talk about writing while sitting.

God has endowed both man and woman with the most convenient opportunity to piss while sitting. Only men rarely take advantage of this opportunity. Well, that's what you think. Meanwhile, a quarter of the entire male population of the earth piss while sitting. These are Muslims.

Here is one of my favorite hadiths (An-Nasai - 29):

Ali Ibn Hajar informed us, saying: “Shariq informed us from Al-Mikdam Ibn Sharikh, from the latter’s father, from Aisha, who said: “If anyone tells you that the Messenger of Allah, peace and blessings of Allah be upon him, allegedly urinated while standing, then not believe that (person)! He always wrote exclusively while sitting.”

Nature has rewarded men with the ability to write while standing. But at the same time, if they want, they can do this while sitting. But women had no choice until devices for female urination were invented.

What is this device for? In what cases can it be useful? It was not invented in our country, but now a device for women to write while standing is becoming popular in Russia. Apart from when it is used for pranks and entertainment, it proves to be very useful in many other ways.

Serious test

The process of urination is such that if you really want to do it “smallly,” not everyone can tolerate this need for a long time. Then several options arise. The easiest one is to find the nearest toilet. But this is not always possible. For example, if you “want” in a place where they simply don’t exist. This situation often occurs in small towns where there is no public toilet even in the city center. And they are not allowed into catering establishments to relieve themselves if the person is not their visitor. In this case, the woman has to look for a secluded corner to do her business. What if the situation arose where there is not even a small bush, at worst a hummock with tall grass?

Features of the body

It's even worse if it happens in winter. A woman's urination in a sitting position suggests that she will have to almost completely lower her trousers or jeans and lift her skirt, thus exposing immodest parts of her body. In addition, if it is cold outside, health problems may arise: cystitis, inflammation of the appendages. It’s not for nothing that mothers teach their little daughters to be careful and not to do this on the street, but to run home. But children walk close to their front door, and an adult woman has to travel long distances. Men often don’t understand why a girl should pee while standing. But they themselves can do this in case of emergency anywhere; they just need to turn away from those around them and do their job.

On the road

Often on the highway you can see such a subject, relieving himself, not paying attention to those around him. A woman would also benefit from such a skill, especially if the terrain does not allow her to hide from prying eyes. Someone might argue that you can go to the toilet at a gas station or in a roadside cafe. But there are places where there are no similar establishments for several kilometers. Then the woman has only one thing left to do - endure as long as she can. And this is fraught with painful sensations in the bladder area for a long time after you finally manage to go to the toilet. In addition, in large cities there are often traffic jams in which people have to spend several hours. There are three options here: endure, if you have the strength for it; cannot withstand the pressure in the bladder and ruin clothes and the car seat, or use a device for women to pee while standing.

Problems cannot be avoided

It will also come in handy if it turns out to be so dirty that you have to immediately give up the idea of ​​sitting on the toilet. Often even disposable seats do not help, since some lovely ladies miss the hole in the toilet seat or climb onto it with their feet, so the sight of dirt in such places has made more than one lady regret that she cannot pee standing up. In addition, even if you can still sit down, it is better not to do this, since various diseases are so common nowadays that it is better not to risk your health and avoid unnecessary contact of your body with those places where a person with an unknown type of illness was sitting. problems.

What to do?

In order to avoid such torment, a female urinator was invented. Someone will be happy to go and buy this device. To some, a device for women to pee standing up may seem like a strange idea, but in any case, a moment may arise in the life of every woman when she needs it. Since the device is compact, you can carry it in your purse just in case. And he will certainly introduce himself. For example, while walking in the park, you can simply go to a tree and do your business unnoticed by others.

How it works

The device for women to write while standing is very simple. It is a funnel with a tube. It is easy to guess that the wide side should be applied to the crotch, pushing the underwear to the side, lifting the skirt in front or lowering the pants. There is no need to be completely naked, and the back of the body remains closed from prying eyes. Manufacturers produce both disposable models and those suitable for repeated use, which are rinsed under running water after use. If you can’t do this right away, you can bring the urinator home and wash it there. A reusable device for women to write while standing, it is made of water-repellent material, it has an anatomical shape, which means it is comfortable to use. In addition, the material has antibacterial properties. There are soft urinators made of silicone, as well as hard ones made of plastic or rubber.

What are they made from?

The P-mate company makes its products from cardboard. Manufacturers assure women that such “things” will not get wet under a stream of urine. Of course, such urinators are disposable. They are shaped like an envelope and can be folded like a sheet of paper. This company even held a special promotion, inviting volunteers to use their products in specially equipped toilets for women, in which instead of the usual toilets there were urinals hanging on the walls. The action was intended to teach people how to use urinators and stop being afraid to use them. The shape of the WhizBiz urinator resembles the spout of a watering can.

Popularity is growing

Australian manufacturers make them from rubber. The German urinator was developed by Daniela Lengers. The design of the devices turned out to be fun and creative. The set, consisting of several disposable and one reusable urinator, is decorated in pink and red, which leaves no doubt that it is intended specifically for women. In addition, it is decorated with a picture depicting how a girl, gradually rising from her haunches, begins to write while standing, as if according to Darwin’s theory, turning into a person. This has undoubtedly pleased feminists, who can slay men with the argument that they, too, pee while standing up. Another lady was developing disposable urinators. This is Sarah Grossman. She came up with cute pink paper funnels, which, in her opinion, are not embarrassing to take out of your purse in public places.

Will be useful someday

Not everyone likes these devices. Moreover, among their opponents there are both men and women. This is not surprising, because you first have to get used to everything new. In our country, such devices are recommended not only for use in camping or unhygienic conditions, in which it is not possible to carry out the process of urination in a physiological position, but also for those who cannot sit on the toilet due to illness or, for example, pregnant women, as well as after surgery. a period when it is difficult to make unnecessary body movements. Be that as it may, it’s still worth a try, especially since the price of the products is low, and they can bring significant benefits.

Those who do not want to spend money are recommended to make a urinator themselves and try to urinate while standing at home. To do this, you can use a cut plastic bottle, carefully placing it on the perineum and directing the stream of urine to flow in the desired direction. Ultimately, you can take a funnel, attach a hose to it and use it as a urinator. The only condition is not to forget about hygiene and disinfect them first.